$.ntuc;iii )arak DLDItA IIOI op 1IU V S. of A. HALL. " rnrsnant, to public notice, the Susquehan. ria Camp K 23, United Sons of America, met at t'neir II ill, on the -1th inst..aml nfterre ccivingthe Delegations from Camps 26, unci 2., ami Washington Camp No. in J. S. of A. they formed in procession at their Hall, und paraded through lhe principle streets iu the town tn full Regalia, accompanied by martial i! .. At 2 'cloc!i tl-e procession entered the Hall, and after the Ceremonies of Pcdi ct.on, Dr. J.J.Joii.n of Shamokiii, addressed tiie Camp in a masterly and appropriate speech. He was followed by Jamm Pollock, Esq., of Williamspurt. who also made an os cillent mid ufl'eclive address. TIib following resolutions were then unani mously adopted Jletolrcd. That wc Dedicate onr Hall to Americanism nnd its Principles. Jieiolced, That vln n wo adjourn, we ad jouru to meet this evening at tho Court ilouso in American Mass M etinir. Hem vcd. That a committee of Eve be ap pointed to draft resolutions, and that thev report this evening. Whereupon E. Wilvei t, Jos Bird, James Pollock, 1'. It. Potts, and J. . CoverL were appointed said committee. Httolrtd, Tliat we tender our sincere tunnies to tho Ladies who so kindlv assisted ns in preparing cur Hall for the present occo- AMERICAN MASS MEETING. Agreeable to notice, a large and respecta ble number or tho citizens of Siinbiiry met in the Court IIon.ee, on the Evening f the 4th inst., in Amieun Mass Mooting. On motion the meeting organized bv nppointin-i-F. B. POTTS, President j P. i hiKMi- um Pfn.i. Zi-Tri.KMovKi:, Vien Presidents, and J'. .1. Slum!,, aim ;'. Wiht, Secretaries. Tim President then introduced Messrs. Soelulid and McKinley, from Philadelphin, who addressed the m cling. They were fol lowed by F. Ji. Potts, in n very appropriate and excellent speech. His argument were deep and conclusive. The. Committee on Preamble and Resolu tions reported tiie following, which were udnptcd without a I'isscuting voice: Wiiereas. It Iris long been apparent to us as Americans that Foreign inllueuce and Roman Catholicism, has been making rapid and alarming inroads iu our country, therefor be it Jlcnolred, That wo ave in favor of Ameri can born ruling America. AV.f'ri , That as Americans we stand upon 1 lie broad basis of Americanism; re cognizing and endni'Mii? till the principles of i ue .iiiiiiii;iii i any; ami uuiiiiiuencou uv f ide-issues and iile-ijUestions. we will witli our eyes on the Polar Star of our party America march l.i a glorious viclorv i . . "... y.t .' i'l i'., That we are in favor of a strict ndiierauee to the Con dilution of the United States, and nuv the tfti'rs and Stripes con tinue to v.i.ive over our happy land so lung as the white caps of 1 he AlV.iutic and Pacitic j KMtinue to lav.; her shores. r, r . i . ... . . M I ,-1 ." f uy 10 J)"": C1I1 I nsl ll 111 inns nml Ainr .iniT'iiir nil..it...l . ... '. " .. 1 ' I'liizens.iinii ojiposea lo all inroads ol ropery, Jesuits, Priests and all .liuerican Dema 1o :i niiMiiils n ,i...vv gogues who court their support, and above all auti-.-1ioi'icaii doctrines, come from what source they may. JUtolvt't, That we will neither vote, nor give our inllueiice for uny man for any ofiice in the gilt oi the people who is known to be u Foreigner. Jicfilwl, That we do most sincerely be licve, that, upon tlio principles of the .Inieri enn party depend tlio perpetuation of the doctrines of Washington uud Je!I'en;on, and the hopes happiness and prosperity of the stmrricuu Union. Htf iy'. Tuat we as .tmei icans are in favor of i .i'.i nihiig the Nutuiuluatiou Laws to I went v-i.ne years. lUsnh; il, Tii.it we tender onr thanks to the speakers who mi eloquently addressed US oil the pll'Srllt (iccisioll. JUio'citl, Tiiat the thanks of this meeting be tendered to the Ztinlntr; JSram .'uW.who so kindly favored its with ilii-ir presence this evening. 7.'. -ic. That the procef dings be publish ed .a th,! .Sim bury Atiurictin, and all papers tavi. ruble to t!:e .liuerican cause. U:i u.oUoii. adjourned. i.i.ic by (.'it ojKcers. foreign Uctos. AiiraVAL OF THE CANADA. nsiiWKKu Li rr.it i iiom t ition:. From I?ip. Sect of ll'itr Thirty Thoutand Al lit . J.it ulal i't J.i.j'i'tiiritt lletrtat cf the .'iis.-i'M Infantry llussiant Constructing At K' lUitlo i'S. Halifax, Oct. '.. The tteaniship Canada, -from Liverpool, with liiiropean dates to Sa turday, th; 2'.Mli, nrrived al half past 7 o'clock. Tho steamship llerniaiin arrived out on the 21th ult. FROM TJIF. C RIM FA. The latest news from tho Crimea is, that Oort schuhoff telegraphed on the 23d ult.. that the Allies hud landed 'JO, POO men ut Lupato. lia, and that the enemy have now 30,000 men on the Rus.-ian flank. Tho Allies attacked tho Russian infantry on the 22d of September, when the latter ro treated. On the 25th, the Allies, 33,000 ttroiig, debouched from h'upoiia, and occupied tho neighboring villages on the left flank of the Russians. On the 17th the Allies were concentrating their forces betwtt n Balaklava and the Tcher unya, and were constantly recoiuioitering the left win;; of the Russian army. The Allies were preparing for an active campaign. Four hundred deserters, mostly Pelar.dtrs. hail arrived in the Allied eaii'.p, It is reported that the demoralization if! the Russian army ij complete, and such was the i nfu.