Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 22, 1855, Image 2

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H.B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor
t .- . - -.- . . - v - -
To ArvERjnRR- -The cirntlntlnn of the Sunhury
AniMXtu: sm.'itr; the different town n th Siifpiehnntm
It not exceeded ifcqolltJ by any paper pjlrtmliej in North
cr a Peniiavr,Miniu.
For Canal Commissioner,
ARNOLD PLUMER, of Venango Co.
JEREMIAH II. 7.1 11 M LB. M Art.
Register and Recorder,
c. nom PI RSfcX.
rfltRI.E. r. HnTTPtsTEl. fur 8 year.
IKtUtKI(KHU,rrl year.
CFonr.n nniGHT.
For Canal Commissioner,
Business Notices.
Tri Desirtid Wifk by Mrs. Southwotth.
Mr. Peterson gives notice that he will publish
during the present month another new book, by
Mrs. Emma D. E. N- Southworth. under the
above title. Mrs. S. it one of the most pleasing
and popular female writers of the day, and our
readers have causo to know that any thing from
her pen will not fail to be of marked interest.
New Sea advertisement of A. Ulaberg of
this place.
Millkneat Goons. -See advertisement of John Stone
& Suns.
Fancy nnd Staple Drt Goods. See advertisement if
Eyie k Landell.
Wstchis and Jewelry. See advertisement of M. Avis
CinrETi.No ice. See advertisement cf J. 8. Sepuy k
Bun., Philadelphia.
Fnvir and Confectionary.- See advertisemsnt of 9 I.
Groceries. See advertisement of Burton k Fcnton.
FiRCT Fras. See advertisement of J. Fareira.
Wholesale dealers in Dbt Goods. See advertisement ly
Philips, Strjker & Jennings.
13 lank Books See advertisement of Perry k Erety.
C5" A press of advertising has crowded out
a number of articles iutendod for this weeks
C5" This number of the American closes
the 15th volume. The first number was is
sued September 12th, 1810. With but two
Or three exertions, the American has ap-
reared reeulaiiv. on its day of publication.
for the last fifteen years. We oro pleased to explanation of the Gazette amounts substan
kiiv that its PTftdnal ami constant increase in tiully to this, that the committee could not
business and circulation, has fully equalled
our expectations and that in both respects
it now out ranks nny paper in the county.
CyTho steeple of tho new Lutheran.
Church has been completed. It is a hand
some and well proportioned structure. A
new boll, of larger dimensious than the old
one, and of excellent tone, has been placed
in tho steeple.
Large Ritkwiibat. We were shown
a few days since, several stalks of Btlckwheut,
which i.,k:'.:itred five fuet three inches in
lei.gtb. It wet wn by Abraham Clemens,
cu a farm of Mr. Ui-ilas, near this place.
jy A Tublic Parade of the "United Sons
of Amsmca." will bo held in this place, on
the 4th of October, when their New Hall will
be dedicated. Messrs. Broom and Coates,
of Philadelphia, have been invited, and will
be preseut to addross the meeting on the
Cy Eating Saloow. Messrs. Fisher and
Wharton, whose advertisement appears in
another column, have opened an eating sa
loon in the place formerly occupied by Jus.
W. Washington. They intend to provide
fgr their customers all tho luxuries of the
season. They are young aud cuterprising,
anil deserve success.
The Codfish party last week were humbug
ged with a story that E. Y. Bright had beeu
taken op as a Candidate for Assembly. The
Gazette was ready primed, but only left off a
CJT In Columbia county, at the late uYle.
gate election, a democrat wag asked by an
Inquisitorial Judge, if he was au American,
"Yes," said he, "and auy one that ain't, ia n
d d tory." Ho. was uot questioned any
CJrOca Fkiend Cetz, of tho Reading
Gt.zeHe.hiu been nominated for tho Assembly
iu Old Berks. That he will make an ex
cellent member, there can bo uo doubt.
Good editors,and Mr. Geti is one, are
fit for Governors, or even Presidents, in these
s3T Danville Uotei Ju another column
will be found the advertisement of Mr. Deen
the proprietor of this excellent HouL Mr'
Deen's house is commodious and handsomely
fitted up, aud he spares no paius to make bis
guests comfortable.
fcT the Gazette says, "U. B. Massor's at
tempt to connect the Democracy with Catho-
iicum is a oesperate game."
it wcu.d be, indeed, a desperate nms. anrl
one that we have always endeavored to pre
vent. But as the, Codfish part hav. alr
made the connection, so far as they are con.
cemt d it will be well enough to watch them
and keep them at a distance from the Demo.
eretio party, the name of which tbey now at-
tempt to usurp.
The Gazette y, that the editor of thle
paper "expressed great indignation lait fall
became Mr. Dewart wrote a letter from
Rome, which, he, (the editor) said was die
refipcctful of the I'ope."--Now we have only
to say that this is another of the fabrications
that the editor so frequently resorts to in
order to get himself out of a light place.
Wo ask the editor of the Oar.etto to poipt
out the article referred to, and so that he
can have no excuse, we will cihihit the files
of our papers to himself or anyone he may
designate. When we make charges of that
diameter, we are always prepared with the
"documents" to prove them. We dofy him
to point out n single line or sentence, thnt
lms the remotest allusion to any thing of the
kind. Xow, neighbor.unless you are entirely
reckless of your character fotf veracity, yon
will see the necessity of producing the dec.
umonts, in default of which, you will find
yourself in another "tight place," from which
a dozen Inquisitions or swearing committees,
cun never relieve you. Subterfuges aud
evasions will not avail you, for here is a state
tnnt which, if true, can bo proved without
nny trouble.
lu regard to Major Dewart, we have only
to Fay, that ho is not on trial at present.
When his case conies on in October, l8)6i
wo shall atte nd to liiui. His history 'still
remains unwritten, and whether or no, wo
ahuil become his biographer, time and( cir
cumstances alone must determine.
Onr neighbors of the Gazette, devoted the
greater portion of their editorial labors to ust
Inst week. The most of the facts as is usual
with tho Gazette, about these times, exitt
only in the imagination of the editor, lie
accuses us of drawing religion "into the dirty
mud puddle of politics." Wo presume they
ftllurlo to tho "dirty pool" occasionally stirred
up by the foreman of the Inquisition in this
place, aud which we referred to heretofore.
