now m. sriRftowcitMM xs tnt bow rt feTAIR. " One eveiiine? Utii S. titid Velli-ei) when I i bupjf trrtu'ng, fcheti it struck me tlint n glass u ice wnter wiiiild, be pBlutiilile. ifo 1 took a candle mid pilclier nnd went down to the pump. , Our pump ia in the kitchen. A country pump in the kitclieu Is mere couve ntciit; but a well with buckets i certainly more t)ictnrpf(ne. -Unftirtuntitely our well Water lino not been tweet sineo it wus clvuli J out. First, I I'm! to open a boiled door that lets you in'o t lie basement bull, and then I went to the kitchen door, which pro ved tt be locked. Then I remembered that our jrirl always carried the key to bed with her, nnd uler.t with it under her pillow. Then I retraced riiy steps' bolted llm door, end wrlvp into the dining mom. As is iilnuys thocasr, 1 found when 1 could not (jet uny tenter, I was thirstier Ihun 1 siij'posed 1 was. Then 1 thought 1 would wuke up our girl. Then I rnneluded not to do it. Thui 1 tboitRht of tlio well, but jtnve that i.p on hc count of the. flavor. Then 1 opened the closet door there whs no wnter there; tind .then I thmijrht ei the- dumb waiter ! The uv city or t'hu idea mnde me smile ; I tool; out twcHif thfl rnon-iiltle fbelre.i. stood the pitch er in the bottom of the dumb waiter, got in myself with the lump let myself down until I supposed I was within a foul of li e floor below, u ii J then let go. AVe mine down so suddenly that I was shot out of the apparatus if it had been a catapult. It broke the pitcher, euinituis lied the lamp, nod lauded inn in tliu middle of the kitchen, ul midnight, Willi no lire, und the air tint much above zero point. The truth is, 1 Inn! miscalculated the lii iT thu tie pceut instead f l.i 1 1 i 1 1 c olio loot 1 had fnlVn five' My lirft impulse was to ascend by th" way 1 came down, but 1 found that impruclU entile. Then ! tried the kitchen door, it locked ; J tried to force it open ; it was made of two-inch si a If and hold its own. Then 1 hoisted the window, nnd there were the riyid I iron bars. 1 f ever 1 felt ungry at ctiyhotly, it was nt myself for putting up ihe Imis to I jilett Mr. ?parrowprnss. 1 put them up, not to keep people lit, but to keep people j out. I laid my choek nciiiii? t the ice-cold bar riers, and looked out ut the sky ; not a star was visible ; it us black us ink ovi-rliond. ,'i'litn 1 made a noise ! I shouted until 1 was hoarse, and knocked our prerving kitth with tin- poker. That brought our dogs out in full bark, find between n we ninde nijiht hideous. Then tboiiL'ht I heard a voice mid listened. it Was Mrs. Spnvrnwjri'iis call.njtnie from the top of the staircase. I tried to make her hear tne but the dogs united with howl, prowl and bark so as to drown my voice, winch is rmtnra'W plaintive nnd tender. 13, sales, there were two bolted doors between us; 1i'ic eonld she recognize niy voice, even if sl.e did hear it ? Mrs. S. cnTcd or twice, nnd then pot IVifihtincd; the next thing I . 1 1 card w;ig a smiiuI as il thu ruol'hml fillen in: bv which 1 muicMnnil Unit she was STiriiiirinL' , tt.u rattle, That called ourneighhor, nliviiily wide-awyke. He rutne to the rescuu with a bull terrier, a Newfoundland pup, a hiute n ond revolver. The monii nt ho saw ml', le shot-ut nm, but fortunately missed inc. 1 threw myself under the kitchen table and bejjnn to expostulate with liim, but he would t lKit liutt ii to leusoii. In the excitement 1 litvil foruttjlt lit1? name, and that made mat ters worse. U was not until he had reused up every body around, broko the basement I t door open with an axe. got into the kitchen with hjs savage dogs nnd shooting iron, end seized me by the collar, that he recognised mo and t lit-ii wanted me 1o explain it ! But ! what kind of exphiuulien could I make to i him 1 1 told him e would have to wait until j my mind was collected, and then 1 would let i him understand the whole matter fuily. -But I he never would havoliad, the particulars from j me, for I do not approve of neighbors that I shoot ut'you, break in your own door, and treat you in vour own house us if you were a i.,...i ii.. i.. ..n ..i . i ,1.1m uiiu, aiv. novi'vs uii uuuui ii, uowever. for JiomelKidy bus told him. Somebody tells everybody everything in our village. Put , Mm's Monthly. NATIVE filtAPH, Mr. X. Longworth, the great grape grower anJ wine producer at Cincinnati, Ohio, it appears is collecting grafts of native and seedling gtnpes, and lakes the ground thai we have just us good wine grapes in this CnUlllrV 11 tllcra uri. in nnv tv.rt rtl trnt-l.l ... ,,J ,,,, v .,,.. Among them were Rratts from California in sealed tiir cans. It is not the best table grapes that make thu best wine. Tlio first object is to obtain grapes of fine aroma und fluvor. Tlio second, much saccharine matter. Mr. L., under duto of Sept. 3d, 1855, says: "The sweetness of thu grapes is no evi dence of the quantity of sugar they contain. The Catawba is not a very sweet grape, as it contains more tartaric acid than usual. Yet it abounds in sugar, and its must weighs heavier than the must of the wine grapes of Europe, and makes a stronger wine, and . wlie.iu casks are kept full, and in cold cellars, will improve for five or six year.", but cuiinol be sent in toks in warm weather u long dis tance with snlety. Hottlcd, it maybe sent safely at all seasons, and !;ept for a century. Tha Madeira, Tort and Sherry wines, that, fully fermented, seldom weigh more, than eight degrees, have brandv added ti.'l thev weigh from eighteen to twenly.fuur degn.-s". I To some of their must, in Mail-ira, they add one-tiiiril ul bramly. 'J ho result ia n,. for. munition. Tin) liquor is clear. et nnd jileusaiit tu titste, und when sh;ppins their iii"Bi iiniir ir less Ul 11 la UQUeu ta e;lve rielillesa anil flmrne richness and flnvnr. I have, within u feir d:iv?, received by tx press soinn gripes of enpurior qitnlitv from ! tifit'alit Klneiil i mi. I uii, ,i; . v f ' Ja u,,u ul,! v-.iroill a. Amfillff them tho Warren jrrtipe. which hns trenertillv ueen represent!) to tie the llcbermotit. la n .l;rv....-... 