Maimer's department NOVEMBEIl. We have said a gront deal to direct atten tion to the transplantation oftrees frait and ornnmiMitnl embracing lifts of the beet, in our judgment, Tor tlmt purpose. Kit should bo neglected this aiituiiin, ns it was by so many last spring, it runnut be chnrjrpnblo to any otnisjiuii or duly by us. November if rterhnps to be preferred to tritnsplunl in au tumn ; though December, if the ground is not frozen, rnn lie used with sti'ely. For Dwarf I'onrs w prefer spring; but n n rule, it nmy be luld down, tlmt in heavy soils, or grounds with cliiy subsoils, which tire likely to retain water on or near tho surface, duriiiff the win ter, t-piinfr transplanting is decidedly the best. On tlti" contrary, when soils nin lieht. loamy, mid dry, autumn may bo the best. As to evergreen trees, nhoiit which so much is said as to the tirun when they Vl id be transplanted, it will be safest that they should cotnu under the common rule of otlierlrcos Our nur.icrics are now teemiiifr with every variety of fruit trees, nt reasonable prices, its veil as with the choicest urnntr.t'iiul licet., deciduous and evergreen, nndas every farmer, jiariiciiUrly, is ilble, from the liifih prices be receives tor I'Verylhinir he produces, to sup ply lii'iinsif Willi n good slock of trees, the ji i;--nt opportunity should lie. I be neglected, to i.'cure tlienl. Carefully plant tlicni, us we a hundred times dinclcd, und nut One in lil'ty will fail to grow, iniilen work for the season should be pro pci'h itUended to. Flower beds mid A spu rious beds should liav.' llmir divsxiiifr of inn tiure ; Diilliuus Hoots should be planted w ith out delay; l.tet3, Iladislus, .Salsify and ll.p; e KudUh, should be taken up and buried wind r u- ; Cabbage should bo laUen tip, lib nt d iijriiin in row? ns closely us I hey rati tie nut, and protected by a cove-iint: o comi- atnU or straw, raised by u temporary frame wor't one foot above them, keepinir the sides co-ed; with this irccaiilion fresh cubb.ijre can be had ull winter : we adopt this mode and find it to bo excellent, Celery can re main in the rows, well banked np until frost ehnll make it necessary to bury it for winter. This should bo done, by filling'in, in a body, say between two rows the stalk taken from the other rows, mixing in the dirt well, and making tho wholo Arm. Then cap it with plenty of cornstalk", bent over in the form of a double pitch roor, and cover this with two or three inches of earth, woll spanked with t hi. spade, so as not to fall down by tho nr. lion of frost or rains. If this is well done, you can oat sound celery to the last of April. Carrot'-, Turnips and'liuta Bag is nei d not be taken up until the latter part of the month, unless severe weather should render it neces sary. There is no better way to keep them for 1 ile use than to bury them out in the open air, selecting a perfectly dry spot. When a pit is opcuud, it should always be done from the 81 h east, a board during been previous y placed in to unswer 11s a door. (icrmnntown Tthgruyih. CIVWCV. TURKS. There is probably not a single Quince Or chard in t'cnt'sylvaiiia. Wo have nevei dun. e 1 to seo in any part of the State quim trees, except 111 some oiisure corner ol the field or garden, entirely neglected, never pruned, matured or cultivated. A stranger aware of tho fact that good quiiire.4 ulways sdl readily in Philadelphia market, and nt a comparatively higher prico than other fruit, knowing ulso that hundreds of barrels per haps thousands, are brought here for su'.e in the fall of the year from north and east of ns, would Htiptioso our soil not adapted to quince raising. This is not the ca.-e. There is no fruit which, in Pennsylvania, would pay bet tor than the quince, ii" properly cultivated They produce abundantly, come in'o pn lit !n about three years alter ; I lilting, tire hardy, require but little attention, cmi lie placed closer t-igether than most oilier fruit trees, 111.' fruit is more easily picked, and wiil belli r li.tur transportation. An idea is very preva lent that they do better in low moist ground. This is u mistake, originating fiom tho fact that they will thrive in Riich Munitions when other trees will not. The quince will do as well on high dry ground us tho pear tree. To do it justice, it should receive every fall a good coat of barnyard manure well dug in, tho bark should be cleansed occasionally with tho lye mixture, us recommended for "other fruir. trees, and attention should be given to pr.iuing njl decayed wood ordrowded branch es, so in to give free access to the sua and air, ..11.! make a good symctrica! head. One of the best manures for the quinca tree is salt, which shoule bestrtwn over the ground every spring in t ie "pioj ortiou of two or three quarts to each tree. This has been ful ly tried, and found to increase the luxuriance of the folinge a::d Quality of the tree. It is the special munut for this tree, and should never bo omitted. The quince may be plan ted in rows ten feet apart, which 'will give f.uir hundred trees to the acre. Two bush els 10 a tree, an I $1,50 per biialicl, which is a 1 .w estimate, will muko a return of over SP-'OO to the acre. TliH orsnc rr upplo quince is the most pn.f.tabie va iety. ''arm Journal "or Otto. tFromllie Olii.i Cultivat r. 11112 HOUSEKEEPER'S SOLILOQUY. BV MJttl. F. D. OAGE. I wish I had a dozen puirs , Of hand, this very minute; J il hooii put all thiiifrs to right The wry deuce is in it. Here's a lihz washing: to be done Onn mi r of hands to do it Sh.-ets, shirts and Blocking?, coals and n!il , How will I e'er get through it ? Ditincrto fret for six or mnro No loaf left o'er for Sunday ; And baby cross us he cun live He's ulways so oil Monday. And there's the cream, 'tis petting; sour, And nnisl iorthwith be chitrniii"; And here's Hob v. 'tuts a button ou Which way sliull 1 bo turning? 'Tin time the meat was in tho pot, Tim bread was worked for buhinj.