Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 26, 1855, Image 3

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"EllendaW the rpaidence of Mr.- GuaUviis
Broun, near Franklin, vu made, on the night
or the 27th ultimo, the ocene or a diplay or a
proe or crime and lic-roifim fully up to nny.
A, 1,1 romHnpe. modern or ancient. The
T owiotiton Advocate furnishes the twrticn.
. lurs of the affair to which we allude, and
4 which we transcribe entire : -
It appears that about two month since.
Mr. II, hired iu his family as enrrinro driver
and gnrdener, a younfr man about 2ir"vear9 of
fre, named John Oliver, and being about to
o to tho West, for a short time, left him do-
mesticned in his household. Mrs. U., not
lik'n tho conduct or Oliver, discharged
' him in tho parly part of the present month,
and did not see him njrtiin until tho nipht in
-question. On that night, about. 12 o'clock,
she wns wnkmed by a slight noise near her
chamber door, resembling the movements of a
dog, and supposing that one of the form dogs
Una been fastened up iu the house, Bhe arose
from her bed for tho purpose or having him
. turned out. As 8 ho approached the chamber
dnor, some one turned the knob or tho lock.
- Mrs. R, g.,iPd who is there f There was no
)'. but in a moment after the door wns
opun. iui 1 two rufliiins, partially disgui
0, entered the chamber she being entirely
alone with the exception of her infant child.'
It being a bright moonlight night, a light
also burning in her room, Mrs. ., instantly
recognized John Oliver; she called him by
. name, and said. "John, I know you well, what
do you want here f" Upon thnt'he sprung up.
on her mid piuioued her arms, while his com
panion covered her mouth with his hand,
,n order, if possible, to prevent her from giv
ing tho alarm. , As she endeavored to disen-
. guge herself from them, they each struck her
Be vend blows over tho head' with their fists,
.and with a rnton cane, the head of which was
ball of lend weighing about three ounces.
This brought tho unfortunate lady to a re
.cumbeut position when they dealt her other
blows over the head, shoulders, and breast.
By a ruiuurkablo effort at this moment, she
recovered her erect position, lcosened their
hold upon her, and seizing a douhle-bnrrel
gun, which stood iu the corner of tho room,
ehe levolled it, at which they fled, dragging
wiih them a laro heavy travelling trunk,
containing: a considerable quantity of plate,
money and jewelry
Having thus cleared her chamber of these
desperate assailants, Mrs. B., followed them
into the passage and poured tho contents of
one barrel of the gun upon them ns they de
scended the stairs with what effect is yet
muknown. She then pursued them to the
parlor below, determined to give them the
benefit of the other barrel. But they f ing
''out i.f the front door and made for the woods,
'Iwiving behind a large quantity of ladies'
dre.jfs, and other articles which they had
lied np forTemoviil.
At the time of this outrageous nrsault, there
wa no one sleeping in the front part of the
hono hut Mrs. B., and her infant, son; her
mother and sister, (wife and daughter of Col.
"VV.H. Freeman, who were visitors) and a
aerrjiil lodging in a distant chamber.
On examination, Mrt. li., was found tohave
Wo most despurately .Mid brutally assailed.
Sue had a large cut upon the buck of her
head, and several severe bruises upon her
luck, shuiildiirs nud arms. Her night dross,
to the waist, was ouo gore of blood. The
chamber, passage, stairway and pallor, stain
ed with blood, showed the desperate charms
1er of the affray, and tho determined courage
of syonng and delicate female against such
fearful odds.
We farther leorn, that the trunk has been
tad in a neighboring woods, rifled of its
contents ; and that one of the burglars, John
Oliter, has been arrested, and is now iu jail.
The other is yet ut lurge, namo unknown.
Frkaks i(; the Teach Blossoms. Dr.
Whit, the pfstiii.iftiT ut I'liion iitur. Ky.,
in a letter to the 1 .ftiisviile LVnrics, notices a
itijrulur f u t : In thix suction throughout eve
ry p.irh orchard there ha' been a greater
lioom than fur niuny years past, und upon ex-
lix blossoms a biniilar phi'iioineuon .
w (itcrviiiilo. In Borne ori-lmru.i, lor every
Uossom ex.iiiiined there has boon found inside
his cups from one to us many ns seven wi-11
irmiil peaches, nnd a large majority of the
Icatotri huve three or four in thorn. 'l'Lie
ait never been observed iu that part of Keu
ackv before.
toASTOPor.. luriii!f the lirst week of the
bombardment, the V' tnMiiliPS alone fir
td uwsy between IS.uilO ami 17.000 32 and
CSpotirnl shot and sliell ; 7,MK) 13-inch shells,
B-jil 4,5b0 10 inch shells Linking in ull nhout
2,2(W t"'-" f thot and 500 tons of powder.
Tho Kfijrlifh liencheij mounted on tho 1 jth,
104 guns nnd nun-tars ; the l-'rench 230 ; so
that dtirinjr tli" lir-t woek'8 hoinbardnient
hnnt 'I.11"'' "'is of tihij and t-ht-ll, and 1,500
tons of powder were expeuded.
The I.nR'hm paper say the BiispotiRion of
the fire of the Allies shows the iinprejrnubili
ty of Sehastopol with the present fm-co ar
rayed it. The design now appenis
4o"hc to conitiK'tieo iiiienitions ogaiiifct the
nay in the Cell.
, Tur.RiubK A' '.iiknt.-()ii Weduer-dny tnorn
ILuir ul u Imru niif-iiijr, nuiir Manor. Luncaster
munty, I'a., u heavy tinilier fell on the men
helow, killing one man instantly, and injuiinr
fiftefcil otuers ; Ineiikinfr pi rns und legs und
otiwrwii'e uianjfHiig theui. Several are not
upc-c-tc-d to live.
Hoi.riWAV'B Ointment and PilU have
iCil'ectually Cured a Wound in tho and
. Treventad it beinjj Amputated. Tho fol
lowing ojtiaordinary cure was cominnniciited
bv Captain .Smith, of Y ivrmouth, to M r. Uix-
on, chemist, Norwich. 'Mr. John Walton,
late iu Her Majesty's fcjervico in tho lirilish
I-'lewt, at Malta, had au ulcerated wound iu
the anklo, for which ho was iu the Malta
Hospital (ix months, afterwards iu 1'orts.
mouth Hospital for four mouths : here, ni ut
Malta, refusing to have tho limb amputated.
b was turned out incurable : other inedkul
aid fuih'd also: when, bv Captain Huiith's
recommeudation ho tried llolloway'g Oint
ment and Jilln wliicli iu three mouths curi
him, and he is low in perfect health, und
Coast Guard officer at Newhaven.
Tmb liAtsIUiN, followed by bright aun
' shine,. have brought out vepetution wonder
fully. The clear sunshine will also briny out
the ladies and the gentlemen in nil their fine
upriuff array. Tho pentlemen who are not
quite sure of being clad in tho latent style,
must call and pet new suits at C.oekhill &
Wilson's cheap otoro, No 111 Cheatuut
atreet, corner of Fraukliu l'lace.
