SUNBURY AMERICAN. ALSIA1JAG FOIl 18S5. MW.1I i JvLV. Jar. 1 fl Ifll si fl TpjrS 8 ln 19 13, 1(1 911 97 9 n, in, i,n; Ti 9 3! 9 10' 18,171 14 IS 16 17 a I ,99 93,94 2'J,3n,3l 28 S!l 3(1 Fn. 1 4 Auo. 7 19 13 14' 11 111, 13 14 is! in is m, an ai 1019091 29l23'91 ;5 3i7i33 90.9798 90130I3I Mai. 4 Sll-T. a " 6 7 11 19 13 14 0 in 11 19 13 II 1019(1 91 1R11R 9lll21lMl 23i94 j30 31 16,17 18 93 94;9S 96 47 98 ; Ars. 1 a 4 7 Oct. 1 3 4 8 10 11 19 8 n is in 89 93 n is; 13 14 9H9I 97.9S, P IS 99 90, 18, in 17 18 1(1,90 91 93.90, St) 30 I I 21 3 Hi in II7 J KU 41 gt 3 o'ni 16.17 Mat. Nov. I S 19 13 1 99 93 91 9,30.31 'lli 911 ,95 20 971 21 -99 99,9!l l n' 91 Jos Dec. 5: e' 7, ! - . I 8 3 4 n nil 11 I913I4 12' ml 14 is I0i9(i;9l 99 90 97 9tl 99 IHiSII 91, !A 17 lf f!l 91 95 87Isb; Pf ' 3 1 1 farmer's department. A FARMER'S WIFE I'LL BE. I nm a wild itml lnnghing girl, just turned of sweet sixteen, As full of fun and mischief as any you liavc seen : And when I nm a woman grown, no city boaux fur me. If e'er I marry in my life, a farmer's wife I'll De. I love a country life, 1 love tho iovous breeze. I lovo to hear the singing birds among the lofty trees ; Tho lowing herds, the bleating flocks, make music sweet for me, If e'or I marry in my life, a farmers wife I'll bo. I love to feed the chickens, and I lovo to feed the cow, I lovo to hear the farmer's boy, whistling at tho plow 1 And fields of corn and waving grain are pleasing sights to me, If e'er I marry in my life, a farmer's wife I'll be, I love to see the orchards, where the golden apples grow, I love to walk in meadows where the bright strcamlots flow ; And flowery banks and shady nooks have ma ny charms for me, If e'er I marry in my life, a farmer's wife I'll be. Let other girls who love it best enjoy the gloomy town, 'Mid dusty walks and dirty streets to ramble tip and down ; But flowery fields, and shady woods, and sun ny skies for me, If e'er I marry in my life, a fanner's wife I'll be, POINTS OF A GOOD HORSE. Zadok Pratt, in a lecture on the horse, gives his opinion of what constitute good points : lie should be about fifteen and a half hands high ; the head light and clean made ; wide between the nostrils, and tho nostrils them selves large, transparent and open ; broad in tho forehead ; eyes prominent, clear aud Bparkling ; cars small, neatly set on ; neck rather short, and well set np ; large arm or snonider, well thrown back, and high ; With ears arched and high ; legs fine, flat, thin, and small-boned ; body round and rather light, though sufficiently large to afford substance when it is needed ; full chest ; affording piny for the lungs ; back short, with the hind quarters set on rather obliquely. Any one possessing a horse of this mako and appear ance, and weighing eleven or twelve hundred pounds, may rest assured that he has a horso all work, and a bargain well worth getting hold of. Mr. Pratt is now seventy years of age, and has always been an admirer of horses, and is a competent judge. There are in Mr. l'.'s lecture many valuable) hints. We give two or three : Cure nf Horses. 'So horso can endure labor all the time. A few months in pasture, after being high fed and worked for several years, will renew his energies, as stated peri ods of rest and recreation will preserve the vital enorgics of man unimpaired throngh a long life ; and by a wise law of Providence, which is as beneficial to the beast as to the man, a horse will do more labor in the six days than if he were worked the whole seven. In reference to tho peculiar excollenco of the horses of New York, I might say, that I have driven a pair two hundred aud forty miles in three days, or eighty miles per day, without injury. Amongst the many hundreds, and perhaps thousauds, of drivers and team sters in my employ, I had a 6low moulded man by tho name of Dana Brown, who drove for me somo ten years, and always drew the largest loads in the same time, and with less fatigue to his horses, than any other driver I everkuew. His horses would look better on the same feed than those of any other, and they always appeared in good condition, while those in charge of others gave unmis takeablo evidence of improper usage. Forty, fifty, and oven sixty hundred woight, has he drawn over the Catskill niountaius with one pair of horses, and I ara only doing him an act of justice to say, that he never wore out a lash, aud hardly a snapper in the whole time. Whilst other teamsters had sick hor ses, his were always in good condition. The whole number of teams I had in one rear, averaged ,u every throe working dnvs 2C0O S V0 rttMd,e' nd 30 to hn. ia dls1tnco ofthirty-six miles, making -Li 1n"n these facts as illustrating the n7of roads! WatofhLe, iliMJ! h.0TSV'lt BMb remembered lha?,ateme.ncyt0 "kebim slow, as may be witnessed m the slow moving corn fed horse of Ohio. Oats are more soluble to develops all his qualities, and from teu to Sixteen quarts per day should be given Age of Horses. ith regard to tho nat ural longevity of a horse, nothing can be said with certainty. Tbey have been known to hve thirty or forty, and in some instances even sixty years, but 11 usage frequently de stroys them before they oro nino or ten. I think that under ordinary circumstances fourteen years would bt e fair average. Breaking Too much iiiiroituuce innnnt be placed npou the judicious breaking and management of the noble aninml It sh. ni.i be like that of a child i by uo idhor nuuna iu uurse ue rtuuctti to B cheerful and ready obedience. A sullen and dogger! sub mission will result, it is true, frmu crntl and brutal treatment, but a prompt and eager re sponse to the wish of a rider tun be obtained by patient kiuduess. 