6UNBURY AMERICAN ALHIANAO FOn 1855. iB mmmn 5i e Jolt. Si 4rXT" 9 10 11 17 V III II IJ 1114 111 9lli4l 14 1.1 mm is ie 17 it? f'l in at 10,31 I w in 01 93 30 97 id 911,30,11 1 Ft. Max. 1 I ft e 71 I 10 Ave. S' 0' ti K 11 19 13 II 11 1,l7lm II 111 1.114 I5l!8 17 IH IB'Sn 91 lli -ti 91 19,911 91 9 9 .1 21 99 -,97,9i I 9. 97 9S 9 3 4 211,30 311 ' 7 8 19 13 14 I 19 3 1 5 7 SI 9 10 9RfT. II'II H 14 1S 16 17 I IS in an 91 tl 4.1,94 . 91.40 lr,9S 9!l.atli3l I 9 Hi ll 10 17, IR l!jn 91 99 21 91 9i,9U.97 9S.49 rui till' Art. 1 9 9 4 .11 7 Oct. ; n1 m it 19 11 11'' ;1S 10. 17; 19 in 911 91 i waul I I I I i 91 3 4j A, l 91 III; It 12! 11 in i7 is in 211 Ml 12 293,9i94 20 97 95 2:1,31131 I Mat. I I I II 9' !! 41 S Nov. B: 7, ! 10 II 19 , ! 1! 5 r. 7 e 9 in II 19 13 U IS: 10,17 III in 911 21.92:91 91 93,40 27,23 9ft 31)1 t ' 4 .l!o 7 I nl in! 11' i2, 11! n 11 111 17il, 19 90 91 22 ,21 91 9.11 SO 97,2!? CD lOil 3ll till 111! 14 15 10,17 IS 19 : !l.91 99 9J9I ,90; 'JiiSS 3'J,3U 31 i-si.; i s De- a 4 s e 7 p 9 . MO II 19ltaiM'1."i 10 ,17 I? Ii;i il.S-i 21 .'ai'is'an 9-liu 911 30 " I I ARCTIC UKIlGrtAI'lir. Tlie Arctic expeditions of Kiine, though f-..:, I .1 I- 1 . .1. ... . ,i.m.v u,m u.i.suctfM,,u. I.. 1 ue.r nun I oujecr, I lme contributed considornbio to tliosi! rc- Kiijiis. jaruip 1110 recent, expedition, mere was effected a thorough exploration mid (hur ting of Smith's Sound ; tlio tracing; uf tho const of Greenland to its northern I'nco j the discovery of the most northern land in the known world, in latitude 82 deer 30 mill. N. ; and, lastly, tho apparent confirmation of tho existence of a Polynia or open I'olnr Sea. The pcographical discoveries complete the mapping of the northern face of the' Ameri can continent, whose coast line is now pretty accurately charted from Smith's Sound to lSehrinir's Straits, bein from longitudo 75 deg. West to 170 dog. West, ahont ninety five degrees, or more than one-fourth of the earths circumference within the Arctic circle. Further explorations within theso limits would seem, therefore, to bo an unnecessary, nay, unjustifiable risk of unman life, without nny adequate inducement or reward. The Polynia or open Polar Sea has for some time been a favorite theory with scientific men and eminent Arctic navigators. It originated, we believe, with Russian naval officers, under whose auspices the shores of tho Arctic ocean for about 145 degrees of longitude, from the White Sen, eastward to lteliring's Straits, were discovered, surveyed and described. Lieut. Ferdinand Von'Wrar.gel (now Admi ral) of tho imperial N'avy, who in 1S20-21-22 mid 23 explored upwards of 500 miles of north coast ot-Siberia, was invariably stopped by open warer w nen Travelling norm over tuu ice. from the shores of that sea, and generally about 75 worsts or 27 miles from tho const. The same phenomenon was also noted in 110 by lledenstrom, and in 1811 by Tutnriuow, who accompanied the survey or Pschenytzin to New Siberia. Open water to the north, as far as the eye could reach, has ulso fre quently seen by icebound explorers in differ ent parts of the Arctic ocean, and is frequent. ly alluded to in descriptions of Polar Voyages The verification of the existence of tho open tsea will rest with future navigators, if any should ever think it worth while to make the attempt, which is not very likely, without govern nent assistance; and as nothing prac tical is to be gained by the discovery, it is not likely tliut it will receive such aid" ALWAYS DO WHAT IS rtlGIIT. The truly great are thoso who always do what is right. To be withheld from iicting wisely and conscientiously, by motives- of temporary policy or leor, is to behave like a j traitor to the principles of justice. A man Fbould thiuk less of what may be said of his conJiict at the time, than of the verdict that nay bo pronounced a few years in advance. It is by neglecting this, by .'arrificing piim-i-plo to expediency, that character is lost : and c'liiract ! lost is with difficulty regained. Uesides, the first decline from right leads to other slips. It is like the start in sliding down hill. But there is a worse' feature thon even in succumbing to l,a-enes., meanness, or wrong. 1 1 ubit soou drills the moral perception, so that in timo men come to perpetrate, without n remorseful pang, acts at which originally, they would havo been astounded. "Is thy servant a dog that he should do this thing ?'' is tho iudigiuut exclamation of many a per son, who, eventually, commits the very deed he abhorred. Arnold's treason grew up in his mind by slow degrees, nurtured by extra vagance and supposed neglect. Washington, always being rigidly correct, left behind a name thut will never cease to be reverenced. To say merely that "honesty is the best poli cy," and thus appeal to the selfish part of na ture, ii a poor way to educate man to do right conscientiously. Better the nobler and high er ground that right should be done for right's sake. Le'lger. Utiutv or tub Telegraph. A peasant received lately by mail a letter from his son Joseph, a Zouave beforo Sebastopol. The young man mentioned the fact that his legs were yet whole, but that his shoes were the worse for wear. The affectionate father Laving purchased a pair of uino nnd-a-halfs, was perplexed 11s to tho means of forwarding them. At last he thought of tho telegraph -the line to Marseilles runs through the village. lie put the uddress on one of the soles ana slung the shoes over the wire. A pedlar, passing by, struck with Ue solidity t,f their workmanship, appropriated them uud placed ' piaceu ins usea-up tram jilts 111 their pluce. I'hn next morninir tho old daddv returned to the spot, to see if the telegraph hud executed liis i-omniiskion. Hd saw the substitution which had been effected, "1 vow," he ex claimed, "if Joseph hasn't scut back his old ones 1" . Pkeskrvinii Wister Arpi.E. A corres pondent of the Ohio Cultivator gives tho fol lowing mode of preserving winter apples lie s:iys : gulhtr the apples carefully by hand, and put thorn in the burn on come chaff or straw, taking care to avoid bnii.