... .. . ".. .' i
On the 20th iust., by the Rev. C. J. Ehre
hart, Mr. ruBiiKKK-K SLAtiku, of Mt. Curmel,
to ilii ijiTiita M 1 Ti iii.EB, of Coaltowubhip.
Io Korthumberlaud,OBthe2d hust.,MAUY
CATHAltlNK, .daughter of Courad and
Sarah Wtuk, aged four yeurs, ouo mouth
isud five days.
t n -.. i .'s far away 1 yet alia rc u 1 ! '
,,. Upna bar smilinfl fo,
' . Sul mark kac lulls winaiu ways,
, r.' J Msr svsry Waul gnea,
Wslistesi for kst airy trsad, , 1 .
The voles wa turn lo hear,
, ... ' Nor Susta- wa 'iU tbeir aoonds bsd fi4
. 1 That sh ws Isslf so iar.
'-..- i saese ats fast, and wry csu efciUl,
" Sk-nuwlsa.sttlthr4oai,
Tboe wsrt a prt too rar, "
tu asris's WrsS ' r' " Ulom
Jn.Mifflinhnrg, ICth inst.,after a few hours'
illness, AARON LV FISHER, Principal of
the MiHlinburg. Academy, aged about 40
In Dnnville, on Mondnvmovninir, May 14th
1855, Major WJLLIASl COLT, aged C5
. On the 9th inst.. In Mlddlccreek township,
Uirioo County, EDWARD KLINE, aged
24 years. . . . . , . .
rhiladelphia Market.
- May 23, 1855.
GRAIN. "Wheat is qnito scarce. Sales
of prime red at $2 CO per bn.,and r'ennsylva
nia white 82 50. Rye is selling at 155(158
cts. Corn is steady. Sales of 10.000 bus.
Southern and Penna. yellow at 112c afloat,
and at 111c. in store. Good Pennsylvania
Oats are selling at 67c. per bushel, afloat,
uud 70c in store.
Whiskey is in demand at 40c. ia barrels,
and 39c. in hhds.
Baltimore Market.
May 22, 1855.
GRAIN. "Wheat may bo quoted this
morning at 250(3 260 cts., for good to priino
red, and 2(10(.0 cts., for good to prime
white. The receipts of Corn this morning
embrace about 1,200 bushels. White sold
at 105(107 cts. and yellow tit 107(7? 108 cts.
Only a part or tho suuiples of Corn at mar
ket were sold. There were some 1,200 bush
els Rye nt market this morning. It wns held
at 10rj3 lf!8 cts. for Pennsylvania, but no
sales were made. We understand that 1,000
bushels of Pennsylvania Rye were sold on
Saturday nt 1G8 cm. The snlcs of Oats this
morning embrace about 2,000 bushels, nt 63
(3.66 cts. for Maryland and Virgiuia, and CG
cts. for Chio and Pennsylvania.
Whsat. k
Pot toss,
Hkcklku Flax.
Estate of MASON HEJJRY, Dec'd.
XJOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad
' ininistratiiin have been granted to tlie subscri
ber on the estate uf ilmwn Henry, line of Upper
Augusta township, Aoi tliunibcrland county,
ilicM. All persons having claims against tlie
estate, and such that are indebted thereto, arc
requested to make nn early scttelmeiit. The
undersigned administrator will be present at the
house of the late deceased, on Saturday, the Ulst
iust., to make final srttclment.
Upper Au;usta, May 19, 1855 fit.
Extraordinary Arrival of
THE subscriber takes pleasure in informing
his customers and the public ncnerully that
ho h now iu receipt of an unuau.iKy large anJ
Splendid Assortment of New Gcods.
To endeavor to enumerate the one hundrclli
part of t be articles would be useless. .Suliicc it
to say, they have been selected with the greatest
care, nnd they v ill be disposed of at as low i;,ice
as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere.
My motto is
'Quick Sales and Small Profits."
He takes this method of pretenting to the
punuc ins lhai.l.sir tlie linvrul iiatrouairo exien
ded to him, and by stiict attciitiun to business
lie rcsijectl'ully solicits h couiinuance of tbe same.
It will be mlviohblo for porciiasers to call and
evnmiiie Ins assortment before purchasing else
whcie. Ail hiiidsof produce taken i eichunge.
Sunbury, May 1!), 1855
Adjourned Court Proclamation.
NOTICE is herrl.y given that an adjourned
' Court of Common Pleas will lie lu-U f,r
tlie county of Xortfiuml-erlaml, in tho Court
House, in the borouch of Siml ury, commencing
on Monday, the SSlb inst., at 10 o'clock. A. M.,
ami to continue one week.
Given under my hand at Sunlmry, the 10th day of
May, in the ycr of our Lord one thousand
ciitht hundred and fifty-five and the Indo-
l-enduuce of the United States of America the
God save lh Cmmnriwenth.
HKKRY WElSE.bheritT.
C AM PHINU and Fluid of tlit. IM quality.
' Tor sulu by Wl'ISER 4- UK UN Eli.
Sunhury, May 19, 1155.
"I EUEK1.NE, Vcmtria, Cliinordine and Cin
rliiinia, just received iy
May IQ, ls55. WEISER & BRUNEI!.
May 19. WEIdEK & BRUNEK'S.
Jt'SBAND'8 Maanesia for sale bv
1 May 11). WEISER& BKL'NEU.
rfH.SK.'rj Magnctie tlintment at
1LACK l'utty-a article for sale ly
lilt.MIL'KI.I.I, Maccaroni and Com Starch, received by
May I 'J. Iffit. &BRU.NRR.
FAHNESTOCK'S Vermi ugeTfor sain by
1JAIXT8 of every desrriplhv, Jllat received by
Mav 19. WfiltSisn & BRC.NER
V'SJ'IXnS! and Lbunrs for Medicinal purposes,
R.ii.biirv. May 19. 1S5S
rpKICOPHEHOL'8 6 doi. for sale by .
- May 19. WEISEU & BKUAER.
May 19. WEISER 6c. BRUNER'S.
"1IS8 JANE FIXXEY has received in addi-
'-sl lion lo her stock of F'ancy Goods, an ele
gant assortment of Ladies' Motucco, bluck and
fancy colored Cabers, Chiltlrens Shoes and Gut
ters, of every description, which she will sell at
I'hiladelphia prices fur cash. Call aud e.
P. S Tliuse know iu g themselves to be in
debt to the subscriber wilt please come forward
and make immediate payment, to save trouble.
Sunbury. May 12, UftS.
I' L A T I X A rO I NTS "
VUR 1'oints are mads uf a tapering copper bo--
dy, about fi inches long, well gilt wiih pure
gold to prevent the action of the weather, and
tipped wiih solid i'lalina t (hey have been in use
fur over thirty years, and have given general s-it-i.faclion.