1 I I . . ! o u iiii.ciciii. i.ijiv. iiuni u aim pTnpc lal'ejet and inoro jierfett. '1'ho grupe is tiut ripe enough to jndue cf its ipmlity ns a table prarc. uut I believe as it fable grape it will be fiipi nnr to the Jtcbirmont. I blinll chirr fully pay a hiph price tu any person who will. y e.pre-ii, swiil ine from two (juarts ton hull" bushel nf native snipes, fnliy ripe, nf fine arc. tha and flavor, to tc.t llieir quality fur wine. Or, if preferred, v.i! send them the' wine vhi n wade, if of value. The fox grape has a Btrni-o aroma, but is of no value a a w ins or table gi ape. The akin h thick, und the pulp Lani. If to make and drink the wino of .Serijiture is not to be tome a sin und reproach, there are nutive prnprs that will be worth miliums of I'o lnrs: the seedling can bo raised of greater v.iiiie : te have u seedling o( uir Isabella ilmt "rown in the op-ji ground, hear, larger Irnu than tho lurprest grapes ur Kurnpe raiw-d uh th r (rlusa. Ours is the region lor the grape culture mid the ninnuf icture cf wmt. Tne wine countries or Kuinpn have no 'native l!Mre. Our hills and voUi-v ne.. . . ....... i with villus, producing hutidiuiis uf varii ties i,f .. .fcrap. Vet our .Suliuuoiis have thl i. ilmt , t)ur soil und climate are not cuh-uluteil lor the culture of the grape und the mauul'acluie of w no. lean pardon this i opinion at the North, where they huvo the Fox and Frott grape . only ; biU I now feel assured that 1 have i trinl a few kinds of ftrupes belonging to a i old reginii ilmt in (lis iibtt'iern puri of the Ci.u..rv... V...I i :.. "... . -ii i i.iaw .ii c w i uia niiu.m I vruiuui will tie vnlnuble for wine. J tint mil yet nieiiHitd to j idge with eertaiety i f the uulity of many kinds I liave on hnuiL : liut 1 Lope this fad ail duuniiv aoniv nails u eeivvb C11IU lint lee, nude from new gropes, that shall Compare with S4i ins of the best wines of dripe l the nne afro. Ifotir temperance pien ran be induced te respect llie (lortrines of the JJble, I1U pr iiiiwi" i. w 1 1 y i up iujiuio Ul llie ' ' 6rp fr pore wine, not muny years will elapse till we can not only supply thu Ignited fc tsie Bill) wine, titf inaudirnll Europe." X. LovawcBTu. AYE It'S PILLS. ' tot AIL THS JURPOSSi Of A " J FAMILY iMlYSiC. Tnsm h" long pitMfd t public iornfiind lor fTertiT pnritntire pill which emild be relied 6n t iure mnl perfectly iutf la it operation, 't his II been prcpnrrd tu meet tlint dciniiud, and an ex ten ie truil of it virtues hai rnnclniirely lionn with what euccess it nccompliHlies the purpose denial' rf It ii e.isy to make s pnv'tcid pill, but tiut ess . mnke the best of nil jx) one which shimld hive none of the ohjectiont.bat ell the adrnntsKr'; rt ewr other, 'this tins been uttoniptrJ here, 1 with'wh-it success we would respectfully submit the public decioinn. It has been unfo'rtunnte fr the psticnt liitherto thnt almost ercry pnr(jtite m Jir'me is critiioninus and irritntin? lo the bow els. This is not. Many uf them produce so much griping? pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the pood to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement ill the bowels. Beiiift purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that anv inrdicine aliould be'n judiciously. Minute directions for their use in Hie several diseases to which ther ere ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cared by them, we mar mention Liver Complaint, in its various fnrms of .taiindice. Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite. l.iMlesrness, Irritability, Bilious Ilesdache, llilious r'ever, Kever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Lnius ; for, in truth, nil these are but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an apt-rent, ti er nlf ird prompt and sure relief In Cos tiveuess. File, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Surof. ula and Rcarvv, Colds with soreness nf the body, t leers and inipurity of the blond: in short, any and every ease where n purgative is required.' ; : '1 hev have also produced some singularly sue- cossf'it cures in Kheumatism, tiout, Uropsy. (Jravel. Krvsipelas, Palpitation of the Ilenrt, Pains in the Oa'ck, Stomach, and Side. Thev should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional diVse stimulates the stomach and bowels into hcslthv action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vute the atrennlh of the Uodv, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organi-iin. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even thounh no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as everv'purgstive medicine reduces the strength , when taken to ei-es. The thousand cases in which a phvsic is required cannot tie enumerated here, bin they' suggest themselves to Hie reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this piU will nannr a hotter uuriiose than anv thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. hesi their virtues ie once known, the public will no longci doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine.' Being sugnr-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. - IBBPARKD HY " JAMES C. AYE1C" Practical untl Anal) tirnl Chemist, LOWEM, MASS. - t" Trite M CtBti per Eox. Five Boxes (or $L AYEH'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the ri.l! Care of rOl'UIIS. Ol.l)S. IIOIKSEXESS, BRO I1ITIS, U HOOriXU-s OH.II, (UU IP. ASTH.1IA. AM) lOVSliniON. Tan ramedv has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is eutirelv unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its Tiftucs in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field nt its use-, fulness, and so' numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every sectiou nf the eo-mtry abounds ' in persons publii I'v known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its auperionty over every other medicine of its kind is ton appar- . ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organ which are ir.. '.dcnt to our climate. And not only in formidable nt tacks upot. the lungs, but for the milder varieties cf Cocom,, Sc.; and .or Childhex it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that esn be obtained. ... As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that tt ever Las been, and that the genuine article is sold by Weii y llnnirr, ruut ur ; Uird & J hii. Slu.m ik in V. Wiemer. Niirtbiniihrrl iih! ; J. P. rl..w, .MiR.iii; and In- all UriH'g'S's ill Virtlieni l'cnny lvma. Jmie st3, iei ly. Front Street W ire Manufactory. WATSON &c COX, Sisve, Riddle. Schukn and Wire Cloth M S M'KAf TL'KKRf, Xo. 4C -VortA Frnnt Street. Comer of Coomb's Alley. hetvven Market and Muiberry (Arch) Sneeli, Philadelpaia. CONTINUE lo maoufaciure of superior qual. ity. Brass and Iron Wire -Sieves of all kiinla; Brass and (.'upper Wire Clolh lor Piijer Makers Ac. (ylimlera and Dundy Kolls eovereJ in the best manlier. Kxlrn Heavy DaMcr Wire of Superior quality Heavy Twilled Wiie for Spark Catchers. 