RCrORTET DEATH OF OMAll FASIIA. LitkbvooIh April 73 P.M. In cose your telegraphic reporter In Liverpool should not have sent yon any intelligence to the ."latest moment," I writ you these few hasty lines to inform you that on the receipt of Canro bert's despatch, annonnoinpt ft sortie of the Russians, by which they lost 2,000 men and the French some 600, Paris was full of ru mors to the cfl'ect that the French govern meat had roceived some very important de. spatchi's; which were kept back until the opportune moment for publiHhing them should arrive. ' - G rent diversity of opinion prevailed to thoir tenor, some thinking them favora ble to the allies, and others contrary. At 2 O'clock this afternoon agitation prevailed here, In consequence of a London private despatch, the defeat tf the Russians with a lost of R AAA .. t . m A . men, ana xne aeatn or. umar rosiia. Whether true or not, I cannot toll, but I doubt Omar Fus'aa being killed. i ; .. i . , .. . - The altentiort 'of our fenders Is called to Professor 1 lollowny'a Advertisement in anoth er part of onr columns. The world wido re nown of his Pills and Ointment "are toowoll k'l'iwn to ri(iuire much comment from us; but l i y are, without doubt, the most efficacious roinedies for many complaints. Many of our readers have derived immense benefit from Msing the Tills in cases of bile, and general derangements of the stomach and bowels, and no cutaneous disease can resist the curative powers of the Ointment, tho effect it has on the human framo is certainly astonishing. . , The ftishionablo world of Loudon anil Par ts will soon be all in commotion in regard to tho visit of Napoleon and Eugenia to Quocn Victoria. Already the spring fashions in honor of this event have been made public, and thoso gentlemen who want to procure spring coats, pantaloons nnd waistcoats, of t no genuine nmnenuc style, must call at Iiockhill & Wilson's cheap store, 111 Chest nut street, corner of Fraukliu Place. 1L ii i Philadelphia Market. April 25, 1855. U ft A1N'. "Wheat is still scarce. Hales of ordinary Southern and l'enna. red at 2tiu(W! -JiiK c. ; inferior at 262 c, and prime while at 2H0(r,;aic, afloat. "Rye is in dntnaml last salu at SSI oO per bushel. Corn is in demand; sales of Southern and Pennsylvania yellow nl 107o delivered. Last sales of Outs at 7 ii cculs. Whjkky is .firm ; sales at 37 cents for Mis ; mid itO cents for hlids. Baltimore Market. - April 24, 1855. (JKA1N. Tin; receipts of Wheat com-ji-iso ttlmul. 2,000 bushels, most of which was s.ild ul 2,"r2(i3 cts. for good to prime reds, nml -i(;i(. 272 cts. for good to prime whites. Tiide vcro some parcels of Ke offered and we note, sales of about 300 buhhols Pennsyl vania at 145 cts. . Corn. Tho demand was brisk 'and njost of the parcels offered were dis posed of ut 97( !I8 cts. Tor mixed. 10(ci 101 cis. for white, and 103( 101 cts. for yi-llow. SUNBURY TRICE CURRENT. WntAT. - , 83fl Rvk. - 1 15 Coiin. . , . !I0 Oath. . " . iU Potatoes, - !)() HKtswn V5 Hh klui 10 JiuTTun. . f S Kmts. '-. . I? I'UIIK. V Fnisti.ii. S!i TaLLOW. -12 TTEW ADVERTISEM1HTS. 'J'h Cummomccnlth of Pennsylvania. To James F. Silvcrwood, William V. t'ilver woud, Snrah Ann intermarried with John (Jliiner, Eliubeth intermarried with John M'l'hcrsou. Ilsriictt iutcruinrried with Samuel Coldron, Hi ram P. Silverwooil and Susannah C. Silverwood, heirs and legal representatives of Catharine f il crwood, dii eaiieil, and to all other persons inter ested. . OKEE'llNO. Xnrtluniihcrland County, ss. You arc hereby cited to he and appear before t'ie Jmlgcs of the Orphans' Court, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury, on the first of Mon day of August, next, then and there to accept or refuse to take the Keal cslnta of the said Catha rine Silverwood, doe'd., viz: A certain Island Minute in the SusqtisUauua river, with the appur tenances, which, by virtue of a writ of i'urUtion, was valued at the sum of Four thousand two hundred and thirly-ono dollars, or show cau.c why the sauie should nut be sold and hereof fail not. - .