Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 10, 1855, Image 3
rJlfc frrom ' At. Leah nefmWImn, Not. t.) THE i,At CIIT1 I? OMIIK PACUlO HAIL KOAD. klLLED AND WOUNDED. flip magnificent trnin of etui teliich left cur rity yoBtprdnv mnminir on nn pirnninn to oO'crson City to Celebrate the opening of the Pnrilic rnilrond to tlint jluce, is now a mors 01 nuns, nnu minutely worse thnn this, rmniy of tho noblo hearts that participnted in t lie prido oflLo occasion, are now stilled in dentil. Tho train, confuting of fonrtoon cars, loft tlio depot on Seventh street at 9 o'clock, crowded with invited guests, n half hour af ter tho time advertised. l?y tho time it reached Hermann this dolay was fully recov ered, thus showing the good condition of the track. After leaving Hermann tho trnin JiroL'crded with good speed, and without tho least difficulty until it reached the Gascon ade, when one of the most disastrous acci dents occurred which has yet thrown this city into mourning. Thu bridge across that stream gave way, and ten of the cars were precipitated a dis tance of twenty-five or thirty feet. Tho lo comotive, from all nppoauiucee, had reached the oik'u of the first pier, when the structure gave way. and in falling reversed its position entirely, the front turning to tho east, and tho wheels upward. On the locomotive nt tho time were the President, Mr. E. H. Bridge. Mr. O'Sullivnn, the chief engineer of the road, nnu nn additional' number of-nm-jiIoypcs. Mr. r.ridpp, it is supposed, is tho only one saved of the individuals named. An hour af ter the disaster, voices from beneath tho wreck of thu locomotive were heard asking for assistance, and when we loft tho scene of disaster active ulTorts were made to relieve the Kuflercrs. It is pessible-r-nny, it is to b? hop ed probable that sumo of these unfortunates mnv have been rescued. The road enters the bridge with a curve, nnd 1hi3 circumstance, perhaps, prevented the disaster from being more fatal, as the curs thereby wera diverted, and thus prevented from fallinir dircectly in n general melee. Knongh of injury, however, was accomplished Tho baggago cur next the engine went down to use the expression of one who was in it "extremely easy," without causing any se rious casualty The first and second passen ger cars followed, and in these several were hilled, and a great number more or lesa man gled. J:i the third car. one or two were killed, only. This car, although in a dangerous po sition, and almost entirely demolished, was less fatal to life oi limb. In the fourth and fifth cars a great many were fatally injured, nnd several instantly killed. The balance of the train, followed swiftly on their fatal er rand, and the loss of life, with contusion mora or lesw severe, was dreadful. So mo of the cars plunged on those beneath them with their ponderous wheels, and crush ed or maimed the unfortunate persons below. Others hung upon the cliCTin n perpendicular position, and two or three turned bottom up ward down tho grade. Only one the ex treme rear car maintained its position on the rail. A Mtskk's Hoard. The fortune left by the late I5nnii Dietrich, of Vienna, to his grandson, Prince Sullowski, amounts to eigh teen millions of florins, (S0,O0(nno.) There were found in the cellar 22 bags, each con taining l()(if( ducats in gold, and in different chests securities out of date and lost for a mm for a sum 180,000 florins. This practice ef hoarding gold is said to be very common in A ustria, where the paper currency is great ly depreciated. A Mci.antiioi.y List. Tho Norfolk (Va.) News publishes a fodmidablo list of letters re maining in the Post office of that city on the 1st inst., which occupies nearlvhalf a page of the paper. Large numbers of those to whom the letters are addressed arc among the "fi le nt dead.'' Wim.iasisok vs Kank. Judge Kane was Ferved with a summons vestirday at the resi V:,co of his brother-in-faw, George Leiper, L.-c.. in Delaware county, to answer the suit of Passmen' Williamson fur trespass and false imprisonment. I'hilnd. Sun. The Pott some where speaks of "winter l iipering in the lap of spring." which it needs no j oet to tell ns the case here this season, the last two days having been decidely win try. Nor does it need a port to inform the public that for all sorts of weather there is a very abundant provision of suitable and fash ionable clothing at Hockhill & Wilson's cheap stor", No. Ill Chestnut street corner of I"riin!-:l!ii Place. M A ERIAGES. On the d.ult. by Kev. Ira Foster, Mr. J. Hnrvv I'amphkm., nnd Miss Maiiv Rfch, all of Danville, Pa. In Northumberland, on tho 11th lilt., by Rev. I!. F.merson. Rev. Isaao. H. Cokkkli u.n. o.riiiei ly of Danville, Pa. now of Illinois, to M iss A linos, daughter of Win. T. Forsyth, of Northumberland. DEAI II 8. In Milton, on the rid ult. Mrs KEDLCCA IIL'LLH AN, aged 05 years. In Milton, on tho 21th ult. GR1UGS MAli.SlI, aged UO years. In ('hili&rpmqne township, on the 22.1 nit., Mrs. HARRIF.T CAWLLY, wife of D. K. C'awiey, aged 1!3 years. , In Lewis township on the fith ult., MAG PA I. KN A WESTLEY, aged 61 years and C mouth. C!)c $nrhcts. Philadelphia Market. Nov. 8, 1855. Gum:;. Only a small amount of Wheat CifTereU on 'Chaupe nnd the demand is not us uetivo; salcB of 501111 bushels Tennessee at (i'J 14 per bushel ; 1100 bushels (rood Penn sylvania ut t'2 11 ; 501) Imshels Western at 2 12, and a hiiiuII lot of (rood Southern white nt $2 2f. ytlOtl buxhels Pennsylvania Hyo fold ut SI 20, and a 'small lot at $1 23. Corn ia scarce iilMM) bushels old yellow sold yesterday, part nt Pun'.Mie, nnu part on pri vate terms, anil liMJU busliels at Vbe. in store. Outs uro in fair demand, and 3;i4000 bushels prime Peluwure sold ut 43a-14c per bushel. Whiskey is steady sales, of bids, at 41a42c for Kastou and Prison, and hhds at 41c. Baltimore Market . Nov. 8, 1855. Flour