California Hu. ARRIVAL OF THE NORTHERN LIGHT. later from valiforkiji. 92,000,000 In Cold. New York. Nov. 11. Tho steamship vrthern Light arrived this tnornng, with ilifornia dntes to the 20tl nit. She brinjra Pjiocie the troubles on tho Isthmus hnv H induced shippers to select the Aspinwall lite. The mail steamship that left. San Francis, on the 20th ult,, had two millions in gold i Imnrd. All wns qniet on the Isthmus. The Walk ' and Chanioro party had agreed upon terms prace, and General Rivas had been ap. ilnted President after the declination of ' bilker. Tho latter has been appointed ommander-in-ehicf of the Nienrap-unn forces id Parker H. French, formerly of the Sac ttnento Tribune, has been appointed Com lipsary of War. Tho people of Nicaragua appear to bo pica d with the new state of affairs, and no more onble was apprehended. Gen Chillon it is reported, has had an en asement at Menpgru with Mendei: and COO f his troops, the latter being defeated. Don lateo Mayuga, formerly Secretary of State, fit executed on the Plaza, his party having Ired it: to tho Uncle Sam and Star of the tVest. Col. Kinney remained at Greytown, and Walker is reported to be disposed to drive him out of the country. Col. Walkor has addressed a letter to Mr. Mnrcy, iinforming him of the success of the revolution, and the necessity of levying a con tribution on all persons in Leon to pay for the maintenance of the troops Anions oth ers. John Priest, a citizen of tho United Stntos. and claiming to exercise the functions of U. S. Consul nt Sun Juan, was required to pay his proportion of the tax. he carrying on the business of hotel-keeping nt t hut. place. Mr. Priest refused nt first to pay the tax ns levied, and it became necessary to ttso strin ' cent measures to procure a coinpliunco with the order. Ho protested airnint the pay vrtcnt and ncninst the means used to coerce it. Col. Walker argues that PrifM has no chim to exemption, that tho revolution is general and successful. Rumors of the inteuded departure of 400 ro'.unlrers fur Walker, from San Francisco, caused a great deal of excitement in that city. A search-warrant was procured, and 29 mus kets belonin to th San Francisco Blues were recovered. Tho Quarter Master Gen eral of the State discovered also that the ar mory of the San Francisco Rifle Company had been divested of all its arms, lie at tempted to recover them, but the stealer sailed before ho could board her. Three hundred of the expedition were left behind. They procured a schooner and attempted t- board the steamer, but the officers and tho City Marshall opposed their attempt and thev were oMurod to reland. The E'p imchip Sierra Nevada, from San Juan, arrived at Sail Francisco on the fth tilt. TtiirituT the trip she lost 45 passengers from cholera only three of them were cabin pasenarers. The U. S. steamship John Hancock arri ved nt San Francisco from Petroptiulowski, Vrincinf news that the Russians were nt A moor, in great forep, both on sea and land and were anxious to meet the allied fleet, which was probably in the Gulf of Tartnry. When ofi' Island, the Baraeouta TiConnterf d n Bremen brig having on board 110 Russian officers and soldiers, who were taken prisonei'3 and carried into Hong Kong. Five hundred men, under Captain Foy, of Sacramento, have left to join Walker On tin- 9th ult.. the Indians on Rouge river massacred over fiftv whites. Major Fitzcer- nld pursiud tho Indians, and overtaking them I had a battle, in which CO Indians were killed, losing ten of his ow n men. j The balance of the treasure, sunk on board the steamship Yankee Blade, amounting to SfiO.OOO, has been recovered. Seven Chinamen were, murdered by the Mexicans in Siejra County in one day." The object was robbery. rPXKSYLVASIA CANrX t OAI.. We learn from the Pittsburg papers that the Darlington Cannel Coal Iiui'rond Com pany, of Beaver county, are now in successful operation, sending out about one hundred and fifty tons per day, bat Cannot half supply the demand. A large amount cf it is carried to Alleghany city, and sold for domestic purpo ses, for the !a!'re bakeries and for tempering ghiss. For thisla-l purpose bituminous coals do not nnsw'T, and glass manufacturers have heretofore been compelled to use wood. The coal is now used in two of the Pittsburg glass houses and nt one in Bridge water, Beaver county, audit is said to be better and cheaper for tempering than wood. A party of l'ittslmrghers, Messrs. Cheny, Watson fe Co., have purchased n site at the junction of the Darlington road with the Ohio nod Pennsylvania road, and have commenced the erection of a large manufactory for tho purposa of distillling oil from tho cannel coal, and entered into arrangements with that Company for the supply of coal. By actual experiments it has been ascertained that it contains at least forty callous of oil to the ton, and the expense of making it is not more than fourteen cents prr gallon. The ril is or n superior quality f-r light; when burning emits neither smoke no smell, and is not ex plosive. It is now manufactured successfully in New York and sold at or.o dollar per gal lon. It is also vuluaiile for machinery, as it neither gums nor does it congeal until tho mercury sinks at 15 dep. below zero. From the cheapness with which it can be made it is evident that it will soon be produced in quan tities, tending gvoatly to reduce the price a very desirable matter. The Darlinirton Com pany owns five hundred and fifty ucrcs of can iiel coal have nt a great, expense completed their roud, and are now in full connectian with the Lakes and the Ohio river a cen- i tral position that must secure them great ad J vantages. This vein of cannel coal averages from fourteen to fifteen feet in thickness, and f is overlaid with a vein of cannel coal shale of f ten feet in thickness, which, although not f good for fuel, contains as much oil as tho coal. The