-iiii: them, and lot them remain till in danger nf freeziiif, then put them in barrels or boxes in tho cellar, carefully taking out ull bruised or defective ones. If I want some to keep a lontr time, I puck them in dry snnd, or saw Just that has been kiln dried. Fine shaving: s well dried, answers a good purpose. The I'ruit ollur should be us dry and 03 cool us possihlo without freezing. .Some kind of ap ples reou ir to hn handled with extreme care to amid hruUing such as tho belle hV.ver and ramLo," Graftixd Fki-it Trfks. n interesting discovery bus been made in France with re gard to engrafting fruit tree. Instead f making use of a graft, a slip is taken from un applo tree, fur example, an, I planted in a potatoe, so that a couple of inches of the slip remain vuihle. It soon takes root, rievelopes itself, nml finally becomes a handsome tree tearing finn fruit. This method is due to the llohemiau g&rdner. Good manners are the blossom of pood sense, and it may be added, of good feeling, too : for, if the law of kindness be written on the heart it will lead to digintnrestednesi in little as well as the treat things that desire to oblite, and call aiteutiou to the gratification o jood planner, . . .. . Know, that If yon have a friend, you ought to risit bim often. Th road U grown over with grass, the bushes quickly spread over It, If It bt net wastauUf trnftUVd. ' , AYER'S PILLS, AH1W Mid slngula'ty ncnmiiu remeuy rur i cur. 111 Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi eestion, Jaundice, Dropijr, Rheumatism, Venn, Oout, Humor, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tioni, Headache, Paint in tha Breast, Side, llack, and Limbs. Female Complaints, c.,Ae. ; Indeed, very few are tne diseaes In which a Purgative Medt cine Is not more or less required, and much mck nets and suffering might be prevented, ir a harm less but effectual Cathartic "ere more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails i besides it noon generates sanous and often fatal diseases, which might have becu avoided . . . 1- .L. lir the timely and judicious use 01 a goou purK". i 1'his is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or 1 produce the deep seated and formidable distempers i which load the hearses all over the hind. Hence a ' rclinble fi.mily plivsic is of the first importance to : the public health,' and this rill r.ae been perfected 1 with cnniummnto. skill to meet that demand. -An ', extensivo trinl of its virtues by Physicians, Profcs 1 tors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing ' ny thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures ', have been ctTectciUieyoiid belief, were they not sub- stniitiatrd by persons of such exalted position ana ' character as' to forbid the suspicion of untruth.' Among the many eminent, gentlemen wno nave tciiiiH , fnviir ) a a. Havbs, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, ,,, 8tHte Assayer of Jlnsaachusetts, whose high ilicd in favor of these rn.s. we may mention : professional character is endorsed by the . it.. v.nwAitn Kvehett. Senator of the V, HoiiEKT C.Wtxi iibov, Ea-Spcaker of the House of Kcprescntativcs. . ' ' Ahiiott La witKscB, Minister Plen. to t-.ns-lanil. t John U. Fitzpatkicx, Cath. Bishop or Boston. Also, Ph. J. K. Ciiii tow, Practical Chemist, of New York Citv, endorsed by , . Host. W. L.'Maiicy, Secretary of State. V'M, B. Astoh, the richest man in America. S. l.ti.ANi) & Co., Tropr'a of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Pid space permit, we could Rive many hundred certificates, from all parte where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than tho experience of eminent public men is found 1.. fW.ir lript nnnn tt-inl. These Pills, the result of lone, tnvestifratlon and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science con afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined togelher in such a manner as lit insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been louna in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv anv process. The reason is perfectly ob vious, while by the eld mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri mmiiniis and iniurious auulities. bv this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the ellccts should prove as they have nrnvril more nurelv remedial, and the Pills a surer. more poweriui aiu.uuic w u,ot. medicine known to the world. - As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should ha taken under the counsel of an attending. r N ... .1 ' . .. - 4.n r. t i n r Phvsician. and as he could not properly judge of a remedv without knowing its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate Formula! by which both my Pectoral and Pills arc made to the wnole body of Practitioners iu the United States and British Amer-li-on Prnvlnrea. If however there should be any on who has not received them, they will be nhimnilv fnrwnrHed hv mail to his address. Of all the Tatent Medicines that are otfered, how c.w unnM lie inken if their eomnosition was known ! Their life coimsta in their mystery. I have no mv1pripi. 