Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 12, 1855, Image 3

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    A ORCAtllAFLOP Fibh.Om honored and
Efty thousand fish, or the first quality of her
ring and shad, were tcken on the 24th alt,
lit the fishery or Mr. Charles W. Miion, on
Albermale bound. The nnmberwas so great
Hint four hanls had to be made with small
reines of 25,000 each, before the largo soine
could be landed on the . shore. W are
1 leased to learn, that notwithstanding the
backward season, the present indications are
that it will be a successful one, and thui all
the fisheries are doing a good business, with
the prospect of an unusually large quantity
being packed. Nt,tfolk Deacon.
The Fisheries, on the Potomac river, have
been very productive, recently, and extraor
dinary hanls are made. At Alexandria on
Wednesday, shad were sailing at from 97
to 87.50 a hundred, and herring at $9,25 a
1 nonsand. 1 lie prices weresouiewnat Dignor
at Ueorgctown.
A CorNCtu.oR.4T-tAW was fined $2 and
costs on Wednesday, by the Police Court,
for smoking a segar in the streets of Boston.
Ilolloway's Pills a certain Remedy for In
digestion and liver complaint. Maria Arm
strong (27). ofEdgartown, New Jersey, suf.
:'ered more than most people from indigestion.
Accompanied by liver complaint several very
clever medical men told hor sho was in con
sumption, and her friends despaired of her
recovering, as sho had tried everything they
t!to i'.it luoly to benefit her, without success.
At lust she tried Ilolloway's Pills which
juickly assiinulated with the blood, removed
the obnoxious matter and thoroughly cleansed
:md renovated the system. The result is,
thnt sho wis perfectly enred, and now enjoys
the best of health. These Pills are also a
certain cure for all diseases of the stomach
uud bowels.
The Moon was eclipsed on last Tuesday
n'jrht. according to the almanacs, and every
body wns curious to see the interesting sight.
Sru-aking of eclipses, Messrs. EockhiU &
Wilson's fashionable clothing eclipses all
others thnt can bo found in Philadelphia.
r!.Miilimn fillinT tin their wardrobes should
jro firt of nil to their cheap and elegant store,
No. HI Chestnut street, corner of Franklin
1 luce.
Philadelphia Market.
May 9, 1855.
GP.A IN. There is more demand for
Wii?at. Ued is worth 82 52(32 05 aud white $2 602 63. Rye is scarce ;
snit"? r.t 1-17 alloat. Corn is higher. Sales
cf irj.030 bubhels Southern and Penna. vel-
io lO'lllc. Good Pennsylvania Oats
An dliii2 ut C3c er bushel. is in better demandholders
row ii' .i iOc in this., and 39 c in hhds.
Baltimore Karket
May 8, 1S55.
GRAIN". Wheat was held atrather high
cr rices than on Saturday, but we heard of
oo sales. W e quote this morning ZWt&znt)
cpntB as the ruling figures forrood to prime
reus und 245(j200 cents for good to primo
whites. Corn. "White sold at 100(103
cents, an.l yollow at 102(10-1 cents. Fenu
svlvunia Ryo was held at 14S(150 cents,
and we quote Maryland do. at 135 cents
Oats were steady at about Saturday's prices,
Tlicre were somo 3,000 bushels at market,
and we noto Sales at 59W60 cents for dark
Maryland and Virginia; 6166 cents lor
briijiit do., aud 66(a07 cents lor Pennsylva
nia. A hit of very prime Ohio Oats ofl'crtd
tbiB luoniing was lit la at 70cii.
WniiT. . s:5
Kir.. -115
Con. SO
Oat. S3
Potatos, . SO
Br.nwix . t5
FlecKLKP That. 10
Buttkb. . ra
Car.. . . 19
I'llKK. - . 7
Fr.ixsExn. 125
Tallow. .13
I. W TENER & Co.,
Sunbury Pa.
.AVE jut received a new and plenJi a
A lortineut of good, mited to the ituon,
jimongiit which srei
Cloth. Cxtiiiiere and Velvet, Ready ma'S
Cbithc, Eiii;li'h, French and American Ging
ham, plain aud painted Challi. do. do.
Lawn, B iregeand Barege DeLaina, plain
and painted 'J'ioue, Tiuue Barege,
Thibet Milk, fringed Shawls, Em
broiderej and Oaraaik Crape
tihawla, Fancy .Mantilla, tri
jied aud checked Linen,' Ta
ble Coven, Mojuitto Nets,
Fan, Faraiols and Um
brella, together with
a general auort
ment of Dry Good-'
Mat. Cap, Bool. Shoe,
Hardware, Grocerie, (jueeniware.
Fil Salt, Nail 4c, 4C, all of which
will bi old cheap for caa or Country Pro--tuce.
Sun'iury, May 8, 1855.
Of Sunbury and Vicinity.
1 95 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
A RE now oflering to purchaaere a tplrndid
Stock of New Spring Shawls, Mantilla and
Dree Good: their ortment of Paris made
Mantilla, ia very exteneive, comprUing one of
the best teleetej Stock in the City, and at ex
tremely low prite.
SHAWLS Brocha, Cahmr and Gold hor
derei' 8iiawl, lonz and aquar. Alio, Urge
owri netit of Hich Eibbioidered and Flam Can
ton Ciaue Sh'4wi..
.3JMC3- Punjculsr attention I requeited to
ei:r ',tock of Brocade, Flain, Plaid 8tripe, Morsn
Aniline a !lk. bilk, of all qualities and
price. Wash Silk in great variety.
DRESS GOODS Flouuced barege Robe.
Grenadine. Tissue, Barege, Organdine,
Mousi',cr. Cl.a'l, Delaines, brilliant, French
and Engl'.kli Cliintzea, 4c, Embrobierie of all
, dticupiion. Collars. Sleeve, Rufllea, InaerU
i:ig.witria full Stock ofRibbena, Ladies' and
Guntlemen' Glove, HoUery, oVe,
Constantly receiving freih supplies of Seston-
able GooU, per Steamara from Havre, Liverpool,
, Nt Vm-ii and Philadelphia Auction Saler
Purchaier are requested to call andetsmine our
stock of ijili-udid Spring Good belor paichaiii
m Chestnut St., Philada.
April T, ISIS. 3ra.
Estate of AS AX NEIDIO, Deo'd.
TO'l'ICE is hereby given, that leltenof ad.