)'i ices 1,00, $1,50, i,0l), $fi
4,0U per point, according to the qumtily 'of
d'latiua. We also furnii-h glass insoiators and
T . 1 .11 n.anui iciureu ny
(Eablishedin 179.)
194 Chestnut Bt., below Eighth, I'hiladeliihia.
H.iia., May t. 185S loi.
GKOCERIE8 eiegara, CoUVs, Moluases
ISj.ices, Oils, Urantty.tJin, Wii.e, Macker.
ei, lismi.gani! Sil, just received and for sals
T V'M. t. KNABB.
Lser Augusts May 18S4
. x50
: . b?
. ?2
! 12
Of Spring Summer Cooils.
j. r. & i.IpTiclink,
RESPECTFULLY announce to tlielr friends
nd tire public in general, that they have
received nt their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland county, Pn.. t Klines
Grove, their Spring snl Summer Goods, and
opened to the public, a full assortment of
Confuting in part r( Cloths, hlnr.k snd funcj
Cassimers, Sattinctls, Checks, and nil kinds
Alio lot of Rcady.made Coats, Vests and
PanU, &c. -
ladies Dress Goods,
Calicoes, Ginghams. Muslin da Laines, c. Alia
Black Silk, Ac.
Also a fresh supply or rorcrlC of nil kinds.
A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens
ware, Drugs and Medicines.
Wooden Ware.
Also a Inrge assortment nf Boots nnd
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children, lints and Caps, sucbis
Pulm Leaf Canada, Panama
and Silk Hats, nnd all
goods usually kept in a Country 8tors.
Call am! See.
Cheaper thnn the Cheapest,
All of which will be sold for rash, or in ex
change for country produce, at the highest market
Upper Augusta, May 12, 1954.
Estate of GEO. SMITII, deo'd.
"V"CTICK Is hereby gin that letters Testa
mPL'lary upon the estate of George Smith,
late of Jackson t.iwnahip. Norlhumherlnnd coun
ty, dee'd.. have been granted to tlio subscribers,
residing in said township All persons baring
claims apainst tab), are requested to
present llirm for settlement, and all persons
knowing- themselves to be indebted will make
immediate payment.
SARAH f'MTTH, ) r ,
Jackson tp., May IS, 1855. Gt.
ft LI. persons indebted to the late firm of James
TiiKBrt & Son, of Norlhnnibrrlnnd, either
bv note or book account, are hereby requested to
make settlement thereof by the first day of July
next, to Lira nt Iui m I. Taai;,irt, surviving p:irtncr,
or Hie accjunts will bo plaecJ iu tlm hands of a
Justice tor lolleetion.
Surviing paitucr.
N'oith'J, Mnv 12, 1S55. Sin.
Estate of JAMES TAGGART, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters tcstaineu
. .1.. ..r i. 'r..t i ....
of the of .Northumberland, iNo, tl.uniber- '
land county, dec'd., have been granted to the
- . .
subscriber, i berclorc ull persons liavnig clainis
or dcinanjs against the. FuiJ estate, arc requested
to inako them known without delay, ai.d ail
persons indebted to uia'.e payment forthwitb.
North'd, May l'J, 1855. Ct.
To Teachers and Scholars.
For Heading SjieuLing and Kxltibitiion t.
Schmtli, A-c,
rpiIF. HOOK CM". llfMlttTD AD TV.S XKW
J. (Jlil'Jl.NAl. lUAl.Olil 't never br.'.iie priutcil
Wiitl.-ti liy a teiu-Nrr i'f iIjhiv xc?t4 vxtvrit', tor
MCUCOL I'.XIIIIUTIONS and i.'1-ii'fiiil r-iiiliiiir. it run.
tucts thnve tlnil ure Ions, short, IniiiiorLius, smnos.. ruioic,
witty, tniuising and insiructive. all linvcn liiuh int'iat t-ue.
Tlie Bciinus 'incs arc ii'-t liuuvy anil thv cnnic ones ii'l
c iiaso. ll Ikis Iiccii lulruiluciil I .i noun: uf the bent
Sctini'ls nnd AcsiWinies of New I'mrtiuid, and all nprrn in
i-r-n uncijifl it ttic la-.-t l-i it ot' UiaL'gjes ever pubiisljtd.
Vice by niad prrpnid f-l;(Hi.
Oont.iiti.njr ch iir cullection nl' ptipubr an with ori
ginal ami apriti;ilt wnnlj, coivy exprcly fnr the
life of $Ai '!. Them 8. exfrii'ivctv use1 anJ p'
Jiiveuli: Sitiittp llcitk t-ver iuetl. Thry hnvf U-ii hi
r aflnrt-l it't tlif th li"Cf"ii. ilfin, I'mtiaitil,
eil, S!riityli-M, Iluril".iTi1,t'wl.uv'!i. I'rovinViirv, lliu- i.
I n, A't'-iny, Tt y ntol ni;tt of (he Citiri nnil Vi.lim f
St?w lM).'l:t;M H.'."l N'-w VitW. iiU- Julius M-. r.utl ina
tv pktcti iu Olii . More Mmu -l".l'LHt cpu-a tiuvo ) fn
s 'I1. ntt hy nnil rcpiitn t-tr emTii iF':ttr mainpi. r m
fnriher momnri(i-n tit r it her of the bucki feud for cucu
Inn. Valiliithrd ik( t r til ly
MoilKIr nTT(i, iat, WihiM(!ton Pt. Bontua
AliMitta WMlltrd U Jicll U Si" till IkK'kl.
May 12, Ki.r V. 31.
Furniture ! Furniture !
A'o. 157 South Second alnve Spmee,) east tide,
rjlIIE suhsrril-er would respectfully inform the
A readers uf the tmiitiiiry Amrrteun and the I
puttl.c gencrully. that lie nus on lian.l a constant I
supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made !
. ,, 1. . .
r uinitur ml ri-usntislil.i iiricfs. iii-inif a lirnrtt-
cat mechanic, and hnvinir all liis oronds niiinuldc-
loreJ his n 11 suiirriiitrmli-liee. inirchuscrs
may relv on ecttintr iust such articles as nro
represented. Lounges with icmovuble arms,
also new patterni of bedsteads. Thocc who are
about going lo housekeeping would do well to
157 South Second street.
N. B. All orders thankfully icceived and
promptly attended to.
April '28, I8ft5 w8 ly.
Grocerey, Flour, Feed and
Provision Store.
Broadway, IctZcten Muriel J-Blackberry sis.,
rjESl'ECTFCLLV inform the citizens of
, , . , , 1 1
Hunliury, mat lliey Have engaged llic a-rvi-
ces of a conite(ttnt tieruinii baker, auu are now
prepared to supply the citizens with fn-sl bread,
twibt, roils, pies and rakes of every Lind.
Sugur, coil'ce, (browned) f ern . ael jeMi
rice, eratkira & cheese, '..Dacco dc scg.irs. All
Unas of smah beer. Si well as lemon, pineapple
aud strawberry yrup. constantly kept for sale.
