mm u. :r MARRIAGES. On tho llili Inst., bv tho ITov. W. J. Ever, J. II. Ma'skii. M."D., to Mif SaRaD A. Zikolf.r, nil cf tliis pldCP CJjt Hforhds. Ealtirwro JTnrket. July 2-1. Pri, of Wheat to-cluy rnnjrj'J M i;0"1 os-jiM for ordinary tn pood Mh, 1 Will OS renin f,r rrnn1 prime do. 100i20n wit for ordiniry to Mr wliim. 2nr.209rontij for pood n do., find 21 0212 conji Tor clioirc f rnil V F lonr IrC(!9. Inforior Whents iold nt l.0ftl75 er-nta. There in rorrliltlo cloln? in Corn. Thero were only 1.200 ImnlieU at market to dar. Wo qtwte pood wnito fit 83afif5 rrnt, nd pood rellow nt "Ila87 conta. Ont pnrcpla rn qnntcrl fit 78iR2 conl.. Rye Is in demand. C7 note mle to-dtiy of 700 bn1iil Mixry. Vm at 105nlOC eonK and 1,000 bushuls ..jt'rn Vir ,-laia tit 113 cents. SUNBUKY Whiat. CO KIT. OlTS. POTATO!, DlllWII HlCKLID Fill. DcTTlR. Cum. Pons. Flaiiiip. Taiiow. I'RICB CURRENT ISO in as s s 10 . ss II 7 its 13 Hew Advertisements. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. 001 hushela Flaxered wonted immediately it the Cheap Storo of E. Y. Bright, for which tho highest market price will he paid. Sonhiirv, October 6, 1S0S. if NOTICE TJ N the matter of the account of Wm. W. Ran li kin, Assignee of Emonucl U. Cncklv. of Sha mokin. Coal Township, Northumberland County. Notic i hereby Riven thnt Ilia account nf the h.ikI Wm. W. liunkin. Assignee of tbe said K. 1. Cock ley h bb been filed in the Court of Com mon Picas of Northumberland County, tngethci with the voucher thereof, and that the first Ti.esduv ;f the next Term (November) ap pointed by the rule of Court, for the heating and confirmation thereof. JAMES BEARD, Trot';. P.-r.ihnno'arv Office, ) SYid.ury, Oct. ft, 8f8. $ tc. LIST OF CAUSES F N'o-i 'tiiimliprkinil Cnnnl , fur n Spcrial On", to romintMivn on tho 11th . Oo 1"!i t, IS54 I'vrrseer Lower All;,, vs J arret Sltickland Vin. r.rrnjn et l v JuUuathn Kuhel .1 n Ii .crer vs Geo. 1. ltnvcr et nt !,i-h,h W-.'.vart'R Ev'r vs R. & W. Ptgeley II iv et Tor I'rvmiie v John Miller Wm, Mnitin is Chaile !2eck Win. IVr-bio vrt IVter AiUims John V. I'l'nl v Mirtin I.wirn AJin're John Knoi so CI mien n'hin JAMES BEARD, riotb'y. I rothonot:iry 9 Oliice, u nr I urv. .- ci.t C. 1S.)5.- n rs T f HE fih.irril-cr offera for aate hi lare and SI vnlu.i!.!c PA KM, situate in Sh.imokiu town- hip. North.iuii.ei land Comity, between Sur.hurv I'inl S!.:in kin. two miles from the Hoalroj.l and five from Trevorlon, c.intaiuin upwards of 500 At'l.'K.V. liiK)t :!00 acres are cleared and in a i;oo,l i,,ti: of en iti a lion, the other well linihered will, ftak and Chf-eMit. 'J'I.e impruvementa are i. o i'n'l!n i: Hi ucs und lno, wii'n pood :- n: u Wnlcr. it is ue.l cauulale.l lor three j i" more I'.i viiib with Mrudons. Oi. hari!, Ac. j Per- I s !eitini level farma ensily tilled, should i xiiiiin.eii the oliove. He uill sell on icnsonable j t. either the hr,!c, or parts of 60, IC'J or ( I; in rer. If net sold Py the Eiat ol January it will t rented. DAVID XILLEH. rviol rr 0. 'fi.r).j. 1 jQ '50 0 HP HANS' COUllT SALE. "J N piiratf.nce of nn or.ler of the Oiphnns' Coul! ot . oil iU nu. Coot.;'., wi.l l.r expoaeu iy ofOcto te reMi'enct: do '--rilled I . pt.! her lo- a'c on Mo up. liiepr. .il;.;, 11:1. '.'ii-o f ... at mo 1. '.'.., tl.4 ..!;.. .. i i.t l!ll..-i r: i:.t'-, ;ic. V,: I' i. wit: e.r;;.iu TlvJ. CP OK l. .Mi i.tu tt, hi 1'pp.T Aiiviwla tow uehiji, l iu.n' ol Xorlliuinh. i.ui.d. udjoinin IoihIk of Sa nu. i liiilai.d. IK'nj llcndriiks. heirn of l'.' e neezcr tueeiiouth, i.ei'd., and lands of John Cooper, coni.iiiiini: about S3 acres nuro or h a,., lien ly allot' which is cleared mid in a good state of Cultivation, whereon are erected a TWO .STOKY PltAMi: MANSION IIOCSIJ (wra. thcr-l.oar.led) a Fii.nll one story LOG UOI'SE. A two ht-rry weather boarded LOU JIOL'SE with KIl'CHi'.N. A;;c frame Dank Barn with Mi.iw-tluds iittacliid. Waggon shed. Car ri.ipe lloiue and oilier oul-lmildings. AUo nt the same time nnd place a certain other Tract of Land, s.tuate in tho township and County aforesaid, adjoining lands of Keuhen tinritier, Peli-r Malick, George. Weiscr and the heirs of licv. J. P. r.hiudel, dee'd., containing about twenty Acres, more ot less. Late tiie r-tutc of the nnd Simon, dee'd. Sale to com i.u me at 10 o'clock A. M , of said dy where the tt ruiK of sale will he made kno'vn by JACOB SE.VSUOLTZ, AuWr. By order of the Court, J j. p. pi;ksi:i cik o. c. Sunbury, Oct. f , 1S55 ts ) ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 1 N tiUT.-ininee cf an order .f tho Orphans - Court iif N.'ii'tliiiiiil.erlntnl Crunty, will Im exposed to public bah. on Monday the 5th Jay of N oveniln i' next, ut the Court House in Siinl.uiy. The following lU'scribei Ueal 'E.-lutii to wit; A eirlaiii lot or pieco of .round, s'tiKit.' in tins liorouoh of Nurthum joihm.i, Ni'ltliniuheilaiHl County, bounded noith--ast, by Wot Way, noitli-west by Lot' '.'..! v i f ltev. Jas. Kay, ilec'd., "south i t I vibe Wi ht iiranch of tho .Siisouohunna .mil .i.i! li-i-at by a load leading to the Rivt, l .'..nt.iiiiiiio tin; urn a nunc or less, whereon is oucted a large Two .Story lirick buililinp coinn.oiily kiiowu as tin) "CulU'iro Property." Lute tin! t'.stat of Charles 11. llay, iloc'd., to liu mhl us thu property of the iii'u'oi Children uf taiii ilie'il., f ulijcct to a lii'o esiuto in this ouo half of the tume of tho widov.s of said ileceaseil. .Sale to coinnieiice at one o'clock, 1J. M., of ui.l day, wheii the ternis of sale will bo luath known bv CI I. VS. N SiCATES. Ouardian. By order of lb" Court, 1 JT PL'ltSKL.CIk.O. C. Hunbtiiy, Oct. C, 1Bo5. ib J Till". COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. T J .tin Diflil. Henry lo. It1, s unurl PirM. 8nihDirhl SA'i :i on lll'dit, l,e 'tr lulil. Mnry lilrl-l ii lermurried to 1- .nlk-. lliri l mt.