A' IflinUtraiion have bwa granted to the eubacri
her on the eute of Adam Neidig, 1st of Upper
Auguta tuwu.hip, Korthunbarland county,
dee'd. Alt person having claims sgainat the
eUta. and uch that a re indebted thret,'r
requested to luak aa early aetulajent. . The
undersigned administrator will be praa)t at the
" bouse of tlia late deeaaaad, aa itiluidajr, the 3let
iliU, to make floal aeiulment.
IJppev Ao;uM March 5,U4
Grooerey, Floir, Teed and ' -
.Provision Store. .
Broadway, betwun Marin Blackberry sts.,
. Sunbury,
RESPECTFULLY inform the eltlsens of
Hunbury, that lliey have engaged the servi.
res of a comjielent Germsti baker, and are now
prepared to supply the citizens with fresh broad,
twUt, rolls, pies and cake of every kind.
Sugar, collie, (browned) green A Mack teas,
rice, cracker St cheese, tobacco St segar. A II
kinds of mll brer, a well aa lemon, pineapple
and atrawberry ajrup. constantly kept fur sale.
Sunbury, May 8, 1855. -ly '. , ' " ".' '."
Y virtue of a Ft. Fa. to m directed, will be
exposed to pnblio nle, at the Court House.
In Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, a.m.. on Saturday,
the t-tth day of May next, the following property,
to wit t
All that certain tract or piece of land, titnate
in Lower Auuusta township, Northumlvrland
county, bounded on the norlli by land of Jacob
Raker, on I lie east by that part of the tract of
land of which tbi i pari, marked I) in the die
irarr and inquisition relumed to the Orphan'
Court of said county, bearing date the STlli day
of Februurv, A. U., IH53, in pursuance of a
,Vrit of Partition twfcl out of said Orphsnu
Uouil, to make partition and valuation of the
real ratate of William C. GcarhiiH, dte'd , on the
soulh by land of Daniel Vail, snd on the west by
purpart marked A and U, which nld trnct or
piece of laud i marked in the diagiam to lie
afo. eaid Inquisition annexed purpart C. con
taming one hundred and nineteen acre ami
Oft) -lour perches, and which purpoit taken
at the valuation thereof liy the aiianre ol me
aaid Washington Grarlmrt. who ha since rccon
veyed the aine to the aaid Washington.,
All the right, title and interest of the defendant,
(being the undivided one Inurth part thereof) ol
and in all thut certain house and bit ofgrouud in
Sunbury, bounded on the euat by Kivor street,
oulh by lot of Augustus Clement. wet bv hit of
Or. Master, and north by an allev.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be (old a
the property of Weshinetiin Cearhart.
ftmhurv. May 5. IH55.
Orphans' Court Sale.
fy Monday, the 3 1st day of Mav next, the
" following described valuable TOWN LOTS
will be uld at public vendue : 1 wo certain con
tiguou Lot ol Ground iituaie in the Uorouuh
of Northumberland, numbered in the general
plan No. 379 and 380, each being eixty fci t
front on Market street, and in depth i0 feel.
A.ono atory log house is erected nil one of said
lots. The ale will take place on tiiv premixe at
II o'clock, A. M.
MARTHA KA PP. Guardian.
Of the minor children of Michael Kapp, .u'd.
By order of the Court.
J. P. PUKSEL. Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, April Si, 1&55
Furniture ! Funiitnre !
Xo. 157 Sovth Second (ttbnve Spruce,) tasttide,
THE auharriher would renperlt'ully infurm t!ie
leader of the lSniry Amrrirau and the
public generally, thnt he h on hand a rmmtaiit
lupply ef elegant, fiiihioiiablr, aud well made
Furniture at reasonable price. Bi inn a pmcli
eal inccliaiiie, and liainz nil hi gnod munulac.
tured nnder hia nwn nperintenlence, purchaser
may rely on getting just uch ariirlcs a are
repreentcd. Lounge with removable arm,
also new patterna of Bedtead. 'i'lioe who nre
about going lo housekeeping would do well tu
1S7 Sonlh Second utreel.
N. R. All orders thankfully received and
promptly attended lo.
April'28, ISIiS. w8 ly.
At S. K. Thompson's Store,
In Lower Auyufta township, at the Junction of
me i uipehocKtn ana fium creek- ration.
rHE subscriber having returned from 1 lie city
wilh a new and extensive assortment of
fushionable goods, respectfully call the attention
of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same.
. consisting iu part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Castimtrts, Cassinets, Jeans. Drilline,
Muslins, Vesting!, Tweeds, anil all kinds of
Spring btkI Summer Wear,
Calicoes, Muslin de Liins, Lawns,
Oinslunns, Berates, Rubes,
Wonleni. Flannels, $c.
Sugar, Teas, Ccfiee, Rice, Molaxscs, Cheese,
Spices, Suit. Arc. Are., &e.
Nail, 8crew, Files. Paw. Knives & Fork, &e
Gueeni and Glassware)
of various styles ud itlern.
A large assortment of Hoots and Pkoes. for
men, women aud children.
Hat Cra, Ac., of varioua size and styles.
Besides a large and general assortment ol
fashionable goods. Call and examine Cor your
I IT Country produce nt all kinds taken ir
exchange at the highest market p'ire.
Ixwar Auguita, 4 mo. 28, I8IS.V
brT6ale"orders, n67l
Tha First Brigade 6tli Division Pennsylvania
Volunteers, will meet fur inspection in the fol
lowing order to wit :
Dcppensville Csvalry, Cspt. Zartman, snd
Mahanoy Guard, at the public house of Georue
Smith, in Jsckson township, on Monday, Ihe 14.
day of May.
Firat Northumberland Troop, Capu Hunaii-ker
Shamokin Guard, t'apt. Miller, Cedwalader
Infantrv, Capt. Grey, Dewart Guards, l.ieutejiaix
Druner, Fanner' 4- Mechanic' Artillery, Ca4.
Marts, and bbamoklil Orevj, tjant. Lake, in
Market Square. Nortliumlierland, on Tuesday,
It touiduy ot May.
The line will be formed precisely at lOe'cUk
A. M. of laid day.
Field snd Company Officer will be particular
to make their return on aaid day.
Brigade Inspector OuVe, f ,
North'd, Apl 7. ISflS. J
Brigade Iuijector,
Ut Bii,'. e Divi-iou, P. M.
Alt'. II. I. JUS I S ! !
