AX ACT TO FROTECTKKEPERSOFHOTEM, . IMN8AXD HOARDING IIOISKS Feclion 1. Bo it enacted by tho Senate and IhiLsn of Kflpresentativcs of tbo Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly mut, and it is boreby enacted by tho authori ty of the same, That whenever the proprie ttrs of any hotel, inn or boarding house shall provide a pood, luiBcient and secure oafe in tho office of such hotel or other convenient place for the eafo keeping; of any money, Roods, jewoiry aud valuables belonging to tho guests aud boardors of such hotel, inn or boarding houso, and shall notify tho gucsta und. boarders thereof byplacingm every lodging-room, parlor nnd public hall or other conspicuous place, printed cards or notices -staling tho fact Unit such safe is provided, in which poods, jewelry and valuables uiny be deposited, and that tho proprietor or propri etors thereof will Tint bo responsible for said money, goods, jewoiry and valuables, unless deposited in said safe, and if any such guest or boarder shall neglect to deposit Buchmon- y, gcods, jewelry or vulunbtes in eitch safe, the poprietor or proprietors aforesaid shall not ie liable for any loss of such money, poods, jewelry or valuables sustained by such nuest by theft or otherwise : Provided, That la thing herein contained shall apply to such an amount of money and such rrticles of urooils, jewelry and valuables as ia usual, com iron and prudent for any sich guest or boarder to retain in his room or about bis person. Si ct. 2. That whenever tho proprietor or J roprietors of any hotel, inn or boarding Jiou&c shall post in a conspicuous manner as aforesaid, notices requiring said guest or boarder to bolt the door of the room or rooms occupied by said guest or boarder, or in leav ing the said room or rooms, to lock the door, oud deposit tho key or keys with the proprie tor or the clerk at the office, and if such (jnest or boarder shall neglect so to da, the proprietor or proprietors as aforesaid, shall nut bo liable for any baggage of such guest or. boarder which may be stolen from sa:d iom or rooms : Provided, That said propri i'tois shall clearly establish tho fact of said room or rooms having been left unbolted or tniirrkcu by saul guest or boarder at the time ul tlx- loss of said onggage as aforesaid. r-'ee. 3. That if any person or persons w th tin: intent to cheat and defraud designedly by nny false or fraudulent representations, or by nny fulso show of baggage, goods, or chattels, v bit b arc calculated to deceive any hotel, inn, or boarding housekeeper, shall obtain lo.1j.ing3 nnd credit in any hotel, inn, or l.:irding house within this commonwealth, ond subsequently thoroto reftiso to pay fur their Raid board and lodirinsr. such person or tvk-oiis so offending, shall upon conviction of nii-ii oilence in any Court ol quarter !-es-s'firn of thi3 Commonwealth, bo punishable by imprisonment iu tho county jail of said r'.unty, for any period not moro than three iiirtitfis, at the discretion, of said conrt, and b.' liable to a Cue not exceeding ono hundred 1. .11.U-. Si:c. I. That id! proprietor or proprietors r! hoicl.-', inns and boarding houses within this t'i lnmomvcalth shall have a lien upon the & od; and baggage belonging to any sojour vrr, hoarder or boarders, fur any amount of rAhtediiefs contracted for boarding, lodg i"ir or entertainment, for anv period of time t t exceeding two weeks, and shall have the t:,ht to detuin said goods and bnggugo until k amount of said indebtedness is paid, and t the expiration of three months the said ropiictor or proprietors may make applica nt to any aUk-miao of justice of tho peace . TtW proper city, borough or county, who is ittby authorized to issue his warrant to any amublc within said city.boiough or count,, aJciiufd him to expose' the said goods and iftrage to public sale, alter giving at least n days' notice, by public written or printed ''ti8, put up in "three or more public places tU ward of said city or borough, or in tho iuliip where said inn, hotel or boarding use in located, and after he shall havo sold c value he shall make return thereof to the djus-tice or alderman, shall, after .pny litof all costs, and the said amount of iu lUihiDss, pay over the balance, if any there to tlic owner or owners uf said goods nnd '4W, Provided, that the owner orowiiers iMgoods ond baggage shall havo the r. to redeem said goods and baggage at Uae within tho said three months, upon tits amount of said indebtedness, and , lime previous to tho sale as aforesaid, pwing also the additional co.M estab 1 li'v law for the like services. Approved fo'ju. Pack auks. Both our State and tCpiernments seem to have a peculiar tea ior "origiuul packages." A cconiing tlitjuorli passed by our State iegis Mbegoed citizens of tho Empire State ly wcoff liquors in tho "original i?i's,"M'l' Secretary Guthrie, has do. ,w understand, that our good peoplo t receive Canadian milk under t lie re iiTtreaty, wcept in tho original paek tbt'B is duty on the cow, or on eorbttlBtyor on milk, provided such nlbrvrijlnnl package; but if the ht u.ikcd, tho milk is contraband, emipitin j from Canada, will govern "jt!reiKor'tgly, and retain their milk Moripalr' ge till safe ou the Artie-isidf.-.l't rgut, May S. iriitOiriR. . 4ju:tbat J .slt$iil naper in Jersey City hop 1 Inches owns 1 Jersey City ond at ishop uuthrizea tho m. tw Ji .