I" LJ JPJ . iff tSI " . . .1 ItEW MbTIIOD OP RAISING FRVIT . TREES. , , !, . . Tho Talent Office is In receipt of inform, tion from Knglnnd, in repard to raising fruit in what are tormed orchnrd houses, by plant ing snmll trees in pots. The writer says that a few old (ashes, some pots and weather bonrdiiiR are alt that is nececsary to consti tute a house for trying the experiment. Some experiments wero made last year under the maunRp.mcut of Mr. Gordon, in the rose nouso in tho earden of the Horticultural So. .fifty, London. A variety of young dwarf iiuii trees were pisceti in pots trom twelve to fourteen iuchos in diameter, and as many n" the honsc would hold were collected in it. This house is spau-roofed, between fifty and si.xty-ftet long, has half its snshos slidinc down nml Hie others fixed. Thcro Is oddi- titinul vrntilittion through tho door, which full down in the wooden sides, but there is no artificial heat. The success attending this experiment wns hiphly "fitiHfactory. The fruit wus ubnndatit, highly flavored, und of a superior, quality iiiuone" which nre classed strawberries, poojeberries, raspberries, cur iums, npricois, penciies, nectarines, plums, jmvim. Ik's, (rrapes, Ac Agricultural Dili- noi tj uie fatent Ujfiee. To rnrsKBVE Pir-nxa ik Surtcs. Take the fnirest pippins, pare them, and cut them in slices a quarter of an inch thick, without taking out the cores : boil two or three lu mons and slice them with the apples; take inp same weight ol tvlnto sujrur, (or clunheil brown puirar.) put a gill of water for each piiniid of Mijrar, dissolve it, end set it over I'etiie; when it is boilinp hot put in the slices, let them boil very gently until they are mi cieiir. then take them wit It it skimmer and spread tin in on (hit dishes to cool ; boil the symii until it is quite thick, put the slices oil fl it dishes, and pour tho syrup over. These may be done a (lay before they arc wanted i two hours will he 'sufficient to mak u fine dish for desert or supper. To Pr.F.sr.nvE Crab Ariw.r.s Take off the stein and core them with ft pen-knife without cutting them open; weipb a pound of while sujr.ir for each pound of prepared frtnt ; put. tv teacup of water to euch pound of snpir. and put it over a moderate fire. Wheu the supar is all dissolved and hot, put tho tipples in; let them boil gently until they are clear, then skim them out and spread them on flat dish es, lloil the syrup in whatever they nro to be kept, and when the syrup is cooled and settled, pour it carefully over the fruit, sli ces of lemon boiled with the fruit may be con. xidered an improvement ; one lemon is enough for several pounds of fruit. Crah-apples may be preserved whole, with only half on inch of the stem on; three quarters ofu pound of isuyar for each pound of fruit. j imiNc; iwtos without smoke. ! To smoke the bet bacon fat your ho;; early, and fat them well. Uy fattening early yuu make n great saving in food, and well fat tened pork. Then kill as early as the weath er w 11 allow, and salt as soon us the animal licit is yi'iie, with a plenty of the purest salt, and about half mi ounce of salt petre to one hundred pounds of pork. As soon as the meat U salted to your taste, which will generally be in ubout five weeks ! t.ike it out, and if any of it has been covered with brine, let it drain a little. Then take blaek pepper, finely (.'round, uud dust on tho hock end as much us will stick, then lnin.tr it up in a good, clean, dry, airy place. If all tint is done us it should be, (it ouht to be dime now.you will have no further trouble with it, for by fly time in the spring your ba eaii is so well cured on the uuuide that flies or bugs will not disturb it. Curing bacon is like the Irishman's mode of makinjr punch, lie said: "Putin the su (Tar, theu fill it up with whisky, uud every Irop of water you put in after that spoils the punch." Just ro with curing1 bacon: ufier following directions given ubuve, every "drop" if smoke you put ubout it spoil the bacon. Portage Democrat. Clin.l Pm-Kit. A gentleman writing from Texas, to tho Agricultural Department ut Washington, gives mi account of a pepper which grows in great ubuuduncc. in South and Vi st Testis, Mill which 18 ealh d the bird or Chili pepper. When doinotieulcd this pep per is said to improve, in size uud quality. It commences to ripen in July, and continues to do so until the bust kills its foliage. The pods contain oil an u vers go twrnty four grains cl seen apiece, specimens ol the seeU. una uUo of the grown plant, accompanied the let. ter. Ciniou NKKPi.tx'Asn. Dr. Tearing, if Nantucket. Mass., has taken from the sto mach, abdomen und left sale of a patient, named J ami James, sixty-two needles, und mart remain Tho patient, some years ago. was deranged in mind, uud fancied lier.'elt' u liincushion, swallowing uil the needles and pins the could lay bauds ou. A Coi.ori.d D. 1). -A tolorrj man, on Slaten Island, who pivter.ds to have discov ered h cure for hydrophobic, sports D. 1. to his tiame. Upou being asked why be added thefe letters, ho said, 'IvaHO dai's riht lilt's mv name in full Sam Poplar, D. D., Dog LKctor." In one of the Detroit public schools, the other day, a rogue managed to slip some tar bet wi't n another boy's pants und his seat. The nt U n s of tho little lellow to rise fn.ni his seat occasit ned unbounded mirth. One litlle fellow laughed 80 immoderately that the teacher punished him, und for this injudicious treatment he was fined ten dollurs. Kossuth, acording to reports, is prepar ing for revolutionary attempt in Europe as fcoon as tint proper time may arrive. We may then look for a revival of the Kossuth hats and (-evolutionary fashions. IJut we doubt not the Philadelphia public, no matter what may be the changes in dress will still continue to provide themselves with clothing from Rockhill Wilson's cheap and elegant c'othing store, No. Ill Chestnut street, cor ner of f'raiikliu Place D E A T II S. In this pluee, on tbo 1 6th iust., MaRIN PA, daughter of Lewis Walters, aged about 5 years. Philadelphia Market Not. 31, 1855. i Grain. Only a small oniount of Wheat offered and prices are rathur higher. Soles of Southern lYunsylvunia red at i'i 02a2 05 per bushel, and sales of prime whita at 83 15 a 2 20, ltyn is in steady demand at 118 cts. Corn is unchanged. Sales of old yellow at 08, afloat, and uew yellow at from iS to 70 c. Out are dull at 40 a 41 c. per bushel, afloat. SUNBUHY i'UlCE CUUUUNT WuKST. Rl. Cuaa. 0T. Po-rsTwai, Okisw.x HsraLfci Fi.ii. UiTTaa. Eoo. . Poaa. - -Fwasiia. TiiLew. - - . 