SCMa!ES- rcvery description, suits' lo fof Railroads, Vfjc., for weighing Way, Coal, Oro and Mer chdiw) generally. Purchasers run no risk, ev ersrale I Guaranteed correct, end if, after trial nfound aalisfnctory, cnn be returned without crce. " Factory at Old 6tnd, established f t IT Ihon twenty yenre, corner of ninth and Won Street, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & Co.. Pucceosor to Elliot & Abbott, rtillu. Sept. 1, 1665. 8mC. Mho Voters of Northumberland County. At .V. -,t ;..;... r . .... i r 1 imiinii vi a ii tiuiuvi vi my menus offer myself to your consideration ai an Inde- ijendent candidate fur , . COUNTY TREASURER, at tho ensuing; election. Should a majority of my lenow citizens elect ma tu that elucs, 1 will oiscuarge Its duties faithfully. JOHN BO WEN. Sunbury, August S3, 1855. te. AUDITORS' NOTICE. 1IE undersigned, appointed Auditor hy the Orphans Court o f Northumberland county, to audit the exception to the uhcount of Daniel Cameron. Inte of Rush tnwnshln. ilee'.b i, th administrators of William Gcnrhart, late of sat. I tnwnsiu p. oec'tl., who was one of the execu tors of said D.miel Cameron, dee'd, will attend to me nuucsoi ins saw appointment, at his office in Vl ttnrmiirS ,.f SntiKiirv nn C 4 ., ..1 - .. .U . tr.l. ..... v " j . vi. uaiuiutj, lilt l.illl dav of September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of snid day, at which lime and place all persona iniaresieu are to attend. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Rnnbury, Aug. 25. 1855. 3t. AUDITORS' NOTICE. TV OTIC E is hereby Riven, that the under i. signed auditor appointed by the Orphans' 'Court of Northumberland county to make dis tribution and adjust the rates and proportions of the assets remaining on the hands of Jacob Sbipe, administrator of Charles Wollenbarh, late of Northumberland county, dee'd., to and among the creditor of said deceased nccording to law. will nt end lo the duties of bis said appointment pn Saturday, the 15th day of September next, at 10 o'cloc k. A. M. of said day, at his office in tie Borough of Sunbury, at whirh time and place all person interested may attend if they re proper. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Sunbury, A tiff. 25, 1855. (it. GENUINE HONEY SOAP. 'ITHE pnnty, fragrance -- cV mild ei Fnioliient properties of this Soap, renders it especially de ervimr a place on everv toilet. Forchappedhands, antl various diseases of the eliiii. it is imeiiunlrd. Each cake is stamped WM. COX WAV, I6S South Second street, Philadelphia. No ether is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olivo Soap, Warranted ti Woih in hard, soft, or salt water. This soap has poweilul cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, See., from every d"c iplion of goods without injury to them. For all domestic purposes it is superior to any other soap in use. and 0 per rent, cheaper than the common rosin tor. p. l'.ac'.i bar is stamped. WILLI A M CONWAY. 168 South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Kancy and Staple Soaps, sperm, stearins and tallow candles, importer and dealer In sal soda, soda ash., Ac. Orders by mail promptly attended to. PhiU. August 5, 1835 if. LAND WARRANTS. The highest price will be given lor La. d Warrants by the sub scriber. 11. 1. A1AUK. AUDITORS' REPORT! Repokt or thr ArntTORs or NoaTBCitr.ER- i.a.vd Cocmr, toa tiik Yr.ia 184. Pmncis Burher, Fq.. Treasurer i f Korlhum berland County, in account with the eamt. Pa. To nm.-inut of nnttnndintr tax for 18j3 atid previous years. $5,99 CO J " amount ol tax assessed ior 18.-.4, 11.003 20 " amount of Connty, Road and School ttix on unseated lands for and previous yenrs, 3.413 58 " Amount of rent Irom l uol'.c l'tiiUlings, " balauce due Treasurer, 21 50 39 84 J 821,26773i Cr. By amount of outstanding tax 'for 1S.V1 and previous year. " amount of exonerations al lowed Collectors for lc5 l and previous years, " amount of commissions al lowed Collectors for 1854 and previous, " Cash paid out on Commis ioners' Orders. " Treasurer's commission en $13,0il 2G ut 2fr percent. 66,775 0C 448 46 C73 64J! 13,044 26 326 10 $21,267 734, Frarici'.t Bucher. Ea., Treasurer of Northum. berland County, in account with the some respecting Suae tax on real anit personal. Dr. Tii amount of outstanding State tax for 1653 and previous years, $1,915 07 1 aggregate amount of saiU tax assessed for 1854. 