Sunbury, 'May 5, ls55. ly "
l-'lKST AltlUVAL
'SXUBSr QD-CD 23 1333
At S. N. Thornpson'a Store,
In T.oirer Atitfitiita township, atths Junction c.f
the Tutjirhocken and Pluui creek roads.
npiIE subscrilier haviuti returned from the city
wiih a new and extensive assortment ot
fnshionuble goods, respectfully culls the attention
of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the mime.
consisting in part of
l)ry Goodf, viz :
Clot Us. Cassimeres, Cussinets, Jeans, Drillinps,
iiiiflinf, Vesting, Ttcetds, and all kinds of
Spring and Summer. Wear,
Calicoes, Ulnslm dt Lain, Lawns,
Giaehams, Iterates. Robes,
Woolens. Flannels, tfc. .
(Mint iMt ir,
Sugar, Teas, Colli e, Rice, Molasses, Che.cso,
Ppices, Salt, &c, etc., c
Nails, 8crfws, Files, l?as s. Knives & Fwks, tkc
Queeni and Glassware,
of various styles and patterns.
A U.'ge aasortment of Boots and fekoes, for
men, women and children.
Hats Cats, &c, of varioua sizes and styles.
Besides a large and general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. nr Country produce ol all kinds taken in
exchange at tlie highest market prices.
Lower Augusts, 4 mo. S8, 185S.
Boarding! Boarding!
MRS. WHARTON ran accommodate or
10 respectable bpardera.
Lecaiioni North-west corner of Market Square,
Snnhury. Persons wi.hing a coinforUble home
will find ibis a desirable plwa.
At ril 14, lM-tf
I. W- TENER & Co ,
Sunbvry Pa.
HAVE just received new and splendid ns
sortment of Roods, auited to the sesson.
amongst which arc:
Cloths. Cassimeres and Velvets, Ready mndo
Clothes, English, French and American Ging
.. hsms, plain and painted Clinlli. An. ilo.
Lawns, Dure (re nnd Barrir De bains, plain
and painted Tissue, Tissue liurrgft,
Thibet Milk, fringed Hhnwls, Em
broidered and Crape
Shawls, Fanry Mantillas, stri
ped and checked Linen," Ta
ble Covers, Mosquilto Nets,
Fans, Parasols and Um
brellas, together with
a goncral assort
ment of Dry Goods
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Hardware, Groceries, Queenswsre.
Fish, Salt. Nails Ac, 4 c, all of whieh
will be sold cheap for cash or Country Pro
dueo. Kunhnry, May 5, 1855.
Of Sunbury nnd Vicinity.
196 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
A RE now nfferinc to purchasers a splendid
Stock of New Spring Shawls. Mantillas and
Dress GooJs: their assortment or Paris rmule
Mantillas, is very extensive, comprising one of
the best selected Stocks in the City, uud at ex
tremely low prices.
SHAWLS Rrorha, Cashmere and Gold bor
dered Shawls, lonir and square. Also, laruc
assortment of Rich Embroidered and Plain Clin
ton Crape Shawls..
SII.KS Particular attention is requested to
our stock of liroi ade, Plain, Plaid Stiipc, Morun
AntiuUe nnd Mk. Silks, or all qualities and
prices. Wush Silks in erent variety.
DRESS GOODS Floiiuced bareee R.ibcs,
Grenadines. Tissues. Bareses, Oruatulines,
Mousilens Clnllin Delaines, brilliants, French
and l.nt'liHi t. buitzrs, Vc, Liubrou'eries nl all
descriptions. Collars. Sleeves, Ruflles. Insert
ing!, with a full Stock ofRibbaus, Ladies' and
Gentlemens' Gloves. Hoiscry, &c,
Constantly receiving f'esli supplies of Season
able Goods, per Steamers Jvnm lluvie, Liverpool,
New York and Philadelphia Auction Sales-
Purchasers arc requested to call andctnmine our
stock uf splendid Spring Goods In-fore pmrha.diig.
190 Chestnut St., Philada.
April 7, 1855. 3ni.
Estate of JOHN LEADER, dee'd.
BCTOTICE ia hereby given that li tters teslu
j mcntanf have been granted to tbesubcri-
1 rr "P"" ,' c"'n,'of Jf ", U,aiU'r- l;'tc'
'' 'P.,la,-d county dec J
II imrujinl L' lliiU'tmr t Itr t it cnt I ll ,i..ltl en I til tl
All person knowing tlicmsrlvcu hulehtftJ to. or
hnwng claims oaiiibt fcaio trtale. will call ami
Keltic im media Uh
Jackson tp., May 12, 1855. Ct.
House and Lot fur Sale. I
rjHE auhscriher offers t jirivate sale, his house j
1 and lot situated in Whortleberry street, i
Kunhnry. The hous is a new Two.tnry frame
dnellii.ix, on a lot of 60 feet front. There is also, !
a lJutclier chop on tlie includes. 1 ho location
is on excellent one, for any person willing to
follow that business.
fiinliiiry. March 17, 1 85") tf.
To Officers. Snlriiprs.
SEAMEN, &c, OF ALL WARS : their!
II. B. MASHllIl, Altnr.iui J'iji- Oorcrnment
fc-'utiburv. l'a.
! CON'TINL T.S ti ivn pninii't nu t cr-.mal niu nli.-n In
j tlie ii-.'f'Utiiii of (.'luinis ir cvrry ilt-st Mitifii itunisl the
, lieneral i'iv;Miini-i:t, nmt uinirul-irly t'i iIikkl- ln-riv tl-e
j Treasury Dniar'.nii iit. I'msninsiiil 11 .incv I .'.ml Itnr. nin,
. uicni nun iicifriii iiu.i ctiiu-t, mm ll .1,1,1 i l.iain.s
An expericm-ciif p;irs, anil a lanuliiiiily wild tin; i.irnns
i'f iUali.i-ij: I iie f :u I ist unit m-'st fa-'wlatile Hclii'll i-n
chiini". Willi Hie (tit-iti I i t-j l"..r ii.e !i",iiti-li i.f Iiusi.k ..
justify linn in aisurii-it I"- Currwiyinnlcnls, ('l:inii. ni. and
t:ie I'ntilic :taci-a:U, tlmt ialtrcHts inlruvtrtl lu tin kci-jv
ii H w-i'l ncl lie nt-li-fiL-il.
I'.IPN, llnCMV I. A Ml. Patevt mj Pi bi.k-
tie Icis ncuily reaily fur eriiiini.iiM 4l1vlr1t.ut1.1t1 atnnni;
Ins liiimnes CorrcKixinileiits. (ami lliose wliu ni-iy tieci-ine
Kuril,) a netu miihiIiIc1 c iiltuiniiij. a rvilojmis i.f liift ex
innii Pensidii, lliainty I.iti l. l' u-nt.' t.i.,1 IV.Mii-
Ijiwi, iluwa to tlie eail of the late Congrcu iiH'luJu.p
Bounty-:LRnd Act of 3d Ilarch, 1S55
which all who liuve lirrrtiem- ni-nvnl l, ti,,,,
ocivs are w-W enlltliat In il Inml :i,.l A. l
f '"" ''"';' u" ""'; " i.-e.1.i .s...iil
'lti -rrs. I'h.ipt.niis. Ssilihcrs. WiiK ,n .M-tirs. Tcunitlers
....1 f..-...i.. - .v.i.. .. . . ...
