( JDERS OF NATTTEE. fjpjMit Proprietor of the newly dico- HNFIKLD CAVE (limestone) in JjrT Union county, hereby give notice that f'1' nbl u In on Sumlaye for Visit my l' iitcd by Ladle and Gen- tlemfa,r(1,,yf ery week, when e. rci ationa will be made to tccommodate will) i persons are forbidden to break off, Injt take away anY specimens from the CnOer penalty of prosecution. tyrucntof 1SJ cents only is required of ,nun inoro entering faller. A hit. It. itss n... .1 - - f .W..W. VIUI iato of JOHN SNYDER, dee'd. VICE ii hereby given tint, in pursuance If the provisions of the last will and testa, jiof John Snyder, Mason, late of the Bor cof Sunbury, Northumberland countv. dccM.. Mldersigiied Administrator, tie touts non, of siccenseo, will sell at public sale or outcry, at t-Jovjrt House, in the Borough of Sunbury, on tfduy, the 8tU of September, 18S.r, ut 10 ck A, M., the following real estate of eaid eased to-wit : j ONE LOT OF GROUND, latod in said Borough of 8111. bury, fronting en, and bound on the Nor-th by Whortleberry tet, on the east by fiver street t on the south Dillbcrry alley, and on the west by lot No. 10. The suiil lot being numbered on the gen nl plan of said Borough as No. 291, where n are erected a two story Log House plastered, ith a frame kitchen attached also a stable Upon the alley and with a good well of water at Wie house. ALSO: S certain other lot of ground, situated in said "orWfl i'l ouuhnry, fronting upon rawn street, and bounded on the north by lot No. 194, on '.lie east by an alley, on the south by lot of Mrs. Barbara Wciser, No. K'G, and 011 the'west by Fawn street, being numbered ill the general plun of said Bornush .No. I !.; where is erected a two story Log House and small kitchen, late the estate of said John Snyder, dee'd. Terms and conditions will be made known by JACOB YOl'NO, Adm'r.de bonis non, of John Snyder, dee'd. Sunbury, A in-st 13, 1853. ts. , FLEMING fiz BBOTHER, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 4') South Water Street, nill.ADKI.rillA. Particular attention paid to sales of the following articles : Grain, Butter, Lard, Pork, Beans, Potatoes, Green and dried Fruits, Grass Seeds, Onions, Wool, Feathers, I'oultry, Ac, &t,, &c. ftcrrntxers. Win. Browitt Esq. Win. C Patterson, Esq., Paul T. Jones, Esip, Philadel phia, John Gill, Esq.. Pittsburg. I'hila., Juno 2, 1655. ply7. ch alS. FILE3 AND HASPS. NEW STJtEET FILE WOllKS, Philadelphia. f raHE subscriber is constantly Manufactur J3 ins I iles and Rasps "f superior quality nn J at the lowest prices, equal to the best im ported Roods, and much cheaper. MANUFACTl H.KS & MECHANICS can havo their OLD FILES RE-CCT and made njual to new, at about half the original cost. Flat IS inches $2,01) per Dor.; Flat, 14 inches &2.V5 per Doz. ; aw-tiles, Half Kound, Millsaw and other Files in proportion. Single Files and fractional parts of dozens charged at tho samo rates, and warranted satisfactory. J. B. SMITH. NO. 1 NEW STREET between Race and Vine ei Second & Third Sis. Philadelphia. Philada. August 18, 1855. 3m. AUdISorIF REPORT. Jl;:nRT of tiik AuinTons or NonTnrMBLR i.and Coi'xrv, KOIt the Vsak 1354. Frauds Buchcr, Esq., Treasurer ' .Yorrtww- baiund Lvunty, 1.1 account Witt, tin same. I In. To amount of outstanding tax for 1."3 and previous jears. i'5,SS9 00 ' amount of tax assessed for 154, 11,003 20 " nmonnt of County, Hoad mid School tux on unpoated lands for Is.kI and proviotis years. 3.413 58 " umouiit of rent from Public Huililinu-s, 21 50 " balance due Treasurer, PII'J 8-1 $21,2C7 '21 Ck. lly amount of outstanding tax for 1854 and previous years, " amount of exonerations al lowed Collectors for 1854 and previous years, " amount of commissions al lowed Collectors for 1851 and - previous, " Cash paid out on Conimie- ioners' Orders. " Treasurer's commission on 13,0-14 20 at 2. per cent. $G,775 0C2 443 40 C73 81 13.014 2G 320 10 $21,2C7 73J Francis Bat her, Esq.. Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account uith the same respecting State tax on real and personal, Dii. To amount of out ."landing State tax lor Hjo and previous years, 1,013 07 aggregate amount ol said tax assessed for 1 54, " amount of .Slate tax received on niiM'aU'tl land, " in eret on State tax, 'balance due Countv, 15,564 1.1SC CI 14 71 2.S48 CJs 21.823 O'.'J Cr.. Uy amount of outstanding tax for "if 54 and previous years, $5 " error in duplicate, ' Treasurer's receipt from State M 12 3 75 Treasurer, dated July 20lh, 134, " ahateiiieut allowed collectors ' Treasurer's per ccntago on 13,'Jo7 61, at 1 per cent, ' commissions allowed collec tors, ' exonerations, 13,0(17 61 735 14 139 67 763 C3 408 17J $21,829 09i Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer of Xorthum bcrlaud C vuntv, ii account tciln the same resjitcting AJititia f 'ines. To aggregate amount of outstand ing tax for 1 ?.":! and previous years, $808 80 " amount of