farmer's (parlmcnt NfcYV HHSriTtTE FORTH POTATO;. TrnaJfttoJ from the Rervt Hortieole. Fan is, Dec. 1854, by II. Meig. Esq., Secretary of the Farmer's Club. N. Y. Dioacof:' Batatas. (Igname of China.) New observations relative to it. We live at a tiino when it ia not necessary to itrngtrlo forever against popular prejudice at to a new and useful thinp in agriculture. If tome rtsistauce is experienced in ourcouu try population, yet enlightened mon are now numerous enough everywhere to encourage a new and nseful plant. The groat amelioration in our State by the use of the most perfect types of a race, bor rowed from our neighbors and elsewhere, are incontestible proofs in advance. Culture, drainage, 4c, are so many happy reforms in our domestic affairs, and in our comforts and manners. We do not flatter ourselves with making popular at the first onset, the Igname of Chi na ; but we do hope that its introduction to general liso will not be opposed, as the pota- was tor nearly two hundred yean I its mala dy might assail this new Batatas, but perhaps not ; so thut we may henceforth not fear a famine. Five years ago the first Dioscorca Batatas was oroughr to us. It has attracted atten tion now utmost everywhere, and the calls for them to plant are numerous from all quar ters. My moilo of cultivating them. Towards the middle of April, when I be lieved that we should have no more frost, I planted some of them in niccea and whole, in good light gnrdon beds, at the Museum of JNatural History. I set them about twenty inches apart every way : this was wrong they should have been set mnch nearer to gether. The future alone will teach us what effect our climate may have upon it. All that I can now say is, that my plants have this year (1854) grown well, their long shoots beiug erv vigorous and covered with thick foliago. They produced many flowers (all of which were male) about the beginning of August. At the end of August, the growth of stalk and leaves ceased, and they assumed that yellowish hue which indicated, after the middle of September, the approaching matur ity of the tubercles. I set apart some square feet of the plants for other experiments, while two of my lots were covered, one with strong poles about ten feet long, the other with poles about seven or eight feet long. The branches aud stalks of the igname twine around these poles as beans do, and soon run beyond the length of their poies. In the third lot I let them have their own way. nnd tho vines did not root at their joints, and twisting together, grew nearly as long as those on their poles. The tubers which I planted whole, gave remarkably vigorous plunts, each of which gave a new tuber of these, two were quite large. When pulled, one weighed nearly three pounds. (1 kilo. 360.) the other 1 kilo 1CU. The third was injured by the insect Hanneton. The original batatas which I planted were still on, very much wrinkled. The beds of cut tubers did not produce well, weighing on an averago not over a quarter of a pound. Of the whole, the result was from twenty, eight plants, each giving one tuber on an average the tubers weighed about live ounces each. (345 qrs. 18.) We found onthe whole from fifty-seven plants, seventeen kilogram mes, or nearly forty-three pounds weight of tubers. The result of these experiments shows, tLat a hectare can produce G0U0, kilogramme of igname, or that an acre may yield some thing like two hundred bushels. We think, from what we have seen of the growth, that ten inches apart every way will be room enough for the root for this plant seems to live upon the air by its vines aud iuaves. The prodact of tubers was nearly double, our lute usual crops of potatoes. These ignames are from ten to twenty inches long ; the up per third of the roots very slender, about the size of our little finger. I think that this part should be reserved for planting. The digging of them is a difficulty. In C'uttathey always plant them in sandy soil. I do not hesitate, to prefer the Chinese ig name to the common potato for quality ; I believe the igname to bo more nutritious. The flusb of it is as white as biiow ; it has no apparent fibre in it. Iy boiling it becomes so tender that under the lightest pressure it becomes a paste, like that made of the finest wheat flour. Cooked by steam, or roasting in hot ashes, it has the appearance and taste of tho best of our common potatoes. Two pieces of the root as large as a common Dutch potato were boilod together, with a potato of same si3. and the ignames were done in ten minutes, while the Dutch potato was twenty minutes iu cooking. This is valuable property, saving both time and fuel and I'tat is one reason why the potato was bo mush valued originally. And this igname keeps tvol1 from one year to another. The igname has been successfully cultivated in Algiers. , Many of tho dioseorcas have the properly of multiplying by these bulbs, which become detached from the plants when at maturity. Working Farmer. Prom th Finn Journal TUB MOON TllEOnr EXPLODED. In August 1852, to test the theory of Ly. dia Jane Pierson, that briars, bushes, 4c, were more certainly destroyed by being cut in the old of the moon in August where its place is in Leo, than at other times, I made the trial on a field too stony to be plowed, on which were some bunches of briars, the bun ches that were on one-half the field were cut in the afternoon of the 14th of August, be ing the old of the moon, the change tuking place next day and beiug the first day of the S triwl" the ?rst re sult was, that the cutting was verv effective Ifffi '0r they7ere noun tirely killed, but on closer examination there was no perceptible difference i ? h, E from cutting at the different time", ' l believe f"P t? cut up the briar. .1,-1 , u,.aymg them, and that aUended to! " lU8eC',I,tlC Deed not be At the same timo I provided many blocks of wood