-iniiirririt to Jmvui Neidia-. I I tils-lh liifltl luleriinrriwl Willi Jmsssi r-i.rv.t, heirs unit Ifir-tl rf.'eaeit..uvea .f J.diu D.clU, dtctused, and to ml..ll.f lii'triesleil. XtitUHtbei lilUil Cn:ity, tl. OREET1NO t Vi uare lienh. iioiiDed Unit in ru""""e ''a wiil of rartiti hi or valuation nut uf the Ofphaua' Couit n , ,,J O unity, mi l I " oirtctrd upon Ills . ll. II Muwri rihen.e . f Wm. llitlil. "in of the heirs and Irv'i.l loeri-wnlniivea "I a-'id J. hn Diehl. dee'd., i.i X eia f-r Tor n nvxi. a i lnqnrsi will u n:d nrt-.n a re t un Luid Wariiint X ' W, 141 for fur.y aerea of land, i-aord " iltrmid J le'.l ( I'uvuie "l Captain tny. 1 I'ni.d.liai u Militia ui Ik Wurof 16m) a e '' il mini 'd r. quirensrirfa of so at writ, at lie r mr II UK, ih III" n r nsh "I Aunlairy. in Ilia (,iuiu. Iv af ics oil. ii ou rsit.iriluy trw an nay oi nuvewn urxi, t i0 o'rl vk A. M , waea out wher you may ailud if jouaca pn M. llt.NRY WEISE.eatrur. Aiabrrf,ts.5, fa k NOTICE. The tin)erlpfxd hereby glvee noire tliat li will meke erplirntlon to ihe Court of Qunrtr Fesloi: of the Ti eee, tol hohlen In end fur the County of rVrrthtimlrer'anrl, on Monday the 5lh day of Noreml cr rext, for licence to eell Vniioun, ."piritnon, Malt ml Dreweil I.lquora in ti c townt'hip of Jackoon, in the County of NorthumheilanJ. wnxtM rErpirf. Jackeon townnhlp. Oct. 6. cf the Z'tl)e Run rimI Bh imokin rmproTeruent Cotnpnny, nro liereby notified thnt nn Election Tor Five Directors, will Mdnt the rrficB r-f tho 0 rnpntiy, No. 47. Wall ilroct. New York, on Montl;,r,tlio22a Inst, from 12 o'clock, A. M., to 2. P. M. EDWARD M. CODGE, 8'ry. New York, Oct. 3. 166'. St. Land Warrants Bought. TJIGHEST cash price paid, and msney remit ted by first mail. The but reference can be given. Apply or addre SAMUEL BECITTOLT), jr. No. AO North Cth etreet. Philadelphia. ' t'P'Bounty Lnnda and Peniiotie procured and Warrant Inenlcd a usual. October 0, 1555.- 3m3 Cheap "Vatche9 Jewel r WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No, 0G North Second Street, corner of Quarry, rniLADELPHIA. f4rl Ine Watohea, full Jawnled, 18 camt crwee, 3S,On Oold I.tpina 18U. Wt.niFhiefilvrrSlLtiicloa. I. SO PilVM lp. full jewllwl, 19 lOolit BnirtlcH. 3.K. Mver U-ver, full jewl'J 1 ! ndirt' Oold Puncilt, I . Fupaimr Qunruers, 7. .Silver Too spoons, aot, 6.UU Gold PpecuclMi, 7.ti' Oold Pei, will. Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 OolJ Finecr Rii'KB, 37j centa to $80 j Wntdi (Jlaases, plain, 12 J centa; Patent, ISii I.nnet, SS; olhcr articles in proportinn. AH goods war ranted to be what thev ore sold for. KT A UTTER tc J1AKLEY, On hand, some Gold nnd Silver I.cvcra and l.epinea. atill lower than the shore pries. Sept. C, I8"i5. ' ,'i V KOOSM! ;!!! Immense Attraction at Elsbergs Storo Af Wiifhimjldn wnt first in vat, peace, v.. to Elyberi'n Clnthintj Store it first in receipt of NEW GOODS. ritilE jubscriher having recently returned from A the city has just been rereivir.ij and opened lo-dny a splendid assortment of nil kinds of Goods it. his line. Having selected with care, and from his heinr? early in the market, puichatiu!! cheap he flutteia himself in be'nr ohle to oifcr to hii patrons and the public in general, nu b coods as will f.iit all in style, quali v mal. t and prices. In addition to Coata, Punts nnd Vesta of twerd jeans ond other atulTj BuitaMe for fill wear, may he found all kinds of winter wear, aueh n.i Over coats, Luitns ('oats, Dress, puut Bint Yens, in.ideufull iinPRinaMe atuft's of ilili'cient colors, I'lotn lipht lu hejvv grades, cheap to pood qualities. In fact euch at. extensive nsiorluiciil of Ch.thing oa will not to suit evervlimlv. Alio a large quantity ol boy's Clothing and ali forts of I'nder-i lothintt. HATS and Caps of til Mnc's and styles; lie Ksnt-is ,'t'Lr(i,l.j 11 dl, latest stvle. A gold nii, Uncut of 11O0TS and SIIOF..'', anionj; which o.e rjoo, I cali'-Ektn sli .es ma le M order; Alu I.adie.' Cutna ol dilt'ercnt kinds. .'.a iisuul he has on hand a good nssortmcnt of Jewelry, accon'ocris, revolvere, various kimls of pint,.!, line cutlery, shirts, rollaie, In aiery, gloves, port inor.nais, hsjili a freut manyotlnr nrtich's too i.umerons to niculiou, nil of which will 1 e sold at rcasou.ibln rates. Cull and see and judpe for yourselves-. ALBERT ELEDERf!. The S' is in Market Square, opposite ihe former Post ().r?.-e, a fvw doors below Musser's printing oflW. Suiihury epl. S?, lt$6 NOTICE. Tho Invitation ia to all! LL those knowhi? themselves indchted to the subucriLcra o:i note or book account ate respectfully invited to call and pay the fame on or hefo'e the day of October next, as we must h no tnney to buy our Pull and Winter aupp'y of ; oodi. I. P. fi J. P. KLINE. K!incirove, Sept. 22, Is.).1). tf. NOTICE. JTUULIC iVoliie is hereby given that the Q iHiili'r.sii:ed baa this day kolil out a I Ins interest in tint " Luica Ver ('oliiei-y,' owned by Co. hr in. l'cale A; Co., to .M . J. 1). Wiihinton, and that f.u:n hcncelorili he h is id eonticctieii with taiii lii in of Co. Pule .t Co.. BENJAMIN KEINilOLI).'.cr, Au. 1 o, lKjj. rp i'J 3t NOTICE. f MHT. undersigned hereby gives notice that il they will make appliculii.u In the Couit of (i uatlcr Sessions of Ihe Peace, to bo bnhlen in and for the county of Northumberland, on Mon day, the fith day of November next, for a license to sell v inious, spirituous, malt and brewed Li quors, in the borough of Sunbuiy, in ths coutitv of Northumberland. rrtlLLNG & GRANT. Sunbury, ?ept. 29. 1 S55. .'It NOTICE- rilHE under.ietird bereh) pives notice (hat he l will make appliralion to the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Pence, In be hohlen in and for the cunty of Northumberland, nn Monday, the 5iImI.iv of November next, for a license tn tell viuious, sphituous, mall and breivod Liquors, n tho borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northumberland. I II A T. CLEMENT. Sunlury, Sept. 29, 1855. at DANVILLE HOTEL. " JOI-HSJ- DEEN, JK., Market Street, Dun.iille, Pa, 'X'li'I-s is one of the largest and most commo dious holt ls in the interior uf Peniisylianis. It has been recently lilted up, in excellent style, with ull the modern conveniences. Han. i'.le, Sept. 23, IN55. CHEAP COOKS & STATIONARY. llEKIiY ti ERETY, invite, the atleutiou of t' inercbautii and others to their lurgn sto.k of elegantly bound Bibles, llvmu Books, Pr.iier Books. Alburns, and 1'irseiitntioti Books in all sty lea of bindinj ; Standard Theohnjieui. Medical, Miscellaneous and School Books, which 1 1 icy have received from Trade Sales and are idling at extremely low prices. A lo direct fmm the manufacturers and Im porters, even- kind of Plain and Pancy Writiust, Letter and Note Papers. Kuvelnpea. Cio'd and Kieel Pens, Pencils. Inkaiaiids, Wrapping J'a pers, Arc, if., at the lowrst cash nieea PLUKV A; EKKTY. 