VALUABLE FABM FOE BALE. rTWE subscriber offer st private sale, a A VALUABLE TRACT OP LAND, situate in Sugar valley, Oreen township, Clinton county, obcut 1 mile from l.ogansviile, and 9 mile from Lock Haven, adjoining landaof An thony Klcckncr, Goo. Crumley and Geo. Snook, containing Ml acrea, strict measure, all of which i excellent Limestone land about CO acrca of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered and watered. Tbe improvemcnta are a two atory Log House and log burn, near the weatern end of the aaid tract, and an excellent young orchard of choice fiuit trees. Also another excellent two atory Log House and lc Lam en the east ern portion of said tract. The said premises are o siiuaien as 10 mane two excellent f arms, and Will be aold together or separate, to suit purcha sere. Persons desirous of rurchasini the above property will please call on the subscriber, resi ding in Upper Augusta tp., Northumberland county, S miloa from Sunbury, who will accom pany them to aaid premises. Terms reasonable. GEORGE M. FORRESTER. December 23, 1855 tf. J. WEICHSELBAUM, OPTICIAN Os OOOULIST FROM PHILADELPHIA. T ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunhury and vicinity that he has opened a Store at the Lawrence House, opposite the Court Hou8, where he offers for aale of every variety, size and quality. A new in dention of Spectacles, for distant or close reading, with gold, silver, steel and tortoise-shell frames, and a new and improved assortment of perifocal ground flint Glasses of his own nanufacture. He would particularly call the attention of the public to his Spoctaclcs for NEAR SIGHTED PERSONS, nd for persons who have boon opciated upon for -cataract of the eye, and to his new kind of glas ses and Conserve of the sight made of the best flint und azure Glasses. Good Glasses may be known by their shape, exact centre, sharp and highly polished surface. The qualities are to be found in a high degree in his glasses. Also Microscopes, Spy and Quizzing Glauses of evert size and quality; Telescopes, Mag nifying and Opera Glasses, with different powers, together with every variety of articles in the Optical line not mcntionod. Optical and other Instruments and Glassea esreluily repaired at short notice. Ho can al ways select Glasses to suit the vision of the per son, as he sees them, upon the first trial. He will remain in this place during January Court, and those in want of the above articles will please give him a call He will, if required, go to any respectable house where his services may le wanted. W The very best Eye water always for aale. December 22. 1855, tf. Northumberland County is. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Fran cis Bower, husband of Sarah lldler Bower Oreetino : Whereas Sarah Helen Bower, by her uuxt friend J;icol Dnmlore, did on the third day of April, A. D. 1853, prefer her petition to tho Honorable Alex. Jordan. President Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas of said county, praying that her causes set forth therein, blia Might be divorced from bonds of matrimony filtered into with you tho said Francis Bow er, v,o do thcrofnru command you, as before avr did, that you be and appear in your proper persons before our Judges at Sunbury, ut a Counly Court of Common Pleas, therein to be held the first Monday of January next, to answer the said petition or libel of tho said Sarah Helen Bower, and show causa if tiny you h.ivo why the said faarah Heller Bovver, your wife, should not ba divorced fioin the bolide of matrimony agreeably to the act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Hereof fail not. Witness the Hun. Alex. Jordan, President of our Said court ut Sunburv, Oct. 12th, 18f5. JAMES BEARD, Proth'v. Sunbury, Dec. 8, lt55. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted te Ira i . Clement, on Hook account, notes or other wise, are requested to call and pay up without uetuy, otlitrwise their accounts will be placed in the hands uf a magistrate fur collection. Sunbury, Nov. 17. ri55 tf Estate of DAVID MARTZ, dee'd. 7VOTICE is hereby Riven that letters of Ad ministration upon the estate of David Marts, late of the township of Sliamokin, Nor tr.umhcrland County, Esq,, deceased, have been granted to the unocuned, residing oear Pmxl iios P. O., in said township. All persons liav ins claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, are requested to make the same known to the undersigned without delay, and all per ecus indebted aie dcsiicd to make immediate payment. HENRY MARTZ, Adm'r, Shamokin tp. Dec. 6, 1855. 6t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' !ourt of the county of Northumberland, will e exposed to public sale on Thursday, the 'iird day of January next, nt the house of ohii Weaver, Inn-Keeper, at tho town of levorton, Zerbe township, county aforesaid. o following described Real estate to wit : wo certain lots or ground, situated in the wh of Trevorton. The one thereof in jcU No. 107, lot No 10, containing iu front feet and in depth 150 feet. The other in H-U No."12l, lot Nn. 3, containing in front leet. and in depth f.'et. l.uto the es u uf William hMtitun, deed. Sale to nmeiice ut 10 o'clock. A. M., of said day eu the terms of Bale wiil be made known PETER W'ALSn, Guardian. Iv order of the Court, ) P. Pursel. C!k. O. C. J 'jwortou, Dec. P.1855. tft, LIST OF CAUSES V Northumberland County, for a Special CViu t, to commence on tho 11th of Feb- ', lc'j."). l Vi m. la I' Clement slcr S. Reesidee U Kipp r.uiutt tame tame va Zerby Run Imp. co 1 he bhamokm steam vs Ferry Si Tow Boatco va Michael KersleMer vs Win J, 1 1 clle ostein va Curitehaa Garretaon vs same vs aaine vs same JAMES BEARD. Pretk'r a me thonotary'a Othco, ) rv. Dec 8, 1855 IBKJC. Swiss, Mull, Doblnott, French oe. Checks. Collars, Cndersleeves and settee, Heak dresses, Velvets and Velvet r.s. Turkish counterpanes, Elankets, , Thibet & bay Stale Shawls, for sale by y. Dec. I, '55. K. V. JJKlvHT, TIE Dress Goods. Spring and Summi hauls, PUck silk, silk poplins. Da Laine, ns, l)e baga, I.awus aud cat u-o, just re nd for salo by WM, A. KIS AIJU r August, May 0, 1854. VCH black cloth, plain & fancy Ctssi res, CassinelUi, Overcoating, oatin ana iH vest patterns. Silk and Wool Hate, srfa and Moi.key J.i. Veta. for aale by , Dec. 1 '55. B. Y. BRIGHT. '-EN KEKCEH'H PIM.8 A eertaU ror Fever and Agae, for aale bv vVEIaER it BKl'NER. v. ulv Vt. IBM. 