farmer's $cpadntcnt. C5I FARM IMPLKMEST. To two that old plow lonjrer is W1 econo my ; repairs havo nlivniiy como 10 wore imm :..:..!, .,,l .i;ll if ia on nlil. rii'Kut- tyrlow. Itftlwm did "run to land' too rn-tch, anil rdwavs will perplexing tlio r-lnw-v n and fretting tlio team. It fins a radical lefect past all cur of inventor or mechanic, Po not work with heavy, micoulli implements they drag down tlio Cody liko a porpeliiul snffow npon tho mind. Hoys often acqnlrc a tllsgust for farming, merely from the or Iho miserable implements placed in their hands. The lighter th tool, the better, if strong enough for the work for which it wn intended. The workman who uses his ("hovel to pry up a stone, and breaks it, should be required to pay for it, and the next time, if not incorrigibly lazy, ho will probably hbo tlio bur. Use light rukes. made of good material, and so of hoes, spades, scufflcrs, and all other implements. We have beaten the English in the construction of our agricultural imple ments, in their adaptation to the work requir ed of them. X F. Farmer. r, . onot'Tisa. "Grouting" is a simjile operation by which tho roots of plants taken up in dry weather nro coated over with ft moist and (sometimes) fertilising substance, which prevents their dyi from excessive evaporation, and gives an im pulse to their growth until their existence is rendcrod certain by a shower or rain. When properly done, it is of groat utility, rendering tho gardener or planter almost independent of tho "seasons." We scarcely ever wait for a ruin, in order to transplant cabbages, toma toes, sweet potato draws, or any similar plant, our practice being simply this : Wo take u bucket of rain wuter or soap suds from the washing tub, and stir into it enough leaf or woods mould and scrapings from the cow-pun to make it as thick as batter or thin mortar.' Into this batter, wo dip the roots of sweet potato draws or any other plant, and when they are well coated with tho grouting mix ture, we set them where they are intended to stand, in a hole mudo with a dibble or pointed stick, and having pressed the earth firmly around all parts of tho root, the work is done. Michiran Farmer. t THE WEEVIL. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. The editor of tho Akron (Ohio) Tleacon states that lie, lias been informed by tho pro prietor of the '"City Mills" of that place, that the farmers of Vermont are in the habit of heading the movement of the weevil, by a very simple process. Tho next season after it.. makW its appearance, they go through tlWir wheat fields, about the time the wheat is stooling or heading, immediately after a shower or while tho dow is on it, and scatter newly slacked limo broadcast, so that it will adhere to tho heads and stems of tho grain. They uso about a bushel to tho ncre. (Jood lime should be secured, and slacked by sprink- i: . - . V ii ling a nine win it over 11, so as 10 retain nil its strength. Tho remedy has, it is said, been 60 effectually tried, as to leave no doubt of the result. Strips oflurge wheat fields, left untouched by the lime, for experiment, have been entirely destroyed by the weevil : whilo the grain of each side was all saved. IILTI'RE OF ASPARAGUS. Asparagus is a plant that will bear an ex ceedingly rich soil, provided tho manure is finely and thoroughly incorporated with tho soil, and that plenty 01 room is needed lur each individual plant, its large growth depen ding on this as an iudispensiblo requisite. From our own obsorvations we are inclined to think that for its market production, it should be in drills sufficiently remoto to ad mit a narrow horso cultivator. A verry com mon cause for small shoots, even in beds which have been dug and enriched two feet deep, in planting too thick or near together, mid alterwards allowing the evil to be increa sed by the self-sowing process, numerous vouncr lilmifa snrinff nil all over the bod.. . 0 i - n - We would give three leading requisites of success, namely good soil, good cultivation, and plenty of room. A Fact is Kkuarpto W hk at.- We wish to record a fact which seems rather remarkable in regard to drilling in wheat. We sowed about nine acres last full, with ono of Uoss' Prills, and some three acres among corn, with a three shovel cultivator. Of the former, we havo not noticed a single plant heaved out with the frost during tho winter, though a part of it was sown on the poorest clay land on tho farm, with but one plowing. It was sown immediately before that among the corn, and presented in the early winter a decidedly poor prospect. Hut that sown among corn is badly killed with winter, many plants lying on top the ground, dead. In some places, it seems utmost entirely ruined. It is the same kind of wheat as that which was drilled. Our readers may draw their owu conclusions. Indiana Farmer, Cu.TtVATixo Tim Osikr Wn.ixiw. Al though a little out of season to plant this year, the information will be ready for unoth cr season : To prepare land for the osier, or basket willow, plow it deep, and prepare it as for corn ; set the cuttings in rows, two and a balf feet apart, and the cuttings ten or twelve inches apart in the rows. Stick them per pendicular, leaving one or two buds above the ground. Cultivate them like corn, tho first year, to keep clear of grass and weeks, and theu let them go it. When prepured, they are worth from $G to 8 a hundred pouuds. Care op Hoksks, Ac Is not the practice Of going to supper and leaving a team mean while in the field, without any refreshment, both cruel and injurious? Should a horse or ox ever be worked more than five hours at a Ktretch? Does not colic very frequently take place from long fasting and greedy stuffing which u apt to follow it T lias not the death oi some animals been owinr? to l.m.r fneii,, and its usuul conconuiautut o .-....., 1?. i (,w.-A writer in tlie w' uMKf 1 unHii(7r? nuTtmntAitiL ..... oil of wormwood to keep off the insect, above named. Tut a few drops on a hwidkorcliter bed haunted by the eucmy. Neither of tl. 1CKB triut-a cull npne vnrmn'An. .1. , . .......,, ullu lne mi). specially coinniuiuiod to travelers who are lia- vu tu tun uiiiunj; uie topors or blood. . 