8. W. Comer, 4lh and Race Sta. Philadelphia. Septemler 52. 1855. tf Fruits & Confectionery. U u L.iuiVAi., I na aui.srrilier lias removed H lo No 30 Markst SratsT, above Prout, (1'hree doora above the old stand,) PHILADELPHIA. Where he keeps eonstanlly ou band, a fjeneral alock of all articles in his line ( ennsiatiua; of Oranges, Lemon and all kinds nf fruit in sea son ; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, plain and roasta I i Pickle and preserve nf all kind ; to which ha invilei tha attention of Dealer and others vii ing the city. Good packed at ihia tsUblihment warranted to carry afe. R. L. HERRINO, No. SS Market St., above pront. South aide. Phila- Sept. 32, 1855 3m r3. A Fin lot of Wall Paper just received and for aala b WM. McCAfiTY. Karkat StrtsH. Contort, Joa t,IBtia rpiIE above reward will be paid bj ths) Com mlasioncrs of NorthnmbcrlamJ county, for Ihe discovery and conviction of tho miscreants who shut op, In the Bute House entry eoreral cows, on Toeaday night lotrt, and otherwise injured the tUo bulMine In tho m&ttcrcf the estate of Daniel Hoch, deceased. J TKt Cmimonmalth of Ptnntltonii. , T1 Anna MwK, rrwnteH i Wltlrom Knrotiner, Jnen. ITieh, i . n II wh. Suaammh HtcH. nnrrieit t Ga"ry Watzfl, Alirp hain lloch, M icln-i Moc, decmiSnl, Irvine a dnnelilur i.nn .i.Hh, a min ir, under tlie ag of f .irtteen ycra, wh ma linanlinu Is , bydla llih, deconaiil, who was rairrind t .Oaurev Leidns-, leariiur two snni-r chit dren, Anna and Kitwnrd, who hnve f.r their Ounrdinn nMririirK.mnrrlod to Jaenb IteiriiilK-Chtlstimim, mnnled to Wm. Wolf. Anna, married to unvid Iteiir, l'l.ili rioch, and Hliai II ich. linenl dearM-mlanta of Daniel H jch, dacessed, and koaJl oiler nerioiis ir.terret'd. OIllXTINO ! NoTtliumbtrlmj. County, if. . V"- hcrfft-v tl'wl to b, ftiMt ar.pir trnf-Tfa the Jri'tea the. O' C -urt, at an Orphnns1 Court, to be h'-ld at ft Ltuirr, -.ia.i'1 fir .ho aitl c 'Ut.ty, on the first M wtlnv of N ,t first, ll.i'.. a.t'l ihtro to accapt of rffuw to inke'h' .l wnti -f tkiid U-iuial II-h,,i, neceitnt, si'i.ntil i TTpprr MiIiti v township, ndjoiiiine ImrU of JmIiu Phenv J tel. II f. Pnnicl If cite S.innul RHtK. and orht-rs, e nl:.luine al. nt 144 HtTes, Ac., at tit vi.lth.ti thereof, or ah 'W cmnpe whv t!ie mhib should not be a!d acconling to law. And nr5 ihm rru. I Ccrtifled fnmi the reeords of ocf unit Or- ssr.. phmis' Court at Ptmbury, til's 7ih d'.T of ) August, A. D.. 1W. Sunbury. Sept. M, 1BS5. 4t. CAME to tho premises of the anbscrilor, reald inri in Lower Aucusta tow nnhip, Northumber land county, nhout 3 months aincn a Stray null over two years old. Color hrindle, whim back, redish hriui.'le head, iV weiehs ohcut I5'l pound.s. The owner is requested to come forward prove property pav dtimages and lake him nwnv. OWEXBOWEN. Lower Aurtueta. Pept. t. lkC5. Sm. SHERIFF'S SALES. tip Y virtue of a Pti. JiXV. to me directed, will lift etrilosed to public rale, at the Court IIotiRe in Sunbury. oh MONDAY the fith of November the following real estate; All the defendenU interest, being the undivided seventh part of a CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, aituate in Lower Augnata township Nn'lhurr nerland county, adjoininp; hinds of Abraham Wolf. Ihe heira of William C. Genrhart dee'd., John Kline and others, cmtrthnnir sixty acres more or.lena, nhout thiity of which are cleareJ whereon are elected a two story log bouse and Ion barn. Seied, taken in execution, and to be aold as the properly of Ceorjc Conrad (son of John.) ALSO, nt the same time and place, all dependents inter est, lieitiT the equal nndivi led one ninth part of a CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate in Lower Angtisla township, county aforesaid, adjoining binds of John J'ov, Joel Jicoh I'nker, Henry Reiser and others, containing 110 acres more or less, about 73 of iv uich ore cleared whereon are erected 2 I wo Urv Dwelling Houses, two bams utid other outbuildings'. Seized, liken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jacob Hanpt. IILMiY 1.1;;. Sheriff. PHILIPS, STRYKER & JENND.GS, WHetx-iAir. Dr.At.Km , u.i:tjss. riii ri & assericaa reifc 7n T i'J l xl 4h4'0 ' U 'Jj :C p BOVOMT aVXCLCtlVSl.T AT AUCTION, !'os. 1 tt- 3 fiank Strrct, Irlnw Market, fietwi'd. Sc-fntid nnd Third, PHILADELPHIA. fV Toeesti ar t.lioit time Imyci s vs e rill sell at at very snioll nrtvanre on Aucllou rates Pbi!,i.,Sep?. 23, 18"5' 2mcCi. FALL MILLINERY GOOES ! 1S5S. jox-irr stoistx: & sons, No. -55 Soith St.cnur Street, I'lLLADELrillA. RE now prepurej touier.s, and lo the to nllcr to Ihri' tm trade, (of their own ini- pnrtation.) the largest ond h ndsome.'t a-sort-liicut ol Millinery Goods, in this city coosi-t. ing in part of llonnet Silks, 11:1, '.ions. Y civet, I'uiuv fiatliers, plowers. Laces, Uc. c. Which will tic sold ut the lowest prices, and on tiie most favorable terms. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1355. 2m p2. PALL STOCK of N E W Goods. Seasonable Sbals. rashionable Siiks. Full ttoik JSlark hilkt. Picss Goods, nil kinds. Bluukels and plannels. Linen and Cotton Sheetings. Sliple Hoiiro-keepinr. G'oods. Cloths, I 'iissiincrcs and Vetini;s. EYRE iV LWDELL. rOERTIl cc ARCH Sis.. I'HII, D'A. P. S. jstorekeei era and ol er tin en.ih luyn supplied wilh scarce nnd desirable Dry tln.nU at low tatci. BARGAINS from Philadelphia and New York Auctions daily. N. B. - 8 cases Pren.-h Merinoes, all colors, wholesale from f.3 lo 1 'h i ladelplii 1, Sept. i-l, IMIa 3m v1. FANCY I'L'ES FOR LADIES AND CMlI.IiKE.V JOIII-T FABEIHA, Importer, Hanufaoinrer end Dealer in oil kinds cf Fancy Furs No. 224 MarUt Street. uUve Eighth,) riiii.ADjii.riiiA Ilavinti now completed my very larje and hfaniiiifid ass.iritnriil of nil the different kinds of Fancy purs, and fashioned into all Ihe different Hies and fashions that will be worn diliimj the pre-eot season by Ladies and Children, and lieintr determine. I to sell my goods- at small profits it will be to the a li.mta;;e of Ladies and olheia lo give me a call before purchasing;. N. B. .'JTORLKLPPP.R.S' and the trade ill do well lo rail, as Ihcy will find one ol the largest and best vuiiely of stock lo select from tbe "itv. JOHN PAREIRA. Sept. !'