-i: .' Witness tho Honorable Alexander Jordan, Kmpiiro, President of our said orphans' court at iSunbury, this 2d day of April, 18ftS. JNO. P. FUlbsEL, flk.O. C. April SI, 1S55. 4t. AN ASTOUNDING FACT. Elsoberg's Clothing Store Again! VEl.RKBIiRO (late O. Elsberg & Co.) wish's to announce to the inhabitants of North umbei I and county, and the public in gen eral, that ho has removed his elegant and cheap ('lulhing Store a few doors east from the former t lore, to a new capacious building. The remo val wss necessitated bv the former store being too small to facilitate the still increasing trade at this widely known store. Being tlmnLful for past patronage, I hope to deserve it for the future mill inure by serving you with accustomed fideli ty nnd increased alacrity. In order to suit every one that calls, I have laid in axtock of clothing, gents furnishing goods, and all other goods in my line ou a most exten sive scale, also made arrangements with my bro ther in Philadelphia, to send every thing new nd fashionable as soon as produced, so that my stock will be replenished every few weeks. In extent, variety, elegance, qunlity and cheapness, my stock surpasses every thing "the oldest inhab itant" ever heard tell of in this part of the coun try. "To see is to believe," and as I invito eve ry bedy to call and see and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. It is a treat to see and examine such an elegant, good, cheap stock of goods. M flock consists in part of Press, Frock, Sack, Business and ail other kinds of Coats, made of cloth, cashmarette, cassimeret liuen, flax and all other stuffs of all imaginable colors, plain, fancy, ctriped and checked.. Pants and Vesta of every style and pattern, low and high priced, as suited to tho want of the buyer ; the largest and best assortment ever exhibited west of the mountains. . A nice assortment of Boots and 8hoes, guile's end slippers, also ladies shoes, gaiUrs & slippers. .A splendid lot of Hats and Caps, such as Pa nama, Curracoa, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, 8en. ate. Straw and Palm Leaf, difltireut colors, tin eilk hats, all color of wool hats, etc. etc. A good assortment of fcliirts, collars, revolvers, single and double barrelod pistols, fiench and ger man Accordeons, all kinds of cravats, stocks and pockethsndkerchiel's,- I'mbrellss, Carpet Bags, 3'runki, and all kind of notions for ladies and gentlemen. , Also assortment of watches and Jewelry, all of which are warranted; the money paid for them, cheerfully relumed if not ss represented. All this stock will be sold at a small advance on rxsh. to as still further to merit the name usually bestowed on my store, being the cheap at in' Sunbury or vicinity, feo, remember the place, Market Square, nearly opposite the former ... . - - A. ELKKBEnC, , . fcii. . tn. . Late G. Ehtebtrg & Ce. Hinbury, Apiil'-'l. I8S5. ,. 7 NEW STORE. , (A(fht old Stand of S. N. Thompson,) THE Subscriber respectfully' Informs the peo ple of 8unhury and vicinity, that he has ta ken the Store Room lately occupied by 8. N. Thompson, tn Market Street, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, and that he ha just received aad'opened a handsomo assortment of 1 SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, ' Consisting In port of Dry Goods,' Groceries, Hardware, Qucenswaro, Hatl 4- Caps, Boots & Shoes, Fish, V ' ' ' Meav Jte.' - - i ' Alf of which will be told at the lowest prices.' All