Hollowfty'i PUU certain Remedy for In. digestion and lirer complaint. Maria Arm. trong (J7), of Edgartown, New Jersey, suf fered more than most people from indigestion, accompanied by liver complaint several very clever medical men told ber she was in con. mmption, and her friends despaired of her "'ooffiit'ft' M - hd tried everything they 'ast i')61' t0 her, without success. WckhJ1 tried Holloway'i Pills which tie 0 y assimulated with the blood, removed ii -i moxious matter and thoronghlycleansed i -u renovated the system. The result is, Jhat she was perfectly cured, and now enjoys t ho best of health. These Pills are also a certain cure for all diseases of the stomach and bowels. ' MARRIAGES." On the 2Gth Inst., by the Rev. A. Prior, Chief Engineer James W. Kino, U. S. N., to Clara A;, nldest; daughter of the lion. C. M. Straub, of Pottsvii'.s, Pa. DEATHS. In this borough, on Friday, the 20th inst Mrs. NANCY McMARROW, wife of Mr. Andrew McMarrow, aged about 74ear. In Little Mahanoy township, Mrs. M KY ELIZABETH PIFER, wife of John Piter, aged about 68 years. In Jackson township, on the 20th inst.. M. GEORGE SMITH, aged about 55 years. In Lower Anpusta township, on the 28th lt., MissDRUCILA TUCKER, aged about 24 years. xE"5 ' Philadelphia Market. May 2, 1855. GRAIN. -Wheat is dnll, with more offer infra. Red is worth 62 60 and Pennsylvania white at $2 65 por bushel, and inferior South ern red 82 35. Rye is dull ; Boles at $1 45 afloat. Corn is dull and lower ; sales of 7(V$ MI0O onshels Southern yellow at 107 c aSoat. Good Pennsylvania Oats are selling at C7 680 per bushel. . Whiskey is held firmly at 37J38 c in b!ls., and 37c in hhds. . Baltimore Market May 2, 1855. GRAiN. The receipts of Grain this morning were light, a.id the market for all descriptions was dull. Wheat fell oO slightly in price; There were somo 2,000 bushels at market, and we note sales at 2!5(i2ti0 cts. for good to prime reds, and at 265(270 cts. for good td prime whites, these prices ehow itip n decline of fully 5 cts. from the extreme rutop. White corn fell off about 2 cts. per bushel, but we have no change to note in yellow corn. Tito sales were made this morn ing at 100(cf 102 cts. for white, and 104(3106 cts. foryellow. Thero were some small par rels of Rye at market, but we heard of no talcs. We note this morning sales of somu 2,000 bushels Maryland and Virginia Oats at fll(G6 cts., and of" 1,000 bushels Pennsylva nia do. at 68069 cts. .The market for all varieties of Grain closed beavv. SUXHUKY TRICE CURRENT Wiiiat. 225 Rr. . -115 Coas. . go 0Ta. - . 6j 1'ot trout. - 00 Hmswax 25 Hr.iki.ri. I'm. 10 Hi"TT. . , rs F-jns. - 12 I'nit, 7 fiuniii, . 25 lit(i. . 13 New Advertisements. NOTICE. riMlK annual election for managers of the Shamokin Steam Ferry and T aw Boat Company for the year next ensuing, will be held t the office of the Company, in Sunbury, Pa., on Monday, the 7lh dav of May next .' HENRY DONN EL, Secretary. Sunbury, April 28, 1855 St. Orphans' Court Sale. O.N" Monday, the 21at day of May next, tho following described valuable TOWN LOTS will be sold at public vendue : Two certain con tiguous Lota of Ground situate in the Borough oi' Northumberland, numbered in the general y.n Noa. 379 and 280, each being sixty feet tront on Market atreet, and in depth 20 feet. A one story log house is erected on one of said lota. The sa le will take place on the premise at 11 o'clock, A. M. MARTHA KAPP, Guardian, Of the minor children of Michael Kapp, uee'd. By order of the Court, ) J. I. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. J Sunbury, April 28, 1855 ) Furniture ! Furniture ! No. 157 South Second (above Spruce,) east side, vmxASELraiA. TljIE subscriber would respectfully inform the leadera of the Ukulurf Amtrtean and the public generally, that he baa on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, and well untie Furniture at reasonable prices. Being a practi cal mechanic, and having ull las goods manufac tured nnder hia own superintendence, purchasers . may rely on getting just such articles aa are represented, Lounges with removable arms, also new patterns of Bedsteads. Those who are about going to housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER, ,. ' 157 South 8ccond atreet. N. B. All orders thankfully received and jromptly attended to. April 28, 1855 w8 ly. .' FIfiST ARRIVAL At S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lower Auyusta totrnship, at the Junction of the l ulpeliockxn ana I'lum creek' roads. nPFIE subscriber having returned from the city - with a new and extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention of farmers, Mechanics and otuers to the same. SPRING AND BUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goodg, viz : Cloths, Cassimeru, Caseintts, Jeans, Drilling. . -VuiJiiu, Parting., Twttdt, and all kinds of Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES DREG6 AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dt Loins, Lawns, Ginaltams, Berages, Robst, Woolens, Flannels, ttc. CiflOCERItlg, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Ac, &c, cVc. Uarduare, Nails, Screws, Files, Saw, Knivea dr. Forka, eke ' Queens and Glassware, f . ef various styles and pattern. BOOTS AMD SHOB8. A large assortment of Boots end Shoe, fur men, women aud tbiUlren, Hits Ca. eke. of various sises and style. B aside a- large and general aasortmeqt of fa&bicnabl good. UaU. and examine im yonr mIvm. d" Country produce ol all kind taken in icaanga at the highest market price. . 