15,864 09 " amount of State tux received on unseated land, " interest on State tax, 'balance due Ceunty, 1,186 61 14 71 2,848 62$ 21,829 09 J Cr. T!t amnnnt of outstanding tax for 1834 and previous years, $5,51 12 " error in dupliciite, "Treasurer's receipt from State , Treasurer, dated July 20th, 18.")4. "abatement allowed collectors ' Treasurer's per centage on $13,967 61, at 1 percent, " commissions allowed collec tors, ' .exonerations, 3 75 13;7 61 735 14 139 67 763 63 468 17 $21,829 09J llSl8 rranW Bucher, Esq., Treasurer of Northum. bcrlaud County, in account with the same refecting Militia lines. To aggregate amount of outstand ing tax for 1853 and previous years, uiiiouut of tax asssessea Tor 1654, " hulanca due coonty by Trea surer, $868 80 947 50 1.034 83 $2,851 13 Cr. n . ...1 nt m, lain nil lo (? taX for 1 854 and nrevious years, . $ 1I53 30 amount paid Treasurer or Washington Guards, for 1853. " do Puwart Guards, 1854, " do Poppcnvillo Cavalry, '51 do Cadwulader Jufuntry, '54 " do Phaiuokin Guards. 51. do Fanners and Mechamcs Artillery. 1853. do Cadwalader Infantry, 03, do Xorth'd Troon, '63, " do Pewurt Guards, ';i3. do Shainokin Guards. '52. rln J. II. Zimmerman, Bri 50 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 75 00 60 00 50 00 gade Inspector, for '54, do paid Assessor for mak 92 55 tin a list of delinquent militia 2 00 men, ( Treasurer' com mission on t M 55 at I Jror cent. " oxonorntion arloweci collfc ton for 1654 and pmioua years, " commiMon allowed Colleo. tors fur 1854 and prarious year, 852 00 40 2!) 82,801 13 Franris Bucher, Esq., Trtatstrer in nrcotmt artift the .mnty respecting iutaitsri Lfcen Dit. To n(rpre(mle amount of Fttid li cense for 1854, tin per lint fur nished I reixsiirer by the Mer cnn tile Appraiser, $DG0 25 10 37 " amount of License granted by Couuty Treasurer, $970 C2 Cb. By amount raid Yonngmnn k Son for publishing Mercantile Appraisers List, " amount paid II. B. Masscr for same., " do do German, " Treasurer's cotnmissiou on $976 62, at 5 per cent. " balance duo by Treasurer, $11 90 11 90 11 4)0 49 53 886 3'J $970 62 Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer of Nnrthuw berland County, in account with the satie respecting Tavern License. Dr. To amount of said license granted by the Court for '54, $545 00 Crt. Bv Treasurer's commission on $545, at 5 per cent. $2" 25 " bulance due by ConDty Trea surer, 517 75 $545 00 Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the County respecting Beer Houses and Ouster Shops. Pn. To amount of nM license as per list furnished by Mercantile Appraiser. $39 00 " a mem tit of said license granted by County Treasurer, 50 87 $139 87 Cr. By Treasnrer's commission "$139 87, at 5 per cent. " balance due by Treasurer, on 7 00 132 87 $139 87 JVanci Burher, Esq., Treasurer in account with the County respecting Distillers, Brew tn, and Jiectiyers of Whiskey License. Dr. To amount of said license furnish ed by Mercantile Appraiser, $13 00 UR. By Treasurer's commission on S13 at a per cent., balance due from County Trea surer, $13 00 Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer, in acconnt wxttt the County respecting Lvense granted for placet of amusement. Dr. To amount received from Circus, $50 00 " do billiard table, 30 00 $80 00 Cr. By commission on $80 at 5 per cent. " balance due by Treasurer, $4 00 76 00 S80 00 Expenditures of Northumberland County. Premiums on fox scalps, Clk's w., G. Martin, 7.3. SPS 29 54. 3G3 354, 448 64 265 G8j 2M 63 1.710 61 30C 30 38S 78 44G 78 1,079 33 189 40 608 86 2,618 18 J 55 6Bi Assessors' wajres, Road and brulpe views, Buildinp & repairing bridpes. Constables for making returns, sVc, Keiunuinp, Public Bmldinrs, Sheriff's Fees, Commonwealth costs, Election expenses, Juror's wages, ruel, Cbas. Weaver, '53, $41 00 '54, 270 00 311 00 Simon Snyder, '.13, $24 00 '54, CO 00 Jos. Nicclv, 1854, On. C. Welker. " 74 00 95 00 25 00 8 30 e I. Fliilip Rcnn, " $00 65 12 35 Outstanding Taxes for 1354 and precious y"rs on the 31t December. 1854. Names of Colleetors. Townships. Michael Evert, Upper Augusta. Northumberland, Coal, Delaware, I.pwis, Delaware, Norlhumhcrland Snnlmry C'bilisquunne, Rush, Tnrhut, Sunbury, Coal, Upper Augusta, Camerjn, Northumberland, Rush, Lewis, Coal, Lower Mnhanoy, Cameron, Chilisqitaqne. Northumberland, Sunbury, Lower Augusta, M ilton, Tnrhut. Lower Mahanoy, Chiliaqnaqne, Delaware, Lower Augusta, Milton, Rush, Sunbury, Zerhe, Coal, Jordan, Shamokin, Turbut, Lewis, Lower Augusta, Loer Mahanoy Little Mahanoy, Milton. Northumberland, Point, Rush, Shamokin, Sunburv, Tnrbnt! Upper Augusta. Upper Mahanoy, Zerbe, 0al, Chilisqnaqoe, Cameron, Delaware, JacksoD, Jordan, John I.eisenring, John Leibitr, David Stnhlneeker, Thomas Burr, David fctahlneeker, John I.eisenrinj, .Tneoh Bpck, Dennis Bunv, Ilenrv B. Johnson George Knntz, Conrad Kershner, John Leihig, Jnnnh Ecknian, John Iune, Peter Rneh Henry R. Johnson David Wilson, Solomon Martx, Jneoh ISineeman, John Hir.e, ,acon Kline, Peter Ruch, Peter Pursel. Jacob R. Clark, ,7ames Buov, Ahrahnm Kissinger, Martin Bnchman, D. P. Cnnl, Wm. R Irwin, Daniel D. Conrad, .times liuov. Henry R. johnson, Peter Hileman. Jeremiah Peunepaclier, nnas .isennari, Daniel D. .flobner, Ssmnol Hales, Abraham Kissinger, Frederick Fox. Jacob R. Clark, Martin Bachman. Enoch D, Raker, Joseph Eckbert, f7 B. Smith. Joseph Vankirk, til.iL r-r I . rump line, Samuel Hales, Pater Hileman, Jacob Stamm, Michael Kieffer, Jacob H. Kaufman. Jeremiah Fenenpacker, Elias Eisanbart, John Simpaoa, John Uoyer, James Beard, Nicholas Prumheller, Paniel D. fiohner, mv it. iniliinH sf Vnrfbnmherland ("buntr. in the Commonwealth rannjvWatii. do certify that, in poruanca of the 4th aeetion of an act entitled an act reejiila Ti"!' IM. ' .rM to.ofbin. Ac. 