Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 29, 1855, Image 3

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nAVn taken tlio Saloon formerly occupied
by J. W. Washington,
In Market Square, Sunbury,
where they will be happy to dispense to their
friends and the eating public, generally, all the
delicacies of the season, including Oysters Ircsli
and spiced. The bill of fara will Include sub
alantiataand delicacies, calculated to satisfy those
who are hungry, and thosswho desire merely to
have their palates tickled. It will be open at all
hours of the day, one) all reasonable hours of the
night. Givo lis a rail and taste fur yourselves.
Sunbury, Sept. 28, 1835.
Teachers Wanted I
A PPI.ICATIONS will be received by the
cf- Secretary of the board of School Directors,
aunburv District, for three teachers, viz : in
Rooms Not. 1, 2 and 3, until Fridar, September
1i8th, at 2 o'clock P. M., at which time the
schools will be allotted. Dv order of the Bomd,
Sunbury, Pcpt. 22, 1855 It.
Notice to Settle Up.
ALT, persons indebted to the subscriber are
respectfully requested to call and pay up
without further notice, between tiiis and iho lOlli
!ay of October next. Please give it your ijims
ite attention.
Hnnbury, Sept. ?2, 1805. St.
. noticeT"
The Invitation is to all I
.4 LL those knowing themselves indebted to
the subscribers on note or book account are
respectfully invited to call and pay the same on
or befuro the 10th day of October next, as we
must have money to buy our Fall and Winter
supply of goods.
I. F. & J. F. KLINE.
Klinesgrove, Sept. 22, 1055. tf.
Market Street, DanMte, Pa,
TPI3 is one of tho largest and most commo
dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania.
It has been recently fitted tip, in eicellunt sty!,
with all the modern conveniences.
Danville, Sept. 22, ISS5.
Immense Attraction at Elsborgs Store
As' Washington teas first in tear, peace, .. so
Elsherg's Clothing Store it Jirst in receipt
of NE W GOOD 'S.
HjlIE subscriber having recently returned from
the city has just been receiving and opened
to-day a splendid assortment of all kinds of (foods
li. his line. Having selected with care, and from
Lis being early in the market, puichasing cheap
he flatters himself in being olilo to olfer to hid
patrons and the public in general, such goods as
will suit all in styles, qualify muke and prices.
In addition to Cunts, Pauls and Vests of tweed
jesns and other stuffs suitable for full wear, may
be found all kinds of winter wear, audi as Over
coats, Business Cunts, Dress Cunts, pants and
Vests, made of all imaginable stuffs of different
colors, from light to heavy grades, cheap to good
qualities. In fart such an extensive assortment
of CI. .thing as will not fail to suit everybody.
Alto a large quantity of boy's Clothing and all
aorts of Under-clothing.
HATS and Caps of all kinds and styles; the
Kansas-Nebraska Hat, latest style.
A good assortment of BOOTS and SHOE5,
among which arc good calf-skin shoes made to
order; Also Ladies' Gums of different kinds.
As usual he has on hand a good assortment
of Jewelry, necordeons, revolvers, vurious kinds
of pistols, line cutlery, shirts, collars, hosiery,
gloves, port monnuis, besides a great many other
articles too numerous to mention, all of which
will be sold at reasonable rates. Call and see
and judge for yourselves.
The Htorc is in Murket Square, opposite the
former Post Office, a few doors below Musscr's
printing office.
Sunbury Sept. 22, 1855.
intEKRY ft EKETi, invite the attention i f
H, merchants and otliers to their large slock if
elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer
Book. Albums, and Presentation Books in all
sty les of binding ; Standard Theologicai, Medical,
Miscellaneous and School Books, which they
have received from Trade Sales and are selling
at extremely low prices.
Also direct from the manufacturers and Im
porters, ever- kind of Plain and Fancy Writing,
Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and
Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa
pers, Ac., A c., at the lowest cash prices.
8. W. Corner, 4tli and Race Sts.
September 22, 1655 if
Fruits & Confectionery.
rT"& EMOVAL The subscriber has removed
Ju to No 2G Mabkit SrntrT, above Front,
(1 hree doors above the old stand,)
Where he keeps constantly on hand, a general
stock of all articles in his line ; consisting of
Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of fruit in sea
eon; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Ground
Nuts, plain and roanle I : Pickles and preserves
of all kinds ; to which he invitei the attention of
Dealers and others visi ing the city. Hoods
packed at this establishment warranted to carry
. No. 38 Market St., above Front, South tide.
Phila., Sept. 22, 1855 3;n c3.
'o 72 North Second Street, Opposite th
jJount Vernon House )
iJOM) I.eier Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca
sea, 28; Bilker Lever do,, do., $12; i.
ver Lrpinc, do., 9 : Quailier. $5 to !j7 : Gold
tSpeet r.eies. 4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., $1 60 j
hilver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18;
Silver Desert do., do., $9 to 3 1 1 ; silver Tea do.,:
do., $1 V5 to $7 50 ; Cold Pens and Uold Ca.
tea, $-1 25 to )j5 ; Cold Pens and Silver do.. $1;
together with a variety of fino Uold Jewelrv,
Hold Curb , (iuard and Fob Chains. All goods
warranted to Le as represented. Watches and
Jewelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma
sonic Murks, Pius, 6-c, made to order.
N. II. All orders sent by mail u otherwise,
will I punctually attended to.
Phila., Sept. 23, 1S35. lyw.
TOU are hereby commanded to
"- meet at ihe Armory, on
6ATLKDAY, the Gin day of Oct.,
at 7J o'clock, A. M., fully equii
,,ed for drill. Each menilier to be
prepared with 10 rounds of blank
cartridges. JJy order of the Captain
f-OI.OVON 6TKOH, O. 8.
Bunbury, Sedt. SJ. IdriS.
ADIES' Dress (foods. Spring and Suinim
J bhawls. Black silk, silk poplins, De Lain,
(.inuhains, Vc liaee. Liwm aim canco, jusi re
. . . ., ..... .tKr Ann
ceived and lor sale uy m. n, anauo.
Lower Augusta. May 6, 1854.
Veratria, Chiuordine and Ciu
clio ua, jn.t received by
May 19. 18.15. W K1SLK A PKt.INCK.
riKICOPHEROUfi (I dm. for sale by
1 May 19. WEfsErt & HH"NER.
MINUSTOCK'S Verrni uge, for sale b
i Msy 19. WELSEK V HKL'NEtt
f AND WARRANT. Tb highest price
will be givea for 1 nd Warrant by the ur
arrilrer. SR-
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court
of Norlhumlicrland county witl be exposed to
public sale on Monday the loth day of Octotier
next on the premises i 1 he following described
real estate to wit:
situate in Upper Auzusta township county afore
said, adjoining lauds of Jim. Smilh, Herman
Kline, and James Cmplc!l and the North branch
of the Susquehanna, containing sixty-five acres
or there about of which about 30 acres sre cul
tivated, and on which are erected a log Hut end
Siable. Also the undivided half of a certain
other tract of Land in said township adjouiiiing
the above described tracts, lands of Hlein and
James Catnnbell. containing al-out 35 acres, of
which about 25 acres are cleared, and on which
are erected a log hut and stable. Late the estate
of Adnm Neidie. deceased. Mule to commence
at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said dsy, when the terms
of sale will be made known bv
Uy order of the Court, 1
Jno. J. Pursel, Clk. O. O. J
September 15, 1855. 4 U
"I VrILL be sold at public Bale, on the premises,
on SATURDAY, the 29lh day of Bep
tember, at 10 o'clock, A. M., 1855, in pursuance
of the last will and testament of Michael Evert,
dee'd., a certain
situated hi Upper Augusta township, North'd
county, about four miles east of Sunbury, ad
joining lands of Jonas Fry, John HaiiRhawout,
Daniel Heeler and others, containg about titty
actes, more or less. About twenty acres of the'
said premises aro cleared, and in a good atato of
cultivation. The remainder is timber land.