'The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects wero known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of mv Pills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more Ulan reausea oy ineir enecis u(,uh Thev operate by their powerful influence on the ini.mnl to nurifv tha blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derunge . . . ... f .1;..... Clems mm are iua m,v uuum vi ... Krina iiuar tvraimed tl.cv are nleasant to take and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Bex. 1'KK.rAlitU BX .TAMES C. AYER, r radical nml Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Soxes for $L . SOLD BY V.,., A- Rrunar. Sonlmrv: RilA J.ihll. hsmntis W. Wiemrr, Nnrthoinlierlnnd ; 1. F. Csslow, Mi lion j and bv sll Drncf his 111 Moriiitru rsunsyivauia. juii23, lew iy. To Iron Masters and Dealers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, -Vo. 21 -4rcA Street, ahovt Front, Philadelphia. CIEVES, RIDDLES. SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and widths, with 1 kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper Makers Wire, all kinds. Cylinders and Daiulv Rolls covered in the best manner in or out uf the city. A very superior article of Heavy Founder's (Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ure Wire, Wire and Sieves for Seed, Grain, Sand, Starch, Snuff, Urickdust, cVc, c. UAYMSS, DARBY & LINN. August, , 1855. U m lttRMm'.SIADIGO ULl'E, TI ARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, is now we I SL established as the best urlicle ever offered fur Blueing Clothes. - It entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest articles. All .housekeepers will find it much cheaper and less trouble than Indigo or any other article, i he great demand for it has brought out several urn luiioii.i. Slorckeepers and consumers will be careful to get Bcnjamix Barlow's, put up at All're d Wiltbcrger'e Drug Store, No. N. j Rf t lheir SUptiea from the Grocers and Druggist .Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can thev deal with, at prices yielding a good profit. Drug, Chemical. Faints, Varnishts, I)ym Ftiiffs, ire., with a first-rafe assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable Vales. ALFRED WILTBERGKR, DruggisL 169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 ly. SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. fpHE subscriber informs Dealers and Farmers -1- that he has greatly improined the quality of his Super I'ltosjihate of Lime, And now confidently recommends the article manufactured by him, assirauioH to any in the market. You are invited to tail, examine and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Oils, Candles, Soap, ie, ul the lowest market rales. JNO. I,. POMEItllY, Successor to Thos. ,V. Morgan, No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. tV Farmers can load on two private alleys, and avoid tne crowded wnarl. rhila., July tl, 1855 cCin. . WONDERS OF NATURE. rj'HE present Proprietor of the newly discov. I ered WINFIKI.D CAVE (!ime-tor.e) in Dry Valley, Union county, hereby gives notice that the rave will not he opeii on- Sundays for Visitors. It may he visited by Ladies and Gen tlemen, en Saturdays of every week, when es pecial preparations will be made to accommodate with lights. C7 All persons are forbidden to break off, injure, or take away anv specimens from the Cave, under penally of prosecution. The payment of l?i cent only is 1 squired ef every person before entering NOAH W4LTER, Dry Vallef, Aug. II. 1855 .3m. ' VYTILEY'S COUG.IY CANDY. V lent remedy for coughs, eolda, An eseel For eale al this office. Deeee-We 4. IMt. TJAINTS ef every description just received by Mavl. - WEioER ck BR EH. EAHNEsVTOCr Venning, for sale be May II. - WEI-H eV BRl'NBR ' . SB. A. D. MACDOCK'S CELEBRATED WORK ON INHALATION . 1 . In th Treatment and Cure of Censamiitla)), asthmn, Bennc.ltL, and ether Uiscases t ihe llesplrotorr Uraaas. br Medical Inhalation. ,: v ' WITH NOTES A.VD ADDITIONS it pa. Ciias Oaism. First American edition, from fifth Lnadm editioa, vrsers it bus had an unprecedented sale. This is a valwstile wr.rk and should be In the hands of al invaliils, sml Ihe Mclical Prnfcssi ill generally. Fur wilrili'd free of charge, by innil, kii rercipt of Fiert tsars 1 l"th (fill) one t"it. C. W. VAN IIOK.v CO. Au. 32 A'iifA A'i'iM St., I'hiladeljihia. Ve snlij"in s feV, frnrrl many e nnmeudat'iry notices and reviews fi'fn tin lvwjliih and American Medica and nthrr.1 nirnsls: . ' Dr MiuKIdcs is the sun of tlis late Henry Malil,ick, Ktq., M. V , Ihe well known harilnei, and primus. s to rise, in his own pmftesmn. in as eminent a ih'irree ns his ptirent J ne syMm (iiuiuiaiton pmMw ine m mt cITictunl rrtetlioii uf applj ing a remedy ! a porti -n of the tvstrin which enunottie directly rencheil by medicine iiself'. . . . Ws reeiiminenil our resilers to pnrclmne the Work." Wesleien Chronicle, IHidoii, I'eb. 1(1. ISli. 'We rec'ti'iini'iul the Work In our renders, as it appears t' be fully imMurm, elmnly wiltleu, ami entirely iceieii of nny qirinlcdry or pell-seeking tendency. The Work well derives peruml, nnif the piactice, as fur as our knowleilgc and experience extends, will repay n-'t only a kcrions eoiiflidcTiti-'ii. Imt s psiienl tiiiil of its merits" Unskm Meilical J.airnal, Dccemlirr 13, IMS. . 'We tlmilc that in one eaii rise from ifa pe UiM, veilbont being satisfied that it in he wink of a nriic uiil and experienced mnn and that it might, f"r Ihe sake of those who snflel from consumption, nit lima, or hrnnrhi lis, to he brought into exieuiivs circulaii 'ii. It is, in the slncicst sense of Ihe tenn, a valualils Work." Oxford 1,'iiiceisity Ifeiald. November, 7, IblO. 'Woik on Consumption, llruncliiiis, Aiihma. ftc.j wnh Notes. fte bv l)r. Chas. Greene This Win k will bs found worthy the slleniion of oar rennVrs, f-r they may learn, from it whst can he expected from this mode of treating Consumption and other aflrclioiis of the air-passages. Dr. M. is evidcinl) inii of cousidernble intelli gence anil whatever Iheie Is of good in inhnlslions of "A Ke-rinil 01 me lnn,n r.iiiinin 01 .nr. .muuuik-b mrfllcaieu vapors, lie seems ro nsve nininy 10 roci, nv, we go luilher, add snv, that v feur that the Pro fession have ii'if given stinicient sitemi.'n to this mode of sllevinting Ihe snlfcrings of those IslHinng under this class of diseases." New Jersey .Medical iteportcr, June. I53. (From Profess.r Jas. Bryan, F.ilitor of the 'Philadelphia nienicai nun suraicm journal.