at 1 r 2 THE SILENT FAREWELL MH.t, TrcKKIlMAR. When slurry grins from lTrnvcn nre end The) winds awake no kndl, When rose-leaves full before tlio Wast Birds sing no sad farewell ( When waves tlioir p:rl;les censo to throw Upon tlio pebbly tdiure, When sunset lines no longer grow, And green boughs wnvo no more, No words at Nuture's shiino art, brentlied, She silently Inyg down Tlio garland th tit lier tetmiles wreatlicil, And takes tlio withered crown Hut in lier mystic circle's rnnge There lurks a quiet spell, Where time and beauty interchange Their eloquent farewell. And so when 1 nin called to loso Communion sweet and dear. And feol no more its holy dews My weary spirit cheer, Ah. streams that drooping willows shade From sunshino turn aside, Let me from joys thy presence mado A mournful silence glide. Items of $l'cfos. In some portions of Ankansns the corn is eaid to be five and a half feet in height, and still growing at a rapid rate. It is said thai nenrly 1.000,000 of bushels of oats have arrived Bt Buffalo and Oswego, rs. Y., since the navigation opened. Akind ncielibor is not one who does linlf n dozoii great fuvors iu ns many years, but the Uocr or UUlo every uny kina actions. To GiRia. "Tlio secret you daro not tell your mother is a dangerous secret, one that will be likely to bring you sorrow. Sgcrkt sorrow is like those destructive in- crp'!ients which we aro forced to conGne and ical up, but which corrode iu the vessels in which they are contained. If you are backbitten and annoyed, take example, by your boots which, though black- cned every day, shine the more brightly, and wmcu endure every rub without a murmur. The shin Great Republic, on her late vov. age from London to Marseilles, run 342 miles on the third day out, with royal studding-sails tat. Labor Sales. Tho land sales of the Illi nois Central ltailroud last month, amounted to 8580,000, and for five days of this month to 8120,000. Tho lladley, (Mass,,) Manufacturing Com pany, it is said, have just succeeded in making a nice article of paper from broom corn stalks, wtnch lias been patented. IItdroimioiiia. Mr. Youatt, the celebra ted cattle dealer, tins cured more tuan 400 cases of persons bitten by dogs, with muriate of silver, which, in every instance, prevouted any symptoms of hydrophobia. Tim Om)est Taper in America. The seveuth year of publication on the lztu mst. It is said to be the oldest paper in the United (states, ana one of the oldest in tlio world Land Warrants. Among the claims al lowed is a lanre number for 80 acres, tho plate for which is not yet engraved, neither will the Pension Office receive it until about the 2d of July next, so that claimants of that class will have to bo patient. It is harder to avoid censure than to gain applause; for this may be done by one great or wise action in an age ; bat to escape cen sure, a man must pass his whole life without saying or doing ouo Hi or looiisu thing. Interesting Debate. The following sub ject is proposed for debate, at a meetiug of a society at uoeiiester, A . x . : " uo nave the most to fear, the uninsured from fire, or tbe insured Irom tlie bursting ot insurance compauies r 1ULC11 iNKEUKD. j. DOW paper mill. 11. 1b r x t ;n ii i anirt ia al-ii-titf 1 n l.a oli.i.ln1 tiai, llnvtnti .i . ii i . , much needed. The printers of thut city pay from 82000 to 83000 per week for pnper ot wu.v, u ...iwi.oiitiiwiw v. .. io tne present time. Arrnoi'RiATE Location's. A N'ew Haven (Ct.) paper remarks that, in that city, the Medical Colleire is on the road to the ceme tery, the Divinity College on the road to the poor-house, aud the Law School on the road to the juil. Dki.awarr and Maryland Railroad Com- panv. The amount of stock required to authorize the formation of this company, the Kaston Star informs us. has been subscribed, and the subscribers are to assemble at Kas ton on tho 14th July, to effect the organiza tion as requirea ny mo charter. Ashes both dry and leached, are a good manure for dry und sandy loams also, for dry peaty meadows. But the are not suita ble for heavy aud clayey loams because their mechanical operation is to reutler all soils more compact and more capable ol retaining nioibture. miu. l Hourjitman. Gov. ('lark, of Now York, hna rmrilnnprl a man named lliggins from the penitentiary of I Sieve, Riddle, Screen and ll'tV Cloth Munu . BocheBter on condition that ho shall "wholly facturers, jYo. 40 AWi Front St., Corner ubstaiu from using intoxicating liquors except in KaHB ui BtcautiHB, wiiLMi piescrioeu uy a reg ular practising pnysicmn. ' Remarkable Rkstoration or Siont. About forty years ago, sayg a Chester, Eng land, paper, Owen Williams, of liodedern, Isle of Anglesey, became perfectly blind, and remained so until last Easter, when his sight was suddonly and unexpectedly restored, lie is now ill bis 92 year. Beating John Bull. Cant. Rodman, the commandant of the Ordinance Department ct Baton liougtt. La., has inveuted a machine by which sixty Minnie ritle jails per minute can be cast. The English machine casts only forty per minute. The Ordinance De partment at this place is also manufacturing Minnie rifles. This is done by effecting cer tain changes iu the common rifle. Elections. Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri and 'IVxas hold tho elec tions on the first Monday in August, Teuues sue on the firtt Thursday, and North Caroli na on the second Thursday of the same month. On the second Monday in September the -lection in Maine occurs, und that of Vt-r-Diout on the first Tuesduy of the tame month. An Old Bird. As some masons were ef fecting repairs in a house in the Hue Mi-rei-ere, iu Lyons, they surprised, iu its nett, where it was apparently expiring from old age, a swallow, having round its Huck a chain bearing a little silver plate, with the following 'Ala engraved on it : "Ludovicus Marguii taj lidels, 1749." Mint Sauce. Many of our country friends do not know what a luxury they deprive themselves, of when (hey eat lumb.either boil ed or baked, without mint sauce. Set a few root of spear mints in one corner of the ear den, and they will soon furnish an abuudaut apply Strip off the leaves and chop tht an Due, add an equal amount of sugar, aud cov fii e,w1hol8MTiuegar. A small teaeup. lull or the mixture is sufficient for a large fam ily. Iry this, and see if it hi not prlrble to peasy gravies Ohio Cultivator, AN ASTOUNDING FACT. Elsberg's Clothing Store Again! ELSBERG (late O. Elsbcrg & Co.) wish's lo announce to the inhabitant of Norlhumlicrlond county, and the public in gen eral, that he hna removed his elegant and cheap Clothing Store a few doors east from the former store, to a new capacious building. The remo val was necessitated bv the former store being too ainull to facilitate the still increasing traJo at this widely known store. Being thankful for pnst patronage, I hope to deserve it for the future till more by serving you with accustomed fideli ty and increased alacrity. ' In order to suit every one that calls, I have laid in a stork of clothing, gents furnishing goods, and alt other goods in my line on a most exten sive scale, also made arrangements with my bro ther in Philadelphia, to send every thing new and fashionable as soon as produced, so that my slock will lie replenished every few weeks. In extent, variety, elegance, quility and cheapness, my stock surpasses every thing "the oiliest inuab itant" ever heard tell of ill this part nf tho co-jn- trv. "To see is to believe," and as I invite eve ry body to call and see and examine my stock. before purchasing elsewhere. It is a treat to see and examine such an elegant, good, cheap stock of goods. My stock consists in part of Dress, Frock, Sack, Business and all other kinds of Coats, made of cloth, cashmarette, cassimere, linen, flax and all other stuff of all imaginable colors, plain, fancy, striped and checked. Pants and Vests, of every style and pattern, low and high priced, as suited to the want of the buyer ; the largest and best assortment ever exhibited west of the mountains. A nice assortment of Boots and Shoes, gaiters and slippers, also ladies shoes, gaiters Sc slippers, A splendid lot of Hats and Caps, such as Pa' noma, Curracoa, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, Sen ate, Straw and Palm Leaf, different colors, fine silk hats, all colors of Wool hats, etc. etc. A good assortment of Shirts, collars, revolvers. single and double barreled pistols, frenoh and ger man Accordcons, all kinds of cravats, stocks and pocketliandkeTchieft, llmbrullaa, Carpet Bags, Trunks, and all kind of notions for ladies and gentlemen. Also an assortment of watches and Jewelry, all of which are warranted; the money paid for them, cheerfully returned if not as represented. All this stock will he sold at a small advance on crsh, so as still further to merit the name usually bestowed on my store, as being the cheap est in Sunhury or vicinity. So, remember the place, Market Square, nearly opposite the former l'ost Ulhce. A. EI.SBERG, Late U. Elsberg & Co. Runbury, April 21. 1855. To Officers. Soldiers. SEAMEN. &c. OF ALL WARS : their widows ana minor tnuaren. . D. MASHER, Attorney for Government Hutments, Kunhurv. Pa CONTINUES to irive nronint and personal attention to the prosecution of Cluims of every description against the (Jruerul Government, and particularly to those before the t reasury uepuriment, Tension and li Miiuy uina uureaus, Patent and General Land Office, and Hoard of Claims. An exnerieiieeuf vcars. and a familiar itv with the means of obtaiiiinir the earliest and moat favorable action Oil claims, with the facilities for the dispatch of business, justify him iu assuring his Correspondents, Claimants, and the l'nblic generally, that interests intrusted to his keen- ins win uoi be neglected. Pension. Bounti Land. Patent asd Public Lakd Law lie has nearly ready for gratuitous distribution among his busiueu Correspondents, (nnd those who may become sucn,; n neni painpniei containing a synopsis 01 mo ca- i hi in it 'riiBinn. iiouniv ianti. raieni. aim I'uuuu unim Laws, down to tlie end of the lata Congress iucluding Boflbty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855. me uislcr which all who have heretofiira received less than 100 acres are now entitled tn ndilitiuiuil land : said Act grants also 160 acres to all Officers, non-coininissioucd Officers, Chaplains, Soldiers, Witgon Maeters, Teamsters, and friendly Indians, nf the Army, including Slate Troops, volunteers, ami niililia and all OUicers, seamen, ordina ry teamen. Marines. Clerks, and Landsmen, of the Navy. not heretofore provided for, who have served not leas thnn fourteen days (utiles ill battle) at any perital since 17?f; and tn the widows and miuor children of all such persons entitled, mid deceased. 1110 pamphlet contains "Forms ai Application' mote full and complete than aiiT elsewhere to be found : adapted tn the wants of every class ol" Claimants under the act, witn copious decisions and instructions oi tne depart ment, and practical suggestions as to the ctMirse to be pur sues in sustained or relucted cases. Parlies not wishins to avail themselves of the fucilitles afforded by this Office in secunug prompt and personal superintendence of their claims at the Departments, can ohtatn copies of the aliove pamphlet by remitting thirty cent, in nnsince stamps. INiH CKMKNTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Coriesnoudenta who prepare and forward eases for management by this Agency will be dealt with liberally ; supplied wan an necessary blanks obstis ana Kept con stantly adviced nf the changes thai from time to time oc cur iu the execution nf the law. It is within the suhsciihers power to direct his Corre spondents to the locality of verv many persons entitled un der the late Act ; and having obtained a large uumlier nf Ijlllll Wnrrn.tta .....tor t.irm.r Ii. In .if I . . .. ... - " I .1 ,. ' I uaia mat will materia v assist 111 securniff additional I bounty. l'ees, below the usual rates and contingent upon the Bdinisfliono! uiuims. 