about three inches square .nd. an inch tllli'lr. nlunintr .l. . u . . , , .... vu uioruiDir on . , luurmQg 0B , tough grad aod where the gnu made little growth that Mason, for the purpose of .how. ing the raoon'a power or want ot power to de press the blocks when the UlAsfsn Tsa-iitifta Aa. according to the almanac makers, or to raUe teem wnen me moon point up. I had pur posed to continue putting down a block each morning for several mouth, but it was only coutiuued till the 20th of September when I lull nome ana was awsv for a time and on niy return found that those that I had jmt down, bad been displaced, and I did eot acain commence. I wnnM unm wieiid this last experiment to the attention of tae curious ana scientific enquirer, not that I expect that the moon would be implicated in the derangement, but that the cacses that bare proJuted effects wLkh she bat been cnarged w.ta may be discovered. A.W.C. MontfcTomerr county. . Maxi-ie. -Manure is the capital of which farmers do business; and the man who teaches thtm how to obtain it at a reasonable rate. aod in Sttffieiect quantities, does the pu'jlio arrvir maa li lie leetured the Urelscg oy on copper and silver mines, and emuted swrpy Honrs with drcsras. xt " ParnrtTd PROFESSOR of Anatnmv and Jnrerv in tha Phil Srlelphis Cuileae of Mooieina, and Arlinff Professor of Miitwirerr one of Ilia Consulting Phyeirana of the Phil adelphia lloapilal. Blockler I lata mainhcr of lha National Medical Asauciatmti member of tlia Philadelphia Meill sal tVtctety I member of tha MMliooChiraricl College of Philadelphia formerly President and 1 ro lessor tf Anatomy and Surgery In Uastleton Meriiaal College, Ver, mont ) and alan, lata Prm'eeenr of Anatomy and rhreiut Ofry In Bcrkahlr Medical luKUution, PutafieM, Mass., Ac , e., e. Ilea lately Introduced in a popular form several of kit favurlte prescriptions for tha principal disease of thia climate. Tha name of each article will Imply the aisssal for which It is intended to be need. ' DR.McCLINTOCK S PECTORAL SYRUP. Prleeil DR. McCUNTOCK'8 COLD AND COUGH MIX Tl'RB For Colds, Couiha, c Priue 8S eta. DR. McCLINTOCK'S ASTHMA AND HOOPINO COUGH RKMEUY. Plica IMI eta. Pr. McCLINTOCK'S TONIC A I.TF.flN ATI VE 8YRUP For Purifying the Wood. Priie l. DR. MeCUNTOCKS DYSPEPTIC KIJXIR Pot t;lving tone to the stomach relieving peine after eating, leanoarn, and aH diaagreeabie symptoms arising ftont Indigestion Price 91. PH. McCUNTOCK'9 RHEUMATIC MIXTURE A Purely Vegetable Remedy fur Internal nee. Price SO cts. Dlt. McCLINTOCK'S RIICU.MATIO LINIMENT For Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, Ac , Ac. Price SO cenls. DR. McCLINTOCK'S ANODYNE MIXTURE Ft Pains, Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia, As. As. Price SO cents. PR. McCLINTOCK'S FKVEH AND AGUE SPE CIFIC A certain cure for all Intermittents. PriceSI. DR. McCLINTOCK'S PIARRIHKA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PRF.VENTIVR A snfe reincdv. DR. McCLINTOCK'S VEGETABLE PUROATlVt FILlA. Fot C 'Sfivenemi. Henilnehe. Ac. Trice DR. McCLINTOCK'S ANTI BILIOUS riLK-For lrresulerity in the Functions of the Liver snd Bowels the best Liver Pill made. Prire M ets. e box ForsnlebyDr. J. McCLINTOCK, at hie Medical De-' pot, N V enrner ninth und Filbert sts Philadelphia, and j ai an irruegisTs ana uoaiers tn Meaicines. ah isrusjri.i. and Dealers in Medicines who wish tn be agents, will please adddrees Dr. AlcClintnck, furnishing reference, ncme of Pott-Office, county and stats. IF For Sale by Weiaer A Btnner, Sttnbory and Pha mokin ; Win. Weimer, Nonhuinberlsnd I C. Brown, Mil ton ; E. P. l.utz, Bloomsbtirg : Jnenb llsrris, Buckhorn ; obn Vanlecio, Light Btreet ; 1 Sharpless A Son, Cats Wiaaa. Januaty 6, 1855 tm. TO CASH BUYERS. BAIL? ftTBROTHail, No. 252 Chestnut street, above 9th Philadelphia, Have now open a large stock of CA RPETINGS, Embracing tbs new and leading styles in Vel vet, Tapestry, Brussels, Ingrains, Stair Carpets, Oil Cloths, Ac. all of which will b sold at th lowest cash prices, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Phil., Sept. 9, .1854. ly. Wines t?j Liquors. Marteil Brandy, Pinet " French " Common 11 R ye Whiskey, Monongahcla Whiskey, Common 44 Jamaica Spirits, Holland Gin, Champaign Wine, oneiry Claret Pure Port " Port " Maderi Lisbon Wine Bitters Fur Sale by WEISER A BRUNKR. Sunboiv, July 39 1851. LAWRENCE HOUSE, STJUBUBY, PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs th public that she still continues to keep tha above named public house. She has also received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trusts that sh will se sbls to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON. 6unbury March 4. 1854. If. SENAEOTJS L. KREBS, 2vlEB.CS-lTT TAILOR, sBAMOEm, - Opposite the Depot,) Respectfully informs th citizen of BtL Shamokin and vicinity, that he has com menced the above buisiness in the town of Sha mokin, and wiil always keep on hand an assor4 ment of Ready Made Clothing of every descrip tion. He also keeps on hand an assortment of cloths, cassimeres, and all kinds of goods, for Mens wearing apparel, which he will sell or mak up to order, to suit purchasers, at the lowest prices. Shamokin, August 5, 18S4. tf. British Periodicals EARLY COPIES SECURED. &Prcmiums to 'tc Subscribers ! ! EOOARD SCOTT 4 CO.. New York, continue to re publish the following Brilisli 1'ciiudicala, via. : THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDI N BURG MAGAZINE (Tory). The prnaent critical state of European affairs wilt render these publications uiuuvally interesting during the folth comitig year. Tliey will occupy a middle ground betvveeu the hnstily wntcu news-items, crude speculations, and fly ing minora of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tome of the future bisfniaii, written after the living interest and exciteinonl f the greet political events of the