8ieei for Brass nnd Iron Fmiudera. Screen Wire. Windiw Wire. tSiifes, Traps. Dili Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, Ac. Fancy Wire Work of ev ery ih! ril tinil. . . PliiUdelphiii, Sept. 1, IR5.". 3niC. STOVES! STOVES! . We reseeel fully a 1 1 -it llic aitenti . ii of tlx public lo out 5 'iluieiii hi' Muccrtr.Got uka'iinc PTovrs, ?t 'irs. IIiiIIk. Lhurtht-s. I'urliss Ae.. u-arrnnted to eivc id ,re !cut Willi ' lie 'ti:r.l the lurl. thini anv ..ilii-r Hi-utini! tfve in w. The 1 "se iiumlwr wlnrh '.nv tiaeii sild in ilna ami I'lbcr cilh-s nei the cmsiaot ami ' i'ilre ine; iieiimun i-ir itii-m I siin.ti.'" r their smeii.Tily mer n'l i oilier lleulii.E t. 'V'S, ami w elierrf.ily invite llm slndrst imvaliuli im.i" uur damn t tnc iii -it perfect arlic e .," llie in inc. ins i iinve a sil eriir CAL'l.llItOV, f 'r fii,mi"f i ana ciemii .il pnixea, oin,1b . a n,a .one i.nucipie, l whieh we 1-lnini .ii.lin iruili i lie "ru i- 'iiiitiiii tin mi m i.ii nsi. ifi nei,i oi nie laiaioe iniiv ami lMlll.uit IUV-.; unit are ue Airenm ill M nin for qi rr v i'()it i'nt.K Ffipci'.s BITK'S PATENT riKINf! i riiTf.S. sort U A III-rilW'M llIVAI.t,l;D ClU'K .V PAR Milt r-TOVi ( Wli i:esu!e Utalerf w,ll le attpplit'il ai t!is bwcat fuoiulry price. N F.MAN ft W At sCK. Wh-leiale rtemil Deuli rs. S.F, C r Mr.CtlMi It ACKSu.l'iula l'o rVF.irsilebv II. II MAMKR. of this place. I'niladelphio, August a, L-Oj..'tui. JOHN 0. MARKEL, ST. D., OESPKCTFCI.I.y informs the citizens of Hunbury nml vicinity that he hns roiumrn ceil the practice of Medicine and Surgery, and promptly attend to the culls of all wlio limy desire lii prnlesiunil services. II is otiice is at the residence of his mother, Mary Market. Sunhury. July 14. ISftS 3mp,l. nuFTj ovku SUrEH PHOSPHATE OF LIME. 'pil K .uln.Tilier inlornis Uenlera and Fannria tist be bus gically iiuprmed lb quality cf ni ' ' Super rhnsjJiate nf Lime. Ami now r.infi.leutsy rccmnienda the article msiiutactured by lira,, as at-,,,, ,0 ,1IV iM ll markeL ou .re invite.l to mil, evam'iii. ami i It. Al I eruvbH, ,14 .Mexican (iuan Oil, Caudles, hoop, ic, , lhr ,l(VWKl milrke , 1 ' ' I- I'liMKUllY, i ., eiucceqr f Tlt.14 '.V. Morgan. JV. 0 aud 10 isonil, Wharves, Hhila.lelphi,. Ltr ra'i'ieia can load on two priau allevs ami avoid the crowilril wlmrf.. ' i Fhila,. July 41. I85S. .-flm. IIAl...KNItERl,Ett,. FJI.I.KA cure for rever apd Ague, fr bv' ' vr.ifER'Jt uiicvrrt fciirihiir. nlv t. 14.' ' I' AUihei' tires, floods. rpriti dil Sumim J Hlisw Is. Black silk, silk poplins. Ue l.aine, iiiiighatns. l)e bage. Lawns and calico, juai re ceived and fur sale be WM; A. K.N'AUB, Lower Analgia, May H, 1854.,, , - 1A I.NTrs of t rr deacrinlioh o.t ,il.Il h. 'A Marl3. WRI8EE it DCI'VEK. r: 'ii'.isannn xornxxvAii?, 'T'HE pnrlly, fragrance, : ., t ct mild emollient , Jkffy nropetlies of (his "Soup, ajwi' -SiA '. riulera it especiallj , de- JS2td ...i.,: i.,i....,k.ri...i..i.. M,4Sr. unit various itiseasee of 7wrM7ry iln "kin, it is uueqiiiili-ij Kx-li cuke is stamped WM. CON WAV. Ufl'e.nitU Secend street, l'liili!el.lila. No nihff ts Oennii.e. " : .'! '" Improved Chemical Olivo Soap, AVarrhoteil to Wash in hard, soft, dreali water. ,1'his , soap .has , pown lu cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt. Ac, from (very ilesc lltion of gnotls with.iut Injury to lli'tn. Ko al(.dnmeslic purposea it ia superior to any other soap in use, and 20 per i ent. lien r than the coininon rosih nsp: Kneh bar Is stnttiped. : ' WIM,1M ft IN WAY. ' t6 South Sccoiul street. Philndrlphla. Maniifsctiwrnr nt' Kb my ami Htaple Soia sperm, uriirine nnd tallow candles, importer s ml dealer hi sal soda, incU ash. rosin, ic. . . Orders hv innil proinplly attended to. l'liilu. .Viiyiist 25, lHflS if. To Iran 'Masters arid Dealers. : PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WOUXS, 1 ' Ao. '21 Arch Street, tihnct Don!, Philadelphia.' ' 2IEvri. nmwi.Ks. .scki:i:ns. wovkn WIRK. of nit meshes an, I vcidih, with oil kinds of plain and taticy Wire work. I'uper Makers Wire, nil kinds.' Cylinders and Hulls rnvrreJ tu the beat manner m or out of Hie eltv.' - . A very atiiierinr article of Heavy Founder's sieves.' All kinds of Iron Ore Wire. Wiie nml Sirvrs for Seed, flrain. Sjii.1 Ni,.r,r, si.,., if Biitkilust, Ae . Are. HAYI.ISsi. DARBY & MNN. August, , IS.IS. C 3 tn DR. A. B. MADDOCK'3 CEIsETinATED M'OIUv iX IMIAIsATIOaN In the Treniioent und Cure of CQMuinflim, Antlimu llnnclilti, and ollirr Ilitraes or ihf l rp.riitM-- i j;:ia. Ity MttlKul lulitt.a.i. ii. r. WITH NOTI-TnD ADDITIONS - - i . BV lUl. CllA UUEhM. . Pint Alficricfln cifilit, ffm tilth l.-tiiHun nliiioii, where ' il liua liiitl oil uiiittctniciiltil sale. Thii it n viihiiiliU W'r nhI fh'ttikl Ire in Die limitls r.f ) , mvnlitU, ai'1 tttt Mr tifiil lri(t'89t mi genrniliy. rr - wrimi free ! u!mrg, by m ill, mi rut titt oi' flFTV CkNTs; (Intll (Hilt) ONK T) '! LA K . i O. W. VAN IIOIIN Jt CO. K't. 32 JS'nrth Ninth I'hilwMphia. We ulfjoiii n few, fnttn m uiy c Miuiifiitliittry utiot'i .iml rtf'it v8 fc-iti the Jvitjlili uml Aincncuii Mitliea -Ur M tihliK-k in im nf the late llrnrv MudrliR-k, l'pg.. At. V , Ihe wi'U kiMiwii burimitit und pnniiiBt-s lit rinf . in hit own pr1rfci n. tn t ininrttt a tit grt-e ht (Kimil. . The ftvfrtrin (iniinlHiimi) (trnpunexl ti the m 'H i(Tt cluul uictiHMl nt' ujipiying ti reuifti i-i n iiti,.n ' ilirLeui whh-U eaimut !. (iirit'tly TiMt-httl hy iiifdicnie I'detr . . . 'W'e K-c-iiiiint'tnl iur remlrr t-i purt'lnie the V )rk.'1 Wf:c:i.i t.hTMtiii'tt. ,'.int it. 11. v(,. "We r- iiuitit-iiil ih Wnrk ! mir reitdf.ri, tm it nppnirs t- he lully iiriiurMt, elt-iinly wiilini. iiimI mtirely ilivi'Kted nftui, quii-ktry ir pe i-!r;iin;j teiuliii'-y. 