i Estate of TUVTn MiDi"? TVroriCE Is hereby given that letters bf Ad IrZlT "".i CUn,ty' Ek de. hvi been S. P . V" n.n1der18'"!d, residing near P.,1 ?n ! in?"d t0WnhiP- All persons hav ing claime or demands against the estate of laid i J f0.!"01' r".relted to make the lame known n! i u,n,(le",8nel "i'hout delay, and all per on. Indebted a.e desired to make Immediate Pa v merit. , HENRY MARTZ, Adtn'r, Shamokin tp. Dec. 6, 1855. 6t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an onW nfilm nrnhnne' Court of the coanty of Northumberland, will be exposed to public sale on Thursdnv. tbo third day of January next, at the house of John Weaver, Inn-Keeper, at the town of i revorion, z-crue townRhip, county aloresaiU, iim luuowing aoscrioea new estate to wit : Two certain lots of ground, situated in the town of Trevorton. The one thereof in block No. 107, lot No 10, containing in front lo teet and in depth 150 loet. The other in block No. 121, lot No. 3, containing in front ZD teet, and in deptn iou icet. i.ute the es tate of William Stanton, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of Paid day, when the terms of sale will be made known by PETER WALSH, Guardian. By order of the Court, ) Jno. P. Pursel, Clk. O. C. J Trevorton, Dec. 8, 1855. ts. List of Causes, ITOR trial in the Court of Common Pleat ' of Northumberland County, at January T.A. D., 1656. PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS. Jacob Fry vs John Fry et al Win B Burke vg Wm H Thompson 8 H Bibighousa vs John Raker et al Henry Hepler ve same with notice, Ac. Jbyster s Stitnr tot Oyster vs Michael Downing David Teas vs j is weenys idm r vs Jhn Hoflinan vs Isaac D Fisher vs Reuben Fagcly vs J B Masser vs Masser & Marts vs same & co vs Thomas Dornan Jas Hammer Ira Forrester John Shissler Mason Henrys Et'rs same Henry Masscr's Ex'rs Hlizabcth I r lane Elizabeth Bright Patrick Donahue While ,Mervine & Lawson Isaac Campbell Chas D Wharton Samuel Kyle vs Daniel Druckemiller vs H Eckel iSc son vs Big Mountain Im provement CO. vs Henry Huff va Wood, Baldwin et al vs Ifenj Griffey George j'nnkius, Adm. vs R Fage'.y & co vs Cbas Kinequrt vs Daniel (jonrad Wm. D iles Ex' tors vs Benj Wolverton Mary O Lyon R F Weimer Bright & Clement vs Phila dr. Sunbury R R Kase and Dcuty vs Fagcly Robins & co Elizabeth McGinis Chas S Engle Henry Stetlcrs adm'r H A I.ichtenthalfi Kane if Douty Kase, Douty & Reed Fryinire & Stout Wm E Way Sc. co Black for Shu man C R & Jl Shearer Jacob Barnhart Joseph E Liebs School Directors uf .Shamokin tp. Daniel Robins Edward Faber Sarah Sideney H Rath vs J C Ilorton et al vs Milton Allium vs J Our 4- Terrctenant vs F Wilhclin et al vs R Fagely vs R Fagcly & co vs Win Cameron vs James Cameron vs Milton Troxel vs J M Patton vs John Parks vs Wm E .May vs Jesse Hensyl vs Thomas Barret al vs T Baumcardner et a vs Charles Neuhart vs E N Graham C H Archumcty et al vs Jesse Arcbumety JAMES BEARD. Protbv. Protlit notary's Office. 1 Smiburv. Dec. 8, 1855. LIST OF CAUSES o F Northumberland County, for a Special court, to commence on the 11th of F eb ruary, lrijj, Jacob Vcnida Ira T Clement Gresslcr & Reesides Wm B Kipp Isaac Elliott same same vs Zerby Run Imp. co vj The Shamokin 8team Ferry & Tow Boat co vs Michael Kerstelter vs Wm 1. Hi-H'enslcin vs Cernelias Garrotson vs ssme vs same vs same 'JAMES BEARD, Prota'y. same Prolhonotary's.OfTice, ) Sunbury, Dec 8, 1855. J REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees Creditor and other persons interested in the estates of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of Nrthumberland County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the 8th day of January, A. !., 18S6, in the forenoon of said day, for confirmation and allowance. Carl John, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor Henry PeiflVr. Fpler George, dee'd. settled by his Ad'tor Aaron Kelly. Everitt Joseph Sr., settled bv his Ad'ter Wm. W. Everitt. Eckert George, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor Wm. Nice. l'erster Barbara, dee'd, settled by her Executor Daniel Reitz. Kline Joseph H. dee'd, (final) settled by his Ad ministrator Dennis C. Caul. Persing Win, dee'd. settled by one of his Ex'trs Peter Persing. Poi tor John, dee'd, settled by his Executors D. Brautgain and Wm. 11. Wspples. Perkins J. C. dee'd, (final) settled by his Ad'tor Peter B. Masser. lienn Adam, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor D. B. N. W. V. Silvcrwood. Taylor Benjsmin, dee'd, settled by hi Ad'tor Samuel Furnian. Rebock Michael, dee'd, settled by his Admin'tor Martin Kebock. Kramer John, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor Wm. Kramer. Eshbach Barbara, dee'd, settled by her Ad'tor Daniel Eshbach. Kelley David, dee'd, settled by one of his ex'tors Aaron Kelley. Drumhellcr Michael, dee'd, settled by his Ad'tor Peter Drumheller. Beisel John, dee'd, settled ly his ex'tor Jacob H. Kaullinan. Wolverton l.aac, dee'd, settled by O. P. Patton and Lambert Eckman, Ad'tors of James Eck- man, dee'd, who was one of the executors of Jsaae Wolverton, doe'd. floss Mary, dee'd, settled by . I. Taggart, ex- .eoutor of James Taggart, dee'd, who was the .ex'tor of Mary Ross, dee'd. Jluhendabl Catharine, Sarah & William, settled by their Guardian John Daniel. Kerb Daniel, settled by his Guardian Daniel Herb. f eifler Elias .settled by his Guardian Jacob Hil- bish. . Troxel Joseph & Catharine, settled by John G. Smith one of the executors of Ueorge Rmith, dccM, who was the Guardian of said Joseph and Catharine. -nvder Simon, dcc'J, settled by his Ad'tor Jacob .