300 lit SO : m ti Sft 10 J IS 1 19 ins l ruiai i i .. rWew, (Advertisements. EXECUTOR'S SALE. "ly ILL he told at public ult, on SATURDAY " . the 8th of December, nut, on the premises of Sarah Hoover, dee'd, in Upper A ngutta town ship, Northumberland county, the following per. onal property of ald defeased. Two Bureaus, A Mantle Clock, A Cooking Stove, a Parlor Stove, Three Beds, n tvxt Kitchen Dressers, a Copper Kettle, an Iron Kettle, Tables, Chairs, Carpetings, frc. Also Wheat, Rye, Oat, Backwht at and Potatoes by Ibe bushel. Also Hay by tba ton. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. At., when terms of sale will he made known by ANDREW HOOVER, Ei'tor. Upper Augusta, Not. 10, 18M 3t 1 PUBLIC SALE. Wilt be sold at public sale, St the Court House in the borough of Sunhury, on MONDAY, the IlKh day of DECEMBER, nrxt, the Two-third, of the umlivhlqd half part of all that 'Certain Tract or picco of Land, Situate in Upper Augusta township, Northum herland county, Containing Two Hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining land of John Z. Haas, Martin Gasa Samuel Lantz and others. Also at the same time and rate! John O. Marltle who holds the almnlute right of the ona-lliirj of the afereaaid undivided moiety or half patt of said tract of land ami premiers, often hia interest for tale, and will make a till therefore. Terms of aula will he made known by M ARY M A KKLE, Guardian. Sunhnry , Nov. IS. 1 8.Vt. 3t notice" AH prrflon knuwijig llien.pc.vei ititlelitcij tt Ira T.CIeiiimit. on ttook icoount, ihhm or other wise, ore requested to call untl y up willmut drlay, otlurwu tl-ir accounts will lie placed in the hundd uf a nioginrale fur collection. Hunliury, -Nov. 17. 1 855 if ' C0SK0P0L1TAN A 11 T ASSOCIATION! St-:CUM VE4II. VnHANGKMIXM9 f.u ihcSfeund Annual CoI1lifln ut I Urn newftitil p:Mi.ar l.iititunuu tot the dittiiMiun nf l.itfratuie uitJ Alt, luvc been mmle an the must extcn tiVP IK-:i!r. Ainwigthe wnrki already cittipatl, it the far-t'unifsi "GENOA ORXJOIITIS:," whirh oriftmnilr t Ten Til )m;td pitllnm. In f irnitiitf tti itew ('(ikt'iiim, Hie (Itifufctnn r.( woik if AMI.KH-4M Akt, mid ttie e.ic 'unignuieut ,'l Amerirnn tl'Mtim, liore ii bri'ii nvciliHtki'd. Cnininitiiniti Une brrn imiril to iitnny tf the m it distinputiht-d Ameriraii A rt i ut it. whit will l'- nM ilitit vtne n thfir fiiirat (irtntur thm. Atnnnc tlit.-iti Hr thrre Marlrle nun in, rxt'tuted by tli (ffcireif lining Sculptor IIikam I'uvej; : CiEOnGK WASHINGTON, Tin I'm h- r of lm Cunlrj : i; i:n j a m i n it; an k lin, dAniki- wkiwtkk, The 5;ntmiuan. A lerial ayrvnt in viaited Kiirope mid rmrVwfu! and ju'lii'iiHii it-lFt;ij -ns at loriitfii wrki ui Art, ImlU jii Ur'Hize and Murhle, Jiatiisry unit vUnivt l'iiniliitgK. 'I'lia vii.d lorinnig a liirife and vnhnhle u illrctin of I'stiutinfrsmitt Stat-iaty. I be tiMtributtd tiiek aintuig the innn:iert ol the AjS'Hiuti(in iyr (he Sere-Mid Year. . TKlt.MS OP .V!'.MJiL.!ISIMP. Tl;e Pitvniont. nf ilirce d r,ui'':i(itntfs anvoiiea mem txr ft tins As 'iiili -n, mid rnlitka liiui in rilhcr vnn til" the f'liiowirie M.tctru for one ''ir, and via a lukei in th JiHtii!-i:M"ii ot the Stutunry hihI nimtiin:. The l.iicrature innmJ to aiiliXMilera t'ottmatt of the lot lowing Mnuitiljr .Muguzini-a : Ilurner'a, I'utnam, Kinoker b H-kt'T, iJU(.-kod,i, Uratjmn'.', tiudt-v't Lndy'a tiuuk. nnd tujtrh'M Wnnla. I' rs mi a Ukinc tiva inenHitahipaar rntillwJ t any five. W the M:n;K2iiiut tor unci eat. anUtiaix ticketa in the tiiJ-HlliUttnii. The ml pr.)OfeditdrTivedfrom tbeimle of mstmbeiahina. are devotcO t the puivbtiir nt works (if Art lor the ema il 'C vi-ar. Tin: APYANTAcrs sr.ci nr.D l rtfcninint; a mrmlvr nf this st Miat1n, nre lU. AlifKraiius ici-eivt! the full . nine ol tlieir aulterij. tionaat the suit, in me smipe ol utefluig Magazine Lite rature. id, l'"h menV'Pf vntrilaitinjf townrds purchaiinf choice Works tif Art', vhi;h am for ( distnbuietl ainotif tnemsetve, ami nre ut tie Mine limencourne;ing the Arts of the ountiy, dn.bui'ni:ig thouH-anda W dollars tli rough us Permma in roniitin? Uuln tor memtierdriijs will pleats gU-e their al tiridfea in I nil , iiuting th m niti they with the M j? iitie "inime:ioe( und have the letter rcKifatritil ul the P. ii t irfi' i prevent lia; the re crit tt( which, a i'eflittrntiot" invinlnMship, tt;ciher with tiis MiiTHKuie desired, will be f. awarded to any part of the country. Th"e wlii ptirc'irPc Macnzin-'a m B vVstires, will cb srrve that by j lining tin Am eiati.'ii, they receive the Magazine and frre ticket in tli?aimuil diatrihuti'41, all at the aaine price thry iiir juty f- r the .M;tpMZme alone, ltHutiful!y illuiralol t:n'nl fura, (tivnig lul d scrip ti MK-tiL free 'ii upr.licui! m. ' Kr Memtcrs!iip. a libera C. I.. DERBV, Ac'.jary C. A. A. At either cf the 'iri.i'-irwil oiTit-t Kmck'b'irkrr MCMZine'' nrfice. 3J flroarfway, S-v l or, or, Wmleru ln'.'C, 109 Water street, !aitdaskyv Nmp. P. jvi. Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASEBY & E0CAP, A'). 