J' '. . Ctlt AMD GEO. D. lMtEftTICBi . T)M pohlic Will ltnl!iw. IVi. AiM between Mr Jafne. B. Cltt? and the editor of woornai. Mr. Clay made a speech In Lexington against Know-Nothing. im, early last month, and on the 13th a bit w personal eUackwaa made upon him in the Journal, relajjvo to hii "vandal r,nli. tion," as the Journal termed it, of the man- u ni Agniana, the borne or hie late father. On the 18th. Mr. Clay replied through the Columns of the Journal. tatinir ftint. h b.1 purchased the mansion with hie own money, ' J" request of hii father, made previous to bis death, and that he was re-buildine it, becanse of its dilapidated condition, c. On ma same oay the editor or the Journal com mooted upon Mr. Clay's reply in his paper in long and personally offensive article. In ouseqnence or these attacks, Mr. Clay ad- iresscu me lollowing note to Mr. Prentice : Aailt.Avn Jnlv-Ort IB. Sir i This note will be handed to yon by my friend Major T. Lewiuski A similar one was addrcsiwd to you on the 18th, through rnj friend Mr. H. C. Pindell, who, having lately engaged in the practice of law in your viif, iuuuu me aeuvery or it inconsistent wit u his views of the moral obligation of the oath ho. as a lawyer, is required to take. The object of this note is solely to inquire whether you hold yonrself personally respon sible, as a gentleman, for the publications made in the newspaper of which you aro the oditor, attacking private individuals T I am, sir, your obedient servant, James B Clat. To George D. Prentice, Esq., editor or tho Louis, ville Journal. M r. Prentice replies at considerable longtli, forwarding the letter to Mr. Clay by mail. We make the following extracts from his te- ,-piy: "I ain not aware, sir, that it particularly concerns you to know what general rules of action I prescribe for myself as an editor. I have no objection, however, to inform yon that if I do any man such aa unprovoked and mortal wrong in my columns as to entitle him, in my opinion, to take or seek my life, I will hold myself responsible to him in the field, aud that, if any gentleman does mo such n wrong as to make mo wish for his blood, I will call him to the field. "I presume, sir, that all which it concerns .you to know from me is whether I would ac cept a challenge from you on acconnt of mv comments in the Louisville Daily Journal of tue lain inst., upon your communication pub lished in tho same paper on the same day. Without putting you to the trouble of addres--sing the question to me in due form, I say to you plainly that I would not. I do not wish to kill you, and I am very clear in the opinion that my article affords yon neither just cause ' nor a rational pretest for killing me. I nude no attack or imputation npon your private character, which, for aught 1 know, is unob jectionable. I merely gave ntterance to the thoughts and feelings naturally and necessar ily excited in my mind, and, as I believe, in the public, mind, by yonr demolishing the sa cred old dwelling house of your father and selling the lumber. "However, all this is very little to my pre sent purpose. I have only to repeat that I would not accept a challenge from you on ac count of my article of Wednesday. And, as I see no necessity for my adopting the etiquette of duellists in telling you so, I shall 'send this by mail. I scarcely need add that, if I have erred iu any statements of fact in regard to your conduct, I shall, on having the errors pointed out to me, take pleasure in correcting them." Mr. Clay, in reply, lias published a card "To tho Public," whose liberty, ho thinks. irs been assailed in his person. Speaking of the editor of tho Journal, he says : 'Invading tho sanctity of private life, re gardless of the feelings of a mother of seventy-five years of ago, the widow of tho man of Ashland, whose memory he has pretended nlmost to idolize, that editor has not scrupled, through tho columns of his paper, toxoid up Lis and her son as an object for the scorn and iudiguation of bis countrymen." He then expresses his astonishment at such an attack from the Journal, the editor of which he had never in his life given the least cause of offence. Mr. Clay next pro-, cceds to sneak of Ashland, as follows : 'I bought Ashland, as I have heretofore raid, at tho desire of both my father and mother: I determined to do -with it as I thought best for the interest and -comfort of my family. It accorded better witn my judg ment to rebuild my father's house upon the name desien, usine in its construction every particle of the old material stone brick or wood mat wouia answer, man vo leave standing an old mansion, through which the water coursed, and whose walls were cracked to such an extent as to render it positively unsafe as a harbor for rats and a resort for thieves and runaway negroes. It is true that I did advertise in the Observer and Reporter newspaper, as the editor of the Journal states in his letter of the 21st inst., that I wished to sell certain portions of the old material, but 1 specified in that advertisement, doors, sash, Ac, which were utterly useless to me. I was not so fortunate as to fiud a purchaser for a single article that I desired to sell, and the consequence is that a large quantity of old rubbish encumbers my place, which I shall have to get rid of by makiug a bon-firo. It was not tho offer to sell such old rubbish that was referred to in the first article in the Journal ottacking me. It was a different thing with which I was charged. It was that, knowing them to be hallowed by association with my father's name, I either was or had been Bulling for my own private profit, tho beams, rafters, posts, Ac, of his old dwelling liouso, to be made into sticks, snuff-boxes, Ac, Ac. In my answer, which was published in his papar, I gave such information respect ing my private affairs as I thought would have satisfied any candid and reasonable man that he had done me injustice. It is true that I used language which was harsh, but I did not conceive