-Vashoitz. JOHN P. PURSEL. Register. Register' Otlice, i Ku:ilxiry, Dec, 1, 1855. ( llll!If Kwias. Mull. Iloliiiio.tt. French 1 l..fe. f?herka. Collars. Unilersleeve and . '.r j.iseltes, llcak dresses. Velvet and Velvet ' i, Killings. Turkish counterpanes, Elankets, m, he, J bioet & Day etate enawis, lor saie pj I r r v V DDIPII'S 'j:il)jry, uoc. i, no. i" . bsiwiii JWIEKCII hlck rloth, plain & fancy Cassil ,,...r. f!aaiiiniu. Overcoati na. Satin and fci'.r Velvet vest patterns, Kilk and Wool Hats. Csus, bcarts and Monkey jackets, lor sai ny fiuubury, Dec. 1 '85. E. Y. BRIGHT IJAINTN of every description just received by A u'vieru a. nsit'vre JUT IV. n l ss,v.-Y ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N J,"n,uam t order of the Orphana' Court of Northumberland Mnniv tn k to public aale, on MONDAY, the 17th day of umijcn next, on tne premises, the follow- u uescnoea real estate to witi The undivided one half part of a CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, Situate in the township of ShsmoVin. count aforesaid, adjoining lands of Joseph Wilkerson, jacoo ana uavia need, Wm. H. Muench and others, containing Seventeen Acres, or there bouts, with the appurtenance. Late the estate of Rev. J. P. Shindel, dee'd. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms oi saie win oe made known by , J. O. 8. 8HINUEL, ) M.L.8HINDEL, J Executors. By order of the Court, ) JNO. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. J 8unbury, Nov. 84, 1855. U. ) COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION! EfO.HD YEAR. ARRANGEMENTS for tht Second Annual CotlMtion of this new Slid nonular Institution for the riifTiiiinn of Literature and Art, hav been mail on tht most exten sive scale. Among- the works already entragail, is th far-famed "GENOA ORUOIPIX." which originnlly enet Ten Thousnnd Dollars. Ill forminc the new Collection, tha iliffnaion nf tarni-lra of AMtairas AT, and th (ncnuratiunnit of American Senilis, have not been overlooked. Commissions hnve een issued to many of tha most distin-ruiahed American Artists, who will contribnte some of their finest produc tions. Amons; them are thres Marble Busts, executed by ths greatest living Sculptor IIisam Pou'isi : GEORGE WASHINGTON, Ths Father of his Country i BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Th Philosopher; DANIEL WEBSTER, The Statesman. A Special stent lias visited Kurona and mftdMtriil mnA judicious selections of foreign works of Art, both in i7M'nc aim iuaioiv , Diniuary ana cnotce raintinirs. The who e forminir a lorce and vnlnnltl. f.n..tinti nr raintinga and Statuary, to be distributed msl among th members oi the Association for the Second Year. TERMS OP MEMBERSHIP. The payment of three dollars constitutea mv on mm. bcr of tins Association, and entitles him to either one of the following Magazines for one year, and a Is a ticket in the distribution oi the Statuary and Pointings. The Literature issued to subscribers consists of the fol lowing Monthly Magazines: Harper's, Putnam, Knicker bocker. Hlackwood's. Graham '. Rndrr'a IjiHv'i R.k and Household Words. Persons Inking five mcmliersliipsnre entitled to any fit s of the Mngnziiies fur one year, and to six tickets in the distribution. The net proceeds derived from the sale of memberships, are devoted to the purchase of works of Art for the ensu ing year. THE ADVANTAGES SECURED tiy tiecitming s member of this Aasoe iation, ore lit. All persons receive the full vnlu of their subscrip tions nt the start, ia the shape of sterling Miigazme Lite rature. 2l, Ench member is contributing townrds purchasing choice Works of Art, which ara to he distributed among themselves, and are al the same time encouraging the Arts of the countiy, disbursing thousunds of dollars through its spency. Persons in remitting funds tor membership, will pless give their pod -office address in full, slating the moms they wish the Mugnziue to commence, and have the letter registered at the Post Office to prevent loss ; on the re ceipt of which, a certificateof membership, together with the Mngnzine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. Those who purchase Magazines at Bookstores, will ob serve that by joining this Association, they receive the Magazine mill free ticket in the annunl distribution, all at the same price tliey now pay for the Magazine alone. Beautifully illustrated Catalogue, giving full descrip tions, sent free on application. For Membership, address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A. At either of the principal offices "KniL'keibocker.MuKazine" office, SIS Brondvmy, New York, or, Western Oilice, 180 Water street, Sandusky, O. Nov. 17, 1KSS. Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASHEY & E0CAP, Xo. 13G Marlet it., PHILADELPHIA. TNFORM their friends and the public fM generally, that they continue to keep at stB their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, &c, got up of the best material and in the lates) and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well to call and examine belore purchasing elsewhere. I'hila., Nov 10, 1855. tf. D E PART M E NT O F COM M ON SCHOOLS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Ilarrisbarg, Nov. 28, 1855. TO the School Directors of Northumber land county. Gentlemen : Application having been made by the Boards of Directors of a majority of the School Districts in Nor thumberland county, stating their desire to increase the salary of the county Superinten dent of said couuty: you are respectfully re quested to meet in convention at the Court House, in Sunbury, on Saturday the 22d day of December, 1855, at one o'clook in the ol ternoou, for the purpose above stated, accor ding to the terms of the eighth section of the Supplement to the School Law, approved the 8th day of May, 1855. Very Respectfully Yours, A. G. CURTIN, Superintendent of Common Schools, Dec. 1, 1855. 