8. N. THOMPSON. I ewer Aufuata, i me. , l"6. , ATTENTION, PABIERS' iND BKClUKItT ART1LEKIST8II VOU ara hereby rommsnded to meet at the Armory, on MONDAY, the 7th day of May it tO o'clock, A. M, fully equip, prd for drill. Each member to be ir pe ed with 10 roundi of blank cartridge!. By order of the Captain SOLOMON STROH. O- 8. A court of appeals will bo held on aaid day. Sunbury, Aprl S8, 18$. ATTENTION, DKWA11T GVARDSt! YOU are hereby commanded to meet at the Armory, on MONDAY, the 7th day of MAY, it 10 o clock, A.M., fully equipped for drill. Each member to ba provided with 10 round of blank cartridge. Punctual attendance ia requested. By order of ttie Captain. E. W. BRIGHT, Sd 8. 8unhury, April 88. 1H55. AN ASTOUNDING FACT. Elseberg's Clothing Store Again! I EL8EBERQ (late G. Eisners- & Co.) wish a to announce to the Inhabitants of Northumberland county, and the public in gen eral, that he haa removed his elegant and cheap Clothing Store a few doors east from the former tore, to a new capacious building. The remo val waa necessitated hv tbe former store being too small to facilitate the aiill increasing trade at tliis widely known atore. Being thankful for past patronage, I hope to deserve it for the future atill more by serving you with accustomed fideli ty and increased alacrity. In order to suit every one that calls, I have laid in a stock or clothing, gents furnishing goods, and all other goods in my line on a most exten sive scale, also made arrangements with my bro ther in Philadelphia, to aend every thing new and fashionable as soon as produced, so that my slock will he replenished every few weeks. In extent, variety, elegance, qu lity and cheapnesa, my atock surpastee every thing "the oldeit inhab itant" ever hrard tell of in this part "f the co.n try. "To see is to believe," and aa I invite eve ry bedy to call and see and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. It it i treat to see and examine such an elegant, good, cheap atock of goods. Mr stock consists in part of Dresa, r rock. 8ack, Business and all o her kinda of Coats, made of cloth, casbmarette, caseimere, linen, flax and all other etulls of all imaginable colors, plain, fancy, atriped and checked. Pants and Vesta of every style and pattern, low and high priced, aa suited to tho want of the buyer; the largest and best assortment ever exhibited west of the mountains. A nice assortment of Boo's and Shoes, gaiters and slippers, also ladiea shoes, gaitera 4. slippers. A apiendid lot of Hats and Cape, audi as Pa nama, Curracoa, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, Sen ate, Straw and Palm Leaf, different colore, fine ailk hats, all colors of wool hats. etc. etc. A good assortment of Shirts, collars, revolvers, single and double barreled pistols, french and gar man Acconlcoiia, all kinda of cravsts, stocks and pnekethandkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Carpet Bncs. Trunks, and all kind of notions fur ladies and gentlemen. Also an assortment of watches a.id Jewelry, all of which are warranted; the money paid for them, cheerfully returned if not aa represented. All this stock will he sold at a small advnnre on cxslx, so as atill further to merit the name usually bestowed on my store, as being the cheap est in Sun'oury or vi-inity. to, remember the place, Market Square, nearly opposite the former Post Oific. A. EI.SEBERO, I.ste G. Klseberg St Co. Sunbury. April 81. 1855. Tht Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To James F. 8ilverwood, Willium V. Silver wood, Snrah Ann intermarried with John Climer, Elizabeth intermarried with John M'Pheison. Harriett intermarried with Samuel Coldron, Hi ram V. Silverwood and Suaannah C. Silverwood, heirs ni;d leal representstives of Catharine Sil vrrwood, deceased, and to all other persona inter te.l. GREE'IING. Northumberland County, ts. You are hereby riled to be and atipear before the Judges ol'tlie Orphans' Curt, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury. on the first of Moti lity of August, n.'it. then and there to accept .or refuse to Ul;e the Heal estate of tbe aaid Catha rine bilverwood, dec'J., viz: A certain Island situate in tbe Susquehanna river, with tbe apuur- tennnrcs, which, by virtue of a writ of Partition, waa valued at the sum of Four thousand two hundred and thirty-one dollars, or show cause why the same should not be sold and hereof fail not. Witness the Honorable Alexander Jordan, Esquiro, President of our aaid orphana' court at Sunbury, this 2.1 day of April, I. 1 5. J NO. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. April 81. IB5A. iU TO COUKTBY STOREKEEPER. 'HHE Subscriber haa on hand of hia owu man L ufacture, a Urge assortment of Ladies', Misses', and Children', Leather, Kid, and .' '.orocco " BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITEES, ol the best workmanship and materials, which he will sell at as low wholesale price as any person in the city. . Buyers can get any sizes to uske up assortments, without having to purchase the smaller or more unsaleable sizes. WM. C. PARKER, No. 01 North SIXTH Street, below Race, Philadelphia. N. B. Gaiter Uppers ready fur the last, sold to Country Shoemakers at low prices. Sunbury, April 14, 1856. Jin. To Officers, Soldiers, SEAMEN, &e., OF ALL WARS : their Widowi and Minor Children, if. B. MASSER, Attorney for Government Claiments, Sunburv. Pa. CONTINUES to give prompt and personal sUeutkm to the prosecution of Claims of every dcsciipiitiii ssjaiuM ilia (ieueral Uiivainuieiit, and particularly to tboas Ixfiiis