I) 0;t i r g. ADVICE TO TOUNO LADIES. Pour girls, I likn to hear you tnlk About your pleasures, wants, nnd woos i Hut wish, wlicu ont with me yon walk, You made less noise about your beaux. lu weaving knots, man traps, and chains, For husband-hunting all excel ; Snoh open war and desperate pnins Must frighten more tliau 1 can tell. Yon nil admire myfance. And marvel how I eharm'd the man W hom nil in vain had sought ft sluy I won him, girls, without a plan. I dwelt within a secret bower, Where lops of fiishion seldom come j It blooms with many a lovely flower, By honest people culled "Sweet Home." 1 kept a little page, collM Prido, A clever lad, who could discover A vain pretender at my side, Or at glunco a genuine lover. My lady's maid was Modesty I had her from a country place She had been taught to make, you see, A bonnet that would shade xiiy luce. Miss A-la-modo engasred her once A fickle, barefaced hello of fashion, Who, after having cull'd her dunce, lMschargad her in a fit of passion.. She really was an honest girl, And scorned with paint to feign a beauty; To Bmear my face with powder-pearl She deem'd no portion of her duly. My coachman was bluff Harry Health ; lie drove me early round the park, 13ut grumbled if with folks of wealth . I wish'd to ramble after dark. To midnight routs, to plays otid balls, He had a terrible objection ; He said they hinder'd morning calls, And dimui'd my fine and clear complexion. My dear companion, neat ond good, .Beloved by all, was Industry ; Though poor, she came of noble blood, And claim'd descent from Piety. With dusting-brnsli about the house In this room, that room, in and out, She frighten'd every fly nnd mouse. Who wander'd what she was about. If she glanced in a mirror, straight Its polish'd surface beam'd with light ; 'Twas just the same with pictures, plate Liko Spring, whato'er sho touclfd louk'd bright. These were the only arts I used j So, ladies, if you liko the plan, J list do the same you looked amused ! Yet each might win a nice young man. farmer's jprprlrimit. WHEAT. An old farmer an intelligent friend, who was cultivating the soil successfully years and yenrs ago, informs us that rust in Wheat need not bo feared before the last of this month. Watch closely, and as soon as it appears com mence cutting don't delay, but begin at once and the rust will dio, in one hour from the time the Wheat falls the nnjritive juices in the stalk will rush to the heads, ond the grain thus managed will bo nearly as good, if not quito, as that which is left standing to arrive . at maturity undisturbed by rust. Our infor mant speaks from experience. One year he lost his entire crop, in consequence of tho ravages of tho rust : during another, he saved it by the course here indicated. Fayettvile Observer, of June. FALL TIRNirS. This is an important crop, and it should not be overlooked by farmers. A sufficient quantity of Pall Turnips can generally be ob tained from headlands, moist places in corn fields, when the crop of corn is thin ; and generally among corn when its growth is not too large and tho crop is not planted too closely. From tho 20th July to the 15th August is the best time to sow. If the land is plowed ten days before sowing, tho bettor, ns the turnip fly is by that means destroyed. The ground should be well prepared, and "ma nured with guano or superphosphate of lime. The Purple Top Turnip is in our judgment decidedly the best, and if tho seed be drilled in rows thirty inches apart, and tho plants thinned out to sis inches apart, an abundant crop of fino largo turnips may be calculated on. Germantown Telegraph. HAY AND HAY-MAKING. Those who adviso cutting hay when the Becd is fully formed, bring forth as an argu ment in favor of the practice, tho fact that hay made from ripe gross yiulds the greatest amount of extract when boiled, and must therefore contain most nutriment, but it is now shown that the boiling very imperfectly imitates the process of digestion, and both analysis, and experiment with the living ani mal, confirm the fact that the best hay is that mado from grass cut and properly cured when nearest the period of blossoming. IHI.VA SEA G It ASS. China grass is an article which should be immediately introduced into the United States. In China it is cultivated along the borders of rice fields. lu Ijuceii Elizabeth's time, clothes mado of it were in imported im ported into Europo. The Hollanders prefer red it for tine fabrics to those made of flax. The tenacity is such that a thread may be rpun one hundred and seventy-five feet long without winding. It is fifty per cent, stron ger than tlax. A thread over six miles in length wiighed only a tritlo over one thou sand two hundred grains. P.kk-Stinu and Toi.iii-AeiiK. Tho pain of a bee-sting may oe at once relieved, and the Sho S3ril-1?Welli"fc' Invented, by wetting tho part with spirits of hartshorn, (water of ammo.ua.) The sting is hull ow, ami there i a little drop of poison ut Its root that is ,ni- IZ lloW WW l"'eSuro iU inertia.,, and deposited in the wound. The poison is paid to be of au acid nuture, and to bo d.. Etroved by this volatile alkali The pain of tooth-acha, also, i. relieved of tener by a fow drops of hartshnno on a bit of lint inserted into the cavity of U, tooth than by any other application. Keep a viul of it well corked, m the house, and if you Ui0 for' tunate enough to need it lor nothing else use it to restore the color destroyed by fruit staitu. ' Jiivixo nuouT i oon. lion. 1'. Boucher do Doucherville, bends to the Medical (W itle, of Montreal, Cauada, ou account of a young girl, 18 year of ago, who ute no food for throw months, lla suv her health Lu not Buttered, her complexion in fair, the i al ways lively, and busy ubout the house, or teaching the poor children of her own place reading, writiug, aewiug and praying ; still she does not seem to enjoy a strong constitu tion. Latt Christmas, after au absolute fust of three months, she began to take some light food, which, however, she baa never beeu able to keep on her stomach. - The most remarka ble feature of the story is that Mr. Boucher religiously believes it. . , , . Industry is the road to wealth- Spring nnd Slimmer Uoods ! PETER W. CRAY,' INFORMS hi friend tht he hjut received a good assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, t hi Store In Market Squaie. Hi tock con t"t DRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloth. Casstmors, Sattlnetts, Jcn, Drillings, 13 n rages, Uarage Do Laines, Ginghnmi, Lawn, Linens, Muslin, Flannels, Mnntill Silk, Winter Phawls, Dress Ttimmit g and all items in the Dry Goods linr. Also, a arge assortmct of Sliocs for Men Woreen and Children. Hats and Caps, Groceries of every variety. , Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Salt, Fish, &e. Hart! ware. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs. Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, &c. ijri:t:MswARK a general assortment. Country produce taken at the hiuhest market prices. Sunbury, May 10, lS5j. tf. Baltimore Card. CAtii:, ,i:im. &. v., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE KM.K OP FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUMBER, Sjiears' Wharf, Baltimore. Agents for Newark auJ Eoscndalo Co Cement and Plaster. O. A. and Fine Salt, constantly for sale. N. U.. Liberal OAlsif advances made uu con signments on receipt. Baltimore, March 17, 1855. Cm. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORK, No, 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia. THE subscriber have on hand, and arc con stantly manufacturing SIEVES, KIDDLES, SCREENS', WOVENWIRE8, of all meshes and width. Also, all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Maker, cue. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls cov- ere.l in the best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Win dow Wires, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &c. BAYLIS8, DARBY & LINN. March 10, 1855. C 3 m Sj HAYDOCK & FIDLER, TEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of James B. Fidler, JYo. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will cra blo them to competo favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c., &c. IV. I). Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptnei and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. tf. TO COUNTRY STOREKEEPER. riHE Subscriber has on hand of his own man JL ufaclure, a large assortment of Ladies', Misses', and Childrcns', Leather, Kid, and Morocco BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITERS, of the best workmanship and materials, which he will sell at as low wholesale prices as any person in the city. Buyers can get any sizes to make up assortments, without having to purchase the smaller or more unsaleable sizes. W.M. C. PARKER, No. 91 North SIXTH Street, below Race, Philadelphia. N. B. Gaiter Uppers ready for the last, sold to Country Shoemakers at low prices. Sunbury, April 14, 1850. dm. BOYD, ROSSER & CO., MtKEKS AHO SHIPl'EHt Of ttcb QVntljvacitc oal. From tho Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Penna. Address. Boyd, Rosser & Co., Sunbury, Pa. d. m. uorn J. liossKii. jas. iiotd. t. bosseb. Sunbury, April 7, 1855. tf. PERRY & ERETV, BOOKSELLERS, BINDERS, BLANK HOOK MANVFACTl' RKRH, AND STATIONERS. S. IT. Corner of Fourth llace Street, PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1S55. tf House and Lot for Sale. f IHE subscriber ofTcrs at private sale, his house L and lot situated in Whortlclierry streof. Sunbury. The house is a now Two Story framo dwelling, on a lot of CO feci front. There is also, a Butcher tsliop on the premises. The location i an excellent one, for any person wishing to follow that business. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, March 17, 1855 tf. VWrsux Dicur. Tuimit Dlfct. J. S. DEPUY SONS, No. 22.1 North Second Street, lelow Culloit-hlll, ttnd S. II ', Corner Fi'jltlh and Spring Garden streets, rniLADixi'iiiA, "VtOULD irspect fully inform their former ' customers and others, thut they have just luid in a splendid assortment of C'nrpctN, Oil C'lolliN, Manillas, Window Shade, Door Mats, &.c, &c, at very reduced prices Wholesale & Retail. TAKE NOTICE We will sell our goods sh cheap a any other he use of tho kind in the eitv. Pufla., April 7, 1855 w3m Smf. EOUNTY LAND WARRANTS rAllE suWrilier having received the necessary -- f.irius and insrucltions from the Department, at Wasbiuylon, is prepared to procure Bounty i.uiiu arranu ai me snoriesi nulire. II. U. MASSE R. Sunbury, April 7, 1855. i JOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Ouro Shoes, P just received arid for ala li 't 7 1854. TENEIt Co. Boarding! Boarding! MRS. WHARTON can accommodate 8 or 10 respectable boarder. CT!U Nr,b-t n of Market Square. I Z" T't'.. er,on wwMng a comfortable bum 'u aim tins a desirable pirn. . ""ury, Apru l, I8j5. tf Lhiuorica, 4c, A1"P". Gmg.r, Nov. 1, '54. . yoiTK'nt s,n - w u4 jtkKt 1 WARDWARE and Qui,, .nd . by VVM.A.KNABB Lowar Augusta, Mty II6. Dritish Teriodiculs EAR z COPIES SECURED. IJPreffl.ums fo New Substrtbcrs ! ! UEOOAIIDPCOTT A CO New York, continue to re pablish ths following Uritisli Periodicals, viz. I THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (FreeC'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S ED1NBURG MAGAZINE (Tory). The present critical stale of Kuropennnfliiirs will rcii'li-r these publications iiiinsvally interesting during the forth. c iming ywir. Thoy will oeeiipy a niiiUllc ground Iwtweca the hnnuly wrttvit news-items, crude speciilntions.nud fly. lug luniiusof the daily Journal, and the ponderous Toms ol the luture historian, written after tho