fil SUNBURY AMERICAN ALMANAC FOH 1855. guise 5- -1 I AN t ill HI 41 Si July. 5; S 7 T 81 R 111 II IS; 13, 18 17 IS'lH 81 I). 1(1 II li, 11,14 14 15 IS' IB 171! ill 4(1 81 tti si'vi 47 1 43 !8i Ma; ,44 fn. i 4! 3 10 II s n1 ? el to Ai-o. ! r ! lljW 13 t4ll;l6 17,1 is in on 41 1-2 '23 21 1 14 13 14 IS' 16.17 IS III 4il'4l41 lttU 46 ST tH'ay.Stl.aii MM1 t) a! 4 S 6 7 d in it w m 4 is 116 17 IS 19 41" 41 4J Jit 117 41 I ! Ma. 1 1 4 ' S1 7, s! HI 9wr tl'l 13 14 1.1 1 I7 i io so si m si,ai' 87,in,aoi.ii 49 44 4J.4S.47 48, I I I1 nil I Am. 1 9 ft! 4 Si 6 7 Oct. W 0 10" 1 1 U 1.1 M l IS 10 17 18 If) i l u 1 3 4' Si III' II 19 IS 17 18 111 40 7 H U IS NOT l jt7 Wji jai.4 1,41 45 46.47 '1W30 I ' I I II I I 111 t 111 4 S, Nov. In 7 f in ii'i : ll.l 14 IS' III IT I! I'll wn'wriWiM.w.1 S9.3U 31 I 30 311 I Mat. li n 4' 8' (1 71 f n hi III 14 1314 IS ilf!l 4H.SI 10, t7 4341 'a .tit .to An, ""nil StVlialU KfilfO i:.iui Jes I I S DM. s; S 7 f, 10. 1 1 , tni 14 15 1(1.! 4 S 6 S n;inlll4 I3ll4 IS 17 is m,i 4i I0;i7jl?lin 411,41 44 43 41 4J.46 47 Sti 49 siij a'las.tiD aojj n:)ll I I I I farmer' department. From the Oermnntnwti Telegraph. itRTKHOKKS. Mn. Editor : Tho nrtichoko is lint much of a favorite with n majority of our farmers. It is raroly cultivated, mul never as a field crop. It is soim-times soon in frnrdens, win it) it is generally confined t nmryins, or strips or "waste soil, umlrr wuIIb or fences where it has to contend with weeds, simile, und a vu. riety of other obstacles, oil of which have n tendency to prevent its developemeiit, nnd bring into disrepute. This is not ns it should be. The urtichuku is reaHjr a valuable pro duction, and it larger quantity of the mot can be produced from nil acre. Ihun of potatoes, if they are rightly managed. Domestic animals, of all kinds, are remarkably fond of it j they aru are ulso excellent for pickling. Pmm the Oermantown Telegraph.) WAIITS OS rOWVS TEATS. The teats of cows frequently covered with these troublesome excrescences to an extent which renders it difficult, if not impossible, to milk them. When this is the case, prepare a strong solution of alum in water, nnd give the diseased parts a thorough washing two or throe times a day, till the warts disappear. Common carrot juice is also frequently effec tual in removing warts ; it should be applied several times a day. Cutting out the warts is a cruel remedy, and besides, it is not always effectual, but alum water, applied as above, if persevered in, will effect u certain, speedy aud radical cure. ItOUH A.U Altt'K. 51 ft. Editor : Hy tlio assistance of muck I make every hog on my premises produce two cords of manure. 1 haul in my muck in the spring, ami occasionally turn it lip, cover ing in some com or other grain, to cause them to rout and turn tho mass. This they will do effectually, and by tho spring, the mass will be tine and tit for use. This pays a p -od part of tho expense of keep, und is a method of securing for crops which cannot be too highly extolled. The manure is richer than hore dung, and always, when applied to vegetation, produces the bisl rcsuliB. Germantmcn Tel. Corn Crop at tub West. The Chicago Daily Tribune of Monday, gays, advices from tho corn crop throughout the West aud South are coming in morn favorable In tho western portion of Ohio, including the Miami and Bcioto bottoms, and all tho north western part of the State, the corn crop ? routines well and will yield an average crop, n tho Northern portion of Indiana and Illi nois, the crop is also good, and the same re marks will apply to Michigan. Iowa., Mineso ta, and the northern part of Missouri. From the Southern States the advices are very en couraging, so that taking tho whole west to gether, there is no cause for alarm, nor is there much safety in speculations based upon a failure of tho corn crop. Wo hear of no place, however, where the potato crop is good, or even middling. In Central Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, and in South Kentucky, und the northwest part of Tennesse. northeastern portion of Ohio, und Western Pennsylvania, thero is no doubt that tho drought was proved very dis astrous to corn and potatoes, aud iu these suctions there will be u scarcity. To Obtain Eirly Tomatoes. Those who wish to hurry their tomatoes for market, may do so by proper shortening-in at this time. All must bo observed that 90 percent, of the tomatoes grow within 18 inches of the ground, ami that 1)0 per cent, of the vine, containing only ten per cent, of the fruit, grows above this point ; therefore cut it off nnd remove it with the small tomatoes. The vines will not bleed, and the large tomatoes left will increase in sizo more than equal the value of those re moved, besides getting them in market while the price is sufficiently high to compensate, for their culture.. To Dktrov Ants. Procure a sponge, wash it well, press it very dry j by 8ft doing it will leave the small cells open lay it on the shelf where they are most troublesome, sprin- klu some fine white sugar on the sponge (light ly over it) two or three limes a day, take a bucket of hot water to where the s' onge is. ca-iefully drop the sponge in the scalding wa ter, and yon will slay them by thousands, and soon rid tho house or these troublesome in jects. When yon you squeeze the sponge, you will bo astonished at the number that bud tone in the cells. Remedy for Gatks ix Cuickf.ns. A cor respondent says : "Tell those of your read ers who ure interested in raising chickens, that a small pinch of gunpowder given to a chicken with Ihe gapes, will oiled a sure and complete cure in from one to thn e hours' time, and leave poor chick healthy and hearty. I speak from what I know, having tried the remedy with perfect satisfaction. ToKekp Weetil olt or Grain. After tmmeratiiig many suggested remedies, which have been only partially successful, Mr. J. P, Lowe, in tho Working Firmer, says : "Thn - simplest and mosi effective remedy it tho sal ting Of wheat nt the time nf one pound of salt to every two bushel, df f. wheat, ir this precaution be used, no fear . p ed be entertained iu relation so the insects T .ferred to for the effectiveness of the means ijjiHiiuiiiiuueenirorn lv practical ex j irinWnt. us to put b jond all doubt citaiutt CI success." . ivr-.spT for OTRtrv.D HunA farmer friend mrorme ug that common cedur brunch oaked in water, (by Lnilinir the strenoth T g attained mora .tiecdily) and the liimid pTlulllwl over 111 Clicillliher. or m. lr.n win... is th bokt protection ag ni the d pred ti n oi inssa ptsta ne ua tvr tnod. Htar thia m uiiiiu aim jrive a trial nest year ir t j loo iai lor the present Mason. The flnt t viaiV of the bug should be closely watched. A negWt of two days ia sufficient to loose soar viuc. when a fw day's vijfilunco would care sava tuem, and secored a yitild of deli. vvua hum. Jll-fKClXO. 