'naaaed the 1Mb of pril. 1834. we met at the Oimmiaeion era' Office, in tbe borough of Sanbnry. onth tima to time, aud did audit, adj'iat ana seme me several sccuums rmu,irU vl .i.o.., the several acts of semby and supplements thereto, according to the beat of our judgments .Wlll- ttit. - nia stnn eaaia. 99 I anu aw.,.1.1 M.J.D. WITHIKC.TONJL.8 J. Conrt Crier's wage, r : 194 IS rrmttnt;. " : i :i .. S8Z 67 Incidental exnonscn, 165 40 Dist Aty, O. W. Tuarp, '64, 160 SO Stationery, , , 116 09 Coonty Engine, 63 75 Cnronor'a Inquests, 133 05 Road ond School (at on unseated lands, 5,448 54 Auditors pay for 1853, 145 00 Prothonntary's fees, 282 68 Eastern Penetentiary, 37 61 I.nniitic Hospital, 225 79 Prison expenses, 84 3ft Register alul Rccordor'a tsea, IS 90 Agricaltnral Society, 77 50 $13,455 22 Amount of Court Txnet and Jury Fundt, and to whom paid. Plaintiff, Ecfsndantt. To whom paM. Rockefellow, Norton, not paid $4 00 C'otn'wealtb Hileman fit al Ueard 3 00 " Elliott " 30 00 " Marti M 40 00 " (Jerinser " 40 00 Kicfler Martin (iood Crawford Masser Wilhelm Winchester llnwon Ulioads Hnsh & wife Hilliard Wolfinger Troxel Cnmmings 1'illmyer Pnrdv Wilhi'lra Wutson not paid Beard ii not paid Beard Thompson " Wert man " Snxtoii ndm'r not puid Ilaittnati jr. " Bnchniitn et al " Ctiinmiiifrs " Kipp et al Beard Uartnan et al " Conrad not paid Fisher et al Beard Cabel Burr " C.ibi'1 E win n Wuzironseller Wetzel NTeidig Fisher Brosious Tucyurt et al Fwrnian Uossler Bank of North'd Wagner Ilolnwell Reed Com'wealtb Clement not paid Hanoirnn ' Clement " Stepp " Caldwell et al not paid Wiildron " Buflir.gtou " A psley " llnrinnn " Ztrbe Run eo " Fii'ose " Rohbins et al Board Welsa Davis Walter Simpson llilbish Ulmads Philips Nerbet Tracy Com wealth Fisher not pi Whito & Morviim Bower Gosh co Beard 4 Cnmmings Hunt ct al not paid 4 Prnekomillcr Sensholta " 4 Sciirfried Whitesido " 4 Cash account letn-een Francis Tiucher. Trea surer, and the count' of Northumberland. Pit. To amount of cash received on County tax for 1S54 and prcvi ous years. 810,413 64 J " amount of cash received on un seated lands for road, school and county tax Tor 18o2 & '53. 3,413 58 " cash received for rent of Pub lie Baildintrs, 21 50 $13,847 72 Cr. By amount of cash paid ont on county orders. $13,044 26 " Treasurers commission on 13,044 26 at 2 per cent, 326 10 S13.370 36 Balance in Treasurers hands, 477 3CJ State Funds. Dr. To amount of State tax received 'for 1854 and previous years. $14,004 02 " State tax received on unseat ed lands for 1852 '53. 1,186 61 Cr. By ain't paid State Treasurer. ' commission on $13,967 61 $15,190 63 $13,967 61 at 139 67 1 per cent, $14,107 23 $1,083 35 Balance in Treasurer's bands, Militia Fumls. Pr. To amount of cash received on Mililia tax for 1854 and pre- vious, 78! 50 Cr. By amount of cath paid to .differ ent military compunies, " Treasurer's commission on $699 55 at 1 per cent, $699 55 6 99 $706 56 S75 96 Balance in Treasurer's hands, Tears, Coauiy, CtaM, Militia 1846 1848 834 00 f 48 07 l no 1 95 1849 $4 02 11 45 60 63 13 SO 84 50 31 43 1850 61 43 133 054 127 53 19 29 7 24 45 00 29 00 59 50 29 00 4 09 1851 T,6 66 l!i9 67 106 62 12 179 67 139 54 73 31 721 IS 78 7 35 41 00 28 00 13 95 6 00 1853 17 58 217 84 313 09 9 72 25 172 13 8 8 24 6 3 21 30 00 35 50 50 40 58 1853 42 01 92 16 2?2 MJ 121 67J 340 74 75 33 160 481 32 45 67 34 402 35 11 94 69 50 60 00 69 60 29 00 64 50 14 60 40 62 83 38 96 42 217 53 73 05 43 26$ 11 50 63 00 17 50 16M 225 59 155 69 486 12 153 72 283 76 108 58 534 00 154 64 395 10 645 21 237 65 416 07 258 53 350 62 309 80 524 30 79 58 738 07 220 40 212 53 70 19 73 40 363 80 107 DO 62 36 69 50 357 19 70 54 6'2 27 245 89 97 74 446 81 61 24 483 41 402 15 450 21 47 22 260 61 26 04 97 62 23 00 82 50 67 50 13 50 32 601 37 00 21 50 17 50 67 00 50 00 7 00 21 00 23 60 55 00 194 00 84 00 14 00 60 00 81 60 41 60 4,T7f 06 S,T61 i fi.'ot sa first duy of January, 1855, and adjourned from luis tm uj vi ssussit, i i r HOOVER. L. S.J JNO, t Orphans' Court Sale. TN pursuance) of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the SBlh day of (September next, on the premises, the following described rtal estate, to wit t a certain TRACT OP LAND, altuate In Jordan township, eeunty aforesaid, adjoining lands of Nathan Schraber, Frederick Tyseu, Ueofge