time shall have passed away. It is tn theae Periodicals that readera must look for the only really intelligible and relia ble Inatory of current events, and as such, in addition to liieir well-eatabliahed literary eriaotitio. and theological chnmeter, we urge them apon ths consideration of th reading publie. dT Arrangements are now permanently made for the receipt of Early tiheeta from tha Butish Publishers by which we are enabled to place all our Reprints in the bands of subscribers, about aa soon aathey can befuraiahed with the foreign copies. Alth.nigh this involves a very large outlay on our part, we ahail continue to furnish the Periodicals at ths annw low rates aa heretofore, together with the fallowing Premiums to new Sulacribers. TERMS AND PREMIUMS. See list ofPremtum Volumes below Perann. For any one of the four Reviewssnd ons Prom. vol. 83 00 for any two " " " on 6 00 For anv three two ' 7 00 For all four of lha Reviews " two so For Black wood's Magazine ' mm " 3 00 For Rlacltwood and threeHeviewa three " S u For Blackwood t lb four Reviews three 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State uhere issued will be received at par. Thy Premiums consist of th fallowing works, back roluinea of wbioh will be given to new Subscribers accor ding to ttis number of periodicals ordered, as above explained,.- pREM,UM V0LUMEg Follies Qcistisxst Review (one year ; Blm awoon's M. o.iiNS (su mantis). toss QuitaLi Rzvisw (oua jreai). K.diksubs Rsvisw (oua year). SIstbopolItsn MAestixs (sis months). WssTXiMTia Rsvisw (on yew). Consecutive Premium volnmea cai.not in all eases be furnished, except of the Foreign Quarterly Review. To prevent dlatppoiulinent, therelore, where that woik is not sknis wanted, Subsi ribera will please in-der aa many diffei. ant works for premiums as there srs volciues to which ney may La entitled. CLUUUIHQ. A discount of twnrv-lv oer cent, from the above nrl. eea will be allowed to Clula ordering ot core sopiea nf any one or more of the above works. Thus : Fonr eopieani Blackwood, of of one Review, will be sent to one address foe Su j four copies of It s fow I svi ws aud -m.mui to. arm w ou. fUS I AGE. In all tha Hpin .lH.l . m .. k H-i.-..rY . v "wns, ineee worse win WbT -.iU'oufh.AR"lU'FKl:K lOSTAGE W u tlr:1' -' T part of the United be but Twrai.rn. iv.... . - esuZZ? Tw;i" 7 toeik w-t, vA ZT." IWelfS I - - -I HUIIIUWI, uumiakd SCOTT 4 CO.. N. B L S I. cAlJ nET' W VORK. ow f. t,. ihr...uT.',ri.n'':.fl''ifcad, UM have phene, ui ry,iwrgh , p" ut.' H"" rsw Haven, eonu imsi pases. It ami '""vo, sontainine OHO pages, u ateal tuu "nfii uualiu fiiiMiins. M w"u0 "g ravings. Price) in ...w Lwaur s, lest. - SEfOEXlT HOTEL. the above w.l. know. SEK lm to accommodat all who m..lT " PP eibamokin. juls 8. 18 . BOOTS, bho-. H.U.C.i-aodeu.w, just rarrircd tIvj fol t by TKSER4C. AMES McCXJNTOCK, M.D., United States Hotel, Cktstnut Street, above Fourth. ranADSUBIA. CI' MacLELLAN, (late of Jones' Hotel.) has the pleasure to inform his friends and hi traveling community, that ha hss leased this House for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception of Guests). Tha Locsl ad vantages of this favorite establish ntent are too Well known to need comment. The House anJ Furniture have been cut in first rate order t the rooms are large and well ventilated. The Tables will al ways be su pplied with tha best, and the proprietor pledges himself that no effort on hi part shall be wanting to make th United States equal in comfort to any Hotel in ths Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1854 . Sunbury Academy. J. P. CEONMILLER, Principal. TRUSTEES: Hon. Alex. Jordan, John Young, H. B. Mas scr, Esq., Jacob Painter, Hon. Geo. C. Welker, Henry Donnel, Esq , Ira T. Clement, Hugh Bel las, John W. Peal. THE SUMMER TERM of this Academy will commence on Tuesday, th 10th of April. The rourso of Instruction will embrace all the branches of a liberal English and Classical edu cation. It is Ins aim to make the Acnuemf on of th best schools in the country To ac complish this, nothing will be wanting n his part. Thoroughness and accuracy will be required in every recitation, and no pupil will be permitted to pass superficinllp over snv subject. Compo sition and Declamation will receive particular attention. Correct reading, writing and spelling will be carefully tanght to the less advanced. Calender. The Winter session will com mence on Monday, the 16th of October, and con tinue twenty-two weeks. The session is divided in Two Term of eleven week each. TUITION i Primsry b-anches (per term) $3,0 English department, (per Term,) $3,00 Classical " 6,00 For further particulars address th Principal, ounbury, fa. September 16, 1854. lm. HENRY B. FUSSELL, MinoricTCBKa or Umbrellas Parasols, IN EVERT VARIETY) AT THE OLD STAND, JVb. 2 JVbrlh Fourth St., Philadelphia, Cy" Constantly on band a large sasorlmen to which lha sttention of Dealer is requested. Phila.. 8cpt. 16, 1854. WM. M'CAllTY, . BOOKSELLER, Market Street, STJNBUEY, PA. TU8T received and for sale, a fresh supply of . F.7AIVGELIC.4I ML'SIC for Btnging School. He is also openn.. at this time, a large assortment of Hooks, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, ISovela, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Meilicine, School and Children's Book, Bibles; School. Pocket and Fstnily, both with and without btifiravins:s, and every of vari ety of Diluting:. - Praver Books, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, I'unloni Di gest of the law of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only 6,uu. Judge Heads edition ot Blrickstonrs Com men tarics, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 91 0,00, and now ottered (ill Irosli binding) at the low price of $8,00. A 1 realise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Uordon, price only 84,00. travels. Voyage snd Adventure, all ol which will be sold low, cither for cash, or coun try produce. r eliriiary, 81, 1S5S. ti. Cheap Watches Jewelr VlfHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- fhia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North (Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. ld Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat cases. sV23.00 GoUILepiiie Ibk. 41.00'. Pine Silver Spectacles. 