tax assessed for 1654, 947 50 " balance duo county by Trea surer, 1,034 83 $2,851 13 Cr. Py amonnt of outstanding tax for 1854 and piovious years, $1,732 30 amount paid 'I rcusurer of Washington Guards, fur 1853, 50 00 do Dewart Guards, 1851, 60 00 " do leppenvillo Cavalry, '51 50 00 " do Cadwulader lufuntrv, '54 75 00 do Shamokiu Guards, 'ol, 60 00 " do Fanners and Mcchauics' Artillery, 1S53, 50 00 do Cadwaluder Infantry, "53, 75 00 do North'd Troop, '53, 75 00 do Itewart Guards, '53, 50 00 do Bhamokin Guards, '52, 60 00 do J. H. Zimmerman, Bri gade Inspector, for '54, 92 55 do paid Assessor for making if- , f Ac. liifiiiAn militia ft liS VI UWIIM'J.V..V ...... S3 00 men, . t Treasurer commission on $699 55 at I per teut. t CO rt exonoration allowed collec tors for 1854 and previous years, " commission allowed Collso tor for 1854 and previous years, 352 00 40 29 $2,85113 Francis Bucher, Etq., Treasurer in account with the Coimty respecting Retailers Licen Dn. To Bfrgrcgnto amount of said li cense for 1854, as per list fur nished Trensurcr by the Mer cantile Appraiser, S9C0 25 " amount of License granted by Comity Treasurer, 10 37 $970 CI Crt. Ry amount nnid Youngmnn k Son for publishing Mercantile Appraisers List, " amount paid 11. B. Masser for same, " do do German, " Treasurer's commissiou ou $!)70 C2, ut 5 per cent. " balance duo by Treasurer, $11 90 It 90 11 90 48 53 806 39 3970 02 Francis Bucher, Etq., IVeasurcr of Northum berland County, in account with tht same respecting Tarern License. Dr. To amount of said license granted by the Court for '5 1, $515 00 Cb. Uy Treasurer's commission on S545, at 5 per cent. $27 25 " balance, due by County Trea surer, M7 75 $515 00 l-Yancis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the County respecting Deer Houses and Oyster Shops. Dr. To amount of said license as per list furnished by .Mercantile Appraiser, $69 00 amount of said license granted by County Treasurer, 50 87 $139 87 Crt. lly Treasurer's commission 139 87, at 5 per cent. " balance due bv Treasurer, 7 00 132 67 $139 b7 Francis TlucTier, E.-q., Treasurer in account u ith tht County respecting Distillers, Breve ert, and Rectijycrs of Whiskey License. Dr. To amount of said license furnish ed by Mercantile Appraiser, $13 00 Cit. Ky Treasurer's commission on $13 at 5 per cent., $00 C5 " bulunce duo from County Trea surer, 12 35 $13 00 Francis Buchei, Esq., Treasurer, in account vith the County resj'ecting License granted for places of amusement. Dii. To amount received from Circus, $50 00 ' do billiard table, 30 00 $80 00 Cre. By commission on $80 at 5 cent. " balance due by Treasurer, per $4 00 76 00 $60 00 Expenditures of Xorthumberland County. Premiums on fox scalps, $52 02 Clk's w., G. Martin, '53, $85 29 '54, 303 35 Assessors' wrd-ps, 418 64 285 G8J 2C9 03 1,710 61 30G 30 385 78 416 73 1,079 33 1S9 40 608 86 Hoad and bridgo views, Huilding & repairing bridges. Constables for making returns, 4c, Refunding, Public Buildings, Sheriff's Fees, Commonwealth costs, Flecliou expenses, Juror's wages, Fuel, 2,018 18 55 68 Chas. Weaver, '53, $41 00 '51, 270 00 311 00 Simon Snvder, '53, '54, S24 00 50 00 74 00 95 00 25 00 8 30 Jos. Nicely. 1854, Ceo. C. AVelker, " Philip Renn, " Outstanding Taxes for 1S51 and previous years on the 2st December, 1854. N'amcs of Collecturs. Townsliins, Michael Kvert, John Leisenring, John Leibig, David tStahluecker, Thomas llarr, David rjtahliH'cker. liper Augnstn, Northumberland, Coal, Delaware, Lewis, Delaware, Northumberland Sunbury Ci'.i'iisquarpie, linsh, Turbut, Puiiburv, Coal, ' Upjicr Augnsta, Cumerjn, Northumberland, Rtibh, Lewis, Coal, Lower M abanor, Cameron, Chilisquaqne, Northumberland, Sunbury, Lower Augusta, Milton, Turbut, Lower Muhanoy, Cbilis(ua(ue, Delaware, Lower Augusta, Milton, Rush. Sunbury, Zerhe, Coal, Jordan, Shaniokiu, Turbut, Lewis, Lower Augusta, Lower Mahanoy' Little Mabanov, Milton, Northumberland, Point, Rush, Shamokin, Sunbury, Turbut, Upper Augusta, Upper Muhanoy, Zerbe, Coal, Chilisquaqoe, Cameron, Delaware, Jackson, Jordan, I John l.oisenring. Jacob Heck, Dennis Diioy, Henry It. Johnson George Kur.Ix, Ccbrad Kershner, John Leibip, Jactdi Kckinan, John II inc. Peter Ituch Henry U. Johnson David Wilaon, Solomon Martz, Jacob llingctnun, ,ohu Iline, acob Kline, l'eter Kuch, rcter l'uisel, acob R. Clark, ,utnes Ilttnv, Abraham Kissinger, Martin Ruchman, D. P. Caul, Wui. R. Irwin, Dauiel I). Conrad, .ames IJuoy, Henry R. Johnson, l'eter Ililemun. Jeremiah I'eunepacker, i-nus j.iseunarx, Daniel D. Cohner. .Samuel Hales, lbraham Kissinger, Frederick Fox. Jacob R. Clark, -Martin iachmun, F.noch D. Raker. Joseph Eckbert, V IS. Smith, Joseph Vankirk, Philip Hile, Samuel Hales, Peter Hileman, Jacob Stamm, Michael Kictfer, Jacob II. Kaufman, Jeremiah Penenpackcr, Flias Eiseuhart, John Simpson, John ifoyer, James Beard, Nicholas Drumlieller, Dauiel D. iJohuer, WE, the