Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 10, 1855, Image 4

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. I - , . I. . I.... r". . . , , . , ......J K ,l.m M
lUSt II !-IT! OU1II1. WUCTO U' Illinium- iilnmlS WHICH nl.VC ecn r.ui-1'uuv cuibu . ...r..., ..w
V . .1' In ita fnnnlia fnrmi
10 lliu i mav mention hut uniim.,,,., ... ... ........... .....
known to
I" rum Hie I'lnch, llii- l.oot.i, nnil the Anvil.
Messrs. Editors: "Such litis been fniil nml
written in ri'-riinl to ploitehiii.- in 1,1U ri,'J:
Some! conU'inl thnt luntl vtoii.uln-'l in tin? full
i-s not lis productive rt when ploughed in the
..,,..iiiir fur snrinir in'iiilis of tin1 lironil Ciist.
A- vimr ploiifili cuts n wide nml deep furrow, (
(fnr'it has u (ilroiijt team to draw il.) 1 would j
I'D mnrli plca-cl to have ton or some of your j
entilributors tlmt till the- lor n livelihood,
give opinion;, upon the tul'joi t ; fi.r t is ! i
liferent import to the fanners of this j
western conn'ry. , , p n
What little experience I him in ..I.
nnd Fprinif plnuvhiit;', "in iiiecs mo tlmt
ground ploughed l.itii in tlm full is ns p- ;
ilm-livo as ulii'ii ploughed in tlio spiiii;, lor
i.inall grain, nnd in imuiy places for coin, j
When coi n is to In! planted upon sod, my
opinion is thai it should lie turned over ill;
the. full, Into, shortly before tho jjroiiiid do- j
sop up with frost.
A few years since. 1 wns working by the .
month fur n farmer ill ike Duel.' ye Stale ,
where the foil coiiiposed of n I day uml ,
fin-io port ions ol gravel. J.ale in tin- month ,
..r -v.., -..i..i!,.,r. I win set to lircixkinir up n i
piece o
ii. hi of tlm n intuit was never
soil. After having tuinedovor several ncres, I
n gale i'i"in the north west came np it lie j
night, and the ground was so frown the he.t ,
morning tlmt ploughing could not be done, j
The remaining putt of the piece had to lay:
over unlil Spring. In the Spring I linishcd '
ploughing. At the usual time, of jdnntinp,
corn w us plant ed, well tended during the i
season of tendinp corn. In the fall, when '.
the crop was luuvested. there was one-third ;
more com per-nere where the ground was ,
ploughed in the fall than where it was plough- I
od in the Spring ; the soil was equally as
pond or lietler where il was ploughed in the
Spring as whine it was plougiiod in tlie fall.
The next season corn wu-i planted apain ; the
yield was tlie same us before. The next sea
son afler corn it was sown with oats for the
purpose of seeding to grass At the harvest
time, like must men that work by the mouth,
one morning I was introduced to a line imily
cradle across the furrow. I could tell the mo
ment that I struck the grain where the
ground was ploughed in the spring. The re
sult was the same as with the corn. .Miring
these three years I tried the experiment on
old ground fur oats. Tlm result was. where
the ground was broken late in the fall, the
crop was by far the best. I sow. d the oats
as soon as it was early enough in the spring.
Whether this would prove true in all soils
1 cannot tell. Many of your correspondents
that have tilled the soil for years, car. tell me
their experii nee in fall and spring ploughing
in the I'biuijli, the Loom, and thr .-I .
L. S. Srt:.i t:tt.
I.ynn, Wanvn Co., Iowa.
?! puis.
aura and perfectly ...ft in itsopera ion. Hus ii .
been prepared to meet that demand, mid an extc I
ire trial of its virtues h" ronrhimrdy thoiTti with
Ufa to mnko a .ll.v.ical pil) .but not ...7
make tl.r l.t ef all ,Vji-one which slimild l.avo
m,re of the ohirctmiia. but all the adrantanet, f
evorTnther. Ihi. hna been attempted here, ..
with" what Mirrrsa would respectfully auhniit i.
the imnlic deci-ion. It has been unfortunate for
the natirnt hitherto thnt almost every purftativ
medicine in ac-rimonimia nnd irritntum to the bow
el" "J ilt i nut. Manr of them pruduee to mnrh
Krii ini? pain and revulsion In the system ht to more
than ciinlerbnlaneo the Rood to be derived from
them. These pilli produeo no irritation or nin,
unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc
tion or derangement in the bowels. JicmR purely
vegetable, no hnrm ran arise from their use in any
quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should
be t.ikc'n iudiciouslv. Minute directions for their
use in the several diseases to which they are ap.
Dlieabln are Riven on the box. Among the com.
.r l..,.,,.lw Iiiiliirestion. Laniruor and Loss of Ap.
petite, Li-stlc ;ies. Irritability, Bilious Headache,
llili.niH Fever, Fever and Agile, Tain in the Side
nd I.eius ; for, in truth, all these are tint the con
eiiuenee of diseased action in the liver. As am
spricnt, they ford prompt and sure relief in Cos
tiveness, 1'iles, t'olie. Dysentery, Humors, Scrof
ula and Scurvy, Colds with orcness of th body,
Vlcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, any
nd every ra where purgative is required.
They havo e!so produced some singularly suc
cessful cures in Hheumatisni, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel,
Krvs'pclas, rnlpitation of the Heart, Pains In th
Hs'rk, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely
taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood
and preparo tlie system for the change of seasons.
An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and
i..vl l,.in healthy action, and restores the appe
tite and vipor. They purify the blood, and, by their
stimulant action on the circulatory i.ystem. reno
vate the strength ,ll! Dl1' R"a """".m"
wasted or diseased eneigics of the whole organism.
Hence an occasional clofcc is advantageous, even
tlKuigh no serious derangement exists; but un
necessary dosing should never be carried too far,
as cverv'ptirgalive medicine reduces the atrenirth,
when ti'ikc-n to excess. The thousand eases m which
phvsic is required cannot be enumerated here, but
thev' sugirest themselves to the reason of every
bodv: and it is confidently beUeTed this pill vnll
than auv thiiia which has
hitherto been available to mankind. V hen ttieir
virtues are once known, the public will no longer
doubt what remedy to employ when m need of a
cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped tney are
pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no
harm can arise from their use in any quantity.
For minute directions see wrapper on the Uox.
Practicul niK. Analyticnl Chemist,
Trie SJ Centt per Box. Five Boxee for $1.
In the Treatment ami Cin e of
Consniiiiitlnit, Axilititn, ttrnnrliitis, nud other
Uiteusea (,r ll.e Hesplrntury Uruns, Uf
ainlliol Inhnliillen.
kV iK. ClIAS UHKa.K.
Flist Aiiicririni r.lilion, from rlitli I.onilon etliiion, where
it litis liuil nil .tMprecoh'iitt'.t stile.
This is a valntilile w .rk nml slenil.1 be in lite brntils nf al nii.l ilic .McJiciil Profi-ssii'ii pciicrally. l-'or-wnr.le.1
free of charge, by mail, on receipt of
rim ints: el' ili firilt) en
'. W. VAN IIOKN .V l O.