13G rhet St., PHILADELPHIA. IM'flivM tlieir frieiila nnd the public Kdtieraily. dial they cititiiiue to keep lit ilii ir old stand, a lare and extensive a.sortiniut of lutii, cup'. &'., '.A up of thebi kt mult rial and in the lutes) and hot ylu of workmanship and ii.isii. Country merchants and others will do well to call and examine Wlore pi.rchuung tlitwlicre. Phil.. N.iv IP, ll-0.V--tf. The Scientific American. Eleventh Year. ' Splendid Engravings and Prizes. Tae Lleveiiti; Annual T''linue uf this n.el'ul puUiciiuori uoiiimenci s ml the I7ih ! it-ti-iniirr, le&5. Timi nUKV I'll IC AMtltli A.N" is an lliu.iraiej krHlUiClll, evoit-tt elirtl U tt;c liroii.ulitli m cf 4Wiur. uiutiuu rcijitug lu ibe vun. u. MiH'tiatiie auti Clii-ina An., liKlu.tttril Muntiliietures, Atfitcullurr, I'alL-iils, iuveiiii.tju, Kiiiiirrinjr. MiUw irk, und till interest, which the ligiu ul HiaelU'al Science I. culcnlutLtl I'liHlvaiK'k. Krp ins L H. t'.ilt-iil. gntnlnl rt- ulan jiuhlibjiMl ev ery week, iiu'!uling i ll.cml ..f uj: Ihi Talent (.laiin.. tnrtlier with news ami inturinnii m upu thouunJs i. oter sulyrels. ... Tils cimliiiiutcirs t" tlie Sii'Mlifn: Aniriiciin are anvmg Oic inpsl ciii'iirnt .'.-inaitii' iiiuljiriH'tical meiiir l tie Imiks Tut edil'.ri.a .U'j.ailinrnl ll uni vfiliy lakiKiwIelgcd lo bs conducted witli.sreut nlulily, nnd to be diitiiigui.l,!, nrt only fur tlie exet HeMce sad IrntlitulurM id it. dtu u.. mus, but fix the leurWuwiets wuli wludi trior is coin tM'ed ond lul.e theories are rsiil.Hlrd. Mechniiies, liiveiits, Knsineers. Chtmnl., Manuruc turers, Agrieoltunnts, und people at ivy nri.i,,n in lit, will und tlie Seleillilic Aiuealuiii lutie nl f real value la tbetf resrieO'V eullint. tt.O'iinw:. and sugecati.nis will rive tliem hundreds "f dnllars annuHll) , br.nla afT ,r, (Inif them a eoniiiiual suuree ol kmnvkKlgs, thenpi rience ef tvliieh I. bsyoiul fieeunuiry estiniute. . Tbatciiuiuc AuniricauispulilislK-doneesweek: every numlier eimuius eis'it liirpe quart" pnfte. r.irniinp aniiuully a complete and sgilendid voluius, illunrwed with several hundred oniral eiifmvinss. CV bpeoiroeii oupics sent gratia. , , fjT TERMS-tiiiigl Huhsciptinns, $ 3 a veer, or $1 for six mocths. I'tvo oopie for six months, $4, for s year f S. For further Club rates and for the statement f th fourteen large Cash Prizes, ottered by the publisher, see Scientific American. Southern, Western and Canada tnoaey, or Voui Ofliee Stamps, taken st par for subscrip tion. . . : .. Letters' sIuniUI b directed (port paid) to i ' MUNN dc CO., 1?8 Fulton Street, New York. New York, November 10, 185S , Saddle and Harness Maker. Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G,W, Stroh, RESPECTFULLY jnform the eMA rtv cl"uu 01 "unuury anu ma puo--rXQk. lie aenerally, that lid ha taken etblishmcDt lately occupied by Geo, V. Stroh, and having engaged several good workmen, will he enabled to turn out work ia bi line, equal to an; made in fht section of country. Order promptly execeted and all kind of pro- dure taken in exchange. , , , Sinbiiryt October 87, 1855. If", FAHNE8TOCI I Vermi uge, for sale bv May 1. ' WEISElt ABRUNER LAND WARRANTa The highest prie will b given f Lni Warrant by the sub. tribei. 1 f - fl. . siaoota. MM i X- M .('..-I . Bargain at the Old Stand. r RILING 8l GRANT ARE now oppnln; s hew ah) rrr drtlrabla stock of FALL and WINTER "Goods, (in bracing an en '11 ess Variety. Their stock con sist, in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres, Winter Wares for men and boys, sll styles and . prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of riuid Stripe and Figured Fan' cy Drena Silk, at unusually low prices, BbellieS, Urates, Brute DeLaina, Mus. De Lain. Lawns, cVc, OINOHAMS from J to SIS cents per yard. CALICOES " 8 ' llj " WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaconetts, Swiss, Tarllon, Mull, I3obi tiett, Fretirh and wis. Laces, EdRings. Ac. Brown and bleached Mucins, Drillings. Ticks, Checks, 'fowling, Table Diapers, dc. ttO f.rii:s. HARDWARE and flTIEENSWARE, Cedar-wart, HolloW-ware, Iron, Steal, Flaster ciult and Fiah. Alto a ircli snpilv of -t DRi:u9 AND MF.I)ICINE1. Thankful for part favors, we hope by strict attention a nd a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. EV Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunburv, Nov 3, 1855. ly. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, 1MLTD undei the Srnl. SjniPtion nnd Amhuritynf the University of FRKK MKOICINK uud puplar knw ledqet Chutternl by the Sinte 4 lennaylvaniii, April Sf. 1K, with a Cupitul (H'(t0(J.tKMi. nmmly ior the purptiae nf arn-slinp the eviis nf Sniuiiuis nnd worthies N'otunnns ; Als i t'r mi p ph i n it Iht Coinmutiitv with rrlitihle Hi'tiR" ilies wherever h dmipetrnt Phynieiiin Miniiot or will imt !e enttlied This lnatitntin' luis nurchitsed frmn Dr Joii.i R. Ho wand, hia CcMirated BtowaiuI'H Tonic nilxluro, KiinWn for upward of twetityftve vrura nn the nnlv sure und snlV rure for FKVKH mitt AfJL'K, Ac. ami hia ine u in il.le Reinnly for IIOVf-;iCl)M PLAINTS. H'tuiniira CMUp'ttiid Syiun ii Rl;irklierry Ho it, which lnglil) up proved nnd (Mpitlrtr Hrmcilien. t'-peiher wn h The UniveMity's Hrniftty for ('innplninis ff tbe .unirs; The t:nivrsiiy's Reinely for Dynpi'pMu ir Iiidir;eatioii j The Univrrsitj 's Remedy ftrCoslive-H weln; Alan, the University's Atnv.mao maybe he hud, at tlie Urmich Uispensarv-nr Store vf xui.ua m nr.ppi. Nov. n. Mnhaiir P O .WbftW W J avB ( For tlif. Utent arrival of Full i5 Winter ouds J. F. &. 1. F. ICLINE, IlEWPKCTFl'LLY announce to their friends - and ti e public in jfenerul, that they have received at their Old Stand, in l.'ppcr AikiisIs township, Nirthiiinlrrhnd county. Pa., at Klines Grove, their FA LI. anJ Wl.XTr'.R Coo ls, and opened to the public a lull iixsortiiicut of MERCHANDIZE, &c, t'onitin3 in pait f Chilli, black and fanc Cassiniere, Sdllinrtts, t.'herks. Drawers and Under shirts, and nil kimls of FALL ami "WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Heady. made Coats, Vests and Pants, Slc. Ladies Dress Goods, CnnsiMing of 15 lack Silks, Merinos, Alpacos, Co berg cloth, plain and fancy all vrnnl lie Laines. ('alicues, tiinghains. Muslin. Comfort, l!av t-'lale Long S'liawlg, Trimmings, &c. Aluo a fresh supply of ftrocrrlc. of all kind. A fresh supply of Hardware anrl Quepns- ware, Drugs and Medicines. Ilardwnre.Queensware, Ccdarware, Hrooms, Ac. Also a larce assortment of llnots and Shoes, suitable fur Men, Women and Children. Hats nnd Caps, Silk Hals, and till goods usually kept in a Country Store. Call and tee. (,'hcaiier than the Cheapest, Thankful for past Isvors e hope by strict atten tion to busineis, to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of good, will he sold positively at low prices, for cash, or in ei change fr country produce, at the highest market price. Kline's Grove, Xov. 3. lP-.r3. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE FA KM, t.yiug in Shainoktii township, Northumberland county, containing almut i:ii acres, mure or less, within J mile of the l'hiladc Iphia and .Sunhury K.iiUoail, adjoining lands ol Charles LeisenrinR, (ienrge Kiii k and others, cn which are elected A large two-story Dwelling House, D im and Out houses. About 80 acres of said laud are cleared, and in u pieity good state of eullivalioi ; the residue is good limber land. Thrre can be ubout iti acres of veiv superior rr.eaibiw tniule on said premises . There are two Q'l.n) bearini; Drchards thereon, a never-failing sprinz of water, and a good we II at the door. For further purticulttrs apply lo thf subscri bers, or to Ulida John, Dear liup P. O., North. UUibtrlaud eoMiity, V. V. IS. If .aid premise's are not sold before the liT.-t bay of the tir-i month (Januury) next, the faint vtill be odcred fur rent on reasonable terms. SAltAII JOHN, ELIZA 8. JOHN. Shaiuokin twsp. I Uth mo. 3, , 2 mo GREAT EXCITEMENT ! La est and bent arrival of the Season, At the (Store of P. W. Gray, In Market Square, has just receired his Stock from Philadelphia, consisting of Fall and inter (joods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Dress and Fancy Goods. The following comprit.es in part a list of my cl icnsive and elegant stock, which for variety and cheapnes cannot ne excelled in this market. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Black and Faurv Cloths and Castiinereti, I! Ni k SaUin and Fancy Silk Vestings, ishirting Muslin, Drawer and Lnder Blurts, Kentucky Jeans, Velvets, Ulankets, Ac. EOlt THE LADIES. Black ftlks. Alpacas, Merinos' colored snd plaid all wool. M iialiu de I.uin, a targe lot of Prints, of the beat brand and styles, brown and bleached Sheetings, twilled and plaid I. line) a, r lannels. red, yej low, and white, grey Drills, licking. Cambric, Dress trimmings, ribbopa, lace, gloves, hose and irish linens, and other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit liberal share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a largo assortment. HATS 4 CAPS, HARDWARE Jc CUTLERY, CEDAR WARE. FISH & 8 ALT, OrocerleH of every vurlety. Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Mols.ses, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Candle, Soap, Ci ackers. Brooms, Lead, Shot, lied Cord, Plough Line, Clas 8x10 10x13, 11x18, Starch. Fluid. Dairy Halt. Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Fine C'ipsrs, Matches, Mustard, Candle M ick, blacking Water Proof, and general assortment of QUEEXSWABE AXD.GLASSWJftE. Couutry produce taken at th highest market price. Bunbury, Oct, 37, 1855.tf. WALL PAPER. A large andlraded assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa. per, and Oil bhadei, just received and for sal by I. W. TENER dr. Cs, unbury, May ti, 18t TRICOPHEROl'B 8 dot. for U by M.y II. WEISER BR'J.MR. BERRTSBTJRO SEMINARY ' AND BOAnDINO SCHOOL. Par Tanaf Ladle Oeatletmai. j T1HI4 Institution will commence its Snd ot W inter Session of eleven weeks, November ISlh 16S5. It. object is to qualify young Ladie. and Gentlemen for the more active duties of life. Parents may rest assured that every exertion will bs made for the Moral snd Physical, as wel! as Intellectual Improvement of all who are placed under our cars. Everything sectional will bs discarted. , TERMS PER SESSION, Pwuding Room Furnished, ' $23 00 Common English Branches, 4 00 Higher English snd Mathematics, Ac, ft 00 fireek and Lotten, S 00 French, (eitra) 1 00 Mumo on Piano Forte, ' 00 ltsff of the Quarterly expenses Invariably paid in advance. Any lufotjiisti.nl will be given promptlt by addressing either th( Principal or Proprietor. JOSIAH F. KENN KUY, A.B..2'rmt. AARON P. LARK, Proprietor. Der.ysbuig, Dauphin Cc, J'a., ) October f etlt, 1855. St , , Dissolution of l'm lnersihip. TV'OTICE t. hereby given that the firm of Clement A Kram waaduW dissolved on the 31st day of October, A. D , 185fl, and that the book, of the firm are in the hand of ra T. Clement. All person knowing themselves to bs indebted to sin id firm will please rome am make settlement immediately, and all persons having claims against the same are requested to present them. CLEMENT Sl KRAM. Sunhnry, Nov. 10, 1855. 2m. NEW MASONIC HALL rnii.ADr.i.PHi.v. AGENTS WANTKD in every town snd e"uiity ia Ihs I'mtrd Slates, tu sell the brtiutiful ietnr ot tin GRAND I.01OK 100M. In the New Maomc II all. Philmlelnhia. This Piute ti srllini; very inniiHy, ml rlieits the mlinirntinn if nil, for the eorretiiesK nml liMehtv with winch the Hiatca at, Prkaco lAiiJTiNn AM I'trNiTt Ba tire reprsen'rl. Hiid thenrtistie heuutv nml harinony of the colors. Hiss of Plate, 94X94. Price 3J 00. U nlc.elleri mid Pirtur l)e:i1prs wis'rinr to tnVe nprn. Cics fur it, wilt please, sdtlrew, f.r lnrthe-r infnnHti ju. L.N. H(lFTIIAU Lithographer, Phiiadebiiia. ocmi.pr ar, ISW.-tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. THE LAH(ii:T PIANO roUTK, M KLODKON AND MISlCtSTOIiKIN TUK IM TDl) STATKi. Will e miened Ortt-her ISth tsw. in the Mahotitc UJti.TiVi. rh'init Street, nh ive Smvtilh, Philnrklphie, HvJoHN M AHS1I, the A le Aceitt U r It widinati, (iray A Co.'s relrhrafeil l)"lce I'Hmrwinn Altiirbrnent t'iuno Kitrtes, nnd C V. I'tsk tc t'o's Premium !teiiw (Icons Also. Pimiiv Fi'itrseii'l rtIfo.letnis tf ut herd is tinpuisheil iiihUts. J M, h.is ohtnineil ti teiise for vp'hI yr.iis in the unvr, tnifrnifieent nml well knnwii Mnsotiic lltiiMinf , where tie intends keeping the l.iret ft tuw-k tnul assortment of Pimi't Fortes, Mel-fleMi8, Musir, nnd Mn sirul InsttitnienTs of eveiy detnptiin. nil of winch ere pnreluUy selected hy himncir. and warrurttea to give per frnt atttifurt irsn in verv iutance. OcMbrr 7th. S5 tf HEM OVAL. J. S. DEPTJY Ss SONS, At Ti'A Nnith Second Street, abnve Vine, nnd at Ki;ith and Spriny-Garden Strcit PHILADELPHIA, Are sellitiR off CAKI'KTS, OIL CLOTHS, fit.. At reduced prices, Expecting to REMOVE to CHESNUT street, (under the New Masonic Hall.) about the l.'ith of NovmuiH, to which place they would invite their former customers and others, as they expect to keep a belter auortmrnt there, than they ever have kept. Oct. 27, 1S.S5.