1 think them horses baulk v be nadir ami ilii l.u are made so by drivers, who are of mas orai us man uie Horse Himself. - Cabbaor with- Cobn. -Dr. Brooks, of Princeton, Mass., at the tast Legislative Ag ricultural Meeting iu Boston, alludod to the practice of planting cabbage anionj Indian corn. . He knew an i 'ttance where cabbages were planted iu alternate rows with corn, and the cabbage sold for $150 per acre. Advkriwko in Vais. "Youth wonted, by a middle aged perspu," NEW DRUG STORE I WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., next door to E. Y. DrighCt Stort EUNBUBT, PA., OFFER lo tho pulilio tho torgest and best elected stock ever opened in this lection of country, con efeing of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paint, Oils, Vanishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Glas, Patent Modicinei, toncther with comple te aa aorlment of Faint, Clothca, Hair, Tooih, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, 8ide, Neck and Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creamf Tobacco, Scgnrs, Port Monias, Stationary, Con fcclioiiaries, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES . For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. GEO. B. WElSER, WM. A, BRUNEI!. Suntniry, May 26, 1859. FIRST ARRIVAL or S2ftS3-S (S CD CD OD 33 At S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lower Augusta township, at the Junction of the I ulvthoch en ami I 'turn creels roai't. TlfE subscriber bavins returned from the city -I- with a new and extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same, SP111XO AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Cassincts, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, resting, 1 weeds, ana all Kinds oj Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns, Ginzhams, Rcragcs, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, IfC OROCERIES, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, &c, etc., &.C. Hard ware. Nuils, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cats, &c, of various size and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. (7 Country produced all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. S. Pi. THOMFSUn. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1855. NEW STORE. (.1 the old Stand of S. N. Thompson.) THE Subscriber respcctlully informs the peo ple of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has ta ken the Store Room lately occupied by 8. N. Thompson, in Market Street, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, and that he has just received and opened a handsome assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, " Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hata V Caps, Boots & Shoes, Fish, Salt, Meat. &c. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th highest market price. H. H. VASTINE. Surbury, April SI, 1855 ly Baltimore Card. , CARM, C.I2ISE & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SAWS OP FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUMBER, Sjear' Wharf, Baltimore. L"y A cents for Newark and Roscndale Co Cement aud Plaster. ... G. A. and Fine Salt, constantly for sale. N. B.- Liberal CASH advances made on con signments on receipt. Baltimore, March 17, 1855. Cm. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORK, No. 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia. THE subscribers have on hand, and are con stantly manufarturingSIEVES, KIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and widths. Also, all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Brass and Iron Wiro Sieve of all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &e. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls cov, ereJ in the best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Win dow Wires, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &c. B. VLISS, DA RBY & LINN. March 10, 1855 C 3 m S) HAYDOCK & FIDLER, DEALERS in Watchc and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stund of James B. Fidlcr, No. 12 South Second Street, rtllLAUKU'HM, Where they solicit in examination of their large and varied stock, fee!ingtaesurcd that the expe rience both of them have had in tho business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on band a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Good, &c, die. Pi. B. Repairing of Wafflics end all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. I'bila., April 7, 1855. tf. BOYD, ROSSER & CO., Missss ad suirraas or Uci SVntfjraritc iHoal. From th Luke Fidler Colliery Enamokin, North'd County, Penna. AddrcssS-Boyd, Rosser & Co., Sunbury, Pa. a. . SOTD, 1. ausata. ia. aoio. t. Bosses. Sunbury, April 7, 1855 it PERRir & EHETY, BOOKSELLEltS, BINDERS BLANK BOOK MAMTACTrRKBS, ' AND HTATIONERS, S. IP. Corner of Fourth fr Race Streets, PHILADELPHIA. March 10, l&55lf AWE' r"t0, 8Prin "", 8"' Shawls, Black silk, silk poplins. Da Latne. Ginghams, De bsge, Lawna and calico, just re ceived and for sale by WM.A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, I S54 ETA MIL Y MEDICINES-Brown's Fever and Ague Pawders, Fahnestock's Vermifuge, Dr. Jsyns's celebrated medicines, &e for sal at Nov. 85, '64. , tfOUNG'S STORE. MANN'8 LETTER PRE88ES, with books,! nk, and all complete, just received, sad for sale by 11. B . MAS8ER. Sunbury, June 4, 1853 1 INK Bouruau's celebrated ink, end also Con,- grcs ink for alr. wbolwals and retail by Decanter 20 100. H B. MASTER. Furniture ! Furniture '. No. 157 South Second (above Spruce,) east side, rnn.ADEi.rmA. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the readers of the 8inrjr American and the public generally, that he haa on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, ond well mads Furniture at reasonable prices. Being a practi cal mechanic, and having all hi goods manufac tured nndct his own superintendence, purchasers may rely on gotting just such articles a are represented. Lounges with removable arms, also new patterns 01 Sofa Bedsteads. J nose who are about going to housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER, 157 South Second street. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. April 28, 1855. w8 ly. House and Lot for Sale. fllHE subscriber offers at private sale, his house A and lot situated in Whortleberry street, Sunbury. The house is a new Two Story frame dwelling, on a lot of 60 feet front. There is nl.i, a Butcher Shop on tho premises. The locution is an excellent one, for any person- wishing to follow that business. WM. HOOVER. 8nnbury, March 17, 1855 tf. Watbos Dkpvt.. Thomas Dkfct J. S. DEPUY & SONS, No. 223 North Second Street, below Callowhill, and S. II' Corner Eighth and Spring Oanlen streets, riltl.ADKI.riHA, "lTOLLD lespectfully inform their former ' customers and others, that they have just laid in a splendid assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Window Shades, Door Mat, Ac, &c, at very reduced prices W holcsal ot Retail. TAKE NOTICE. We will sell our goods as cheap as any other hruse of the kind in the city, Pnila., April 7, 1855. w3ms 3mf. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS.- rsHE subscrilier having received the necessary -t forms and insructtions from the Department, at Washington, is prepared to procure Bounty Land Warrant at the shortest notice. H. B. MASSER. 5unbury, April 7, 1855. TO COUNTRY STOREKEEPER. fllHE Subscriber ha on hand of his own man JL ufacture, a largo assortment of Ladies', Misses', and Childrens', Leather, Kid, and Morocco " BOOTS, SITOES, and GAITERS, of th best workmanship and mntcrials, which he will sell at as low wholesale prices as any person in the city. Buyers can get any sizes to make up assortments, without having to purchase the smaller or more unsaleable sizes. WM. C. PARKER, No. 91 North SIXTH Street, below Race, Philadulphia. N. B. Gaiter Uppers ready for tho last, sold to Country Shoemakers at low prices. Sunbury, April 14, 1856. Am. SALAMANDER SAFES EVANS & WATSON, No. 20 Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Chestnut & Fifth Streets, Friday morning, Decenilicr 35th, 1854. Evans 4 Watson's Salamander Safes Trium phant, as thov ahvnvs are 3 when put to the test. "Philadelphia, Dec. 15, 1854. Messrs. Etabs ir Watsok, N. 3D South Feurth St., Philadelphia. Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re commending your Salamander Safes to Merchants and others in want of a secure means of preser ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings comer of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was in use in our ofTico, on the aecond floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the lire was out The Safo was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition of tho contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in uso again, having perfect confidence in it fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LACY 4 PHILIPS. Evans ir Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Safes in use: V. S. Mint, Philada ; Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Phila ; Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sncriff, Phila ; John H. Hen derson, City Controller; Caleb Cope 4- Co., No. 183 Market St. ; Richard Norria d Son, Loco motive builders, Philada ; Bancroft iV Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James Sis.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvauia Railroad Co., Phila.; Lacey iV Philips, corner 6th aud Minor St.; Sharpies Bro., No. 33 South Second St..; James Kent it Santee, No. 147 North Third St; W II. Horslman & Sons, No. 61 North Thiid St.; Smith, Williams & Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. & B. Orne, No. 1S4 Chestnut St. A largo assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent more fire than any Herring' Safe now in uk.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron Dash, for making fire-proof Vaults for Bants stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slale Lined Re frigerators, etc. Plcaxe give us a call, at No. 28 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. Estate of ADAM GILGER, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary upon the estate of Adam Gilger, late of Shamokin township, Northumberland county, dee'd.. have ln granted to Jonas Gilger, resid ing in Shamokin, and Sam'l Gilger, at Elysburg. All persons having claim against said deceasp ed, are requested to present them for settlement, and all persons knowing themselves to be indeb ted will irake immediate payment. JONAS GILGER, -.,,, 8 ML. GILGER. J " lon Shamokin tp., June 9, 1855. 