Jarn.rr'5 gtp'arimcnt. Pmin Oermmitown Ttleiih J bOES tllE MOON AFFECT VEGETATION I Very many practical furmorswill be prompt to answer tliis query in the fiffiriimtive. 1'i.Int says that if we would collect grain for the purpose of immediate sale, we should do so at the full on lio moon i because, during ho moon's innie.ise. tho grain augments re markably in magnitndo but if we won d collect t ho grain to preserve it, wo should choose the new moon, or the decline of it. This maxim may Hnd some feeble support in tho fact, that, as a general tiling, moro nun falls during tho increase of tho moon thnn during its decrease, which may account for the augmentation of the grain in bulk, or size of the kernel ; but it nssurodly requires n ro bust Tnith to suppose that the moon at tho distance of 240,000 miles from the earth's sur face, can havo any appreciable elicit upon the grain, either hi increasing or diminishing its bulk. The same author also prescribes tho period of the full moon Tor sowing beans, and thnt of the new moon for sowing lentils. There Is also an approximation to some thing like an establisno.l principle observanlo in the practice of the Agrinoines of Stuth America in their treatment of Iho two classes of plan's distinguished by tho production of ... ... - . .. .1. "i i ..... iruu on meir rotns, or un meir urniiciiuH, we are unable to indicate anything of tho kuid in tho European Aiihnrisnia Yet it is the opinion or belief of nil European garden ers that if trees or vegetables are expected to flourish with vigor, and attain their highest dogree of excellence, they must be planted, grafted and pruned during the increase of the moon. Hut this opinion, liko most others iu lating to supposed lunar influence, is wholly fallacious-. Tho numerous experiments re cent ly instituted for tho purpose of demon btratmg tho erroucousness of this belief, have proved most irrel'i agably that the increase or decrease of this satellite has, and necessarily can have, no appreciable ellect upon tho phe nomena of vegetable life or developemeut. Many of the maxims relating to supposed lunar influence, are substantiated by no sup porting arguments or physical ionsons ; they exist in the form of simple prejudices, yet are acted upon by thoso who'indulge them, with ' the same unwavering faith and confidence in their verity, as though they wero susceptible of the clearest and most positive proof. There is scarcely a single detail embraced in the wido routine of agricultural enterprise and effort; into which this superstitious prcsump t on of lunar power does not moro or less extensively intertwine itsetl. in boiiio re , f poets, it is perfectly harmless ; in others, its effects are more momentous, and positively detrimental to the pecuniary interests and well-being or those by wnom it is indulged. Philadelphia. May 28, 1805. ORCHARDS. PLANTING AND MANAGING The easiest way to manage an orchard is to havo it the cultivated Jietd the place to raise the potatoes and corn and vines. It should be on good land, accessible from the house readily, not hilly, and so Fituntcd that it might be easily overlooked. If trees are set on good land, they will make a handsome growth without having so much good earth carted about them. An orchard near at hand will be better protected from vagrant ani mals, four-legged and two-legged. If you are to be robbed, it is desirable to sec how it is done 1 Every voar thousands of trees arcs thrown away by being stuck down in grass land. When are people all to know, that such an expenditure is the sheerest folly? Suppose the trees are dng around. Soon the grass gels up again ; it is difficult to get round to the trees, nnd they come to the general stand still. Hut supposo they do just live, and per haps grow an inch or two 1 A tree had bet ter bo dead than drag out a sickly existence. You want new shoots of the real thrifty color to burst out with unmistakable energy. I wish that all your readers could see my neighbor Ooodnmn's orchard in autumn"; trees all in straight, handsome rows ; thrifty crops growing among them, and a team go ing to market with tho abundance which seems to havo no end. Cor. N. E. Farmer. TAR, & REMEDY t Oil HORSE D1STEMI'I:R. Thomas YV. Ladji, of Smithfield, .Teffer son county, Ohio, writes the Ohio Farmer that ho has found a remedy nnd cure for "dis temper" in horses, lie says : "Having three colts sick' with this disease, an experienced farmer told me to use tar, ami he thought that the sick colts would soon re cover, and that thoso who had not taken the disease would not have it at ull, or but light ly. I followed his direction, to my entire satisfaction. I gave the colts morning and evening, as much as 1 could readily get into their mouths with a paddle. After a few np lications, the sick ones commenced running at the nose, their appetites returned, and in a tihort time they had entirely regained what they had lost from disease. The others never took it to my knowledge. Home prefer mix ing fish-oil with the tar, but 1 used it alone, and I believe it to be entirely sufficient, if the article be good, pure tar. 1 would havo no faith at all in the coal tar, now in use in some places." Stra wbkriues, should be thoroughly clean, cd of weeds, and some short grass, clean straw, or somo other material, be placed about tho plants as soon as they have thrown up their flower spikes. This will help to keep a uniform moisture about tho roots, nud the fruit from grit and dirt and heavy rains. Except where wanted to form young plants, the runners should be kept cut off, as they weaken the energy of the plant. To secure heavycropsofstrawberries.it is indespema bly necessasy to supply them with plenty of water of liquid manure if obtainable, while fruiting. Carbaors The value of cajjbngo fcr feeding, especially dairy stock, is probably greater than is usually supposed. 