TOV re liertby romniandid lo
meet at the Auucry, oil
UESDAY, the I5tli day of May
st S o'clock, A. M, fully rquj .
jd (of drill. Ee enrmber to l
reiaied vtith 10 rounds of b'ank
esrfridoe. Dy order of the Captain
A court of appeals will be held on said dy. m
Sunbury, April !i8. I8SJ.
YOU are hereby commanded to oieet
at tbe Armory on
TL'EHDAY.tbe I l( day of MA V,
at 0 clock. A, M rully equipped for
drill. Each member to be provided with
10 rounds of blank cartridge. '
Punotaal attendeaca U raqueeted. '
By order of the Captain. ?
, E. W. BRIGHT, ti B.
Bunbury. April J8, -
Elsberg'i Clothing Stor Again!
A I rt.nKRO Hate O, Elbert A Co.')
1Y Wi,h , to annonnee to the inhabitant of
in-ii,.,n.iri.n.l Muntv. and the puiuie in gen
erl, that be h rammed hi elegant snd cheap
Clothing Sl.ire a few doors en irom in i.irmer
.tore, to a new cnpelo building. 1 he remo
val wa ncceilited bv the former eto.e b-ing too
small to facililaie the still ii.ere.aing trade st
this widely known .tore. ' Deiitg thankful for
pa.t patronage. I hone to d-rv it Tor the future
.till more b- eervins; you with accustomed fideli
ty and Increased a acrity.
In order to euit every one that eII, I have
laid in a.tock ol rlotbing. genu furnishing goods,
snd all other good in my line on a moat exten
eive cale. alo mudd errauaemenU with my bro
tber in Fliildoliihia, to end every thniR new
Slid rhi'nable as arHin a produced, o that my
ftm k will l rcpIciiUhcd every lew wee t. In
extent, variety, elegance, qti lily snd rheapneaa,
my alcck surjiaM every thing "the oldest inhab
itant" ever hrrd tell ol in this part f the co n
try. "To ree is to lielicve." snd a I invite eve
ry ludy to rail and see und examine my tnrk.
before purchasing elxewhcre. It i a-trent to nee
nd exniniiie audi an elegant, good, cheap atock
of finds.
Mv lork eonit in part of Drrsa. f rock. Sack,
riiisiurs and all oiher kind of Coat, mad of
cloth eashmnrelle. ea.simere, linen, flax and all
other tufl of all imavinahle colors, plain, fancy,
stiiiel and cheeked. Pant and Vest of every
style mid potlcrn, low and liiitli priied, suited
to the wntit of the buyer) the largest and Iwvt
asnrtiueiit ever cxhiliited v f t of the mountain.
A nice assortment of Bonis and Shoes, gniiers
and iipiera. also Indies hoc, vaitera Ac slipjiera.
A splendid lot of HuU and Cap luch as I a-
nam. Curracnn. I anion, liraul. Legliorn. Srn
me. Straw and I'alin Leal. dilT. rent colon, fine
silk all color of wool hats. etc. t'C.
A good assortment ol Miirtn. co!iar. revclver,
ingle and double barreled pixtol, trench and ger-
uiHii Aeconleona, nil kind o cravats, (lock aud
pochclhuiidkcrchif Is, t'lubrellas. Carpet Bug.
TrniiU, and all kind of notion for ladies and
Aio nn assortment of walclie and Jewelry,
all ul which arc warranted ; Hie money pnid for
them, chrril'ullv retniurd if not as epresenled.
All thi stock will be sold at a small advance
on ca-li. o as act ill further to merit the name
usually bestowed on my store, as being the cheap
est in Sunbury or vicinity, fo, remember the
place, Market Square, nearly oppite the former
Post Oilice.
A. ELSBERG, G. LUhrrg 4 Co.
Sunbury, April 81. 18SS.
The f'nmmontceulth vf Pennsylvania.
To James F. SiKerwooJ, William V. Silver
wood, Sainh Ann intcrmai ricd ith John ('limep intennHrricd with John M'l'heeon.
Iluniett intermarried wi ll Samuel Colilrnn, Hi
ram P. Silvern O mI and S.;siniiah t !. .ilverwood.
iiei and legal represer talives of Catharine Sil-
verwood, deceased, and to a, I other persona inter-
ted. ING.
Northumberland County, n.
You are herebv (iteJ to he and niinear before
the Judaes ol the Orphans' Curt, at nn rptinii'
Court to be held at Stinhurv. on the first of Mon
day of Aueu't, next, then and there to accept or
rcluse to take the ben I eslule ol the said ('nllia-
ine ilverwool,.dec'.l., vn: A certain Island
situate in the Su-qut henna river, with llieapmir-
tenaiires. which, by vi.tue ol a writ ol Purtilion,
us valued nt the sum of r our thousand two
liiindred and thirtviue dollars, or show cause
why tbe ame siiou d not be sold und heicol
fall mil.
Witness Ihe Honorable Aletnnder Jordan.
Rsqtdre. President oT our said orphan' court al
Sunbury, thi 2d day of April. IH5.V
JiNO. P. I'LKSKL, Clk.O. C.
April 31. IS53. tt.
ao cot; i; -j it y tici. 1.1. 111 er.
Ill L Subscriber has on hand ol hie own man-
ufticture, a birue assortment ol Ladies',
Misses', and ChilJreus', Leather, Kid, and
Minierii '
of the best workmanship end materials, whtoh he
will tell at as low wholesale price a any person
in the city. Buers run get ny size to make
up assortment, without having to purchase the
smaller or mure unsaleable size
No. 01 Norlli SIXTH Street, below Itare,
N. B. Gaiter Uppers ready for the last, auld
to Country Shoemaker at low prices.
Sunbury, April 14, 1856 .1m.
To Officers, Soldiers,
SEAMEN, 6a, OF ALL WARS : their
Widows and Huior ChiLren
. B. MASSEIi, Attorney for Government
Suuburv. Pa
COXTIXrK! t give prompt and eraoiial uticntioii to
tli imtrcutinii i 'I Ciaiiiit m efy ttewriitii u aeniiut the
General O ivernnifiit, ntid nurliruLtrly t thine tttiMie the
Trrtttury Ueitiriiuriii. PrjitiiMtHiHt U 'Uiily Lami Uuriuut,
1'ntciit UHtJ Ue'iMfxl Lund Otfiet, hiuI Uurd ( CUiiine
An exptfrieiiL'tiol yetrftt und u tumilmrhy with Die iiieftiit
(if (ilituiiiiittf the eailrvat ami tn t fa -table acti-m cmi
nlaiine. with the lucililiri tir Ihe tliipulch of tmaiuers,
jntlit'y hull iu UMiirmy hn CorreapuiHleiita. Ctaiiticuin, and
Hie Iu Mic fU'iientii) . Unit mtuukia luiruvtcu lo Uia aetijx
ii g wki mil ie tiegiecitMi.
l'ifios. Bc!CTf I .a no. I'atixt axv Public !aI'.