- ch. Sept S3 3m W $50 EW-A-Ir). rpilE subscribers ofier a reward of fifiy dollar fur the discovery and conviction of the per son or persons, who rut and destroyed the bunds on the Machinery of tlieir Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between Sluinokin and Mt. C'armcl, on the nipht of tiie 9th inst. The above rew.itd will be psid to any one (jiv ing informs inn thut will lead to the conviction of the offenders. CI.EAVBU, F AGELY & Co. Shamokin Oct. 27, IS55. if. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CTJTr.EIt-S' STORE, Ao. 21 North Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. C Ol'NTUY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, hy purchasins; at the above Mores, by importing my own floods, piying but liult rent, and livin; economically, it is plain I can undcrr-cll those who purrhase their Goods here, pny high rents snd live like princes. Constantly on hand a Urge assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, rjcisnur dud Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, bufliilo.bone and wood handles. Carvers and Forks. &C l)u teller Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, . Revolving and p ain PistoU, ic. Also a larite assortment of Aecordeons, ck. AUofino English Twist and German (Suns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, lRSo ly. Importer. 3STEW FALL AND WINTER XI00D3. I. IV. I'EXfCR & Co., SuDburj , ta.. ESPECTFL'LLV annouiue that they have IV iust received a large and varied slock of splendid goods suited lo the season ; un inspec tion ol which they solicit from their friend and the public they will be sold at low prices, as they still adhere to tlie r old motto: 'Small proits and quick Sales." This in the end pay beat, while it best serves tbeir customer. '1 heir dock now consi.U of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestinca, Ladies' Dress (ioods, in great vaiiety, of bilks. Poplin, Delaine, Cashmere, Coburgs, all wool de laine. Calicoes, 6ic, with a large assortment of ilre.s tniiiiiiiiigs.-Hroilie, Thiliet, Cash mere, and wollrn shawU, worked collar, cufl's, sleeves, chemisettes, c. A new slock ol Ready mad Coats, Vests, and Pantaloons, of superior stylo and workmanship. Also, Hats, Cup, Hoots and Shoe together j with a general aiorlnieiit ol Hardware, (Queens- l ware, tiroceries, Proviaioni, Ccdarware, Drus, Paints, Oils and Nuiis. Come and tee, no charge Is mad for show ing good. Country produce taken in exohange for goods, at the highest market prices Suubury, October 13, 1855. 1TEW BEFECTOBY. fllHE subscriber respectfully inform the citi JL , lens of Suubury and the public generally, that tbey have opened Refectory and Eating Saloon in the basement of the New Three Story brick building of J. M. Simpson, in Market street, which has been handsomely fitted up with every convenience and comfort for their customer. They will constantly have ou bund the best quulity of Oysters, and all other deli cacies of the season. JOHN E. RMICK. U. . H1LEMAN. Sunhury, Oct. 13, 1855. T WV.K FALL 8TUC K of N E V Good. J. 't y J o Seasonable Shawl. FUioiable Silks. Full stock iilack Silks. Dress floods, all kind. ' ' Blanket and Flannel. -Linen and Cptton Sheeting. ' Staple Housekeeping Good. Cloth, ('assimere and Vesting!. ;, .- EYRE LANDELL, " ' FOURTH & ARCH 8t., PHILAD'A. ,P. 8. Storekeeper and other ut tsh luysri anpplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods at low rate. BARGAINS from Pkiladlphi ml New York Auction daily. , - N. B. 6 cae French Merino, all color, wholesale from 66 lo $1,25. Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1855 3m wS. WINES and Liquor for Medicinal purpose 1 . U'P.Sir.Ba RRITNF.R'M. 6unkur . May 19, lS9,- Jikcla'' sv . il v' ; AGNEW GO'S SILK AKD SHAWL STORE No. 196 Chetnut strttt, ' ' THlLADKLPHIA. WE taki Issvt lo tnfotrri ihs Lsdies of Sunbnry and vh elnlty, tt w. now have V)iea a lull stnek of Fill and Wlnur Goods, just arrivsd Ij House and Liverpool, IN OUR SHAVL ROOM will be found the most extensive tirtment nf Drncha, l"nt snd fqosrs 9H KVflA Stells nnrl nrintel hurdered 8IUWIA in Ihecjtv, wtwle CLOAK9, TALMAS and MANTILLAS, In Velvet Clo'.h snJMoirs Autiqus, canaot be saipsssed. SILK AND PRESS OOOr8, This dfpaittneiit Is ntipplied with all Ihs nwest,styt'a nf Broesda. Plaid, Mrine, Pstin, M"ir Antique mti Blsck Silks, White Miireintiqne (or biitlal d resales, Ricli.Hilk Itohe Dresses, printed Csnhmerea and DeLaiiies, Iput, Merinos nnd Cnh meres, alerts assort men t aiallcclois' ltd very cheap. - BmU-uiderifjSjRiUlxn, ftloyes, Ao. MOl'RNINO GOODS, Of I .n pins, Bomhathios, Ciishmerea, Inines tt. V enni'is't'.y solicit a call fr:im nut country friends, feeling oiitideirt frnm ntir ffrent fnciiitiea fur puiehaniiig CooUs. vt cuiitifler greut buitniiis. AONKW k CO. p. 9 Cnnrntry rveirm new roods by tht European Sttri'ra frir tlnvre and L'VerpHa. Oet.eih JSi',. 3ratw. ATISE'S CHBAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE A'o Ti North. Second S'reet, opposite th iflount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. CJ.OLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K. c " ses, $2? ; SiUer Lever do,, do., $V2; ver Lrpine, do., : qimrtior. 5 to $7 : t.'dil 6peet aflcs. 