Volnnlc-, mill klihlis suit till (Mirers. lititnMi. tlr.tniu.
rv Si-iiiiiii. MiirinM. Cli'rkj.. I .n.iu,.y ....i.a v
i ry bcnilieii.ilnriues. llcrks, nmt lj.n.luno-. .-I Hie Nt.vy
Pti.n i.i.i..p .i...-. (,,t,.. iti ...
li'il hi-rcluliue itr.-viilfil Uir. wti.i uw acr,...!
I7;tl;aiul 1.1 1I10 wul hvj unit minor cIhUifii nf nil
h I
pctfl 'in entitltil, tutu ilrt-cascit
The pi'iitphlct cnnttiins -Firius ol A itllruliou'
111 ne full unil eititinlffle ttitintni7 e!c..'liiie 10 Iil f-uind;
OilaplFil to tli wants nf cvtry classnt' I'liiiniiinti tnt'lcr tlip
ucl, wnti c.ipi. ins iti't-miiiiis hint instruiii'ins ol the llrcurt
incut, nmt itr:iclitttl Huusciili'.iii. ns in the cmne 10 In: pnr-Sai-il
in utr ntirtl iir rp.i'Ktnl raes.
l'.irlirs lint wistinie li nvnit tht-mielvps nf llie fncititl'-s
SIT .rdi-ii liV ttiil lltrire il, scenting prninpl nn.l pcrs
til'c. iii,T-ii.inii-f iitr.r i.i.iiis u. me 1 'rpni . .... ii.h, vnn
ul.ttuil eoptrsnf llirnti.jve (Killiplitcl liy Icllliuing tl-;.ry
cei.19 in e'-s-nirP cntnins
C'lrtpupott'tt-tits wli't prptcire unit lirv.--r,'r;ilt.j f.,f
iniiii:ii;rtiiMil bv tins Aenicy will tie itc,, willi liU-nillv
snpp iwl Willi all m-ci'urfiry l.liniks (!'4At',, f,, .fpt t.,,')l'
tnnlly of ll.e clmni-.-s 1 r,,ln ,'ilne ,ollme
cur III Itlti Pxrcutl'-ll -f llnf ll- V.
ll is within tlie sill" Vncrs power tn direrl kis Cire
Ip'illileiils l i Ihc Inrr'ntv nf tvrv Itinny prls insemnl, .1 11 11-
, ' " """. , nun niivins tH'mnnn 11 mrtj. iltlltliM-l Ol
isinri Wnrrmu unilt-r funnrr kiws, he is 111 p.
ciutti t!ut will liiuterially SiaikU in securn-K ftdrtui'umt
I'eM, 1mI'-w tlie ntiml rat qik contingent up m the
niiniMi ii nt' Claim
Tli hishfM riitii prirc pii.'-n fur l.nml U'atianli. He
VOtuti'mnrv !crip, and llliuuit IaU Pnt n
AikirrM ii, m- ias?t:r,
sSuitiHir), Ta
Mr,rth3l, 1255. 4t
IYV virtue of a V. Fa. to me directed, will he
' exposed to public sale, at the Court Hoiifc.
in Sunbury, ut 10 o'clock, a.m., on (Saturday, j
the Miithduy uf May next, the following property,
to wit 1
All thut certain tract or iace of bind, situate
in Lower Auirusta townshiii, Norlhuinherland
euunty, bounded oil the north by laud of Jacob
Raker, on the east by that part of the tract nf
laud of which this ia part, mailed D in the dia
grurr and inquisition returned to the Orphans' .
Court of said county, hearing date the '.'til day
of February, A. D., 135, in pursuance of a
Writ of Partition Issued out of snid Orphans'
Court, to make partition and valuation of the
real estate of William C. CesrV.irt, dec'd., on the
south by land of Daniel Vail, nnd on the west by
purparts ninrkcJ A and U, which said truct or
piece of land is marked in the diagram' to the
afu.'esaid Inquisition annexed purpart C. con
taining one hutidrid and nineteen acres and
filly-four perches, and which purp.ut was taken
at tho valuation thereof by the alisuce of the
said Washington Gearhart, who has since recou
veyed the same to the said Washington,
All the riyht.'tltle and interest of the defendant,
(being the undbided one-fourth part thereof.) of
and in all that certain bouse and lot of grounJ in
Sunbury, hounded on the east hy River street,
south by lot of Augustus Clement, wcni br lot of
Dr. Manser, and north by an alley.
Kciicd, taken in execution, and to be sold ss
the property of Gearhart.
HQ Mix WF.ISE, eherifl.
Rnnbury, May ft. 1 8ft 5.
HOSIERY. Mens' wool and colt m Sorks,
Ladies' and children's stockings just open
cd at . YOUNG'S STORE.
Sunbury Nov. 18. IBM.
FAMILY MEDICINES-Brown's Fever snd
Ague Powders, Fahnestock's Vermifuge, Dr.
Javno s coiehratsd medicines, &c, for sale at 1
Ny. 85, '61. k'OCNU'S 8TOKE.
5 cure for Fever and Aqua, fer salo by
Funbury. uly 13, 1M.
Eltiberg's Clothing Store Again!
AELSUERO . (Inte O. EUWg ' Co.)
wish-1 to announce to the inhabitants of
Northnmlierlnnd county, nnd the public In gen
eral, that he has remocd his elegant pnd cheap
Clothing Slora a Tew doors r.t from tho former
store, to new rapacious building. The remo
val was necessitated bv the rormcr store being too
tnmll to facilitate Ilia still increasing trsde at
this widely known store. Being thankful for
past patronage, I hop to dr.servo it for tho future)
till more by serving you with accustomed fideli
ty and Increased nlaerily.
In order to suit every one that calls, I have
lid in stock of clolhiti;, gents furnishing goods,
nnd all other goods in my line on most exten
sive scale, also made arrangements with my bro
ther in Philadelphia, to send evcrv thing new
and fashionable as soon ns produced, so lhs.1 my
stock will be rcpIcnNheJ every few weeks. In
Client, variety, elegance, qu-Iily and cheapness,
my stock surpasses i very thing "the ob!et iuliab
itant" ever heard tell ol in this part "f the co n
try. "To tee is to believe," and as I invito cvp
ry br,dy to call and see and examine my stock,
before ptirchusinj elsewhere. Il is treat to see
and exaniino such an elegant, good, cheap stock
oI'r io.!s.