?, 18S.V 4 tnos. Notice to Settle Up. 4, LL persons indebted to the subscriber are respectfully requested to rail and pay up without lurlher notice, between this and tho 10th i!ny of October next. Please give it your immh uiatu atleutiou. EDWARD Y. BRIGHT. Sunbury, eepl. VS. lSoS 3t. jfe.TI3E3 CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STOFiE No 72 Xorlh Second Street, (opposite th Mount Vernon House ) Philadelphia. GOLD l ever Wutchca, full jeweled, 18 IC, ea. ea, !jii8 i Sihier Lever dn do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do, $0 : Ouarlier. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacles. $1 H to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ I 60 ; Kilver Table Kpoons per elt, $14 to 18; Silver Desert do., do., i'J to 1 1 1 ; tsilver Tea do. ; do., !$4 la 7 fiO j Gold Pen anil Gold C es, 43 85 to 5; Gold Pen and Silver do.. $ I; together wilh variety ot fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Pob Chain. All good warranted lo l as represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in Ihe beat manner. Also, Ma onic Murk, Pins, &.C., mad to order. N. U. All order ent by mail or otherwite. will l punctually attended lo. Pbila., Kept. 33, 1855. lyw. yVALL PAPER. A UrgT7ndd7nd7d aasortment of Wall Par, Window Pa per, and Oil Shades, lust received and for aala by I. W. TENER i Co, Sunbury, May 18. 165.. . 11LACK Pully good article for aala by 1 May 10. WEIBBfl it B RUN BR. GAVINQ iFtJNiD or ma UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. corner 'Ihird and Chestnut Sti., PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL 8i00,000. M0.1EY ,a received on deposit dully. Tha arannnl dex.iited is entered in a Deposit liook and given to the Depositor, ur, if preferred, a certificate v ill Im i;it;:i. A II stuns, Isrge and small, are received, and ths amount paid hock on demand, without notice. Interest is p.uri at the rate of riv tun raat., com mencing from the riny o di-posit, a id censing fonrtcen dnia pteviops to Hie wiihdrnwnl of the monev. On the fi at duy of Ji.m.nry, in each yar, the interest of eaeh deposit is pnid to thedcitoaitor, or added to the priuei. pnl. as fie may prefer. The C'.mprtiiv hnve now apwnrds of 3,500 depositors In the City of Philadelphia alone Anyaddili nml information will lie given l.y addreasiog the Tr.iAiuKiER, iMrttcToim Htepheti It. Crewrimt. Pms't, Willinm M. 0 lwln, L'tivrere. J-.h'ii in. Vice Prea't, Paul II .Mud, Aml.r se V Th i.n l ill, tie riri; M"H"iry, lleulnmii. W Tnu'ey, J imes ll-veieux, Jiicol L. Florence, Ouit-vus Knlts-i. nnd Tren-nrer, Pl.tMV nr. TB.tSB AXD lSTBRPnUTKB, 1. C. OEill.SCIILAC l.R . Pliiladelphiu, P -pt. 8, ISM lyP. 3S3E"W "B-EHID OrEl rMIE Hiphway Bridiro of the Trovortoti and - 8uf"uehanna Railroad Company, eroeaitio; tho Susquehanna River, eleven miles below Nor thumlieilnnd, at Port Trevorton (I'ortnerlv Chap man) in Union county, to Trevorton station in Northumberland eonntv beinu completed, the public are now informed is open for travel. Drovers and others will find this the ahorteat and easiest route between the Sitsquehanim River and Pottsville, as it uvoids all tho mountains except Broad .M on ri aiu, which is croiibcd ut tiio lowest elevation. Port Trevorton, Sept. fi, 1855. lm. TO GROCERS ANDNFECTIVER?. tY your civms fr -in first h-ii'ds nnd s-ive 'JO pe- e-nt The uudtTstetied Ims It. St rc mid oll.-is tor rilv nt t,c lowest I'liee, Willi a disc nut ..'a per cenl. lor!;. AI.MOMlH, It At?tN--, PIG.". WALNUTS. (Jl -IIKANTS, Olt ANfiT'.is, CHI'.AM NU'T9, CITltoN. l.V. ..ovs. Fll.milllis. l'ltl'NEM, fWEI'.TOIL, CH'M-NU NL'TS. DATI.S, CAST.Lf.sOAP.&e. All uldcrs by llltul nrcuiutly uttcnih-'l t.i TIIOU.lsi noND, 41 !. Wat.-i Miert, PitiuiilviiJiia. Tiiih. 8ept. la, 155. Imp. GENUINE HONEY S'JAP" '""nilE purity, fraprance -" ec mild emoliii and various diseases of the kin, it is unequal.'.! Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, Hi3 South Second street. Philadelphia. No other is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olivo Soap, Warranted to Wash in b ird, sofr, or Kali water. This soap has poivctl'i.l elcatisinj properties, which re uhly remove Oil, Paint, Itirt, iVc, from every de-c iption of iroods without injury lo them. Por all domestic purposes it is superior In itny other map in use, and 20 per cent, cheaper th in the common rosin soap, p.ach bur is slumped. WILLI .M CON WAV, ICS South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Pancy and i':iple .""maps sperm, atcarinc and tallow caudles, impoi ter and dealer in sal aotla, soda ai-h. rosin, ece. Orders by iiiuil promptly attended to. Phila. August' 25, lSoo. tf. ASTKAY. A WHITE SOW about two yearn old. came to the premises of the subscriber, residing near the Northumberland Bridge, dtiriri' the mouth of May. The owner is roqueted tn come forward, prove proncrty, pay charges and take her away, FRANCIS ECLEMAN, Sunbury, Sept. 22, lSo5. BURTON & FENT02T, S. IP. corner Sixth ntnl Arch slre'tf. FiiiLADi'.i.pni . rjjIEAS! Teas!! on tincommonlv full and Sl choice assortment of bhick and i;rccii Tens of il II prudes, from the eitrein. lv' low price of 30 els 33 II) 500070 to V') cts. pi r Ih., i warranted to he superior to tiny to be had che wln re nt Ihe Fame prices. We know and confi dently recommend Ihein to be 20 percent cheap er than any for sale in the city. We have ulo a very superior assortment ol I oiice, t.iiil liov t, Java, Lauuayra, Marne.iri'.io, Rio and Cap- Hay- j ticn CoMce. New No. 1 Mackerel and sln.l in j aim j ni l. or as may lie dcsin .i. i. neese, I ine Apple, Sap bnqo, New York Cream Cheese al ways on hand. Soap brown nnd white; also II. L. ICendell & C.i'n Chemical Olive Soap, one Ih. of which vi ill p.o as far as 2 of ordinary brown Soup. Also Starch of dill'erent iua!iti. s, pickles-, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an choveys, Vc., with n loll assortment of Pancy Goods, to which we invite the a trillion ef ihe public tn cull and examine our cxi,'::-;iic assort ment of Pine Grot-erics formic bv BPIM'ON A 11 ;V.. Wholesale an I Retail Painiiv cr an I Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. -Sisth and An-h ls. N II. Good- delivered to all purit of l!ie cily free of i-li ii m. Tilda., Sept. 21:, 1S55 npl Sy Watsosi Duri-r. Tiiomis Dtrrr. J. S. DEPL'Y & SONS, -Vo. 223 Nnrth Second Street, Moic CdlovliU, and S. IP, Corner Pi''tlh and Spring Gurdun Strrct.'