ihs Treasury Itepartjoeiit, Penan jii and U-Hluty Laud Bureaus, lateut snd General Laud UlErs, and B.nl of Claims An ezparienceof ymrs, and a laiuiliarily with the means ut oUaiuiuc lin salirat and masi ravoratus avtiun on claims, Willi the facilities lor In dirpatc of uusiiiau, justify bun in aaauruuj hia CorMapondents, Claimenta, and the fublw saiierally, tlwt iulcrasu iutruated to lus kei- iig win iiui uv urgiccicu. I'KNain. Bovxrt Laud, PiTixr ahbPcslic LaxdIjw. He has nearly ready for gratuiuma diatributkm ainnng bis busineM CorrearKwidciiUi, (and those who may beourne aucn,j a uauipum eouiaiuiiMr a synopsis 01 ins es- U.. H,.i..lu 1 ..A D...... ....4 D.1.1:. , ...J lawa, down to the and of tbe late Congress iucludiug ths Bounty Land Act of8d March, 1855. uialei which all who have heretofore received leas than 10 aerea ars iww enutled to additional land ssid Act arauia aiv iwi acres in an umaers. noii-cianiniaatoiied OAWrs, Cbaplaiui, Soldiers. Wmt m Marters, Teamstars. snd friendly ludunis, i the Army, ineludine Suts.Tninps. ' in.... Him an i,;nin, minini, limine- ry Sua men, Marinas, Clerks, and Laiatama., aT the Vavy, not bereliifuis provided for, wbn havs asrvad wal laas than fiHirb-au days (unlea in hsltle) st any period antes 177,aiK) In the widows end sautor eh lid ran of all such parvus entitled, and daeaased Tbs parophkl contains Farms el Applicatieaj" rams full sikI eiHuplets than an7 elaewhara In ba f-Kind ; adapted In the wanta of every etassuf Ctaisaanta under the act, with cop ions decisions and instrartioiaxif the Darart maul, and nraetioal eo-eii me as to the auurse to be put. sued hi soaaanded or raj wted eaaea. Parties not wiahuuj u avail themsehss of lbs facilitlas ao .rdcdl.y this Oftca in saonmif promix and paraxial suserintendciMa nf their eiaiiM at lbs Uepartrxeula. eaa oouin eopirataT the above pamphlet by iwoiuiua Ihistt eauis in n"ausa stamps. INDUCEMKNT8 TO COR R BBPON B EN TS. Corieaporjdcnts who prepare and tnrsrard eaars Kv manasamaui by this Agency will ba dm It with liberally sappiiad wits all necaaaary bkuika epaTia, at kant ana. stanily sdviccd of l.a chairs mat from Im to Urns oc ear In tha rxarntinn nfiha law. It 11 wlthiu the aanaeiinars pinrs so diraal his Crxve. apoadwiis m t)ia kicaUtv of vary rnmiy paiatiiaiilitkd an. . S'J"' cl "" " "Otatuaal a tare nuraliat of Laud W.rrama aadar ftinnarlaws, hats in puatrasins) of "aarH aaaiaj la) aacuriiaj addttaos) T eea, lid the aaual rhtSa-ejid eoutineaat spaa U( aaSniaaton nf Caiaar " Tea hisliaat asah priaa giaea for Umi- Warraau, Ra vqtptuaurv fcrip, sud Uiuiual iauid PaL-tts AJ-resa ' H tVMAMKR, Bunbury, Pa MirehJI, 1SM4t NEW STORE. At the old Stand of S. iV. Thompson.) THE Subscriber respecttuliy'informe the pee pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has ta ken tbe Store Room lately occupied by 8. N. Thompson, in Market Ctreet, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, and that he haa juat received and opened a handaoma assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Consisting In part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenaware, Hat er Caps, Boot et Shoe, Fish, Salt, Meat. dec. All of which will be aold at the toweat pricea. All kinda of produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. It. H. VASTINE. Bur bury, April SI, 18SS ly NOTICE. TtHE Stockholders of "Shamokin Colllegiate -1- Institute" are hereby notified that the an nual meeting for the Election of a Board or Trustees will be held on the first Monday of May. 1855. at 1 o'clock, P. M., at W. Weaver Hotel, in Shamokin. By order of th board, WM. ATWATER. Sec'y. Shamokin, April 14, 1859. St. BOYD, BOSSEB & CO., Miataa ass satrrns o? ttcfc 2Vsl) ntfjracite Coal. From the Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, Iforth'd County, Tonna. Address Boyd, Rosser St Co., Sunbnry, Pa. n. m. boto s. aossea. us. both. t. nossr.a. Sunbury, April 7, 1855 tf. " S1IAMOK.IN : Collegiate Institute, BHAMOKIH, PA. D. STBOH, A. M., Principal. rrtHE third session of this Inatitute w ill com- -- menceon TueaJay, the 1st day of May, 1855. The session will continue fifteen weeks. Tuition (psyahle at the middle of the session) as fallows i Primary department, per session, $4,25 Acsdemio " 6,37$ Collegiate 8,60 Pupils not received for a lea term than half a saaion. For further particular address the Rev. C. J. Ehrehart, Shamokin, Pa. Shamokin, April 7, 185561. NOTICE. Northumberland Bridge Company. AN ELECTION for officers or the Northum berland Bridge Company, to serve for one vear, will be held at the house of G. 5. Burr, in Northumberland, on MONDAY, the seventh day of MAY next. The election will he open at 1 o'clock. P. M., and close at 4 o'clock, P. M.--The booka and accounts of the company will be submitted to the stockholders for their inspection, at the same time and place. D. BRAUTIGAM, Prea't. North'd, April 14, 19,-5, 4t DAGUERREOTYPES. J. P. LEIdENRING & J. K. ECKMAN of Danville, respectfully announce to the ladies and gentlemen of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened Daguerrean rooms above Fri 1 in 3 & Grant'a Store, in Sunbury, where they are ready to accommodate those who may favor them with a cill, with beautiful and life-like miniatures. All who desire miniaturea will do well to call early and aecure theii pictures, as we know not what a day tray bring forth. Then hasten to our rooms, all ye psnple. Bcf.uo yoa h.ve reason to srieve j The cost ynu will find it but little, AnJ to all satisfaction we'll give. Sunbury, April 21, 1855. 