foreign tctos. Arrival of the Atlantic. i.tkr from rrnopcs. NO FURTHER TROOUESS IN CRIMEA. Tnu Ihrtificationn (it Strfiftnri Ani Destroyed. JnefTtCtttal Bombardment rf Riga. The Kittle nf Tchermyi. Three Russian Gen t"rh KWe't.Oi En;'isli Gm'ral S.'nfa. Fie ich I.o.x, 1000. A'xxsiVm In. 3()H). Tlio steamship Atlantic, from Liverpool, with dates to Kutimliiy, the 2"th or Au'ist, nrrired at Now York rostorjny niternoun, Her advices are ft week inter. Tho Atlantic brings 200 prtssPneetS. She pasRed the Btcamt-liip Africo on the evening of the 2Mta tilt.. o(T the PVsorrios. The steamship Ar'bl imived off Cowc on Ihe morning of tht 23d, and the ftteameuip Washington & 1 r. M., 0 the 21th. Nothiug further has occurred in the Crimen. BATTLE OF THE TC HERN AY A. I)E8rATonK9 trov Gknf.r i. rr.i.issiEit. Traktir-bridof, Aup. 1C, 10 P. M. For some days rumors of a premeditated attack on the part of the Russians had aroused our attention, and they earned out their project this morning at daybreak, against our lines on the Tchernaya ; but despite tho concen tration of imposing masses collected during the night, the enemy was repulsed with great vigor by the divisions of (Jens. Herbillon, Camou, Faucheanx and Morris. Tho Sar dinians, placed on our right, fought valiantly. The principal effort of the enemv wns di rected against Traktir-bridge. tho Kris, sians left a great number of dead there, mid yee made a great many prisoners. They were in full retreat on Makenzie's Farm when our reserves were coining up, and those of our brave' allies, especially the English cavalry. The enemy has received a severe check. Onr losses, which are much less than those of the Russians, have not yet been accurately ascertained. Crimfa, the 18th. 10 P. M. Prince Gort schakoff has demanded an armistice to re move the killed and wounded of the enemy from the field, which I have granted. The Russian losses surpass my first calculation. Lieutenant General Read has been killed. Our engineering works, protected by the admiruhlv sustained fire from our artillery, are not disturbed by the Russian batteries, and have considerably advanced. The General Read whose death is re ported was a very distinguished officer, and a year ago was discharging the duties of Im perial Lieutenant of the Caucasian provinces, in the absence of Prince AVoronzoff, and be fore General Muravieff had been nominated his successor. The father of Gen. Read, born at Montrose, was a civil engineer, who entered the service of the Emperor Alexan der in early life, and settled in Russia, whore his-son, afterwards General Rend born Crimea, Altruist 17, 11 30, P M. In his attack yesterday, tho enemy brought into the field five divisions, 6000 cavnlrv, and twenty butteries, with the firm intention of occupying the Tedtouchine hills. The Russians having crossed tho river at dinerent points, had accumulated sapper tools, beams, planks, facines and ladders, which they abandoned in their flight. As usual, our artillery frnight valiantly, and with success. An English battery of position, on the Piodmontese Hill, pave us most powerful assistance. The Russians left at least 2.100 dead on the field : 33 of their officers and 1620 men are in our ambulances. Three Russian Generals are said to havo been kil led. o moreover made 400 prisoners. Our loss is 2P0 killed and 610 wounded. The following officers are scii usly wounded Tui.T. Diirhos. Alpy and fit Rnniy ; much his seriou-lv Pe Polkes, Uartue una Gag nenr. the loiter slightly. Prince J rtsehnUofftelegraphF "Evening, August lflth. Part of onr troops crossed the Tchernaya uud attacked the heights of Tedionchine, Having encountered very con siderable forces, we. after an obstinate fight, thought proper to retire to the ripht bunk, where we awaited the advance of the enemy for four hours. As they did not move for wad. we returned to our position. The loss is heavy on both sides. THE RUSSIAN LOSS. The following telegraphic despatch from General Pelissier has been received by the French Minister of AVar: "Ckimka. Aug 19. I P. M. It was no cessary to continue the armistice demanded yesterday by the Russians, from 5 A. M. to 2 P. M. to-duy. for them to carry away their dead. The nearest enumeration we could make gives the following: results : Russians buried by the French, 2129 j by the Russians, 1112 i total. 3329." To this despatch the Monittur oppends the following announcement : "Theartillery has again opened fiie against Sevastopol. An error in a despatch led to the belief that another bombardment had commenced. This is not the case. This fire is that ofour guns, which, as has been seen, has powerfully contributed, sinco its re-commenccmcnt, to facilitate the works of the approaches directed against the Malukofl works." The Paris correspondent of tho Times ays : "A private despatch from the French camp gives a few additional particulars about the affair of the Tchernaya, and explains, to certain extent, the disproportion, remarked by every one, between the loss of the Allies and that of the enemy. It appears that the garrison of Sebastopol, as well as tho army, are almost without provisions ; they Lave scarcely a morsel of bread to eat, ond they are in such a plight that, according to this despatch, one would say the Russian com-raander-in-chief really desired to get rid of a considerable nnmber of bis men. from the sheer impossibility of feeding them. The enemy bad to pass through a deep ravine to approach our lines, and while they did ao they were actually mowed down by hundreds, by our guns and masketry. The Russian were liot id a position to roiurn our fire with ef fect, and did little more than fire in tho air. They seem to have been sout forth as des perate men, to do the best they could. It was m the advance and retreat that thev juflercd most, and, but for the signal slaugll tr or the enemy, the affair could scarcely be called a