Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 14, 1855, Image 3

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    icaqo post office robbery.
btcago Daily Press says s The most
:t arrest in the annals of post office
tionsever brought to light in this
, was made In this city on Saturday
flast. The thief was a clerk in the
luce in this citv. and mni n
t as he was going to breakfast. He
own into consternation, turned as bale
i nd made an effort to throw
oey on his person. which wasprevented,
was conveyed to the jail and searched,
name of this wretched young man is
ore F. penuison. He .is betwppn
-five and thirty years of age. His
r, 1 erry Denniaon, was arrested for
me crimo in March last, and is now at
f on bail for 83.500. The Oennintnna
iderstood to be nephews of Postmaster
nd if this be the case, their opporta-
j commit tnese depredations upon the
t is duo to the relationship. Their
lives in New Jersey, and the sons, upon
ilary of five or six hundred dollars a
kave the credit of havinir purchased
aid for a farm for him within the last
or t wo,
ter arresting Dennison j the officer went
Hoarding house and searched his room,
warcli vns nearly concluded without
iK uny truce of his crimes, when officer
ei ion decided to search minutely, and
the pictures down from the walls. On
viii the backs of several bank bills to
imount or $2,733 were round concealed,
.of which were of large denomination,
money was distributed as follows : De
l a picture of the Virgin Mary and the
mculato Conception, 1,503 j The lligh
I.overs, 8900; The Indiun Warrior,
00 ; a framed daguerreotype ofhis mother,
0. In his desk was $1,25, which with
t found on his person, makes nearly four
tisatid dollars recovered.
V, J. Drown, General Agent of the Post
ice Department, was in the city and visi
Denniston in the jail. Upon being told
-ho recovery of the money he voluntarily
iro9?ed his crimes. He says he had no
omplice, and that he never imparted his
:ret to any one ; that he did not commence
aling letters tintil after the arrest of his
other, whose duties in the office were the
ne as his own, and of course each had the
mo opportunities-.
The greater part of it was taken in small
m, although on$ tetter gave him thred
i nil red dollars. He has been in the habit
exchanging the nlo'tipv at the banks princi
tlly eastern funds, arid bills of large dcitUm
ntion. After taking the first package, all fear and
ninpunction of conscience Was gone, and in
little while it became inipoesiblo for him to
ass a money package through his hands
ithout purloining it. He says . he never
new whut the love of money was boforo, and
io has given full freedom to his desires since
he mcaans of gratifying ibem Was bo easily
Mork Good News. A gentleman, direct
from Wisconsin, tells tho Kocliester (N. Y.)
Union that there never was thbt-e promise, for
nn abundant crop. There Was an omnia!
breadth of ground sown with spriilg crops,
mid all look well.
On the 24th nit., by the Rev. f . Bird, Mr.
Jacob IIii.i. to Miss Barbara Ann IIafkk,
oil of Shamokin.
Cfec Utavluis.
Philadelphia Market
July 10, 1855.
Wiikat. Good Rod is held at 210 cents,
and White at 250 cents. Corn. We quote
Corn nt 98 cents. Ryk. Rye is better and
sold at Hi cents. Oats. Oats are dull and
nothing doing.
Whbat. - 250
Ri. - 125
Conn. 'JO
OtTi. S4
Potatoes, J 90
Dkeswax 25
Hicklsii Flax. 10
lll-TTKH. . ?2
Eons. 2
Pose. - 1
Tltiow. 12
T8 Hereby given that the Uwi ot Pennsylvania
have becri received at the Protlionotary's office
at Sunbury. and are ready fur distribution to
those who are legally authorised to receive the
Prothom tary'a Office. i
Sunburv, July 7, 1855. (
Flour, Feed and Provision Store.
JSroadtrag, between Market $ Blackberry Sis.
TlESPECTFUI.LV inform the public that
-S-' they have just received a large and well
elected assortment of choice Family Groceries,
consisting in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel
Herring. White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved
Fruit, INckles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice,
SSugar, Coffee, (tiwn, roasted and ground,) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black
Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes
ilow and wash lines, boots and ahscs, tobacco,
wgars, Ac, together with every article usually
found in a first class Greoery Store, all of which
will be sold at the 4wet prices, either for cash or
country profluce. We also keep on hand choice
Liquors, Pert, Lisbon, Ac Porter, Ale, beer,
arsaparilla, 4c We are also prepared to sup
jply ike citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
fwetzels and cakes of every kind.
Ji. B. The highest cash prices will be paid for
butler and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat.
Sunbury, July 7, 1855
THE subscribers would give employment to a
good sober Miller, by calling at Lloyd's mill
3 miles above Northumberland. Liberal wages
will be given and a permanent situation by calling
July 7, 1855. 3U
BAJtLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, is now well
established as the best article ever offered for
B1umg Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or
anything injurious to the finest articles. All
housekeepers will find it much cheaper and less
trouble than Indigo or any other article. The
great demand for it has brought out several imi-tatikt)-
Storekeepers and consumer! will be
caWVJ to gal Biiahib Bislow's, put up at
Alfre 4 Wiltberger- Urug Store, isa. joa, in.
SkpmA Street. Philadelphia, Storekeepers can
get their supplies from the Grocers and Druggists
they daal with, at prices yielding s good profit.
Drug; Ckmieal; J'aitUt, Vami$hu, Dy
Stuffi, frc, with a nrst-raie assorimeni or every
thing In the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and
manufacturers Supplied ai reuunauis raws.