'S of every description just received by f9. WEtUJEH & WrH'NEJt. SPECTACLES . NOTICE. 4jOTICE la hereby given that the members e Mt. Faber Lodge No. 186 of the Indepcn dant Order of Odd Fellow, of Pennsylvania, act ing uniler constitution prescribed by the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania, have presented their petition to the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county for a charter of Incorporation or body po litic, In law and In fart, by the name and title of Mount Faber Lodge, No. PS. of the I. O. of O. F' of Pennsylvania, to have perpetual succession and to eve and be sued, have a common title & c. Whereupon the Court have fixed the first day of next term for the heating and determination of said charter JAMES BEARD, Profy. Prothonotary Office, 1 Sunbury, Dec. 84, '65. ) to. A FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber olTera ot 'private pale, the well known Farm, late the estate of William Tapgert, dee'd., situate part in Northumber land, and part la Montour counties. Pa., on the road leading from Milton to Danville, and within one-fourth of a mile of tho C. W, and E. R. R., containing in all 277 acres, about 105 or 10 acres are heavy timbered lands, principally oak and .Hickory. There is a largo quantity of oak suitable for Ship Timber, and any amount of Rail Road wood on the Farm. The improvements aro two good Dwelling Houses, and one largo Bank Barn, handsome ly situated, the Chilisquaque Creek running through tho centre of the same, on which there is a fall of 6 feet 6 inches, suitable for a Saw or Grist Mill. There is also a fine young Applo and Peach Orchard of choice grafted fruit, and a largo portion of Meadow-land, the soil of which is of a looming nature, ono part of the Farm land has been limed, and limestone within one fourth of a mile. Tho whole will be sold together at a bar gain, or in part to suit purchasers. The above property lias lately been very much improved : within the last year 6000 bushels of lime has been put on it and 2 tons of Guano. The property will bo sold entire, or as It will divide very conveniently, one half will be sold. Terms will bo mado very accommodntinly JAMES CAMERON. Chilisqauquo tp. Dec. 15, 1855. 3t. Lancaster Whig, ReaJing Eagle and Mil- touian, will publish three times and send bills to subscriber. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pnwnnco of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be ex posed to public sale on Saturday, the fth day of January next, at tho house of William Weaver, in the town of Shamokin, conutv foresaid, tho following described reul estate to wit : A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate in Coal township, county aforesaid, surveyed December 3d, 1785, in pursuance of a warrant granted to Thomas Hamilton, adjoiuing laud surveyed m the mining, re spectively, of Martin Cass, Willium P. Brady, John Boyd, William Wilson, John Cook and Richard Lako, containing, byre-survey, made Sept. 15th, IsSGS, 43C acres and 86 perches, strict measure, lato tho estate of Joseph T. Mather, dee'd. Salt) to commence, ut 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when tbe terms will be niado known bv ANN W. MATHER, Ad'rix. By order of the Court, ) C. Bovd Pursel, Clk. O. C. J December, 10th, 1855. N. B. The above tract of land lies in the valley between the '-Little" and ''Big" moun tains, upon tributaries of the Shuinokiu Creek, about cqui-distaut from tho two flour ishing towns of Shamokin and Trevorton. It is all exceedingly well timbered with while aud chestnut Oak, white and yellow Pine, Chestnut, Hickory and Poplar ; und a portion large enough to make two good farms, is susceptible of cultivation. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! JOHN "V. IMT-A-IFtTIlSr MERCHANT TAILOR, ' 6UNBUKY, PA. Respectfelly informs the citizena of Sunbury aud the public generally, that he has just received from Philadelphia, a choice and select assorment of Cloths, Cassirneres, cVc , viz : French black Cloth, plain and twilled. Black Beaver do fur overcoats. Fine blue cloth. Claret cloth. Cassimercs french black corded. do do do Doeskin, do do grey mixed Doeskin. Vesting plain clack silk velvet. do r mured velvet. Plush velvet, do Black satin figured. Woolen Shirts and Drawers. Gentlemen's Pocket Handkerchiefs. do Neck-ties. All of which will be sold or made up to order in the latest and best stvle. Sunbury, Dee. 1, 1855 tf REGISTER'S NOTICE. IVOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees J-' Creditor and other persons interested in the estates of the following named persons, that the bxecutors, Administrators, and Uuarilians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of rs'rtliumherland County, and that Ilia same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the 8lh day of January, A. D., 1856, in the forenoon of taid day, for coulirmation and a.lowance. Carl John, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor Henry Peilfer. Kpler George, dee'd. settled by his Ad'tor Aaron Kelly. Everitt Joseph 8rM settled by his Ad'ter Wrn. W, Everitt. Eckert George, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor Wm Nice. Ferster Barbara, dee'd, settled by her Executor Daniel Keitx. Kline Joseph II. dee'd, (final) settled by his Ad niinistrator