Simla being composed mainly ot oil nml earthy matter, and the coal or carbon and oil. It is computed that, at a low estimate, there is in every aero forty thousand tons of the oil yieldiug substance : a mine richer in wealth than the gold-yielding quarts of California. New Counterfeit. A new counterfeit rnuduits appearanco on Saturday, purporting to bo an issue of the Mechanics' Bank of this city, of the. denomination of five dollars. They are cjost capitally done, and bear so close a resemblance to the genuine issues, that it will require a very close inspection to detect them. The ono we saw wns letter B, 1733. The on'y perceptible dillorence be tween it and the genuine note, was in the en graved lines in the lower corners, which in the counterfeit, having been done by hand, arc not straight, while the genuine ore. Caution- should be exercised in taking Me chanic fives'. I'hila. Xeut. Caution' to a dUrdkrs. A recent European magazine contains an ubly-written article on the subject of the injurious effects upon the eyes of persons in tho habit of read iig while travelling itv railroad cars. It is stated thai the jolting motion causes the" eye to strain io catching the separate letters, and makes the effect on the retina very injurious. Several instances were given in corrobora tion, where persons who were in the habit of reading; mucu id railway cars nan Become Mrly buod. The Liquor Law Prlsener. PtTTRBtjRO. Nov. 10. The imprisonment of tho liquor dealers convicted of violations of the law, having expired to-day. largo croud assembled near 1 ho jail, whure carria ges bad been provided for the liberated pri. soners. After their disennrge, o procession was formed with music, &c and the prison ers were conveyed in triumph through the principal streets. It is nnderstood that all the liquor dealers instead of selling as usual, in order that the number of complants may be so increased ns to clog the business of the Courts, until the repeal of the law. We have nt length a full report of the dead and wounded by the late awful disaster on tho St. LouiB Pacific Railway, and the to tals are, dead 30, wounded 70, or 100 in all. This is the worst ruilroud accident which probably has ever occurred in this country. The Poet some where speaks of "winter lingering in the lap of spring," which it needs Ho poet to tell us the case here this season, the lust two days having been decidely win try. Nor does it need a poet to inform the public that fur uil sorts of weather there is u yeiy abundant provision of suitable uud fash ionable clothing nt. Rnckhill & Wilson's ehtiip store, No. Ill Chestnut street corner ol Franklin Pluce BEAT 11 S. In Shumokin township, on Siimiuy lust, suddenly, DAVID MAK'I'Z. lisij., ugeu about 04 years. Philadelphia Market. Nov. 15, 1855. Chain. Only n small amount or Wheal offered nnd prices ore 3c per bn lower. Sales of Soul hern and Pennsylvania at $2 00 n2 PO per bushel, and prime white at 2 12a 2 18. 30-10 bushels Western Rye sold 117 cents. Corn is scarce 1000 bushels old yel low sold at !6 cents, and new yellow at from C." to 70c. Outs are i.i fair demand nt 42 a 43 cts, per bushel. Whiskey is sendy sales of bbls. nt 41a42 cts., and hbds at 40uilc. Last sales of Drud ges at 39c. SUNBl'K Y I'KJCU CI MtliKNT Wiikat. 168 Km. . .114 Cors. so Oats, .,5 potatoss, 8.1 ISkhwax "5 H.( KLI II Fl.Al. 10 UuTTMl. 22 Eno. - . )2 I'll II K. 10 Fuikihi. . I 4ft Tallow. "IS New Advertisements. I!ioliilioii of liiriticri!iip TVTOTICE is hereby given that the firm of Clement ti Krnm wosdulv dissolved on the 3 1st day of October, A. D , 1855. and tliol the honk of the firm are in the hands of Ira T. Clement. All persons knowing themselves t.i be indebted to said firm will plea.-e cont nnd make settlement immediately, and all persons having claims against the same are requested to present them. CLEMENT & KRAM. Sunbnry, Nov. 10, 1855. 2m. Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASHBY & R0CAP, Ao. 13C Market St., INFORM their friends and tho public (generally, that they continue to keep at their old slum!, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, Ac, gut up of the licet material and in the lutes) and best stjle of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well to call ahd examine before purchasing elsewhere. Phila., Nov 10, 135. if. The Scientific American. Eleventh Year. Splendid Engravings and Prizes. The Kleveutn Aii''t:al Toluuie of this useful puLlicutum conimetict s m tin l.ih ,'l" September, Ir&o. The 'SCII'.N TiFIC A.MKKICA.N ll Illustrated Periodical, deviaed chieliy tn the prontulifiri :a of inttMr nialiini relating to the vuri- u. .Mecliunic uiul Clieimc Aru, liittnslilal ,Mi..iiil'ncturcs, Apiculture, Patents, luveutiiais, 1'iiL'iiieeriui:, Millw.irk, mid all nitcrevts waich ttie light of Practical Science is calculated lailvauck. Ucpurts ni V e. P.ilents granted aiu als., puhlished ev ery week, including racial c ipies of t.l! the Patent Ctnims, tnrilu-r with news and th.iushuds nf nter subjects. The enntiihutori to the Scientific Atneiienn are nmiiii the m -si eminent sciei.titic uml prariicl men, f the limes The dejmilineut. is university nckniwlekfed tn be v inducted with area! ability, and in be distinpuieced, nnt nuly fir the excellence ami Irulhnihii.ks nl lis discus si. mis, but fnr the fearlessness with which ermr is dan Ijaleil nnd fulse Itienrles are csplntted. Mechanics, luveutnrs, na(:l iceis, Cheuiisis, Miiuuftic turcrs. Aricultmti'ls. and p.enple nf eveiy pmlisvi n in life, will find the Sciealific Amesic-ill IiiIk; -il gre-it value ia their respective calliups. llsc unci ani succeiiinus will sn ve lliciri hlliidreiis nf il.ILns aiuiuaily. bebiileaaflf r dius theinn eniiiiuiiul s urcenf kimwleilge, the experience nf which i. ltynud pecuniary estimate. 