169 N. 8econd Street, Philadelphia.
July 7, 1855 ly. '
TVTOTICE Is hereby given to all Legatees,
1 1 TraJitara and other oersons interested in the
Estates of the following named persons, that the
Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of
said Estate hate filed their accounts with the
Register of Northumberland County, and that
the aame will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said County, on Tuesday, the 7th day of
August, A. D., 1855, in the forenoon, for con
firmation and adowance.
BirdZiba, dee'd., settled by his Ex'rs, Jo-
sepu .uiru oamuet Keeder.
Search Elijah; dee'd., settled by his Ex'rs
.Tames Hitnrch
Goodlnnder Chetr., dee'd., settled by his
Aam r, o no. v . uoodlander.
Troxol Abm, dee'd., settled byhis Ex'rs Jon
.than Wnlf
Hilliard Jsnac, dee'd., settled by his Adni'rs,
vnnst. Miinara donn Brown.
Troutman A')m, dee'd., settled by his Adni'rs
' u I U ur ULUi a. m luuiiiiau.
Beisel Moses, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r,
.1 cier iteisei.
Grow Daniel, dee'd., settled by his Ex'r,
Henry D. Hoffman.
Hetrick Philip, dee'd., settled by his Ex'rs,
. jnicnoci e nicnoias uetricK.
Lenker George, dee'd., settled by his Ex'r,
r t i
jsaac i-.ei.Ker.
Nicholas Dnniet.deic'd., settled byhis Adm'rs,
Tldtihnti & TMiiliti iNsinlinlfia
Eistcr j)aniel, dee d.) settled by his Ex'r,
House! Lydin, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r
jnanes ji ousel. .,
Sharpless Enos. dee'd.; settled by his Ex'r,
Joseph Sharpless,.
Robock John, dee'd., settled byhis Ex'r,
t I. rr lr a '
tiawni ji. rvnuiiman.
Fiedler Wm. P., dcij'd., sellled byhis Adm'r,
Jackson McLaughliii:
Dale John, dee'd., settled by Lis Adrrl'rs,
Snmuol & Wm. Dalo; , . . , , .
Guiltner Conrad, dee'd., sett'ed by his
Adm'r, Andrew Snyden
Morrison Saml. dee'd., settled by his Adni'rs;
Saml. Weiso & Joseph Mooro: ,
Lnvcock Mary, dee'd., settled by her' Adm'x,
Theodore Hurr. " , ,
Schlichlig John Adam, dee'd., settled by his
Adm'x, Iiarbara Bchlichlig.
Shaffer George, dee'd., settled by his AdnVrs;
Elias Shaffer & A. Iients.
Smith Malindn, settled by her Guardian
Charles Riddle.
Haupt Malinda, settled by her Guardian
John Cornell.
Herb Joseph, settled by his Guardian Felix
M nurer.
Peifer Caroline, settled by her Guardian
Saml.S. Wagner.
Sarah, Catharine, & Wm. Rotharmel, set
tled by their Guardian Saml. S. Wngncr.
Sarah Malick, settled by her Guardian John
Oliver, Charlotte Jane, William Oscar.
Charles, and Hannah Wolverton, settled
by their Guardian John J. Wolverton.
Shinman Mary, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r,
Abm. Shinman.
lirobst Catharine, settled by her Guardian
George Kntz.
Ferebach Raimond, dee'd., settled by his
Adm'r, Siegmund Simon. "
Morrison Franklin, settled by his Guardian
F. W- Pollock.
Conrad Henry, Sen., dee'd., settled by his
Ex'rs, John 1. & Henry Conrad
Jones Eli W. Thomas, Alfred & Andrew,
Settled by their Guardian John HauL'ha-
JOHN P. PURSEL, Register.
RegiStrt's Office, )
Sunbury, July 7, 1855- J
A NSW and singularly successful remedy for the
cure of all Bilious diseases Costivcncss, Indi
gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers,
(iout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma
tions, Headache, Puins in the Breast, Side, Back,
and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c.,&c. Indeed,
very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi
cine is not more or less required and much sick
ncss and suffering might be prevented, if a harm
!ci but effectual Cathartic were more freely ued.
No person con feci well while a costive habit of
body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and
often fata) ditteasrs, which might have been avoided
bv the timely and judicious use of a good purgative.
This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and
Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or
produce the deep seated and formidable distempers
which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a
reliable family physic is of the first importance to
the public health," and this Pill has been perfected
with consummate skill to meet that demand. An
extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes
sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing
any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures
huve been effected beyond belief, were they not sub
stantiated by persons of such exalted position and
character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Amouo; the mauv eminent gentlemen who have
testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention :
Liu. A. A. IIatiu, Analytical ChetnUt, of Boston,
and P'utc Asnayer of Massachusetts, whose high
professional character is endorsed by the
Hon. Kiiwahu Eykhktt, Senator of the IT. 8.
HoiikutCWinthkoi, Ex-Speaker of the House
of Representative.
Amiott I.awrkncb, Minister Tien, to Kntrland.
t Jons B.Fm.rATKicK.Cath. Bishop of Boston.
Aim, Dr. J. U. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of
New York City, endorsed by
Hon. W. U Makcy, Secretary of State.
Wm. B. Artok, the richest man in America.
8. I.klani) & Co., Tropr's of tho Metropolitan
Hotel, and others.