'J he field cultivation of this plant is much on the in crease among tho farmers of (J rent liritain. The amount of nutriment matter which is capable of being raised from an acre of land under cabbage is, comparatively with most rthor crops, very large, and with un extended knowledge of this fact, the cultivation of it will be probably much extended. The land renuires to b rich, deep, and somewhat moist. The rows should be nt least 30 inches j apart, and the plants not less thnn 21 or 2 inches. The two best varieties for Held cut ti vat ion are the lrunihcad and tho York. Improved Way ( Making Whkat Uhkad. The I'ttiU correspondent of tho Cummer' cial Advertiser speaks of-a plan invented by a Linker of that city to reduce the cost of bread, lie puts in one part of rice to five of wheat flour, and the economy effected reaches the very considerable figure of one sou in the two pound loaf. The government has had the bread examined by competent persons, und has authorized the tale of it, at a less rate than fixed by tho police. The demand is such thut the buker cannot supply it. Neither the nutriment nor the taste of tho bread would appear to be affected by tl.o presonce of the new ingredient. Tka at Hau'-Pbice. Laysel, a French chemist, asserts that if tea is ground liko coffa, before hot water is poured upon it, it win yield near double the amount oi us ex hilarating qualities. Gentum. The best vegetable tonic for theep superseding evert other. Dose, fioiu i us to two drachms. To Officers, Soldiers, SEAMEN, &o OF ALL WARS ! their Widows and Minor Children. . D. MASSKll, Attorney for Uovcrnmcnt Ctaimcntt, Sunbnry, Va, CONTINUKft to five prmipt anil personal attention lo tlie prosecntliin of uliiims of every oVneriptlnn siriifnnt the Itenernl Onveriiment, mid poriieiilnrly (,, those liefore the Tirnmry Department, lViiAinii mid H'imity IjAtitl llurenus, Patent mill General lnmt Ollice, nnd Bonrd of Claims. An experience of yenm, mid n familiarity with the mennl of olttttiiiitifr tho omlttfRt nnd nmnt favorable netion on claims, won the fneililiei for the difpntcli of mtsiness, jnlily hnn In nafturing his Cnrreionileiit9, Cliiiinenm, nnd i ne rniiiic generally, mitt interests intrusted to ins Keep ing will not lie heftteclvil, l'KMHON, HilOKTI l.ANII, PiTEST AMI PUBLIC IiAXDI.AW. He hns nenrty ready fnr gratuitous distribution ritnniiir his liusinem Correspondents, (nnd those who mny heeoine sneh,) n neat painplilel boul:.inin7 r synopsis of the ex isting Pension, Motility Land, I' llcnl. mid Public kind I jiws, down to the end of the late Congress including the Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855. runlet which ell who linve heretofore received less thnn HUI nous tire now entitled to ndditionul loud j said Aet giants ills i KHl iicn s lo till (Hikers, iion-rouiuiitsiotied thlleers, Chaphiins, Soldiers, Wagon Mnelers, Teamster, sod friendly Indians, of the Arinv, ineliidine Unite Troops, Volunteers, and ,l ilitin and nil (Hheers. rirnmen. Ordina ry Seamen, Marines, clerks, an l l.tiiiilFine, of the Navy, not heretofore providi'd for, who have served not less thiol finirlivn days (miles in battle) nt nny period since I7?d;und to the widows and minor children of all such pers us Chlillfd, nnd deceasi-d The Miiii.!ilet contains "Forms of Application" tn ne full snd complete tlinn nii7 elsewhere to be found ; adapted to the wants of every classof Claimants under the act, Willi copious decisions nnd instructions of the Depart ment, nnd practical snvrireiinus ns to the courBe to lie pur- Hm-ii 111 ieir.jciim:u or rej icieu eases. Iai ties not wishing to uvail themselves nf the facilities alTirdjdliy this OITii'e in seeming prompt und personal superintendence of their el;lims nt the Departments, enn obtain copies of the above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents in noslnue stamps. l.MU'CK.MKXTS TO ConHKSPONDF.NTS. Ooriespondenls who prepare nud forward cases for management by this Agency will be. dealt with liberally; supp'int! Willi nil necessary blanks gratis nud kept con stantly mlvieed of the chances that from time to time oc cur in the execution oi'tlte law. It is within the subsciibers power to direct his Corre spondents to tho locality of very many pel sons entitled un der the late Act ; nnd having obtained a large nuuibet (if linnd Warrants under former laws, he is in possession of data that will intiteriuliy ustist ill securing ndditionul bounty. Tee's, below the usual rates and contingent upon the niiiotspi n o: nanus The highest cush price given for Ijind Warrants, Re votuti niarv Sutip, and Illinois IaiuI Patents. Address II. n MAS3KP., giinbury, Pa. March ni, It IJritish Periodicals EARLY COI'IKS SECt'RED. $y Premium to ' Subscribers ! ! .' .I'.OOARn SCOTT At CO., New York, continue to re publish the following llritisli Periodicals, viz. : THK LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) TllE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig ) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S ED1NBURG MAGAZINE (Tory). Tlie prfismt criticnl ilate nf Ktimpcnn nfliiirs will fii'ler tlitjKe puljlicntic'Ni uniisvnlly intcrestum .luring the I'm t Il eum ing year. Tlipy will occupy n miiMIe ground between (he himily wntrm news-item, crude speculations, mid tly ititf Illinois nt the daily Jminm!, mid t lie ponderous Tome of the future historian, written nt'ter the living interest nnd excitement l" the great political events of the lime Blind have passed nway. Ills to these Periodicals that lenders must look for the only renlly intelligible nnd relia ble history of current events, und us such, in Addition lo their well-established hternry scientific, nnd tlieoloi'ical ehiirneter, we urge them upon the consideration oi the Tending public. Arrangements nrc now permanently made for tins receipt, of Kai ly Sheets from the Hiitish Publishers, by wliicli wo nru enabled to place nil our Ilepriuls in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as i hey 0:111 he furnished with the foreign copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, we bliHll continue lo luinish the Pei awlieals ut the same low rates ss heretofore, together With tiie following Premium, to new Subscriber. TKUMS AND PKKMIUMS. See list of Premium Volumes below Per aim. For nny one of the four Revicwmnd one Prem. vol. 93 wi For any two ' one 11 fi For any three , " two " 7 W For nil four of the Iteviews " two " fc tn) For Mlnekwoo!' .MugnziiiB 14 nn " H For Ulnckwood nud threeltcviews three " W txi For Blackwood ft the four Rev iews three ' 10 tlO Payments to be made tn oil cases in atlvaiue. Money current in the State where issued trill be received at par Thv Premiums consist nf tha following works, hatk volumes nf which will be given to new Subscribers uecor dimr to the number of peiiutliculs orderett, us ulove ex plained:: PREMIUM VOLUMES. Foreign Qpauteklrv JIkview (one yenr llLACKWoob's Maoazink (ix nvniths). I.onu n (.jUARTEKi.y Kevikw (one yeui). KniXBUBtr Kkvip.w (one year). Mktkoi'olItas Magazine (six iiionths), Westminster. Review (one yeai). Couswutive Prciiiiuni volnm'es c.iiiiiot iu nil ruses he furnished, except of the Foreign Quarterly lieview. To preveuldisappoiNiinent, therefore, where that work is not nlone wantetl, Subs ribers will pleuse order us tnouy ditft r cnt win ks for premiums as there ure volumes to" which they mu) bo entitled. CLUEBING. A iliscnunt of Iwentr-live per cent, from the nh ve pri es will be allowed to Clubs onleriug four or more copies of nny one or more of the nlmve works. Thus: Four copies of U'aekwiH'd. or of one Review, will be sent to one address tor Ft) ; lour copies of the four Reviews und Blackwood for:3U: ami s on. POSTAGE. In oil the principal Cities anil Towns, these work will be delivered, tiroimh AgKitts, FRF. 1 1 OF POSTAtiF, When sent by mail, the Portage to any part of the Faired States will be but Twrnty-Four Cents n year for "llackw')oll,,, and but !'t;Jv Cents o year for each of the Reviews. Remittances ami communications should always be iddiesHed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., fil COM) ST11KKT, NKW VOTIK. N. fi. I,. S. & Cn. Iinvr rf.iitlr imblislied, nn.l have w lor Kile, the 'FAK.li:K'!S uCllIK," by Hwiry Sle phiiis. of Kilinhiirgli, uiul I'ruf. Norton, of VuIb Colli'ire, Nt'v llHvoii,coiniili'ic in iwn vols, royiiloctiivo, coiitaiuiug IIKKI pun's. 14 sliul and iu wood riigrnviiigs. Price in muslin liinriii!. fyi. IV This work is sot Hie oltl "Hook of tho Farm," lutHy RKsvsnTTFDinitl thrown upon the .Malket. New Vmk. Dticmlier 23, InM. NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR TIIE SPRING 1855. IT'V.iE & IjANDFI.Ij, S. V. Comer c.f - Fourlh t ArrhU.. I'liilaJelpliia, are fully prriarcu 10 sim nuyom. llol.i.sil.r V Ketaii, with gooJa adnptej to their wauls anj at the low- put UPtt rash prices. JUarl SiU-i Brittish Print, Plaid ('ingliuiim, Good J.inens, Tidilc Linen, l'ttucy ho Xew 7; f.s-jt Good, J'i.(t' Siri)i( SAairh, iYoct7i;s in Lawn. .S herttnijs, .. N. 13. liargaiiia daily received from the Auc tions, of New York and Philadelphia. P. S. Oil lloiled Black Milks warranted not to cut in wearing. Htorc-keepera upplied with those gooda regularly. Philada. March 3, 1855 w 3m 3 LAWKENCE HOUSE, SUJ5TBURY, PA. f subscriber respectfully informs the public J that she still continue) to keep the above named public house. ISlie lias also received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trusts that the will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her houso. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury March 4, 1851 if. Front Street Wire Manufactory. watsoST &, cox, iecc, Piddle, Sereen and Wire Cloth Manu facturer, No. 41! North Front .St., Comer of Coomh'i Alley, heticren Market and Mulbcrri (Arch) Street. PHILADELPHIA. CONTINUE -to manufueture of superior quali ty, I! ran and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds, Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, Ac. Cylinders and Dandy 7i oils covered in the Wit manner. Heavy Trilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps. Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, 4 c Fancy Wire Work of every description. Phila., Feb. 84, 1855. 3m. e OOTS, Shoes, Hals, Caps and Gum Shoes, just received and for sale by Oct 7 1854. TENEKfrCo. HARDWARE and Queensware in great va rieties and of all descriptions, just received and for sal by WM . A.KA'ABB Lower Aujusta, May 1654,-. CHOICE GROCERIES. BURTON &FENT0N, S, nr. corner Sixth and Arch ttrcctn, ruiI.ADI'.l.PIII A, JAVIIS"0 refilled their Store anew, and re- plfiiinhcd their atock by the nchlition o every thing wanted in a Select Family tirocrry Store, so as to mako op a full and most complete assortment, now offers for slo to their friends and tho public on tho best terms the followinp excellent Good, V12 i Jellies of all kinds j Pre serves; Fresh Fruits in bottles nnd tin cans A hite Clover Honey Lntour and other hrani!. of Olive Oils i Sperm and Stcarine Candles; ni; the best brands of Groceries ; Crackers, with n choice assortment of nil the staple articles, which will bo sold at the lowest prices. Please give us a call. m;rton vt fentox, Futility Grocers and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. I'liila., April 7, 1855. S ly. FRENCH TRUSSES. Ill KHXIA or liujiture succesidully treated, and Jjl comfort insured, liy use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by tho subscriber, and made to order expressly lor his sales. All suH'cring with Hupttirc will be gratified to learn that tho occasion now oilers to procure a '1 rtiss combining extreme lightness, with ease, durability und correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous nnd uncomfortable article usually sold An extensive assortment always on. baud, adap ted to every variety of I! unto re in adults nnd children, nnd for sale nt a raniro of price to suit all. Cost of Kmplo Trusses, $2, ll, p l, ami $5 ; Double, M, 5, $, $8 nnd $10. Persons at distance can have a Truss sent to any address by remitting; Ihc amount, sendim; measure around the hips, and slating sido affected. For sale Wholesale ec Hctnil by the Importer, UA1.E1J II. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Raco streets, Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Uanuing, Improved Pntcnt Hody Unite; Chest Expanders and Erector llraccs; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinnl Props and Supports. Ladies' Room, with competent lady attendants. Phila., March 31, 1855. p3in. AMES McCLINTOCK, M.D., Late rnon-ISSOR of Anatomy nnd Purgcry in the Phil nilelphia Colli'ne of Mtiliriui', nud Aiuihh Proft-ss tr o( Mntwilerv ; one ol tlie Consulting rnysicuns oi uie l-nil- nik'lphiu llospiliil, lllorklry ; late member of the National ileilifnl Association ; nieiuuer oi i lie I'liiiaiii'ipiiiu iitnu eal Society ; inrnlicr of the .Medici-Cliiiuryical College of Philadelphia ; formerly President and Professor ol Anatomy nun surgery in i.nsueion im-uieai conepe, er mont ; n'nd also, lute "Professor of Anatomy and Phsi. ogy in Uerksliiro MeJieul Institution, l'lttkhild, .Mass., Ac , Ae., Ae. Has lately introduced in n onpiilnr form Severn! of his fuvorite prescriptions for the principal disease of tliih climate. The name of each urticlo will imply the disease for which it is intended to he used. Un.MeCl.lXTdOK'frpuCTOtlAI.PYRrp. PrieeSI llll. McC I, IN 'POCK'S COI.D AND fill GH MIX TP HI" For Ool.ls, Coiurhs, Art Price a.'i els. 1)11. McCI.IVrOCKM ASI'IIMA. AND HOOPING COl'UIl liF.MI'.DV. Price .Dicta. Dr. MeCI.INTOCK'S TONIC Al.TF.flN ATI Vli SYIH'P For Purifying the 111 iod. Price Wl. 1)H. MeCl.l.NTOCK M UYSPHPTIU I'.I.IXIR For giving tone to the stomach relieving pains ufler entintr, hearthurn, and ull ilisngrecnhle symptoms arising lioiu luili'jesl ion frice !M. UK. MeCI.INTOCK'S UIlF.r.MATIC MIXTl'ltF A Purely YrgHahle Ilelnedy for internal nse. Pra-e r,il ets. DU. MeCI.INTOCK'S KIII'.U.MATIC MNI.MKNT- For liheuuiatiEtn, Splaius, Swellings, Ac, Ac. Piles 611 cents. 