-ioii from the first moment of thi assault of the Allies upon t- baslopo, that the soldiers 1 1 came t jhau.-'ej from fatigue, having remained tv.eniy-fuur hours without any surtenance. The less 'T the RusMats! u inn -in,! oomnari'in'-ni na ?sa;::t IS erti-i mated at H.OoO nun. i no liiis-iaiis cor.i.r.ue 10 l.rc tht.'.n iiito j bibastepol liom the North shore. Krnie of tho guns send the shot etliu-ly over the town, doing much damage to the advanced biege works of the Allien. A letter from Berlin states that Prinre GortschukoflT will shortly evacuate tho forts cu the Northiide .f .t bastopol, but the Rus sians uro till miikir' vati juepariitioni for the niatcr campaign. Th Russiun Treaeury is receiving lrge sums through Berlin, Santa Anna at Wasuisgtov. WiuKing ton. On. 0. There is litliu or no doubt that Santa Anna has been here for several days rrivatoly qnarterod with Gen. Armstrong, the Mtxicaa Muii.itr. Commodore Charles Stewart, (Old Iron side,) has been placed on the retired list at t'jirty.fivtt hundred dollars pay, and CoQioo dora SkintKr at twoty-flr Bnofr4. THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1855. n. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor To Atmmrisirm - .Tti circulation of the Banbury Amerienn among the different towns on the Sutquehsiina it not exeeettril irequatlctl ly any pspef published in North ern reiitiivlvmiia. EDITOR'S TATTLE. linslness Notices. MriLstat ash Fawn Comm. M in June Flm-eii ! j'.irt re-Veit n new supply nf Fnncy Cooils nnd Mil' linery from the city Give licr a cull. . .. ev i.aiinb SAr.nos Onr tenters will ire liv the a Ive-licemenl of Messrs. Fmirk Ililrainn, Hint they hr.re f'.fiieil a new entmp aarm in the Inartnent i f J. M. Simtiii't new three amrv liriok ImiWiiiir. The rontn in lare, ntul n1mir:il,ly well nrrmtperl for the purpose .-mil nmirr he mnnn.omeut nf the nre-ent Pr,.r,ie,..r,, r,.. ll'n full in lieeominw a nh,r ..f ..hkm t.,r uti may li in semen of oysters and other dcliraciei usually f -mil in Biifh pher. mnyl.e inrfii..'h of oynteri and other dcliraciel uiunlle TIIE CLErTIOM. The vote on Tuesday last resulted in the election by a small majority of tho ticket as it was formed by the standing Committee, and which was falsely called the Hemocratie ticket. AVe say falsely because the manage ment of the election was taken out or the hand tT the people contrary to the first principles of Democracy. They huve, how ever, learned n lesson that may result in good, and wo venture to say, they will never repent the same thing ngain. Wo will never vote for a candidate who will condescend to swear to his democracy An honest nnd indepen dent Democrat never should and never will do such a thing. The success of iho ticket mav be attributed to various causes. Among thorn, the small turn-out, the name of Pernor- racy which induced many to vote, though re luctantly, the faction ticket in the absence of n regular tjeket, the division among them selves of the opponents of the ticket, besides this, the liquor league was brought to bear in lavor ol tlio cocilisli ticket. C3" Snyder Cocnty. The vote for Snvtlrr county has resulted in favor of Middleburg r III fl lll'linl-ill' ftf i'l'l VlilO Tl,rt r..v.1 .' """'I for Miihlleburgl343 Selinsgrove 021 Free I burg 202. We understand tho election ui be contested on account of informality in re I pard to the bonds to secure the erection o' the public buildings. C3" Union County. The election for the seat of Ju.-tico in Union county, has resulted in l'aor of Lewifcburg by a majority of about 200. Our Lewisbiirg friends have been more successful than our neighbors of Selinsgrove in this issue. KlMUl'llY AM) KIUE RA1LIIOAU. The cars on the Snnbury and Krie rail road failed, oil Tuesday morning, to make their usual trip between Northumberland and Wiliiamsport, much to our disappointment and inconvenience, as we had come across from Cattawissa that morning, for the pur pose of getting home to the election, on our way from Elmira, by way of Scranton and Wilkesbarro. One of the locomotives gut off the track and was considerably damaged the other was in the shop for repair-, and thus tho running of tho trains was suspended for some days two weeks after the opening of tho road. Yi'e understand that the Com pany who run the cars, intend getting new engines. We trust that this is so. The iSunbury and F.rie is one of the best roads in thecotintry, and Ehould bo stocked with the first class of machinery, not only as a matter of polic y, but of economy. THIS ELECTION. The election on Tuesday, throughout the State, has resulted favorably tothe democrat ic party. The legislature will be largely de. mocrutic. Although tho dcmruiuiic purt v ' may be Faid to be tlio only oifC'!' the old party organizations in the field, vet the con- test was not strictly a party question. The American party was no doubt largely aided by many of the temperance party, and a num. ber of the whig. The democratic party, on the other hand, received a strong support from the -liquor league" mid many of the old Jino whigs. Without the liquor league uud the split in the opposition for Register and Recorder, the