We were really not aware that the cod fish
faction in this place, ever had any religiont
or made any such pretensions, until wo saw
their religious creeds paraded iu the Dcnt
suhcr (Dewart) I c in ok rat, a bastard edition,
of a new German paper, got op at Pottsville(
especially to catch the Catholic and foreign
vote of Schuylkill county.
" We make no objection to any ono on ac
count of their religious belief or their place
of birth but we do object to this traffic in
religious prejudices which has been carried
on in this country to nu alarming extent, and
cau only be put down at tho ballot boxes.
C3T The Sunbury Gazttte endeavors to
screen the Inquisition from censure, by as.
serting thut iu the appointment of Judges for
Mt. Carmel, there was a vacancy which was
afterwards filled up with the name of Frod'k
Fahrion. We have only to say that this is
a mere after thought, so bold and clumsy that
wo doubt whether any oue could be found
stupid enough to believe it. If the Gazette
and its counsellors possessed only tho most
ordinary discretion or judgement, they never
would havo given such a stupid invention as
an excuse for their previous stupid and
ridiculous blunder, as it makes the mutter
ten times worse than before, if true. Tho
find in Mt. Carmel township, more than two
men fit for Judges, und they were therefore
compelled to wait until the court could nut
unitize an individual for that purpose. Now
wo ask if this is not a legitimate conclusion
dcducible from the arguments or excuses of
tho Gazette. A pretty state of affairs truly
where three native born citizens cannot be
found in one township who cau be trusted to
hold au election.
The Gazette snys wo should have gono be
hind the record. The editor has read Black
stone to little purpose if such lire his opinions.
Every lawyer knows that we have no right to
presumo anything against the record.
The cxcnsH for the Gazette's opposition to
Jesse C. Uorton, the democratic candidate,
is not only untrue iu point of fact, but is
most lame and impotent in its conclusions.
Jesse . Uorton was not only the political,
but the warm personal friend of Governor
Bigler. But this was perfectly in character
with their previous course in opposing tho
democratic ticket, whenever it did not suit
them. As an illustration, we quote an edi
torial paragraph from tho Gazette, in defence
of their opposition to one of the nominees of
the party u few years siuce.
From the Sunburg Gazette, of Oct. IDA, 1831.
"However well it may be to rogurd party
organizations and party nominations, it is
certainly far better to elect good and faithful
We ask the editor of tho Gazette if be still
holds to this doctrine, aud whether it is
recognized in tho platform of tho cod fish
democracy. Thesedocumeutsave.sometiiiies,
ugly things.
The Furnace at Chulasky in this coun
ty, owned and conducted by our friend S. R.
Wood which has been in almost constant
operation for the last nine years, was stopped
for repairs and improvement, some time
since Mr. Hood, we understand, has avuiled
himself of the experience of himself and oth
ers di.rmg this period, and has remodelled and
refitted this furnace which has always been
esteemed oue of the best and most successful
iu the State.
He has eularged the Bosh, raised the Fur
note Qiao feet making it hold about double
the amount of stock that it originally held.
lie bus also put up new boilers and new hot
blast pipes and oven, making them twice the
capacity of the old ones. On the whole we
suppose it as complete a Furnace as is in the
It was "blown in" on Wednesday last by
the regular founder, Robert Viucent and we
are plxased to hear is doing well. The impor
tance of these establishments are well known
to those in the neighborhood, we have always
advocated their protection and they have our
best wishes.
We trust that friend Wood will reap the
reward bis enterprise and Industry so richly
tj" Tha liver u absting at Portsmouth.
(oTSuKBuax aitd Etna Railroad. The
opening of the link of this road between
Milton and Northumberland, has been post
poned until the 28th lust. The city councils
were not able to attend on the 20th, the day
which had been fixed npon. We observe
that both the bridgos between this place and
Northumberland, are making rapid hand
way. The stone work will all be completed
in the course of a month, and by the middle
of November, the bridge can be made passa.
ble for locomotives.
We hope the short link necessary to con
nect the Philada. and Sunhury road, with the
Sunbury and Eric, in this Borough, will also
bo ready at the time, so that coal trains can
run through from Elmira to tho Shamokin
mines without any stoppages or tranship
ments. In tho mean time fiats will be used
for the transhipment of cars between this
placo and Northumberland.
F. S. The first locomotive over tho road,
came to Northumberland on Thursday even'
ing last.
In reply to tho charge of having boast
ed of their support of the Kuow Nothing
candidato for Senator, in their own paper.
the Gazette, toys i
"Perhaps our neighbor can remember tho
occasion of that article, which was written at
the time when the friends of (Jen. Cameron
in Sunbury wera charging Mr. Tnggart of
ingratitude, us they represented that they
hud voted for him at the timo of his election."
We remember nothing of the kind. The
friends of Gen. Cameron are not in the habit
of laaking asses of themselves.
If they could bo guilty of such treachery,
they would hardly be silly enough to publish
it to the world.
Immigration into tiik United Status.
The Washington Union publishes statistics
of the immigration into tne united Mates
during two quurters of the present year, as
shown at the principal commercial points.
The number is HlG.OlO, against 19!,2J9 the
same quarters last year, this is a great
falling olf, and the newspapers attribute it to
the Know Nothing movement, that possi
bly has had its etlect, but there are otlier
causes which aro equally as strong. The ex
cessive dearness ot provisions uunug tlio
last year, and the depression in business,
drove numbers buck again to Europe after
they had reached this country, und deterred
thousands from coming here. The pay of
agricultural lunorers in Jrcluud consiuerubly
advanced during the past season, in conse
quenco of a demand lor laborers, the war
iu England has also carried oil' a large portion
of the population, who are usually forced to
immie;rulu from poverty. Among tho class
of immigrants who come to this country with
tho means to settle upon lurm lands, the de
crease in immigration has not been very
marked, though some immigrants of this
kiHd have preferred to settle in Canada, on
account of the prejudices against foreigners
which they believe to be a growing element
in American politics.