Hid space permit, we could give many hundred
ccrtiticules, from all parts where tho Pills have
been used, but evidence even more convincing than
the experience of eminent public men is found
in their effects upon trial.
These PilU, the result of long investigation and
study, are offered to the public as the bast and
most complete which the present state of atrdicaj
science can afford. They are compounded not of
the drutrs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues
only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by cheaursl
process in a state of purity, and combined together
in such a manner as to insure the best results. This
system of composition for medicines has been found
iu the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a
more emcient remedy than had hitherto been1 ob
tained by anv process. The reason is perfectly ob
vious. While by the eld mode of composition, ev
ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri
monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi
vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative
effect is present. AU the inert and obnoxious qual
ities of each substance employed are left behind, the
curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is
self-evident the effects should prove as they hav
proved more purely remedial, and the Fills a surer,
more powerful antidote to disease than any other
medicine known to the world.
As it is frequently expedient that my medicine
should ba taken under the counsel of an attendina
Physician, and as he aould not properly judge of a
remedy without knowing its composition, I have
supplied the accurate Formulas by which both my
i cctorai ana rills are made to tne whole body ol
rracn turner in toe united Mates ana onosa Amer
ican Province. If however there should be any
one who has not received them, they will be
promptly forwarded by mau to his address.
Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how
few would be taken if their composition was known I
Their life consist in their mystery. I hav no
The composition of my preparations is laid open
to all men. and all who are comoetent to iudne on
the subject freely acknowledge their convictions
of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was
pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful
medicine before its enect were known. Many em
inent Physicians hav declared the same thing of
tnv Pills, and even more confidently, and are will
ing to certify that their anticipation were mor
than realised by their effects upon trial.
They operate by their powerful influence on th
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into healthv action remove the obstructions of
the stumavh, bowels, liver, and other organs of th
body, restoring their irregular action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange
ments as are the first origin of disease
Beine sugar wrapped they are pleasant to tak.
and being purely vegetable, no harm can aria from
weir use in any quantity.
For minut directions, sea wrapper on th Bos,
Practical and Analytical Chemist,
fries U Cents per Bos. five Boxes for Sl
Wsisof Jr Bruner, fuiibury Bird John, Bnsmnkin;
W. WltiM, Northumberland j I. F. Casinw, Milton j
aik by sll Druggists ia Northern Pauusylvama.
Jans S3. 1663 ly.
LACK Putty e good article for ale by
May 19.
Pennsylvania Magistrate's law Library.
New and Sixth Edition, bringing Hit law
down to 1855.
A Treatise on th offlc and Allies of AMerrmul il
Justices of the Pesc in the Commonwealth of Pennsyh
vsiiia, including all the required Forms of Process ana
Docket Entries ; and embodying not enly whatever may
be deemed valuable to Jditicss or ma Pca, but to
lnHI.,rrfa T....n.. mnti f)..nral SVetltSl SHO mflKinir
this volume what It proposes to be, A safs Lnt. Ooina
fob Hvtmssi M. By John inni,;ite AWerroaii of
Walnut Ward, in the city of I'hiladeipni. i n main
Kdition. Revised, enrrrcted, and greatly enlarged by
Frederick C. Brisfillv, Esq., Author of "A Treatise on
the Lew of Costs," "Equity Jurisprudence," "Nisi '
Reports," Editor of "Purdon's Digest," . In ons thick
volume, Octavo. Price only (M ,00.
Forms of Conveyancing, snd of Prartid In the courts
of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer Slid Terminer,
the Supreme snd Orphan's Courts, and the offlees or the
vsrions Civil officers snd Justices of the Peace. Fourth
edition, revisrd.eorreeted, enlarged, snd adapted lo the
present sute of the law with copious ex ptanstmy N.Kes
snd References, snd s new, lull, snd comprehensive Index,
By Robert K. Wright, Esq. Ill one thick Octavo volume
Price only 83,50.
DIGEST. 1700 to 1855.
A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvsnis. from the year
One Thousand Seven Hundred, to the Eighth day of Mnv,
One Thousand Eight Hundred end Fifty-Five. The Hrst
Four Editions by the kite John Purdon, Esq. The Firth,
Sixth and Seventh, by the Hon. Oeorge M. Strond.
Eighth Edition. Reviled, with Marginal References, Foot
Notes to the Judicial Decisions; Analytical Contents) a
Digested Syllabus of each Title ; snd a New, Full, and
F.ihaimlive Index. Bv Frrdelirk C. Brightly. Esq., Au
thor of "ATieatisa on the law of Costs," "Equity
Jurinprndenee," "Nisi 1'rins Reports," Kililor of "Hum's
Juntiee." fce. One thick Royal 8va Price onlv V,II0.
IF" The freshness snd nermnneiit vslue of Purdon's
Digest are preserved by the publication annually of a
Digest of the lawi enacted in each year. These annual
Digests sre nrrnugeil in precise conloimity to the plnn of
Purdon's Digest. Thev are. each of them, renublisbed
annually: sre connected togeher by a General Index
rnretmreo anew eat-h venr.) which embmees the eontents
of the I .a ws of each, year since the publication of Pur
doira DiffMl, ip one Alphaliet ; and sre bound up with
rumou'a uipeai, ana aino nolo epnoMeiy.
