- Prom ths Albany Atlas. ..Ml,. AFFAIRS 131 8VRIA. Tho following-, from ft letter to 0110 of tlic tOitorg, dated "Sidon, April 11th, 1855," nf. fords somewhat of an insight Into affairs in fcyria as they exist at the present time. The attention of the Turkish government being absorbed in the war with ltussia, its provin- . cial population is left without control, with ample opportunity to manifest the discordant elements of which it is composed. The let ter sayg : "Our mails are very irregular, be cause, every littlo while the post Fs robbed - omewhere along the road. There is no gov. rnment outside the towns and cities. Rob- beries and murders are rife all over the couu " try, and no attempt is mnde to suppress them. A. few dflVfl ftffrt II. moat rnvnllmrr IrnrraAit wno nacted at Hasbelyea. One of the Emirs of 41. a e m i .1 . . .1- . . . 1 ... no icuuiu lamuy 01 mat district, snot 11 is own daughter as Bhe was lving in bed. She was wounded but not killed. The father then for ced a cup of poison down her throat, called a few men and sent her ofT to her grave while ehe was yet alive, and begging them to wait urn put- was uenu. no nonce nas ueen la ken of till a mnct tinrrul duorl the Month, from Akka to Ntwareth, i menus, ublous, &c, the peoplo dare not go from village to village, except in consider able parties, and armed. The Turkish mi thoritics aro completely paralyzed. Yet, strange to say, in the midst of all thisdistrac tinn Ami nnni.tliv 4,n a.-...l i .....1-:.-., ito " ..j, viiu i;u?jpi:i la nuinui no way and spreading its inilueuce widerand deep er. Wo do not see a great 'waking up.' but a constant loosoning and weakening of old fnpcrstitioiis and errors, and a throwing oft" 4l. .1.- -fjl. . ... .... . . 01 uie pnestnooa. mere is niso a decided improvement in the temporal condi tion of tho npnenntpi Tl.n bin-h ttptnaa f.-o. nil sorts of produce, and especially oil, of i" men mis msi, winter mere was a very large ,uurvesi, uave made the leiiaiicen' quite inde pendent. The artisans and working classes in the towns and cities suffer most. Tlicir ' .trades are but little worth in these times, and they have to buy everything at very enormous rales. As everything is to come right when 'the war' is finished, we may hope for better times for these poor people when that desir able event is consuinateu. In the meantime, as the Arabs say, 'live old horse till grass grows.' The grass truly will grow some time or other all that is needed is to do without until it does grow." Judging from these in dications, we should say that tourists who contemplate visiting oyna unci neuer uwor heir journey until a more propitious season. LATER FROM MEXICO K KPORTIUJ RPV O L I T I O N A H Y ,1 0 V I . M li N I' . New Orlkans, .Tune 8. An arrival from Corpus Christi, brings intelligence of an out break at Stinpassns, in consequence of the ar rival of an cmmissaiy of Santa Anna, with or ders for the arrest of some of its leading citu kciis, as well as others of Mouterey. The emmissary was forced to surrender and his life was spared. The whole country was in arms, and an atiempt had been" mado to cap. ture Monterey. The Governor of Xouva Leon had tied. The dates from Matamoros are to the 12th ult. Information had been received there that a pronunciaincnto had ta ken place at San I.uis Potosi, and the troops were preparing to leave Matamoros to quell the insurrection. Chihuahua is also reported to bo on the eve of a revolution. ARRIVAL. VI" THE ATLAN TIC. More Fighting at Scbastopol. The Atlantic has arrived at New York Rnd brings tho intelligence that the Allies have captured Kertsch, in the sea of Azofl and also the Russian Camp, on Tchernaya, besides being successful in a number of brilliant ac tions before Hebustopol. The news comprises three distinct successes of the Allies. Firstly, tho French.iii a sires of sanguinary conflicts, lasting tho whole nights of the 22d ami 23d of May, took and retained au important position of defence, the Place (TAnnee, before Sebastopol. No fewer than 8000 men were killed or wounded, mostly by the bayonet. secondly, the Allies made a rap'd advance, mid siozed and retained the Russian lines in the Tchernaya, without much loss, the Rus sians retreating to tho hills. Thirdly, tho secret expedition of the Allies has obtained easy possession of Kertsch, and thus commands the sea of Azoff, in which are now fourteen allied stoaincis. The Russians, on the approach of the Allies, blew up the forts and burned four steamers, thirty trans ports, and half a million sacks of breadstuff. France and F.ugland have declined to hold any further Conference at Vienna. Five Russian vessels, laden with corn, ran into Kertsch, not knowing the place was ta ken, and were captured. The number of guns that were found by the Allies exceeded 100. Tho garrison of Sebastopol drew most of their supplies from Kertsch, and its capture mutt exercise a speedy influence upon t'.o siege. The Russian army in tho field, it is ruid, has becu ordered to' retire before the allies, and not risk a battle. The Allies are still holding their position before Subastopol. Ilolloways Ointment and Pith, a certain Cure for Had Ureasts, Caked