living interest and excitiuncnt if the great political events of the time slirdl have passed nwnjr. It is to thene Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and relia ble history of current events, and us Ii, in niltlui.m to their wt'll-estublishi-il litemry scientific, ami theological chimictiT, we urge them upon ths consideration of the rending public. C9" Ai niMeinents are now permanently made for the receipt of Karly Sheets from the lliltlsh Publishers, by which we are enabled to place all rur IK-printi in the hands nt rubscribers, nbout hn Sikal us they cnu be furnished with the lorcign cijiie8. Alt litoit:h tins involves n very lirgc outlav on our Kirt, we shall cniitinue to furnish the Periodienls at the runt' tow rates ss heretofore, together With the f 'llMviug Premiums to new Subscribers. TKUMS AND ft'RKMIUMS. Su list of Premium Volumes bdoxc Per nun. Fnrmiy our of the Tour Reviews ami one Tretn. vol. Sri "0 For iiiij two mis 6 mi For nuv Iliroe two " 7 CO For till f.mr M"ihe Reviews " two t tN For RtiK'kwoiKl'fl .Mutruxiiie ' nun 8 (Hi For IMih kw'ml inn) three Krvipwa tlireo li P (Hi For UhekwofHl A the fiur Ueviewn three 10 00 Payments to Oe made in all case in advance. Aloncy current in the State where issued tcill be received at par, Thv 'romimim ronviftt of tho follow h iff works, tack V ill tines ol whii'h will 1m tfiven to new PubscriU'ro Huctir cliiin toiho iimnbtr of periodicals onlurcd, tia uhove ex pbineiL: PREMIUM VOLUMES. FonnifijrfJrARTKiiMrif Rkvikw (one year ; liLACKWOOD'S MaOAZINK (SIX llli'lltllj. Isond n CJuah i khIjV Uevikw (one ycai). F.oiNBi hr. Rkvikw (one year). MktropolIta Magaink (ix moutliN) Vk$tmintek Rkvikw (cue ytn). Consvi utie Prcitiium volumes tw.t in nil puspji lie fiiriiistinl. rxrept of the Forei'mi (unrterlv Review. To prevent Llini(KMiilMi''itt, then'tun. wh re thut wmk i not uloue wMnlrtl. finhs rilra will lcnc t'nli-r ns nmny diff'-i cnt works for pn'iniiuus as there are volcmts to' winch they uuiy bo emillcil. CLUBBING. A ruVnimt of twentr-Hve per crnt. from the olwve pri es will he tillowcil ti e'liilm oftliTing four or more f'pis of miy one of more of tlie nb ve woiks. Thus: INmr copies of IP;trkwotMl. or of one Krview, will li sent to one nit IriM fur four copim of the tour Reviews mid U lack wood for nnd n on, rosiAE. Ill nil the priu.-ipal Cities unit T"vji. thce work wiU lir- delivered, tnonli Asents, FRF.K UF FOHTAfiK. When pent liy innil. the IMnUitre to ony prut of Hie I'uilH Sfntrn will he but Tv nty -Four louts a year (of "Rluckwood," rind but Tivclv I'ents u year for inch of lhn Reviews. IN'iuiMntiers nnd cimmutiipritions should always be nddiiSficd. p'i3tp;iid. to the I'uhliBherf, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 04 GOLD STHKKT, MiW YORK. N. H. I., t. Jfc Co. hn'e reerntlv IMiblisheil. nml Imve ov fur s:ile. the 'PAIt.MKII'S til lDK," bv lli nr) Si, pluns, of I-Minbiirpli. tin,l Prof. Norton, nf Yule IVPeee, New II:ieen,tMln;)leteill two vols, rovnbvfcivo, cont.'iuiiuir ItHKI poet-si, 14 steel unil 6d0 wood rimrnvings. l'riec in liiu.!in biuilin.3. Pit. This uiirk is tcoT theotl "Book of the Farm," Inteiy RtrjseiTATKDnnil thrown upon UiO .Wuiket. New York, Decetnlier W, 1SS4. VM.F.FCTTG, IMPORTER. AND DEALER 1 XHON &. STZ3KL, 4C1 Market street, iVotp l3(i, north side, PHILADELPHIA. Pliiln., Dec. 3(1, 18j4. ly. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORWHTf AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt utleniioii lo business in a,l joining Counties. ' " L . l7b VAN , SHAltOKUT HOTEL, Shamokin Pa- riHE subscribor liecrs leave to inform liis Irionjs .1 ami the jmlilic Kenerally, th:it he linn taken the above well known stand, ami will bo happy to accommodate ull who may (jive him a cull. SSluinokill, July 8, IBM. Furniture ! Furniture ! iSu. 157 South Seeond (alorc Sjiruee,) east fide, PHILADELPHIA. HPHE snliBcrilier wouM respectfully inform Hie leaders of tho Sn'rj American anil the public, geiicrnlly. that he has on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made Furniture at reasonable prices. Doing a practi cal mechanic, and having all his goods manufac tured nmler his own superintendence, purchasers may rely on getting just such articles as are represented. Lounges with removable arms, also new patterns of Sofa Dedbleads. Those who are about Bi"g housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER, 157 South Second klreet. K. B. All orders thankfully recejvd and promptly uttemled to. April 88, 1855. w8 ly, To Officers, Soldfers, SEAMEN, &c, OF AIL WARS : their Widows and Minor Children. . B. MASSFJl, Attormy fur Goctimuent Cialinent.i, Suubury, Ju. t'ONTINI'KS to (,-iee prompt nul pern I uUeulnni to Ihe proh-eutiuM "I Ctiniu ,, every leMTitl"ll uiiiiist the lieueial Goveiiiiuent, unit urlieul;irly to ilmee bel ue Hie 'l ieusury l)eui Inn ut, peiibniuuiiil H ,uuty Lioicl llureuus, P:lleilt and lie'ii lal l.miil Other, mill II 'lull of C'lililu. An t'Xpeiieuieiii yeir, uiul ll lu miliar I ty with the iiienus of olitaililn" the f ullest uiul In. .SI favorable netii.li oil eluiiin, uli Ihe l".ii -ilities I n tlie tlirjiateli of bumieFS. justify him hi nisuruig his L'orresoouduiU, L'luimriits, liJ Ihe Public Keuorull), thut n,lei,i mlruUeil to his kei ii,jt will not be neglected. PCMIOS, U.IUSTV l.kHU.I'ATKSTSRVPl'BLiel.AXI.I.lW. tiv h:m nearly rixjOy lor gidtuiUius Uistribuliou luiionv Ilia himliieai t'.,rresjioiiilent. (:nsl those is- ui.iy lnculiiO siieh,) r iient piniipblet -,,iit;uni,iir a svnopsis ,,f the ei isoini Pension, H,nite Ijnid, Piteul,' ml Public l.tiii.l Imw t, tlo u to I'm enJ ol tus lala Cou,irua lucludiud Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1S55. under wlneh all who huve heretof ue rreeiv'id lens than ItSO ueres ui e now entitled, to udditijual hind j Saul Aet iirulls uls i 16o Hnres to