Jlr h it nearly rewty r icr)ttuitw distribution ataHig
in IsuAiuca C rrraiMiidcnta. (iiiU tboae vlw itiny hecU)e
audi.) n iie:it (niniiict c MUiiHiiif( a pynopaia m me tx
lAUiist Peui n. lit nn it y lnitt. Ptrnt, Knit I'u'Hte Ibih
letttva, d.iwu ti tne ead of Ui lata Cigraa mcluding
Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855
inkI el winch uli wh i huve hcret 'fore rrceiveil leu thnu
100 ncrea urn n. entitM to adititioiiiil ImimI ; uiil Art
(tiiiuia nis iwi urrra isi nil inrerg. hhic mitnitwourd
Offic-Tt. ClM4lHiiia. $oidiera. Vj Miirtrt. Tciitiiwcra
niwl IuimUv IihIhuia, ( tne Army, inrluiline iLntevTr -tpi,
VoliMiteere. mid Militia huH all Oftceri. ScainiirOnliiifi
ry tatitieii. .Miariiira, CUrki, mid l.iiilwoev.( f the Navy.
not liffrl'it pr vidrd lor, wh Itave atrved it-ti lra
tintn I nrtreti it v (unlra in lauftle) at any jwrlod amca
1771 ; und tt the'wul wa atd minor vhiktreti off all aucb
pert ui atititlrfi. nun
The Mitn hht cot 11.0.1 "K -tmi of AppllrailitH'
in ia full hihI e molfie than any elacwlierr lo he found;
Hditptnt to Hit w:itit of every ukiM1!' Clwimnnte midar the
act, with c tptMia 'h cisii-iiit mid iiwtru-ti 'iia 4 the rirt.
Mie'tt. mi:l rriirlir d iiu'crnii 11 nt to the tUitc Ut bt pui
an I in t'ltprndfHl -r rrj rl1 rtai-a.
Pf'iea iHit withnnr t aviiil thmaHvt nf the facilitief
aiT rdt-d hy ihia tirfice in aeoiinnt; foinpt and nrra nil
aiiperinirtHit'iice l ilifir rlunna mi the epartmentt, run
ohtiiii r,tri, theahv pamphlet by leiniitinj thirty
rvnift in n m'mg? ernme
C rirtp"AilfM!a wh 1 prrpure and frwMd mw f--r
rn'nixffritieni ny titta Acrnry will rw nmit wuh nhemlly;
anppicit wirn a'l iiwtiwy Lknika aa4Tit, And kni i'hi
lantly advictt of tha rlm ifra that t'rm tiiut ti tiro? ix
cur in th- xermi n ol the Lhw.
It la within the anharrtl rt power t Hlrrrl hi Cmre
arKSf.tonie to the liralltv f varr nvmv pare tia ililld m
tbr. the tit A 94 ; and hnvinir ishiaintrd a 'arfre inini'ei nf
(jind Warrant wnder f rmer bwa. ha a n ifajarati u of
data that will uiatrrialtv aatitt m Hruriic
Fare, Mow tha nana! rate and exiting ent upnu tha
aim'v'i 11 01 1 in 1 ma
Th hiphrat rah pripr fWen f-w Ijintl Warrant t, R
vmutiaiarv tVtip, and Illimiia land PHteiita
A.UIrrta 11. p. .UMBR,
, Sunhury. ) t.
MirphSI, IBMsit
TAEAT.ERS in WaU-liea ami Jrwelrr. will
" coMtliiup tli buffhicac at lha o!il ttanil of
Janiea B. FiiUrr,
Xo. 12 South Second Street,
Vhrp thav ao licit mi rxainiiiHtion nf their large
ami varieil atork, leeling uwurpj that lit ciev
rierra ImiU of tltcm liave had in tha hu.tifa,
mill tha triR.liliea they poaaeaa for prornrinti
tomla nn the in out a.!"aiitacroua terina, will ana
hie them to roiiit favurahly with any oilier
etahliMhriifliit lu'hefitv. J hey hav now 011
hatitl a 6na aortfneiit ol'
Silver, Plated slid' Driltania M'are, Cutlery,
Paney Hood. Ar iVr.
N. Iifl'airiiii of Wiilrhea and all kind of
Jewelry m landed lo with promptness aud the
Krealest eare.
nulav April 7, 1SV tr.
Boarding! Boarding!
mm RM. WIIAKTUN can avroiuanodaul 8 or
if i tt respectable boarders.
Locations Norih-weM corner of Maeaet Square,
Bnnbnry. Persons wishinf a easjtuleble )wom
will fin j this a dMirable place.
Bunbnry, April 14, Il5a.
' - - - SHAMOKIN
Collegiate Institute,
D. BTEOH, A. VL, Principal.
rpHE third session of thi Institute will com.
JL menee on Tuesday, the 1st day of May, 1885.
The session will continue fifteen week.
Tuition j'jbl al the middle of the session)
a fallow t
Primary department, per seuion, $4,911
Acsdeinio " " 6,37
Collegiate . " e.oO
Tupila not received for a lcs term thin half a
For further particular addrea the Rev. C. J.
Elirrlmrl, Shamokin, Pa. .
Shamoklu, April 7, 185S. Ct.
Danville, rrinerifullv announce to the ladie
and gentlemen of Sunbury and vicinity, that
they have opened Daguerrcan room above Fri-
linir & Urant Store, in eunliury, where they
are ready to accommodate those who my favor
them with a cnll, with beautiful and lite-like
All who desire miniatures will do well to call
early and aecure thrii pictures, a we know not
what a day tray bring forth.
Then tinttfn to our rooms, all ye pnpl.
Brf iro you lmve renfm tn icriev (
Th eosl you win find it lint liliie,
Ami to all sstlsinelinn ws'll civs.