'l ite WorK Will (IteHltVLI p'.TKf-iil, Ul li I the IHiUlllf, ns iUT- III inir tcn iwhiljrc itn.l . xjierietit extendi', will rei tMt (Hily h seri'Mi ciiiniOfrnti m. hut n putient tri'il ! tie lut'iitl'1 Ist.iuLm tJeli nl JiHiriml. Uewinlmr 13. lr-4.. e think ihiit irt mie e:iu rise irt mi itn e n;il. wnh 'iit heiitji fctiisfiul ilmt it islhe w)ik-t( it prc- icul ntiJ exitiriiueil iiuiti ; utiti thm it timrht. fur the ft ike f tin ne vvliii vuUot t roni ciMininuti- h. iiKiiiniH, t lironrln- ! ti'. tn he hr xiiiJit i:l . riieiisn e r'rcid m n. It in. nt Ihe T'cent w-nre nf thr teim, n wVinhle Wtirk." Oxfurd Uni.efeMly Ho;ild. N .e-i.ih':r. ?. Mfl. "A He-I'niil tl ti I mi. I .ii K liti m nf Mr. Mailt. iVi W. ik "ti CtMifM'iip inn. Ur nxhnii .Anntn;!. At-.; with V.ttsn. A.. hy i,r. Ch.t. (ireftrf l'lti W "ik Will lm T iimt w rthy the fitrMM'ti f 'nr rfod-m it tht-y m:iv V:uii iPini it ' whnt nil ! e fX;Mftnt 'r tn thin in-idi: nf irmiiiig Oii'iimi ih ii mid dh-r itfleti.tim f llm nT.p:ip- "fLc. It. M. ifc evidfiu u i e iiidrr:Me ntlH- 'lit! lut'f wliiirvr ht'ie i nf ji - d in iiihalitii'-iit i itiHihtuied V!if-r. he pecnw tn fnive n'tjlity tn rxtni'-t, mi. we k liinher. mill nv that we trr that the Pm-i-!ki hi htive ii eivpti imfTicii iit titirnti n V- !h m dr I fi'h'vi:iiiii7 lilt mitT'Tiiie ( tln'Sf lith tii.jt unilrr thu 'l if tliieJi8e.M ev Jersey .Metlicnl Itcpnrirr, June IH5.I. . tl-'r.'in Prnfeiw f Jbk R'mn, K'lif of lhr "Philiidelphm M'lienl nnd I ulltl., -Dr. MDD TK'nIt'i K mi llllnlati ll ItinnenflflC ffW wdtrli lnive leti iuinil i' in the Knir it-ti pi-P )n thin mihiwt lis re-c'ihiniiti u in Iln rmiirv. with the iu.iii'1 us nfi t. )r Orertne, will iidd t th initlutit "d"'itnre 'f v I'liiN-fl et:it. . nnrt. !t pttl. exfiiPR 'tiie internt In tin itiedind lr Icrki mi iim Ihe " il-it-pt (if I nla Jitti n. n ii niC Miinf treaMnfc pittiiiNinr iiile'tmiiii. With 'Iij iidhti'tu "f tn Nlern ilim- veHrii in IMn m ) av, ilu in slMiil'triliii .t i..... .1. I. .. .. f,,,r t -rirl w mie iitniiemeiit nude-1" i fin- ("ii mvlev't wli..!. Iii (-.A'utiiui In fullered ul ihi- Ivnni- nf in ul m- ti J.MK, I'.tiVAX. xt n . Pr ( ef Surgery iii Pliili.llplnu (:.iiU'g of Mttliciiie . A CM ID. - ' . MT-GRFF.VP tritt 'riMit pISRXSFf OP Till' I.L'NUS nn l Alli-l'.AfK4. in the nwt B niic-rfMt'il l ' tiilnptrtl in ti pnirlirp Pr. A H. M:nl tl -rk nml tittifr nnineiit phrmrinnii f 1'itptpf. (hi Ill hU it trr i'lIIPilt thfllii :lKl unrtupt if the Hnturhi Dl-it l.itucs :iri ilt: e-fiiv nriol up-'ti. tltf vmi 'ii niritirntrrt vm i r U-inr rHriml t tU m-mt initniT r rnnificat nf i he I.tingi. pf Hhirnt liHilrhy act fin ; where m cMtititct' (Itn try i, it? in .i in, t fiWeii tllr" tt' rt'nlt mIwii nttind thiej fcmirr f I'rirtioe-: in f:f-t. whi Mutitile" tt 'jifirU. r llie tiilv rr trililt 1'irm irctiiinr Hmifeii ol tli Kt: ini' -'ry Orriin He inif.-tHi iVv-:inir hia fi'tnti ti to iliii p'irticiihr rrin-h nf )m pr ffi'ti. 'I'het icairnui nfcHtfuMiiit; him can ili by letter m!e drf tied tu . CM r.nri-AF. v. i). fl x riiilmlu. P. O. PhiUrfa . Jun 9t. iin. PERRY Sc ERETY, Booksellers & Stationers, 4 RE now selling off their entire stock of lio.lis and Matioiniiy. raved I' the file of (he '5tl nil., at very bos prices. The stocli em lirthTe every srirtv of miscetlHtientis ltunks. Schiinl UoiAs. ami all kinds of Blank Hooks, a I mi doiuestir and imported Stutionary of everv description. As wc are selling out at low prires it will be well to call earlv ad secure barnains. : r i 'KK KY & EKETV. S. W. corner 4 t!i and liace streets, 1'liiladclphia. . Philadelphia, June SH. IN5o. if. Shamokio White A.-h Anthiacita CuuL From tit "Old Vein" i" the 0w Colliery. T 11. ZIMMERMAN cVJ.VU. P. PEltsEL. successors la Kaw, ,'!eed V Co., will nni tiirue mining, shipping and sei.'ing cnnl from llie abut well known Colliery, unocr the firm ol Z'liiiucriiinu & I'ursel. ''he point i.f shipuieiil i st the lower wharf in riunbiiry. North umb 'r land ct'uuly, Pi-. v. lo rn all nnleis for tlm -arii.U" kiiuls nt' rosl, 'iz; Lump. Broken, Egg, .-toc. and Chestnut C'mI. will be thankfully received jind promptly uttciii'.cd to. Sunbury, July 14, 1'V 'srvurnT. Jtlt 15, IS5S. The firm nf Kase. Keed V Co. having sold their lean in tho Uup Colliery and interest in llie wharf at Suiilnirv, lo Moms. Zinuiiermau oc l'uisel, would lake great pleasure in recomuiend ing our customers and others t" the new firm, as they will be aide to sell them prepared coal of the bettijualitv, . - ' . KASE. RF.ED& CO. SEGARS' . . El Ncphino, J".l Dorado, , Kl Uueiido, Uio Hondo, , Kecreudorei, L I'uriosiduJ, La Si'iniarinin, Canuloa, I'lanlH'iiin, Havana Cheroots, , ,. Fur iae at WEISE1I & BKLNER. Suuhury. Maj( 20, 155. WONDERS OF NATURE. M'HE prevent Foniiii'l,r i,f the pewly discov 1 ird WI.VFlFj.U CA'E (lime.toi.e) in Urv Valley, l.'nioil coiintv, hereby give notice that the cave w ill nU lie Jupen ' on ' Hundays' for VMtim. ' It may bevisiird by Ladies and Ucn tleinen, mi f sfunlays ' i-very week, when es pecial preparations wilt lie made lo accommodate with lights. .iv ; ,ii i , i . f ttT AII persons are forbidden to break off, injure, or take away anv specimens from the Cave, under penally nf prosecution, I he payment ot I Jj ieits only la icquired of ry1 tsou lieluisv euteiina; ' . r ' evr; I ' I . . : a , , I Nt)All W4LTEB. i i 11 Vllt'.,Aua. 1 1. tS5A-.Hru., i A Tjt' ! of Wall J'aiH'r piM rei eivi ii and tor .'