battle. "If we do not take Sebasto 3? Tn our camin." dda the despatch, wa .hull do so, before long, by rmine." TJIE ATTACK ON SWEABORO. .Admiral Duadas in bis official detpatches, jfy w account or the attack upon fc-wea- A rapid fire of shot and shell was kept up rrptn the fortress for the fir.t few hours upoii tbe gun-boats, and the range of the heavy batteries extended completely bevond tho mortar vessels, but the continued motion nf twL6 atVnd t,,e abl er i which ma7,l!T,V0ndUC,r:1 V? who com- manded them, enabled them to return tb tiro with great spirit, and almost impunity hronghouttbe day. About 10 o'cloc. Ti the forenoon fires began to be observed in the different budding,, ,nd a heavy explosion occurred about noon ou the island'of GuMar. vard, inflict mg much dumaKe upon the de. lencos ol ine euemy, and tending greatly to llnrll..!, fta ... f .1... " " . V , l"c vuriny guns 111 t hut direction. The fire was kept up till three fnttr"f !u e ,uLMet- At Jtt7"B"t on the morn ing or the 10th iiutant. the position of several cithe mortar-vessels had been advanced Within rang, and the gun-bouts were again directed to engage . h"f-decUed .bin which had been the cbaunel between Gutafvrdaodlloluieu had been withdrawn to a more secure po.i tioa, but the fire from the battories was iiw rreased.-and ths WFijmt w rerw1 with activity on both sides ; fires continued I to burn without interruption within tho for tress, and about noon rt column of smoke, heavier and darker than tiny which hnd yet been observed, . succeeded by bright flames, gave signs that theshells had reached cnmbustililo material in tho direction of the arsenal, the exact situation of which was at first concealed from onr view, but tho flames continuing to cprcad, it wns soonnvident that they extended beyond the island c.f Vurgon. and that many buildings in the island of Swnrto already in progress of destruc tion. Hy tho judicious mnnngemontofthe officers oi artillery, a steady tiro wns kept np ilnring the whole of the following night. The rocket-boats in the evening were agnin as sembled, when the gun-bouts were recalled, and proceeded successively in separntc divi sions ; the first, under the direction of Capt. Seymour, of the Pembroke, mado excellent practice at the distance or 2.000 yards Irom the fovtress j the second, under the direction of Captain Cnldwcll, at a later period of the niRht. succeeded nlso in adding to the fires already burnin", but the glare of the flniues exposing tho boats to the view of the enemy, they maintained their ground under ft smart fire of bursting shells with steady gallantry. Considering tho extent of the injuries which had now been inflicted upon the enemy, and reflecting that few biiihlinjjrs of importance remained to be destroyed in tho Island of Vnrgon, and that those still standing upon Swarto were at the extreme extent of onr range, nnd in positi ns where no shells had reached them, it was our opinion that no pro portionate advantage was to bo gained by continuing ihe fire during another day. THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1855. H. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor To Advihtisbk -The circulation of Hit Smilmry Americnn Among the different towns on the Surquehaiuta ia not exceeded ifequiilled ly my paper published in North era Petmavlvama. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATION. For Canal Cnminif.itnnr, ARNOLD PLUMER, of Venango Co. THE STANDING COMMITTEES' NOMINATIONS. J E XI K U I A 1 1 1 1 . Z i 1 M K R M A 1 . Register and Recorder, C. 1IOVU PI RSKL. Commissioner, rilni.r. v. hottwxtkix. far 3 yenra. FntCUEItlC'lCIIAA. fori year. Treasurer, George nnmiiT. Auditor, WILLIAM T. FORSYTH. AMERICAN STATE NOMINATION. J-ur Canal Commissioner, KIMBER CLEAVER, NORTIIUM BERLAND COUNTY. iOF gj The Supremo Court List ond several Other mutters were crowded out until next week. fgr-The Supremo Court will hold its next Fession in this place on the first Monday of October next. Heretofore tho sessious of this court were held here in July. j C3 Tho Supremo Court at Philadelphia refused to grant a Habeas Corpus on tho ap plication of Pussmore Williumson. They say he holds tho key of imprisonment iu his pocket, nnd can come out by making terms with the court. Judge Knox dissented. CJ" A LAr.GR Train. On Tuesday last the coal burning locomotive, Pavid Longe. neckcr, on the Philadelphia nnd Sunbury rail road, brought into this place, from the mines, a train of one hundred and forty cars, each car containing four and a half tons of coal. Truins of one hundred cars are frequently carried over the road. The road is an excel lent order, and is one of the best built and most substantial improvements of the kind in the country. f3T The codfish faction received a batch of four hundred Uermnn papers from Pottsville on Wednesday night. The paper professes to be published by Mr. John Youngman of this place, who never saw it until it arrived here. 'We understood thut it was called the ''Dew ait Democrat," but this, we believe, is a mistake, the titlo is Deuttcher Demokrat. Tho first would be tbe most appropriate name of the two, but a' more proper name would be "The Codfish Democrat." It is a bastard edition of one of the Pottsville German papers, for which they are to pay $28 per week until the electiou. TUB INQllalTIO IN iCHDVLUILL COUNTY. Our readers are no doubt aware, that they have also a swearing committee or Itiquisi- j tion in Schuylkill connty, of which, it is supposed, the one in this county is a branch. The Schuylkill Inquisitors have had a good deal of trouble. They have already changed the oath to be taken by the candidates, sev eral times. But still it will not suit in all cases, and some of them who could not swal low the wholo pig, tail and all, were obliged to decline. This was the case of Mr. Frick, the candidate for Assembly and it was thought that Mr. Dickson