1 11 1 1 Expaksiok.Xo furmer otif-ht to be hrnor. uuV ui iue iuci mat. iron expands by heat and contracts by cold. A ktiowlodge of it can of ten be used to advantairo. Ti res fin wn rr and hoops on hogsheads, put on when hot' will contract and become tight. All tools' Jhere the wood handles are inserted into iron handles, will hold more fijnily, if the metul is "" uciuro luseriing i lie Wood. rfcf C.T1Jha,re cow even Ka'tiv.Te1 b,rf-')'-lain, Devon; and Native from which we mode twelve pounds ZiTJZJ'.S all th. rVi. timruea, ana tbe rued of the cow wag grass only. - ' 11 . ,1 , - A Toi or Clovkb rotted, will produce nearly twice as niueh manure as it wul when . umi 01 mat eaten, passes ofl" rejpiration. AN ASTOUNDING FACT.. Elsberg's Clothing Storo Again! . T., onriii i.. n. Elubenr St Co.) A. wi-W. lo .nnounre to the of Northumberland county, end pum,v ir.1, lh.t h. b.. removed hi. eleg.n and cheap Clothing Store . few from th. former .tore, lo a new cop.cioii. building. Th. remo v.l was necessitated br the former .tor being too mull lo facilitate th .till Increasing trade at .i.i. .;.l-lv known .tore. . Being th.nkful for -.. .irnnrn. 1 hot) to deserve it for the future mill more by serving you with accustomed fideli ty .nd increased alacrity. In order to suit ever one that call, I h.v laid in .stock of clothing, gent, furnishing good., nnd .11 other good, in my line on a moat exten sive rule, also muds arrangement, with my bro ther in Philadelphia, to .end every thing new .nd fashionable a. soon a. produced, 10 that my lock will be replenished every few week.. In extent, variety, elegance, quility an J cheapness, my stock snrsMS every thing "the olden inhab itant" ever heard toll of in this part nf the coun try. "To we 1. to lielieve, .nd a. I mute eve ry bedy to rail anil sec and examine my .lock, before purrh.sing elsewhere. It i treat to see and examine such au clcg;int, gooj, cheap stock of good. Mr stock consists in part of Dress, F rock. Sack, Business and all other kind, of Costs, mado of cloth, cashmarelip, enssimerc, linen, flax .nd alf other stuff of all iinaginahle colors, plain, fancy, striied and checked, Pant, and Vests, of every style ami pattern, low and high priced, a. suited to the want ot tho buyer; the largest and best assortment ever exhibited west of the mountains. A nice assortment of Uoots and Shoes, gaiters and slippers, also Indie, shoes, gaiter. & slippers. A splendid lot ol lilts and Caps, such a. l a iiama, Curracoa, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, Sen ate, Straw and Palm Leaf, different color., fine silk haU. all color, of wool hats, etc. etc. A good assortment of Shirts, collars, revolvers. single and double barreled pistols, trench and ger man Arcordeons, all kinds of cravats stock, and pockcthandkerchicl's, 1 Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, 1 runks, and all kind of notion, for ladies and gentlemen. Also an assortment of watches and Jewelry, all of which are warranted; the money paid for them, cheerfully returned if not as represented. All tin. stock will tic sold at a .moll advance on c.thIi, so as .till further to merit the name uitually bestowed on my store, as being the cheap est in Sunbury or vicinity. So, remember the place, Market Square, nearly opposite the former rosi uince. A. EI.SBERG, I.Btc G. Elsberg St Co. Sunbury, April 21. 1855. To Officers, Soldiers, SEAMEN, &c, OF ALL W ASS: .their widows ana minor Children. . Z. MAJSSLIi, Attorney for Government Claiments, Suuburv. Pa. CONTINUES t pii'e prompt and pertmnut uileiitinii to lite protti iition of C'laimi of every description ni;iimt the iienerul (xoveimnent, find pnrLiculitrly to those beCoie Hie i reusury ucpaniiiciii, riiitmamt M otility Unit! Jfuruuui, Put cut and (joitTiil ,tiucl Office, ami Bimrtl of Claim. An experienceof yearn, mid n familiarity with the mcnni oi nnmimtiic me earnest and moat tuvo ruble action mi cluimi, wilti the facilities for the iliEpatcli of buniness, justif y linn in aMuring hiv Corretmomlents, Claimc-n ti, um! the Tnblic treuewlly, Hint interests intrusted to his keep- iiii? win in 'i iK! negiericu. Vexbioh, BorxTY I.asd. Tatknt and Public Land Law He lias nearly reudy for griituitous ttisinhution iimotig bis business CorrcsivomientB, (mid those, who may Itccoine such,) a netit pamphlet cnntnininir a synopsis of the ex tnting Pension, Bounty Uuid, Patent, and Public Land down tu the end of the late Congress including Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855 under which all who linve heretofore received less tlinn HW acres are now entitled to additional land ; said Act grants ali acres all Ollicers. iioii'Coinmissioned Umrers, ChapUnns, Soldiers, Wukoii Maeters, Team iters mid tnendly lnditins, of the Army, inclndnifT Stntc Tniops, v oiumeers, iiiiu militia nnu ait utfirrra teamen, Untnm r Seamen. Marines. Clerks, and Ijmdstnei., of the Navy, iioi nereioiore provided lor, who rmve served not less thmi fotirU-eu days (miles in little) at any period since 177d;aud to the willows and minor children of all such persons entitled, and deceased 'J'he imiuphlet contains Forms of Application' more full and complete than 0117 elsewhere to be found ; adapted to iho wunU of every class of Claimants unilor the uct, with copious decisions and itimruetwiis of the l)epurt inent. and prnetical suri;eslions ns to the course to be pur suet I in au up ended or rejoctetl eases. Parties not wishing to avail themselves of the facilities ofTirdt-d by this Office in seeming prompt nnd personal superinteudeure of their claims at the Departments, can obtain copies of (he above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents in posinpe stnmns. IXUI CKMKNTS TO CORRESPONDENTS, Coriesnoitdeuts who prewre nnd forward eases for management by this Agency will be dealt with litierully; supplied with all necesMiry blanks on Arm uud kept con stantly ndviced of the changes that fruin time to tune K' cui in the execution of the law. It is within tiie subset lifers power to direct his Corre- Swinneuis to the locality ol very ninny peisons entitled u ivr ine late Act ; and hnviiig otiiunieo a large uumlier .f I sii in I Wiirrmits under former luws, lie is 111 i isemoii of udditiuiiiil duta that will iiuitcriully assist in securing uoiiiuy. I'ees, below the usuul rutes and contingent upon the admission of Claims Tim liiL'hest cnh price pi veil for Tnnd Marrants, Re votutionnry Scrip, uud Illinois Land lnlents. Aiuiress xi, ss ni aivmii, Bunbury, l'a. March 31, JK5. 