.to : i, . , vm. Mccvarv;, y r Market Street. O . I ' 1 I I I I j" I rlinn ury, Jim .I8S6. I' fJEDAK TCHs.HoivaU'iicketfc Painted UucIT els. Meal Tenderer. Cou UriHims, . Uu kcuu Llul.Luo'. VV. ...ilv...i... I,t4i7iiv..1 ' ' Ma 9S lass . X NEW FAMILY GKOCKRY, Flottr,Teed and Pitevlflloh t6re. BEA6H0LTZ & PETER Y,' '; r ! Uroaihrnii heiurcn Afarlet J- Illaclltrry St, I) tSPU'l'f UI.LY inform the public thai " they lime just tetcived a large and well selected assortment nf i liulrs Family flroieries. consisting in purl of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel Herring, White Fish, Coil Fish. ISrtlt Preserved Fru'i, Ph Vles. Cracker. Cheese, Molasses, Hi' n, Bugar, ('offre, (green, roasted and ground. ) Im perial. Voting llvsnn, Guiipbsriler and Black Teas,' Cedar-ware, fcjtnne-V. are, Boaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boot anil shoes, tobacco, segars,-Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Onw-ert Stiirrt, all of which will lie sold at the Inweat prices, either for r.nali t ronntry produce. We also keep on hand choice l.iqitura, Port, I.ishon, Ac. Porter, Ale, beer, snnoipnrilla. A-r. We are also prepared to sup ply the riliinita with fresh bread, twist, tolls, pics, prrtcls and cakes of every kind. N. 13. The highest rash prices will be paid for hult.r and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. unbury, July 7, 1855. , .. ii tit !. s itdc;o inx n. BAUl.tlW'H (NUIGO 131. UK, is now wet etalilished as the best article ever uttered for Blueing Clothes. Il is entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest artiiles. All housekeepers wil find it much cheaper undies trouble than Indian or any oilier article. The ureal demand for il has hrouutit out several init iation. Storekeepers am! consumers will be cniel'ul to et Ukvj imis Hahiow's, put no nt Alfre d Willberijor'e Dm? Store, No. 1 00," X. .Second Mi eel, riiiladclphia. Storekeepers ran net their supplies from the (irnrcrs ami UniKuis's they deal with, it t prices vieldinir a irood anifil. lli ;?. Ckf miralu, Paints, Form's Ae, Vy Fluffs, ic, with a first-ralu assorlinent of evrty lliilnf in the line. S'lorekeeier I'ln eirians and inauufartiirera siipplied at reaaonnlile rnlcs. Al.KRIilt WIl.TUKKfic.ll, Dru(.-Bit. I0M N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1833 ly. SUJSBURY, PA. f jHK suhsc-riber resprrtfully informs the public I. that she still continues to keep the above pP bov .,.,.lofKo.1 she will be may visit her iiiimeu piiniic Iioii-c. cue tus also received a new s-.i liouors and wines, and trusts that aide to give satisfaction to oil who house. MARIA THOMrsOX Sunbury June S3. 1655. if. SOYD, ROSSER & CO., MINEM AND SHiri'KK OP Ucb wlnlljvacitc (Coal. From the Luke Tidier Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Penna. Atltlross. Moinl, Ivossor ('o ISiwilnirv, n. n. m. ittiTii j. jau. iiuri). r. itusscn. Suiiiniry, A pril 7, (Mj.. 11' KAYDOCK & FIDLEE, rVEALEUS in Watches ami Jewelrv, nil' "- coiitiiiiin the business at the old stand of James I), Fidler, Ao. 12 .'t'fi See-md Street, I'llll.AtiKI.I'lll.t, Where they solicit nn examination of their hre ami vniied stock, Icelin assured tlint the expe rience Imlh nf them have luul in the businis. anil me incilitics tney possess lor prncunna j iini'iln on the mo! uilv sutucoiis terms, xvill enn- j ble tlii r.i to compete f.ixornblv xvttli any oilier I establisiiiiienl in tliority. They, have no' on liiiuil n line assortment of WATCHES. CLOCKS', JEWELRY,' j Silver, I'luteil snil li i it t .t ii ia Ware, Cutlery, Finicv fiO'i'ln, Ac., Ac. N. I). Kcruiriiis of Wutchrs and all tiiuls of i Jewelry atteinled to with promptness and the ! grentcst care. Philn., April 7, 1 955. if. TO COAL EEALERS. AMIIERMAN, 2UEHN & WEITZEL BF.sri"CTl l I.I.Y inform the public that j ll-py Iihvp Ifnn't. tiir Mfv rollirrv. i i.l Ic.) tlir j !,nmlvrt cnHiprv. ami n reflv In ilrlivrT rmit of mijicriitr quality, niiu ot n vurn-tv ot. mp prfpn red on their new teal nreaker. All orders iirniuiit- atteiidid lo bv iiilihcsxing the firm, cither at ISiinhiiry or Mianiokin. Siinlmry, June 30, I8SS. Photography! Daguerreotypes!! A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. McCLEES, ISucrensnrtn Met "lees .V '7ennoi',) llTOri.O call the allenion of the public, nol ' ' only I" the superiority of the Diiguerieo tvpea the II alograpli. (bv Mime railed Ainbrn. IJ'lie.J and the various sty le of Photography on paper; but to the fart, that parlies at a ilitinre noMses'iiiig a small daguerreotype, may. bv senil ing it to No. IliO Chestnut si., hae made fioiu it by the nieauo of Photography, and the talents it the bc-t Artists, a portrait ol am sizk, from a small l.oeket to the full size of life. A small bonk iu 'laining description, prices. Arc. Ac win be sent gratia to any psrsou ma king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment. Nn. Kill Clii'Slnut at., below ilh Phils., July SI. tf. IMl'IiOYEI) M i'nt I'iio.M'iiA ri-: of 'iOU bbls. of the most superior msuiifaeture, Abo. (il'A.M) of every description, Cab fined Plaster. Cement, Ac. 1 1' Prinltire of all tiuils bought and sold on roiiiniissioii. H. B. SELLERS A CO.. I'orwarding and Commission Men bants', o. (i.'i North Wharves, between Race and Vine street. I'llllada. Philadelphia. August 4, IR5S. 3mr. " !))' MK TOI ItSlClTP! the rocKF.r .r.scui.A nt .?. OH, EVERY ONE HI OWN NIYSICUN. rpilE FIFTIETH Edi. lion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing llis eabCS and M illunnalioiis ol tl( ilui'ian bvstein in every hnpe snil fofui. Tn which ia tuldcii a Treatise on the Disease ol' Fi'.'ialea, Ik iuii ol the biahcsl ,'. np.'rtauee In married people, .those contemplating nisi 'nik'e- I'y lr Win, W J f ,el no fmher be sstnmrtt t presi-nt a mpy f the CT I. A HI t'l to Sis chilli II Miay kivu Inm imiii nn ii i.v rve. 11 n i 'iiuia iniiu or wiaisni nn'i r mt" iln ci;.oi.,iit ' inariinl life willmut reailin llic I'CU'KK I' JiSl'l'I.AI!!1 I.t no one sunVriitu fnail biifkMltil Cinlrh. rain ia tli Sile, rslls nlilit. nerviais IreHns, ii.t I ise whole IMIH i f D.MHa-lilic Miisillms, aait fivai U, lv ihi-ir ilikii'i;ia. Is- aii.ahil nl-Milfiil vvilliiint rai julllin the .USI'l l.At'lt S Have the ina.lieil. or lln se iilsml to In- ni.inmt any uiiinlni'f ul. rruil ihmtiulv usaiul ik, us it a Vea th nivalis of saving iIi.iiiwiiiub of an furl uiiiile I'nriluitfii fi'mil ths vc'i l iH'S -f its uh IV Any pru hi srintiiiK TWKNTV-FIVK rV.VTf , in a Irtter wilt rweive onrcpy of this l.sik, hy mail,. ir iv i'iii will an snil fH imh, il.illal. AiMieu, lis. W VOlMi, No. el'ULiCK, P1I1LA UKI.IMIIA." I',l otixl. I'hil iilehihiii, citi'iiilier S. tMJ ty H A LN PCM PS.- A small number of ihf e eel lent puni have been received and are oifefifor sale by , i , ' H. D. MASSER. ; Kutiriurv, Juae 4, ISW.-- , 7F.KMICKLLL Marcsroai and Cum Starch 1 iuil receive d l.v . . Ma ID. IHS3. , yE)SF.K 4 OntJXEK. rilKAssK'S Maguetie Ointment at ' May 19. , WEISEK BUfJC ,NKR', Jf OO I S, Hbnea, Hals. C-p and Itiiis Mtloes. 