A Magnificent Scheme, Capt. Allen,
the British Navy, proposes to make some
thing useful out of the Arabian Desert, now
a waste of sund. He argues thut it has been
once an ocean, is now thirteen hundred feet
below the level of tho Mediterranean, and
that if a canal were cut from tho head of the
Gulf of Akaba to )hc Dead Sen, and another
from tho Mediterranean across the plain
Esdraelon, to tho fissure in the mountain
rango of Lebanon, the Mediterranean would
rush in, with a fall of thirteen hundred feet,
fill up the valley, and substitute an ocean of
two thousand square miles in extent, for a
barren, useless desert ; thus making the nav
igation to India as short as the overland
route, spreading ferti,;ty over a now arid
country, und opening up tho fertile regions of
Palestine to settlement and cultivation.
This is certainly a magnificent idea. If, in
the course of time, it wero fouad that the
ocean scheme did not pay, tho canal could bo
slopped up, the water pumped out, as tlie
Hollanders recently did with one of their
lakes, and a fine fertile plain would be found
ready for cultivation.
Tub Farmers' IIioii School ok I'ennsti
tama. Tim trustees of this Institution met
nt Hurrisburg ou tho 12th iisst., to examine
and decide upon the oilers made by several
liberal gentlemen of tin? interior. "An ofi'ir
was made by Col Klias I'akcrof four hundred
ucres of improved land in Blair, nnd thu coun
ty had subscribed and tendered to the Trus
tee ten thousand dollars in tnoncr. The
majority of the Trustet'9 preferred tho oiler
of Uen. James lrvin, of Centre, who presen
ted to the Hoard twe hundred acres of most
fertile und highly improved land, leases also
two hundred more, and the county has raised
more man ten thousand dollars in money.
Luder theso uuspicious circumstances is
founded tho Farmers' High School of Penn
sylvania, to wliicli all true lovers of their
Btate mast wish tho utmost success and pros
perity. Hon. Jamkh IJituanan. It is confidcntlv
asserted in Washington, that Mr. IJcchamm,
on retiring; fiom his ministerial career, will be
immediately married to the widow of the lulu
President Polk. Hhe is, indeed, a lady for
whom one initrht cladlv resign even so Ioiil' a
life of buckelordom as his. We trust the re
port is uot u mere rumor.
It is rumored that the New York fusiouists
will nominate William I'ullen Hryunt, of tho
livening Post, for Secretary of State. The
poetry of politics may be au agreeable change
Tor him.
St. Lorrs, Sept. 1". The Free-Soilers of
Kansas, have uninitiated ex-(iovvrnor Heel
er, for Congress. The election is to bo held
on thu seroud Monday of October.
Peaches are selling iu Cincinnati at 50 cts
a bushel.
Thk Reign or Art. In this wonderful age,
Art lays her master touches on almost every
thing. The ceilings over us and the carpets
we tread on, are hullowed by Art. A i t winds
the raitwuy through the mountains and the
mud : makes her machines of wood und iron,
to act us if with knowledge and annihilates
space with lightning turned down to tho tut cl
edgeofttboy Nothing is too lofty for her
touch and nothing too humble. A new proof
of this old Conviction, has just fallen under
our uotice, in the shape of a Cuthurtie Pill,
from the Laboratory of that world renowued
Chemist Iloct. J. C. Ayer.
If we understand the subject, he has car
ried that article to the farthest perfection of
which it is capable. Instead of employing
Druga in iu composition, at we have always
thought the necessary and only way, he htut
with cont'umaU skill extracted the virtues of
tha medicine to be employed aud combined
them alone in their purity together.. The
composition it then roiled and rolled by ma.
chiuvry and steam power into a (period pill
which ia wrapped in an envelop of gelatiue,
for protection from the effect a of weather or
time, and then thickly coated with eugar, to
serve at IU passport over the palate. Not
withstanding all thit labored perfection tbey
ara offered to tha Public at lets than on
caat each. However humbl tha department
we thiuk thia may U aafuly characterised at
h eooyomation f An in iu Una.
For Ihe AlMrlism.
XcaR Mn-TOif, Sept. 17, 18C5.
IT. B. Mabssii, Esq f-Jcar Bit, You will
confer a particular" favor by (tiring the fol
lowing notice of appointments, a place in
your paper. Tonrs in esteem, .
The Superintendent of Common Schools
for Northumberland connly, will attend cn
tho days and at the places mentioned for the
purpose of examining teachers. The school
Directors, especially, are invited to attend.
For Shamokin township, October 10th, at
2 o'clock, P. M., at Mr. Charles Leisenriog's
For Hush district, October 11th, at 2
o'clock, P. M., in the Rushville school house.
For Gearhnrt district, October 12th, at 9
o'clock, A. M., in the Gearhmtdistrict school
For Point township, October 15th, at 2
o'clock, P. M nt Mr. Henry Haas' tavern,
in Northumberland
For Upper Angusta district, Wednosday,
17th, at 0 o'clock, A M., at Mr. J. Coverts'
Hotel, in Sunbury.
For Lower Augusta township. October
18th, at 9 o'clock, A. M., at Mr. Elias Emer
ick's tavern.
Cc lil'iirhcts.
Philadelphia Market.
Sept. 19, 1855.
Grain. Thero is n fair amount of Wheat
offering. Sales of 2300 bushels of Pennsylva
nia and Southern red, nt 81 73 tt 82 80 per
bushel, and 1 12 J a 1 90 for fair und prime
white, email sales oi l'ennsyivnnia itvo nt
gl 09 aud Delaware 81. Corn is dull at 90
a 91c. Outs are coming forward moie freely
with sales of ordinary and good Delaware at
30 a 38c.
Wimskkt is held at 41 a 42 cents in bbls.
and 41c iu libels.
WllKiT. 150
Rtr. .IU
Con. 90
Oats. . 45
Potatoes, "
Hkeswax 2R
Hr.cKLtn Flax. 10
Buttkii. .18
Enas. . IS
I'otiK. 7
FLSXSltRD. 125
Tallow. - .13
Peoples Candidate for Assembly.
SAM PEL A. I'.F.KfiSTKKS.SIilt, the
peoples candidate for Assembly. Having
served ono term to tho satisfaction of his
constituents, he trusts ho can again solicit
their support in full confidence of success.
Shamokin tp., Sept. 22. 18"5. te.