- "Pr. Mam irx's so -a oil fiihalation Is one of Ihe few which have been iiited from Ihe Kne'ish press on iliis subiect. lis re-puiiiiention In this country, with the judicious Notes of Lr ttreeue, will add to the medical literature 01 the lititeil 'Ultra, mat. :t is unpen, excite some interest in the medical Profession on the subject of Inha lation, ns a menus of treating piilinonHry sfTectinnf. With tha addition of luxlenl discoveries iu Physiology, this miMle of trcntiuf these iliienses should have a fair trial and some atonement m;nle for the long neglect which In halation has tuileretl at the hands of niemcni men Jsmrs ItRTAK, M. D., rrof. of Surjsry in Philadelphia College of Medicine A CARD. DH. GltEF.NE will trent DISEASES OF THK LUNGS and Allt-IMSSAOKS. aereealilv to the mils 11 successfully adopted iu Ihe practice of Dr. A. B. Mud. dtck, and other eminent physicians nf Knrope. Ily this in'MIe 01 treaimcit ttieiliscaseil inrlnce n 1 lie lironclii ana Lungs are diieclly acteil npon, the vaiions niedicalrd vn- , nor being carried to the moil minute ramifications nf the l.uugs. producing . lienlthv nctloui where a complete ilis'irganizau'iii has not taken place the best remits nlwavs aucnil tins teature or rrnetice : 111 tact, won snunuie I'junets., it is Ihe ailv reliable form of treating diseases of Ihe Hespiratory Urgam. He inteuris c'ev.rting his sols niteiiti.nl to this partirn!ar bianch of his pnfcsiinn. 'hose desirous of consulting bim can do so bv letter ad dressed 10 ' CIIAS. ORFF.VK. M. D. 1 B x SOflS, Philada. P. O. rhilada , Jans SI, 18S5, m. PERRY Sc ERETY, Booksellers & Stationers, ,4 RE now selling off their entire stork of Uooks end Stationary, saved from the fire of the 15th ult at very low prices. The stock embraces every variety of miscellaneous Honks, School Uooka, and nil kinds of Blank uooks, also domestic and imported Stationary of every description. As we are selling; out at low prices It will be well to call early and secure bargains. TERRY & EKETV, 8. W. corner 4th atid Race afreets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June S3, 1855. if. NBW.FAM1LY GROCERY, " riour, Feed and Provision ore. SEASH0LTZ & PETERY, liroatlway, between Market J- ISInrllerry Ste. llbSftUltLJ.LY utliirm the public that aw thev have inst reieiveil a lurire ami Wfll selected assortment of choice Family Craceries, consisting id part uf Hams, Shnnldcrs, Mackerel, HernntT. White rish. Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Hire, Sugar, Coffee, (tfrcen, roasted and ground.') Im perial, Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soeps, brushes plow and waeh lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, &c, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which rill be sold at the lowest prices, either for rash er country produce. We also keep on hand choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon, cVr. Porter, Ale, beer, sersaparilla, Ae. We are also prepared to sutw ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pic, pretzels and rakes of every kind. IN. It. I he linihcst rash prices will be paid for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rve and wheat. Sunbury, July 7, 1855. SEGARS- El Neptuno, El Dorado, El Duendo, Rio Hondo, ' Recreadores, La Curiosidad, La Semiarmis, Canalos, Plantation, Havana Cheroots, For Sule at WEISER 5c ISKIWER. 8unbury, May SC, 1855. Photography ! Daguerreotypes I ! A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. McCLEES, Successor to McCltes German,) VITOULD call the atteuion of the public, not only to Ihe suieriority of the Daguerreo types, the Uyalograph, (by some called Ambro type.) and the various stles of Photography on paper; hut to Ihe fact, that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send ing it to No. 160 Chestnut si., have made from it by the means of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists, a portrait ni akt sizi, from a small Locket to the full size of life. A small book containing description, prices, &e., it., win , sent gratis to any person ma king the request.,. ; McCLEES Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut si., below 7th Phila., July 21, 1S55 tf. Shamokin White Ath Anthracite CoaL From the "Old Vein" in the Cap Colliery. T H. ZIMMEKMAN & JNO. P. Pl'USEL, successors to Kase, Keed ck Co., will con tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from the abnv. well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman & Ptirrel. The point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Nurtbuinber land county, Pa., where all order, fur ihe various kind, of coal, via : Lump, Broken, Egg, ftove. and Chraiiiut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended lo. bunbur.v, July 14, 18f5, SrsBi-K v, Ji-Lr 5, 1835. The firm of Kae, Keed ir Co. having sold their lease in the Gap Colliery ami interest in the wharf at Sunbury, lo Messrs. Zimmerman ck Pursel, would lake great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and other, t" the new firm, aa they will be able to acll them prepared coal of the best quality , KASE, RF.ED A CO. , IMPROVED . M PER l'UOSFlIVl l? OF LIME, 05(10 bbls. of the most euperior manufacture. Also, GUANO of every description, Cal cined Plaster, Cement, Ac. 17 Produce of all kinds bought and seld on commission. 11. B. SELLERS A CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. 65 North Wharves, between Race end Vine streets, Philada. - .... Philadelphia, August 4, 1855. 3mc. HATS A CA PS. Silk and Slouch. Hals, Military and cloth Caps lor men and boye, also Gum 6 hoes of various sixes, just received and Tor eafe at TOLAS S TwK. Sunbury New, Tfo.leTH. "OEBERINE, Veratria, Chinordine snd Cin- - chonia, jual received by ! , 1 1 ? Ma ie, um.: i mra a nnriB. MOUNT CAltMEL' MOUSE, ' ! ' !. M0TJST CARMEL, , Northumberland county, Pa.