'J'he Scicntitie American is published nueea week : every number enutaiiis eisht kirge qmrt,i (aiKe. Inniiina aul'ually n c implete and splendid v ilume. illunirated with several liuadred oiiainal cnsrivitifts. Cy Sp-eiinea enpies sent gratis. fy TKBMS. Single Subsc'iptins, $2 a eur, or SI for six mot Ilia. Five copies for six months, $4, for a jear f.S. Kor further Club rates and fur the statement of the fourteen larire Cash Prizes, ottered by the puhlixhers, see Scientific American. Koulhrrn, Western and Canada mnner, or Tost Otiice Stumps, taken at par for subscrip tions. Letters should be directed (post paid) to ML'NN & CO., 1!8 Fulton Street, New York. Iu'ew York, November 10, 1R5.V - THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, 1?!tj"F.D under the Pea'. Hniictina and Authority of the L'nicereitv nf FHKi-; MKDIC1NK unit onular kimw. Idee, Chattered by the Stats nf Pennsylvania, April !, leoa, wnha Capital of PIOtl.lKsj. nntiuly fnr ihe purp ise cf arresting Ihs eviie nf aisl w irtlileaa Xnairmris ; Aisii i.r suppiving lue uominuuily with reliable Keine dies wherever a Competent Physician cannot nr will nnt I eiapkive-J. This lntiipi"il kas purcl.uu'd fran r Jolis It. Kowaxd, his Celebrated KoifHiid 'Ionic nilxfiirp. KanWn for upwards of twenty-five years as the nuly ure and Kite cure fnr Kl. aiul AGL'E. tr.. and uis lues. Humble Kenvdy for HOWKI.COMI'L.AIN'IV, H.iwnnit's Cniripnuud Pyrup o' Blacklirrry t,s,t. winch uigaiy sp. pinvcw nni, jr.,mm nnnmic, viriuer will! Tiie l;iiiverUy's lleiundy fnr t'lauptamis nf the taiiin; The t'luversily's Heinedy fr Dysraia or IndigekUnu'i The Vuiveisity's Remedy fnrCnsnve-ltnwels; Also, the L'tiiversliy 's Almause naiy laa la bud, at the nruuen mspeiisary. or cw, tn .. , WILLIAM. DKPPIM. . No. 3, 1623. Maaaa y P O nIUe nnd llnriit'sm .llakcr. Thomas H. Tucker Successor to G. W. Slroh, BEsPECTFUI.LY lnfrnii the citizens of Suubury and the pub lic generally. Ihaf he has taken establishment lately occupied by Geo. W. Slreh, and having engaged several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work ui fits line equal to sny mui'e in tht section of country. Orders promptly exeveted sod sll kinds of pro dura taken in exchange. Sanbury. Ortolwr K7, 1855. ly FAHNESfOCK I Vermi uge. for sale hv Mm IS wrt.SPR A, HHf-NEll WEISER A. BKUNEH J - 1VINE3 and Liquors for Medicinal purposes r ' WEISER d' BKUNEK ff. unWr, MNr It.' 16 Bargains nt the Old Stand. miLING & GRANT ARE now opening a new and very desirable lock of FALL and WINTER Goods, em bracing in endless variety. Their stock con sists in psrt of Black & Fancy Broadcloths &Cassimeres, Winter Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. Sir.KSPlain and Figured Black. An assortment hf Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dress Silks at Unusually low prices, Shctlies, Brazes. Dr'ntiJ Dbl.ains, Mus. De Lnins. Lawns, ttc, ' (3INOH A MS from H to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES 3 . " WHITE GOODS. Cambric, Jaconetts, Swiss, Tarltnn. Mull, lipid- nett, French and Swiss Lares. Edgings, fee. Brown and bleached Muslins. Drillings. Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, oe. ottos r.itn-. HARDWARE and fiTTEESfSWARE, Cedar-ware, llollow.wnre, Iron, Stel, Plaster Knit and Fish. Also a trcsh siiiplv nf Dlii;iS AMI Mr.DICINT.Si. Thankful for Jinst favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. P Country produce of alt kinds taken ot the highest market priee Hunbiirv. INov 3. ISS6. Iv. EXECUTOR'S SALE. IN pursuance of prevision? made in the laat Will and TerlnniPi.t of John Ilehock, will be exposed to publii-r sale on FRtiMY THE Sl DAY OI-' NEXT, on the premises, at tho late roidrnre ol'tl e said John Keboi'k, late of Coper Malionoy township, Northumberland county, deceased, the fol lowing ilescril el n'nl cslnte to wit : A "CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, Situate in the township nforrsHid. adjoining lands of Daniel Ueisae-, SainiM-l liesslrr, I'eler Thomas, George Keterulf and Adam Arnold, containing nbou1 One Hundred and Ninctv-two Acres more or less. About 125 acres nf which arc cleared, the remainder being well timbered. The iniprovcini ills aie a double Iwo story Log Dwelling House, w pnlbcrbourde d. A Bank Barn a Spring House and a Cider Press. There is also on tlx premises a lurgfl and ex cellent Orchard ol all kind, of fruit trees. Kale t commi'nre at 10 o'clock on said dy. when ilia terms and conditions of sale will be made known by JACOB H. KAUFFMAN, Ex'r. November 3, I85S. ts. .J. For the latest arrival of Fall 6j Winter 'woods. J. F. St I. P. SIuINS RK1 HsrF.'JTFUl.I.Y announce to thrir friends lid tie public in general, that they have received at their Old Sliitul, in Upper Ainrusta township. Northumberland roiintv. l' Klines Grove, their FA 1,1. an J WINTBR Coo Is, und opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fane; Cassinirres, Kattinctts, thecks. Drawers and Under Shirts, and all kinds of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot ol'-l!eaily.iiiaJa Coats, Vesta and Pants, tkc. Ladies Dress Goods, Cnnsutinfj nflllack Silks, Merinos. Alpacns, Co here cloth, plain and fancy all wool De Unities. Calirwcs,(iin(fhains. Muslin. Comforts, Bay State Long .Sluiwls, Triiniiiings, Arc. Also afresh supply of rccrlr of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Hardware, Quecnsivnre, Ccdarware, It rooms, Ac. Also a large assortment nf boots and Shoes, suitable fur Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Silk Hats, nnd all josds usually kept in a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for pat favors wc hope by strict atten tion to busineis, t merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of goods will be sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at tho highest market price. Kline's Grove, Nov. 3. 