Dennis C. Caul. Persing Wm. dee'd. actikd by one of his Ex'lrs Peter Persine. Poiter John, dee'd, settled by his Executors D, Brauttram and W m. II. apples, Perkins J. C. dee'd, (final) settled by his Ad'tor Peter B. Masser. Rcnn Adam, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor D. B. N W. V. bilverwooil. Taylor Benjamin, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor Samuel t erman. Re bock Michael, dee'd, settled by his Admiu'tor Martin Rebock. Kramer John, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor Win Kramer. Eshbach Barbara, dee'd, aettled by bar Ad'tor Daniel bahbach. Kelley David, dee'd, aettled by one of his ex'Ura Aaron Kelley. Drumheller Michael, dee'd, aettled by his Ad'tor Peter Drumheller. Beisel John, dee'd, aettled by his ex'tor Jacob II. KaulTman. Wolverton Isaac, dee'd, aettled by O. P. Patton nd Lambert EcUmsn, Ad' tors of James Eck man, dee'd, who was one of the executors of Isaac Wolverton, dec d Rosa Mary, dee'd, settled by G. I. Taggart, ex ecutor of Jauiee Taggart, dee'd, who was the - ex'tor of Mary Ross, dee'd Rubendahi Catharine, Sarah k William, stilled bv their Guardian John Daniel Herb Daniel, settled by bis Guardian Daniel Herb. Peilfer Elias .settled by his Guardian Jacob Hil Ush. Troxel Joseph A Catharine, aettled by John G, Smith one of the executors of George Smith, dee'd, who was the Guardian of said Joseph and CatharUM. Boydar Simon, doe'd, aetOed by bis Ad'tor Jacob &eebolla. JOHN P. PURSEL, Regiatw. neguMw a vw 8unbury, Dev. I. 15- i STOVES' lOR BALE an excellent second-hand Cook- ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal Stores. Enquire at this otiice. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a Pan. Erp. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in Sunbury, on Mondsy the 7lh of Jan uary nest, the following described property, to will A Certain Tract or pioco of Land, situate in Rush township, Northumberlend Co., adjoining lands of John Rabuck, George Gon scrt, Joseph Chamberlin and Mary Swenk, con taining fifty acrea more or less, about forsy acrea of which are cleared, whereon are erected a one-and-a-half story Log House, small frame Barn and out buildings. Seixed, taken in execution, and to be aold as the property of Peter Campbell. ALSO, Two certain lota of ground, situate in the town of Trevorton, Zerbe township, and county of Northumberland, being lota No. 3 and 4, in block No. 77, containing 30 fact in front each, and 100 feet in depth, and fronting on Market street. Seized, token in execution, and to be aold aa the property of Charlea Zeh. ALSO, By virtue of a Fi Fa, to me directed will be exposed to public Sale, at the house of Michael Reader, in Turbutville, on Saturday the 39lh of December next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., three certain lots of ground situate in Turhutviile, Northum berland county, and numbered in plot of addition to said town No. 24, 25, and 37, each contain ing one fourth of an acre, more or less. Lot Tio. U7, bounded by Paradise street, on the West, Wo. rel street on the Noith, lot No. 36, East, and public school house lot, South t and lot No. 24, bounded by Parsdise street, WeBt, Worrel street, South, an alley East, and by lot No. 23, North S and lot No. 2S, bounded by Washington afreet on tho East, Worrel street on the North, an alley South, and by lot No. 26, on the W est. Seized, taken in execution, and to be aolJ as the property of Horatia G. Worrel. ALSO, At the Court House in Sunbury, on Monday the 7th of January, at 1 o'c. all that certain two story Stone Building, situate in the town of Shamokin, county aforesaid, on the south side of Sunbury street, in Mid town, und on lot numbering as in the plot of said town, 33 of the Otwart addition to said town of Shuinokiu, containing front on said Sunbury street, 16 'eet, and in drp:h 18 ot, and tbe lot or piece ol ground und curtilage sppnrtenent to said building' eei7.etl, taken into execution, ami to be sold aa the property of Catharine Noeckcr. ALSO, At the same time and place, by virtue of sundry writs of Veil. Exp., all of Defendants in. tercst in a CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate in Coal and Zerbe townships, Northum berland county, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of John Bovd, William Wilson, Peter Mnurer, Michael Krall and Frederick Kramer, containing 307 acres, and 68 peri hrs, more or less, about J ot an acre of which is cleared, whereon is erci ted a small Log House. Seized, t.iken into execution and to be sold ss the property of L, W. Buti'iington, drawer, and Jacob Loose, endorser. ALSO, At the same time and place, the undivided huif of a TRACT OF COAL LAND, of which the said Calvin Blythe in his lifetime was seized, situate in Coal and Zi rbv townships. Northumberland county, adjoining lauds sur- eyed to John Boyd, William Wilson, l'rler Mnurer, Michael K'oll and Frederick Kramer, u lit) surveyed on a warrant to Mathias Zimmer man, containing 367 acres, 98 perches, more or less, on which is erected a small Log House, aud which said Calvin Blythe held and sold, subsequent to the dower of the I'UVt., the widow of the said Mathias Zimmerman. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Frederick Lazarus, adm'r. of Calvin lilythe, deceased. HUNKY WJUSU, Sherirl. Shcriil's O iTi ce, Dec. 15, 1855. LIST OF JURORS For January, Sessions, 185C. GRAND JURORS. Sunhurv Wm Martin, Thos Robins, Mi- cliael Wilvert, David Rockefeller, Bultzcr Kiefer. D Diuckenuller, hd Gass. Northumberland John Leisenring, Daniel Brautigum. Lewis Jacob limner. Delaware Audrew Nye, John Gray, G W Armstrong. c.7iiMjinyue Uenins liuoy Jr. Lower Augusta J no Shipiuau. Shamolin Joi-se Reed, Cuul David Thompson. Hush Luther Bassett, Win D Gearhart. Lpjicr Muhauoy tsauuiel Rcstder. Jordan Benj l.eitzel, Geo StoU'S Jackson Jer LongodoiT. Mt. Carmrl Jos lV-ger TRAVERSE JURORS Sunbury Wm Iluorer, Fred Lazarus, G. P Buyers. lXorthumbeilaiul Wm Guicer. Milton Thos Mardock, Jno F Caslow, Matthias Strine jr. Xeiris Kobt C Uockman, Jno I uggert. Juo ischiiyler, Sam 1 Shannon. Delaware 1 kos, linn 1 bmitn. Turbut Juo llolluckvr, Abraham KLssiti b"'r- ... Lhiluuiuamie dno Troxel, wm Keen. Lower Aunusta Wm Haas, Jno Everitt, Joel Ywdy, Belli Kriegbaum Sam'l Kleiger John Shipe. AAriwoAin lsauli Morgan, ulentine Klase Jacob Conrad, Juo Smith Sr. Jno Buhner, Jno L Hois. Coal David N Luke. Hush Peter IlaiiKhawoct, Jacob Heller, Henry Weaver, Bonham Gearhart, Jacob L. Miuinnn. Uniier Mahanou Jonathan Smith, Jacob Fulp Abraham GeUt Michael Paul, Andrew Geist. Lower Mahanoy Wm Shaffer, Franklin l- rier. Jackson Win Deppin. Jordan Geo Shariel, Dan'l BuLner, Juo Creasinger. Zerbe Daniel Beckley, Mt. Carmtl Abraham Larick. PETIT JURORS. Sunlury Go Gass, Jacob Young, Elias Bronious W'ui Kriegbaum, Jobu B Leuker, 1 W Tener. Milton Abraham Goodman, Moses Cham berlain Henry Utrine, Thos S Mackey. Lewis David Slahlnccker. Vurfciir Robt McCorinicki Peter Dunkle, Javul hshbach l.imel Kernel, ChiHsrjuanMe Charles Cox. J'oi'nr W ni L Cook. : Upper Augusta Martin Gass, Geo Zim merman Jacob tckinao, Kcubeii Gebriuger, Chas bckman. Lamer Augusta AV m Weitze!, Chas Con- rud, Wui Beigfried Jer Keimo, Skamolia Audrew Go u scrt Jno Moore, Coal iioloninn Weaver. Bush Abraham Hoffman, Jos Pegg. Upper Mahanoy Jno Meyer jr. Daniel Hime. Lower Mahanoy Isaac Shaffer. Zesb Uuc Kleiner. Mt Carmtl W m Bchall EBErtI.'E. Veratria, Chinordine and Cie cUuBia, juat received by May 18, J8SJ. WE18ER A BBUNE?. TRIC0PHER0U8 fl dox. for aala by M7 l. WXI8EJJ sV BRTStS. COSMOPOLITAN ART iSSOCIATltN! BECO.HO VKAtt. ARRANGEMENTS flu iht ffscnnd Annul t.'ollwtlon ol Una ii"W aud popular liisinution for the dift.ision v( l.heraturs arid Art, havs been muds on llis uost exten sive snsls. AiiHini the works already engsfrfid, Is Ilia rar-fuitied which nrisninllr ensl Ten Thousand Dollars. In forming the nrw Collection, the difTtiftina of works of Amsrican AST, mid the eiicnumgnmeiit of American f Junius, hevs Hot Ijccm ovetl'mked Commissions hsve wen issued lo many of the most distinguished American Artists, Who will contiihtite some of tln-ir finest produc tions. Anions; them are three Marhte Hurts, executed by lbs greatest living Sculptor Hissm Towkss : GEORGE WASHINGTON, The Father of his Country : BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, The Philosopher j DANIEL WEBSTER, The Stnteammi. A special (ipent hn vi tiled Kurrtpe and muck' careful ftii'l judit-iout flections ni foreign work ol' Art, Ixitli in llronze and Mm hie ( Suit nary and eh irti ('iimtiiigii. Tim whole I'ttrmiug a liirH mid vjiIii')1i)r c iMtctiin of Paiiilihge mrd SUit.mrv, to he ditr)Uutvtl iwW. mu ng the luuhsiri ofth Astctntttii fur the Src nid Var. TERMS OF sMKMBEHSUIP. The payment of Utr'edillrc mstihiiuiaiijr one n mem ber of this Am-Y-iattMi, aud entitles him titjtlicr nne of the following MntrnKtrm for due ywtr, nrd tils & ticket i the diflttibuUon ot the lfttuary and Puiulinftt. Tlie l.itcrQturt- i?nrd t sulcrilrete f-oimuts of the f h lowing Monthly Mnpi'nce : Hnrper'a. rutimm, KuirkiT burkfit HlackwiMl's, Oraliam,T Qodcy'a ladye Hwk, and Houaeh'tld Vutls. lxi'tii tnkintx live nmmbershlpiare cnfitlrd t-t nny five of the Mniniziiiei for one year, and to fix tickets 111 the dittribution, LThe net proeeedfl derived from the sate of irmniherahijts, te devoted to the purchase ol works A A rt f t the euu inff year. THE ADVANTAGES SrCL'KEU hy becoming a member of this Attut ifltloti, nre 1st. All person n-crivo the full Value f their Butisorip linns at the start, in the sliipa of stcriiiif .Mug jjiku I,ile rat nre. Ud, Ench memher is e -tntributing t' purch:isiug choice Wurks of Art. whi'-h are to be disrnlitiii'd mnong themfetirtfS, and me ut the snme time enooimigini; tht: A tin of the count r, disbursing thousairds uf djil-jrs through its agency. IVrmtns in remiftine; fmuls (or membership, will please gie their psl-fTiee inUlfWn in fttll stniimr tho in mh thev wish tin- Miiezine t t-oinineure, find buve thf l(t?r regiHf rnl at the Pot iffie lo prevent hss ; nn the re ceipt of whit-h, a certi finite of mt mleiliipt toeeh:r with the Mnetijtnic desired, will be forwarded to uuy part of the country. Those who pnrehnse Mugaainrs ai Duokst-ires, will ob sorve th;U hy Joining ihi Ajs rbiti m, they receive the Mii(rwzij:e nud frre tirket in th nnmrrl distribution, all at thr Mine priee they ii"W pny for Ihe Mnpuxnie nl- ne, llfuutilnlly iliustraled Cilnt.'gucs, giving full deacrip ti'ns, iwnt frff on npplirntiou. For Memlreiship, addiefa C. I,. DERDV, Actuory C. A. A. At either of the prineipnl otrif-rs "Kmckeih ek:r Miicuziitf " ofi"e. HI Pro'idwnv, Ne v York, or, Western OiTiue, 0Q Wutcr street, Siindiisky,0. N"V. 17. i-m. Fashionable Hata and Caps. ASIIBY & R0CAP, A'o. L'tfl Market st., PHILADELPHIA. J N FORM tlioir friends ami the inil.lir. S (eiieraily. that they continue to l;cri t their old s!n nil. a largo and extensive assortment of hats, caps, Ac., got up of the bet male-rut! mo! in Ihe lutes) and best si !c of workmanship and lllllsll. Country merchants and others will do well to cull at'd examine helorc )iir-hasitig clacwheie. Philtt.. No 10, H-55- tf. LATEST AlilUVAL, Largest and Scst Asscrtuient CIIKAP, 11ANKSOMK As UL'RARLK. ri'MI E subscriber takes pleasure in inforiniin; his customers and the public generallv that lie is now in receipt of an unusually larco and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundrclh part of the articles would hp useless. Suffice it to say, they have been selected with Ihe greatest care, and they will be disposed of at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere. My motto is "Quid- Sales and Small rrots." lie takes this method of