. rillLADKLPIIIA, VEr0PLl) lespectfiillv iuforiu Iheir former customers m il oil, i ts. that ll.ev havejiu.! laid in a splendid assortment of ';ircf, (ill ClotliM, JiiiT. Window Shades. Door Mats, Vc Ar., ut very reduced prices Wholesale iV Retail. 'PAKE NOTICE Wo will sell ont uoods as cheap an any other hcute of the kind iiilhe cily, Pn la., Sept. SC. 1S55 wain ATTORNEY AT LAW, SLNBLRY. PA.. Aided by nmn eight years experience in 'he practice of the l.uiv, will attend with fidelity to ull mailer app'-rtaiuiuij to or wit' in the hue of hi profession. with Charles J. Brunei', Eq.. Market street. tSulibury, Sept. 15, 1855, tf ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan Court . of Nuithumbeilttiid county will he exposed to public sale on Monday the 15th day of OcloU-r next on the premise: Tho fo!loiii described real etulo to wit : A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate in l.'ppcr Au jusu township county afore said, adjoining land of Juo. .Smith, Harmuii Kline, and James Campbell and the North branch of the Sus.uehiinna. eontainine; sixty-five acre or there about of which about 30 acre are cul tivated, and ou which are erected a loq Hut and Stable. Also the undivided half of a certain other tract of Lund in said township adjouiuiuu; the uhove described tract,' laud of Slein and Junif Campbell, containing about 35 acres, of which about 25 acres are cleared, and on which are erected a log hut and stable. Late Ihe estate of Adam Ncidig, deceased. Sale to commence al 10 o'clock, A. M. ofaaid duy, when the term of sale will be made known hv DAVID REESER, Ad' tor. By order of the Court, ) Jl0. J. I'urael, Clk. O. (J. ( September 15, 1855 41 i?j.-r xjp. LL person indebted to the 6rm of Friling 6t Grant, on Note, Book account or other wise are respectfully requeued to coma forward and pay up betweeq thi and th first of October a they wish to go to the city to lay in their fall uplic. . ' FRILINO ii GRANT, ftunbnrr. Wept. , ls)3,tf. ! properltcs ol tins ei.ip..jr'jiB)J ,'.ViV ; j renders it especially de- tH.sAv serving a place on eve, v f toilet, t orehapped bunds c. ."JWV:f FILES AND RASPS. NEW STREET FILE WORKS, Philadelphia. rplHE ia constantly Manu'actiir U ing files and Kosps nf superior quality and at tho lowest prices, equal to the bed im polled poods, nnd much cheaper. MANL'l'AC'ICKilts cV MP.C1I AN ICS can have their OI.U PILES RE-CU'f and msde equal lo new, at about half tha original cost. Plat 14 inches $2.01) per Dnz.; Pint, 14 Inches $.75 per Uoz. ; Saw-flies, Half Round, Millsaw nnd other Piles in proportion, Sinele Pile and fiaoiionnl parts of ilorena charged at ihe aame rates, and warranted satisfactory. J. B. SMITH. NO. CI NEW STREET between Rco and Vine it: Second At Third St-. Philadelphia. Phila.ln. August IS, lS55.-3,n. FOR SALE I e'TEAM ENGINES 00 Horc poer cech. sttJ with boilers. Won! i mi'ic exeelient pump ing murines, together wi'li 2 larrroj.l vini cylin ders, auttiiblc t r ii Ma-t f.irriseo. Applv to HENRY LONGF.NF.CKPU .V CO. S'oaim.'kin Iron Woika. Sham .kin, Tn. Shamakin, July 21, IR55,- T. B. DOBniHB, Ao. 22 S;a'h Wl.arr.ct, AUOVE CIIKST.NUT 8TKRKT, PHILADELPHIA. nrAir.n is atJAlMO, TMPROYEI) Super PhosohatB of Lbne. Pen " drette, and Land Plaster. Having riery facility for aiipplving nil a'licles in tha above line of the best qinlitv. nt the tciv lowest m ir uri.-es. would most res-eclfullv solicit a call. Vso. Cheese. Soaps, ('molles. Spices, ire. S'ui.biir..liilv 21. cHm. PHAT.I0KIN COLLUGIATF, INSTITUTE. 'J"';iE fourth sesioii of this Institution will A ear 'Ointnencc on Mond.iv, the HUh ol'Scptem- ber. ntid will eonin.ue 14 weeks. 't'l'ijion ns follows: Piimnrv llejcirirncnt per session, S'l.flO Aeaderliie, " " ?6 00 f'olle.tiite. " " !ii,00 Tuition due at lite mid lie nf the session, Arri.ripcmeuls will be made to aeomino.l.ite hoarders in respect ible private families at reo- soniilile rues. por further particulars address Rev. C. J. P.' if hurt. Shaniohin, Pa. ts'iatiiitl.iu, Aug. IS, H."5. 4t. E-tate of SAMUEL B. HAAS, dee'd. ?."!) rit 'i: is hereby tiven that letters of iidiuio-- i-l r 1 1 i. i tt the estate of Samuel B. Hans, I ale of the t.vvn of Miainokill, Noillinui- i behind coutitv, .ice'e. lone b. en er.iiited to John ai' tcMiiui'.', m Mi ,niol,tn town li p. j All p.'i.u.s b.i . hut cl.iiuis aiin-ts.nd deceit. , ed, are icipicslci! to pri.-nt tlicm lot teltb uient. j nnd nil pcrMiiis I'tio.v: p' t'lem-elves to lie uulc'o ted wiil n al.e iu.Mcli it.' -; n n-i-t - ' JtlHN V.Na NT. A'Vtor. j Shaiiiokiu tj. . Auu II. I :..". lit. I Li Gold. Ml-. Mi-i r: -i 'S- g ATM EM TICAl. LMru-eeiit separate ' 14 nnd in ea-cs, 'I hei-uioiuct'-i-s of various sizes, r-.v f;i-iss(s of every ile..ui pt ion, plutiua poin.s f.r i.ililiiing Rods, M.iL'ic Lanlcrtis with acrii tur.d. a-!roooi:i! uinl Icniceram-e dcsijiis. iicr.iscopcs and !.f i: ro.-copico! jccl-i Gai-.auic IhitliTi. lllcctrit at M s-urvi yvi' L'oui-patf-s, Survciii. Ciiats evciVc. McAI.I.!ori"!: & BROTHER. f Eetablislif.1 in I73fi.) 104 ChcMmrt Vti-:--'. Piiiladclplii i. Ocr Pi be! and Ilhistrated CuLilegtie (-1 pages) with Ih.i iKiinl.ntions fun ihcd oil application, iiud -ci.t by mail tree of charje. Phila. Sept. H, lHo'i. M VM TACTl Itl lt l.r I'p.ilirelip.s :in! l':iPii()ls. IN BVr.itY VVKil TY. AT TUP I iLl) h'l'AM?, . 'J .Y-o f.'i I'.mrth Street, i'iumdi i. riii t. 1 1'" f'o.r-i'iti-.iU- '-ii li'iii-l n Inic iifsortinei-.t, to v.-hicl; i-ill leot inn i t te rt. is f i-rjiu sled . Phl!.ul. ; -lua. Si-;-'. , s."-', In,,-. gt every dc-ciiption, bulla !e fir . il. Or Railroad , and Me i ,c c., t,,r wi-'o-h ;titu j liny. ( t'han-'iise jtencialli . Porciia.cis run no ii-k, ev ery scale is Guaranteed correct, and if, lifter trial not found satisfactory, can be iclunnd without charge. tV Pad iry at Old Stand, established for more than Iwentv eirs, comer nf tiintli and Melon .-Mrec'.s, Pliil.i.ic'pliia. A B POTT A Co.. Sii,.,-e-?o,s to Plliot & M-bort. pi.i'a. p.p.. l. isris.