1S0 to 10 ; Silver do., $1 ftOi Silver 1'ah Sons per aett, $14 lo $18; Silver Desert do., do., $S U S 1 1 ; Silver Tea lo.,t dc, $4 75 to $7 AO ; tiold Tens ami Gold Ca ses, $3 S.r to iff) j Cold Tens and Silver do.. $1; togrlhar with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Ci'r'u , Guard and t'oh Chains. All goods warranted to he sa represented. .Watchra and Jcwe.lrv, repaired in the best manner. A Iso, M a sonic Mari s, l'ins, &c, made to order. N. 1). A II orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctiiullv attended to. Phils., Nept. J3, 1R55. Ijw. FANCY FUK8 FOR LADIES AND rillLIUlKN". JOHN PABEIRA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Fancy Furs Ao. 2s-l Afar!:ct Street, iahnre Eighth,) rilll.aDRLl'HIA Having now completed my very large and beauutifiil assortment of all the different kinds nf Fancy Furs, nnd fashioned into all the different styles and fashion that will ho worn during the present scawu by Ladies and Children, and licing determined to Hell my goods nt small profits it will be to the advantage of Ladies ant! others to give me a call before pureha-infr,. K. B.-isT01!EKEEI,EK.S' and the trade will do well to call, as they will find one of the larirrrt and best variety of stock to select from the city. JOHN FAREIRA. Sept. 52, IS."5 4 mos. ME to the premises f the subscriber, resid ing in Lower Augusta lownrhip, Norlhumler land county, about !l months incc a Stray Hull over two years old. Color brindle, white back, rcdish brindle head, & weighs about 15(1 pounds. The owner is rripirsted to come forward prov property pay damages and take him away, OWENBOVEN. Lower Augusta, Sept. 1, lti.'S. 2m. ran sals. flHK Bitlwcnlier offer for sale his large and JL vuluable FARM, situate in Shamokin town ship, Nortliiitnbcilaiid County, between Sunhury and Stiainnkin, two miles from the Hoalroad and five from Trcvorton, cout.iinin; upwards of 000 ACRES, almont 300 acres are cleared and in good stale cf cultivation, the other well timbered with (lk and Chesnut. The improvements are two dwelling Houses and two Uarus, with stood Spring Water. It is well calculated for three or more fnrins. with Meadows, Orchards, etc. Perporut desiring level farms easily tilled, should examined the above. He will sell on reasonable terma ei'.hcr the w hole, or parts of SO, 100 or 01)0 acre. If not uld by the first of January it will be rented. DAVID MILLER. October C, !S55.- t jo '56 Fruits & Confectionery. KEMOVAL The ubscriber ha removed , to No 26 Mauklt Srmr.T, above Front, (Three doors above the old stand,) PHILADELPHIA. Where he keeps constantly on hand, a general stock of all articles in his line ; consisting of Oranges, Lemons and all kin.ls of fruit in sea son; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nut, (.round NuU, plain and roasted t Pickles and preserves of all kinds ; to which he invite the attention of Dealers and others viai iug the city. C'oods packed at this establishment warranted to carry safe. S. L. HERRING, No. 311 Market St., aliove Front, South side. Phila., Sept. 52, 1855. 3m c3. Great Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT . 5NFORMS his friends and customers that he just received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! At his Store in Mar.trt Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. lli a'.OLk consists of a general assortment or Dry Clouds, viz : Cfoi'ris, Cassimers, Cassmtts, Jeans, Drillines, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lains, Laurns, Ginghams, Btratt. Also a large assortment of CLOTHINO. A larg issortment of Roots and Shoe, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and oilier Summer Hats. I'l.iKler. GROCERIES of every yaridy. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Moltskei, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ar. HARDWARE, Yii: Iron and Steel, Naiis, Files, Saw, Ac. QUEENSWAKE, Tea Setts, I'Uites, Distsl Cups, Saucers, tfc ITT Country produce of all kind taken in ex change at the hibett niaiket price. Oct. iO, lSj.'i. yrr i "1.ME to tho premise of the subscriber, near Rear (iap, about three weeks since, tt lilit brindle COW abou 1! vear old wilh a short tail, and had on a small bell. Th owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charge and take her away. WILLIAM THOMAS. Locust tp., Columbia co. Out. 20, 1615. tm. TT. S. OP A. "God and our Native Land". ... . t SUSQUEHANNA CAMP, No. 89, of the 0. of the U. SwA. bold it staled sessions every MoKiiiT evaiiingju their uew New Hall, opposite E. Y. Bright (tore, Suubury, Pa, limitation and rega'ia, $2,00. , .P.M. SINN DEL, WC. Ea'iWi.viiT.lt.S, Sunbury Oct SO, 1855. O. OF TJf ML. CJUNBURY COUNCIL. No. 30. O. of V. A 3 M. meet every Ttitair evening in the American Hall, opposite E. Y. Bright' store, Market street, Snnbury, Pa. Member of th rder are respectfully requested to attend. . P. M. SHIN DEL, C. A. Hoovn, R. 8. , Sunbury, Oct, '0, 18i5. . . I NDciiTaLis in ii: at rr"' M,j 19, WEfftB & BIJrTMrH'S. REW GOODS t WE W 4SOODS ! I Immensa Attraction at;iisbfcrgsj Store AfWaSlllngton mi Jin! in war.'peace, jrc.eo 1 1 EUberq Clothing Slot tt Jiitl in rfeipl of new aoous. ': t ; THE slibecrilier having recently rMtfrneJ from the tity hne just been receiving snd opened to-day a s)jlendid assortment of all kinds of Goods ii. hia line. Having selected with care, and frotn his beintr early in the market, purchawnjf chesp he flatters himself in leinK able to offer to his patrons and tiis public in general, each goods as will suit all in styles, qualily make and price.' , In addition to Coats, Pants snd Vests of twrd jeans and other stuffs suitable for full wear, msy be found all kind of winter wear, such a Over coats, Business Coats, Dre Costa, pants and Vests, rnnda of all imaginable itufi'Hof different colors, from light to heavy grades, cheap to good qualities. In fact such an extensive assortment of Clothing aa will not fid to suit everybody. Also a large quantity of boy's Clothing and sll sorts of Uuder-clolhiiig. HATS nnd Caps of all kindx and styles; th Kansas-Nebraska Hat. InleM style. A good assortment of UOOTtT arid rHOF.f among which nre good calf-ikin sHi'M' tilniTe to order; Also Ladicu Guins of din'emt 'lands'. As usual he ha on hand s good ss8.rli.ir 'it of Jewelry, aceordeons, revolvers, various kinds nf pistol, fine cutlery, shirts, collars, hoticrj, gloves, port manuals, beside a gre.it tinny .it hi r article too numerous to mention, ell of which will he sold at reasonable, ratrs. Call and re and judge fer yourselves. ALBERT F.LSBERG. The Store is in Market Squire, opposite the former Post Office, a fen duors below Master's printing olfice. Runbury Sept. 35, 1835. "PmLIPSrSTItYKE V HO),S.LS CS1LKSS IK BRITISH, FKlSJII K ASU:iUCA IUCSUT liXCLCSIVEI r ST AUCTION, Am. 1 5 3 Bank- Street, lelow Market, iiotwwi Second aii'l 'J'titr.l, l'lllLAUKLI'IIIA. rt"Toenhor slimttlme buyers wi will tell at n very smnll Bilvonre vn Auelinn rati s Phila., Sept. 22, 185- 2mc24'. S- E. J'Or. 7tll & ItliMlUl StS. This liiUltutiiiu, wiiicli wet first esiaii.ui-d in Sv lumber. 