-, Tho clollrvs wits taken from the boil Oh dear! tho buby's waking! JIu h ! baby, dear ! there, Lush sh sh ! I wiah he'd bleep a little, Till I could ruu und get some wood, To hurry that kettle. O dear! O dear! if I eonio. h:nie, And lind thiii" in this bother, Ile'll just begin and tell Ine ail About hib tidy mother! IIow nice her kitchen ucd to bo iler dim. ci tilwiiv. reudv Exactly wlieii Ihe noon bell rant- Hush, hush! deur little 1'ieddy ! And then will come, some hasty word, Higltt nut ueloro I'm thinking They say that hatly words from wives Set sober nnu to di inking. Now isn't that u great idea, That men e'iIuuIiI take to sinning, Because a weary, hulf-sick wife, Can't always 'sniilo so wiiu.iug T When I was young I used to earn My living without trouble Had clothe, and pocket money, too. And hours of lcisuio double. I BcTtr dreamed of sucb a f-te, When I a-luss ! was courted WiTe, mother, seamstress, cook, houie-Veeper, chamber maid,' IdundrefS, duliy woniun, und scrub gcuerully, doing the work of six, For the sole of bejug supported t AYER'S PILLS, A..w und Hi n aula' y successuii remcuj ... , JA" 11 llilioi.. mseascs-Costiveness, Indi J J S. Dropsy. Kheumstism, Fever r , . .1- .1.1. F. Nervousness, Immunity, innamma K Vr"hr..; h.1.rB.t Side . Hack. Jnd I.i.nb.. Female Complaints, e. Jnire. JSrV fevi are toe discs" in which . Prtlve Medi cine i rut more or lr' rrquired, ntid much .ick- , d mffrtritiR miRIH 1 pmtmnijii lrt l.ut cffcotunl Catlinrlic were more freely used. No iirrwn ran feel well while a ccMive hilitt of bndv prevails ; bc-mide. it soen peurratM seriiuu nnd oftr'11 fntiil dirns . which mbhl hnvr boon ToiiteJ .v tht timclr mid jialicium tie of a fnoi pnrpntive. 'hi ii nlilsr ti e of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and n 1;,.,.. af.rntivi'iiiint. Thev all tend to or prnrtuce the dcrp seated and fiirmidalilc dintempora which load the hcnrMi nil over the land. Hence a rrlinble fnmilv physic i. of the first Importane to the pulilic henlth.'nud this I'ill hn been perfected with roiisiimnintp "kill to meet that demand. An evtrimitc trinl of its rirtuei by I'hysicinns, I'rofea tors, and l'nlients. has slmwn results aurpassinn n thiiiB hilhrrto known of anr milicine. Curea hu've been ell'orli d bevoud belief,' were Ihcr not aub stnnialed by prrsims of such eaallcd imsilion Mid ehsraefpr f In li.ibid the auspieion of uiitnilh. A'liU'i! the mniiv eiiiinrtit .-iillcmen who hT Ics'.iiinl 111 fi'Yi'i uf these I'i..s, we ni:iT mention: tin. A. A. II A vks, Anniyttrnl Chemist, of Huston, ami St.ite Assnyrr of Mnssnchiisells, whoso high ir.ifrs-i"n:'l charnctt-r is endorsed by the Hun. l'ow mui l'.vj.Hi.TT, .'(iiHtor of the t. S. hum i;tC.V'isi uiioi-, Kx-tipeakcrof the 11 onto of ilrpreseiitsrlvcs. Ar.mnt 1. a wuKsce. Minister l'len. to Fnalard. f John II. 1- rr.l'ATiiu K.t'nlh. liishnpnf Unslen. AIsm, Hit. J. Ii. Cmi.ToN, 1'rnctiral Chemist, of Sow Yerk l'i:, rndorscd by lioN. W. 1.. Maih v, Src'rctr.ry of State. Wm. 11. Astoh, the richest man in America. S. I.n.AMict Co., l'ropr's of the Metropolitan Hold, and olhrrs. pi.l s;i:i.c pi'riuit, we eculd (ive manv hundred crriilicitlrs, fioin nil pari where the "fills have been iie.l. but c vi'lence cvm more runrincing than the experience of (initieiit public men is found In Ibeir ellccts noon tlial. Ihei-e Pills, ll.e result of loan investigation an4 study, are ullernt to the public as the best and most complete which the prercnt stale of medical science enn atpird. 'I hey arn coiiipiuimlrd not of ti.e drops themselves, but of the medicinal irtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in it stote of purity, and combined together in such a manner aa l'i insure the best results. 'I his system of enmimsitinn for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral nnd 1'ills both, to produce a more efficient remedy tlmn had hitherto been ob tained bv anr process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, ev ery medicine i burdened with more or less of acri monious nnd injurious qualiticj, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired fur the curative eir. ..t is nresent. All the inert and obnoxious ounl ilies of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues onlv beinc retained. Hence it it self-evident the ellccts should prove ns they have proved more purely remedial, and tho Pills u surer, more nuwrl'iil antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. Aa it is freiueully expedient that my medicine should he taken under the counsel of nil attending l'hvsician, nnd as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula! by which bolh my reclorstl una J ills are maoe 10 ine wnoie unuy 01 Practitioners in the Veiled States and British Amer ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will be nrnmiillv forwarded bv mail to his address. Of iiU'the Patent Medicines that arc ottered, how few would be taken if tlieir composition was known ! Their lile consists in their mystery. I have no tivsteries. The eomnosition of mv nrennrations Is laid open to all men. and nil who arc competent to iudce on the subject freclv acknowledge their conviction, of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to tie a wonderful medicine before its effects wero known. Many em inent Phvsicians have declared the same tniufi 01 mv Pills, nnd even more conhdenlly, auu are win ins; to certify that their anticipations wero more than realized" by their ellccts upon trial. They operate' by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purity inc uioon nnu suiumau: lutn lipalthr netiim l'emove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other orpin of the hodv. rritnriiiir tbeir irrecuhir ucliou to hculih, and by correcting, wherever they exist, sudi dcruiigc- liicnin . i ,11c .1.0. ...... " Iteuiv sntrnr ivramicd thev are nleasant to take, and beiiiR purely vei;etaule, no harm can arise from ine'r 111 nnv ijuaHiuy. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Sox. rilKl'AlitU UY .TAMES C. AYER, Practical nix! .Analytical Clicmist, LOWELL, MASS. Fries 23 Cents per Box. Five Ecxts for SL SOLl nv Weii & Brtuter, Suubury ; Uiid c Jehu, Shamnkin V. Wii-oiff. Niirtliiiiiihcrliiiid i J. F. Cssl'.w, Millonj ami l.v all DriiL'gnls in Northern I'cniisylvaiiia. June in, !