-Vo. '.VI A or A AimA J iiltlilt ljliii.
We Mibi 'in a few, fr.Mn many citnnicinlai'.ry notices
and reviews I'ohii ti.e Ivii:)1! itn.l Am, ii.-au Mcihca
nil 'Mb. r .1- iirna'l;
lirM.i.l.leck is the on i.f lbs lute II,wy Ma.lil.ick.
Iq.. M. I1 , Ilic well known Iviriis'ci, nntl promises n,
hi Ins owe riot s;:i- ii. in ns eminent a Hi iirer ns Ins
par. ul ti.e sinlem (intialaljoii) propos.-rl as the
st ,n.-fi.iai iii.'imi ol niuiivnifr n rfi. ir.iv to a portion ol
Ihi system wlncli i-ann-it ne ibrt-tly rciciicd by ineilicine
ilsell'. . . . We r, c.MTiini'ii.l our readers to purf-lins the
Work." W'eslejnn ( liroiiiel,., I,out .n. Feb. 10. IJ.
'e rce aniiiriitl llm Work to our rfnaerg. ns it nppiirs
to be lully matnrul, cleanly wiitlen, end entirely divested
ol'iniy q" aeUcrj- or pell-s. ekinr U-ntlency. Tlm Work
well ti-s.-rvcs p.'tllai, ntel lite pracl lee. as ur HI our
kn iwleitji- mi l experience exrennX will repay not only
i. scrioni. co.isi,lei.iiion, bnl a paiienl trial 01 ns iucntMM -
U.llil.'ll MCilteal .loltrnal, IJecetllbt-r t I, l-l.l.
'Vr thtnk lli-tt n- one c an rise from il pe
llsal, Wllliotn lieinu salitl'nal that it is the yoik of a prnc
ical mill experienceil man ; nnil Ihct ll oimlit, for lite sal;e
of lltose who mtllei t'rotn eoniiiiinptioii. nstlnua, or bronchi
tis, to bp Urout'ht int., extensive crenlaiion. It is. in tltu
strictest sense of the temi, 11 valuable Werk.'1 dxl'oril
l itiv eistly ll-riltl. .Noremlter, T. ISIII.
"A le-limt ol Hie ImkIoh Kitilioti of Mr. Mn. block1!
'V,,ik on rons'iiuptioti. Itronelntis. Astlnna. Ac.: Willi
Notes. Ae., by Dr. (.'lias, linaie 'I'ltis Woi k will lies)
loiinii worthy tlie ulleniion el our rentiers, ..r tliey m.iy
teiiri. from it what nil be rxpvtril Ctoiu tbis mode of
trct.ling tonsnmi.t ion nml olbcr nirre!iniis .f lite air-passages.
Dr. M . is evnt, til .) i .11..11 1 l considerable inlelli.
cence and wltnlcvcr thete is of gon.1 in inhalations of
inethcaltil yapors, be s.-ebis to have ii'iilily to exliaet,
ll:iy. we go t'tlltber. add sav. that we fear that ihe Pri
ffssion baye u.-l uiven sitftlelent atteiilion to this nt 'dft
of lllli-vtattivr III"' siiirerntgs of tb.isr lata ting miller tins
class ol disease.. ''New Jersey Medical Keportt-r, Jnne,
(From l'rofess..r .tas. Hi vat', lMttor of:t!i. ''I'ltilmlcli hia
Mediral tinii Snryi.-a! .! -lir, in i. "
"Dr. Mai n a-K's no. a on Inhatatt'at ts one of the few
winch have been i.siied 11 ii t tit Friiash ptess on this
snliiei-l, lis re-pn'-licatioti in this coiutlrv, wilh lite
iililiciotis Notes of W (Ireelte. X,-ill mill to lite medical
Itlctatiire in' I lie tune:! -Itat.-s. and, .t is' hoped, excilcsonn,
Inlerest in the liledtctil I'r. .lessloa on tlir sulneel in Itilin
lalniii. as a moans of I real ins pulmonary tiireetinns. With
lb., i.ilitil li ,ii of m-stern iltMcoyeries in l'h sioloirv, tins
tuivle ol" tiealinir t her, diseases should have a l.itr trial
nml some atonement made lor the lomt Inaileel which In h t ulfircd at tlir bands of tnedieal inett
.Iamk Hhva-i. M. P.,
Tfuf. if Surgery in Philadelphia College of Medicine
nn. GfiF.FNi' wiii treat niHKxsiM np Tin:
I.VNun nml Allt-PA-S.MIKS. In tlt male
s i E'leecsI'udv itdopted in tl-c jirael ief of Dr. A . IV Mad
d 'ek, uml other riniucnt pbysteiaus nf I'.urope. IJy this
tn'de o' tieatin.ail the disease . utrl'aee ol' tlie lltoucbi and
l.tmiTs tire iliteetly "etcit upon, the van "ns niisti-ated va
por bvittsr earned 1 1 the in -St init.iltL' raui:!'u at c i'S of t l:e
t.'teet,. pr.Hblettiir bealtliv itetioit: where il c unplrte
dis irnaniari n has u l tal.en plnee the be-i rcMtlts tilways
nttend this fealute of rraetieeiiu fact, with suitable
tii'tuiiets, il is (lie only reliable form ol" tr. atbiir iliM-ases
of tlie Reiyir.atory ( Iruatts. lie intends his sole to Ibis particular branch of lus profession.
,'hose desirous ol C'liuillliug lilin can do so by letter uit-
iii:ahi.(; t ix avinti:k. I
The followiii"; jilan to acooinplish this ilo- 1
siralih- .'iul. i- that which, we an- infiiriucil, is
ii'hijiicil in the Now lhiolaiul SluU'8. ly the
licst I'm iin rs ainl oafjciiors thorc. Wc inviie j
to it atlcnlion in this region, ns we m t unfie- j
(jtionily sot; mmli cahb.ig).', which fuileil to
In ail in the fall IVoin various caust':'. fithifj
i".h.l aa 1 fi d to ijtucl:, or left a pivv to the .
iVi.t :
-.Vclcct a st iialjh; ?jHt in a )ari'cii cr ficl.l,
fix I'cct in wi.ltli, of any ik-ireil len-rth. Iix-e .
from slamlin water ; rim a furrow thy pro- i
fo.-i il length of your bed, ami tlirow a bach !
I'm t uv iip'in it. 'I'nis double furrow v. iil iVinn
a .''i; vnll of your cabbage, house. In the,
ticbch ilatid yuiir cabbages on their root.-i, j
lenuiny'ls the furrow Ut an niij'le ol" It)
to -15 ilej; roijs. Let the next furrow be ,
throw:, iijioti liio roots and .stall;-, ol'tho cabbage-,
i.u:l another row be j.laced in the
treiich made by the Fceond furrow ; thus
liiMcei d until your six feet of width i.-' blaiitcd,
then h-t 1 ho last furrow be a double one; the i tiier tide-wall about the height
of the ciibiiaoe head. Tlil'oilgtt the whuie
length of the middle of the jialch lay raiU
1, ti,j,thv, ie, supi)ol ted by rutchc;, til a height
of about two feet from the eabb.ina'.s ; this
will lb nn iho ridge of the cubliae-hott.-e,
J.ay liuht brush-wood from the tide-wulls to
iho ride;i! polo j thou throw on unit hay, or
bog' hay, or straw, two inches in depth. As
Iho cold weather advances throw on dirt
until you have u depth of say l-i.v. or right
inches or even more, when llm winters are
severe, mid finally spunk tho dirt roof with
tlie Hat of u spade, until il will shed the ruin.