1-u, i,H.l imiilLcrs am inn in R.'a.luJtr, iU, died, of the Ijumiicm men in turn, nr! uther tiiicr j vena on Jims 4tn, ISiS, Clmrlereil, and eslnl.li.lipil n. n Ccil:ege, in accnrda.ice with Act of jjlj Lreisftiinre. fr 'fAt t'orasx or rxsTsrrriCN is of a its g Vf.i Ihiirnnitlily iirueim.l elisraetn 'nnd ) m ITlfll I'lMllnilll nil tlltift lirHti. hr a net. urirv Cim 1 f"r use m budncM; b-mlt winch, "2 Ctrl 'Ito pupiit have tlie riviksft of atifti- fl itaiRe iimii y murhe ul' I.KCTn. KS -J livereil I'nr their Mpi-rini usr, by emi- jfi'- Mfiit pruclilinnevej, tj Tor the pretut sokoiu Hit ITu. Jrix-. u-vou' mtviccs are cn ' in tlii rlfpfirtineiit, I. H. CHIT rr.NUKN, rriiicipnl. I'P" Catal ijrunn will b' fceni tti any addrfs1?, on appltrntioti t Irttrr. ai. ihu'tknpf.w kook KKI-IMNO, cn receipt pr iii'iil of the price, f 1,50. Kev to kuii 50 eta 5-2 v-2 Philidtflphia. Oct. 13. 1SSA. 6mS. FAIL MILLINERY GOODS ! 1856. JOHN STONE SONS, .Vo. 45 .S'oufi St coiul Street, PIliLADr.Ll'IllA. RE now prepared to offer to t tomers, and to the trade, (of tlieir their cu leir own tm portatton.) tho largest and h uuisomest assort' ment of Millineiy Hoods, in Ibis city consist ing in part of Donnet Silks, Ribbons. Velvets, Fancy Feathers, Flowers, Laces, kc. 4 c. Which will be sold at the lowest ptices, and on the most lavorable terms. Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1S55 Sin p5. "CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. OEKRY cV ERETY, inviie the attention of i merchants and others to their litrze stock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Uooks, Albums, and Presentation lioolis in all styles of binding; Standard Theologicai, Medical, Miscellaneous and School Hook, which thev j have received froni Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low prices. Also direct from the manufacturers and Im porters, ever'" kind of Pluin and Funcy Writing, Letter and Note Paper. Envclopen, (..old and Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping I'a per, ic, Sec, at the lowest cosh prices. PERRY 4 ERETY. S. W. Corner, 4th and Race Sts. Philadelphia. September C2, 1855. tf FILES AND HAEP3. XEW STItEET FILE WOllKS, Philadelphia. fHlHE ubscriber i constantly Manufactur fl ing files and Rasps of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to the bet im ported goods, and much ch?aer. MANUFACTURERS & MECHANICS can have their OLD FILES RE-CUT and made equal to new, at about half the original cost. Flat 12 inches ij2,00 per Dor..; Flat, 14 inches $2,75 per Do. ; Saw-tiles, Half Round. Millsaw and other File in proportion. Single Files and fractional parts of dozens charged at the same rates, and warranted satisfactory. J. 11. SMITH. NO. CI NEW STREET between Hac and Vine & Second At Third Kt. Philadelphia. Philada. In mist 18, IN?5.--Hm. J. B. DOBBINS, , . No. 22 Soulh marret, ABOVE CIIK8TMT 6TIIRF.T, HIII.ADEt.lHIA. ni ii i ii -i IMPROVED Sopor Phnphate of I .ime, Pott- drelle, and Land Plaster. Having eery facility for supplying nil uiiiclcs in the above Hue of the best quality, nt the veay lowest mar ket prices, would most respectfully solicit a call. Also, Cheese, Soups, Candle, Spices, ic. Suubury, July 'Jl, 1S55. ;ni. , SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel .Frames, MATHEMATICAL Instrument separate i nml in eaaeH. Theruuiiiietera nf vrim.a ' sires, Spy (ibasei otVverv dcseriptiiin, I'lutiiia poiinsfor l.iijhtiiiiig Ki-?s, Maiic Lanterns with seriptntal, astronomical and Uuiperutue designs. Microscope nnd M icrotviipic nljwti,-tlalvanic Uatteriei, Electrical Machines, !r'uiey(' Com passes, Survewng Chaias de. Ac. McALLisi nit & Brother. (.I'.tiubii.iu.t in ion.) 131 Chestnut Mroet Phihdelpbi. Oiir Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (S I paces') with 15U illustrations fornithed un cppiicalion, and will by mail free of churg?. Phila. Sept, H, ls.'5. . rnt'f rrr-'P'fi- 'o?rr ,ri. v & every description, suits' le for Iltilroads, " 4c, for welghinit Hay. (hut, .Ore and Mer. cry ele is Guaranteed correct, and if, atier trial not found satisfactory, can ho returned without charge. . w kiui j at nu riano, esiasusueu mr more than twenty years, corner of iilulh and Melon Street, Philadelphia. AIlBOTTACo.. Successor to Elliot & Abbo'.t. . Plida. Sept. I, 1855. 3mC. J FOR BALK! -fr PTE AM ENCINES 00 Ho;epoworeach, aalaf with boiler. Would m-.'e eiecllent puniH ing engine, togethor wilr. g Urge Honing cylin der, auituble fur a W'st furnce. Apply to UENUY L'jNOENECKER 4. f'O. Shauiuktu Iron Work. ttharookin. Pa BhamaVin, July II, 1855, , ,, . .... HI't'Bl VD ' Mhrsia far a1 v tt BlctWW Of till! UNITED STATICS 1KBUKAN0E, Atnnity and Trust, Co. 8. E. corner 'Jhird and Clcstnul Sts.', ' rnrrDCLrniA, ; t.riTALj90,ooo;' l MO!tr?f is r.Mfti rii (lej -nit to,'f. TTts snijirt eepxst!1!"! i enured in a De.