There is also an excellent, and never-failing
spring on the property.
Persons wishing to examine the land ran op
plt to Jacob Evert, near the premises. Terms
and conditions made known on the day of sale.
Upper Augusta, Aug. 11, 1855. ts.
tIAMB to the premises of the subscriber, resid
ing In Lower Augusta township, Northumber
land county, about 3 months since a Stray Bull
ever two years old. Color brindle, wliitu bock,
radish brindle head. A weighs about 150 pounds.
The owner is requested to come forward prove
property pay damages and take him awnv.
Lower Augusta, Sept. 1, 1&55. 2m.
15 Y virtue of a Vtn. Erp. to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale, at the Court
House in Sunbiirv. on MONDAY the 5th of
November the following; real estate: All the
defendents interest, being the undivided seventh
part of a
situate in Lower Anguta township No'lhum-
ecrlond county, adjoining hinds of Abraliam
olf. I tie heirs of illiam C. licarhart dec d.
John Kline end others, containing sixty acres
more or less, about thirty of which arc cleared
whereon are erected a two story log bouse and
log barn.
Sei7ed, taken in execution, and to bo sold as
the property of George Conrad (son of John.)
at the same time and place, all deftndents inter
est, being the equal undivided one ninth part of a
situate in Lower Augusta township, county
aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Toy, Joel
Yordv, Jicob Maker, Henry Keiser and oiliors,
containing 110 acres mora or less, about 75 of
which are cleared whereon are erected 2 Two
Story. Dwelling Housos, two barns and other
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Jacob Haunt.
It li i YY l.isfc. Slteriit.
In the matter of the estate of Daniel Hoch,
The Cunmonrealth of Pennsylvania.
To Anna
Maria, uiartied t William Karchiier, Jacob llocti,
llocli, Simuiiiuili llocti. niumt-tl to George Wetzel, Abrn
lliiiti Hoi-h, Micliuvl lloc-k, decouaed, It-living tt itjuirliler
named l-.iiuti, h, mitlci Hie UK? o tiullleeii yeme,
whose tiuartlinii is , l.vtlia Hocti, dceeaard, wlr
w:is mimed t lOivre; lidnai, leaving two linifr chil
dren, Anna and Kdtv.itri, wlto have l,.r their liuarilian
, .Mtirgurt't. nrirnctl 1 1 Jucoli I.eidni. cm isliininu,
ninriied t. Win. Amin. murrirU M Uuvid Itenz,
t'lnllp tlHh, and Eli:is Hoch. lineal desceti'Knts ol" JJunli'l
Uoch, dtxeastd, Slid 1j utl ulhr ihtsjus
Xorthumlcrlund County, ss.
Yoa nre herel.y cited
to bt. nnd aiiresr hernre the Judees of the (tllmllS, Court,
at an Oriitmns' Court, tu Iw held at Sfininurv. in ami fur the
said C'liiutv. en the hist M ilniuv ol VvMnter next. Mien
nnd there tu aet-rpt or refuse to lake the leal snite of
said L:inlel lliTil, oeeenwd, Sltuntrd in Upper .Mitliml'iy
townrliip, ndjinuiiiic lindi (f J.ihn Sheriy. J.ieitt llcrh,
Daniel Keilz, S.iiihil-1 llenz, and ethers, containing ttlviut
14H acres, A.C., at the VHlunlion Iheienf, or show eainw
whv tne same shuald mil be sold according to law. And
hereof tail not.
w i Certifled from the recirds of onr said Or
SK4I.. plums' Coart ut Huuhury, tula 7lh day of
-) August, A. V.,
Bunbury, Sept. 2i, IS55 4t.
IinaTISlI, ritL( ll & A.tir.ItlCAX
aocouT axcivsivcxv at
Nos. 1 3 Bank Street, below Market,
Between Seeond and Third,
1ST Tousb or slioit lime burets we will aril
at a very small advance en Auction rates
Phila.. Kept. 22, 1855- 2mc2j.
No. -15 South Second Street,
.4 RE now prepared to offer to their rus
tomers, and to the trade, (of their own im
portation.) Iho largest and h'mlsomest assort
ment uf Millineiy Goods, in this cily consist
ing in part of II on net Silks, Hibbous, Velvets,
Fancy leathers, flowers, I.aces, &cc. Ac. .
Which will be sold at tne lowest .rices, and
on Ihe most lavorame terms.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1855. Imp2.
V, f K FALL STOCK of NEW Goods
-y-10 Seasonal! le Shawls.
Fashionable Silks.
Full stock Black Silks.
Dress Goods, all kinds.
Blankets and Flannels,
l.inen and Cotton Sheetings.
Staple Housekeeping Goods.
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestinga,
P. 8. Storekeeiers and ot'ier net eath buyers
snpplied Willi scaree and desirable Dry Goods
at low raies. u A KUAirsa liom rbiladelpb'a
and New York Auctions daily.
N. B. 6 cases French Merinocs, all colors,
wnuirsaie iruin gj tu 91,43.
Philadelphia, SepU 32, 1855. 3in w3.
Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in
- au Kinas or ancy 1 uru
No. 23 1 Market Street, (about Eighth,)
Having now comnleted me lr,m mw,A
beauulifnl assortment of all the different kinds of
rancy rura, and fashioned into all the different
tylee aitd fashions that will be worn during the
present season by Ladies and Children, and being
determined to sell my goods at email profits it
will be to the advantage of Ladies tut olheis to
give me call before purchasing-.
It. BtJTOREKEEPERSand the trade will
do well to call, as they will Dud one of the
largest and beet variety of stock to eeleet from
tne city. JUMN FAKEIVA.
rVpl. J J, IBM 4 (nos.
I have been refiucatoJ by the Tresidon of
the afrncultural Koclety, to any ina mere is
now in tho Treasury, one hundred dollars,
which authorise.- me to draw one hundred
more as contributions from the State Prea
mry. The premiums, will therefore all be
paid on the day of exhibition.
. II. li. TAGGERT, Treas.
Umhrcllas nnd Parasols,
No. 2 JVnrth fourth Street,
rv rrtoMnnllv on hand a larre aseortmeht. to which
the attention of llenlers Is requested.
Philadelphia, Se. S, loss line.
OF every description, suita' le fur Railroads,
4'C, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore and Mer
chandise generally. Purchasers run no lisk, ev
ery scale is Guaranteed correct, and if, after trial
not found satisfactory, can be returned without
17 Factory at Old Stand, established for
more than twenty years, corner of ninth and
Mai on Streets, Philadelphia.
Successors to Elliot 3c Abbott,
rhlla. Sept. I, 1805. 8mC.