h.ii decllued from 12a25 cents. Wheat is live ceuts lower. Corn is unchan ged, at 85 a 90 c ts for yellow. Howard street and City Mills flour uro quoted at 9 aUlj. SIJMll'KY Whut. Rii. CORS. . () rs. TorsTuks, Bo.ii lla tu p Fill. II i: ri 'iH. PilSt. ' Flxsii. TslLOW, 1'RICB .CUUKENT 16a 113 CO jS a s to s ; , 10 . in i . IS WidiTlfjiiiijtiiFi.,uif i New Advertisements. IwriUU TO COItlltAIMOIIS. PROPOSALS will bo received by the tinder i(fncd at the engineer's office of the North ern Central Railway, in HnrrisliurR, until the 16th of November, at !X o'clock In tho eveninir, for the grading and masonry of tho Northern Central Ttailwnv, commenrinq at Bridgeport, opposite Ilarriahurg, and running to Sunbury, a diatanre of about 64 mile. Also (he work from Rockdale to Canton, a distance of 0 miha. On thia end of the road there is a tunnel 3,0(10 feci long, to be graded fur double truck. The work ia very heavy, nnd worthy the attention of good contractors. Plans nnd specification of the nhovo woik ran be seen at the engineers oflice three dayi prior to the letting. GEO. M. LAUMAN, Nov. 3, 1S55. Superintendent. For the latest arrival of Fall y Winter Coot's. J. F. & I. i IELXN2, TJ ESPECTFCLLY announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland conntv, Pa., at Klines Grove, their FALL anj WINTER Coots, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &a, Consisting in part r.( Cloth, black and fane; Cassimrrcs, battinctt, (hecks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and nil kinds of FALL and 'WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Rcady.made Coats, Vesta and rants, &c. Ladies Dress Goods, Oonsiting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacos, Co berg data, plain nnd fancy all wool Re Lnines, Cn Mooes, tiinifhams, Muslin, Comforts, Hay Stale Long Shaw ls, Trimming, fee. Also a fresh supply of fiiroC'CI'ir. of nil kinds. A frefch supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Hardware, Quccnswarc, Ccdnrware, brooms, Ac Also a latfte nssortmrut of Hoots and Shoes, anitaMo for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Cups, f?ilk Ha', and nil goads usually kept in a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for past favor wo hope by strict atten tion to busincis, to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of goods will bo sold positively nt low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Kline's Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, 1 PSI'KD i:ih1pt tho Sril, ftiwtinn nnd Auilmrltv of the I ViiiverHj.y o( KliKK MKDlCIM. nnd popl-ir know inliie, UliuitcreJ hy the Mutu f I'rimsyiv.iMiii, April iii. IKVi, wall u On;n!al nl" Sf Hht,(HtO, msiiiily i'or ihe urvsi? of arrf ut tiic tiiP rvii ct" S.Hti i ti.s u j i I v- rtlih'fii Nntnuns; Also I' ir cupplyititr llif Cittiimiinity with n-lialtle Ht me fli'' wherever n CnniHt" nt Vi. Mriun rmniHt or will iit he etrnil iye l. Thi i'.iftiiutpn lia purclinseti from br Jolt It. JiowAND, his Ct lehnitcd ltovHitl'4 ToaiSc Mlturo4 Kn iwn for upward of twenty-f.vo vrttrn ns thf imiv mtre n:id pure fin KMVT'.H mid Aiyi'K, iVp., nnd his inrK. ti.n.-ilde Hem !y ftir MdWKLCOM I'l.AI.N'r, li .v:o.d's Ct.inpoiiiid Syni oi" Tl!:i''l;l erry Ito"t, wlii'-h highly up pr vr( nnd p M'tiiur Ifemrdien, cpeihrr wit tt The I'nivf rsiry'tt Ktnirdy t'i nip'toiiis rtf tht- I.ntic ; The lTiiivfrMi V ll-n:ei'v ! -r 1 yspcpt'i:t or ludfcsti t ; The T'liivtMSity'n Ilrnifdy f'rC8tivt'-llwH; Also, ttifi I'liivcrhity's A!ni:tnae imo Le hi? had, nt the Brunch Disiifuarv, or Store of Nov. r), 13.-.V Mnhminy V O. Bargains at tho Old Stand. FRSEiXNG- & GRANT KM now 0 cniin; a new and vcrv desirable stork of l-'AM, nml W1NTEK, cm lirncin? an rnilicra variety. Their stock con sists in puit of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeree, Winter Wares tor men and hoya, ell styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SII.KSriuiH and Figured R!ack. An assortment of Plahl Sirippaml Fieuicd Fan cy Drcs SilUs at unusually low prices, Shcllics. Urates, lie I.nins, Mus. l)e T.aiiiF, I, awns. At, CINGITAMS fioin ti to i cents per yard. CALICOES a " 12J " WIHTK GOODS, Cambric. Jacnurtla, Swiss, Tnrlton, Mull, Bohi- liclt, rienrli Swi Lores, Kibjings, A r. Crown and lilemhrd Muslins, ri I tiiir. Ticks, Checks, Tuwlinas, Tnlile Diajiers, 4 c. OOOf T.KIJC'J. HARDWARE and QUEE2T3WARE, Cfdar-waic, Hollow-wnre, Iron, Steel, l'linter '.ilt and Fihli. Also a trcb amiplv of UUUUS AI Mr.DICINF.S. Thankful fur 'nst favors, we hope by strict attention and a ilrsire to please, still lo meet w ith t'.ie approval uf our friends. tV Country prodiu-c of ail kinds taken at the highest market price Sunburv, Nov 3. IMS ty. EXECUTOR'S SALE. .V pursuance of prc itions made in the last Will and Tctaniciit of John I'elock, will he exposed to pulilicr sale on rilliJAV TilK ! PAY OK NOVEMBER NEXT, on the premises, at the late residence of the said John Ueliock, late of ITppcr Mahonoy townsliip, Northumierland county, dircased, the fol lowing dcsrril ed rral estate lo wit : A CKHTAIN TRACT OF LAND, Situate in the township aforesaid, adjoining hinds of Daniel lieisse., .Sainm l Hesslcr, Peter Thomas, tJrore I'rterulf and Adam Arnold, containing! alioul One Hundred nnd Niuctv-two Acres moie or less. About 1 25 seres uf which are rlenrcj, the icmaiuder hriii); well timbered, 'f'ho improvements me a double two story Log Dwelling House, weatherboarded. A Hank lfarn a Spring House ami a Cider 'l'resi. There is also on tliJ piciniM S a larg" and ex cellent Orchard ot all kinds of fruit trees. Nule U commence at 1 0 o'clock on said day, when the terms and conditions of sule will be made known by JACOU H. KALTFMAN, Ex'r. November 3, 1855. ts. FOR SAL13, A VALUABLE FARM, Lying in fcbamokiu township, Northumberland couniy, containing about I3u ucres, more or less, wubin i mile of tbe