1 bs following is a Si Torehri reoiddy against blvtMiioc : "Take linen or cotton ragu, snd charcoal. Put the charcoal on tb wouod and do more bleeding- will COUISJ. AN ASTOUNDING FACT. Elsberg'e Clothing Store Again? AELSBERQ (1st. O. Elsberg Co.) wish s to snnonnc. to th Inhabitants oC Northumberland county, and the public in gen rrsl, thst h. hsi remired his elegant snd chesp Clothing Store a few doors est from the former store, to a new capacious building. The remo val was nereaaitated 1? the former store being tod small to facilitate the still Increaaing trad, st this widely known atore. Being thankful for paat patronage, t hop. to deere it for the future alill more bv serving you with accustomed Adeli tv and increased alacrity. In order to suit every one that rail, I have laid in a mock ol rlotliing, gents furnishing good, snd alt other goods in my line on a moat eitcn- aiv. scale, alao mad. arrangements with my nro th.r in Philadelphia, to send every thing new and fashionable as toon sa produced, ao that my stork will be replenished every few weeks. In exlcnt, variety, elegance, qtt tityaml cheapness, my "lock euruastea every thing "the olil.t inhab itant'' ever heard tell of in thia pari f the eo n try. "To ae. is In believe." ami ea I invite eve rv body lo call and see end examine my stock before purchasing eleewhrr.. It is a treat to see and examine such an elegant, good, cheap atock of enoits. M stork rnnaiata in part nf Ureas. 1 ruck. 8ark Buaineaa and all other kinds of Coals, made of cloth, ciahmarette, caanimere, linen, flu end all other Ktull of all Imaginable colora, ulnin, fancy striped snd checked. Psuta and Veate, of everv tvla and ptittt rn, low and high priced, as suited lo the wunt of the buyers the largeat end bent assortment ever exhibited west of the mountains. A nice assortment of Uoota end Shoes, guitars and sliiiers. aUe laities hoe, gnitera ft slippers. A splendid lot of Ksts snd Caps auch aa I'a name, Curraroa. Canton. Braid, Leghorn, Sen ate, Straw and rabn Leaf, duferent colors, fine silk hat all rolom of wool hats, etc etc. A good asaortment of Shirts, rullara. revolver. ingle and double barreled uiatol. trench and gcr man Accordeona, all kinda of cravax storks snd pocketlisndkerchiel's, I'lnbrcDae, Carpet Bags, Trunka, and sll kind of notions for ladies an gentlemen. AIho an assortment of watches snd Jewelry, all of which are warranted; the money paid for them, cheerfully returned if nut aa represented. All this stock will he sold at a small advance on rxh. so as still further to merit ihe name usuully bestowed on tnv atore, aa leing the cheap est in Sunburv or vicinity, ho. remember the place. Market Square, nearly opposite the former Post OlGce. A. ELSBERO, Lata G. Elaberg & Co. Sunhury, April 81. 15V To Officers, Soldiers, SEAMEN, &c., OF ALL WARS : their Widows and Minor Children. . li. MASSEIt, Attnrnty for Government Ciaimenu, Sunbury, Pa. CONTINUE!' to give prompt and peraonal iu i cnti. M the pr-- cculiun nf Ciuima n every deacriili.u aeHiual the tteuerul Unveinitient, and iarliculurly t tli-ee lief ia the 1'reasury Deirurtmeiit. Penai.iniind H alitly Land Bureuua, Pntt-nl and Uenernl Lannvotfice, ami B.rd nf Cltiuna An experience nf ye:ra, and a fainilitiriiy with tha means of obtaining theeinlieBL m iat fiiv.mible acti- n on ciuima. villi the lecililiee lor Ihe ditpnlch of bulineta, jualily linu in umui nig Ins Correipondcnta. Cluinieuta. aud the Public geuerullt, tnnt iulctem iutruitcd to hit keep iiS will unl be neglected. 1'KNMON, UovXTI l.SU, 1'ATIST aSSPcSUC tSNStW. lie lua nuurly ready fnr anuuitou diatribuimn am nig Ina tiuaiiteia Cnrreeimudeuta, (mid llinae who mny hecme auch.i a nvut pninphiet c utuiuuie a aynnpaiani tne ex- laiiiia I'enai iii. ifimntv ln1. IMleut. ami runic iaun liwa, down to the cud uf me late C-uigieae iucludnig the Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855 nmlcl which all who have heretnfnre received teas than 100 acrca ure now entitled to ndditiou.d land ; aald Act srnula nia i I6ll ucrea to till Officera. n 'ii-cmiiniaaitmcd UnVcrg, ChnplHina. Sildiera. Wiigon Mi.etera. Te.nnalere, mul tnciKiu liiditina. 'i the Army, including roue i r mpa, Vnluntrere, and Militia mid all Omcera. Seumrn. Ordinn. rv euiiicu. Miirinca. Cltrka. nnd liudsuie... the nvv, not hcret 'fnie provided t'nr, who have aerveil not Icaa tbmi fourteen ilnya (iiules in nut tic) at liny iwriod einc 1776 j and to tba'wid 'WB und miiiur children of all such ncra iii euliticil. nnd decenactt The vnii h!et contniiia ''Krini of Apptlcailnn" moie full and c imnlete than any elsewhere to he found nd-ipted tn the wants of every cbisa of Cluiinnuta under the acl, wilh copl 'iia 'teviaimia aud litatru-ti iiiaoi me uccart, ine'it. and prncticHl snece'ii ns na to Ihe couiae to be put B.ied in s iarmte,! or rri cLcd ens -a. P.-iniea unt wishniir tnnvinl t hnnsvdvea nf the facilities alT .rded hv ties Office) in sciiune a iinpt and pe:i iral auperiiitendeiice of their 'luiins ai the j.f!irii,its, cau nbtniii cnpics nf ihe arive pamphlet by reuniting thirty cents iu n stnro slmnps IN'DUCFMKNTS TO CORRF.SPON DRNTS Cnriespnudciea whi preimre mid f .rwnid easea for mnimremeiit hv this Afenry will he dealt wilh liberally; aopp'ied witn all necespHry lilanka okatib and kept con. Btantly ndvicert nf the changes that from tin e tn time oc cur in the execution ot the law. It is within the snhacribers pow'er tn direct his Cnire BrmndentB tn the Incnllrv nf verv mniy pera us entitled u-i. iter the late Act mid h-tviug nhtaiucil a birge num'iei nf Land W'irmnie under firmer Imvs. he is m piarseas' -n of data that will muteriully aasist ui securing additional Imniite. Fcra. below the nsual rates and contingent npou the admisai at nf Claima The hiaheet caah nriee eiren for tnd Vt arrantB, Ke voiuti ainrv Snip, aud Illinois Land Pnleuts AiHircsB It. If l ar.n , Buidmry, Pa. MnrehSI. 