Trsutmm. and monntain land, where on is erected a doable Log House, hank barn end other outbuilding, containing about one hundred acres, more or less, about two thirds of which are cleared. Late the estate of Andrew Lenta, dee'd. 8ale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the teriniof ele will be made known bv BENJAMIN LEITZIL, Adm'r. By order of the Court, ) JNO. P. PtnSEL, Clk. O. C. V Sunbury, Aug. 18, 1865. is. ) W0NDEHS OF NATUKE r'IIE present Proprietor of the newly discov 1 ercd YUNFIKLDCAVIS (limestone) in Drv Valley. Union county, hereby Rives notice that the cave will not tie, open on Sundays for Visitors. It may be visited by Ladies and Gen tlemen, en Saturdays of every week, when es pecial preparations will be made to accommodate, with liybts. ty All persons are forbidden to break ofT, injure, or take away anv specimens from the Cave, under penalty of prosecution. The payment of 12J tents only 1s required of every person before entering NOAII WALTER. Dry Valley, Aug. II, 1 855 3m. I'LEMINO Se BBOTHER, PE0DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ko. 40 South Water Street, PHILADELPHIA. Particular attention paid to sales of the following articles : Grain, Butter, Lard, Pork, Deans, Potatoes, Creen and dried Fruits, Grass Seeds, Onions, Wool, Feathers, Poultry, Ac., Ac, &c. Er.rtaxKCr.s. Wm. Srown, Esq. Wm. C Patterson, Esq., Paul T. JocO. Esq., Philadel phia, John Gill, Esq., Pittsburg. Phils., June 2, lB55.-ply7.-ch a!8. PILES -fVISTID HASPS. NEW STREET FILE WORKS, Philadelphia. THE" subscriber is constantly Manufactur ing I ilea and Rasps of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to the bed im ported goods, anil much cheaper. M A N UFA CTUHERS & MECHANICS can have their OLD FILES RE-CUT and mtde equal to new, at about half the original cost. Hat 14 inches $2,00 per Dnz. ; i iat.l t inches $2, 75 per Doz. ; Snw-files, Half Hound, .Vili.-aw and other Files in proportion. Single Files and fractional parts of dozens charged at the sumo rates, and wirrantcd sati.-fjetorv. J. B. SMITH. NO. CI NEW STREET Mwecn Race and Vine 6c Second & Third Ut. Pbiladcli Ilia. Philada. August 13, IP55. 3m. Trusses! Trusses 1! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Trass and Brace Establishment. S. IV. Cor. of Twelfth and Jlace Streets, Philadelphia. M PORTER ol fine French Trusses, combi ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruotured natients can he suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round the hips, and staling side aliened. Cost of Single Truss, 2. J3. 4. E5. Double 5, 6, !S and $10. lustra riions as to wear, and how to etfect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. r.nnning'j Improved riiltnt Hotly Crarr, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri j Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Hraccs, Chest Lxpauders and L rector Unices, adapted to all wilji Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs; Engiinh Elaxtic Abdominal Belts, suspensories, hynnges male and female. ft" Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. Phila., Aug. 4, 185.1. ly P 8. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I hereby oiler myself to the qualified voters of Northumberland county, as a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing election. Should I be elected. I promise to pciforiu the duties of said cilice faith fully and impartially. t KLDUKlLiv HAAS. Upper Augusta, Aug. II, 1H55. te. To the Electors of Northumberland County. I hereby offer myself to the qualified voters of Northumberland coanty, as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER. Should I be elected, I promise to perform the duties of said office, faithfully and impartially. PETE It HILEMAN. .inburv, June 53, 1655, te. To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I offer myself to your consideration as a candi date for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the enseing election. Should a majuiily of my fellow citiien elect me to that office, I will, discsrge its duties faithfully audio the best of my ability. JtMbt'M VA.MUU1V. Point tp., Aug. 11, 1855. lo. FOR SALE! f TEAM ENGINES 90 Horse power each with boiirrs. Would make excellent pump' ing engines, together with 't large blowing cylin ders, suitable tor a blast furnace. Apply to IIEMtY LUAuUIN ECKElt ik l'U. Shamokin Iron Works, bliuinukin, Pa. Shamakin, July tl, 1S55, J. B. DOBBINS, No. 22 SWA Wharves, ABOVE CflESTNUT 8TRRUT, PHILADELPHIA. UHLI.B IX GTT.AJXrO, IMPROVED Super Plnisphate of Lime, Pou drette, and Land Plaster. Having eery facility for supplying all articles in the above line of the best quality, at the vejy lowest mar ket prices, would most respectfully solicit a call. Also, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Spices, 4c. Sunbury, July ill, 1835 c3m. CEDARTCBS, Horse Buckets. Painted Puck Alfl. slffat Tenderer (!r,rn ltrnnma Itua kets, Children's Wagons, and Yankee f locks ust received and for sale by May 8. 