I'biladelphia and Sunhury Huilroad. adjoining Ian. Is of Cliarles Leisenring, Ceorge Kiick and olliers, rn which ore erected A large two-story Dwelling House, Burn and Out bouses. About 80 acres of said land are cleared, and in a pii'tly good stato of tultivatioi 5 the residue is good timl,c, Und. There can be about 40 acres of very superior meadow made on said premise. There are two good bearing Orchards thereon, a never-failing pring of water, and a good will at the door. For further particulars apply to thAutscri bers, or to Elida John, Hear Uap "P. U., North umberland ro'inty, Pa. V. 8. If said premises are not sold before the first bay of the first month (January) next, the am will be olfered for rent on reasonable terms. HA HAH JOHN, ELIZA H. JOHN. 8hamokin twsp. ) lllh mo. 3, 1855. J 3 mo TOCOPHEROL'S 6 doi. for sale by May 19. WEImER BR'"ER. IAHNESTOCK i Vermi uge, for ssle bv ' May 19. WEI5EH4. BRL'NER WINES and Lionors for Medicinal purposes at WEI8EBA BKUNEK'A iiwiiiu BEERTSBTTHO SEMLTf AEY AND BOARPrNO SCHOOL. Tor Young Ladles and Gentlemen. TBiniS Institution will commence Its 2nd or Winter Session of cloven weeks', November l"th 1S.'5. Its object is to qualify yoimcf Ladies nnd Uentlemen for the more active duties of life. Parent may rest assured that every exertion will be maclb for the Moral and Physical, as wel! as Intellectual Improvement of all who are placed under our care. Everything sectional will bt discarted. TERMS PER SESSION, Iionrdiug Room Furnished, $22 Common English Hrnnrhes, 4 Hitler English and Mathematics, &c, 6 (ireek and Latten, 6 French, (extra) . 1 Music on Piano Forte, B Half of the Quarterly expenses Invariably paid in advance. Any information will bo given promptly by addressing either the Principal or Proprietor. JO.HIAH F. KENNEDY, A.n..iVirt. AARON P. LARK, Proprietor. Rer.ysburu:, Dauphin Co., Pa., ) October mh, 1850. 5t GBEAT E2CCITE3VTE3XrT 1 La est and bent UTrit'al of the Season, At the Store of P. W. Gray, In Market Suttnre, has juxt received hi Stock from I'hUadeljiliia, conpixtin of Fall ami Winter Goods, Embracing a great vnrictv ef Lady's Eress and Fancy Good?. The following comprises in pait a list of my ex tensive and elegant stock, which for variety and cheapness cannot he excelled in this market. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Hlark nnd Fancy Cloths and Casiincres, 131-u-k S ittin and Fancy Silk Vesting, Shirting Muslin, Driwrrs mid Under Shirts, Kentucky Jeans, Velvets, Ulankrts, Ac. FOR THE LADIES. Ulnrk Pilkfj, Alpacas, Merinos' colored snd plaid all wool. Muslin dc Lain, a large lot of Prints, of the best brands nnd styles, brown and bleached Sheetings, twilled nnd plaid Linsrys, Flannels, red, yellow and white, arey Drills, Tickings, Cambrics, Dress triniminps, ribbons, laces, cloves, hose nml irish linens, and other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a largo assortment. hats j caps. Hardware & clti.ery, cedar ware. fish & salt, Groceries r every variety. Teas, Coffee, iS'iinr, Molasses, Rire. Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Caudles, Soai, I'liickcrs, llrooms. Lead, Shot, lied Cords, Plough Lines, Class HxlO 10x12, 11x10. Strrc'i, Fluid, Dairy Salt. Smok ing nnd Chewing Tobacco, FineCiKais, Matches, Mustard, Candle Wick, lilaeiing Water Proof, and a general assortment of Qi-j:i:xswAnr: a.xd olacsivaiie. Country produce taken at tho highest market prices. -Sunlniry, Oct, 27, 1S55. tf. K:w!i9fc ni;l ISnrntt ;?2flkcr. Thomas H, Tucker, Successor to G. TI". Stroll, m RESPECTFI I.I.Y informs the citizens o! Suubury nnd tho pun lie generally, that he has taken Cclablifhmcut lutely occupied bv (ieo. W. Stroll, and having engaged several good workmen, wUI be enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any made in thts section of country. Orders promptly excreted at.d all kinds of pio duce taken in exchancr. Smibury. October 'it, 18fE. ly jWIAS0Ni0ATi rtlll.ADEl.I'lllA ATiKNTS WANTED ia every town suit e .auljr in Ihs lintcd 8rntes, to sell llie Ijrautilul pictuio uf the (IRANI) LODCi: HOOM. Ill the New MArMt' Halt.. IMiiiinlclplini. This Tlttc it el I HH vtry utpnily, nint t-lifiln llie uilmtrutit'ii ( nil, ( n t:e irrtH'tni'Mi nml Ci-lt-ti t v wiili which the! Statchit. FHrsm l'AtnTTxfi ant V'l'RMIL-bb tiro rfpfcecnUil. m-.d thenrtistic :ml v nml li:irintny i-f the c ilun Si2e of I'i .le, '2i X i2S. I'rice S.( till. U n eWtiellci a nml Picture lntcrs wlshintf n tak n?eu c'c f-ir it, vill pletiio uJ Itcbj, f-r fur! ht-r if Tuiitii in. l. n. o.-r: Til f.. Lilh 'grui'lier, I'iiiiaJc!; Iiij. Oct -her 27, if GREAT MASONIC HALL. Ttir: i.Aitur.sT vi wn Fou rr., Mf.i.onr.tiN and Ml SIC SlOltll IN TI1K LM I'i:t) SI'A'I'CS. Will lie iie:irU (let'lwr 1'nli l!-V"i, in ll.e MasoMC Unil.luo. rli 'Mttti s-r-'-t. ult ivo SuvtMitli. l'liil:nl'lnln:i. lly JOHN" ,M AI1SII. IheS .le A s ,l f ,r il,.inlui.iil. Gr:iy & Civ's relehriitl l)"lre Cinii)in Alliieiiiiirnl I'iun Folles, :nt l r W. t'isk A: C Premium IH. deons AIbp, 1'milii F Mtes mi l iI,-l-i.'," ns .f Miller ilis lilienirlifit linkers. J M . Ins iIii:ihmI a 1,-msi for seveinl ye.-iis in the i,ev. tnMffniiie.-ut :ieil well known M;is.-ntr Uuinlinp. w lirn lie ie'einlc keeui. tne I:kl" st st'teli met oS'trln.ent el' Puin t Varies, l el' ! mis, Miisie. irt l Mll- irnl Plriimi'lils of eeiy ile'enption. nil til' Wltleh iirrt e!ire(ul!v selcrti-il liy Imr.relf, ai. l wjrrantecl to give cr firl fcilil';'p:io.i in eeprv in!anre. O.i il.r U7:i. .y-i :f 11E.MOVAL. j. n. xxj a-sr 3 sons, At 223 JNV.'i Stand Street, above I'i'.e, and at Einih and Syrinij-Gart'.en Street PHILADELPHIA, Are selling oir CAIvl'KTiJ, Oil. CLOTHS. &e At redueed prices, Expecting to KiiMOVE lo C 1IE-S.N UT street, (under the New Masonic ila'.l,) about the loth of Novr.MnKti, to which place they would invite their former customers and others, as they expert to l.oep a better assoitinuut there, than they eror have kept. Oct. M7. IBfi.S,- rh. Sept 2C 3m W $50 JJLJnVJ-J.TllD. HfllK subscribers oiler a reward oflifty dollar for the diM-uvery and conviction of the pcr kon or persons, who cut and destroyed the hands on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between KhimoUin and Mt. Curmel, on the nirflit of the Olb inst. The above reward will be paid to any one giv ing inform ion that will lead to tho conviction of the olfcuders. CLEAVKI1. FAGEI.Y & Co. Shamokiu Oct. 27, 1S55. if. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, Ao. 21 North Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. COCNTItY Merchant can save from ten to fifteen percent, by purobaMiig at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but littl rent, und living cconomirully , it is plain I ran undersell tho.e who purrhase their Goods here, pay high rente and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen snd Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Iiazors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, sin, bull'alo, bone and wood handles. Carvers and Forks, Ac, Dulchar Knives, Dirks, iJowie Kuives, Revolving and p ain Pistols, Ac. Also a large assortment of Aecordeons, V.e. Also fine English Twist and German (inns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, 1855 ly. Importer. NOTICE. BEINO forced to collect all outstanding due the undersigned request all knowing them selves indebted to him by nule or book account, to come and pay up by the 1st of November next, after which the account will be left with the Bquire for collection. ALBERT ELSBERO. 8unbury, Sept. IS, 1855. tf. fAME to the premise of the subscriber, neat Dear Cap, about three weeka since, a light brindle COW about 12 tear old with a short tail, end bad on a smalt bell. The owner is re quested to Kim forward, prove property, pay charge and take her away. WILLIAM THOMAS, IMSk Locust tpt Columbia ex EXECUTORS SALE. jW'OTICK in hereby given that the under. iigned Kxocntors of Adam Oilier, lata of Shamokin township, Northumberland coun ty, dee'd., by virrue of tho provisions nf tho hint Will and Testament or tie &uid Adam Oilgcr, doe'd., will expose to public sale, upon the premises, on H'ednesdcy, llm l-Uh day of November next, at 10 o'clock A. M all that certain TRACT OF LAND, lining: the mansion farm of caid deceased, Situate iu Shamokin township nforosiiid. tipun the llanvillo turnpike, between Klysdinr? und Bear Gap, Adjoining lands of Hninnt l John, Jacob Leisenring and Ueorge Miller, where on are erected ttood two story Fit A Mil DWELLING IIUUSBi t good new Hunk Iitirii, n Cari'iivr;a House nnd other otitdmild ings, with two wells of excellent water, and first rale Apple Orchard of nt least 100 li'ees mostly grafted. Containine? ubout 110 acre;", more or less, about 74 acres of which are cleared and in n pood stute of cultivation. Possession to be given on tho Grot, day of April next. Alao at tho same time and place v. ill lie sold, a quantity of Hyu, Buckwheat, I'otatoef., Outs and Coi n, ono horse, 0110 wagon, 011a plow, bin row and other fanning utensils. Conditions will bo inudo known 011 tbn day of enlo by JONAS L. GILCKR, SIIMUKL II. GILGF-n, f JjXtora- Phatuokiii 'I'ownship, Oct. '20, 1 y."r. NEW FALL AND WINTi.IL GOODS. 1. W. TllBlt & Co., buuliiirj , Va., iy ESPECTFLT.LY announce that they have just received a largo onri varied stock of splendid goods suilcd to the season ; nn inspec tion of which they solicit front their friends and the public they will bo sold at low prices, as they still adhere to the r eld inntto: "Small jirnjits and quick Sales." This in the cud pa) a lic-t, while it best serves their customers. 'I heir stock now consists of Cloths, Cassimcrca, Vesting, Ladies' Dress (joods, in great vuriety, of tsilks. Poplins, Delaines, Cashmeres, Coburgs, all wool de tains, Calicoes, Ac, with a large assortment of drcus trimmings.-11 rocbe, Thibet, Cash mere, and wollen shawls, worked collars, cults, sleeves. chcmiictlcK, 4 c. A new stock of Ready made Coats, Vests, and Pantaloons, of superior ftylc and workmanship. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes together with a general assortment of Hardware, Qtii-ens-ware. Groceries, Provisions, Cedarware, Drug?, Paints. Oils and Nails. Come and see, no chargo is made for show ing goods. Country produce taken in exohnnge for goods, at the highest market prices Kunburv, October 13, !8."5. NEW ItEFECTOEY. FBHE ubscribcrs respectfully inform the cili 1 zrns of Sunlniry and the public generally, that they have opened a Refectory nnd Eiliug Saloon in tho basement of the .New Three Story brick building of J. M. Simpson, in Market street, which has been handsomely fiited up with every convenience and comfort for their customers. They will constantly have on band the best quality of Oysters, and all other deli cacies of the season. JOHN E. &MICK. G. VV. l.MI.EMAN. Sunburv, Oct. 13, tS55. FALLSTOCKofNEW GooJs J'ixyjJo Sens.mul.le Pbnwls. Fabionable Silks. Full stork hc; Sil'is. Dress Goods, all kinds. Blankets and Flannels, Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Staple HotiFel, ecping (f ind". Cloths, 'nssimercs and Ve.-lings. EYRE t L AN liEI.L, FOITRTH A- ARCH Sis., PHIL A D'A. P. S. Storekeepers and tin rath hiym supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Good at low rales. BARGAINS from Philadelphia and New York Auctions daily. N. B. 8 cases French Mcrinoes, all colors, wholesale from Co lo $1,2.1. I'hlhidrlphia. Sept. 22, IKu. 3m w3, (arat iriSvai or Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CL3MEWT fNFORMS bis friends and eusiomrr that lis just received an e legant assortment oT FALL AND WltfTE?. G00D3 ! ! At his Store in Mar.tet Street, .Suuhury, which be otters to the public nt the lnu c..l pi ices. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry (loml., viz : . Cloths. Cassimert, Cassutets. Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, Linens, Culir.ues, Muslin dt .urns, Luicns. Ciuliums. lrriies. Also a larjrc assurtniet.t id CLO I'li INli. A large assortment of lioots and Allocs, for Men, Women and Children. SiLK Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. IIaler. GROCEIHES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Colfce, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Vir : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &e. QUEENS W A RE, Tea Setts, Tlatcs, Dishes, Cups, Snucers, .Vc V7' Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest muiket prices. Oct. SO, 155. A.Q-NE'W &z GO'S SILK AND SHAWL STORE No. 100 ri,es:,ut street, rilll.AUKI.PUIA. AVK lake leave to InfWni the Lrntit-s of fl.inl.tirv nnd vi cinity. Hint we tow li.ive open a full slock 01 l'iill Un! W'inier (joods, jiikt univil uy House and l.ivcrjKKil Stwoncrs. JX OUR SHAWL ROOM will be found llie mont extensive nssortlneat rf Prrelin, L-ii)r mat pjoutre Sil AVI.S Stellj sail nrititrri tn.rnrrcO Stl AWIA in llm cjty, wlmle mil rl.OAKS. TAI.MAS uiiil MANTII.I.AS, iii VcKct Cloth uud.Moire Autic.uc, cannot tie saipitsfceti. SILK AND DRESS GOODS, Tli it drinj'mcnt i flupplifxl Willi all (he itrwrKt fftylm of Hrm-orif. Pbiul, ttri, plnm, Moirn AntHpicniut lilurk SilkR. White Moire iihoue fur liiilnl ilrciK, Hic h itlk lit tli Uifisci, priiiUil Cunhiiieri'a niui loliinei. Ijipiiu'H, Merini am) CuMmierca, a luig uusurlnivut ofaltcolur nml very e-henp. iIiiiLrinUcriuftHillMiii, Glovok, $tc. MUl lIMNi; GOODS, Of I.upini, fl tintttizinei, rtii-hmre, Pe rnittM Ae. XV cnnuinlly Kilicil a cjiII fr 'in ftur omiiry frien.i, feeling eon fill ei it fmin ir prcut fiiciLuci for jiuichaing kolhU. w cuti i ,Ter greut Uuicniiu. ANFW& CO. p. (I C'Mistnntly receiviu new gooi by the European Steamer fmin Hnvre and Liver piKI. Oct. btii 185S. : 3m4w. TT. S. OiF" "God and our Notice Land." tJJCSQUEHANNA CAMP, No. S3, of the O. of the C S. A. hold it stated session every Momiat evening in their uew New Hall, opposite . Y. H right (tore. Sunbury, Pa, Inilitation and raga'ia, $2,1)0. P. M. S1IINDEL, W- C. F.'h VViivaaT.K. S. bunbury Oct. 20, 1855. O. OF XT. J. 1VE. 42UNUUKY COUNCIL, No. 30, O. of U. A. M. meet every TrKsniv evening iu tbe American Hall, oppoaila L. V". Uiiuht'i .tore, Market treet, Hnnbury, Pa. Member of the ardor are icap'eclfully requested to attend. V. M. blll.MjEL, C. ' A. Hoovta, R. 8. Sunbury, Oct. 80, 183. INDELLIBLE INK at . My 1- WEISEB & BRCNEV9. BANK OF nOUTHUMBEHLA7JD. rVltJ Mnrklinldnrs are hereby notified that S nr. election f 11 thirteen director to serve for the rnniinrj year, will bo hrd 1 at the Dunk inn liou-ic. on the ad Monday iii Noveiulcr (,11'lb,) attO icl..c!t, A. M. In accordance with the charter,. ehnu"al mteling of the stockholders will bn held en the first 'J'uesday In Novrmbe.r, nt HI o'clnrk. A. M. 3. n.riUESTl.Y.Caidiier. North'd 1 fept. I J, 1855 te. CIlft.M' WATCH AM) JK.WF.f.RY PTORF. A'o 72 iVor,'i Second Struct, (epjiosi'e th iiloitnl Fcrtion Iluuse ) Fliilarlelphia. gOLD T.ever Watches, full jrwelrd, IR K. rn- scm, 2S; Silver Lever do,, do., 12; 8il vcr Lepitip, do., !J!t! (juartier. Ip5 to 7 : Gold Sprelnrlrs. 1 fill to 10 i Silver do., 1 fiO i Kilver Table i;pciiiis per sett, !jll to !M8; Silver Deiert do., !., !tf to SI 1 ; Mlvrr 'J'eado.,t do., ttl 7o to !fc7 f0 ; (iold Pena and Gold Ca. km, $0' 2.) to $5 ; Gold Puna and .Silver do., !$!!; tocether with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, (fold Curb , Guard nnd Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be bs represented, Wutilms and Jewelrv, repaired in thchcat manner. Also, Tda sonic .Marks, Pins, Ac., made to order. N. 11. Ailonlcia sent by mail or otherwise, will ba punrtiinllv atleuded lo. Phila., Sept. 22, 1S;".. Ijw. FANCY FUUS ion LADIES AND ('ill LDHKN. JOII3NT FAREIRA, jCiiiporter, Manafactvi-er and Dualor in nil ItindB or Fancy Furn A'e. '-G 1 Murl rt Street, (al.iu'e Eighth,) I'llll.Atll-.t.t'illA Ilavin;; now r.ompleted my vpry large and beauulilnl assortment of uif llie ili.Trrrnt kinds of Fancy Furs, and fashioned into all the diuermt stylos nnd f.ishinn Hint will be worn during tho pruvcnt -casou by I.adie-- Children, and being detrriiiined to aril lev goods at small profits it will be lo the. advantage of Ladies am.' olhi'is to give 111c a call befom pin .-h;rsi u;-. N. I!. SiiTOREKE Ll'Kn.S and the (radewiil do well to call, as they will find one ot tlio largest end best variety of serk Id select from the city. JOHN FAR EI It A. fepi. 52, l.")5. 1 1110H, aflAME to the premises of the suluei iber, rfisid ''iiig In Lower A ngusta lo nf 'iip, Nnrlhuni''er land county, about 3 monllis rincc a 'liny Bn!l over two years old. Color brindle, white bark, rcilb-h brindle brad, - weigh about 15(1 pounds. The owner is requested ciune forward prove property pay damages and lal;e hint awny. OWEN UtjWEN. Lower Augusla, Sept. 1, I "..". 2m. FOR Bll E subseribiT offers for sale bis large and i valuable FARM, situate in Sbamokin town ship, Nortliiiinbct land County, between Sunburv and Shamokin, two miles from the Itoalroad nn i five from Trcvorlon. containing upwards of SOU ACRl'.N, nlmot :tl)0 acres are rlcarrd nnd in a goo I sta'.o of cultivation, the other well limbered with Oak and Clie.init. The improvements aro two dwelling Houses and two limns, with good Spring Water. It i-t well calculated for three or more farms, with Meadows, t liehards, eke. Persona desiring level farms easily tilled, should .examined the above. Ge. will tell on reasonable term either the whole, or parts of 50, ICllor 6Uii acres. If not sold by the first of Junuury it will be rented. DAVID MILLER. October G, 1855. t j(5 'o3 Fruits & Confectionery. fj ji EMOVAI.. 