- TH13 larire end eomrhodiout Hotel is situated on the top of the Locust mountain, nearly half way between Sunbury anil Pottsvllle. The scenerythe salubrity of the- atmosphere end the eoo! mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful eummer retreats In the country. The Hotel, ie e new strncture, four stories high, filled up with ell the modern Conveniences, The pure mountain water is introduced into every chamber. The place is easy of iceees," beng bul one and a hslf hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail toad. - From Pottsvllle, it can be readied by the Mine Hill flail road tn Ashland, end from thence to Mt. Carmel 4 mile, by Omnibus. Every sltenilsnce will be palj by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Ml. Carmel, !une 33, 1855. tf. SUNBURY, PA. f 1111 E subscriber respectfully informe the public JL that she atill continues to keep the above named public house. She has alffi received new supply of Rond liquors r,nd wines, and trusts that she will be able, to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury June S3, 1855. tf. boyd,"rossee & CO., Mtxras mo snirrxas or Ucb ntljvcuitc Coal. From the ' Itake Fidlcr Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Penna. Address. Unyd, Rosser cV Co., Sunbury, Pa. D. M. BOfD. 1. Russsa. JAS. hut D. T. MOSSKH. Sunbury, April 7, 1 85ft if. . LATEST ARRIVAL Of Spring Summer Cootls. J. r. 8c I. F, KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Aucusta township, Northumberland county, l'n.,st Klines Grove, their Spring snl Summer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part ef Cloths, Mack end fancj Cassimers, Sattinetts, Checks, and all kinds SPRING k SUMMER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vests and Pants, 4c. Ladies Tress Goods, Calicees, Ginghams, Muslin de Laines, Ae. Also JJIack Silks, Ac. Also a fresh supply ef Groceries) of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs anil Medicines. ' ooden W are. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Palm Leaf, Canada, Pannma and Silk Hats, and all gesda usually kept in a Country Stere. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 13, 1855. DOdl OK VOI ClSlvI.r! THE POCKET. ESC CI. API IS: OS, EVERY ONE HIS OWN THYirtAN. rpi!E FIFTIETH Edi linn, Willi One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and M'llforinntioiis uf I the Human Svstein in every shape and lorin. 1 0 which 1 is adt'.cd a J realise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. Ily Uv tVm. Vunttit Let no father l.e ashamed to prei'iit a copy of tha -KS-CrijAIMl'S ui Ins etiilil. It ui;iy s;ive him from an enrly ftrave. Let n'i younir innn or wouiiui enier into the srere olilienlions ot' niarrien life wittunit remliiiff the I'OCKKT .KSi'l I.AIMl.'S. l-t 110 one iiilferiue; from biii-kiue,l Couch, Pain in the Si-.!e, rtleM nights, nervcus IreliiiK". and ll,e whole Irani i-l' Uyiieplie loisulions. iiihI given uji hv lheir plivhirinn. be MnnllK-r m"iuent without enn nllin3 the .IX'L I.APIL'S llnve the mn.iieil, or !! e nliout to be married any iinpiliini.nl. rtwl tlos truly ue:'nl ImniIi, as it has been the means of a-iving !hiiintls 01" un- fortiiiinte creatures tnim the verv jawi ,,f rtnih IT" Any pers hi sending TWKXTV-FIVK CENTS, encioieil in a letter will receive one copy of lim ! k, by mail, or five copies will be sent fit one ilnllai. ArMieM, Da. W. VOL XC, No. I6i Sl'RLtli Si 1 eel, PI11LA llKI.FIIlA" Postpaid. Plulailetp'iia, Heptmnlier 8, 1S.M ty Extraordinary Arrival of npil E subscriber take, pleasure in informing hi. customer, and the public generally that he is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of Now Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundretli part cf the article, would be lifeless. Suffice it to say, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will be disposed of at as low prices ae the same quality can lie purchased eleliere. My niolln is "Quick Sales and Smalt Profts." He takea this method of presenting to the public his thanks for ihe liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. It will be advisable for purchaser, tn call and examine hi. assortment before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. EDv.'AKD V. BRIGHT. Sunbury, May 19, 18SR: HAYCOCK & FILLER, rkEALERS in W.tchea and Jewelry, ill continue the business at (he old atand of Jamc. B. r nllcr, No, 12 South Second Street, fim.ADiii.i'ui.1, Where they solicit an examination nf their large and vaiied slock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of ihrm bate had in tbe business, nd the facilities they posses, for procuring goods on the niMt advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, die., Ac. N. B. Repairing of Watches and all kind, of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, lSfS.V If. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEBMAN, ZUERN & WEITZEL ESPFCTFCLLY inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called the Lamliert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, aud of a variety uf sites prepa red on their new coal nreaker. All ordera prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. , Sunbury, June 90, 1855. (TJHAIN PUMPd- A small number of these excellent pump, have been received and are oflerH for sale by H. D. MASSER. 