1 Jnsl reeeitsd and lor aale hv ' i Oit. T l4, , "TENCH 4C 1 .' ' -J-i. '-r '' f '- - I TkEHERINC," VeratiU, Chinurdine and' Cm- ilk ri 'HX Wl cbonia, just ieeeiee4 Kv" . o . May IB, 1M. WMAKB & BSC. J-'? bi' idt )" rrie-'rrfi.' 1 trvf Extraotdiuary. Arrival of --.- ? riH E subecrilier takes plcsshte in lliformine A' bis customers and the pulilie generally that he is now in receipt of sn unusually large and Splondid Assortment of JNew, Ooodi. ,,To endeavor to enumerate , the one htindrelh part nf the articlrs would be useless. Suffice it ! ... ihev havs been selected with Ihe greatest ... eo,, . , rare, stri iney win itiiii-u" - " as the eente quality can lie Jiurcuascu aiaewnere My n")y(" jj. fln gmflii 'prnjft, " " ' He takes this method of presenting to the public his thanks for the liberal pair. inane exten ded tn him. and by stiiil attention 'to business, be respectfully solicits a continusiiee of the same. Il will be sdvissble for purchasers tn mil and eiomiue Ids ssortnient before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce taken i exchange. EDVAUU Y. BRIGHT. ' Sunburv, May 19, I85S MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CAEMEL, ' Northumberland county, Pa. THW large anil commoJiotia Hotel isaituatcd on the top of tlio Locust mountain, ne-rlv half way between Sunburv anil I'ottsville. The jcfuprv'the snlubrity of the ntmosjiliere ami the roiil moimtnin hrerles. make it one of the moKt ileliuht'ul summer retreats in the country. J'he Hotel, is a new structure, four storica liiuli. fitleil ui wilh all the nn-Jcrn conveniences. 'I'lie pure inoiiuliiiu water is introiluce.l into everv eh amber. The ilncc is eay of access. beiiR but one anil n ball rntur line irom mry.ovcr llie IMiilailelibia anil Sunburv lia I mail. Krom I'otlsxille, it enn be reacheil by the Mine Hill l.'nil niH'l to Aslilsnil, anil from thence to Mt. Carmel 4 miles, bv Omnibus. Kvery attcmlatice will be jmi.l by Ihe proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JOSKPII M. FEAGER. Mt. Ca'mel, I line 23, 1855. tf. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS WATSON'. JVo. 2 .Vou'A Fourth St., Philiulelphvi. Js. CKKAT Fl KjSf?f & Fifth .-4 .:""". 1 fe$S5f S'"-' Ut CKKAT FlItE. Chestnut Streets. Friilsx Uecember 3'ilh. uns 4- Watson's i ijteffli,'.-vi .u., ... jtJS when put to the test. ' I'nti snr.i fin , Dec. IS. IHM. Messrs. KvissiV Wstsos, Nt. I'J South Fourth St., P!iil:n!i'!ptiu. Ilentlcmen : We take much plranure in re c immenilinir vour Salamander Sales to Merchant ! and others in niit of a secure means of prefer 1 une their bonl;. papers, etc.. from fire, ns the one xve purrhased from nu about seven mouth since bin preservi d our Imio'k. papers and cash in as cood a conditinii nn Ihev were when put I into it. befnre the ureal fire of ibis morning, which i I ,!... l.l.t .t- ..I l.iiti,''ii., ,'iirnpr ot I f h....;,ni .-d Vifil, .nee.,. The alu've s.le was ! ! ill line in our ellice. on tlio second lloorofour! i building. Irom nliiih place it fell into the cellar, and icuaiueil there un'il the fire xvss out. The I j Sale was then removed mnl opened tu His pres ence of at b n.-'t I litltl persons, who witnessed the I Kin"! roiiililinii of Ihe contents. Will you please have the S:tfe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put ii in ue iig.i.n. li ivi..g pwit'ect confidence I in its lire-prool ipialilies. i ourp, Kesectlullv, LACV 4-PHILIPS. I Evans iV Watson tul;e pleasure in referring to Ihe following, among the many hundreds wiio have their Safes in use : I, rj. Mint Philada ; Farmers' nnd Meelniiiifs' Hank, Pbila ; SSamuel J Allen, Esq., High Snenll', Pods; John II. Hen. ilcrs t.'ily Conlrnller ; Caleb Cope iV Co., No. ! 1H Marke. St. ; Richard Norii. ,V Son. I.oco I motive builders. Philada; K. unroll ir Sellers, j Machini-t. corner ICtli nml James ffts.; 1'ran. 'Mill Fire Insururi.e Co.. hi!a ; Pcniisv Ivauia i Itailioad Co, Phila.; I.aicy ij- Philips, corner j ."lli and Minor Sis ; febarplcss l!rn.. No '.i'i i "nulii Second Si .; James Kent &, Santce, No, j 14 7 North Third St ; ' II. HorVmaii & Sons, No. SI North Third Si.; Suiiih. WiliiamsA Co.. I No. R7 Market St.; J. &. li. Ornc, No. 1S4 Chestnut St, A lan;e assortment of the above Safes always on hand (wiiTauted to s'taiid at leant 10 percent more fire than anv Herring's Sale now in use.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and I keep for sale. Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron Dash, Inr making lire-proof Vaults for lianka -l ues, pubiie and private buildings. Seal and j Letter Copy ing Presses; Patent Slate I. ined lie liigerators. elc. Please give us a call, at No. -fl South Fourth St.. Philadelphia. April T. IU!).). cly. 10. NEW STOSE. (At tin old Stand of S. .V. Thompson.) 'IHE Siibscriher rcipecl ully informs the jeo. I pie of Suuhury an I vicuutv, that he ha j ta ken the Store Koom lately occupied by S. N. riiouipson, in Market t-ireit, Suuhury, ladow Vt'eaver'a H.ilel, mid that ha lias just received and opened a liaiuisoine assortment of FALL & WINTER GOODS, ComMting in part o Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardwaro, tuecuswarc, Ha's iV Caps, Hoots & Shoes. Full, Salt, Meat. Ac. All of whieh will be sold ut Ihe lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken iu exchange at th highest maikcl price. ( H. II. VASTLNE. Sui bury. Nov, C4, Is'SS ly ch JAMES BARBER wikji.ksai.k t i;i:i ail CLOCK E .S T A l L I S 1 1 M E N T , S. F. corner of S, mud y Chestnut St. pinrDELriirA. Where may be fou d, one of the large! ami m i nsiiuii'iii in i lociis aim nne I'icci'i in Ihe I'nited tates. in qnaniiiies t i suit pun luisera, if Irom n single Clm-lt, tn one thousand Clocks ; enibrseiiif every variety of style and maniil'.ic. "to. sni'al lo for (.'hurches. Halls, Counting i louses. Parlors, Sleeping Kitch ns. Steam ami Cuiuil U.niis. and Itui! road Curs. X. II t;bcks Iiepaircd und Wairuiited. 'lock Trimmings for sale. Also. Manufacturer of llnrlnn-'s ('elthrnted Fine GOLD PENS Embracing all Ihe qualities of tho finest quill pen. iu addition 1 1 which the durability of the iietal i lully asio-i itcd and deve.iie, ti,,, mil e liver i'eneiis, and Pen Itchier, Plate.! Ware. Ajc. wholesale and relnil. 'i'hose wi.h ing lo puicliase are inv iied lo cult. ' ' ' JAMKs UArtltEK. E. corner (.'iiestnut and micoiiiI Ma., J 'ttilta. 