'i'hc subseritier ban removed S2 L lo .No 'Hi M i in; i. r sfu bit, alwvo front, (Tin ce doers ahuve the old stand,) PllII.ADKl.lMIIA. Where be keeps roiiftamly o'l hand, a cenera! Hoeli of aM artii'.ei in bis line ; ron-i.-tii,s of Orntijic, Lemons mid all kind of fruit in ca hoii ; Alinnmln, U'aliiul.i, t'lcaui .ui.-, Ciound .uls, jdnin and roaatc ! i I' and ire-. rvc.i ot all kind ; ton huh Ic iu ilct the allcuiii u of IValers and others vi.-i in liio city. Cuoda j acked ut thi cstabliahmcitt warranted to carry e.ilV. P. I.. IIIU.KIXfi, No. S(l Mar'icl St., above Trout. South side. I'hila., Sept. v;i, IH.'o. n c.t. "- S- 11. Cor. .): S, I'li'ttiiil K;s. T.,ii estitl t lllt:1l! IiiJiltilliiw, wliif-h ws firj! lii-il in S-.jCciiiticr. Itl, UMd tilli ng i:.l v.r:iilu:iti'S llllil. I' t tit liilMlir-K.J iiicii in tins. t '-o.i'r dies; vv..H nl: .li iu 4'll. i ( I'.iri-ri-il. ic. I ol.,:,.-.iu., una I .1 .vr. in iu o.iiii.incc ;yith Act f I. ei' if Inure. T in I'ntit of l:;-. i i.'rc7iox w ( a 111 T iii-'ily i.,.,clif-r,; .cl.;.r;n li t MiJ c lll;:il ll.l 111 .-il li.Miii-l.r.s iii-r -t:,ry Tir ii-,: in tufihi i-k : IckiiIio w oii-li, till- ; HI.::.- Im.v I;.- pri ili-si. nf ire, ii! up ii c i ,,f i.xcTrisrs I l'( l'0lKi:cl.U. LAW, ile. liy. rei1 r.ti lli. ii f n;-tvi;i tite, by eti.i in lit piilelili ..'l. i'or I lie p-e-c-i' tl;e Titer. J: li'lH Si! Hw-'lotr renins are t-n- gl'J il ill IM'. I'.'i-IJ lll"i. s it r::i t ti:m i:, rrineip-,1. l' i' lt il. -TUi wi I lie I i ajy a lilrt-s:., en i'iii:! le: letier '... Clt'TIINI'IAS' llfKIK KI'.r.l'INll, en rer-eipt p.-l lli"il ll.e pi ice, lil ,.'.o. Kjy I i u.i;:i; U cut . 13, i;:s Cm. t-i r-l I'll! .!.!..!. in, ('.! :;0TrcE. JT hereby notify the public. r."t te trti-l Matilda DiniiDond, on my account, ej I vill not pay any debts nhc may or uiil, -I, a. wc h ie inutually m;rccd t i part with c.u h othrr, and have rii; red an iiqneniei t drawn tip lo that etloct, ly f -riiiir l.ukc, of ShaninVin. ,IO!l 1UV.MOM). Mount Cirmel.Scp. n IS-fiS. 3t. FALL MILLINIHY GtlOS ! 1355. JOHN STONI3 Si No. -15 Sti'tli Sci-nnd : EONS, Street, i;:ii..M.i.i.niM. A K now prcpVcd t.) oll'. r to their cun -i- tonn-rr, nod to I'.ic trade, (uf their own ii.i porta'ion,) the l.irerit and h 'inioinc.t a-olt-mctil of Miiliuciy Co.uls, in this city;; in jiail of 11 on net Silk, liibluma. Whet, Taney IVathera, Fluwcrt, I. ice, f;c. i' c. Which wiil he sol i at i'.e lowci-t priccf, ur.d on tha most term;. Philadelphia, Sept. 25, lSfo.-Sin p"5. CnEAl? 1IOOK3 & STATIONARY. ipr.7?KY A. KliKTY, invite the attention ef 1. tnerchaiiti and other lo their in rtei stock of clcni.ntly bound llihb, Hymn. Honk. I'r.ier Uook, Albums, and rrrsenlatioti U.infn iu all style of binding j Standard Theological. Medical, Miscellancou ond School Hooka, vbich tbry have received from Trade Sale and aic scliiiij; at extremely I iw price. A Un direct from the manufacturer nnd Im porter, everv kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, I, titer and Note Pairi. Luvelopc, (iobl and Sleel Pen, Pencils, Inkstand, Wrapping Ta per, &t., Ac., at the InwrM cah price I'LKRY ee KKK'l'Y, 8. W. Corner, 4th and Huce fts. Philadelphia. Peptember 22, 1855. tf rniLIi'S, 8TRYKEP. & JENIt'INQS, Wll(LKAtE PEALKM IN ituinsii, i tu:t si & 4HEniCA BOVOUT KXCLCIVLT t AUCTION, Not. 1 5 3 Street, below Market, utwceu Second mill Tuiid, " rtlH.AUKl.PUIA. (7 To mill or li nl lliuo bu-H ws will rll at h very kmall advanre i Auciiou rat- I'hila., Kept, 'ii, IHS5- Sim-Sj. xT1 IttiCEKIKrt SeSar. CollVe, Mlae ljt Bpicc, Oil. Cranily. Uin, Wine, Mucker el, II erring and Halt, ium received nnd for sale by VM. A. KNABU- Lewat Avgurta May S, 18b. xr.iy ooons t kv.vt ruohs is Imir cKro AlliTCiion t.lThb" E,cr0 As Wirshinntorx wntfrsl t'i rm;,pac, ( F.Uhirq's Chthivrj u first in receipt of NT-AV GOODS. fMIE subscriber having rurally returned from -- the city ba just been eivirt: end opened to-day a splendid assortment uf all kinds of Goods ii. his line. Having selected with earc, and from his being early in I lie market, puichasing rhrnp he flatters himself in being able to oiler to his patrons arid llie phlilid In gcnoral, urh goods as will suit all in Mylei, qnali'y limits ami price". In addition to Coals, Pants jnd Vesl-i of I need jrnns ond o'hrr Btiiffs suitable for f'll Wear, may he found all kindf of winter wear, Mich nr Over etiat", Business (,'ont), llreiS, pants and V ests, made of all imatritiahle slu!V.ul diuCieut culms, from light to heavy grade, cheap to good qualities. In fart surh au extensive assortment of CI. .thing as wilt not fail to suit rvcnbndy. Also a large quantity of boy's Clothing and all soil of I'tider-rlolhine. HATS nnd Cup of nil kindi and e'yleaj the Kansas-Nebraska Ha', latest stvlc. A good assortment of BOOTS and .SllOr, among which are good calf-skin shoes made to order; Abo Lndics' Gums of diliirent kinds. As tibial he hni on hand a good avsoi Uncut of Juwclry, aecnrdrnim, revnlvcrs, various kinds of pistols, fine, cullrry, shii's, rclbtrs, hosiery, t,loves, port rnoiinais, beside a great in iny other articles too numerous to mention, till of which will be sold at rrasnnabln rales. Call and s-rc nnd judo for yuurscives. ALBERT ELfiUEKfi. The fltore is ill Market Square, opposite the former Foci Otlicc, a few doors below Master's printing ofli'-e. Siiiibnry .Sept. 22, 1SJ3. piles y.!sr rTx-tAssicsI MEW STltEBT FILE WORKS, Philadelpkia. ?SH E subscriber is constantly Mnntifnctur J& ing I iles and Rasps , of superior quality mid nt the lowest prices, equal to the bct im ported i;norK, and much cheaper. MA.NUF ACTERKRS & MECHANICS cm hnve their ULli KILLS HE-CUT and msde equal to new. et nhout half the otiginnl cod. Flat 12 inches ;.i2,0() per Dim.; Flat, 14 inches S.7S perDox. ; Saw-filrt. Hr.f Round. Millsaw and other Files in pro"irtio;i. Single Files and fractional parts of ib,7.eiis charged at the same rates, and wirrantcd aalUfactorv. J. D. SMITH. NO. CI NEW STREET between Race and Vino & Second - Thiid St. Philadelphia. Pbilada. August 18, 1S53. 