4t NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOB THE SPRING 1855. IT'Y.tE & I.ANDFI.l.. 8. W. Corner of - Fourth & Arch St... rhiludeliihia, are fully prepared to suit buyers. Wholesale & Retail, with Rood, adapted to their want, and at the low est licit cash price.. Mack Suit, Jlrttttsh J'rtnts, Fancy bo J'laitl (Unghamt, AV' lre Gonth, llooil Linen, Xew .s)(rf'7 Siairls, Table Linen, NartUia in l.atrnr, X heelings, be. N. 11. Murrain, daily received from the Auc tions, ol Iew York anil l'lulaueliliia. r. o. Oil Uoiled Uluuk Bilk, warranted not to cu' in wearing. More-keepers supplied with those goods regularly. l'hilailu. IMarcU 3, 18o3 w am a LAAVHKNCE HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. T pHE .ul scrilier respect'ully Inrorm. me pumic JL that she .till conliuuc. to keep the above named public house. (She baa also received a new .uppiy li.mnrs mil wines, aud trust, that she will be able to give satisfaction to all w ho may visit her bouse. MAKIA TllUMl'SU-N. Sunbury March 4, 1854 tf. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATS ON & COX, Sieve, J.'idtlle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manu j'acturcrs, Jo. 4b jorth Iron! St., Corner of Cttomh't Alley, btlu-ten Market and Mulberry (Arch) Stnttt, 1'mi.AUKl.l'tIlA. CONTINUE to manufacture ofsrperiorquali tv, lirasn aud Iron Wire (Sieves of all kinds, Brass and Copiier Wire t'loth for Taper Makers, Ac. Cylinders aud Uaudv olls covered in the hett manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for fcipark Catchers, Sieves lor lira. all J Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safe.. Traps. Dish ('over., Coal .nd Sand Screen., Ac. Fancy Wire Work of every description. J'lula, Feb. 4, 1855. 3m. c BOUNTY LAND WARRANTsT HTMIE subscrllier having received the necessary form, .nd insruetlion. from the Departinent, at n .sliington, U prepared to procure Bounty Land v arrauu at the .borlest not ire. H. It. MASSE R. 5unbury, April T, 1855. H OOTS, bUoes, HaU, C.p. anj Uum Shoe, H jusi received and lor aate by u; 854. TUNER 4-Co. Boarding! Boarding:! kS. w II A K 1 ON can accommodate S or 4-1 m iu resiieciauie poaraera. Location i Monb-west corner of Market Square, omiuury. I'ertons wishing a comfortable home wui una wu a desirable place. Sunbury, April 14, 1855. t pAMll,Y MEDiri.E8.-Brown' F.verand Ague I'owder., Fahue.tock'. V.rmifuge, Pr. Jayne . celebrated medicines, & r for sal. .1 . Nov. t5, '. trut'MG'S STOKK. TAMES MoCLlNTOOIC, M. XX, Lftte rnoFKSSORof Aiiilnmysn(1riirrrrjrliitlis Phil .itnlphis Cullufis of Meillcine, Slid Actlitfl; I'nifpssor fif Millwilery ( one of tits Consiillilig PhysiriuiS "if tli Phll .lcl.his fliwpiul. Dlocklry; kits msinher of the Nsilmml Mrallnil Asftieintioit memlier of th. l n.dflphis Mo.ll enl Hticlcljr membrr of lh Mwlioo-Choorsn nl Course of rhilnilplphin formerly Prwident snd rnrtVssi nf Aimtomy snn Surgery In Ohtlleinn Meillnl Oollerr', Ver mont tnrl Sinn, 1st. Professor of AiMihimy and I'hrslfH. Off in Ih-rksliir. MeuicsJ Instilulion, I'litstield, MuH.t Ac . Ac, ke. Hat lately intfodneed in . pop"1"' rnrm sereml of hi. fnmrita preeriitunis for tlw pruirimil disesss of this elimnle. The HMtne of recti srtlrle will imply the dieeust for whirh it is Intended tn be useil. DrtMoCMNTOCK'S PKCTOK At. fYRt'P. Price ft )H. McCMNTOCKH COt.D AND COUGH MIX TUB B For Colile, Coimhs, Ac. Price " cts. Hit. McCI.INI-tlCK'! ASTHMA ANO HOOPING COUUl! RK.MKOY. Piiceliilcls. Dr. McCMNTOCK'S TUNIfl At.TKflNATIVH SYItVP-Fi.r PurifriiiK the HI.kkI. Price Wl. 1)11. McCMNTOCK'S JJVSPKPTIO KlJXtrt For fivliior tone tu the stoinnch rclipviiift pnins sftcr estliiirt ienrtlHinit nnd sll disagreeable syiuptoiiis .rising I'ioiii tliitiircati'tn Price SI. Ull. McOI.IN TOCK'8 tUlF.t'MATlC MIXTITIIK A Purely VcRetnlile Rcincdr fur Itrlcml ie. Price Sll cts. Dll. McCLI.NTOCK'8 HIIKU.MATIU UM.MKNT Fr Khcuniutisni, Pjiruin., ewclluigs, Ac , Ac. Price 60 cents. UK. McCMNTOCK'S ANODYNK MISTtini-! Koi Pnins, Toolhaclie, Headache, Neuralgia, Ac. Ac. Pncr 60 cents. Dll. ArcCT.INTOCK S FKVK.n AND ACt'K PP1'. CM'IO A eertnin cure for nil Inlerniltlcnls. PriceSI. )H. M. CMN TOCK'S 1)1 AllllHlHA CORDIAL AND Cllol.f.ltA PRF.VENTIVK A snfe remedy. Dlt. McCMNTOCK'S VKHKTAHI.E PUKOATIVh Pll.1.3 Fin C wliveniMis, Hmd:ielie. Ac. Price .:li. UK. McCI.INTOi:K'S AN I I III I I UI S I'll l F,.r Irregularity in ilie Functions of the Liver and Ihiwels the lnt Liver Pill mnde. Price 5 els. a lox For sde uv lr. J. McCLIN'I'OUK, at his Medical De pot, N W orner ninth tind Flllicrt its . IMiilndt-li'lim. nnd at sll Druggist! nnd Dealers in Medicines. All Druggists nnu ijemerfl in Medicines who wish lo lie agents, will please ndildress Dr. McChntncIt, tnrnishing referents, nonie of l'ont. Office. cour)' nnd Mute. I v l' or sine hy Weiser & llrnner, sunhnry nnd Min mokin : Win. AYeimer, Northumherlnnd i O. Rrown. Mil ton ; I-. P. aIz, llltMiinsbnrg : Jneoh llurris, Kuckliorn ; John Vanlccio, Light fHr.iel ; I Sharplesa A Son, Cntu- win. Juntinry fl, IftVi. Oca. MATCHES! MATCHES!! JOHN DONNELLY, ANL'FACTLREI nnd inventor of Safety l'atent Square Upright Wood boi Matches. No. 100 FOL K'l'H Stiect, (above Race,) Philadelphia. Matches having become an inilespensiblo aiti clo in housekeeping, the subscrilvr after a great sacriliee of time and money, is enabled to offer to tho Public an article at once combining Utility and Cheapness. Tho inventor knowing the dan ger apprehended on account of the flinisv man ner in which Matches are generally packed in -pa per, has by tho aid of New Steam Machinery of Ins own invention, succeeded in getting up a SAEETY PATENT SQUARE UPRIGHT Wood llox ; this box ia far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more room thitc the old round wood box, and contains at least Two Hundred per L cnt inure .Matches, which to Shippers is consid erable advantage; it is entirely new and secure against mointure and spontaneous combustion, and dispels all danger on transportation by means ol l.ailroau, steamboat or any utile mode ol Con veyance. These Matches are packed bo that ono gross or more may be Sbipppd to any part of the World with perfect safety. They are the most desirable article lor Home Consumption, nnd the Southern and estern Markets that has ever been invented Dealers and Shippers, will do well to cull and examine lor themselves. W These Matches are Warranted to he supe rior to anything heretofore ollered to the Public. JOHN DONNELLY, 100 North FOURTH St., Philad'o. Phila., Dec. 10, 1854 Gin. liritish Periodicals EARLY COI'IbS SECURED. CT''rcmi'itms to 'etr Subscribers ! ! .' t.r.OOARn SCOTT ft CO., New York, rout imir ! re publish the lolkiwuig British 1'eiiudimla, viz. : t. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (KreeC'h.) 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) DLACKWOODS EDINBURG MAGAZINE (Tory) The nrrniMit critic;il stale of 1'nrnncaii afTiir will reii'ler tiipue puijlKMtiniiR uuupvrtlly inwrwtnn during the Mitd cnmuifr ymr. fliey will occupy h initlule gioui.U lietwrri lite mistily wnti'ti newi-items, crutte Bi.cul.itiinii. umi ny ine iiinmis oi' the daily Journul, ami the noiiilpnms Tome uf the liilure liistitTinii, written ntier the living inU'rent untl eki'iteiueiit l the great Miitictil events of the tune snail nave puvstti away, it is io inrse rt-ritMiKiua i't:n rt'U(trs must loiik for the only really intulliilile umi relia hie history of riirrrut cvettts. niHl as surh, in iidititMii to their well-ii Uih! mli i-d liteturv st ieiititic. nut) tlteol'vinil charuoter, we uryc them upon the cuiistilcrutiou ol the rtntimg puiuie. Arninneniciiis ure now nftrinnntniiy innne ior me reipt of liarly theela from the JJiitNi ruMiihera, which we tire ennltled to place all our Reprints iu the nil ii is i itiiimTiLers, aiwiutas sihui usiney can ne luraisiieti with the loreiirn comes. Althonuh tins involves a very la roe outlay on our oart, wu uhnll continue to furnish the I'eiKHlicals at lite fciuio low rule J heretofore, togetlier with the ffllownig I'lemiums to new ulierilert. TKUMS AND IMIEMIUMS. See list of Premium Volumes below 1 l'er nun For any one of the four Revicwiand one Prcin. vol. 83 to Korauy two 4 one 9 M I'm any three , 11 two 7 10 For all four f the Heviewa two h tW For Iliackwooil'N M;ta.iinm " one " 3 IH) For HtarkwNMl and ihre lleview three U W For Ulat-kwootl A the four Reviewa three 41 10 00 Payments to he made m all cases in advame. Money current in the State where issued will be reeetved at par. Thr Premiums consist of the following; works, luck Volumes ol wlurii will he ivon lo new Siiheuers accor fillip to the nutnher ol" peumlicals ordered, ua ahova ex- naimetu: PUKMIUM VOLUMES. FORKION (jt'ARTKRLKT KkMKW (one Vettf liLACKWOOU's .MaZINK (SIX ll)0t). I-OND N (tVAKTRRI.T KeVIXW (-"lie YeUl). Kuikbvhg ltitviKW ((Hie year). MktropoMtan Magazink (six immilu) WsaTMiKftTKH Review tone veni). Consecutive Piemiuni volumes cut not in nil rnsea te furnished, except of the Foreign Quarterly Review. To prevent diaapiwiiutuicnt, theielore, wheic that wik is not alone wauled, &u!n ri!ers will plee trder as uwny difffi eHt works for premtuiii as there ure vulcmea tu' which they may be entitled. CLUBBING. A diacouiit of twentr-five ier cent, from the above pri cea will he allowed to Cluls onternifr four or mre ei)iea of any one or more ot' the alwwe works. Thus: Four eopica ol Black wood, or of one Review, will be aeut to one address ir ; lour copies of the lour Ruyiewa and uui-Kwoou i oi ftjj: nnu s on. POSTAGE. In aft the nrin.-liwl Citieaand T-'Wiia, works will rn delivered, trrouKh Affeuta, FRF.J-. OF POtTA(iH V hen sent ty mud, the Postage to any part ol the t nited Rntre will be hut Twnity-Foiir (Vnta var f "Hlackwoml," aud but Tvlr Ceult a year for each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications ihttuld alwuya be auieasen, posi-Kiui, to uie ruimsiiers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 1 GOLD STUEKT, NKW YOBK. N. B- L. 8. A fa. Iwvs rfMntlv luililislierl, n. hnvs .nv for Bilr, th 'FAlt.MKIt'n l'II)K" bv Hnir Sle pIk its, nf l-aliiituirtrh, and Pnif . N'iKltin, t a" Yale I'ollrffe Nes Huvu,ctiniplf-t m two vols, riials.bivii, o.iiUuiiiir ItkiujKiK-ra. It strtci uud 000 wiiud riigruviui;. fries in lniinln i.iuiluiy, fMl. I V This wnrk Is the old "Ilis.i U ths Farm,1 Slltfty KKSL-sriTATSusiia isrtiwu uiKTOUiO .isaikcl. New Yurk, UeceiuUcr S3, "71C T. FOTTS, IMPORT Ell AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, bdow 3th, north side, PHILADELPHIA. , Pliila., Pec. 30, 18.M. ly. HENBY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Vjpct opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. Prompt attention to buiioeat in adjoining ounliei. Tf TILEV-S COUGH CAXVY. An excel 1 lent remedy Car coughs, colds. For sal. at thi. olftce. December 4, 1853. PA RASOLS of all aorta. Umbrella., carpet bag., willow basket, and cedar ware of all kinds, just received and for .ale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augu.ta, May 8, 1854. HARDWARE and Queen.wara in great tra rictie. and of aU description, just received .nd for sal. by WM.A.KNABH Low .1 Augusts, M y 1 854.- THE AMERICAN'S FRIEND ! I HOLLO WAY'S TILLS. To th4 Citizen$ of the United States : I moat hnmhlv and Sincere-It ihank yntt for the Immense pntronos; which you have bestowed pon my ins. 1 mice tftts opportunity 01 suunfttrnt my Ancestors Were all American Cttiswua, nd thai I entertain for nil that concerns America and tlio Americans, the most lively sympathies, so much so that I nrifrinallv componiidrd these Till expressly to suit your climate, aabits, constitutions, and maimer of living. Intending to ratablish myself among wmcuiiiava now done, by taking premises in ew THOMAS HOU.OWAY. n, rilcr of Ann nnd .Nnssna Streets, New York. PURIF1CAT10F0F THE BLOOD , I.IVEtt AND rtlUOLS COMPLAINTS. The Citizens of the ITninii snirrr innrh rmm riiSMises o tlie l.ivei ami Stmnacli, nnjr are free from th. iiiiiuviH-n ui inrse uesirnciive mumtiifs, neiico niey rni fust. Tho fair sex, perhnps the most hnmlanme In tlii WorUI, up In n oeitniii peruxt when, iliitreminir tu any, many limao their teeth umi frisst looks, while yet In the heyilny of liff, sttrh suil evils mny lie elTt'ctunlly rcmeilied by coutiimnllv keeninff th hlfxid nure. mid the l.ivcr bih! Humuich in a healthy actum, when Ili a will flow ttnoolhly, anil resemble plants in a