Thus the purchaser of Pnnton's Digest will nfwnvs lie
in nossesmon of the complete body of the Statute Laws
of Pennaylvnnis down to Ihe very hour when he pur
chases it. Those who hove slready purchased Purdoirs
Digest may alwnvs complete it lr. date for the small sum
of Fiflv Cents, the nrice of a volume containing all Ihe
suiiua'Digests issued -sinea tho first publication of the
present coition Ul I uro'nrn I'mrw, nrrnnmre simcu.
. .. . n nni'
LaWBooxrllsrs An PuaMsnsss,
17Jr J South Fifth Street,
,t , , , . Fir Store nlmve Chesinnt.
n" Orders or letters of inquiry for Law Books from
the oounti.y, proninUv-atteinled lo.
l'niia., Juneuo, leo5 Jtn3. . .
'Jo the Hon. Alexander Jordan, Eq., Presi
dent, ana ms atsoetates, Junqcs of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Xorlhnmh'cr
land County.
fl'vlIE Petition of the etihscriliers residing in
JL the township of Coal, In Said county, hum
bly represent that they desire to continue the
sale of vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors.
in quantities not less than a quart, at their old
stand or drug store in the town of Shatnokln, and
are well prepared for that purpose. They
therefore pray your honors, to grant them a
license to sell suid liquor during the ensuing
year, according lo the act of Assembly approved
April 14,
Sllaitiokin, June 30, 18.1B. 3t.
The Cominomrcallh of l'ennsilrania
To the heirs and Jno. G. Youngman, Ad
ministrator of Francis Cook, dee'd., and all other
persons interested Gbkitiko.
Northumberland County, ..
Notice is hereby
given that at an Orphans' Court held at Sunbury
in and lor said county, nn tho bill or April, 1855,
William L. Dcwart presented hi petition to the
aid Court, representing that he is the sole devi
see of the Real estate of Lewis Dcwart dee'd, and
praying the rourttu grant a rule or citation upon
the heir and others interested in the estate of
Francis Cook, dee'd, to appear in court on the
first dav of August Term next, to show cause
why the Administrator of said estate should not
report to the court the sale of lot No. 146 in the
borough of Sunbury, made by him by order of
said court, why the said sale should not be con
firmed, and a deed executed for the premises bv
the Administrator, delivered to the Petitioner as
devisee of the said Lewis Dewarl, oec'd.
WhereUpon April Clh, A. D. 1855, the court
granted the Rule.
Witness ihe Honorable Alexander Jordan, Esq.,
I'resuieni oi our said Orphans l;ourt, at sun
bury, this 6th day of A pril, A. D., 1 855.
JNO. P. PURSEL, Clk; O; C.
Sunbury, June 30, 1855.
OTICE i hereby given that tho several
Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol
sunbury, at 1U o clock, A. M. on Monday, the
0th day of August, next, and will continue ONE
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
ble in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to lie then and there in their proper per-
ons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those thing to their
several offices appertaining to lie done. And all
witnesses prosecuting In behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper person to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
ieril. Jurora are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notice.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 30th day ol
June, in the year ol our iord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-five and the Inde
pendence of the United States of America the
God save Ihe Commonwealth.
List oi Causes,
T7"OR trial in the Court of Common Plea
1 Of Northumberland County, at August T.
ATD.: iS55.
Rachel Miller Ac v E R Miller
Ludwig Kneadler, Ac et al v Abruh. Shipmaii.
Wm U Curke
v Wm H Thompson
J B Masser
John C Meloy
v Reuben Fagely
v John Wedducomb
vs John P Summer
v Peter Sheaflvr A co
V Thompson & Eisly
V Sweeney & Caldwell
with notice to Garnishee
v Jacob Hessholti
v Reuben Fagely
v aame
v same etc eo
vs Them Dornari
vs David Fisher
va aame
Wm Tltman jr
vs G Morris
v ssme
s same
ts Samuel Savidg
v Henry Huff
Martin Rialiel
Peter Dickcson
Win Grady
George Good
Beni Hendricks
John Shissler
Henry Masser's Ex'r
Elizabeth Irlaue
Hugh Bellas
Ann Dever
G Leisenrlng
Leisenring Sl Fisher
John Smith
Isaac Campbell
Isaae Brown v
Isaac D. Fisher vs
John Smick
Mary Ann Cummings
Roaannab F Klin
Susan Kline
Samuel Kyle
James Cameron
E. A. Spat, Ac. v
Wm. Dalea Ex'tora vs
Good lr Miller
F W Hughe
John S. Peterman
Herman Kline
v Jacob Snyder
Geo Trdttel jr
Vs Aaron Trottel
vs Geo Trottel jr
v same
v fienj Griffey
Geo Baker
Shoemaker &. Dressier
George Yanklus, Adm.
v L L Bevin
JB Mssser et el
Daniel Conrad
vs 8 Gehrtnger
E H Archumety et al vs Jeea Archumety
Chss 8 Engl ' Milton Ablum
Milton Stamo & eo v L L Kevin
Henry Stetler adm'r s i Our 4- Terretenant
Cressler Sc Reesules Michael Keraletter
Grac lluoy v Charles Goesler
Protbonotary' Office,
Sunbury, June 30, 1855.- J
Northumberland county, Pa.
THIS large and commodious Hotel lasitnsted
on the top of the Locust mountain, neirly
half way between Sunbury and Poltsville. Th
scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and
the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the
most delightful summer retreat Id the country.
The Hotel, i new structure, four stories high,
fitted up with all the modern convenience. The
pure mountain water is introduced into every
chamber. The place i easy of access, beng
but one and a half hours ride from Sunbury, over
the Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail road. From
PottsvUle, it can be reached by the Mine Hill
Rail road to Ashland, and from thence to ML
Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus.