it to be too much so towards the au thor of such an attack npon me." Mr. Clay had declared his intention of giving the pro ceeds from the sale of the walking-sticks, snuff-boxes, Ac, to some charitable institu tion. The editor of the Journal, is making the attack, Mr. Clay contends, has clearly shown that be cared little for bis father's name, his fame, or bis family and Mr. C. here adds : "The true cause, fullow-citizens, of those attacks, was that I had dared to exercise one of the rights of a freeman, and had been guil iy of the enormous offence of making a pub lic address to my fellow-citizens, around my own borne, in opposition to the principles of a party to which he was attached. I appeal -to you if this was not the sole cause." After referring to the fact that the editor of the Journal had refused "to bold himself responsible" for hoi assertions, and had made further charges against bim Mr. C. of which he says be had nothing to do, and of which be was wholly and entirely ignorant, be says t "Having thus placed himself without that palo recognized by all honorable gentlemen, In this region, at least, I can never again, at any time, or upon any pretext or occasion, condescend to tjke the least notice of any. thing whatsoever that may emanate from the editor of the Louisville Journal, either in his public capacity or aa a private man." Mr. Clay concludes by stating that, having en publicly persecuted, he has thought rop'r to place all the facta before bis fellow. un: ymeu, with the fullest confidence that key v ill pardon him for thai bringing him. tit Joro them. Tr editor of the Journal has published a joL er to Mr. Clay's card, but we have giv. a su kient on each side to enable the reader ',i p: an opinion of the controversy. At itlsnra. Oa., July 27th. good wheat a ( , rr bushel, flour plenty at f 3 to (3,50 f fj. Arrntrl to Mcbdm Pasbehoms ok m KAn.aoAD.-An attempt, fortunately unsuc cessful, was recently made between Laporte and Chicago to overturn the train or cars, filled with passengers. The Company'a offi cers had some difficulty with the workmen, and, from threaU made, they bad reason to apprehend mischief. A detective force was organitod to watch the road, and In thnnlirht the discovered two men taking up the rails 7 u'fpmcing mem, so as to throw the cars off. One or the follow ttnmbled over an officer who was lying on the track. The offi cer seized him, and there was a atmggle for the mastery, bnt the officer succeeded in overcoming the rascal and handing him into the charge of his assistants. Then he pur sued the other individual, who had fled, and fired at him. The villain returned the tare, but in resuming his fight, was seized by some of the other officers, lie slipped out of bis coat, and was off into the woods, which are being searched, with strong hopes of catch ing him. The man secured has been com mitted to jail. An express and mail train was due at the point where the rails were movod, within half an hour, and there is no knowing what might have been the loss of lifo, if the depredutions had not been discov ered. SABBATn Work. The editor of the Harris burg Herald was shocked recently, because some farmers took advantage of sunny Bun day to bouse their hay. Per contra, Rev. Mr. Eddy, of Canaan, it is reported, at the closo of his morning service lust Sunday, ad vised such or his congregation as had bay out, to "go to work nnd get it in, for it looked likely to rain." It reminds ono of the old revolutionary officer who told his men to 'trust in Ood and keep the powder dry." Jonx B. Gouan. The London 7VmeTinre League announces that the visit of Mr. Gough to England will terminate on Saturday, Au gust 4, on which day he will sail from Liver pool for A merico. His eloquence is spoken of in Kngland as matchless. .Tub Weather. The weather is remarka bly changeable the present season, and per sons should be careful and clothe themselves according to the state of the weather. Rock hill & Wilson can accommodate all at their clothing store, No. Ill, Chesnut st. corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia. MARRIAGES. In this place on tho 5th inst., by F. Laza rus, Esq., Mr. Jacob Casett, to Miss Sarah Harp, all of this place. . DEATHS. In the borough of Muncy, on Sunday the 15th nit., at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Stniifer. Mrs. MARGARET M. RUSSEL, relict of Kerr Rnssel. Esq., of Northumberland i:ounty, aged bu years nnd 2 months. In Bloomsburj, on last Saturday evening. DANIEL SNYDER, aged about 72 years. Cljc . Piticts. Philadelphia Market August 8, 1855. GRAIN. Wheat is now in limited supply, with a moderate inquiry. Sales of 22,000 bushels of Southern nnd Pennsylvania red at $1 90al 95 ; and white at $2 05a2 07, most ly afloat. Last sales or new Rye at $112, and old at $1 25. Very little Corn offering j a cargo of Southern yellow sold at 97 cts. per bushel. Oats are in better demand ; sales of prime new Delaware at 47 a 48c, afloat. Old Pennsylvania 60 cents. Whiskey. Small sules of barrels at 41 a 42c, and hhds. at 40c. SUN BURY PRICE CURRENT Whkat. - 900 Rts. 1 12 Co. . 90 Oiti. 6J Potatom, J 75 Biziwix - 3-1 Hicklcd Flax. 10 Bottib. .18 Eoes. 12 Pork. 7 Flaxiiih. . 1S5 Tallow. 12 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW OONPEOTIONABY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARHART & CO., n ESPECTFULIV announce to the citizons of Northumberland and the adjoining coun ties that they have opened a Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET SQUARE, Sunburv, where they manufacture anil keep on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among their slock of Coiilctionaricj may be found : French Secret. Gum Drop, all kind of went, Burned Almond, ).ov Droiai, Cream White, Mint Drop, red and white, " lraou Jelly Cakes, ' Itose, Fruit Drops, Vanilla, tStick Candle, of aU scant, Common Secret. Kock Candy, Liquorice, Almond Caiidr, FRUIT. T.smon, Prune, Dales, Fig, Currant diied, Citron, Alinouda, liaisons, Nut of aU kind. LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or doien. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionsrie, fruit, Ac, all of which i offered cheap at wholeaale or retail. Come and see we will try to please. Orders from a diatance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Au0. 4, 1S55. ly. PATENT AIR-TIGHT, SELF-SEALING Cans and Jars. For Preser.-ving Fresh Fruits and Vegetable; These cans and jars are constructed with a channel around the mouth, near the top, into which the cover fits looaely. This Channel is filled with very adhesive cement, prepared for the purpose, and allowed to. harden. In order to seal the vessel hermetically, It is Only neces sary to heat the cover slightly, end press it into place. It may be opened with aa much ease as it is closed, by slightly warming the top. The ordinary tin cans, used for the same purpose fca which this is intended, cannot be closed, as is well known, without the aid or a Ut-nert are difficult to open, and are generally so much in jurcd in opening as to be useless for future service. By this simple contrivance, the process of bermetical sealing is placed conveniently within the reach of every individual t and fruit, vegeta ble and butter (if properly prepared) may be kept, with their natural flavor unimpaired, for an indefinite length of time. Those vessels were thoroughly testsd, during the past summer, and their contents, after the lapse of months, found unchanged. Pec sale by Amelia Vouogman, fcortb'd., agent for Northumberland county, who will furnish further directions. North'd , A ugust 4, 1 856 tt FAMILY MEDICTNES-Brown's Fever and Ague Fewders, Fshnestock's. Vermifuge, Dr. JsyneTs celebrated medicines, lie for sale t Nov. SS, 'M. rOUNG'J 8T0KE. 1'IMCOPHEROVS dos. fat sale by May U. BK'J.VtR. ' To Iron Masters and Dealers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, No. 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia, STEVES, HIDDI.E8, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and widths, with sll kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper Makers Wire, all kind. Cylinder and Dandy Rolls eoverej in the beat manner in or out of the city. A very superior article of Heavy Fonnder's Sieve. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire end 8ieves for Peed, Grain, Sand, 8tarch, Snuff, Brickduit, eke., Ac. BAYLTSS, DARBY St LINN. Augurt, V 1855, O 8 m IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. 2600 bbls. of the most superior manufacture. Alto, GUANO of every description, Cal cined Plaater, Cement, Ac. (7 Produce of all kinds bought and sold on commission. It. B. SELLERS Sc CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. 65 North Wharves, between Race and Vine streets, Philada. Philadelphia, August 4, 18SS. 3mc. Estate of JONAS WEAVES, deo'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration upon the eatate of Jonas Wesver, late of the Borough of Sunbury, Nor thumberland county, dee'd.. have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Georgetown, in saiil townahip. All persons hsvinfj elsims or demand againat said deceased, are requested to moke the same known to the underaigned with, out delay, and all peraons indebted are desired to make immediate payment. CHARLES WEAVER, Adm'r de bonis non. Sunbury, Aug. 4, 1855. 6t. ' Trusses I Trasses 11 Trusses 111 C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment. S. If. Cor. of Twelfth and Race Streets, Philadelphia. IMPORTER of fine French True, eombi ning extreme lightneas, ease and durability with correct conduction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be auited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. Coat of Single True, $2, J3, f4, 5. Double $5, f6, $3 and $10. Instructions a to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the True. Alao for sale, in great variety. Dr. Banning'. Improved Patent Bod' Brier, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Prop and Support, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulder and Weak lung; English Elastic Abdominal Delta, Suspensories. Syringes male and female. V Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. Phila., Aug. 4, 1855. ly P 8. To the Voters of Northumberland County The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and fellow citizens that he will be a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER at the ensuing election, snd promises if elected, to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity and impartiality. JACOB YOKNG. Sunbury, July 14, 1855. te, To the Electors of Northumberland County. I hereby offer myself to the qualified voters of Northumberland coanty, as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER. Should I be elected, I promise to perform the duties of said office faithfully and impartially. PETER HILEMAN. Sunbury, June 23, 1855, te. STRAY HORSE $5 REWARD. STRAYED away from the stable of John Hummel in Northumberland, on Sunday night last, a light bay horse, six years old, and about 14 hands high. He has a small star or white maik on the forehead. Any peraon who will return the horse to John Hummel, Noith- umberland, or give information where he can be found, will receive a reward of five dollars. WM. BURTON. July 91, 1855 3t. FOR SALK ! Tfc BLACK Bob Tailed Horses will work well singly or together, in harness or unJjr saddle. Apply to HENRY LONGENECKER & CO., Shsmokin Iron Works, Shatnokin, Pa. Shamoktn, July 31, 1855. FOR SALE 1 ffe (TEAM ENGINES 90 Horsepower each, Jg with boilers. Would make excellent pump ing engines, together with large blowing cylin ders, suitable for a blast furnace. Apply to HENRY LONGENECKER fc CO. Shatnokin Iron Works, Shsmokin, Pa. Bhamakin, July SI, 1855,-- Estate of JOHN K. CLARE, deo'd. lXJOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad v ministration have been granted to the subscri ber on the estate of Jhn K. Clark, lata of Jordan township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons having claims againat the estate, and such that are indebted thereto, are requested to make an early settlement SAMUEL CLARK, Ad'tor. Jordsn tp., July SI, 1853 Ct. Notice to Teachers ! WANTED one male and one female teach er to take charge of the public schools in Treverton, Zerbe township, North'd co. School commence on the 1st day of September next, and will continue at least six months. Applications may be made to Benj. Gearhardt, Prea't, or to WILLIAM APPLEY, Sec'y. Treverton, July 81, 1855. tac. J. B. DOBBINS, No. 22 South Wharves, ABOVE CHESTNUT BTBKET, PHILADELPHIA. Btaisa l OXJ-AOSTO, IMPROVED Super Phoepbate of Lints, Pnu drette, and Land Plaater. Having every facility for supplying all articles in the above line of the best quality, at the vejy lowest mar ket prices, would most respectfully solicit a call. Also, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Spices, Ac Sunbury, July SI, 1855. c3m. IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIKE. THE subscriber informs Dealers an J Farmers that be bss greatly impromed the quality of bis Super rhosphat of Lime, And now confidently recommends the article manufactured by him, assorsaiaa to any in the market Yon are invited to call, examine and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Oils, Candles, Soap, dec, at the lowest market rates. JNO. L. POMERoY, Successor to Tbos. W Morgan, No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. 17 Farmers can load en two private alleys, and eveij the crowded wharf. Phila, July SI, 1865. c6m. CFDARTUB8, Horse Buckets, Painted Buck eta, Meat Tenderers, Com Brooms, Bas kets, Children's Wagons, and Yankee Clock tut received and for sale by May S6, 1886. L W.TENBR HOSIEHY. Mens wool and cotton Socks, Ladies' end children's stockings just open, sd YOUNG'S STORE. Sunburv Not. II, 1854. iOR sals at this effice, Superior Blsrk lak. Cattle Medicine et S3 cU, Pure Essence of Uuarar, SI seal Photography I Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART J J, E. McCLEES, Successor to McClees ft Germon,) WOULD call the attenion of the public, not ouly to the superiority of the Dsguerreo. tvpes, the Hyalograpli, (by some called Ambro tyne.) snd the various styles of -holography on paper t but to the fact, that parties at a diatance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send ing it to No. 160 Chestnut St., have msde from it by the means of Photography, snd the Ulents of the best Artists, a portrait of asr siss, from a small Locket to the full sixe of life. A small book containing description, prices, Ac, Ac, will be sent gratis to any person ma kingthsrequeat. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Estoblishment, No. 160 Chestnut at., below 7th. -Phila., July SI, 1855. tf. CABD. JOHN O. MARKEL, II. D., RE8PECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity ilint he has commcn ced the practice of Medicine and Surgery, and will promptly attend to the colls of all who may desire his professional services. Jli office is st the residence of hi mother, Mary Markel. Sunbury. July 14. 1855aiapd. Notice to Bridge Builders ! PROPOSALS for building a bridge ncros Muddy Run, near Billmyer A Follmer's saw mill, in Turbut township, will b received at the House of Capt. John M. Huff, in Milton, on the Ifith day ot Augimt next, between the hours of io A. M. snd 2 P. M.t at which time and place specifications will I f xhibiteil. JOSEPH NICELY, ) PHILIP RENN, Com'srs. GEO.C. WEI.KER.) Comm. Ofilre, ) Sunbury, July Si, 1855. ) Celebration of the Fourth of July. Great Uciluction in Prices ff ELSBERG'S CLOTHING STORE. BEING desirous of selling the summer supply offin season, the nndersigncd will commence from and after the Fourth of July, to sell his stock of Clothing snd other seasonable goods at greatly reduced prices. I think the Anniversary of Independence a fit time to begin to sell my atock much lower, independent of the prices of other merchants. I wih to get as much space as possible, so that I may have room enough for the extensive supply of fail goods I shall receive. The warm weather having only lately commenced, a good many have nculected to get their eummer wear yet, I would advise all such to favor me with a call and supply themselves witlj the wanting articles at greatly reduced pricea. "Take heed all ye needy." None need to sweat in unsuita ble clothing, as I am willing and able to auit my prices to every imn's purse, from the pool est la borer's to the rich capitalists'. My stock on hand comprises amongst others : Coats of all colors, Styles and materials, which I will sell at various prices, from seventy fivo cts upwards. Pants of all the varioua patterna at from 87 eta. to higher prices. Vests from 50 cts. and higher. Alo a splendid assortment of all kinda of headwear, such as Panama, pilm leaf, senate, leghorn, Florence, braid, china, pearl and and different sorts of Straw Hats, fine snd coarse, white, blue, black and gray fur and wool Hats. Silk Hats, and different kinds of caps. Also boots and shoes, shirts, collars, revolvers, varioua kinda of pistols, Accordeons, Jewelry, fine cutlery, hosiery, glove, porlmonnaica. besides a great many other articles too numerous to mention ; all of which will be sold at further reduced rates from the cheap price originally set upon them. So let all remember the cheap Clothing Store in Market Square, where I shall be happy to wait upon you all. ALBERT ELSBERG. Sunbury July 14, 1855. Bhamokin White Ash Anthracito CoaL From the "Old Vein" in the Gap Colliery. T - II. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PURSEL, successors to Kase, Reed A Co., will con tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from the above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman & rursel. J he point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber land county, Ha., where all orders fur the various kinds of coal, viz : Lump, Broken, Egg, Stove, snd Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunhtiry, July 14, 1855, Srs ni'KT, July 5, 1855. The firm of K.ise, Keel 6 Co. having sold their lease in the Cap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman A Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others tn the new firm, as they will be able to sell them prepared coal of the best quality, KASE, RF.ED&CO. tltRLOVt 'SIlICO DLCE, BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, is now well established ss the best article ever effort d for Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper and leas trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it has brought out several imt lotions. Storekeepers snd consumers will be careful to get Bxkjamis Bin low 'a, put up at Alfre d Wiliberger'a Drug Store, No. 169, N. Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Grocers snd Druggist they deal with, at pricea yielding a good profit. Drugs, Chemicals, faints, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, ire., with a first-rate assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFRED WILTBERGER, Druggist 169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 ly. NOTICE IS hereby given that the laws ot Pennsylvania have been received at the Prothonotary's office at Sunbury, ana are ready for distribution to those who are legally aulhorixed to receive the same. ' JAMES BEARD, Prothy. Protht notary's Office. ) Sunburv. July 7. 1855. t "TMBRELLAR Overshoes, Pocket Books J Portmonies, Silk Pocket-hondkerchiels, Neck-ties, Spring-stocks, Suspenders, Ac, at, Nov. 85, "64. YOUNG'S STORE. WALL PAPER. A large and splendcd assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per. and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER A Co, Sunbury, May SB. 1855. GROCERIES Scgars, Coffee, Wolassea Spices, Oils. Brandy. Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herring and Salt, juat received and for sale by WM.A. KNABB. Lower Augusta May 8, 1854. HATS A CAPS. Silk and Slouch Hate, Military and cloth Caps lor men and boys, also Gum Shoes of vsrious sixes, just received and for sale at YOUNG'S STORE. Sunbury Nov. 85,1854. HARDWARE and Queensware in great va rieties and of aU descriptions, just received and for sale by WM A.KNAU11 Lowei Augusta, May 1854 IAINTS of every description just received by MsvlS. WE1SER ABRUNER B LACK Putty a good article for sals by May IV. WfclSEK A BKLINLK, II USBAND'S Magnesia for sale by May 18. WEISER & BRUNER. II OOFLAND'S Bitters at May 19. WEISER A BRUNER'S. EXAHN'ESTOCK'8 Vermifuge, for al bv Msy 19. WEISER & BRUNER INDELLIBLE INK st Msy IS. jVEI8ER A BRUNER'S. N03. 21 & 22 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELmiA. Agricultural Implement Manufactory, Bristol, Ps. Seed Grounds (370 Acres) Bloomsdale, near Bristol, Pa. Phila., June 1', 853. 3m- p3. NOTICE. ANY operator, engineer, conductor or agent who shall hereafter run and permit to stand for the apace nf 19 minutes, any car or cars on Broadway, will e prosecuted according to the Act of Assembly. The foot walk is the line, and as notice to leave a sufficient space for vehicles and person to pass between the cars has hereto fore been disregarded, we now give this last notice that no cars ahull stand beyond the line of the treet. PETER B. MASKER, . K. O. MARKLEY, J Rc8U' Sunburv, July 14, 1855 atora. NF.W FAMILY GROCERY, Flour, Teed and Hrovision Store. SEASH0LTZ & PETERY, lirnailicat. between Mnrlt fa Blackberry St s. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they havo just rcirivcd a large and well selected assortment of choice Family Groceries, f ?nsisting in purt of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herrinjr. White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molassea, Riro, Sugar. Coffee, (irrirn, roasted and ground.) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Tea, Cedar-ware, 8tonc-ware, Sonpa, brushes plow and wash lines, boot and shoes, tobacco, scgars, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. We also keep on hand choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon, Ac. Porter, Ale, beer, sarsaparilla, Src. We are alao prepared to sup ply the citizens with freah bread, twist, rolls, pie, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. B. Thtflrigliest cash ptices will he paid for butter and egr, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, July 7, 1855. AYEIt'S PILLS, Anew and sintrularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi- Sestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, out, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Paine in the Breast, Side, back, and Limbs. Female Complainta, &e.,&c. Indeed, very few ore tnc disomies in which a Purgative Medl cine ia not more or less required, and much sick ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well whilo a costive habit of body prevails j besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilioua derangementa. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and thia Till haa been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive triftl of its virtue by I'hysicians, Profes sors, and Patient, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were thoy not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted peaition and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these PilVa, we may mention : l)ii. A. A. Hates, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and 8tate Assaycr of Massachusetts, whose high professional character ia endorsed by the Hon. Edwaiid Everett, Senator of the V. S. Robert C. Wistiihop, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. Abbott Lawhbxce, Minister Plen. to Fnirland. t John B. Fit?. Patrick, Cath. Bishop of Boston. Also, Dr. J. K. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. I.. Marcv, Secretary of State. Wm. B. As roll, the richest man in America. S. l.p.i.AM) & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all parte where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long Investigation and study, are oflcrcd to the public as the best and most complete which the present atate of medical science cun afford. They are compounded not of the dniga themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical flrocess in a state of purity, and combined together n such a manner as tn insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines haa been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pill both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason ia perfectly ob vious. While by the eld mode of composition, ev ery medicine Is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. AU the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed ue left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the etlccts should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a aurer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and aa he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing iu composition, I have supplied the accurate Formulas by which both my Pectoral and Pilla are made to the wnole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Province. If however there ahould be any one who haa not received them, thoy will be promptly forwarded by mail to hi address. Ot all the Patent Medicine that axe offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known 1 Their life consists io their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparation 1 laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their conviction of their intrinsic merit. The Cherry Pectoral wa pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects wero known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the aame thing of my Pilla, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipation were more than realised by their effect upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ment a axe the first origin of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper en the Bos. l'KEPARKD BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Trios S3 Cents per Box. Five Boies for $L SOLO BT Wei set As Bruner, Bunburr; Bird A John, Shsmokin I W. Wieroer, Nunhuailierlaiid ; J. F. C'asl'iw, Mlltouj and by sll Umsgisu iu Northern Psttusylvahia. June S3, less ly. riRASK'rJ Magnetic Ointment at J- May 19. WEI8EB & BRUNER'S. Kin lot of Wall Paper just received and for . i-i. WM. MtCARTV N1V V Market 8 tree t. Sunbury, June l,1855i CO MBS. Bsck. Children's Long, Side and fine combs Hair Bruahes, Tooth Brushes, tfcc, for sale at YOUNG'S STOKE. Kunbury, Nov. 18, 1854. SHAI.LENRERGER'8 PILI.8 A certain cure for Fever and Ague, fur sals by WElaERcY BRUNER. 8unburr. uly 13, 1(54. rERMICELI.I, Meccarooi and Coin Starch Just received bt Msy 19. Una. 'WEISER tV BRUNER. GLOVES Buckakln Gloves and Mitts, do GIovm wool lined, Ladies Gloves, Cbil dien's do.. Mitt, 4c-, el Nov 18, '43. VOt'NG'S STORE. PEBRY Sc ERETY, Booksellers & Stationers, J A RB now selling off their entire Mock of rTi. .."'L" nd Sut'nsry, saved from (he fir or the loth ni, ,ery lnw priceg- .rhe ,tl)ck embraces every varietv of miscellaneous Book, School Book, and all kind of Blank Book., alo domestic and imported Stationary of every decr,pt,on. As we are wiling uut .t low price. it will be well to call early and secure hargairw. PER RY & ERETY, 8. W. corner 4tlt and Race street., mum , . . . . Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June G, 1855 If. Miisra. ae brother," PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS a sb nssLsas m FINE GROCERIES, No. 40 South Water Street, Philadelphia, avb cokstastlv os inn, Cheese, 5larch, Pure Grd. Spiff, Butler, I.ard, Bweet Oil, Beans, Castile Soop, Barley, I)ried Fruit, Olive 8oap, rial, floda,' Crsntierries, Salaralus, Ess. Coffee, Scaled Herring, Farina, Dairy Suit, J-c. Pmititrv Merchants senrtiiifr nrilnra 1,v mail may rely on having the same quality of goods scni, anu at me same price, as it tucy were per sonnlly present. Philadelphia, June 2, 1855 ply 7. SUNBURY, PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he still continues to keep ths abuve named public house. She ha also received a new supply of good liquors and wine, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her nuuse. MARIA THOMPSON funlury June S3, 1P55 tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN, ZUER1ST & WEITZEL, flESPFCTFULLY inform the public that st" they hsve leased the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver roal of superior quality, and of a varietv of sues prepa red on their new conl oreaker. A II order prompt- attended to by addressing the urm, either at Sunbury or Shatnokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. MOUNT CARMEL HOtSE, MOUNT CARMEt, Northumberland county, Fa. THIS large and commodious Hotel is situated on the top of the Locust mountain, neirly half way between Sunbury and Pottsvillc. The scenery the salubrity of I lie atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, muke it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is s new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern conveniences. The pure mountain water is int oduced into every chamber. The place is easy of access, beng but one and a half hour ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail road. From Pottsville, it can be reached by the Mine Hill Rail road to Ashland, and from thence to Mt. Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus. Every attendance will he paid by the proprie tor to' make guest comfortable. Charges mode rate. JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Mt. Carmel, luna S3, 1855. tf. Bargains at the Old Stand. miLING & GRANT ARE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Spring and Summer Goods, em bracing an emllnsa variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths &Cassimeres, Summer Wares fur men snd boys, all style and price. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dre Silks at unusually low prices, Shellies, Brazes, Braze DeLaius, Mus. De Lain. Lawns, dec, GINGHAMS from 6J to 25 cent, per yard. CALICOES ' 3 12$ " WHITE GOODS, . Cambric, Jaconetta, SwUs, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi- nett, French and Swiss Laces, Edgings, Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Ticks, Check, Towlings, Table Diapers, jc. GROCERIES. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster, Salt and Fish. Also a fresh supply of DKUU3 ANU MKDIC1NES. Thsnkful for past fuvora, we hope by strict attention snd a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. tS Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunbury, June S, 1855. ly. I,. IB. FISK, Stencil Gutter, No. 1 North Sixth Street, (BASKStKNT,) PHILADELPHIA. STENCIL BRANDS cut for Merchants, Fsr mers. Millers snd Distillers. Alphabets, bruhe and Ink of the very bed quality. c. vik, t. a. riai, Phila., June 23, 1855. 5m. NOTICE. V"OTICE is hereby given that application will -i-' be made to the next legislature nf Pennsyl vania, at the session of 156, for the creation of a corporate body, with banking and discounting privileges, to be called the "Susmokix Bunt," located at Shamokintown, Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital stock of $150,000, with the privilege of increasing the smite to $300,000 if necessary. Shsmokin, May 22, 1855 6m. JAMES BABBEB WHOLESALE RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, 5. E. corner of Second fa Chestnut Sts. 7BZX.ADBZ.PnXA. Where may be found, one of the largest and best assortment of Clock and Time Piece in the United State, iu quantities to suit purchasers, of from e single Clock, to onS thousand Clocks ; embracing every variety of style snd manufac ture, suitalla for Churches, Hulls, Counting Houses, Parlors, Sleeping apartments, and Kitch ens. Steam aud Canal Boat, and Rail road Car. N. B. Clocks Repaired and Warranted. Clock Trimmings for sate. Alao, Manufacturer of Barber's Cetttrated Fins GOLD PENS Embracing all the qualities of lha finest quill pen, in addition to which tha durability of the metal is fully associated and developed. GolJ snd Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Plated Ware, Sic., wholesale and retail. Those wish ing to purchase are invited to call. JME3 BARBER, 8. E. corner Chestnut and Second St., Phila. . Philadelphia, June 23, 1855 ly, TOBACCO, &o. StrawrrV. Congress, Eldorado Fig, Eldorado Cakt, Sarsaparilla Fine Cut, Pre ed Fine Cut, Andersons' " For Sale st WElSERc BRUNER. Sunbury, Msy SB, 1855. CMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GER, fresh supply just received, end for U by u. B. MAS6TER. Sunbury, Jsn. 10, list. PJHAIN PLMPcU- A small number et these eieellent pumps have beea received and ere fferH for sale by ' H. B. MAS8ER. Siuifurv, Jus 4, 1153 Pesasylvania Magistrate'! Law Library. 1 MKH'cTjTrSTICZ. BUSINESS MAN "LEGAL GUIDE.. Acer and Sixth Edition, Bringing tht lau down to 1856, A Treatise nn lbs office and Sutle of Aldermsn aiwf Justice .jt rh rear In tlis OnmiK-.nwealth of I'ennsj l vntna, including all lit requited hoinis of rrorrM snd Uiirket r.ittrtes j sin) embodying not extjr whatever may lie riaemed Tnlnsliln in Jmirm or res 1'iiit, Irat U liw)l,.r,l, Troanu, nnd Oencrnl A rents ; and making llos volnnw wl.w it irn.irs to or, A sir I.aot Ocibi r; llr.iini M. By Julm Bi-ms.' hita Alricrnan of wn, iU U city ,4 PlnMrlpM. Tha tv :.!"", '''V'S-d, enrreetixl, and armMly eMarsixl bv "da-let 'CSlr.chMv. nlh. of "A Treatise on IlefWIs," Fallot of 't'.mr.irl-l DlceM,-' 4. la wit thick volume, Octavo, Triee only t,!iu. LHO, . COMPAIfiN To UlNN'B JtSTTCE 2. GRATPON'S FOKM3. ' - Former lwwsach. nt ,f l'mt.0. n lll( of Cmnirm Fls. tjo-mi rVsniotis, Oyer anil Terminer the PiiprriN-and uriihmi'a toars, and the f(i,s of tha rnn.,u Civil i.(T,eers snd JaMK-ei of tli (,,, FmmiT eili'i.in, rvis.l.o.rrotd, e.llarswr, .1H1 rlnpted' to tk, prwnt atntnnfthe rw ; with ,-,.pi ns esplniit,T Kll id H rterenorf . mid a WW, roll snd ft itiprf hrnHvi J..Z, grassy vX' ln am Kt m.o,' 3. STROUD AND BRIGHTLY'? PtRCftVst DIGC8T.-I700 to ISCf.. A r'C of the 1 xvt of PrnMlT-.iii3 f r ,m tv. Ono Th.nlMwISrn-n llnntred, to tlie T.islith duv r,( ai,i One i'hotiaml Elshl Hundrrd and Fiftr-Fire Thr SrU Four Kdilions by the bits John Pardon, Km. The Fit.h S'xth and 8evrti!h,l.y the H .,, librae M Strind' K.iahth Kditinn, Kevised, with MstRirail References. For.l Notsstolhe Jodie! il DecisnaiS ; Aimlyiimi c.mtenit- . inserted Syiltthns of aeh Title ; an I s New, Full and Exhaustive Indes. By FredeiMt C. niiahilr Kn ' a thortif "A Tientise on th Law f Costs," 'Keoky Juritprudeiiee," "Nisi I'rius Repirtt," Editor of -Bni' JuMiee." lev. One thick Royal 8vn Fii.iaonlv ej no IV Ths freshness and permanent vtlue of Purdoli' Pistol sra preserved by the pj'.licution siinu.iMy of a Diirest of the lAwa smeled in en h yetir. The animal IHrests are amused In precise cunfuim tv tn th pi in nf Pardons' Digest. They are, each of lhm, lepoW!hed annually: are connected timelier by General Indr (prenari'U anew ench year,) which enihrnce tha contents nf the I Aw of each year einca tha punitention of Pur don's Digest, in mi Alphaliet ; anJ are houixt up wuh Pnrilon's Digest, and also sold separately. Thus the purehuser of Purdisi' Disest will nhrays he in possession of theeompleta body ol Ihe Matute Luwi of Pennsylvania down to the rary hour when he pur. chases it. Thoss who have already pur hufed Pnnjnn'r Iliwrt mav always complete it to date for the smiUI sum of fifty Cents, the price of a volume containing nil th snnual Purest issued sine the Ant puhlictilinu of ths present edillnu of Pardon' Digest, ss heretofore tlated. KAY linOTUKH, Law DooK.Ki.LKftft xsn Puau.nn:, 17 h IOjuUi Fifth Utreet. First Store above Chestnut rjv Orders or letters of mntiiry for Law Book from the Aoiiutiv, promptly sttended to. Phi la., June 30, lew IniS JSR. JL. b. maddociFs"' CELEBRATED WORK ON INHALATION In the Treatment and Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Broachltii, nod