onmrrnial rlinie. where i.neterniil spnnij appears In rciirn. Ai it ri'ipirdi the prcsesvntion of me iiuiiiBii imme, ana in. fliirsliun oi lite, mnr-n may lie ellwtetl, and I say fearlessly, Ih it heiilth nntl life mil he rrolimirerl for mnny years beyond their ordinary limits, if lollowuy's 1'ills are tnken to purity the Wood nerirdinu to the rules lui.l dinvii for hralui cuiitaiaetl in the dircninns wmcn aceommny each box. AtMSKOP WKVKNKS AND DIHII.ITY OFTKN 1 UAIC9BTANU1NU, OI RKU BY HOLI.OWAY-3 l'lLl.!, Copy of a Letter from Captain John Johnson, Astor louse, Act lor, datta January 6th, 1854. To Professor Hollo WAT, 59, Cornel 8 Ann amid Nuisnu Streets, N. Y. Mir' 11 is with the most heartfelt pleasure I have to Inform you Hint I hnve heen restored lo health and strength ny uiiuna your i-uis. i- or ine lust ten years, I sultcrcd nom a derangement of the l.ivcr ami ftoinuch, and was reduced to snt h an entreinity that I g:n e up my Ship, never expecting tngo to Spa nnvmore, as I hnd triwl every Remedy that was recnmmeudctl to me, hut nil to no pnr- bihj had siven mself up to desnnir, when I wns at Inst rtommeiuM to bike youi Pitls. After usitig them for three months , the resfilt is that I am now in lietter henlth than I have been for eleven years past, and indeed at well as ever I wns in my life. You nre quite at liberty to iiiase tins Known lor uie neneiii hi oinets. 1 remain, Sir, yuurs respeetfnlly, (Signed.) JOHN JOHNSON . These celebrated Pills are wondafully effica cious in ine jotiowing compiaims. Asne Dropsy Inflmiinuition Asthma Dysentary Hilious Complnints I'.rysipehis lilotehua on til. Female In egu- Jtiniidire Liver Coin- plaints l.mnUigu Piles ltheumntiim Itetention of Trine Pcorfuln. or King's F.vil Secondary r'kui lurilies Bowel Complninls Fevers of .11 Colics kinds Consliwtion of Fits the II nvels Gout Cnimmnptioii Hend-aihe Ueliilitv ImlizestiiHl More Throats ftone and Oruvel Tic Douloureux Tumours Hymptoms t leers Venereal Aflertions Worms of all kinds Weukness, from whatever cause Ac. Ac, Sold at the Kstablishnwiit of Professor Iloi.LnwtT. lilt Strand, (near Temple li:tr, lnntoii,) and also nt his House III IN ew ork. Orders for Medicines in the Suites, addres. sit 'T. Itolloirsy. New York,' will tereive due attention Sold also by till riviiectnble Diuggists and Deulcrs in .Med. . i.u Uft i iig nil .-ii ciu..-b, in ,"i:b .ii ., .nil., 87 cents, and 61.50 cents each. To he bad Wholesale of the prinrinul Druir llnuscs iu the t'uiou. lir liter, is a eousiuerublo suvtug by taking the larger . i! - Directions for the guidance of patients iu every d.s - -Vi nre nmxeil to each box. June 31, IS04. Bin, NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. fej MM ON. lute of the firm of S. Schnurmnn &. KJ' Co., respectfully informs the citizen, of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho will continue tho above business in the old .tnnd in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, winch are on the way from the city, lie will also lie prepared to repair wutches, having a hnud in constant em ployment for that purpose. He therefore refpect- lully solicits tlie patronage ol the public. Sunbury, Sept. Hi. 1854 tl. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE So 72 Aor7i Sftomf Street, (opposite th tuouni rernon ltouse ) Philadelphia. C"iOI.D T.ever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ea- sea, Si2H; SiUer I.cver do,, do., 12j ttil- ver lit'pine, do., $9 : Quarlier. $5 to $7 : Ciold Spectacles, $150 to $10; Silver do., $1 AO; Silver Table Spoons per sett, 414 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to SI I ; Silver Tea do.,: do., $4 75 to $7 00 ; Hold Pens and (Jold Ca set, .$3 25 to $5 ; (Jold Pens and Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fine (Jold Jewelry, (jold Curb , tiuard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be a. represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Mnrks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. 11. All orber. scut by mall or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept. 18, 1854. ly. ciioicjTghoceTiies burton & fent0n, .9. IT. corner Sixth and Arch streets, rillLADF.I.PHI , 'ffTAYJXG refitted their Store anew, and re plcnUhcd their stock bv the addition o every tiling wanted in a Select Family Grocery Stoie, .o as to make up a full and most complete assortment, now ollVrs for ssle to their friends and the public on the best terms the following excellent Goods, viz: Jellies of all kinds ; Pre serves; Fresh Fruits in bottle, and tin can. White Clover Honey ; I.atour and other brani'f of Olive Oils ; 5pcrm and Stearine Candles; all the best brand, of Groceries; Crackers, with a choice assortment of all the staple articles, which will be sold at the lowest price. Please give us a call. BURTON Sc FENTON, Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. Phila., April 7, 1855. 8 ly. FRENCH TRUSSES. ME H.N l A or Rupture successfully treated, and comfort insured, by use of the elegnnt French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly for li'w sales. All sullering with Rupture will he gratified to leurn that the occasion now offer, to procure a '1 rus. combining extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually .old. An extensi-e assortment alway. on bund, .dap ted to ev r; variety of Rupture in adulu and children, anJ for sale at a range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $3, $3, $4, and $5 ; Double, 4, $5, $6, $8 and $10. Person, at a distance can have a Truss sent to any addres. by remitting the amount, .ending measure around the hips, and stating side affocted. For .ale Wholesale As Retail by tho Importer, CALEB H. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth St Race streets, Philadelphia. Icpot for Dr. Banning,. Improved Patent Body Brace; Cheat Expander, and Erector Brace.; Putent Shouldor Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and Supports. Ladies' R.-i ma, with competent lady attendants. Phila., Mu'ch 31, 1855. p3m. 1IEXRY B. FUSSELL, MiiU'rir-rrBEH or Umbrellas Parasols, I.N EVERY VARIETY, AT TUB OLD STAND, Ao. 2 Xorth Fourth St., Philadelphia. 