Mr stork consists in part of Dress, F rock. Sack,
Business and nil other kinds or Coats, made of
cloth, cnsh'narelte, casHiinere, linen, fltx and all
other sliiU'i or all imaginable colors, plain, fan.-y,
striped and cheeked. Paols and Vests ut every
style nnd pattern, low and liih priced, ns suited
to the waul of thp buyer; the largest nnd best
assortment ever exhibited west of the mount. tins.
A nire assortment of lioits an. I Shoe;, gaiters i
und slippers, nlfo bilks . hoes, palters cthpp"rs.
A splendid lot of Hats and Caps, such ns Pa
nama, Curracoa, Canton, Druid, Leghorn, Seri
ate, Straw and Palm beuf, dilli rcnt colors, fine
silk hats, all colors of wool hats, etc, etc.
A good osiioitmeut of Shirts, collars, revolvers,
tingle atid double Ktrrelcd pistols, frci.cli and gcr
mart Aeci" iicoiis. all kinds of crava's. stocks and
pocKethr.iidkerchiel's. Umbrellas, f'arpet Bas,-s,
Trunks, and all l.ind of notions fur ladies mid
Also nn assortment of watches and Jewelry,
nil or w hich nre warranted , the money paid fur
them, rheerl'ullv returned if nut as represented
All this stock will be sold nl a small advance
on cj-sh. so as still further to meiit the name
usually bestowed on my store, as being tlie cheap
est in Sunbury or vicinity. So, remember the
place, Market Bquuro, nearly opposite the former
Post Office.
Late G. Llsbcrg A. Co.
Sunbury, April 81. 1805.
fTjlHE 8ulscrilwr has on hand of his own mania-
ufucturc, a lar;e assortment of Ladies',
Misses', and Childreus', Leather, Kid, and
of the lust workman-hip unJ materials, which he
will sell ut as low wholesale prices 01 any person
in the eily. buyers can get any sizes to make
up ns.ortnn-iits, williont h.niut: to pur. 'ha ,e the
smaller or mure unmli-a! Ic sizes.
No, 1)1 North "SIXTH .Street, below Race.
"N. 15. Gaiter Uppcru ready for the last, sold
to Country !s'hoenial;i ts at lonr prices.
Sunbury, April 11, ItfoO Sm.
Ao.2C Snu-hFmnth St., Philadelphia.
CHEAT FIRE, Chestnut
ci Fifth Streets, Frid.iy
innrniiifr, Pereniber 85th,
18iil. KvuusiV Wntsou's
S.iliitnu.uier lSali-s Trium
j hunt, ns they itl.vays ore
when put to tiic tct.
I'm i.Ain.Lpni , Dec 15, l ."t.
S'lessrs. Eros Watson, N. '."J South
F011 lb St., Fhiladi-lphia.
G iiitlcmen : We lake int-rh pleasure in re
com.ncndlii jour S-al iininnler r'afes to Merelumts
and others in want of a secure means of preser
viiis; their l-.noks, papers, etc., from lire, ns the
one we purchased frrm yon nhout seven mouths
pincc has prc.crccil our hol.s, papers and cih
iu as i;ood a cntiiUtiun 11s they were when pui
into it, before tin- tire of this morning, which
destroyed the entire block ol ' iiu 'iiincts corner of
Chestnut nnd Fifth streets. The ..hove safe was
ill use in our oll'trc. on tho scorn I lbiorofour
huil.liiu'. from which pl'icc it fell into the cellar,
uud remained there un'il ri.e li-e was out. The
tifo was then removed und opened in the iircs
euce of at l.-t.-t 11.00 persons, who witne. cJ the
r;iod coniiiliou of the cn tlciitc. Will you please
have the Sufe and Locks reuaired. us wo intend
In lilit it in use a17.nn. lierlcct cuntiJencSt I
" "" T""1 )"""
I nnrs. llpsimrl fit! Iv.
' . l.Ai-i q-' il.TPS,
Kvans Jr WaUon take pleasu: In referring to
thu following, among tho bundie-ls who
have their Safes inune-, V. S. Mint, IMiilaJu ;
Farmers' uud Mei-'.tdrB1 Bank, Ftiila t Samuel
Allen, Ksq., D.'.gh Snerill", 1'hilai John II. Hen, Ci'.y Controiler ; Call b Cope .V Co., No.
1 83 V.aihc-" St. Kicliniil N orris ir Son, I.oco-
huilders, l'hihiila i Bancroft .V f-el!cr:i.
Machinists, rorp.-r lllth and James f-ts.; 1-ran-klin
Fire Insurance Co., t'hila ; I'ennsylvauia
Railroad Co, Phila.; I.aci-y A- l'liilip. comer
f.tll aud Mi:;or Sis; fSliar pleas Itro., o. '.i'i
Soirtb Second .; James Kent i Pnntce, No.
1 4 I North Third St j V II. IlorKman & Hulls,
No. 51 North Thinl St.; Smith, Williams 4 Co.,
No. 87 Market fc-t.j J. ck Ii. Orue, No. 1S1
Chestnut St.
A larie assortment of the above Si-fes a'ws
on hand (wananted to stand at Ici-t 10 percent
more f.rc than any lli-rrieu's .Safe no- in u:c.)
EVANS & WA'I'SON, uUo manufacture and
keep for tale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doorj and Iron
Dash, for maUin? fiic-proof Vaults for Banks
stores, public and private buildiues. l;ml and
Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slolc Lined Rc
fi i'eratora, etc. Please rtive us a call, at No. -G
iSout'.i Fourth St., Piiilailelpliia.
April 7, lK5.i. cly. 10.
"BTkEALERS in Watches end Jewehy,
continue tho business at
the old sund ol
James B. Fidlcr,
Ao. 12 Smith Smmd Street,
Where they solicit an examination of their large
and varied stock, feeling assured that the cxpe-
rienre both of them have bad in the l usinifs,
and ttio ijciimes iney possess lor procuring 1
Roods en the most advantageous terms, will cnu-bU-
thci.i to compete favorably with any other
establishment iu the city. They have now on
hand a liiir assortment of
Silver, l'lntad end Biittauia Ware, Cuilcry,
Fancy (ioods, Ve., &e. v
N. B. Repairiuir of Watches and all kinds of
Jewelry attended to with promptness end the
gl01t-l .Mil'. g
Phila., April 7, ISoi. if.
Ao. 4S South Second St,
Have just opened their Wpiinj iuiportalious of
Silks, t
Bonnet Ribbons,
Crapes, &o. Siq.,
Including a general assortment of Millinery Ar
tide of the mast fashianahU styles.
The above goods have Ixeu imported e press
ly lor our Spring sales, and comprise Ihe largest
and best aurlmenl iu our line to be found in
this market. ,
March 17, '55 P. t mo. .
fT0 M BS. BleirChiTdTe'snronTrHdaTd
fiue combs j Hair Brushes, Tooih Brushes,
vc. far sale at YOUNG'S STORE.