- iitiii:. CHEAT TOY fi: FANCY STORE."" JOHN DOLL. .Y. Oi) A".' Stcoud si. bttmin Areh J- littcf Philadelphia, 1 -1 AS received u lare as-oi-lmcnt of To. s - I IJ W ood. Tin, Clniiii, liuiti. .'. c., at-n l-.iici llaskets, Woik boxes, P.ntc Monans. Pocket Books, Sejar Cases. SnolV and Tuiii.-co l-ovt-s. i'i es. Cauls, Harmnic:tl.-, Aecordcoiis, 'io!i..s and .Sitings, Mari.lcs, Balls, Riiis, and uu end less variety ofother article too iiuineious to mention, for sale A holei-ale iv Jiet.ul, ut regular prices. p ilia. r-cp. t; l!;i.i.- 3:n. STOVES : KTOVI'.S ! We rt-s-.-e'ltc'v s .licit 1!" it f.l rtic ;-ilt ic to nu' ase'ttiin-' 1 -ii m .."r.i:i;ii;t in' it;m; sto k, l,.r St r. II .1 s. i -.n-, !-.. ',ii , ,-. m;mt io'r.1 .. l v.. a re ln-'ll v. lu - ne nun I fie lii.l. ll: in anv r I l-.-ti i.ifj rSf -V'.. I . use. T'n- I cim- i-iiiii!..-r iv.o.-ii Lac." Iit-ci. s 1.1 ill liu. .ml -t'.-i c.tus tin I til- e tci.l liti-re im in i!i-".;..i.l I-r Iti. -ii l- smticiciil t;il.roo.-e ol" tl.rir sic-ei I -I Uc - A i-r II I . 'III. f II. c fl! Sl -V K. ami ive ehci-rl'. ml ue ttic s-. n-ii.t n.ivil'i'-ili ii. -f ,'ur ct.uias I., ti.e in -st p. r'.-ft -irtie l r k". I oi ic... We :il. i li e. r il s i ,..i .f I' ll I.LItl l. f r l irini 'i; ftn-l rtl.-iiiii-i' iiop.s lit-. I.- - ii il.isiiii,- pi i(.,-i.:,', j,:, Wli-.-ti in- c';ii-.ii -in, n tri i' t I.- ii: ri-i-i it-.l We -i'tt i-!,; "i Ii .".I -.'i tiss ., liee-il of the lea.line (' OK M' iltl.uU SfuVI.S; ual ore s .ie A-J.-nt- t.i .'. s S i.-e f -r ' nriT.vs i-.i'TvlM.f l-' Ht .-i.'-s i' vn:v r i in 'MVusi'i i'its. ii.i.i BsllsT.l S I N ltlV V 1. 1. 1 I . l U i , l-Altl.fllt SiOVI S Wn In-.i cis he a'pid'clal t!ie l-'WCfcl I'.'llll'tlV IMICf. N I'M A WA'tM. K. IVIi-W.- lt.-!:ill Si 'C.-U'l.-is. N.P. O r sif.i OM1 ,V 'Mfl-iSit l'liita..'a f"P" r s-'e l.v II H M ISSKII. . i' l .is plica. l'li.l-'r.,.l.ia, Anjost CV s"o -lai li;i).U I I IIS. It,rp ItinKfts. I'ainti-il I'ui'h Painted Mollis, - els. Meat Tou.lrrrrs. Ctirn ktnmiiia, Mas- Yankee ( locks uit recciveil nnd tor kale hv Mav 1S..V I. V TENTH i 11 t)sli;ilV. Mens' wool and eoltoti Socks, YOUNG'S s ruin;. IS.M. Nov. 1, tl T .MUi;EI.I.A.-. o.cro.-s, I'oik.i llooks Porlinouie. Nilk Pocket-hondkeri hiel. Nick-tie, k-'piiug-etock, Susp. nders, Ac., at, Nov. 2o. 'St. MM Nli'.s M DIi'K. II1.S. Puiek. Children' Lotti:. Ki,,. Rll, fine eoiiihs ; Hair Uru-iics, I oolli Hnisli.-s. i-.. for silo at YOL'NU'S STOPK. Suriblirv. Nov. IS. IW4. CJHALI.E.MiP.liGEU's iii.i . r.rUi,, cure for Pever u.l A cue. for le bv vVEIisEU i UIJPNEIl. fsunhiirv. dv 22. f. T IKICOI'HEUOL'S 6 dm. for sale by May 19. WEIsfclK & RK"EH. jr1 ROCEEIES Senar. ColVce, Molnsae tfH Spice. Oil. Urautly.Gin, Win. Mucker el, Herring and bait, just leeeived and for sale fc,. Y'M. A. KNAUO. Lower Augusta May l4 -s- aTuLY II EDICINE.-Brown' Pever and Ague Pawdera, Pahneslotk' Yeriuilun. Dr. Jai'iia'a oelebrateJ asadicines, &., for aala t Mfi, ii, m rwwt 8 rcnrB. NEW aoi4T3aTIOKTA.tlV WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL. M. C. OEARIIART, UESr ECTrt'Lt.Y announce to tiie et- W nf rinhntnlK-rland and tho adjoining c ci ties that Ihcy have opened Cnnf. ctiiiiiai v !J Fruit Slore in MARKET SQUARE, Smi. lirf, where they mn.niifar.turo at d keep mi Iidi.. . ' all times, tho muni ehoieo Confeclintiary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, nt Philadelphia prices. Among their alcck of Conlcctinnariea, moy be found I preceli eerata. OamTtnipa, aslklnrlsof awe, Hiirm-d Almoin;. I'te Dr ot s, Cr.nrn Whun, Mint Drops, red and rrhrto, " Iinou Jcllv C.kea, I lt.s... Fruit Dr...a, - Vanilla, ftielc rari lta", sa- aJt aacesa, Cninfnon B,ur.t. H'k Comly, Liqaurira, Aliaond CauCf, rrtiriT. t.ervina, Dstea. Cnrrsn'a diiad, A lin age, Rs'S Proaoa, f irs. C.U.'IA Null e si ktwti. LEMON SYRUP ofa snperior quality, by ihe sinila or t'oten. A ulterior quality of Srnars and Tobac and a vaiiely of Confr.ctionaries. fruit. tn. nil of which is oli'erc.l rbeup at wholesale or retail. Come and s. e wn will try In pleaso. OrJl from a distnnce promptlj attended tn. Sntib'try, AuJ, 4, IPCS. ly. JOHN G. MARKEL, M. D., REPECTPL'I.LY informs the citiiene of Siiriburv and vicinity that he hna cotnmen ecd the practice of Medicine nnd Snrptry, and wii prominly attend to tho cull of nil who may desire his professional arrvires. His office is at the residence of big mother. Mary Murkel. Nutiburv. Jilly 14. InSo Mmpd. To Iron Master3 and Dealers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, A"). 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia, SIEVES. RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of oil meshes and widths, with nil kinds of plain nnd fancy Wire work. Paper Makers Witc, all kinds. Cylinders ami Dundy Rolls eovcroj in tha best manner in or out ol the citv. A very superior artio'.o of llcsvy Pounders sieve?. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wiie and Sieves for Seed, Grain, Sand, Starch, SiiuiV., fVc., oic. BAYLISS, DARBY it LINN. August, 1. 1S5!S. C H in i $ n j.o v s i v i i U s; i.r i:. FRI,ilW's INDIGO BLUE, is ttmv wel. established ns the best uri'ide cvr-r i Hi red I'm niu. ing Clothes. Il is entirely fr. e from acid or j .it.vtl ing injurious to the liuest articles. All ! hous.-t. cci f-i s wiil li'td it much cl-cper and less j tiotc'lc Ihrnt Ii.digo or any other nriiclc. The irrent t!"i:inil by it Ii is t-nrnglil out tevernl unt ivri'd.-.r torfkepera and constiiners will be ciictol to ect IltvjottN P.m. t o w's, put nn at Ml.c ii V.' r's Drug Setoff, No. I '.'9, N. ,c.,.fM!id strcct. .-t ihcir iocp! Plolailclpt-i.i. tlrc'l...cp(rl can iss I'io.u the Grocers ;.ini I iru. reikis nev i', ivii'i al uric, s ic'd.n ; a "oo l ?.,:.!. ;1'J- A with a I'.r.-t-r ite .c.-o: tnn iit of every loing in the Siinekcepf is, 1 hysieiaiis and inauuf.icturcrs supplied nt reasonable rater. ALFRED Vi'lLTBERfiE I!, Druggist. IC!) N. Second Street, Ph.ladc'piiia. July 7, lSf.5 ly. IMPROVED EUPEH PE03PHATE CP LIME. 