3 1 Boarding! Boarding! RS. WHARTON can accommodate 8 or 1 A . I I I , t.ja iv rrpiecinuie uuaruers. Location: North-west corner of Market Square, Snnbury. Persons wishing a comfortable home will find thia a desirable place. Sunbury, April 14, 1855. tf WiTtox Drri r. Tuomis Direr. J. S. DEPUY i SONS, No. 223 Xarth Second Street, lehtr Ctdlmchtll, and S. H'. Corner Eifjhth and Spring Garden Streets, PHILADELPHIA, V'VOULD icspestfully inform their former V ' customers and others, that t icy have juat laiJ in a splendid assortment of Carpetn, Oil i:iotb, Mattings, Window Shadea, Door Mats, &.C., ic, at very reduced prices Wholesale & Retail. TAKE NOTICE. We will sell our goods as cheap aa any other hruse of the kind tn the city, Pn la., April 7, 1855 w3ine 3mf. HAYD0CS & FIDLEB, DEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of James B. Fidler, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an eiamination of their large and varied atock, feeling aasured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business. and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on tbe most advantageous tonus, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other eatablishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine ssaortinent of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Dated end Brittania M'aro, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c, dec. N. D. Repairing of Watches and all kinda of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Pbila., April 7, 1855. tf. TO THE LADIES Of Sunbury and Vicinity. AGNEW & CO., 196 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ARE now offering to purchasers a splendid Stock of New Spring Shawls, Mantillaa and Dreaa Goodat their assortment of Paris mad Mantillaa, ie very extensive, comprising 00 of the best selected Stock in tha City, and at ex tremely low pricea. SHAWLS Brocba, Caahmera and Gold bor dered Sbawla, long and square. Alao, large aasortment of Rich Etiibioidered and Plain Can ton Crape Shawls.. SILK9 Particular attention is requested to our stock of Brocade, Plain, Plaid Stripe, Moran Antiuue and hlk. Silts, of all qualiliea and prices. Wash Silks in great variety. DKESS GOODS Flouuced barege Rnbea, Grenadine, Tissues, Barege, Organdines, Moueilena Challie Delaines, brilliants, French and English Chintics. &c. Embroideries of all descriptions. Collars. Sleeves, Ruffles, Insert ing, with a full Stock of Ribbons, Ladiea' and Gentlemens' Gloves, Hoiery, ic, Constantly receiving f-csh supplies of Season able Goods, per 8ieamera from Havre, Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Auction Sales' Purchasers are requeaued to call and examine our stock of splendid Spring Goods before puichaaing. AGNEW & CO.. 198 Chestnut St., Philada. April 7, 18&S-r4in. ARDW A Bp.-Tabl Cutlery, Kaxors, reck at Knives, Hnd aawa' Wood saw In framfa. Axes. Chisels, Door Locks, and Hinges, Hand Balls, Waiters, etc-, iuat received and for sal. by I- W. TENER 4 CO Sunbury, Dae. I, U54. ' ; ' ' ,RV GOODS' Clothe, Casaimers, SstU- sett, V eatings, 1 who, via coin, swa- tug, ixaee,, CK-h MValin. 6lc.. lust received ror sal by ' ( W. TSNEI. CO. CHOICE GROCERIES. BUET0N & rEHTOlf, S. W. corner Sixth and Arch streets, PHH.ADELPHU, HAVING refitted their Store anew, and re planished their atock br the addition of very thing wanted In a Select Family Grocery 8tore, so aa to make tip a full and most complete assortment, now offers for jsle to their friends and the public on the beat terms the following excellent Goods, vii 1 Jellies of all kinds ; Pre wrtca; Fresh Fruits In bottles and tin cans; White Clover Honey Latonr and other branda of Olive Oila ; Sperm and Stoarine Candles all the best branda of Groceriea ; Crackers, with a choice aasortment of all the staple articles, which will be aold at the loweat prices. Fleaae give us a call. BURTON & F2NT0N. Family Grocers and Tea Dealer, 9. V. cor. Sixth and Arch aUi. Phila., April 7, 1855. R ly. NEW SPRING MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. MISS JANE FINNEY respectfully in forms her friends and customers cener allv, that she ha just received a lot of New Millinery and Fancy Goods, such as Bonnets, Collars, Ribons, Ac, of the latest style and patterns, which she will sell at the lowest prices. Sunbury, April 14, 1853. tf. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS WATSON, No. 26 Sou:h Fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Chestnut & Fifth Streets, FrifNy morninjr, December 85th, 1854. Evane 4 Watson's Salamander Safea Trium phant, aa they always are when put to the test. 1'iiit.inr.i.rHia, Dec. 15, 1854. Messrs. Fvahs a Warsoa, Nt. 29 South Fourth St, Philadelphia. Gentlemen 1 We take much pleasure in re commending your Sslaraander Safes to Merchants and others in want of a aecure means of preser ving their hooks, papers, etc, from fire, aa the ono we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved onr books, papera and cash in aa good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildinga corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the Are waa out. The Safe waa then romoved and opened in the pres. ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, aa we intend to put it in use again, havi.,g perfect confidence in ita fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LACY 4 PHILIPS. Evana If Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreda who have their Safea in use: U. S. Mint, Philada ; Farmers' end Mechanic-' Bank, Phila i Ssmuel Allen, Esq., High Sneriff, Phila; John H. Hen deron, City Controller; Caleb Coped Co., No. 183 Marko: Si. ; Richard Norris Jr Hon, Loco motive builders, Philada ; Bancroft d Sellers, Machinists, 'corner Kith and James Stn.