1-C. R.FISIIi:il &. D. W II A III' O
HAVE taken the Saloon formerly occupieJ
by J. W. Washington,
7n Market Square, Sunburg,
where lltcy will he happy to dispense to their
trie nils and Ihe eating public generally, all the
dcliracira of the season, including Oysters tresli
and siired. The bill of fare will include suH
stantiulsand delicacies, calculated to satisfy those
who are hungry, and those who desire merely to
have their palates tickled. It will lit open at all
houra of tht day, and all reasonable hours of the
nielit. (Jive us a call and taate for yourselves.
Sunhury, Scpl. 23, 1835.
Teachers Wanted !
A PPMCATI0X8 will be received by tho
Secretary of the board of School Directors,
aunbiirv District, for three teachers, viz : in
Koonis Nos. 1, 2 and 3, until Pridnv, September
SSth, at 2 o'clock P. M., at wliicli time the
aclioola will lie allotted. 11 v older of the Board
Sunbury, Sept. 22, 18.r.r) It.
Notice to Settle Up.
A LI persons indebted to the subscriber ire
- rcsuectfully requested lo call and pay up
without further notice, between this and the 10th
day of October next. Please give it your ism
niTE attention.
Sunbury, Sept. V3, 1855. 3t.
The Invitation is to all I
4 I.L those knowing themselves indebted lo
the subscribers on nolo or book account are
respectfully invited lo call aud pay the same on
or before the 10th day of October next, as we
must have money to buy our Fall and Winter
sui'idy of goods.
I. F. & J. F. KLINE.
Klinesgrove, Sept. 22, 1855 tf.
Market Street, Dan.iille, Pa,
TIMS is one of the largest and most commo
dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania.
It has been recently fitted up, in excellent style,
with all the modern conveniences.
Danville, Sept. 22, 1855.
xr.w t;oois! xEtrnnonsn
Immense Attraction at Elsbergs Storo !
As'uhingtnn teas first in war, peace, fceso
Ehbern's Clothina Store is first in receij)t
of XlilV GOODS.
riHE subscriber having recently returned from
the city has just been receiving and opened
to-day a splendid assortment of all kinds of Goods
ii. his line. Having selected with care, and from
his being early in the market, purchasing cheap
he flatters himself in being able to oiler to his
patrons and the public in general, such goods at
will suit all in styles, quality make and prices.
In addition to Coats, Punts and Vests of tweed
jeans and other stall suitable for fall wear, may
be found all kind of winter wear, such at Over
coats, Business Coats, Dress Coats, pants and
Vests, made of all imaginable stuffs uf dillerem
colors, from light to heavy grades, cheap to good
qualities. Ill fact such an extensive assortment
of Clothing as will not fail lo suit everybody.
Also a large quantity of boy's Clothing aud all
sorts of Under-clothing.
HATS and Capt of all kinds and styles; the
Kanaat-Ntbraska Hat, latest style.
A good assortment of UOOTM and SHOES,
among which aro good calf-skin shoes made to
order; Also Ladies' Guma of different kinds.
Assual he has on band a good assortment
uf Jewelry, accordeons, revolvers. Various kinds
nf pistols, fine cutlery, shirts, collars, hosiery,
gloves, port monnais, beidri a great manyoitur
articles too numerous to mention, alt of whirh
will he sold at rrusonabla rates. Call and see
aud judge for yourselves.
The Store is in Market Square, opposite the
former Post Office, a few doors below Master's
printing office.
Sunbury Sept. 32, DJS5
rOU are hereby commanded lo
meet at lb Armory, on
SATCbDAY, lb th day of Oct.
.at TJ o'clock, A. M, fully equip
ptd for drilL Each number to be
prepared wttb 10 rounds of blank
earl ridges. By order of Ihe Captain
untniry, fttdt. tf, MM.
BY lrl of a r. En. to me dirse1. will
ha exwoand to public sale, at the Court
Room hi Punbnry, en MONDAY the Mh 6f
Nowiribw the toflowlns; ta1 urtatas All the
defemlenU interest, being the undivided seventh
part of a '
shout In Lowet Auguota township Ko'thniif.
fterland county, adjoining lands of Abraham
Wolf, the heirs of William C. Gearhert dee'd.,
John Kline and othara. containing aixty acrea
more or leas, about thirty of which are cleared
whereon are erected a two story log house and
loir hsrn.
Seired, taken in execution, and to ba aoia at
the property of George Conrad (ton of John.)
at the aame time and place, all defendenta inter
est, bcinB the equal undivided one ninth part of a
situate In Lower Aususta township, county
aforesaid, adjoining Innds of John Toy, Joel
Yordy, Jicob Raker, Henry Keisrr and others,
containing 110 acres inoro or less, about 75 of
which are cleared whereon are erected S Two
Story Dwelling Houses, two barns and olhor
Seized, taken in execution, and to be told at
the property of Jacob Haupt.
HENRY WF.ISE. Sheriff.
In the matter of the estate of Daniel Hoch,
Tht Commonwealth of 1'tnnsyteunia.
To Anns
Mnris, marned In Willwm Knrclin-r, Jncoh Hoch, J.'lul
Itrn. Suaaiiii.ili II h-Ii. inarruil M Oeurge Welxel, Abra
ham H u ll. Michael IIcilK, dei-nisi'il, li avmg a ilmiirlitCT
iminetl sMiinli, m iiiinjir, iinilirr the nf nf fotiiieen ywns,
wlune tiimriluui is , l.ydia Hoch, deceased, wlm
wus married lnlienri Lel hie', leaving two minur chil
dren, Anna mid Kdward. who have l,.r their Gunrdinn
, Margaret, married to Jacoh l.eiilni, Chiijtiannn,
manied M Was. W.ilf. Amis, married t David Keiix.
I'hilip llnch. and lilius II ieh. lineal descendants of Daniel
Huch, deceased, and to all other pcrams interested
' ' OKKUii.NO :
Xortlmmberland County, ss.
Yon are hereliy cited
to be, and appear lief.'ro the Judges of the Orphans' Cuurt,
at nn Orphans' Court, to t held al Siinliury, in and for Ihe
Mild c unity, on the first Monday of November next, then
nnd there lo accept or refuse to lake the fl estate of
wild Daniel II. eh, aecensed, siluateJ in toper Mahnnoy
townnhip, adjoining; lands of .luliu Sheny, .lacob Herb,
Pnmcl KeiiK, (tunnel Kcilz. and iN'.u-rs, c ntniniii( almut
14$ acres. Ac., nt the valuation theienf. or show cause
vl:v the same should not be sold according to law. And
here if fail not.
t l fVrtiflerl from Ihe records of onr said Or.