THE pnrity, fragrance
&. mild emollient
properties of this Soap.
renders it especially de
serving a place on every
toilet, r nrchappedhands,
and varioua diseases of
the skin, it is iineijualcd Each cake is stamped
WM. CONWAY, 168 South Secend atreet,
Philadelphia. No other is Genuine.
Improved Chemical Olivo Soap,
Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or solt water.
This soap has powerful cleansing properties,
whtc.i readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, ivc, from
every description of goods without injury to lliein.
1 or all domestic purposes it ts superior to any
other soap in use, and 20 per cent, cheaper than
the common rosin snap, bach bar is slumped.
1G3 South Second street, Philadelphia.
Manufacturer of Fancy and staple Koaps. sperm,
stcarino and tallow candles, importer and dealer
in sal soda, soda ai-h, rosin, &o.
Orders by mail promptly attenJed to.
Phila. August 23, l5o. tf.
Supreme Court- Northern District.
18 hereliy (riven that the Supreme Court of the Northern
Ilistrirl uf lfnnslvflniii will e iinmence its session on
Court U.iuse ui !untury
rrolh'ysOfriee. I
Sept. IM, ISM
List of Causes for Argnmentat October T. 1813.
I. Iiwet A Darroa vs Ira TCIemsnt N irthMeo
9 H'ltfinan vs Yasline'ining
3. Werureia vs lih-tdrs Nurili'U
4. Phillips vs Zeilie Itun imp co
6. Phriner vs K'-ller L'ni'in
6. linrtzel vs It niiul I.vcoininir
?. Il'iwen, Girts Co vs White fc Mcrriuc N 'rih'U
5. Culicl vs Urntioirs N.'rili'd
P. Center vs tlu'iiisr
10. Ilr.xious vs II 'hner N .nli'.l
11. link vs Ttittriihouss C'llnmhia
14. CarlKin Ilun Imp vs Hoekefeller Norlh'U
13. Il'-rroii vs le-nrl "
II. Perkins' Ex'tor vs Fnline '
13 rierr lull vs Ttf rryhilt I.vo.minrJ
10. Vruil vs Iteiinldi Montour
17 Btees vs KiiiiMq t'lii-in
A WHITE SOW about two years old. emtio
to the premises of the subscriber, residing
near the Northumberland liride, during the
month of May. The owner is revested to
come forwurd, prove property, pay charges and
take her away.
Sunbury, Sept. 22, 1855.
5. H'. comer Sixth anil Arch street!,
flllLAUia.t'lll .
rjEAS! Teasel an uncommoulr full and
1 choice assortment uf black and Rreeu Teas
ofull grades, from the extremely low price of
30 eta :t.i 40 50 00 7l) U75cls. per lb.,
warranted to be superior to any to be had else
where at the same prices. We know and confi
dently recummend them to l e 20 per cent cheap
er than any for sale in the city. We have also
a very superior assortment of Coffee, Old liov't,
Java, I.uuayra, Maracari'oo, Kio and Capi Hay
lien Codec. New No. 1 M.icUerel and Shad in
$ and i bbl. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine
Apple, Sap ISaqo, New York Cream Cheese al
ways on hand. Soup brown and while; also
II. L. Kendcll tV Ca's Chemical Olive Soap, one
lb. of which will go as far as 2 of ordinary brown
Soap. Also Starch of different qualities, pickles,
sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an
cboveys, &., with a full assortment uf Fancy
Oonils, to which we invite the attention of the
public to call and examine our extensive assort
ment of Fine Groceries for side by
Wholesale and lietuil Family (irocera and
Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch ats.
N. II. Good" delivered to all parti of the cily
free of charge.
Phila , Sept 55, 1855. apl Hy
Watsu Durur. Thomas i.
J. S. DF.rUY 4 SONS,
No. 223 North Second Street, Mow Calh.u hill,
and S. IK. Corner Eighth and Spring Garden
VYOUI.D icspectfully inform their former
' v cusloniers and olhrrs, that they have just
laid in a spleiuliJ assorlinent of
iirix-tN, Oil ClotliM, !rIa(liifjM,
Window Shades, Door Mats, cVc, if., at very
reduced prices Wholesale Si Retail.
TAKl: NOTICE We will sell our goods
as cheap as any other hruae of the kind in the
J'n la., Sept. 22, 1H55 w3m
Aided by some eight years experience in the
practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to
all matter appertaining to or will in the line of
his profession. Ullae with Clurltw J. liruncr,
Esq., Market street.
Sunbury, Sept. 13, 1855, tf
A LL persons iuilebted to ihe firm of Frill ng
ol Grant, on ?ote, iiouk account or otlier-
wts are retfiicctiutly requetteJ to come forward
and pay uu between ihu and the firnt of October
as they wua to go to the city to lay in their lull
8unbury( Srpt 15, 1455. if.
II i-id Quarters la Uatisllion of fitU Division
P. IJ. M.
f pHC Cr.t BallalHWiofSth Division of North
X lunhvrlaiid county.l comiiosed of the Cad.
walader Uuards, 15 ham ok in Guards, tShamokin
Urays, rarmeri' and Mechanic Artillery. Dew-
art Guards, under command of Lieut. Col. .Marti.
....II . - A'. tl . m 1
wim piKu tu iuii uiuiorm, at ieuennngs
to bhamokiu towushiu, on Saturday the 0 day
oMJctober l85o, for drill 4 c The lino will be
loiiuea at iu o'clock A. M.
Uy order of the Col.
J. C liarnhart, Adjutant
P. 8.-sCoraraanders of eomuauiea ara untii
ally required to furnish to tbeac'juiaiiia fullcojiy
vi nun.
Bun bury Bept. 15. 1855.
$10 HE-W-AJR-ID I .
FTVIE above reward will be paid by th. Com
missionars of Northumberland county, for
th disco vary and conviction of th. miscreants
wbo abut op. in thn Stats) llous. entry av.ral
cow, aa Titaaay night las, sad tbwla
Uipi't th pwMie bofldina
THIS Highway Bridge of the Travorton and
Susquehanna Railroad Company, crossing
the Susquehanna liiver. eleven miles below Nor
thumberland, at Port Trevorton (formerly Chap
man) in Union county, to Trevorton station in
Northumberland county being completed, the
public are now informed is open for travel.
Drovers and others will find this ilia shortest
and easiest route between the Susquehanna Kivcr
and Poltsviile, as it avoids all tlio mountains
except Urnad Moun ain, which is crossed at the
lowest elevation.
Port Trevorton, Bept. 8, 1855 lin.
J)li V your I'xxis from first hands and save M per ent.
The uiHlersisneel has in store and nlTeis lor roi'o ntlhe
lowest pi lee, wilu a discount of a per cent, for o.iih.
.'!!i. I NUTS, . CITItON, U-.MO.Nr,
OKI ilJM) Nt'T?, DA rt S, CASTILIi MJAP, Ac.
All orders by iiuul promptly attrfi:!-it to
41 St. Wntor Stent.,. 1I,L,.II,.1. in
LKt 1.',. IB.'..-. l...n '
1)LKSU ANT to mi net of the Oetmn.1 Aieiiill of t).