'IMIE suhscril er informs Dealers nnd purines i -"- that he has greatly impreincd th quality ol I hi j Surer Phosphate of Lime. ' . ti l now eoiili leutly recoitiuieiid the article m tnul'iictiireil by him, as si e. iiioti to any in the i nt irket, Voo are invited to call, examine and ttv it- Also Peroiinli and .Ms xii an Gc.:.uo, Oils, Candles, Soap, .e., nt the Wi" t In i.l.ct raua. j.N'l. L. i'li'iilltiirV. i Successor to 'I bus. '.V. Morrtan. I No. 0 and 10 .So:li Wharves, i'Lil.i.ieliihia. ( fr" Par mers c in b-a-l on two private u. 1 ley s. : .md .i. oi-l 1'ie crowded wo . f. I Pbila., July 21. I )3"i. di n. j V0DElliS Oit' XtAiUIlE. : -r J 1 1 1" present Proprit lor cf liie neulv di-ov-i I ered WI.M'II I D CAVi; (limestone) in Drv aIUs,. Puioii countv, hcreov ttiie nolice j that the cave u ill not be oj-cn ou Jsunday lor i Utilors. Il n.iy be vn-iied by Lad e nnd Gen ' th men, en S.ilu'd.iys ..I every weel;, when es j pecial I'ri jiar.itiuiis mil Le made lo aecomiuuuate : with liijhts, ftp" All per i.-n.s are forbidden to hrenk off, ! injure, or t I1!.1 uv-nv t.uv fpe iiocns fioin the Cnve, iiiidcr peiii.Iiv ol pr .secu'ioii. T! c piiMiu- it ol 12 J cents only is leqn'ued of ev,-rv j ci sou before enlfitn-r NOAH WALTER. Dry Vailev, An-. II, IS'5 3in. Front Street viro Krp.ufBCtory. WATSON c?3 COS,, liiti.i.K, Sci;ki:x and Wiur. Clotu MANgl', A.. -IC North Pront Street. Comer of Coomb's A lie.-, be'ivren Murkel and Muttierry (Arc!.) Streiti, Phi'.p. :1 clpaia. CON I'lNI'E to iitr.riiii;.. ture of superior .Un ' itv. liiass and Iron Wirr tMcves . f:i ,:,.; Brass i.u-1 t.'oo; ei ne C'rth tor Paper M-il.ers iVc. Cilimhrs uud'y i.'olls eov red in ihe l.ei.t lo-iniier. Pxlra llc .vy I'a-t.r Wire of Siipe ii'r qu ilitv lieaiy Tiviilcd W'ic I'm S,.jr'. Cat.-h. .si.-ie-. lor I'luss and poti pouu icrs. Screen V i.'e. iliil.W l!l J and rit Pi:-, ,1V ie rrv i!i'm rij ti n. riii!atl":pliia, Sept, I i li, Ian -. I'.v.l CsMTf, t t.l TO LAlUr.S SL'lTUll.N.i AXJD PHYtilCIANi Mil Itt l'i.' t'clt-LiaTcil Siim 'r"Cai lrVf Ikim u .! wrh i'V lit.i.y tnili.i'TI Hj ! r: I r l( e l.i&t IWtn'V t..(r. i,.. in," : i!.tat 'I'd y ii'f i 'ii. Mili r, (liitl c b i' lnniJ mi, Midtlli; "S.iii'P.T wtit'ivcr. lit. ;. i lliGHi-tlt Uf rrtlft In U l'ttif li i!iVil t'(" v.iU'si . iltt-r ifh ii'irteMi! iti ic.;t 'tiict-f li ivo i'. 'ltil . w I 111 .tt-.n-ii.t nn i I'c lu st pr. 'tn.'t alt.-ic.i K, lo . u - !i i - if - : i vlr licit-. J-I Wiilnul siir-.t, l'iii:.i-lri,iiiia. '1 1 S i;.-. ro r. va.l l. ,L-:.t ri.5 I-)' la ill P.-isl-t, 3''i 5' uu. I ti. ri.iLi.tclpli'ii, 5e;'lelnher If, p-oj tel. Trutsajti ! Trusties!! VrrMnea '. II Truss ami Tiace Estrillihino:it, ; IP. Cor. of i'u-'j'j'i', u td y.'ncc Strcttt, ! rhlladelp'na. ! MI'OHTEUof line PrciRh Trues. rnml'i-, ning eiitreme li'htnc-s, ease nnd durability- j with correct lion. or rupt-.-rcd . p.iticuls can be suited by ri miliiiia: amounts, as lehnv: Mending number of ii.ciu lom.J the hips. i.d staling .ith' at'.'cctcd. 1 Cost ofsiuli. Truss, "i-.'. f t. ?1. S-'i. P-iuble i o, i ii. --j.M and !j 10. lustr ctious as lo and l.oiv lo ell'cct u cure, when po.siiiie, sci.l with the Tru.-s. A Iso for sale, in itre it i uiieiy. Dr. l''ii;iiil:i!' Iniir;m il l'at:i;t Co;!.. Ilnirr, : Por the cure of 1'rolipsin I'leH; Spinal Props and Suppoits. Patci.i r-li'iuli!cr l.i.iccs. Clu-st ilp iu. l.n uiul Eie.-lor llraci's, adapted to nil .titli Stooi rsiiouldci.s,.ud Wrsk tonus ; Pii;:!i. h A lidoiiiiiuil IJclts, sJusj inso.ic. Syringe in ale and fc.iate. IV LuJifV lionrn. wila Lady aitrcdant. Phila., Am. 4. l5S. ly P8. I ADIES Dress Goods. Spring and Sniunii. J Shuwli, Ubicksilk, siik poplins, Pe Lame, i l.inijlianis, l)u l uce. Lawn and calico, jutt re- j ceived and for suie by WM. A. KNAliU. Lower Augusta. Mav n. 1851. iTLO Siff (iluvr wo-il lined, Ladic Uluvea, Chil I dren' do.. Milt, die., at , Nov 18. 'SS. YOUXtPS 8TOIIE. BFDERINE, Vertiia, Chiuurdin and Cm. cbonia, iu reied by May i. mi WEIftEB & OUTVER British Periodicals EASILY COPIftft 6f.riJP.EO. Qy Premiums lo ? cu? Sulanbert ! ! f fEOOAPD ECOTT h CO , Ni Yorv, e .ntlnne to re publish tha following Urilish Per i.SJi jell, via. I THE LONDON QUAUTEtlLY (Con-fciyiiive) THE r.rji.NDURCli REVIEW (Whig.) TIIE NORTH DRITISH REVIEW (Fii-oC h ) TIIE WEST.VJ.VjTEi: REVIEW (Libera!.) BLAfKVQOrS E DIN BURG MAGAZINE- (Tor). The pressnt miffs.' rtota of r.oropan ITlrn w.ll reicl-r Uiseiul,licali....siiiiTvauy loterestoij d ire r'.e l,,.l,o amiiinioar.. Tho wii-l ecipj a irmtdla c ''J') W - f tha liasrily v-tite., navs-'teins, crurt.i sooula! iia.iii ;) ing turrio s f ths daily i-urnal, and c. poi, lc-,is Ionia e7thl..tttre MK.ri-.ll, wntl-i, f:ef t. . I.vias ' '''lei w and s.-iia.isci .1 l'- graM re.iittcal t-j-'b ol tee tirna si-ill bv -.1 .. I"1'"' l'-f.K.ISH. l. rsa'err unst i f jv .inly rwt'y i..otgiwa r,e,o e.-. nis, and et t'-'-i'. n' a i ii'i i. I-' Ice history l i their ivo.l.isepi lire, d iitu-fliy oiMCictei. w? arcs t'jeia Uitni'.l-t.-- '""i mei'-v.-" ti.o oji iiJtrs. i n of tt fetir,o ir ru.ic. , , . (1 . tr Ar.a KiroMittnTe now pe'"',"e' 1 'V, ", . . -r-ceipt ot i-i-'.y ril.a-.-ta from tho llntn'i Pel ! .a, 7 whi.-.iwa r euabt-d to r,:o ellrur r.nrr n u'? hiu. Is oi i-cserih.os, BrciutftJ n uslh.-y can leil,ii:in'.i with il. f.ri i(i.. a .p-oa. Altii'-agh tins invo'ves a vtrr br.j inuly n our psr, we auali contiuue to fuienT V Priotleolssttl.aSTnolow rates si bc-etirfo'o, tnn wnh llio f"ll .wing Premiums to new Sal.serrlioia. .. TE! AND PREMIUMS. Set list cf Premium Vv'.umes below 1 J Ter -na. Tor any "na ef tka four rer-awsaud one Tram vol ft "9 I'oranv livo ' " " one " K-.i anv t.irra , . " two " ' K..f nil I'-ur of .In r.evle-vi " two " J -.t llie-.k-.vo-i,rs Ms,'n;,m " "na " For' nod tiu-e-llevb-ws three " ' For UlsckwK'd the I mr. Iluvicvvn three " I" " I'ttni'ie nil l i he run ic tn all cases in a'lvanrt. Mmey current in theSta:e ur.trt issued uill !: rectined at par. Thv Pren.Pinris of tha follow!. e wnrls, lai'A r '1-irrei of whi.-h w.ll te givn lo new sia',ie-ilrs aeo'M;. dins' ti the iiuncK-r of pciiodiCuJs oiCercJ, us above plained- PRR1iU.l VOLUMES. Fif..o?f QrARTUPtxv rtrviKW (one year ; lim KU'ihiiS .M An ai nr (nix in nihF. l.n: n s ('pari RitLT ItKV'KW ('ne yujtj. )"r:vD;na IKvtrv (mti yen), Atr.Tuni' if l tx MArr.,7iR fi nmntlie) K-tTM NnTBit KrviKwfMtie vent. C''FeTiittV'j I't-j-'iviin V(Iiiimcr f.'i' ii'it in nil rj'xw r fumifi'iff!. crnpt tif tt- F"rt-ttM ".iiiTierlv Rk'irv. Ti prrv''nut.p,vtn-';ncMt, llirrfl-ire, vvhern t;iut vnk ii not lii-nic U"intfl, trti'sBf ril.TK will plfar-o urd-T n h.:iiiy ph( w prku fur pr-miumi as there tire Vjlcmri tj which they n.:iy liu c.iliiU .I. CLUBBING. A (. (ciiiii pT i-ifiit. Crnm Ve nh-v f rU c s vt!i le hI1.wI t-i f'lnl.s iTiIerin-r f"nr tr nrrP o r'm of iiMV !M- nr in ire nf 'it nlr'vu works. Tlius: Vvnr c ur -f IV .ifkw i. nl, it -'fnne Uevit-w, will he tint I-l "' C n-iilre". f-ir i mr c"tts of tha tour P.eviewe mid D!ickw md f -r 83-3 s mui t -ti. POSTAGE. In nl! trie nrtnjip-it Ci:it-t nnH T -wnf. tV.c9 Vi" v.'iii if iViiv-of!. trr-n-h Atr-ii't, rnr.K of re?