undersigned oditora of Northumberland County, in the Commonwealth of x siiusvivamn, uu ruiy luai, in pursuance uug cuuuuea suu lowusuipa, ae passed ma ifttn or 4pnl, 1834, w met at tha Commission ers Office, ID the borough of Sunbqry, on the first dav of Js.nna.rr. 1R5.V nrl kdinnrnarf frnm time to time, and did audit, adjust and settle the several account! required of n, agreeably to the several acts of Assembly and supplements thereto, according to tha best of our iudementa M. J. V. WITUINGTON, (L, S.J J. Court Crier'i wages, Printing, Incidental expense, Hist Aty, O. XV. Tharp, '54, Stationery, County Engine, Coro&or's Inquests, Road and School tax on unsea lands, Auditors' pay for 1853, Prothonotary's foes, Eastern renetentiaty, Lunatic Hospital, Prison expenses, Register and Recorder's fees, Agricultural Society, 134 It 382 87 165 40 lf0 50 116 09 . 83 75 133 05 d 2,448 64 145 00 282 68 37 61 225 79 84 35 16 90 77 50 $13,455 22 Amount of Court' Finei and Jury Funds, and to whom paid. Plaintiffs, Defendants, - To whom paid. Rockofollow, Ilorton, not paid $4 00 Com'woaltli liilemanetal Heard 3 00 Elliott " 30 00 Mart " 40 00 Oer'nccr 11 40 00 Kieffer Martin (Jood Crawford Masser Wilhelm XVo. incer not paid 4 00 not paid Heard not paid Troxel Cutnmings Killmycr l'urdy "Wilholin M'atson 00 00 00 00 00 00 Winchester Howcn Khoads Hush iSc wire Milliard Cabcl Kn-ing WaRgousoller Wetzol Noidig Fisher Itrosious Heard Thompson " AYortinnu " Snxtou adm'r not paid llartmau jr. " liachman ct al " C'umniinps " Kippetul Uenrd Uurmati ct al " Conrad not paid Fishor ot ul Heard Cabol llarr " Oossler 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Tnr(fart et al b urman 00 Hank of Xortb'd Wagner 00 Ifolowell " Com'wealth 00 00 Clement not paid " Ilnnegan " Clement " " Stepp Pavis Caldwell et al not paid Walter Waldion Simpson TiuQii'.gton " Hilbish Apsley Khoads Harmon " Philips Zcibo Itur. 0 " llerbst Freose " Tracy Uobbius ct al Heard ('oni'weulth Weise " 00 00 00 00! 00 00 00 110 00 00 00 00 00 00 (10 00 00 Fisher not paid 5 White & Mervine Hower Gosh co Heard 4 Cuinmiiigs Hunt et al not paid 4 PrucUoiiiillcr Seasholtr. " 4 Si.i"fii..d Whitesidu " 4 Cash account hliccen Francis Bueher. Trea sure, and the county of .Xorthumherland. Dn. To amount of cash received on Countv tax for 1854 and previ ous years. $10,412 64 " amount of cash received on un seated lauds for road, school and county tax for 1852 4 '53. 3,413 58 " cash received for rent of Pub lie Buildings, 21 50 $13,847 72 Cr. By amount of cash paid out on county orders. $13,044 26 " Treasurers commission on $13,044 26 ut 2 per ctnt. 326 10 $13,370 36 Balance In Treasurers bands, $477 36 State Funds. Pit. To amonnt of State tax received for 1854 and previous years, $14,004 02 " State tax received on unseat ed lauds for 1852 & '53, 1,1 f-C 61 Cr. $15,1 P0 63 By am't paid State Treasurer, $13,907 61 " commission on $13,967 61 at 1 per cont, 139 67 $14,107 28 $1,083 35 Balance in Treasurer's hands. Militia Funds. Dr. To nmonnt of cash received on Militia tax for 1854 and pre vious, Cr. By amount of cash paid to differ ent military companies, " Treasurer's commission on $099 55 at 1 por cent, 782 50 C699 55 6 O'.'J $706 56 875 96 Bounce in Treasurer's bands, Years, 1846 County, Slate, Militia $34 00 16 00 I 95 13 50 84 50 31 43 45 00 29 00 69 30 29 00 4 09 7 35 41 00 28 00 13 95 6 00 13 30 8 00 8 35 24 50 6 50 3 40 21 68 69 50 60 00 69 50 29 00 64 50 14 50 II 50 63 00 17 50 23 00 82 50 67 60 13 50 32 60 37 00 21 50 17 60 67 00 60 00 7 00 21 00 23 50 65 00 194 00 34 00 14 00 50 00 81 50 41 50 1848 $48 07 1840 $4 02 11 50 45 53 1850 61 41 133 03 127 59 19 29 7 24 1851 36 f.8 159 67 106 52i 12 54 179 73 67 31 139 72 1852 17 28 247 B4 843 09 9 73 25 13 172 76 1853 42 01 92 16 292 51 i 124 67 340 78J 75 33 160 4 32 45 67 33 34 11 402 94 40 62 83 3S 96 42 217 53 73 05 43 20 1854 225 59 155 69 486 12 153 72 2H3 76 198 66 534 00 14 64 395 10 C45 24 237 65 416 07 258 53 350 62 309 80 624 30 79 53 738 07 220 40 212 63 70 19 73 40 363 80 107 90 62 36 69 50 357 19 70 54 62 27 245 89 97 74 446 81 51 24 483 41 402 15 450 21 47 22 260 61 26 04 97 62 ),77 06 ffVtl tl SO or the 4tn section or an act entitled an act regula- HOOVER, L. S JNO. YOUNdMAN, I. 6 To Iron Maatort iic Doalei. , PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, No. 21 Aroh Street, above Front, Philadelphia. CJIETE8, RIDDLE8, 8CKEENS. WOVEN WIRES, af all meahee and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper Makers Wire, all kinds. Cylinders anj Dandy Rolls covers.! In the best manner In or out of the city. A ery superior article of lUavy Founder's Sieves, All kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and Sieves for Soed, Grain, Sand, Btarch, Snuff, Brickdust, Ac, Ao. BAYLISS, DARBY A LINN. August, , 1855. O 3 m mf ROVED Sl PEIt PHOSPHATE OP Q500 bbls. of the most superior manufacture. Also, GUANO of every description, Cal cined Plaster, Cement, Ac. Cr I'roduce of all kinds bought am sold on commission. . B. SELLERS A CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. C5 North Wharves, between Race and Vine streets, Philada. Philadelphia, Auaust 4, 185A .line. Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland eountr, will be exposed to public sale, on SATURDA Y, the 29th day of September next, on the premises, the following described real estate, to wit i a certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Jordan township, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Nathan Schraber, Frederick Tyson, George Trautmm, and monntain land, whereon is erected a doable Log House, bank barn and other outbuildings, containing about one hundred acres, more ur less, about two thirds of which are cleared. Late the estate of Andrew I.entz, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, . M., of said day, when the termsof sje will be made known bv BENJAMIN LEITZEL, Adm'r. By ordor of the Court, O. C. i 55 te. ) JAO. I'. rLKSEI., Clk Sunbury, Aug. 18, 1655, ASTRAY BULL! (1AME to the premises of the subscriber, in Upper Aucusta township, some time since, a small UI.ACK BULL, about nine months or a car old. There are no particular marks, except the tin of hia tail being white. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay churges, and take him away, or he will be dis posed of according to law. DA.M1.I. U. KUTZ. I'p. Augusta tp., Aug. 18, 1855 3in. Estate of JONASJWEAVER, dee'd. V OTIC E is hereby giren that letters of A d ministration uuon the estate of Jonas Weaver, late of the Borough of Sunbury, Nor thumberland county, dec a., have been granted to the undersigned, residing in iSuiibury, in said county. All persona having claims or demands against said deceased, are requested to make the same known to the undersigned with out delay, and all persona indebted aru desired to make immediate pay men. CHARLES WEAVER, Adm'r dc bonis non. Sunbury, Aug. 4, 1855. 6t. Trusses I Trusses!! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment. S. 11'. Cor. of Twelfth and lluce Streets, Philadelphia. IMPORTER of Cue French Trusses, combi nins extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptmcd patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round the hips, and stating sido allotted. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, f4, S3. Doublo $5, $6, $8 and $10. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. Biinmng'i Improved Patent Body Brace, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Ilraces, Clier-l Expanders and Erector 1! races, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders a;id Weak lunRs ; English Elastic Abdominal Helta, Suspensories. Syringes male and female. fV Ladies' ltooms, with Lady attendants. I'hila., A115. 4, 185S. lj P 8. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I hereby oiler myself to the qualified Totersof Northumberland county, as a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONED, at the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I 1 promise to perform the dutiea of said umce faith fully and impartially. FREDERICK HAAS. Upper Augusta, Aug. II, 1855. to. To the Electors of Northumberland County. I hereby offer myself to the qualified voters of Northumberland coanty, as a candidate for COUNTY TREASUllEIi. Should I be elected, I promise to perform the dutiea of said office faithfully and impartially. PETEH HILEMAN. Sunbury, June S3, 1S55, te. To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the solicitation of a number of my friends. I olfer myself to your consideration as a candi date for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the discing election. Should a majority of my fellow citizen elect me to that ollice, I will discarge its dutiea faithfully and to the best of my ability. JOSEPH VAMUKK. Point tp., Aug. 11, 1855. te. FOR SALE 1 f TEAM ENGINES 90 Horse power each, pgj Willi uourra. II uuiu uihks nrui ;unii iug engine, together with 2 large blowing cylin ders, suitable for a blast furnace. Apply to HENRY EON GEN ECK Elt & til. bhamokin Iron Works, Shamokin, Pa. Shamakin, July tl, 1S56,- J. B. DOBBINS, Ao. 22 SouA Wharves, ABOVE CHESTNUT BTRRET, PHILADELPHIA. DIALia 19 IMPROVED Super Phosphate of Lime, Pou- drette, and Land Plaster. Having eery facility for supplying all article in the above line of the best quality, at the vejy lowest mar ket pricea, would most respectfully solicit a call. Also, C'heeae, Soaps, Candle, Spices, &c. Sunbury, July 81, 1855 c3in. C1EDAKTUB8, Horse Buckets, Painted Buck J ets. Meat Tenderers, Corn II rooms, lias-. kets, Children' Wagon, and Yankee Clocks ust received and for aale by May 28, 1S55. I. XV. TETfgR t r. HOSIERY. Men' wool and cotton Sock, Ladie' and children' atoeking just open ed a . YOUNG'S STORE. Sunbury Nor. 18, 1864. GROCERIES Scgara, Coffee, Molasst Spice, Oil. Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herring and Salt, just received and for sale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower August May 8. 1854.-r- GLOVES Buckskin Glove and Mills, do Gloves wool lined, Ladiea Glove, Chil drcn's do.. Mitts, ice., at . -IW 18, '63. YOUNG'S STORE. INDELLIBLE INK at & May 19. WEISER ec BltUNER'S. PAINTS of ry Jeacriptien lust received by isriaw ooJsrFEcrxiorivrnr WH0LESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIABT & CO., . RESPECTFULLY announce to the cittsena of Northumberland and the adjoining coun ties that they have opened a Confectionary ami Fruit 8tore In MARKBT SQUARE. SunburT, where thoy manufacture and keep on hand, at all tlinna, the most choice Confectionary, Ac., Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among their atock of Conlecllonarlca, may be found i Frenoh flowstsu Hunted Alinonds, frusta VVhtte, ' Ijnnon Hose. Vsnllh, Common Bcorcls. Liquor tco, Own Dmps, sll kinds of somrt I,nvs Dmns, Mint Ir, red sod wluts, Jrtlf Okes, Fruit Props, &ick Csiuttss, of sll sosnts, rt'ies CslHly, Almond Csndf, FRUIT. T'Cmoos, lMles, CllfTlMltt dllud, A Ink -mil. lUlxsw, Prtinrs, Fis Ciuotis, Mull of s3 kimts. LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the singlo or doson. A superior quality of Serjars and Tobacco, and a variety of Conl'octioiiarics, fruit, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Come Bn, . wo will try to please. Orders from a diitance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Au.4, 1855. ly. JOHN O. MARKEL, M. D., RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has commen ced the practice of Medicine and Surgery, and will promptly attend to the calls of all who may desire his profeional services. Ilisclnceis at the residence of bis mother, Mury Markel. Sunbury, July 14. 1855 3rnpd. Celebration of tho Fourth of July. Great Bcdwtinn in Prices at ELSBEltG'S CLOTHING STORE. 5l".IN(l desirous of selling the summer supply otl'in season, the nndersigned will cotiiMcnrn from and after the Fourth of July, to sell his stock of Clothing and other treasonable toodu at greatly reduced prices. I think the Anniversary of Independence a fit time to Leirin to wll mv stock much lower, independent of the prices of other nieichants. I wih to fcl as much space as possible, so that I may have room enough for the extensive supply of fall goods I "ball rrcc'ne. The warm weather hawiig onlv lately C Mniuenecd, a good many hae neglected to Eet their summer wear yet, I would advise all such to favor me with a call and supply themselves with the wanting articles at greatly reduced prices. "Take heed all ye needy." None need to sweat in unsuita ble clothing, as I am willing and nble to suit my prices to every m n's purse, from the pool est la borer's to the rich capitalists'. My stock on hand comprises amongst others: Coats of sll colors, styles und materials, which I will sell at various prices, from seventy five cts upwards. Pants of all the various patterns ut from 87 cts. to higher prices. Vests from 51) cts. and holier. AI1-0 a splendid assortment of all kinds nf headwi.ar, such as Panama, ptlm leaf, senate, leuborn, Florence, braid, china, peail and and ilitTcrcnt sorts of Straw Hats, fine and coarse, white, bine, black and gray fur and wool Hats. Silk H its, and different kinds of caps. Also boots und shoes, shirts, collars, revolvers, various kinds of pistols, Accordeons, Jewelry, fine cutlery, hosiery, gloves, portmnnnaies, bes'nlcs a great irany other articles too numerous to mention ; all of which will be acid at further reduced rates from the cheap price originally set upon them, I So let all raniember the cheap Clothing Siorc I in Market Square, whero I shall be happy to j wait upon you all. I ALBERT ELSBERO. j Sunbury July 14, 1855. To the Voters cf Northumberland County. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and fellow citizens that he will be a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER at the ensuing election, and promises if elected, to ilischargo the duties of said office with fidelity and impartiality. JACOB YOi:NG. Sunbury, July 14. 1855. te, Shamokin Whits Ash Anthracita Coal. From the ''Old Vein" in the flap Colliery. 11. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. Pl.'RtsEL, successors te Kasc, Kee l ft Co., will con tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from tiie iibno well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of shipment is at the lower wharf in funbury, Northumber land county, Pa., where all orders for tho various kinds of coal, viz: Lump, Broken, Keg, Move, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received und promptly attended to. Sunbury, July It, 1855, Sc.xBfBT, Jclt 6, 1S55. Tho firm of Kae. Reed fr Co. having sold their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in tiie wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman & Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others t" tho new firm, as they will be able to sell them preparrd coal of the best quality, KASE, KF.ED& CO. ""imtTo s ixdiuo iti.tvi:. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, is now well established as the liest article ever offered for Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or uuvlhing injurious to the finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much clu aper and less trouble than Indigo or any oilier article. The great demand for it has brought out several inn tutiaus. Storekeeper and consumers will be enreful to get Dkxjamix Bahlow's, put up at Alfrc d Wiltbergcr's Drug Store, No. 1 01, N. .Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can gel their supplies from the Grocers and DrugcUt they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit. Jlri.es, Ciiemuals. J uikIs, I ariiisnes, i'y Stuffs, iVc, with a first-rite assortment of every thing in the line. Storekecwrs, Physician and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rales. ALFRED WILTDff'KGER, Drucgist. lfl'.l N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855. ly. impi:ovi:i SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. r"fMI E sulsK-riber informs Dealer and Farmers X hia that he ha greatly improined tho quality of Super Phosphate of Lime, And now confidently recommends tha article manufactured by him, assirtaioa to any in the market. You aro invited to call, examine and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Oils, Caudles, Soap, 4c, at the lowest market rates. JNO. L. POMERlJY, Successor to Thos. W. Morgan, No. 9 and 10 i-'outh Wharves, Philadelphia. Fanners can load 011 two private alley, and avoid the crowded wharf. Pbila., July 21, 1855. c6m. H "1 M URELLAS Overshoes, Pocket Book 5J Portinouie, Silk Pocket-houdkercbicta, Neck-ties, Spring-stocks, Susppiiders, Ac, st, Nov. 85, '51. YOUNG'S STORE. "10:.1BS. Back. Children's Lonar. Side and fine combs; Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, for sale at YOUNG'S STORE. Sunbury, Not. 18, 1854. SH ALLEN llERGER'S PILLS A certain cure for Fever and Ague, for sale by WEIsER it BRUNER. Sunbury. uly 22. 1854. WALL PAPER. A large and aplendcd assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil bhadea, just received and for aale by I. W. TENER ct Co, Sunbury, May S6, 1855. EUMICELLI, Maccaroni and Coi n K larch just received by May 10. 1865. WE18EB it BRL'NER. BLACK Putty s goed article for aale by Mf 19. WIHER et BHl'NEH. NEW FAMILY GROCERY, Flour, Feed and PtovMon Store. BEASHOLTZ & FETERY. Broadway, between UfarM j- Blackberry St. RESPECTFULLY Inform the public that they bare just received a large and Well selected assortment of choice Family Groceries, consisting In part of Hams, Shnnlders, Mackerel, Herring. White Fish, Cod Fish, Halt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rlcr,, Sugar, CoOea, (green, roasted and ground. Im perial. Young Hyson,- Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Htomwware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, &.C., together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. We also keep on hand choirn Liquors, Port, Lisbon, .Ac. Porter, Ale, beer, sarsnparilla, 4 c. We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh hrea.l, tw ist, rolls, pies, pretzels snd cakes of every kind. N. B. Tho highest cash prices will be paid for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rve and wheat. Sunbury, July 7, 1855. " N0S. 21 & 22 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Agricultural Implement .Manufactory, Bristol, Pu. Seed Grounds (370 Acres) Bloomsdale, near Bristol, Pa. Phils., June l, 855. 3m- p3. Photography ! Daguerreotypes 1 1 A NEW ERA IN ART 1 J. E. KcCIEES. Successor to McClecs J- Oermon,) "VTrorLD call the attenion of the public, not ouly to the superiority of the Daeuorreo. tvpcj, ho Hyalograph, (by aomn called Ambro- tjlic,) and the various styles of Photography on paper; but to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a small duguorreotype, may, by send ing it l j No. 100 Chestnut St., have made from it by the means of Photography, and the talents of the Is-st Artists, a portrait o'l ast ana, from a small I.oekct to tha full site of life. A small book containing description, prices, itc, fee, will bo aeut gratis to any person ma king the request. McCI.r.F.S' Philadelphia Thotograph Establishment, No. Kit) Chestnut at., below 7th. Pl.ila., July 21, 1855. tf. AYER'S PILLS, ANEW and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions. Headache, Pains in the Breast,' Side, Hack, and Limbs. Female Complaints, 4te.,e. Indeed, very few aro liio diseases in which a Purgative Mcdi cine is not moro or less required, and much sick ness and suffering niinht