would also have to travel. In April lust a resolution was adopted that no man would be recognized as a true and faithful democrat unless he would swear that "he was a democrat, & had not, since October 1, 1851, been attached to any secret political society." At the next county meeting in June, it was so modified a to date back only to the 20th of May last, so as to let in some of the .Viz Wisseri. This matter was managed by our old friend Col. Slroub, a shrewd politician, who if he had given his now "Natural Know Nothing" allies of this connty, soma lessons, they would never have been guilty of the stupid blunder of swearing men, not ouly what they had not a -iu; but what they did not Intend to do, in . tit Important California news, by tb Noii'.rn. Tight, hns bn crowded oat. OPERATION OF THE MO.t ISITIOI. The Inquisition or swearing party finding that CoO votes is rather a small capital to commence business on in this county, are en deavoring to enlist tho whigs to aid them in their struggle for office against the people. A correspondent of one of the upper town ships writes to ns to. thnt effect. What a beautiful commentary on the principles of the faction in this place, who have usurped the name of democracy, and who now offer to mnke terms with those whom they so lately vilified nnd traduced. It is only three years ago, at the election in this place,, when some of the principal men of this faction. wer hawking their own votes through the streets of Runbnry, offering to vote for the whig can didates, provided they could, in return, get a vote for one of their candidates for a connty office. And it wns only at the last October election that "all of them," as they acknowl edge in their own organ the Gazette, voted for nn open nnd avowed Know Nothing candi date for the Senate, against Jesse C. Horton tho regularly nominated democratic candi date. And yet now they affect to have such a holy horror of the Know Nothings, that they rcquiro their candidates to swear that they do not, nnd never will belong to the order they themselves supported lust Octo ber, while it is evident from their previous conduct, that they would again vote the Know Nothing ticket, if anything could be mado by the trade. Such are the principles of the faction in this place, who impudently call themselves the democratic party. One would have supposed" that such a rebuke as they received at the lute primary election, when some of the districts refused to vote at all, and other largo districts only polled from three to ten votes, that they would have dis covered that the people did not recognize them, either as leaders or as democrats. It will be remembered that one of the res olutions of the swearing committee's Inquisi tion, was, that no more votes should be re ceived at the primary election, than had been polled at tho General election, last Octo ber, for Governor Bigler. The Governor's vote was 2180. The highest vote for the Inquisition candidates was 547. It was certainly a wise precautionary mea sure on the part of the Inquisitors, not to let them come too fast. It is probably nut say ing too much, thnt but for this prudent re solve, the vote for the candidates of the In quisition might have reached six hundred, or about one fourth the voto polled for Gov nigier. l lie committee it seems were re- solved to keep down the democratic vote to its smallest number. Justice requires us to say, and we are willing to put it on record, that the committee have done every thing in their power to accomplish that object. How well they have succeeded in redueingthe dem ocratic vote of this county, the result above mentioned, clearly shows. There never was a standing committee better organized for the purpose of reducing or curtailing votes, than tho present. Givo them one chance more in curtailing the vote, and we will ven ture to say that tho result will more than equal the famous contest between the kil kenny cats, and scarcely a tail will bo left. GLEAMING FltO.ll UlR NEIGHBORS. Wii.i.iAMsroRT. The I'ress gives nn nc count of tho Niagara excursion, and says all were highly delighted, and the usual resolu tions were pnssed. The locomotive guvo out uear Caledonia, 35 miles west of Cunun dagua. Oiic of the party from this place says they were delayed five hours by this mishap until the Express came up. In the mean time tho gentlemen amused themselves with military exercise. There were about 500 in the party. Theo. r. Wright, Esq., of the Gazette, has retired from that paper, and has been suc ceeded by his late partner, J. W. Clarke. The Gazette thinks there is a Curson league in mat piuce. ceveral persons were prose cuted for belling liquor to minors. The suits were settled by the payment of hush money to the informer. The thing has got into the newspapers, and the attorney ou both sides implicate each other. Lewisiu ro. The war in the newspapers for the county seat, continues. The lust charge against the Lewisburgers by the Mifllinburg Stur, is that last summer one of the drug shops iu Lewisbtirg mude ono thou sand quinine pills every morning before breakfast, for the ague patients oft hat piuce. The Lewisbtirg Democrat says they were made for Miftliuburg patients. The Chronicle rebukes the Rev. editor of the Star for the publication of Lotteryadver tisemeuts. We are surprised to see these advertisements in a number ofour exchanges. The act of 1653 subjects these editors to a fine of not less tha.n $100, and six months' imprisonment upon conviction for this offence. Milton. The Miltouiun is down upon the thirty men of thut place who were "base enough to wear the Sunbury cabal's bond of infamy." On Tuesday, the 4th. the German Reform ed Subbath School, had their celebration in the Hill church on account of the rain. Pottsville. The Tottsville Uuzctte of Saturday last, has the fo'lowing paragraph: Carvixoof Coal. We learn that Mr. P. F. Mc