1855. I. W. TENr P t HOSIERY. Mens' word and cotton Sacks, Ladies' and children's storkinas just open. ed a YOUNG'S SPORE. Sunburv Nov. 18, 18.14. CI ROCERIES Segsrs, Coftee. Molasses M Spices, Oils, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herring and Salt, just leceived and for sale by vjvt. A. KIAUU. Lower August May a, im.m. GLOVES Buckskin Gloves and Mitts, do Gloves wool lined. Ladies Gloves, Chil dreu'a do.. Mitts, dc, al Nov 18, '83. YOUNG'S STORE. f NDELLIBLE INK at May 19. WEISER It BRUNEI?. oft - 1$LA,CK, Putty a good aMicle for sale by - " May H. WEISER BRLNER. pAMILY MEDICINE8.-Brown' Fever and Ague Pewdera. Fahneetock'a Vermifuee. Dr. Ja'-ne's celebrated medicines, fceH for sale al oil tiff. jrOL'-NO J STORE. 2EW OONTtlOTlOMARY. WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL. M. 0. GEAUIIART & CO., RE8PECTFULI.Y announce to the citbtens of Northumberland and the adjoining coun ties that they have ofiened a Confectionary and Fruit 8tore in MARKET SQUARE, Sunburv, where they manufacture amfkeep on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, dec., Wholesale and Jiotail, at Philadelphia prices. Among their slock of Conlcclionsries, may be found i Praneb Seersts, Odm Dmr, sH kinds of soent, llurned Almonds, I'lVe Drnna, Cram Whits, Mint Drops, rl sad white, " Imon Jelly Cskes, ' Rise. Fruit Drops, Vanllls, Ptick railiss,o(sll snsius, Comsi.m Sew ski. Ruck Candy, Liquorica, Almond Candy, FRUIT. tnnna, Primes, I)t. Fie, Cnrmnrs AiioA, Citrons, AluwuU, Raises), Nuts of alt kiu W. LKMON SYItUI of a superior quality, by the ainjila or dozen. A superior quality of Scar and Tobacco, and a variety of ('onfcclionaries, fruit, Ac- all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Come and see we will try to please. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Au. 4, 1865. ly. JOHN G. MARKEL, M D !r.SPECTFlTM,Y informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity tliut be has commen ced the practice ef Medicine and Surgery, and will promptly attend to the c.ills of all who may desire bis professional services. His office is at tiie residence of his mother, Mary Market. Sunbury, July 14. 1855. Sinpd. To Iron TIastors and Dealers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, No. 21 i4rcA Street, above Front, Philadelphia. SIEVES. RIDD1.ES, SCREENS. WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and width, with all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper Makers Wire, all kinds. Cylinders and Daudv Rolls covereJ in the best manner in or out of the city. A very superior article of Heavy Founder's Sieves. All kinde of Iron Ore Wire. Wire and Sieves for Seed, Grain, Sand, Starch, Snuff, Urickdust, &c. cVc. DAYLISH, DARBY &, LINN. ' August, , 1855. C 3 tn IMPROVED (trrcn riiosPiiiTF of ijme, f)50l M'ls. of the most superior manufacture. Also, (JUAN" of every description, Cal cined Plaster, Cement, Ac. IV Produce of all kinds bought and sold on commission. R. B. SELLERS A. CO., Forwarding end Coiiimisiolt Merchants, No. fi.-i North Wharves, between Race and Vine streets, flrlada. Philadelphia, Auctl't 4. HS5. Imr. "Celebration of tho Fourth of July. Great Reduction in Prices ut ELSBERG'S CLOTIIiSG STORE. BEING desirous of selling the Burner supply oil' in season, the undersigned will commence from and aTter the Fourth of July, to sell' his stock of Clothing and other seasonable poods at greatly reduced prices. I think the Anniversary of Independence a fit time lo begin to sell my stock much lower, independent of the prices of dther mcichants. 1 wHi to get as much space as possible, so that I may have room enough for the extensive supply of fail goods I shall rccc'ne. The warm weather having onlv lately commenced, a good manv ha e nculectod to set their summer wearyet,! would advise all such to favor me with a call and supply themselves with the wanting artii lcs at greatlv reduced prices. "Take heed all ye" None need to sweat in unsuita ble 'clothing, as I am willing and able to suit my prices to every in n's purse, from the pooicst la borer's lo the rich capitalists'. Mv slock on bund comprises amongst other': Cents of all colors, styles and materials, which I will sell at various prices, lima 'fiitv five cts upwards. Pants of nil the various p i't. nn at I from 87 cts. to higher prices. Vests fiom 5icls. j and hicher. Also a splendid assortment of all kinds of headwear, such as Panama, pihn leaf, senate, leghorn, Florence, braid, china, pearl and and diffeicnt sorts of Straw Hats, fine oiul coarse, white, blue, black and giay fur and wool Hats. Silk Hats, and different kinds of caps. Also boots and .