3m. J. B, DOBBIli'S, Ao. 22 Smith M'hnrres, ADOVE CHKSTXUT STORHT, riULACEU'HIA. DKAI.KU t! WMPROVEIJ Super Phosphate of Lime, Tru. Jt ilretto. nr.fl l.nn.1 lMiiat,.f. ITnvinrr ,.erv tai iitty lor supplying nil article in tho above line of the best quality, at the veiy lowest mar ket prices, would most respectfully solicit a call. Also, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Spicce, ccc. Sunburv, July 21, lb.Vi. c3m. SPECTACLES I In Golu, Silver, aad Elastic Eteel I"'raie3, 7 MATHEMATICAL Instruments afparate 1-"- and in cases, '1 licrinomcter of various sires, Spy Classes of every description, Platina points for Lightning; 15 ids. Manic Lanterns with H"nptural, astronomical and temperance designs, Microscopes and Microscopic objects, (J-l anic IlaltericK, Klectrieal Machines, ISurveyei'h Coin paosos, Siuivein!r t 'hail's etc. Ac, McAI.LISTKU iV UUOTHLfl. (Kur.blished in !?Gfi.) 101 Chestnut Street I''phin. Our Triced and Illustrated Catalo:uc (r t piic- with lot) illus'.rnli ins furnis'.ieJ on npplicjlio.i, and tent by mall free uf charge. I'hila,. Sept. S, le-5,1. .Li O Of every dcscri-ion, miin' lo for Kuilrondi, Vc, for iv i ijhins Hay, Cm, Ore and Mer chandise generally. I'ttrcliai;ers run no ri. !;, ev et v raln is (.uaranteed correct, and if, after tiiel not fotiud satisfactory, can be returned without char-re. 0'"' Factory nt Old Pland, established for more, than twenty yearn, corner of ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. A 13 F OTT A- Co.. i f-urcrsor to Liliot t Abbott, j I'bila. f-'ej.t. 1, lSoa. -;?inC. GliEAT TOY & l'ANCY STOEII." ; JOIIK DOLL. ! Au. 00 North So;id St. btiru Arch I? IlaC- riuhddjv.iia, j A3 received a la nre assc.tinent of Tove i f i J A Wood, Tin. China, ttuin, iVc, also lancv Haskets, W ork boxes, Porio Monaies, I'orki-t j lSjoks, t-e-;ar Caio, SnuiV and 'i'obaceo hexes, j I'iprs. Caids, Harmonica!, Aecordeons, Violins ' and .'-'triiri-, M.irh'.-s, Ilallfi, Kliirt--, cud an end j -! variety of oilier articles too nnnisruu. to j mention, for sale 'Whok-sulu &. Retail, tit regular price.--. l'hiln. H. IKSo. 3m. ASTKAT. A WITI I'Ij SOW abot. t two year old. came to the premises of the subscriber, residing near t ie Aoitltunilvilaml llri le, durii1. ' llie lnoulh of May. Tlio owner U re-pieced ti come forward, prove provcrty, pay charjjci and take her aw ay. KiMXCI EULEMAN. ISuubury, e-'i-pt. "2, loj. T TIf"lIK:sT ca-h prim iaid, and nnuey reniit- ted by liiiit niai!. The beat teference cun be given. A plv or address SAMUEL BUCHTCLIV jr. No. 80 Noiib Cih ttiicl, Phihidc! hia. rXlrouiity Land and IYiodouii juucdrcd and Wairanis located an usual. October (!, IKj.'.- ibn'i Chciij) utclivs Sf ,f t:v. cir ' )IOLi:s.l,r: and 1. tail, nt the "Philadel phia Wht'ti and Jewelry blorc," No. Ufi North e'econd .strut, corner of (Quarry, Xnil.AHiT.'PKIA.' tl'.lil l.evcr Vjrie !t. tm: e". -...-ii, I1! ciinu nism, fcCS.oa l.ep'i'c l.-". Mliii l-irf .yer S-iLititS. I. CO I.. fe'l i-wil 1 ' IniM Ijmee.e-s, 3 hi ! It inlleK' Colli l'encill. I .'III " ir-'. o'er i'lia m-uons, et, &.':i I l.eyer, fe'l .lev. l j V:i'i,'M. r Ou.cliers, ' li.ilil in'etiieley. ,.,1ii j G iM t'ens, wilti Pencil und Silver HuMer, 1,00 1 (iold pinker ISiitc., 37 cent to if'SO Wntrh Classes, plain, 12( n'nls; Patent, 18 ; I. uni t, j SI); olher ariiclis in proportien. All good war- ramrd lo lo what Ihev are o!d fir. I si'Acn r.n a- mai;i.i:y, j On hand, foine Cold and Silver I.ever and I Isrpine. atill lower titan the above p,ii;c, sept, u, - r ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8i;.nniY, pa.. Aided by aomn eight jenr experience in the practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or will iu the line of hi profusion. Oifico with Charlr J. Brunei', Hsrp, Market street. Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1S55, tf NOTICE. The undrraifrned hereby give notice that lie will make application to the Court ef Quarter 8etsiiiin of the Peace, to he hobien in and for the County of Noithuuihciland, on Monday tbe 6ih dav of November next, for a' licence to sell Vinious, piriluou, Malt and Drcwcd Liiiiors in the tov iibhip of Jackson, fa tbe County uf Northumberland. WII LIAM BEPPIX. Jackson township, Oct. G, lj5 te lyALL PAPER A larpe and aplendcd " assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa. per, and Oil Shade, just received and for aale bjf I. W. TENCR O. uttaury, Mmr M. ISi-i. ilEW OOCTTX:OTlOX-TJAR.'Sr. 7K0LESAiri AliB li. 0. 0ISAKILAIIT, SrsPECTFIiLLY rinnounc! ti His cilt"ea of NorlhumbKrlntid nnd the ndbiinintr oittn' tics that l e havt opened . Cnnler tlf.uniy ! Fruit Slore in MAKKET HUARE, eunburvf where he manufacture rred lire ps on hand, at nil limos, the most choice Crn! cl'n; , Ac, Wli'iletalo and Rctnil, at Philat'olpbia prices.. Ammig hi tck of Confectioneries, tnvf kfi found 1 1 1 .... ,i, ... , I'rrncti "crsts, flnni.'d A!r:i:a(t rr'tn While, " l,eain lt',se, " Vnnlilj, Ooiiii1;mi KeorwHI. J.iij area, 0am Drops, s!) kin-is of :S f ,m e Proi.s, Mint 1 -rips, red ut et'ts, Jelly fake I l: !.''MII, ftiiilf 1 '111 ilt .!t, etsll rMtrc, li.c!r Oinvly. AI:r,'T.-J terras. tenmoM prnhci 1; t rir i'uirnn' firirtrf, Ciii-na, A lin.ii.da, Rflrpi, N'.iti of $M ItnuH. LEMON SYKLT of a superior quality, -y it. 8 tiiu'i'c or A, Hiipnrior qti '.iiiv of Scpara nnd Tobacco, and a vaie-ty of (Jonfci.tioinrirs, frii't, icc, all of which ia olfcri d be;:i) at wholcueJo or retail. Cuiua nnd sei hn will try lo pl"aso. Oidjrs fro'l dist ance ro-npt!j alt.-nde.i lr. f'!in!.i:ry, Au.i, 18.r.i. ly. CABD. JOHN G. MAKKLL, II. I)., E.PEt'TFi;LI.Y informs tho citirens of iSiiMbury nnd vicinity that he has commen ced toe practice of .Medicine and Surgery, and will promptly attend to the calla of nil who may desire his professional services. Hiitefi'ieoia at the resilience of his mother, Mary JIarkol. Sunburv. July 14. 