1411. MeCI.INTOCK'S ANOTiYNK MIXTI IIF. Foi Pains, To ilhache, lleuduche, Neuralgia, Ac. Ae. Price 611 cents. UK. MeCI.INTOCK'S FKYF.R AND ACI H SPK CIl'IC A eertrim eun for all Interniittents. Price 11. III!. MeCI.INTOCK'S 1)1 Ait It IUKA COIUIIA1. AND CMOI.KHA PIIKVFNTIVK A snfe remedy. 1)11. .MeCl.lN TOCK'S VKtil'.TAUl.K PI KC.ATIYI' I'll. I.S. Foi C .slivencss. Headache. Ac. Price o."els. 1)11. MeCI.INTOCK'S ANTI III UOl'S PI 1,1 .S For Irregularity iu the Filiieiions of the l.irer'rliid Dowels the best Infer Pill made. Price Vo ets. a liox For ailn l,v llr. J. MrCM V TOCK. at his Medical Dc l)ol, N W corner iiiulh ami Filhert ts , Philadelphia;, nud nt all Druggists ami Dealers in Medicines. All Druggists nnd Dealers in Medicines who wish to 1C ngenls, will please adildrewi Dr. MeClinloek, furnishing reference, inline of Post-Olliee, couiitvand state. I W For Sale hv Weiser A Hruner, S'lnliury nnd Slia mokin; m. Weimer, Norlhuin'orrland ; C. Iliown, Mil ton : 1'. P. I.utz. Ulooiushurg : Jaeoh Harris, Uuekhorn : John Yunlecio, Light Slrrtet : 1 fjlitirtdesa A Son, Calu- wisia. Jauuaiy 6, lja. Oib. 77LC.F.PCTTS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STBBL, 461 Market street, bduw 3th, north side, rillLADELPKIA. Thila., l)ec. 30, 1K04. ly. MATCHES! MATCHES!! JOHN DONNELLY, TAN UFA CTn: F.II mid inventor of Safely i-'J. Putrnl Square I'pright Wood Imx Mutches. -No. 106 FOLKTH Stieet, (uliovo Race,) Philadelphia. Htati he liavintj lieconte an indesiiolinilile nili' clo in housekeeping, the. nuWrilier alter a threat sacrilice ol'timc anil monev. isennUcd lo olVor to the Public un urlicle at once combining l'tility and CheniineHs. 'l'hc inventor Know ins the ilnn- (er npprcheibloil on account of lite iliiu.iV mini' ner in which .Matches are generally packed in pa per, lias by tho aid of New Mteuui Machinery of Ins own invention, succeeded in geltins tip SAKmr fate xt SQUAW i: urn tain Wood Uox i this box is far preferable, in ns much that it occupies no more room thnr. the old round wood box, nnd contains al least Two Hundred per Cent more Matchex, which to Shippers is consul erable udvanlnge; ilia entirely new and secure against moisture and spontaneous combustion, and dispels all danger on transportation by means ol huilroad, steamboat or any othc mode ol i. onv vevance. These Mutches are packed so that one gross or more may be (Shipped to any part of tho World wilh perfect safety. They are the most desirable article for Home Consumption, and the Southern and Western Markets that has ever been invented. Dealers and Shippers, will do well to call und examine tor themselves. These Matches are Warranted tolw wipe rior to biij thing heretofore offered tn the Public. JOHN DONNELLY, 100 North FOURTH iSt., Philad'a. PMLi., Dec. If., 1851 (iin. 1IEXUY 15. FUSSELL, IHAMFACTfUElt Or Umbrellas Parasols, IN EVERY VARIETY) AT TllE OLD STAND, Vo. 2 A'orlh Fourth St., Philadelphia. tCT Constantly on hand a large assortmen to which the attention of Dealers is requested. Phila.. Sept. 1G, 1654. l7 l7be van, SHAMOEI1T HOTEL, Shamokin Pa. rTIHE subscriber begs leave to inform his Iriends X and the public generally, that he has taken the above well known stand, and will be happy to accommodate an who may give him a call. Shamokin, July 8, Si4, HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ujjxce opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt utlenlioii to business in adjoining wouuiies. 1 NK lloureau's celebrated ink, and also Con s;res ink for sale, wholssale and retail by Decern I wr 28, IK. Ml. H. O- MA8SER .KAbU1.3 of ah sort Umbrellas, carpet bags, willow baskets and cedar ware of all kinds, just received and for sale by WM. A. KNABD. Lower Augusta, May 0, 1854 Mi books, ink, and all complete, just received. and lor sale by tl. U.MASSEK Sunbury, June 4, 1853-s tHOES All kinds of UooU Shoes and slip nara far aal bv G. F.LSltERO & CO, Market street, opposite the Post Oliicc. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. A CURE FOR ALL !!! llolloway's Ointment. C it Uen s of Ih e Un ion Yob have dona ma the honour, ns with ona voice, from one end of the Union to the other, to stamp the character of my Ointment with yonr approlsition. It is scarcely two years since I mnde it known aiming T"i and nlicudy, it has obtained mors celebrity than any other Medicine in so short period. THOMAS HOI,t,OWAY, SS, Comer of Ann and Nassau Streets, New York ASTON1SIIINO CI.'RF, OF PORK l.F.GS, AFTF.Il NINF, YF.AK8 STANDING. Copy of a letter from Mr. W. J. Langlcy, oj llitntsville, Yadkin County, Uorth Carolina, V. &'., rfiife.i November l.if, I853. O"" READ HIS OWN WORDS. To Professor Holi-owat, Sir, It is not my wish to hecome notorlowa, nelthe islhis lettet written lor the mere sake of writing, but to any. that your Ointment cured me of one of the most dreadiul curumeons diseases Unit flesh is heir to, nud which wns considered bvall who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine yenrs 1 was atllieted with one of the most pa infill and troublesome sore legs that evel fell to Hie lot of man j and niter trying every medicine 1 had ever heard of. I resigned in despair all hope of being cured : but a friend brought me a couple of larire nets ol vour Ointment, which caused the s ties on my legs to heal, and I entirely regained my health to my ngreeuble surprise and delight, und to the ustoiiiKlinient oi my iricuos, (Signed) W.J. I.ANOI.F.Y. A.N F.iTU A ORDINARY Cl'RF.OF A HAD HUH S WIIKN NI:aI(I.Y AT THK POINT OF DKATIl. Copy of aletlcr from Mr. 11. Durant, New Urleans, jSovember Dli, inai. To Professor Hollowat, 33, Corner of Ann and Nnssua Stiecls, N. Y. Dear Sir, It is Willi heartfelt gratitude I have to tiiiorm yon thut ov the useoi yoiiroiutineiit and rius. ine lil'e of mv wife iias been saved. For seven years she had n bnd breast, wilh ten running wounds, (not of n can cerous untitle.) I was