& IV. Front Street Wira Manufactory. VATSON Ss COZC, Sieve, Kidm.k. Scukkn and Wire Cloth M ANL'FACTl'UKRP, No. 4C Xnrth Front Si red. Cmnsr of Coomb's Allev, lierween Market and Mulberry ( Arch) Streets, Philadelpaia. CONTINUE to ninnufaclure of superior quel ity, Urass ami Iron Wire Sieves of all kiln!; Brass und (.'upper Wire Cloth for Pnprr Makers &c. Cylinders and Dandy h'ulls covered in the hot manner. F.xtra Heavy Pa.-ler Wire of Superior quality Heavy Twilled W'iro for Spark Catrbcra, Sieves for lirass nnd Iron Founders, Screen Wire, WiniUw ire. Safes, Traps. Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &c. Fancy Wire Work of ev ery drsrripliiin. 'Philadelphia, Sept. !, 1S55. 3mC. STOVES ! STOVES I We rcspretruily ..'licit Il.ea1tfi1i"ii of (li puMie to our awttrtnivitt oi' M:ief;nrf..)it iif.ating stovks, ft St'irrH, IIhIIh, 4'htirchm, 'url ri Ac. wurmninl tn five iinr liritt wtih .-nc Hunt ihe in el, than uuv tit her lltMiiiifi Si in usr. Ihe hi rue tunuiw-r which h.ive ! iM-rii n-iltl mi ihi mi.) othrr ritit-a ntitl ihts Citnauuut ant inerennitrj ilruuitil lor litem if stnTii-it-iit (:u;ii4titi ni their luiiicrhirity vr.T nil otlitrllrui.tif' Siei, unit wr chefifiily nivitv the strit'tcRt tjivfttyiiii."ii nf uur c-Uim t the in-s "tncft ttrtic'e nf ihf kiiitl in ure. uhi have it mir.tri.w CA l'l.l)llt, f-r fHrminff nnrt rhvimo?il uikh. iimtte n the nut iiniH'i)le, fur whi'-h wc claim only tritilt lM)ipireri;iltl. We keep r-iiirntiil nn hncd mi nn irltnent of the lejtfliiitr CdnK 4(,i I'AliMUt rGVi:tj and art i..!e Avutt, in th ?tHtr fr iM Ti'iN'r hiiiTAiM r ronfiri. ItrCK'.- I'A'I IA' T rotlKIM. SI'ttTrS, nn.t 11AKSTOW ti CMC IVAI.I.KIJ COOK Ik PAHI.OH KrOVH. Wh iVfuIc ica!rr will he tuppheiiat t':o l-'wckt foundry price. XI'MAN & WA'iMPK. V.i'-lt;al Jr llHwil Sl .vel)e:it'-ri. N. V.. Cr. nl SI'C. IN 1) A K ATI'. Si. rhiiail'a tV Fr ele by II. It M ASSKH, nf itm plate. Anc'iH V5, 1'it. JOHN 0. MAEKEL, M. D., OEfU'ECTKI'LLV inform, llm citizen, of ' 8uiiburv and vicinity that he hat coinmen crd the practice of Medicine and Surgery, and will promptly attend to the culls of all who may desire his professional services. HianiTicais at Ihe rcsideneo of his mother, Mary Market. Punl.ury, July 14. 185S ampj. IMI'KOVKI) BUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. filE aubscriber inforiua Dealer, and Fsrmeis lint lie has greally impromed the quality of hi. Super Vhotj.hat of Lime. And now confidently recommends the article manufacture,! by him. sssertuum to any in the nitrket. You are invited to tall, try it. Also I'eruwan and Mrxicai, Guano, Oils, Candle., buap, &c, at the lowest market rales. J.NO. L. I'tl.MEUtlY. Successor ui Tho. '.V. Morgan, No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. IV 1'aiiners can load on two private alley., end .void th. crowded wharf. Phila., July vl. 1855 c6m. iJII ALLEN IIKKUEIt'ej PU,LB.A certain cure for Tcver and Ague, fur sale hy WEISElt Jt UHl'NER. Runbiirr. u!v 15. 1854. TT A DIEM' Ilresa GikmIs. priiie .ml Sumnu j! J Shawls, black silk, .ilk Kpliiis. I). I, tine. Ultigliain., lie ba&e. I.jwnt and calico, just rt ecivd and for by WM. A. KNAUli. Lower Auirust., May 6, IS5. TJAIN f8 of .vary description Just rerrivad by OER"UINE HONEY 8UAP. THE pnrily, fragrance ' & mihl emoliiant JJ-9.!SV'V properties of lliis Soap. TtSjXjtt J . render, it eopcrially de- ?SSCA'ftg' serving a plc on every jA'SScIj1A toilet. For chapped hands, XiHttel and various diseases of li&SH8" tha kin, it is uneiunled Kach rnke is si sniped WM. CONWAY, 168 South Sfcaiid atreet, Pliilndelphia. K other is Genuine. . Improved Chemical Olive Soap, Warranted to Wash in hard, aoft, or salt water. This snap ha pnweilol rleansinjr proierlies. which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirl.&c, from every ilesc iption of ifiwhls wilh.iut injury to them. For all domestic purposes it is superior to any other soap in ue. ami 30 per cent, cheaper than the common rosin snap. Kach bar is stamped. WILLIAM CONWAY. ICS South Second street. Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and cMnple Soaps, aperm, sleariuc and tallow caudles, importer and dealer 111 aal soiln, sod j ash. rosin, Ac. (tillers by mail promptly attended to. rhila. Auust 8S, 153 if. To Iron I.Tostors otid Dealers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, Xu. 21 Arrh .Street, uhovt Front, Philadelphia. KJIEVKf. KIDDLEct. SCI5EENS. WOVEN WIltKS, of nil meshes niitl widths, with nil kind of plum taucv Wire work. Paper .miners ire. an Minn. UMiiulers and Dam v I. oils covered in the best manner in or out of the cily. A very superior article of Heavy Founder'a Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire. Wire and Sieves for Seed, t.Jrain. Sand. Slanh. Snnir Drickdust, Ac.. oVc, U AYI.ISS, DAHDY 4. LINN. A usual, . 1835. U 3 10 DR. A. B. HADDOCK'S CELE11KATUD WOKK . INHALATION In the ''reiitiiifut unit Cure f Coniamptioti, Asthma, llmiiclilii. noil olber lneuaea of ihi Ise-plrtitiM-y irjjnus, by MvUicul loliuiatiiiu. WITH XOTKSAXD ADDITIONS et Dr. Ciias (iltes.NK. First American eilili.m, from filth'l.iii eililmn, wbers t 11 lias liau an iniprcceucir.tfU sale. This is a valuable w.rk sail sli aikl beiiitlie liiiulai.fnl iaviilitls, ninl llir .Me. bral Prnfcssi.iii peacrally. Kor warned free ul" charge, by in iil, mi reccifit of nrit c asTs i i-Mh (irili) on o n las. C. W. VAN HOK.N i CO. Xo. 32 Worth Xinth .St., I'kitatteljihia. We anl.jiibi a feu, frnin in-uiv e unitifndalorv ii.aiees and reviews fn.iu the Iviglisli ami Ainencaa .Mrilim and other J omnia "Dr. M:i'ktiH-k is the am of the lata Henry MaiMnck, I'sq., M. P , the well kimwn Uiniiici, unit .r.)tiiisi's 11 rise, in his own prutcssi n. in nl emnient a ilt-aree as hia irciit The aistein (iali'iLilinu) prpt,SMl as Ilia ni t erTcctual lut-tli.Hl itl'appU inf. a rciuctly M u Mitl .11 i.f the vysleiu winch cannot lie directly reached by lll.sliciiia iiscli. . . . We rcciinuaeutt our readers in purchase His Work." s!.:aii l lir iiicle. I I .ii, Kill. 111. ISI5. 'We rec .lutn..iil lh W.irk l'i nur reialcri, as it appears to l.e fully matured, elranly Wliltcil. anil entirely ilivetli'd itl'aav qnickery nr ie:i-seUmc Icnilciicy. Tiie Wi.rk well desuves perusal, anil Hie iiacti.