1SS.1 It NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR THE SPRING 1S55. EY.fE V LANDPLL. f. W. Corner of Fourth & Arch Sis.. Philadelphia, are full v prepared to suit huvera, Wholksals & Rstaii, with goods adapted to their wants and st the low est nelt cah mires. Wack Silkt, llrittith Print, Fnnry bo Plaitl f-'iifthnms, Fete Pre finnth, Gnrni Jiiei. Kern Spriitf Slmirlt, Table linen, Xuoeltie in Lawn, Shtetinq. (c". . N. H. bargains dsily received dora the Auc tions, of .New York and Philadelphia. P. 5. nil Boiled Black riilks warranted not lo ctt in wearing. Store-keepers supplied with those goods regularly. Pnilada. March 3, 1855. w 3m 3 Front Street Wire Manufactory. lere. Innate, screen ana Wire l ima Manu facturer, No. 46 North Front St.. Corner of toomb AHen, between Market ana Mulberry (Arch) Streets, PHILADf.LPHIA "CONTINUE to maiiiilasiureofst'periorqiiali. w ly, lirass snd Iron Wire Sieves ol sll kinds, Brass snd Co ,ier Wire Cloth fnr Paper Makers, dec. Cylinders snd Dandy Wolls covered in the bait manner. Heavy Twillrd Wire for Spark Catchers, ieves for H rats and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Sales Traps. Dish Covers, Cosl nd Sand Screens, dc fancy W ir Woikof every deaeriptiou. Phils., r .u. X4, 1855. 3m. e Watbox Dirci. Thomas Disct J. S. DEPUY & SONS. Ao. 223 .Vorf Second Street, belrur Callmrhilf, and S. IP. Corner Fi'hth and Spring Garden Street. PHILADELPHIA, ITTOTTLD lesiMTctfully inform their former customers and others, lliat ; lliev hsve just sid in a splendid assortment of C'urpelH, Oil iotha, Jf4ff htgn, Window Shsdes, Door Mats, die., dec, at very reduced prices Wholesale dc Krtsil TAKE NOTICE We will sell our goods ss chesp ss suy other brute of the kind iu the city. Pn'ls., April 7, lS5..w3ms Smf. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS! HPHB subarrilier having received Ihe neceasarv for'ns and inariii ttions from th. Department. ai Wa.hiHgtnn. ia prepared lo procure bountv Mad W arrant, at the kborteat nntir.. . . ... H. B. MASSE R. funhnry, April T. ISAH. I Cu" ' s' ". Caps and Gum Shoes. as m. ju ircrnsu alio lor sale he Oin T IS5I. TEXERtVOo. BoardiiiglBoardiriff! If a 10 rssfiectible boarders. Locauoo i North-wesl eorU f M4rk t cuauna wianing a MmufUbla Kai will find this a film. Bonbsiv,, AprU li, 19M TAMES MoCLINTOCK, M.D, LU PRO FEMUR nf Anatomy and Surgery In the Phil aoeipnia vuucf ut sieuieine, ana Aciing iToieoor n Miilwifery i one of the Coiiiultini Phyiicniis of the Phil aJelpliia H.iapilal, Block I ty late intmuer of the Matliial Meriical Aasciation member of the Fhiwulelphia Mitli vnl Society niemliet nf the Mealc KChlrargleal College ol rmiaueiphia i formerly rreaineni anu rntienor . . . . , .. ii i r- .li v... mont j anil alio, late Vrniesul of Aimt"my and I'lmi ib nay in Berkshire Medical Iiisiilullun, Piilafiek), Muas,, 4c,Ac.,tu. Has lately introduced tn s popdtar rnrm several or hta fav.irita ptravriptiona for lha principnl diaeaa of Una climate. The name nf each article will Imply Uie disease for which it ta iiileititcd to be need. DR.McOt.tN TOOK'S PKCTOIIA1. SYPUP. PntePI DR. M.-CI-INTOCK'S COI.U ANj Cdt'mt Ml A TL'ltB h er C.H.H, Cuiha. c Price 25 eta. DU. McCI.INTOCKS ASTHMA A.U HOOl'ltt COt'GH KKMKDY. Pi ice " cia. I)r. McCLI.NTOCK'i TUNIC At.TERNATIVK SYRUP- For Piirifving the Blond. Priie I. BR. McCU.N TUCK'S UY8PKPTIO KIJXIH rot iving tone In theat 'mach relieving puim alter saline, leartburn, and nil dttiiarecuble sviiiiitoma ariaing lioni ilidiaeiti m Price Bl. DR. MeCt.lNTUChVS RltEfMATIC M1XTIIRF.-A Pu ely Vegetnliie Remedy Or internal mm Price 50 en. nicctJ.i ruuive1 hiicuai a j i.i.-i.i r..-. i Fir Rheamutiaio, Spnnni. Swelling!, Ac , Au. Price 60 ceim. DR. McCLINTOCK-S ANODYNK MtXTUnK-Foi Piiina. To itliikcne, Honluche, Neuralgia, Ac. Ae. Price 80 cenia. DR. McCLINTUCK'S FF.VKR AND AOVK SPf CIFIC A rertnni ruref'ir all Intermittenta Price 61. DR McCLINTUCK'S DI AUKHcKA CORDIAL AND CHUI.KKA PHKVKNTIVr-A ealeremHv. DR. McCl.lN PUCK'S VKOKTAHI.B PUROATIVh PII.I.S Foi C ativetiiaa. Heail iclie. Ac. Price 45cta. DR. McCLINTUCK'S ANTIHII.IUl'S PILLS For Irrrsnlariiy in the Fuiirtiima nf Ihe l.iver and Boweli the licit l.iver Pill mmle Price 4S etf. ib'i For site by Dr. J. McCLINTOCK; hi hia Medical De pot, N W corner ninth und Filbert ala , Philadelphia, and nt all Drinntiata nnd Dealera in Medicines. All Uruggian and Dealera in Medicinea who wish to be ugenti, will please ad.ldreea Pr. McChut vk, (uriiiahinf reference, name nf PneMtfnce. e-'nulv and atata VT F"rSnle hv Weiaer'lt Brnner, 8'inbory end Sha. m 'kin ; Wm. Weimer, N rthiiniberlnnd ) C. UrnWn, Mil t.wi ; K. P. I.uts. Bl amiahnrf i Jnenli llama, Btlrklmm 1 Mhu Vanlecio, l.iglR Strict j I Sliarpleaa A 9ou, CnU wiaan. January 6, IP55. 6v. MATCHES! MATCHES!! JOHN DON i'EI.LY, TANLTACrURKR and inventor of Safety A"A Patent Square Upright Wood bos Matches. No. 106 FOLU'I H 8tieet. (above Uses,) Philadelphia. Matches hsving become sn indespensible stti- cle in housekeeping, the sulwcrilwr after a grest sacrifice of time end money, u enabled to offer to the Public an article at one. combining Utility and Cheapness. The inventor knowing the dan ger apprehended on account of the flimsv man ner in which Matches are generally packed in pa per, has by the sid of -New Steam Msrhinery or bis own invention, succeeded in getting tip a SAEETY PATENT SQUARE UPIUGIIT VV ood Hex t this box is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no mora room thar. the old round wood box. anJ contains at lesst ''wo H uttdred ier Cent more Matches, which to Shippers h. consid erable sdvsntage; it is entirely new snd serure atrainst moisture and spontaneous combustion. and dispela all daneer on transportation by menna of Ituilroad, Steamboat or any otha mode of Con vex-a nee. Theee Matches are packed so thst one gross or more may be Shinned to any part of the World with perfect safety. They are the most desirable article lor Home Consumption, and the Soutnern and Western Markets that hss ever been invented. Dealers and Shippers, will do we'd to call and examine for themselves. tV These Malrhca are Warranted tube anpe- nor to ail) thins heretofore nilered to the Public, JOHN DONNELLY. 