presenting to the public llis thanks for the liU'tal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiirt attention to business, he respectfully solicits a continuance ol the same. It will be advisable for purchasers to cull and examine his arsortmcut before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce, taken i'l exchange KDWARD Y. BRIGHT. Sunhury, December I, 1855. List of Causes, OU trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at January A. I)., 185B. rLAlMTIFPt. DEFENDANTS. Jacob Fry va John Krv et al Win li 7iurka vs Win II Thompson II Hibihouse va John Uakcr et al Henry llepler vs same with notice, ic. f.yster & Stitzor for t.) stcr vs Michael Downing David 'J'eas vs J S weenys adm'r .Ins Hammer vs Jnhii Ilollnian vs Irisao D FUlier vs Iteobt'n Faely vs J 1! .iHrcr vs M.uscr iV Maria vs same & co Ira Forrester John MoKsler Mason Henrys Ex'rs same Henry Masser's Ex'rs HIizhIh'IU Irlune vs 1 hi'inas Uornsn vs Daniel llrin-keiniiler vt II Ki'kel & son Khrnbsth IJ right l'atrick Uonahue While ,M-rvine & li,;; Mountain Im provement co. Lawsnn vs Isaac CanijilK-ll Chas I) Wharton vs Henry Hull' vs o.i.l, Dalduiu et al h (irilli'V Samuel Kvle Win. Dales Ex'tors vs ficoico i ankins, Adin. vs H Faje'y 6c co vs Clias Kineqart vs L .t i. i -l I ioiirad I'hiln ,t Sunbury li It v l njiel, iiobins !t co i J C Horton el al vs Miiion Ahluia J Our i 'i'erretenant vs F iihelm ct al vs U Fsely s It Fugcly Si ca vs Wm Camerou vs James Cuuieron vs Milton Troxel vs J M I'atton va John I'arka va Wm K May vs Jesse Hensyl ys Thomas 13 arret al va T UauuiK inlner at a vs Charles jNeuhuit vs K iS (iiahaiu Deuj Wolvorton Mary I) I.yon K r enner Iiright &. Clrment va Kuse and llculy Llizubeth Mctji.iis Chas S Engle Hemy rjtrtlers ndm t H A l.iehleiithulet Kase ir Douty Kave, Uouiy & Heed I'rynnre V Stout iu I. Way iV co Uluek for iJliumau C! K & H Shearer Jacob Itariihart Josepli E l.ielis ChIiooI Uirei tors ol bliaiiiolun tp. Uamel iiomns Kdward Kalicr XarHh rJidcjicy K HstU C H Afdiumcty el al vs Jesfe A lehuinety JAMES UEAKD, Trothy. Protlu nolary's Ollice. i Kuiiburv. bee. 8. 1855. t LIST Ol' JURORS For a Special Court Ftb. 11, la'6 Sunhury Jno O HrigUt, Jno W Friling, Geo lttihihach. Xorthumberland Jno Durham, Juo limn niul. Theo Hurr. Milton lsrui l KI'"t. A. II. Moody. LeM-,-,,Juo Hm;i, Wm Savidj. Delaware John M. Wugner, Wilson Ilutcliintoii Turbut Jas Smith, Wm Waldrou Duvid KiipIp. CIMisquaini Wm IIousil, Isaac Fredcr- ick, Joseph Irwiu. Point Jesse U llorton. Upper Augusta IVler OUerdurf Dennis W olvortou. Lower Augusta-Wm MUlvr. Shamokin Wm tiuss, AgustM liuoy. Cooi Geo M Sinton. lan'l Everitt. Hush Abruhaiu Ltkmaa, O B Pattou C P Geaihart. L;-er Mahanoy" -Geo Eateriioo, Peter JJeisscl, Lower Mahanoy Yuler Ilepner. I.ittU Maianov Uaniul Waifner, ucsonWtveob B llulTuiau, Mkbael Tre- nm. i Cameron Peter Weikle. VANILLA BEANS just received by WElsEJl & JJRL'NER. t?tmhrf, May 19. J .' .Saddle aud flame Maker. Thomas H, Tucker, Successor to O. W. StroK, r-v REtjPEUTFlJLIA' informs the cilisens of Sunbury and the pub fjihyhtji Renrally, Iha' h lias luken (gJii fsUibllshment luicly occupied by Geo. W. 6troh. and having ei.gagcd asveral good workmen, will bo enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any made in ihts section of country. Orders promptly execeted and all kinda of pro duce taken in exchange. Banbury. October 7, 185S. ly Estate of JOSEPH LAHR, dee'd. "OTICE Is hereby given that letlcra of Admi. nislration upon the eslalo of Joseph Lahr. lato of Lower Mahanoy township, Norlhiimhcr land co'bnty, dee'd, have been granted to the un dersijncil. residing in tieorgclown, in snid town ship. All persons having claims against said estate arc reqiiesinl lo present them without de lay fur settlement, and all prrsomjjnleljlcd aro desired lo make immrdinlc pavmcnt. (E(K(i'E LAIIIt, Ad'tor. Genrgelown, Nov. S4, 1865. CI. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLEBT STORE, Xo. 21 AVfA Thirt St., below Arch, FlilLADELrniA. TOUNTUY Mcrcllnlils mil save from ten In fifteen per rent, hy pnrohusiii'j st I Tic above stores. lSv iinorting mv own pnoiln. t ing Lilt littl, anil living economically , il is dam I call under-fell those who purchase their tioods here, ivy hih rents ntnl live like princes. CoiiHianlly on hind large assortment of Pen sod Pocket Knitra, Scissors dud liazors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, slur. hnlT.i!o,bnnp und wood handles, Carvers and Forks. Ac., Mulcher Knives, Dirks, ijotvio Knives, liuvolving and p. nin 'i!o!s, &c. Also a larje. assortment of A rcordenns, Ae. Also flue English Tvvist nml d'ernian (Inns. JOHN M. COI.EMAN, Oct. 50, 1R!)3. ly. Importer. GBEAT E2CCIXEiVi:ElNrX I La est and best arrival of the Season, At ihe Stole of P. W. Gray, In Market Square, has just receiretl his Stock from Philadelphia, consisting of Full and AVinter floods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Lre3s and Fancy Goods. The following comprises in pail a list of my ex tensive and elegant stock, whi.h for variety and cheapness cannot tic excelled in this mrket. ' FOR Til K CLNTl.FMF.N, Rlnek and Cloths and C'jsiuicres, Ultck s'jttin and Fancy Silk Vesting, Shirting Mu.'in Drawers und Under Shiit3, Kentucky Jeans Velvets, Ulankels, Ac. FOR Tin; LA 1)1 res. Ulaek Sfilks, Alpacas, Merino.' colored slid j.liid all wool. Muslin t!c Lain, a large It of Prints, of the lcst brands and styles, brown and blenched Sheetings, twilled and plaid Liliscya, Flannels, red, yellow and white, grey Drills, Tickings. Cambrics, Dress trimmings, ribbons, laces, gloves, hose and iri-h linens, aud utlu i things toj tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal share ol their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a large assortment. HATS ,V CAPS, HARDWARE oc CITI.F.RY, CKDAK WAKE. FISH A SALT, Groceries of every varlelj. Teas, Collcc, .Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Canines, Candles, Soap, tiackcrs. lirooms, j Lead, Shot, lied Coido, Plough Lines, Class 8x10 10x12, 11x16, Starch. Fluid. Dflirv Salt. Smnk i ing and Chewing Tobacco, line Cigars, Matches, j Mustard, Candle Wick.- Ulacking Water Prool, i and a general assoilment of QUEEXSM'AllE AXD GLASSWARE. Country produce taken al tho highest market prices. tiunbury, Oct, 27, 1850. tf. PROCLAMATION. TV OTICE is hereby given that th severnl ' Courts of Comniiin Pleas, (leneriil Quarter Scrisions of the peace, and Oprlians' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer und Ceneral Jail Delivery, in and for tho county of Northumberland, to continence at lho Court Hi use, in the borough ol Sunbury, ut 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tho 7th duv of January next, and will cominuo TWO WHEKS. The coroner. Justices of the Praia anJ consta bles iu and Uirlhe county of Xorlhuiulierland, are requested to be then and there in their proiicr per sons, with their rolls, records, iiiipiisitions, anil other remembrances, to do those, things to their scveul offices appertaining to he done. Aud oil witnesses prosecuting in bchulf of the Common wealth as.'.intt ar.y prisoner arc alo rMpie.-,U d und eoiiiniuinlid lo he then and there attending in their proper persons to pro-eutc against him, us fhal lie just nail not to depart nilhuut leave at their peril. JurTr? are requested lo bepiiucluai in their attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to liic.r notices. Civoii under my hand at nubiiry, ths 1st day ut 1,'ec'lu r in the year of our Lord o:tc thousand eisltt hr.inlred and fifty-lhe and ihu Inde pendence of the Cnited Stales of America the '.'Jth. God save tho Cnmninriwoiillh. HENRY WEIrE.MioriiT. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. ( N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court " ot .Voitiiumberlsiid cjuIiIj will be exposed to public sale, oil MONDAY, the 7th day of JANUARY, next. at the Court Houso iu the borough of Punbory, the loll .wing described estate, lo wit: In, A LOT Oil PIKCK OF LAND. situate in Upper Augusta township, adjoining lauds of 11 un hum (. Kline, land cut ell under the $ti0 law, from this described tract, and set apart for llu use of .he children of Ihe intestate, and approved at November Term 1855, and ihe next described piece, containing lillcen acres, more or less Also the undivided half of a tract of land iu aaid township, adjoining the first de- scrilH'd tract, and Ian J ol Stein and ol James Cainplwll, about thirty five acres, of which about twenty live acrea are cleared, and on which are erected a Log House and Stable.. Laic tho estate of Adam Nuldig, deceased. Sale to commence a' I o clock, I , M. of aaid day, when the terms oj sale will be made known 17 DAVID REESEC, Ad'tor. Dy order of the Court, ) Jno. 1. Purse., Clk. O. 0. j Dec. 1, 1855. AdFNTis! AGENTS! ACKNTS! 1Vioii8 accustomed ta procure subfer'.bura ftir Hooks, Muguzinus Ac, or get up clubs for newspapers, re retjufttcd to sotul us their luitiK.s nml address:, and we wi'l fj. wnrd them, free of clmrge, a tpociineii tiumher t:f a publi cutiou fur which they will tind ready Mihi ; and wc will allow tbent a commission of 5'J per ceut for their serviritc. J. JiKAUFOUb i- P.P.OTI1KB, No. 3 t'oin tluuj st., Now York. Pecembur 1, 18oj. at. NEW SUPPLY OP LIQUORS. MRS. THOMPSON respectfully informs her friends and customers, that she baa receiv ed a nw supply of superior liquor of dilftreril kinda, ...... Sunhury, Not. t4, 1853, 3t t1ODUR(j. French Merinos, Persian cleih, J Paris twitl. Chintzes. Delanoe, Delwges, Alapacaa, Silks, Wool plaids. Mohair lustre French.,' Scotch aud American Ginghams, jus icocived and (or sale by Sunhury, Dec 'S3. E. Y. BRIGHT FAHNE8T0CK Vermi uge, for aats hy Mar CI.SCR & 1RNK REMOVAL. . T. S- XEFTJ"sr As BOISTQ, At 223. North Second Street, above Vint, and at Eigth and Spring-Garden Street . , I'HILADDLPHIA, , Are selling ofT CARPliTii, OIL CLOTHS, Ac.,, At reduced prices, Expecting to KEMOVEto CHESMiT Street, (under the New Masonic Kail.) about Iha I Sth of NoviiKBtu, to which place tlicy would invite their former customers and others,' as they expect to keep a better assoitmonl there, than they ever have kept, Oct. S7, 1855.- ch. Sept S2 3m W NEW HAS0NIC HALL, rilll.ADKI.HIIA. AUF.NTS YVANTKII in evy Inwn snrt eooiity la ths UmUitl Suites, to sell the IsMiiltirul picture of ths GKAND LODGKUOOM. In hn Nrw Masomic IUlt., Philad'Jjtlna. Tliis Piste in telling very iripitlly, ami rlicil tli,e Htlrnir.-iti in of nil, fr the r'frrn'Uir.ft iiuil fi'iclit wilh wl.icri tli HtatcaM, l'Krt.'f Paictin'J ANh KvcKiTt'&R tT reprcsri.t'M, nii'l rim anintic beaut v hint hann-.tny of tht ttlun. tSize of Plnle. W Prtf p r'i . Uiktntfft fiiirl Pirturw Iw1?r wiphint? tft inke utreii ciw for it. will pilaw lAtu, fr furthfr inf irnitri-ui. Ijithogruphfr, INiilhuellsia. Octnlier 97, lfV if ;rcat Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! LIIA T. CLEMEKT It NFOPMS his friends and cti'lomers Ihit he j just received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WI VTEX GOODS ! ! At his Sitoie iu MarieJ Street, Sunbury, which he oilers to lho public, at (ho lowest His stock consists of a general assortment of Dry (ioods, viz : Cloths. Cassim'rs, Casstncts, Jcani, Drilling. Muslins, Linens, Ctdieots, Mustin dt Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, Biraees. Also a large assortment of CLO I'll IXfi. A large asaoilnient of UooH and (Slices, for Men, Women and Children. Sii.k Mats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. ri:iMlcr- GROCEP.IES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee. Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish. Salt, A c. HARD WAKE, Vit : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEENS W A K E , Tea Setts, I'lates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tfc W Country produce of nil kinds taken in ex change at the lushest maiket prices. Oct. iiO, 1 S.." GREAT MASONIC HALL. Tim r.AnonsT piavo rrmi'i' ItTK. Mr.l.dPKlW AND 1 f NI I't'b SJTATKS", lib ?. bi fie .Masomic MUSIC STOHU IN THE Will lie oiieo-l tiei.ilier I D'Jll uir.. Chsmii St rue'., uh ive Seefii!. riiiinil-'lplnu Hy JOHN M.AHMI. li o S-.e Alll ft ll.sli.lm:.ii. liriiv A. Co.'s eeieliiantj lli-Iett t.':uniai'i Atl-iel'tnoul It'w.ln Furies, n"-l C W. l-'mk Co's Premieiu Mei.i. ile'tits. Also, I'ijiiii F'Mtcs our! ,ll cl'hleottt i," other ilis tieeumlieil (linkers. J M . leu il,r:iiiitfl n l,':iii; f.,r Fevi-otl J (in in thr .i'v. ill tyinlieeiit m il M'i'II kti'm'ti M'i ,m, I It'iilit.iirr. wlirie. lie i : r-ci.'.m krepiec tin. l:,rLrest snick nml :i&. .rtiii,-ti' or' I'eei'i Cjrtec, Ml,,)e 'i;s, .Mum ',i''t Mti I n:,';il InKtiii'iieiits ,,f i'vi-iy ilcrrip: i.-ii. ii II of wlueh nre i e.irel'iillv e'ee!e,l l,y l.ur.r,, niul wiirrunted to givs f?r- j tvrl k .: i I-.'I ill every iill:lil('t:. j O.'t siJlh, 1555. If NEW FALL AND. WINTER GOODS, I. W. TllVKR &. Co., Sunbury, Va., RKSPECTFL'LI.Y announce that they have just received a large and varied stock uf splenili I goods suited to the season ; nn inspec tion ot which they solicit trim their Irieuds and the jiublic they will be sold at low prices, as they till! adhere lo the'r old motto: "Smalt prof Is and tjaick Salts." This in Ihe end pays best, while it best serves j their customers. '1 heir stock now consists of Cloths, Cassirneres, Veslings, Ladies' Dicks (ioods, in great variety, of Silks, IVplins, Delaines, Casliineies, Coliur)rs, all wool de tains. Calicoes, cVc, with a large assortment of dress tr i i)i in i tgs.-)roclir, 'l liibtt. Cash mere, and wollen shawls, worked collars, cuffs, slee'es. chemisettes, i c. A new stock of Ready mude Coats. Vrsts, and Pantaloons, of superior style and workmanship. Also, llats, Cups, Pouts and Siloes together Willi a general assortment of Hardware, Qi eoiib ware, (roceiics. Provisions, Ccdanvaie, Drups, I'. lints. Oils and Mails. Come and sec, l.o charge is made for show ing goods. Country produce taken in exohange for goods, at tbe highest maiket prices Sunbury, October 13, 1S55. For the latest arrival of Fall c5 Winter i.oods J. T. 4 I. F. KLINE, 1T1KSPF.CTFULLY announce to their friepds and tl o public in general, that they have received a'lheir Old Stand, in Upper Augusta t' v iiship, Northuiiihcihind countv. l'a.,nl Grme, iheir FA LI. an I .'!. NT P Coois, and opened to the pnblic a full assortment of MESCHAWDI2E, &c, ('onsiv.iug in pait of Clulhs, black and fane; Csssimeres, Snltiuells, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and all kinds of FALL unci WISTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. mads Couls, Veils and Pants, &c. Ladies Dress Gods, Confuting of li'.ack Pi!s, Merinos, Alpacos, Co her; cl 't'i, plain and fancy all wo d Do f.a'na-., Ciinghains. Mii'lin. Comforts, Day Sta'e Long .iiaN. Triininiiigs. cVc. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds. A I'resli supply of II..rdwaiv i""l Quc-iis-wari', JJnigs and Mcdn int a. Ifardtsare.Qoeeiiswsie, (Jedarware, Prooma, Ac. Also a largo assortment of Hoots and fciiocs, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats aud Caps, Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. Call and St. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for pa.t favors we hope by strict atten linn to busineis, to merit a continuance of tho same. All of the above named stock of poods will be sold positively at low prices for rash, or 111 ex change for country produce, at ihc highest market pri'e. Kline's drove, Nov. 3, 1855 FOR salt:, A VALUABLE FARM, Lying in Shamokin township, Northumberland ci.tiim, containing aluxl 1 3i) acres, more or loss, within 1 mile of lho Philadelphia and Sunhury Railroad, adjoining lands of Charles Leisenring, iieorgc Uiicl; and others, cn which aie reeled A largo two itory Dwelling Htmo, 13am and Out Iwun-s. About SO acies uf aaid land aro cleated, and in a pichy good state of cullivalioi ; the rcsnl'io is good tiu.bei land There can be about 40 acres i'f very superior li'.eauow made 011 said picuiisei. There are two good bearing Orchards tlicieon, a rever-faihng sprinj of water, and a good wll at the dour. For further particulars apply to the suhscri bets, or to Elida John, Hear Gap P. O., North uinbrrlacd cqoiijy. Pa. p. B. Jf aaid I'reiuUcs are not sold before the C)t lav of the ftrM moniU (January) next, the same will be ojfifed for rent on reasonable terms. o u . 1 muv SARAH JOHN, ELIZA 8. JOHN. 2 mo Bharnukin twsp. 1 1th mo. 3, 1853. VrrAI'L PAPER A large and aplei ded estoitment of WitU. Paper, Window Pa per, nd Oil (shades, just receive I and for sale by I. W. TENER 4c Co, njlflry, Mr t. I 9' PHILIPS, 8TE.YKER &: JEKSXSC8, wnoLtsAU ijf UKlTlSn, FRENCH it ADfERlOAK aovonT sas-osivai,T st AUCTION, irot. 1 - 3 Rank Street, heloti Market, Between i-n;j end 'Hunt, riiii-Aui:i.riii a. ry To cash sr Klintt lime burets vrt will aeli at li very iiiihII a,laii,a u autliui, utvs Phila., KepU Sit, IBfiO- aintij. S- E. lit. lh , I'litsniit fin. 2 'r,li" Iiisuiutiwi, wliieh vtb disi 3 esii,lislil in ikpirmkcr. Irli, ta.' imiiiucirn unions US y r'KluiOe rllri. ditcis of ttiu Iji.c.iiiess' n,n j,, kjp si'rt etl.M lilies ; was i n j,, l"'-j, CUnrlerod, ai.J eko.i.! . P Ci'llnr, in ncci witli Aei i.f tyl l.rtriBlulurn. Tl, CnuKKRntMnwciioK ir.f t?f trior.iijif niv ,rse'iri,i rl.,ie, OT rotitntn? ail tS -ne brnivii i : vw f-if USfi hi M'S.tiaiwti nee-?r i j .... " j . ... . ,l n , w ici:, air I ' li,ii t a-o ier ,nnuua is -t (1 il-i:iei-op 'ii n eonrs :f I.KC'I'I ilKA VVOS COMMEIICIAL, ; m titi vr' hvc'ti' I 'l 'liwo e";ieeiui uls, tiy cir.i. j j i i yr. li-nt inelKi.iiif r . 