--e.' as far ni our kn iwlmlgc and experience extentls, will repay u..t only 11 e..iisi(leratiiii. hut a imlicnt Irinl nt it's merits" tulidiu Melius) JntiriiTil, lleceiuUT 1:1. 1-4.1. 'We think that no niie can lisefriini lis pe iiriI, willi'iul lieini; rilisfieil ihnt 0 islhe wmk . n pnic Ic il ami experi.H.cil ; mill that It miff III, ('. ir I lie sake .f tlinae who anflel l'r;im c iiisiiinpti n. aslliina, or liiniietii lis, tn lie Iipiiii:!.! illl.. c.teieive circnl.iii n. Il is. in tha strictest sense of lit.- temi, a vahml.le Work." Uxford t'ni' ernj lleralil. X.ivciulier. 7. ISIO. 4A tte-rilill ni Ilia liul mi Kiliti-Ht of Mr. .Maild.iek's V,.lk nil Ciiiisitinpliiiu. ItrniiehiliB. Astlunii. nr.; Wl'h N'nles. e by Dr. Clliis. tlreene 'I'litl Wm k will l.a i'iiiiiuI worthy the attention ol our reoilcrs. they may learn from it what can be expected fe-in this ini'xle (if treating C.iiistuii.liiiii ami nlhcr iiirt-'inus .f the air-pas. sapes. Dr. M . is eviilen. .) . .11..11 nl e iiisiilernhle intelli freiice anil whatever iheie is of a ssl in iiilin!utii.iis nl' nietlicale. vapnrs. lie seems In have nl.ility In extract, liav. we ff i further, atlil sav. that wn fear t'h-it the Prn-ft-ssi .11 have II 1 eiven salficiriit llttcnli It tn this nesle .f allevi'iluifc liie snlfcrins i.f llmte antler litis el-is of diseases. " New Jersey Medical Uepnrler, Jane, (From Prnfiwr Jas. riryun, F.ililnr of the "Phiunlelphia Meilieal anil Journal." 'Dr. MaDD .ck's B''K Is one i.f the few winch have been issiieil uniii lite I-'.hk ish piers mi this niiieci ns re-iiiiiieaTi u lit tins country. Willi Hie jiulicions N'.lea nf lie lireHni,, will tnl.l ! i ;h.? nii.lical liletat.ire of i lie fiiiieil lat'-a, mid. i( is!. iAi-i:es..r.i interest in the medical Pr il'cssion on the subject of Inha lation, as a mcaiisnf trcaliii pulm'.iiarv tiuVcti'iit. With tha ailililiiui nf m slern discoveries in IMiysinlopy. this nvsle nf treatiua these itistiscs sh.aiUI have n fair trial ami aome ntnncinent uia.le lor the Ion neuh et winch In lialttinii l.aa tulTercd at the banils nf medical men .Iamks Hiiva, M. D., Prof, of Surgery in Pliiladelphia rollega of Medicine A CAUD. nit. ortr.Fvn win m-ai dim'.asfs of tiii: I.L'XliS niul AIII-I'.SSAHKS. sir.eenlilv In Ihe m sle s i siiccesslil'lv aihinti-il in the pmeliee nf Dr. A. It. Ma.l d sk. and nlher eminent tilivsii'iaiis , if I'arope Ity this m sloaf ire-iiment I lie diseased surl'ucs nl' the Itrnnchi nml l.uncs are dim-llv aeieil iisai. Ihe vnii'.ns meilicateil va- rir Is-ine earned ti Ihe most miiilite rsimficalions of the mica. iir.Mlncinir lieallhy aetioii : w here n eomnlete ills irftiiai'ill in has ii-.l taken place Ihe best resalls alwavs nlteiid this fealare nf Practice ; in fa.-l. wih suitable ai'iiuiels. it is the. nlv reliable fnrin nf treating licenses of Ihe Ilea" iratory tlrtr-nis. Ile intemts I'evotnin his ante aOeiiti. n to this particular hrinch nf Ins pi-.-fi-rrion. Those ilesiruus nfcousulliiij; him can do s i hy letter od dressed !o CIIAS. C.tlKKVK. 1. V. II .x Phibila. P. O. riiilada . Jane !l. If 55. tlm. PERRY Sc ERETYj Booksellers & Stationers, 4 RK now selling off their entire stock of Uouks and i-tutiouary, raved IKm the fire of the ISlh lilt., at very lm prices. The stock embraces every variety of inisccll incom Hooks, School Hooks, and all kinds of lihiuk Hooks, ulso domestic and iinporled iSiutioiiiiry of every description. As we are elliini nut ut low prices il will Le well to call c.irlv a.d secure bargains. ri:i!UY & kisutv, 6. W. comer 4th and 1! ace streets, l'hiludclphia. riiiladclph;.!, June SU, 1S55 tf. Cliamckin White Atlt AnthraciU Coal. From the "Old IViii" i'l the Gup Colliery. H. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PUIS EL, successors te Kase, Heed & Co., will ron liiiue mining, sliippin; and selling con I from the above well known C'oliierv. under the linn of Zimmerman & I'urnel. The point of shipment i nt Ihe lower wharf in Siiiilniry, Nnriliumoer hind couiity, I'a.. where all orders for the various kinds of coal, viz : Lump, Hroken, 1'cg, Move, and Chestnut dial, will be thankfully received a 'id promptly attended lo. ouubury, July M, 18iS, Ki-xuniT, Jclt 5, 1855. The firm of .Kase. Heed ij- Co. having sold their lease in Ihe (Up Colliery and interest in the whaif at Sunhury, In Messrs. Zimmerman & I uinel, would take great pleasure in tei ooinieiid- ing our ciistniners and others t the new linn, as ihey will be able to tell llicui prepared coul of the best quality, KASE, r.F.ED&CO. EEQARS- lil Dorado, liio Hondo, l.a Curiositlad, ('aiialos, Havana Cheroots, El Nepluno, I'.l Duemlo, liecrca. lores. La emiarmis, l'iautalioii, Fur 8al. at WEISEK & UKL'NER. Sunhury. May 20, 1653, WONDERS OF NATURE. fS'IIE present Proprietor of the newly discov. 1 ered WINKIKLU CAVE (lime.loiie) in Dry Valley. Union county, hereby give notice that the rave will not l open on Sunday, for Visitors. Il may he visited by Ladies .ml Gen tlemen, en feulurd.iys of every week, when es pecial preparation, will he mad. to accommodate wilh liijliis. VS All person. r. forbidden to break, oft", injure, or take away auv specimen, from the Cave, under penally of prosecution. The payment of It J rents only i required of very person before entering NOAH WALTER. Dry Vallev, Aug. 1 1, 1855 3m. A Fin lot of Wall rswr just receive.1 and for Ml. by WM. McCAKTY, Market Sire.t. Sunhury, Jua 1,1856. EDARTliUS, liar. Uuckew. Painted Duck eu. Meal Tenderer., Corn b rooms, Uaa keu, ChilJien's W.gou., ud Y.uke. Clock) utl received and fos.le by 1 May 16, 1665. I. W. TEIt'ER C NEW FAMILY GROCERY, I Flour, Feed and Prorislon or. SEASHOLTZ & PETERY, liromltrny, hetwetn Afnrtet J- Tltactberry Sli. Litl'EUT r l I.I.i Inrorm the public tkat they have just reicived a larga and well selected assortment of choice Family flroceriea. rnnsisiinit in part of llama, HhnnUlera, Mackerel, Herrme. W hue Fish, ("oil ruin, Salt Preserved Frtut, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Hire, Sugar. Coffee, (sreen, roasted and ground,) Im iierial. Ynunir Hy on, Ounpowder and Ulack Teas, Ccdnr-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, hruslies plow and wash lines, hoots and shoes, tohnccn, scRnrs, Ac, tnRcllier with cveiy arlicle usually found in a first class (irocery Store, all of which will lie sold nt the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. We also keep on hand choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon, &r. Porter, Ale, beer, sarsnparilla, iVc. We are o'sn prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pics, prrt7J"ls and enkes of every kind. N. 13. The highest rash prices will he paid for butter and est;, corn, 0.1 is. rye and wheat. Sunhury, July 7, 1855. ' miiMnvi simnt itLii:. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, ia now we I established as the best article ever ollcred fur Dluoing Clothes. It is entirely freo from acid or niivibioj injurious to the finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper and less trnu'de than Intligo or ntiy other article. The irrriit ilcinnnd for it has drought nut several t'mi latio. Slorekeepcra and ronsoiners will he caicful to eel Ui.jami Uaiilow's, put up at Alfrc d Wiltbcrser'a Druir Store, No. 1(10, N. Second Street, l'hilndelphin. Storekeepers can net their supplies from the Grocers and Druneists they ileal with, nt prices yielding a good profit. jlriig, Ciemirah, l'ainl.i, Variiities, Vi Sti'ff.i. iff., with a first-rate assortment of every thiini in the line. Storekeepers, 1'hysirians and inanufarliirers supplied nt reasonable rates. ALFREll WILTIIi:H(ii:i:, Druirqist 1C! ,. Second Street, Fhiladelphia. July 7, 1853 ly. SUNBURY, PA- T jHE subscriber respectfully informs the public L Hint she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply of good liipiors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunhury June S3. 1855. if. BOYD, ROSSER & CO., miksks isn smri'sas or Ucb Vs!) Vntljvadtc Coal. From the Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Pcnna. Address. Unyd, Hosser ct Co., Sunhury, I'a. ii. m. mini. j. inmsr.H. jas. num. r. iiussta. Sunhury , April 7, 1 SS.S. tf- HAYDOCK & TIDIER, TEALF.HS in Wstchcs ami Jewelry, rill a ciitiliniic the business at the old stand of James U. Fuller, Xo. l'i South Second Street, Tllll.AUIXI'lll.t, Where they solicit an examination of their large and vniicd stock, leeliug assured that Ihe expe rience bolh of llieiu have had in the business, and the liicililte.i Ihey possess fur procuring cooils on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city, 'l'iiey have now on hand a line assortment of WATCHK.S. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, I'lnled and liiithinu Ware, Cutlery, Fancy (iooiU, Ac, &e. N. I). Repairing of Watches and all kind nf Jewelry allended to with promptness and the greatest care. Philn., April 7, 155. If. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEIIMAN, ZUERN & WEITZEL IJESi'FCTFl l.LY inform the public tlmt ihey have leased the new colliery, called the Lamlicrl colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and nf a vaiiety of sizes prepa red on their new coal nreaker. All orders prompt atteiuteil to by addressing the firm, either at Sunhury or Shamokin. Sunhury, June 30, IS.).'). Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. McCLEES. (Successor to MeClces Oermon,) Ol'l.ll enll ihe ftflenimi ol the mil, lie nnl nillv tit tllH Klllicrinritv nt' Ibe 1 1n .rtierten. tvpes the Hyulornph, (bv some called Atnhro type.) and the various styles of Photography on paper; hut to the fact, that parties' at a distance pnsiifghiiui a smiill daguerreotype, may. by semi iai it to No. Mill Chestnut si., have made from il by the means of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists, a portrait of ku sin, from . smiill Lorket to the full size of life. A small bonk lu.taiitini; description, prices, Ac, Ac, win be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McCLFES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. IbO I 'hi stout St., below Tth Thila., July SI, 1S55. if. 1M PROVED Sl'PER rilOSIMIATK of limj:. i"J51)(i l-bls. of the most superior manufacture. Aim, (il'ANH of every dcsciiptiou, Cal cined Plaster, Ceineiil, &e. CV Produce of .11 kinds bought and cold on roiiiniitbion. n. n. SELLERS cV CO., 'orwsrding am Commisioii Merchants, No. Oft North W harves, helwreii Race and Vine street, Phil nlu. l'hiludclphia, August 4, 1855. 3inc. iKicitm vontsi;i.r: 7VE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVnRY OMR HIS OWN PHVSICU.N. 1'HE FIFTIETH Edi--- lion, with One 11 u ml red Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malloriimliuiia ill V the Human System in every shape und form. To which i. added a Treatise on the Disease, of Female, being of the highest importance- to married jicoplo, or those contemplating murriage. I'y lr tit iu, t'ttaug 11 io fsilier t aslisiaed t i tres'iit a copy of ilie .KH. CI' LA 11 1' I to his vinld It iiuiy tie tiiui Iroia an eurly arrive. Let u i youiia limn ur woliitiu vieer into Ilie secrtt i.i.l.alions "f marrieil lite without renilinp Ilie POCKK'' .t;si:l'l, vl'll H ihi one solteriiui from luo-kiiusl Cif h, Piiin in Ihe Side, restless iiihls. nerviiiis feelniKS, nd Ilia whiile truoi oi tlysieille Stfiiauiotis, a:sl giveo Ui by their (ilivfticisil. lie another nioiin,iil willioul eon ulini tha .tsi;L'l,APIl'i lliiveihe inn. i il, or Ihosa nl.Hil to lie iimrrieil uny iiiijietlinn-iit. read this truly uselul If . ill. ss II lint lieeu the means of saving III itisaads of un. fiirt.inuts crMtlures from the very jaws f ilenih lvAiir persm en'loi. TXVKX'I'V-FIVK CKTi, enclosetl in a letler will rtxeiv one copy nf this biok, hy mini, ih live e .pies will he sent f.H one ih.llai. A.Miess, l. V VOLM!. No. I5i tl'RLCK lrccl, I'HILA UI'.I.I'HIA." Potlnuiil. PliitLlalpliu, sV-iitemlier 8. IW5 ly rH AIN PCM I'd.- K .mall numlier of these eicellent pump. htv. beta received and are ofTefi for ul. by H. B. MASSER. Kunnur. Juae 4, 1855. "ErtMICFI I.I. M.ccaroni and Coin (Jl.rch y just received by May 10. 1853. WE1SER & BRUNER. 