Cuminonweulth ut 1'aiiisylrsma, ertitlcl Ah vt
relti( to ihe Iactim of ttiii Conimm.wtJj..iht" njipr-ivwi
Die fluruitd drty ,4 Jjly, Anno Uounn-i. u tli um,i-
etflil huntlrt-ti anl tint l. nine, I, HRNRY WKiMl'
High SnsnlTof Hie county 01 Nortlmrnberlwul. rnim.
vuiiiu, d o ticTtiby nisktj kii .wn and give notice to the elco
toreot Uiocojittr 0101011 J, ttmt a gcnernl eicctiuii vHl
be held in uid county of N 'Tthinii.wJaiid un tti SKCUN L
TUflSOAV Wh) tf OCTOHKH, at which nuie
tots and County Oificera, aa fullowi, are to be oWled 1
One person us Canal Cotrumintoutir of th Cuinmon
One persin m Mombor of the Hikisa of Hcpreientntlvea
to represent the county of Northuniherlnud.
One persun bs HcjriKtcr mid Heeunlrr and Clfrk of the
OrpliHiii Court for the county of Northiiml'rrl.nid,
One person Q Treasurer of Noii!ininlK-tlin.eciuiity.
One persjn as CornimtHiuiiur fur the county of iS'urth
umiwilund tot a term o :t ytars.
Oiik per hi na C nniiuMiontir (jt the county of North'
uni!crl;ind i'tr 1 yenr.
One peiaon aa Auditor for the coynty of Northumbr
ian.!. 1 also here'iy ninkn known and give notice that the
pbrt'h of h Ulnig the uforcud peut'iul elerti'in in th- sev
eral b r ui;h ttnd t iwiiMiipa within the comity of Nor
thumberland ure mb foil Wat :
'i hu Sunlrtrv Diatrict, cnniptticd of the b-iroui;h of
Puulnuy, und Upper AugUBtu, ut the C't-Uiity Court
Tho Aucitta iJistvict, compfwaJ v( the t-nvimhiji n(
Lower Augusta, ot the house ol Him l.mcr:ch, in said
Tim N Hllnnnhcrtand Ii:rict, cin;Kscd ( f the borouirh
of NnrthmulH-flHud, at 1 hp house uf Augustus Houlz ( tho
0 roujj,'i a i)rlhuinberi:nin.
Thu 1' nut District, nt the house of Henry Haas, in the
borough of Norihuinlrt-rlnnd.
T111 .Milt hi District, st the house of Frederick Slicker,
in s-nd h trough.
The Turhut District, at the house occupied by Abraham
The Deb ware District, at tho Sinking Spriug School
Tne Chilisqua(ue District ot ihe bmse of Oenjamin
The Lewis District, ot the housa occupied by Michael
The Sharookln District, at ihe house of Charles Leisen
rin p.
The Upper Mahonoy District, at the bouse of Daniel
The Little Muhonoy District, st the hmse of Frc1 crick
The lower Muhouoy District, at the house of Miehocl
The Rush District, nt the Liberty P-le!Mil Tluse.
The Jackson District, at the house occupied by tie re
The C-al District, at the house uf William M. Weave.-,
in the twn of SlianiMkiu.
Tne Zerbe District ul the house of John Vi'eaver in
Trt-vo.t -ri.
The Cameron District, nt the house of Gideon Derlc.
Thf J rilitu District nt tte house of Hi'jitmm Leitet.
The M mat Curtnel Dis'.nct, at the pnblio iudnc ci le
lix lrch.
The ele-ction to open between the hours of 8 and 10
o'cl ck in the fureno n, nnd rhtill continue t ithout inter
rupiioti or udj turuineut until 7 o'clock iu the evunnif"
Wtifii the polls fthnil be el 'Std.
The several lnaeelorB and Judges eleclM on the 3d
Friday ol .Mureh, lt6 , iu pursuance of the 3d Section of
tno act nf the 01 of July, lil), will hold the election uu
Tiiffliiy the tnh d:ty ol October u- xt.
" evtTj' pf-ra jn ek'-ciito Justice of the Pence, who
shall h 'Ui uny chu'e or appuinttuent of prGt and trust un
der tiie KoV'Tumciil of tlu' l.'n:ted Unites, or of this !Uite,
ur of any city or incorporated district, whetlier n i:o:niiiis
sioned oihccT ur ncent, who tihnil tie cmpluytrd uud-T the
legislative, rxecutive or jndiciuty dejvwtn.'-nt ,f this Stilts,
or thy Untied routes, or f any city or incorporated dis'iiet
mid n!s 1 that every member Congress and ( the State
Leirisluturc, unri i( the select nnd common council of uny
city, or t'"mmissiouer uf atiy incornonited District, is by
1 law, incMoable of holdine or exrecisiup the o!hee nf an-
poiutiiitnt of JudKC, Inspector or Clerk, uf any election
of this uomiry inwtM.t'i, and that no Iiupet r, Judge 01
an'ilhrr oifirer . if sii'-h dccliuii, shall Uc eligible tu any
oiri'.'e to he tln-n vtetl for.
And the said Art of Assnnhly, culitleiP'an set relntiuff
to the election if this Coinn. 'iiwealih," rmsed July the
'Jnd. ISJ-J, lurlhrr provides hs follows, to wit :
'That the Inspectors and J udf chrn us &f-rcsnid,
shall tu eft nt the it'Speeiive pluces for holding tne elect urn
iu the ihMrict to which thev refpecttnlly lMon K-fore
nine o'el ck in the in truiiifT t f the second Tti'-fidny of Ih'
toWer in e-ich und every yar, and e:ich of said iuB;etor
s tall appoint one clerk, who sluill be a qualified voter of
U'-h district.
Sncrios 'i. That any fraud committed br any pers ui
V niuK iu the :numi-r Hb ve prescftbed, iv.t ho punished
as snuilnr fruu arediiectcd to be punished by the exist
ing laws nf tht.4 Common wen!th.
"In case the ptrivni who enill hnvj received the secrtiid
hi chest 11 umber of votes for Inhitectors shall nt ulifiid mi
the day of any eh ction, then the person who shall hiive 1
received the second highest number i,f v.les lor Judge the
next precrdiii rkciion, s!i:ill uct as an tniorttoi in his
place, and in case ;be pers n ectil Judc shall not att :id
the Inspector who received the highest nunilr of vtitrs,
shu!) apviint a Jm'e 111 his plnce ; and 11 nny-ntaiicy
shall continue in the trd l r the s;vixof half uu hour af
ter (he time tixI by Inw for tins opouinj? of the election,
the quutificU voteis of the township, ward or no district,
foi which sucli officers shsll tvave Ik-cii eleciH. present ot
the plnce of elections, suall one uf their number to tUl such
'It dtmll he the duty of said asscss-irs rfspectivcy to at
tend nt the pl ice uf h 'Id nia every eeuerul, special, or
township election, duiintj tbe wln-b; time Saul election is
kept opcu, for the purp uf givint iiiloriiiatioti to ihe
ospect 'ie uuJ Jutie, wtiuu called on, in nation to the
itiit 11 any person asst kketi by tfiem to v'U ut such elec
tion, or such other matters 111 relnii -u to the usics-iitu-nt of
voters, aa the suid inspector or judge or either of them
shall tnm tune to time require.