kinds of produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. . . , . H. H. VASTINE. Surbury, April 81, 1955 'ly DAGUERREOTYPES. T. P. LEISENRINQ & J. K. ECKMAN of Danville, respectfully announce to the ladies and gentlemen of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened Daguerrean rooms above Fri ling & Grant's Store, in Sunbury, where they are ready to accommodate those who mnv favor them with a call, with beautiful and lite-like miniatures. All who desire miniatures will do well to call early and secure the it pictures, as we know not what a day may bring forth. Then hasten to owr rooms, nil ys people, Beforo you have rensnn to crieve ; The cost you will find it but little, And to all satisfaction we'll give. Sunbury, April 31, 185S. 3t CHURCH DEDICATION. The Herman Reformed Church in Sun bury will be dedicated to Almighty God. on Sunday, the 29th day of April, inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. A number of Ministers from a distance are expected to be - present. The public ftencrully aro most respectfully luvitod to attend. Fred'k. Haas, Jacob Seashoi.tz, Geo. O. Wklkkr, Lkvt Seaphoi.tt', Martin (Jahs, , Francis Bucfirr, Vai.exti.vh Oietz, . Committee. Sunbury, April 14, 1355. XKW B P1UN G M 1 LL1S I'.Il Y AND FANCY GOODS. J118S JANK FINN KY respectfully in A'Js. forms her friends and customers gener ally, that she has just roceived a lot of New Millinery end Fancy Goods, such as llounets, Colhirs, Ribnns, &c, of tho latest stylo ami patterns, which sho will sell at tho lowest prices. . Sunbury, April 14, 1855. tf. ' Boarding! Boarding! M, ly- WHARTON enn accommodate 8 or I V ia 1 respectable boarders. Locution : North-west corner of Market Square, Sunbury. Persons wishing a co'mfurtablo home will find this a desirable place. SSuubtiry, April 14, 1855. tf For Ucnt. A IiARGE Dwelling and Store House, togcth er with on enccllent garden and stubling in the moi-t beautiful and business part of Sliamokin. For terms npnly to S. JOHN. April H, 1955.- 3t . , NOTICE, rthumberland Bridge Company. A N ELECTION for olllccrs of tho Noi lhum berhind Bridgo Company, to servo for one vrar, will be held ut tho house of G. ;S. Burr, in Northumberland, on M ONDAY, the seventh day of MAY not. The election will be open at 1 o'clock, P. M., and close at 4 o'clock, P. M.--Thc books and accounts of the company will be submitted to the stockholders fur their inspection, at the same time-and place. l. BRA UTIU A M ,' Prcs't. Nwrih'd, April 14, 1955 4t NOTICE " rpil E Stockholders of "Shamokin Colllcgiate Institute" aro hereby notified that the an nual meeting for the Election of a Board of Trustees will bo held on the first Monday of May. 1855, ut 1 o'clock, P. M., at W. Weaver's Hotel, in Shumokin. . By order of the board, WM. ATWATER, fSec'y. Khamokiii, April 14, 1855. 3U . 10 C0TDNTRY BT0iiBKmBBr Kill E Subscriber has on hand of his own mnn- JL ufacture, a large assortment of Ladies', M in.se j', and Childrcns', Leather, Kid, and Mnroe o BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITEIIS, of the best workmaiitliip and materials, which he will sell ut as low wholealo prices as any person in the city. Buyers can get any sizes to make tip assortments, without having to purchase the smaller or more unsaleable sizes. WM. C. PARKER, No. 91 North SIXTH Street, below Race, Philadelphia. N. B. Gaiter Uppers ready for the last, sold to Country Shoemakers at low prices. Sunbury, April 14, 1856. Sin. BOYD, ROSSER & CO., MINCES A.ND tlliri'EUi OS Ucb 3d!) Slntljracitc' oal From the Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, Norlh'd County, Penna. Address Boyd, liosser & Co., Sunbury, Pa. D. M. UOtU J. RUSSER. JAS. BOta. T. ROSSER. Sunbuty, April 7, 1855 tf. To Officers, Soldiers