4m a .mm ror inn niceni srns'ni, ire llo. Jt otk i'.vjiii'A jiuivitei. tf-e :i ed iii ll.ia il.-.n'iliir .r it ;iutiij;-;i i.v, ivi,M,p;.i. IsT C:it;iloir.irs i I I, t , ut.f S,Jr':li, , ii ii , j.x' i'i i l. lrv.', ais-.. ii;niii;s' kock KV;i'.l'i.N'n, c n r,-r ( t pur mut I' n o j6)i4 . i.r;'.-o, SI..0. i-'l i,i xcic JU cs l'rn;aiJei hiu, Cci in, IsU Cn.-. f "AMii lo luo premises of tile SulibClitrOT,' li.ip, uboiit Hirers :s i'.:i-e, a !i ill1 biindle COW about 13 years old with a sLort tail, and had cn a small bell. The owner is re quested to come furwaid, prove property, pny charges and tuka her wi,v. WIU.IAM THOMAS, LocUJt to., Columbia co. Get. 0, 1SB5. ?m. $50 REWARD. THE subscribers offer a reward of fifty dollar for the discovery and conviction ol tlx per son or persons, who cut aud destroyed tut bcujiis on the Machinery of their Cosl bresktr, al lho Mammoth Colliery, between Shamokin and Mt. Curniel, on the r.ihl f tho 9th ins!. The above reward will be priid to s'.iy ore iiv inir iulornia ion that will lead to the CT.victioii of ill a 0,1'undcrs. CLEAVER, FAGELY &. Co. Shamokin Oct. 57, H55. if. r'C'IIE suliicnber offers for su!n his largo and 1 valuable FARM, si'nrue in Kht.mol.iu town- i fhip, Nortliiiinbcilainl County, between Sunbury j ,lu si.amokin, two miles from the Koahoad ami I rlve frnl Trevorton, coiitaiuii.x upwards of 600 ACKK.S, almost :KHj acres are cli.-ed and in a good state ot'cuhivntion, the other well liniberej wilh Oak and Chesnut. The improtemciits nro two dwnliinj ilogses Hnd two Darns, with pood Sprinr VWr. Il is sicll caie.ubitod for tlirco or nioro firms, nith Meadows. Otchsrda, &c. Persons dei-iring level farms cosily tiUcd, should examined the above. He will sell on reasonable tei in r either ths whole, or parts of f;0, I OU or SOU acrcM. If not s;ld by the first of January it will be rented. DAVID MILLER. October (J, 1855 tj6 "SO ISTiiW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARHART, WT rSPECTFI'LLV nunounce to tho aitiicus of Northumbciland and tlie adjoining; coun ties that he has opened a Cuiifeclii.iidiy and Fruit Str ill M A Uril'VP S1J!"M;K Siuioiirif whl,,a i,e ,,,,,. .uri4 aI:a keeps on hand, at nil limes, the most choice Conlcctionary, eVc, Wholesale and KeUil, at Philudclphia prices. Among his stock of Conic. liensrics, nay bo found : j French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds cf scent, IUurneil Almonds, ).eve llrois, Cruani White, Mimi l'r'. f, red aud while, " lalinou .leilv Cnkes, I Hi.-, fruit lr,i;is, I o Vieiira, Ir-uck (".oul'.cs, cf sll soeava i.iiinm n rcrvts. Ki rk- t-j-ioe. Liquor Wo, Almond Caady, IRUIT. T.eniosf, Prune, Ilii'es. Kiss, Cikiuios driod, Ciuens, Alianiidn, Fi'"Dt, Nuts of all kisds I.KMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the singla or dozen. A superior quality of Segais and Tobacco, and a variety of Confections rics, fruit, &c, all of which is offered cheap ut wholusnlo or retail. Come and see he will try to please. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Aua,4, 1S55 ly. DistKoIiitioii ot 1'artiierfelilp. JVOT1CE is hereby piven that the firm of ' Cleiuenl cV Kriim wasd;:!v dissolved on tho UUt day of October, A. D., 1S."5, Mid that tho books Oi' lho linn are in the. hands of Ira T. Cieiueut. All persons ku.iwinir themselves to bo indebted to said C.'in will please come and make settlement immediately, and all persona having claims against ths cauiu are requested to present ihetn. CLEMENT ii KRAM. Sunhury, Nov. 10, 1S55. U.n. Eargnins at ths CIS Stuud. FRIIiINCt &l CrKASSTT V UK now openinc; a new and very desirable s,toek of FLL and V. IM'CR, em brieiinr an ennless variety. Their slok Cuii : SlstS 111 pari of j Slack d Fancy Broatlclotl.. & CrBcimercs, I Winter Wares for 11..11 ai.d b.'s, ail style and price 3. DRESS GOODS, SILKS Plain and I 'inured Black. An assortment of Plaid Ptripeand Floored Fan cy Dress Silk st unusuilly low prices, ' htliies,, lirsie L'el ains, Mu. D Lains. Lawns, itc, (SINGH AMS from 6x to 25 cent per yard. CALICOES 8 I'iJ WHITP GOODS, Cambric. Jaconctts, Swits, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi- neit, French and Pais Leces, Edjiima, 4c. Brown arid bleached Muslins, Drillings. Tick, Checks, 'Fowling, Tablo Diapers, r-c. 4.iu;h:uii.s. HARDVME.E and QUEEJ.5WAI1E. Crdar.wsrc, Uollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster ball and Fish. Also a tresh supply of Iiu;c.t AXD MKWCINF.9. Thankful for jiast favors, we hope by strict attention a nd a desire to please, aliil to meet with Ilia tpiirova! of our friends. jT Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunbury, Nov 3, 1S55. ly. THE UNIVEP.EITY'8 FAMILY REMEDIES, 1 PiM'ED uudci Hie Seal. Sanai and Auihorryer the I li.'.ei.ny.if FIIF.K M!uiClk. ,A ro-r know leilcs, Cli.uerml by tTie wie i.f I'eimsvivuroa, April w. 1b, with a (Jupiial of liCiO,iSs). luauily ii eurpn of srn 'si.n lho evn ,.f Sianuu usil wor'hliss Nnstrunis; Ain tur upi lyii.g Uiu l inuu.iy with nliuM. Keia rn-s wherever a Ci.iil,Mvht Phyt icmil eaeuot i.f will ti'it br riuii,,vr.i. 'jijn li.tiwt.'iii Las purciiaasd douiDr. Jjbs K. Howasb, fc Cclehistwl Uovimr Tonic HxlHr, Knriwa for upwartls of twnlyfi vwirs ss ths omy sura and nr cu.e M Ft'.VV.H asil Alii t. 4r . ami u ui. tirtial lle.iwly Cut HtiVyiH.C'OMPV.AlNTt, ltowsa,d'a Componn.l tviua m' Bluekosrry Rmit, whicb lngUly ap. yrm-wt ivnd popular Rtnieeiaw, licioer wna rue Llllyerity't Kciricoy U timptMinls or the Lunes; Ths linvertiiy's Hemsdy f r Dyspsptisor luJigetKai: ?o I'liiMisny's Usuwilr fi.r Cutis II iwsii; Aisii, rua L'iiivwsiiv s Aimsnac niay Us lie bad, at the B(..cii U.etnary,i, Blur of willum nFpp;(, Nor. S, VXj. Mslisiioy P. O. IN D H C U BLE INKet ' May 19. WRISER lc BONER'S. JL'sBAND'S MaRnesia frr sa'e by I Mv (.. VEWEB 13 Kl' NEB KYLACK Putty a god a rli-le for sale by May U rJlSEB i DUCNEK