) kl' Court nt Sunl.urv. tnls 7lh dny of
( ) August, A. D., ISaS.
j.u. r. i i h?l.l., is. v
Sunbury, Sept. K, 1943. It.
aoi-oiiT vxc-Lrstvnv at
Aojt. 1 i: 3 Banl Street, lelur Market,
Del ween Second, and Third,
C7" To cash or slnil lime buyers we will sell
at n very snioll advance on Auction rates
i'liila...Sept. S3, 1 S ')." SincCj.
J'o. 45 South Second-Street,
RE now prepared to oiler to their rus
toniers, and to the trade, (of their own im
portation.) the largest and hmJsomest assort
ment of Millineiy Goods, in this city consist
ing in part of llonnct Silka, Kibbons, Velvets,
Fancy Feathers, Flowers, Laces, ke. JfC.
Which will be sold at the lowest prices, and
on the most favorable terms.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 18o3 Smp2.
FA LL STOCK of N E W Goods
Seasonable Shawls.
Fashionable Silks.
Full stock iflack Siiks.
Dress Goods, all kinds.
ninnUcts and Flannels.
Linen and Cotton Sheetings.
Staple Housekeeping Goods.
Cloths, ('nsiinirros and Vestingt.
FOIRTH cfc ARCH 8ts., PI 1 1 LAD' A.
P. S. Storekeepers nnd other nrt crtxh buyers
supplied with scarce nnd desirable Dry Goods
at low rnte. II AUG A INS from Philadelphia
ami New York Auctions daily.
N. H. fi raes French Mrrinocs, all colors,
wholesale from 65 to $1.25.
Philadelphia, cpt. 2 2, 1S55. 3m wll.
jo:eijn" fareira,
Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in
all kinds of Fancy Fura
.Vo. 284 Market Street, (above Eighth,)
Having now completed my very lare and
bcauutifol assortment of all t)o different kinds of
Fancy Furs, and fashioned into all Ihe different
styles and fashions that will he worn during the
present season by Ladies and Children, and being
determined to sell my gu'd at small profits it
will be to the advantage of Ladies am' others to
give me a call before purchasing.
N. B. BTOUEKE EPE If and the trade will
do well to they will find one of the
largest and best variety of ttock to select from
the city. JOHN FAREIRA.
Sept. 22, 1855 4 mos.
I3EKRY it ERETY, invite the attention of
A, merchants and others to their lare stock of
eleuiillv bound Bibles, Hymn Hooks, Prayer
Books. Albums, and Presentation Hooka 111 al
styles of binding ; Standard Tbeobgicni. Medical,
Miscellaneous und School Hooks, which Ihey
have received f'Otn Trade Sales and are gelling
at extremely low prices.
Also direct from tho manufacturers and Im
porters, ever kind of Plain and Funcy Writing,
l.clltr and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and
-Steel Pens, Penci's, Inkslands, Wrapping Pa
pera, See., &c, at the lowest cuh prices.
S. W. Corner, 4th and Race Sts.
Scptemlier 22, 1855. tf
Fruits & Confectionery.
JTREMOVAL. The subscriber has removed
ti (k to No 'iQ Misiit SratiT, above Front,
(Three doors above the old stand,)
Where he keens constantly on hand, a general
siork of all article ill bis line ; consisting of
Orautrca. Lemons and all kinds of fruit 111 wit
son: Almonds. Walnuts. Cream Nuts. Ground
Nu. nl.ini und roastel : Pickles and preserves
of all kinds ; to which he invitet the attention of
llenlrrs, sn.l others viai illg lll city. Goods
packed at this establishment warranted to carry
N. 33 Market St.. above Front, South aide.
Phila.. Sept. 22, 1855 3m c3.
V 10 Xnrik Second S'reet, toppositt th
Mount Vernon House.)
COLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ra
V ow . s;i...r Lever do., do., $12; bll-
ver Lepine, do., 9 : Quartier. 5 lo $7 : Gold
c . .Ui lii Ml ta S10: Silver do., 1 50;
Silver Table Spoont per telt, U to 18,
Silver Desert do., do., 9 to $ 1 1 1 M T
do.. $4 75 to 7 60 J Gold rent ami
... i . i , Hold Pent and Silver do., H
together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry.
Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chtint. All goodt
warranted to be it represented. Watche and
J.ialrv. Muaired in tht best manner. A lao. Ma-
Marka. Pina. AlC madfl tO Order.
N. B. All oidert tent by mail or ethtrwita.
ill be punctutlly ttttnded lo.
rhils .cVpt. t, 1666. 1 .
Supreme Court Worthern District.
J I ha
horrliy ptvafl timt ids fttirtrema Own nf tha Nmltisnt
iprnct "T rwinsyivania win mmrrmna lis wwm on
I HPT MONDAY of OCTOBER. A. D. 1915. at U,s
uran nuosa in wiupott
Pfoth'rs OftVa, I
tor. M, lass.
tiat mt I'auara tor ArfwartMHst OctatM T. ItSS
I. Itw k Barfoa rs Ira T Clcmant North's eo
va Ysstlna Lycoming
I. Wertmaa
4. Phillips
5. Shriner
0. Hartzel
7. Ilnwen, Olrto A Co
a. rsbel
. Coder
10. Brosions
II. Hale
19. Carboa Ran Imp so
13. Uorton
It. Perkins' Ex'tot
1.1 BerryhiU
11. Fmil
17 Steet .
ts IthiKlns North'd
vs Kerb Kan trap eo
vs Keller Union
vs Hound t.veomina
vs Whits A Mervtne North'd
vs HriisioifS North'd
vs Hilling Lycoming
vs Bonier North'd
vs flittftnhonse Colnmhia
vs Rockefeller
vs Pewsrt
vs Frilina
vs Rerryhill
vs Reynolds
vs Kimble
WHITE SOW ahout two yeare oM. came
to the premises of the tubscriber, reaiding
near the Northumberland Dridie, during the
month of May. The owner it requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges and
take her away.