1.50 Silver Lep. full jewlled, Sg.lOold lirsceleia, 3.00 Silver Lever, lull jewl'd IS ll .dies' Gold Pencils, l.oo Siipeiior(4uarliera. 7. Silver Tea apoous, set, 6,00 Gold Spectacles. T,0n) uold fens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Kinr-er Itines. 37) cents to $80 ; Watch GIs sses, plain, 12 centsj Patent, 18j Lunet, SA ; other article in proportion. All good war ranted to be what they are sold for. HJ AUFFER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Lever and Lepinea, still lower than the above price. sept, au, 1834. it. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality roa IALB AT THS LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'S. No. 184 South Second street, between Pine and Union, vest side, PHILADELPHIA. THE asanrtment embraces Large and Select Stock of Fine Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Album War, listed with hue Silver, iu Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Ac et Goods. Fans Slid Fancv Articles of a aunerior nualitv. deserving the examination of those who desir to procure tne iicn el me uuwea tuan rlices. Having a practical knowledge of the husineas, and all available facihtiea tor Importing and Munuiacturiug, the subscriber eonfiilentlv invitee purchaaera, believing that he can supply tliem on terms ss favorable ss sny oilier estab lishment in either of the Atlantic Citiea. tie- All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry and Silver Ware manufactured to order, witlnu a reasonable lime. IV Watches, Jewelry and Sliver War faithfully re pal i Mi. WM. B El.TONHK AD, No. 184 South 3d St.. few doora ahova lha ad M.rkat West Side rV In th S.MIth Window of the Rtora. mav he eeen (he famoua BIRD CIXJCK, which commands tha adinirstioii of the seientific snd curious. I'hila , Oct. 7, 181. ly aTtVl & war, in China, 8ton China and Delf, Dinner and Supper Dishes of all kinds. Toilet Set, covered Dishes, China Fruit Baskets and Ornaments, Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, Glassware in variety, and Tumblers from 61 dent upwards. Just received and for (al by Dec 3, 18S4. I. W, TEAER it CO. HENRY rOlfNEI., ATTORNEY AT LAW. UJice opposite the Court House, Sunbuxy, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining Zounliea. TNK Bourrau celebrated ink, and also Con-- gre ink for sale, wholjaal and retail by iMMmlr 1H. RMI. H. B MA8SER. SH0E8 All kind of BooU Shoe and slip per for sal by u. at uu, Market street, opposite th Post Office. Sunburv, Oct. 8, 18S3. OIL GRAIXIN'Ga Drop, Black, Raw Um ber, Burnt Terr de Sienna and Vandyke Brown. Steam prepared from th Xew Jersey Paint and Color Work, for sale by WEISER dr. BRUNER. unbury, July 18. 1854 rEDAR TUBS, Hon Bucket. Painted Buck ta. Meat Tenderer, Corn Broom. Bas keU, Cbildrca' Wagon, and Yauke Clock ust rcovd aud fog sJ by IW. S, 18&4. L W, TElfIR 4 1100T8 anJ tiho. far Mao, Worn and , Children, Ladi' Marecce Shoes, Latli' Mack and colored Oaken, hut received and for ,l?b , W.M, A. K.N ABB. Lower AuCn,u, May 6, 85 the American s tanmo 1 1 HOLLO WAY'S TILLS. T the CMen of the United Stalest I most humbly and alncafaly thank ymt for the Immense patronage which roe have bestowed pon my Pilla. 1 teke this opportunity of etnting that my Anceatnrs were SH American. Citizens, and that I entertain for all that concerns America snd ths Americans, the most lively sympathies, so mnch so that I origi nail veompoa ruled theae Pills expressly to suit your elimite, saints, constitutions, snd manner of living, intending to establish myself emong youwmcni nav now none, by taking premises in new THOMAH HOLI-OWAT. J", Corner of Ann and Nassua Streeu, New York. PDHIF1CAT10F OF THE BLOOD, ss IJVRR AND BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. Th Citisensof the Unine tnlfmr mneh frnm dllMSea a the Liver and Stomach, scarcely sny srs free from the Influence of these destructive mersdies, hence they fai an. i ne mir sex, perhaps the most handsome in tin M'.M uu . . : , . - .. . ... .p wj cniHin pernio wnen, oinresaiiig w any, many loose their teeth ami good looks, while yet In the heyday of life, anch sad evils may be eAVctnslly .remedied hy continually keening the blood pure, snd the Liver snd snd resemble plants in a congenial clime, where an eternal spring sppears to reign. As it regards the preeesvation of the human frame, and th duration of life, mnch may he effected, and I sny fearlessly, thnt health nnd Ufa can be prolonged fot mnny years beyond their ordinary limits. If Holloway's Pills sre taken to purify the Mood according to the rule laid down for health contained in the directions ,. . iiCTiuiiv ai-ii, tii, wnen me win now biiioowmt, Which accompany each box. ACAF. OP WEAKNE99 AND DEBILITY OFTEN YEARS STANDING, CURED BY HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, Copy of a Letter from Captain John Johnson, Astor House, Hew lork. ualca January 5th. 1854 To Profceanr IIoixowiT, 38, Corn, to Annandd Name a Streets, N. Y. Sir" It is with the most heartfelt pleasure I have to Inform yi n Dial I-hnve been restored to health and strength Iw .bin. D. II- . , I . . - t I " - .... a "i mm ten mmvicu from a derangement of the Liver snd Stomach, and was reauceo. to ancn an extremity thnt I gave up my rhip, never expecting to go to Sea any more, as I hnd tried every itemetiy inat wsa recmn mended to me, tint ell to no par pose ; sna had given myself up to despair, when I wna at net