ull Oihoers, uisi-eoiiiinujioueil Olheers, t'ltapiiiinn, Sii.dlcrs, Wiigou .MaeLrrs, TerfulBUw. b'il friendly lnib:ii,s. of the Army, ineludine Htate Tr-iops, Volunteers, nnd IMililia and all Olfieeis, tHsiiiieli. Onllnu ry Hiiiiueii, iMurmes, Clerks, mui lundsuiett, ol ilia Navy, not heretotuie providrii lor, wlui huve served not e than fouitreu days (units ill Imtlle) ul anv period since 177(1; uud lo the widows and iniiior rliildreu of all such person, untllled, uud drowsed '1'hu iNiiuplilet voniaiii. Forms of Aipllciillu" mne full uud complete than aii7 elsewhere lo lie found; s,tlSed lo the whmI. of every elnssof ttiiiinaut. under the set, with copious derision, and iimtruruolis ol llie Depart ment, oiul piuelieu! suv.nllous us to liiu Colilse to be liur sued III suspended r re,4-le,l eases. Parties not wiehiut; to uvail themselves of flw faeilitle. BIT inled by tlnsOdiee ill fc,euiu.g iriiipt and peauil superiiitrndeiiee of their claluis SI lae )eaitueiils, can obtain ci,ies of the nlsive iiauiiddet by ri-tiiiiiiuir thirty Cents in p 'stair,' st.tiiins. IMJLt i:.li: l'S TO COKIinSPMMlKVrS. Corirspoiidrut. who jirepure und forwuid ruse, for m.uii,(ieiikiil by tail Ateury will bs deull with liberally ; sapphed Willi all neerskiirv blanks GIATIS uud kenl eon. suiinly adviecd of tlie rhaiuira taut fmui Uue lu uiue oc cur ju tiie rxaenuou ol the law. It is within the .ubseiibera power to riireet his Cure siMindeuis to the locality ol very msny pri.4isnilithd un der the lata Act ; end Iuviimt obuuiied a large oirnbai of ijnid Warraiila uudrr f.iriuor Inws, lie is in iaas. ioU nf data thut wiU niuloiiully assist In sixuriug additional bounty. faes, below ths usual rat. admission of Claims. ad ouniiugei upoa tho The hiKhest esh price given for Tjuu) AVarrauts, He Totttllonnry Hcrip, aud Illinois Land Patents A'ass , 11. l MASSED , ' March 3t, io 4t - - MANN'S "LETTER PHESSES, with books, i nk, and all ec n, plot, just rceoivsxl, ndfuTMlaby H. B. MASHER. , Hunbury, June 4, 1863.. j ... , . WILEVS COVQll CAKKV.1 An ne ... i"1 KUMi1 1 cough, cold. For sal . I)ecambar4. 186. ,.. , , , , ; ' ' ' ) IN K. Uouraau' cvkbraUd suit, suvd alao (Jon. ra ink for sale, wholasaU ana retail by llMuki 9, 1850. 11 U MAbER. TIIE AMERICAN'S FRIEND II HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. To the Citizens of the United States : I nintl liumMy ond inceretj- tlmnk yrm for the Immetiric pntronnge whirh yon hnv Iwniowfltl i pon my lMl. I bike this opportunity uf ttnling Hint my A new tort ware fell Amehcnii Citizpiii, ond that I entertain for nil thut enncerna Ametien and Ihe Ainprirnnt, the nioet lively rnrnpntliiin, m inorh onttmt I oriffiiiallvrompouiHled these rilli expressly to suit your climate, kiuhilt, constitntions, and manlier of living, in tend inn to establish myscir among you, which I have nuw done, by taking premises hi New York, THOMAS HOM,OWAY. Comer of Ann and iNiusua Struct!, New York. PURinCATlOFOF THE BLOOD , I.IVKR AND Hll.loSrn COiMPLAINTS. The Citizens of the I'nion sulFer much from riiieascs o tho hiver ftntl Stoinnch, scarcely any nro fice from the lnfliienn of those ilestructlve maladiei, hence they fui tnst. The fnir Sex, perhnps the most hnnisime in thi World, up to n certnin period when, distn-asing to suy, many lootto their teeth and good looks, while ynt In the hcj-drtr of life, such cad evils may be eirictunlly remedied by C'lntiittmlly keeping the blood pure, nnd the Liver nnd Stonnch in a lienilhy action, when life will flow smoothly, and rtisomhie plunts in a oongeninl clime, where hii eternal spring nppears to roiprn. At it regards the presfsvntim. of the Inn nun frnme, ond the duration of li, tmi-h mny be flftrteil, nnd I any fearlessly. th:it health nnd lil'e cfin lie rrtdoiiged lor mnny yenrs beyond their nrdmnry liiniln, if nilowny's Pills are taken to purify the blond nwirding to the rules laid dowt f-r health contnincd in the dirctWns whirh ueconijwny euch box. ACAfKtPWKAKNKS! AXD DE P1T.1TY OFTI'N YKAUS STANDING, CURKU UY IJULLOWAY b Copy of a Letter from Captain John Johnson, Astor House. New York, dutea January 5i, 1854. Tit Professor IIollowak,: 5St Corner o Aiinaiidd Watsau Streets. N. V. Sir1 It is with the most heartfelt plemure t have to inform you that 1 have been restored to health and strength by taking your Pills. For the last ten yenrs, 1 suffered fioin a derangement of the Liver and Btunmeh, and wnt reduced to such an extremity that I gave up my Phip, never expecting to go In See any more, bs t hnd tried every Remedy Ihnt was recommended to me, but nil to 110 pnr pote ; linn had gweii myself np to dettptiir, when 1 was nt In ct ri'ommcuded to take youi Pills. After using them fnr three mini lis , the rcftUlt is thut I am now in better health thnu I have been for eleven years past, and indeed as well at ever l was in my I no. You are quite at liberty to moke tins Known tor me nenent ot oineis. I remain. Sir, voura respertfnllv, (Higne.1,) JOHN JOHNSON. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully effica' ctous vi ine jouowtng complaints, Ague )misv lullammation . Juii'Hliee Liver Com- phints I jtimlmgo Piles Rheumatism Hetenlion of L'rtne Seorfula. or Kmif'i Evil Secondary Asthma OvseuUinr Bilious Complaints Krysipeliis Rl'-teliea on the Female Irregi Ikm laritire B we Compluinti Fevers of all t'olies kinds ConMipalion of the llriwels Coiisiiniption DH.ility Jre 'I'hroats Tte DmIourenx iout He:id-nehe Indiet-stton Stone and li ravel 'J 'amours r)iiiptina I Ice i a Viicpen I Affection Worinanfull kinds euknes, from whatever eause Jtc. Aec, S!datthcT'ta!.lithmentof Pnifcssnr IIor.t.owAT, SH wrtmii, (near Temple H tr, London.) and n!