1 Hunnurv. June 4, 1855- VERMICELLI, Maccaroni .nd Cot a Starch just received by May It. 1855. - WEISER A BRUMES. TXRASK'8 Magnetic Ointment at ' . -1 Mae 19. WEIVER A BRUNER'B. . I NK . Bftureau's celebrated lull, and also Con gres ink for aaks, vbalasalo and retail by nsmatdasrn UM..?" H B MASSER 'w-, fl r TJi WW FIRST ARRIVAL S2TJ2l5r CE CD CD LED 33 At 8. K. Thompson's Store, In Lower Auyutta township, at the Junction oj the 'Jitpthoclctn and Plum creek roadi. tTMiE subscriber having returned from the city with a new end extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention of Farmers, Mechanice and 01 here to the same. ) ; SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ' consisting in part of Dry Goods,- viz : CIofAj, Cai.'imern, Cauintti, Jtant, Drilling, Muslins, Vtstingt, Turteds, and all kinds of spring nna ouramcr wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicots, Muslin dt Liins, Lawns, Ginchams, Brrages, Units, M'oo'.ent, Flannels, tc. fJllOCKK IKS, Suiar, Teaa, Coflec, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Arc, etc., ic. Ilnrilwrn-e, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws. Knives A Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware. of various stvles and patterns. EOOT3AND8HOE3. A large assortment of Doots ind Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cars, &c, of various sizes end styles. ltesides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. 17 Country produce ot all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. S.N.THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1855. JAMES BARBER AVHOI.K9.VLE fc P.LTAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. corner of Second Chestnut Sts. rHIIiADBLfUIA. Where may be fou 'd, one of the largest and Sest assortment nf Clocks and Time Pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ; embracing every variety of style and manufac ture, suital Ie fur Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlors, Sleeping apartments, ar.d Kitch ens. Steam and Canal Boats, and Rail road Cars. N. B. Clocks Repaired and Warranted. Clock Trimmings for sale. Also, Manufacturer of Barber's Celebrated Pine GOLD TENS Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill pon, in addition ti which tho durability uf the metal is fully associated and developed. Gold nd Silver Pencils, aud 'Pen Holders, Plated Ware, ic, wholesale and retail. Those wish ing to piiicliu.-ic are invited to call. JMES B ARBER, S. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sis., 1'lnls. Philadelphia, June V!3, 1855. ly, NEW STORE. At the old Stand of S. X. Thompson.) FI1IIE Subscriber rcspect'ully informs the peo JL pic of Sunbury and vicimtv, that he liatla- ken the Store Room lately occupied by S. N. I liotnpson. in Market t'lreet, Sunbury, below Weaver's ll.itel, and that he has jmt received and opened a handsome assortment of SPRING & SUMMER G00D3, Consinting in part cf Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardwares, Quccnsware, Hats Sr Caps, Boots & Shoes, Fish, Salt, Meat. &c. All of which will be eold nt the lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th highest market price. II. II. VASTINE. Sui bury, April SI, 18551 SALAMANDER SAFES. KVANS i WATSON. Ao.26 Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia. ORE AT FIRE, Che.tnut & Fifth Slreets, Fridav jW;HjMjr.'T;;ttif ninrning, Dec iAL,fj V-ijl'tft 18S4. Evans December 35th, jpi'i,-'rC le.)i. i.vans er w atson s f.&Flr'Uv.-'!rf. Sslamander Safes Trium- i;,'iJiir phnnt, as they always are xXi wnen put 10 me lest. Piiii.AHKi.eai , Dee. 5, l?54. Mes!.r. Eva 4 Watsos, Nt. 5'J South Fourth St.. Philadelphia. Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re commending your Salamander Safes to Merchanti and others in want of a secure means of prcser- ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as tbe one we purchased from you about seven mouths since has preserved our books, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, w hich destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth street.. The above aole was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there un'il the fne was out. The Sufi) was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least I OHO persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Lock, repaired, as we intend In put it in ukc again, havi..g perfect confidence in iu fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LAC If 4- PHILIPS. Evans 4 Watson take pleasure in referring to the followinif, among Ihe many hundreds who have their Safe, in use: I. S. Mint. Philada; Farmers' and Mechanics' Bunk, Phila ; Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sncriir, Phila; John H. Hen derson, City Controller; Caleb Copeiy Co., No. 183 Market St. ; Richard N orris 4- Son, Loco motive builders, Philada ; Bancroft Sr Seller., Machinists, comer 1 Clti and James Sts.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvauia Railroad Co, Phila.; Lacey Philips, comer Ath and Minor Sis; Sharpless Bro No. 34 South Second Sl.,; James Kent eV Sanlee, No. 147 North Third St; W H. Horslmaii Sl Son., No. Sl Norlh Thinl St.; Smith, Williams & Co.. No. 87 Market St.; J. A B. Orue, No. 16s Chestnut Sl. A large assortment of the above Snfos always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 per cei l more fire than any Herring'. Safe now in use.) EVANS A WATSON, oli manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Door, aud lion Dash, for making fire-proof Vsulla fcr Banks stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presecs; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc. Please give us call, al No. S6 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. Wi.F. F0TT3, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Aui-Arf street, htlow 13th, north side, PHILADELPHIA. Phila., Dec. 30, 185. ly. HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. (Jics opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt atlenlion to business in ailioinino Aiuulies. aOAMPHINE snd Fluid of the lst onalitv For sa lehy WEIfJEKd-BRUNEk. Sunbury, May IB, (195. HOOFLAND'S B May II. W mere at , . EISER A BRUNErTS. 