18S5 FOR SALE. A VALUABLE FAHM, Lying in Shumnkin tovniship, Northutnlicrland county, containing about 1 30 acres, more or less, within J mile of the Philadelphia and Sunhury Railroad, adjoining lands of Charles Leiscnritig, George Ktick und others, rn which are erected A large two'&tory Dwelling House, Burn and Outhouses. Ariout SO acres of said land ure cleared, and in a piettv snod state r.f rullivaliui i the residue is i.nud linibcr land. There run be about 40 acre of very mperinr ireaonw made on said premise. l here are two go.ul liearing Orcbarils llicreiin, a ne er-fuilnig sprinij of wa er. and tt good wrll at tho door. For further put lii ulara apply to Ihr subscri bers, or to Elida John, Ucar Gup P. O., North umberland eo'inly. I n. p. S. If said premises are not sold before the firt bay of the tiret mouth (January) next, the ttune will be offered for rent on reasonable terms. SARAH JOHN, ELIZA S.JOHN. Shamokin twsp. ) 11 111 mo. 3. 1HA5. $ 2 mo GREAT EXCITEMENT I La est and arriral of tht Season, At the Sloie of P. W.Gray, In Mark et Square, has juH received his Stock from rlnladelihia, conmsttnti of Full and AVinKT Jools, Embracing s great variety of Lady's Dress and Fancy Goods. The following comprises in part list of my ex tensive and elegant stock, which. for variety and cbeupness cannot ne excelled in this market, FOR TIIE GENTLEMEN, Black and Fancv Cloths and Caseimeres. Bliek Sattin and Fancy Silk V eatings, "iiirliiij Muslii), Drawers and Under Shirts, Kentucky Jeans, Velvets, Blankets, Ac. KOK THE tADllt?'. Dlack 8ilka, Alpacas. Merinos' colored and plaid all wonf. M nslin do Lain, a large lot of Prints, of the he's! brands and styles, brown and bleached Sheetings, twilled ami plaid Limeys, Flannels, red,' yellow a'nd white, grey Drills, Tickings. Cambrics, Dress trimmings, ribbons, laces, gloves, hose vnd Irish linens, .ami other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit s liberul share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a large assortment. HATS OA Mr.. ,. . , HARDWARE St CUTLERY, CEUAKWARE. . . rr&H & salt, Groceries ofevcry viirlet) Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses. Ric. Cheese. Yin- egar, Candies, Csndles, Moap, Ciackfra, H rooms. Lead. Shot, lied Cords, Plough Lines, Glass -8i 10 10x12, 1 1 B 16. Starch, Fluid. Dairy Salt. Smok ing and Chewing Tnbacro. KineCinars. Mat bs, Mustard, Candle Wick, Blacking Water Proof, ami a neral assortment of QL'EEXSWARE' AXD GLASSWARE; Country 'produce taken st lbs highest market prices. 8unbury, Oct, 27, 1855 tf. riJKifcOPHEROUf 6 dot. for sale by May 19. WEISEB BR'INt. BEItRYfiBURG SEMINARY ANDflbARDINO SCHOOL. For Ysuhj Ladle and OcallemM. rTWIS Institution will commence its 2nd or Winter Session of eleven weeks, November Hth 185.1. Its object is to qualify young Ladies and Geiiljemen for the more active duties of lire. Parents May rest assured that every exertion will be made for the Moral and Physical, as well as Intellectual improvement of all who are placed under our care. Everything sectional will be discarted, TERMS PER SESSION, Boarding Room Furnished, $23 00 Common English Branches, 4 00 Higher English and Mathematics, &e., 6 00 (reek and Latten, A 00 French, (en Ira) 1 00 Music on Piano Forte, 1 00 Half of the Quarterly expenses Invarisbly paid in advance. Any information will he given promptif by addressing either the Principal or Proprietor. JOSIAH F. KENNEDY. A.B.,2iM. AARON P. LARK, Proprietor. Ber.yaburg, Dauphin Cc, Pa., ) October Nth. 1855. M J NEW MASONIC HALL, PHILADELPHIA. AOF.NTS WANTED la every town and canity in the United ftc?, to sell the heauiil'al picture nf the GRAND LODGE ROOM. In ths Nkw Ma.oxic Halt.. Philadelphia. This Plnte Is selling very rapidly, nnd elicits the admiration "f all. f"f the c rreemes ami fidelity with which the Statcv, Frksco PAtmiso- anp FcssiTiraK uru represented, ami the artistic tieautv and hnrmny of the colors Cizsnf Plate. J X 48. Price 93 01). B "iksellers end Pictare Dealers wishing to tnVe s. ciei fur it, will please, address, fir further inf-rmati ,n. ' iv nnarMTTlil. Litlvgnipher, Philadelphia. Oct'dier J7, ISM. tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. TUP. t.AItOF.ST PI ANO FOtlTF.. MF.LOPFftN AND MUSIC CTOKE IN TIIK UMTKD STATK8. Will be opened Ortnber ISth ISM, In the Mrsic Uait.mxo. C'he.nill PrreeK alt ve Seventh. Philadelphia. fly JOHN MAHPII. the Site Airent fur Binrrlinnn. Rrav A- Pn.'s celehrnted D"lee Campnna Atiachment I'i'iiii F"rles.niid C W. Fisk Go's Premium Vie!.,, deons Also, Plaiui Fintes and ivlel Vienna of nlherdis. tiiiffnlsliefl mikers. J M. has villained a tense fur severnt venis in the t-ewf. mairiiittcent nnd welt kii"wn Mn,ide ItaiMine. whi r,, he iiiiends keepinjr the '"v""' stnek ami I ass'irlmeni f Oi-,,,,. Knrtes. Melndcais, Masle, and Mil sicnl f,i.itnnints nf evniy de.crtnthai. all nf whieh are CTrefuMe snleetett hv himself, nnd warranted to f ivo per fect sntifaetinn in every instance, Oct.iher S7th. I9.M tf 11EMOVAL. J. S. DEPUY te SONS, At 223 Xm ih Second Street, tilmre I'tue, and at Eiyth and Spring-Garden Street FHILADSX.FHI A, Are selling; c.fT CARPETS, Oil. CLOTHS. A-c At reduced prices, Expectinitto Rli.MOVR to C HEfSNUT Mircet. (under the New Masonic Hall.) about the I. 'Ill of to which place they would invite their former customers and others, aa they expert to keep a better assortment there, than they ever have kept. Oct. a7, IfiS.'i.