Sunbury, April 31, 18&S. Ut
At the old Stand of S. X. Thompson.)
'IIIE Subscriber rcspect'ully inform the o
L pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that lie ha ta
ken the Store lloom lately occupied by 8. N.
hnmpson, in Market titrcet, sunbury, below
Weaver's Hotel, mid that he has just received
and opened a handsome sssorlment of
Consisting in part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Tlardware,
Qucensware, Hala Cp, Boots 5t Shoes, Fish,
Kalt, Meat. &.C
All of which w ill be sold at the loweat prices.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange at the
highest market price.
8ui bury, April 21, 183S ly
MiMtr. akd snirrsss e
Ucb sl) Anthracite Coal.
From the
luko Tidier Colliery
EhamokiD, North'd County, Penna.
Address. Uoyd, Rosscr & Co., Sunlmry, Pa.
It, M. .urn 1. llnSSKn. J A. BOTD. T. aoSSEN
Sunbury, April 7, 1.5. tf.
VTo!i Dtrcr. Thomis Dtrcr.
A. 223 Korth Second Street, belntr Callmrhill,
and S. V. Comer Eiphth and Spring Garden
l7"OT"I.D iespetfully inform their former
' ' riislomer and other, that tliev lisve just
laid in a splendid assortment of
C ari't lK. Oil lollis, Mnttlnga,
Window Similes. Door Mats, &e.. Sic, at very
rednred prires Wholesale dc Retail.
TAKE NO'l'ICF, We will sell our cooils
ss cheap aa any other hrtise of the kind in the
Co In., April 7. I8S5 w3ms 3mf.
A'o. 20 Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia.
GREAT FIRE, Chestnut
ti Firth ftreete, Friday
morning. December 35th,
1834. ana If Watson's
Palamaiider bafca Trium.
phnr.t, as ihey always are
when put to the test.
Philahki em , Dee. 15, I KM.
Messr. Evjkv if Wtos, N. S9 Soulh
Fourth St.. Pliiladelphi.
Gentlemen : We lake much pleasure in re
commending your SiiLiinander Safe to Mm hunts
and others iu u nlit of a secure means of pieser
ring their books, papers, etc.. from fire, us Ihe
one we pun hased frinii you nhoot seven months
sine In preserved our books, psper slid cash
iu as good a roii.lilion as they were when put
into it, helurc llir' great lire of this morning, which
destroyed the eutiie block of huililings corner ol
Chestnut nud Vifill streets. The above safe was
in use in our office on tho second floor of our
building, from which pluce it fell into the cellar,
and remained there until die (lie wa out. The
Ssfe waa then removed aud opened iu the pres
ence of at least KlfiO ron, who witnessed the
good condition nf the contents. Will you plea
have the Safe and Lock repaired, a we intend
lo put it in use agnin. bavi..g perfect confidence
iu it fire-proof ualilies.
Yours, Respectfully,
Eva na 4 Watson lake pleasure in referring lo
ihe following, among the manv hundreds who
have their e-afra in use: U. 8. Mint, Philada j
tanners and Mechanics' Bank, rhlla t Samuel
Allen, Fq., High SnerifT, Phila; John H. Hen.
ilerson. City Controller; Caleb Cope Co., io.
H3 Marke. St. ; Richard Norris Sr Son, Loco.
motive builders, Philada; Band 4- Seller,
Machinists, corner ICth and Jam- Pts.i Fran
klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvauia
Railroad Co, Phila.; I.scey d Philip, corner
Mh aud Minor 8ts; Sharpie Bro., No. 81
Soulh Second 8 . Jsme Kent t Sautee, No.
147 North Third 81; W H. Hordmau & Sons,
No. 31 North Thiid 3i-; Smith, Williams dc Co
No. 67 Market St.; J. & B. Orne, No. 184
Chestnut Si.
A Urge ssaortment of th above Safe alwiys
nn lisud (wo'rauted to stand at least 10 percent
more fire than anv Herring' Safe now in use.)
EVANS St WATSON, also manufact-.e and
keep fur eate. Iron Shutter, Iron Doors and Iron
Dash, for making fire proof Vaults for Banks
tores, public and private buildings. Seal and
Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re
frigerator. tc, Please give us a call, st No. 26
South Fourth St-Philadelphia.
April 7, IKS5 civ. 10.
Beg leave ta inform you, that they have
Mourning Store,
From Xo. hi South Second Street, to the
XtK ISuililimj, Xo. "JOG Chesnut Street,
(Fkt dotre ubue Eighth Street,
South Si ',
i Where they will tiler an increased slock, at
! reduced prices.
N. B. Daily opening Naw Hraiits Goods.
j Philadelphia, March 17, 185J p6t
House nnd Lot for Sale.
riHE sul rilr offer at private sale, bis house
1 and lot miuaiod in Wbnrtle'erry dree?,
Suiihury , T'te house is a new Two Story frame
Iwellii g, on a lot of 60 feet front. There is slso,
a Uuleher Shop on the premise. The location
i an excellent one, for any person wishing to
follow tlias buaiuess. .
Sunbury. March IT, 1843 tf.
tors fin t'H and A rue. fur sale bv
ulv . iaM
FAMILY M EDICIN E8Browo's Fever and
A gna Powders, Fahnestock's Vermifuge, Pr.
Jayaa's celeb rated tst4icin, b.t. toe aela at
N. U. . ; k'OUNG'a KTORJE.
S. W. corner Sixth and Arch streets,
roiLADfxriiit, ' '"
YYAVINQ refilled their 8 tore anew, and re
plenUhed thoir toel by Ihe addition o
eery thing wanted In a Select Family Grocery
Store, so as to make np a full and most complete
assortment, now offers for sale to their friend
and the puhlio on tha tat term the following
excellent Good, vis t Jellies of all kind; Pre
serve Fresh Fruit in bottles snd tin esns
White Clover Honey I.stour am other brand
or Olive Oil Sperm and 6tearine Candies s all
the heat brand of Groceries i Cracker, with a
choice assortment of all the staple article, which
will be old at the lowest prices. I'lense give
u a call. s .
Family Grocer and Tea Dealer, 8. W. cor.
Sixth and Arch sis. . ,
Phils., April 7, I83S. ly.
A1. 43 South Stcovd St,
Have just opened their Hprinj importation of
Bonnet Ribbons,
Crapes, 4co. &0.,
Including a general assortment of Millinery Ar
tide of the most fushionable style.