11 ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with LY hooks.i nk, and .11 mptete, just r ceived, seie ny It. U . MASV9S. rVinhusy, June 4, WJATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for JL bar bottles tor sal. by Sunbury, April. IS. 1181 H. B MAS8ER. jwiuvtri. nrAitnuA Tew aeuble ease English SUver Watches, for tale at very low prat, H( B MASSER, Suskvr, AJ It, IN! . New Good! for the People I BENJAMIN IIEFFNER RESPECTFULLY informs the public la get . ersl that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his Net? Store, in Lower Aagasta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Casslneti. of all kinda, of linen, eotton and worsted. ALSOt Calleeee, Glnghami, Lanni, MouHHClliie De laliiea and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Grocerlen, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &e. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES, HATS it CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. UF" Country produce taken In exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1855. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. 0yA Choice Assortment of tht Finest Quality FOR SALE AT THE LOVTKsT CASH PRICES, AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'S, So. 184 South Second street, beticctn Pins end Unton, u-tst side, PHILADrLPHIA. 'IMIB sisortment embrwei s Iire and Vleet Stork nf I Hue Watcnri, Jeweliy, Stiver Ware, AlUil Ware, plntetl with tine Silver, in r-poom. Forks, Lmlles, Ac Jet li'ioda. Fauliniil Fsnry Artirinof s silpenoi rjnaiity, ilescrvu.K the .'lamination ol thoir who ilmii 111 ir,iture Ihe !-! (KHlsat Ihe Lowrat Cmh I'llrcs, ll.iiuir a prarttcal Inmwleilue ,f ihe liujin,. ,l n't I available Incilitls tor lmportiiig and Mantilactunnt, tha suoscriiier eonniienuv inviiei pilrrmifri, lielievm; Hint ha r-1111 supply tliein on terms an t.ivorahle as any titber estul liiliineiil in either of the Atluntit' Ctii-s. Vs7 All lliuils of Dintnoivtanii Pearl jewelrvsnrl Silver Ware inaniiraclureil to ortler, within a reas,ti,il,e t;me. IJT Watches, Jeweliy and Silver Wars laiilu u;:y re paired. WM. Tl ELTOXHKA.D, No. 191 9outh 3d St., a few d"u,i almvs i!.e 3d Maikei W est Snle Of In the Slioth W'i-idow nf the .t,irs. mavbssn the fun us lllltl) CI.DCK, which eomraaads the ailmirslion of the scientilir nnri rultotil. l'hila , Oct 1, lfr-J. ly Furniture ! Furniture ! -Vo. 15" South Stcond (above Spruce,) e.s.'t side, FIIILASELFIIIA. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the readers of the Hvninry Amrriren end the public generally, that he has on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, and well ma le Km nil lire at reasonable prices. Being a prarti cal mechanic, and having nil his g.vids manufac tured nndcr his own auperiiitendenee, tiurehesers may rely on getting just such articles ss are ' represented. Lounge with removable) arms, ! also new patterns of Sofa Bedsteads. Those ' who are about going to housekeeping wiulj do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER. 157 South Second itreet. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. April 28. S5. w8 ly. 20TJNTY LAND WARRANTS. rBHIE subscriber having received Ihe nerectary forms and insructlluns from the Drpsrtmeiil, at Washington, is prepared tn procure Ilouiilv Land Warrants at the shortest n.itii-e. H. B. MASSE IT. 5unbnry, A"i T, U5.T. I. I. BE VAN, HOTEL. Shamokin Fa- - f IHE subscriber begs leave lo inform his triruds 1 and the public generally, lliat be has tnken the above well known stand, and will be happy to accommodate all who may give him .call. Shamokin, July 8, 18M. NOTICE. 'JV'OTICE is hereby given that application will he made to the next legislature of Peansyl. vania, at the session of 1S.S6,. for tbe creation of a corporate body, with banking and discounting privileges, to be called the "Shanoki Bakr." I located at Sliamokintown, Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital stork of $150,11110. wilh the privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. Shamokin, May 52. 1K:5. 6m. NEW DRUG STORE! VEISER & BRUNBR, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., next door to E. Y. BrihCs Store SUFFER lo the public the largest and lest " .elected slock ever opened in this section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-slulVi, Window Glass, Putent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair. Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creamr Tobacco, Segars, Port Mouias, Stationary, Con lectionnties, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short "every article kept by Druggists generally. &C Prescriptions Carefullu Compounded. 1, 11'L'lk'L'll GEO. B. WElSER, WM. Sunbury, May SC, 1859. A. BRl'NER. TOBACCO, &c. Strawerry. Congres., Eldorado Fig. Eldorado Cake, Sar.aparilla Fin. Cut, Pi eased Fine Cut, Ander.on. " " For Sale at WEISER A BRL'NER. Sunbury, May SO, 1855. J fJOOTS, Shoe., Hats, Caps and Gum Shoes, B jt just received and for sale by Oct. 7 1854. TENER 4 Co ARNOLD'S WRITING FLl'ID and aiva and lee;al envelones. for sala bv Adhe H. B. MASSER. Sunburv. Jan 10, I85S SHOES All kind, of Boot. Shoee and slip xTtfrm fnr liu O. ELSBERG A CO, Market street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8. 1853 T5LANK Parchment Paper Deed, and blank lJ Mortgagee, Bunds, Execution., Summon. Ac, for sale b II. B. MASSER. S8. 185 Sunhury , Apr! RT.ANTCR.. BLANKS of every description can be had ky S J a pp vine at the office of the American. rjROUND and whole Pepjier, Clove., Cinn. mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alll.pice, Giuger, Liquorice, Ac, ckc, al Nov. 18, '54. YOUNG'S 8T0RE. JEWELRY A nice assortment of Geld and Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale cheap by G. ELSBERG A CO.. Market street, opposite the Post Okuea Banbury, Oct. . 1851 DHH.H. HIOBEE'S remedy fer sough., colds, and pulmonary disease. A supply ef this veJuatte medicine Just received and fc-r eak b . a?.. 