17" Constantly on hand a large aasorlmen to which the attention of Dealer, i. requested. Phila.. Sept. 18, 1854. L. L. BE VAN, GHAlCIIIlT HOTEL, Shamokin Pa. riMl E subscriber beg. leave to inform hi. Iriend. X and the public generally, that be haa taken the above well known staud, and will ba happy to accommodate all who may give him a call. Shamokin, July 8, 1 8i4 . ANN'8 LETTER PRESSES, with books, i nk. and all et mplete. lust received. and lor uie by H. B. MASSES. Sunbury, June 4, 1853.-. CJHOES AU kind of Boot Bhoea and ali'-' J pen for eel by O. EI.SBERG it CO, ' . Market .beet, opposite the Poet Office. Sunbury, Oct. , 1853 Just Published and for Sale by WM, McCARTV, Bookseller, sunbury! l'a. The American ' PLEADERS' ASSISTANT t Being a collection of approved declaration., writs. return, and proceeding, in the several action, now in um in the United late. Br Coi.MNsoN Reed, Esq., Ipsa Irgis viva vox With note, and additions, together with a shor system ol conveyancing. Dy A. Jordan, Pies- ident Judge of tho Eighth judicial district of Pa., and Vm. M. ltockcfcller and M. L. Shindel, of the bar of Northumherlnnd county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of ilarnsburg s HiitRisnvno, June 30, 1853. Ukstlemks t After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleader, assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the .election and composition of the precedent, thu. offered to the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stand, in need of a correct avstem of pleading, adapted to our habit, of business, and the practice of the court.. Your form, of declaration, being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of assembly will ho ai aving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to sofctn and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hand, of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, J.N O.J. PEARSON. Fjn. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Kockefellcr Bud M. L. Shindcl, E.quire.1 W. McCahtt, Esq., Dear fir: I received more than a year .go a copy of Reed,. Pleaders' Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with some care eonn afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several time, since. I think it de cidedly valuable as a manucl for practising attorney, in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to rrvommend it. If it were eenernlly used it would increase Ih. accuracy of the profession in matter, which are often very carelessly done. I am very truly yours,-Ac, J. 8. UI.ACK. I also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist ant, and have examined it sufficiently to enable me to concur very heartily in tho above commen dation, by tho Chief Justice. GEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1854. Sunbury, July 39, 1851. Cheap AVatclies Jewclr lirilOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 IN or til second Street, corner of t-iuarry, PHILADELPHIA, G"M Lever Wntchc., full jeweled, In curat cases, S'i.fO ("lit puie lvk. f'Jt.lHill'iiie Silver Spectacles. 1.SH Silver Lep. full jewlleil, pfl. UiuM Drnrelels, 3,00 Silver Lever, full jeivl'd 14 I atlies' finlil Pencils, 1.00 Siipeniir ((ilnrtn-ii, 1 . Silver Tea sp-Kins, set, 8,IU finld Specturli 7.0o Uuld Peiis, with Pencil and Silver Holder. 1.00 Gold Finger Kincs, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, lilain, l'.Jccnta; Patent, 1 ; I.unct, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to bo what tliev are sold for. S'J'A I'FFER & IIARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and I .opines, still lower than the above price. Sept. 30, 1854. lv. Liquid Glue. ,4 LWAYS readv for use. A new article of the greatest utility and convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household Ornaments of cither rorcclaui or Glass. It is preterumo to any other cement usnl, as it leaves no mark where the pieces join. It will be found a very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in bottle ai 25 cents each, or $2 a dozen. All orders promptly executed. WM.G. MASON, 204 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 14, 1854. tf. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCy'gOODS. KIT"-! Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality rult SALE AT THE LOWEST CASH 1' KICKS, AT WM- B. ELTONHEAD'S, No. 184 South Second street, betucen 1'ine and Union, vest side, PHILADELPHIA. 'I1!! nRnrtnieiit rintirrvrei a Inrniid iMed Ptck nf 1 Fine Wutr hep, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Al!ntu Ware, pluted with hue Silver, in fmns, Frks, Imlit-H, Ac Jet ItoikIb, Kuiip and Fancy Articles nf a mperini quality, dfrierviiig the exammniinn ni thoie who dene tn procure the heat immJj ut the l,"Wfitt Cash I'lirei. 1 1 living a practical knowledge nf the business, und nil available, lucihtiea tr lniKrtnig und iManulacturinp, the tmltscriber coutidciitly iitvitea nurcluiBers, hehevintt that he cum Runply thein mi terms nil favorable us any other estat) liilnncnt in eiihur nf the Atlantic Cities. f7 All kinJs of Diumoiul und Pearl Jewelry ami Silver Ware manufnctureil t order, within a renstnuihle time. tV Wutches, Jewelry uud Silver Ware faithfully re puiied. WM. U ICI.TliNHKAI), No. 11 South $u St , a few above the 2l Maiket Went Hid In tli' Simth Window nf the Htnre, limy bf seen the fnmt'tn ltlKU CLOCK, which commands the admiration of the scientific and curious. IMiila . Oct. 7, Jb-J. ly ArM. M'CAnTY, BOOKS KULtK, Mirket Street, SUNBURY, PA. f L'ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of " FVAXGEMCAt, 311 SIC for Ringing Schools. He i. also opening at this time, a large assortment of Hooks, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children'. Books, Bible. ; School. Pocket and Family, both with and without Kngravings, aud every of vari ety of binding. Prayer Hooks, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, Purdon. Di gest of the law. of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only S6.00. Judge Kead. edition of Bluckstones Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly wild at S 10,00, and now offered (in fresh binding) at the low price of $6,00. A Treatise on the law. of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thoma. P. Gordon, price only $1,00. Travels, Voyage, and Adventures, all ol which will be .old low, either for cash, or coun try produce. February, SI, 1858. tt. TO CASH BUYERS. BAIL? &TBI.OTHES.J . No. 252 Chestnut street, above Hth Philadelphia, H.v. now open a large .tuck of CARPETINGS, Embracing th. new and leading styles in Vel vet, Tapestry, Brussels, Ingrains, Stair Carpet., Oil Cloth., &c, all of which will be (old at the lowest e..h price., WHOLESALE & RETAIL Phila., Sept. 9, 1854. ly. I. I. rVKCOAST. THO. C. K.1UHT. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS DFALEKS IN Fish and Provisions ecaiait.IT, 17 J"ort Wharvu, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1854. BLANKS. BLAN KS of every description caa be had Vy applyuie at th offic of tk American. aitbtt WAiuntibV-A lew double cas. English Silver WatcbM, for sal. at very low price by - H. D. MASHER. Bunbury, Aptl 13, l8 RECTI? I KNICSHT, Successor lo Hartley lr Knight. BEDDING- & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 148 Souffc Second Street, fivt doo: s abovt Spruce si reel, FIIILADErPniA VVThere he keep, constantly on hand a full ' assortment of every article tn hi. line of business, FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring, curled hair, Moa Corn Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, Ta pestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Curpctings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cocoa and Spanish M.tlings, Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mai., J able and Pinno Cover.. To which ht respectfully invite, the attention of purchaser.. Phila- Oct. 7, 1854. ly. New Goods for the People ! HENJAM1N 11EFFNER RESPECTFULLY inform, the public in gen eral that he haa just received and opened a splendid .lock of Spring and Summer Goods at hi. New Store, in Lower Augusta township. Hi. stork consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Cnltrof, Ginghams, l.num, ItlotiNgeliiie De Lalncs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries Also an assortment of Hardware, Irou aud Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of BOOTS 5t MIOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, tS'c. And a great variety of other articles such a. are uitable to the trade, all of which will ba sold at the lowest prices. I"?' Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1855. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph line, jVOllCfc. is hereby given, tnat all persons ' found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such cases made ai.d providcil. H. B. MASS Eli, Pres't Phila. and Sunbury TelcMpU Co. Sunbury, June 3, 185-1. tf. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. P J- MacLELLAN, (late of .(ones' Hotel,) 1ms .the pleasure to inform his friends and he traveling community, that he leased this House for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception uf Guests. The Local advantage. of this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The Houso and Furniture have been put in first rate order: the room, are large and well ventilated. The Table, will alway. be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself that no effort on hi. part shall be wanting to make the United State, equal iu comforts to any Hotel iu the Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1S54. SAMUEL S. FETIIERST0X, DEALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, Clinudtiimani Cmuklubras, No. 152 S. 2d street, ahove Spruce, 1'MILADKl.riUA. 1 ff aving enlarged and improved his store, nnd having one of the largest Assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Caiuphcnc, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, filans Lamps by the package, at a s'nall advance over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer ol Tine Oil, Burning 1 luid and A Icuhol, which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will tind it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the lowest market prices. riiiludelphia, Oct. 14, 185-1. REMOVAL Li Light! MR. DVOTT & KI:T have removed to their Mew iStore and Factory, No 74 South Second Street, IMllt.AUKI.rill A. (Five doors below their old stand ;) Having increased facilities, we oflcr to Mer chants and olliers, Ga. Fixtures and Lamps uf every description, and ut the lowest Manufac turer's prices, and unsurpassed in quanty or ap pearance by any iu the country- Our slock cm brace. DYOTT'S PATENT PINE OIL LAMPS. (the best tn the world) Burning fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chande liers, for Gas, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, anil Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand llhnterns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, Pine Oil Si Fluid, wholesale and retail. Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Block and Pri ces. C? Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. Phila. October 7, 1851. ly. JOHN V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TAlLOli, STJNBTJHY, FA, OESPECTFULLV inform, hi. friend, and --' customer, thut he has just received from the city a new and complete assortment of JIens Wearing Jlppard, which he will make up to order, or sell, a. cheap a. any other establishment iu the place, a. he i. determined to permit no one to undersell him. Hi. goods are choice, and carefully selected from the best in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in the best and latest style and warranted. Hi. .lock consists in part of hand some Marseiles and Silk Vesting., Duck and oilier Linen, for Coal., tie. Also, a variety ef Cloths, Lassiincrs, Cravats, Neck Ties, and a variety of oilier article, for Mens' wear. Sunbury, June 10, 1854. if. OOl S and Shoe, for Men, Women and Children, Ladies' Morocco Shoe., Ladies' black and colored Gaiters, just received and for ale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May C, 1864. l-JLAAh. rarchmcnt Paper Deed, and blank Mortgage., Bonds, Executions, Summon. &c, for sale b II. B. MASSE R. Sunbury Aprl 26.1851 ATENT BRITTANIA bar bottle, for uie by STOPPERS for II. 8unbiiry, April, 13, 1851 B MASSER. LADIES' Drew Goods. Spring and Summt Shawl., Black .ilk, .ilk poplin., De Laiue, Ginghams, De bsge, Lawn, and calico, just re ceived and for .ale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. GROUND and whole Pepper, Cloves, Cinna mon, Nutmeg, Mac, Alllspice, Ginger, Liquorice, oe., &c, at Not. IK, '54. YOUNG' STORE. CLOCKS Eight d.y .nd 80 ho T Iron and Wooden framed, Cream NuU . Ground Nuks, R.isins, .nd Prune., ju.t receit, d and tor e.lebr WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, M.y ' 851. "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE RENN. MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHA1R& Of the most Fashionable Style. 