- at his Ibume iti .ev ork. Onlers for Medieinesm the Stales, addres sed 'T. Ifolloway, New York,1 will receive due ntlention S -td iilo hy all nspeetnWe DrmrfTitts nnd Dealers in Med Mini'in me i imru uues, m itnxe ni :fji, cents, 97 cents, and l.5(t reuls rich. To he had Wholesale of we pnn.i,:n lirug Mouses in Ihe I'nion. C Tliere is a considerable saving by taking Ihe larger N. H -Piicctinna for the trnidnuc uf patients in every uits -k.Vi are affixed to each Ihix. June SI. I ML Am. NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. SIM OX. late of tho firm of S. Sehmirmnn A- Co., respectfully inform tho citizens of runbury nnd vicinity, that he will continue the above business in the old stand in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, which are on the way from the city. He will nUo lie prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em ployment for that purpose. He therefore respect fully enlirits the patronage of tho public. Sunbury, fccpt. 16. 1851 tf. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSOT & COX, Sire, Hitdie, Screen and Vi'ire Cloth Manu facturers, Xo. -Ut Xurth Front St., Corner of Cooudi's Alley, between Market ami Mulberri (Arch) Streets, 1'IIU.AUl.U'IUA. "CONTINUE to manufacture of superior quali. ty, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of ull kinds, Brass and Copper Wiro Cloth for Pupor Makers, &c. Cylinders and Dandy A'olls covered in the bcit manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieve lor Brass and Iron pounders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safe. Traps. Dish Covers. Coal and Sand Screens, ie. Pancy Wiro Work of cverv description. l'liila., Feb. 24, 1855. Sm. c CHOICE U llOCEltlES." BURTON & FENT0H, .S". II'. corner Sulh and Arch streets, l'HILADKU'im, ffAVI."(J refitted their Store anew, and rc- plenishcd their tock bv the addition o every thing wanted in a Select Family Uroccry Stuie, so as to make up a full and most complete assortment, now oflers lor sale lo their friends and the public on the best terms the following excellent (ioods, vin Jellies of all kinds ; Pre serve; Fresh Fruit in bottle and tin cans While Clover Honey ; I.atour and other bram'r of Olivo Oils; .Spi'rm and Steariue Caudles; all the best brands of ('roceries; Crackers, with a choice assortment of all the staple articles, which will be sold at the lowest price. Please give us a call. ' " . Bl'RTON & FENTOX. Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch als. Phila., April 7, 1855 8 ly. HENRY B. FUSSELL, MASUHlTl'KUl or Uinhrcllas 1'urasols, IN KVr.liY VAK1F.TV, AT THE OLD STANII, Ao, 2 Aorlt Fourth St., Philadelphia. O Constantly on hand a large assortmcii to which the attention of Dealer is requested. Phila.. Sept. 10, 1851 J AMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late lKonSOR of A mil,, my and Surserv ill the Plill u,l,-l,liui CoUeya of Mnlwiiio, uud Arlla' I'rol'vasor of Miilu ilery ; uiu i,l llie Ctuuulliiix I'll) su-.ius .if ihe Phil. iiitclt,lii:i ll,,i.j,ual; IJl.fUlcy ; talc meiiilMT ol' Ihe Njtioiiul .M.ilic ul AsH i:m,m ; iriembor uf Ihe l'hilailf Iphia Mli calrsiciyj ineiobri of the AloJiro-Uliiiareit-al Cullvga tl riiiijtl,:!),!!);! ; liriiiuriy Pit-siUi'iit and Professor of An il , my una Surut ry m C.mk-l m Mnliriii Colh iri-, Vim in nl ; unit alwi, hue l'r,,l,H,i of Aiiiiloiny nml I'hvsioN ny in 11, rksJnr. Alixlnal liisfiUiliow, lMUIiehl, AIuss., A . An., Ac. flu. lai,J) uitri'duoed in a p,ipu!nr form several uf hi. rnvmile ri'scriiti,iin for the prlnrluil itisrnse of this eliinato. Tlif iiiiini! of euch orlirle will imply Ihe discuae for whicb it i. mtiMlnl to hv uwd. Hit alclM.IM'OCK'rt l'Kl'l'('KAI.fVRVP. Priutl VII. .M, L'l.l.Tn:ii'S col.U AMI COUGH MIX IT UK I'or C"Ms, I'ouzlis, e. Price M eis. I'll. MiCl.lN TOUK'S ASI'llMA ANU HOOPING fOI'Gll UKMIIDY. I'liceSdiMs. Ir. MiOI.INTtiCK-ji TOMC AImitNATlVK 8YHLT For Purifyiuir tlie Hloi) Priicfl Hit. McCLINTOCK H OVSi'KPTIO 111 JXIllP..r siviiiX l"iic lo Uiosioiuiicli n licviiiK uuia al ter ciituir;, hiaiiouni, and all Uisurcuuble syuiutuiiis uriuug lioiu indii;fli ,ii Price SI. bit. MclM.IN TOCK'SmiKllMATICMlXTtJKK A Purt-ly Vcpelahle Heinedv lor inlcriiill use. Price W rla. U. McCLIN J'oi U'ci lillKL.MATlC UNIMtNT I ' liluuiuatisiii, bjsuius, buelliaga, 4tc, Ao. I'ikr 50 c nis. ' Iil. MeCI.INTOCKrl ANODVNK MIXTflW Pot Tunis, To.,ihut'ue, llcudache, Neurulgiu, A. &e. I'ricr 60 rem.. UK. M.-CLINTOCITS FKVKR AND A OFF. PPK CI l-'IC A c-rtsin rare for nit Intermittent.. Price SI. liR. MeCUNTOCkH Ul AKUtUKA COUUIAL AND CIIOLKHA PltKVKX I'lVK A Kile reinnly. lilt. M.CI.INi'OOUXVKtiKTAUl.t; PI RUATIVh IMI.I.sl ,',i lstivrnrM, liiiihiche. Ae. Price W el.. illt. AlcCLIN'lucK'rt A.N I I 111 I. IOI 8 111.1 j For IrrcKukiniy in il, Puiii'uonsoi ill. Liver and llowcls llie liesi Liver PUI awde. Price as els. a lux. For nix by Dr. J. M. OLIVTOCK, at his Medirul De. put, N V corner ninth uud Filhert Ms , Pliilsdelphia,aiul i all Druggists hihI Dealer, in Medicines. All Druggists aud Doalrr. in Medicine who wish to ha again., will please udddress Di. MuCliutork, furuisiuug relereuve, uvnie of Posl-CJffii e, oouniy and stats, mokin ; Win. Weimer, Nnrthuuilierlmid i C. Brown, Mil- r ri,i eaie ny weiser Uruner, Munlisrr ll Wia- m., i -.. r. uu, jsioonutiunj : jueub llarns, Huckaoru i John Vuulecto, Lieut butct : I buuuleaa At bou. Cala. W'SM. . . , Juiy 6, tfiSJ.-Aa. . ' ' ' . ' 1JLANK8. -'o- B I.ANK3 of every description caa be kt Wy appirui uiaomc oj tua AJnariaan. t Cjn-VER WATCH ES.A few doubb, i Eiiglut. 8ilw Watchaa, for ul at vy low rica bj H. U MASSR. Runkury, ApH IS, 18M Just Published and for Sale liy - WM. McCARTV, Bookeller, ounDury, ra. The American TLEADERS' ASSISTANT : BolnB tcolleclion of approved declaration, writ, return and proceeding in me several acuuns now in use in the United late. Br Cot.LiNsoN Reed, Eiq.i Ipnat legis viva vox With note and additions, together with t hor svstcm ot convrvancliiB. Bv A. Jordan, Pie- ident Judge of the Eighth Jndicial district of Pa., nnd Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. U. Shlmlcl, of the har of NorthumheTland county. Since the puhlicatiun of the book, the following letter ha been received from J ml go Pearson of Harnsuurg 1 HABmsnrnn, June 30, 1853. After a careful xnmination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedent tliu offered to the public. 