'AID AND COMFORT," ... -To Your Own Mechanic. GEORGE RENN. MANUFACTURER Ot FURNITURE AND CHAIRH Of the most Fashionable Style. 'THE subscriber respectfully calls the attentlot - ef the public to his large and splendid assart merit of every quality and price of CARIftET-WARE which cannot fail to recommend itself tee very one who will examine It, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made tip of tho best stock to be had In the city. Ne effort is spareotn me manuiacture 01 hie ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made, His stock consists of Mahogany Sofaa, Dl rans) and Louuge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DISI.B TABU and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal lo Phil. r-, . "' T'" manuiacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern .ml pri, CBBTAN WW CANDLE 6TANUl'Jl0ILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short ever, article in this line of hi. busing. He else manufacture, all kind, and quantise ef , , CHAIRS. ncluding v.rietie, M CHAIRS I. Mr"""l "n Wn., Ly none manufsctttred in Cifie, or 1 he subscriber is determined that there .h.ll the cifi,: ueP'o...topurch. furniture in the c tie., a. every confidence can he entertained .boutjh. quaIity im, finilh of hi Hi. rtirlrs will b di.nn.,1 r . terms as thev can be m,reh....i .,"IZ"''" , . - . ,1 ...-.,,i Tnrwiirrr, ieun m-a-: ,n r'.vment for woik. . LNDERTAKINf. Having prTiJw, himself wt.h a hsndsom. H.4R,r, h. is now prepare, tor Underfkin,, ,J .,tenJin funn.; 1 tC7"..',.l' W,r.8 Room ' Mrk.t Btrael. below 1 homp.on's Stui. and Weaver's Tavr . CEOJiUE KENN. i-uiiuury, Jan. IU, I8S3. If. Su,,r to IIu,tlty 4. Knighs. BEDDING & CARPST WAREHOUSE, Ae US South Second Street, vn kpruci street. hrs he keeps coi.atanilv on hand . fa as.ortmenl of every article in bis line ei business. FEATHERS, FEATHER HEDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled hair.'-Moi t . orn Huik snd Straw Mattr.ises, VelvTt Ta jeslry. T.pe.try, Uru.srl,. 'In.-ee-Ply, lust,i Ventlian. List, Hag and Hemp Curfttincs, Od Cloths, Camon Mattingt, Cocoa and Spanish Mallin,., Flonr and btarr Drugget.. Hearth Kur., IW Ma's, Table and 1'iano Covers. To wliich he rsspaeifuiiy Ioviim the atlenlion nf purchaser. Pui!v Oct. 7, 1 85 J. ly. United States Hotel CAw' iuf Street, atari Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. " J- Mac, El, LAN, flat, of Jo.-...' Ki.L has the pleasure to inform his friends ar.d he traveling community, that he has IctsJ tris j Home for a term cf yesrs, anJ Is new prifArsd lor the reception of Gi.esti. ' I The Lnej advantages of this favorite set sbUsk nienl ate too well known to neeJ comment. 1 ue iiuun ana r urnnure nave uesn put la first rate order: Ihe rooms are large and we1! vetittlalcd. Tho Tables will always fcs surplisl wilh the bast, and the proprietor pledjes hiirsaif that no eft'ort on his part sbsll bs wanting t make the L'nited State, equal in csir, forts Is say Hotel in the Quaker Citv. Phila., July ft, 1854. To Trespassers on the Telegraph lin, ""VWICE is hereby given, that all persona f;. ml trespassing- upon, or injuring Ihe line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Teleraph vti.I be dealt Willi according tu the act of Assembly ia such cases made ai,d provided. H. B. MASSE B, Pree't Thila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1854. tf". CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, r Ttuttless Salts, PreparcJ bv W'EISF.R k BRL'NBR. This ptepaiation is recommended aa aa ex eellent laxative aud purgative, it operates miljly, is entirely free from ony unpleasant lasts, re sembling lemonnde in flavor. This meuiciu. it highly beneficial for diseases pseuliar Ie a at mar snd hot weather. Sunbury, July I, 154. WM. M'CARTY. BUOKSKI. Lk, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. IL'ST reeeir.d and for sale, a f.estt aapslr a F,T4GELICAL 311 St V for Singing Schools. He ia also opening .1 I his time, a large assortment of Hooks, in evaty branch ol Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scienlifle Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children'. Books, Bibles ; School, Pocket and Family, both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Hooks, of all kinds. Also just received and for aale, Punlons Di gest of ihe laws of Pennsylvania, edition of ISil, price only 1 6,00. Judge Reads edition of Blackstonet Commen taries, in 3 vole. 8 vo. formerly aold at S10.0U. and now offered (in fieeh binding) at the low price of SC.00. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re-' sperting the estate, of Decedent, by Thomas F. Gordon, price only $1,00. Travels, Voyage and Adventures, all 0? which will lie .old low, either for rash, er coun try produce. February, SI, 1S5S. tt. SAMUEL S. FETIIERST0N, DCALCR IN Lamps, Lsatrrc, f bsadtlirrs and Candclabrai, No. 152 S. 2d strtet, above Spruce, PHILADKI.l'HIA. IP sving enlarged and improved his afore, sni kawn- one of the largest assortments ot Lamps, ih Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Cauiphrne, Burning Fluid, Laid and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns Glass Lamps by the psckage, at a S"aall advance over auction pricea. Being . Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and Aicohcl, which will be furnished lo Merchants at such price, that they will tiud it to their aJvantsge tu buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tion at the lowest market price. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. ATS AND CAPS. A epleudij lot ef fashionable Silk, Wool aud Fur Hats, also Cletb. Far. Oilcloth, Navy ajid Military Caiia fnc ul. low by O. ELSDERfl CO. Market street, opposite the Poet Office. Sunbury. Oct. t, 1853. 1 OLD "ENB with and without caaee, " a JH very euperior qaelity, jest received. Ala 4 fresh supply of Writing fluid. Ut ! r aTcnrVwr. TW tr, ItaTl. MAStCR