Rreasts, and Bore Nipples. Tho wife of Mr. II. 15., of the Broadway, New York, suffered several months afLoj liio K of her last child with a bad breast, several holes having formed on the came, her nipples were nearly gone, and it was thought at one time that "the breast must be taken off. Mr. 11. H. put her under a course of Holloway'a Ointment and Pills, after having tried every other means without success j the Ointment" was well rubbed into the parts affected, and tho Pills were taken regularly. In three weeks the anxious hus band was amply compensated, for his wife was quite well.. Toe Galk on Sunday Nioiit did great damage among the roofs and awnings and hundreds of the latter were torn to tatters. Bpeaking of tatters, the best garment must wear out beyond all repairing. All gentle men who may he-vo clothing in this predica ment are advised to go and get a new suit at llockhill & Wilson's elegant Store, 111, Chestnut stroet, Philadelphia. They will find it the cheapest course in the end. MARRIAGES, On the 31st nit , by the Rev. R. Hill. Rev. C. J. Ehbeuart, Pastor of the Lutheran Church at Bhamokin, to Miss Martha 11 iu., of Hughesville, Pa. On the 14th inst., by Rev. R. A. Fisher. Mr. William U. Haas, to Miss Caroline Facelv, both of Shamokin. DEATHS. In this place, on Monday evening last. ED- W AUD, son 01 inaries a. ana Mary irigut, aged 5 years. . Philadelphia Market June 13, 1655. Gkiix. Wheat ii quiet. Bales of 1500 bushels of good Penna. red at $2 C0a2 63 per bus. Last sals Pennsylvania white 23bc. float . Rys is scares and wanted at 168c. per km. Corn is .-arce; Southern and IJostscript Tenna. yellow is soiling at lOCo in store, and 107c afloat. Oats are unchanged. Kales of Pennsylvania in store at G!)c. Whiskey is dull and prices nominal at 3Cc in bbls. and 35 in hhds. SUNBURY riUCE CURRENT WlllAT. ' Rrt. Cons. Oats. . Potatois, Bkkswat. Heckled Flax. Bcttkb, Eons. . Pome. FliXSXKD, Tam.ow. 2M isn 90 63 DO 95 10 PS 12 7 1S5 13 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Tlll E Venders and Retailers of foreigu and - domestic Merchandize within the county of Northumberland, will take notice that thev are assessed and rated by the appraiser of juercnaiiis taxes, tor the year lbjo, as fol lows : Names. Class. Licknsk. Lewis Township. Raup & Savage, 13 $10 00 Iiisel 4 Rarrett, 13 10 00 Rordo & Hess, 14 7 00 Delaware Township. Hays & McCormick, 12 12 50 Geo. J. & F. Piper, 12 12 50 E. L. Piper, 13 10 00 8. Antrim & Son, 14 7 f,o P. A. Fox, 14 7 00 Milton Bo 'ough. J. Mnrry & Co., 12 12 50 Naglo, Wingate & Co., Liq., 12 18 75 R. T. Follmer, J 3 10 00 Goodman & Moody, 13 10 00 Mnsteller & Frick" 10 20 00 Frvmire fc .Stout, Liq., 12 19 75 John F. Caslow, 14 7 00 Jonathan Zellers, 14 7 (10 Thos. Swenk Co., 12 15 50 Isaac Brown, Liq., 13 15 00 Win. E. Mav, Liq., 13 15 00 Rawn & Chapman, 14 3 50 David Krauser, 14 3 fi0 John M. Woods, 14 3 00 T. F. Oaugor, 14 3 50 I. If. McCormick, 14 3 00 Hang v Rrown, 14 7 00 Joseph Angstadt, 14 3 CO J, A. Gray. 14 3 50 Currev A: Kramm, 14 7 00 J. & M. You nt, 14 3 50 Ileinen & Roush, 12 12 50 Cyrus Rrown, 14 7 00 Henry Rise, 3 50 0. A. Cnrsaw, 10 50 Thomas Steddeu 7 00 Chilitquaiu$ Townstiip. George Haas, 14 7 00 Dennis linov, Jr., 14 7 00 Charles McGilily, 14 7 00 James Reed, 14 7 00 Adam Conrad. 14 7 00 Korthumhcrland Borough. (5. I. Tr.egart, Liq., 13 15 00 Marks 1. Priestlcv, Liq., 13 15 00 Win. T. Forsvth, Liq., 13 15 00 Wm. Elliott,' Liq., 13 15 00 M. J. D. Wellington, Liq., 13 15 00 Sunbury Borough. Sensholtz & retcry, 8 8 50 is. Simons, 14 7 00 1. W. Toner Co.. 13 10 00 Georcre Rright, L q., 14 10 50 I. T. Clement, Liq., 14 10 50 P. W. Gray, 14 7 00 Frilinsr & Grant, ' 13 10 00 U. Klsberg, 14 7 00 John Youiiff, Liq., 14 10 50 Weiser & linincr, 14 7 00 E. Y. Bright. 13 10 00 II. U. Vastine, 14 7 00 I. T. Clement & Co., Liq., 10 00 Upper Augusta Township. John C. Morgan, 14 7 ()0 Farrow & AVitliington, 14 7 00 J. F. & I. F. Kline, 14 7 00 Lower Augusta Township. J. R. Kauflmau, Liq., 14 10 50 P, Heffner. Liq.. 14 10 50 Farnsworlh Reed, 14 7 00 Wm. A. Knabb, Liq., 14 10 50 S. N. Thompson, 14 7 00 Zcrbe Township. Ed. Helfenstien. 12 12 00 Marks Strause. Liq., 13 15 00 Isaac Kevser, Liq., 14 10 00 II. J. Bt rouse, 3 50 Upper Mahanoy Township. O. W. Snyder. Liq., 14 10 50 Dauiel Eieenliait, 14 7 00 Daniel Heime. 14 7 00 Jackson Township. Wm. Cares. Liq., 14 10 50 Wm. Deppin, Liq., 13 15 00 Israel Curl, Liq., 14 10 50 Jordan Township. Josiah Swartz, 14 7 00. Jehu Wert, Liq., 14 -10 50 Cameron Township, ' Henning i IJaupt, Liq., 14 10 50 Charles Weikle, 14 7 00 Coal Township. II. J. Strotifo, Liq., 13 15 00 AVm. & R. Fagi ly, 13 10 00 Adolph Durlacher, 14 7 00 K Selinuruian, 14 7 00 Amiuerman. Zern t Weitzel, 13 10 00 Kase & Reed, 13 10 00 Cochran, Peal & Co., 14 7 00 David J. Lewis, 14 7 00 Wm. II. Cherington & Co., 14 7 00 Jacob Wuimcr, Liq., 14 10 50 Samuel John, 14 7 00 Bird & John, Liq. 14 10 50 Shamokin Township. Bergstresscr & lloff, Liq., 14 10 50 John Sliiie, Liq., 14 10 50 Samuel John, 14 7 00 Taggart. Barton A Co., 13 . 