Andrews, of Ashland, has obtained letters patent for manufactory from Anthra cite coal. It will be remembered that Mr. Mc Andrews sent to this place a sculptured hunt, that produced quite a sensation. We should think the editor bad been on a burst himself when he indited the above para graph. The idea of obtaining a patent for a "manufactory" is also novel if not patent. We have seen tho bust alluded to. It is the Lead of a genuine African, made by a miner at Ashland, from pure anthracite coal, tha wooly head and all being admirably well rep resented. We saw "Sam," as the statuo was. called, at llarrisburg, last winter, iu oue of the Hotels. He had on apulmleaf hat, on w hich was a label with the word "Sam" in large letters. It is well known that an Irishman ii rather thy of the "colored bredder'u" aud having aeeu "Sam" represented as ono of that uufortuuate race, may accouut for their oppotitiou and antipathy to the Know Noth ings iu Schuylkill couuty. Tbe luquisitors in this couuty talk of hiring Sam. They will want something to 'produce a sensation,' and nothing less than a bunt will do thorn. (7 It is said that Jas. Bucuanau will pot return hmn aa soon as h expected. 82" Tit weatiikr has been exceedingly va riable the last few weeks. T.asl week fires were not uncomfortable, the past week the noon-day. sun has been most oppressive This is emphatically tho sickly season of the year when persons should be most cautions about their health. A nomber of tha towns on the river as well as off of it, have suffered considerably with fevers and dysenteries. Although wo have had and still have n few cases of intermitent fever in this place, onr town has been comparatively healthy this season. 6-y The ravages of the yellow fever at Nor folk and Portsmouth exceeds any thing ever witnessed or heard of in this country. As bad as it was in New Orleans in 1853, the mortality was not eqnal to that of Norfolk But it appears by tho account in another column, that in addition to this calamity the small pox hns also appeared in those ill-fated Cities, to aid in the fearful work of death. Large sums of money have been raised to aid the sufferers. Baltimore alone has already contributed over $22,000. Baltimore. Sept. 9. The boat arrived from Norfolk brings awful tidings from Nor folk nnd Portsmouth. The small pox has been added to the horrors thut envelope these two cities. No abatement hns occurred in the virulence oi the fever. Ten cases of small pox occurred at Norfolk on Stnturday. .... 1 - . ;.. i . I -.1: . I He lever is spreaaing iiuo iuo ouji.-cnv country. At Norfolk, on Friday, there were forty deaths, and up to noon on Saturday twenty- live. At Portsmouth, on Friday, there were 22 deaths and 50 new cases,-nnd on Saturday at noon, there were 15 deaths. Two nurses from Baltimore were among the dead. Dr. Bryant, of Philadelphia, was reported to be dying. Dr. Morris of Baltimore, was sick, and Dr. Marshal of the same city was put down among the hopeless eases. Seventy-six tents, taken down on Friday, under the direction of the Mayor and Coun cil of Baltimore, have been pitched upon a beautiful and healthy site at Old Point. The American flag has been raised at the en campment. A steamboat load of passengers was expected to arrive there this morning. The Norfolk boat will take down to-morrow a lond of provisions for the camp. A small supply was landed there on Saturday. orougljovijoratioiu ritOt KED1!.S OFt OUNllL.. CofSeil., 1 StSBiRV, Sept. 11, 18.j5. J Council met ngreeublv to adiournment, Trescnt Chier Burgess v. M. Uockeleller 2d Burgess, 1. W. Shindel, WeisT, Beck, Bright, Heard, Snyder, Claric unu uaas. Minutes of last meeting were read and ap proved, Mr. Il-ms rroni the committee to in- 1 .. .. .1.. i.v ..r..:Ma l,a ltrr..iirl, vestigate iiie r iiiuii. iu. a presented the following report : Borough of Sunbury to Win. L. Dewnrt. Ir. April T. 1851 To nm't of jndpment SS0T.10 To ln't from May C to Aug 13 '51 13.05 620,24 95 30 Cr. By Geo. Zimmerman receipt for taxes, 8724 'J4 4 10 To interest from Aug 13 '51 to Sept. 16 '51 "28 04 25 00 Cr. By ensh paid as per receipt on dockets $701 04 78 30 To ln't from Sept. 16 '51 to July 23 '53 Cr. By road tax for '52 614 Ci3 " 'cash of F Lazarus 50 00 CI 717 11 To in't from July 23 "53 to Oct. 25 '53 Cr. By road tax for '53 01 7i 8728 12 01 716 75 CO 84 To in't from Oct. '53 to Juno 10 1853 78C 59 9 17 By cash as per receipt To balance duo ll'm L Dew- rut June 10 '55 8 i . BoroiiL'h of Sutibiirv To II". I GreenoiiL'h, Anril T. 48 To ain't of judgment t-0i4 - V.... Ii! MJ " 111 I III iur. AW to liO 57 701,29 300 71 " lift from Nov. 16 '48 to Juue 16 '55 81002 00 Cr. By taxes for 1848 & 49 " 1849 & 50 " " " ld50 it 52 ' " ' lao2 Jc 53 1851 " " " 1853 Jt 54 50 20 33 38 12 39 7 74 10 94 25 00 tiO 00 16 74 43 13 Sept. 17 by cash per receipt 53 July 23 Oct. 11 " Receipt Geo. Zimmerman " lutertst 249 52 Balance due June 16 '55, ttu2 48 Borough of Sunbury To Geo. Zimmerman, To balance duo on teltleuieul as per report of committee 825 54 Borough ol Sunbury i'o Ira T. Clement, To balance on book accuuut 43 CO " borough orders 30 UU " balance due W. L. Dewarl on ju.lgment up to June 10 '55 777 42 To buluuce due K. Gieeuough'i Estate uu judgment up to Juno 16 '55 813 48 81089 04 To am't of boroogh indebtednes 81579 85 Peter B. Masser Tu borough of Sunbury June 28 '52 To tush ree'd of H. Bucher ou uc't of Ferry reut 817 50 Nov. 15 h 12 oo April 16 '53 11 00 840 50 Cr. By borough order cancelled No 491 17 50 balance due borough 123 00 C Itower.s Lstute (Late Supervisor To borough of Sunbury Dr. 