Sunhury, Sept. 22, 1855
S. M. corner Sixth and Arch streets,
riEAS! Teas!! on uncommonly full nd
I rhni.-e .nrtment of black and srreen Teal
ofull grades, from the extremely low price of
30 els 3,1 0 0060 70 U TO Ctt. per iu.,
warrnnted to be superior to any to be had else
wliert at the same prices. We know and confi
dently recommend them to h 20 percent cheap
er than any for sale in the city. We have also
a very superior assortment of Coffee, Old Gov I,
Java, Laituayrn, Maracaruo, Kioanu uap nay
ticn Coffee. New No. 1 Mackerel and Shad in
S and 1 bbl. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine
Annie. SaD Saso. New York Cream Cheese al
wavs on hand. Soap brown and white; also
H. L. Kendcll & Co't Chemical Olive Soap, one
lb. of which will co as far as 2 of ordinary brown
Soap. Also Starch of different qualities, pickles,
sauces, ketrhuna. olives, olive oil, sardines, an
rhovpva. &c. with a full assortment of Fancy
Goods, to which we invite the attention of the
public to call and examine our extensive assort
ment of Fine Groceriea for sale by
Wholesale and Retail Family Grocers and
Tea Dealers. 8. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sta
N. H. Goods delivered to all partt of the cily
free of charge.
Phila.,Sept. 22, 1855. apl 8y
WiTtox Dsrcr. Tuot Dtrcr
.Vw. 223 .Vr7t Second Street, below Callou-hill,
and S. IT. Corner Eighth and Spring Gurdet
TTTorLD lcspectfnllv inform their former
" customers and others, that thev have just
laid in a splendid assortment of
:u r(s, Oil C'lothN, Matting,
Window Shades, Door Mitts, &c., &c, at very
reduced prices Wholesale & Retail.
TAKE NOTICE We will sell our gooda
as cheap as any other hruse of the kind ln the
Pirla., Sept. 22, 1955. w3m
Aided by eome eight years experience in the
practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to
all matter appertaining to or within tha line of
his profession. Office with Charles J. Uruner,
Esq., Market street.
Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1855, tf
LL persona indebted to the firm of Friling
-va tv uram, on tvoie, dook account or uiuer-
. . . . ii ,. . ...
wise arc respectfully requested to come forward
and pay up between this aud the first of October
us they wish to go to the city to lay in their fall
Sunhury, Sept. 15, 1855 tf.
Head Quarters 1st Buttallion of 8th Division
P. U. M.
rpHE first BattallionofSlh Division of North
JL umucrlauU county, composed ol the C
wnladcr Guards, Shamokin Guards, Shamokin
Gniva, tanners and Mechanic' Artillerv, Dew.
art rils, under command ol Lieut. Col. Marti
will parade iu full uniform, at C. Leisenriui;:
in nnatnokiu township, on Saturday the 6 da
ol October I8.10, for drill iVc. The line will be
formed at 10 o clock A. M.
By order of the Col.
J. C Barnhart, Adjutant
P. S. Commandert of companies are esoecr
ally required to furnish to the adjutant a full copy
01 me 11011.
Sunbury Sept. 15, 1855.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court
of Aorthumherland county will be exposed to
putiuc sale 011 Monday the lotti day of October
next on the premises: Die following described
real estate to wit :
situate in Upper Augusta township county afore
aatu, aoiuiuiiig lanua oi jni, omitn, llarman
Khue, and James Campbell and the North branch
01 me ousqucuauua, containing sixiy.uve acrea
or there abouts of which about 30 acres are cul
tivatcd, aud on which are erected a log Hut and
eia:ie. Also the undivided nail ot a certain
other tract nf Land in said township adjouinin
the above described tracts, lands of Stein and
James Campbell, containing about 35 acres, of
which about 25 acres are cleared, and on whic
aro erected a log hut and stable. Late the estate
of Adam Neidi,;, deceased. Sale to commence
at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms
of tale will be made known by
Bv order of the Court,
Jno. J.' Pursel, Clk. O. C.
September 15, 1855 4t.
$10 iEwiri
'T'HE aliove reward will be paid by the Ci
inissionere of Northumberland county,
the discovery and conviction of the miscreants
who shut up, in the State House entry several
cow., on Tuesday night last, and otherwise
injured the public buildings.
Vini.L be sold at public sale, on tbe premises,
"on SATURDAY, the 20th day of Sep.
tember, at 10 o clock, A, M., 1855, in pursuance
of the last wijl and testament of Michael Evert,
dee'd., a certain '
situated iu I'pper Augusta township, North'd
county, about lour miles east of Sunbury, ad
joinintf lauds of Junta Fry, John Haugbawout,
Daniel Keefer and others, containg about fifty
acres, more or leaa. About twenty acret of tbe
said premises are cleared, and in a good state of
cultivation. The remainder it timber Und.
There it also an excellent, and never-failing
tpring ou the property.
Persona wishing to examine the land can ap
ply to Jacob Evert, near the premiset. Terms
and conditions made known on the day of tale.
Upper Augusta, Aug. II, 1855 It.
C AME to the premiset ef Ihe tubscriber, resid
ing in Lower Augusta township, Norlbumber
land enwuly. about 9 montki siuce a Stray Bull
over two y'eart old. Color biindle, white back,
redith brinc"le head, weight about 150 pounds.
The owner ia requetted to eome forward provsj
Drooert pav daaitgee aJ take hint away,
property pa, w t OWE.NBOWEN.
lower AufUtta, iey.. I, .IM Sm.
THE Highway Bridge of the Trtvorton an,
ftllaWlllakKaanamaa D.ll.u A Pnm.tikllff m
--neHilB laaltf VtVU wia sr J f -s T JI
tha Susquehanna River, eleven miles below N0r.
tharaberland, at Port Trtvorton (formerly Chap,
man) in Union, count, o Trtvorton nation ln
Northumberland eountv being completed. iu,
public are now informed ia open for travel.
Drovere anrl others will find this tha ihortatt
nd easiest route between the Susquehanna Itit,r
and Pottsville, at it avoids all the mountains
except Broad Moun'aiu, which ia crossed at U,.
, lowest elevation.
Port Trevorton, Sept. 8, 1H55. 1m.
1 )t-'Y root aontie from first hands and .. i .
The niidersirned 1ms In at
lowtMl pure. Willi dtoiitof 2 dmmh rn tU4
LMOXlm. U IIV Plr-n
" orusrs by mail promptly attended to
, . 41 S. Water Street, Philade,ii-e.