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pcnnsylvauia Railroad Co, Phila.; Lacey iV Philips, corner nth aud Minor Sts; Sharpies Bro., No. 33 South Second St..; James Kent &. Santue, No. 147 North Third St; W H. Horstman & Sons, No. 51 North Tbiid St.; Smith, Williams t Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. 5t B. Orne, No. 181 Chestnut SU A large assortment of the above Safes alwavs on hand (warranted to atand at least 10 percent more fire than any Herring's Safe now in use.) EVANS V WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale. Iron Sliuttera, Iron Doors and Iron Dash, for making fire-proof Vsults far Banks stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Pressea; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etoaeffflease give us a call, at No. S6 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. rly. 10. Estate of ADAM NELDIG, Dec'd. "VOTICE is hereby given, that leltcraofad- ministration have been granted to the auburn ber on the vsUte of Adam Neidig, late of Upper Au.mifcta township, Northumberland county, dec'd. All persons having claims against the estate, and such that are indebted thereto, are requested to make an curly seltulment. The undersigned administrator will lie present at the houso of the lute deceased, 011 Saturday, the 31st inst., to make final setteltnent. DAVID REESER, Ad'tor. L'ppcr Augusts, March?!, 1S55 6t MILLINERY GOODS 1 1855. FOR SPRING SALES. JOHN STONE & EONS. No. 45 South Second St, PHILADELPHIA, Have just opened their Spring importations of Silks, Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, W J. DrjD, BVV CK-W, Including a general aasortment of Millinery Ar tide of tbe most fashionable etyie. The above goods have been imported express. ly for our Spring sales, and comprise the largest and bet assortment in our line to he found in this inuikct. March 17, '55. P. 8 mo. 5. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! IRA T.CLEMENT respectfully inform the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that he baa been appointed agent for the aaleoftbe celebra. ted red ash coal, from the Mines of Boyd Rosset & Co. All the various sires prepared and ecreaned will We promptly delivered by leaving orders with tbe aubscriber. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sonbuiy, Dec. SO, 1851. if. REMOVAL. BESSON&SON, Beg leave to inform you, that they have removed THE PHILADELPHIA FAMILY Mourning Store, From No. 52 South Second Street, to the Neio Building, No. 206 C'aernuf Street", (Fire dosrs above Eighth Street, South Side) Where they will offer an increased atock. at reduced price. N. B Daily opening Niw Sraia Goopa. Philadelphia, March 17, 1855 n6t J House and Lot for Sale. riMIE subscriber offers at private sale, hi bouse 1 and lot situated In Whortleberry street, Sunbury. The house is a new Two Story frame dwelling, on a lot of 60 feet front. There ia also, a Butcher Shop on tbe premises. The location is an excellent one, fur any person wisjiing to follow tnat pusineaa. WM. HOOVER Sunbury, March 17, 1855. tf. s H ALLEN HERGES'S PILL8 A certain eur for Fever and Ague, for sal by WE1SER it BUUNER Sunbury . uly SS, 18M. 1 TALL PAPER. A large snd splended " assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shad, just received and for sale by I. W, itACltftWa, Sunbury, Dec. 3, 184. fTUMILY MEDIdNKBV-Brown'a reverend Agu Powder, Fabnestoek's Veraaifug. Dr, Jayns s celebrated medicines, fee- for sale t Nov, 054, YOUNG'S STORE. T'rrrV.ylVi V. IT. SMITH, 'POT MOimAIZ, POCKET BOOS, an DrenlDK Cane Manaftctarer, jV. W. cor. of fourth Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. Always on hand a large and-raried assortment of Pert Monnaiee, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Cabas, Banker Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Msn, Portablo Desk, Cifrar Cases, Dressing Casea, Pocket Memorandum Booka, Also, a general assortment of English, French and German Fancy Goods, Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Rar.or Strops and Gold Pena. Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. F. H.8MITII, N. W. cor. Fourth & Chestnut Sts., Fhilada. N. B. On the receipt of $ I, a Superior Gold Pen will be aoiit to any part of the United Stales, by mail ; describing pen, thus, medium, hard, or soft. Thila., March 81. 1854. ply. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. THE aubscriber having received the necessary forms and insructtions from the Department, at Washington, i prepared to procure Bounty Land Warrants at the ahorteat notice. H. B. MA8SER. Sunbury, April 7,' lfl."5. STRAW & MILLINERY GOODS, Wholesalo & RetaiL WIVE. T. HILL, Straw Hat Jr Banaet Manafactarer, And Dealer in Straw Goods in General. No. 321 North Second Street, (below Nolle, east aide, directly oppoeite Butz'a Red Lion Hotel,) Philadelpkia. Where may be found a large and extensive aa sortment of goods in the above line, to which the attention of Country Storekeepers and Milliners, if particularly invited, 17 All goods aold at the lowest cash prices. March 17, 1855. W. 3 mo. 8. FRENCH TRUSSES. 