The above good have Uen imported avpres;
ly for our (Spring ale, and comprise the largest
and best assortment ill our line to he found in
thi market.
March 17, '55 P. S mo. ?.
IRA T. CLEMENT repeetfully informs th
citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that lie lins
been appointed sgent for the salo of the cctenr.
led red ash coal, from the Mine of Boyd Hone;
& Co. All the varioue aire prepared and
creaned will kc promptly delivered by leaving
orders wilh the subscriber.
Sui.buie, Dec. 30, 1851 tf.
i ;
T 1 ERNIA or Rupture successfully treated, and
114 com lor t insured, by use of the elegant
French Trusses, imported by the ubcriber, aud
made to order expressly for hi ale.
All differing with Rupture will be gratified to
learn that the occasion now oilers to procure a
'I rusa combining extreme lightness, with ease,
durability slid correct construction, iu lien of tho
cumbrous and uncomfortable srticlo usually sold.
An extensive assortment always on hand, adap
ted to every variety of Rupture in adults and
children, and for sale at a range of price to suit
all. Cost ot Single True, Xi, S3, S4. and
$ft ; Double, (4. $6, $a and $10.
Person at a distance can have a Truss sent to
any addrea by remitting the amount, (ending
measure around the hips, and slating side affected.
For sale Wholesale & Retail bv tho Importer,
Cor. Twelfth St Race streets. Philadelphia.
Depot for Dr. Banning, Improved Patent
Body Brace; Chest Expanders and Erector
Bracea; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory
Bandage; Spinal Props snd Cupports. Ladies'
Rooms, with competent lady attendant.
Phils., March 31, 1855. p3m.
Xo. 21 Arch Sh eet, above Front,
THE subscriber have on hand, ! sre con
ktantly manufacturing SIEVES, RIDDLES,
and widths. A lo, all kinds of plain and fuuey
Wire work. Bras snd Iron Wire Sieve ef all
kinds; Brat snd Copper Wire Cloth for Paper
Makers, 4c. Cylinder snd Dandy Rolls cov
ered in the heat manner.
Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves
for Bras and Iron Fuunder. Screen Wire, Win
dow Wires, Safes, Trsp, Dish Cover, Coal and
Sand Screen, &c.
March 10, 1855 C 3 m Si
& II'. Corner of Fourth Race Streets,
March 10, 1855. tf
PETEll OSUOliX, .111.,
Xo. !-l .YorfA Second Street, Third door
above Arch, Fa.t side,
Feather Beds, Bolsters & Pillow,
Curled Hair, Mom, Wool, Cotton, Flock and
Husk Mattresses, Straw Palliasse, Settee, Pew,
snd C hair Cushions, all kinds snd collors, Bei
ticklngs, Check, Moreens snd Damask by the
yard or piece, Cotts, Cat-tail, Sacking and Cords,
Counterpane, white and colored. Comfortables
of all kinds snd sires by th single one or Jozcr.
Crib, Berth, Single and B, 10, II, H snd i3
quarter Blanketa, Bleached and Unbleached
Sheet, Blocked Muslin and Check pillow cases,
Towel of all kinds, Table Linen, Table Covers,
Damrsk table cloth, Binding of all kind and
color. Thread, Ae,
N. B. Benton Ir Coton's patent renovter
worked by tleara power, i daily in operation for
the purpose of purifying old and new feather.
All article from thi establishment warranted.
Philada, March 3, 1855. cr 3 m 3
EORGE BROWN, Inspector of Mince, ten
der hi services to land owner end Min
ing Companies, in making examinations, reports
&r., of Mine and Coal laud. From his experi
enre in mining operation, a be understands the
different branches, having carried on Mine for
a number of years in Schuylkill Co., and having
now a large number ef collieries under bis super
vision ha hopes to give satisfaction lo those who
may want bia service. Refer to Benjamin
Miller snd W. Psyne, Esqrs.. PhiladeKhla, end
D. E. Vice end James Neill, Esqrs.. l'ottsiille.
Communications cy Msil promptly alteuded to.
Potuvill. March 17, 1855. 3m.
TT ATS St CAPS Silk and Slouch Hs"i7,
Military und cloth Csps lor men snd boy,
slso Cum Shoes of vsrious sixes, just received
snd for sal at YOUNG'S STOKE.
Sunbury Nov. 26,1851.
COMBS. Back. Children's Long. Side and
Cue ompbs; Hair Brushes, Toolh Brushes,
etc. for sale at YOUNG'S STORE.
8uubury, Nov. 18, 1854.
T JOSIERY Meua wool and cotton Hocks,
Ladies' and children's storkincs just open
Sunbury, Nov. 18. 1854.
SHAWLS Brocha. Thibet arid Wmler
Shawls in great variety. Black and fancy
Dree Silk, Silk lace, Velvet and other Trim
mings, Worked Collar snd Miimeiett, Cuh.
&c., just received and far sale by
Mayt, 1855. I W. TEKKR i- CO.
BURNING FLUID, Campheoe, Sperm snd
Whale OU, While Les.l, Linseed Oil. Tur.
pentina, and Soap, just loccivrd and for sale by
May . 185a. . I. W. TFNER oV Co
M D RE LLAS. Overshoes, Pocket Bok
Portmnnle, Silk Pockel-hooiuereniesv
Nsck-tie-, Spttng-yocks, Biwpandera, , &e., .at.
Nov.Mai. YOUNO
'8 fsTORR.
GROCERIES -sre, Cf. Molosses
tSpicea, Oil. Brandy. Gin, Wine, Mackor.
el. Herring aaa Salt, jaet reeerved snd for sale
" WM. A. KN ABB.
Lew ABa ,Jfy , I854.-
Xo. 145 Xorth 77m d Street, (3 rfoort about
Eeialt Hotel, PHILADELPHIA.. ;.
"IVHOLESALE Deslerla Fsncy Dress Trim
mlngs and Millinery Good, and Msnfc
tirror of Fsncy Silk Uonnets. jveeps on yj
c . i . i.,....,nrimrnt of Bilk.
Ribbon, Wimp. Fringes, beslJes a grest variety
of other f ancy uaoiis. rie anciin i
Country Merehsnte visiting the City, and assures
ilmm ih.i ilios will be sura to And any article
above mentioned, al the Low( prices. . . ..