3t. AGENTS 1 AGENTS! AGENTS 1 Persons accustomed to procure subscribers for Books, Magazines &c, or get up clubs for newspapers, are requested to send us their names and address, and we will forward them, free of charge, a specimen number of a publi- cation for which they will find ready sale ; ana we win allow them a commission oi 60 per cent for their services. J. liUADr OltD & BROTHER, No. 3 Courtland st., Naw York. December 1, 1855. 3t. LAI EST ARRIVAL, Largest and Best Assortment CHEAP, HANDSOME & DURABLE. npiIE subscriber take pleasure in informing hi customer and the public generally that he is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endoavor to enumerate tha one hundreth part of the article would be useless. Suffice it to say, they have been selected with the creates! care, and they will he disused of at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere. .ti y motto is "Quiet Sales and Small Proftti." He take this method of presenting; to th public hi thank for the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. It will be advisable for purchasers to call and examine bis assortment before purchasing else- wnere. All kinds oi produce taken m exchange. EUVARD V. BRIGHT. 8unbury, December 1, 1855. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N puruance of an order ef th Orphan' Court of Northumberland county will be exposed to public sale, on MONDAY, the 7th day of JANUARY, Beit, at the Court House in the borough of Sunbury, th following described real estate, to wit: lit, A LOT OR PIECE OF LAND, situate in Upper Augusta township, adjoining lands of Haruian G. Kline, land cut off under the $300 law, from this described tract, and set apart for the use of the children of the intestate, and approved at November Term 1855, and the next described piece, containing fifteen acres, more ox less A,lso th undivided half of a tract of land in said township, adjoining the first de scribed tract, and land of Htein and nf l.,n. Campbell, contaii.ing about thirty five acre, of wnicn aooui utenly nv acres are cleared, and on which are erected a Log House and sHable. Late the estate of Adam Netdig, deceased Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P, M. of said lay, when the term oj sale will be made, known by PAVID REESE R, Ad'tor. By order of Ike Court, ) Jno. P. Pursel. Clk. O. C. ) Pec. I, 185S. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE FARM, t.vlns In fihamokin townsliin. Northumbcrlsnd county, containing about 130 acres, more or le, within i mile or the Philadelphia ana ossnu.; Railroad, adjoining lands of Cbarle Leisennng, George Kiick and others, rn which are erected A large t wo-itory Dwelling Honse, Tt.m Out houses. About SO acres of said land are cleared, and In a pretty food eUle of cultivatioi th residue is (rood limner isna. There csit be about 40 acres of very iuperior meadow made on said premise'. There are two good fcesring Orchard thereon, a never-failing pring of water, and a good well at th door. For further particular apply to the subscri ber, or to Elida John, Bear Gap P. O., North umberland county, Pa. P. 8. If said premises are net sold before tha first bav of the first month (January) next, the same will be offered for rent on reasonable terms. SARAH JOHN, ELIZA 8. JOHN. Shamokin twsp. ) 11th mo. 3, 1855. ) mo COLEMAN'S OHBAP OUTLBBT BTOKB, No. 21 North Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per rent by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods nere, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Raaors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, buffalo.bone and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, tc. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Howie Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, Ac Also a large assortment of Aecordeons. Aa. Also fine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, 1855. ly. Importer. QBEAT EXCITEMENT I Latest and bent arrival of tit Season, At the Store of P. W. Gray, Jn Marlet Square, has jutt received his Stotk jrom i itiiaaeipnia, consisting oj Full and "Winter Goods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Dress and Fancy Goods. The following comprises in part a list of my ex tensive and elegant stock, which for variety and chcupness cannot be excelled in this market. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Black end Fancy Cloths and Cassimercs, Blick Sattin and Fancy Silk Vesting", Shirting Muslin, Drawers and Under Shirts, Kentucky Jeans, Velvets, Blankets, Ac. FOR THE LADIES. Black Silks, Alpacas, Merinos' colored snd plaid all wool. Muslin de Lain, a large lot of Prints, of the best brands and styles, brown and bleached Sheetings, twilled and plaid Linseys, Flannels, red, yellow and white, grey Drills, Tickings, Cambrics, Dress trimmings, ribbons, laces, gloves, hose and irih linens, and other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a largo assortment. HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, CEDAR WARE. FISH & SALT, Groceries of every variety Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Candles, Soap, Ci ackers, Brooms, Lead, Shot, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Glass 8x 1 0 10x12, 11x16, Starch, Fluid, Dairy Salt, Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Fine Cigars, Matches, M ustard, Candle Wick, Blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Sunbury, Oct, S7, 1855 tf. NEW SUPPLY OF LiaUORS. JITRS. THOMPSON respectfully informs her friends and customers, that she has receiv. ed a new supply of superior liquor of different kinds, Sunbury, Nov. 21, 1855, 3t PROCLAMATION. TVOT1CE is hereby given that the several ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumlierltind, to commence at the Court He use, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 7th day of January next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and forth county of Northumberland, are requested to lie then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to lie done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be tlien and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable ta their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day ot Dec'ber in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five and the Inde pendence of the United State of America the 79th. God save the Commonwealth. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. The Scientific American. Eleventh Tear. Splendid Engravings and Prize?, The Elevente Annual Toluma of this useful ouUieation commences on the 17ih of Pepirniber, lb5a. Tin "MJir.Minc AMtHlUAN" is an Illustrated Periodical, devoted ehietly to the promuhrutiou of infor mation relating to the various Meclianie and Clieiuie Arts, inuuniiaijuuuuianurea, Aeiieunure, ratents, Inventions, Knffineerin?. Mlllwnrlc. ami all lnLt.rt.sLa wliih lI,m liul, of Practical dcienee is enlenlatnd toadvanck. Henorts of V. B. PutHits sranled are alan nuhliahed ev ery week, including oAiml mpieaol all the Patent Claima, toeellier with uewa and LuloruuLiou uoou thou sands isT oteer auhjecta. 1 he eonti ihutors to the Bciestinc American are among the mst eniineut scientific and practical men of tlie tnues. The editorial detMirtment is universally etknowlekguil (a be conducted with frreat ability, and to be distinguished, nut only lor the excellence and trululuuiesa ol its dist-ua- aiona, but for the leailessncss with which crrof is owu bated ond fulse theories are eiploded. Mechanics, luveutora, kjiguieera, Chemists, Munufac turers, Agriculturists, and people of every profession in life, will hud the Sctentitie Amesican to tie of great value in their respective catlings, liecouucels and suggestion will save them hundreds of dollars ssiuually. beaidea alor- ding theiaa continual aouiesof knowledge, the ezpenaia? of which, ia beyond peeuuiary estimate. The vcientiue American la published once a week : every number eoiitauia eight huge quarto puge, forinwg aimually complete aiid splendid volume, illustrated wuli several nanorrfl original engravings. ir opecillicn cttpm avui giaiia. Cir TERMS. Single Hubscriptians, $S a year, or I for aix months, t ive copies for six months, $4, for a year S. r or further Club rates and lor the statement of the fourteen large Cash Prizes, offered by the publishers, see Scientific American. Southern, Western and Canada money, or Post Office Stamps, taken at par for subscrip tion. Letter shoald be directed (pest paid) te MUNN 6c CO., 128 Fulton Street, New York. New York, November 10, 1855. NOTICE. Allpeuott knowing themselves indebted to Ira T. Clement, on Book account, note er other vise W requested to call and pay up without delay, otherwise their fccouqU will be placed in the band of a magistrate for collection, Sunbury, ?Jo., lj. ,$55, 1NDELLIBLB INKeT Maf Vk WttSER 4 BRUKBsTV, GREAT MASONIC HAIL. THt, t.AROEST PIANO fORTK, MKLODEO! AMD MI H1Q STORK IN THK WiMTtD STATES, Wilt b opened October lath 1833, In th Misotle srvtt.Dtive, vnesnat ntreet, srwtve eleventh, rhitodeipitus 1 1 1 v . . . nun . i u . . I . . e 1 i.J ,vnn roitncn, inw rr.iw figrn. "I hiim.w,!. Gray ft Co 's celebrated Dole Camparis Attachment Piano Fortes, and O W. Fiak as Cn's Premium Melo- demis. Also. Piano Fortes and M nlodeone of other dis tinguished makers. J. M. has obtained lease for several yeais In the neve. nvt;niAcent and well known Maaonie Handing , where he Intends keepins th largest stocs and sssortment of Piano Fortes. Melorieons, Music, and M- sical Instrnments nf every description, all of which ar carefully selected by himaeir, and warrantee to give per fert sntifaetimi in every instanc. October 7lh, 15J3. tf . Bargains at tha Old Stand. FRILING & GRANT ARE now opening a new and very desirable stock of FALL and WINTER Goods, em bracing an endless variety. Their atock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadclothi&Ctusimeres, Winter Wares for men and boys, all sty! and price. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy lnes Silks at unusually low prices, Sheliiei, Brazes, Brazo De Lains, Mus. D Lains, Lawns, &c. GINGHAMS from 61 to S5 cents par yard. CALICOES ' 3 " 121 " WHITE GOODS. . Cambric, Jacnnetts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bobl- nett, rrench and Swiss I. aces, EtltiinKS, Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Checks, I owlings, '1 able Diapers, dc. fJROCERIES. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steal, Plaster Salt and Fish. Also a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MED1CINF.S. Thankful for pe.st favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, atill to meet with the opprova! of our friends. CV Country produce of all kinds taken at th highest market price Sunbury, Nov 3, 1855. ly. ISIS H For the latest arrival of Fall $ Winter Goods. J. F. 8c I."rT KLINE, I3ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and tbe public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., at Klines Grove, their FALL anl WINTER Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &o., Consisting in part ef Cloths, black and fane Cassimeres, Satlinetts, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and all kinds of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vests and Pants, &c. Ladies Kress Goods, Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpseos, Co berp; cloth, plain and fancy all wool De Lsines, Calicues, Ginghams, Muslin, Comforts, B ay State Long Shawls, Trimmings, &c. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Hardware, Queensware, Cedarwarc, Brooms, A c. Also a large assortment nf Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for past favors we hope by strict atten tion to busineis, to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of good will b sold positively at low price for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Kline' Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. THE DIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, T PSL'KD under the foil, Snnction and Authority of the J t'niversily ofKHliK jMKUK'INLi and poplar know ledge, Cli'iltercri by Hie Suite of Pennsylvania, April lbo5, wuh a Capital nf 0100,000, mainly for the purpose uf arresting the eviis of ipunus and worthless Nostrums; Also lor supplying the Community with reliable Reme dies wherever a Competent Physician cannot or will not lie employed. This Institution hua purchased from Dr. Jou.i K. UnwAKD, his Celebrated Itovanl'3 Tonic mixture, Known for upwards of twenty-five venrs as the only sure and aafe cure for FKVF.R and AGI'K, Ac, and his inrs tunable Remedy for HOWK.l. COMPLAINTS, Rowniul's Compound Syrup of Blacklwrry Root, which highly ap proved and popular Reinediea. toeether with The lruiversity'e Remedy for Compbiinta of the Langs; The University's Remedy for D)'Sepiiaor InJigestion ( The I'uiversity's Remedy for Costive-Bowels; Also, th University's Almanac may b b had, at th lirunch Dispensary, or Stor of WILLIAM DF.PPIN, Nov. 3, less. Mahanoy P. O. Saddle and Ilarucos Maker. Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G. W. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and the pub- o i; nonAr. I lu that riA hiiatflhen " j '"''k establishment lately occupied by Geo. W. Stroh, and having engaged several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any made in this section of country. Order promptly execetcd and all kinds of pro duce taken in exchange. Sanbury. October 87, 1855. ly 3STEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I, W. TEI'ER & Co., Suubury, Pa., RESPECTFULLY announce that they have just received a large and varied stock of splendid goods suited to the season ; an inspec tion of which they solicit from their friends and tha public they will be sold at low price, as they still adhere to their old motto : "Small profits and quick Sales." This in the end py best, while it best serve their customer. 1 heir atock now consist of Cloth, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ladies' Dress Ooods, in great variety, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, Cashmere, Coburgs, all wool de tains. Calicoes, &c, with a Urge assortment of dress Uimmings.-Broche, Thibet, Cash mere, and wollen shawls, worked collars, cuflo, sleeves, chemisettes, $ c. A new stork of Ready made Coats, Vests, and Tantaloons, of superior style and workmanship. Also, Hats, Caps, Boot and Khoes together with a gaueral assortment of Hardware, Queens ware, CJrocerie. Provisions, Cedarware, Drugs, Paints. Oils and Nail. Come and ee, no charge is made for allow ing goods. Country produce taken, in exohange far goods, at the highest market prices Sunbury, October 13, 1)195. Estate of JOSEPH LAHE, dee'd. 7VOTICE ishcrebv given that letter of Admi-i- nlstration upon the estate of Joseph Lahr, late of Lower Mahanoy township, Northumber land county, dee'd, have been granted to the un dersigned, residing in Georgetown, in ssid town ship. All person having claim against said estate are requested to present them without de lay for settlement, and all persoDs'indebted re desired to make immediate payment. GEOKtiE LAHR, Ad'tor. Georgetown, Nov. 84, 1856 6t COBL'RG, French Merino, Persian cloth. Pari IwiU, Chinlxes, Dtlanss, Debege, Alanaea. RiLka. Wool ulaids. Mobasr lustre. French, Scotch and American Ginghams, just reeoive and lor sal kf Sunbury, Dec 1 '55. E. Y. BRIGHT. FAHNESTOCJa Vermilug, for ul bv M wKl4ER4r BR UN PR XT. S. OP J. "God anil our JV,f.'., TnmJ C USQUE II ANN A CAMP. No. t9, of th O. or the U. 8. A. hold itaatatetl sessions evr Moisast evening in their uew New Hall, opposite E. Y. Bright store, Sunbury, Pa. Inltltation and regalia, 3,00. P. M. SHINDEL, W- C. EV WitvmiT.R. 8. Sunbury Oct. SO, 1855. O. OF XJ- A.. CJUNBURY COUNCIL, No. 30, O. of U. A. M. meet every Ttkbdat evening in the American Hall, opposite E. Y. Bright' store, Market stre-t, Snnbury, Fa. Members of th erder are t-ctfully requested to attend. P. M. SHINDEL, C. A. Hoovkr, R. S. Sunbury, Oct. SO, 18(5. FANCY FUUS FOR t.AWES AND CHILlUtKN. JOHN FAREIRA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all Kinds or Fancy .Furs No. 284 iVnrlcf Sirret. above Eighth,) PHILADELPHIA Having now completed my very large and beauutifnl assortment of all the different kinds of Fancy Ftirs, and fashioned into all the dilferent slylea and fashions that will he worn during the present season by Ladies and Children, and being determined to sell my goods at small profits it will be to the advantage of Ladies and others to give me a call before purchasing. N. B. STOREKEEPERS and the trade will do well to call, ns they will find one of the largest and best variety of stock to select from the citv. JOHN FAREIRA. Sept. 23, 1855. 4 mos. $50 BEWARD. ITHE subscribers oiler a reward of fifty dollar -- for the discovery and conviction of the per son or persons, who cut and destroyed the bands on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between Shamokin and ML C'armel, on the night of the 9th inst. i he above reward will be paid to any one giv ing informa'ion that will lead to the conviction of tbe offenders. CLEAVER, FAGELY &Co. Sliamokin OcL 27, 1855. tf. FOB KALE. TH E subscriber offers for sale his large and valuable FARM, situate in Sliamokin town ship, Northiimbetland County, between Sunbury and Shamokin, two miles from the Roalroad and live from Trevorton, containing upwards of 600 ACRKS, almost 300 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, theothcrwe.il timbered with Oak and Chcsnut. The improvements are two dwelling Houses and two Barns, with good Spring Water. It is well