Fill up the t wo ends of your house in tlie
same tiiiiiim r, leaving only small air holes of
it font or two di..iueter. which may be closed
with hay. The letioth of the hoti.-a should
be on a north and Louth line.
In the early spring yon will find your mo. t
unpromi.-in": phtnts have heaiU i f ihcir own.
and all Ins thriving and fresh. Try H once,
and vou'U trv it ever afterwards."
Northumberland county, T&.
r"T.lUS lorpc and rrrmmoilious Hotel issitunletl
on the top of the T.ocust mniini abi, nearly
half way hrtwoen Sunhury nnd I'ottsville. 'I'll
scenery tlio salubrity of Iho atniosphcro nnil
tlie cool mountain breezes, mnlte It one of the
most il.'linhtful summer retreats in the country.
The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories Infill,
fitted up with all the modern conveniences. The
pure mouiitnin water t.-i introduced into every
chamber. The place is easy of acccsx, beiiff
hut one and a half hours ride from f-uinhury.ovcr
the Philadelphia and Sunhury Knil road. From
I'ottsville, it ran be reached by the Mine Hill
1'uil road to Ashland, and from thence to Ml.
C'armcl miles, by Omnibus.
Kvcry attendance will he paid y the proprie
tor to make guests comfortable, Chart, moje-
Mt. Carmcl, Tune 23, 1855. tf.
fJUE subscriber resjiectfully informs the public
JL thnt she still continues to keep the ahove
n:med public house.
Wie Urn ftlmi received a new supply of eond
liquors and wines, and trusts that she v.iil he
able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her
Sunbury June 53, 1855. if.
i30TD,""n0SSER & CO.,
vistm ami sairriRs or '
Wtb Vol) viitljvatitc Coal.
From the
Luke Tidier Colliery
Chamokin, North'd County, Penna.
Address. lloyd, Kosser A. Co., Sunbury,
ii. m. nuTiii J. itnssKii. jas. notn. T. HOSHtH.
Sunbuiy, April V, 1S5S tf.
Extraordinary Arrival of
'fITE subscriber takes pleasure in infirminir
lus customers and the public e;cncrally that
At B. N. Thompson's Store,
In Lower Avyiittn township, at the Junction oj
the Tuljielincl e.n and 1'lum orceh rnails.
rrMIl'i sutiscriber having returned from the city
JL with a new and extensive assortment of
fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention
of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same.
consisting in part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cafsimcres, Carsincts, Jeans, Drilling,
Muslins, Vtstings, Tweeds, and all kinds of
(Spring ami Summer Wear,
Calicoes, Muslin dc Lnins, Lawns,
C'tnvlinms, ll'iages, Holes,
Woolens, Flannels, e)'C.
Sugar, Teas, Collee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese,
apices, Salt, AVc, .Vc, &c.
Nails, Screws, Files, f-Siiws, Knives & Forks, Ac
aucens and Glassware,
of various styles litl patterns.
hoots And duces.
A large assortment of Boots and fshoes, for
men, women and children.
If ts Caps, fie., of various sizes and stvlcs.
Besides a large nnd general assortment of
! fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
ft" Country produce of all kinds taken in
I exchange at the hiirbest market prices.
Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 18!i3.
tll'I'KgCtl to
en vs. nni
f.VK. M. 1.
ri.ibnia. r. o.
For the rnpirt Cure of
Tnts remedy lias won for itself such notorlsty
from iU cures of every variety of pulmonary diiean.
that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi
dences of its virtues in any community yv.ierc it
bus been employed. So wide is the field ot its use
fulness, and so numerous the eases of its cures,
that almwt every section of the country abounds
in persons publicly known, who have been restored
from i larmhiK r.u'd even desperate diseases of the
lunci by its ue. When once tried its superiority
over every other medicine of its kind is too appar
ent to escape observation, and where its virtues arc
known, the public r.o lor.eer hesitate what antidoto
... i. .. i.- ih J'Kiressinnr and dannerous attec-
tions of the puUnouary organs which are incident
to our climate. And not only in forrnidaole at
tacks upon the lungs, hut for the milder varieties
ef Colds, Cot-onx. HoaMenrm, &e .; and for
TniLtiKEN it is the pleasantcst and safest medicme
that can be obtained.
As it has long been In constant use throughout
this section, we need not do more than assure the
people its quality is kert up to the best that it ever
has been, and that the genuine article is sold by
W. tser ,V limner, Ptint.nry ; Dii.l A, Sliainnfcin
W. Wieni-T. .Ni.rl'iiiiii:-erl:iinl i i. T. I iiMnw, .M:!u.nj
ami by nil liriismis in Noriheru l'cnn Ivuiiiu.
Julie J, 1-03' lv.
l' , June 21. I
Eookscllers & Stationers,
4 UK now scbimr olf ihcir entire stock of
Hooka and Stiiion.nv, fave.l from the lire
of the 15lb lilt., at very buy prirra. The sleek
he is now in receipt of an uuuu.illy huge and
Bplendid Assortment of New Goods.
To endeavor to enumerate the one bundrcth
part of the articles would be useless. Suffice it
to say, they have been selected with the greatest
care, and they will be disposed of at as low pri.'es
ns the same quality can be purchased elsewhere.
My motto is
''(Jiiick .Valts anil Small Profit."
lie takes this method of presenting to the
public his thanks for the liberal palrnnnire exten- i
iled to him, and by stiirt attention tn business,
be respectfully solicits a continuance of the same.
It will be advisable tor purcnascra to call and
examine bis assortment before purchasing elso
wheic. All kinds of produce taken i". exchange.
Sunbuiv, M;,v 13, l5S.
j " HAYrOCK 5c riDLEK,
DEAI.liKS in Watches ami Jewelry, will
, continue the business at the old stand of
i James 11. Fiiller,
5. E. comer of Xecoiul Chestnut Sti.
Where may be found, one of the largest and
hest assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in the
United bUntcs, in quantities to suit purchasers,
ef from n single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ;
embracing every variety of style and manufac
ture, sui'al Ib fcr Chun lies, Hulls, Counting
Houses, Parlors, Slcrping apartinc Kitch
ens, Steam and Ciiual Bouts, slid Hui! roaj Cars.
N. I. Clocks l!i'patr.'d and Warranted.
Clock Trimmings for sale. Also,
Manufacturer of Jturlnr' ' 'rliLrutt'l J in
Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill
pen, in ad'b'.ion to vvbich the ibirahiiiiY of the
metal is lully associated and developed. (Sold
and Silver Pencils, and Pen llohlcrs. Plated
Waie, Jcc, wholesale and retail. Those wish
ing to purchase are invited to call.
S. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sts., PluU.
Philadelphia, June 2:1, ltifiS. ly,
(At the nlil .SMiki' of S. .V. Thompson.)
Lamps, Lanlfrns, Chandrlirrs nnd CnntlclnkEt,
Ap. 152 S. Hd street !, atovt ;Sf rue,
TTavins; enlarged and improved hia store, end
having one of the largest assortments of
Lamps, in riiila.lelplna, is now prepared to fur
nish Pine Oil, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Lard
and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns,
Glass Lamps by the package, at small advance
over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and
Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and AlrohM,
which will be furnished to Merchants: at such
prices that they will find it to their advantage to
buy. Also, Household Glassware of all dejcrip-
ttoua at the lowest market prices.
Philadelphia, Oct. ii, 1654.
United States Hotel,
Chestnut Street, clovt Fovrth.
fC 1- Mar.LELLAN, (late of Jones' HetoU
has the pleasure to inform his friends ai
ho traveling community, that he hss leased this
House for a term of years, and is now press rod
for the reception of Guests.
The Local advanlngcsof this favorite eatasHiaV
merit are too well known to need comment.
The House and furniture have been pet ta
first rate order: the rooms are lurge and wU
ventilated. The Tables will always hs supplies!
with the best, and the proprietor pledges hisaself
that no efl'ort on his part shall ee waiting t
make the United States equal in cessferts amy
Hotel in the Quaker City,
Thila., July 6, 1654
To Trespasser- on the Telegmph Lin
VOTICE is hereby given, that nil person
' found trespassing upon, or injuring the liae
of the Philadelphia and Sunliury Telegraph will
be dealt with according to the act of Assembly la
such cases made ar.d provided.
II. B. MASSEH, Prcs'i
Tliila. and Sunhury Telegraph Ce.
Sunbery, June 3, 1?51. if.
Furniture! Furniture!
Ao. 1S7 South Second (ulw Spruce,) eayt ith
npjin subscii'.ier would re-'prrtfnlly inform Ihe ;
-- leaders of the &iuib'y Ajn.-tir"t and the j
public generally, th it lis h is on nand a constant
supply of elegant, la-hion:ili!e, and well mail j
Furniture at reasonable prices. Being a nricti-
. Hew Goods for the Peoplo I '
I? ESPECTFfLLY Informs the public In gen
vral that he hue just received and opened a
splendid stock of
Spring ami Summer Goods
at his New Ctnrt, in Lower Augusta township.'
His stork consists in part of
Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassinets.
f all kinds, of linen, cotton and won ted.
Cntlcoco, ftlnctliniM, I.awttx,
flloiisititcllue tit) Inline
and all kinds of Ladies Press Good?.
Also ark assortment of Hard wni'O, tfOH
and Steel, Nails, &c.
Also sn excellent assortment of
UITEENSfv'ARE, of various at) !es and
Also an assortment of ffOOTI &, RTSfL'S.
HATS fi PS, a good selection.
Suit, Fish, eic
And a great variety of oilier article! such es are
suitable to tho trade, all of which will La sold at
the lowest price::.
rV Country produce liiken in exch:i4 a
the highest inicc..
Luwcr AujusIj, Mav 6, 1S55.
Ke. 14? South Second Street, ( itors -e
Spruce street,
VThcre he keeps constantly on hand e NU
' ' assortment of every article in his liae ca
Pstent Spring Mattresses, curled hair, Jrt.ii.-a
Corn Husk uml riti ,tw Mattresses, Velvet. T Sr
peslry, Taptstrv, Brussels, 'Phrtc-Fy, Ingrain.
J Venetian, List, Kn; ami Hemp
j Curpcti;iS, 01 Cluths, CaMan JluIftVp,
Cocoa and Spanish Matlii gs, Floor and St.,jr
! Btuggets. Hearth Kugs, Door Mu's, Table e.'d
: Piano Covert.. To which he respectfully lnvit-vi
' the a'.totition of purchasers.
' Phibv Oct. 7, 1651. ly.
NVnlchcs. Jewelry, Silvcnvure
rut nieettl.i ii. nnil lineitir, n1! Lis iwn! t r.i:itlnl:ii'. I
tured under Ins own auperiu'enileiiee. pnrcha .ers j A Ciorrc Assortment vf .V Finest Quiihij
may rely on getticj jii.-l sni.ii arttclfy as a
repiesentcil. I.oungi's wan reinoe.ihii. arjns,
abo nr patterns of Sofa Ie-tedds. 'i'lioro
who arc about goiiij" 'o buusckirpin j would do
well to call.
157 South Second strerit.
N. R. All orders thankfully ic.eiveJ and
promptly attended to.
April s, 55. v ly.
run SAI t AT Tilt l.liWK.-f CAjll Pltll'KS, A
Sit. IS I Suuth Second street, tewcet Pina i
l lllllll, iccst side,
11K SH.'nrtiitpnl eiiiliviwi'S a I .: e.-- :i .,,1 S-!ei't Pir.-'
'... Wnti'lic. Jewel. . llVer itie, Allut.'l '.
luteil with 1. ; .0 Sni er. lit l.-ii lit'. Tilths, l.:el!es. ,
l.lnte. I
I V,i V Villi, .,., irl I
embraces every variitv of iniscellaneous Hooks, I l'lIll.Alin.rill.A,
School Books, and ail kinds of lib.nk Books, . 1P s,l!irit , rxaininalion of their large
also domestic and imported Stationary of every ; . . ...,. r..nlii, nsire.l Hint the er..e.
r.eiice l.otli ol tlieni l.ave nan in tnc nitstuess.
description. As wo ure selling out at low prices
it will be well to call cnrlv and secure hamulus.
pi'i.iiv a,
W. corner 4th and Hare slrrets,
Philadelphia, June '::), 1.-..5. tf.
NKW.l'AMIl.Y iiU)i,Kl!.y,
ricitr, Pcccl nnd rrovisJon cro.
Hr.niilinii. Iit.r.r.i Marl it i- Vd'ic'. I .')'i'V St.
(JUSPlicTFI.'LLY iiiliirm the puhlie' lk:it
they have just reieivid a laruie. nnd well
.elected a-soitii'i'iit of choice Family f Irucciics,
con-isilng in part ,.f Hams, Suoii'dcrs, Mackerel,
llcrrit.ff. While Fish, Cud Fi.-h, Salt Preserved
Fruit, PicMes, Crackers. Cheese, !o!:isses, Pii.e,
, Colfce, (jri-cn,
sled and ejouud.) I-n
ics ol this t'ip.9Ctf' Av$l !'
it All L F. V II I- t il M A k I V (!.
fhtiloy is a spritis crnp. '1'horo nro two
varieties, one pond fur it d I'utiiui and fur muU
Mig barli'V nuid, tho other for tho bivwei'-,
' !' thu uriiiufm.-turo of mult, to bo used in
bi.H r. (tf this, 1 would sny u few words.