'pRASK'S Magnetic Oialment at - M, 19. WEIHKK cV URCNER'S. BOOTS, Shoe., n,u C.n..iidUuu.8ho., just recrivej and for Ml. hy Ta. ak ti at a ' Oct. T 1854. - TEN Eft 4-Co EBERINE. VeraUia. Chiuoidine and Cia " chunia, just racatved by Mfi, hmc: rmK & BwnriT. . Extraordinary Arrival of szrnay aaaDSDnDSEj." 1111 E aulxcrilier take pleasure In Informlnt his customers and the public generally that lie is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundreth part nf the articlea would lie uaelesa. Suffice it to aay, they have been selected with the creates! care, and they will he disposed of at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere My motto is "Quick SalcB and Small Profit." He takes this method of presenting to the public hia thanks for the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and hy sliict attention to business, he respectfully solicits a continuance or Ihe same. It will he advisnhlo for purchasers to call and examine his assortment be lore purcbasiiig else, where. All kinds of produce taken in exchange EDWARD Y. BRIGHT. Sunhury, May 19, 1855. MOUNT CAltMEL HOUSE, MOUMTCARMEL, Northumberland county, Pa. rTPHIS large nnd commodious Hold is situated - on the ton of the Locust mountain, nearly half way between Sunhury and I'otlaville. 'I'll scenery the snlubrily of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the most ilcliaht'ul summer retreats in the country. The Hold, is a new structure, four stories liigli. fitted up wild all the modern conveniences. The pore mountain water is introduced into every clumber. The place is easy of access, heng hut one and a half hours ride from Sunhury, over the Philadelphia and Sunhury Ra'l rood. From I'otlsville, it can be reached hy the Mine Hill Rail rnnd tn Ashland, and from thence to Ml. Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus. Every attendance will he paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JOSCril M. FEAGER. Ml. Carmel, June S3, 1855. tf. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS & WATSON. Xo. 2C Sou-h Fourth St., I'hiludetyh'ft. CHEAT FIRE, Chestnut & Fifth Streets. Friday morning. Iircemher 85ih. f...stY;!;:it'jIJ? t I8.J4. l.vatiso ntso iratefit !,"n",,M,"1 SBiiT Triu i-1' pliant, as they always i tJSSS! when put to the tot. 1H54. Evans Q- Wntson rium are I'm t AUKi nil , Dec. 15. IS.'il Mcsars. Evs If Watson, Nr. 2'J South Fourth St.. I'hil.nlclptiiu. Gentlemen : We lake much pleasure in re. commeiiding your Siihuitnnder Snfes to Merchants j nnd others in' want of a secure means of pieser- ving Ibeir honhn. papers, etc., from lire, as the i one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papeis and rash in ns good a condition as tin y were when put into it, before the grcnt lire of ibis morning, which destrnvrd the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth stirels. The above safe was I in use in our ollire, on the second floor of our I building, from which plnre it fell into the cclltir, and remained there un'il the fire was oul. The Safe was then remove,! and opened in the pres ence of at least 1 0(10 persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in use again, lmvi..g perfect confidence in its fire-proof iiialilies. Your.', Resperlfullv, LACY V PHILIPS. Evans ir Vaton take pleasure in referring to Ihe following, among the inaiiy hundreds who have their Safes in use: I. S. Mint. I'hilnda I'nrincr' and Mechnuics' Hank, Phil.i ; Samuel Allen, Esq., Iliiih Sncrill', I'iiilu; Jnhn II. Hen derson, Cily Controller; Caleb Cope a; Co., No. 1H3 Maike: 't. ; Rieharil Norris iV ts,iii. Loco motive builders, PhilaiU ; Hancroft .V .Sellers, Mac liini-li. corner lOtli ninl James Sis.; Trail klin I'irc Iin-uriince Co., I'hihi.; I'ennsylvauia Kailroad Co, I'hila.; Lacey iV Philips, corner 5ili uiiil Minor His; Mharpless Hro., No M Sniilh Second St.; .Imnrs Kent & Suntce, No. 147 North Third SI; W H. Ilorstmiiti & Sous, No. 51 North Thitd Si.; .Smith, Williams & Co.. No. 87 Market St.; J. & U. Orne, No. 1S4 t 'lir.-tiuit St. A luree assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to Maud at least 10 percent more fire than any Herring's Safe now in ue.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for rule, Iron Shutters. Iron Hoots and Iron Dash, fur making iiie-pronf Vsults fi r Hanks stores, public nnd piivale buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses ; Patent Slate Lined He frigeratortf, etc. Please five us a call, at No. S6 South Fourth St., Pliiladelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. NEW STORE. (At the old Stand of S. X. Thompson.) fBMlE Subscriber rprprcfully informs the pen. a. pie nf Sunhury and vicimtv. that he tiai ta ken Ihe Store iioom lately occupied by S. N. Thompson, in Market Street, Sunhury, la-low Weaver's II itel, and that he has just received and opened a haiuNoine as- rtilleltl uf SPRING & SUMKEE GOOES, Coneiitiii in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, LTardware, Quceiiktvare, Huts A Caps, Hoots & Shoes. Full, Salt, Meat. Vc. All of which w ill l e sold nt the lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th highest maiket price. II. II. VASTINE. Suibury, April 51, 1S55 I JAMES BARBER WIlUI.IXAI.r: .V IILTAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. L. ctrner of Second j- Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Where may lie fou d, one of the largest and Vl assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in the I'nitcd Plates, in quantities to suit purchasers, of I roui a single Clock, tit one thousand Clocks ; embracing every variety of .tyloand inonuliic lore, suiiat In for Churches, Halls, Counting House., Parlors, Sleeping apartments, at.d Hitch rns. Steam .ml Canal U.wta, and Hail road Cars. N. H Clock. Repaired and W.rrauled. Clock Trimming, for anle. Also, Manufacturer of Jiurber's Celtbrated Fine GOLD PENS Embracing .11 the qualities of the finest quill pen. in addition t whirh the durability of the metal is lully assih iated and developed. UolJ und Silver Pencils, and Pen HoUcrs, riated W are, &c wholesale and retail. Those wish ing to purchase are iuviied to call. JVMES HARHER, S. E. corner Chestnut and Second Si.., Phila. Philadelphia, June S3, 1855. Jy, HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEir AT LAW. i0tcf opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. rotnpi mieniion to Dusiueei m adjoining ouiitie. IIOOFI.AND'S Hitters at May 19. WEISER it BRL'NER'S. mm ANN'S LETTtR PRER8ES. with IV I books,i nk. and all n.vlete. 