-York CenrioT t state that he "will give nrit ml title f tho ubove valuable tt, to mj one v loticsnes n, ior tue tin ddirand ' irty-four and a half 1 The peu -1 noeessary papers 13 t wne by the f Baser." ' 1)UoiiiT'i OintTant and l'ilU have -jasliT Ctd SVetMid in the Lg un.l ,iieJ it I'"1? -Amputated. Tho fol uirMrJiBi'y cure was coinniunicatud Jail Smitk, of Yarmouth, to Mr. Dix Tirt, Norwich. "Mr. John Wulton; (jj(r'jldje!ty' Eervico in the Hritish 1 it Mil!, biul an ulcerated wound in nkle, for which be was in the Malta lital'sil Boatus' afterwards iu forts b IloipiUlfor months : here, as at a refusing to liave tho limb auipututod, w turn) a"t incurable : other medical iled nt"- Captain Smith's imendfio he trifd llollowayg Oint nd FiU'i WB'cn 'u t'""00 months cured md h i B0 re,,'"ect boaltb, aud . jjuard uBrtf at'ewhaveu. ! Lit' R,!il fallowed by bright un have broot'ht out vegetation wonder The clear suDhiue will also bring out lies and the gentlemen iu ull their fiuo array. Tb gcntleiueo who are not nre uf'bewg u tne 'tt,etit B,le, all nod St B8W 6lllts at llocl'u''' i'i chesp "t"1 N m Chcetuut coruorofFwukliu l'laco. Z 3d inst..hj B- J- J- Reimensny d. Vcsidenco, Mr. Heches Baktikii.0. kaftdav. tl 3d b? .t.h? Kev-1-rJJ'r. K F. Cckdt, of Lmou co., utf.Vorthuaiberluud Co. ,3d lost., Ijtfc Rev. Dr Wutson. ul.t. Esa.. vt Mmersvillo, DEATHS " ' L' L...nA iv mot . ' rhiladelphia Market. May 16, 1855. GIAIN. Wheat is not so active. Sales of prime red at $2 GO, and Pennsylvania white $'2 65. live is unsettled last sales at 15Dc, lG8170c. Corn is steady. Sales of 7,000 bushels Southern ond Toona. yellow nt 112c afloat j aud a lot of white nt 110c. Good Pennsylvania Oats have advanced, and are selling at 68c (r 69c. per bushel. Whiskkv is ia demand at 40a ia IijIs., and 39o iu bhds. - Baltimore Market May 14, 1855. GRAIN. Thero were some 2,000 bushels of Wheat at market, nnd wo nolo sales of good to prime reds at 2C0(a.2"2 cts., and good to prime whites at 270(2280 cts. In ferior lots were selling at 20 to 25 cts. less than the figures quoted above. The receipts of Corn embrace above 15.000 bushels, most of which changed hands at 10G(a 109 cts. for white, nnd 11 (l(rf. Ill cts. for yellow. There wore somu 400 bushels of Ryo at market this morning, mid a small parcel of Pennsylvania sold at 150 cts. per bushel. Tho receipts of Uats this morning were about 4.000 bushels. Fair to prime Maryland and Virginia Oats sold at 63(3 66 Cts-I U(1 Pennsylvania do. at lio($G8 ceuts. SUNBUKV ITvICE CUUUEiNT Whkat. 5 225 RtE. J - t 15 Con. 00 Oats. 62 Fotatok, - .j . 80 Dmiwii S5 Ilr.cKtKii I'lii, 10 Durvi.K. . ?3 En on. . . IS I'unK. 7 Flixstkii. 125 Tallow. - ? -12 If ew Advertisements. LATEST ARRIVAL Of Spring Summer oods. J. L &. l7v. IILINB, IUESPECTFin.LY announce to their friend and lie mblic in general, that tlicy have received at their OM Stand, in Upper Ainruula township, Nortliumbcrlnnd county, l'a., at Klines Grove. Ihcir Sjirin? Summer Good, und epcncil lo tlie public a full assortment of IIEIlClIAIiriZE, &c, Consisting- in pait f Cloths, Mack and fane; CaxMincra, ailinctts, Checks, and all kinds SPRING &. SUMMER GOODS. Also o lot of Heady. made Couts, Vests and Pants, &.C. Ladies Erc33 Goods, Calicvcs, Gingha'n. Muxliu de I.ainea.ic. Also . Black Silks, Ac. AIko afresh supply of Groceries, of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Wore. A!f a lar'c assortment of Pool ai-.J Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hal oud Cap, such a Palm Leaf, Cannda, Panama and Kilk Hat, and all good usually kept in a Country Htore. dill and See. Cheaper tiiaii the Cheapest, All of vrhiih will be fold for cash, or in ex change ior country produce, at the highest ;oai kit price. Upper Augusts, May IS, 185-1. EOS THE LADIES. ji ISS JANE n.NNEV has icceived in addi-'Ja- tion to lier ktock uf Fancy GonJ. an rlo guilt nssoitm'iit of Ladies' Morocco, black and tu.icy colored Gaiter. liens islioes and G.ii tcrs, i f ce..y description, which vhn will bill at Piiiladclphi prices for ensh. Call und see. P. S Those knowing themselve to be in debt ts tha eubscribcr will please coma forward and make immediutc pawm-nt, lo nave trouble. Suidmry. May 12, lhS5. " Estate of GEO. SMITH, dco'd. "JV'CTiCE is hereby given that letter Testa a.' mcutary upon the ctlatc of George Hmith, late of Jackson township. Northumberland coun ty, dee'd.. l.uve been granted to the subscriber, residing iu said township All persons having duiins against said deceased, are requested to present them lor cellleuieut, and nil persons knowing" theuiselve to bo indebted wiil luasc iiumediato payment. HAKAU FMITH. ) ,. . J.NO. GAl.EN SMITH. $ u Jackson tp., May 13, lh3. - Ct. rLATIXA POINTS r03 LIGHTNING RODS. OLilt Point are made of a tapering copper bo dy, eluul 6 inches Ion;, well gilt with pure fold lo prevent the action of tho weather, and tipped with solid Platina ; they havo been in use for .vc- thirty year, and have given general ait isfa:lion. Trice $1,'JU, f!,50, $2,00, 3,01 J 1,(0 per point, accordiri); to the quantity of PiMina. Yt'e also furnitU glass insulator and i on staple. Manuf'Clured bv McAllister &"BROTHEn, (Eitahlished in 1796.) 1S4 Chestnut St., below Uighih, Philadelphia. rnaa., may 1-, u:o. lm. NOTICE. LL person indebted 10 the late firm of James Taygart & Son, of Northumberland, either bv note or book account, aro hereby requested to make settlement thereof by the tiist day of July uevl, to Grantham 1. Taggart, surviving partner, or UiB account will be placed iu the baud of a Justice for collection. CKANTHAM I. TAGGART, fcurvivinj partner. North'd, Mav IS, 18S.V 2m. Estate cf JAMES TAGGART, dee'd. V O'l'ICE is hereby given that letter testumen- 1 ' tarv upon the estate of James Tag!;art, lale of the borough of Northumberland, Nortuuinber land county, dee'd., have beeu granted to the subscriber. Therefore all person having claims or demand against lus said eutte, are requested to make them knonu without delay, ai.d all persons indebted lo make payment lorthwiili. GKA.M'H AM I. TAGGART, Eu'lor, North'd. May IS, lo55. 