Every attendance will be paid by the proprie
tor to make gueat comfortable. Charge mode
f Ml. Carmel, lune S3..1855. tf.
To the Electors of Northumberland
I hereby offer myself to the qualified voter of
jvuriuumoerianu county, a a candidate lor
Should I be elected, I promise to perform tho
duties ot said ollice faithfully and impartially.
Sunbury, June S3, 1855, tc.
THE subscriber respectfully informs tho public
that she still continue to keep the above
named public house.
She ha also received a new supply of good
liquor and wines, and trust that she will be
ble to give satisfaction to all who may visit her
Sunbury June S3, 1855 tf.
to coal'dealeks!
IJESPFCTFLI.LY inform the public that
--w iiiey nave leased the new colliery, called the
Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of
superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa
red on their new tool oreaker. All orders prompt
attended to by addressing the firm, either at
Sunbury or Shainokin.
Sunbury, June 30, 1855.
rTIHE undersigned, painted Auditor by the
Orphans Court of Noithumherland cotmtv.
lo distribute the assets in the handa of David
Marts, Administrator of the estate of James
Price, Idle of Shamokin township, Northumber
land county, dee'd., to and among the several
creditor of the said dee'd, will attend to the du
ties of his said appointment, at his office in tho
borough of Sunbury, on Friday, the 27th day of
July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of laid day, at
which time and place all persons interested are
requested to dltend.
Sunbury, June 30, 1855. 6u
Orphans' Court Sale.
YN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public sale, on Tuesday, the 7th day of August
next, at the Court House, in Sunbury, the fol
lowing described real estate, to wit; A pait of
those TWO CERTAIN LOTS, No. 205 and
206, to wit : Seventy-four feet fronting on Fawn
street, and extending in depth back one hundred
and eighteen feet, situate in the borough of Sun
bury, whereon are erected a good smalt frame
dwelling house, barn, Ac Late the estate of
Christian Bower, dee'd. Sale to commence at
10 o'olock, A. M., oi aaid day, when the terms of
ale will be made known by
1 J . . U . 1 Hut
vourt, )
., Clk. O. C.
9, 1855 ts. )
By order of the Court,
Sunbury, June 30,
NOTICE is hereby given to Taxpayers, that
all those paying their Stato Tax fifu-en
day prior to tho first day of August next, will
bo allowed five rr cent
L'o'mr. Office,
Kuuhury, Juno IU, 1855,
Agricultural Implement Manufactory, Bristol,
Seed Grounda (370 Acres) Bloomadale, near
Bristol, Pa.
Phils., June If, 1855 3m- p3.
fF Loerd's celebrated making, at 1125. In
quire soon, at the office of the American.
Sunbury, June 16, 1855. 4t
StrawVrrv. Congress,
Eldorado Fig, Eldorado Cake,
Sarsaparilla Fine Cut, Pressed Fine Cut,
Anderson " For Ssle at
Sunbury, May 26, 1855.
El Dorado,
Rio Hondo,
La Curiosidad,
Havana Cheroots,
El Nrptuno,
El Duendu,
La Scmiarinis,
Sunbury, May 26, 1855.
BEBERINE, Vcratria, Chinordine and Cin
chonia, just received by
May 19, 1855. WEIsER A. BRUNER.
A Fin lot of Wall Taper just received and for
sale bv WM. McCAfTV.
Market Street.
Sunbury, June 3,1855.
jTIROCERIES Segar. Cofice, Molasse
IT Spices, Oils. Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker
el, Herring and Salt, just received and for sale
by wm;A. snADU.
Lower Augusts may B, 1801.
COMBS. Back. Children's Long, Side end
fine combs; Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
Ac:, for sale at YOUNG'S STORE.
Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1894.
GLOVES. Buckskin Gloves and Mitts, do
Gloves wool lined, Ladies Gloves, Cull
dren's dd., Mitt, Ae.( at
Nov 18, 'S3. YOUNG'S STOKE.
HUSBAND'S Magnesia for sale by
RASK'S Magnetic Ointment at
May 19. WEISEK & Bltini.ll
CAMPHINE slid Fluid of th best quality
tot sale by WEISER 4 BRUNER.
Sunbury, May 19, 1855,
KTERMICELI.I, Maccarotii snd Com Starch
W just received by
May 19, 1865. WEISER tt BRUNER.
FAHNESTOCK'S Vermifuge, for sal bv
PAINTS of every description just received by
ffiRICOPH ER0U8 6 ittt. for sale by
-- May 19. tVEIOCKdt
S. E. corner of Second (f Chestnut Sts.
Where may b found, one of the largest snd
best assortment of Clock and Tim Piece in the
United 8tates, in quantities to suit purchaser,
of from s single Clock, to one thousand Clock)
embracing every variety of style and manufac
ture, suilalle for Churches, Hall, Counting
House, Parlors, Sleeping apartments, and Kitch
en, Steam and Canal Boats, and Rail road Cars.
N. B. Clock Repaired and Warranted.
Clock Trimming for ul. Also,
Manufacturer of Barber'i Celebrated Hue
Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill
pen, in addition to which the durability of th
metal is fully associated and developed. Gold
and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Tlated
Ware, Ac, wholesale and retail. Thoso wish'
ing to purchaso are invited to call.
8. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sis., Phila.