ib'i'f in ltuvuriu is i.iailo cut truly uf pure
nilt willi hops, but in that which ii in so
:. cncral u.-o in Germany and America, the
1 1 ewer; always employ tirujr.s us a MibstituU',
;.s tho beau of .St. Ignatius., ti narcotic by
which tho beer is made stronger and mure iti
Inxicatiii ' and uUo choniier. The best beer
which 1 ever drank in my lifo was that of j
Croat in. It was pttro mil wholesome, and to i
thick (essetitielle) that if ouo should pour al
lew drops upou tho table, nnd should leave a '
jjlass slanditi"; upon it, on the following day '.
it would bo difficult to removo it. I
1 have niado myself ucipiaiutoj with the 1
process of its ui aim fact tire, and 1 recommend ,
it to fanners as wliolesouiu and tiutirishiti";. i
A tub, having a double bottom, is placed j
upon Ihroo legs, around which an empty I
Kiniro is left, to I'.illor't tin, li I
f,liaw is laid tltuili tho external l,.,t't. ,"". ! Urickdusl, 4e.. if.
which is piled Iho malt, Tho vessel is then
filled witli cold water, and stones, healed in
tho tiro to r. duess, nro placed in this water
till it boils. Tho liquor is then drawn nil
into another vessel throuirh u ut tho
bottom, and after it is sullicieiitly riuki d,
Lups aro added, and Iho imi. i.. cooled. It
is theu left to ferment. This process Lss stiff
completed, it is poured into a larue b.i.ivl or
hogshead, uud furuisau excell. nt.liiiik, which
is named by the Croatian-; Imr, or ttot:e
bier. Pttiu'jlt, Loom uud -l.n i'.
rwviti.; rnritv. frtinrance
! J- & mild euHilinmt ..ef&'
j renders i
I serving a place on every VjWy-jjivg
and various, ilisi uses ol JSr
' tho skin, it is uiiC'iiialcil. Each enke is stamped
'. WM. CONWAY, ICS South Second street,
Philadelphia. Ne other is Genuine.
Improved CLemical Olive Eonp, to :ih in hard, soft, or fall water.
This boap le.s pf.wKrlid chansinu properties,
I which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt,Ve., from
every deso ipliou of isoods without injury to tlieni.
i For "all domestic purposes it is superior to any
; other soup in use, and "0 per rent, cheaper
the common rosin snap. Each bur is stamped.
I ldrt South Second street, Philadelphia.
periul. Yomie J 1 v son, timmnwder and
Teas, Ccj'ur-wiue, St iic-Wiiri', Soap, 1
plow nn I wash lim ..,-it and .-hoes, tohacco,
sears, Ac, totii'thcr v. i'li cx ery in ticV usm.'lv
found in a fust class ('nvry sn-,., n ,,f wliich
wiii bo su',,1 at the lowe t iriccs, ei:!,. r l'.,r c.i-li or
country produce. Wo nNokevp on b.ind choice
Liquors, Pint, Lisbon, &e. Porter, Ale, beer,
sarsaparilla, .Vr. We are also jirepnred to sup
ply the citizens with fresh bread, twisl, rulls, pies,
pretzels and enkes of every kind.
N. IJ. The highest cash prices wi'.l be paid for
butlwr and eji 's, corn, oats, rye and wheat.
Suul'iiry, July 7, !Sr.r. '
and the facilities they po. sets for procuri:!
jjonils on the limit nh ..nlncou.- terms, will ena
1'le them to compete with any other
establishment in the city. Tiicy hate now on
hand a line a-soi tment of
WA'iVlir.i-5, CLOCKS, .IKWl.iLKY.
Silver, Plated ami Uriltania W are, Cutlery,
Fancy Coods, Ac., cVc.
N. I!. iiepairins of Watches and al! kinds of ;
.lewelry atleuJcd to vti'.li promptness and lLi( j
girntcst cue. I
Phihi., April 7, 1Eo5. tf.
pi FsPFCTFTI.l V inform the puhlie that j
! TSMIE Snhb'crilier respectlully informs the pen.
i sL pie of Siuil.tiry and vicinity, that he ha ta- j
ken the Store Koutn lately occupied by S. N. I
j Thompson, in Market titrect, Suuburv, below I
' Weaver's Hotel, Slid that be has just received
' and opened a handsome assortment of
! ('oiisisiinrx in part of
! Ery GoocJ3, Grcserics1, rftirdware,
; Q'.iceusware, liats ' t'aps, Pools i Shoes, Fish,
I Salt, Met. &c.
All of which w ill he sold at the lowest prices.
Al! kinds uf produeo taken in exchange tt th
i highest market price.
j Put bury, April 21, 1S55 1
'SHE subsrril er ba' hip; receied the necessary
forms and iusriKtlions from the leparlinn,
ot ""b lii h ! t.ll, is prepared t p'Oi'ori- liucnly
Land Warrants at tho shorlest ... tire.
II. li. M ASSF.R.
.anbun-, .U';l 1, if'o.).
. ilesi rvint; tl.e
tl.e l el
1 II..VIH .. ,i
il.-'. Fa-.s Mil '. I';
tit tin: l,",v
,'..(; :c:.l til"
!'.. -i t-r lir,' ir'!
:ii 'II !"" I.-.
1,1 lit.
'St t'e
e'es el it SI
se v hi, i!t
Il I'l'.'i s.
..f li. ! 'I
: 1.H il .!:,,.
i I'l.i.te" H, l,e
'I '' S u I
.. il l i(. 'I
pr. .
i".i ss. ti-;,!
... firi..-
e mii I i i
:ui;i ,
t - V.
! ".el I''
il. '-. w il'.
il. li- V. J'A e
TCI Neptunn, I'l Dorado,
lil Puci.ilo, l!io Hondo,
Kecrca. lores, La t.'uiiosidad,
La Seiniarmis, Canalos,
Pbinl.iiioii, Havana Cheroots,
For S .le at W'lilSEH & LiU'-NEK.
Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm,
strariiie and tallow candles, importer uud dealer
in sal soda, sod.i ash, rosin, &c.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Phila. Auaut as, 1S55 tf.
To Iron Masters and Dealers.
Ao. il Arch Strut, ahorc Front,
WIKES, of a!! meshes and widths, witli all
kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper
Makers Wire, oil kinds. Cylinder and Dandy
Polk, covercJ in the best manner in or out of
Ihe city.
A very superior article of Heavy Founder's
Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and
Sieves for Seed, tirain, Sand, Starch, Snuff,
August, '., 18SS. C 3 m
1M I'ltO
fjnill; s'jhscribcr iufoi ins Dealers and Tunnels
that bo has greatly iinpromcd tin) quality of
Waikkino Cath.k. Amonjr the many
causes of stuck not thriving u much a.- milit
lie desirable during the winter, is their tm
t-oanty supply of water. A few have iimnine
water in their cattle yards, uml their aiocl;
drinks as uulur require. it ;. but inosi I'ur
inurs water their Ft.n-k either til tlie i.ui.iti, or
OV nil, loir uieui iu a ruiiiiuiK uiooiv mice nr , ,, i ,,,.., n . , ...
e. i . t .. w . ..'.... i . i i 1 in ll of V all Paper lust received and lor
ulton but oncu uday. U atermg is done Lv : ii. , , . .,, ,,.,..,..,...