6t. To Teachers and Scholars. THE HUNDRED DIALOGUES, ' For Heading SpeaLing and Exhibition in Schools, 'C, ' THE BOOK ONE IM.'NDItl'.D AND TEN NFW URIUINAL DIALOUl fcr iwver tolVs pruned W rillfii t.v a le. ichor ol" thirty ycur cipeiieoeii, for Stliool, KXHIUI I'lONH uui jiviieiul readnif . It C"U Uuua ibc llisi ure ksiic. short, liuiu.aous, sruas, couuc, witty, anmsnig aud instructive, all havsa tiU;b nioial lone. The seii.tus ones are it btmvy mjiJ lbs cimioc ours u-tt e-juiso. Ii kss brca iulrisluetNl into houi of tiia bst 6.b..l aisi Acoikuiics of Nw Kolaml, jh) all sirs in urou uiH-ing 11 mo bust but ol Uijijjuis vr puuusaea. trice by uiuil prt'osul 91, U0. SC1IOQL MELODIES. CmiMinin choir Collection of xi,Mi!r ns, with nri giital and iiiirupruti woivls, wsiiHsjd txprvssly f-ir la us t Sob stls. Tu must eslenso.-tfly usewl mij itulur Juveiale tsuigius lltstk ver issued. Tly Ssv Uicu iu trtNluctJ inl' ihv st-h sits ol U !;, Hutroi. PorttaiKt. lw ell, fSri.i(rSAck1., New lluvrii, Hrovidvuc, iliis'k lyil, AlbMV, Tfoyaod lu-ss of tli Cuia autt Vulims if Ssw LiugituHl sod New York, ulso ht. luis Mn simI uy iiluecs in Otiio Mori iltau 4A,SsJ c.pivs hav beru ailo, wit ay mail preimi f seven Mainp. Kuf lurihor uil wi s uiurr f Uis Uks Mud fur eircv lra. Puoiisind urn! fif s-(.e ly mokhis curioN, 1 , WMhinnton sa. Botou -iil WHHW4 to sell useful books. Usy 14, li5 IV fe. t . 1 . . . VANILLA BEANS just received by WEISER d 11KCNFB Sunhury, May 19, 1665. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER I. W. TENEE & Co., Sunbury Pa. 1 AVE just received a new and splendid as gortmcnt of good, suited to tho season, amongst which are i Cloth. Csssi meres and Velvet, Rrtdy mstle Clothra, English, French and American Ging hams, plain ond painted Chitlli. do. do. Lawn, Barege and Uarejre, plain anil pninlcd TisfUf, TisMie Dsrrge, Thibet Silk, friiihd Shawls, Em broidered and . Limatk Crape Shawl, Fancy MkitilUs. itri pe d and checked I.nen,' Ta ble Cover. MosqultU1 Not. Fan, Parasol and Cm " brellas, toRCthcr with a goneral assort ment of Dry Goods Hals, Capa, Bool. Shoes, Hardware, Grocerie. tjuecnswtro. Fish, Salt, Nail fte., 4 c, all of which will be aold cheap for cah or Country Pro duce. Hnnhiiry, May S, 1855. TO Tllli LAD1KS Of Sunbury and Vicinity. AGNEW & CO., 19G Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. APE now otTering to purchaser a splendid Stock of New Spring Shawls, Mantilla and Dres Goods: their assorlment of Paris made Msntillos, is very extensive, comprising one of the best selected Stock ill tho City, and at ex tremely low price. SHAWLS Brocha, Cshmcre and Gold bor dcred Shawls, long and square. Also, largo assorlment of Rich Eiubroidcrcd and Plain Cau ton Crape Shawls.. SILKS Particular attention is requested to our tock of Brocade, Plain, Plaid Stripe, Moran Antiuuo and blk. Silks, of all qunhtic and prices. Wash Silks in great variety. DKESS GOODS Flounced barege Robes, Grenadines, Tissues, Bareges, Organdine, Mousilcns Challio Delaine, brilliants, French and English Chinire. eVe., Embron'erie of all description. Collars. Sleeves, Ruffles, Insert iiiss. with a full Stock ofKibbana, Ladies' and Gcntlcmeni;' Gloves, Hoisery, Ac, Constantly reneiving f'esh supplies of Season able Goods, per S:eamcrs from Havre, Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Auction Snlea- Purchasers are requested to call and examine our stock of splendid Spring Goods bofnro purchasing. AGNEW & CO., 196 Chestnut St., Philada. April 7, 1F5S. 3m. I'lRST AKR1VAL or At S. N. Tliompoon's Etoro, .i I.nver A ii.'us'i township, nt the Junction of the Tidpchnclen and Plum creel: roads. rjMIE subscriber having returned from the city -- Willi a new and extensive assortment nf fashioinible goods, respectfully calls the attention of Farmers, Mechanic and others to the earue. SPKINU AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry (.lootlsi, viz : Cloths. Casfimerts, Caasincls, Jeans. Drill infR, Muslins, resting, Tu ccJs, and all kinds of Spring nnd Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Ca lienrs, Muslin de L'tins, Lawnst Ginehams, Urr.vjrs. llubcs, H'o'i.'eny. Flannels, ffc. c.norrMir.s, Suj;ar, Teas, Cotleo. Rice, Molassei, Cheese, Spices, Salt. fVe., Arc, etc. El nrtJtvare, Nails, Screw, File, Saws. Knives & Forks, c Guer ::s and Gla?swfve, ol various style ar.d patterns. BOOTS ftNE SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hts Caps, iVc, of various size and styles. Besides a Isrge mid peneral assortment of fashionable, goods. Call aud examine for your selves. Fir Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. S. IS. THUMFSUIX. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1835. Estate cf JOHN LEADER, dccU irvTOTICE is hereby given that letlers testa 1 ment.irv have been granted lo the subscri ber upon the estate of John Leader, late of Jack son township, Northumberland county, dre'd. All persons knowing thf msclvc inilei.teil to, or hsvtuir claims sgsinst said rstatc, will call aud settle immcdiatclv. WM. TEPPEN, Ex'tor. Jackson tp., May 12, 1855. fit. NOTICE. r"IIIE annual meeting of "The Green Ridge -L Imiimvumeiit Coiimanv." will be held at their office. Carpenters Court, Philadelphia, on Tuesdav, the 22d inst., at 12 o'clock, when an election will bo hrld for live director to serve the ensuing year. WILLIAM wis a bit, eecy. May 12, lSSS tin. Grocerey, Flour, Feed and Provision Store. SEASH0LTZ & PETERY. ISroadicay, between Market $ Blackberry its., Swibury, 5 ESFECTFL'I.I.V inform Iho citiien of Sunbury, that they have engaged the servi ces of competent (iermaii baker, and are now prepared to supply the citizen with fresh bread, twut, rolls, pica ami cake ol every kind. bugar, collce, (hrowned) green d '. lack teas, rice, cracker & cheese, tobacco & aegar. A II kind of imall beer, aa welt a lemon, pineapple and strawberry syrup, constantly kept for salo. bunbury. Muy 5, 1655. ly Furniture ! Furniture ! M. 157 South Second above Spruce,) east side, PIIILADELrillA. 