Philadelphia, June 23, 1855. ly,
MMRS. J7RISJJEN hoatill a variety of Dress
I and Fancy irooda on hand which she will
sell at cosi. and lesa than cost, either wholesale
or retsili in tho brick house owned by Mr.
Marklev. Market street. The stock consists of
embroideries, Spencer's laces, erfgeing. ribbons,
flower, dress trimming and buttons, gloves, and
many thing too numerous to mention
Sunbury, June 3, 1855. 3t.
i,. ii. risK,
Stencil Cutter,
Ao. 1 North Sirilt Street,
CTENCIL BRANDS cut for Merchants, Far
1 mera. Millers ami Distillers.
Alphabets, brushes and Inks of the very best
c. a. rmt, l. n. ritx,
Phila., Juno 23, 1855. 2m.
Booksellers & Stationers,
4 RE now selling off their entire stock of
Book and Stationary, saved from the fire
of the 15th ult., at very low prices. The stock
embrace every variety of miscellaneous Books,
School Books, and all kinda of Blank Books,
also domestic and imported Stationary of every
description. As we are selling out at low prices
it will be well to call early and secure bargains.
S. W. corner 4th end Race streets,
Philadelphia, June 23, 1855. tf.
and mtl.sni is
No. 40 South ilaffcr Street, Philadelphia,
Cheese, Starch. Pure Ord. Spices, Butter, Lard,
Sweet Oil, Deans, Castile Soap, llarlev,
Dried Fruit, Olive Soap, Sal. Soda,'
Cranberries, Salaratus, Ess. Codec,
Scaled Herring, Farina, Duiry
Country Merchants sending order by mail,
may rely on having the same quality of goods
sent, and at the aame price, aa if they were per
aonally present.
Philadelphia, June 2, 1855. ply7.
Estate" of HUGH SE ASHOLTZ, deo'd.
TW'O'nCE i hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration upon the estate of Hugh Seas
holt i, late of Lower Mahanny township, Nor
thutnlierland county, dee'd.. have been granted
to the undersigned, residing in Georgetown, in
said township. All persons having claims or
demands against said deceased, are requested to
make the same known to the undersigned with
out delay, and all persons indebted are desired
make immediate payment
Georgetown, June 10,1855. Gl.
Bargains at the Old Stand.
ARE now opening a new and very desirable
stuck of Spring and Summer Goods, em
bracing an endless variety. Their stock con
sist in part of
Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres,
Summer Wares for men and boys, all styles and
SILKS Plain and Figured Black.
An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan
cy Dress Silk at unusually low prices,
Shellics, Brazes, Braze Del. aim, Mus.
De Lains. Lawns, Ac,
GINGHAMS from ( to 25 centa per yard.
CALICOES " 3 12 "
Cambric, Jaconetta, Swiss, Tarllon, Mull, Bohi-
nett, French and Swiss Laces, Edgings, Ac.
Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Ticks,
Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, J c.
Cedar-ware, HollovV-warn, Iron, Steel, Plaster,
Salt and Fish.
Also a Ircsh supply of
Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict
attention and a desire to please, atill to meet with
the approval of our friends.
ft Country produce of all kinds taken at the
highest market price
Sdnbury,Jutie2, 1855. fyi
Great Arrival of
INFORMS hi friend aud customer that b
just received an elegant assortment of
At his Stifre in Market Street, Sunbury, which
he oilers to the public at Ihe lowest price.
His stock consists of general assortment of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings,
Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt
Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Btragct.
Also large assortment of CLOTHING.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoea, for
Men, Women and Children.
Silk Hats.
Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats.
GROCERIES of every variety.
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices,
Fish, Salt, Ac
Yii: Iron aud Steel, Nails, Files, Saw, Ac
tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, l)t
Wint, Brandy, Cia, Rnm, Whiikty, fcc
7" Country produce of all kind Ukenin ex
change at the highest market price.
April 8, 1856 ly.
"TMBRELLAS. Overshoes, Pocket Books
U Portmonies, Silk Pocket-hondkerchiels,
Neck-ties, Spring-stocks, Suspender, Ac, at,
Nov. 8864. YOUNG'S STORE.
HOSIERY Mens' wool snd col ton Socks,
Ladies' end children' stockings just open
Sunbury Nov. 18, 1854.
OOFLAND'S Bitten at
May 19. WEI8ER cV BRUNER'8.
1 May 19. WEISER A B RUN UK'S.
I..W. TENER & Co ,
Sunburt Pat i
HAVE Just received a new and splendid as
sortment of good, uited to the season.
amongst which ere -
Cloths, Csssimere and Velvets, Ready mad
Clothe, Englisn, r rencn anu American uing
hams, plain end painted Challl. do. do.
Lawns, Barege and Barege DcLains, plain
tnd painted Tissue, Tissue Bnrege,
Thibet Silk, fringed Shawls, Em
broidered snd Drimask Crapo
Shawls, Fancy Mantillas, stfii
ied end checked Linen, Ta
ble Covers, Mosquilto Nets,
Fans, Parasol snd Um
brella, together with
general assort
ment of Dry Goods
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Hardware, Groceries, Quccmwarft.
Fish, Salt, Nails Ac, Vc, all of whlrli
will be sold cheap for cash or Country Pro
duce. Sunbury, May S, 1855.
(At the old Stand of S. N. Thompson.)
"IHE Subscriber rcspectlully informs the peo
X pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has ta
ken the Store Room lately occupied hy S. N.