Inquisition ticket would have never seen daylight in this county. We have said nothing, nor do we intend to say unything against the successful candi dates, whom we opposed. Our personal re- lariuns wiih most of them, have always been of a fnennly cnaracter. Our priucipul objection was the mode and manner as well us the means used to secure their election. C1T The editor of the Gazette dont like our "old documents" and makes another lame itttempt to excuse his tudden change of oppo sition to Gen. Cameron. This change took place Several veart before the K now Vi.llilmr. isiu which ho assigns as a reason for opposi- t !Olt lo t I.'li. C 'iitii.tr.iii U'no .v-.i liAi.v.l ..r e I'Uld give much better reasons and so coi.ld the Gazette, for this sudden change. fcHT Nk.w Coal Road. The Miner j Jour, nut states that the money requisite for build ing tho proposed railroad between Auburn and Allentown has oil been secured, and that -the road will be p"ut under contract as speed ily as potsihlo. It is also proposed to con struct the Norristowu and Allentown rond. which would make a complete connection between Philadelphia and the coal regioTi by new route, using the Norrietowu and Phila. deiphia road as its eastern end. The route is un easy aud good one down the valley or Peikiouien creek, nnd a road through that regiou would be paying one, as it would uot only connect Philadelphia with ths Schuylkill region by the new route, but also give it a direct lie of railway to th Lebicb regiou, TI it rxlosral wn'.A. TIIE STATE FAIR AT KLMlft A. In company with a number of our citizens of this county, wo Tisited the State Fair of the New York Agricultural Society, recently held at Klmirn. Tho weather was of the most unfavorable character, raining almost continually the first two days. Notwith. standing the weather, thousands were on the ground the first day of tho fuir. A handsomo tent had been provided for the accomodation of the Pennsylvania delegation near tho Pres idents tent and in it was exhibited some Cno specimens of coal from the collieries of Coch ran, Peale & Co., and Boyd, Rosser & Co., from tho Shamokin mines, which attracted great attention, particularly tho two largo blocks of coal, weighing over a ton each, In front of the tent, and from tho top of which Mr. Diven President of the Williumsport and Fdmira Railroad made n speech, introducing Gov. Bigler to the audience, who addressed them on tho subject of aericulture, but more particularly in regard to tho trado and com merce between the two states by means of the Puubnry nnd Frio, and Williumsport nnd Klmirn rail roads, which had just completed a rail communication 'etween Klmira and the S'tiamokin mines. lie alluded to tho fact that tho first train of coal cars had arrived that day. direct from the Khamokin mines, without transhipment. The Lancaster Cil- W,ry WM well represented in 0.0 persons 0f . - 1 1 " ' ,,U 0' I5rt" Ramngnrdner. nnd M. J. D. Withincton. members of the firm. The Luke Fidler Colliery by Messrs. D. M. Boyd and James Boyd, ol the firm of Boyd, Rosser & Co. Mr. Henry Longenecker had nt the same tent Fome fine specimens of Anthracite iron, made ut their Furnace ut b'l.nnn.kin. Mr. II. G. Taggart hud also some excellent specimens charcoal iron made nt Paxinos Furnace. A fter Gov. Bigler had concluded Mr. Cheever, the President of the New York Agricultural Society made an .ippro priate reply, and returned thanks for the large lumps of coal which had been presented through him to the society. The exhibition though large nnd attractive, was not, in many respects, equal to the Ro Chester Fair. The Hotel keepeas had a rich harvest. Fliuira is a large and flourishing town, containing about 10.000 inhabitants. Some of the residences are handsome, and got up with much good taste. The Hotels are large and commodious. We stot'iied ut the Brainard lloun'. the largest house in the j place, though we should think not ihe best j The proprietors had generally agreed not to ' Charge more than 2 per day. We paid at j our Hotel f,0 cents for lodging .r0 cents a I meal us we took them, the dinner being, pro- j perly speaking, the only warm meal. As for j lodging, more than six in a bed was strictly prohibited. Our bed was made up of what had been left, after long use and pressure, of j what was once a mattress, laid on a sacking j bottom, and had it been even, would h.ivo been almost equal to a well carpeted floor for comfortable sleeping. ' Wo know that every allowance should be Blade where there is such a crowd, but there is no excuse in such a country for ordinary i ,,,ni;iM)' bread, nnd butter with alternate layers of!.eibe. white and yellow, with an occasional layer of salt. UT" The Annual Fair of the Northumber. laud county Agricultural Society w ill be held at this place, on Tuesday next. Wo trust that it will bo attended by all who take an interest iu agriculture. The choice produc tions of Northumberland county would, at any time, if collected, make un attractive ex hibition. The lot of Win. 1 Grecnough. l'.sq., above the Hteaui Haw Mill of Ira T. Clement, has been selictedlor the exhibition. The Grand Jurv room iu the trtale House will be used fi-r fancy articles, r.eedlcwur and similar articles. -m.i