Sujier J'iiimi'htite of J. inn .
And now r.mli. lenity recoiuiiieuds Ihe article
ni'innl .cUireil In him, as si euiilon In any in the
ei u1.i t. Von are invited to cull, evumine and
try it. Also Peruvian and Mcmcuii t.uuno, Oils,
Candles, Soi.p, ,Vc, ut the lowest market rates.
fnicressor in 'J'lios. ,V. Moriian,
i No. 9 nnd 10 6'outh Wharves, Philadelphia.
' t?" Farmers can load on two privute allevs,
j and aoid the crowded wharf.
I Phila., July til, IH.1.V cKm.
Sunbury, May S(i, lfi5o.
Ehnraokia White A?h Anthracifs Coal.
From the -Old I V i:i" in f.'i- fi'io '.','. ;
successors to hase, Keel eV to., will con
tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from the
ahove well known Colliery, under tho linn of
Ziiumerinun & Pursel. 'J lie point nf shipment
is at the lower wharf in Suiibuiy, Northumber
land county, Pa., where nil orders fur the various
kinds of coul, viz: Lump, llroken, E1515, Move,
and Chestnut Coal, will le thunkfully received
and promptly attended to.
unhury, July 14, 1S5S,
fii sut aT, Ji't,v "5, 1S55.
The firm of Kasn, Reed ,V Co. having sold
their lease in the Cap Colliery and interest in the
wharf at Suul.nry, lo Messrs. Zimmerman &
1'nrsel, would tako great pleasure in recommend-
HH our customers and others to lh new ti:ni,'ras
they w ill be ahle to sell litem prepared coal of
the best quulity,
rivllE present Proprietor of the ncwlv discov
J ered INFIl'l.D CAVE (limestone) in
Drv Valley, Tnioti county, hereby gives notice
that Ihe cave ill not be open 011 Sundays for
Visitors. It may bevbitcd by Ladies and l.en
tbmeii, an Saturdays of every week, when es
pecial preparations will be made to accommodate
w hit lights.
ly All persons are foibiddm to break olf,
injure, or take away nnv specimens fioin the
Cave, under penally of
The pavmeut of 1 IJ 1 cuts mdy is lequired of
every person before euli iin
Dry Vallrv, Ann. II, 1855 Dm.
A. tl.u l,uvn Ia....I 1,. i.nui e"iirv .ilt.l tlt.
Ll.ick 1 j slni.rt t.lierv, and are ready to ueiivcrcoal ef
"iislics ; .. .., ....1 r . ...,:',,, r
soprii.'i tjiLinn , .iu 1,1 ...i... ... "i... " . . ( ,
red on tin ir new coal mealier. Ali orders prompt
attriid.,1 to by addressing the firm, either st
Sunhury or Shamokin.
Sunhury, June 30, IS.1.".
Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! !
(Successor to MrClces Cermon,)
X "fOTLD call the attrition of the public, not
otilv to the sunrrioritv of Ihe Dasueneo-
1 tvpes, the llyuloprraph, (by some railed Amhro-
type,) ami tlie various sty tea ot rnoiojrrapny on
paper ; but to tho fact, that parties at a di-Uuiiee
possession a small daguerreotype, miy, hv semi
itirr it to No. If.U Chestnut St., have made from
it hv the means of Photography, and the talents
of the best Artists, a portrait of Ktt sill, from
a atntill l.oeket to the full size of life.
A small book containing description, prices,
Ac, ike., wirl be scut gratis to any pjrsou ma
kini; the request.
Philadelphia Photograph Establishment,
.No. lbfl Chestnut .!., below 7th
Phils., July SI, Is".... If.
No. f t ? a.'. 1,1 -
Wei,, J. . ,1 W
Slnmokiii Ta.
- ... 'r
I - 1)1 I.
, t f.'
.Ifl'vcli y s.i-1 ?
111..." 1 .:' 1. I'l
V'.'jis tn.:l::Y
e.f ",
. s It.u.
y Ic 'e
ll.S S.llll.l
(I. t 7.
.'I. 1
fjlllB subscriber bc.- Ic ive t ) i:if. 1:11 his iriends :
2. and the public, prnerallc, il.jt '..s I art taken '
the above well known stand, ami will he 1. tippy
to a"comiiiodate ull who 11, ay give hiin avail.
Shomokin, July 8, I slit.
1M ritOVKl
R pjiii riiosi'iiviK or tAtiv.
4S0(1 bids, of the most superior manufacture.
r Also, (JCANO of every description, Cal
cined Plaster, Cement, &e.
17 Produce uf all kinds bought and solJ 011
It. n. SELLERS & CO.,
Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No.
65 North Wharves, between Race and Vine
Ktrecta, Philada.
Philadelphia, Aueust 4, 18S5. 3mc.
Soiibiiry, June 2,1 R."i5.
Market Street.
j'7 IVolil fall to fpriii).', le;urille.-s of when-
ther or food. 1 have observed fcloeli so dry j
Ua to reiiise iu ttiu ui ',.i 1,.. tuii-i ivui . . . . .
watered tin y cat it voraciously. Now, it is j rED R TTUS, Hor.e Duckets, Painted lluck
well-settleil fact tlmt no minimi will thrive ets. Meal Tendereis, Corn Brooms, lias-.
well while bull'erin for.wtitit of food, water
t.r shelter, la-t thosti, therefore, who want
to turn out their stock in tho spring in good
condition, attend to thise thing 1 nnd Jet
them .eo that tho poorer uud Weaker stock
ret as much as they wuiit.
I ' tor.
Fall l'Lowtsn. All stiir clay lands in
teuded for spring cultival ion next year, will
be gatly improved by full and wiiitcr low
itig, provided they uro not plowed when too
Hit or too (try.
kets, Children s Wagons, and Yankee Clocks
uit received ami for sale hv
May Sfi, is.'5. I. W. TESTER j
i 11 A 1 .LE N H E K J E R'S PII.LS.A ceitain
cure for Fever aed Aeue, for sale by
Sunhury, uly Si, 1K51,
AD1ES' Dress ti.iods. Spring and Sunnr.i
A bhaw ls, 11 luck silk, silk poplins, Dc l.aine,
Cinithams, Do baae, Lawns and calico, just re
ceived and for sale by WM. A. KNAlill.
Lower Augusts, May , IB64
It i It I.O it 'S I MX GO Ul.l i:,
K A BLOW'S INDICO DUE, is now we 1
established as the best arliclc ever cll'en d for
liluuiiii,' Clothes. It is entirely five front ncid or
anvlliin? injuriui.s to the lineal articles. All
huusekcepers will find it much cheaper uud less
trouMc than Iudio or uuy other urlicle. 'The
great demand lor it has brought out several hi
itiiimit. Storekeepers and consumer will be
cateful to Bet DtsjiNls Uauluw's, put up at
Alfre d WiUberger' Drur Store, Jia. 16!), jN
Second ritreet, Philadelphia, StorckeeiM'rs can
get their supplies from the Grocers and DruvgiaU
mey neat Willi, at prices yielding a good pioiit.