'i'o balance on settlement $47 42 George C. II elker (Late Treasurer) To borough of Sunbury Dr. lo balance ou settlement (8 80 George B. Youngmuu (Late Chief ZJuress) To borough of Sunbury Dr. To cash received of lleury llaupt collector 12 C2j uy amount rent to tie collected Pliilu. ct Suubury U. R. co. for 1 yeaceuduig April 1 '55 10 00 lij amount reut to be collected from Kase Ueed 4 co. for 1 Year rud- - in April 1 '55 5 00 By amount reut to b colleoted from 11. F'guly A co., for 1 year eud- iug April I. '65 f 5 00 ueory &ucber t o borotigtt of Bar. bore lr. To B years ferry rent tip to ' April 1 '55 150 00 1 Cr. July 2 t '50 by cash paid to John U. Packsr Chier iurgess as per reepi, Oct. 18 " " " ' " 10 00 9 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 09 17 50 12 00 11 00 11 00 10 00 23 30 Dec, $ " . April 7 '51 Jane 17 " Sept. 23 " June 23 '52 Nov. 15 " April 1C 53 Feb. 27 " to P. B. Masser 0. B as per receipt To B. nendricks Treas. ns por receipt Jan. 2C 54 " F. Lazarus " ' July 16 '55 $143 80 balance due borongh 20 John B Packer (Late Chief Burgess) To borough ot sunoury ut. To ferry rent received of II. Bucher as per receipts given 9 00 Cr. By 2 years services as O. B. 30 00 " borough orders cancelled 23 11 853 14 balance due J. D. Packer on settlo't 1 iji $118 l 'J 1570 85 balance of borough Indebtedness $1689 01 IVe the committee appointed by council to investigate the financial affairs of the borough of Sunoury beg leave to submit the above re port, Sunbury Sept. 11 1855. James Beard, 1 John Unas, Committee. J Jacob O. Beck, J On motion of E. Y. Bright Resolved, That the above report be accepted and the com mittee discharged. Mr. Bright from the committee to prepare form of lease for the use of the borough asked leave to be continued until next nigt of meet ing and ou motion it was agreed to. On motion or I). W. Shindel Rtrolved, That the Chief Burgess proceed immediately aud collect the amounts due the borougf uch from the Phila. & tJunlmry It. R. co, Kase, Iteed Jt Co., It. Fegelv, II. Buchar, G. U llelker. estate of C. Bower, G. B. Youngman and P. B. Masser, respectively. On motion of Mr. Bright Jiesolved, That hereafter all moneys payable to the borough shall be paid to the Chief Burpess whose du ty it shall be to pay the same to the borough Treasurer, and take his receipt for tha same to be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose. On motion of Mr. Bright, That the Chief Burgess be authorized to prepare and have printed an order book for the use of the bor ough it was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Shindel Resolved, That the Chief Burges3 be authorized to call a town meeting in the Court House on the 3d Tuesduy of October next for the purpose of taking into consideration tho propriety of laying a borough tax suDicient to pay off tho borough indebtedness. On motion of J. Hans, That an order be drawn in favor of I. T. Clement for the amount of his bill agreed to. On motion of Mr. Snyder Resolved, That the petition from tho Good Intent Fire Co., he laid over until next meeting and that Mr. Beard be directed to ascertain tho cost for repairing their apparatus. Frederick Lazarus Esq., appeared before the council and asked leave to resign as a member of the council. On motion that his resignation be accepted it was njrreed to. Ou motion ndiniirned EM L'WILVERT, Tocn Clerk. "MA ifRI AG E S. On the 25th nit., by F. Lazarus, Esq., Mr. Daniel 1 1 ill, to Miss Esther Kanoals, nil of this place. On the 2.1 inst., by F. Lazarus, Esq , Mr. Gi:oitr.R K Kim., to Miss Caiuakinr Di'RsT, all of this place. On the 2th lilt., by tho Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. William Fabskwoiitii, to Miss Amki.ia Kikiek, all of Augusta. On the 1 1 th inst., bythesame, Mr. Georoe C. Adam, of Hiannikin township, to Miss Susanna Klasr, of Shnmokiii. On Thursday, the 30th ult., by the Rev. ('. J. Elirelmi-t, Mr. Azariaii K pki-mkr, of Shamokin. to Miss Catiiai' Rakkr, of Lower Augusta. On the Glh inst., by the same, Mr. Vanuorn, of Faxinos Furnace, to Miss Elizahkth Rkr.D. of Shamokin township. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SLNDURY, TA., Aided by aomri eight ycara experience in the practice of the I, aw, will attend with fijelity lo all matter iippertuiiiiiig In or wit! in the line ol his proffK.--.ioii. Ollice Willi Charles J. l'runer, Knfl.. M.irket afreet. tiunluiry, tet. lo, lN.i.i, tl ?pjrz- up. I.L persona indebted lo llie firm of Friling . ... ... . . , ... oc urarii, oi. .uic, uuim ittuuumi v.i.v,- wUe ore respecllully requcaled to forward and p.iy up between tin and the tirat ul U.-tnlier lliry wiali to go lo the city tu lay in tneir tail .upliea. . .... . r ' F. . V' "Tl r K1I.I.XJ OC UK 1 . Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1S3.S. if. BATALLI0N ORDERS NO. 1. Head Quarter 1st Ilattaliioii of 8th. Diviuion- p. i;. m. T lit: first Baltallion of 8th Division of North umberland county,! conioorej ol llie Cad- walader Uuarda, rSliamokiii tiieirdx, cjbainok in (iraya, Fanner' and Mechanic' Artillery, Ucw- art uuarUa, under cominand ol Lieut. Col. Martz, will parade III lull umlorin, at C Leiieiiniit; in Shamokin towimliiji, on Saturday the 6 day ul October I8S5, for drill 4-c. Th line will be forme J at 10 o clock A.M. Uy order of the Col. J. C Uarnbart, Adjutant. P. 8. Commanders of companiea are especi ally required to furuiali to the adjutant a full copy ol llie Koll. bunburj Sept. 15, 1855. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan Court of M county witl be expofteil to public sale on Monday tha 15th day of Octuhar naxt on the pre mi .ten I be lolUiwin; described rai estate to wit ; A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, cituate in Upper Ausuata townihiu county afore said, adjoining land of Juo. Smith, Uanuan Kline, and Jamea Cam pi -ell and the North branch of the Suaqucbanna. containing ixty-five acre or there ebouta of which about oQ acrea are cul tivaled, and on which are erected a log Hut and 8. able AIo the undivided half of a certain othrr tract of l.and in aid tnwnahip a Ijouining the above deacribed tract, land of 8iein and Jauiea Campbell, containing e'out 35 acre, of which about aft acrea are cleared, aud on winch are erected a log hut aud aUble. Late the estate of Adam Neidig. deceaaed. Hale to commence at 10 o'rtock. A.M. of aaid day, when the tertua of tale will be made known bv DAVID FEE5EU, Ad' tor By order of the Court, ino. J. rUrMl.Clk.O.U. ttapumber 1ft, 85ft.