calculated for three or more farms, with Meadows, Orchards, &c. Persons desiring level farms easily tilled, should examined the above. He will sell on reasonable terms either the whole, or parts of GO, 100 or 6U0 acres. If not sold by the lirst of January it will be rented. DAVID MILLER. October C, 1833 lj0'56 Fruits & Confectionery. HTB EMOVAL The subscriber ha removed S ft, to No 2 Market Strket, above Front, ( I'll re doors above the old stand,) PHILADELPHIA. Where he keeps constantly on hand, a general stock of all articles in his linn ; consisting of Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of fruit in sea son; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, plain and roasted : Tickles and preserves of all kinds; to which he invi'ei the attention of Dealers and others visi ing the city. Goods packed at this establishment warranted to carry safe. S. L. HERRING, No. 38 Market St., above Front, South side. Phila., Sept. 22, 1855. 3m c3. Dissolution of Partnership. TTOTICE is hereby given that the firm of ' Clement &. Kram was duly dissolved on the 31st day of October, A. D , 1855, and that the book of the firm are in th hands of Ira T. Clement. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said firm will please come and make settlement immediately, and all persons having claims against the saiuo are requested to present them. CLEMENT 6c KRAM. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 1855. 2m. REMOVAL. CT. S. DEPUY Sb SONS, At 223 North Second Street, ahove Vine, and at Eiglh and Spring-Garden Street rzzxz.ji.x)z:i.PHiA, Ars selling ofT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c At reduced prices, Expecting to REMOVE to CHESNUT Street, (under th New Mssonic Hall,) about the 15th of Novsmbeh, to which place they would invite their former customers and others, as they expect to keep a better assortment there, than they ever have kept. Oct. 27, 1855 ch. Sept 22 3m W NEW MASONIC HALL, PIULADKLPHIA. AGENTS WANTK.D in every town end enuiity in ths I'uitetl Suites, to sell the beautiful plvture of th GRAND LODGE ItOOM. 'n ths Xw Mssoxtc Hall, Philadelphia. This Plats is "elliiig very lapiuly, and elieite the admiration of all, for lhe eorrer-tnesa and fidelity with which ths Statdabv, I'suco Psictisos ni FtiasiTtiss ars represented, and the arlislie Imuiv and liarrauuy of ths colors. Size of Plate, X 48. I'rioe S3 00. U Hiksetlers and Pioture Dealers wishing tn take seen cies for it, will picas address, for further inf'irmaiiou. I..N. Koei:XTHAU Lithographer, Philadelphia. October 27, 18M tf threat Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT INFORMS his friends and customer that be just recei .'ed an elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER OOODS ! ! At his Store in Marlet Street, Sunbury, which be oflfcr to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Casstnets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin d Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, berates. Also a large assortment of CLOTH UNO. A large assortment of lioots and Shoes, fur Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. Plaster. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, ColTbe, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Viz Iron and Steel, Nail, File, Saw, Ae. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ift CT" Country produce of all kind taken in ex change at th highest market price. Oct. 20, 1855 NEW REFECTORY. THE subscribers rsectfully inform the citi zens of Sunbury and the public generally, that they hav opened a Refectory and Eating Saloon in the basement of the New Three Story brick building of J. M. Simpson, in Market street, which bss been handsomely fitted up with every convenience and comfort for their customers. They will constantly have on, band the best quality of Oysters, and all other deli cacies of the season. JOHN E. MUCK. G. W. HILEMAN. Sunbury, Oct. 13, 1853. WALL PAPER. A large and sphsndrd assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shade, just received and for sal by I. W. TBKER eV Ce, ottVarr. Ma ' PHILIPS, STRYKER St JESNDSGS, WHOLSSSLS OSALSSS IN BRITISH, FKUSCII A, AMEMCAN 1 SOSSST SCLVSIVSLV St ATJOTIO 1ST,.; , JVbi. 1 - 3 Bank Street, below Market, Between Second and Third, PHILADKLHIIA. . CV Tseaah r short time karers ws will sail I a very small advance ess Auction, rat Phil., Sept, 22, 1855' 2mc2j. 8- E. Cor. 7th k Cbr mut 8ti. This Institution, whirh wns first SataMished in fnpteinher, 1314, and nsmliers sraisig its graduates hun dreds of th business men in tins, snd other cities j was on June 4m, IKVi, Chartered, sud estahlishrd as a College, in accordance with Art of Letislature. The Cotias or IssrsirrTios Is of a thnroiiphly pmetiml slinraetrr and contains all those branches necessnrv a: w . a - J for use in business brsides whh'h, the pupils hnve the privil'se of attni dance upon a course of l,f:CTiHK9 L TO i:UM,l-.KUIAI. L.AYV, de livered for their especisl use, by emi nent practitioners. For the present season, ths Hon Jitdis ftriinswooD services sr eu- snord in this deportment. . II. CHITTKNDKN, Principal. r7 Catalogues will te sent to sny Sddrrss, on npoticatinn lT letter. Ah., CRITTKNDKNS' HOOK KKKIMNO, on receipt per mail of ths price, SI, no. Hey to snma ou cts 13, 19.M mfl. rhilndelphia, Oct AGNBW cSe GO'S SILK AND SHAWL STORE No. 196 Chesnut street, PHILADELPHIA. Wn take leave to inform ths Lsdies of Sonbnry snd vi cinity, that ws now have open a full stock of Fall and Winter Uoods, just arrived by House and Liverpool Steamers. IK OUR SHAWL ROOM will I found the most extensive assortment of Bmchn, long and Square SHAWLS Stella and printed bordered SHAWI.H, in the cjty, whsla our CLOAKS, TALMAS and MANTILLAS, in Velvet Cloth and.Moire Autique, cannot be am passed. SILK AND DRESS GOODS, Thit