1 list IV MM .' I andforwleby H.U. MASSER. Hunhury, June 4, 18A1U OATENT BRI'JTAMA STOPPERS fui JsV bar bottle, for sal. by H. B MA8SER. Sunbury, April. It, 1851 CILVER WATCHES A few double ease English Silver Welches fee sal .1 very low prior, by H. H WA85JKR. Bunburr, Apri U. 5 VkflLEY'S COVGU CASVY. An netl V Unt remedy for aougbs, tali. Tn ei al thi. oihoe. DasMtakssr 4, 1M. . FIRST ARRIVAL CTEBroRy or CD 3D IE) 523 At 8. N. ThomrjRon'si Store. Tn fairer Auyuita lownihip, tit the. Junction of rm-ai, V "7,c""r1"' I'lum creek ronrs. 1 i u,"'cr,,,tr h"'niJ returned from the city t i.- ., n".w nA 'enslve assortment of reshionable good., respectfully calls the attention of Fanner, Mechanics and others to the same. SI'RINU AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. CatsimertM, Ccnsincfs, Jtant, Drillinc Muslins, Vesting, Tweeds, and nil iindi o' Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. isomers, i.Kfswn rie stilts, LtQXcnSy Oinchnms, lierasts, Robrs, Woolens, Flannel, tfc. onot r.ieiKs, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Ac, &.C., &.C HartUvnro, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various styles and pattern. SOOTS AMD SHOE3. A largo assortment of Roots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hits Cars, cVc, of various sizes and styles. Resides a largo and genernl assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. fy Country produce o! all kind taken in exchange at the highest market p'ires. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 2K, lH.'.i. F . PCTT3, " IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON t STEEL, 461 Market street, hcUnv Ulh, north suU, PHILADELPHIA, rhila., Dec. 30, ISM ly. Furniture ! Furniture ! Xo. 15" South Second above Smtce, east sih , I'lIILADELrillA. t'lHE subscriber would respectfully inform the leaders of the SrwAt'i-y Amrnran and Ihe public generally, tbnt he has on hund a constant supply of delimit, fushioiinlile, and well mail Furniture al reasonable, prices. lJcitig a practi cal mechanic, and having nil his irouls innutifuc lured nnilcr his own superintendence, purchasers may rely on gitntig just such articles ns ife represented. Lounges wilh reiuovalile arms, also new pnltcrns of Sola hcils't ad. J lius who sr about going to housekeeping would do ! wt"ll to cull. I JOHN" A. RACER. 157 Stm:h .Second street. N. H. AH orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. April 2S, C55. v8 ly. bounty' land warrantsT i 'IliF, subscriber having received ti.e nercMary j forms and iiisrocttiniis from the Department, ! at Washington, is prepared to proeiite Hnuutv Land Warrants at the shortest notice. II. U. MA3SER. ?unbnry. Ar"1 7. 195S. ilTbevan?" Shamokin Pa- 'I'lIlE subscriber bes leave to inform his friends ' I. and the public generally, lhat h. has taken j the above well known stund, ami will be happy to accommodate all who may give Lira .call. Shamokin, JuW 8, 18.'!. NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given lhat application will be made to the next leginhiiuie nf Pennsyl vania, at the session of l!-5ti, for t'.ie creation of a corporate bedy, with banking and discounting privilege, tn be called the "Sit.wniiix HK," located at Miutnokiutown, Nonhuinbcrland Co., I'a.. with a capital slin k of il50,llH0, with Ihe privilege of increasing the tame to $i.'00,0t)0 if necessary. Shamokin, May S2, 18' 5. Cm. NEW DEUG STORE! WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., next dour to 1'. lirt&hl's Siort souBuny, pa , FFEU to the public the largest and best selected stock eer opened in "l'i section of country, consisting uf FRESH AND PURE DRUG S, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, l)ve-slull's. Window Class, Patent Medicines, touclhcr with . complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shavimr Hrushrs, Iliensing, Side, Neck and I'iM ket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Miaving Creams Tobacco. Segart, Port Mouias, 8tationary, Con lectiutiiiiies, PUKE WINES AND RKANPIKS For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept hy l)rug;iita generally. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. GEO. H. WFISEK, WM. A. HKl'NEK. Sunbury, May SC. Itv.M. TOBACCO, &c. Strtw'rry. ('onKress, I'ldoiado Vig. Ehl.irado Ca'ie, S.rsapurilla Fine Cut, l' Fin. Cut. Anderson. " " pr Sale at WEISER A- H R l.'N E R. Bunhury, May 56, 1855. R. H. II. IIIfiBEE'S "-'colds, and euliiioiiary S remedy for eoue!j, f uliiionary diseases. A uimlv ol Ihi valuable mcdiune just received and fr sale y IL D. MAS si 11. funl.urv. June 4. lr,rt. A RNOLD'S WltlTINt! FH'ID and Adhe ive and legal envelopes, for sale by H. U. MAbSE.I. Sunburv. Ian 10. IR52. CHOEit. All kind of Hoot, t-hoe. and .lip. jer. lor .al. by O. ELSHERG & CO, Market atreet, opposite the Post Office, ftunburv. Oct. 8. I5:l. ATS AND (JAPS. , splendid lot of fashionable Silk. Wool and Fur Hal. else. CUih, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Capa for sale low hy c. els he nr. 4- co. Market street, opposite the Pott Office. Sunhury, Oct. 8, 1853. 