1 he highest cash price given for IJind arronts, Re votutionnry rerip, aial Illinois laiui I'uteuts. AiKirrw ii. h ninr-r.ii. Suubury, la. .ii area 31, 1 too .41 NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOB THE SPRING 1855. ITVitE & LANDKI.l., 8. W. Corner of Fourth & Arch Sts., Philadeliihia, are fully prepared to suit buyers. Wholesale & Retail, with goods adapted to their wants and at the low est nett rash prices. Iilacl Sills, lirittish Prints, J-anry bo Kern Dress Goods, ft'eto Sjirinri Shawls, Plaid Ginghams, fjood Linens, Table Linens, JSorettie tn Lawns, Sheetings, j'tf. N. 13. Bargains daily received from the Auc tions, of New York and Philadelphia. P. S. Oil Boiled Black Silks warranted not to cut in wearing. Store-keepers supplied with those goods regularly. Phllada. March 3, 1855. w 3m 3 Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSON &, COX, of Coomb's Alley, betireen Market and Mullierry Arch) streets, PHILADELPHIA. ftONTINUE to manufacture of spperior quail v-' ty, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds. Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, cue. cylinders and Dandy ivolls covered in the bcit manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers. Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Brreen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps. Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, ij-c Fancy Wire Work of every description. Phila., Feb. 84, 1855 3m Watsos Defct. Thomas Depi t. J. S. DEPUY & SONS, .Vo. 223 Xorth Second Street, below Callowhill, and S. H'. t'onier Eighth and tyring Garden Streets, PHILADELPHIA, yiTOULD lespectfully inform their former " customers and others, that they have just laid in a splendid assortment of Carpets, Oil Clot lis, Mattings, Window Shades, Door Mats, Slc, Slc, at very reduced prices Wholesale & Retail. TAKE NOTICE. W will sell our goods as cheap as any other hruse of the kind in the city, Puila., April 7, 1855 w3ms 3raf. . BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS rpiIE subscriber having received the necessary forms and insructtions from the Department, at Washington, is prepared to procure Bounty Laud Warrants at the shortest notic. II. B. MA88ER. fuubury, April 7, 1855. BOOTS, Shoes, HaU, Caps and Uum Shoes, just received and for sale by Oct 7 1854. TENER $Co. Boarding! Boarding! A RS, WHARTON can accommodate 9 ot iV-M, 10 respectable boarders. iTocKiiout North-wast earner of Market Square, Snnliury. Parsons wishing a Couilprtault) holes will Dud this a tlsairaUU placaw , . 1 ; : . bunburjr, A pill 14, lS'j.if TAMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late , , rROFKMOR of Anatomy and Surgery In tha Thil siMplna College of Mmlcine, ami Acting Protestor of . , J. V. ' . ... """"'""g i nysirnns the rail ailelphia Hospital, Hinckley ; kit memorr nf the Nations! Mnlical Association member of the Philadelphia Medi cnl Society member nf the Medieo-Chinirclcnl Collee of Philadelphia formerly and Professor of Anatomy ami Kurgery In Uaatlelon Medical CoHcra, Ver mont and also, lute Professor of Anatomy and Physiol, ffty in Berkshire Medical Institution, 1'iltsnekl, Mass., Ac, Ac, o. ' mil lately introduced tn a pnpiilnr form several of his favorite prescriptions for the principal disease of this climate. The name nf each article will imply the disease for which it is intended to lie nsril. DR.McCl.lNTOCK'S PKCTORA1.SYRVP. Trice! DR. McCI.INTOCK'S rol l! All I'OlUill Ml THRU For Olds, Coin-hs, Ac. Price 25 cts. UK. MCCI.I TUCK'S ASTHMA AND HUOFIM, COUGH REMKDY. Price 50 cts. Dr. McCI. NTOCK'S) TIIMO AI.TKRNATIVR SYRUP For Purifvina- the Hliml. Price 1. DR. McCLINTOCK 8 DYHPKPTIO KI.IXtR For giving tone to tlie stomnch relieving pains after entiiiir heartburn, and nil disugreonble symptoms arising fiom iiionresiion iTicewi. Ull. MnCI.INTonK'H mtF.I'MATIR MlXTfRKA Purely Veeetnlile Remedy for internal use. Price Ml cts. UK. nicUI.I.VI'llCK'S ItliF.UM AT1C mmmknt For Kheumatwm. Pnrains. Swellings. Ac . Ave. Price 60 cents. Oil. McCt.INTOrK'9 ANnnVMK MIXTfRK Fnl Pains, Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia, Ac. Ac. Price SO cents. DR. McCi.INTOcR'A FF.VKR AND AfiVF. fPK- CIFIC A certain cure for all liitcrmitlcnts. Priced. Dll. McC . NTOCK'8 DIAKKIUKA CORDIAL AND CIKILKRA PRKVKNTIVK A safe rcmcily. DR. McCI. NTOCK'S VF.HKTA H.E PI ROATIVh PII.I.S. Foi Costiveucss, llcnibchc. Ac. Price 4.5 cts. DR. MeCLINTOCK'H A.Vl'ltlll.lOUS PIMA For I-rcinlarity in the I'lmrlioim nf the Liver and Dowels the best I.lver Pill made. Price '.25 cts. a box For snle bv Dr. J. McCLINTOCK. tit his Medical De pot, N W corner ninth mid Filbert sis , Philadelphia, ami at all Drnggis! nnd Dealers in Medicines. All Druggists and Dealers in Medicines who wish to be agents, will please adddress Dr. McClintock, furnishing rcicrcncc, npme of Post-Oflice. enmity and slate. Ir rorsaie ny weisrr iiriiner, rniiiinry nun pna mokin j Wm. Wcimcr, Nortliuinberlnnd ; C. Ilrowii, Mil ton H. P. Lntz, HI oomsbiirg j J:ieob Harris, lluekhoru John Vnnlccio, Liglit Street ; 1 Sluirpless Ic Son, Cnla- January I), 1855. flia. MATCHES! MATCHES!! JOHN DONNELLY, Ttf ANlTACTURER and inventor of Safctv Patent Siiunre Upriuht Wood box Matches. No. 100 FOURTH Stiect, (above Race,) Philadelphia. Matches havina become an indcspensiblc ai ti de in housekeeping, the suliscrilier after a great sacrillce ol time and money, is enabled to oiler to tho l uulic an article at once combining utility and Cheapness. I he inventor knowing the dan ger apprehended on account of the fliniav man ner in which Matches are generally packed in pa per, has by the aid of New Steam Machinery of his own invention, succeeded in getting up a SAEETr PATENT SQUARE UPRIGHT Wood Box ; this box is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more room that