Thompson, in Market Street, Sunbury, below
Weaver's Hotel, snd that ho has just received
anu opened a handsome assortment of
Consisting in part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware
Quccnsware, Hats 4- Caps, Boots A Shoe, Fish
Salt, Meat. &c.
All of which will bo sold at the lowest prices.
All kinds of produco taken in exchange at th
highest market price.
Surbury, April Sl, 1855 ly
FT. HE Subscrllier ha on hand of his own man
JL ufacture, a large assortment of Ladies',
Misses, snd Children, Leather, Kid, and
of the beat workmanship and materials, which he
will sell at as low wholesale prices as any person
in tho city. Buyers can get any sizes to make
up assortments, without having to purchase the
smaller or more unsaleable sizes.
No. 91 North SIXTH Street, bclnw Rco,
N. B. Gaiter tippers ready for the last, sold
to Country Shoemakers at low prices.
Sunbury, April 14, 1856. Am.
LL person Indebted to the late firm of Jame
Tagifart & Son, of Northumberland, either
bv note or book account, are hereby requested to
make settlement thereof by the first day of July
next, to Grantham I. Taggart, surviving partner,
or the accounts will be placed in the hands of a
Justice for collection.
Surviving partner.
North'd, May 12, 1855. Sin.
Of Spring j Summer Goods.
J. F. & KLINE,
RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends
and the public in general, that they have
received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland county, Pa., at Klines
Grove, their Spring an! Summer Goods, and
opened to the public a full assortment of
Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fiiricj
Cassimers, Sattine'tU, Checks, end all kinds
Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vest and
Pants, Ac.
ladies Cress Goods,
Culicocs, Ginghams, Muslin dc Laiucs, Ac. Also
Black Silks, Ac.
Also a fresh supply of Groceries of alt kinds.
A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens
ware, Drugs and Medicines.
Wooden Ware.
Also a large assortment of Boots and
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Caps, such as
Palm Leaf, Canada, Panama
and Silk Hats, and all
goods usually kept in a Country tore.
Csll snd See.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex
change for country produce, at tho highest market
Upper Augusta, May IS, 1855.
Extraordinary Arrival of
rrvy c7y.cfrGarEgi.
THE subscriber takes pleasure in informing
his customers and the public generally that
he is now in receipt of an unusually large and
Splendid Assortment of New Goods.
To endeavor to enumerate the one hundreth
part of the articles would be useless. Suffice it
to ay, they have been eleeted with tho-greatest
care, and they will be disposed of at aa low prices
as Uie aame quality can be purchased elsewhere.
My motto is
"Quick Sates and Small Profits."
He takes this method of presenting to the
public his thanks for the liberal patronuge eten
iled td him, and by stiict attention to business,
he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same.
It will be advisable for purchasers lo call and
examine his assortment before purchasing else
where All kind of produce taken in exchange.
Sunbury, May 19, 1855
Estate of ADAM GILGER, dee'd.
NOTICE ia hereby given that letters testamen
tary upon the estate of Adam Ciller, late
of Shamokin township, Northumberland countv,
dee'd.. have been granted to Jonas Gilffer, resid
ing in Shamokin, and Sam'l Gilger, ut Elyahurg.
All persotis having claim against said deceas
ed, are requested to present them for sctllcnieiit,
and all persons knowing themselves to be indeb
ted will nrake immediate payment.
JONAS GlLGER. ? r.Vra.
Shamokin tp., June 9, 1855 Ot.
TV'OTICE ia hereby given that application will
' be made to the next legislature of Pennsyl
vania, at Ihe session of 1N5H, for tho creation of
eorporatu body, with banking and discounting
privileges, lo be called the "Sham ok is Bask,"
located at Shamokinlown, Northumberland Co.,
Pa- with a capital stock of $ 15u,m0, with the
privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if
Shamokin, May 82. 185.W 6m.
ALlTrAPER. A large and splendid
assortment of Wall Pa per. Window Pa
per, and Oil Shades, just received and fur aule
by I. W. TENER A Co,
8unbury, May 88, 185S.
ATS A CAPS Silk and Slouch Hats,
Military and cloth Caps lor men and boys,
also Gum Shoes of various sites, just received
and for ssle at YOUNG'S STORE.
Sunbury Nov. 35,18.84.
flEDARTUBS, Horse Bucket. Painted Buck
eta, Meat Tenderers, Corn Broom, Bas
kets, Children's Wagons, and Yankee Clocks
ut received and for sal by
May to, 1855. I. W. TENER r
NK Boureau'a celebrated ink, and also Con
gees ink fur aale, whol -sale ami retail by
Devcmbel i, IH.'jO. 11 II M.bM;i;.
No. 2C Soti:h Fourth St., Philadelphia.
GREAT FIRE, Chestnut
r.iiT.v. ...I, viim noay
r. tfiAi. ...
Iff T f morning, ucccmoer asth,
E:V- 1854. Evans A Watson'.
ntamnndcr Safe Trium-
ant, aa they alway are
when put to the test.
TPiin.AHKt.Ftit. Dee. IS. 1854.
Messr. Ev 4 Wstso, N. 39 South
Fourth St., Philadelphia.