be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Catlmrtic weio more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds. Feverish symptoms, and bilious derangements. They ail tend to become or produce tho deep seated and 'formidable distempcra which load the hearses all over the land. Henco a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Pntients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures havo been effected beyond belief, were they not sul stantited by persons cf such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who hava testititd in favor of these Fi'.s, we may mention : Imi. A. A. Hayes, Annlytieul Chemist, of Boston. and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the Hon. Edwauu EvaauiT, Senator of tho t. S. Hoiieut C.Wini liaor, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. A11110TT Lawuknch, Minister Plen. to Fnaland. Jons 1!. l'lTfATiticK, Cath. Hishopof Uoston. Al?o, Pu. J. It. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York t'itv. endorsed bv Hon. V. L.'Mahcv, Secretary of Stat. M'm. U. Astoh, the richest man in America. S. Lr.LANK & Co., l'ropr's of tho Me tropolitan Hotel, and others. Hid space permit, wo could give many hundred certificates, from all parts where tho Pills hao been used, but evidence even more convincing than ttie experience or eminent pubuo men is lounu in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which tho present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drues themselves, but of the medicinal virtues ouly of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to iusure the best results. This ystem of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While bv the eld mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened wilh more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi. viduid virtue only that is desired for tho curative elfert is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left In-hind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they hav proved more purely remedinl, find the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate Formulas by which both my Pectoral aud Pills arc made to tho waole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that arc olfcred, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men. and all who are competent ti iudge on the ubjcct freely acknowledge their convictions I ot tlicir intrinsic merits, llie tnerry rceiorai was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine nctoro lis etlccts wt ro anown. Jinny em inent Physician have declared the some thing of my Pills, and eveu more confidently, and aro will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized" by their eifects upon trinl. They operate by their powerful influence on tha internal viscera to purify tho blood aud stiiuulute it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, livur, and other orcans of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin ot disease. being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm con arise from their use in any quautity. ' For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. rttEl'AKKD BV JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price S3 Cents por Sox. Five Eoxes for $L solli nr Weiw Jk Rruner. tim!iury; Bird St J--hn, Whsnv.iuii. W.Wiemcr, Norlhuml'Pilitod ; J. F. CasWw, Aftlton; aist bv sll Duipgists in Xortimru Pennsylvania. June t3, Iboi. ly. FpHASK'S Magnetic Ointment at A May 19. WEISER et BRUNER'S. Fin lot of Wall Paper .hist received and fur sale by WM. McCABTV, Market Street. Sunbury, June J.1855. HARDWARE and Queensware in great va rieties and of all descriptions, just recivd and for sal. by WM A.KNABB Lewei Augusta, My IBM. 1 I ATS at CAPS Silk and Slouch lists, M.M. Military and cloth Cap lor men and boy. also Gum Shoe of various size, tust recejvea and for sal at YOUNU'6 ej'f ORE- fc'unbury Nv.Zt,ltH. 3P JAKES BARBER WHOI.K9ALR UETAII. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. earner of .Second j- Cnrrni J,. , rHIlADBLMHA. Where may be fou-id, one of the largest ami best assortment of Clocks and Time Piece in the United Ftsjes in quantitie. to sort purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ' embracing every variety of My la and manuW tyre, su.ialle for Clmrchce. Hall., Countine Housea, Tailors, Sleeping apailn.ents.and Kirch en. Steam and C.nal Boat., snd Hall road Car.. n, U-V- C,ocki. PlrcJ and Warranted. Clock Trimmings for sale. Also,. Manufacturer of Barber', CeLbrattd Fine GOLD PENS Embracing ,11 the qualities of the fine.) qui! Pn, in addition to which tho durability of lh, metal i, fully as.oci,,,! eill, jnvo, 0 M srid CTver Pencils, aud 1'en Holders, Plata I tug to purchase aro invited to call. I - ,., JAMES HARDER, , I'., comer Chestnut snl Second .Sis. 1'inli j Philadelphia, June 83, 1H55. y. ' j Extraordinary Anlval"of 1 rJ m i: subscriber tokes pleasure in informing