-4U lo iE"wir5 1 THE above reward will be paid by the Com mlvrland county, for the diacovery and eonvielior) of tbe miacreanU who aliul up, lu the 8ia,ta Houae entry aeveral caw, on Tue4ar night laet, aed etbarwiea li.jurad th. rnbUc doildinm 3STEW BRIDGE. i TUB Hihwy BrlJire or h Trevortort and 8uquhini Hnilrnad Company, rrnaaini; Ihe 8uaquehanni River, eleven mi lea below Nor thumberland, at ron i reTorion yorrncrir v,nap man) in Union county, to Trevorten station in Northumberland county being completed, the public are now Informed is open for travel. Drovers and others will find this Ihe ahorteat and essittt route between the 8utquehanna River and Fottaville. it avoids all the mountain! except Broad Moun ain, which is croiaed at the loweat elevation. Port Trevorton, Sept. , 1R5B. lro. TO GROCERS AND CONFECTIONERS 1 UY var eHH fr.m tirrt tiawta and aava SO per cnt. I The i uiiileriianed tin in atre and offer a for ante at tha klweat pure, wilh a 1 par cent, for caih. fv-'fiWl CU it RANTS, 'ok-aW GROUND SUT9, DATK9, CASTILK SOAP, A. All orJ,ra by pro-ptl, '$&A9 BOND, 41 9. Water Btreet, Philadelphia. Phlla. Sept. IS, ISM imp. " iivNURAL ELECTION lJ i.k ..r Pcinn vauia, eiititleil "An ac Miatiiw to the elavtum of l Commonwealth," approval ?? ',kI d.y of July, Ann.. Ita-iW lU, hundred and ib.rtyi.iiie,. I, MtKV WU M-.h b-ar.iT..f the county oi Hortnamuaria.ia, ''' tate and uouniy umeer., . of ,h goro,aon- Una ueraoi, aa ianai v"- - Member of the I!"U.- .f Rr...ntative. aiabeiluii. I..I a term of 3 year.. ,.,..!,. One per.maa UummieaiuMr for the county of Notu umlierliiDd for 1 year. ... One pei eon a. Auditor for tha county of Northumber. '"lalio hereby make known and give that the plaeca of n .Mini the aforem.d general election in Hi. -v en.lh.mugha aud towiiilupa within the county of Mor- Ihnmbertaiiil are ai Mliwe : , . , . . The Sunburv Oietrkt, comp -eed of the borough or f-unbury, aud Upper Augueia, at the County court H The Aurmta Diatrict, eompoaed of tha lownaliip oi Lower Aiigutia, at tha bouee ol Eliaa Einench, in end tUT!ia Norlhumbertand Diatrict. eompoaed of the borough nf Nonhumbeilamt, at the houae of Auguitua HouU of the borough of Northumberland. The Point Dutrici, at the houee f Hemy Haaa, in tha borough of Nortnuinlierlnnd. , The Milton U.atnct, at tha houte of t rederick Sticker, in raid borough. . -. 4W..m oeraon I he I urbut unifies, at ma nuiiw u""! w Th Delaware Diatrict, at tha Sinking Spriug School Homm. , .; The Chiliaquaque UnUict at ma n ua ui iijrnin Fonliman. . . . . , . The l,evYii Diitrict, at the bowa occupied by Michael Hemler. , . , . The ShanwkU. District, at the home of Charlea Leisen- ii Upper Mah.uiojf Diatrict, at the house of Daniel "The Little Mahonoy District, at th house of Frederick The Lower Muhm y District, at th house of Miehael The Kuth District. t the Libeiiy Pule School Houte. Tli Jiicksou District, at tha hus occupied ay Oturgt The Coal District, at the house of William M. Weaver, in the town of Shaiii4iu. The Zerbe District at the bouie of Johu Weaver m Tnv.irt'in. Th Cameron District, at the house of Gideon Derk. Tlir J Ttlmt District uf i he Imuk h iiriijuinui Leitzel. T ie M miit C uinjl District, at the pcibhc h me ci f e lii i,rrch. The election opn between the hour of t and 10 o'clock in th fvirno ui, and shnll Continue witin.ut inter rupti m or ftilj.mrmneut until 7 o'clock in th evening wheti the plli shall he cl d. T'ie several luaiiei'turs and Judges elected on the 3d FridHV of M;ri'h, lfc5.5, in pureuauce of the 3d Sectum ol the att of Ihe 41 f July. biM, will bjd the electiou on Tuestlay the 9th dny of Ociolier next. Thut every prrm except a Justice nf the Pence, who shall h -ld any office or app-intineiit of profit and tiust un cier the v?runint of the United States, or of ihts State, or tif kiiv city nr incorporateil diatrict, whether a commis sioitrtl otlirer'or scent, who fhttll he empkyed under tlie legislative, executive t,r judiciary riepertineiit f tins Sune, ut the Ciined Stifcs, or of any city or iueorpitreted ditrnct and a!j that every member Criigresa and ol the Siat Leg isluture, and oi the select and cmimm Ciuncil of any City, or commiuioner nf any incorrvtrnted District, is by luw, incapAle uf h'ldine; or exreciiinr tii offic or ap p 'immeiit of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of any electijii of this c mm niwenlth, and that n- Inspector, Judge "i anv other officer of ntch election, shall b eligible tueiiy otftc M be thttn voted for. And the snd Act 'f Auemhly, entitled 'an ai t relating to th? elections of this C nm livvenl h," paed Juiy lite Slid, IKi-i, further pruVidcs as follows, to wit : Thnt the Inspectors and Judfie rh-en afresaid, shall meet m the respective pl'icea for holding t elect khi iu the district lo winch Ihey restectlully le'oug before nine o'cl-elf in Ihe m miiie uf the ecc nd Tuesday if Uc ! loher in encti and every ar, rid each of suid mipeclnrs .a:i anjioint ou ciera, wuo cui.i b a quaiinsa voier oi ui'-h d strict. SiiCTios9. That any fraud committed bv any person line iii the manner ub ive nrcscilicd, itvtll be jun:s!ied m ii uilar fraiiils are diiected lo be pumahed by the exilt if inws oi una umm)nweaini. 