told that nothing con !d snve her j she was then induced to use your Ointment nnd Pills, when iu the short space ol three inonshs, thev elfccted a iieilcct cure, to th nstonmhtneiit of all wno knew lis. A'e obtained vonr Medicines from Messrs. Wright A Co., of Chartres-sti-eet. New Orleans. I send this from "Hotel lies Princes," Paris, nhhoimh, I hail written it nt New Orleans, hefoie we finally left, at that time, not knowing your entires at ,icw 1 oik. (Signed) The Pillsshould lie used eouioinllv It. l)U II ANT, with tlie Ointment hi most of the following eases : Had Legs, Chlt'go.foot, MjiI Drcnsts, Chilblains, Hums, Chapped hands, lliinions, Citiis (Soft) Hite of Mosche- Cancers Gout, (ilmitlnJar Swelling. l,n ml m go Pi lei Klifiimatisra Sr-Uldf, fore-tliroHts, 8re-beo(li, toes A Saud'Flies, Coiilnieted nnd Coco.bny, Stiff .loints. F.leplmii'.insis. Pore Ninnies. Skill-diseases. Scurvy, fumoms, Fleers. ) aws Sold nt the Fslnlilishmcnt of rrofessor Hoi.i.owat, il4 Strand, (uenr Temple Har. London.) nnd also nt his House ill aew ork. unlers lor aieillcuieem Hie rinies, nonres sed 'T. Ilollowny New York,' will receive due attention Id also bv all respectable Dmggitts and Dealers iu Med icines throughout tlie United Slates, in lloxcs at 3"i cents, P7 cents, nnd SI .-'ill emits each To be hud Wholesale of the pi inciiul Drug Houses iu the Union. iv mere is a eousiucrutjic saving by taking tne larger Ct.s. N. il - Directions for the aiiidnnce of nntients ill every Uis -tt'ci are affixed to each Isix. June 21, 1S-SI. 8m. N atehcs, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. 0I7-4 Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality KOK SALK AT TIIE I.OWKST CASH THICK AT WM- B- ELTONIIEAD'S, So. 184 South Second street, between Pine and Uuion, urst side, riULADELPHIA. i I'u.c Vntclir. Jewelry. Silver Wine, Ailmlu W'ure, llntnl with hue iMlvcr. in l(n)l5, I-orks, linlles, ,Vc. .let G.mhIb, Van mut Fnnny Arlicletof u nupcriin (pmliiy, l.'sitTviiij; the exHiiiiii.ttinn ol' ltnv win tlt'ciic ti procure the het p(H'isiit tlie I,wt-t Crisli Tiirei. II living n priu'tiriil knowlne ol' iho hnsiiiHrW, ntul nil nvHiinltle Ihrilil irn tor Imnnrticc nnd 'M:iinH'rictUf inn, (lie mihfwnber ronfulentlv invites pur'li;isers, ht'licvinit thut he rim supply ihrm on ttTius us liivoriihle us any other etal- lishniciit in eiiner ni ine Allimuc lit it n. l ir?" All kiu.ls of biituiotiihiint IVarl Jewelry anil Silver Vure nmmifueturcil o order, within tt reason;! hie time. I 'f "Vulches, Jewelry und Silver Wure iiiilhfully re run red. V.M. il 1 .. M r.. U, No. Soiith 3d St., a few il-iuri abuve ilie ltd -Muiket Vst Side IV In tin' S-mlli Wimlnw of t!if Storp, mnv he seen the famous HI R l CIA CK. wiiieh counnuiidi the udinimlioii of Ihc M-ienl tlie und etmoiii. IMiila . Oct. 7, ly-M. ty AYM. iArCAltTV, 11 O O K S HI. 1. Ii It , .Market Sired, SUNBURY, PA. "I UST received and for sale, a fresh supply of " .m.' m m j-i a mrcm FiT.l.lUI.Ull' tU I'll CIIU for Singins Schools. Ho is also oneniiiir ut this time, a large assortment of Hooks, iu every branch of Literature, consisting of Poelrv, History, ISovels, Ivomances, Scientihc Worka, Daw, Medicine, School and Children's Books, Bibles : School. Pocket and Pamilv, both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of liimliiig. Prayer IJooks. ot all kmiU. AUo iuKt received and for tale, Purdons l)i. geat of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only Sfi,00. Judge Kcads rilition of Ulaekstones uommen lanes, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 5111,11(1, and now oflered (in fresh binding) at the low price of Sfi.DO. A 1 realise on tne laws ol rennsvivarua re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. (jordon, price only S 1,00. Travels. Vovages and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, cither for cash, or coun try produce. February, SI, 1652. tt. TO CASH BUYERS. SAIL? & BF.OTEE?., No. 252 Chestnut street, ubove 9th Philadelphia, Have now open a large slock of CAltPETINGS, Embracing the new and leading styles in Vi vet, Tapcgtry, Brussels, Ingrains, Stair Carpels, Oil Cloths, etc., all ol which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, WHOLESALE & P.ETAIL Phila., Sept. 9, 1851. ly. L. S. PVKCOAST. TIKIS. C. KNIUIIT. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS DFALEKS IN Fish and Provisions CLMEIIILLT, Ao. 17 North Wharves, rilltADELPllIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1S51. NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. SIM OX, late of the firm of K. Schnurman &. Co., respectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that be will continue tho above business in the old stand in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, which are on the way from the city. He will also lie prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em ployment for thut purpose. He therefore respect fully solicits tho patronage of the public, Sunbury, Sept. 16, 1851. tf. .Trail's CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, (opposite Ih Mount Kci'iiou House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, cs ses, $28; KiUcr Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepiue, do., $Ui (juartier. $& to $Tl (Jold Spectacles, $4 50 to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 50 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to ti 1 1 Silver Tea do.,t do., $4 75 to $7 60 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca se!, $3 25 to $5 j Gold Pens and Silver do., $1; together with s variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All gooda warranted to be aa represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired iu the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. Ii. All orberi aent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept, 16, 1851. ly. CLOCKS Eight day and 30 hour Iron and Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Raisins, and Prunes, just received and for sslebr WM. A.KNABB. Lower Augusta, Msy tSl. United States Hotel,. Chestnut Street, ahovt Fourlh. PHILADELPHIA. CJ- MacLEU.AN, (late of Jones Hotel,) has the pleasure to inform his friends and I.. ir...iin .nminiinltv. that he has leased this House for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception of Guests. The Local advantngesof this favorite establish ment arc too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have ueen put m first ralo order t