I his c.untomurs and tlm nnUix r.n...n. .v,-. he is now in receipt of an uuusually largo and Splondid Auaortmont of New Goods.! To endeavor to enumerate the one liundreth port of the articles Would bB uscIm. Sufllbe it 10 say, tncy nave been selected with the greatest care, and they will be disposed of at as low price as the same quality can bo purchased elsewhere. My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Ho takes this method of presenting to the public his thanks fur the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, ha respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. It will be advisable for purchasers to call and examine his assortment before purchasing else where. All kind of produce taken in exchange. EDWARD Y. BRIGHT. Sunbury, Muy 19, 1855 Booksellers & Stationers, 4 RE now selling off their entiro stock of Hooks and Stationary, saved from the fire of tho 15th tilt., at very low prices. The stock embraces eery variety of miscellaneous Books, School Books, and all kinds of Blank Books, also domestic and imported Stationary of every description. As we are selling out at low prices 11 win ue won 10 call early and secure bargain TEKKY & ERETY, S. XV. corner 4th and Race streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June 23, 1855 tf. SUN3TJRY, PA. Til E subscriber respectfully inform tho publh that cho still continues io keep the above named public house. She has also received a new aupply of good liquors and wines, and trusta that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MAF.! THOMPSON Sunbury June 53, 1855 if. MOUNT C ARM EL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northiimberland county, Pa. r"jnillS large and commodious Hotel Is situated -A- on the hmnflbe l.nrtist mnoiitiiiii. nnrli - i- . -- j halfway between Sunbury and Poltsville. Tin scenery tha salubrity of the atinosphero and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the ! most delightful summer retreat in the country, i The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, j fitted up with all the modern conveniences. Tho pure mountain water is introduced into every I chamber. The place ia easy of access, beng : but one and a half hours rido fiorn Sunburv, over the Philadelphia and Ouubury Rail road. From Pottsvillc, it can be reached by the Mine Hill I I'Hii roao to .-vsiiiand, and from tlieuce to Mt. ! Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus. j Every attendance will bo paid by the propria. tor to make guests coinknluble. Charges mode i rale. n JOSEPH M. FE'AGER. Mt. Carmel, lune 23, 1855. tf. , Bargains at the Old Stand. FRILING & GRANT RE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Spring and Summer Hoods, em bracing an endless .variety. Their atock con sists in pa it of Black & Fancy BroadclotJis & Cassimeree,, Summer Wares for men aud boys, all styles and prices. . DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and L'igured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Tan ey Dress Silks at unusually low pricos, rjlitUics, Brazes, Brazo De Laina, Mu. lie Lains. Lawns, Ac, GINGHAMS from 1 to 5 cent per yard. CALICOES " 3 1-2 J - ' T;ilIT!3 GOODS, ... . . Cambric, Jaronctts, Swhrs, Tarltori, Mull, Cohl- nett, French andwis Laces, Edging, fie Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings, Tick, Clucks, Towliugs, Table Diapers, oc. . .uoci:icii. HARDWARE and QUEENS WARE. Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaater,' Salt and Fish. Also a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to pleat:, atill to meet with the approval of our friend. tV Country produce of all kind taken at tha highct market price Sunbury, June 2, 1853. ly. L. II. I I Mi, Stencil Cutter, Au. 1 North Sixih Street, (SA.IXSNT ) PHILADELPHIA. STENCIL BRANDS cut for Merchants, Tsr mers, Miller snd Distillers. Alphabats, brushes and Inks of the very best quality. c a'riss, i a. rui, Fhila., June 23, 195.".. 2m. NOTICE. V"OTICE is hereby given that application will ' be made to the next legislature of Pennsyl vania, at the session of 156. for the creation of a corporate body, with banking and discounting privileges, to be called the Suamokisi Diss,' located at iS'hamokiiitown, Northumberland Co., Pa., wilh a capital stork o( 150,t)( 0, wilh the privilege of increasing the same to 31)0,000 if necessary. Sbainokin, May !?. 1855. 8m. TOBACCO, &c. Siraw'-arrV. Congresa, Eldorado Fig. Eldorado Caka, sarsaparilla Fin Cut, Prsd Fine Cut. Andersons , fJ,'1?. ,V WEISER & BKCNtlt. Sunbury, May S, 185S. SEGARS' El Dorado, Rio Hotidp, La CuriusidaiL Canalo. llsvana Cheroot, El Neptune, El DuenJo, Recreailorsa, La Semiaruils, Plantation, For Sale at Wlistn Sunbury. May . 185. "I HA IN PCMFS.- A small auinber of than xcalleiil pump have been received and are ..Tc-Uor-leb, H. B. MASTER. HunrHirv, Ju 4. 1855 . . II CSBAND'S Mgi f sate by May 1'J U EISf.B Ar BKCNBR. 4