recommended to take your Pill. Alter using them for three months , the result ia that I am now in better health than I have been for eleven year paat, and indeed as well ss ever I was in my life. Yon sre quits at liberty w niuv nia anown lor uie neneni of otneis. f remain, Sir, yours respectfully, (Signed,) JoHN JOHNSON. These celebrated Pills are tcondei fully effica cious tn tne jottovnng complaints. Ague . Dmrarv Inflammation Jaundice Liver Com plaints Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Retention of Urin Senrful. or King's Evil Secondary Asthma Dysentery Bilious Complaints Erysipelas Blotches on ths Female Irregq. Skin Inrities Bowel Complsints Fevers of sll Colics kinds Constipation of Fits ths Bowels Gout Consumption Head-ache Debllitv Indiireation Sore Throats Stone and O ravel Tie Douloureux Tumours Symptoms tTleera Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds wea.-ess,rrnm whatever cause Ac. Ac. Sold 91 the F.stabliahment of renfenr n.unT. Strand, ('tear Temple Bur, Ixmdon,) and alan al hia Honas ore urners Tor Medicines in the Statea, addres sed 'T. Holloway, New York,' will receive due attention Sold alan by all respectable Di nrsula aud Dealers in Med fines throughout the United Statea, in Boxes nt 374 cents, 67 cents, snd 81 .SO cents each. To be had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union. Laf There is a considerable saving by taking ths larger N. il - Directions for the guidance of patients in every - ..... .1, nii.rai w eaun uox June it, 1804. m. Liquid Glue. LWAY8 ready for ne. A new article of LM- the greatest utility and convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household Ornament of either Porcelain or Glass. It is preferable to any other cement used, as it leave no mark where the pieces join. It will be found a very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in bottles al SS cents each, or $2 a dozen. All orders promptly executed. WM. G.MASON, S04 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phil., Oct. 14, 1854 if. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &c. rTHE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Sunbury ind the public gen erally, thai they have entered into co-partnership under the firm of Ksajc & MiQiudx, for the purpose of manufacturing Sosh, Doors, Blinds, dec. Also, Door and Washboard Moulding, worked to order. Their manufactory is at Ira T. Clement's Steam Saw Mill, wliern thev mill furnish the above article of the best workman snip and lowest pr.ccs. JACOB KRAM, JAMES P.McQUADE N. B All order lea at I. T. Clement' slot- promptly attended to. Bunbury, Sept. 2, 1854. SAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, Lantern , Chandrlirnand Candclabras, Ao. 152 S. 2d street, clove Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. YTaving enlarged and improved hia store, and - havineT one of the larrrnat Ulnrlmrnli of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of ill pattern, Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advanc over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and A Icohcl, which will be furnished to Merchant at such price that they will find it to their advantage to buv. Also. Household Glasswara of all dearrin. tions at the lowest market price. railadelputa, UcL 14, 1854. L. I. r-TSCOiST. THO. C. EJUOUT. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ASD DEALERS IN Fish and Provisions ecjiaiitv, tfo. 17 JVortA Wharves, Tua.ADEi.rmA. Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1854. NEW. CLOTHING & JEWELRY. 42 SI.MON.lale of the firm of 8. Scbnurman dr. Co., respectfully inform the citizen of Sunbury and vicinity, that be will continue the bove business in the old (land in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, which are on the way from the city. He will also be prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em ployment Tor tbkt purpose. He therefor respect fully solicit th patronage of th public. Sunbury, Sept 16, 1854. tf. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, (opposite th idount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, c e. $28 : 8ilaer Lever do,, do., $12; 8il ver Lepin, do., $9 : Quarlier. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacle. $4 50 to $10 ; Silver do., $1 60 Silver Tabl Spoon per celt, $14 to $18 1 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to Si 1 ; Silver Tea do. 4 do., $4 75 to $7 60 Gold Pen and Gold Ca ses, $3 SS to $5 ; Gold Pan and Silver do.. $ 1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelrv, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain. All good warranted to be represented. Wstche and Jewelrv, repaired in the beat manner. A lao, M a tonic Mark, Pin, &C-, mad to order. N. B. All orber cent by mail or otherwise, will be punctuall attended le. Phila., 8ept- 18, 1854.-. ly. MfltKN'g LETTER PRERSFA If J. books ,1 uk, and all ec mplete, just received, and for aal by H. B . MASSER. ith Sunbury, June , lsaav CLOCK8 Eight dsy nd 80 hour Iron and Wooden framed, Cream NuU, Ground Nut, Raisins, snd Prune, just received and for ssWbv WM.A.KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 0 854. WILEY'S COVGH CINDY, n icl lent remedy for cough, cold. For sal at this oiBo. December 4, 1852. . A BA80L8 of !. sorts. Umbrella, carpel bag, willow basket and cedar ware til bind, just received and fur sal by WM. A. KNABtf. Lower August, May 8, I85U- Hew Goods for the People 1 BENJAMIN HEFFNEIt TE8PECTFTJLLY Inform th public In gen eral that he has just received andouened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods . at his New Store, In Lower Augusta township. xi is store; consists in pan 01 Cloth, Caaiimers, ' Caasinet. ' of all kind, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO t Call coca, Gingham, L-airnn, Monsiiollne De L.alnet and all kinds of Ladle Pre Good. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also n excellent ssortment of GTJEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an asuortment of DOOT8 V SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good election. Salt, Fisb, isc. And a greet variety of other articles such a are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest price. I IT Country produc taken In exchang a tha highest prices. Lower Augusts, Mav 6, 1864. REMOVAL. Light: Mght! Light! Mil. DYOTT & KENT have romoved to their New 8tore and Factory, No 74 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. (Five doors below their old stand ;) Having increased facilities, we ofler to Mer chants and others. Gas Fixtures and Lamps of every description, and at the lowest Manufac turer's prices, and unsurpassed In qunpty or ap pearance by any in the country- Our stock em brace DIOTT'S PATENT PINE OIL LAMPS. (the best tn the world) Burning fluid snd Solar Lard Lamps, Chande lier, for Gns, Pin Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Glasses, tefcs, Tine Oil dr. Fluid, wholesale nd retail. Merchants and other will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri cea. E7 Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. Phil. October 7, 1854. ly. JOHIT V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, STJNBTJJlV, PAS RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers that he has just received from the city a new and complete as rtment or Mens Wearing Jlpparel, which he will make up to order, or sell, a cheap a any other establishment in the place, aa he is determined to permit no one to undersell him. H is goods are choice, and carefully selected from the beat in the Philadelphia market, and they will be mad up in the best snd latest style snd wsrrsntfil. His stock consists in psrt of hand ome Marseiles and Silk Vealings, Duck and other Linens for Coats, oVc Also, variety ef Cloths, Cassimers, Cravats, Neck Tic, and a variety of other article for Mens' wear. Sunbury, June 10, 1854 tf. Pickles, Sauces fyc. Just received Essence of Anehoives, Csuli-flower, Chow chow, Mixed Pickles, Onions, Means, Girkins, Pitcali, John Bull Sane e, Beertek " Worcester The ahova are all from Croaae Hlackwell, London, ti. . .i 'r vmui vinsar. 1 ucu I illHUV, Ham, Rear berry Jan, Currant " Plom " Sardines, Tomato Catsup, 4e , Ice. WEI9KR BRl'NF.R. ki:i;vi: i,. kahsHi, HurcuMor to llartlttj If Knight. BEDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 141 South Second Street, five doors above Spruce street, PHILADELPHIA here he keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of every article in bis line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled hair, Moss Corn Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, Ta pestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Ksg and Hemp Curpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cocoa and Spanish Mailings, Floor and 8tair Druggela, Hearth Rugs, Door Ma's, Tabl ami Piano Cover. To which he respectfully invite a the attention of purchasers. Phil- Oct 7, 1854. ly. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCAUTY, Bookseller. 8 unbury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declaration, writ, return and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United tatei. Br Coi.linson Reed, Esq., Ipsa Ugis tiiva'Oj With notes and additions, together with hor system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres ident Judge of tha Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. ItockefeKer and M. L. Shindel, of th bar of Northumberland county. 8ince the publication of the book, tha following letter ha been received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg ; Hisaisicia, June 30, 1853. GtKTLIMIX: After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleader uaiatant," I Uk pleasure in ax pressing my entire approval of th selection and composition of th precedent thus oflerod to th public Th legal profession in Pennsylvania stand in need of a correct avstem of pletding, adapted to our habit of business, and th practice of the court. Your form of declaration being, to a great extent, founded on th acts of tmbly will be a saving of labor to th pleader, and eon. due to aafet and brevity in our pleading. It should b in the hand of every practising lawyer In our date. Your, with greet respect, JNO.J. PEARSON. Fin. A. Jordn, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, Esquire. W. McCaaTT, Esq., Dear Sin I received more than a yer ago a copy of "Reed, Plsader' Assistant" improved by J udg Jordan and ether. I xmind it with ome car soon afterward, and have had occa. ion to us it several time inec. I think it de cidedly valuable a a manuel for practising attorney in Pnoylvnia, and do not hssitat to recommend it. If it war cenerally used it would iocress th accuracy of th profession in matter which are often cy csrslsaaly don. -1 aw vr truly your, &t, . J. 8. BLACK. I ale received a copy ef the Plaader' Assist ant, and have examined it cuffieicntly to anahl m to concur vary heartily ia th abov commen dations by the Chief Justice. GEO. W, WOODWARD. . July 19, 1854r Sunbury, July t, 1854. rjJ.R0 UN D and whol Pepper, Cloves, Cinna mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alll.pic. Giuger, Liquorice, -., &c, at Ne. 18, '64. YOUNG'S 8T0RE. SMITH'S ES8ENCZ OF JAMAICA GIN. QEK, a fresh upply jut received, and for ssl hy If. B. MA8SKR. Hunl-ury, Jta. 10, 18. .J CHERRY PECTORAL: m an - OOVOBS, OOZsDS, HOARSSXTESS, BBOXT OHXTZ8, GROUP, ABTfit. MA t WatuvrsHUaggvgs VD OONSUSSFTZOV. AND TO CURE A COLD, with tnuDAcn in soaxsraas of Ih body, use the Cnsaar Psctobal on going to hed, nd wrap up warm, to awest (luring the night. .Ko a Gold and Couoh, take it morning, noon and eve niiur, sccordnif to diiertions on the bottle, snd the difficul ty will soon be removed. None