y. . -, ,i , , CiT Ihe Post Office has been removed into llie new mice tiory ouuuing oi o. m. nimp- son, iu Market street, directly opposite to where it had been previously kept. The room :.. i i '.. , " , :., . i i ... is largo unu coiuiaouious, ami nui umi great ly to llio couvenience oi me ii .iiaier, as well us to office. those who have busiues ut the DEATH tIF Till. UI.V. Mil. JAt liOX, Ol-' MIKI'OLIi. It will be seen bv reference to our Norfolk col iespi lidence, tliat llin lii V. W illiam M. Jackson, of Nolleik, imstor of !?t. Paul's I Protestant Lpiscopul Cliurch, has ut lasl i lalieli u Vict nil to Ihe fever. Jlu had labor-! eo utuoiig tin; sick and the (King throughout ' the scourge, and had gathered the orpiians in the lecture room of Ins church, and was a father uud II lend to them up to Ins dealli. The correspoiuleul of the Richmond Dis patch, in recording his death, says : At the Hill hour of inidiiighl this good man closed his eves ill death, uud his lived spirit took its tiiglit to the laud of eternal list j und to day ut noon Uio remains wie Conveyed to tliu cold grave, t ruin llie ei ni llieiiceinellt oi llie h.1.0 i j .ui iinc 1i. li e hi.nr ul Ins attack, he went tiilii miv li il.i in Uio ilischurge ol his pasloi.il i1i.ik-. .-;e;.h;iiy words of consolation to the si.il. i,i aim dying, comforting the bereaved wcio.- ami llie weeping orpnaus j eiileiiiig al n.iil us. well us lu llie U.i, the umplo uiansitiiis ol the rich, as readily the humble t'ollage-hoiiie of the poor, ami Uoing bis duty us a hi.Wilu! uiinister of Chri.-t. The death of this excellent divine has caused a deeper gloom to rest upon our cili- I ,xert all the power vested in him for the tue r..i. a i ii.,' i in. j i.i'iiiki,'.. ..ii.i ..nt,,.,;..,, .'.-., i Zeus. At tins tune ot ilistiesS uud ullliclioii this sad bcreavemanl is most sensibly uim painfully li lt by our community, lie und bis kuiU edicts will be ictm inhered long und loudly by u largo un in ber of our people ; and the scattered lueuibeis ol his (lock will be deeply pained to hear of lhe, death of their beloved pastor. Mr. J. is ul least the fifth minister thai has died ut bis post during the reign of ihu dread in I disease iu Noilulk. Tho nanus ol Rev. Messrs. Clllsholiil, Diblell, Kskildge, uud Joues, have Leeu added to the lisl of tho dead. Ei.miha, Oct. 6. The ladies' equestrian nnd driving match came nil' to-day. The weather was untuvorublo. About five thou sand people attended. There were twenty, three competitors. The premiums ruuged from one hundred dollars doH to ten. The first premium for riding one hundred dol lars was given to Mrs. Conover, of Syru enso ; tho second to Miss II. K. Chapman, of Pen Yun ; the third to Mra. O. O. Childs, of Syracuse i the fourth to Miss E. Council, of Syracuse ; the fifth to Mrs. J. 11. Chirk, of Chemung countv. For driving, the first prize of seventy-live dollars was uwurded to Sliss Demnrest. or Elmira; the second to Mr.i. Nortcn, of Oneida ; the third to Mrs. Whitney, of Pennsylvania; lhe fourth to I Miss Stephens, of Cayuga, and the fifth to J Mif s P. Kmrvy, of Bensca flinty. OFFtrlAL ELECTtO ntiTl'RNSOF NORTIIl'MBERLAND COUNTY. Canal Cum. Coroner, llotioforis AND Tuwfisinra. 2 eT E3 n - Sunburr, 126 121 Northumburrd, 141 13 Milton. Ill 3 Turbnt, 9? Lewis, 177 Delaware 12 J 3 Chilisquaquo, 101 2 Point, C9 4 Upper Augusta, CI 27 Lower Augusta, 100 32 .Shnmokiti, 170 3 Rush, 108 1 Coal. 75 109 Camoron, dl 3 Upper Mahunoy, 115 7 Lower Mahanoy, 74 148 Little Mahauoy, 21 25 Jackson, 10U Jordan, 17 43 Zerbo, CS 41 .Ml. Carirui, 22 CI C3 GO InO C3 10 J 19 9 M 01 07 22 01 74 4 159 130 HO 8 e Total, 193? 761 1011 tC2 AtttmUf, Auditor. BoROrons AKD 3 g q TowKStnra. g r 1 I ? 8 3 a y riinbnry, 131 108 127 151 Northumberrd, 151 70 189 Milton, 12$ 111 71 Turbut, 104 CI 79 Lewis, 175 110 1G0 Delaware, 123 200 37 2 Chilisquaquo, 63 73 105 Point, 66 67 82 2 Upper Augusta. 63 5 64 77 Lower Augusta, 151 f6 104 37 Shatnukin, i.r)3 14'J 145 0 Rush, 105 77 109 Coal, 101 110 M 129 Cameron, 4S 7 f2 Up. Mahunoy, 105 18 117 Low. Miihniiov, 7 1 150 71 2G Lit Ilo Mahauoy. 20 27 21 2G .lacks 115 2(3 03 Jordan, 20 43 12 Zerho, 08 42 fi9 Mt. Carme), 28 65 43 5 Total 200.S 1791 laM 464 Hen. A Hcconler. 7Vcajurer. BoitOVfillS AND Townships. Siinbiiry. Ni'ithuinbe rl'd, Milton, Turbut, Lewis, Delaware, Chuii-qiiaqne, Point. Upper Augu.-U ISO 135 '.16 92 15n 73 ;.- 47 :.o 141 C'.t 106 C.r, 123 255 35 4'J CI S3 78 74 105 2 no 132 2d 24 3d 22 o 61 12 27 1 H 5 54 10 St rf 127 11 6') 4 15 l.t 4 10 13 31 35 131 145 :: n-t 173 lit 93 43 :4 l.-'j 155 1"3 01 115 17 100 21 67 21 177 60 132 6 4 112 200 63 57 .80 05 113 t-0 142 64 8 150 20 27 30 43 tri Lower Augusta SM Shainokiu, lot Rush, 100 Coal. B5 Cameron, 60 Up. Maltnnoy, 8Ci Low. M ahaiioy, 73 Little Muhunov, 15 .1 .ii'l: ciii, 107 12 6S 21 Mt. Carmcl, Total 1C53 14SG 010 1962 1057 Conn ty Cim m i.. inner). For 3 ears. For 1 vear. Bonoroiis AND TowNsiurs. V? c - r i n Sunbii ry, Noithuinberrd, Milton, Turbut, Lewi?, Delaware, Chili-quaq'ie, Point, 12S 110 103 D'3 177 121 95 45 177 106 12S ol 111 195 53 72 79 6t 110 S2 135 65 '. 147 27 33 40 43 33 1S03 146 123 63 91 171 11 J i 05 CS 157 1?0 93 94 65 113 73 22 115 13 CD 29 163 34 127 CI 111 19J 60 29 75 54 DO 75 137 9 14C 25 45 41 40 i pper Aiigtisia, tj j Lower Augusta. 