''.i ncraoii shall tie ner united to vote at anv e!ccti - n as
aforcifiiid, other than a white free man ui twenty-one or
tu re, who shall have residol in the slate at h a I one year,
and 111 the election ilialnrl where ho oilers tu vole at lnit
ten days immediately jireeerduig the elei tion, und within
two veurs taid slate ol county lux. which si, nil have b'-eii
UHseBiH'd at leant tendas lelore the election, J Jut a eitiziii
of the Ihiiied Stales who hud previously been a fiahtieii
vuier ui 11111 imio, aim renioveu luereirom una reuiit(J,
and shall have resided iu the election Uititiiet, and p.iid tix
svi ulitressul. sliull e entitled to- vote alter rcMdin in this
stute six utoiuhs, 1'rouded, That the white Irecur.-ii, c;ti
sieiis ol the L lilted Slates, between the u'e ot Iwenlv-oue
and twenty-two and in tlie eleelioi uittiit-t tea das
as aforesaid, liall Imj entitled tu U vote, altttuun they shall
not irive jvtui laxes.
Nu pet sou shall lie permitted to vote whose name is nl
Con luiucd 111 the listot taxable iuhabit;iuU furnished bv the.
commissioners as utoiesuid, uitlen!, First: Jit) prmluceo
s receipt for the payment, wilhm two years, of a stute or
C mniy tax as'.setl agreeably to Uu, constituti 'li, und cave
iiiai.uiorv eviueneo eniier uu ins own oat 1 01 u n ma.
lion, or on the oath or arhrinati u of unother, Hint he has
p:nd such Ulx, ur 011 failure to pnHiuceu receij t, ubull inula
1.11 ouin tu tno yineui tncreta ur sec -ml, 11 he claim u
riaht tu vote bv bennr m elect. r between the aees of
iwrmyi'iie aim iweniy-iwu yruis, ne buau iiepobc on oatll
it aifo inaiioii, that he has resided iu the Mate at leant one
year uext bet ore his application, and nutke such nr. f uf
rsi'h,tice in the district as is required by this uct; and
that he does verily believe I nun the uocouut given hun
that he is uf the aire aforesaid, and cive such other .m i-
deuces us is repnred by this uct, whereupon the name uf
ine perstni atuunteu to vote, snail be luserted 111 alphu
beticai 11st ny the niipectors, and a note made u; positf
thercSk by wriliuir, the word lax," if he thai! tie
ted tu vole by reafon uf having uid tux, ur the w rd
ape," 11 ne saaii perm it ted tu vte un accuut ef tos
lie, and iu eitiier case the leas 'ii i.f such voi.-s shrdl I
c dltd out to th clerk, wh shall make notes iu the list uf
Voters Kept by lueia.
in all cuw s where the name of the person claiiaing to
T-'sw is" n'Miwi wh 111 mn iiniiiaaiiru uy ine toinmiS! oil
CIS and Assessor, ur his right to v.'te whiiher f. mud there
ou r nt, is objected to by any qualified citizen, the In
spector shall examine sucu neis -u on imih as t his quu1ju
canons, jnd 11 he claims to have resided in the state one
year or more, his oaih shall be a proof there if, but he siutU
prove bv at leaiil one cornfield witness, w oo shall be a
quahried elector, that he iesidd within the district at least
ten (lays next imuieaiateiy iweeediiic the election, and shul
also buuself aweur that his bona fide residence, in mirkii.
aoes of lawful i-ulluif is viibin the district, aiid that he
am n n reiuirc uuu sumi uunrici lur tne purpose uf Vutiiur
therein. ' 0
Lveiy pesnu qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make
pro f, if required, of reeideut and pavinent of Uaes, as
afore, id, s'.ail m adiuittetl to vie in the towushiti, ward
or do met in which he slmll reside.
Jf auv ptsieoa uot qualified to v 4e inthisCtmmniwealth
Sff'eeably to law, (excefit the sona uf qutlifi.d citizens)
b.illuptAiir at any place of for the purpose ol is
sains; tickets, or influencing citizens qunliPci! to vote, ha
shHll, on e uvichon, forfeit sod p.y any sain not exctsed
iur one hundred d ll:us fur every una such uffeuce, and
ne imprison! I. any term not exceedniff three niiMitlia
ji sani rw me duty of evarv ime .r. .-r n MH,n,DM
jusiics tf the peace, und eunaUble ur deputy caistble, uf
every citv.cmnly, township nrdisinct witinn this eow
inHWfmthh, whenever uullrd upon by any orTieer of an
election, or by any three qualified electors thereof, to clear
snv wuid tw or avenue to anv wmdow, to ilia piara ff
(eueial election, which shall be ohatiurted iu such a way
as to prevent voters from spproachiut; the same, and on
Oflffleer or refusal to d i so nil such requision, rod oiricei
shall he deemed fmlted of nu sir 1uun.11 tr in oliice Bint tn
e uivictiou snail ie 6tid in auy sura n t less than one hun
dred nnr more than one thousand d illaie ; and it slmll be
the amy nf the raapeclivc eonaUble of such ward, district
of township, of Una mnHawMih lo be preaont in rwueon
or bv dwiHitv, at ih tac of holdup ruieh claeti ms in aneh
ward, district -r township, for ihe purnuae of proaerviiis
ihe pence aa uforeanid. r
II shall he lite duly of every peace omcer, aa atoieuicl.
Who ehsU be present at any such dieturhaiu-es al an elec
tion as is described iu thieaot, to report the tumelo the
next court of quarter seesmta, and also tlie uaiaeaof ilie
wmieaM who nu prove the seine.
'"fT 10 T returns fo the eotuily or
Nonhumheriaisl, .1 the C.irt (, in SmiburyToa fri
07$ tas lata day of Oetobar, A. D. iam. .
heruTe fUq tirarairy , ' "m
IN pursuanen of an nnler of the O'cliuim'
Court ol Nortliumlierliind ronnty, will ho ex
posed to public cale. on S. TIjltDAY, the HSih
day erSEI'TEMMEH. nel. the following Krai
Eslate, to wit t Two rcrtnin
Situsln in the town of Trevcrion. county nfnro
ssid, Icing lot No. 10 in ItloeK No. 117! ari l lot
No. :t in liiock No. which it 1 bti nifli
contain twenty five fert In front, ami 1;,') feet .n
llelitll. I.Htn the l-st ,tv cf Ill ".I -II. Ion, l! :
ceased. To lio a dd t!io yi
chil.Iri'iMi i,f nit. I ,!ve ic i
t?ale to cn:r,mri,ci: it 10 n'
day, wUeii t!, term;' of !, t-!!; : . tu ,i
by' rETi:: VAI,sn, tiuardiau.
By order of the Couit, )
J. P. pries!;!., en,, (
Sunbury Sept. 1. 1ST, 5 S
To tho Yotcvs of liwivhurJjcvland County.
Al tlie HoJicitf.tioM of ti ntimhcr of my friend,
I cllor inyjwlf aa art inJf!wnloiit cjinditiato tor
at tho ciwuiiiir, election. Should t be elected, I
w ill dUchur its duties faithfully and impartially.
Lower Muhanoy, Frjit 1, 185ft. to.
To tho Totem of Northumberland County
Fi-ttow irizr.Ns Lrued by a number cf
my fiinmls throughout tbe countv, I hereby olTer
mvsidf loyou ns nu INUE PEN DENT CAN
U I DATE lorllie office of
Sliu'.ild jon ..v. (jniprr tn rxert your influence
lur me. nml I lm rlfl1,I will discliargo its Ju
tics luitlilully and iiiipnrtilly
8unliury, Aug. 11. le-
''B'lIE f.mitli srssiwu o( lliis Inslitulion will
comiiii'iicc on Mtmilay, tlio lUtli of Septem
ber, unJ will rnntir.iic I I weeks.