-hoes, shirts, collars, revolvers, various kinds of pistols, Accordeons, Jewelry, fine cutlery, hosiery, gloves, portmonnaics, ls?sidcs a great many other articles too numerous to mention ; all ofwiiiih will be at.ld at lerther reduced rales from the cheap price originally set upon them, So let all rjmember the cheap Clothing Store in Market Square, where I shall be happy to wait upon you all. ALBERT ELSBERG. Sunbury July 14, 1S55. To the Voters of Northumberland County ' The subscriber respectfully informs bis friends and fellow citizens that he will be a candiJute for the office of COUNTY TREASURER at the ensuing election, and promises it elected. lo discharge the duties of said office with fidelity and impartiality. JACOB YOI'XG. Sunbury, July I I, 18SS.te, 11 kit I. OH S UUIGO Kl.r E. BARLOWS INDIGO BLUE, is now well established as the best article ever offered for Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest articles. All hnusekeepera will find it much cheaper and less trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it has brought out several im- tatinfis. SMorekecpers anu consumers will be careful to get Bksjawix Baiilow's, put up at Alfro d Willbergei's Drug Store, No. 1J, N. fecond Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Grocers and Druggists they deal with, at prices yie'ding good profit. Drngi, Chemical. Paints, Vurnisltfs, Ty Stufft, Ire., with a first-rate assortment of every thing in the line. SUirekerers, I'liysii ians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFRED WII.TBERGER, Druguist. 109 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 ly. 1MPROVKI SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. tfHE subscriber informs Dealers and Farmeie th hat he has greatly improined the quality of his Super Phosphate of Lime, And now confidently recommends the article manufactured by hiin, assrrEinoK lo any in the market, lou are liiMted to tall, examine anil try it. Also I'cruwun aud Meiicau Guano, Oils, Candles, fSoap, Ac, at the lowest market rales. JNO. L. POMERUY, . Successor 10 Tho. W. Morgan, No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. 17 Farmers ran load on two private alleys, and avoid the crowded wharf. Phila, July SI, IS5A r6iu. V MURELLAM.Oversbous, Pocket Books Portmoiues, Bilk Pockel-hondkerrbiels. Neck-ties, Spiiug-stocks, Suspenders, Ac, st, Nev. 85. "64. YOUNG'S STORE. flOvlDS. Back. Children' Long. Wd and fine comb i Hair 13 rushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, for sale at YOUNG'S STOltE. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1)154. S II ALLEN REKtiE IPS PILLS A certain cur for Fever and Ague, fur sale by VVEISEU ic BlU'NER. 8uubury. uly 33. 1854. WALL PAPER. A Urge and splendcd assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by I. W. TUNER & Co, Punury, MT I, ltt NEW FAMILY GROCERY, Flour, Food and Provision Btoro. 8EA6H0LTZ & PETER Y, Broadway, between Market jr Blackberry Sit. RESPECTFULLY Inform the public that they have just received a large end Well selected assortment of choice Family Groceries, consisting In part of Hams, Shnnlders, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Cracker. Cheese, Molasses, Rice, Sugar. Coffee, (green, rosated and ground. Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Dlnck Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soap, lirusbes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, eegara, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for rash or country produce We also keen on hand choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon, &c Porter, Ale, leer, sarsaparilla. 4 c. We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretxoU and enkes of every kind. N. B. The highest cosh prices will Iss psld for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, July 7, 1H55. N0S. 21 & 22 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, rniLADELPIIIA. Agricultural Implement Manufactory, Bristol, Pa. Seed Grounds (370 Acres) BloomsJsle, near Bristol, Pa. Phila., June 1, 8C5 3m- p3. Photography I Daguerreotypes 1 1 A NEW ERA IN ART I J. E. McCLEES. Successor to M'cClces Germon,) VirOUI.D call the altenion of the public, not " ouly to the superiority of the Dnguerreo- tvpes, tbe Hyalograph, (by some called Ambro type.) and the various styles of Photography on paper) but to the fart, .that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, hy send ing it tn No. IfiO Chestnut St., hsva made from it by the means of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists, a portrait of mi ana, from a small Loeket to the full site of life. A small book containing description, prices, Ac, Ac, will be sent gratis to any parson ma kii.g the request. McCT.PES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. IbiJ Chestnut at., below 7th. Phila., July SI. 