1M , MiamoUin, ' Rush, ,ou'' Camoron, 1G7 101 4 j 117 : M ih inov Low. M ah anoy. Little Muhaiioy Jackson, Jordan, Z.'lhe. Mount Carmel, 71 2!) 97 19 05 35 Total 1971 1907 1531 for Register and John B. Reed received Recorder, 42 votes. rassnioro Williamson, i n Lewis towiithip. ono vote KAza The Washington Uniou has un article iu defence of lhe President, as fur ns the Kiiu zas subject is concerned j ami says that "tiovernor Recder was removed on "a mat ter wholly distinct from the ijiicstion whether lhe President syuipatbisi il with the pro slavery or uiiti slaveiy peity." It blames llie iilinli'.iom.-ts for all llie agitation that tins illl.-eii in ci ii-i liiiciicc of the kaiizasblil. ill the cuius.' ol I !iis article, uud 111 reply to the iiull.ilo Advert. ser lhe Union says. lieiiii; actuated by In M Clional leelniL' ill tl! mailer, am! being bound bv his nlbcial . l.i;,. .. i . I , .. . v. ,i . i vtuanci ri'wiuii oi uio iiai-e, in ee nuni.'ii in I'liligalioii to Know n,i rsi I h or f-eulh bill t i . ,i e - . . .. ., ,, , . . 'l1""- u" I mid lor lhe roiiuty nf Nori lumber and, on . Mou to carry out llio law in its true spirit and i ,i , ,i n.k i .. r v i . . i , ., i,i " . . ! "ay, llie 5th day of November next, tor a license the eniliarr.i.-snig circumstances which uiv connected w ith : tie Kaunas question, but, on '" p?' r.... , ,,..o 'i I'l r j iiiuK.il uie contrary, lias neon roiulv at nil tunes to Veiitlou ol uny ol those lllterleleliees. whether bytheiiillueticeofcapil.il and money or by force .ind violence, w inch are ulleged to have been resorted to fur the defeat of the true meaning and principle of the law. The Ad vertiser will, t lieu-lure, see that there is not the tlighlesl danger Ihal the President will give ;ihu exicuuvo taneliuii to the illegal proceidiuos of Alcli.toii uud his coadjutors iu kiinzur,' uud llieieby give an impure to lhe republican iiioceiiieut w hich would render it irrceiMilde in llie free Slates. He has not, and he will not, lend any countenance to uny illegal proceeding, whether it originates iu Missouri or M assaehusetts, which lias for its object the defeat of the givul principle of al lowing the inbiilfllaiiis ol Kau.as to give an unbiassed und free judgement upon the que, tioli whether sluvery shall ur bhull uot axist in tho Territory." Boi'xty Land Warrant. The number of applications recieved at the Pension Bu reuii is 2IH.D00. allowed 40.22?. warrants is. sued 3li,'.l5o. The applicants will be pleased to leuin that arrunueu:! lits have 1 1 w- been perfected which w ill insure the issirng of five hundred boiinlwdaud warrants per day from lhe Pension Office. Th labor attendant on the preparation of 6uch a daily number or wui rants can only be understood and appro. cintcd by those familiar with the and accuracy with which all the business of I tbit pfttra list rceeiFanly to b trenfacted. Ti'JMfXt.txo tub Broad Mountain. We nnderstand that Mr. Poole, an engineer of tho Mine Hill Ruilroad, has been for snmo t imo engaged, tinder tho directions or that Company, to mnko rcconnoissnnces for the location of the proposed tunnel throngh the Broad Mountain. This is one of the most important public improvements ever under taken in this region, as it will develope an immense extent of coul territory which can have no other outlet to tho Fast, except by means of heavy ascending grades and In clined planes. Tha rock to bo cut- through is the conglomerate or tho coal formation, nnd although very difficult and costly to pen etrate, it is confidently asserted that the work can be executed nt a cost of less that) 82,000.000. It will pnv the interest of five times that amount. The tunnel will vary from 2t to 3 miles in length ; but tho selec tion of the location will depend moro on the character of tho rock, and other local con siderutious, than the length of excavation to bo xnudo.I'otttville Gazette. Tiru Mains Law. The New York Joor nal of Commerce Is of opinion that tho pro hibitory principle of the Maine law is dead, bocaoseof the doom in Maine, Its birth plare. The reaction there is considered as premoni tory of what is ererwhero to follow. Never theless, urges the Journal, let us push on reform nnd restraint, nnd temperance in the old way. and not permit intemperaiico to riot In the re-uction brought about, in a measure, by tho intemperate action of. u few professed bet fanutical temperance mun. TnrcTffo Babt Snows. Wood's exhibition of white babies will commence to to-day. at Musical Fund Hall, and Perham's exhibition of black babies will open nt the same time, in Conceit Mall, "i onng .nmenea will flour ish ut tho former, "Young Africa" at the hit ter a rivalry between tho descendants of Juphet and of Ham. with the publico of all shades between white nnd black as umpires between them. The contest nt the polls to day between scurvy politicians must sink into insignificance by the side of this rivalry of races. Barnnin arrived in town last night, to attend to tho exhibition at the Musical Fund Hall. The Fkvf.r at Noitrni.u and Portsmouth. Baltimore. Oct. U. The boat from Norfolk brings dates up to noon of yesterday. The lever continues to abate, there being but