'J'ho legal profession in Pennsylvania stand in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, and the practice of the court. Your form of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the act of assembly will be ai aving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safntv and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JXO.J. PEAKSO.X. Vdn. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. h. Shindel, Esquires. W. MvCabtt, Esq.. Dear fir: I received more than a year ago a copy of "Heed, a Pleaders' Assistant'' improved by Judgo Jordan and others. I examined it with some caro soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it do cidedly valunbie as a manucl for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were Generally used it would mrreaso the accuracy of the profession in mailers much are ollen very carelessly done. I am very truly yours, Ac, J. S. BLACK. I also received a conv of the Pleaders' Assist ant, and have examined it sutlirit-iitty to enal , me to concur very heartily in the above common, dations by the Chief Justice. liEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1851 Sunbury. July 29, 1831 Liquid Glue. LWAYS ready for use. A new article of tho greatest ulilitv aud convenience for re pairing Furniture ond Household Oruamonts of cither Porcelain or tilass. It is preferable to any other foment used, as it leaves no mark where the pieces join. It will bo found a very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in bottles at 25 cents each, or 5-. a dozen. All orders promptly executed. W.M.O. MASO.X, 204 Chestnut street, Philadelphia rhila., Oct. 14, 1854 tf. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. CJA Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality FOIl SALE AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'S. Vo. 1S4 South Second street, between Pine and Union, teesi side, PHILADELPHIA. 'pllp asfirlmeiit embraces a lirgeand Select Stixk of a r uie luetics, jewciry, EMircr are, aiikiiu w ure, plated with fine Silver, hi Spimis, Forks, Lsdles, Ac. Jet UikxIs, Fans and Fancy Articles of a supenoi qnuluy, deserving the enuuiiuntiou uf those who dc.iie to procure the litisit g,K,tls nt tlie lnwest Cush Price.. Hnvinjr a practical knowledpc of the business, und all avnilal le lacllitiia lor liniiortiug nnd MinuUHeturiiiK, (lie suhacrllier contidently invites nurchiisers, believing thut he s,i,) in,., ii on iei in. ns iiivoriiuie a. uuy oiuer esuiu lishment in eilher of the Atlantic Citiin. I V AH kinds of Diamond uud Pearl Jewelry and Silver i, lire iiiiiuniiieiureu to order, willlill a lejimniihle time. tV W atches, Jewelry aud Silver Ware faithfully rc, paired. WM. 11 F.t.TONIIEAD. No. 101 South Sd St., a few d.irs above ihe ad Muiket West Side In the S mth Window of the Store, mny b seen the niiiioiis i.iivi, viAii.iv, wuicn conunaiiu. tlie adinirati, of the scientific aud rurloti.. Phila , Oct. 7, 1631. ly AVJNr. M'CARTY, B O O K S K L L K It , Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. II "ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of ' rVAXGPI H AI, I-II SIC for Kinging Schools. lie is also opening at tins tunc, a large assortment of UouUa, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Toelry, History, Novels, romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children' Hooka, Bibles ; School. Pocket and Family, both Willi and without F.ngravings, and every of varl etv of liiniliiig. Prayer Hooks, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, Purdons Di gest of the law of Pennsylvania, edition of 185 1, price only Sti.00. Judge Iteads edition of lilackstones Commen taries, in :t vols. 8 vo. formerly (old at 810,0(1, and now offered (in fresh binding) at the low price nf f 0,00. 'A Treatise on the law of Pennsylvania re. specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Oordon, price only 81,00. Truvcls, Voyages and Adventure, all ol which will be sold low, either lor cush, or coun try produce. February, 81, 1852 tl. TO CASH JUYE11S. BAIL? &3I.OTEE3l, No. 252 Chestnut street, above S)th Philadelphia, Have i.ow open a large dock of CAKPETINGS, Embracing the new and leading styles in Vcl vet, Tapeiry, Drushcls, Ingrains, Stair Carpets, (JU i-lollis, Ac., all of winch will be sold at tlie lowest cash pricus, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Phila., Sept. , 1854. ly. L. . rv.vcoisT. THO. C. K31CBT. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ARU , . PFALEKS IN ' Fish and Provisions tr.NKHlLLT, ,Vo. 17 Xorth Wtarvcs, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1854. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, (opposite th iiiount FtThon House.) Philadelphia. OLD Lever Watchea, full jeweled, 18 K, ca cs, j Hiker Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9: (juartier. $5 to Iji7: Gold Spectacle. 4 MJ to $ 10 : Silver do., $ 1 CO ; Silver Table Spoon per ett, $14 lo $18 j Silver Desert do., do., $9 to $ 1 1 Silver Tea do.,i do., $4 75 to $7 50 ; Gold Pen and Gold fa scs. $3 25 to $5 : Gold Pen aud Silver do., $1; together with variety ol' fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard aud Fob Chain. All good warranted lo be a represented. Watche and Jewelry, repaired in the nest manner. Also, Ma, sonic Marks, Pins, Vc made to order. , , N. 11. AU or bora aent by mail or .otherwise, win D4 punctual! v attended to. Phila., Sept. 16, IB64. ly. . ; i ' .' CHOE8 All kind of BooU Shoe and slip- pcrs tor salt ey " ..... - . " O. EL8DERO A CO." " - ' Market atreet, oppoaita Uia Pot O10c Sunbury, Oct , li3.