106 North KOI'RTH St., Philad'a. riiila., Dee. 16, 1854. 6m. British Periodicals EARLY ( OPIt: set l it ED. fiPremiams to ! ew Subscribers ! '. .' .EOOARD SCOTT A CO , New York, e mtinne to re publish tha following British Peiiodicult, viz. : THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservaiive THE EDINBURGH UEVTEW (Whiff.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C h THE WESTMINSTEll REVIEW (Liberal, s BLACKWOOD S EDINBURG MAGAZINE (In.y) Th ptewiit eriiicnl ttatt f European afTiirt wH rni'lfr llirtc pulihcai"it uuufviilly iuLerestniti duiin iue f'ilti- ciMiimg air. They will rrupv h muUlie jji tumt be! went the ruitttiy writeii iiewa-iteuii. 'cnule )t,ul.tti.Mii, mid fiv hit iuiii ftlied.iilyJ urnul, and the p itdenuia Tone of the future bun -rinii, written itder the living interest and eiriietneut if the (treal puliticul evrnti nf ihe time hull rmv's? p;iinl aw ty. It i t rivf pTiiHlicili ttmt rfB.'rrn niiitu f r the 'nly really iutllin) ami rnlia hlr but tv "I curreMt eveiiti, aiH aa fitt-h. in eddiM n l their welUeitahiithr-d litetury cnnii6c. and tlil .picil rh irttcter, we urirc thtn UKn the c iisidrrali ii l the reading put'lif. l'f Arni'igtfinenta ure itw narnianeiitly male fur tha reipl if Kurty dheeu fntm the Britiah Puhhaiina, hy whirti we are enabird tti place ull ur Keprii'ita in tl: haiHla h ulMH-fibera, rvtUt m a 11 iathe eui he furiia'-ed wilh the fort-igu c -pica. Although tna iuv Ivea a very fcii-ge ti'iilny on ur rt. wv that c nttnue Ut futuiiH the p.i.i1itfiN at Ihe aime fcw rate a heret fire, frgiher with the f II nving Premium t iirw i1trrilera. 1 KUAIS A.M) PUKVIIUM.S itst of Premium Votumet btlow Ter ann For any una nf the four Ueviewiand ne ft am. !. V) no any threa two 7 1 0 Fr all f ur the Revtewa two " t w F.-r Hl'icrtvvo-'d'ai M iHHzine " 'ne 11 3 00 For ULtrkiv (Ml M.-d three Kevirwa three 11 0 'HI Knr lilacku- nhI A the f ur Keviewa threa ' 10 00 P mime nit I be mailt t. alt case nt ail van ft Mmey current in thi State where issued will he rwiirni at par, Thv Prrniinma 7Hitiat f tba full i wine wnrki. Kick V luntca H' which w'll b given tn new Iurc-l-era acer ditift t-i the number f periudicula nrdrcdt aa abova ex piaiueu :as PREMIUM VOLUMES. Pnanax QvAiTtELBT Rrvikw ( ue year ; KWit-iu'i Masaxinb ( in mth?) leslD M Q0a.BlKBLT Kbvibw t nim yeai). F.Dixama Hbvibw ( na ye'ir). MbthopislItak Uabaikib (iu m nih) Wbstmikotbb KBViKW(me yeui). C'Htat-cutiva Pre uium V'tlimtei cit'.n'it in nil cm funiih-d. except of l hi Foreign Ju;irirl Review. To prevent diKtpifinitment. Iherd'ore. wheic tluit w it if imt arne wanted, huhai rihs?ra will pleuac tnt.r h inuny dilTfi 9Ht v rlt fur preiniunw ua I here are volvinra Iu which they muy be entillel. CLUBB'NQ. A diarount of twantr-ftve per lt. from tha ab va pH cea will Ise n Unwed Clulia nrdertna four nr m we H'lea nf any 'r m va i-f the alnve wurka. I hut: Pmr epir'' ltarkwnd. nr f ! Itevivw, will he Bent t" i-iis? mi item Mr ; f,mr rnv nf tha four ReviawB aiul pdstage. In mII the nrinjinal Citieaand T witi. theae wnrkti will he delivered. trrniBh Afitta. PKFK OP pitPTAGK. When aent hv mail, tha Pnatiige t any pormf the United Pfntea will le bnl Twrtt -Four I ral a tt for ninrVw d." and but Twelve I enta year fnr each nf the iWvievve. Rem 'tancet and e unmouicationB ahnuld alwayt ba addieaa.4, p lai-pain, M trw PuUiahcrv, LEONARD PC0TT k CO., SI OOI.O UTRKET. NF.W VORK N. n I. St. k. Co. have reeentlv ,ullishet. and have ow f ail". llie-PRMKItti r.L'lDK," .v llenrj Hia. Kn. ns. i rrfiiunurien. ana rroi. a-inn. s Yule oaiepe, ew Havai,e imnlne in heir ls, mval tei'ivi, s 'Uiiuiit lasinnvea. II steal and (sj wiaal e.ajravings. Pries iu iQiis'in tiiialins. S. rw-Thn w is T thenvi "tin nf tha rsna," laieiy asspaciTATroeiai inr-iwu iifMai ins .naisct. rew Yivs, lieceniOaf Tl, IbH. VlvT. P. PCTT3, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market tlrett, hebv 13A, nor(A Sid's, fHaD!!LPHIA. Phila.. Doe. 30. IH54 ly. HENRY P0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oics oppositt Iht Conrt House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. Prompt attention lo business iu adjoining outilies. WTILEY'S C0U0J7 CAXUY. An .irel w V lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this office. Decemlier 4. ISA.. A RASOLR of si. sorts. Umhrallaa. carpel nag a. wplnw baak.ta and cellar sis all kind, just receivtal and for sals by WM. A. KN'ABB. Lower Austista. May A. . . f WARD WARE and Qussmswar. in greet va rvsttes and of all oeeeripliana. jusl reoeieed ana roe sai. by WM.A.KNABB Lew AaU, Mar tUi THE AMERICAN'S FRIEND I ! IIOLLOWAVS PILLS. To the Cifixns of the UnittA Statrt: I man huiuhly and sincerely thank fua for the Immense patronage winch you have lieemwtd pntimy Piha. I tufce tins opportunity of stilling that my Ancestors were sll American Cliiscnt, snd llrnl I entersllu fiarsll th it eoucei us America and the Americans, the nnaH lively sympaihies. so much sthal I iTiginall 'e.nnpnunded theaa Pi Is espreaaly to suit ymir climate, kalrlis, c aiBlitotioiiB, snd inan.iar of living, intending to establish inyseti among you, wtiulil have now done, by using preiaisca iu .Nsw V'orS. THOMAS II01.LOWAY. 