' Sunbury. -No- 1. fL
T. r. I.E WEN RING & J. K. ECKMAN ..f
Danville, respectfully announce to tits b-Jins
and gentlemen of Runliury and vicinity, ti nt
the .have opened Daguerrean rooms abut Iri
ling St firant's Store, ir. tSuiitury, whern tiny
are ready to accommodate t'iose who may fav or
them with a call, with I cautiful and lile-lika
. AH who desire miniatures will do well to call
early nnd secure Iheit pictures, aa wa know not
what a day may bring forth.
Ttn-n )Htcil to nor hmhiis. stl ys p"pl(
tleitirii ynii luive rc-iis-m In iriirve j
The t"MI will Hnil it bat lillle,
Ai.d to dli sulisfacliua we'll give.
Sunbury, April 81, 1835. 3t
(At the old Stand 0 S. Ar. Tkn:m,son.)
'BHE Subacriber refpeot'ul'y iiiforms tho peo
i plo of Boiilmry and vicinity, that he has la
ken the Store Room lately occupied by S. N.
Tliomp-on, in Market t;treet, feunbury, below
Weaver'a II itel, and that he his just received
und opened a handsome assortment of
Consisting in pa it ri
Dry Good3, Groceries, Hardware,
Qiuecnsware, Huts fl- Cnp, Hoots A fhoes, Fish,
Salt, Meat, Ac.
All of which wiil be sold at the lowest prices.
All kinds of produce taken in eichanee at the
highest maikct price.
Sin bury, April 81, 18.VS ly
NlSSiS AND stliei'XltS l!f
ttcb 0!) utljvrttUc vCoal.
From tli"
Luke Fidlor Colliery
Bbamokin, North'd County, Ponna.
Address. Boyd, Itoiscr fi Co., Sunbury, Pa.
n. -t. Botn j. t10ssr.11. jis. nnrn. t. nusstn.
but.l.ury, April 7, 185.r tf.
Watsox UtPCr. 'I'liDMiS Dl.PlT.
J. S. DKl'UY A SOX?,
A'o. 2'jn Xortl, Second Stwt, Moir Cu'lnwhill,
and S. 11. Corner l'.ighth and Spring Garden
X7"OUI.I) icppcctfully inforui their former
" customers nnd others, thut they have just
laid in a ppleudid assortment of
( urp-l. Oil C'lotbH, ninllliign,
Window Shades. Poor Mats, etc.. &c, at very
reduced prices Wholesale ct Retail.
TAKE NOTICE. We will sell our Roods
as cheap as any other lirusc of the Liud in the
I'n'la., April 7, 1S55 w3ms Sinf.
ulaxk ponK jivi'Ktm i!i:r.s,
5. It. Comrr nf Fourth Pure Strcctn,
March 10, lSSS. tf
A'o. hi A'orM Sicnnd Street. Third door
above Arch, Fast aide,
Feathers, Feather Reds, Bolsters Ar Pillows,
Curled Hair, Moss, Wool, Cotton, Flock and
I Husk Mattresses, Straw I'uHiussea, t-'ettce, Tew,
j and ( hair Cushions, nil kinds and collors. Veil
: tii liiogs, Clieclt, Moreens nnd Dntnasl; by the
: yard or piece, Cotts. Cnt-tail, Sacking and Cords,
I Counterpanes, while nnd colored. Comfortables
I of ail kinds anil sizes by the simile one or dozen,
It'rils, licilh, Sinele and !!, 10,11, li nnd i3
qi-arters ltlniikets, Itiearlu-d nnd I'nhletiebed
sheets, Itlocki-d Muslin nrd CMierk pillow ca.-4-s.
Towels of all kinds, Tnhle Linen, Table Covers,
Damrck table cloU;, Uindiligs uf ull kinds end
colors. Thread, cie,
N. 11. Denton J- CnMoii'ft itiit renovuter
worked by steam prnver, is daily in operation for
the purpose of purifying; old and new fi uihers.
A 11. ir'tctcs fr i;i this estnhlishuieut w uiantcj,
l'hilada, March 3, 185.") cr 3 m 3
j rB'"lir suliscril er havinc; received ti-e necessary
! forms iiiitl insructlioits frm the Department,
1 at Washii.jt.m, ii prcj ared to procure Bounty
1. aim vi airaiil8 at the shortest notice.
II. B. MASSE ti.
fi'nl:ury, April 7, 1S."S.
sfiiAv & millin1:uv goods,
Wholesale & Heiail.
Witt. T. HILI,
klinir II.U & Ilomirt .Vtuunrnetnrrr,
And Dealer ill Slraw Goods in Cenerul.
Ao. 321 Surth Second Street, l.clo.c Xublc,
ei-t aide, directly opposite Uutz's RcJ Lion
Hotel,) Philadelphia.
Where may lie found a lare and cxtfiisive as
sortment of goods in the uhove line, to w hich the
att nlioii of Cotintiy Storekeepers und Milliners,
is pnrtii-ulnrly invited,
I "r All goods sold nt the lowest cash prices.
March 17, 1855. V.'. 2 mo. S.
U rc-s'iliitr. C'ate nianutAttttirer,
X. H. cor. of Fourth f- Chestnut Sis.,
Abvavsnn band a Urge and varied assortment of
l'oit Monuairs,
Work Boxes,
Po; ki t Hooks,
Bankers Cases,
Note Holders,
Port Folios,
Porlahlo Lcslis,
Dressing Ca es,
Traveling: Baas,
Backgammon Boards,
Chess Men, Cases.
rocket Memorandum Books,
AUo. u general assortment of EneMsh, French
and German Fancy Goods, Fine Pocket Cutlery,
Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pi ns.
Wl.jler.alc, Secoud and Third Floors.
N. W. cor. Fourth & Chestnut Sls Pldhtda.
N. B. On tho receipt of 6 I, rwpcriur Gobi
Pell will he sent to any part nf thu l ulled Slates,
by mail describing pen, tiiui, medium, hard,
I or nfi
Phila., Mvrch 31. lSf.J ply.
IJETER W. GRAY respectfully informs his
m- Inciiils and, Inut Im lias removeu
his Stoic from its old location, and now occupies
Iho handsome and lomn.odioi-s Siore room. foj.
merly occupied by 11. B. Mssscr, iu MarUt
sipiare, nearly opposite the IV-t Oltwe, where he
will bo happy to strvu ull who may give him a
buubury, NarcU 10, 18.')5. tf
ALL PAPER. A large and splendid
assortment of Wall Paiier, Winilt,w P.
per, and Oil Shades, just received and for salp
by I. W. TENER & fit,
Sunbury, Pec. 2. 185!.
riEDARTl Buckets. Painted Buck
els. Meal Tenderers, Corn Brooms, Bas
kets, Children's Wagnus, and Yankee Clocks
ust received aud for sale bv
Due. , 1 851. I. V. TENTH '
1 LOVES. Buckskin Gloves ami Mills, do
Jf Gloves wool lined, Ladies Gloves,
dren's do., IlTitts, Ac, at
Nov. J 8, '53. YOUNG'S 8TO R E.
rortmnuic3, tSilk rocai'(-liOD(lke)t hii(4.