'liltaiirldiia, Jui.e'ja, IOj.V ly, T nENRYDONNELi ATTOilNEV AT LAW. Qjjic opposite the Court House, Stuibury, Kortliumberlaad County, Pa. l')0ili)t ultt'lilioil Id business in adjoining junllen. . . 11 . l. .-...,, i t - t ff IOOFLANDS BiiWrsst 1 May 19. W ElJiElt &' BRL'NER'8. ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with I .'(. .1. I ..It ..I... n ooit...! iV U lP"Ki 111 IM,trU jtiei ..vs.-sea ml forwlc ly H. B MA5WEB. fcunniiry, Jon 4. I LATENT URITIANU 8TOPPERH U bar pottlaa ins aula by . H. B MASKER- . Sunhury, April, 1 lM 1 --': SII.VER WAT(11E. A frw double caw EugKsb 8ilvar Watches, fat sale at vrr low wricrs by ' " ' II. B MAtrtUk'R. 8u nVurv.'A vei ' j I .M jiTmriLEY'S COUGJ"CiiNDV. An nets lent 1 aroedy r Itiutba, eolaV. Far as le U this otfir. -..-'. 1 vs'4 - . Deessuibsr i. 1M. . i'msilfikvAL , At S. K. Tnonapson'i Btor,; , h Lowtr Auyusta township, nt ihe Jwt'ctirm o f i"t)iiocsii and i'lum creek roaris. . THHE aubscriber havinrt teturned from llie citj A tviih new enJ extensive essortment of fashionable rooiIs, respectfu.Mjr ealls the attention of Farmers, Mcctisnlcs end oi'hers Id the same. sriilXO AND SCMMtTU GOODS, consisting in pert of - Dry Goods, viz : Clnthi,Casmeres, Cassinets, Jeanf. XJVtlmps, Muslin, Vesting, Tvteils, and all kirtdt of , Spring and Summer Wear, 1 ' LADIES DI1ESS AND KANCY GOODS?, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lains, Lawns, Ginehams, Berates, Robet, WonUns, Flannels, Ifc, GKOtEIlIK, Sugar, Teas, Co flee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Suit, Ac, Ac, &c llnrdtvnre, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives Sc Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various styles ami patterns, BOOTS AND SHOB3. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for 1 men, women end children. Hats Crs, Ac, nf various sizes and styles. llesnles a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. 17 Country produce ot all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market pricca. 8. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 58, 1855. IMPORT Ell AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, Mow I3(A, north side, PHIZ.ASEZ.IHXA. Phils., Dec. 30, 1854. ly. Furniture ! Furniture ! AVj. 1H7 South Second (abovt Spruce.) east side, PHILADELPHIA. 'IHE auhscriber would respectfully inform the leaders of the Unnitiry American and the public generally, that he has on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made Fiituiliire at reasonable prices. Being a practi cal mechanic, and having; all his goods manufac tured under his own superintendence, purchasers may rely on netting just such sriiclea as are represented. Lounges with removable arms, also new patterns ef Sofa Bed'teads. Those who are about going to housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER. 157 South Second mreet. N'. B. AH orders thankfully received and promptly attended 10. April'sf. C55. w8 It, BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS rll F, subscriber having received the necesary forms and insructtiona from the Department, at Washington, is prepared to procure Bounty l.snd Warrants at ths shortest notice. H. I). MASSER. 5uabarv. Ar"' 7, 1955. L. L. BE VAN, SHAlfCCZIlT HOTEL, Shamokin Pa. 'lIIE subscrriier begs leave to inform his Iriends I and the public generally, that he has taken the above well known stand, and will be happy to accommodate all who may jive kirn a call. Shamokin, July 8, 1 8i4 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that spplirstion will tie made to the next legislature nf Pennsvl vauin, at the aesaiou of l5fi, for the creation of a corporate bodv, with banking and discounting privileges, lobs called lbs "Shvmokix Disk," located at Shamokititown, Nnrthtimlierland CoM Pa., with a capital pIoi k of $laO,tl('0. with the privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. Shaiiiokiii, May ?!. 18."r 6ia. NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER Sc BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Eruggists. .1urif St., next door to E. Y. Brihl's Store SUN3URV, TA , OI'TEK to the public the largest and best selected stock ever opened in ibis section of country, consisting uf FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs. Window Class, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortnient of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Urushes, Dressing, Side, Neck snd Pocket Combs, Fancy Soapa, Shaving Creams Tobacco. Segars Port Monias, Stationary, Con iectiouaiies, . PURF. WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy floods of every decrip tion. iu short every article kept by Druggists generally. C7 Prescriptions Carefnllti Compounded. CEO. U. WEISER, WM. A. UKLNEK. Hunbury, Msy SC, Hj:4. TOBACCO, &o. Strawberrv, Congress, Fldorsdo Fig, Eldorado CaVe. Saraaparilla Fine Cut, Pressed Fine Cut, Andersons " " For Sale st WEISER & BKLNER. Sunhury, Msy S6, loS5. DR. II. II. HlfiBEE'S remedy for coughs, colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this volus'-le medicine just received and for sale by H. U. MASSER. Sunburv. June 4. IBM. TkNOI.D'.S WRITING FLI ID and Adhe siva and legal envelopes, for sale by II. U. MASSER. Sunburv. Ian 10. I HAS CHOES All kinds of Boots Shoes and slip- pets lor sale by G. ELSUERG A CO. Msrket street, opposite Ihe Post Office. Sunburv. Oct. 8. 1853. ATS AND CAPS A splendid lot ol fashionable Silk. Wool and Fur Hals. also Clth, Fur, Oilcloth, Pvsvy auu Military Caps for sale low by ' 1 ' - i O. EI.PBERG CO. Market street, opiiosile the Peat Office. Sunburv, Oct. B, IH.S3. "1 LD FENS with and without eases, ef a li very superior qualitv, just receivea. Also freaii supply of Wriliug Fluid, for sale by , i. 11. U. Siinlmrv. Dw.T. TTlANK Parchment Tsper Deeds and blank ' Mertgage. Boiula, Eiccutiona, Summons kl.; for sale I. Y H. B. MASSER. . Kimbury - A erl 8, M ', ' i' BLANKS. LANKS of every descriptiost eesi he hed It app vinr at the office of the Amencaw. CX ROUND ond whole Pepper, Cloves, China mon. Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspice, Ginger, Liquorice, ore.. Nor. Ill, "94. A,-., at VOUNO'a STORE. 