few- new cases nnd an occasional death. About sixteen deaths have occurred within the last three days, most of them returned refugees. Four deaths and three new cases occurred on Sunday. No deaths had beou reported up to j noon, yesterday. I At Portsmouth, four deaths nnd eleven new cases had occurred iu the last three days. ! The Rev. Mr. Devlin, the Catholic minister, I is very ill. Pi.s-sioN On ice, Washington-. D. C The plate for 40 acre wai rants is still in the hands j of the engravers, aud will not be ready b. lore 1 the 20th Hist. As toon as it is ready, the I warrants will be promptly tilled up aini lor- 1 wrueit lo llio panics entitled. New Advertisements. TO"W3XT MEETING JN pursuance of a resolution of the Town I Council, p.issed September lUh. 1&56, NO'I'JCR IS hereby given that a Town Meeting wil be hold iu the COL RT HDL .Si;, on Tuesday evening next, October Kith, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety ol laying a borough tax sullieient to pay oil' the borough indebtedness. F.veiy citizen is re spectfully invited to attend ' WM. M. ROCKEFKLI.LR, Chief Burgess. Sunbury, Oct. 13, 1S55. NEW REFECTORY. f'J'MlE subscribers respectfully inform the rili JL lens ol tSunbury ami the public gem-rally, that llicy hive opened a liefoctwry mul Liiiug Saloon in tlie basement of t'ae New Tlirre Sfiorv biiek biiildin;; ol J. M. r-impson. in Market street, which his been handsomely Jilted u with every convenience and comfort for their riistoiurra They will oiistiiniiy have on hand tiie best quality ol Oysters, and all other deli cacies of the season. JOHN E. s.MICK. (i. W. IDLE MAN. Hunbury. Oct. 13, 1655. FpniNO forced to collect all outstanding dues, the undersigned requou all knowing them 6elvea indebted to him by note or book ticrount. to couin and pay tqi by lhe 11 of Noeiober next, nfler whii h the accounts will be left with lhe Squire for collection. AI.IJERT ELSBEKO. Munbury, Seat. 13, 1SS5. if. NOTICE. f hereby notify the public, not to trust Matilda lliiiiinoud, on my aecouiil, n I will not pay any debu she may or will contract, as we luve mutually agreed to pari wilh each other, and have ginned an agreement ilrnwn up to thai eileet, bv L's.juire Luke, of Muiiunkiii. JOHN DLMMOND. Mount Carinel. Sep. 11! 1H5".-3. BANK CF NORTHUMBERLAND. r?llE Stockliiililers are her ehy notified that 1 in. election lot thirteen directors to f-orve for the eiiMiiug yeiir, vv ill be held ul the Hank ing Iioiikc. on the 3d Monday in November (noli,) He 10 o'elurk, A. M. In accordance wit'i this charter, tho annual mcctint; of the siockliolders will be held on the first Tuesday in November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. J. !!. PRIESTLY, Cashier. Nortli'd, Sept. II, 1S65 te. NOTICE. 'HUH underxiijiicd hereby (jives nolica that .1 ...Ill 1. i. . i I . .7 1 V. ." lu sell viuious, spirituous, malt und brewed Li quors, in lhe borough of Suubury, in the count of Northumberland. WEISER 4 U RUNE It. Kunhury, Oct. 13, 1855 :l. 3NTEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I. W, TE.Ht & Co., Miitbury, Ia., n EsHECTKULLY announce that they have just received a large and varied slock of splendid goods suited to the season ; all inspec lion ol which they aolicit from their friends auj ihe public they will be sold al low prices, as they still adhere (o llie r old motto: "Small jirojitt and quid- Sales." This iu the end pays best, while it best serves their customers. '1 heir slock now consists of Cloths, Cassiineres, Yaslings, Ladies' Dress (Joods, iu great variety, of bilks, Poplins, Delaines, Cashmeiea, Coburgs, all wool de Isms, Calicoes, etc., wilh a large assortment of druse Uiuiniiiigs.-broche, Thibet, Cash, mere, and wollen ahawla, workej collar, cuffs, sleeves, chemisettes, 4-c. A new stock ol Ready made Coats, Vesta, and Pantaloon, of auperjur style and workmanship. Also, Rata, Cap, Boot and Shoe together wilh a general assortment of Hardware. Queens wara, Urocerie. r'rovwions, Cedarware, Druaa. Paint. Oil. and Naila. Come and aea, no charge is made for show, ing good. Couiiirr produce taken in eiobuge foraooda. at lh bigheat niarkai pricea K0TICE. THE annual election for Directors of the Mahauoy' and M.nmnkin Improvement Company, will be held at Trevorton, Norlhum. berlaml county, on Monday, the "2d Inst., at the office of the company. l!y order, V. L. JOHNSON, Sec'ry. Trerorton, Sept. 13, 1856. Id. 8. E. Cor. 7t li h I'hrsnul Ms. Trnl Imtiiutton, which wtb fir. etoliiiltfd hi Hcptenitwr, lerU, umI iitiinTnir nm tpy it grnttu.itn httii dicds nf the Inishicu men in tlni, Urirl other CMie) ; win oil Jun 4111, Clurttred, nnd t teil an C"Hfffp, in accorduiic with Act if l.effinlHlure. CO C4 fft COURSE OF IJHTBTCtlON II Of 3 -m4 r- """"hly pmcticfil cimraclnr nnd flul roniHini oil tki'-a hrnnchrfl jiecea-nry "'J for ate in buttum; rtule. whico, ri BP I ,he pupi'f nave tho privilefft of ntin. t iner upon a citirf or I.KCTtIti.3 L'PON COMMKHCIAL LAW, d livprad fnr iheir cuprcial use, by ami km rf 8- nx nent ornctili'itierf KZJ For tha present mni, tl.a IToa. iraoi SnaeirOD't scrvicaa araan- ffaired In thin department. i n. CHITTBNDK.V, Prlnclnnt. 