'IIIE subscriber would respectfully inform the -- readers of the buMiury Anurican and the public generally, that he has on hand a constant supply uf elegant, fashionable, and well made Furniture at reasonable prices, living a practi cal mechanic, and having all his good manufue. tured under his own iiperiatendcuce, purchasers may rely on getting just -such ai licha a are represented- Lounge with removable arm, also new pattern of Uedstead. Those who are about going lo housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A- BALER, lo7 South Second street. K. D. All order thankfully received and promptly attended to. AprifSi8. I8S5- w8 ly. Orphans' Court Sale. ON Mondav, the 21st day of May next, the follow ing'doii ribcd valuable TOWN LOTS will be aold at public vendue 1 Two certain con tiguous Lots uf Ground aitiiatein the Uorough of Northumberland, numbered in the general plan No. S79 and SH0, each being sixty feet front on Market street, and in depth itO feel. A one story log house erected on one of said tots. The ssle will take place on the premises at It o'clock, A. M. MARTHA KATP, Guardian. Of the minor children of Michael Kapp, uee'd. ay order c! tlie Uourt, J. P. FL'RSEI., Clk. O. C, Siinhurv. April t. 1853 Boarding! Boarding! TH ItS. WHARTON csn accommodate 8 or if B 1 respectable boarders. , . Location 1 North-west corner of Market r?qur. Snnbury. Person wishing comkirtabl will bn ihi a deeirabl place. Sunbury, April It, 15S tf ,t TO C0U1STRT STOREKEEPER. flHE Suhacriber ho on hand of hi own man. ft. ufacture, a large assortment of Ladies', Misae', and Children', Loatlior, Kid, and Morocco BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITERS, of the best workmanship and material, which he will sell at a low wholesalo price as any person in the city. Mayers ran get (ny aiu to make up assortment, without having to purchase the sniallor or more unsaleable Ue. WM. C. PARKER, No. 91 North SIXTH Street, below llaco, Philadelphia. N. B. Gaiter Upper ready for the last, aold to Country Phoemakera at low prices. 8unbury, April 14, 1838 Jm. AN ASTOUNDING FACT. Elsborg'B Clothing Store Again! EL8BERG Ote - E'sbcrg & Co.) wish s to announce to the inhabitants of Northumberland county, snd tho public in pen erol, that ho has remoed his elegant and cheap Clothing Store a few doors east from the firmer store, to a new capacious building. The remo val was necessitated bv the former store being too small to facilitate the still increasing trado at this widely known store. Being thankful for past pitronago, I hope to deserve it for the future till more by erving you with accustomed fideli ty snd incrcsed alacrity. In order to suit every ono that calls, I havo laid in a stock of clothing, gent furnishing good, and all other good in my line 011 a most exten sive scale, also made arrangements with my bro ther in Philadelphia, to send every thing new and fashionable as soon as produced, so that my slock will be replenished every few weeks. In extent, variety, elegance, qiv lity and cheapness, iny stock surpasses every thing "tho oldest inhab itant" ever heard tell of in this part "f the coun try. "To sec is tn believe," and as I invito eve ry bedy to call and see and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. It is a treat to see and examine such an elegant, good, cheap stock of goods. Mr stock consists in part of Dress, I rock. Rack, Business and all olher kinds of Coats, mado of cloth, cashmaretlo, eassimere, linen, flax ond all other stud's of all imaginable colors, plain, fancy, striped and checked. Pants oud Vests of every style aud pattern, low ond hih priced, aa suited to tho want of the buyer; tho largeat and best assortment ever exhibited west of the mountain. A nice assortment of Uoots ond Shoes, gaiters and slippers, also ladies shoe, gaiters & slippers. A splendid lut of Hats and Caps, such as Pa nama, Curracon, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, Sen ate, Si;aw and Palm Leaf, different colors, fine silk hats, all colors of wool huts, etc. etc. A good assorlment of Shirts, collars, revolvers, single and double barreled pistols, french and gcr man Accoidcons, all kinds cf cravats, stocks and pockclhnndkerchiels, T'mbrellas, Carpet Bags. Trunks, and all kind of notions for Isdics and gentlemen. Also an assortment of watches and Jewelry, nil of which arc wai ranted; the money paid for the .11. cheerfully returned if not as represented. All this slock will l e sold at a small advance on cj-sh, so a still further to merit tho name usually bestowed 011 my store, as being the cheap est in Siinoury or vicinity. So, remember the place, Market Square, nearly opposite the former Post Otlice. A. ELSllERG, Late G. Elsbcrg A; Co. Sunbury, April 21. 1855. sJiYrTfFs'sa le. TllV virtue of a Fa. to me directed, will be .VDoMt'fl lo mihlie find nt tbn PonrL linos iu ftunhury, tU 10 o'clock, a. m., on Saturday, the. "5ihday uf May next, the following properly, to wit : All that certain tract or piece of land, situate iu Lower Auitusla township, Nnrthumlk'rland county, bounded on the north by land of Jacob Uaker, on the east by that part of the tract of laud of which this is part, marked U in the dia grair anil inquisition relumed to tho Orphans' Court of said county, hearing data the 27th day uf February, A. 1K5.S, in pursuance of a Writ of Partition i.;s ie.1 out of aid Orpbana' Court, to make partition and vulualinn of the real estate uf William C. Geurhurl, dee'd , on the south by land of Daniel Vail, and on the west by purparts marked k and 15, which said tract or piece of land ia marked in the diagram to the aforesaid Iinitiisiiion annexed purpart ('. con. t uning one hundred and nineteen acrea and Cfl -four perches, aud which purport was taken at the valuation thereof by the aliance uf the said V ashington Gearhart, who ha since recoil veved the same to tho said Washington. ALSO, All the righttillo and interest of the defendant, (being the undivided one-fourth part thereof,) of and in all that certain House and lot of ground 111 Sunbury, bounded on the east by River street, south by lot uf Augur-tus Clement, west bv lot of Dr. Master, and north by on alley. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of Washington Gearhart. 1IENRV WKISE. Sheriff. Snnhurv, May 5. 1855. To Officers, Soldiers, SEAMEN, &c, OF ALL WARS : their Widows and Minor Children. . 11. AfASSFJl, Attorney for Government C'aiments, Kunhurv. l'a. CONTINl.T-ft lo cive pronipt and prrsoiml uiirntmii to the urosvi-iitioii tl Claims ol evcrv flesrrirlioii ticiiiiif-t the tieuer.-il Uiveiiintlil, und purticul-irly to ihose bcl'oie lliu TrKtsnry IK-nailinviit. t'ensionand H utity Lan.t Uiiri-:tii, l'alviit anil liencrul luid OlFiee, and U.-aM of Clnuns. An t-spurit liceof y-nrs, and a fuinilmrily with the inesus of ohuiiiiiix theeui!ir-t and fuvoishle actoui cm cUiuils, with the fucilitu-s lor the (tifpun-ii of liusln-sss, jusliiy him in assuring his Correspond ?uls, Clainiruts. und the Puhlic generally, thul blterusls iulrustcd to his keep, lug will ll"l be nra.lwted. 1'kNsioK, IliifMH t.Akn, rAT!T and Testae I. AND Law. lie hns nearly n-ikdy fir gratuitous distribution uinons, his liusiiieis C"rnioiu1e ats, (and Uiom wlio may brcoine such.) a oeat parnpulei ciHitaiuiiMr a symi(is of Uie rA iKling Peiisum, iiouuty Laud, I'ulcut, and fuulic liu Iaws, down t J Ihc end of the late Congress luclu.luig Ihe Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855. tindei which all who have heretofore received less than 160 acres are itnw entitled to atMitiouuJ land j said At-t rrnuis ulso 1DO ucresto all Officers, iiou-counnissioiu-d Urricers, Chapl.iins. Soldiers, Whk-.mi Mselers, 1'eunistcrs. uiul I'rieiiilly Indents, of llwr Army, int-ludin Siatc-j't'ronps, Volunteers, and Militia and all Chficers. eiiraiii, Oiditw ry Seamen. Marines, Clerks, and Lamtsmei., of the tivy, not heretofore provided for, who have served n t less than fourt.-en d.iys (utiles in tisflle) at any ieriiMt aim-e 177tt;and to the'wi.l ws and minor childreuufall uch per ins entillt-d, and deceased '1'ha psmi hiet cisitoins "Fsrmt f Appllcallon" nae foil snd couiMe than an7 elsewhere to lie found ; adapted to th wants of very clnssif Cl.-iiuiants utsler the uul, with copious devisioi and instructions oi the llefut lueut. and practice! sueiresiiuia us to ihe voutse to be pur sueft in suspended 01 rejucted eases. Parlies not wishing to avail themselves nf the facilities airrddby tin ortu-u ia seeuiiuit prompt and personal superiutelitleuce of their ciaiuls St lutf l)earlineuls, csu ohtMiM copies of the above pamphlet by remitting tliKijr cau in p-teta-re sinmris lNOLCr-Jlli-ST TO COrtllKSl'ONDKNTS. Coiitp"tidnl8 wh 1 prepare and forwunl eases for miuuieemetit by this Accni-y will be dealt with lilierally ; suppiietl witn all m ceMury Uauka easns, and kept eon. stanlly adviced of tlie clwugrs Uwt irora t.ruo to tiui oc. cur in Ills execution of the law. It is within the suhseriliers iiower t direct his rntre rioiideiils to the Incslliy of veri asair,- peramsstUitled un der Ihe ills Act J and hivinfr obuuietl a laiRS liunilaN of lAud Warrants under former laws, he IB in p-wsrorni of dau taut will materially assist In serum adJitional UMiutv. Fees, Mow th asaal tales aud contingent upon U; ailmisshai of f'Uims The hishe eash prie friven for Taind Warrants, Re Votulhsisrv evriu, oud Uhwnni Laud Patents. Addrea II. B-MA3fli:il. Sunbury, P. March 31, 18.15 41 House ond Lot for Sale. riMIE subscriber offers at private sale, hi house I. and lot situated in Whortleberry street, Sunbury. The house is a new TwoSiorv frsme dwelling, on a lot of CO loot front. There is also, a Butcher Shop 011 tlie premise. The location is an eicclleul one, for any p or sun wishing to follow that busiiK-s. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury. Msreh 17, lHS5-tf. XAMILY lilEDIC'JNEl!rowii' Fever and Ague Powder. I'shnestock' Vermifuge, Dr. Jsyne' celebrated medicine, &e for sale l Nov. S3, '34. XOVXG'S STORE. SHALLENnERGER'W riLL8-Acerul cure fur F aud Agu. f.Ht osle h , WEIt ER ec UIU NEB. j Punbury. uj VI, la4, - : BOYD, KOSSEH & CO., smu ass ssirrrns or ltb 2cl) QVniljvncitc octl. From tho Ltikei Fidlcr Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Pcnna. Addrea. Boyd, Rosscr ic Co., Bunbury, Pa. n. m. anvo j. Rossi. a, sorn. T. nostra. Sunbury, April 7, 185.1 if. Watsos Drrvv. Tuomas DtrcT. J. 8. DEPUY ft SOX,, dXo. 223 Korth Second Street, helnw Caltott-hill, and 6'. IF. CVwner Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, PHILADELPHIA, TyOl'LD respectfully inform their former v " customer and other, that thev have jut laid in a splendid assortment of CurpclN, Oil t loths, !tlntllig, Window Shades, Poor Mats, &c., etc., at very reduced price Wholesalo rV l!eiil. TAKK NOTICE. We will sell our goods a cheap as any other hruse of the kind in the city. Pu'ln., April 7, 1855. v3ms 3mf. HEW STORE. (At the old Stand 0 S. X. Thompson.) flHE Subscriber respect'ully informs the pco JL pic of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has ta ken the Store Room lately occupied by S. N. Thompson, in Market Plreet, Sunhurv, below W eaver's 1 Ititel, ttnJ that lie ha just received and opened a hmitUoma titfsoitmcnt of BPPJNG & SU3IMEE GOOES, Consisting in part o Dry