'THE .ubscrilier respectfully call, the attentiol ef the public to hi. large and splendid assort, ment of every quality and price of CAltlNET-WAKE. which cannot fail to recommend itself to every on who will examine it, on account of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of th. best stock to be had in the city. No efTort i. spared in tlie manufacture of hi. ware, and tb. .ubscrilier is determined to keep up with tho many improvement, which are constantly being made. Hi. .tuck consist, of Mahogany Sofa, Divans and Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLB anJ also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to PuUa- deljihia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pries CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in thi. line of hi. buslne.. H. alsa manufacture, all kind, and qualities tsf CHAIRS. including Tarictic. never before to b. had Sunburjr, such a. Mahooakt, Bi-ack Wimt. akii Curlkii Maple GriKctAHj and CHAIRS, axd fattci Piaso Stooi., which ar; of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled, by gone manufactured in tlie Cities or elsewhere.! The subscriber is determined that there shaU. be no excuse for person, to purchase furniture in) the cities, a. every confidence can be entertained about the quality and fir.Uh of his wara and Chairs. Hi. article, will be disposed of on a. good term. a. they can be purchased elsewhere. Couur try Produce tnken in payment for work. HT UNDERTAKING. Having provided, himself with a handsome Hcabsk, ha i. now. prepared- for Undertaking, and attending fun.r a1s, in tills vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. CF Tho Ware Room I. In Market Stret below Thompson'. Storo and Weaver'. Tavera. GEORGE RENN, Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. DOCTOR YOURSELF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OK, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. TIIE EIFTIETH Edx tion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformation, of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on th. Disease, of Females, being' of the highest importance I married people, or those contemplating marriage. lly Ir Win. Young Let no father be ashamed tn present a copy the .r.SCULAPIUSlo his child. It may sav. him from an early crave. Let no young man woman enter into the secret obligation, of mar ried life without reading the POCKET .ESCU LAP1US. Let no one sullering from haekni.o Cough, Pain in the Side, resiles, night., nervous feelings, and the whole train uf Dyspeptic sensa tions, and Riven up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the ESCULAPIUU. Hnve the married, or those about to b. married any impediment, read thi. truly useful book, .. it ha. been the mean, of saving thousand, of ua fortunate creature, from the very jaws of death. IV Any person sending TWENTV-FIVB CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will b. sent for ono dollar. Address, Di W VOL'NU, No. 153 SPRUCE Street , PHILADELPHIA. Post paid. July 22, 1851 ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVESt MEDALS, Viuin tlie Franklin Inxtitute, Phihilrlphia, horn Um American Institute, New York, and FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 o- 166 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mais, and )r'cslfield, Mass. Portrait Painting and Talbotyplng, la th. highest stato of perfection, dune in all th. abov bstablisliments. iSky-Light. used in all the establishments. Miniature, taken equally a. well by Ihea ki cloudy a. iu clear weather. Phila., May 27, 1 854- tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISER& BRUNER. This prrpaiation is recommended a. an ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operate, mildly, is entirely tree irom any unpleasant taste, re sembling lemonado in flavor. Thi. medicine U highly bcneficiul for disease, peculiar to itiramw and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 1854. D0CT0RJ0SEPH V. CAMERON, Y1ESPECTFULLY inform, the citizen, of the Borough of Sunbury .nd vicinity, that he ha. permanantly located himself in ssij Borough ; and offer, hi. profesional services to those who may wish to employ him. For tl. present he can be found at Weaver. Hotel. Sunlniry, March 11. 1S54. f. RY GOODS, Cloth., Cassimers, Vesting., Tweeds. Summer clolh. Velvet cord, Tickings, Check., Muslin., &c., just ree'd and for .ale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augu.ta, May 0, 1854. 1 R. H. II. HIG BEE'S remedy for cough. Scolds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply ot thi. vuluaMe medicine just received and for sal , . II. B. MASSER. Sunburr, June! , 1853 ATS AND CAPS. .plendid lot ol fashionable Silk. Wnnl .n.l v. it... also CUth, Fur Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cap. for sale low by G. ELSBERGd-CO. Market street, opposite th. Post Offica. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 GOLD PENS with and without eases, af a very superior quality, just received. AUo a fresh .upply of Writing Fluid, for sab bi , , H. B. MASSER. bunbury, Dee. 87. 185". Q H A IN PUM PS.- A .mall aumber of these excellent pumji. have beea received and ar. ffeM for .ale by H. B. MASSER. Sunnurv, June 4. 1853. 11 ATS and Caps, Silk, Beaver, Fur and; Slouch, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Chip for men and boy. Ladie. Bonnet of all tyU jusi receiveu ana lor sal Dy Mav 6 .1854. WM. , A. KNABB. I EWELRY. A nice assortment of Geld and ' Silver Pencil, and Pens, fur sale cheap by G, ELSBERG tc CO., Market street, opposite th Poat 0m Sunbury, Oct. , 165J. CMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GEH, a fresh .upply just received, and for ! by 11. B, M.SSER. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1858. lO R sale at thi. olTios, Superior Black Ink. Cattt. Median, at ft eta, Pur Essene. of QUeet. ti cant