-', aoi:. V . , ... t hv in-ii!, t!-e V t-'juiy pr.n f the ITnittvl 'Itpat v.'.il I ' ll'lf T.lfrrt y-l-Ollf 'i Hi A VMf f'lf ..v ,. -i-v.. r'." ni;il int I'vlItc eiilN a year fur each f r.'vii ws. Kfiiii'tit,Cf- nii'l p'rri'nii'iirrir uv9 tlmui-J n'v.njl n iMrrm-W' v 'n!(l. fi the PuMiier, LEONARD fSOOTT & CO.. N. n I,, s. ,V '.,. r tl. ' i'.i, !.n w f.-.r t'e 1- AlO'.'iV.-.f.i.l; 1'.. ' : Hc-.- i-Vt in l".:!'!1 t:rr:i, imp! Pk f Vir'.o-i. nf Y If.lVr'-t,- .lT..'ff 'H IWnVi F It'. K-t: V", C "'t-i"... IC fi' i s. U i-t,. G ii h r!:-isivy,p. TriCt it) i t?" 't' x .' if N 'i j lnt-t R! -:' :T-irn v.' t!:c o.l or t' ? rr.ra,, mm c upon t'i.e Mm ket. m. AYEll'S PILLS. FOB ALT. TEE FTJ2?0SES Ct A FAMILY PHYSIC. TiiKHfi ha long exited a puMie dernnnd fir ten cfTcctive pnr-:itivc pill which cuuld be teilcd on at ture mid perfectly safe in its operation. This hat , been prepared to meet that demand, and un cxtcn ive trinl of its virtue h.s conclusively Khwn w.tli ; v. ht suc-jess it llceonlplihes the purpose acsii.ed. ' It is Ci'sy to ir.ikc a physical pi Hit nut c;t- lo m.iko tiie hist of nil fwls one which shoul.l have noi;e uf the oijjct'lm-n, but nil th" ndvui.t.tcsa of : evrry other. This lms been uttempted hrrc, r.nd with' rtuecess wo would respeetmUy submit to the puhiic decision. It has been unfortur.ute fr the patient hitherto th it ahnot every purp-itiva , medu '-no is aerhnonious r.nd irrittii.g to the bow elfl. U'his is nnt. M my of them prdu:e to much (crripinTf piin nnd revulsion in the system ns t'j ' thau t.A'.ntcibilanc. the pod toVc derived froitt them. Ti.ete jiiils no initntion or pair, , Chltsi tt nris5 frn?:i a previously exUtiiiB- obr.truc t lion or dc.angrment in the bowels, lieini? purely I vcfjetiible, no harm can aiino from their use in ni.r qunntity ; but it is better that any medicine should j be tuken judiciously. Minute direction! tor their ( ue in the diseafves to wliich thev nra r.p nlif-;ihe are tfiven on the bnt. A?uoii!? the eo:n-l-l tints which have heen sncedily cued by them, v t in i'V mention Liver Complaint, in its various fonua , of Jnundicc, IndigCTitinn, nnd Lo.s cf Ap i petite, I.itlevcncss, Irritability, bilious Headache, ! bilious 1-fvtr, 1 tver uvA Apue, Vain in the Sido , and l.oins ; fur, in truth, all the -e ate but the con i tequence of diseased action iu the liver. As ai spvirient, they atfnrd prompt and sure relief in Cps t'veness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof j ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the bad;, ' Liters and impurity of the Uocd ; in sho.t, any ana even ca-c wncre a nurpaiive is .equirc-v 1 hev have ntso l.TcJneed soma s; - sue. eessful cures in Hhcumalism, Gout, risy. Gravel, Ei vsiii l:i, Palpitation of the Heart, Pair., in the 11 .Ik, Stomach, and Side. They shoe! J be freely taken in the sprimr of the year, to purify tha b'ooa and prepare the system for the charipe of tein-ir.s. An occasional dose stiiradatcs the fct.?u.Ssh ond bowels into healthy action, end rct.torcs the cpr-e tite nnd vior. 'l'lu-y purify the b'.coJ, av.rl, ty their stimulant ncticn tii the eircul&tury system, reno vate Hie Hieun'.h tho btdv, icstjre the vric'.cd or dieuscd energies ol thv r.h..le oniani.'.u. Heine an occnsicnal dose is H:l.stit-.?eo'is, c.en though no serious deTiiueiiiei.t n.sts; but tin necessary tlobin should i;cvcr be ciirt.C'i too fir, as every 'pnriiativc medicine lcd'ices ttie s.trtr.sih, Kl.en tken tu excess. The tlmi ml ca'.f in !l a physic is retpiiic-d cannot be enumerated hcic, but thy biieeest themselves to tho r ;i- m of every body; anil it is confidently bciieied this pdl "id answer a better perpus-e than in-y thir.g winch hi'S hitherto been avaih.ble to mankind. When tour virtues are once known, tho public will no longer d nbt what remedy to employ m lien m rued oi a cathartic medicine. Beitm sear-wr.irprd they c: Eleaauiit to take, nnd la-e.r purely vsn.-tahle, oa srm can arise fiom iheir us in ai.y q . tntr.c. I'm- nnuute iliicctious seo wrapper ou iLis liox. pniii'AriUU uy JAMES C. AYER, rrnclii'al uud A mil) ileal Chcmtsf, LOWELL, MASS. fiiea S3 Centi per Tox. live Ecxei (or Th AYEll'S CHERRY PECTORAL I For lit rapltt Cure of cot fiiis, .colds. noiusi:rss, Lito.Minns, vi iioorivir-cocii'i, CKCI'IN AST..M, AM) COAilMPJ lOA. Tina remedv has won for ittelf rotorlsty hoin its cures of evfty atut) cf pulmonary disease, that it is entirely i.uneccss.irr to recount tbe evi dence of its viitucs in f"y' comuiumty whel it ha been 110; loved. So w ide ii the field ef its uir fiilnets, and o nuniereus ti e ease of its cres, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored, from nhine.iniz and even desperate diseases of t!-s lnns by it use. When once tiled its siipotioi'." over every other medicine of it kind is tun avpa; ent t-i escape o.crvalion. and where its vstty.9, ar kl.owr.; the public ro Imtper iieit..te what rr.ialota to employ for the distressing and rl-.u:eous altea tioi.s of the pulliioiir.y ori; irs hich are incident to our cUinate. Ar.d'not only in formidable at tack upot. the boifs, but for the niildrr vuneli ef Coi.n. Poiuiis, 11" iksenkss, Sc.; and for CuiliiUlk it is tbe t ieantct and safest medicia that can bt obtained. As it ha long been in constant us thrannhsitf this section, we need not do mora than assure th people il (fiinlity is kept up to the best that it aver has been, and tht th gsuuia artiri it told by ' Weii A. limner. Sunlnrv Uifil A; J hn, Sn.n Vin ' i W. Wicin.-r. iii.i.iCs-rL.,,d : J. P. i-di, ,w. V.arn. and by a'l lii'i- fin 01 su:lX.'rii I'jinitj lvc a. ' .uuuw. 1 rj -1 7- T AND WAI!itANTS.Tha hlphen pricsi -f will ba a,ivn for Land Warranta hy th iuV acrilxu. IL E. .MA3EB, f XDELLI0LB INK at M. V Wrw,B Si HHUKIS