-xsit Hn k n4 ivei to lh llepnsiUpr, or, if preferjed, eeruruaus will l iivrn. A II smns, tirEe nn3 ajnsli, ste received, slid Jlie nincuirt pnin liself en ('einnn'l, witl'ert notice. Inteiesi is pitl t Hi rut of rivt rea eit;-T nr. ipeneiiuj fivmi itieAijr of ilfP'Vit, lyd "using f.)rtM ey niremii to the w::llrnn) f :..e iwrney. , ( 'n tb frsf itv of Jm,v1r. il Meh yi r, V mt -rst o r esnli ilepnsil is aii4 K tlie Opusitor. ei'.J to V l-n id-; il, ns lis niuv prei'sr. , 'Tie C rnifwiiv l.af9 tirwanS f 3 500 rJejiOsit .T,' inlrieCiiyif lMiilmWplii lm ' ' , , AntxIJiti .ii: iiHoiniSJioa wi.ijt I'' ljf JdrtHInd the 'l'unn. ,.. titehhen R. rrawforJ. Pr"''. Wiillum .T 'ti!vrla, lymreneeJ.ihii..m VicePres'U I'sul 11 li-xfjfM, Anilir. W. Tieiiniis.111, lle-irge MeHenrr. Uenininiii W. Tinqley, J'" vet"t. Jse I.. Flnrsneo, tJuittvus Ka lish. Keereiary nni! Treaiurer, TLIiY FIUK. Tuilaa .P ISTESPKETia. i. C. Oi:UI.8CUL,Al.liK. riiilmlelpl.iu, ffept. , tsi! IP. VTKOIESALE AKD RETAIL. M. l. ..CEAiaiAK7V- ESPECTFrM.Y Bttnounre to t: trlirca of Niirthniiiberland snd the ailjoiiur.fi i.oiin- ties lliat h have onened a Cmilectionary Mid Fruit store in M A RKET SQUARE, hualiurv. where lm manufactures and keep cn hand, at all tinic. the m.ist ehoire fotilcrtionary, At., Wholesale and P.. tail, st Philsdelphia pi ice. Among hi ieck of Coiilrelionitics, may be found t t'reiich 9er. Oum Tr ;"' Ms of , Burned s Imimils, L'rt'e Prons, IT -sin Whits, Mint Dr.ip., red d wart, lm.n Jtliv Ckes, Hose, Ftnit Drops. " Vs'iilla. Wrick; rkivjiae, t t'i seuta, Comiri'iii tisis. ItncK Camlr, Liaorics, Almond Cindf, TEUIT. leta.'Si, Prur.Sf, I'a'r., I'iiJ., ' Cuirniii dil4, ' .Citrons, Aiuiiuvls, r.suvaa, Nuuofnllksil LEMON SYJ1UL' of a su erior qualily, by the sinule or dozen. A tierior quality of Srgsr and Tobacco, end a variety of Confectionuries, fruit, Ac, all of vhich is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Come and see he will try t please. Order from a diit ince promptly attended to. Suiibiiry, Au. 4, 1803. ly. Clicsip AVatcljes fjJcelrji WHOLESALE and Retail, at th "Philadel phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. S North Second Street, comer of Quarry, PHIZ.ASEI.rHIA. GoM l.aver tVatehes. u-ll jswled. f earst eases. fW fKt ri 'M I.enine 1"lr. f'lfmil I' ine f ilver Si taeira. 1 .5" Pilver U-p. lull jewlh-il. tH S.lvei l.ci'er, fill jewl!d li. SlIiMii i.ir ( linn lien. ? Unlit ltmerlels. ,1.1 ladies' Itul'l I'eiKills, , l Silver Toa spxinf, set, fi.tio Itokl Snectiu-lrs. T im' OoW Pens, with Poi ci: and sfllver Holdsr, 1,00 Gobi Finger Rings, 3"J cents to !l j Watch Glnsnes, plain, 12J cents; Potent, l ij; Lunet, 15 ; other articles in proportion. Alt goods war ranted lo b what thev are sold for.' ' STAUFFER &. HARLEY, On hand, some tiold and Silver Lever am! Lepincs, still lower than the above price. Sept. C, 1855. ff ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBIRY. PA.. AideJ by some right year experience in the practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or will in the line nf hi profession. OHice with Charlra J. Bruner, Esq., Market street. Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1855, tf .f Trusses ! Trusses I ! 'I'mHsea 1 1 1 -g-J C. II. NEEDLES, Tress ad Brace Establishment, S. 11". Cor. of Twelfth ami llace Streets, Philadelphia- MPORTERol fine French Trusses, comlii ning extreme lightnes, raw nnd durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured ntients can I suited by remitting amount., as 'Vluw : Sending numlier of inches round the hips, and slating aide nlfected. Cost of Single Truss, $'J, $3, f t. 85. Doubt 5, IfG, rfcR and .'j; 10. Iniitr-.ctions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. ' Also for sale, in (treat variety, l'r. Ed-Ming's Improved Tali-lit I!ody Eraer, For the euro of Prolapsus Uteri ; Sptn-il Prop and Support. Pntetit Shoulder BrireK, Chest Expanders and E rector liraces, edupted to all with Stoop Shoulder and Weak lungs ; EiiUh Llaalic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes uuile nnd female. , tT" Ladies' Roorrs. wilh Lady attendants. I Phila., Aug. 4, ls35. ly P 8. ,p ri tv. r T' t i BURTON & FENT01T, S. H'. corner Sixth nnl Arc slrtt's, l'llll.ADKI.rillA. rjEAP! Teas!! an uneotnmonly full and I choice sorlment of black and green Teas of all grades, from tlie extremely low prii'i) -f 20 cts 10 50 f 'J 70 tJT5ets. per lb., warranted to be superior to any to I hml else where at the same prices. : Wc know and confi dently recommend them to be 'U per tei.l cheap rr than any for hale in the city. We have also a vt ry supeiior assortment of C!i'.,e, Old Gov't, Jav, Laauayr. Mafacari'.io, Uioand t'api Hjy lien Cel'iee. New Ni). 1 Mackeni ond Shod in J and J bhl. or ainiy 1 1 de.irr J. Chte, Pin Apple, gap bngo, ..New Yurk ('nam Cheeo l wsyn mi band, io-.p brown and white t a!s H. L, Kendell AtVa t'hcmieal tllive Soap, one lb. of which will g a far a .' oi onlinary bro n Soap. AUo Starrh of dil'irent qu'tlitiea, piciitcs, snucea, ketchups. olies, dive oil, aaidiiu s, on chovrya, cVo.. wilh a tjll assnit.r.ent of Fancy Good, to which wo iuvite the a tenliou of-th public tocuil and cxAinine our extensive aj.ori tucjit ol Fine Liroce.-ic lursble by BURTON & FENTON.: Wholesale a'nl iiet.til Family Orccer nd Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Siith and A'ch lt. N. II Uciod' dcliNCrcd to all part', of the c'dy free of charge. Phila., Sept. SJ, I'.'i.'. xfi Sy GBEAT TOY & FACY STORE. jonrr ioll. Xj. id .YorfA Sa-uH.i St. Ulu-tvii -Irf.' jr Bui PhiladeljMa, I 3 AS received a tore. osortnict.t of Toy of I I Wood, Tin, China, Gum, A c-, nl fj'nr I)skets. Work boxc., Porte Mnrwie, P'iCkel Hooks, Segar Ca.es. Suuir ond Toliarco lxcs, Pies. Cards, Harmoni.-als. Aceordeon, Violins and Strings, M irldes, llnlis, Kin, and an end less variety of other ariicle :o numerous la tneniion, fvrsole W holiaala & RflsH. rciulse price... Phila ,-pt. P, 1S.-i5.- fl n. 1 WHITE SOW about twoveais oil. cam Li i.. I'.. ,.r.iisea uf the subscrllwr, nsUliig j , th,. .NortMimbivisiid Uridy, duriug the ' month ol Mav. The owner is reque.led j come f irward, prox pio.'H-rty, pay charges and take licr awsv. FR.1NCIS EULEMAN. Stiiihiirj-, Sept. Si, IS55. Land Warrauta Bought. Hir.HKST c..h price paid. d money remit ted bv first mail. Th. best r.fereuc. tan b given. Apply oraddrrs . . v- a.) K.wth dih si reel. Philvlclnhi. ty Bounty Unds aad Peusion proeared and. Warrant located aa usual. OetolKi ti, I6i6.- 3ra l.-iifKKIKa-. Seiar. Collir, m Spice, Oils, Brandy. (Jin, W ine, Mocker. elTHeriing J Salt, just received and for aaki VM. A. KNAB8. .I.onp? Avwt May i, l-- w ...