6L Spring and Summer Goods ! TETER W. GRAY, TNFORMS his fiiend that he has just received a good assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at hi Store in Maiket Squaie. Hi stuck con sist of DRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloths, Cassimen, altinetts, Jeans, Drillings, ' Barages, llsrage De Laines, Gingham, Lawn, Linen, Muslin, Flannel, Mantilla Silk, Winter Shawl, Dress Tiiminii g and all items iin th Dry Goods line. Also, a are aasortmet of Slioesj for Men Women and Children. Hat and Caps, Groceries of every variety Tea, Coflee, Sugar, Molaase. 8pic, 8alt, ; Fish, eke. , Hardware. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tuba, Bucket. Wub Bo.,,1., Brooms,, AcT! VtUBXBswAB. a general assortment, priced" 3 I"0duC Wten " NS1" msrkel Sunbury, M.y 19, 1865 tt . sruXoWr',,d,fo,!OUg,U'f?UU- r" December 4. 1813. . ' " - ' BS', V.r.trU;(;uin.lllin. d c chorus, just receivid by , May 19, 1855. WEISER ic BRUNER. CHOICE GROCERIES. 7JURT0N & FENTON, S. V. corner Sixth and Arch itreett, HI I LADF.t.HIl A , HAVING refitted their Store anew, Snd re plenished their atock bv tho addition o every thing wanted in a Select Family Grocery 8tore, so as to mako up a full and most complete assortment, now offers for ssle to tneir menus and the public on the best terms the following excellent Goods, vis I Jellies of all kinds ; Pre serve; Fresh Fruits in bottle and tin cans White Clover Honey ; Lntour and other brandr of Olive Oil ; Sperm end Stearin Candles; all the beat brand of Groceries ; Crackers, witn a choice essortment of all the staple articles, which will be sold at the lowest price. Please give u a call. BURTON St FENTON, Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, 8. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. Phila., April 7, 1855. 8 ly. TAMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late PROFr:OIt nf Anatomy and Surgery in the I'hil srlclplim College of Metlicine, antl Acimir Professor of A! uiwiiery ; one 01 the umisuuing rnysicnns 111 the t'ltii ndelphia Hospital, liloekley; Itito meiiiler of the National Medieul Association ; meuihor of the Philmlelpliin Mctli eal Society ; member of the Mfilieo-Chinirgnnl College ot I'liiiiKieipiiui ) turineriy rreiiuent ami rrnicra'ir 01 Aimtomy ana Burgcry in Cnfltlctoii Mctlicnl College, Ver mont ; and sIm, title Prolesor of Anutomv mid Phsin. nay in Berksliirs Medical Institution, 1'itUfieM, Mass. , Ac , Ac, o. lias lately introduced In a pul-tr form several of his favorite prescriptions for the principal disenfe of thift climate. Tim imme of each article wiil imply the disease for which it is inlenihnl to be used. Ult.Alc CMN TO(;K'! PKCTOKAl. SYRUP. PriceS! 1)11. MeCl.lNTOCK'H COI.D AND COUGH MIX TI;' R K l-'or Cohls, Coughs, .V c. Price 35 cts. llll. McCLINTOCK 9 ASTHMA AND HOOPING COUGH Itl'.MKDY. Price So cts. l)r. McOl.lNTOCK'S .TONIC ALTK.RNATIVK SYRUP Kor Purifying the Blood. Trice VI. DR. MoCUNTOCK S OYSl'KPT IC K1.1XIR For giving tone tn the stomach relieving pains after eating, ncarlhum, ami all disagreeable symptoms arising fioui indigestion Price 1. 1)11. McCLINTOUK'I RIirXMATICMIXTURR A rnrrly YcgetnMe Remedv for internal use. Pries 50 rts. DR. McOl.lNTOCK'S RHKUMATIC UNI.MENT Fur Rheumatism, Spruins, &vellings, Ac, Ac. Price 50 cents. DR. McCMNTOCK'S ANODYNK MIXTURE Fot Pains, Toothache, Headache, Neurulgiu, Ac o. Price 60 cents. DR. McCMNTOCK'S FF.VKB AND AGUK SPH CIF1C A certain cure for nil (ntermitleiils. Price 91. DR. McCMNTOCK'S D1ARR1UKA CORDIAL, AND CllOUKRA I'RIiVKNTIVK A sale remedy. DR. McCMNTOCK'S VKGKTABl.E PURGATIVE HI.I.S. Fo, Costivencss, Ilcmhiche. Ac. Price 5ct. DR. McCMNTOCK'S ANTIHU.IOUS PIM.S For Irregularity in ths Functions of the Liver and liowels Uie iiest Liver Pill mnde. Price 95 ets. a box. ForailebyDr. J. McCLlVTOCK, ut his Medical De pot. N W corner ninth and Filbert sts . Philadelphia, and nt oil Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. All Druggists sun Doners in Mcniciitcs wno wish to tie ogeuts, win please sdddrexs Dr. McClistrtck, furnishing reference, name of Post.Ofnee. county and state. I c" For Sale by Weiser A Itruner, Snnbary anil Sha mokin ; Wm. Weimer, Northumberland ; C. Hrown, Mil ton ; K. P. l;utz, Hlooinshurg ; Jacob Harris, Hueklu ru ; lolm Vanlecio, Light Struct ; 1 gharpltss A Sou, Cata wisan. January 6, 1 53. Oia. Boarding! Boarding! MHRS. WHARTON can accommodate 8 or JLtJI 10 respectable boarders. Location : North-west corner of Market Square, Snnbury. Persona wishing a comfortable home will find this a desirable place Sunbury, April 14, 18.ri5. tf British Periodicals EARLY COPIES SEf.lREl). C7Pi-cmiiimj to 'cu Subscribers ! ! '.EOOARD SCOTT A CO New York, continue to re publish the following Driiish Periodicals, via. t THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURG MAGAZINE Tor)' Tht present criticnlfftnte of Enmiwiii affiiirt will rai'ler Jhf Tub!i-aUiiii uiiusvally iiiterwUnp riiiriity the foith coniinp yenr. They will -rpnpy a muMIe ft round betwem the hastily writiii Mews-items, crude, nnd nV iiijf minor at the liyily Journal, find the ponderous Tune of the future hittmuin, written after the living interest ami excitement f the preut politienl events of the time alia II luive KiixUiwny. It is to tliese periodicals that readers must look for Uio only rcully