the rooms are largo aim wen ventilated. The Tables will always be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself that, no effort on his part shall be wanting to make the United Stntes equal in comiorts to any Hotel in the (Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1854. BAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, LnnUfiin, Clinnddicrsnnil randchliras, No, 152 S. 2d street, ahove Spruce, rniLnEi.rHiA. Tavina enlnrrrcd and improved his store, and havintr one of the largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to Inr nish Pine Oil, Camphcnc, Burning Fluid, Lnrd ond Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of nil patterns, (jlass Lamps by the pnekage, at a small advance over auction prices. JJeiug a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and A Icohcl, which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that Ihcy will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tion! al the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 185L REMOVAL. lAsihV IJuht! lAzht 1 LT-fi' to Ibi lYTT & K KXT have removed icir New Store and Factory, No 74 South Second Street, PHII.AUl'l.riUA (Five doors below their old stand ;) Having increased facilities, we oiler to Mer chants and others, tins Fixtures and Lamps of every description, ond ot tho lowest Manufac turer's prices, and unsurpassed in quaity or ap pearance by any in tne country- uur stock em braces DYOTTS PATENT PINE 011, L.131PS. (the best in the world) Burning fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chande liers, for (las, Pine Oil, Solar Laid, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, dlobcs, lilasses, Wicks, Pine Oil & Fluid, wholesale and retail. Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri ces. liF" Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. Phila. October 7, 1851. ly. Just Published and for Sale by WM, McCARTV, Eookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American TLEADEUS' ASSISTANT : Ucing a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use iu tho Knilcd tales. By Coi.i.isson TCkkd, K.q., lpsac legis viva vox With notes and additions, together wilh a shor system ol conveyancing. Hy A, Jordan, Pres ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindcl, of tho bar of Northumberland county. Since tho publication of tho book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg : HiRRisnvno, June 30, 18.r3. Gkxti.kmks : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection ond composition of the precedents thus olli red lo the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania slatids in need of a correct system of pleading, adapted to our habits of Lin-inc, and the practice of the courts. Vour forma of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of assembly will heal aving of labor to the pleader, ond con duce to safetv and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JNO.J. PEAUSO.V. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. sliiiulcl, Esquires. W. McCaiitt, Esq., Dear Sir: I received more than n year ago a copy of "Reed,! Pleaders' Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with some care soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it de cidedly valuable as a lminucl for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, und do not hesitate to recommend it. If it wero generally used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in matters w hich ore often very carelessly done. I am very truly yours, &e., J. S. I) LACK. I also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist ant, and have examined it sufl'icienlly to enable me to concur very heartily in the above commen dations by the Chief Justice. CEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1854. Sunbury, July 29, 1831 Cheap Watches fjJewelr- "lyilOLESALE and Retail, ot the "Philadel ' phia Wulch and Jewelry Store," No. 90 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELFHIA. Gitlil Lever Wutdirs, full jrwrlnl, Is carnt fuses, SSnfl li'.kl l.epine lsk. rt'.'l.lillll'ini' Silver Sluclcs. 1.50 Silver l.cii. lull icwllcd, PM.lliohl Hnicclrts. S.00 Silver Lever, lull jcwl'd IS 1 mlies' Uuld Pencils, 1.00 Siipeiiiir ((uarlieis, 7. silver Tea aivHina, set, S.00 (i.ilcl Spectacles, 7.0o Gold 1't-iu, with Petted and tiilver Holder, 1.00 Gold Finger Rings, 37$ cents to $80 j Watch Glasses, plain, 1"$ cents; Patent, lisjj Lunet, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. KTAUFFER & HARLEV, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 30, 1854 lv. Liquid Glue. A LWAYS ready for use. A new article of the greatest utility and convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household Ornaments of either Porcelain or Glass. It is preferable to any other cement used, as it leaves no mark w here the pieces join. It will be found a very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in bottles at 25 cunts each, or $3 a dozen. All orders promptly executed. V M.G. MASON, 804 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 14, 1854 tf. "." JOHN VT MARTIN " MEliClIANT TAILOll, SUNBtXHY, PA-, IJESPECTFULLV informs his friends and customers that he has just received from the cily a new and complete assortment of Ment Wearing Apparel, which be will make up to order, or sell, as cheap as any other establishment in the place, aa he is determined to permit no one to undersell him. His goods are choice, and carefully selected from the best in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in the bjst and latest style and warranted. Ilia atock consists in part of hand some Marseiles and Silk Vesliugs, Duck and other Lineus for Costs, &c. Also, a variety af Cloths, Casaimora, Cravats, Neck Ties, and a variety of other articles for Mens' wear. Sunbury, June 10, 1854 tf. BOOTS and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Ladies' Morocco Shoes, Ladies' black and colored Gaiters, just received and for sale by WM. A.KNABB. Lav.tr Aufuita, May 8, 16dL mm w?it i rib "T-iV i km 1 I assy ' - ir-z.s. J CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure f. OOUOH3, GOLDS, HOAH3ENES3, BR ON OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIUa-OOTJOH A LTD OOMSUlVIPTIOIJ. TO CUrtK A COLD, with hkadach! aro soskwsss .if II. c liodv , Uike tho Ciikrhy Pkctobal on going to l.eu. i .'