10 00 Joseph Reeder, 14 -7 00 Zimmerman & Moury, Liq., 14 10 50 Clement tc Martz, Liq., 14 10 50 John Yanzant, 14 7 00 Lower Mahanoy Township. Elias Weist, ' 14 7 00 Benjamin Dockey, Liq., 14 10 50 Andrew Ditty, Liq., 14 10 50 Peter Burrelj Liq.,. 14 10 50 Point Township, S, R. Wood, 13 10 00 Little Mahanoy. Samuel Rotharmal, 14 7 00 Bkkr and Ale Houses and Oyster Cellars in the county of northumberland. Milton. C. Maikes, 8 5 00 Joseph Eckbert, 8 5 00 A. H. Bright, 3 50 Johu F Caslow, 8 5 00 Samuel Logan, 3 50 Zero Township. G. Brymire, 8 5 00 Michael Reider, 8 5 00 Sunbury. Philip Brymiro, Liq., J3 15 00 Simon Martz, Liq., 8 8 50 Ed. Gass, 8 5 00 Jacob Kram, 8 5 00 George Williams, 3 50 Northumberland Borough.' Henry Wenck, 8 5 00 Jacob Eckert, 8 5 00 Jacob Eckert, 5 00 Coal Township. Thos. M. Moore, 8 5 00 PrRSONS EXOAGED IX RECTIFYING AND SELLING niBKCY I TUB COCSTT. Milton. John Kohr , 10 5 00 Brewers within tub County. Milton. George Baker, 9 8 00 An Appeal will bo held at the Commis sioners office at Sunbury, on the 23d day of Jnne next, nt 10 o'clock, A. M., at which tinio and place those interested may attend. JAMES COVERT, Mer. Appraiser. Sunbury, Juno 9, 1855. , Estate of ADAM OILGER, deo'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letter teatmnen tary Upon the etate of Adam Gilgcr, Into of Slumnkin townnhtp, Northumberland county, dec il.. have been granted to Jonas Gilder, resid ing in Shnmnkin, and Snin'l Gilger, atElvRburg, All persons having claims ngsinst said deceas ed, are requested to present tliein for settlement, and all persons knowing themselves to lie iiidcb ted will rrakc immedinto payment. JONAS GILGERi )-,... 8 MTj. GII.GER, j1'!t,or Shamokin tp., June 9, 1855. St. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRIIiING & GRANT A HE now opening a new and very desirablo slock of Spring and Summer Goods, em bracing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres, Summer Wares for men and boys, all styles and priors. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of l'lsid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dress Silks at 'unusually low prires, Shcllies, 1) razes, Hrnro Do Loins, Mus. l)e I.ains, I, awns, Ac, (INGITAMS from fl to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES 3 12 J ' WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaconctts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bnbi- tictt, French and Swins I. aces, Edgings, fee. Brown and bleached Mulins, Drilling. Ticks, Checks, 'fowling, Table Diiipers, $ c. f; hoc rums. HARDWARE and QTJEEUSWARE, Crdor-vtare, Ilolliiw-wnm, Iron, Steel, Plaster, Suit and r mil. Also a treh supply of DKl'U! AND MKDIC1NK9. Thankful for pnst favors, we hop by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friend. tV (.'mintry produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunbury, June S. 1855 ly. FLEMING Sc BEOTHEB, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALER ft IN FINE GROCERIES, Xo. 40 South Water Street, Philadelphia, IIAVl: CONSTANTLY ON 11ANP, Cheese, Starch, I'urc Grd, Spices, flutter, Lard, Sweet Oil, Deans, Cnstilo Soap, Barley, Dried Fruit, Olive Soap, Sal. Soda, Cranberries, Suliirntus, Ess. Coffee, Scaled Herring, Farina, Dairy Salt, Vc. Country Merchants sending orders by mnil, mny rely on having the same quality of goods sent, and at the same price, as if they wero per sonally present. Philadelphia, Juno 2, 1855. ply7. Fine lot of Wall Taper just received and for salo by WM. Mrt'AflTY, Market Street. Sunbury, June 2,1855. Great Arrival of SPRING GOODS ! UiA T. CLEMENT fNFOKMS his friends and customers that ho just received an elegant aKHortiiient of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store in MarUct Sireet, Sunbury, which lie offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock conits of a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassiwrs, Cussincts, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Cnticncs, Jllitslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berates. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Mon, Women ami Children. Silk Mats. Taiiama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. !Ma!er. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Suit, &c. HARDWARE, Vil : Iron and Steel, Xails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, J'latcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tyc LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, it. 0" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1S55. ly. TOBACCO, &c. Strawberry. Congress, Fldnrado Fig, Eldorado Cake, Sarsaparilla Fine Cut, Pleased Fine Cut, AnJersoua " " For Sale at WEISER & BRCNEK. Sunbury, Msv 20, 1855. SEGARS. El Dorado, Rio Hondo, La Curiosidad, C'aualos, El Xeptimo, El Ducmlo, Recrcadores, La Seiuiarinis, Plantation, For Sale at WEISKK &. Itnr'pn Havana I herools. Sunbury, May 2C, 1855. TJEBERINE, Vcratria, Cliiuordino and Cin- chnnia, just received by May 19, 1S55. WEISER & BRUNER. riOOFLANU'S liittcMat May 19 WEISER & BRL'NER'S. 1 1 1'SUAXD'S Magnesia for sale by 11 My 'a- WEISER & BRL'XER. f jlUASK'S Magnetic Ointment tt J- May 19. WEISER & BULXER'S. fL.CK Putty a good article for sale by May 19 WEISER & BRUXER. VERMICELLI, Maccaroui and Coin Starch, jut received by May 19, 1S5S. WEISER iV BRL'XER. TAHXESTOCICS Vernii upe, for sale bv May 19. WEISER A BRL'XER 1JAIXT8 of every iloRi'riptioii jusl reprived by May 19. WEIsEK & BRL'XER TRICOPHEROl'S fl dor., for sale by May 19. WEISER & BRL'XER. I XDF.LLIBLE IX K at May 19. WEISER & BRUXER'S. fJOMBS Back, Children'i Long, Side and fine combs; Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &c., for sale at YOUNG'S STORE. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1851. "1 LOVES Uuekskin (ilovet and Mitts, do TbT Glovxs wool lined. Ladies Gloves. Chil dren's do., Mitts, &e., it Nov 18, '53. YOUNG'8 STORE. fiRGC ERIES Began. Coffee, Molasses Spices, Oils, Brandy. Uin, Wine, Macker el. Herring sud bait, just received and for sale by WM. A. KNABU. Lower Augusts. May 8, 1854. M TMBRELLAS. -Uersliues, Pocket Books J PoTUnonies, Silk Pocket-uoudkarchieis, Neck-tiss, Suringtscks, Suspenders, Ac, st. No. S6,'t. .. ' VOl'NG's) BTORE. NEW Mm STORE! WEISEH & BRUHER, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., next door to E. Y. rig AC Slort SUNDORY, PA., FFER to tho public the largest end best sele. 'rd stock ever opened iu this section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stulfs, Window Glass, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Xail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Xcck and Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams Tobacco, Segars, Port Monias, Stationary, Con fectionaries, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use, English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. O" Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. GEO. 11. WEISER, WM. A. BRL'XER. Sunbury; May SO, 18fi9 Estate of JACOB ALLEMAN, clce'd, ITOT'CE is hereby given that letters testainen tary upon tho estate of Jacob Alleman, IhIc of Lower Mahanoy, Northumberland county, dee'd , have been granted to the snbseritier. Therefore all persons having claims or demands against tho said estate, are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons in debted to mayc payment forthwith. JACOB BIXGEMAX. Ex'tor. Lower Mahanoy, May 2fi, lrt.r5. 6t. Estate of MASON HENRY, Deo'd. TVTOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad ' ministration have been grunted to tho subscri ber on the esuito of Mason Henry, late of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons having claims against the estate, and such that are indebted thereto, arc requested to make an early settelnicnt. The undersigned administrator will be present at the house of the late deceased, on Saturday, the 31st inst., to make final scttelment. MICHAEL ARNOLD, Ad'tor. Upper Augusta, May 10, 18,ri5 Cl. Extraordinary Arrival tf r"FMIE subscriber takes pleasure in informing his customers and the public generally that ho is now in receipt of an unusually largo and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundreth part of the articles would be useless. Suffice il to say, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will he disposed of at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere. Iy motto is "Quick Saks and Small Profits." He takes this method of presenting to the public his thanks for the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stikt attention to business, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. It will be advisablo for purchasers to call and examine his assortment before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. EDWARD V. BRIGHT. Sunbury, May 19, 1833. FOR THE LADIES. & ISS JANE FIXXEY has received in adJi tion to her stock of Fancy Good, an ele gant assortment of Ladies' Morocco, black and fancy colored Gaiters, Childrens Shoes and Gai ters, of every oV.rrintion, which she will si ll at Philadelphia prices fur cash. Call and see. 1 . f. 1 hose knowing, themselves to be in debt to tho subscriber will please come forward anil make ininicdiiile payment, to save trouble. fcunbury, May 12, 1833. r LATI X Alr01 NTS ' TOR LIGHTNING RODS. hl.'R Points are made of a tapering copper bo. ' dy, about 0 inches long, well gilt with mire gold to prevent the action of the weather, and tipped with solid Platina; I hey have been in use lur over thirty years, and have given general sit Waction. Prices $1,00, 1,50, $3,00, S3,0') f 4 ,00 per point, according to '.he quantity of l latina. V e nlso lurnisli glass insulators and iron staples. Munufictured by McALLIS 1 En & BROTHER, (Established in 17UM 191 Chestnut St., below Eighth, Philadelphia. 1 una., Alay 1-, IX. u. 1 111. EGtato of GEO. SMITH, dee'd. "VTOTICE is hereby given that Idlers Testa- mcniary upon uie estaie 01 ucoro rmiiin, late of Jackson t.iwnship, Xorthumlicrland coun ty, dee'd.. havtt been granted to the subscribers, residing in said township. All persons having ilaims against said deceased, ore requested to present them for settlement, and all persons knowing themselves to be indebted will inuke iuimediato pavmcut. SARAH FMTTH. 