11 ERNIA or Rupture successfully treated, and SLA comfort insured, by U"0 of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly for his snlee. All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure a Truss combining extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually aold. An extensive assortment always on hand, adap ted to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for aalc at a range of price to auit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3, $4, and $5 ; Double, 4, $5, $6, $ and $10. Perauns at a distance can have a Truss sent to any address by remitting the amount, sending measure around the hipa, and stating side affected. For sale Wholesale & Retail by the Importer, CALEB H. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth St Rare alreets. Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Banning Improved Patent Body Brace; Chest Expandera and Erector Btucea; Patent Shoulder Bracea; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Propa and Support. Ladies' Room?, with competent lady attendants. Phila., March 31, 1855. p3m. JULIUS STERN No. 145 North Third Street, (3 doors aboue Eagle Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. "IYH0LEi!ALE Dealer ia Fancy Dress Trim ' ' inings and Millinery Goods, and Manufac turer of Fancy Silk Bonnets. Keeps constantly on hand a very extensive assortment of Silka, Kibboiis, lumps, fringes, besides a great variety of other Fancy Goods. He solicits a call from Country Merchants Mailing the City, and assures them that they will be sure to find any article above mentioned, at the Luwcst prices. Aiarclt 17, aa. w. x mo. 2. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORK, No. 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia. rilltn subscribers havo on hand, aaJ are con A stantly manufacturing SIEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVENWIRES, of all meshea and widths. Also, all kinds of pluin and fancy ire work, mass and Iron Wire Sieves at all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, ic. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls cov ered in the best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for urn- and Iron rounders, Screen W ire, Win dow Wires, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand S-crcens, cVc, BAYLIP8, DARBY & LINN. March 10, 1S55. V 3 m 2J PBRR3? & ERETY, 1500KSELLERS, BINDERS, BLANK ROOK M A S 1" P fTr R ERS, AND STATIONERS. 5. II'. Comer- of Fourth Race Streets, PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1855. if PETEll OSBORN, JR., WHOLESALE & RETAIL FEATHER St MATTRESS WAREHOUSE, No. 61 North Second Street, Ihxrd door above Arch, East side, Philadelphia- Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters It Pillows, Curled Hair, Moss, Wool, Cotton, Flock and Husk Mallrecsrs, Straw PalltaBse, Settee, Pew, and Chair Cushions, all kinds and culion, Drd tickings, Check, Moreens and Damask by the yard or piece, Cotta, Cat-tail, Sacking and Cords, Counterpanes, white and colored, Comfortable of all kind and sizes by tbe single one or doren. Cribs, Berth, Single and 9, 10, 11, 12 and i3 quarters Blankets, Bleached and Unbleached Sheet, Blocked Muslin and Check pillow cases, Towels of ull kindti, Table Linen, Table Covers, Damrsk table cloth, Bindings of all kinds and colors, Threud, ic. N. B. Benton 4- Coston'a patent renovater worked by ateam power, ia daily in operation for the purpose of purifying old and new feathers. All arttclu from this establishment warranted! Philada, March 3, 1855 cr 3 ra 3 A CARD. f"EORGE BROWN, Inspector of Mines, ten. der bis service to land owner and Mm ing Companies, in making examinations, report &c, of Mines and Coal lands. From his expert. ence in mining operations, as he understands th difl'erent branches, having carried on Mine for a number of year in Schuylkill Co., and having now a large number of collieries under his super vision ha hopes to give aalihfaction to those who may want bis services. Refer to Benjamin Miller and W. Payne, Eaqre.. Philadelphia, and D. E. Nic and James Neill, Esqr., Pottsville, Communication ay Mail promptly attended to. Pottsville, March 17, 1855 Sra. HATS St CAPS. Silk and Slouch Hate, Military and cloth Caps lor men and boys, also Gam Shoe of various sixes, just received and for ssle at YOUNG'S STORE. Sunbury Nov. 85,1654. URNIXG FLUID, Camphcne, Sperm aud Whale Oil. White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur- pentiue, and 8oau, just received and for aale by Dee, 8. 1854. I. W. TFNER Co SHAWL8 Broche, Thibet and Winter Shawls in great variety. Black and fancy Dree Silk. Silk lace. Velvet and other Trio.' minga, Worked Collar and Shimexetta. Cufts, &c, just received and for wl by Dm.!, 1854. I W. TENER & CO. COMBS Back, Children' Long, bide and fin combs Hair Brushes, Tooth Brush, V., for sal at YOUNG'S fcifORH. Banbury, Nv. 18, 1864. HOSIERY Mens wool and cotton stock, Ladisw and children's stocking just open. d at YOUNG'S STORE. Sunburv, Nov, 18, 1M, BALTIMORE CARD. 17INE Factory filled and Ground Alum Salt, constantly on band and for sale. CARR, CIESE 4- CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber , Commission Merchanta, 1 Spear Wharf, BALTIMORE. Also, Cemerit and Calcined Plaster. Agency of the N. A. and Rorcndale Co. Baltimor March 8. 