Msreft 17, 'P.Wi mo. it. .
riHB sillwrllf hsvlng te..ived the nee,ry
fiitm and InsrurlllniiS from Ilia Department,
st WlilKiin, I prspftrt't lo ptortit Bounty
Land Wsrialilail (It shortest nnllia. - -
11, fl, MAB"f.n. .
Punliury. A 1411 7, l.fl.
Wholesale & Retail. - rrv.
wri. T. IIII.L,
aiiavv lint 4r Damirt Mnnnfnctrrer,
And Dealer In Straw Gcoc- in General.
Xo. 321 Xorth Second Street, bclote Xoble,
east aide, directly oppoiiie Butz'a Rd Lion
Hotel,) l'hiUdelpkia.
Whore may be found a large ard extensive as
sortment of goods in the shove line, to which the
attention of Country Storekeeper and Millincra,
is particularly Invited,
I"?" All goods sohlnt the lowest cash prices.
March 17, 1853. W. ! mo. .
llrcaslng: C nsc ?Iantif.tcturcr,
X. IK. car. t,f Fourth Chettuut Sts.,
Always on hsnd a large snd varied assortment of
Port Monnaics, Work Boxes,
Pocket Book, Cabas,
Banker Cases, Traveling IWs,
Note Holder, Backgimmon Ujvrds,
Port Folios, Chess Meu,
Portable Desk, Cigsr Cee,
Dressing Cases, Poc':ct Memnrsndum Books,
Also, a generul sasorlment of Enjlish, French
snd Gcrmarr Fancy Goods, Fine Pocket Cutlery,
Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens.
Wholesale, Second and Third Floor-'.
N. W. cor. Fourth & Chestnut Sl., Phila.!.
N. B. On the receipt of $ I, a Superior Gold
Pen sr.-ill be sent to any psrtof the United States,
by mail; describing ran, thus, medium, haul,
or sop.
rhila., Msrch 31. 1854. ply.
461 Market street, below 13th, north side,
Phila., Dec. 30, 1854. ly.
Front Street Wire Manufactory.
watsojT A. cox,
Siere, Piddle, Screen and T'ir Cloth Manu
facturers, Xo. 46 Xorth Front St.. Corner
of Coomb's , Alley, between Market and
Mulberry (Arch) Streets,
I tlll.AUI--l.l HlA.
ONTINUE to manufacture of spperior quali
ty, Bras and Iron Wire Sieves of all kind.
Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Maker,
Sec. Cylinders and Dandy foil covered in the
beit manner.
Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catcher,
Sieves for Bra and Iron Founders, Screen Wire,
Window Wire, Safes. Traps. Dish Covers, Coal
and Sand Screens, 4-c. Fsncy Wire Work of
every description.
Phila., Feb. 34, ie55. Sm. e
juj r.u iv. oii.ii resjieciiuuy tmorms in j
friend and customers, that he ha removed I
hi Store from it old location, and now occupies
tho handsome and commodious Store room, for
merly occupied by H. B. Mser, in Market
square, nearly opposite tbe Tost Office, where he
will be happy to serve all who may give him a
Sunbury, Narch 10, 1S53. tf
EY.E cV LANDFLL. S. Wr Corner of
Fourth St Arch St.. Philadelphia, are fully
prepared to suit buyers. Wuulksai.s ft Hi. tail,
wilh gooda adapted to their want snd at the low
est nett cai-h prices.
Macl- Silts,
JJrittith Prints,
Plaid Ginghams,
Good Linens,
Table Linens,
Sheetinis, iV. Av,
fancy bo
Xete Dress Goods,
Xew Spring Shawlt,
voienifj in i.aicns,
N. B. Bargain daily received from the Auc
tion, of New York and Philadelphia. P. S.
Mil Boiled Blnck ilk warranted not to eir in
wearing. Store-keeper supplied with those
good regularly.
Philada. March 3, 1855. w 3m 3
M.T A N UFA CTURE H and inventor of Safe'
nam I'nrinht Wood hnv IVIatcaes.
No. 10G FOURTH Stieet, (above Race.)
Malche having become sn indespensible si ti
de in housekeeping, the subscriber after a great
sacrilice of time and money, isenubled to offer to
the Public an article at once combining Utility
snd C'hcspnes. The inventor knowing the dan
ger apprehended on sccount of the flimsv man
ner in which Matches are generally packed in pi
per, ha by the aid of New Steam Machinery of
bis own invention, succeeded in genius; lip s
Wood Box ; this box is far preferable, in as much
that it occupies no more room Iliac, the old round
wood box, and contains al least Two Hundred per
Cent more Matches, which to Shippera I consid
erable advantage; it is entirely new and tecure
gainst moisture and spontaneous combustion,
and dispels sll danger on transportation by mevim
of Railroad, Steamboat or any othe mode ut Con
veyance. '
. These Matclie are packed eo Hist one gross or
more may be Shipped to any part of tho WmUI
wilh perfect safety. They are the most desira!
a i tide for Home Consumption, snd the toutlieni
and Western Markets that ha ever been invented.
Dealers and Shippers, will do well li cil and
examine for themselves.
IV These Malche are Warrntcd to be supe
rior to anything heretofore offered to the Vcblic
106 North FOURTH St., Philad'a
Phila., Dee. 10, 1?5I Cm.
lVrlumcrv, cjc.
XXTE hi'.' lust receivril lb largest snd ten sc'ccirJ
1 ass vuueiil of retl'uitirry t imervd in inis suclion
ut ouuutry. emsistiiig iu part o
Ilauel's Olephsue,
Cliiucs INiwilcr,
Fsiina (ToJ n,
Onnifr ijiiwer water,
Clmrc sit Huste,
Rice Pomr,
INii Dye,
Me tn Kum, fr llisskui,
liiusci Vsilllta,
a OnoHre,
' ' irawUrry,
Silly Wliils,
T.nitit tlniahcs. a larjs srsi
Huir Broslits, ' " ' li, iislin, " "
l'srsr's l ilmcts,' iius, " "
Wait - "
Tui.raren "
lliic "
VHshlnfto u
Bcputtiicaji 14
Couue "
- Ouiniba
Sezar CuscS,
x Tubes, Ciaub, 'i kind,
Oumtin u
Slifll M
VutSOf M
rat wtiar article Ion nnmarnus to mejitim. '
All th lv articla ax fna to sou ef JXts
BoimI au4 D, e.suu.
xtmm k nr.rwr.n
HARDWARE and tjueenaware iu great va
rltl and of all description, just received
ead for ss la by WM. A.KNABR
' Lwr Angus'., Ms - USi.