Goods, Groceries, nnrdwaro, Quccnswarc, Hat Sr Caps, Boots Sl Shoes, Fish, Salt, Meat. Ac. All nf which will be sold at the lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken in exchango at tho highest market ptico. II. II. VASTIXC. Sui bury, April 21, 185-1 ly DAG1JERREOTYTES. LF.ISENRING & J. K. ECKMAN of T P- J Da snville, repecifullv announce t' the ladies and gentlemen of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened Daguerrean rooms abovo Fri ling A Grant's Store, in Sunbury, where they ore ready to accommodate those who may fivor them willi, a call, with beautiful and lile-Hke miniatures. All who desiio miniatures will do well to call early and secure tin ii picluios, aa we know not what a day rray bring forth. Thin Wten ti our rooms, stl ye people, Ui-foro yto reive rens-m to crieve ; The cost you will find it he' little, And to '.ill satisfaction vvo'll give. Sunbury, April 21, 1S55. 3l MILLIXKRY GOODS! 1C55. rOR SPRING- SIAIiES. JOHN STONE d EONS. -Yo. ID South Si-crud St, I'llII.ADIXrilIA, Have just opened their Sprinj importations of Silkli, Bcnnct Ribbonn, riowern, liases, C including a gcnerul assortment of Milline ry Ar tides of the most fashionable styles. The above goods have been imported express ly for our Spiing vnles, and comprise tba laredt and best assortment in our lino to be found in this market. Maich 17, "5S. I. 8 mo. 2. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS & WATSON. Ao.2S Sou'h Fourth St., Philadtlphia. CHEAT FIRE, Chestnut & Fifth Streets, Friday niornir.;. December 3ilh, 19M. Evans 4' Watson' ett5.i'r-. 'a I IT Salamander Safe I num- pha'i; &W&Z2 when t, as they always are hen put to tho test. Piiiiaiiki rm , Dec. IS, 1 554. Messrs. TviscV Watson, Nr. "'J tiouth Fonrlh M-, Philadelphia. Cicntlenmn : We taho much pleasure in re coniinendinq your Salamander Safes to Merchant and cithers in want of a secure means of preser ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers ond cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire uf this morning, w hich destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut nnd J'ifth streets. The r.bnvc safo was in use in our office, on too second floor of our building, from which place it full into the cellar, and remained there un'il (t:o die was out. Tho Safe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least lUIIO persons, who witnessed the pood condition of tho contents. Will you please havo the Safe aud Locks repaired, a we intend tn put it in use again, havh.g perfect confidence in its lire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, laca Pinurs. Evan A- Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Safes in use: U. 8. Mint, Philsdsi Farmer' and Mechanics' Hank, Phila j Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sneriff, Phils ; John H. Hen derson, City Controller t Caleb Cope 4- Co., No. 183 Market .St. ; Richard Norri iV Son, Loco motive btiildeis, Philada; Dancioit V &el!crj, Machiuii-ls, corner 16th and Jame St.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvauia Knihocd Co, Phila.; Laccy iV Philips, corner Mi aud Minor eHs; Sharplcss 11 ro.. No. South Second Ht..; James Kent eV Santee, No. 147 North Third SI ; W 11. llorstman & Sons, No. M North Third St.; Hmith, Williams & Co., No. e-7 Market St.; J. & It. Orne, No. 161 Chestnut St. A largo assortment of tho abovo Safes always 011 hand (warranted tn stand at hvist 10 percent moro fire than anv Herring' Safe now in use.) EVANS St WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron Dash, for making fire-proof Vaults for Banks stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Kb f. iterators, etc. Plcsso give us a call, at No. 20 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1655. cly. 10. HAYD0CK & FIDLEH, fTVEALEUS 111 Vatchcs and Ju-.-.clry will continue the business at the olj sland of James B. Fidler, Xo. 12 South Second Street, PIIU..Vl)l'.I.l'IIIA, Where they solicit an examination of their largu and vaiied stuck, feeling asuied Uiat the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the . I'acilitie I hey for procuring jiooi! oil the too! advantageous terms, will ena ble llicni ta e. favorably with any other eslahlisliincnt in the city. They havo now on hand a Cue assortment of WATCHES', CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver. PluteJ and U.itUuia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, tic., etc. N. H. Repairing of Watches and all kind of Jewchy utlcndiJ lo with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. if. t10:.lU3.l)urk, Children' Long, Wide and ' fine combs; Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, ic.. for salo at YOUNG'S STOKE. Sunbury, Nov, 18, 1851. HOSIEItY. McnV wool and colton Socks, Latins' and childien' atocdiiiig jus4 rien ed at .. . YOUNG'S a J OKE. Bunbury, Nov. 18. I8ft4. ..r . GKOCEUIEssn Segsrs, Collue, Molssws Hpicws Oil. Brandjr.Gin, Wi" Macker el. lUrnug 4 Pall, juul received sod tor sle h, WM. A. KNAUB. ' Ltivr AtsU May Hit- TRENCH TRUSSES. MERNIA or Rupture successfully treated, snd comfort Insiirod, by ue of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and 111 a do lo order expressly for his sale. All sufl'ering with Rupture will ho gratified to learn that tho occasion now offer to proenro a 'I russ combining extreme lightness, with esse, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually old. An extensive assorlmont alway on hand, adap ted to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for sale at a raugo of price to suit all. Cost of Single. Trusses, $2, $3, $4, and $5 1 Double, $. $5, $.G,$x and $10. Persons at a distance csn have a Truss sent to any address by remitting the amount, sending measure around tho hips, nnd staling side slfected. For lale Wholesale cV. Retail by the Importer, CALEB II. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth Sc. Race street. Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Banning, 1 Improved Putcnl Body Brace 1 Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent ShoulJcr Braces; Suspensory iranilagcs; ijpinsl 1'rops anil fmpports. J.aUies Rooms, with competent huly attendants. Phil.. Ml-cI 31, 1S55. p:lm. "PENNSYLVAHIAWIR iVo. 21 Arch Street, mhovt Front, Philadelphia. flUE subscriber have on hand, s:.-J art con stanlly manufacturing SIEVES, RI DDI.Ls, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all imVor and widths. Alo, all kinds nf pbiin and fancy Wire work. Brass nnd Iron Wire Sieves nf nil kinds; Brass and Cupper Wiro Cloth for Paper Makers, Ac. Cylinders and Bandy Rolls cov creJ in the best tnsmier. Heavy twilled Wire for Spsrk Catchers, Sieve; for Bras and Iron Founders. Screen Wire. Win- I dow W ires, Safe1, Tr, htth Cuvertf, (Juul and UI1U stit'rilH, (AC BAYLIS. DARBY A LINN. March 10, 1853. C a m 2J COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! I RAT. CLEMENT respectful informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that ho has been appointed agent for the salo of the celebra ted rcJ ash coal, from the Mines of Boyd Kos;e. Sc. Co. All tho vsriuus sizes prepared nnd scrcaned will be promptly delivered by leaving orders with tho subscii'uer. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec. SO, 1851. if. BOOKSELLERS, BIDDERS, BLANK TOOK MAKCt ACTr nr.RS, AND STATIONERS, S. IF. Corner nt' Fourth A- Pace Strc tA. PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1805. tf PETER OSUOHN, JR., WHOLESALE & RETAIL FEATHER & MATTRESS WAREHOUSE, iVo. 81 sior;A Second Strett, Third dnor above Arch, East side, riiilfulelphia. Feathers, Feather Reds, Bolsters Ac Pillows, Curled Hair, Movs, Wool, Colton, Floe), and Husk Mattresses, Jitiaw Palliasses, Sottro, Few, and Chair Cushions, all kinds and collors, Ecd tickings. Check, Moreens and Pamasl: by the yard or piece. Cotts. Cat -tail, Sacking "d Cords, Counterpane, white and colored, Comfortables of all kind snd cues by the single ono or dozen. Cribs. Berlh, Single and I), 10,11, 12 and 10 quarters Blankets, Bleached and Unbleached Sheet, Blocked Muslin and Check pillow cases, Towels of all kindi, Table Linen, Table Covers, L'amrsk table cloth, Bindings of all kinds and colors. Thread, Ac, N. 1J. Benton d Cotton's potent rcuovater worked by steam power, is daily in operation for Iho purpose of purifying old and new feathers. All nrttilcs from this establishment warranted. ThilaJa, March 3, 3 in 8 ACATtD." pEORGE CROWN, Inspector ofMtecp. ten ders his services to luiid owners and .Min ing Companies, in making examinations, reports &c, of Mines and Coal lands. From his experi ence in minim; operations, as be understands the different branches, having carried on Mines for a number of years in Schuylkill Co., and having now a large number of collieries under bis super- hA to nice Sitttl.ii-tioil lo ihosc who may want tis scrvico. 1'efcrs to Benjamin ! Miller and W. Payne, Enirs.. Philadelphia, and ! U. E. Nice and James Neill, I.sijrs., Poltsvillc. Communications oy Mail promptly attended to PotUville, March 17, 1S55 3ui. E0UNTY LAND WARRANTS. rfIIE subscriber having received the necessary -- forms and insructtions from the Department, at S'asliiugion, is prepared to procure Bounty Land Warrants ct th : ihorlrst notice. II. B. MAS3ER. Sunbury. April 7, 185S. STKAWlT 1 li0C)DS, Wholesale & Retail. fr-, WIHL T. KILL, 1 't IiIthw Hat at Uounet .Manufacturer, And Dealer in Straw Goods in Gcucral. Xo. 321 Xorth Second Street, (below Xoblc, cast side, directly opposite Butz'a Red Lion Hotel,) Philadelphia. Where mar be found a laree ond extensive as sortment of goods in the ab-sve line, to whi.-h the utti nlion of Country iMorckrej'.cr and .Miliincra, is particularly invited, 11T All goods aold nt the lowest cash prices. March 17. 1S5S. W. S 1110. 2. TP. II. Hill Til, TORT MONKAIE, ICCZET ECCIT, AND Ircssir.g C'ao lai'.ufuctttrcr, X. V. cor. of Fourth A f7itvfnu 5;.-, niii.Aiii-:LPiiiA. Alwavson hand a large and varied assortment cf Port Monnaics, Pocket Books, Hankers Cases, Nota Holder, Port Folios, Portable Desks, Work Boxes, Cuba, Traveling, nu.-kgammori Uo'iide, Chcts Men, Clear Cases, Dressing Case, Pocket Memorsndum Book. Also, a general assortment of hnghsh, I tench and German Fancy Goods, Tine Pocket Culcry, Harnrs, Hazor Strops and Gold Pi ns. Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH. N. W. cor. Fourth V Chestnut Els., I'hiluda. N. 11. On the receipt uf fet, a Supnrii.r G.)M Pen w ill bo sent to any part of the United States, by mail ; deacribing pen, thus, medium, hard, or soP. Phila., March 31. ISM. ply. REMOVAL. UJETEK W. GIIAY reswctfullv informa hn -m. frit-iids ntul rnstonieis. that ho hs removed his Stoie Iroui its old location, and now its the handsoirle and toinmodious More room. l"r nicily occupied ly 11. B. Master, in square, neuily opposite the Pout Ollico, when- he will bo happy to servo ail who may gle hint call. Sunbury, Nurch 19, 1S55. :t "TNOLlJWJIirir.U I LUlDanJ Adie sie ami legal envelopes, lor sale l v 11. B. MASioI'lt. Sunburv. Ian lt. lft- LOV ES. Buckskin Gloves and Mitts, do tiloves wool lined, Ladic tilovts, Chd cltcn's d 1., Mitts, Ac, at Nov IK, 'i t. YOUNG'8 STOUE- IJ MHHF.LLAS Overshoes, Pocket Books Portmoiiies, Silk Focket-lionuUercuiui. k-lies, Spiing-ttock, Suspen.H-r, etc., ji. Nov. S3, 'SI. VIIUAti H Slum. aud Mloueh Hal, 1IAIU tf wra. eiif I 11:11..., ....1 ,.i,.it, ivn. n.r riien and boy. alo (Ism tW, of vavioui i. just ";i"J .ml for sl f. - VVC.NU'S TOhb. uubuty Nov. VS, t4. . This Way I Thin Wis ! I Kail and inter