Tuition at follows:
1'iiinnry I'ejMriuicnls per session, $1,(10
Ara.len'iir, ' " C,00
roleint.', ' $8,00
Tuition dun at Ihe middle of the session.
Arrangements tvill lio made to aeotnmodate
boarders in respectable private families al rea
sonable rates.
Tor further particulars address Rot. C. J.
Eluchart, felmnioin, I'a.
Bhamokiu, Aug. 18, 1S55. 4t.
Estate of SAMUEL E. HAAS, deo'd.
'jV'OTICT. is hereby civen that letters ofadinin-
istration upon the e-tntc of ninuel 11.
Hans, late of the town of Mmniokin, Mortlium
beilnnd rouiilv, dec'o.. have been grunted lo
John Vanzint, ridiiiR iu Mi:iuiokin township.
All persons having ehilms agniiKt said deceas
ed, are requested to prcm ut them (or settlement,
ami all persons knowing themselves lo be indeb
ted will irake imiocilhite pnyment-
Shsmokin tp., Aug II, IH.15. Ct.
To tha Voters of Northumberland County,
At ilie solicitation of a number of my friends
I offer myself lo your consideration as an Indo
pendeut candidate for
at the ensuing election. Should a niniorilT of
my fellow citizens elect me to that aluce, I will
discharge its duties faithfully.
Sunbury, August 55 1S35. te.
To the Voters of K orthumberhnd County.
A t the em nest solicitations of friends, I have
been induced to present mj self before the public,
us a Volunteer Candidate for tho office of
Should I be elected, I pledge myself that I will
faithfully and imparrinlly discharge the several
duties appertaining to said oliice.
Milton. fept. 1, 1 H5r to.
In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel .frames,
TATHE.MATIC.I. Instruments separate
end in esses, 'I'lirrinoiueters of various
sizes, f-'py Classes of every description, I'latina
points for l.iiihtiiing Rods, Magic Lanterns with
scriptural, astronomical and teinperanee dekigns,
Mieroscoppa and Microscopic objects, (inlvanic
buttprips. Electrical .Machines, fsurveyer s Com
passes, Surveying Chsiws Ac. Ac.
MCALi.Lol iiKUl ilLK.
(Established in 1796.)
101 Chestaut Street l'hiUdclphi.i.
Oar TriceJ and Illustrated Catalogue (81 fgos)
wiili 1j0 illustrations furnished on application,
an.l tent by mail free of charge.
1'hlia. tirpt. H, 1S55.
No. 90 South Second St. between Arch Race,
HAS receive. a largo assortment of Toys of
Wood, Tin, China, Cum, 4c, oUo fancy
Baskets, Work boxes, Porte Monaies. Pocket
Docks, Segar Cases, Snuff and Tobacco boies.
Pipes. Caids, llarinmiiculH, Accordions, Violins
and Strings, Marbles, Bulls, Rings, and an end
less variety of other articles !o i numerous to
mention, fr sale Wholesale Si Retail, at regular
Phila. Sept. 8, 1655 3m.
We rripecilully si licit tlisstteniion of ihs pubbs to our
au.'rtiuuiii 1
Mncriitr:ri,-iit hkatino stovkh,
for St'irri, Hulls, Clum'tim, I'url ue Ac, warranted to
ive mure hint with one tliinl the Kiel, t!.;m any other
llalini! Slovs in lite. The hirue mimlr winch knve
lieeu silit in litis mi'l other cities and the eoiuuiut ami
increuBhig ileinniitl lor them, le Slin.c-ient giltlrtlntee of
ll.eir eiiienirity over all oilier dentine; Ktuvee, and we
cheerfuly invite the inveNtigntiuii of our claims
to Ihe most perfeet article of Ihe in use.
We also have a euru.r CAL'I.DItON, f.jr farmii.r
soil eliemieitl puipost e, mutte on the stime principle, fcr
which we clnim unly a tnulto beaiiprecjuteil.
We keep ciiiiiuinMy tn t, in.rt en nesortment of the
lesiling TOOK h.i.1 I'aKLOR bro'l:Sj and ars sjIs
Agents in una Mnlr lor
ift'.KN's I'dit'l'Alii.K ronrjFu.
HtrrK'r PATKNT ( OdKIMi 8TOTKS, end
BHSTt)W'8 I NH1VAI. I. C.U fOOK i. PARI.nil
S'i'ClVt.S Wlinleimle ileulere will le suppliedsl
me wweel luutiuijr ineee.
Wri'tlenle er KeUnl tltre llt'filere.
N. E. Cor of SI'.tuM) t HACK Sis. I'auad'a
por uv il ii m AhK, id this i.bcs.
ruitidelphia, Auru.l liii Siu.
Annuity and Trust Co.
5. ". corner 'lhird and Chestnut Sis.,
MOKT ,s received on drrx-sit daily. The smiant
deni'siiett is euteretl ma Uep ieit H ok ami given to
U.c Debolilnr. or, if preferred, a certiliedle will he civen.
A II sums, knee stid, are tei-eivcd, and lite amount
paiu VMh on U'-niuiin. without imtiee.
luleieal is paid at Ihe rote of piva Pta rar(T., eom
mencini; Iruin the day of depoeit, ami ceoetng f-jurteeu
dne nieviiitia to the withdrtiwul of the monev.
Da tlie firt day of Jduuary, in each ytar, the iutereet of
each dvpueit la prod t't the debitor, or added lo tlie piiuci.
pal. ea he ninv prefer.
The Comimnv hsve now upwards cf 9,500 djflsitota
ill the City of PhtUdeVUiu slrme
A nv 1. 1 In i nial n.furiiuUuu w.ll be fin by addrstsiaf
the liuinu.
Btephen n Crawford. Prre'l,
lAwrence J 4i',e.n, Vice Pies't,
Aiuhroae W. Tliounteon,
Keioiintlu V. Tingiey,
Jacob Lt. r'loreiKMi,
WiHIsm M flodwU,
Paul li Outlaid,
(ie-.ree Mellenry,
Jxmea lve(eiis,
Oueuvua Kiisliah.
rereiary and Treaaarer. JL,,, '.,
Tu-t ts iko imaapRsitaa. t. C. OliUlCIILAgtR
Philadelphia, repl. , iei lyP. .
WALL PAPER. A large ana spienacu
assortment of Wall Paper, W indow Pa
per, and Oil Shades, just received and fop sale
l,y I..W. I LNER St Co,
Sunbury, May 28. 185.
ROCEKIES Segars, Coffee, Molasses
bpioes, Uils, llraiily.Uin, Wine, Macker
el lisrruig anil bait, just received and for sal
try IV M. A. KN.ABH.
I.owst August May H, HS4.-
Front Strict TViio Kannfaotory.
Watson as ooic,
r5inyn,, ScrtKHit ad Wibk Oi.otb
Kn. 4(1 North Front Strirt.