1I1.D PENS wilh and without cases, of a H very autierior uualilv, just received. Alao a fresh .upply of Willing Fluid, for .ale oy . II. U. SIABSLH, Sunbury, Dec. 57. IW" BLANK Parchment P)er Deed and Man. Mortiraes, Honda, Executions, Summon Le., for saleli 11. U. M AbSEIt. Snnborv At ri 5 A. IMA HLANKS. It': LAXKS of every description can be had y pp ylne at thsofflc oflU Amaricaes f ROUND and whole Pepper, Clove. Cinna Mr Nutmeg, Mate, A'lllspice. Ginger, Liquorice, Ac, Ac, at Hor. IH, 'SI. YOUNG'S STORE. JEWELRY" A nice aatortmenl of OelJ and Silver Pencil ami Pen. forsalehep by D, EL8BEKG4 CO., Market atreet, opposite tb To! OUio. Suiibury, Oct. 161. C AM PH INE and Fluid of tha best quality Tor Ml by WEISER DK LINER, uabary, May II, US, '' United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, abort Fourth. nilLADELPHIA. CI' MacLELLAN, (late of Jones' Hoti has the pleasure to inform his friends s he traveling community, that ha baa leased I House for a term of years, and is now prrpai for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favorite eslablh ment are too well known to need comment. The House anJ Furniture have been put first rate orders the rooms are large and wi ventilated. The Tables will always be uppli with the liest, and the proprietor pledges hiins that no effort on his part shall be wanting make the United States equal in comforts te t riniei in 111 (Quaker City. Thila., July ft, ISM. SAMUEL S. FETI1ERSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, Lantrrnn, CliamLlirrs and Candelabra No. 152 S. 2d i(rrf, nlloi Spruct, rillMprrPHIA. fflaving enlnrged and improved his slore, sr having one of the largest assortments Lamps, u, 1'hiladelphia, is now prepared to f nisi. 1 mo Oil, Cnmphenr, 13ri,ing Fluid, !,, and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all pMlrrn t.lnss Lamp, by the psckngc. at a small .dv.iii, over s,u lion price?. IHing a Manufacturer uo of me Oil. Rnrning Fluid and A lr..,e which will he furnished to Merchants at sue prices tlmt they will find it to their advonlser t buy. Also, Household (iiassware of all cWrir tions al the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1851. Nw Gooo's fcr th People ! " I1KNJAM1N HEFFM; OESrECTrrLLy infurms the public in Rw crnl tlmt 10 has just received and opuned t splendid stock of Fall and Winter Goods at his New Store, in I.on er Aogi.sta lownsl.ip. His stock consists in pint of Cloths, Ca3simprs, Cassinets. )f all k'uuls, of linen, cotlnn and worsted. ALSO: Callior. (;ii:(;Itutiii, ..loiisNt liue I)c Lkilius and all Linda of Ladies Ureas Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron itd Steel, Nails, dc. A No an excellent assortment nf QUEEHSWASE, of various .ijlc. ,aj Also an assortment of HOOT K SJIOtS. II A I S & CAPS, a good srlcctiun. puiien:! bait, Fish, t- And a great variety of other urlirles such as are suitable to the trade, all of v,hul, will be sold tt ihe low i st prices. Country produce taken in .vclmiTe a the highest pri?ea. Lower Augusta, Nov. 1(1, 1 (i ; f, AV.M. M'CAUTV, B ( (I f Il L L V. R , Mnktt Hheii, 8UNEUR7, FA. Il'ST received and fir taie, a fretn twffly i fcr Singiug fcchoolt. lie it aluo opening a this lime, a laie .Ntorluicut of Hooks, in every branch cf Literature, cuiutstinj; ,f Peclry, History, Novels, Kmnunccs, R.ien'ilie Work", Law, Medicine, School and Children' Hooks, Hibles; Schoui. Pocket and Family, l.o'.Sa wilh ui"d without Engravings and cverv nf vsri etv of liimliiij;. Prayer Hook, ef a'l k'i:..!.. Also just received and fur sale, Purdoti. P',. jet of tiie laws ol Pcniitvlvania, edi lion of 1S5 1, price eidy Su.00, Judge i:,-i..U cllt'ion of Hlackttonei C.en-:iet. taricj, in 3 vi.U. 8 vo. formerly told st f 10,0(1, .mi ini'v ot'ered (.ill fresh hindinc) tt ii14 0t price i fil.dO. A Treatise on l'io laws of Prims' Ivahia re pecting ihe estates of I.iecejenls, by 'I'honiat F. Gordon, p:icc only 3 !,0d. 'I'l.ivels, Voyage and Adventures, ttl el which will be sold low, either for rath, or etau try j February, SI, 1S53. M. To Trespassers o:i the Telegraph I.ln 'JV'OTICE is hereby fjivrn, that nil perso'i found trci.jiai i.iin; upon, or injiirim; ihe lino of the Philadelphia und i.ulniry '1 c!er:. h will be i!ealt with .ccordinc to the act of A-scni !y ia such cases made ai.d provined. 11. 11. MASSriJ, Prcn't Phil.i. and Sunhury Telie'raj.U Co. Sunhury, June II. Ibfl. tf. "AID AND COriFORT," " i o Your Cln ti .TUtliai.k. GEOl.GE lUeNX. MAMIFa:Tl'KKR OF FURS ITUIU: AXD CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stjls. rT',liE i .liter1! cr respectfully cnl! tl.e aiiei.iHsi A of the public to his large a..d splenJiil lur;.l of every nua'.itv end pi ice i! : . a eX I . I'.'l'-IV .1 ES IS which csntioi fail to recommend itself teeory : who will examine it, on account of i t dura! le woiltiiiiiiuliio and splendid tilii.-li, made tip ol toe iet sl.ak tube had in the cily. Nu sllUrt : spared in the manufacture of lii. ware, am! li e suhscrilur is determined to kceji up mt.i ih many iinprovcnients which am (.iiisiauii r '. made. liis slock cousihts of Mahogany Sf.iH, Divans) and Luim?. Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, mi, U.itAKFAST AND L'l.MMJ T1M.2 and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to I lit a delphia inaniu'.u lure. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and piiio. CUTROAUnS, WORK AXD CANDLE. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND r.XTEXSlO.X TABLES, In short, every article in this line of hit businest f 11. .Ue ins:iufucture. all kinds anJ qualities c- CIIAIKS, ncluding varieties r.ev. r b.for. to i.e had hr Sunhury, ueh at Minusixr, Click Wunsi akii Ct BLcn M.irn Ghei iax ; iu 'iu"a CHAIRS, rAr Pito Stools, which sr. ' of the latest slylea, and wnrran'cj Ij be evcel'd ' by uone manufartoi-e-I in the Citic or elsewhere. ' The ub rilwr is Jctcnninrd that there shall he noe.caae fur persons to purchase fumitur in ' the cities, as every confidence can Le entertained about the quality and finish of hi wars and Choirs. Hi article, will l. disposed of en .. tad term as they can he purchased elsewhere. Cui trv Produce taken in pavment for wo-k. If I NDEKTAKING. Having; prmi l.J himself with a handsome Httnss, he is near prepared for I'lnlortakiiifr, ami atteiidir,; fJ ltr. als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient ilia, tunc from this place. EB" The Ware Room is in Muiktt aliret below Thorn pson't btor and Weaver's 'Pavem GEORGE R1.NX " Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853 it; CITRATE OF MAfJ.NESlA, r Tasteless Salts, Prepared by . VVtlSF.R k BRL'NKX. Thia prepaiation la recommeiKled . . eellenl laiative and purgaliv., it oper.te. liui .. .mirely fre, f10raF., Unpl...C, einUing lonad. j,, rl.vor. 'i'hi. meJicU.T. hiahly heueCciul forditeate, eeaUr7 and hot w.ath.,. F."ar l. a..,.-. Sunbury, July I, L5t 1N K Dour..u'. clcbr.teJ ink. and also gro. Ink for 1.. UUW. and t.tad Z lWbwtlaM. U B UAME4L