Pila.9ept.l5,195Slmp. ' t'
L KSb A.N r to a,, set of tlx (ieiieral Assvmhti of in,
. Cuimaonwa th of Piuavlvn..i. - .' . "
If ."i! ele";,of ommoilwealth," pXt3
UitNcond 1 day of July, Anno lmi , . ,g .JJ
ilil hundred and tliirty-ume, I HKNKY ukv
11, gh Sheriff of the oounty of fcori'hu"".
va, do hereby make known sd give ,. , , h,
tors 01 Hi. county aforcmnd, that i eei.crul eleeiin,, 1
h. T Zll'y 'TP "f "ihuinlwria,,,! .. the 9KCOND
OllS DrS0n as Canal Con.m,..i.l.. r .L. A w2
wealth. "" -ilirs
Oils person ss Member of trie Rons of R.r,..,.
to leeresest ths countjr of Norihumlierlaud.
v i. ,,vi,n m itegister sua Keconlei and Clerk of tht
Orphans Court for ths cuunly of Northumberland,
.i .r,. .,i , reasurcr 01 Aortnumlieiloiiil e.mntv
Out person as Ciuninissioner for 11,. ' .1
umlierlaiid lot a term of 3 years. '
..i,l"e,peIV"n. Commisaioner for ths county of North
umlierlmtd fur I vear. ..i-nu
and pC"" Audi,or for tt county of Northuratjar-
I also hsreliv make known anil :v. n .1... .u
places of h auling the afnreanid general eleetion in the srv.
ernl rsiritugha sad townships within the county of Nor
thumberland are as follows :
Ths Sunbury District, composed of the bnueh of
Sunbury, and Upper Augusta, at tha County Court
The Aueuita District, compose,! of ths towusliip of
Lower Augusta, at ths bouse ol Klias Knierieh, la Wild
township. 1
The Northumberland District, composed of the bonrnth
ot Northnnilieiliiiid, at the In 'use of Augustus Houts ..f ths
borough of .Northumberland.
1 ne Dutrict, at the houss of Ilewy linos, in ths
beroiigh ot Northumberland.
1 lie .vi itt 111 Uisinet, at ths houss of Frnlsrick Sticksr.
1 suid b.,roui-h.
Tho Turbut liiatriet. at lh hnuaj, ..whm.i i.w 11..1..
Ths Delawara District, at ths Sinking Spriuc- School
House. or.
The Clulisauaque District st tlis h iuia of Beniamin
The Lewis District, at the hirtiaa nefimiM.! t.i. m;..i...i
Ths Sharaoktii District, at the houss of Charles Lciiea-
I'prer Mahonoy District, at the fwuts of Daniel
The l.itlis Muhonov District, at tht h..n.. uf Pil.n.i
Tho Iiwer Muhonov Dutrict. at tha houaa nf M.h-!
Tha Ktisu Untrict, at ths I.ilierty Pole School Il,,u"
Ths Jackson District, at tha huuas oceil inert bv (;,,n.
The C fil Pulriet. at ths houss of William M. Weaver.
In tha town of Shaiukiu.
The Zr.r; District at the houss of John Weaver iu
Trevott. a.
Tha Cainrron District, st the house of Glden Perk.
The J'irilaii District at the house, of Uenjuinln Leitel.
The M miit Carmel District, at tlis public huuse of Fa
lls lrch.
Ths election to open between the hours ol" 8 and lu
o'clock in the f.ireuo ai, and shall continue without inter-
ruption or uilj'iuriiineiit until 7 o'clock in the sveaiiig
when the poll ahull be eloacd.
Ihe several InajH'tora and J ii.ttfes elected on the 31
Frldnv ol Maleh, lJTi, in numiauce of the 3d Section ol'
the ael of the 2l of Jalv. ISIO, will hold Ihe election un
Tuelny li e toll day of October ileal.
' I hat every pei&ou except n Jubticeof the Teace. vh '
iliall hold anv office or appointment oi profit onil tnipt un
der the government of the doted Slutet. or ol Ihis State,
or ot any city or ineorpointeu umtrtct, whether a eonaini
aioued olficer or nvrnt, who rliall be employed under tlie
lesialalive, elcenlive ,.r jtliliciarv depnrtlneilt of thia tate,
or the L'llited Suites, or of any cily or incorporated (lisliict
and nlso that every member Congrets anil of th Slato
L.cgismture, unci oi the select anil common council ot any
city, or cominifstoner ol any incorporated Dintnet, is by
law, meniiabie ot Homing or exrceisiin; tlie i.tnee or ap
pointment of Jurtee, lusreetoi or Clerk, of any election
ufthis commonwealth, snd that no liuector. Juilc. or
any other oltieer of such election, shall Ins eligible to buy
orni-e to be then voted for.
And Ihe said Act of Assembly, enlitleir'-un set relatn g
to the elections of this Cotnm onve.-iih," pureed Juiy ti.s
Ifiin, lKlv, lurther provides as b lkiws, to wit :
That the Inspectors and Judeca chosen aa af'resiiiil,
shall meet at Ihe respective pliiccs for hi'Minc; tlsv' election
In the district to which they renpeettully idling lu-lom
nine o'clock in the morning of the sreoud Tuewlny of I :e-
toscr iu each and every year, Lad eueh of sain Inapectora
B-all appoint one clerk, who shall he a quubhed voter vt
such d'Striet.
Skctios 2 That any fraud committed bv any person
-lime lu the manner above nreaeritied, ahull lie nullified
aa li.iiilar frnurla are diieeted lo be punished by the exist
ing luwa of this Common wealth.