will long suffer from this troubls when they Ind it osn been readily cured. Persons alllicted with s seated cough, Which break them nf their rest at nisht, will find, hy taking the Cherry Pectoral on goii g ts bed, rliey may be sure of sound, ntibmken sleep, snd consequently refreshing rest. Great rebel from suffer nig, snd an ultimnte cure, is srTorded to IboussiHls woo sr thus nfflicted, by this invaluable remedy. From its agreeable effects In these eases, many find themselvea unwilling to forego its us when the necessity for it has ceased From two eminent Physicians in Fatsttsvill, Term., April It, 1831 . Sir : Ws have given your Cherry Perioral an extensive trial in our practice, and find it to surpass every nthet re medy we have for curintt affectiona of the respiratory or gans. DU. D1KMK.R a, HAMI'TON. TO SINGFinS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS this remedy is invslusble, aa by us action on the lhnt and lungs, when taken in small quautities, itremoveaall hHWraeneaa iu s few hours, snd wonderfully increases ths power snd flexibility of the voice. ASTHMA is generally much relieved, snd often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there sre some oases so ob stuisle aa to yield entirely to no medicino. Cherry Pecto ral will rnre them, if they can be cured. BRONCHITIS, or irritation of the throat and opper portion nf the lungr, may be cured by taking Cherry Pet to rsi in snrnll snd Irequent doses. The uncomfortable op pression is soon relieved. Rev. Docu LANSING, of Brooklyn. New York, states: "1 have seen the Cherry Pectoral erne such cases Astnms ana uroncrntis as leans ms to Deiievs It can rsr-.-iy fall to cure those diseases." FOR CROUP. Give sn emetic of antimony, to be followed by large snd frequent dnse.1 of the Cherry Pecto isl, nnlil I' subdues the disease. If taken in season, it will not fail to curs. WHOOPING COUGH maybe broken up and sooa ea red by the use of Cherry Pectoral. THE INFLUENZA ia speedily removed by this reme dy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole familiea weie protected from any serious consequences, while their neighbors, without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the disesas. Dr. J. C. Aver: 8alk, Ohio, 11th Jane, 1851. 1 write to inform yon of the truly remarkable effects of your CHKRRY PECTORAL in thia place, and in my own family. One of my daughters was completely cured In three days of s dreadful WnooriMO Cocon, hy taking it. Dr. Meena, one of our very beat phyaiciniis freely states that hs considers it ths best remedy we neve pnlmonary diseases, and that he haa enred more eaaca of Caovr with it than any niher medieine he ever administered. Out clergymen ol the Baptist Church Suva that during the run of ItcrLUK?fSA here ilua eeaenn. he haa seen cure, from your medicine be could scarcely have believed Sith ont seeing. Yours respectfully, i. D. SINCLAIR, Deputy Postmaster. Front the distinguished Protestor of Chemis try and Meteria Medicc, Boicdoin College. I have found the Chcsrv Psctoral, ss its ingredients show, powerful remedy for colds, snd caughs, snd pul monsry diseases. Passu Cuvxi-axd, M. D. Bavmwicx, Me., Feb. 5, 1S17. DR. VALENTIN F.MOTT. lite widely celebrated Professor of Surgery in the Medical College, New York City, says : "It gives me pleesore to certify the value and efficacy of 'Avsa's Cnsasy Psctosal,' which I consider peculi arly adupted to cure diseases of the Throat snd Lu'Utl." Cures of seveie diseases upon the Lungs hsve been ef fected by Ciiirsv PscrnsAL in such extreme en-er ss warrant the belief that a remedy lias at length been found that can be depended on to cure the Cougha, Colda and Consumption which earrv from our midst thousands every year. It ia indeed a medicine to which Die affiicied can look with confidence for relief, snd they should not fail to vail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYEU, Practical Chemist, Lotrell, Mass, Sold in 8unbury by II MASSER, and by Druggist generally throughout the State. July 30, 1853 ceow 1. Nov. 13. 52. Great Arrival of SPRING GOODS!' IRA T. CLEMENT NFORMS his friends and customors thst he just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SU.MMER GOODS At his Store in Marsct Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consist of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassmets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lams, Lawns, Ginglmins, Verages. Also a large assortment of CLOTH INC. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. Master. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, ColTee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, cVc. HARDWARE, Vii : Iron and Steel, Nail, Files, Sw, &.C. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ifc LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Enra, Whiskty, it- tkT Country produc of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. April 8, 1854 ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, From the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, fluin the American 1 intitule, New York, snd FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Dagtwrreotypo Establishment D.C. COLLIXS &C0. No. 100 'fr 166 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mass. and Westfietd, Mass. Portrait Painting and Talbotyping, in th highest state of perfection, don in all th abov Establishment. ky-Light used in all the establishment. Miniature taken equally a well by them In cloudy as in clear weathar. Phila., May 87, 1854 tf. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. TyOTICE is hereby given, that all person found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to th act of Assembly in such case mad and provided. H. B. MASSER, Pres't Phila. and 8unbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1854. tf. SAMUEL W. FEFFER SOCCSSSOB TO HENRY J. PEPPER k SON, Watebea, Jewelry V Silver Ware, No. 173 Chestnut it., opposite th State House, Phils., May J7, 1854-ly. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISER k BRUNER. Tbi prepaiation i rcommndd a an ex cellent Isistiv and purgative, it operate mildly, ia entirely fre from any unpleasant last, re sembling lamonad in flavor. Thi medicine I highly beneficial for die( peculiar to summer and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, US4. WJATENT BRITTANU STOPPERS fcr JL bar kotuee lor sals by Sunbury, April, It, 1851 H. B MA88ER. " AWES' Dress Good. Spring end 8uiuuw i Shawl, black silk, silk poplins, De Law, uinghami, De bage, Lawn snd calico, just re ceived and for sale by WM.A.KNABB. Lewci Auguat, May 6, lei. "AID AST) COMFOM To Your Own Mechanic. GEORGE HENN. MANtrPlCTVRGR OP FURNITURE AND CffAIM Of the most Fashionable Style. T ? ub,crib vPctfully ttU th atlnu. th. public to hi larg. and ,p ment of ev.ry quality ftj5prlo, ofp,mu, rtd in th. rn.nuf.ctur. of PJ ulcriber i. determined to keep np' ? many improvement, which sre consinu. w madeHi .tockconsUt. of M.l?.ty U'n, Sofaa, Dlraua and Innae Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DlSIXfl TABLB nd also VENETIAN BLIND? ., p.., delphi. m.nufscture l" BEDSTEADS, of every pattern snd CUPBOARDS WORK AND CA"JDf p"' stands. Toilet tables avK f EXTENSION TABLES, In short every irticle in this li. of bis He .Is. manufitcture. all kind, sd tiZf CHAIRS. HAIRS, aid rairct Pisf, Stoom, which tu p. Ih. latest .tylc., d w.n.tej to U by non. rn.nufccted in th. Citie.or elJwh re h..,, r' " determin"J th.tther. ,UH b. no excuse for p.reoi,. to purch.s. turnittir. in the ciuej .. .very con6dence can be entertsined Ch.Tr. 'nd fi"i,h f hi' Hi. article, will be disposed of oo s g.0d torra. .. ,ey c.n b purchad elsewhere. Cun. tty.0d?ZJ,tln in W" for work. Ci- UNDERTAKING. - Having pi9riM htmself with a h.nd,me H..., prepared for Lndertaking, d .Handing funsr al, In this vicinity, or at any convenient di.. to nee from this place. , The Ware Room is in Mut.t Street, below Thompon' Store snd Weaver' Ttvrn q , , CEOROE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1652. tf. PQCT Jit Yorngii.rt THB POC'ffET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERT ONE HIS OWM rilTSIOIAN. rpHZ EIFTIKTH Fdi - tion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and fotm. To which i. added a Treatise on lb Diseases of Fi'inal., bung of the higt.sst impnrtanreto married ptoplc, or thn conteinpbtiig nmrrisfe. lis- II r Wna A..n.r. J - - . a. vuu Let no father ha aabnmA.1 tn nMunl . the iESCULAPIU8 to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar. ried life without reading Ih POCKET ACSCV LA PI US. Let no on suffering from haknif Cough, Pain in th Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tion, and given tip by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .ESCCL A PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, a il has been th means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jnw of death. ft Any person sending TWENTV-PIVK CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this bonk, by mail, or five copies will U sent for on dollar. Address, In. W. YOU.Nd No. 153 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA."' Post paid. July S2, 1854 ly. W. S. STCCIM.. TMOaU 'SS:I. STOCKMAU & O'lSTILL, uKIVr.KAL Commission iUcrcliants 35i NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. REFERENCES. Thos. Richardson At Co. Philadelphia. A . O. Cattcll St Co. Ruttar A Patteaon, Charles Ellis & Co. Burgin & 8ona, Phila., April 8, 1864. ly. LOCTOIt JOSEPH w! CAMEHOJr, TJESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of vl' the Borough of Sunbury and vicinitv, thst h haa permanently (orated himself in id Borough ; and offer his professional services to thos who may wih to empley biin. For th present h csn be found at Weaver Hotel. Sunbury, March 11, 1854. if. RV GOODS, Cloth, Cassimers, 8sttinetls, VesliueS. Tweeds. 8ummr elnlh Vl..i cord. Tickings, Checks, Muslins, Ac. just ree'd nd for sal b WM. A. KNABB. Lower August, May 8, 1851 VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDErt SO v dozen Breinig and Fronefield'a Cattia Pow der, just received at the New Drug Slor of WEISER it BRUNER. 8unbury, My 87, 1854 Till. H. H. HIG BEE'S remedy for cough colds, and pulmonary diaeaaea. A upply of this vaiuaU medicine just received and for sal by H. B. MASSER. Sunburv. June4 , 1S53. ArT?. AS.P t-'AP8 A .pLedid lot of fashionable r-ilk. V,l ..j v... .... uiiciotn, wavy and Miliury Caps for sal low by 7 G. ELSBERG CO. Market treet, opposite th Post Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. GOLD PENS with and without ease, ef a very superior quality, just received. Also a freh supply of Writing Fluid, for l 7 v H. B. MASSER. Sunburv. Dec. ST. 18 rjHAIN PUMPS.- A small umbr of theae excellent pump have beea received and are offered for sal by s k t a H. B. MASSER. nunbt' v. June 4, 186& CILVER WATCH E8-A f.w double r.s 0 English Silver Watches, for aal at very km P r . , H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Apri It, 1R51 c OOPER'8 GELATINE. Tor Jellies, dr. For aal bv WEIftFR A. rtpr-vru Sunburv. Jun 14. 1664. T1LANK Parchment Paper Dead and blank Mortgagee, Bond. Executions, Summon Vc, for aal b H. B. MAS8ER. 8unbury,Apri , 18SI TTAT8 and Caps, Silk, Beaver. Fur and Slouch, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Chip for men and boy. Ladie Bonnet of all styles, just received and for sale by Mav 8.1854. WM. A. KNABB.. 1 EWELRY A nice aasortmenUof Gld snd' 8ilver Pencil and Pen, for sale ebssp by O, ELSBERG it 80, Market street, opposite th Post Office Sunbury, Oct 8, 185X RTsANKS. B LANK3 ef every dWrindon a U W Yt aff)rUm: th m of U. Asn rVIR smhs at thia aflice Superior Ble Ink. et. Pur. " Cata Mcdicia at S' et. Csuaew. 16 ce4