. .n, -u,nt ilnrinir the lllir it. Ko a Hum A!n Couoh, lke it inorniiis;, soon nnrl leve- ,o,n,'ii,iiis mi tlie li.iiLle. uun tlie ilinicul- ty will souli Iw rcmovcrl. None will I'Hig snncr frnnl this timilile when they liml it enn be so readily euteil. 1 wsons nillicliil with a scutrileouKh, which brenks t.iem of their ,...i ,., ,,i.h,. iclil Ami. liv mkiim the Cherry I'ccKiml on niirttfjlHMl, Uiey mny ho sare ofsotiml, Uhlnokcn sleep. i..o.. .:.i-r,..lili.i7 rest, (jruit relict f roui SU IM' mi, anil mi ultmmtc cure, is nff itilcil to thousands who are tliiis nltlietctl, hy tins iuvnlnahle remedy. I.'r.nn lis nurccnlile elTcets Hi these eases, mnny find ihiMiisi'lves unwilliim to forego its use when the necessity fur il hns eeasi'il From iwo eminent riiysicmni in I'.v.TTKviLi.R. Tcnn , April l, 1S."1 ir -Wc have uiven vour Cherry Pectoral an extensive trial in our piaclicc, anil'lind it to surpiiss every otlict re medy we have for , TnUiFruS 8 .r.V.uivni?na Avn or n't .1 it si'K AK KHS this remedy is inviihiiihk-.'iis'liy us action on tliclliniatiind liiinrs, when taken in small quantities, it reinovesall lnialseiicss in a rew hours, viid womlcrfully iiicrcmcs the power und flexibility ASTHMA is generally niiich relieved, and often wholly cured bv Cherry I'echiml. inn mere lire m.u.v slinnie ns to yield entirely t'i no medicine. Chen)' 1 ccto ...i ...in ....... il..,, it iIikl enn be cured. IIUOM'IHTIS,' or irritation of I he throat nnd tipper not t ion of the liiiics. nuiyl cured by taking Cherry 1 e t'i- nil in siiiiill and treiiueiil doses. The uiicoi.ilortuuie op- nrcsSI' HI is Soon relieved. ... lte D.,ei. I.ANSIMi.cifUnsiklvn.Ncwork, states l.t I....... I.n rM.rrv I'eeionil cure such cases ol Asthma und Uruuchilis lis lends lue to believe it cull rarely f...l I.. n ,1.,,- 'I I'flU rllfll'P. (ilvn nn emetic of antimony, tube followed bv lurire and frequent dnseil of Hie Cherry I'eeni inl.aiitil i' snlKlucstliedisciiBO. If taken in senson, it will not f:nl to cure. WIIOOI'IMI CfirOll mny be broken up and s sai cu r.ul ),- II,.. ,,sn .,f I 'l,rrv PeelOI Jll. 'rn'i.'. i'i-'i fi.'.v 'i sneedilv removed by this reme. dv. .Numerous instances have been noticed where whole fiimilies wete protected from any serious eunsecpienccs, while their neio I, bora, without the Cherry Pectoral, wcic sutferiuit I ronl the disease . . lir J" if a - Pai.km. Ohio. 1 Ih June, 1951 I wrile lo inl'Mrtn von ol the trulv rcuiinkal'le elTects ol yonr CIIKKHY I'KCTOltAI. in this place, and in tny own fuiiulv. Due of mv iLimrliteis wns eouiuletely cured In three il.i'vs of ii ilremlliil Wminriso Coonll, by takiilr It Dr. Menus, one ol our vtry best hysieinns ficely stales that he considers it the best remedy wo nnve iiuiiiionui y discuses, and that lie 1ms cured more cuses of Cboup with ii iltiiii miv ottn.r iiiMtiieine he ever administered. Oui cle'ru'Vineii ol the Hnptist. Church says that during tho run ot INri.ctNZ lu re tins season, ne nns -ecu nun from vour medicine he could scarcely have believed With out seeiii-j. Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR, UeiiLtv I'lrsl master. From the distinguished Professor of Chemis try und Mclcria Jlcitci:, Viotcioiu Loietrc I have found the Cni'KUV I'kcthhal, ns ils iuereilieut show, n powcfnl remedy foi colds, und emiglis, and put moiiiiry discuses. PM-SKR Cl-KVKLAXU, M. D. Bkin-'Wick. Mc, Teh. r. Ii-I. du. VAi.rvi'iNi: mott. The videh, celebrated Professor cf Surgery ui the Medical Cnllcac, jcw lenktilv, sous: 'Il irivea me pleusnre to ceilify tlte vnlue nnd emency of.KK I unHKV I KCTonAl., winch 1 couci'ler pecan tirlv tidiiDted loenre diKeilses of Ilie 'l'lnoiit mill t.U)lurs.n Cine of sevete diseases uiion the Liimrs have been ef- fectiil bv Ci'Ekkv I'rcioltAl. ill such extreme cuyt wiiriinil Hit' belief lliilt u remetlv bus ut It'ilL'th been touild lluit can be depended on to cure the Con-Its. Colds nnd Consumption winch curry from ouriiniiltit tlious'iu 's every venr. It is liideeil a medicine lo which the nlHieti'd cun look with confidence for relief, and they should not fail to avuil themselves ot It. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AY Ell, Practical Chemist. Lou-ell, Mass, Sold in Sunbury by H MASSER, and by Druc-iists generally throughout the State. July 30, 18.")3. ceow 1. .ov. 13. EtI.i.YI2 fl Ki'lHT, Successor to Jlnrtlcy tV Knight BEDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. US South Second Street, five doors above Spruce street, I'lIUjADELnilA 'VThcre ho keeps constantly on hand a full aMjortment of every ailiclo in his lino of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER I! EDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled hair, Moss Corn llusU and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, Tn jiestry, Tapestry, Rrussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, l.Ul, Rug and Hemp Curpctines, Oil Cloths, Camon Mattings, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor nnd Stair UrtiL'gets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mais, Table and Piano (.'overs. To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. Phila- Oct. 7, 1851. ly. Kew Goods for the People ! BEXJAM IX 11EFFXE11 I J KSi P12CTFLLLY informs the public in gen eral lhat he huj just received uud opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassir.ets. of all kjnds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CallrofN, (sliifrliams, I.ntvtis, IHoiisMcliiiv Ie l.aliiesj and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. firort'rlt's Also an assortment of Illtl'll WUI'C. I roll ami Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and pailPtns. Also an assortment of HOOTS X SHOTS. 11 ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, isc. And a great variety of other articles such os are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. ITT" Country produce tuken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1855. NOTJCH To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. 7aTOTICE is hereby given, that all persons ' found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of tho Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt wilh according to the act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. ' H. 1). MASSEIS, Pres't Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1854. tf. I LEV'S COCUir CMNDV. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sule at this oflice. December 4. 1852. - J HOUND and whole Pepper, Cbvcs, Cinna- mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspiee, Ginger, i.i notice, ae, etc., at Nov. 18, '64. YOUNG'S STORE. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low neea by 11. 1J. MASSt'R, Sunbury, Apri 12, 1851 BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mtirttrnfrox. It,. tula pyn..,it!.na M ,....... - &c, for saleh II. U. MASSER. Sunbury , Apri 26, 1851 UJATENT URITTANIA STOPPERS for JL bar bottlea for sale by H. II MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 Tf ADIES' Dress Goods. Spring and Sntniiu J Shawls, Black silk, silk poplins, De Laine, Ginghams, De bage, Lawns and calico, just re ceived ana lor sale hy WM. A. KNAUR ' Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. BLANKS. i of every description c S BLANKS of every description eaa he has! y JBJsT applying at the olBce of tbe Aurico. "AID AND COMFORT," 1 o Your Own Mechanics. GEOllGE ItENN. MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS vi me mosi x agmonable Stylo. HE subscriber respectfully rails the atte'ntioi -1 of the public to his large and snlenJi,1 ....... ment of every quality and price of UAIIIKET-WARE. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tbs best stock to he had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscrilicr is determined to keep up with th wiujiy iiiinu.cjiiciikB wiucii are constantly bains' made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, Divan and Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards SOFA, BREAKFAST AJiD DINING TABLE and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to rhiia- iieipina manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and prioe CUPBOARDS, WOKK AND CANDLE STANDS TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CIIAI11S, including varieties never before to be had fart Sunbury, such as Mahogany, Black Waisbt Ann CitnLEn Mapi.k Uitr.riA ; asd Winnsnn CHAINS, a no fanct Piatvo Stools, which arc of the latest styles, and warranted to he excelled! by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere ' Tho subscriber is determined that there fhikf bo no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and" Chairs. His articles will be disposed nf on as goo 4 terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produco taken in pavmcnt for work. GT UNDERTAKING. Having provide himself with a handsome Hearse, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. CET Tho Ware Room is in Market Street below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. ISOC'TOU YOURSELF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OK, EVERY ONE IHS OWN PHYSICIAN. THE EIFTIETH Edl lion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformations of tho Human System in every shope and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance t married people, or those contemplating marriage. Ity Ir Wm.lotms' Let no father be ashamed to present a copy o tho .SCULAPR'S lo his child. It may save him from an early crave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar ried life without reading tho POCKET iESCU LA PIUS. Let no one suffering from haekniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole traiii of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .ESCULAPIl'S. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been tho means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. Cir' Any person sending TWENTV-FIVB CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive ono copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will b sent for one dollar. Address, Dp W VOl.'XU, No. 153 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. Post paid. July 22, 1954. ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, From the Franklin Institute, rhiladftnhia, ft urn h American Institute, New York, ami FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment 1). C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 it ICG Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, main street, apringjicld, Mass. ant Westfield, Muss. Portrait Painting anj Talbotyping, in tho highest state of perfection, done in all the above Establishments. Sky-Lights used in all the establishments. Miniatures taken equally as well by them In cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., May 27, 1854- tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA , ' " or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISF.R & BRUNEI. This pvepaiation is recommended aa an v cellent laxative and purgativo, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, r sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine is highly beneficial for diseases peculiar to summer and hot weather, Sunbury, July 1, 1854. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON, I3ESPF.CTFI.LLY informs the citiicns of the Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has permanantly located hitmelf in said borough ; and offers his profesional aervices to those who may wish to employ him. For the present he can be found at Weavers Hotel. Sunbury, March 11, 1854. tf. RY GOODS, Cloths, Cassimers, Sattin.tls, Vestings, Tweeds. Summer cloth. VN cord. Tickings, Checks, Muslins, Ac, just ree'd and for sale by WM. A. KNAUlt. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. jyt. H.H. HIGBEE'S remedy for cough.. - colds, and- pulmonary diseases. A supply at this valuaWle medicine just received and for sal fcyc . , t H. B. MASSER. - Sunbury, June! , 1853. . KJ. AN" CAPS. A .plendiJ lot of fashionable Silk. Wxnl v... G. ELSBERG $ CO. 1 Market atreet, opposite the Post Office. 1 Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. Tl OLD PENS with and without cases, f HJf very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh aupply of Writing Fluid, for aaU l,yK . H. B. MASSER. SluiburT, Dec 27. 183. . CHAIN PLMPs.- A .mall aumber of thej excellent pumps Lav. heco received and aj. oflor 1 for sale by v , A H. B. MASSER. ?unturv. June 4, 1853 KJ,& fnJ C"P' "' Fur and " olouch, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Chip Tor men and hoys. Ladies Bonnet, of all etyl.. just received and for sale bv May 6 ,1854. WM. A. KNABD. 1EWELRY A nice assortment of Geld and Silver Pencila and Pens, for sale cheap by G, ELSBERG sV CO., Market .treet, opposite th Poat Offiae Sunbury, Oct. 8, 185J. CjMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, a freh supply just received, and for ly U. B. MASSER. Sutibury, Jan. 10, 1853. TOR aal. at this office, Superior Black Ink, CattU Median, at II eta, rr Essen fiu-rof, SI tact 1 'I