1S55. tf. AYER'S PILLS. FOE AIL THE PTJBP0SE8 07 A FAMILY PHYSIC. Therb has long existed a public demand for an effective purgative pill which could be relied on aa aure and perfectly sufe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes tbe purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all pilu one which should have none gf th objections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what success wa would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalanco the good to lis derived from them. These pills produce tin irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several 'diseases to which they are ap flicnhle are ifiven on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we mav mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice. Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loius ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient, tbev atf.d prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Files, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scruf ula and Scurvy, Colds With soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood j in short, any and every ease where a purgative is required. Thev nave also producrd some singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Ervsipelns, Palpitation of the Heart, Pruns in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in tbe spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dote stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, aud restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulsut sction on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the liody, and restore ta wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism, llenee an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary doting should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every bodv ; and it is couridently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. J hen their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantitv. For minute directious see wrapper ou la Boa. FRErARED BY JAMES C. AYEIt, , Practical and Analytical Cbeiulst, LOWELL, MASS. PrUe 85 Cents per Box. rive Bos for $L AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For ! rapid Cure of (orciis, colds, iioauscxcss, BUOXi IUT1S, iViioorixu-tuiuii, UlOrP, ASTHMA, AM) (OXSUIt'TIOX. Thi remedy has won for itself such notoriety from iu cures of every varielv of pulmonary dissass, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of iu virtues in anv community whers it has been employeo. oo wine is u arm u. w fulness, and so numerous tbe eases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds In persons publiclv known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority ever everv other mediein of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where iu virtues are km.wu. the public no longer hetiti.te what antidote i f,.r th distressina and dangerous arrec- lions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks upon the lungs, but for ths uuUer varieties of Colds. Coi'Ohs, Ho4Kxsas, Ac. ; and for Childhbm it is the nleasanteat aud safet medidue that can be obtained. As it has lung been in constant use throughout this section, ws nesd aot do mora thaa assnre the . people iu q.umli tv is kept up to ths best that it ever bat been, and tliat th gsuuine article it sold by Weisei X limner, etautiuryi Bird St 3 hn Haaui .kin W Wicmer. Nrthuiit-riuwl I J. K. Casl'w, MilUwji and h- all Pmraists iu NuriLsru I'smis) Ivtuoa. June id, tt ly. npKASK'el Magnetic Ointment at -- May 19. WEIs-ER A BRUNER'ft. .4 Fine lot of Walt Paper just rcerived and for --aleby WM. McCARTV. Market Street. Sunbury, June 3,1855. AKDWAKE and Queciuwar in great a rietiee and of all dsscxiplious, just received and for sal hy WM A.KNABR I.owei Augusta. May " 154. IAT6 4. CAPSmu and Slouch Hats, Military and cloth Cap lor men and boys, also Gum Shoes of villous sites, just received and for aale al YOCNO'IJ STOP!. sunfrury rr. W,lt?4 NEW SPRING AND SUMMER I. W- TENER & Co , Sunbury Fat HAVE just received a new and splendid as sortment of floods, Suited to the season , amongst which arei Cloths, Csssinieree and Velvets, Ready tnade Clothes, English, French and American Giupj Lams, plain and painted Challi. do. ioi Lawns, Barege and Barege DeLehis, plain and painted Tissue, Tissue Carege, Thibet bilk, fringed Shawl. Km hroidcred and Pamk . Crap Shawls, Fancy Mantillas, stri ped and checked Linen, Ta ble Covers, Mosqnltto Nets; Fsns. Parasols and Cm brellas, together with general assort ment of Dry Good-l Hals, Cnps, Boms, Khoea, Hardware. Groceries. Qucensware.' Fish, Salt, Kails Ac, AC, all ef whirh will be sold cheap for cash or Country Pro duce. Sunbury, May 6, 1805. FOR ssln at this office, Si-parlor Black Ink, Cattle Modidim at S!i et-. Pure Essence of Oini-er. 2R rent