69, Corner of Ann snd Streets, Mew York. PURlFlCATloFoF THE BLOOD, LIVER Al BILuluS COMPLAINTS. The Ciliiem.if the Union suffer much from diseases e the Lives snd Stomach, scarcely snv are fiee t'nam the inAueuce nf iheaa destructive m.iladiea. hence they fui fast. The sex. oeihansthe traart handsome in thi World, up to a eerbiin period wheu, distressing tossy, many I aise their teeth und so at l.niks. while yet In the hevnnv nf life, auch end evils mnv lie effect it.i tlv remedied by continually keeping the Mood pore, ami the Liver and Smmach iu a healthy action, when life will flow sinnnthly, ana reseiunie plants in a n nigeiuai cume, wnerc hiii-icrum spriua appeirs 10 reig i As it regaids the presesvnti n of the human frame, and the durti a of life, much mny be effected, and I siy fenrlrssly, thai health and lite ran be prnhinged for many ve-irs beyond their ordinary limits, if lloll iwa.'a Pills are lak-n to piitily the bhvaj according lite lulea laid down for health contained iu the dire-tione which accompany each Ir-x. A C ASK OF WF.VKE3 AVDDSBtMTY OFTF.N YEARS STANDING, CURKD BY HULLOWAY'8 PILLS, Copy of a Litter from Cnplain John Johnson, Astor House, iVtw York, tlatta January Sth. 18J4 To Professor IIollowat, !, Comer o Ann andd Wassaa Streets, N . Y. Sir' It is with the m" heartfelt pleasure 1 have to inform yoa that I have been restored to health aud strength by Ink int ynur Pilla For tha last ten years, 1 suffered finin a derangement nf the Liver and Stomach, nnd waa reduced tn sm h sn extremity that I gave up my Ship, never expectinc tn gi to Sea any m na aa I had tried every itemeay tnnt wns recommended to me, Itut an in no pur p. ae ; and had given myself up to depair. when I was at Inst rec 'mmended to take voui Pills. After using them for three mouihB . the result ia that I am now in Iwttcr health than I have been for eleven yenra prisr. and indeed as well aa ever I wns i.i mv I'fe Yon ere quits ul liberty m muKB tnis xiaiwn lor tna nenent ,s oin-ia. I remain, Sir, yours reBpeetfnllv, (Signed.) JOHN JOHNSON. These celebrated Pills art wnndei fully tlTua ciom in the following tomvlaints. Ague Drnpsv Inrliitniiialion Asthma Dysentsry riilinus Cmplaiiita Kryaiiwlaa Blotches on Ihe Female Irrega- Jaundice Liver Cnia- pbiiutB f.iiuihngo Pilea Rheumatism Keteuti-ai of I'riiie Bcorfnla. nr King's Evil Secondary Skin larities R wel Cnmplaiuta Fcveisofsll Cnhca kinds Cnusiirailinn of Fife the Bowels Gnat Consumption lland-schs Debilitv In.lieation Sre Thr lata Stone and Gravel Tic D 'uloureux Tumours Symi ms 1'lcera Venereal Affceti'ma Worms nf all kinds Weuknesa. from whaiever cause Ac. Ac. Sold at the Karabliahmeiit of Professor IIolloway. till Slnind, (near Temple Hnr, liondnu.) nnd also at hia Mouse in New York. Orders for Medicines in the Slates, nddres ad T. H dlowny. New York.1 will receive due atte.utinn 8 dd lis by all reapectnble Diuggitta and Dealers iu Med. iciues tiimughoiH the t nited Slates, in Boxes at n7 cents. S7 cents, and 81 ..VI cents ench T la) hnd Wholesale of the principnl Drug Houses iu the ruiou. 0 There ib a eonsiderabla saving by taking the larger V . riiectinna fnr the guidance of patients in every li.a i Vi nre nflixed to each box. June HI, 1MI. 6m. NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. IJJ SIM ON'. Isle of the firm nf S. Schnurrnan & Co., reaiwoifnlly informs the citizens of Sunbury and vuiuity, thnt he will cntilinue the shove hiisinesa in the old stand in Market street, with sn entire new stork of goods, which are on the way from the city. He will nlao be prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em ployment lor that nurpose. If e therefore re-pect-fuMv solicits Ihe pnlronnKe of the public. Sunbury, Sept. 16. 1854. tf. . Jr. V is) a ee AM M CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STOrkE No 72 North Srcoud S'rret, (oppositt th iilount Pernor) House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Wutrhcs, full jeweled, 18 K, cs. ses, .S ; Siber Lever di do.. 12; Sil ver l.epine, do., !9 : Qnarlier. If 5 to $7 : Gold Sped aclea. $4 5(1 to -$10; Silver do., $ I 80 ; Silver Table Spoons per eelt. $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do.. !' lo ? 1 1 ; M.vcr Tea do. ; do.. $1 75 to $7 50 ; (iold I'eua ami Oold Ca , 'l 45 to $5 ; Cold Pens and Silver do.. $ I; together with a variety of Tine liolil Jewelry, io'd Curb , (iuardand Fob Chaina. All goods arrsti'ed to be ss represented. Watcbea snd ewelrv, repaired iu Ihe heat manner. Also, Ms- sonic Murk a, Pins. Ac., made lo onb-r. N. li. All nrliers sent bv mail nr otherwise. will be punctually sttemled lo. Hlnla., Kept. 10. 1854. y. CHOICE GROCERIES. BURTON & FENT0N, S. II. corner Sixth nnd Arch rtrettt, PHI l.Af.Kl, rill t, HAVING refttlrj ll.cir Store (new, snd re plenished their stock !v the addition o every thing wanted in a Srlect Family t!rn-crv Stot. so aa in make up a full and most complete assortment, now offers for. sale to Iheir friends and the public on the bet terms the following excellent Goods, vii: Jellies of all kinda; Pre erves; Fresh Fruila in bullies and tin cans White ('lover Honey ; L itour and other bran 'r it Olive Oils; Siierm and "tearine 1'aiidles; a'i the beat brands of (Jr.x-erios ; Crackers, with a choice assortment of all the staple articles, which will he sold al the lowest prices. Pitas, give us a vail. BURTON & FENTON. Family Grocers end Tea Dealers, 8. W. cor. Si x tit sod Arch ats. Phil., April 7, 1855. ft ly. FRENCH TRUSSES. J " ERNIA or Rupture aucressfully treated, and I J comfort insured, by use of the elegnnt French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made In order expressly for his sales. All sufferine with Rupture will he gratified lo learn that the occe.ion now olfers to procure a 'I russ com hi nine; extreme luhtnraa, with eaae. durability and correct construction, in lieu nf Ihe cumbrous and uncomfortable article nauallv sold. .n extensive aas.irtmenl alvvaya on hand, adap ted In every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and fr aale at a range of price to auit all. Coat of Single Trusses, $2, $3, $4, and $5 I Double, $4. $5, $6. $ ami $10. Persons at a distance esn have a Truss sent to snv sddress by remitting the amount, sending messure s round the hips, snd ststing side affected. ror aale Wholesale Sl Retail by the linwrter. C A LEU II. A r. tlll.KS, Cor. Twelfth dt Rare atreeta, Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. llanningj Iioproxcd Patent llody Drare; Chest Expander and Erector Braces ; Patent Shoulder llracea ; Suspensory Uandagea; Spinal Props and upporta. Ladies' llooms, with comielent lady atlendants. Phils.. Ms'ch 31, 1855. p3m. HENRY B. FUSSELL, jttvcrACTCaka or Umhrellaa Parasols, IN EVERT VARIFTV. AT THR OLD STAND, M. Jorth Fourth St., Philadelphia. IXy-Lonstsnlly on lisnd a Isrge sssnrtmen lo which th stteiitinn of Dealers is requested. Phila.. Sept 18, 1854. L. L. BE VAN, SHAlflCKIlT HOTEL, Ehamokin Pa. 