'ln cnse the nera ti who shnll have received th second highest number of votei l' r Insjiecuirs s)iuil not nenU on ihe djy ol o.ty election, then ihe peru who aim II have received the second highest numher ol Tute fT Judge the next preredirtf elrciiuii, shall act hs an inspectoi in his place, a: id in case the ern ejected Jndce-stta.l not attend ihe Inspector who received the luhrsi number of votee, shall ap"iiit a Judce in his place; and it' any vacam-v snail continue in the .oeid for the of hill' uu hour af- ertnetiuic nxci by law fr the opening t the election, ne qualified votei of the township, wrd or no district, foi which such .fTWrs shall have U-eii elected, pTrwnt at the piece of elections, snail on of their number to fii such vacaiicr. It sua!! be the duty of suid aaxeu rs respectively to at tend at the place of h Mm eveiy ceueul. Si.-it.l, or t vruttii. election, duriuar tic whole tunc id eircii 'ii is keiit toen. f r ihe iuu se oi eivmc inl'onn itU'U to the i,a;ectra anu Juue. wnm ca'.td un, in riau n t the f ht nt any oerton ussissed by them to vuie at sucn elec- tl 'ii, or u n other matters in ie:ati ti lu the asekiiciil if voters, aa tlie suid mpect r or ju-le or cither of t.eia snail ironi tune i-t time reinnre. "No person simll be nertiuiietl to V te at any ecti n as atoreaiii'l, niher than a white fire man oi iwent-i u or in re, who ahall have rem.let m ihu sutte at le lone veitr. und in the !- u n Uutnct where he Liters lo vole at least ten days immediately jirecccdmg the election, and willmi two yeara twiid atute ol couiay tax- v hit ii sit-tli li.tve been uSeiMetl ul imikl tcti d.l) iKMoie the t let Hon, Hut citizen of llie I'uiied Hates who had previously Iweu a qualibed voter of ttua suite, aud reiu vcj ibeietrin and resumed, ant shall have re aided iu the electiou Uisinct, and paid lax ..iMtt,d, ahitll b entitled tti vote after maiding ut this tat ais months, Proviued, i hut the wait ireeiuvii, cm zeiisoi the t inted States, betweeu the age of lweiit)n ami twenty-two years, and iu ihe elevttor district ten dav a as aforcaaid, aiull be eniulcd to a vote, although they ahail ma nave nam uxea. .No ien. u s!mll I permitted to vote who name t n i coutaiaeu in itie list ul taxable inliutiii.oitaiaiiiislied by th commissioners u aloicsaid, unless. First; 11 produce a receipt lor the payment, wiibm two yeurs, of a sun or Caiiiniy tax assessed agreeably to the c lutitulioii, mid guv wii4iciory cvuicnca eiiner m ua own ouin oc amuna in n, or ou the outh or ultinnati mi f another, that he ha paid such tax,-ar ui fuilure to produce receii.L null ant uu outh to tne payment there rf: or secud, it h claim ntcht to vote by being an elector between tlie age of twenty one aud twenty-two ycara, h shall depc on uath or atfiiiuatioii, that he has resided in the State at least one year next before his application, and make such proof ol rsidem-e iu th district aa i requited by tin act ; and that lie doe verily believe irom ih account given hua tliat h i of tne age aforesaid, aud giv uch other vi-UeiK-ea as i reijuired by this act, whcrrup u the name of the persou t admitted to Vi.te, aiiuil b inserted in alpha betical hat by tne inspectors, aud a uote tuad oppu thereto by writing the word -iax," if he iliall b peimit led to vot by reason of having paid tax, or th word age," ii ii snail te per milieu to vote on account ei ma e, and in either case th ie:tSitiof such vote ahall b cauad out to th clerk, who shall ma a Hc iu lb list of V tiers kept by them, iu all cases w tie re th name of the pera-'n chtinaing to vote i not tounu ou tne list lurinsnru by in commissi -u. eis and Aaseaaor, or his ntht to vot whether found ther ou or not, it laiijected to b uy quauned citizen, in itv e:ecur shall examine such peiu ou oath a to bis qualifi cat iona, and if h claims to Uav resided in th Mai on year tf more, hi outh shall be proof tberff, but be prov by t imat on eomeleut witnesa, who shall os a qnalibed elector, that h leaidcd within the districi at leaat teu dava next uuiuediately ptcdin tha e.eotuui, and bal alao hiniaaU' swear tliai Uis ttn 64. reaideuce, in ouraa aucaol' lawful calline la valioii iha district, aud that ha did ii it remove into suid diatrict for the f urioaa uf yjtuig lhrem. Kv.iy peann qua!, Sod aa afnreaaid, and who ahall rnak. prnoj, it rciiirea, ot reaiaeui ana raunirni i afor.said, aoall U. admitted to you iu the luwuahl)!, ward or duuiot ui wluca ua anuU ream., If any paiaiiu uot quarried In y a luthiaC'ina aiwalA ej'eeaWy lo law, (excej the eon. ot o,uk4od ciua'ia) liul I appear at auy plm-e of elwtf'ii f' U' piirpeae soma tickds, oc uillairiiig einaeiia ..!"" enaU, ou eaivicti hi, f.i ail i-v any aui ma me hundred d ilara f. .vary mm auch be roiwieooou f. auy term a. 4 eaeaaiig three rnoulM Itli-taaduty Juatice of the aud or avarjr citv, e imy, wio,p .i of aa elu hi, ly mxr "" l'd alu ihareoi, w (ual .lactioo. wliu-h ahall aud oa lb. duly erf the raiacia o.. , piK or by d.oui. th. v fJZTut piaaervim waid. diairint a woroaaip, for ita ourpuae th r.' a aa af waaid. nHon. aa af.ieaaid, It aill l the duty of every pae ' """J J ... sari ttx? - - YiUiui, ii I"-- - ' (m..a (hat a general election will tor. oi tha coui. y h0ler Mt ,1,. SKCO.ND ?. T v'd Mbf ." oCTOBKR, 1B55 at winch T L I UA 1 th ' I ' ulk ' ,r, u, Reeled : Wll aiMl live One pereirt aa la tepreeeot the cmnty of 0"lu", - Cleric of the Onepereun aa Kogmer and Kecorilef . Ori-hum Court f-.r Ilia county of Northumce ria ' Una perann aa Treasurer of NorlhumlKilaniJ c'ttn.' One oeraon aa Commiieioner for tha eounty of " Ml t or rrfuil to .mi aorb reu. a, - ai.uMit. s-li he i'-d m 1'(u a , ..... tun aia IkouwiKI d 'Oars I a....m Front Street "Wire Manufactory WATSOH Ac COx 8li.V. IllI)Dl.t, RCMM AND Wujj c,,0T1 MAcFAmr.F.Rs, Ao. 46 Kort Front Strra Cwnaf of Coomb'a Alley, between Market M,;bl inrcn; mreeie, rhiladelpaia. beat manner. Extra Henry Darter Wira nfs..i He.v, Twilled Wi,. for 8,.. CaX for Brae, and Iron Founder.. Srr.- WimWw Wire, 8nfc, Traps, Ui.h Coyt A and Sand Srrcena, Sic. Fancy Wira Wuk'uf . ery cVacription. Philadolphii, Sept. 1, 1855..-3.nC. TO LADIES SUFFERINu" AND PHYSIOUNS. given immediate relief in a Lare:e numl-er ,f WM, Vhl other leas successful appliances hiive failed. ' cVpend on prompt attentim, bv enllb V Jette, 31 Wnlnut Mret, PliilHilHp,,,A V iiTs " 01111 b" tfWt 9un by mttiI' lnc"' Philadelphia, September 1st, 1955. 