IPJERlVSr 5c ERETY, Booksellers & Stationers. A RE now selling off their entire stock of Books and Stationary, saved Irj'm the fire of tho I Cth tilt., at very low price. The stock em braces every variety of miscellaneous Books, Scliool Books, and all knit! of Blank Hooka, also domestic and imported Stationary of every description. As w are selling out at low price t will be well to call early and secure bargains. PERRY & ERETY, 8. W. corner 4th and Race streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Juno 53, 18G5. tf. SUNBURY, PA- THE subscriber respectfully informs the publio that she still continue to keep the above named public house. She haa also received a new supply M pood liquor and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury June 93, 1655. tf. MOUNT CARMEL IIOUSeT E0TJBT CARMEL, Northumberland county, Pa. THIIIS largo and commodious Hotel Is situated - on the top of the Locust mountain, neirty half way between Sunbury mid Potlsville. Tbe j scenery tho salubrity of the atmosphere and ' the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the i most delightful summer retreats in the country. I The Hotel, i a new structure, fouf stories higji, 6ttcd up with all the modern conveniences. The ; pure mountain water is introduced into every chamber. The place Is easy of occess. ber.g but one ond a half hours ride from Sunbury. over the Philadelphia and Sunbury Ra'l road. From Pottaville. it cen be reached by the Mine Hill Rail road to Ashland, and from thence to Ml. Curmel 4 miles, by Omnibus. Every attendance will he paid by the proprie- ! tor to make guest comfortable. Charges mode JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Mt. Ca'tnel. lune S3, 1855. tf. Bargains at the Old Stand. miLING & GRANT RE now opening a new and very desirah.'a stock of Spring fcnd Slimmer Ooods. em bracing nn endless variety. Their slock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeros, Summer Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figurtd Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fart- cy Vrts Mlk at unusually low prices, Shcliies, Uriues, Drazc De I.ains, Mus. De Lains. Lawns. &c, ; lilMGHAMS-from 6J to 25 cents per vurd: i CALICOES " 3 " 12 " AVTIITE GOODS, j Cambric. Jaconetts. Swiss, Tarlton. fI, Eobl. j nett, French and Swiss Lsces, Edu'inus. Ac. Crown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Ticks, Checks, Towlings Table Diapers, ij-c. tiKOCKItir.. HARDWARE and atTEENSWARE. Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster, Suit and Fish. Also a fresh sunply of DRl09 AND MEDICINES". i Thankful for prist favor, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, stiil to meet with the approval of our friends, i r Country produce cf all kinds taken t the highest market price ejiinbury, June S. IS.'5 ly. Shamokin Whita Ash Anthiacita Coal. n orn f.'t "Old Vein" ii the Gap Collier g. T H. ZIMMERMAN JNO. P. PI RSEL, I successors la hase, heed eS Co., will con; j tiuue mining, shilling and rcllinir coal from the j ntwe well known Colliery. unoYr the firiri of j Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of shipment i is ut the lower whirf in Sunbury, Nonhumber ' land comity. Pa., where all otders for the various kind-, of coal, viz: Lump, ur-oken, Leg. -Move, and Chestnut ('"al, will be thankfully received aud promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1853, Sl'.VBl'KT, Jcir 6, 155. The firm of Kase. Reed )t Co. having ao)j their lease in the Cap Colliery and interest in the whaif at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman dc Puifd, would take great pleasure In recommend ing our customers and others l the new firm, a they will be able to sell them prepared coal of the best quality, k.SE, TvF.ED t CO. l. ii. rit:, ' Stencil Cuttet, No. 1 N-th Sixih Strett, ' (USSVSM'T,) fHILAOilLl'HIA, SJTENC1L BRANDS cut for Merchants, Tar. ' niern. Millers and Distillers. -Alphihets, brushes and Ink of th very beat quilitv. e a ri, i i, i'liii., June 23, 1855 Jth. "VTOTICE is hereby jiven that application will j v be made to the next IrqUlatur of Pennsyl ; var.ia, at the sessittn of 156, for tbe ereetian'of a ror)iorate body, with banking and discounting; j privileges, tube called the "Suvoi Bt," j iocattd at Shamckintown, Norlhunilwrland Co., ; I'a.. with a capital stock of la 1 50,01 0, with the privilege of increasing the tame to $3vO,'j03 if j necessary. Shamokin, May S3, 1855 Cm. TOBACCO, SirawVerry. Congress, Eldorado Fig. Kldorado Cake. v eSarsapaiilla Fin Cut, Pished Fin Cat Anderson FJt8.j, M ("uabary, Ma 58. U58. SEGALS- Ki Dorado, Ui. Hondo, La C'urioeidad, Cana'.o. El Neptune, El Duemio, IteCreidore, La Srruiarmi, rlantation, For TshWal WF.IsFH a bi-JVi. Sunbury, Ma, 39. 18M. plTERMlCELLI.Mac I Y juM received by I My IB, 1SS4. ' Maccatoni and Coa StarcK tt& 4