17 Catnl irnes will tie aeut ti any addreiv, on apnlieMion lr letter ai, ciUTTKvnnvs' ikxik KKKI'I.VO, on receipt per miil T U.t e4 priee, kiu. ney lu mma tu c riiilidelphia, Oct. 13. 1S55 flmfl. SHERIFF'S SALE. TY virtue of a Von. Crp. to mcilirerteJ, will l cxponrj to public sale, at tha Cnurl House in Kunliury. nn FKIUAV, tho lC'.li of Novcmlirr the following real rslnle : A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, iituntpil in McKwensville. in Northumherhinil County, liouiuled north by lot of II. J. Header, rait by Front street, south by bit of J- P. Hngen berg, and west by the same, contah ini; i of on acre, more rr less, whereon are erected a two story frame il welling homo, a frame (table, and other out builJini;!. iSeizinl, tuken in execution, anJ to l-e- sold M ho property "f John II. (Jrier. HEXRV WEISE.RherifT. REGISTERS' NOTICE. 1 OTICE ia hereby given to all Legatee 1 ' Creditor and other person interested in lhe estates of the following n.uncJ pcrsom. that tUe Executors, Adminiatratora, aud UuarJimis o1 said Laiatvs luve tilcl llicir account Willi t.ie HeiiixUT of Nrlliuuilicrlaiid Countv, mul tliat llie sonic will be ircsciitrd to the Orphans' Court of suiJ County, on TuetJay, the bill day ut' November, A. I)., 1865, in lhe forenoon of aid day, lor conlirinatiuii and a.lowance. Curl John, dee'd., sctlleJ by his AJm'r Henry Pietr.-r. Kpp'.cr Ceo. dee'd., aettlcd by hit AJm'r Aaron Kelly. Rvcrett Joa. Jr., dec'J,, aetlled by hit AJm'r Win. Everett R. kerl (jeorie, dee'd , settled by hi a lm'r William Nice. Fer-ter Uaibara, drc'J., ael'.lcj by her Ex'r I'uniel Keitz. Kline II., (f.nnl.) dec'J., settleJ by l.n Ailiu'r Beiiuis t'aul. Tersin) William, dee'd , settled by one of hi Ex'rii I'eter lVrsinz. Porter John, ilce'ih, settled by hi Ex'rs I). llrauliuain. uud W. 11. W.i)i!a Pcrl.ina J. C, (.tin al.) iltc'd., iiltlej ly Lu Ailm'r I'clir ft. .Masser. Ilenu A Jam, dee'd., settled by hi Adin'r D H-.N.. Will. V. ISlinTtVOoll- Rubpiiihill, Cuth iriue, S'arnh. an J William, settled by ll.eir liu.ir.li in John Daniel. 'J'aylor Kelijjiniii, dee'd., titled by his AJm'r tjlliuel I'tirimiu. JOHN' T. PL'KSL. Uegister. fteiriiter's Oiliee, ) Piiliburv.'Dct ,:), 1S55 J PROCLAMATION. "V OTICE is hereby piven that the several ' Ciurlt of Common I'lcas, (ienernl Quarter Sessitins of the pence, aud ti-rli:ins' ('unit. Court of Oyer mul Tcimincr and (Jent nil Jail Delivery, ill nod for the county of Northumberland, lo commence at the Court IL use, in the borouidi ol Siinbiiry, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the full dav of November next, aud will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta- I hies in am! for the county of Northumberland, are ' requested to be then anil there in their proper per- sons, with their rolls, records, iu'iuiitious. and other reiiieniluani-es, to do those things to their several oliiccs apperlaiuin to be done. And all . witnesses prosecuting in behalf of lhe Common- i ' wealth a-jainst any prisoner arc also requested itul ! comiiialnted to be then and there altenJnu; iu their i j proper persons to pro.-ecute against him, as shall j be pist and net to depart without leave at their j I peril. Jurors nre re.pie.4ed to be punctual i.i their , ! utleiuhnue, al lite lime a; po:iile I agreeable to i iheir notices. (iiven under my hand at Simbnry, the lUth day nt , Oct, in the ye ar of our Lord one thousand ciirht hundred anJ fifty -fie nhJ tb.e lude- 1 pendence of the United Males of America lhe ; 7Ulh. I GoJ save Ihe Commonwealth. HENRY W EISE, sheriff. AGRICULTURAL. i I have been requested by the Presiden of , the agricultural Society, to say that there is now in the Treasury, one hundred dollars, which authorises uie to draw one hundred j more us contributions from the State Trea sury. Tlio premiums, will therelore u'.l be 1 paid on the dav of exhibit ion. , " 11. G. T A Li CERT, Ticus. j COUNTY FAIR. j Agreeublo to notice, a meeting of tho ; officers of the County Agricultural Society i was held at the Court House, in Snnbury, on Mondav. the (illi dav of August, inst. Pres ent. JAM US CAMERON, President. S.vm'l, ! John, S A. BrJiuisTitKssKit. Vice Presidents, j The object of the meeting was then stu-1 ted by the President, which was to take into consideration the time and place of holding the next County Fair, and to appoint tho several committees necessary to award the premiums. In pursuance of tho recommendation of tl-. I resident, that a stated and permanent place be lived upon lor the holding of our annual Agricultural l air, the hallowing reso- Iction was ollered and uiiannuously adopted. AVxorcrf, I hat the exhibition of tho society snau oe permanently neiu ui .Miuuiiry, provi- nea a suiiicieni ainouni is raised hy the citi zens to defray the expenses for said purposes, with the necessary fixtures. On motion of Philip Hilgert, Esq.. Jltsol ved. That a committee of six be appointed to appoint all the township committees, as well as the committees or judges of tho different articles of Agriculture. The President uppointed the following named gentleine n us that committee. Charles A. Kutz, S. M. Kuse, S. K. Gilger Philip W. Hilgert, Wilson Hutchinson, Comly Vincent. The cominitteo appointed tha following township committees : Sunbury John B. Packer, G. C. We'.kcr m. L. Dewart. Xorthumbirland