iutdligihlu ami relia ble history of current events, and us kui-Ii, in addition to their welt-es-Vjlislied liteiury scientific, nnd theoli-'al clmruetert we urge them uoou tho considtratioii ot the readmy public. fV Arrangements are now permanently mnde for the receipt of Karly Shrets from t be Hiitish Publishers, by which we are enabled to place ull our Reprints in the bands n( subscrttujrsy about ns mu Bsthcy can beuinuslied with the tretgti ctipies. Although this involves a vry large outlay on our part, we shali continue to fmnish the PeiitNlieuls at tlie s.'iiue low Mies ss heretofore, together with the fil' owing Premiums to new !tilmcnljers. :. TEUAISAND PREMIUMS.. See list of Premium Volumes below Persnn. For any one of the four Rcviewsnnd one Prem. vol. t3 " For any two 44 one 4 6 00 Kor any three . " two ' 7 0 For all four of ths Reviews two " fc is) For 11 lack wool's Maguziue " one " D 00 For lllaekwood nnd three Reviews thrc ( SOU For Hlackwuod ft the four Reviews three " 10 OU Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money, current in the State uhere issued will bt received at par. Thy Premiums onnsiat of the following works, Intk volumes of which will lie. given to new Subscribers sccor ding totlie uutuber of peuodiculs ordered, us above ex ukuied.: , PREMIUM VOLUMES. Forktqh Qpartkrlkt tviKw (one year ( i'LAcawnoD's Maoazixk :: ;..:.-). Iso.tD m Qus.Rrr.8LT Kkvikw (one yeai). Kdikspra Ukvikw (one year). Metropolitan Magazixk (sis month) WSTjlIl4TEK REVlKW(oiie 'll). Constfulive Premium volumes cm. not in nil ensea tie furnished, except of the Foreign tjunrterly Keview, To prevent diaippomtineut, Iheretorc, where triMt woilf is not alone wanted, 8ubM rilwrs will plcfise order us many diflet ent works ftur premiums us there are voiemes to which they may be entitled. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-rive pr cetit. from the aliove pri ces will lie allowed to Chios ordering four or more eopies of any one or imre iH the ubove works. Thus: Four copies ol Utsckwood, or ttt one Keview, will be sent to one address fur i ; four copies of the four It e views antl IlluckwouU fur WJOl Rd so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities nnd Towns, these works will he delivered, tnuph Audits, FUKK Op. P)iTAGK When sent by mail, the poUii;e tti any part of the Putted Plates will be but Twmty-Pour 1'viiie a year for "lllaekwood," aud but Twelve t ents a year for eacb of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always be addiessed. poet-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., 61 GOLD STR1XT, NBW YORK. N- B I,. 8. ft Co. hsve reeentlv nublislied. and have r for sale, ths "FARMKki'rt OUIDK," by Hetiry Mia phi ns, nl Uinburirh, and Prof. NorbNi, of Tale Cotlcee, New Haven, cnnplrte in tvro vols, royaloetavo, cntniiiiiitr lotm rKiKes, 14 steal and Sue wood engravings. Price in uiustiu biudimr. fW. - tVTIns workisaor Iheold "Honk of the Farm,1 tstely as.eseiTATED siwl thrown upon tlie Maiket. - -New Vork, December ti, 1B3I. VLE.F. POTTS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, , 461 Market street, below 13A, nor(i tide, PmtADELPHIA. . Phila., Dec. 80, 184. ly. HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEV AT LAW. Ojfic opposite Ik Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining Counties. L. L, BE VAN, 3HAM02I1T HOTEL, Bhamokun Pa. . THE subscriber beg lesve to inform hi iriends and ths public generally, tiat he has taken th above well known aland, snd will be happy to accommodate all who may give him a call. -Shamokin, July 8, 18M BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps snd Gum Shoes, just recirsd and fur ssls by ' Oct. 1 1864. TJEXEB fCs, SILVER WATCHE8A few dcmbl. a. Enilish eUvst WatcW for . in. T r H. B MASSER. Bunkoiy, Apri It, 161 CAMPHINU nd Fluid of th bsnrt quality For wis by WElsER s BKTNER. . Sunbury, May 19, IS35. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, ' Bnnbnrv. Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being s collection of approvod declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several action low in use in the United tales. '.. i . fc Br Colmhson Rren, Esq., Ipsa egis viva vox With notes snd additions, together with a short cvitcm nf ennvnvancins. Bf A. Jordan, Pres ident Judgo of tho Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller sntl M. u. Shindcl, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the nublication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg t lUaBiistTBO, June 30, 1853. GssITLSMSXt . . After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I tk" pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of tlie selection ana composition of th precedents thus offered to th public.' The legal . profession in. rciinsyivania stands in need of a correct svirtem of pleading, adapted to our habit of business, and the practice of the court. 1 our form m declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of asiemhly will be as aving of. labor to tho pleader, and con duce to safetv and brevity in our pleadings. ' It should be in the hand of every practising lawyer in our state. Your, with great respect, JNO. J. PEARSON. IrJn. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M L. Mfindel, Esquire. W. McCabtt, Esej., Dear Sir: I received more than a year ago a ropy of "Reed, Pleadera' Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and other. I examined it with some care soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it do cidedly valuable as a innnuel for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were generally used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in matters which are often very carelessly done. I am very truly yours, &e., J. 8. BLACK I also received a copy of the Pleader' Assist ant, and have examined it sufficiently to enable me to concur very heartily in the above commen dationa by the Chief Justice. GEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1854. Sunbury, July 39, 1854. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. VOA Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'S. So. 184 6'oitfA Second street, between Pine and Union, west side, PHILADELPHIA. fpHE assortment embraret a lirtre and eVIecl Stock nf J 1 me V utches, Jswelry, Silver Ware, Allsita Ware, 5luled with fine Silver, in Spoons, Fitrks, l.ndles, Ac. let Goods, Fans and Fancy Articles of a superb quulity, dcrrvitift the exnniiuation of IInisc who desire to procure trie uck giMKis si tne ixiwesc etisn rnees. Having a practical kuowlciltte of the business, and nil avniltthle fucililit tor Importing and Mnuumcttlriiifi;, the' sulacriber confidently invites purchiisers, Iwlieviug thai ha inn upi ineoi on ici ins mm iiivomiiie as any uiuer esuiu lishment in either of the Atlnutie Cities. rs AH kinds nf Diuinoud nnd Pearl Jewelry and Silver tvnre irutntiineturen ro nrtier, veitliui s rensoiuilile time. I e" Watches, Jewelry and Silver War faithfully re puireq. WM. B EI.TOXHEAD, No. 1B 8 nith Sd St., a few doors above ibe 3i. Market West Hhle IV Iu the South Window of the Store, may be seen ths funifins null) CLOCK, which commands the admiration of the scientific and curious. Phila , Oct. 7, iNil. ly TO CASH BUYERS. BAILY i&TsROTHEa,, No. 252 Chestnut street, above 9( Philadelphia, Have now open a large slock of CARPETINGS, Embracing the new and leading stylos in Vel vet, Tsipcstry, Urussrls, Ingrains, Stuir Carpets, Oil Cloths, tic, ull of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, WHOLESALE A. RETAIL Thila., Sept. 9, 1851. ly. i. . rvxcoAST. . Taos. c. KKititrr. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS illl DFALERS IN Fish and Provisions OESEBALLT, J o. 17 J"or4 Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1854. ATISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STOKE No 72 North Second Street, (opposite th iilount Kernon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, es sea, $3S; SilAcr Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lcpine, do., $9 : Quarticr. $5 to $71 Gold Spectacles, $4 50 to $10 ; Silver do., $1 60; Silver Table Spoons per ett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., ?9 to 8 1 1 ; Silver Tea do.,: don $1 76 to $7 60 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca. ses, $3 25 to $5; Gold Tens and Silver do. , $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chaina. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pius, Ac, made to order. N. VS. All others sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended lo. Thila., Sept 16, 1851. ly. , NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. C SIMON.lale of the firm of S. Srlumrm.. JU Co., respectfully informs tho citizens of cuuuury anu vicinity, mat no will continue the above business in the old stand in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, which are on the way from the city. Ha will also ba prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em. ploy men t for that purpose. He therefor rcFpc ct fully solicits Uie patrouage of the public, i'unbury, Sept. 16, 1854. tf. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATS(K"at COX, Sieve, Mddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manu facturers, No. 46 North Front St.. Vormr of Coomb's Alley; between Market and Mulberry (Arch) Streets, raiLiUEij'iiu. "ON'TINUE to manufacture of superior quali. ty, Uras snd Iron Wire Sieve of all kind, Bra and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Maker, Vc. Cylinder and Daudy flails covered in the bet t manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark. Catchers, 8ive for Bras and Iron Founder Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safe. Trap. Dish Cover. Coal and Sand Screens, oc. Fancy Wire Work of every description. Phila., Feb. 24, 1856-Sm , HENRY B. FUSSELL, t sj4crcTvatB or, .' . Umbrellas Parasols,, I EVERY VARIETY, AT THE. OLD STAND, . . J'o. 2 North Fourth St., ... Philadelphia.- - - - O" Constantly on hand a Urge auortmes to which th attention of Dealer i requested. Phila.. Sept. 18, 1854. v y fH. H. H. HIUBEE'S remedy fn cMgka, S-Tculda, and pulmonary dusMM. ' A supply thi v.iuaU medicine Just reeeived end lor .! by . . ' , H. B. MABBEH. 6unburv. June 4, 1183. ' New Goods for the People I BENJAMIN IIEPFNEIl RESPECTFULLY informs ths public in gen eral that he has just received snd opened a pler.did stock of ' Spring and Summer Goods st his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stork consist in part of Cloths. Cassuners. Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSOi Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Sloussclln De E.alnes and all kind of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries. Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also sn excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also sn assortment of BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, c,-c. And s nrreat variety of other article such ss ars suitable to the trade, all of wbicti will o soiu st the lowest prices. jr Country produce taken in exenang a the highest prices. , Lower Augusta, Mav o, ihoo. , United States Hotel, CAMfmit S'treef, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. CI' MacLELLAN, (late of Jone' Hotel,) has the nleasure to inform hi friends and he traveling community, that he has leased this House for a term of year, ana is now preparcu for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rate order : the room are large and well ventilated. - The Table will alway be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself that no effort on hi part shall be wanting to make the United States equal in comfort to any Hotel in the Quaker Utty. Phila., July 8, 1854. SAMUEL S. FETI1ERST0N, DEALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers and Candclabras, No. 152 S. 2d fref, niore Spruce, PHILiDF.LrHIA. Yfaving enlarged and improved his store, and having one of the largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish I'tne Ull, Lamplicnc, llurnins fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Tine Oil, Burning Fluid and A Iroliol, which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at tlie lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Oct 14, 1354. WM. M'CAKTY, BOOKSELLER, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. TUST received and for sale, a fresh supply of " EVANGELICAL. MUSIC for Singing Schools. He is ali-'o opening at Una time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine. School and Children's Books, Bibles; School. Pocket aud Faintly, belli with and without Engravings, and every of van. etv of Binding, l'rnyer Books, of all kinds. Also just received and for aale, Purdon Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only $6,00. Judge Beads edition of Blnckstones Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at $10,00, and now offerod (in fre.U binding) at the low price of 26,00. A Treatise on the lawa of Pennsylvania re specting tho estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Gordon, price only $1,01). Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. 'February, 21, 1852. tt. Liquid Ol ue. VLWAYS ready for use. A new article of the greatest utility and convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household Ornament of either Porcelain or Glass. It is preferable to any oilier cement used, as it leaves no mark where the piece join. It will lie found a very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Nc.illy put up in bottle at 25 cent each, or $2 a dozen. All order promptly executed. WM.G. MA SOX, 204 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 14, 1854 tf. . . REMOVAL. ,hl! fiht! Light! Li Mil. UYOTT & KFA'T have removed to their New Store snd Factory, iVo 74 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. (Five doors below their old eland ;) Having increased facilities, we oiler to Mer chants and oilier., Ga Fixture and Lamps of every description, and at the lowest Manufac turer's prices, and unsurpassed in quapty or ap pearance by any in the country. Our stock em braces DIOTT'S PiTEST PIXB OIL LAMS. (the best in the world) Burning fluid and 8olar Lard Lamp, Chande liers, fur Gas, Pin Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, Pine Oil Sc Fluid, wholesale and retail. Merchant and other will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri ce. DP Particular attention given to fitting up lhurche aim olber public buildings. Phila. October 7, 1854. ly. Cheap Watches Jewelrjt WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, comsr of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA, Gold 1-eviw Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat eases. tiP.OO . . . v..inr iiw r-pectaews. r-ilvec lp. full jewIM, 9v lllotd Bntrrlets, . S.uti Silver Ixivcr, Tall jewl'd IS I sdies1 0.4,1 Pencils. 1 .00 PHiniior qusruers, Silver Tea spooiM, set, S,ut) Gold Peas, with Paiieil and R,lv. Nolrf... I nil , .,w Gold Finger Rings, 37J cents to. $80 ; Watch .nr., rWin, i rent ; raieni, ij; i.unet, 25 ; other article, in proportion. All good. war. rantea 10 d wnat they ro sold Tor. HTirvrrn i, uidivv On hand, some Gold and Silver Lever and .fume, miii lower than 111 above pnee. Sept 30, 1854. ly. . BLANKS. B LANKS of every description eea be had Wy app yinr at the office of the American. rjROUND and whole Pepper, Clove, Cinna- mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspice, liuiger, Liquorice, Ve Vc at Nov. IS, '64. YOUNG'S STORE. AKNOLD'8 WRITING FLUID aud Adhe eivs and legal envelope, fur sal by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan 10, 185 J. s HOES All kind BooU Shoe and slip ner for sale bv . a EL8DERQ 4 CO. Msrket street, opposite the Poet OHioe. v 8, ism. BLANK Parchment Pper Itd and Wuk Mortgage. UontU, Execuiion. Summon 4eforaleb ' H. B. MASSKK. - Sunbsjry , Apri , ISM ' "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Itlechanti GEORGE HENN . v mm net, Jf FURNITURE AND ClUl vi me mos nasnionaWe Style TMIE stibsrriher it. ' A of the public to his largo and splendid u ....... w. J J SBMU JMIUSS Ol CAIHIVET-WAliiJ which cannot fail to recommend itself (0... who will examine it, on account of ji, j workmanship and splendid finish, made null? best stock to be. had in the city. vP5 t,..1 l. .r - e Li.'