'MIR suWriber begs leave tn inform his Iriends I end Ihe publie generally, that be haa taken Ihe above well known stand, and will he happy to accommodate all who msy give huu a call. Shamokin. Jul 8, 1854. ANN' LETTER PRESSES, with ii nooaa.1 na, ami ait ct etpieisi, jum nrnvm, i , . ,i . . i i : I sud lor sal by II. U MASSES. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. SHOES. A U kind of Boou shoe and u psr lor sal by ' u. at iu. Market strs4, opposiie th Feet Offio BaBPtRT. Oct t, ISM ' ' lust Published nnd for Bale! bj WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, Dunuury, 1 a. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT t Being a collection of approved declarations, writ, returns and proceeding ia th Mvtral actions MS io us in tb United 1st.. , fit CotLIKSOM Rccd, Esq., If tat irgis viva vox With note end additions, together with a shot evstem ol eonv.vsncint. By A. Jordan, Pte ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa.. sn.l Wm. M. Rockefe (er end M. L. r?hindcl. of the bar of Northumberland county Sines the publication of the book, th following letter hss been received from Judge resrson oi Harrisburg I IlAaaisivao, June au, iooj. GlXTLtfttSi After a careful eisminalion of your "Amer ican pleaders sssistsnt," I take pleasure in ex- presaing my entire approval ul Ihe Election anc. composition of the precedents thus offered to the public. J he legal profession in rennsyivania elands in need of a correct sy stem of pleading, adapted to our habita of business, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of dec'srationa being, to a great extent, founded on the acta of asiembly will tie e sving of labor to the pleader, snd con duce to aafef and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hsnds of every practising lawyer in our stst. Yours, with grest respect, JNO.J. PEARSON. Pjn. A. Jordsn, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. "hindel. Esquires. W. McCarts, Esq., Desr Sir: I received more than a ago a copy of -Heed. s Pleaders' Aeeistsnt" improved by Judge Jordsn and ethers. I examined it with some csr. soon aftrrwards, and have had occa sion to us. it aeveral times since. I think it de cidedly valuable es a tnatiuel for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were generally used it would increase tho accuracy of the profession in metiers which sre often very carelessly done. I em very truly yours, &e., J.S. I) LACK. I slso received a copv of the Pleaders Assist ant, snd hsve exsmined it sufficiently to enable me to concur very heartily in the above cominen dations by the Chief Justice. GEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19. 1854. Sunbury. July 2!l, 1854. Chciip Watches Jeweln V MTIIOLESALE snd Retail, st the "I'hiladel. T phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA, Gnlil lver Watches, lull jeweled, in carat cases. i28,nn G .klliine IfS. it (HllFine !ilver Snrxliiclee. l.Sd Silver lain, full jewllerl, l?fl lfii.1.1 llrneelets. 3.0(1 Silver l.fvrr, full jcv.-l'd 14 I ndirs' Gnlil Peneila, I.ISI f-npcii. r (Jnunieis, 7 Silver Tea spoons, set, 5,00 Gnld Sipertaelea, T.ISlI Golil Pens, wilh Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Oold Finger Pings, 37 cents to $80; Watch Ulniises, plain, 12 J cents; Patent. IR; Lunet, 25; other srticles in proportion. All goods war- rsnted to he what they sre sold for. STALTFER & HARLEY, On hs.nd, some Cold snd Silver Levers snd Lepincs, still lower then the above prices. Sept. 30, 1854. lv. Liquid Glue. 4 LWAYS resdy for use. A new article of the greatest utility snd convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household Ornaments ol either t'orrclsin or Glsas. It is preferable to any other cement used, aa it leaves no mark where the pieces join. It will be found a very great saving of money iu repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in buttle, a 23 cents esch, or $2 a dozen. All orders promptly executed. WM.G. MASON, 504 Cheatnut street, Philadelphia Phils.. Oct. 14, 1854. tf. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. K2A Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality rCIt SALE AT TUB LOWEST CASH PRICKS, AT WM B ELTONHEAD'S, So. IS4 South Second street, between Pint and Union, west side, PHILADELPHIA. 'PIIK assortment einornc cs a ljirt;e and Meet Stock nf 1 l ute Walchea, Jewell y, silver Wars, Albaw Ware, plated with tine Solver, in Sponna, Forks, Ladles, Ac.- Jvt G mils, puns aud Vaucv Arlicteanla aiinerlri Quality deserving the esniniuuti n nl' those who desire to procuie lie liesl pitaals at the l'Wesl I usn I'rlces. Ilnvine a practlcnl kimwleitae of the husiness, and all avuiLihle iacilnies tor liurmrtiug and Mnuulactnrine, the aulawriner cinfuleutlv invites purchasers, hrlicviiut that he (mii supply them on terms aa liivunihle a. any other eatab lislonent in either nf the Atluntie Otice. CF All kiinls of Oiam md ami Pearl Jewelry and Silver Wure ninnuractured to order, within a reasonable lime. ir Watches, Jewelry and Mlver ware laiintailr re paired. No. 181 South 2d St . a few d.urs atwve ihe lid Market Weal Side tV In the South window nf the Store, may he seen ths fum ua BIRD CLOCK, which commands the adiniraliun nf theaeieiitine and eurinns. Phila, Oct. 7, 1641 ly WM. M'CARTY. BOnKSGLLKR, Market Street, SUNBURY, FA. JL'ST received and for ssle, a frsah supply riv .iurjs.iv.u infoiv for Singing Schools. H is slso opening at his time, a Urge assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children Hooks. Bibles ; School. Pocket and Family, both siilh ami without Engravings, and every of vnv tv of 13 i lull ne. Prayer Books, of sll kinds. Also iuat received and for aale, Punlons Di gest of the law. of I'snnsy hsnis, edition ol 1831 oiii-o onlv f 6.00. Judue Reads edition of ISIarkstones uommen sries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold et f 10,00, ind now offered (in fresh binding) st th low price of 18,00. A Treatise on the laws of I'ennsvlvanis