- cli. Sept 52 5m W flHK stiliscriliers offer a reward of fifty dollar - fur the discovery and conviction of the pcr bon or persons, who cut and destroyed the bands on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, nt the Mammoth ddlierv, between Slviinokin and Mt. Cannel. on the nuht nf the Oth tnst. The above reward will be paid fo any one giv. ing informa ion that will lead to tho conviction of the offenders. CLF.AVKH, FAGELY iCo. Shamokin Oct. 87, l5.r. if. COLEMAN'S CIIEAr CUTLERYSTORE, Ao. 21 Xo-tli Thir l St., hdow Arch, rUILADELPIIIA. Ol'NTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores, by importing my own goods, paying lull littl rent, und living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment nf Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, buffalo, bone and wood handles. Carvers and Forks, &c, liutclnvr Knives, Dirks, Howie Knives, Revolving and p. n in Pistols, Ac. Also a large assortment of Accordc.ins, &.e. Also fine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, 1SS5. ly. Importer. C'AME to tho premises of the subscriber, nea1 ' Dear Gap, about three weeks since, a light brindle COW about 12 vears old with a shor1 tail, and had on a small bell. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, puy charges and luke her away. WILLIAM THOMAS, Locust tp., Columbia eo. Oct. tO, lHfiB 2m. NEW FALL AND WINTER, GOODS. I. W. TTKXKR & Co., Sui'bury, la.. RESPECTFULLY announce that they have just received a large and varied stock of splendid goods suited to the season j an inspec tion of which they solicit tri in their fsiends und the public they will be sold ut low prices, as Ihey still adhere to the r old motto: "Small profits and quick Sales." This in the end pays best, while it best serves their customers. 1 heir slock now consists of Cloths, Casaiineres, Veilings, Ladies' Dress Goods, in great variety, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, Cashmeres, I'ohurgs, all wool de laine. Calicoes, &c, with a large assortment of dress trimmings. -Broche, Thibet, Cash mere, and wollcn shawls, worked collars, cuffs, sleeves, clieiinetics, Ac A new slock ol Ready niado Coats, Ycsts, and Pantaloons, of superior stylo and workmanship. Mso, Hats, Caps, llooU and Shoes tngellier with a general assortment of Hardware,. Queens ware. Groceries. Provisions, Ccdarware, Diugs, Paints. Oils and Nails. Com uud see, no charge is made for show ing gouus. Country produce taiien in exohange tor goods. at Ihe highest market prices Sonbory, Octolier 13. 1835. NEW REFECTORY. fllHE subscribers resiect!ully inlnrm me riti I ien of Suubury anil the. public generally, that they have 0iened a Refectory and hating Saloon in tlte basement of the New Three Siorv brick building of J. M. Simpson, in Market sirret, which has been hsndsomoly filled up with every convenience end comfort for their customers. They will constantly have, on hand the best quality of Oysters, and all oilier ileli- cacies of the season. . JO II IN p. S.M1UK. G. W. HILEMAN. Punhtiry, 6ct. 13, 1855. m irp V FALI.STOCK of NEW Oouda. UdvxykJa Seasiinnble Shawls. Fa'htnnnbLx Silks. , Full simk Zilack Sii'ka. Press OoimIs. all kinds. Blankets and FtnliiielH. Linen and Cotton Sheetings. Staple Housekeeping Goods. , Cloths, t.'assirneres and Vestings. - EYRE LAN DELL. FOURTH & ARCH Sis., PIHI.AU'A. v P. N Storekeepers and ot;,er nit cash' buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods st low rates. . BARGAIN'S, from Philadelphia slid New York Auctions dally. N. B. 8 eases French Merinoee, all colore, wholesale frew 65 to 1 .25 Philadelphia, Sept. 84, 1855. 3m w3, WALL PAPER. A lsrga and ,.rplfadJ . . assortment of WU paper. Window Pa per, and Oil Shade, just, received and for sal by , ,. I. W. TENER&C. uVwy, Vs t, Jn Great Arrival of . Fall and Wintet Gooih! IRA T. CLEMENT , NFORMH his friends and customers that he just received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS !! At Ida Store hi Marsct Street, Suiilniry, which he offers to the public at the lowest pricce. Ilia stock cpnsiata of a general assortment o )py Goods viz t Clothf. CflMi'mfr.t, Cowfnffs, Jtarif, Drillings, Muslim, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, lir.rapes. Also a large assortment of CLOTH IM1. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. I'latafcr. GROCEIIIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Viz I Iron nnd Steel, Ntiila, Files, Saws, A;c. QUEENSVV ARE, Tta Sells, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, ifc XV Country produre of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. Oct. SO. 1R8S AONEW &z CO'S SILK AND SHAWL STORE Nn. 19G Chtsmtt street, PHILADELPHIA. WE tnke leave to Inf irm the Ladies of 9anhnrr and vi cinity, thnt we il'iw have npen a full slork ol' Kail and Winter Guids, just auived by Hoase qikI Liverpixl Steamers. IX OUR SHAWL ROOM will be found the ni'!t extensive, nssnrtinent 'f llrchn, I. nc nml Sqnsre !ll AVI.! Stelln and printed lnTdrred SIIMVI, in the rjly. wh.le urn fl.OAKS. TAI.MAS ; and .MATII.I.Ar, in Velvet CK.Ih ancl.Voirs Aatiqav, i CHilinit he s iipasaed. SILK AND DP.KSS GOODS, Tlii dcpnjlmPiit nnppliwl with nil Ihr nrws nylftnf Hnweiil'-. Plnid, Plrtp. I'luin, Mniro Antique nnd lllm-k Silkn. White Mir iitirpie fur hridnl drrcwn, Hirh ilk Merin'is anil Canhmcres, a large atsiirtmeiit of all oikirs Koiie urentr. primed uuwntnerp onn iveiiincp. ijipiiifp, und very cheap. Kmbruideries, nibtsips, Glnvee, ice. MOCUNfXO GOOD?, Of I .apins, fVwlhriztncs, Cnthmeres. Pe f .nines Ac. We entueiMly solicit n call fr-an our country friends, feelius eoiifiileut fmm oar greet facilities fnr p'aichasing goods, we can niTer areat baiiniius. AONEW & CO. P. H Constantly reeeivine new trotxls by ths European Steamers from Havre and Liverpool. Oct. 6th IS5 Giii4w.' XT. S. OF "God and our Xatice Land." SUSQUEHANNA CAMP. No. 89, of the O. of the U.S. A. holds its stated sessions ever) Momr evening in their new New Hall, opposite E. Y. H rights store. Suubury, Pa. limitation and rcga'ia, $2,00. P. M. SHINDEL, W- C. Em'l Wn.vr.iiT, If. S. Suubury Oct. 20, 1855. O. OP XT. 3SL. m'NHUKV I UUNCIL, No. 30, O. of V. A. M. nuts evcrv TrKsitAr evening in the Ameiicdii Hull, opposite E. Y. Uriuht's store. Market street. Snulntry, Pa. Metnla rs of the enter are respectfully requested to attend. P. M. SHINDEL, C. A. Hoiitkb. R. S. ftiinhurt. Oct. 20, ISS5. BANK 0E NORTHUMBERLAND. . fl'lIE Stockholders are hereby notified that 1. at. election foi thirteen directors to serve for the ensuing year, will bo held at the Bank ing house, on the 3d Monday in November (I'Jih,) ai 10 o'clock, A. M. In accordance with the charter, the annual meeting of the stockholders will be held on the first Tuesday in November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. J. H. PRIESTLY, Cashier. North'd , Sept. ia, 1855 tc. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE A'o 72 North Second Sirret, (apposite th Mount Kcriion House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ea ses, 28 i SiUcr Lever do,, do.. 12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9: Qunrlier. $5 lo $7: Gnld Sped odes. ) 50 to $10 ; silver do., $ I At) ; Silver Table Spoons per sett. I4 tn 18j Silver Desert do., do., s9 to 9 1 I ; Silver Tea do..: do., ijil 75 to $7 50 ; (.old Pens and Gold Ca ses, :i 25 to $5 ( Gold Pens and Silver do. . $ I; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry. Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted In bo us represented. Watches and Jewelry. repaired in thebest manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, &c., made to order. N. I). All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended lo. Phila., Sept. 22, 1S55. lyw. lbvNc yT uns " fo" u la in e.san d ' UlllT.DHKN. JOHN FABEIRA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Fancy Furs Ao. 2S4 Market Street, (above Eighth,) PHILADELPHIA Having now completed my very largo and bcaitulifid assortment nf all the different kindsof Fancy Furs, nnd fashioned into all Ihe different styles nnd fashions that will be worn during the present season by Ladies and Children, and being determined to sell my goods at small profits it will be to the advantage nf Ladies am' othcis to give me a call hcf.iro purchasing. N. 11. UTOHEKEUPERSand the trade will do well to call, as they will find one of the larget and best variety of stock to select from the city. JOHN FAREIRA. Sept. 23. 1855 4 mos. C.MF. to the premises of the subscriber, resid ing In Lower Augusta township, Northumber land county, about 3 mouths siticp a Stray Bull over two years old. Color brindle, white back, redish brindle head. weighs ulii.Lt !5) pounds. The owner is requested to come forward prove property pav damages and tuke him away. : . OWEN BOW EN. Lower Augusta. Sept. I. 155. 2m. ... F0H IH E subscriber offers for side his large and 1 valuable FARM, kituate in Shamokin town ship. North'imheilund County, between Suubury and Shamokin, two miles from the Uoalroad and five from Trevorton, rontaiitiiiil upwards of fillO ACRKS, almost :llt acres eve vlcsred and in a good state ol cultivation, the other well limbered with Ou' and Cliesnut.' "J'he iiirprovemcntsarc Iwo dwelling Houses and two Lams, with good Spring Water. It is well calculated for three or more firms, wilh Meadows, Ouhards, &e. Persons desiring level farms easily tilled, should examined the alwve. He will sell on reasonable terms either the whole, or part of 60, 100 or 500 acres. If not sold by Ihe first of January it wi! be rented. i ' ' ' i , DAYll) Mir.I.EE. Octolier 6, 18f-ft.- tj050 Fruits & Confectionery.' a EMOVAL. The subscriber has removed Ih to No '2ii VI u hit SrsL;r, above Front, (Three doers above the old stand,) PHILADELPHIA. Where he keeps constantly 011 hand, a general stock of all articles in Ida line j consisting of Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of fruit 111 sea out Almmids, Walnuts, Crrsm NuU, Ground Nuts, plain and raasUl : .Pickles aud preserve of all kinds to which he invilet the attention of Dealers ud others yisi ipf, the city. Goods packed t this establishment warranted to carry fe. 6. L. HERRING, No. 88 Market Si., ahov Front, South aide, Phila., Kept. S3, I8553in ci. 1NDELLIBLE INKk t May 19. vP5f r it. Bntmfii'fiv S- K. for. 5th i Jhrimrt Mi. t-i This Ii,sitntinrl;-which wis first ewablw'ieil In IepnnileT, 1044, sad IMiinlM'rs smxag PS gradnstea han dmli, r Oie. Imsfness men in this, ritles WSS on inns 4 1 ft, 2 Iby,, t a ru red, and estaliliStied. as n Ci,ll,ift. .n ancordanes with Act ti Uirismnr. 'fli ouasa of tssTHncitnw Is nf a lifl lli.inaigliiy prartirnl rluieneter and n-T eiailnius all Innse lirnnrliee necessary Hi J fur use i it traiiiuss ! la-sides whieh, as s ! SjmJ n dmee ap ill a c aire nf LIXTI FKS i S- UPON COMVIK.UCIAI. LAW, de. ! . llvereit for i heir esnei'ial use. Iiv rmi- JI the mini a have tlte nrivnrffft i allen- a f-v VT' -:--.,!,, ' ' tun j . ....... the How. Jnnoa CiiaswHiD,s services are en cuffed ill this d.nnrlment. S. II.CIHTTi;NIi:N,Priiiciinl. tyCatnliiRiieswIII he sent to any address, oil apnlirntinn Iiv h-'ti r Als... cniTTI-.NDI-.NS' HOOK KKK.I'ING, mi receipt per mail of the price, 1,50. Key lu same 5Uc;s r M oc irHt ... Philadelphia, Oet. in, t5j. 0n. FALL MILLINEHY G0CES ! 1865. JOHN STONE Se SONS, Ao. 4") South Second Street, P11ILAPF.LPHIA. ATiE now prcporcd to offer to llui' en turners, and to the trade, (of their own im portation.) the largest and h'lidsomest assort ment of Millinety Goods, in this city consist ing in part of llonnet Wilks, Ribbons, Velvets, Fancy Feathers, Flowers, Laces, kc. c. Which will be sold at the lowest prices, and on the most favorable terms. Philadelphia, Hrpt. 22, lH.'i.. 2m p2. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. OF.KRY tt ERETY, invite the attention of merchants and others to their large slock of elegantly bound Ilibles, Hymn Ilooks, Prayer Dunlin, Albums, and Presentation Hooks in all lylcs of binding ( Standard Theologicai, Medical, Miscellaneous and School Douks, which Ihey have received from Trade Sales otid are scllini; at extremely low prices. A lio direct from the manufacturers and Im porters, even kind nf Plain and Fancy Writinff, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and Sleel Pens, Pencils. Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, Ac., &c, at the lowest cash prices. PERRY & KKKTY, 8. W. Corner, 4lh and Race Sts. Philadelphia. September 23, 1855. tf PHILIPS, STKYKER & JENNINGS, WHOMC'ALK PR At Kit 9 IN nniTisn, ritu( ii & American Dan 't)iD r.nCOUT KXCLUS1VEI.T AT AUCTION, Xos, 1 fV 3 Dank Street, helnw .Market, Between Secnad uml Tliird, PHILADELPHIA. . CV To cash st ahiiit time Imvec wc wilt sell nt a very small atlvnitre on Auction rates Phila., Sept. 22, I85.V 3mc2i. XKWCooisst sewdods:i Immense Attrcction ul Elebergs Store As Washinqton v an in war, peace, Ar.. so Ehherg's Clothing Store is Jirsl in reccijit j THE subscriber having recently returned from the city has just been receiving and opened to-day a splendid assortment of all kinds of (ioods it. bis line. Having reelected witli care, und from his being early in the market, puichasing cheap he Hatters himself in being able to n UV r to his patrons nnd Lie public in general, such goods as will suit till in styles, quality niulir iftid prices. In addition to Coats, Pauls and Vests cf twerd jeans and oilier stuffs suitable for fall wear, may be found all kinds of winter wear, such as Over coats, Business (.'oats, Dress Coals, pants and Ycsis, made of all imaginable stuffs of dillt-rent colors, from light to heavy grades, cheap lo good qualities. Ill fuel such an extensive assortment of Clothing ns will nnt f.iil to suit everybody. Also a lurge quantity of boy's Clothing and all sorts of I'nder-cldthing. MATS and Caps of all kinds' and styles; the Kansas-Nebraska Hat. latest style. A good assortment of HOOTS and SHOE."?, among which are good calf-skin shoes made to order; Also Ladies' Gums of different kinds. As usual he has on hand a gocd assortment of Jewelry, aexordeons, revolvers, various kinds of pistols, fine cutlery, :diirts, collar", hosiery,, port monnais, besides a great many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold at reasonabln rates. Call and see and judjje lor yourselves. ALBERT ELSBERG. The Store is in Matket Square, opposite ihe firmer Post Office, a few doors below Muaser's printing office. Suubury Pent. 22, 1855. PILES A.TSTJD HASPS. NEW STREET FILE WOKKS, Philadelphia. HE subscriber is constantly Manufactur ing I ilea and Rasps of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to the bet im ported goods, anil much cheaper. M A N L FACT I.' R j Us A; MECHANICS can have their OLU FILES RE-CUT und made equal to new, nt about half the original cont. Flat 12 inches $2,00 per Do?.. ; Flat, 11 inches ii2,75 perDoz. ; Saw-files, Half Round, Mtllfaw and oilier Files in proportion. Single Files and fractional parts of dozens charged ut the same rates, and warranted satisfactory J. B. SMITH. NO. CI NEW STREET between Race and Vine & Second V 'J'hird Sis. Philadelphia. PhiluJa. August IS, 1855. Sin. J. f. TiOBBINS, -Vo. 2'2 Soulh )'harrin, AIJOVF. CIIKSTXt'T STKISET, I'llll.APKt.rillA. in: ALL II It GTJA1TO, JMPKOVEl) SuiKir Phosphate of Lime, Pen- drctte, and Laud Plaster. Having every facility for supplying all articles in t'.e above lino of the beit quality,, ut tho vciy lowest mar ket prices, would must respectfully a cull. Also, Cheese, rA;:itps, Caudles, Spices, Ac. Suubury, July SI, IH.'j.t. c'hn. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel ii'ranos, t.THEMATIC.L Instruments separate ! and in cases, '1 lierinometer of various j sizes. Spy Glasses of every description, Piatin.i ; noinisfor l.ielitnirig Rods, Magic Lanterns wilh 1 scripturut, astiViioinicul and tcuiperarae ilesiurs, Micrnsctipea Mid M ierosenpic .objects, (ilvnoic Huttcries, Electrical Machinen. Surveycr's Coin. ' passes, Scrvcyii'g l.'luiiHP Ac. Ac. - J McALLISTEIt A H ROTH E it. . ( Esttihlished in 178.1') I 101 Chestnut Street PhiimUJi'iia Our Priced and Illustrated l. aUl ngue (S4 pnjres) 011 applicalion, wilh 150 illustralinus furnished and sent by mail free of charge, Phila. Sept. , 1655. OF every deseiiptiou, suita' le for Railroads, iV., lo f weighing Hay, Coal, Ore and Mer chandise gcneritilv. Purchasers run no risk, e' cry scale is Guaranteed correct, and if, afier l.ial not found salislttctory, can he returned wuhout charge. , . W Factory et Old Stand, established for more than twenty yeara, corner of ninth and Melon bttcets, Philadelphia. ' ABROTT A Co.. Succeesors la Elliot & Abbott. Phils. Sept. I, 1856 UmC. FOR SALKl 'VTEAM ENGINES 00 Hon power each, 4 with hoiier. WoulJ ms.'e excellent unip. ing aiignies, together wi;',, 3 argt t0V!ng tyin. uer. Vuitalde lor a '.iia.t furnace. Annlv to HENRY LONGENECKEtt A CO. BUauiokiii Iron Works, . - . fchAnukiu, Pa. feharuaiin, July SI, 1155,--. HU8UAXp' Masnesia for atda hy tlicap Wntchcs jj i Jewclrj ; VtrttOLnaALC iirtd the "I'hil je! J pbia Welch auj Jewelry 8irr," Ka. Bfj Norlh Second Street, corner of Uoarrv, JfHItASEMHIA.' ' , fioM lver Wutr.nes, put jew!,,,!, .4 S. carat ea-s" SsS r.,t Onlrt Ljiiitie ink. S.'JUXilFiuePilverfue4.lacles. l's( filyer 1-p. full )ewllel, ftr.1. Wl Itraeeleti, J oo' Silver l-ver, lull )ewl J 12 1 os' Onlil Peoeils, 1 erf fHipennr l(aiiriiers, . 7. Sdver Tea tpuoas, set, SfiQ Gold Spectacles, ' t.lltll ' V Gukl Peiw, Willi Pencil and Hilver!!n!,ler, iV. ; . f,oj. Gold Finger Rings, S7J cetits to i6h Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, IPj Lunct, 95 j othor articles in proportlir". ' All goods wur ranted to be what they are sold far. - HTALFFER f : HART.EV, . I On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers tr.J Lepincs, still lower t!iun tho abeve prices. heptf, 1835. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, SI. NPL'RY. PA -, Aided by some eight years experience in Ihd piactire of (he Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining Jo or wit' in. if o l:ne of his profession. O.'Scc vviili Charles J. Diuncr, Esq.. Market street. Sntibiiiy, Sept. 15, 1P'5, tf NSvrcONFEbTIONAKT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, M. C. OEAIUIAllT, Rr.SPECTFl T.LY niinonnre to the cfLlt:n nf Northumberland and the adjoining coun ties tliet ha have opened a Cnufec'tunury and Fruit Store in MARKET SQUARE, Sunburv, where he manufactures ncd keeps on hand, at all limes, the most choice Conliclinnr.ry, &c, Vvhulesale nnd Retail, at Philadelphia puces. Among his stack of C'onieclionsvics, may k found i French Secrete. Gum Drops, sll kinds cf sen, riictinl A lmnisij !v Dnii s, I reum White, Mint Drops, rd sod wku " Leiuoa Jelly C:ik:s, Idaie. Fruit limps, Vanilla. aiioa randies, at si Is Cnmmnn deists. Keek Cctidy. Linaoriee, Almnnd Cudft TRTJIT. I.emos, Prunes, Dales. F itrs, Ciirrauls diM, Cilrniis, Aliuitads, tlaise.BS, Nut pf n kvnt LEMON SYRUP cf a superior quality, by the single or d izen. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Cont'cctionarics, fruit, Ac all of which is olfercj cheap at wholesale or retail. Coma' and see he will try to pleare. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Suubury, Au. 4, 1355. ly. -.- OF TUB UNITED STATES INSUR ANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. corner 'Jhird awl Chestnut Sis., priir.APKl.piriA. ' CAPITAL S30.OI0. MONKY is received nn depnait didly. Tiie amount rtejvtwilcd iBentercl in a IJep-it Bn'nk anil iriyeu to the llepnbitnr, nr, if preferred, a ccrliltcale will lie "riven. A II gains, lnree ami smail, ure r cci eil, ai.d the auiuunt paid hack nn demand, without unfice. Inteies; .iiitui liie rate ,.f r:vs ter tent., com. I nicicintr li'nui the day "1 ilepnsit. and censing f.urlceu. ilavs picvintiB tn the withdrawal nf the ni'.ue riu lac mr u:iy nl jaimiiry, in encii vinr, the iiiteen o encli depiisit is mid tn tliedepnnt'ir, or added In the priaei' pal. in lie may prei'er. . The C.anpuny Imve nnv upwards of 3,-0U depositors in the Ci'y nf Philtnielpliin yinne Aiiyii,liliii aia! hifurmaliim wiii lie picen by addressing Ihe 'i'USASl'C.LU. nirtr.cTor.f. Stephen P.. Ciawf.ird. Pres'l. Y.'illiam M. Rialwia, Liwr, tice .T.'h'iHnn, Vice i'res't, Paul h OftdaTd, Ani'ir-.iae V. 'I'lr'tiniann, tienrco .t'dl"iiry, Henjainni W. Tingiey, Jrnnes Ueveienx, Jaenh L. Flnrance, ' Uustivus Knclisli. Siecelnry and Trensrrer, Pl.iiY FISK. Ti.Ln sii iNTsnenKTKR, J. C. OKULSt 1ILAGKR,' I'liiladelplun, fejit. g, 1K5 lyP. . TrucsGs! Trusrjoflt! Trusses III C. H.-NE-CDLtlli?, Trus3 ar.ti Brace Er-ta'-lishmcnt, 5. IK. Cor. of.Tmclfii und Uace Streets, Philadelphia. I MPORTER of fine French Tru-scs. comhi t ning extreme ligblnrss, erirr nnd durability wilh correct construction. Iiriiial :? r intu'tii patients can te suited by rerr ittin? a'iK.uiils. tu below; Sending inimlur of r-jtuid tho hips, and stating side nlt'erlcd Cost of Single Truss, a ?3, &.". DouMs $3, f 3, 'J8 and 10. Instr:. elions t;' lo wea' and how to effect a cure, wlicti p. ,.-:'!. sent with the Truss. . Alan for sale, in 31 it variety, Hr. Canning's Improved Pi.lcnt Foi'y Gr-in', For the cure of Prolapsus irti :i ; !-'..i't i Props and Supports, Patent shoulder Ilr.cci, Chest Expanders and Erector Unices, adapted to nl! with Stoop Shoulders und Weak on::s ; English Kltic Abdominal Eel!: suspciumic. t-ynnges male and Iconic. Ft?' Ladies' Rooms, wilh End? n'.tcnJanU. Phila., Aug. 4. 1H55. ly P 8. ' BURTON & FENTOIiT, S. H". curnrr Sixth and Arch streets, i'Hii.AUi:i.riii v . . : rilEAS! Teas!! an uiicomin.m'v full end ! choice assortment of bluck anj i;r, en Teas of all grades, from the extremely bv price of 0 cts:)5 411 50 till 7J tJ 75 d. ner lb..- ( warranted lo be superior to any to i.e had else- wlicro ut the same prices. W o ktw nl oonli--dently recommend them to be PO per ,-cnt cheap er lliiiii any for sal.i in tho ci' . W ? inve also, a very superior assortment of Cnffee, Old Gov't, Java, Lnzuayrn, M racnti!:o, lUjrt d t' i;)" Hay ticn Collce. New No. I Mackerel anj Shad in J nnd bbl. or as may be desired, f'.heese, Pino Apple, Sap t-at;o. New York ('ream Cheese al ways on hand. Snp brown ar. ! " bite ; also. H. L. Kendell A Crt's Chemical Olive, one, lb, of which will go as f ir as S of on' - iry .firwn Son p. Also Starch cf dili'ncnt qna'ii'Vs, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, an. r lines, on ehoveys, Ac, with n full assortmciit of Fancy Goods, to which we invito the a tcittinn of the public to call and examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for side by Dl'KTON A FENTON. . , ; V'ho'eale and Family G-ocers" and Tea Dealers. S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch' via... N.ll. Goods delivered lo all punt jftUe ci! frr of charge. Phila., Sept. 22, 1655 apl Ky GKErO Y F AN 0 )t STOSE JOHN iOLIi. : .Vu. SO Xorih SisnniJ St. Lettreen Arch A- ,'ac1 TV-,rlnlrVi PLiladolphia, HA- received a largo assortment cf Toys o Wood, Tin, Chin. Gum, lVe., al-o l,incy il.isl.ets, Work boxes, Porte Mntviiew Pocket' Hooks, Seqar Cases, Sr.ulT and 'I .,; ;.t,i :ui. I Pija. Coids, Harr.ioni.als, Ace. ,.'.coi,s,"0 I iStringm, Marldei, Ualls, Ktn, an loiina nn end less variety ofdner articles too numerous to mention, lur uie Wholwali A Kctad, at regular prices. 5'hil- fcent. 8. 183-3:n. ASTEAY. A WJ,.fTI?1sow el'Out two years old. came, 3 f remises of the kitV.jcrilwr, residing1 near li.e r:or;!:,ttiiberland Uridine, Jurini jhn month of May. .Tho owner ii requested to come forward, prove pr'ovrty, pry' char jci and lake her away. . . ,.( . ,. FIUNClS EGLL.MAN. Sunhury, Sept. S3, 185C Land Warrants Sought. T.l IGHEST cash prieo paid, and inane remit Ud by first mail. The best leferevtce can' be given. Appl oradJres SAMUEL BF.CHTOLD, jr. No. 80 North 6th itrear. PtjiUdeliihiai tTUounty Lands and Pension procured and Warrant located a usual". October 6, lho5.- 3;ni KOqEKlEs!. gar. Cof.Ve. Molasse. P Si, Oils, brandy. Gin, Y.'ine, Macker. I, Herring and Salt, just teeoived and for sal by T.'M. A. KNABB. Isaaier lagiMaa May 8, 19i.-, i ...