Drugs, Cheiuicul, J'uiult. VumisLrt. Dut
Sinffn, e., with a lirsl-rate assortment of every
thing in the liue. Storekeepers, i'liysiciaus end
mauuiuciurers supplied at reasonable rates.
16U N. Second btreet, Philadelphia.
July T, 1S55 ly.
V y lent remedy for coughs, cold. Fur sale
at tins ojhee.
December 4. 1852.
"1JAINT8 of every description just received by I
" .May 19. WBISER &. BKlEK. !
1W 1
lion, with One Hundred
Engi a iters, showing Dis
eases and Malformation of
the Human System in every
shape and form. To which
is added a Treatise on the
Diseases of Fe mules, being
of the highest importance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage.
Iy Vf M m. Young
I .! no fuilier l nlinicl to present a copy of ths .llrt.
ITI.AI'il'S 10 Ins el.itl. It may savo linn Iroin an early
grave. Ia-I ui yi.uii): melt or Wnlnuu eilier uno tue secru
vililiu'itlnns i't lnarrii-,1 111 ft, Wlinoui reiunil llic -,iv.ivr. I
.tlsi.TI.AI'll'Sv Let to one suii'i-ring from htieLiiieit
t"nn ill., I'aia in the Si le, r'ttlcss iliiilils, nervous feelings,
unvl Uie wliole Haul of llvspeplte .', unit given
up l lileir pt.n iilll. Ik; Mlliiiliel lliolllcill without con
nlniiy ll.c .l'.SCI I.AI'll'S Have the laaiiieil, or tlmse
about 10 lis nt:iriiitl any i.iipnl.mrnl. reiul Una truly uselul
t-Kik, as 11 bits been lite ine.ius of saviuir tlinnsioids ol uu
I' .11:111 lie erealltres f.olll Hie very jaws uf vkath
lV.ny per. sriirlois TWK.NTV-FIVK CKXT9,! Ill letter Will rn-eive one copy of tins tsifk, by nr live e.iptes will tie sent f.n one iMIai. Ail.l.rss,
Dm. AV. Vlit.Mi. No. lJftl'HL'CU tilieel, I'tHLA
DHI.I'IIIA." I'obt i.l.
I'lnla.lclpliia. Septeiniirr , 1JS. ly
A'o. 26 Hott'h Fourth St., Philadelphia.
URiJAT FIRE, Chestnut
& Filth Streets, Friday, December 35th,
1WS1. Evans If Watson's
.yiinVI..!'. .:.( r jiauianner r-ans i i.u:n
frt t"-''i." ; j1, pliant, s they always are
i" Vf-.vr-;"'-rr- when put lo tiie test.'
PiiiLAiir.krui , Dec. 15, 1H51.
y.em. EvIvb V W.iTSnv, A's. !2'J South
Fourth St., Pblladelphin.
Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in rc
commciuiiins our Sal inianJer Safes to Merchants
and others in want of a secure means of preser
ving their books, papers, etc., Imm tire, as the
one we purchased from you n! out sewn months
since bus preserved our books, papers and cash
in as pood a condition as they weie when put
into it, I r fore ihe treut of this nioriiin?, which
destroyed tlie entire block of buildimrs corner of
Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above sale was j
iu use i:i our ol'ire, 0:1 the second floor of our 1
building, from wliich pl.u r it fell into the cellar, ;
and remained there until the lire was out. The
Safe was then removed and opened in the pres. i
ence of at Uiflt) peis :i5, who witr.cjcd the
eood coiidiiii.n of the c.nitrtit.-. Will you pL-use i
1 have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend i
I lo put it in use a.;aiu, havi.,5 perfect culilidetn a
I in its 6re-roof qualities. j
j Yours,'.fiiiiv, j
i Evans V Watson take pb-asuie in rwferrinj to
I the foliuninx, among the many hundred who
j have their Sales in use: T. S. Mint, ;
Farmers' and Mechanics' Hank, Phila ; Samuel
I Allen, Es.p, liiffh Sn.vill", Phila; John H. Hen
derson, Litv I i.ntroller ; t aleu i-ope.v 10., -o.
183 Market Nl. ; Ricliard Nonis V Sou. Toco-
motive lioii.leis, I liilail.i ; iiaiicroit v r-c::cri,
Machinists, comer I (il li and Jumes Sts.j Fran
klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvania
Ruilroad Co, Phila.; l.accy ' Philips, corner
full and Minor Sis.; Sharpies Llru., No. 3'i
South Second St..; James Kent & Santee, No.
147 Norlh Third St; W 11. Horstmaii & Sons,
No. 51 North Thud St.; Smith, Williams 4c Co.,
No. 67 Market St.; J. & U. Orne, No. 184
Chestnut St.
A large assortment of the above Safes always
on band (warranted to stand at least 10 percent
more fire than any Herrimr's Sufe now in use.)
EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and
keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron
Dush, fur making fire-proof Vaults fur Hanks
stores, public and private buildings. Seal and
Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re
frigerators, etc. Please (rtvo u a call, at No. 'id
South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
April 7, 1855. cly. 10.
a. be made, to t'.e n?t I
vani.i, ut the session of ls'ii
fiT'OTICE is hereby given t'l.-.t epplirntinn v.iil
I'-tiire nf Petin-yl-l'i
r tlie c.'csliou of
a coi potato bodv, with bunkier; and dis. nomine
privileges, to he culled the 'Sitivoxix 1!m:,'"
I. ic. .ted at -'hamokinl own, Nortlii.isil rilnnJ Co.,
l a., with a capital stoi k of il.i j.i'l 'l. .:!-, t!:e
privi!e;e of iucreasiiij the sarae to v'lUU.Cl'nJ it'
Shamekiu, May 22, 1 !. Cm.
" NbTsToaB ! "
wnoiecaie ana iietau Ji'iig-gists,
M.u Ut St., next dvor to E. Y. th ih.i't Stun
OFFER to the public the Urgent and best
selected stock ever opened in this section of
coui.liv, con.istins of
Medicines, ChrmUrils, liround Spices, Paints,
OiU, Varnishes, Dye-slulVs, Window Glass,
Put. lit Medicines, together with a rimiiete as
sirtiiii iit of Paint, Clothes, Hair. T....i!i. Nail
and Miatiug llrusbes, 1 .-ressiii?. Side, Neck sin!
Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, shaving from
Tobacco, Scaurs, Poll Manias, StatlJiiaiy, Con
Tor Medicinal u-e. E:r;l.di, Fiench and Am.ti
cm Pelfiimery, Fancy Goo.l', of every descrip
tion, in short cveiv urticlc ket't by Drursisl
O Prescriptions Curef'd'.u Cotnpmiaded.
GEO. II. ElSlOlt,
WM. A. EE I WE It.
Hunhury, May SO, IS.'rJ.