185." Uinpd. OF THi: U2CITEB STATES INSURANCE, Annuity Co. B. E. corner 7 hir-l mvl Chestnut Sts.t CAM 1 U $.4no.uiO. i 1 dcp.tsi it'll is ptit'.n in n UL-pfsM liit. on-l liivm lo ti.e ll")i.i"itir, op. if pr-'ftr red, n rrfiJuvih will nvrn. A II niitnn. ln;fif iiml mm II, arc rt? i-civcil, itnt! l!ie biuoui. Jitiirllt.H'tt D.l U'.'turiiul. Wttlt'iut 1 ,iut;c5. Ii.tfnk ia ;it ih rut? f vjvk .rtK. rrT., cntn PUMcinyr irmii t'np il:iy '( fli-ponr. nn.' ccrn f...iui;cr. pitvitnili to Hi" Will'iliuwnl ci tifiit y. On llie fi rt d;i uf Jmnim y, nt cncli y nr, inu iuterrat of ffirli (lii"P!t i? pititl ti t he Ut'imeit-jr, ui u.IlIcU I.' Li t- ji. inci-l-tl. nn le in iy y?i fr. Tlift Cinnrv h ivc n-'v npwinla of 3,5K) Jtpositort ill tini CtiV "l i'itil-nlc.ipliin '.'itjjl'l Anyipluiti M-ii! infurinntiou will lift giver. t.y a;V.'.ic'r. the 'l'itiAuHi:ii. - DIKKCTOUB. - Iiwr-'ncc J 'Imim h', Vtcc l'rcs't, Ainlir.iff! V. 'J'hiniisi'n, lieit.pinii! V- Tiiijlt''i Jjh-.iIj !. r!'n:n'. J ilii"? l)i V:tmi., Sirrrluiv nml Trromirrr, M.IY FiVK Tfixi-h and lNTFHi'i:i:T;:n, J. riliUultlpl.iii. Ir.'i.t. f, 1 " 1 y STOVES ! STOVES ! We rrupcplfuily t ufit tiic nMt-t.ti- n of ti:e ulihs lo cir nssDriuiciit f M:H-riRF?OI? I?r:.TlNO f-TOVF.?, fur Strut. (Mntrclifv. Vnriirs V,r, w irnimt-i' tf) Civo inor,' lieat with t iitMiiiril tne i I, tnun hnv rtin.r U'Mtinr St iv; i.. Tiie nt-ie tiuii 'irr whi'-U Unr been . in Hug ainl olhr-r citit-n t.itd flit const. n it ond iiific-ifiini; cl- unnd for tin hi 15 e:u- i-nt nirimnlce of their fiunrrinrity 'v r u'. i'-r lit" lt--.- m,d wu cIh-v ituly invitf ttic rtncte..t ii.v. fji;--m. n uf mir claim j to l!;e iu'Ht. ; iftn t ;ir':eii- f Ihc Km.jI in use. I We nisi hiivt 11 Mipui-ior 1 " A ( )., f,T f.rnii 1? I mi-! rlR'tiiicM Mlt; ?'. niM.' "ii :!.! i::mi' iiineijt"', fuf I whi' ll vc cLiiiii c;i'y ;i It n! ii I 'atir.rn i'itc,(. ; UV lc;i f-i:f .ri'!: -u liin-! imi !s .1 hn.-itt rf Hi 1 .--n1ii ( Of -W :..! PARLIHI JTuVi:? i UiiJ uio ! ' A'-W'u n th.s S f T I ot i-i; - i-i i.: r I'orr v. ji-v'tTorv:- ''i.iv st.i,r.!t !,!: .v STOVT.S. 'u I c l--s vv:li lo mppliui it lit 1 'VCa! ;"U-liy pliC'tS. : M.r.'.-f s. w.'::rt:. I v.-... 1. : I-,,..; - .. r, I K. r;t :!.'. .ACt:--a I'li.lad'a ! IT- r. r site lo H. It !ASKH... iini ,.. I I lii! i.l-;, li::i, AiiluM 'J7. 1 -.i 5 :i: Trusses ! Truss-'-!! 'I'mubCh I ! I ai:d Ijracc EsiaMI&liaient, of U icr'f'h u::U A.'te S.rcets, .S". il. toe. I'lulailfipliin.- W MPOTrCU of 111," i'ic:i- h T:t:r'.-, criv',:. It ltini; extreme lilttnrs -, ts:. ar.d durability th correct ronsttnetinn. H-niial or r-.-ptnrcl can I e suited by retnit'iii amounts, hz below: Sending mini1 or of Picina rjund the hips, and ft itiv.; r-ide nlle.-led. Co-t of ."- ini.-le Trusn, i'ft, ? 1, Co. Con' !! I ", it, -jin and :J.0. Lv.iru i lioi.j as lo wc.-..-. and how l i effect n cure, when po-nhle, sent with the Tritiis. Alto for sale, in great variety, l;r. Buaiiius's Improved PnJfr.! Bidy Itm, Vur the cure of I'.-oi ip.-us I'tr. i; Spinal Pr.ips and r-'uppor:.!, I'irt.-ut i-L.-tddor ilta.vs, I'xciiu!ci.i r.nd llruclor Iitaccs, ail-ple-l t.) all vviiu Moop oi.anldors and Vi'cak !.,:' ; EitalifU ULiEtii! Al'doiair al l!cit..,Su.pcliic rics, y rinrj male an 1 fee ale. Hi' L-.iiies' ll.ioin', wilh T.s.'v ulteitdauU. l'iiila.. Au. 1, lv P n. "s , .i ": ", - ';-) r . EUET0N & ITKTOIi', ir. err.-iT Sirth find Arch strectt, Filil.ADKM'til . rjAHAK! Tor.!! tn t-.ncomir.-;ily full and fl. ihi ice assortment oi 'black and giecn Tear of ail fialcs. iV-vn the txncudv lew price of ati its :$.' I.; ;o t'.o .3 o?5cu. p.rlh.. wai ranted to l e euj-erior ti any to be bad else where at the m:bi pries. We know a:i-I corf: dcntly iciommond i'l.tii to le 20 percent (he-.p-er lliau any f, r Hue i:i the citv. Wc have aba a -.cry sni.vrlnr as t -r: : n t ci 'o.TL-o. Old :.'. Jav.i, La (!(;, M-iracari'io, Kioar.d Cape li.r." tini I'ullcc. New No. I V.ackrvcl and .shad :n i nnd J M l. or nsi-.v.v ho de-iicd. Chrcse, Puja Apple, .:an 5;a?o. New Yolk Cream Chrc-e ai ways on band. Soap brown &nd v.Iiito; tiles H. h. Keiidcll tt Co' ChcfciVn! Olive He.t.?, one lb. of which w ill po as far as 'i cf orditTary brown Soap. A lo March of different ijualilies, picUc. faifcs, Uctclinp. r.:i,'?, olive oil, cardhie. an. eliovcys, S.c, will: a tn!! o j-.-:-!tiie;it of Fancy (io.nN, to which we invite i;-e a t.-nlion of il.'c public tocii!! end cxai-i'ma oitr c-.tinsivc asj;t tiicnt ct Vine Croc-rics for cr!a bv Hi PTON .Si FCNTON. Wholciale nnd Ivct.iil Family Uioce.s and Ten Dealer, !. V. rcr. 5-iM't and Aroh 6.h. ' (io xV delivcrej to El rr,rtt of the cily free of ctiari. Pinla., r-ept. Ci, npl Sy FOR S AT T5 1 PTE AM DNCilNES Ptr Horsepower each, jiij v.'i.h luiilers.. Wotild ninl'e cxtelleot pump. i"4 Jiirriuen. lo-:!'.-r with C l.irirc Mowing rylius d'-Tf, autlable Inr a l-la-t furn?ee. Apply (o 1! UNIiY LONCENECKLi: oi CO. fciiaiiiokir. Iron Work. shamokin, Pa. hr.makin, July 51, 13o."),. . Front Street Wire K.inuiaclory. WATEOIT t COS, C:vk, llirt.i.K, ficr.rzs and Wibb Clotb KaM l-AlTUItUKH, -V.i. 4S North lYont Street. Ceinu of Coocrj Allev, between Marktl and UM i vreii) iri-i-n, Ihiladelpaia. tfONTINrE to manofsuture of .-.iperior quan. Bra, and ( opper Wire Col far Paper MaUera &c Cylinder und Dandy Holla covered in tt bett manner. Extra Heavy Vire ef Supirior quality Heavy Twilled Vi,T f,,, Si.vti lor Bras aa f,n Fo.mder. Bcr.en Wire. Wit. Pafe,TrrJyi, Dial, Coyer., Coa and Sand e'ercene, i.e. i ancy Wire Wotk oftv. eiy drsrrijition. , Phrladelpbia i Srpt. 1,. 1K.i5. - 3roC. AND WAllKANTS.-ril0 hifflreT'pr; rrtll lie glvcn lor Laud Warrant by the ub 'er'tw" - H- D. MASMiR. anesia fnr aale bv ffinkwv. Mas 1. 18M Ott. SO, im.taa