1830 lm A Lot of Chemicals for Sale by GEO. W. COBLE, DAGUERREOTYPlST. GERMAN Bromine, Chloride of Iodine, do. do. dry, Hypo Sulphate of Soda, Caynide of Potassyum, distilled fr'trcnrv, liquid quick snd Gilding. He haa also t Duguerrcotyping appa ratus, a full set, which he will sell at a reasonable price. He ha also a variety of specimens from town and country, which he will sell at balf price, also cases and mats, all of which he will sell as cheap aa they can be bought in the city. Sunbury, March 31, 1855. REMOVAL. PETER W. GRAY respectfully informs his friends and customers, that be haa removed his Store from it old location, and now occupies the handsome and commodious Store room, for merly occupied by H. B. Masarr, in Market square, nearly opposite the Tost Office, where he will ba happy to serve all who may give him a call. Sunbury, Kerch 10, 1855. if Baltimore Card. uahic, a;ii. & o., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SAI.K OF FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUMBER. Spears' Wharf, Baltimore. I tf Agents for Newark and Ro.cndule Co. Cement and Plaster. n'li G. A. and Fine Salt, constantly for aale. N. B.- Liberal CASH advances made on com signments on receipt. Baltimore, March 17, 1855. Cm. PLATFORM SCALES OF every description, suitable for Railrosds, &c, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Mer chandise generally. Purchasers run no risk, ev ery scale is GUARANTEED CORRECT, and if. alter trial, not found satisfactory, ran be re turned withou charge. E7" Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty yeara, corner of Ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT St CO., Successors to Ellicott St Abbott. Feb. 17, 1655c 3 mo 2 J TO. 7. POTTS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, below 13A, north side, PHZZ.ADSI.FmA. Phila., Dec. 30, 1854 ly. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WAToi &. COX, Stere, Piddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manu facturers, No. 46 North Front St.. Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market and Mulberry (Arch) Streets, PHILADELPHIA. CONTINUE to manufacture of xvperior quali ty, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds, Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper MakerB, iVc. lingers and Dandy Bolls covered tn the licit manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Foundera, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safea, Traps. Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, 4C. Fancy Wir Work of every description. Phila., Feb. S4, 1855. Sm. e NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR THE SPRING 1855. IY.tE & L.-NDFLL, S. W. Corner of Fourth St Arch Sts., Philadelphia, are fully prepared to auit buyers. Wuoimu ft Rctaii, with goods adapted to their wants and at the low est nctt cash pricea. Black Sills, Brinish Prints, Fancy bo Plaid flinyhaiHS, New Dress Goods, Good Linens, New Spring Shawht, Tulle Linens, Nuvtlties in Lawns, S nettings, fce. N. B. Bargain daily received from the Auc tions, of New York and Philadelphia. P. S. Oil Boiled Black bilks warranted not to cut in wearing. Store-keepers supplied with those goods regularly. Philada. Muich 3, 1855. w 3m 3 MATCHES! MATCHES!! JOHN DONNELLY, T ANUFACTURER and inventor of Safely -A Patent Square Upright Wood box Matches. No. 108 FOURTH Street, (above Race,) Philadelphia. Matches having become an indespensible ai ti de in housekeeping, the subscriber after a great sacrifice of time and money, ia enabled to ofter to tbe Public an article at once combining Utility and Cheapness. The inventor knowing the dan ger apprehended on account of the flitnav man tier in which Matches are generally packed in pa per, haa by the aid of New Steam Machinery of bis own invctit'on, succccdul In "retting up a SAEETY JPATEN2' SQVAUE CJ1 RIGHT Wood Box ; this box is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no moro room that, the old round wood box, and contains at le.ist Two II undred per Cent more Matches, which to Shippers is consid erable advantage; it ia entirely new and socure against moisture and spontaneous combustion, and dispels all d-jnger on transportation by nieaas of Railroad, Steamboat ot any olhe mode of Con veyance. These Matchea are packed so that one gross or more may be Shipped to any part of the World with perfect safety. They are the most desirable article for Home Conaumption, and the Southern nd Weatcrn Market that has ever been invented. Dealer and Shipper, will do well to call and examine for themaalves. (JJ- Th Matches ar Warranted to b aupe rior to anything heretofore offered to the Public. JOHN DONNELLY, 10S North FOURTH St., Philad'a. Phil., Dec 16, 1S54 8m. " rerfuniery, JlfEaava just received lbs largest and bast selected V aaaumuaiit ot Pai lumery aver udcrad ia Out aactiuai oounlry, consisting in part of Franca P.anade, "!"" . Bhavinf Craam. Tuotii Bruahaa, largs asst. Haiiel Ulephaiia, H"u Hruaiics, " " Ckwcs HowOar, Nail Brualies, " Faiiua Cot, a, tvet Kstiacla, Oraiifs Sowar water, Poma. inaa, Churevail Paats, Cai!s SVap, Kic Powder, White " ' liiffclit Transparent " Hair Dva, Haiir-Kk ' Mien Kim, for ths skin, Washington " Extinct Vanilla, Rpuriii:aa 11 ' Orange, Comie " " l.eruou, v Alni"iul rine-apple, l.ulnn's " Sirawbcrry, Nvmph illy White, Urniubu 11 rWheta, Band ' C'olnfnaaofevryteseri(itl-i,KrBsie " 8ef ar Caaea, Muak ' Tula, Camphor " Butalo Cuuihs, all kiads, fhll Wwdanr and other art ie las too asaserooa to mention . All Ida afewe aaiclas aia hum th house of Jul as Haal and W. O. Oleua. WE18ER at BRt .NKR OA I, Bucket, stove shovel, Ames' shovels, forkaj Door and pad locks, rum combs, etc, at . YOUNG'S STORE. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1854. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adh eive and legal eavalopea, for l t H. B. MA&kek. uabury, Jan 10, lirij. ; Thin Way! TbiiWayl! Fall and "Winter Good.' FRILINd & GRANT. , I ESPECTFULLY. inform iheir cjstoaet and the public, that they have junt reeaiv. ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fan and Winter Good, at their e.i in Market square, Sunbury. 1'heir stock consists of every variety of Drtv Gbodis, Viz : Cloths, Cassimnes, Snttinets, Vettinrt, Flannels, Wollcns, Ife., And all kinda of Fall and Winter Wear. AIo a splendid vaiictv of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Culicocs, Ginghams, Chintzes, be Lainti, And every variety of good a"itull for Li' die wear. , Also a Urge assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENS WARE,' Fish, Bali and Plaster. Also an e.xte.isive assortment of Hats and Cam for Mm amd But Also a largs assortment of &KOCEK1EJ.' StJCH A3 Sujar, Tea, Coffee, Molaisei, SpiceV or all kinds. Also a trash supp'y of ,. DRL'cs a'xo medicines". BosMo the lamest and moat pcnetal assort , ment of all kind of goods to be had iu thia place. tV Counlry produco of all kinda taken In ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1854.'. 1 1 EKEWi AR EAG A InI " T Clear lliewav for Xcw -Goods.' J. r. Ct l.F. IILINE, ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends, und tie public in general, that they have rercicd at their Old Stand, in Upper Auqusta, township, Northumberland county, Ta.. their Fall an 1 Winter Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, ttri, Consisting in part erf Clothe, black and fane; Caastmera, Sattiuetts, Checks, and all kind ' FALL ic WINTER WEAK. Also a tot of Ready.made Coats, Vests ani Pants, 4.C. Ladies Dress Goods, . Calicoes, Ginghama, Muslin de Laines, TlaiaT Cashmeres, De beges, Comforts, Bay Ktate, Long Mm wis, cVc Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Groceries. . u A ffth supply of Hardware ami Queen ware, Urugs and jMedicioea. Wooden Ware. 1 Alao a large assortment of Boot and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women eud Children. Hats end Cap, Salt, Cheese, dee., and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change fur country produce, at the highest marki 4 price Lpper Augusta, .Nov. 4, 185. Fall and W inter Goods I PETER W. GRAY, INFORMS his friends that he haa juat received . a goorl assortment of Fall and VVinter Goods at hia Store in Market Squato. His stock con sist of PRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloths, Cassimers, fattinetts, Jeana, Dtiillnga, Bara?cs, Baraga De Laines, Giughsms, Lawns, Linens. Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Silks, Winter Shawls. Dress Triuunii g and all items in the Dry Goads line. Also, a arge aesortmet of Miorg for Men Women and Children. Hata and Caps, Groceriea r every variety. Teas, Coffee, fugnr, Molasses, Spices, Suit, Fi.h. &c. Hard wave. A general arsortment of Cedar Vr Tabs, Buckets, Wu-li Boards, Brooms, Brushes, 5cc. Qi-xxxawxaa a general asHorltnent. Country produce tuUtn at the highest market prices. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1154 tf. 1 S2lcndid Assort uieut of Fall W inter Goods .: IMPORTANT TO BUYERS ! AIUUVAL Ol-' NEW GOODS!! THE undersigned has just received the hand aomest and cheapest assortment of NEW GOODS that ha been brought to Sunbury, con sisting of the following articles, vix : 1'elainea, Cashineies, French Mcrinoes, Scotch plaids, Wool De Lains, Coburg, Fan cy Prints, IMiegea, Barages, Alpaccaa, and the most Fashionable Ladies Drew Goods, , including a general assortment of Broche and other Shawls, Sack Flannels and Ladiea dres trimmings. Also, Chillis, Caasi men, Sattinetts, Yesting, Kentucky Jeans, Flannels, Irish Linen Ging hams, Fancy Ribbon and oth ers. Child's wool Hood, scarfs, ace, and a large aworttneist of Hosiery. Floor find Table Oil Cloth,' Carpetini, lilai keta, Ac, dec. Calico 6 eta Musli't, bleached and tinbleachtd at tij. llais and Caps for .Vcn and Boys, Groceriea and Spice of all kinds a general a. snrtnient ol Ijueenswaie, Glassware, C'edaiware, and tha largest and best assortment of Hardware in Sunbury, including all kinds of carpenter's tool's a general assortment or materials tr building lie, circular and other Mill Saws,,. Bar' Iron, Steel, Nails, all kinds of Files for machi nists, blacksmiths, aud carpenters, 3 ton Grind stone, which I will warrant. J00 Picks. 100 Grub Hoes, (0 Mason Hammers, SOU sacks Ground AUum ata'.t,' 300 " Fine dairy Salt, M ackerel. Herring and White Fiah, . Flaxseed and other Oila, Fluid aud campheua and a variety f Fluid Lamps, Looking Glasses, Basket and Broom. My assortment is large, and include a general variety of which have been selected with the greatest care. The public are requested to call and examine tha GOODS before purchasing elsewhere. It wUl give us pleasure to exhibit our stock at all times, and if w fail to please, we will not complain,, Country Produce takrn in exchange tor good ana in nineai tnattel price paid lu catfe tut Grain. ED. Y. BRIGHT. Sunbury, Nov. la, 1854,- rTTMBKELLAS Overshoes, Pocket Bock IJ Portinnnit. Silk Pocket-hondkereluel. Nck-iies, Spiingatocks, Suspenders, i.c. at, Nov. 85, '54. YOUNG'S STORE. GROCERIES Seg.r. Coffee, MolasM Spice, Oila. Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker." el, Herring and Salt, just received and for sal by. WM. A. KNABB Lower Augusta, May t, 1854 4p1 LOVES. Buckskin Gloves and Mittm ia LH Gloves wool lined, Ladies Glove, Chd diou't dH Miu. Vc, at Nov 18, '53. YOUNG'S STORE. 1TARDWARE and queensware in fr . rlelies and of all dcarriptlons. jun! rei e J and for Ml by W M . A K N A Ml l.nrr Augmta, My 1M.n