Jiootls. FUXLING & GRANT . RESPECTFULLY inform their customer and the public, that tliey have just receiv ed and opened Iho best and cheapest stock of ; Fall and Winter Gootli, at their store in Market square, Bunhurjr. Their stock consist of every variety of - Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimerts. Sattinets, Vetting, Flannels, IV aliens, frc, And all kinds of Full and Wiiurr Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES' bllESS & FANCY COOPS, Calicoes, GiAgumu, Chintzes Dt Laines, Berape.i,, . And every yatiely of goods sn.tuhla for l.s die wcai. Also a large assortment l ' HARDWARE and GUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and riaattr. .. Also an extensive assortment cf Hats and Cais rua Mkn and Bots. Also a large assortment of GKOC'lUlll. ti;cn AA Sugar, Teas, Coll'ee, Molprsas, Siiiccs of all kinds. Also a treah supply uf DRUGS AND MEDICINrn. Besides the largesl and ninsl penitrnl assort , iiu'iil of all kinds uf goods tu bu hud ia th; place. tV Country produce of all kinds taken in or. -change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 11, ISi-1. .Sprin'niid Suininei (loods ! rETEll W. GRAY, INFORMS his fiiends that he has just received a good assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER G00D3, at his .S'toro in MaiLot Squaie. His stock cen its of DRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloths, Cassimers, Siiltinclls, Jeans, Drillings, Parages, Barage Do Laines, (iinghaius, Lawns,' Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Silks, Winter ShawU, UressTiimmil g snd all items in tho Dry (ioodi line. Also, a 1 orgo sssottmet of Shoes for fcn Worr.?n an I Children. Hats and Caps, . roccrl.s of every var.c!- Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Saltj Fish, &c. Elardtvarc. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tuhj, Burkets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, etc. QvusswiRt a general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market pricos. Sunbury, May 19, 1655 if. Front Street Wire Manufactory. VAT8oiT &. COX, Sieve, Piddle, Screen end ll'i'ie (VofA .1ariu J'acturrrs, Xo. -10 Xtnth Fruut Xt.. Corner' of Coomb's Alley, litirren Market and Mulberry ( Arch) StrciU, I'IiiLadki.imua. CONTINUE to manufacture of superior quail- ty, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds, Brats and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, cVc. Cylinders and Dandy ii'olls covered 111 tho bei t m-nni r. Heavy Twilled Wire for fcpark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wirt., Window Wire, Soles, Traps. Dish Covers, Coal and Sund Screens, ij-c. Fancy Wire Work of cverv description. Phila., Feb. Sl, 1855. 3m. e. HEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR THE SPRING 1855. jJYn'K & LANDF1.L. S. W. Corner of " Fourth ec Arch Sts.. Philadelphia, are fully prepared to suit buyers. Wiioi,lai.k & Kktail, with goods adapted to their want and M the low est licit cash puces. Mack- Silks, Jtritthh Prints, Plait! linijkair.', Good LineitA, Table Linens, l'c.ticy bo Sens Ih-ess Goods. Xew Spring Shawls, Xiifchics in Lawns, Shfttinns. if. See N. 1J. Bargains daily received from the Auc tions, of New York and Philadelphia. P. .V. Oil Boiled Black Silks warranted not to or in wearing. Store-keepers supplied with those goods roguljrly. Philada. March 3, 1855 w 3m 3 CHOICE GltOCERIES. BURTON & FENT0N, A M'. corner Sixth and Arch streets, I'liiLADiarini, HAVING refitted their Store anew, nnd ro plctiisheJ their stock bv tbo addition o every thing wanted iu a Select Family Grocery. Stoic, so as to make up a full and most complcto assorlment, now clllrs for sslo lo their friend and the ublic on tho best tenns the. following excellent Goods, viz: Jellies of all kinds; Pio serves; Fresh Fruits in Lotties and tin cans ; While Clover Honey ; I.atour and other brand of Olive Oils; Sperm and Steariue Candles; all ihe best brands of Grocerie ; Crackers, with a choice otsortment of all tho staple article, which. will bo old at Ihe lowest puces. Please givti j U4 a cau. BURTON & FHNTON. Family Grorcrs and Tea Denier, S. W. ccr. Sinth and Arch sts. I Phila., April 7. 155.-8 ly. . s " Ealtiinors Card. I COMMISSION MKIiCHANTS j ron tit. 1 uf ! FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUMBER. j Sueur' Wharf, JJultitnore. IV Afrtnts for Nswark anJ ltociidal Co j Cen.ent and Piaster. G. A. and Fine Salt, coiistuutly for sale I N. 11. l.iiaral CASH advances made oh eon. : siTiiuicnta 011 loci ipt. i Ualliinore, Mafch' 17. 13fi5.- Cm j fF every description, suitable for Kiilroads, : Jic, for Hay, Coal, Ore, end Mer ; cb.ii. disc geucrallv. Piin ha'Qi's run 110 ii, j erj scale is f 1 L'A It ANTE E D i 'OKI, L CT, ana if after trial, not found satisfactory, cau le rf ' luti e l wilhou charge. ! CV" Factory af the Old Stii.d, establ'iehed fcr more than fvrntv vear., corner of Nimh and I Mi.Tm .li..rM t'l.i'-..t. I,.l.- AliliUl l CV l !., K ucA-'cssoca to Eilicott V Abbott. 17, lS.VS. c 3 mo i Feb. JULIUS STERN. A'o. 1 15 -Vrr(A 2V.ri Strett, (U doors atcut Eagle Ih hl, PUlLMtELPlllA "1'irHOLEi'AI.E Dealer in Fancy Drew Trim ' niings anJ Millinery Goods, ond Manufac turer of Fancy Silk Bonnet. Kocp- eoinlaully o.i hand a virv extensive aorti;:cr.t of Silk, liibbons, tiiiiip's. Fringe. hesioVs a $rest variety of olher Fancy Goods. He solicits a rail from Country Merchant visitin the City, and assure, them 1 hat they will be ure to And any article above mentioned, at the Lowest price. March 17, 'o W. 8 mo. t. CHJ t. BooUel-'" hovel,' Ames' hoels. ' fork, Door and pd lock, curry eouih.. Ac, at .1 ltllusai""" YOL'NU't 13, 1S54. 11 AUDWAKE and queiit I" rreiie. and of all c-WripUoAis. rtfT." 11I for dlo by . Loner ujusta, Msy S4 .