Nov. 85, UU. kOUNU'8 STORE.
HATSc CAPS. Mlk and Hloucb HaU,
Military and cloth Caps lor man and boys,
also Gum Shoes ol various sisea, iot received
and lor sale at YOV.NG Bi'llUK-
Sunbury Nov. 55,1 tii.
. iaWay! TlOjWiiy!! " '
tVall nnd V inter Gooda.;
OESPEGTVULLV Inform their customers
- and the, lht they have just reeeiv.
ad and opened lb best and cheapest tfad et
Fall and Winter Oooai,f .
at their sfnre hi Market square, Sunlmrr.
Their stock ounsisli of crary variety of :
Dry Goods, viz r '
Cloths, Caaimcrcs. 8a'.tincs, Fiing,
Flannels, VolUns, lft.,
And all kinds of Fall nd Winter Wear.
Also splendid Tariety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dt Laines,
And every ariety cf goodi n liable for La
diea wbui. .:
Also a Urge assortment of '
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also an extensive assortment of
Wati Asn Caps for Mek and Boys.
Also a large assortment of GnoC'CllIC
StiCH A3 . .
Sugar, Teas, CoUec, Molae, Sjiicee
of all kinds.
Also tresb supplv c,f
Kesidoi 1 the lurgest and moat penera! asgr
meut of all kinds of goods to be had in tltia
tV Country produce of all hinds taken in at
chantie ot the highest 111,1 rket prico.
Kimburv, Nov. 1 1, 1851.
Spring nnd Summer Ooods I
l'ETElt W. OKAY, '
INFORMS his friends that 1.9 has just rectivaj
a good nssoitmentof
at his .Store in Murkct Squaie. His stock eu-ti.-is
uf ' .
Cloths. Cassimcrs, .Vatlinrtts, Jeans, Drillinss,
Uaiaes, Rnraqe De Laines, (lingharai,
Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels,
Mantilla Silks, Winter ("hawls,
Dress Tiitn mir g and all items .,
iu the Dry (Joodr line. Also, a
arse assor'.met or !horH for Ml-ii Women and
Children. Hats and Caps, .
Gracprlcs ofevory variety
Tens, Coffee, Sujtar, Molcsses; Spices, 6all,
Fish, &c.- ' - ,-.
I3n r (I ware.
A general assoi tuicnt of Cedar Ware Tubs,
Buckets, Wash Hoards, Broon.s, Brushes, tic
CJi-Kt!swAnn a general assortment.
Country produce takru at the highest market
Sunbury, May 10, 18S5 tf.
5. II. corner Sii tn uiulArch streets,
HAVING refitted their Store aner-, and re
plenished their stock by the addition o
every thing wuntrd in a Select Family Grocery, so as to make up a full and most complete
assortment, now oli'crs for ss!c to their friends
nnd the public on the lest terms the toliowiug
excellent Goods, viz : Jellies of all ki ids ; Pre
vrves; Fresh Fruiu in hcllh's and tin cans;
White Clover Honey ; Latour and oljier brands
of (Hive Oils; Sperm and Stenrine Candles -, til
thp U-al bran Ju of Groceries; Crickers, with a
choice a.soi tivient of all ihe staple articles, which
will be sold at the lowest prices. I'.cass give
us a cull. ' -
Family Grocers and Ten Dealers, S. W. ciu.
Sixth unJ Arch sis.
Phila., April 7, 1853. ly.
T ERNI A or Rupture successfully treated, and
1 A comfort iusi'ied, by use of the elegant
French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and
mado lo order cxpiessly for his sale.
All suflerinpt with Rupture will be gratified to
learn that the occasion now offers to procure a
1 nijs comhinins pstrcw lightness, with case,
durability und correct construction, in lieu of too
cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold.
An extensive a-ortment always on hand, adap
ted to every variety of Rupture in adults and
children, und for rale at a ranire of price to suit
all. Cost of Single Trusses, $i, $3, $4, anJ
$5 ; Double, S4. 5, $0, $ and T0.
Persons at u distance can have a Trust" sent to
any address by remitting the amount, sending
measure urouud the hips, and statins side affected.
For sale Wholesale & Retail by tho Importer.
Cor. Twelfth & Race streets. Philadelphia.
Depot for Dr. Banning. Improved Patent
"I mly Bruce; (.'best Expanders and Erector
Braces; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory
Bandages; Spinal Props and Supports. Ladies'
Rooms, with competent lady attendants.
Phila., March 31, 1S53. p3m.
Baltimore Card.
casus, .e:ise & Co.,
fOP. TllK Pll.B OF
Spears' Wharf, Baltimore.
11T Aleuts for Newark and,iaie Co
Cement aud Plaster.
i immsti-i 1 1 1 ti. s tsv.aair. a
(i. A. and. Fine .it, constantly for sale.
N. B.- Liberal CA-11 advaucea made oa con
signments oil receipt.
iinltiino.e, March 17, 185J.- 4.
A. 21 Arch Street, ahnvt Frontt . .
f HIE subscribers have on hand, sad are eon
X stanlly munufactiirintr SIEVES, RIDDLES.
SCREENS, WOVENWIRES, of all meshes
and width". Also, all kinds of plain and fancy
ire work. Brass aud Iron Wire (Sieves af all
( kind, i Brass and Copper Wire Cloth tor Puticr
I Makers, ie. Cylinders and Dandy Rjlla )v
I ere.l iu the best manner.
lit avy twilled Who for Spsrk Catchers, Sieves
I for Urass and Iron Founders, Scrifeii Wire, W'in
dow Wires, Safes, Tn pn, Dih Covers, Coil anil
Sand Screens, &e.
March 10, 1855. C 3 w 5J
IIIAT.CI4E.MENT respectfully informs the
citizens of JSuuhury und vicinity that be haa
been appointed agent for the sub) of the celebra
ted rod ash coal, from the Mines of Boyd IliMwe
& Co. Ail the various sixes prepared and
scrft.ncj will be promptly delivered by leaiiug
orders with the subscriber.
Suubuiy, Dec. SO, 1851 If.
A o areT
GEORGE BROWN, luspector of Mines, len
ders his services to land owners and Miu-"
inj Companies, in makinffexainiiiationa, reports
&c, of Mines and Coal lands. From his ex peri
enee in mining operations, as he understands the
dillerent brsnches, having carried on Mine fbr
a numlier of yearn in bkhuylkill Co., and havin
now a large number of eollieriea ynder.his super--visiosi
be hopes to give satisfaction Ut those who'
may want tie services. Refers to Benjamin
Miller and W.Payne, Esqrs.. Philadelphia, amf.
D. E. Nice aud James Neil I, Esu,rs PolUville,
Coromunii aliens oy Mail prosuplly attended 9 '
tj.,.. ... :tt.. (....l. it n.. 1 "
eive sod I gal nvaloief, im sal k
' H. II- Vm
tsunbun, l.a 10, I :.