-- . ' , REjEVJE L. KNICIIT, Sttrctttor to Hartley if Knight. BEDDING & CARPET , WAREHOUSE, No. 149 South Second Street, fivi doors abovi spruce street, rHZI.ADEZ.PHXA Where be keep constantly on hand a full assortment of every article in hi lino of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled hir, Mos Corn Husk and Stra Mattresses, Velvet, Ta pestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Threo-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Kag and Hemp Curjiclings, Oil Cloths, Canton Malting, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Kug, Door Ma, Table and Piano Cover. To which he respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. Tliila- Oct. 7, 1854. ly. New Goods for the People ! BENJAMIN IlEFFNEJt RESPECTFULLY inform the public in gen eral that he ha just received and opened a plcr.did stock of Spring and Summer Goods at hi New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO t Calicoes, GlnghaniN, I.nwns, MotiMcllne De Lalncs and all kind of Ladle Dress Goods. GrorerleN, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &o. Also on excellent assortment of QUEENSWAKE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS &: CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, iNc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. IT,' Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1855. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. "JVOTICr' is hereby given, thnt nil persons ' found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such cases made arid provided. II. I). MASSER, Pres't rhila. nnd Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1H54. tf. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. i J- MacLELLAN, (late of .limes' Hotel,) has the pleasure to inform his friends and he traveling community, that he has leased this House for a term of years, and is now prepared for Ihe reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favorite establish ment ore too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rate order: the rooms are large and well ventilated. The Table wilt always be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself that no cllort on his part shall lie wanting to make the LiuteJ States equal in comforts to any Hotel in the Quaker City. - Phila., July 8, 1851 SAMUEL S. FETIIERST0X, DKAl.Krt IN Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers and Candclaliras, No. 152 S. 2J stVecf, alovs Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. I aving enlarged and improved his Htore. and having one of the largest assortments of Lamps, in 1 lulailelpliia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Camiiheue, Uurniug Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lantern of all patterns, Glass Lamps by the package, at a si'-.all advanco over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, which will be furnished to Merchants at such price that they will line! it to their advantago lo buy. Also, Household Glassware of all doicrip tions at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. REMOVAL. lAghV Isigh. ! Light! It. WYOTT & REST have removed to their New Store and Factory, No 74 South Second Street, riIII.ADKI.Plll A. (Five doors below their old stand ;) Having increased facilities, we oiler to Mer chants and others, Gas Fixture and Lamps of every description, ami at tlie lowest Alanufar turcr's prices, and unsurpassed in quaity or ap pearance by any in the country- Our stock cm braces DYOTT'S PATENT PINE OIL LIMPS. (the best in He tcorld) Burning fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chande liers, for Gas, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, Pine Oil At Fluid, wholesale and retail. Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine our Slock and Pri ces. 1" Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. Phila. Octobor7, 1851. ly. Cheap Watches fyJewelr TYTHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadcl " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," JS'o. 88 North 6ccund Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA, CnU lvcr AVutcht.. lull jeweled, 1H carat ciiscs, .JS,li0 liuld l.tiiine l-n. f Jl.iaii Kine Silver Snxluclcs. Silver lp. full jewllwl, f!l. r-itver ln'ver, full jcwl'd 12. Ookt Hrncelel.. 3.00 I. IK) 3,110 1,00 I r1ie. (Sold Pnnrils, r-ilpeiHir lluiirlicm, 7. SiWoi Tea sjiouiis, set, (iolil SuccUll' S. T.0O Cold I'eiia, with Pencil uiul pilvor Holder, Gold Finger Rings. 371 cents to S0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, 1 S j ; Lunct, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they aro sold dir. KTAUFFEU & HARLEV, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levci aud Lepincs, still lower than the above price. Kept 90, 1854.-lv. , - TJOOT8 and Shoca for Men, Women and Children, Ladies' Morocco IShooa, Ladies' black and colored Gaiter, just received ami for ale by , . , . , . WM. A.KNAUU. Lower August a, May G, 1854. T)LANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgages, llonds, Executions, Summons &.C., for .aleb II. D. MASTER, tiunbury , Aliri 36. 