1 F , JNO. GALEN SMITH, J " "' Jackson tp., May 12, 1S55. fit. Estate of JOHN LEADER, dee'd. TBfJOTICE is hereby given that letters testa iQ mentary have been granted to the subscri ber upon the estate of John Leader, bile nf Jack son township, Northumherlard county, dee'd. A II persons knowing themselves indebted to, or having claims against said estate, will call and settle immediately. WM. DEPPEN, Ex'tor. Jackson tp., May 18, 1835. Ct. FIRST AllHIVAL or At S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lower Augusta township, at the Junction of the Tulpeiiocken and Plum creel; roads. rilHE subscriber having returned from the city with a new and extensive assortment of fasYonable goods, respectfully calls the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans. Drilling, Uuslins, listings, Tweeds, and all kinds of Spring and Summer Y'car, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Uinehams, Btrats, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, tfc. ;itot'Fitii s Sugar, Tes, Codes, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, &c., Ac., &c. Ilni'dnnre, Xails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives ii Forts, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various styles and pultcnis. boots And shoes. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cam, Ac, of various sires and slyles. Besides a large sud general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your solves. ri Country jweduce i all kinds tsksn in exchange st Uie highest inatVet prices. 8. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1855 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that spplieation will be mads to- the next legislature of Pennsyl vania, st (he session of lK5t, for the creation of esrporats body, with hanking snd discounting privileges, to bs called the ' Sbahouib Bask," located st Shamokintown, Northmnberlsnd Co., Pa., with s capital stork of 1M),0P0, with the privilege of increasing (lis same to $300,000 if necessary. bhamokin, May 88. 1835. Ors. ' UOSIERV. Msns' wool snd cotton Socks, Ladies' snd children's stockings just open ed st VOUXG'8 STOBE. Sunbury No. II, 164. NEW SrilING AND StJMMER ClTcrSiaiffl?iSs I. W- TENER & Co-, Sunburn Pit. TAVE just received s new and splendid as sortinent of goods, suited to ths season, amongst which arci Cloths. Cassimeres snd Velvets, Ready made Clothes, English, French and American Ging hams, plain and painted Challi. do. do. Lawns, Barege and Barege DcLains, plain sud painted Tissue, Tissue Barege, Thibet Silk, fringed Shawls, Em broidered and Damask Crape Shawls, Faniy Mantillas, atii pfd and checked Linen," Ta ble Covers, Mosquitto Nets, Fans, Parasols and Um brellas, together with a general assort ment of Dry Goods Hats, Cups, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Queonsware. Fish, Salt, Nails Ac, 4c, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or Country Tro dure. Sunbury, May 8, 1855. NOTICE. ,4 LL persons indebted to the late firm of Jartics Taggart 4 Son, of Northumberland, cither by note or book account, are hereby requested to mnke settlement thereof by the first day of Julj next, to Grantham I. Taggart, surviving partner, or the accounts will bo placed in the hands of a Justice for inllection. GRANTHAM L TAGGART, Surviving partner. Norlh'd, Mav 12, 1955. 2m. Estate of JAMES TAGGART, dee'd. V OT ICE is hereby given that letters testainen ' tary upon the estate of James Tagg;irt, late of the borough of Northumberland, Northumber land county, dee'd., have been grsnted to the subscriber. Therefore all persons having claims or demands ogninst the said estate, are requested to rnako them known without delay, ai.d all persons indebted to make payment forthwith. GRANTHAM I. TAGGART, Ex'tor, Norlh'd, May 12, 1P55 Ct. LATEST ARRIVAL Of Spring 6j Summer Goods. J. P. 4 l.F. KLINE, IJESl'ECTFULLY announce to their friends and ti e public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Pa., at Klines Grove, their Spring mi J Summer Goods, and opened to the public, a full assortment of HEItCIIAND-IZE, &c., Consisting in part of Cloths, block and fancj CassiinerB, Saltiuetts, (.'hecks, nud all kinds SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coals, Vests and Pants, &C. Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams. Muslin de Laiucs, Ac. Also Black Silks, &e. Also afresh supply ot (Grocer it', of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drills and Medicines. Wooden Wore. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Childnn. Hats and Caps, such as Palm Leaf, Canada, Panama and Silk Hats, and. all goods usually kept iu a Country Storo. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highestmarkct price. Upper Augusta, May 12, 1955. Furniture ! Furniture ! .Vo. 107 South Second above Spruce,) east side, PiniADELPHIA. rrlIE subscriber would respectfully inform the - readers of the SoMHrj American ami the ptibli.-. generally, that ho li.i on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made Furniture at reasonable prices. Being a practi cal mechanic, and having all his goods manufao lured under his own superintendence, purchasers may rely on getting just such articles as ore represented. Lounges with removable arms, also new patterns of linlsteads. Those who are about going lo housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER, 157 South Second street. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. April S8, 1855. wR ly. Grocerey, Flour, Feed and Provision Store. SEASEOLTZ & FETERY, Broadway, between Market fc Blacklerry its., nun our y. II1 ESPECTFULI.Y inform Ihn rilirens nf Sunburv, that they have engaged the servi- ccs nf a competent Uorman baker, and are now prepared to supply tho citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies and cal.es of every kind. Sugar, coll'cc, (browned) green J- ' lack teas, lice, crackers & cheese, tobacco St segars. All kinds of small beer, as well as lemon, pineapple and strawberry syrup, constantly kept for sale. Sunbury, May 5, 1355. ly TO THE LAD IKS Of Sunburv and Vicinity. AG NEW & CO., IOC Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. RE now offering to purchasers a splendid Stork of New Spring Shawls, Mantillas anil Dress Uoods: their assortment of Paris made Mantillas, is very extensive, comprising one of the best selected Stocks in the City, and at ex tremely low prices. SHAWLS Brocha, Cashmere andGold bor dered Shawls, long and square. Also, large assortment of Rich Eu.bioidered and I'luiii Can ton Cra)e Shawls.. SILKS Particular attention is requested to our stock of Brocade, Plain, Plaid Sttipe, Moran Amino e and blk. Hilkj, nf all qualities and prices. Wash Silks ill great variety. hKV.HH GOODS Flnuuced barege Robes, Grenadines, Tissues, Bareges, Oigandines, Mousilrns ('bathe Delaines, brilliants, French and English Chintzes, Ac, Embrou'eries of all descriptions. Collars, Sleeves, Rullles, Insert ings, with a full Stock nf Ribbons, Ladies' und Geutletnens' Gloves, Hoisery, tic, Constantly receiving f'esh supplies of Season able (foods, per Steamers I'm in Havre, Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Auction Sales' Purchasers are requested to call and examine our stock of splendid Spring Goods before puichasing. AONEW & CO., 190 Chestnut St., Philada. April 7, 1855. 3m. TO COUNTRY ST0BEKEEFEK riMIE Subscriber has on hand of his own niau L ufucture, s large assortment of Ladies', Misses', and Childrens', Leather, Kid, and Morocco BOOTS, SIIOES, und GAITERS, of the best workmanship and materials, which be will sell at ss low wholesale prices ss any person in the city. Buyers ran get any situs lo make up assortments, without having to purchase the smaller or more unsaleable size. WM. C. PARKER, No. 91 North SIXTH Street, belo Race, Philadelphia, N. B. Gaiter Uppers ready for the last; sold to Country Shoemakers at low prices. Sunbury, April 14, 1H30. Jin. ARNOLDS WRITING FLUID snd Adhe sivs sud legal envelopes, for sale by H. V. MASSE R. Sunburv. Jan 10. 1BS3 ' AMPHINE and Fluid of the best quality. Tor sals by WEISER BRUNEK. tunbury, May 19. ! SALAMANDER SAFES. 1 EVANS & WATSON, J Ko. 26 Sou'h Fourth St., Philwh h Ha. GREAT FIRE, Ubtnut ti Fifth Streets. Friday morning, December 33th, 1854. Evans Watson's Salamander Safe Trium phant, ss they always are when put to the test. PmLAiir.i.rni , Dec. 15, 1854. Messrs. Evas 6- Watsoj, N. 29 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re commending jour Salamander Safes to Merchants and others in want of a secure means of preser ving their books, psprrs, te- from fire, as tho one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers and cash In ss good 0 condition ss they were when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was ill uso in our office, on tho second floor of our b'libling. from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there tin'it tho fire was out. The Safe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in use again, havii.g perfect confidence Iti its fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LACY 4- PHILIPS. Evans J- Watsrm lalid plcaeure in referring to tho following, among the many hundreds who have their Safes in use : U. 3. Mint, Philada ; Farmers' and Mcrhnnirs' Bank, l'hlla i Samuel Allen, Esq., High Snerilf, Pl.ila i John H. Hen derson. City Controller; Caleb Cope 4- Co., No. 1N3 Market .St. ; Richard Norris d Son, Loco motive builders, Philnda ; Bancroft lr Fellers, Machinists, corner IClh and James Sts.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvania Railroad Co, Pbila.( Laccy iV Philips, comer fith and Minor Sts; Sharpies Bro., No. .12 South Second St..; James Kent & Santee, No. 1 17 North Third St ; W H. Horstinan & Sons, Xo. 51 North Third St.; Smith, Williams & Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. & B. Omc, No. 184 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand ot least 10 percent more tiro than any Herring's Safe now in use.) E VAX'S & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale. Iron Shutters, Iron Doois and Iron Dash, for making fire-proof Vsults for Banks sloies, public ond private buildings. Seal ond Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re frigcrators, etc. Please give us a call, at No. "8 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. HAYD0CK & FIDLEE, 1TEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will " continue the business at the old stand of James B. Fidler, Xo. 12 South Second Street, lMIIl.ADKI.I'Ul.V, Where thry solicit an examination of their largo and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had In the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on tlic most advantageous terms, will cini hie them to compete favorably with any other establishment 111 the city. 1 hey have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, & c, tic. N. B. Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. tf. EOYD, RCSSEIi & CO., N1NE.KS AND HIIITEHS or ileb SVntljracitc Coal. From tho Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, STorth'd County, Pnna. Address. Boyd, Rosser & Co., Sunbury, Pa. 11. m. until j. iiossr.il. jas. norn. T. nussicii. Sunbury, April 7, 1S55 tf. Watsox Drrey. Thomas Depvt. J. S. DEITY & SONS, Y. 223 Xorlh Second Street, I flow Callowhill, and S. IK. Corner JCighth and Spring Garden Streets. rilll.ADlll.PUIA, T"iroi.'LD lespcctfully inform their former ' ' customers and others, that they have just laid in a splendid assortment of Carpets Oil Cloths, .flattings, Window Shades, Door Mats, &c, &c, at very reduced prices Wholesale &. Retail. TAKE NOTICE. We will sell our goods as cheap as any other hrusc of the kind in the city, Pn'la., April 7, 1855 w.lms 5()f. BOOKSELLERS, BINDERS, BLANK HOOK MASI'KAf Tr RHUS, AXD STATIONERS, 5. 11'. Corner of Fourth (e Race Streets, PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1855 tf PETER OSliOllN, 311., WHOLESALE & EETAIL FEATHER &. MATTRE.SS WAREHOUSE, Yi. Xor'h Second Strut, Third door ahore Arch, Fast side, Philadelphia. Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters & Pillows. Curled Hair, Moss, Wool, Cotton, Flock and Husk Mattresses, Straw Palliasses, Settee, Pew, and Chair Cushions, all kinds and rollors, Bed tickings, Check, Moreens and Damask by the yard or piece, Cotls, Cat-tail, Sacking and Cords, Counterpanes, while and colored, Comfortables of all kinds and sizes by the single one or doer. Cribs," Berth, Single and 0, 10, II, 13 and 10 quartern Blankets, Bleached and Unbleached Sheets, Blocked Muslin arid Check pillow cases, Towels of all kind.s, Table Linen, Table Covers. Damrsk table cloth. Bindings of all kinds and colors. Thread, Ac, N. B. Benton If Coston's patent rcnovatcr worked by steam power, is daily in operation for tho purpose of purifying old and new feathers. All articles from this establishment win ranted. Philada, March 3, lS.r)5 cr 3 111 3 House nixl Lot for Sale. FSMIE subscriber oilers st private sale, his house 1 and lot situated ill W hortleberry strec!, Sunbury, The house is s new Two Story frame dwellii.g, on a lot of 1,0 feet front. There is also, a Butcher Shop 011 the premises. Tho locution is an excellent one, lor any person wishing to follow that business. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, March 17, 1855- tf. E0UNTY LAND WARRANTS. 'jPHE subscriber having reecivrd the necessary forms and insrucllious from the Department, at Washington, is prepare'! to procure Bouut) Land Warrants at the shortest notice. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 1, 1855. TALL PAPER large snd splendcd ' sssortinent uf Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER & Co, Sunbury, May SO. 185 H ALLEN MERGER'S PILLS A certaia curs lor Fever snd Ague, for sale by WKIsER A BRVNER. Sunbury. id 1854. TJATS CAPS. Silk and Slouch Hats, -U- Military snd clotb Caps lor men snd boys, also Gum Shoes of various sires, just received and for sale st YOUNG'S STORE. . Sunbury .Nov, 55,1854. CEDAR TUBS. Horse Buckets, Painted Buck cts, M est Tenderers, Corn Brooms, . Bas kets, Children's Wsgoni, and Ysnke C locks nst received snd for sale by ' Ms Sfl, IMS- I W. TCS t i pii mmm . AN ASTOUNDING FACT. ' Elbbetg's Clothing tltoH Again! ELRBERO (late a. Elsberg & Co.) wish'-s to announce to the inhabitants 1 f Northumberland county, arid t,he public in gen eral tbat ho has removed his elegant aiid dies' Nothing Store s few doors east from the iWv store, t0 a new canacious building.,1 , Ths rem TI"." "''""""'l ''V the former store be imr 1 -small to facilitate th. gnu icreR,in! trsJe u, this widely known store. Being thailtiful , ' past patronage, I hope to deserve it for the fufv 1 still more by serving you with accustomed fideli ty snd increased alacrity. , In order to suit every one that crdls, I hti laid 111 a stock of clothing, genu furnishing goor . and all other goods in my line on a most extn ' sive scale, also made arrangements with my brc ther in Philadelphia, to send every thing tie, 7 and fashionable ss soon as produscd, so that 1117 stock will bo replenished every few weeksi ,J.'i extent, variety, elegance, qmlity and cheapnos.i, my slock surpasses every thing "the oldest inhab itant" ever beard tell of in this part of the coun try. "To see is Ut believe," and ss I invite eve ry bedy to call and see and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Il is a treat to sm and examine such ati elegant, good, cheap r,'ocI. of goods. My stock consists in part of Dress. F roclt, Sck, Business and all other kinds of Coats, made of cloth, cashmarette., cassimere, linen, flax and nd other stufi's of all imaginable colors, plain, fane, striped and checked. Pauls ond Vests of evei style and pattern, low ilhd high priced, as suited