depiutmeut i oupplird with nil the iifwcut (yleiof Hrncadn. Vlnid, Btripc, Plttin. Mnire Anliqnt find Blark SilkR, White Mnire Antique for luidnl dre-nci. Rich Sillc Rirlw lrie, printuil Cut-hmeros and lJclsfliiit', lRpinvf, Merinoa and Cufll.increj, lorga assortment ofnllcolura nnd very chep. Embroiiicfie, Ribbni, Gloves, tic. MOURaMNG GOODS, Of Lnpins, T)-mbazities, Cnhmeres, Do !aines c. V eniupptly solicit a rfll fr:in our country friends, feelinc eonfitlent fmin mir erent fucilities for puicliasiiiir guxxln, we can offer grrut buigtuns. P. S. Conrtnlty receivin new roods bv the Kuronean 8timers from Havre and Liverpool. ATISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 borth Second Street, opposite th idount I'rnoit House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Levr Watclies, full jeweled", 18 K, ca ses, $S8 ; SiUcr Lever tlo do., $12; Sil ver Lcnine, do., $9 : Quartier. -S to $7 : Gold Spectacles, $4 SO to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 60 ; Silver I able Spoons per sett, ,1H to I8; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to $1 1 ; Silver Tea do.,: do., 4 75 to 7 80 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca. srs, $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. , 1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to lie as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. A lso, M a sonic Mnrks, I'ins, 4c, made to order. N. 11. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will lie punctually attended lo. rbila.,8ept. 22, 1855. lyw. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. PEflRY & ERETY, invite the attention of merchants and others to their lar;e stork of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Albums, and Presentation Books in all styles of binding; Standard Theologicai, Medical, Miscellaneous and School Books, which they have received from Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low prices. Also direct from the manufacturers and Im porters, evervkindof Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, ic, Sic, at the lowest cash prices. PERRY & ERETY. 8. . Corner, 4th and Raco Sts. Philadelphia. September 22, 1855. tf nr.Es AND RASPS. NEW STREET FILE AVOltKS, Philadelphia. 'HE subscriber is constantly Manufactur ! ing I iles and Rasps of superior aualitv and at the lowest prices, equal to the best im ported goods, and much cheaper. MANUFACTURERS & MECHANICS can have their OLD FILES ISE-CUT and made equal to new, at about half the original cost. Flat 12 inches $2,00 per Doz.; Flat, 14 inches 2,75 per Dot. ; Saw-files, Half Round, Millsaw and other Files in proportion. . Single Files and fractional parts of dozens charged at th same rates, and warranted satisfactory. J. B. SMITH. NO. CI NEW STREET between Rac and Vine & Second & Third Sts. Philadelphia. Philada. August 18, 1855. 3m. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames, jl MATHEMATICAL Instruments separate ond in cases, Thermometers of various sizes, fipy Glasses of every description, Platina points for Lightning Rods, Magic Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical and temperance designs, Microscopes and Microscopic objects, Galvanic Batteries, Electrical Machines, Survcyer's Com passes, Surveying Chains Ac. 5cc. McAllister a brother. (Established in 1796.) 191 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (64 pages) with 150 illustrations furnished on application, anil sent by mail free of charge. Thila. Sept. 8, 1855. 4"F every description, suits' ie for Railroads, iVc, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore and Mer chandise generally. Purchasers run no risk, ev ery scale is Guaranteed correct, and if, after trial not found satisfactory, can be returned without chnrire. L7 Factory at Old StanJ, established for more than twenty years, corner of ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & Co.. Successors to Elliot Si Abbott. Phila. 8ept. 1, 1855. 3inC. Tl VF.r. FALL STOCK of NEW Goods, VtUUa 8asonUc Shawls. Fashionable Silks. Full stock flack Sills. Dress Goods, all kind. Blankets and Flannels. Linen snd Cotton Sheeting. Staple Housekeeping Good. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting. EYRE & LAN DELL, FOURTH & ARCH Sts., PHILAD'A. P. 8. Storekeepers and other iw task buyrrt snpplied with scare and desirable Dry Goods at low rates. BARGAINS from Philailelphia and New York Auctions daily. N. U. 8 cases French Merinoes, all colors, wholesale from C5 to $1,25. Philadelphia, Sept. it, 185t 3rn w3. sTJAME to th ptemise of th ubcriber, near Bear Gap, about three weeks since, a light brindle COW about 12 vears old with a short tail, and had on a small belt Tha wBer is re quested to com forward, prove property, pay charge ajid lak her wy. WILLIAM THOMAS, Locust tp., Columbia co. Oct SO, 1855. Sm. . AND WARRANTS. Tho highest pc .. l,v Land Warrant by th ub II. B. MASSER. 55 tu 6 REIT GOODS! MEfT GOOtWU I mrnenso;Attr action Elsbcrgo Btor AslWashington mas first in war; peace, ic to Hhherg't Clothing Stor it first in rectivt of NEW GOODS. fjlHE aubseriber having ncenlty returned from - tho city has just been receiving and opened ,"ly . ,l,len.,,,,1 "ortment ofall kinds of Goods hi his line. Having s-lected with care, and from his being early in th market, purchasing cheap he flatter himself in being able to offer to his patrons and tho public in general, such good as will suit til In styles, quality make and prices. In addition lo Coats, Pants snd Vests of tweei' jeans and other stuffs suitable for full wear, mi, be found all kinds of winter wear, such as Over coats, Business Coats, Dress Costs, pants and cts, made of all imaginable stuflsol diiTefeni colors, from light lo heavy grades, chiap to good qualities. In fort such an extensive assortment of Clothing as will not fail to suit everybody. Also a large quantity of boy' Clothing and al' sorts of t'lider-rlothing. HATS and Caps of at! kind and etyles t th Kansas-Nebraska Hat, Istest stvls. A good assortment of BOOTS and SHOE, among which are good calf-sktn shoo made to' order; Alio Ladies' Gnms of tlilTerent kinds. A usual he has on hand good assortment of Jewelry, aecordeons, revolvers, various kinds of pistols, fine cutlery, shirts, collars, hosiery, gloves, port monnais, besides a great manv other articles loo numerous to mention, sail of whic'u will lie sold at reasonahla rates. Call and see and judge fr yourselves. ALBERT ELSBERG. The Store is in Market Square, opposite th former Post Office, a few door below Masser' printing office. Sunbury Sept. 32, Lfip&. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, RESPECTFULLY announc to'tha citatsa nf Northumberland and tba aJiniiiinir ..mm- ties that h have opened a Confectionary anJ Fn.it Stor in M A T?K ET SOU A It K. K.i.l,,,.. . . i where hm mnnnfarttire ami kpefia on band, at all times, th most rhoice Confectionary, Vc, TV noiesat ami Ketalt, at l lulauclplila prices. Among hi sleek of Confectioneries, taut b found : French Seerets, Our Drops, sU kinds of scent, Burned A hiHuids, livs Droos, Cnum White, Mint Drops, red ssd White, 11 Iinoa Jelly Cakes, Hose, Fruit Drops, " Vanilla. Stick fundies, f all ssssls Common Seerats. Hock Canity. Liquorice, Almond Cuatlr, PRTJIT. Lemona, Prunes, Ciirrnnts diied, Citron, Almuiiila, RoistHt, Nut of all htoM LEMOX SYltUI of a superior quality, by th inglo or dozen. A superior quality of Scgsrs and Tobacco, nnd a variety of Confuctionaries, fruit, &c, all of which is otlurcd cheap st wholesale or retail. Come and see ho will try ! please. Orders from distance promptly attended to. buubury, Aus. 4, 185o. ly. Cheap AV'iitchea j Jevrelrr "t VHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. Sit North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 1H curat cases, ft',5 ' tt'ii.1 l.cpme lt"K. jji ii Silver Ip. full jew!ll, fn Silver Lever, full iewl'd 12 Fine Silver stnuctacles. tiolit Bracelets. r;.iis 1 X'O 10!) I ailiesT (iold Penciis. reiver Tea spjons, set. rupenor Otiartiets, 7. Gokl !nectn l"s. 7.ISI1 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, Gold Finger Rings, 37 cents to $fif) t Wntch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, ISjj Lunet, 85 ; other articles in proportion. AH goods war ranted to b what they are sold for. STALFFER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than ths above prices. eept. o, 1853. r- ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA., Aided bv ome eight years experience in th practice of the Lew, will attend with fidelity ta II matter appertaining toorwitlin the line of hi profession. Office with Charles J. Bruner, Esq., Market street. Sunbury, Sept.' 15,. lS.r5, tf Trusses! l'run;-esl! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment. S. W. Cor. of 'i'lcelfth and Race Streets, Philadelphia. IMPORTER of fine French Trusses, enmbi ning extreme lightness, ease r.nd durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round th hips, and stating side affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, 95. Doulil " .", (6, -$8 and $10. Instructions as to wear, and how to etl'cct a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss, Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. Bantling's Improved Patent Body Brarr, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, ( best Expanders and Erector Bruces, adapted t all with Stoop ShouMcrsnud Weak lungs; Knulish, Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes male and female. Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. Phila., Aug. 4, 1855. ly P 8. BURTON & FENTON, & W. comer Sixth and Arch street, PHILADELPHIA. riEAS! Teas!! an uncommonly full and I choice assortment of black and green Tea of all grades, from the extremely low price of 30 cts 35 40506070 to 75 cts. per lb., warranted to be superior to any to bo had el where at th same prices. We know and confi dently recommend them to be 20 per cent cheap er than any for sale in the city. W have also a very superior assortment of ColTee, Old Got'I, Java, Laguayra, Maracaribo, Rio am Cape Hav lien Coffee. New No. 1 Mackerel and Shad in and i bhl. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pino Apple, Sap Sago, New York Cream Cheese al ways on hand. Soap brown and white also II. L. Kendell & Co' Chemical Olive Soap, ono lb. of which will go a far as 2 of ordinary brown Soap. Also Starch of different qualities, pickles. sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an choveys, etc., with a full assortment of Fancy Goods, to which we invito th a tention of th public to rail and examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Grore-rie forssle by BURTON & FENTON, Wholesale and Retail Family Grocer an. I Tea Dealer, 8. W. cor. Sixth and Arch its. N. B. Goods delivered to all Dartt of th eilr free of charg. Phila., Sept 5?, 1855. apl 8y GBEAT TOY & FANCY STORE. JOHN DOLL. No. 90 North Second St. between Arch Rn; Philadelphia, IAS received a larg assortment of Toys nf AVood. Till. China, finm A... .La Baskets, Work boxes, Porto Monaiea. Pocket Books, Segar Cass, Snuff nd Tobacco boIf s, Pipes, Card. Harmonirals, Aecordeons, Violins and Strings, Marbles, Balhi, Rings, and an end less variety of cither article too numerous to mention, for sale Whole,' & Ktail, at regular price. Phila. Sept. 8, !855-3m. FOB SALE 1 f rTEAM ENGINES SO Horpow ,,,., saf wilh boiiere. Would mak excellent Bump ing engines, together with larg blowing cylui-. dsrs, suitable for a blast furnace. Apply to HENRY LONGENECKER & CO. fcUamokw Iron Works. . .... Shamokin, Pa. Khamekm, July 1, 1153, TRICOPH ER0U8- dot. for l. by May 11. WEUIR 4