Thia Way J Thi WeyM
- Fall und" Winter Uoods,
snd the public, that tney have just recc
ed ind opened the best Snd cheap stock of -- t -
Fall and Winter Ootids,
t their store in Market square, Rnnbury.- '
j Their stock consists" cf every variety of . r
-Dry Gootls, ! :
, ' Clods ' (::.timeres. Saliincf't: rrslinr
" '. FoWs, ITolens, f; .
And all kinds of Fsl! and Winter Wear.
.';.- Also a rplendid yarjely cf ,
Culuocs, GMgktms, Chintzes, ' D. Lain.
Beraces, '
And every variety srf go-ds siiiubla for La
dies went.
Also a Itfrge a6nr?ment of .
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also an exlcnsrva ssonrnuiit of
Mats d Caps tor Mm and Bova
AIo a large auortment nf GROC IWIEg,
svrtl as
Sugar, Teas, Coffre. Molars?, Spices'
of all kinds.
Also a treih supply of
Besides the largest and most general assott
mmii of all kind of goods to bo had in this
IV Country prod -ice of sil kind taken in ex''
change st the bih-st market price.
Sunbury, Nov. 11, 18151.
Full and V, inter fioodsT
INFORMS hi fiiend thnt ha has juit roceived
a good oorlmarit of Fall and Winter Good
st hi Store in Maiket Sijuaie. His stock cn
sit of
Cloths, Calmer, Sattinr!t, Jen, Drillings,
Bsrages, Bnroge De Lr.ine, Ginghama,
Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels,
. Mantilla Silk, Winter Shawls,
DrcfiTtimmii g and all item
in the Dry (oodt line. Also, a
srj swortmet of" Hioc-ft hr Men Wcrctn so4
Children. Hat and Cops,
Groceries ofevcry vmicty.
. Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molnsse, Spiee, Rait
Fish, A.c.
A general nsortmcnt of Cedsr Ware Tbs,
Buckets, Wh Boards, Brooms, Rrutbes, &c.
Qt-EXMWANR a general ossortinent.
Country produce taken at the highest market
Sunbury, Not. II, 1954 If.
1 Splt-udid Aasorlnieiit or
Full $ Win ter Uoods.
r"IMIE undersigned has jus! received the ham!
- s-ime?t and cheapest ssHOrtmetit cf NHW
GOODS that hns been Ironbtto Sunburv-, con
sisting of the following articles. vi : Delaine",
Cailimeies, French Merino?, rotc'
plaids, Wool De Lain, Coburij, Fan
cy Prints, Dcbei;etf, Baru-e,-Alpacca,
and the mnri
Fashionable Ladies Dress Goods,
including a gcncrol assortment of Urochi n i
other Shawls, Sack Flanm is and Lad.
dress trimmings. Also, Cloths, Cam
mer, Satiinrtts, Vestinrs, Kentucky
Jean, Flannels. Irih Linen tli'i.;
ham, Fsncy Ribbnns snd oih
r, Child's Wool Mond,
scarfs, &c, and a' larga
assortment of Hosiery;
rioor and Tabic Oi! itvih,
Carpellng, Blankets. See., &c. Cuiico CJ tts
Muslin, bleached and unUtachcda 6.
Huts ami Cops for .Uc?t and Boy,
Hroccric and Spites of nil kinds a guncral as
sortment ofCjueenstvure, filaRswnre, dVdniwarp,
Jnd the largest and best nssortinrnt nf Ila.-dwsni
in Sunbury, including sll kinds of e-irpentcr'a
tunl a a general assortment of material re
building Sec, circular and other Mill fvuvs, Bar
Iron, Steel, Nail, all kind uf File for machi
nists, blacksmith, and carpenter, 3 toi.s Criud
tone, uhicli I will warrant.
M0 Pick, 100 lirob Hoe,
50 Mason Hammers, ,
200 sack Ground Alhim Salt,
800 Fine dairy Salt.
Mackerel. Herring and White Fish,
Flaxseed snd other Oils, Fluid and cuiphcne
and a variety f Fluid Lamp,
Looking Glasses, Basket and Brooms.
My assortment is large, snd includes'
variety of
which have been selected with the greatest care.
The public ar requested to cnll end examine
the GUODS before purchasing elsewhere. It will
give us pleasure to exhibit our slock at al! limes,
and if e fail to please, we will not cumulain.
Corn-try Produce taken in exchange for gooj
slid the highest market price paid in cash fjr
Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1854,
Baltimore Carl
cAitu, &, Co..
Spears' H7r, Baltimore.
FT A genu for Newark and Koeeitdale Co.
Cement and Plevtsr
WV-v r...-sr sjuL.
U. A. and Fine Salt, ronstanllv ).
N. B.- Liberal CASH advances made oa con.
signnienls on receipt.
DHlliinure, Marcli 17, 18.5. Cm.
(V every description, suilabl for Hvilroads.
fte., fjr weighing Hsy, Coal, Ore, and Mer
chad'e generally. Purchasers run no risk, -ry
scale U Gl'AltANTKED CtKltKCl and
if cfter trial, not found satisfactory, can be r
lunied wiihou charge.
IV" Factory at the OI,i Hand, eitsblislisd
more than twenty years, corner of Ninth ainl
Melon Streets, Philadelphia. '
AUCOTT &. CO., .
buecessor lo Lilicott Sr. Abbott.
Feb. 17, ISio. c 3 mo
IINE Factory filled and Grouod Alma Salt,
constantly oa harid am J for sale.
CAI1K, t-'Jti'E 4' CO "
rloar, Grain snd Lumber
Commission Merchants.
s. e. ePf1a'VVh,"f'UALTI.MOF.C
Also, Csmsnt and Calcined Plotsr. Aireaev
of the N. A. and Rosendule Co. Aecy
Baltimore March Si; 1838 lm
QOALBuckeU. stova shovria. Ames' ,h8v.!..
fork. Door anJ !.... . "".
. nin-r comb
ac.,it YOl.'Vft'Si
Bunbaty. No. I. 1881, - V T
svo and legal euvelope. for sal. 1.7
do.. Mitt. AcTsV - CU
Nov-i9.'6i. ' .VOCATTOES.
-l - - -. . - -. .
4. '-