other lisrasea ot fhe Respiratory Orjaas, bjr Medical Inhalation. WITH NOTE9"aND ADDITIONS ar Da. Csjas Gsiuib. F ii at American edition, from filth London edition, wtar it has had an unprecedented sale. This is a valuable work and should be in ths hands of all Invalids, and the Medical Profession generally, p.ir. warned free nf charge, by mail, on receipt of rirrr cuts j cloth (pi It) os collar. C. W. VAN HORN & CO. No. 33 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. We subjoin a few, ffora many eirmnendat irv tintieaa snd reviews fiom the English and American MeJics and other Journals : I "Dr. Maddock is the son of the late Herrrr Maddock. Esq , M. P , ths well known banister, and promises to rise, in his own profession, in aa eminent a degree as hia parent The aystem (mhalutiou) proposed ss the most cfTectUHl merhod of spplving a remedy to a portion of the system which eannothe directly reaehed by medicine itseir. . . . we recommena our r canon to purchase the Work." Wealeyan Chronicle, London, Feb. 10. Irl5. "We recommend the Work to our reoHtrs, aa it appear to bo follv matured, cleanlv written, and entirely divea'.ed of any quackery or ptlf-aeeking tendency. The Work wen fiKsetves perusar, snd ths practice, as far a our knowledge and eiperienca extends, will repay not only a serious consideration, bnt a patient trial of Iu merits". Lajuuon .ueuirm journal, uecemoer yd, letd. "We think that no on can lis from its n. rural, without being satisSed that It ialbe work of a prac tical a. id experienced man : Snd thst it oneht. for tha aaka of those who suffer from consumption, asihuw, or bronchi tie, to he brought into extensive circulation. It is. in tha trident senae ol tna term, a vshraDIa work." Oxford binversity llttnld, November, 7, 19. "A Re-I'iint of tha London Edition nf Mr. MaJJock's Work on Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, fce. with Nolva. Ac., by Dr. Chna. Greene This Woi k will be found worthy the attention of our readera, for they may 1. t :. i . - i r . i . . - loin lion, i, wiiat cull w cn)nini uuui im HlUae Ol treating CniAumption and other alfectioiia of the air-pas sages. Dr. M. is evidently a man ol considerable lutein genre and whatever theia ia of good in inhalations of medicated vapors, he seems to hsve ability to ext'icf tiny, we go further, add sav, that we fear that th Pro. feaaiou hnve not given sufficient attention to this mod of alleviating the sufferings of those laboring nnder this chiss pf disease. "New Jersey Medical Reporter, June, (From Professor jas. Bryan, Fditor ef th "Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Journal." "Dr. .7addock's book on Inbstation is one of the few which have been iasued from the English press op this subject, lis re-publication in this country, with tha judicious Notes of Dr. Greene, will add to the medical liteiature of the United Statea. and, it ia hoped, exejtesome interest in the medical Profession fa th eutyect oflolw lation, ns a menus nf treating pulmonary aftVclioiia With tha addition of modern discoveries in Physiology, this m de of treuting there diseases should hav a fair trial and soma atonement made for th long neglect wuich lu halation ha tulfered at th hands of medical mm Jahxs UhTam, M. D i Pr if of Surgery in Philadelphia College of Medicutd A CARD. DR. GREENE, will treat DISEASES OF THE LUNGS and Allt-PASSAGKS, agreeably to the mode, so success! ully adopted in the practice of Dr. A. P. Mad dock, snd other eminent physicians of Europe. By this mode ot treatment the diseased surface of the Bronchi and Luns are directly acted upon, th vanoo medicated va por lieiua carried to ihe most hiinuta ramification oftha Lungs, producing healthy action ; where a eontpleta disorganization haa not taken place the heat results alway attend this feature of Practice ; in fact, wilh auitehhi adjuncts, it i the only reliable form of treating diseaiea of the Respiratory Organs. He intends Cevotnur hi sola nt'euuoii to this particular branch of bib priifeasion. Th desirous of consulting Biniciu do u by letter ad dressed to CHAS. GREENE. M. D Box ., Philada. P. O Philada . June tt, 1PM, 6m. Greut Arrival of SPRING GOODS! THA T. CLEMENT 5NFORMS Ms friend snd customer that be just received su elegant assortment of SPRING AND SU.MMlJll GOODS At hi Store in MarJet Street, 8unburr. which he oflcra to the public at ths lowest' price. in buck consuls oi a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassmets, Jeans, Dnllis. Sf..-i' r - .. . - .uitsiiris, jweris, calicoes, niusltn at Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. AleO a largo aortment of CLOTHING! A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, tut. Men, Women snd Children. Silk Hats. rsbsirls, Palm leaf snd other Summer HaSt, Matter. GROCERIES of .very variety. Sugar, Tea, CofTee. Molasses, Cheese-, .Spies, Fish, Salt, Ac HARDWARE, VU : Iron and Steel, Nails, Fries, Saws, &c QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cuys, Saucers, h LIQUORS, Wiue. Brandy, Gin, Bmn, Yblslry, It. nr Country product of aU kinds taken ia ex fwunge at the highest market prices. April 8, 1855. ly. Extraordinary Arrival of ITUIB subacid, uke, pleasure In hiforminf nw e'-rtomers and ths public- generally that u 'w u receipt of so uu usually htrga am) Splendid Assortment of Wtrw Good To endeavor to siMimerwle the on htme?reth part of ths artier would be uncle, ftuflw it to say, they have beam aeleeUd wish tha greatest are, and they wrtl be JiBpaacd of at as low prir) as iUmum quality can U purchaavd Uwher, My avotto is . "Quick Sales and Sum!! Prott.m IU lakes this melhed ot prssentinf to th public hi thanks fcr tha liberal patronage xtrn. ded to hiua, asd by stitct attention to business, he respectfully solioit a coutinuanr of the saute. will bo advbablo for purchasers to call and laatino hia assortment efor purchasing el, where. AU kind of produce taken ii eirhans EDWARD V. BltlUHT, . wunuury, Mar 9, tfrj.,- 4 .... i .