to the want of tho buyer; the lorgest and best assortment ever exhibited tvest of the mountains. A nice assortment of Boots and Shoes, gaiters and slippers, also tallies shoes, gaiters & slippers. A splendid lot of Hats and Caps, such an Pa nama, Curracoa, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, Sen. ate, Straw and Palm Leaf, different colors, fine silk hats, all colors of wool hats, etc. etc. A good assortment of Shirts, collars, revolvers single and double barreled pistols, frenrh and grr man Accordeons, all kinds of cravats, stocks and pocke thandkerchiefs. Umbrellas, Carpet Bagsi Trunks, and all kind of notions for ladies Btul gentlemen. Also an assortment of watches am) Jewelry, all of which urc warranted ; the money paid for them, cheerfully relumed if not as represented. All this stock will be sold at a'small advance on crsh, so as still further to merit the nauin usually bestowed on my store, as being the cheap. est in Sunbury or Vicinity. So, remember the place. Market Square, nearly opposite the former Post Oilicc. A. ELSBERO, . Late G. Elsbcrg & Co. Sunbury, April SI. 1S55. Spring ii ml Summer Goods ! PETER W. GRAY, INFORMS his friends that ho has just received a good assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER G00D3, at his .Store in Maikct Squatc. His stock con sists of DRY GOODS, V.7. : Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinotts, Jeans, Drilling, Baroges, Barage De I.air.cs, Ginghams, Lawns, Linens, Mu -.litis, Flannels, Mantilla Silks, Winter Shawls, Dress Triuiniii g and all items in toe Dry Goods line. Also, a r arge assorimct of SI10CN for Men Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Groceries ofevcry variety. Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Sail, Fih, &c. BJarrfwarc. A genernl assortment of Cedar Wore Tubs, Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms. Brushes, ic. Qi.'r.F.xswinR a gencraT assortment. Country produce taken at the highest raarkot prices. Sunbury, May 19, 1855. tf. Baltimore Card. CM StE!, ttKIKE &. Co., : COMMISSION MERCHANTS t on tx:k sai,k of FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUtlEEH. Spears' Wharf, Baltimore. I V Agents for Newark and Rosendalo Co. Cement and Plaster. G. A. and Fine SnR, constantly fur sale. N. 1!.- Liberal CASH advances made on con signments on receipt. , . Baltimore, March 17, 1355. Cm. t PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORE, X. 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia. THE subscribers have 011 hand, and are con stantly manufaeturingSIEVES, RIDDLES; SCREENS, WOVENVV'IRES, of all meshes and widths. Also, all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieves f ail kinds ; Brass and Copper Wiro Cloth for Paper Makers, 6ie. Cylinders and Dandy Rclls cov ered in tho best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founder. Screen Wire, Win dow Wires, Safes, Traps, Dish Covors, Coal and .Sand Screens, &c. . . BAYLIES, DARBY &. LINN. March 10, 1855 G 3 rfi.ttj COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! ". BRA T. CLEMENT respectfully informs ths - citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that ho has been appointed agent for the sale of the eelebra. led red at'h coal, from the Mines of Boyd Rosser. & Co. All Ihe various sizes prepared and, scresucil will he promptly delivered by leaving orders with the subscriber. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbujy, Dee. 30, 1851 tf. " NEW STORE. (.1 the old Stand of S. X. Thompson.) 'IHE Subscriber respectfully informs the peer.' L pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has ta ken the Store Room lately occupied by S. N. Thompson, in Market Street, Sunbury, be'ow Weaver's Hotel, and that he has just rcceiveJ' and opened a handsome assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Consisting in pari of . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, . lueeuswsre, Hals lr Cnp, Boots & Shoes, Fish, Salt, Meat. &c. All uf which will he sold at the lowest prior V. .' All kinds of produce tukeu iu exchange at llis highest market price. ' II. H. VASTINE. Sm bury, April 21, ISj-i ly . . DAGUEKREOTYPES. - , T. P. LEISENRINO & J. K. ECKM.N of Danville, respectfully announce to the ladies and gentlemen of Sunbury snd vicinity, thai they have opened Daguerresn rooms above Frt ling & Grant's Store,-in Sunbury, where they are ready lo accommodate those who ma frvor them with s call, with beautiful and' lifs-liks miniatures. " All who desire miniatures will do well to call eaily and secure Iheit picteves, ss we know no what a day iray bring forth.: . Them hasten lo nar rooms, at ye pop!, H"f'ro ysl have reuaoti lu siievo j The cosi vou will fust it boi Ku!e, Ami to all riuMuctioii we'll five. Sunbury, April HI, l.r)5 3t Boarding! Boarding! RS. WHARTON can accommodate" 8 or in .uiu..i.i.l 1. -.i Locution r North-west corner of Market Prrnsrs'.' Sunbury. Persons wishing s comfortable boms will find this a desirable place. ' Sunbury, April 14, 1855. tf p.UHLY MEDIC'LES.-Brown'e Fsvorsnd - AfVe Powders, Fshneslock's Vermifuge. Dr. Javns's celebrated medicines, te. for kls t Nov. M, M. VOl'Sn'3 STOR1. 4