.. rMo" ,a.u,uig oi ma ware, and . m many improvement which are constantly V,. .. -' ul munogany Sofas, Divans and Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards SOFJ, BREAKFAST AND D1MNG T1BL8 and also VENETIAN BtlNDR, equal to P delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pi CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in thi line of his busim He also manufacture all kinds and qualitic CIIAIltS. including varieties never before to be hail Sunbury, such as MjnooAwr, Black Aitn t'tmmi Mini Cmcusj exit With. CHAIKS, asd TAXCT Puio Stools, wiiirh of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excel by none manufactured in the Cities or elsew" The subscrilier is determined that there s) lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture the cities, as every confidence can be entertaii about the quality and finish of bis ware a Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as go terms ss they can be purchased elsewhere. Con try Produce taken in payment for Work. VST UNDERTAKING. Having provid himself with a handsome Hcinss, he is nc prepared for Undertaking, and attending fum als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient d toirce from this place. EF" The Ware Room ii in Market 8trc below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Taver GEORGE RENN. 8unbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. HEEVJE L. KNIGHT, Sueeetsor lo Hartley If Knight. BEDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. US South Second Street, five doors abov Spruce street, PHZr.ADEZ.rHZA VlThere he keeps constantly on hand a ful " assortment of every article in his lino o business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, . curled hair, Moss Corn Hunk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, Ta pestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Thrce-Tly, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Curpctings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stuir Druggets, Hearth Rugs, DoofTvtas, Table and Piano Cover. To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. Phila Oct. 7, 1854. ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, F i oia the Franklin Institute. Pliilndelphia, from Hit Ainertmii liimitute, New York, and FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. . City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & C0-. No. 100 4 166 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, Main Street, Springfield, Muss, and Westfidd, Muss. Portrait Painting and Talbotyping, in the highrst state of perfection, douo in all tlis aboe Establishments. &ky-l.i)-hts used in all the establishments. Miniatures taken equally a well by tlirta in cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., May 87, 1S51- tf.. . NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Liuo. TOTICE is hereby given, that all persons found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to th act of Assembly iu such cases made end provided. H. B. MASSER, Prrs't Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. , Sunbury, June 3, 1854. tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISER k BRUNEll. This prepniation i recommended a an ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine is highly bcneficiel for disease peculiar to surasner and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 1854. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON, "OESrECTFULLY inform, th citizens .f the Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, thst he ha. permanantly located himself jo ssii! Borough ; aud offer, hi profesinual service te those who may wish to employ him. Fer the present he can be found at Weaver. Hotel. Sunbury, March 11, 1854. tf. DRY GOODS, Cloths, Cassimers, Saltinelts, Vestinga, Tweeds, Summer cloth, Velvet cord. Tickings, Checks, Muslin, Ac, just ree'd andforaleb WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854.- PA RASOL8 of ali sorts. Umbrellas, carpet bags, willow baskets and cedar war of all kind, just received aud for sale by WM. A. KNABB; Lower Augusta, May t 1854- CLOCKS Eight day and 30 hour Iron and Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Rauiin, and Prune, just received snd for alebv WM.A. KNABB. Lower August, May S 854. - ATS AND CAPS K splendid lot of "Iiinnalila U'nnl mnA For Hula also Cleth, Far, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cap for sole low by G. EL8BERG 4- CO. Market street, opposite th Pest Oflite. Sunbury, Oct 8, 1853. GOLD PENS with and without rases, f a very euperior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Deo. 27. IR5I HATS snd Cap, Silk, Beaver, Fur ' and Slouch, Panama, Leghorn, Braid sad Chip, for men and boy. Ladiea Bonnet of all styles, just received and for sal by Mav . 1854 WM.A. KNABB. JEWELRY A nice assortment of Gels s) SUvr PncilsnJ Pen. forlrhesp by G, EL6BEKG V CO., Market tree, oppoeile th Teat Office Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1S5X , , i 1 -srmATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for sr boUltss for saU by H. B MASSER. Suiibury, April, 11, 1851 BOOTS end Shoe for Men, Women udj I',, I ..liu' Momoea Shoe. Ladles' black and colored Gaiter, just received end for by WM. A. KNABB. Lower August, Msy 0, liai.