re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F liordon. mice only $1.00. Irs vela, Voyage anil Adventure, an oi which will he sold low, eithsr for cash, or coun try prod uc. February, 21, 185?. U. TO CASH BUYERS. EAILT ftTBROTHa?., No. 253 CAMrnui street, above Ulk Philadelphia, llsv i.ow opn a larg stock of CARPETINGS, Einaracing tb new and leading atvlea in Yet vet, Tspesiry, Brussels, Ingrains, Stair Carpets. Oil Cloths, tVc. all of which will be told at th lowest cssh prices. WHOLESALE & RETAIL Phila., Sept. 9, lS4. ly. l. s. rvxcoAST. Tine. c. sxieuT S; L, FANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ASD DFALEKS IN Fish and Provisions asaiBsiLT, J.o. 17 Jfortk IVharvtt, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Pept. 18, 1S54. BLANKS. t ot .very dMrrintion c jrmlANK5 ot every dMrription caa k hsd Wy mw ipl-Wne at tha office of tb Aanerira.. SILVER WATCHES. A few double ess English Silver Welch, for aale al wary Vow prteet by H. B. MkoGSm- Bswssiry, AprJ it, lUl IlEKVU I..KIMCJIIT, Burrttter re Uwrtlty 4 Knight. BEDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, iVo. 141 SovtA Second Sfrtrf, tvf rfoori ebov Sprue if reef, PmisASB-LTHTA A7"here he keeps constantly on band .a full v assortment of .very arlicl in bis line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled' hsir, Mom Corn Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, Ta pestry, Tapestry, lirusatls, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Ksg anil Hemp Curpetingt, Oil Cloths, Con ton Mattings, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stsir Druggets. Hearth Kugs, Door Ms's, Table and Piano Cover. To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchssers. Phils- Oct. 7, 1854. ly. New Goods for the People ! BENJAMIN IIEFFNEU RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he ha Just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods st his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stork consists in part of Cloths, Castimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Calicoes;, Gingham, Lawni, Moussellne De Laluea and alt kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries;, Also an assortment of Ilnrdvrare. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also sn excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a gooJ selection. Salt, Fish, fcc. And s great variety of other srticles such ss sre suitable to the trsde, sll of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Xf Country produce tsken in exchange e the highest prices. Lower Augusts, Msy 6, 1855. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line, lyTOTICE is hereby given, that all persons found trespsssing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will he dealt with sccording to the act of Assembly in such cases made snd provided. H. 1). MASSER, Pres't Phils, and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1854. tf. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. J- MacLELLAN. (late of Jonea Hotel,) haa llin tiltaanr tn infnrm hia fripnds and he traveling community, that he has leased thia House for a term of years, and is now prepared tor the reception of Guests. I he Local advantages of this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in rst rate order : the rooms are large and well ventilated. The Tables will always be supplied with the beat, and the proprietor pledges himself that no effort on his part shsll be wanting to make the United States equal in comforts to any Hotel in the Quaker City. fhiia., July 8, 1854 SAMUEL S. FETIIERST0N, SCALER IN amps, Lanterns, Chandeliers and Candelubras, No, 152 S. 2d street, above Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. YT sving enlsrged snd improved his store, snd having one nf Ihe largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Csmphene, Burning Fluid, Lard ml Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, Glass Lsmps by the package, at a small advance over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine Oil, Hunting r lutd and A Icohcl, which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions st the lowest market pricea. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. REMOVAL. Light: Light! Light! M. n. IH'IITT & KF.XT have removed to their New Store aud Factory, iVo 74 South Second Street, l'UILADEM'HIA. (Five doora below their old stand ;) Having increased facilitiea, we oiler to Mer chants and others, Gaa Fixturea and Lamps of every description, and st the lowest Msnufae. turer's prices, and unsurpassed in quapty or ap- pearanc by any in the country- Our dock em brace DYOTT'S PATENT PINE Oil LAMPS. the best in the tcorld) Burning fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chande tiers, for Gas, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Glsases, W icks, Pins Oil it Fluid, wholesale and retsil. Merchants and others will find it to their sd vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri ces. OT Psrtieulsr attention given to fitting up Churches and other public building. Phils. October 7, 1854. ly. JOHN V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, STJNBTJHV.PA- RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers thai be has just received from the city a new end complete ass rtment of Mens Wearing rfpparel, which he will make up to order, or eell, as chesp as any other estsblishment in the place, aa he ia determined to permit no one to undersell him. His goods ere choice, end carefully selected from the best in the Philadelphia market, and they will o mid up in th beat and I a teat style and warranted. Hia dock consists in part of hand- som Maraeile and Silk Duck and other Linens for Coats, die. Also, a variety f Cloths, Lasstmere, Cravats, Neck I tss, and a variety of other articles for Mens' wear. Sunbury, June 10, 1854. tf. T00T8 and Shoe for Men, Women snd Children, Ladies' Morocco Shoes, Ladies' black and colored Gaiters, just received and for sal by WM. A. KN ABB. I.SKtr Augusta, May 0, 1854. T3I.ANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgagee, Bond, Executions, Summons sVc. for ssle b H. B. MASSER. Sunbury . Apr! tS. 18ft!. riATENT BKITTAKIA STOPPERS for I bar bottle for ssls by H. B MA88ER. Sunbury, April, It, IAS! I A DIES' Dress Goods. Spring and Sumnu ' A Shawla. Black silk, silk poplins, D. Lsine. Ginghsms. De hsg. Lawn. nd c.heo. lust ns civladforl.bT WM. A. KNABK. Un Augusta. Mv . ISM. BOUND nd t man. Nutme LlaeW y0UNG.a STORE. fexr. IS1, CLOCKS Eight day nd SO hour Iron and LEfr.U cm hWGround Aug, Msy iM "AID AND COMFORT -To Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE REKN. MAHCraCTCfttR OP FURNITURE AND CffAIR& Of the most Fashionable Etrle. 