1851. BJATENT BRJTTANL STOPPERS for bar Dottle lor sale by - H. D MASSER. Bunbury, April, 13, 1851 LADIES' Dres Good. Spring and Bnmitif Bhawla, Ulack silk, silk poplin. De Laine, Gingham, lie bage, Lawn nd calico, just re ceive J and for sale by WM.A. 1CNAUO. Lc-rfcr Augusta, May 6, 1854. v I RA80L8 of al) tort. Umbrella, carpet g, willow basket ana cur war m , iurt received and for ear by " nil A irHlDR v , hi . r. Lower Amx' May B l86-7 CLOCKS Eight day and 30 hour Iron and Wooden Caned, Cream K uU, Ground Nut-, Raisins, od Prunea. juat 'J "l" fur aalabf- . i WM. A. KNABB. Lower Au(ta, May ' ! AID AND COMFORT," lo Your Oiin Mechanic.. GEOItGE HENN. MANCFACTVKEIl OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style, 'THE aubsCTllioT respectfully calls the atte'titioi of 'ie rublic to hi larw and splendid assort mcnt of every quality and price of CAHINET-YVARE which cannot fail to recommend itself to cverv on who will examine it, on account of its dun,t,e workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No eflbrt ja spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many Improvement which are constantly beints made. His stock consist of Mahogany Softi, Divan nnd Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLB and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thi!. dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUmOARDS, WORK and candle. ' STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this lino of his business. He also manufacture all kinds nnd qualities or CIIAIltS, including varieties never before to bo had it. Sunbury, such na Mahooast, Blah Walsit A!cn Ci-nLiii) Maflx GnaciAirt isg U'im,!ih CHAIRS, anu rAN-cr Piaho Stool, which ar of tho latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elRev. ! . The subscriber is determined that there shai;' be no excuse for persons to purchase furnituro ir' the cities, ns every confidence can be entcrtain'c? about the quality and finish of his ware and Chair. Hi articles will be disposed of on a rrcoi? term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tnken in pnvmcnt for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome likings, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient Jis. tance from this place. VST The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver' Tavern. . GEORGE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1862. tf. DOCTOR YOURSELF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OH, EVERY ONI2 1113 OWN ray.slCIAN- rpiiE EIFTIETH Edi tion.with One Hundred Engravings, showing Din- vftjr'A Wa, eases aud Malformations of ira tlle Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest iinpoittince married people, or those contemplating marriage. Ily Or lt'ni. Yuuns Let no father be ashamed to present a copy o the AISCl'LAPIl'S to his child. It may save him from an early urave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret oblications of mar ried life without reuding the POCKET AZSCU LAPll'S. Let no one sullering from haeknicp Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and tho whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, lie another moment without consulting the .ESC UL A PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very laws of death. Rr" Any person sending T WENT Y-FI V 12 CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive ono copy of this book, by mail, or live copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, D W VOUNG, No. Ki3 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. Post paid. July 22, 1854 ly. The Eye Perfected, SILVER MEDALS, Fioui l bo Franklin Institute, l'inUMphm, tjuixi Um Amutic;ui Institute, .Nuw VoiJv, unU FIVE FIRST PRE.MIUilS From Different Fairs in New England. City DagucTrcotyiie EstaLIisLmeut D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 5- ICC Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, Main Street, Springfield, Muss, und U'cstfield, Mass. Portrait Painting and Talbotyping, In tho highest state of perfection, douo iu ull ihu abova Establishments. 6'ky-Lights used in all the establishments. Miniatures taken equally us well by them iu cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., May 27, 1851- tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISER & BRUNEtl. This prepaintion is recommended as an ri ccllent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from tiny unpleasant taste, re sembling lemon.ide in flavor. This medicine in highly beneliciul for diseases peculiar to suimnur and hot weather. tSuubury, July 1, 154. socfonydsEFH w."cameeonT" IJESPRCTFI LLY informs the citizens of the Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, il,nt he has permanuutly buated himself in said Borough; and oilers his piofoionul .services lo those who may wish lo employ him. Forth present he can be found at Weaver Hotel. Sunbury, March 11, 1851. If. RY GOODS, Cloths, Cassiuicrs, Saltinetts, YcKtill?. Tweedy. Snmmn, ..l..il. 1 1 i- 1 ... """i tivri cord. I likings, Checks, Muslins, Ac, jusl ree'd nu mr sum ii) .M. A.KNAUU. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1S51. Vn. H. H. HIGBEE'S rVmed'y foT cqhs" -'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this valuable mediiine just received and for salo ha , , U- MASSEl Sunburv. Junel , 1853. ATS AND CAPS.-A spit ndid lot of lashinnablo Silk. W.w.l ....I v... 11 . also Cloth Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cap for tale low by O. ELSBERG 4 CO. Market trect, opposite the Post OHire, Sunbury, OcL 8, 1S53 2 0I'D l'ENS with and without cases f very superior quality, just received. Also a Irc.U supjily of V riling Fluid, for sala by,. , H. U. MASSER. Sunburv, Dec. 57, 1RM JHAIN PUMPS.- A small number of thrs excellent pumps Lave been received and are oflers for sole by II. U. MASSER, Siiiniurv. June 4. IH53. II ATS and Cap, Silk, Beaver, Fur J.ind Sl.mi-b Pbiiuhih Lfiirhnrn liquid aiul I'liin , - - 1 n - r for men and boys. Ladies Bonnet of all styles, just receieil and for salo bv Mav 6 ,1S54. WM, A. KN'ADB. J" EWELRY, A nice assortment of Gld am) Silver Pencil and Pens, for sale cheap by G, ELSUEKG it CO., Market street, opposite th Post Odica 8uubury, Oct. 8, 1853 aMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GlN- GER, fresli upply just rrceiveiL and for aaloky. U- li. MA69XR. Wuubury, Jan. 10, 1833. "COR aala at this oflica, Superior Black Ink. - Cattle Medictu at a eta, Pui Essoryj ot tiinrM, Seju , j WW7