1m. ORPHANS' COUluHniF. I IN purnuanr of an onler of tU flrP!,,, Court of ISortliumbprlaml t . . . . . ......... i.azarua, Auminiatralxr or the fpltitc of (' n i i ... uuwer, ui'cruwii, wm pjijoar to .1- T . . . uie premiM, on niuUAV, tUr t.r.t UCIOULR. neit, at 1 o'clock, P. fi . "Ill LOT OF GROUND, In the borough of Sunbury, aituale it tli ro:th cent corner of Fawn Sc. Pokebcrr; atri.ts. Cl!1 taini.'g in Front on Fawn airvet. about 140 tec tnu' run'iins l,ack weHlwnrJ un the nnrtli si.ip o Pokebei.'v fc".1'. lout 1211 feet aitjniniNi; a of Samuc'l li'.'''ei 0,1 ,,ie nnrtli, and lui of Mm; Dm tor on the we?. CP "'"'ch a c ere. iH Lt'' At the comer of the atreet, and a am nil H-.u-e or Ollire and a Darn. The anme brin? .in .. two lota, numbered 201 Si 200, and will ! k of fered in the whole or in two parta. to na to nut purchaser.. To be aold for payment of iir. Tertua of lal. will be made kiidwn ou the i!ay ofaale. FRED'K LAZARUS, Adm'tor, B order of the Con it. i Con it. ) EL, Clk. 1, 1855. ) J. 1. PURSEL, Sunbury, Sept. - ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BN pursuance of an order of the Orhani. Court of Northututierland oiin'y . : n poaod to public sale, on SA'I'I'KllA V, tiir v'Mli day f SEPTKMBEH. nert, the following Ural Ealate, to wit : Two certain LOTS OF (J HOUND, Situate in the town of Trever'on, rout.ty afmp. aid, being lot No. 10 in ISI.-rk No. I .7, ami lot N o. 3 in Block No. 121. which -tiJ Ms en. Ii contain twenty five feet in front, nnd 150 feet in depth. Late the ertale of Williaoi Sii'uii. oV. ceaed. To be sold a. the property of tha minor childreen of aaid deoenaed. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, K. M. tf s.iid day, when the lurins of sale will he tnadn knowu by rETER WALSH, Guardian. By order of the Court. ) J. P. PURSEL, Clk. 8unbury. S'ipt. I, 155 ) To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the aolicitation of a number ol my I'ticnu,, I offer myelf as an independent candidate I 't COUNTY COMM LSION Kit, t the ensuing election. Should I be e!e; trd, I will dietharije ita dulieafai'bfullv and imp-irtislly. ADAM LENKEU. Lower Mahanoy, Sept. 1, 115. te. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fkiiow C'lTiiasa Urfed by a miin'cr m' my frienda throughout the couot. I horpl.y o:Vr mself lovonoa an INDEPENDENT CAN DIDATE'lorthe office of REGISTER AN'D RECORDER. Should yon see proper to excit our ind.irme lor mc, and 1 be elected, I will difclmro ila dj lira fuithlully aud iinrartilly Kit 'HARD A. FISHER. Sunbury, Aug 11. 18:5. te- SHAM0EIW COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. T1 HE fourth acation of ttiii Inatilntmn w.'.! commence on Mon.'.av. ti e 10th ol .-rtile:a- ber, and will continue II weeks. Tuition aa foll jwa : Primary Departments per sessiu.i, S !."0 Academic, " " Colle4iat. " " :.1U Tuition due at Ihe middle of the ie!o.i. Arranrrenienla will be made to annum Jn: Uoardcra in respectable private families at re aonalde rates. For fnrther particulars a.lJrea Rev. C. ) Ehiehart, Shamokin. Pa. Shamokin, Aug. 18, 1?5 4t. Estatecf SAMUEL 3. HAAS, dee'd. JOTICE iahereliv civen that lett. rs rf ndiniti- iatration unon the clut of Simnei H Haaa, late of the town of Shnmokiii, Nortlmni berland rounty, dec'o. have been Rr.mte.i t John Vani int, riding in Sh nnokin tow i,.,:i . All perons having claims aipiii't said ilc en ed, are requested lo prem nt ihein lor .etib iiient, and all prranna knowing thenic' vea to he im.e'--ted will rrake iminedmte pavment. JOHN V.WANT, Ad'lor. Phamokin tp., Aug II. 1H55. fit. EXECUTOHS SALE. 71LL le aold at public i.le, on the pr,-nii- on 8ATUKD.W, the -fth day "I r; lember, at 10 o'clock. A . M.. iS5o. in puriini. of the last will and Ustameiit of Michael Evrrt, dee'd., a certain A TRACT OF LAND, aituated in Upper Augusta tuwiifhip, N'ort'iJ county, about lour inilra east of Hunbury, ail joining land ol Jonas Fry, John Ha' itbawnut, Daniel Keefer and other, conlamg eln.ut fiity acree, mora or lesa. Ahout temy acre of the eaid premiaea are cleared, and in a g'od state ul cultivation. The remainder ta inul-er I"'' There ia alao an e.celleut, and tie er-fjiii"a apring on the properly. Peraona wUhiug to eamine the land can ap ply 10 Jacob Evert, near the premises. I enns and condition, mad. know,, on the day of aale DAVID MAKIZ. ti t. Upper Auguata.Aug- II. 1S5S. 1. C4ME to the premiere ol the euln-rriher. rri" inztn lowtt Auau.te lownaliip, N.irlhumt ei land eountv. ebout 3 month, eiu. e a btray Hull '"" , lw9 year old. Color l.ruidle, wbua back, redish briin'l head. weiKha about I5u pounda. The owner ia req ieated lo come forward prove nroperty Py damagea aud take him .wuy. properiv y j OWEN UOV EN. Lower August. Sept. I, 188. 2m. AGRICULTUKAL. I bve betrn rt'queflfd by tha Preiiden of the airricultural Sociily, to any that there it now iu the Trvasury, one hundred dollara, which authorise me to draw one hundred oiore ciititiibutioni from tb State Trva- aurV. I no preuimu', mviciuis vv naid'oo the day of exhibition. 1 ' If 11 1li:i!PIT Tram To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the earneat solicitations of friends, 1 nave been induced to preeeut myself before llie public, a a Volunteer Candidate ior the ollice of REGISTER AND RECORDER. Should I be elecud. pledge myself that I will faithfully and impartially dtachirge tlie eeveral dutiee apueriair u. to aaid office. Milton. eVpt. f. U5 te. flONTINUE to manufacture f anperln. nH y ity. Br... and Iron Wire PiTe.of.nkl Br... and Copper Wire Cloth for Pan,. xf .t fVc. Cylinder, and VtidyRa1l. , . k. 'lu 1 I Mr. BettCelel.tedSHpponeril,avebn!UM an.niertupted aucceaa for the lu.l twentt vr, 7,?. thnurend ludica. Theya.ewotn wUh a.e .,,5' -? f" wr-ing witwini but AlCMllie Bnrinira h