'THE subscriber respectfully call. th. attentUt f the public to hi larg and iplandid assort, ment of every quality and price of VAniNET-WARK. which cannot fail to revonunend itself teerery on who will examine it, on account of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, made ud of tk. heat atnrk tn k h..l I- kt F " ' y. , 7 : "-J- o snort is spared in the insnufacture of his ware, and Id. .UUH.HUCI is ucivi milieu ia Keen tin h Ik .1.. msny improvements which are constantly bsitia msde His stock consists of Mahogany 8ofYiii, OlvotiM and Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards SOFA, BRbAKFAST AND D1MMJ TABLb and also Venetian blinds, equ.i to pm. delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS WORK AND CANDLE STANDS TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He else manufactures sll kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had bi Sunbury, uch ss MsnoaAni, Black Walxst AXr Ct'KLKn MaILR GrICIAK A!H WV(,tg CHAIRS, Asn rAirct Piaxo Stools,. ,',c'i n, of the latest tyls, and warrnted to lie excelled by non manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.! The subscriber i determined thtt .there shaM be noeicus for persons to purchsae furnipjre ini the cities, as every confidence can lie enter'eo.-U, bout the quality snd finish of his ware sad Chairs. Hie articles will be disposed of on ss good terms as they csn be purchsscd elsewhere. Coun try Produce tsken in poyment for work. ZF UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hsnss, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending ftiner- ala, in this virinity, or at any convenient di tance from this place. iy The Ware Room is in Msrket 8treeL below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tsvera. CiEOKUE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 18SS. tf. DOCTOR YOlnSKLFI THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. rpiIE EIFTIETH EdV - lion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Mulformstions of the Human System in every shspe and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Disesses of Females, bring of the highest importance t married people, or those contemplating marriage. Ily Ur W in. Young" Let no father be ashamed to present a copv o the .ESCL'LAPIL'S to his child. It may s'sve him from an early crave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of miir ricd'life without reading the POCKET SOU LA PIUS. Let no one suffering from hsekniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous' feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, lie snollicr moment without consulting Ihe .ESCUI.AI'IUS. Hsve the married, or those about to be marriei? any impediment, read this truly useful book, ss it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creaturea from the verv jawa nf death. CP" Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dp W VDb'N'C', No. 153 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. Post psid. July 25. 1854 ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Flora ths Franklin Institute, Pliilnilslphia, ftou ra American I minute, New York, anil FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 If 166 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mass. aud Weslfield, Muss. Portrait Psinting and Talbotyping, tn th highest state of perfection, done in all the above Establishments. Sky-Lights used in all the establishments. Miniatures tsken equally as well by them ks cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., Msy 37, 1854- tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WE'lSF.R & BRL'NER. Thi prepsiation is recommended aa an ex cellcnt laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re. sembling lemonido in flavor. This medicine is highly heneficiel for diseases peculiar to sumrue and hot wealher. Sunbury, July 1, 154. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON, TJESTECTFL'LLY informs the citizen, of the Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has permsuanily located himself iu said Borough; and oflora hia profc.inual services to those who msy wish to employ him. For the present he can be found at Weavera Hotel. Sunbury, March 11, 1854. if. D RY GOODS, Clothe, Casaimers, Sadinetts, cord. Ticking., Check., Muslins, Ac, juat ree'd and for sale b) WM. A. K.XAliB. Lower Auguata, May 6, 1854.- "jTkR. H. H. IIIGBEE'8 remedy for coughs -a"-' colds, and pulmonary disease.. A aupply of this valuable medicine just received and for sal by H. B. MASSEK. Sunburv. June4 , 1853. II ATS AND CAPSA splendid lot ef fsahionsble Silk. Wool end Fur Hats, also Cloth. Far, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for ssle low by G. ELSBERG4 CO. Market street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 GOLD PENS with end without caac, ef a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal by H. B. .MASSER. Sunbury. Dee. 87. CHAIN PUMPS.- A small number of these excellent pump hsve ba received .nd are ofTereH. for ssls by H. B. MASSER. SjnBurv. June 4, IS53. HATS and Caps, Silk, Beaver, Fur fend Slouch, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Chip for men and boys. Ladie Bonnets ef all slylso, just received snd for sal by Mvf.l54. WM. A. KNABB. JEWELRY A nir assortment of (iald aud Silvsr Pencils and Pens, for sal. chesp by O, ELSBERG A CO., Market street, opposite lb. Post Office 8unbury, OcL S. I85J. SMITH S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. CER, a fresh eupply just received, and for sal by If. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1851. ti "COR sale at this effios, Superior Black Iat, Caul .Medicine tt U Ms, Pore Enta. mi Oiavrs. Steal