Coin of Coomli's A 'lev, t-ntTnm Market and f.I i!rxr r
( r -t.) fH.ieets,
4 ON i"l.i; to r nt.n'.it'ttirc of tnj.e-, ior (in i!-
1' V , l!l .it itlul it !1
leves tu ail hoi
ir 1 ;t rr !l et
i roYi! i?..! ir. !- e
. .iii.l Copper Win) (.1 u!i
I i'li'S-ri (ltnl ! iio!
I.. - I :,
K.Mil iieavf 1 11-lT Wi'f! .'f V.'ilitv
H.? iv , ;:, ,j '.Virc tt,r t-;-, Cil: heia, Hierr
i " t'r. o n.d li- n Knrm.!rr. r'ereen V.'iie,
riiU.v W iio. Nuio-s. Trans. i)i .h Oters. Coal
am! Siiul Screens, &e. Fancy W ire Work of ev
er ik-Fi riptton.
I'inladolpbia, Sept. 1, 1B0S.- mC.
AMD Iri"2-BIOIA3Srs.
Mrs. Bcltn Celrlsate-1 9urir''rtr. hare beuusml with
uniiitnrrit)ted iuu':).s for tiia bi.t tv.'etitv yeara, by nruif
thotiniMl ladies. They sre worn with wrie snJ crrTort,
tniHig witlinut sur Mi'-tnllie Sprini;. wiinlver, itnil tuve
given inimeriitite ri-lief in a kurre iiiuritttT nf ceeee wnerc
olri.jr less e'lccMrnl Rppliiiiicca tirive fa'lJ. lAdirs enn
rli-pend on the m"ft prompt ntteiition, by roTlinit oa air..
Krtis, 3-JI Woliiul Mrert, 1'hl: i(lflililn. H,e
Siiiporters ma be sent fiks bjf mml. Triooi, $3, 43,
ami ii.
f hiluitelphia, Peptemlier 1st, IMS. 1m.
JJ N pursuance of an order of tho Orphans'
1 Court of Northumberland county, Frederick
I.nrarut, Administrator of the estate of Chiistian
Howcr, deceased, will expose to public sale, on
the premises, cm MONlJAV, the first dsy of
OC TOll IS II, next, at 1 o'clock, V. M., all that
In the borough of Sunbury, situate at Iho north
west comer of Fawn St l'okobcrry streets, con
taining iu Front nn Fawn strccKabout 110 loot
and running back westward onTlie north side of
I'.ikeU'rry street, about 120 feel adjoining a lot
of .Samuel Guselct on the north, and lot of Mary
l oc to r on tne west, on wlncli aio crcclea
A t the corner nf the street, and a small House or
Office and a Ram. The same being parts nf
Iwo lots, numbcied S04 & SbC, and will be of
fered in the whole or in Iwo parts, so as to suit
purchasers. To be solJ for payincnf of debts.
Terms of sale will bo madd known on the dsy
of sale.
FRED'KXA'tf ARUS, Adm'lor.
Dy order of the Court,
Sunbury, Sept 1. 185
rnHE subscriber is ronstanlly Manufactiir
.Q. ing I iles and Hasps f superior quality
and at Ihe lowest prices, equal to the bet im
ported goods, and much cheaper.
MAN UFAC ri;i;:i:s A MECHANICS can
have their OI.U FILES EE-CUT and made
equal to new, at half the oiiginal cost.
Flat 13 inches $2,00 per Dot. ; Flut, 14 inches
42,75 pcrljoz. j Saw-flies, !Inf Round, Millsaw
and other Files in proportion. Singlo Files and
fractional parts of dozens charged at tho sumo
rales, and wirruntcj satisfactory. ' '
NO. CI NEW STREET between Raca and
Vine Ac Second & Third Wis. Philadelphia.
1'hilada. liiciist 18. 1S55 3m.
Tiu&aos I TruEscs ! t Trusses III
Truss and Braco Establishment .
S. W. Cor. of Twelfth and A'uce Streets,
.M PORTER of fine French Trusses, comhi
niug extreme lightness, case and durability
with correct construction- Hernial or ruptured
patients can lie suited by remitting amo.utits, as
below : Sending number of inches round the
hips, and .luting side affected.
Cost of Singlo Truss, $2, $U, fl, S5. Double
- -V), C, and $10. Instructions as to wear,
and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent
with tho Truss. Also for sale, in great variety,
Dr. Duimiiig's Improved Patent Body Bracr,
For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri j Spinal Props
and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest
Expanders and Erector Ilraces, adapted to all
with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs;
Elaatic Abdominal Bella, Suspensories. Syringes
male and female.
Cx7' Ladies' Rooms, with. T.ady attendants.
Phila., Aug. 4, 1S55. ly P 8.
To the Voters of Iforthumbeiland County.
I hereby offer myself lo the qualified voters of
Northumberland county, as a candidate for
at the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I
promise to perform the duties of said office faith
lu!!y and impartially.
Upper Augusta, Aug. II, 1H55. te.
To tho Eloctors of Northumberland
I hereby offer n.ysclf lo the qualified voters cf
Northumberland county, as a candidate for
Phould I be e!ected, I promise to perform the
duties of said oflice fjilufi'lly and impailially.
I'JvTKlt lllLtMAN.
Sunbury, June 23, 1K5., te.
To the Voters of Northuruber)and Couut v.
At tiie solii'ii.ition ol a number of my friends,
I oiler myself to your consideration as a candi
date for
at the eusi'int; election. Should a majority of
my fellow citizens elect me to that office, I will
dihcarge its duties faithfully and to the best of
my ability.
Point tp., Aug. 11, 1855. te.
5"a fTEAM ENGINES 90 Ilorserviower each
4 with boilers. Would make excellent pump
ing angines, logeHier with 2 large blowing tjhii.
ders, suitable for a blat furnace. Apply Id
blianiokin Iron Woika,
. fchainokin, Pa,
Shamakin, July SI, 1855.--
No. 22 South Wharves,
nasicH II
IMPROVED Super Phoephate of Lime, feu.
Uretle, and Land Plaster. Having evers
facility for supplying all articles in the above
lino of the best quality, at the vejy lowest mar.
set prices, woum most respecllully solicit t call
AIo. Cheese, (Soape, Candles, Spices, &c.
Buubury.July 81, 1855. c3in.
sTJEDAR TUBS. Horse Duckets, Painted Buck
ets, Meal Tenderers, Corn Brooms, Bas
kets, Children's Wagons, and Yanks f locki
ust received and fur sale by
May 20. 1855. I. W. THNrft '
nOSIKKV. Wens' wool and cotton Cocks,
Ladies and children's storkincs just mei.
ed a
Bunburv No. I. I5s.
apl LOVES Buckskin Gloves and Milta, do
jf tiloves wool lined, Ladies Glovee, Chil
drrn's do., Milta, ic, st
Nov 18, '53. VOUNG's STORE.'
LACK Putty a good artic le for sal b
PAMILY MEDICINEH-Urowo's fsverand
Agu Pwdr, Fthnestock' Vcrmifug. lip.
J.'n's clthrKd medicinee, fee,, fop al t
Nj. 1ft, 'M. tovsu's STORE.
M. V. GL'AlSHAltT t CO.,
OEbrn'.'TfrU.V amir :n.-e to tf.e r.tiien-i
J" t f Norll'U.ri' er end nnd ll.o in'j iring cotin
t'cs t'.st tl ev Li' s 't eris.l ! .-tienaty
1'ruil rtt.ira mi ,MAHKr:i' ft : A K Z,, i.n!".rr,
I'.ere t!ny lvmiiuiH'-tiite ai"l k". p c:i hand, a
all I'lrie-j, .i'.e. r.oft rl. oi.-o Ci-i.'" .-si. nan-, ic,
VV h .,( f sie nn 1 l. tai1. st P h i m . ! plihi J .r.Li'H.