BTr?T 1
I'-r si:T,iii
this ti'ge, a i.
l..-a:ie!i nf Lit
X 7
1; 11 o k . :: :. !. 1: 11 ,
Market Mi.:-t,
eivod and fcr silo, a f es'.i stpyly
V.'Si:i,S,if. ?55'5Ij'
T School, lie is e! ) o;iet:i.i.ij t
:.n:','';,; of Ilool.s, iu ev-;ry
re, c .'.x'.-liti'; of
i'. ';:,--', v, N,c.i!. :irances, Seietiti'-i
W orks.', Medicine, i-.'u- ",:d Chii bci's
Ho..!:. Lille; rvkool, IVc's-l a:.d Family, botrt
n :l!l end v itii.e.'.t Ene;r.i io. a. id e.r rv of vcii
elv cf I'inditig. Prayer ilooks, of all kinds.
Also just received and for sale, Pi:;.bua Di
f.'.it of l..t' laws ef Pennsylvania, edition of liM,
pri.-e only Cti.tHl.
Jii.h;e Ib'r.d-. edili .11 i.f El.11 kstot-ei Commen
taries, in IJ vols. 6 .... f.u.iU'idy s.;id nt tlO Hf',
and now c licred fresh bi-'Jiuj!) at the lo'.v
price of C 0,1").
A TiC.iiise on the I uvj of Pennsylvania re
specting ihe e.ihites of DecrdenlJ, by 'l'iiomtis F.
(iordou, p:iee only !,(!).
Travels, Vey.i'.rea bud Advoiitures. all ol
tahich wiii be cold low, ritl-vr for cash, er tona
lly plO'.h.f.
'February. 1, ISoS. tt.
aid aj:d coz:ro?,T,"
Eldorado Fig,
Sarsaparilla Fine Cut,
Andersons '
CO, i.C
C one,! ess,
F.lduuJo Cske,
Pressed Fine Cut,
For Sale at
Sunbury, May SC., 1855.
1R. H. H.
colds, and aulmonary diseases.
461 Market street, hdow 1 3i, north side,
Phila., Dec. 30, 1854. ly.
CHAIN PUMPS.- A email number of these
excellent pumps have been received and are
effore4 for sale by
Sunnorv, Juae 4, 1856.
VERMICELLI, Jlaecarom tuid Cmn Stardi
just received by
May la, I55. WTISER iURUNOK.
rpRASK'8 Magnetic Ointment at
-- May 19. WEIPER k DRENER'S.
P00 1'S, Shoes, Hats, Cap and Gum Shoe,
gt tf just received and for (ule bv
Oct. 7 1854. TENER 4 Co
BEIiERINE, Verstria, Chiiiordin and ClB
ehenia, jusl received bv '
May 19, 1BW. WRtVI & BSTinilt.
OJict opposite the Court House,
Sunbury, Northambciland County, Pa.
Prompt attention lo business iu adjoining
CAMPH1NE and Fluid of the best quality
Tor sale bv WE1SER 4- BRU.NEK.
Puabury, May 10, 1155.
UOOFLAN D7? Bitters at "
1IIG DEE'S remedy for oouih,
A eupply of
this valuakle uicdujne just received and ter sale
by li. 11. MARKER.
nnmrv. June 4. TW.
" R.NOI.D'S WRITING Fl.l'ID and Adhe
aiv and legal envelopes, for sale bv
Sunhury. Jan 10, 1852
SHOES All kind of Hoot Shoe and lip
per for sale by
Market street, opposite the Post Otlice.
Sunlmrr, Oct. 8. IK..-
ATS AND CAPS A .plendid Jot at
fashionable ISilk, Wool and Fur Hat.
! Cixth, Fsr, Oilcloth, Navy aud Military
Cap for sale low by
Market street, opposite the Peat Oflice.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1S53.
books, i nk, aud ail ce triplets, iost received.
nd for eal by 11. B.MA5WVK.
OLD PENS with and without cases, f
very superior quality, just received.
A lea fresh aupplv of Writinif Fluid, for aule
by H. B. MAttrrEK.
MonbuTT, Dee. M, lh
T) LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons
Ac, for sale b 1). U. MAbSER.
Huubury ,Apri 28,1(5
mam fac rtt:i:n of
ri'llNlTURL' AX!) CHAIR&
I Cf tho rac-t Fr..-hi'.r.ct!i GLyla.
; rT,i"E eubseribcr nrspietAilly calls tho attontbu
1 ef the piil lic to his lap'., and splendid assort
incut of every tiurdtty and price of
! which cannot f.iil to rei nmmeTid it-e!f tosvery ssrs
j who v. iil examine it, on account of iu durable
i woikmansliip ami splendid tiniMi, made up of the
1 eit stiul; lobe bad iu the citv. No ell'.rt Is
' spandiu tac manufacture of bis ware, and th
subscriber is determined to keep op with Lb
' many improvements: which era constantly being
' made. His stock consinU of Mshonmiy
Sofas, 111 hid a ml Louttgo
Bureaus, Seeretiuics, Sideboardg,
j and also VENETIAN BLINDS, e.pasl to Thta
delpbia maniifacture.
BEDSTF.ADS, of every pattern and pries),
In short, every article in this line of bis hiisinea.
He else manufactures all kinds and e,ualilits
ncluding varieties never bclm- to be bad lit
Sunhury, such as Maiioh x r, Uluc W'usit
sin CeRLtn Mir n (Insi nv ; ami Wivdsss.
CHAIRS, ami I'iM V I'nvo Stools, which r
of the latest styles, ami warranted to be cicelies.
by none manufactured 1:1 ike Cities or elsewhere
The subscriber is determined that there thai,
be no excuse fur persons to purchase fo-nitur in
the cities, as every comldence ran he entertain!
about the quality (lid lini.-h of his war aiU
Hi articles will be disposed of en a fi
terms ts they ran be purchased chew here. Cetia
try Produce taken iu pavment for woik.
C" I'NDERTAKIXU. llatiiis; proviJed
himself with a handsome ibtiti, be is new
prepared for I'ndertaking, and attemling funer
als, iu this vicinity, or ul any eouvtnieul sjia
tiince from this place.
13 The Ware Room is iu Market lr4,
below Thouipsou' Biu. and Wcavn's Tavurm.
U!:0I!(.E ims s.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, IMS if.
bar bottle for uli by
Bunbury, April, H, 1851
SILVER WATCHES;A few daub! aae
Kuglish btlvar Watch, fr sal at very las
frice by - H. B MAMJjR.
8-atujr, Apei It, 1U1
LANKS of every description rs be liJ
app yine at th oHice of the Aoisrii sr.
ROUND and whole Pepper, Clove, Ciuua-
nion, Nutmeg, Mac, AHUpice, Uiuger,
Lijuonce, Ac.,-stc, at
Nov. IU. '54. YOUNG'S 8T0RE.
JEWELRY. A nice aortmenl of Uld and
iler Pencil and Pen, for ! chep by
Market trt, oppoil the l'at Olic
Sunbury, Oct. i, 18SJ
r Tasteless Gaits,
Prepared by
Tbis p-ersisiion is reconsuicndcj B x
celient luiative and puigative, it operates uiiUly,
i enliiely free from any unpleasant lust, 1.
seii.bling lemonade in flavor. -This aredicia 1
highly beneficial for disease aeeahar t sassssar
and but weather.
bunbury, July 1, 1S61.
INK Boureau' celebrated ink, and alo Con
gre ink for sale, whulasale and retail by
December 8; Wt. H B MASiER.