Gentlemen t We take much pleasure in re
commending your Salamander Safes to Merchant
and others in want of a secure means of preser
ving their books, papers, etc, from fire, a the
one we purchased from you about seven months
since ha preserved our books, papers arid cash
in as good a condition a they were when put
into it, before the great fire of this morning', vvhit h
deatrnyed the entire block of building corner of
Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was
in use in our office, on the second floor of our
building, from which place it fell into Ihe cellar,
and remained there until the firo was out. The
Safe was then removed and opened in the pres
ence of at least 1000 persons, whri witnessed the
good condition of Ihe contents. TTill Jou! plcasft
have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend
to put it in use sgain, havii.g perfect conflJcnce
in it fire-proof qualities. , t ,
Yours, Respectfully,' .
Evans A- Watson take' pleasure in referring to
tho following, among th many hundreds who)
have their Safe in use: li. S. Mint, Philada ;
Farmers' and Mechanic flank, Phila; Samuel
Allen, Esq., High Sneriff, Thila i John H. Hen
derson, City Controller t Caleb Cope 4- Co., No;
183 Market St. ; Richard Norris A Son, Loco
motive builders, Philada; Bancroft 4 Sellers
Machinists, corner lfilh and Jmncs Sts.; Fran
klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pcnnsylvauia
Railroad Co., Phila.; Lacey Philips, corner
Ath aud Minor Sts.; Sharpless Bro., No. .13!
South Second Sl..; James Kent A Santec, No'.
147 North Third St; W H. HorRtuan A Sons,
No. 51 North Thiid St.; Smith, Williams & Co.,
No. 87 Market St.; J. A tf. Ornc, No.' 18 1
Client nut St.
A large assortment of the above Safes always
on hand (warranted lo stand at least 10 percent
more fire than any Herring' Safe now in use.)
EVANS A WATSON, also manufacture and
keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iroil
Dash, for making fire-proof Vault for Banks
stores, public and private buildings. Seal and
Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re
frigerators, etc Please give us a cull, at No. 39
South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
April 7, 1855. cly. 10.
Of Sunbury and Vicinity
190 Ch'cfin'ut Street, PMddJphia.
ARE now offering lo purchasers a splendid
Stock of New Spring Shawls, Mantillas ami
Dress Goods : their assortment of Paris madn
Mantillus, is very extensive, comprising one of
the best selected Stock in the City, and at ex
tremely low prices.
SH AWLS Brocha, Cashmere and Gold bor
dered Shawls, long and square. Also, large
assortment of Rich Embroidered and Plain Can
ton Crape Shawls..
SILKS Particular. ottentjirn is requested to
our stock of Brocade, Plain, Plirld Stripe, Moran
Antiuue and bile. v Silks, . of all qualities anJ
prices. Wash Silks in great variety.
DRESS GOODS Floquccd barege Robes,
Grenadines, Tissue, , Bareges, Organdines,
Mousilcns Challie Delaines, brilliants, French
and English Chintzes. &c, Embroideries of all
descriptions. Collar. SleevcR, Ruffles, Insert
ing', with a full Stock pf Ribbons, Ladies' and
Gentlemen' Gloves, Hoisery, Ac,
Constantly receiving fresh Supplies of Season
able Goods, per SteamcrS froth Havre, Liverpool,
New York and Philadelphia Auction Sale'
Purchasers are. tcquested .to call and examine our
slock of splendid Spring Goods before pui chasing.
i . ; 19b Chestnut St., Philada.
April 7, 1855. 3rri.
Whplesale and Retail Druggists,
Riarkel St., next door to E. r. B right's Stort
OFFER to the public tho largest and best
selected stock ever opened in this section of
country) consisting of
Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stud', Window Glass,
Patent McdicincS, together with a complete as
sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail
and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck anil
Pocket Cbnibs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams,
Tobacco, Scgars, Port Mouias, Stationary, Coit
For Medicinal use, English, French and Ameri
can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip
tion, in short every article kept by Druggists
E7 Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Sunbury, May 30, 1859.
At S. N. Thompson's Store,
In Lower Auyusta township, at the Junction of
the Ttilpvhockcn and Plum creek roads.
THE subscriber having returned from the city
with a new and extensive assortment of
fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention
of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same.
consisting in part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Di iiinps,
Muslins, Vtstings, Twttds, and all kinds of
Spring and Summer Wear,
Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns,
Cintihnms, Berages, Holes,
Woolent, Flannels, IfC
Sugar, Teas, Colli e. Rice, Molasses, Cheese,
Spices, Suit, Ac, Ac, Ac
Hard stare,
Nuils, Screws, File, Sawa, Knives A Fork, Ac
Queens and Glassware)
of various style and patterns.
A large assortment of Boot and Shoea, for
men, women and children.
11st Car, Ac, of variou size and styles.
Beside a large end general assortment of
fuahionablu goods. Call and examine for your
selves. tTF Country produce ol all kind taken iu
exchange at the highest market price.
Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 38, 1855.
,V OTICE is hereby given that letters testauicu
1 ' lary upou the estate of Jame Taggart, late
of the borough of Northumberland, Northumber
land county, dee'd., hav been granted lo tho
subscriber. Therefor all persona having claiina
or demand against the said estate, at requested
to make Ihem known without delay, ai.d all
persons indebted to make payment forthwith.
North'd, May U, 1855. Ct
FAMILY M E DI f-TN ES.-B row n Fever and
A Ague Powders, Fahnestock's Vermifuge Dr.
Jayne's celebrated medicines, &e for aule vt
Nov. 85, '54. Y OUNG'S STORE.
cure lor Fever end Ague, fur sale by
wi:im;r a hri ne?v
MuubiU,. uly Si, IK.'it.
H 1 I, .141
Bill 31