A noiij their t'.oc'j. nf Ot- ti'u:.ub u ly hi.
fjii'ul I
rum T' -'TT, fi'I U:C. ot yii,
t .' ''il lirt; .1,
M ,t lir..-, rrt! ntij'j,
! r-k".,
Fiait Drope,
i'.rk C lo, '. hi KKUK,
-ci Cnti y,
I !.n it J Cuu.y,
B-irn.l A t.ti-Hirls,
Tr-iiu Vr ,l",
' rto.',
" Vl.--.lllH.
lr! i .n b'Sfe'e
t--rr.'X.s, Prriii'.s,
D.iter, Kurs,
Cj runft '!rt, Cirf-n,
Akr(.ids, Hartm. NulsofrJ! I.iix.s.
of a superior ri.alilv, by thn ln;1 or ih jrn. !
superior rpmli'y nf .Stcou and Tuhm. o. rn J r.
variety of (Jaiifcctionnrira, frui Ac, all of wh'nli
is clferod chenp nt ftho'iesnlo or retail. Cjmu
and sc w w ill try pica's. Orders (x-.w i.
distance promptly attended lo.
Sunbury, Au3. 4, 1355. if.
OESPEC'ITULLY inforua the citizons of
Sunbury and vicinity ll.ot he hna ron.-utii-ccd
the practice nf Mcdmine and fi.rrry. ami
will promptly attend to t!i3 c.lla t-f oil w!io m.i;, .
desire his professional services. His oHico u a'
the residence of his mother, Mary MarUal.
Sunbury, July 14. lSSfl 3:npd.
To Iron Mostors and Dealers.
No. 2L Arch Strce!, alovt Front,
. Philadelphia.
J WIRES, of all mpiihes and v.-idiln, with t".
kindi of plain and fancy Wire work. Pup; :
Makers Wire, all kinds. Cylinders and Dand;
Rolls coveroJ in the boct uir-nner in or out o:
the city.
A very superior article of Heavy Founder'
Sieves. All kinds of Iron Oro Wire, iro iw'
Sieves for Seed, (Jruin, tsand, Blarch, Snuit,
Brickdust, Siv., &.C.
Auj-jst, , 1855. C 3 m
eh; per niosi'UMTu ci' a.2?;c.
rtOfjO bbls. of tho most sutcrior rr.sru'fctiiTe.
Also, GUANO of every description, Cal
cined Plaster, Cement, &c.
V Produce of all kinds bought and auld on
Forwarding and Commission Merchon'c, No.
65 North Wharves, between Rtoe end Vina
streets, I'hilada.
Philadelphia, Autrust 4, 1S55- 8mc.
Ihotography ! Daguerreotypes I !
Successor to McClccsfr German,)
"VT7"OL'LD call tho attenion of the public,, nni
v only to the superiority of the Dnpucrroo
tvpes, the Ilyalograph, (by auino called Ambro
tyne.) and the various styles of Photography o:i
paper; but M the fact, that parties at a distatico
possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv apinl
ing it to Nn. 100 Chestnut st have made from
it by tho means of Photography, and the talents
of tho best Artists, a portrait ol ai size, from
a small Loekct lo the full size of lift'.
A small book containing description, priaes,
ice, ic, will be sent gratis to any ps.-son ma
king tha request.
Philadelphia. Photograph Establishment,
No. 1G0 Chestnut at., below 7'h'
Phila., July 91, 1855. tf.
established as the best article ever olVered fur
Blueing Clothes. It is entirely lieo from acid or
anything injurious to Ihe finest arliclee. All
housekeepers will find it much cheaper and leys
trouMe than Indigo or any other artic!;. Tho
great demand fir it has brought out several trr
lations. ttortkceers and consumeis will be)
cnrttul to get UtNJAMIn Bililow'p, put UP at
Alfred Wiliberger'a Drug Store, No. 109, if.
Second Street, Phihidnlpiiin, Storekeepers can
get their supplies from the Giocoiser.d DruggistJ
they dcul with, at prices yielding a good profit.
Drug.., (.henucalt, faints, Vjriushei, Uyt
Stuffs, e., with a first-rate assortment of every
thing in the lino. Storekeepers, Physicians ani
manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates.
AL.r WIl.TUtKUKK, JJrugglst
1G3 N. Second Street, PhiUdol.i'.ua.
July 7, 1S55 ly.
"FIIE subscriber informs Dealers and Farmers
that he has gicatly impromcd th quality of
Super Phosphate of Lime,
And now confidently recommends tha article
manufactured by him, assupeninn to any in tha
market. 1 ou are invited to tail, examine and
try it. Also l'ciuvian and Mexican Cunno, Oils,
Candles, Soap, ic, at the lowest market rates.
J.U. I.. ruMKUUY,
Successor to Tlio. .V. Morgan,
No. 9 and. 10 6'oulh Wharves, Philadelphio.
tV Farmers can load on two private alleys.
and avoid the crowded wharf.
Phila., July 21, 1855 c6m.
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an. order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public stilo. on SATURDA Y, the 20th day of
September next, on the premises, th follosvinj;
described real estate, to wit : a certain
sttaat In Jordan township, county afuresalo.
sdjoiiiing lands of Nathan fcchrubter, 1 retlviics
Tyson, Gcorje Trautium, and uuitAilain land,
whereon is erected a doublet Log House, bstik
barn and otfier oulbuildin,', eont-.ii.ini,' about
one hundred acres, more or Ices, ibeut two thide
ol which are cleared. Late ths estate of Ainlrew
I.eiitz, dee'd. Kale to commence al 10 o'clock,
A. 51., of said day, when iho terms of sUs will be
oiad known by
Ut order of the Court,
JNO. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, Aug. IS, 1555. t.
ri'IlE present Proprietor of the newfy ejiscov
3 prrd WI.M U LU CAVE (liinc.tor.t) in
Drv Valley. Union county, hereby gives notice
that th c will not b open o bundny lot
Victors. Il msy beviaiicU by Lsdips sr.J Gsn
llcmen, sn Sstuulays of every week, when es
pecial preparations will Ixuads to oecommodst
with light.
C All persons are ft.rbidJen to break off,
injure, or taks sway snv speci,an frora th
Cav, under penally of prosPcut on,
Ths psymeiilof ilj ii;ts ojily i rtqulrej U
verjr peisoa befoi snle.-ing
Ery Valley, Avj. II, 1855. 3ro.
MBRFLLA.Ove7dToe pocket Boot,
SJ Pcrtmonics, Silk PocielJiondkerchwU.
Neck-lie, Spiing-nocks, upenders, 4a, j.
Nov. Si, '64. YOUNG'S STORE.
rOMBS. Back, Children's Lour;, Hid and
fmacombsj Hair U rushes, Tooth ErusL..
Ac., for ssle at YOUNG'S STORE.
Sunbury, No. 18, IS54,
ursj lor Foawr tnd Afii. Ut sa! by
w iitr.K ev eauvjat.
unbtuy. ul; tt, 1(14.