1 EWELRV. A nice assortment of Gold and . Market etreei, cppoaiie ttva Post 0e ' Sunhury, Oct. . - - 1-1 A M PH 1KB ud Flebl f thej ,V ror-eaJe WEISER BRUNEJ1. , uaiy. May 19, ! Sew Oood2!ibt tiff Teple I BENJAMIN HETFNER 1JESPECTFPLLT Informs the public In fn etst that he his jnst received ami epeneil a splendid stock of ' ' Fall and Wintci Gootls1 al his New Store, In Lower Aug asta township. His stock consists In part of i . t Cloths,' Cassimers, Cassinett. ' ot all kinds, of linen. Cotton snd worsted. ' ALSOi Callcoen, Gingham, l.nxrni, nioumcllne lie Lalncs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Grocer leu, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron ami Steel, Nails, &o. Also sn excellent assortment of QTJ33ENSWAKE, -f various siyles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOT A. MIDI g. H AT J & CA PS, a good selection. Sait, Fish, tNe. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, ah1 of which will be aold : the lowest prices. C7 Country produce taken in esehtngrt a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Nov. 10, 1855. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. 1 ! MacLEI.LAN, flats of Jones' Koul.) has the pleasure to inform his friends ami ha trsveling community, tbat lie has If-r.i tt .-. House for a term of years, nnd is now pr. pan : for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favorite estnV.ish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been nut in first rate order: the rooms nro large and ivel! ventilated. The Tubles will alw ays bcnip! .i with the bent, and the proprietor pledge Vm'-s f that no effort on his part shall be van;in" 'a make the I'nited Slates eiiual in comforts to ar.y Hotel in tne junker I itj. Phils.. July H, le54 SAMUEL S. FETlIEnSTOS, CKtl.EH IN lamp, Lanterns, Chutisli lirrs nnd rnntlrliiliras, A'o. 152 S. 2u sraf, al.ore Sprues, PIIII.ADF.I.WIM. Tlaving enlarged and improved his storv an,! having one nf the largest assortments Lamps, in Philadelphia, ia now prepired l.i n.i nish Pine Oil, Cainphene, Uutuii g Fluid I cin snd Oil Lamps, and Lanterns ol ad nit. r-.s. Glass Lamps by ttic package, at a 8", ail ndiaoie ,i.ei aio:.!,,!! piiirs. neiug a .viaiiui.ii'l .ii r am! Dealer ol 1'ir.e Oil, Uurinug Kluid and M w hich will lie furnished to Men hauls u prices that they will liml il to ihcir m!va ' buy. Also, ilouschol ! f;iasare ol all .li tions al the lowest market prices. id.. I. .Clip- I'iilluUelplua. Oct. M, I8.4. """'WM. M'CAliTY, books v. 1. 1. 1: it , M'irliil Street, SUN2URY, PA. I CUT received and for sale, a fresn aspjdY of U K.TA4;i.J.I 4 4. HU SIC fer Singing Schools. He is also opening at this time, a large assortment of Hooks, in nvetv branch of Literature, consisting of Poeiry, History, Novels, Itomanres, S. i.-nrii '; Works, Law, Medicine. School nnd 'h'l.lre i' Hooks, Bibles; School. Pocket and Family. Is;! : with and without F.nTravinrrs, ami ever, of v ni etv of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, Purlons In. gest of the lavvsol IVuiisvlvania, edition of Mo I, price only Sfi.llu. Judge h'euds edition of Blaekstonet t.'niiiiiii. tnries, in 3 vols. S o. foruierly sold at -.-, and now ctferej (,'u fresh binding) al j lo. price ol SO.tiO. A Treatise on tho laws of Penusv ! ania re specting the estates of Dccedriits, by Tliani.ia I'. Gordon, price only S 1,1111. Travels, Voyages and Adventures. '! t which will be sold low, either for cash, or rna.i try produce. February, SI, lr52. tt. "AID ANDCWIFORT." ie Yuiir Oun .Tit ci:imh . geoi?c;T: iu:n.. NANrFAl'TI'ttrR OF FURNITURE AND CHAIR Of the most FasluonaUe Stjlo. rPHE suliscrihcr respectfully calls th ntlenii.g 1 of t!ie public lo his I ir'c and splendid t.ioit ment of every quality md price of c-i:b.5:t-vas?!: I which cannot faillo riHommend itself tneverv our who will examine it, on account ol ns . t . - ie vvorkmansliip and splendid liuish, made up ot t ;r best stock to lie had iu the city. .V , . , spared in the manufacture of his waic, h i subscrilier is dctennined lo keep up a ! many iiniTovements which are cons:. no!', ';. -. a made. His stock consists ot .M.iimanv Koran, IitiiiN a ixl l.ntisiKc Bureaus, Secretaries, SOFA, Iii:i!AKF.ST .t.l) DIMM; TIL'LK ami also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phi a delphin maniilailiire. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and piis. CrPBOARDS. WORK ADCNDI.E. STANDS. TOII.KT TARLKS AND KXTENSIOX TABLES. In short, every article in i; line nf his Im-Mio.. He also inaiiiifactiires all kinds and .jualiliss ni ClIAIliS, ncludiiig vanetiM never before to be h i ! u Sunhury, such as Mniumst, Bi n k Wi c ti Ci ntin M iiai. tiiiki us ; ASU V v CHAIRS, ixn fski'V Piimi Sroois. w uc n. of the latest styles, and warranted to lia "c ... e by none inauufaclnred in the Ctics r ec. w The subscriber ia determined that the e .; i he no excuse for persona to purchase turn M .e the cities, as every coniidence can lie en ei nil e.. about the ijuulity and fini.l, at his wsie ... I hairs. His articles will ha disposed of m a (,' terma as they eon I purchased elsewhere. ( '..nii try Iroduce taken in pmi,ci t for work. Or I NDERTAKINij. Having a iW lumseir with n handsome H,:,.,.K. h .. .- prepared tor Cndertakiiig, ai d altuii.l.l.g 'neer ala, in this vicinity, or ,ny coi,,.uti- rli. lance from thia place. The Ware Heom. ia iu Market tiwi. lielow I'hompsoii's Mots and W eaver's l avt-.n. , ''i 'I'M UL'OKGE KE.N. hunbury, Jsii. Il), NOTICK To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. V'OTICB is hereby Biveu, that all -v round trespassing upou. or injuring llie line of the Philadelphia d tvunbury i elcrapli will be dealt w ilh according t ih ,t.t of Awvinhly in such cases mads i,d provided. ' -H. U. MASSER, Pres't Phila. and Sunbury Telecraph Co. Sunhury, June 3, 1851. n, CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, 1 ' r Tasteless Salts, Prepared by ,. -VEISF.R BR UN EH. Thia prepaiatton ia recomn ended as aa ee cellent laxaiive and purealiva, it oer ilea mildly, is entirely free, froi,, inw upM1nl seiiibliiig lemni in flavor. Thia medicine is highly beneficial for diseases Mealier le suanaer and hot weather. Sunburv, July I, M - TNK Boureau'a eeletiraied ink, and also Con great ink) lor sale, wkalseale and re tea I by Itaoamtsar w law. U- 8 WAKsR. I. W. TENES el r e