the old round wood box, and contains at least Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shippers is consid erable advantage ; it is entirely new and secure against moisturo and spontaneous combustion, and dispels all dancer on transportation by means of Railroad, Steamboat or any othe mode of Con veyance. X hcse Matches arc packed so that one gross or more may bo Shipped to any part of the World with perfect safety. They are the most desirable article for Home Consumption, and the Southern and Western Markets that has ever been invented. Dealers and Shippers, will do well to call and examine for themselves. t3F These Matches are Warranted to be supe rior to anything heretofore oncrrd to the Public JOHN DON N EI. I. Y, 100 North FOURTH St., l'hilad'a. rhila., Dec 10, 1854 0m. British Periodicals EARLY COPIES SECURED. O" Premiums to New Subscribers ! ! .' IXOOAUD SCOTT It CO., New York, continue to re publish the lollowing liritisii f eriotucuis, viz. : t. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conaervalive THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) a. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal ft. BLACKWOOD'S EDI N BURG MAGAZINE (Tory Tlie present critical itatc of European aftiirs will ren-ier thene publications iinunviiUy intureiliiiff during the toith comini? ytur. They will occupy u ntitUlle gmuml bftwecu the hnitily wntcu news-item!, crude Rpucubitioni,aiut fly ing lumuti nf the daily Journul, and ihtj ponderous Tome of the future historiun, written after the living interest and excitement if the great political events of the time liall have pnsied own v. It it to these Periodicals Hint readers mut look for the only really intelligible unit relia lile history of current events, and as such, in addition U their well-established literary scientific, and theological cnnntcier, we urge them upon me cuiiBiuerauou oi ream hit numic. 7 Arrani;(.Mnptits are now permanently made for the receipt ot i-.urly Sheets from the IJntieti l'uhiishers, ii which we are enabled to place all our Reprints in tl tittiids of subscriber.., about as soon usthey can le furnistied with the foreiiru conies. Althniiirh this involves a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the I'einxlicnli at the same low ratel ss heretofore, together WHO me loiiowuic t remiuins to new suiiscriiters. TERMS AND PREMIUMS. See list of Premium Volumes below 1 Per nun. For any one nf the four Reviews and one Prein. vol. S3 nil For any two " " one " S IKI For uny three , " two " 1 0 For all four is" tlie Reviews " two " b 00 For Hliu'kwoori's Alapziiis " one ' 3 00 For lllnrkwiKKl and three Ileviews three 11 0 Oil For Blackwood ic the lour Iteviuws three " 111 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advaiue. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par, Thv Premiums consist of the following works, bats, volumes of woirh will be iriven to new Subscribers accor ding to the number of pel iudicals ordered, as above ex plained!: . PREMIUM VOLUMES. Fore to !t Qitarteblky Rvikw (one year ; Blackwood's Masazini (six niomlis). Lond m ((uahierly Hkvikw (one yeai). KoiNDVRti Kkvikw (one year). Mktkofol)ta?i Magazine (six months). WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Olie yeMl). Consecutive Premium volumes cut. not in all ensra he furnisheil, except of the Foreign Quarterly Review. To prevent disappointment, therefore, wheie thut wmlf is not alone wautel, ISuIkm rilers will please irder as many differ ent works for premiums us there are vulcincs to which they may be entitled. CLUBBING. A discount of twentr-five per cent, from the above pri ces will be allowed to Clults oideriug four or more eonies of any one or more of the ubove works. Thus; Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Keview, will he sent to one address for St'.) ; four copies of the tour Keviews ami Blackwood for NO; and so on. POSTAGE. In sllthe priiuipal Cities and Towns, these wnrtcs will lie delivered, trrouKh Anents, FRfcK OF POSTAUK When sent by mail, the Potuige n uny purl of the L' lilted Elates will be but Twenty -Four Cents a year far "Uluckwood," aud but Twelve Ceuts a your foreocb of the Reviews. Reinitiances and eomniuiMcstions shoukl always be aduiessed, posl-)sud, lo the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 64 GOLD STREET, NEW YORK. N. B. -L. 8. Jr. Co. have recently publisheil, and have ow for Bile, the "FAKMFK'8 UI'IUK," by Henry ttto- Rhcns, of Edinhurirh, and Prof. Nortisi, of Yule Collefre, ew Ilaven, complete in two vols, royultictavo, oonunuiiif 1"0 panes, 14 sieel aud SuU wood eiujraviutjs. Price ia muslin binding, S4. r This work ia hot the old "Biv.k of the Farm," lately assuseiTATKD and thrown upon the Market. New York, December ii, Ib&l. . TO, F. P0TT3 IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, below 13A, nor (A side, PHIZiAZBZ.PHXA. ' Phila., Dee. 30, 1854. ly. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojjti opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining Counties. WWTILEVS COVGH C4NDY. .4 n excel V lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal at this office. December 4, 1853. PARASOLS of all sort. Umbrellas, carpet bags, willow baskets and cedar ware of all kinds, just received and for sal by WM. A. KNABD. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. HARDWARE and Queensware in great va rieliea and of all descriptions, just received and for sale by , WM.A.KNABB Lower Augusts, M ' 165i. . THE AMERICAN'S FRIEl'J 1 1 110LLOWAVS TILLS. To the Cithens of the United Slatet: I most humbly end sincerely thsuk yon for the immense pntronage which you have lieetMvr . . por, my Pills. 1 take this opportunity of stating that my Ancestors were all American citizens, snd that I entertsin for all that concerns America snd the Americans, the most lively sympathies, so much so that I originally compounded these Pills expressly to suit your eliinnte, habits, constitutions, and manner of living, intending to establish myself among you, wliloh I have now dune, by taking premises in New York. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 3, Corner of Ann and Nussua Streets, New York. TURIFlCATloFoF THE BLOOD, AND I.IVKR AND Rll.lOITR COMPLAINTS. The Citizen nf thn Union rnnffr-r much (rum fliBentrtl O the Livei tit id Stomach, scarcely nny ure free from the itilliieucenf thene deitrnctlva nmlmliri, hrnco they fui i'f"t. The fnir lex, pcrhnni the. mit hnndnome in tlii World, unto n certHin neritrd when. dtstriOTinB tnwv. tiiany loope their teeth nnd good looki, while yet hi the heydny of lifp, mch wtd eviln mny be eltertnnlly remedied by continually kerptu the blond pure, nnd the Liver nnd momncn m neaitny ucuon, when niewiii now nniMnniy aim retemuie nlnnta in a cnnsnial clime, where tsneieniai upring appcftra to reipn. At it rrfrnrds the preaesviition rf the human frame, and the duration nf life, mnrh mnv be enerteft, and I any fenrleMly. tlml health and lue ran he roronffotl lor mnny yeim lieyonci tiieir ornutary limit, u Inlliiwnv'a Pill am tnkpn tn nurifv the htHd accord inff to the rules laid down for health enntatuod in tho direction Inch accoinpnny ench mix. CAHROPWRAKVKW AND DFHIL1TY OFTKN Yfc'.lRS STAN DIN U. CURKD BY HOLLOWAY'S TILLS, Copy of a Letter from Captain John Johnsont Astor House, New Yorkt datca January SfL 1854. To Professor Hollo way, 08, Cornet o Arm andd rCaasnu Streets, N. Y. SMr1 it is with the most henrtreit niennure l nnve to inform you that I hnve been restored lo health and strength by taking your Pills. Fr the lust ten yenn, I suflVred uoin a acrnngeinciit 01 tno l.iver nnd Tnoinaon, hiki wtii reduced to inch an extremity Unit I gave tin my fliip, never exnectiiitr to so to rn-a nny mora, us 1 hrui tn Itemed)' that wns reonmmcndoil to me, Imt sll to no pur pose : nun nail Riven mvsell un to deKiiair, when 1 was nl Inst recommended to Uike youi Fills. Alter using them for three months , the result is thst I nm now iu lietter henllh than 1 have been for eleven years past, nnil iiuleetl as well as ever 1 wns in my life. You nreiuite at liberty to make this Known lor tne oenent ot orneis. 1 remain, Sir, yours respectfully, (Signed,) JOHN JOHNSON. These celebrated Pills art uondeifully effica cwus in the Jollowmg complaints. Ains Dropsy Inllammntioii Asthma Dysentnry JutiMuice Liver Com plniuts I.tiiuhugo 1'iles R henmntism ltctentioii of Urina Scorfula. or Knur's Kvil Sticoiinnry Bilious Complniuts Krysinelns Blotches ou the Female Irrega- Skin huilies Dowel Complaints Fevers of all Colics kinds Constipation of Fits the Howels Uout Consumption Ilendache Deliililv Iniliircslioil Sore Throats Sloue and Gravel Tie Douloureux Tiiirmtirs Symptoms fleers Venereal Afleetions Worms of ail kinds Weakness, from whatever cause he. at c Sold at the F.staulishment of Professor Hoilowav, H StrntHt, (iiear Temple lSur, Ioiuloli() and alsiint bis House in flfw i ors. uniers lor niemciiieg untie states, anures- sed 'T. Hollowny, New York,' will leceive due attention Sold also bv all resneclatile Diutffisls and Deulers in Meil icines throughout tlie United Slates, in Hoses nt 371 cents. P7 cents, and $1,511 cents each To he bad Wholesale of the princitinl Drus Houses in the 1 uion I if Tuere is a eoitsulerable savuiff hy takius tne larger SI2LS. N. i! -niiections for the tuidauca of natients in every uiv'iucrare iiiuxeti to nacll oox June SI, 1651. 6m. NEW CLOTHING & JEWELKY. SIMON, late of the firm nf S. Sihnurman & Co., respectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho will continue the above business in the old stand in Market atreet, with an entire new stock of goods, which are on the way from the city. He will also be prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em ployment for that purpose. Ho therefore respect fully solicits the patronngo of the public. Sunbury, Sept. 16, 1854. tf. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, (opposite tli Mount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, 28 ; SiUer Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lopine, do., $9 : (juarticr, $5 lo $7 : Gold Sped aclos, 4 50 to IJilO ; Silver ilo., 1 60 Silver Table Spoons nor sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to 8 11 ; Silver Tea do.,: do., $ t 75 to 7 50 ; Oold Pens and Gold Ca ses. $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1 together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry Gold Curb , Guard and Pub Chains. All goods warranted to lie as represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in the best manner. A Iso, M a sonic Marks, Pins, &.c, made to order. N. 11. Allnrbcrs sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept. 16, 1854. ly. CHOICE GROCERIES. BURTON & FENT0N, S. IP. corner Sixth and Arch streets, PHILADELPHIA, TAVING refitted their Store anew, and re- plcnished their stock bv the addition o every thing wanted in a Select Family Grocery Store, so as to make up a full and most complete assortment, now offers for ssle to their friends and the public on the best terms the following excellent Goods, viz : Jellies of all kinds ; Pre terves; Fresh Fruits in bottles and tin cans White Clover Honey ; Latour and other liramV of Olivo Oils ; Sperm and Stearine Candles; all the best brands of Groceries ; Crackers, with a choice assortment of all the staple articles, which will be sold at the lowest prices. Please give us a call. BURTON & FENTON, Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. Phila., April 7, 1855.w-g ly. FRENCH TRUSSES. HERNIA or Rupture successfully treated, and comfort insured, by use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly for his sales. All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn that tbe occasion now offera to procure a Truss combining extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold. An extensive assortment alwaya on hand, adap ted to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for sale at a range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $3, $3, $4, and $5 ; Double, H, $5, $6, $8 and $10. Persona at a distance can have a Truss sent to any address by remitting the amount, sending measure around the hips, and stating side affected. For sale Wholesale & Retail by the Importer, CALEB H. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Race streets, Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Hanning.s Improved Patent Body Brace; Chest Expander and Erector Bracea; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Prop and Supports. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady attendants. Phila., March 31, 1855. p3m. HENRY B. FUSSELL, HAKurAfTcaaa or Umbrellas 5 Parasols, IN EVERY VARIETY, AT THE OLD STAND, No. 2 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. 07" Constantly on hand a large assorlmen to which the attention of Dealers is requested. Phila.. Sept 16, 1854 L. L. BE VAN, . HOTEL, Shamokin Pa. rilHE subscriber begs leave to inform his iriend M. and the public generally, that be has taken the above well known stand, and will be happy to accommodate all who may give him a call Shamokin, July 8, 1 8M 31 ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with books,! nk, and all cctr.rlete. iust received. and for sale by y H. B. MASSER. 8unbury, June 4, 1853 . CHOEB AU kinds of Boots Shoes and alio. pers for sale by O. EL8BERG & CO, Market street, opposite t0 pott Office. ' Sunbttrr, Oct. i, 13. : , Just Published antl for Sale by WM. McCAHTY, Bookaeller, The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, wnt. returns and proceedings in me several him now in use in the United tatcs. Br Coi.linson Heed, Esq., Jpsue legis viva vox With notes and additions, tonether with a shot system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres- ident Judne of the Eiuhth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and m. a.. letter has been received from Judge Harrisburg I Hahkisbdbo, June 30, 1853. Gertlkhksi After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of tha precedents thus offered to the public. The legal profession in l'ennsyivania stands In need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of assembly will be as aving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safctv and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JNO.J. PEARSON. Fon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M L. Iiindcl, Esquires. . W. McCamti, Esq., Dear Sir i I received more than a year ago a copy of "Reed, s Pleaders Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with some care soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it de cidedly valuable as a manucl for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it Hit were generally used it would incrense tho accuracy of tho profession in matters which are often very carelessly done. I am very truly yours, &c, J. S. BLACK I also received a copy of the Ploadera Assist ant, and have examined it sufficiently to enable me to concur very heartily in the aliove commen dations by the C hirr Justice. UEU. VV. WUUUWAllLi, July 19, 1854. Sunbury, July 29, 1854. Cheap Watches Jcwelrji V7"HOLESALE and Retail, at tho "Philadcl phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 86 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHIIiADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 1M carnt cases, fia,00 Gold lupine lflc. 24.(KII Fine SUlver Spectacles, (inlil llmrrlets. Silver I.ep. full jcwllrd, n. f ilver Lever, full iewl'd 12 3.(10 1,110 8,00 Indies' Hold I'encils, Silver Tea spoons, set, SuneiHir Qiinrtiers, 7. fluid Pnrrtnr!ps. 7.0(1 Oold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rincs, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, lSj ; Lunet, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they arc sold for. STALK PER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Lcvcra and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 30, 1851. lv. Liquid Glue. ALWAYS ready for use. the greatest utility and A new article of convenience for re- pairing Furniture and Household Ornaments of either Porcelain or Glass. It is preferable to any other cement used, as it leaves no mark where the pieces join. It will bo found a very great saving of money in repairing of Purniture alone. Neatly put up in bottles at 35 cents each, or $3 a dozen. All orders promptly executed. WM.G. MASON, S04 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 14, 1854. tf. Watches, Jcwelpy, Silverware ' w ' AJND U AISUX UUUUS. 0"4 Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'S, Vo. 1S4 South Second street, between Pine and Union, west side, PHILADELPHIA. 'HE assortment emtirmes a Idinre and Select Stock of 1 Kin ine Wiitrht-s, Jewrlry, Silver Waie, AlUita Ware, fluted with lino Mlver. in bpH.iis, t orks, Louies, tee. Jet buoda, r uns and 1 sucy Articles ol a supcrKil (juality, deserving tlie exaininiitinn of tliose who deuue to jirocuru llie nest giHHls ul tne lxwest Cusli rnces. Ilnvintf a practical knowledge nf llie business, and all avmlutile fucilitles tor Importing and .MuiiuiHt'turins, the suliscrilier confidently invites nurchnsers, believing llril he enn supply them on terms as lavorultle as any other estab bailment in either of the Atlantic- Cities, nf All kinds of Dmtnmid and Penrl Jewelry and Silver t Hre uinnuiuctureu tn order, within a reasonable tune, ttf" Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully re- paueu. WM. B F.I.TOM IK AD. No. 1RI South 2d St., a few doors above llie v!d .Market West Side t"y Iu the South Window of the Store, may be seen the famous lilKU CLOCK, which commands the aduiiratiuii oi tne scieuiiae ana curious. Phila., Oct. 7, le2l.iy WM. M'CAIttT, BOOKSELLER, Market Street, SUNBURY, FA. L'ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of HVANGEXICAL. Ml'SIC1 for Singing Schools. He is also opening at this time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Cooks, Bibles ; School. Pocket and Family, both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, Purduna Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only f 6,00. Judge Heads edition of Blackstones Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 10,00, and now offered (in fresh binding) at the low piice of $6,00. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas K. Gordon, price only 84,00. Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. February, 21, 1858. U. TO CASH BUYE11S. BAIL? &BE.OTZEP.s No. 852 Chestnut street, above 9th Philadelphia, Have now open a large stock of CARPETINGS, Embracing the new and leading styles in Vel vet, Tapestry, Brussels, Ingrains, Stair CarpeU, Oil Cloths, &c, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash pricoe, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Phila., Sept. 9, 1854 ly. 1. 1. rracoasT. Taos. e. iout. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AID DEALERS IN Fish and Provisions eEaiBALlT, No, 17 North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1854. BLANKS of every deecriptioti eaa be ha) Wy appVinc at tha office of tke Amerieaa SILVER WATCH E8.A few double case Engliah Silver Watchee, tot sal al very low fieas by .. ; 11. B. MAb0R. . Bunaury, Apri 11, IRSt KEEVUL. KNIGHT, ' Successor to Hartley lr Knight, BEDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, five doort above Spruce ttreet, PHILADELPHIA w -stti... t,a Lns constantly on hand a full W assortment of every article in bis line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, x ........ Mattresses, curled hsir, Moss Corn Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, la nestrv. Tapestry, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain; Venetian. List, Rag and Hemp Caroefinirs. Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cocoa and 8Panish Mattings, Floor and Stair Piano Covers. To which he rcspecuuiiy mvu. the attention of purchasers. Phila- Oct. 7, 1854. iy. New Good, for the People ! BENJAMIN IIEFFNEIt l-F.RPF.nTFI7I.I.Y informs the public in gen eral that he has just rocoived and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. H is stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Calicoes, Glnglimns, Lawns, Mousscllne De Lalncs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of DOOTS & SHOES HATS & CAPS, a good seloction. Salt, Fish, tsc. And a srreat variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. ty Country produce taken in exchange the highest prices. Lower Augusta, JWaV 6, lBoa. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line, IVOTICE is hereby given, that all person found trespassing upon, or injuring the lin of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. H. U. MASISK, r"rcs t Tliila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co, Sunbury, Juno 3, 1854. tf. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. CI' MacLELLAN, (late of Jones' Hotel,) has the pleasure to inform his friends and he traveling community, that he has leased this House for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception of Guests. I he Local advantagesot this tavontc establish, ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rate order : tho rooms are large and well ventilated. The Tables will always be supplied with tho best, and the Dronrietor nlcdccs himself that no cflbrt on his Dart shall be wanting to make the United States equal in comforts to any Hotel in the Quaker Citv. Phila., July 8, 1854. BAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers and Candelabra, No. 152 S. 2d street, above Spruce, rillLADELrillA. If a;in? cnlBrscJ improved his store, and I havinir one of the largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Camphcnc, Hunting Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, Glass Lamps by tho package, at a small advance over auction prices. Peing a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pino Oil, Burning Kluid and Alcohol, which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Oct, 14, 1854. REMOVAL. Light! Light! Liglit! Tl f R. DVOTT & KF.XT have romoved to their New Store and Pnctory, No 74 South Second Street, rniLADKi.riiiA. (Five doors below their old stand ;) Having increased facilities, wo oiler to Mer chants and others, Gas Fixtures and Lamps of every description, and at the lowest Manufac turer's prices, and unsurpassed in quaity or ap pearance by any in tlie country- Uur stock em braces DYOTT'S PATENT PISE OIL LAMPS. I the best tn the world) Burning fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chande liers, for Gas, Tine Oil, olar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, Pine Oil Si Fluid, wholesale and retail. Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri ces. Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. Phila. October 7, 1854,-ly. JOHN V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TA1L011, STJNBTjaV.PA Wi ESPECTKULLV informs his friends and A- customers that he has just received from the city a new and complete ass rtment of Mens Wearing Jlpparel, which he will make up to order, or sell, as cheap as any other establishment in the place, as he is determined to permit no one to undersell him. His goods are choice, and carefully selected from the best in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in the best and latest style and warranted. His stock consists in part of hand some Maraeilee and Silk Vcstings, Duck and other Linens for Coats, &c. Also, a variety af uioint, lossirners, Cravats, Neck Tics, and a variety ot oilier articles for Mens' wear. Sunbury, June 10; 1851. tf. MOOTS and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Ladies' Morocco Shoes, Ladies' black and colored Gaiters, fust received and for aaleby WM.A.KNABB. Lewer Augusta, May 0, 1654. TJLANK Parchment Pajwr Deeds and blank "'. Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Mummons ice., for sale b 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Aprl 80, 1851. n.VTENT BRITTANIA 8TOPPER3 for I bar bottles for sale by II. B AIA8SER. Sunbury, April, It, 1851 "" ADIES Dress Goods. Spring and Summf JLi Shawls, Black silk, silk poplins, De Laine, Ginghams, De bage, Lawns and calico, just re. eeived and for sale by . WM. A. KNABB, . Lower Augusta, May . U54. , i G ROUND and whole Pepper, Clovos, Cinna- non; nutmeg, macp, rtiiijo, Liauorica, Set., 4c, el Not. 18, '64. YOUKO'J 8TOSS. CLOCKS Eight day and 30 hour Iron and Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts. Raisins, and Prunes, just received and for wlabr ' WM.A.KNABB. Lower Augusta, Msy 854.- "AID AND COHrORT," . To Yowr Own Mechanic. GEORGE KENN. " MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. THE suliscrilier respectfully calls the attcnrloi of the public to his largo and splendid assort mcnt of every quality and price of CAIlINET-WAItE. which cannot fail to rciommcnd itself to every one who will examino it, on account of it durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of hia ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, Divans nnd Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIMM TABLB and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phi. delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In short, every article in this line of his business. lie alse manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had lo Sunbury, such as Maiioabt, Black Watavi Awn Cvnir.n Matlb Ghe-ia ; axd Wispsnn.. CHAIRS, An fakct Piajto Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excclir. by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere The subscrilier is determined that there shnl-'. be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained: about the quality end finish of his ware and Chairs. , His articles will be disposed of on es good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere Couiv try Produce taken in payment for work. G" UNDERTAKING. Having provide himself with a handsome Hkaksr, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending fnne Is, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis lance from this place OT The Ware Room is In Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Taversy GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S52. tf. DOCTOR YOURSELF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN THYS1CUN. THE EIPTIETH Ed tion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance I married people, or thoso contemplating marriage. Uy Dr Wm. Young Let no father lie ashamed to present a copy o tho .ESCULA PIUS to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret ohlnrjitions ol mar ried life without reading tha.POCKET SCU I. A P1U8. Let no one sullering.from haekniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and tho whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .42SCULAPIUH. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. tV Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dp W iL.U, No. 153 SPHUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. Post paid. July 22, 1854 ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, From tho Frank I in Institute. Fhilatlclpliia, froca lbs American iniLitute, New York, and . FIVE FIRST PrvEMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 If 16G Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mass. and U'cstfictd, Mass. Portrait Painting and Talbotyplng, tn the highest state of perfection, done in all the above Establishments. Sky-Lights used in all the establishments. Miniatures token equally as well by them a cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., May 27, 1854- tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WE1SER & BRl'NER. This prepaia'ion is recommended as in ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine U highly beneficiel for diseases peculiar to summer and hot weather. , Sunbury, July 1, 1854. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON, TJESPECTFULLY informs the citizens ef tlie Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has pcrmanuntly located himself in said Borough ; and oilers his profesional aervices to those who may wish to em play him. For tie present he can be found at Weavers Hotel. Sunlmry, March 11, 1854. tf. RV GOODS, Cloths, Cassimers, Suttinetts, Vestings, Tweeds, Summer cloth, Velvet cord. Tickings, Checks, Muslins, &c., just ree'd and for sale by ' WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. "R. II. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for coughs -'-'colds, and pulmonary diseasca. A supply of this valuable medicine just received and for sale by II. B. MASSES, , Sunlmrv. June4 , 1853. ATS AND CAPS. A splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Wool aud Fur HaU. also CUth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for sale low by G. ELSBERG 4- CO. Market street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Oct 6, 1853. G OLD PENS with and without cases, ef very suiierior quality, lust ranked. . Also a frosb supply of Writing Fluid, for ease by H. B. MA8SER. , Sunburr. Dec. 27. 185". rHAIN PUMPS.- A small aumber of these excellent pumps have been received and are. eiicron lor sale by H. B. MASSEB, Sunhurv, June 4. 1853. HAT8 and Caps, Silk, Beavor, Fur land Slouch, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Chip for men and boys. Ladies Bonnet of all aty lea. just received and for sale by : ' Ma 8 .1854-. M. A. ivivAJU. I JEWELRY. A nice assortment of Geld end. Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale cbeajt by G. ELSBERG aV CO.. , Market street, opposite the Tost Olfica Sunbury, OcU 8. 1863. ' . . . . SMITH'S ESSENCE Or JAMAICA GIN. GER. a fresh eufply just received, and for aaleby . M. H. MASlStX Buiibury, Jen. 10. ma ' " '-.' TJOR sale at this eflioa, Superior Black lull, A- Catale Medicine at ti eta, Pi Essence oV:. Qijsrar. Ja teal