"In enae the person who ahull have received Ihe second
higheai mnnlicr of votes tor Inspectors shall u.a attend on
the dny of nny elcelioii, then the person whu shall have
received the second highest iiumlwr of votes for Judge the
next preceitiiui election, siiull act as nu luspectoi in foa
place, and in cue the person elected Judi;e sball not atten'l
ihe liiSieetor who received Ihe hit-heat number of votes,
shall appoint a Judge 111 Ins place ; and il any vacancy
shall continue in the Imard lor the space of half nil hour af
ter the lime fixed by law for the opening of the election,
the qualified voteis of Ihe township, ward or no district,
for whirh such officers shall have been elected, prerent at
the placs of electiona, suall one of tlicir nuiuber to fill such
'It shall be the dutv of said sscars respectively to a:
tend at the place of holding eveiy general, special, i-r
township eteetiiHl. during the whole time suet election is
kept open, for ths purpose of giving iiiloimatiou to the
Inspectors and Judire, whuu i-ulled on, in reunion to lue
light f any person usaeaaed by lliein to vote at auth elec
tion, or aueh other matters iu Malum to the aaaeaaiueiil of
votera, aa the aaid iin-pector or judge or either of them
Blwll from time to tune require
"No person snail be permuted m vote at any election as
aforesaid, other than a white free man ol twenty-one or
more, who ahull have resided in the alale nt lea t one Vt.ii,
and in the election district where he oilers lo vote nt leuat
ten Java immediately nreceednig the election, ami witlm;
two eurt poiil slate of county tux w inch shall have hern
aaaetsnl at leuat ten ihivs beiore Ihe election, Uut a cilizer.
of the I'nited Slates who liad previously teeii a qualiht
voter of this slate, snd removed Ihereuoin ami resumed,
aud shall have resided la the election district. Slid paid tux
aa aforesaid, shall lie entitled lo vote alter residing in Ih.s
auile six months, Provided, That the white lieemcn, cili
xeiiaol the timed States, between the ol
and tweulv-two eaia. and III Ihe election district ten duva
as aforesaid, shall bs entuled to a vole, although they shall
not have paid tnxes.
No person slmll be permitted to vote whose name is n"t
contained in the liat ol luinbte inhabitants famished by li e
eoiilimaamiiers as afolesald, niileas, l'irst : He pnaluecs
a receipt for the Hiillent. within two years, of a state or
oounty tax usaeaaed iigrceatil) to Ihe e-slslltutl'H. uikl cave
sniuiactory evidence eiiheron his own nh is aihiina
tion, .ir on the oath or allirmaliou of another, thut he has
paid auch tax, or on fullure to produces receipt, ahall make
un oath to tue payment thereof ; or tecum, it he claim a
right to vots by being sn elector between the agct ol
twentv ime and iwenlv-two years, he shall depose on null'
or aiTirmali.ui. that he has resided iu Ih. Suite at leutt one
vear uext beiore Ins application, and make such proof i
residence in the that net us is require,! by Uns s'l ; acd
llial he does verily believe from Ihe accoaTt ' g Ceil hnu
thut he is of the uge uforeaaid, and give sneh other evi
dences as is required bv tins act. whereupon tue name l
the person so admitted to vole, shall lie mserled m alpha
bciiciil bat bv Ihe iiiticior, and a note nuute oB.oi's
thereto by writing the word "lux," u he ihall u peiun.
tedtovote by reuroii of having lnd tax, or the .:
"age," if be sliall I- tiermitted lo vote on aee.auil el liu,
aj-e, and in either cute ihe miaou of such vies . shal M
called nut to ths clerk, who slatll msks Botes in the bat ol
voiers kein by iheiu. . ..
Inailcasea where the name of the pers .n etaiiniiit
vote is not f.Hind ou the list furnished by the .n
ers and Assessor, or Ins unlit to vote whether found there
on or not. is ohjei-tetl lo by any qiwlihed cuiieii, Wis -speelor
.hall exuiinue such persou ou oath aa t; S.s , qiaii a
eationa, ami if h. claims to' Uv rcaided lu thi i stals one
yea, o? more, hi s "uts ." " Pm", '""1 'i
prove by at lea.t on. etinq-lei.t witneM, who, slut I be a
qualified eleeu-r, thai lis lea.ded within ,l'''"."d sh.a
ten day. next immediately ,eee.l,i.f the " '
sua. h.mKlf swear that his ,ho.u. ,''- .'"' ""''I 'A "uc
a, ice of lawful ealhni it wiihia the district, and ths lie
M u.Vr,u.v. LtL d."ct for th. aurpoa. of v
" Kve'i'V pesou qualifunl a. aforesaid,
nrimu ,i ' ro.,rc.l .,f realrleul snd puiment of Uixes. a
fnJ,VX!.oi.n..ed.ovote,u,.h. Uiwnsh.p, ard
or district in which h. sluill reside.
it .... - - - ,..i.a-i to vote intnist-onini onwe....
b. for any term not exceadnig tare. TO n
Ht . .i
It ahall ho the duty oi svery mayor, sn...,
juic. of thi pei, and .aistala. deputy ctai-sbhs, of
vsry ciiy, elmTLiwiuhip r w.lbmj U,. ran
"owlih, wheiUvw wiled anon by any officer of aa
1-mon, W'b7r ,ual' .lector ihw i, t" ekraj
any window or avuu. I anr window, to U pUw
nor ninr. man one im.u - " 1 i el
th. duty of U. muMctiv. eonstald. -''JTJtJ.
township, trf this e..n.monwe..h to hi wr?li?Z. -T
or by danuiV, at th. plae. of h Uling aaeh -J
waid, district av township, for tbe purpose of P1"
Ih. paao. as aforesjiid. .foressirl,
It shall he ih. dTiy of .very Pf "vV.t
who shah b. prmcill , .. uieh d,rtr,VJiM to th.
Uo a. as dtn.ben u this a to r.pon th. sw
M enart of qaostsr aawnu, and suto "saw"
a , . ' , . .nd II
ww wi,pvn h. 1 . mfm a' - t
Ta. Judaea to sa,s. th-s Jr T rkv
lnhnmb.,aud, ai ih. rVaart Booto. 'J B" r'
ay. o.VyWW.
aisvirt nttaai BDaatry I
ti it, jeae -ii I
astJy to tow (exeeut lbs of qualified eilue.
luiuTppLto.i v nlaci of elertua. f. Ih. foi
auiiu, iickets, .H- iiiSueiieuig e.uwiai quality to vol. ht
sh.loneo,mctic,i, end pay w.y .uio
ins on. hn,,d,l AJtar. for .very on. such offance. mat
taunal .lt,on, which shall bs ohst.uciea in - -
a. to r.aer. from approsohu the tasne, a a
nevleel or rusal to do an on such requ.slon, i' ' s
shall b. dee,ne,l guilled oi npsdea.sis '?'"
chivicii .u k. in anv aura n leas lliau "