Amos E. Kapp, J. C Horton. M. J. D. Withiugton. Milton John R. Eck, R. M. Friek, Jacob Miller. Turbut J. J. Reimensnydcr, Jno. McCor mick, David Mare. Delaware Wilson Hutchinson, P. C. Watson, Joseph Nicely. Leu ii Couily Vincent, A. T. Biscl, Saiu'l Shannon. Cltilitquaque John Frederick, Dauicl P. Caul, John P Summers, J'oiut Joseph Nesbit, Jesso Horton, R. Purry. Upper Auguita Henry Kline.Isaac Kline, John Eckmaii. Rush Wm. A. Ease, Joseph Sharpless, Stanley Gearhart. SKamoLin Samuel John, Elida Johu, Jac. . Muench. - Coat Win. Facely, Kimber Cleaver, S. M. Ease. Jaotton Iteabeo Zartman, BdJ Etrkklar, Chss Bolbsrmal. Cnmcron P. I. poyt r, Jer. Willed. Cpier A'nlirmoyV. Beisel. John HetricV. Lower Mahanoy Dr. Chus. Weiter, Cl.ris t in n Albcr 2ri Johu Weaver, Edw. ITelfousteli), nnry Weaver. LIST OF PREMIUMS. , HORSES. Best stallion over 4 years, 6 00 2d do do S 00 Pest do tinder 4 years, B 00 2d do do t 00 Best mare and colt, 6 00 2d do do 8 00 Best pair matched horsoa, 6 00 2d do do 3 00 CATTLE. Beat bull over 2 yoars old, t CO 2d do do t 00 best o odor 3 roars, S PO 2d do do 1 GO best cow, 6 00 2d do t 00 best lielror, 4 00 2d do S 00 best yoke of oioo. 4 00 "2d do rlo 1 00 lx-ot ft animal, 4 00 2d do do I 00 8 WINE. Best boor, t 00 2d do S 00 best sow 2 00 do pair of shoats, 2 DO 2d do do I 60 best litter of pigs under 8 month, 2 00 do Tut hog, 2 O'O enEEP. Best Ram, 2 00 do Kwe, 2 00 do Lamb. 2 00 do fat sheep, 2 00 POULTRY. Best pair of turkeys, 60 do do geese, 60 do do muskove ducks, 50 do do puddle ducks, 50 do do large Asiatic fowls," 60 2d do do 60 best collection of fowls. J 00 ORAIN & POTATOES. Best bushel of wheat, 3 CMt 2d do duN 1 00 best do com, 2 00 2d do do 1 00 beat do rye, 1 00 do do oats, 2 Oo 2d do do 1 (!r) best do potatoes, 2 5o 2d do do I Or) beit do sweet potatoes, J 5o VEGETABLES. Best beets not less than 12, I Co do carrots do 1 00 do par-nips do 1 00 do turnips do 'J (ul do salsify or oyster plant, 1 oO do (inioiii 1 HO do cabbage not less than 6 1 do do caulifli wcr do 1 00 do squashes do 3 1 00 do pumpliiiia do 3 1 00 do et'g plants 1 00 do tomatoes. 1 00 do celery, 12 stalks, 1 00 do assortment of garden vegetables, 2 00 FRUIT. Best J bushel of apples, do do quinces do do pears ilo do poaches, t! j Ci bunches of grapes, do water melon, do musk melon, IMPLEMENTS. Best Threshing Machine, do reaper, do seed drill, do winnowing mill, do corn shelter, do plough, do cultivator, do roller, 00 (10 00 00 00 00 00 4 00 3 00 2 CO 2 IN J 00 2 00 J 0,1 2 00 2 OJ 2 00 2 00 2 l" i 1 (HI 1 00 do corn plough, ilo do do do do straw cutter, farm wagon, 2 sett of lianirsi, 2 horse rake, 1 grain cradle, 1 DAIRY, ir. Rest butler not less than 5 II s, 1 do honey do do 1 do h.af of bread. 4 ., 1 do bam cured by exhibitor. 1 do home made soap, 0 lbs, 1 do apple nutter, C tpiartt, 1 do preserves, 1 DOMESTIC II ANUFACTUEES. 00 00 0!) oo 00 oo oo Jest quilt, do counter par.o, do hearth rug, do pair blankets. 1 00 1 0'i 1 00 1 01 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 do do do do do do 20 yards carpet. home made cloth, 10 Tarda, ll.lllllel, k"it stockings, woollen, glo.'es and inilteiis, home m-.iJu thread, m i s c i: i::;a n : o u s a rt icee. For meehani'-id invention, tools, furniture and other articles not con T I under any of the above head, prizes nil) te awarded ac cording to the means ofthi: siety, and mer its of the articles vxhibilei. PLOWING MATCH iest Ploughman, 2.1 do 3d do 4th do 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 The committee nre instructed bv the Pre. idem to cu thm ,.n I on the day IT exhibition. . Tho fol'lowit.g'iuiined persons were chosen as Judges of the'articles placed on exhibition, j HoK.-M.Wilson Iltitchinson. Amos E. ; K ,pn, lru -p. Clement. Win. H. Kase. Catti.k. Comlv Vincent. Jacob Haas. i rilbit. i l,1,.,,.i .i c n. liltaiN. titliaiilel Driltain. Jacob I.e. sen ring. Samuel Finney, Fred'k Haas, John W. Filling. Swink. John Moore, Rubt. McWilliams, Win. Loighou. SiiKKr. James Everitt, Amos Vastine-Saniu-1 John. Poi LTRV. Dr. J. J. Miller, G. W. Arm strong, Benj. Patton. Vkuktai i.ks. Alex. Jordan. J. B. Reed. Dr. J. C. Robins. Jas. Taggart, William E. Mllelllll FitiiT. C. A. Km. S. M. Ease. H. B Masser, Hetiiy Donnel, Philip Hilgert. Win. L. Scott, S. A. Savidiie. S. K. Gilger, W. P. Wellington, Win. Mcl'e.uy. iMri.r.KKNTS. Samuel F.nt. Jac. Seiisholls. J. S. Gilger, George Rohrbach, John W. Hotl'imiii, Daihv. Horatio Taggart, Fiank Em-her, Philip Fullmer, S. A. Bergsl rcsser, JacoU Painter. DoMKsTIO MAXfKACTfltKS. E. Y. Bright, John Ronsh, C. W. Tharpo, E. L. Piper, Alexander Colt. John B. Younginun. MiscKi.t.Axrni Articles. Dr. Galen 5. Robins. Wm. Rockefeller, P. Ji. Masser. Dr. 11, B. Livermore, Dr. R. H. Al, Fratiklio yjonnd. Murk Priestley. 1'i.owixo Match. Andrew Armstrong. J. B. Heller, John Cooper, lsuuc Marsh; Geo. Conrad. Coiumittraof Arrangements. Hon. Alex. Jordan, James ieard, S. R. Peale, George Rohrbach, John B. Packer. Wm. L. Dewart, yohii K. Cleuient. Georgo Weiser.iio. Haas, Jacob Painter. Hon. Jadgo AVeiscr, Agustus Cov-Mrt Ilenrv Weise. The Exhibition will be held oo the Third TUESDAY of October. The annual address will ba delivered by 9. M. KA8E, Esq., cf 6haroki.