SEAMEN, &o., OF ALL WARS : their Widows and Minor Children. . B. MASSER, Attorney for Government Claiments, Sunbury, Pa. CONTINUES to give prompt and persouul uiientum lo tho prugtxuliuu of Cluinis ol every description Hymnal ths iff'.ticra G'vu(inntntf asl partiuuUirly lu tliuse Ik-1is tlie 'i'rcusiiry ri'artineia, I'rusioii and Runty Land liunxiu, Patent ant tieneral LuuJ Oliiee, unci iicard ul Clulini -, Au eaitei ienceur years, and a familiar ily with tlie means of obtaining the surliest and moit fuvnruble aetion on elsims, with ths fueilities for the diflputcli of tmmieus, justify him in aMunng Ins Ciiriespondunts, ClamifiiU, and the PuhLie geuei'aliy, ilmt iulerbsis iiurustod to Ins seti) ing will ma lie neglected. . . Pension, Bocnti Lnd, Paiknt isl riSLU l.iD law. He hn nearly ready for gratuitous diatribuliuii aihsng his busineis Correspondents, (and those who may become such,) a nest pamphlet eontaining a aynoutia of ths ex isting Pension, Uouuty Land, Patent, aist Public Laud Laws, duwu to the eud of ths tuts Congress including the Bounty-Land Act of 3d Maroh, 1865. under which all who huve heretofore received leas than ltto acres are now entitled to additional land ; said Act giants sil l 1(30 ucres to sll Olfieera, non-ooiniaiakioued OrTu-crs, Clispuiins, Soldiers, Vagtll Maeters. I'eamaters. sod fneudly ludians, of Uis Army, including Histe Troips, Volunteers, and Militis and all OlTicers, tifaaroeu, Oidina rv Seaiuen, Alamies. Clerks, and LaitdsiiHn., of the New. not heretofore provided for, who have ssrved not leas than fourleeu diiys (unles in battle) at any period suics 177A;aud lo the widows and ouuur childreuofal! such persons sntitled, and deesaaed Ths pamphlet contains Fenns of Ippllelion" mors full sud eomplete than aur elsewhere to bs found ; adapted to the wants of every class of Claimants under the act, with copious decisions and instructions of the Depart ment. and practical suggestions as to thd couist to be our sued in Buapsndcd or r ojoeled oases. . Parties not wishing to svail themselves of the facilities af uriM bv this Oiacs in saeuimg prompt and parsunai superintendence of tliair claims at ths Uepartiiieius. can obtain eopiesof the above pamphlet by remitting tluity eaats In tvwage stamps. lNflUOthlENTil TO CORRESPONDENTS. Coriespondsnts who prepare and lorwaid eases foe snsnageineiU by this Agency will be dealt with lilwrallyi supplied wita sll necessary blanks osstm, and kept con stantly adviced of the changes Uiat frum time to tints oc cur la the execution ut'tlio law. It ts within ths suluciibers power to direct his Coimh Spondents p ths locality if very many peiaons eulitleal un dertha late Aet ; and having obtaiuetl a targs aumbar of LaiMl Warrants under former laws, he is in pawesioa of data that will nuuciully assist la securing addnioua! bounty. Km, below ths usual ratss and touting tut upon Uu admission of Claims. 'J'hs highest rasb pries given for Land Warrant, Rg votutioaary Serin, and llliiwis Land Patents. , Audress , II. 0-MAftSKR , Sunbury, Ps Msrcfc 31, l6S.-t ;,;TWO PREMIUMS vr. Awarded at theiale Crystal Palace ExWiition in New 1 ork to the - Oldest Type Foundry in the V. States. Established by Binny Ronaldeon in on the base of Sowers' Gcrmantown Foundry ' to iii 7 i:' of 1739. i ,'! "ft: i' '. The long experience of tlie several proprietors .0f the . . . , .', i I'liiladelphia Type Foundry Enables h. JOHNSON &. CO. to ofter tho lar gest variety of Printing Types, and all the ap purtenances of a Printing Office, to be found in anv establishment in the United States, and of a quality, too, which la deemed to be unrivalled. The composition of the metal used is calculated to afford the greatest durability while the scru pulous care exercised tn the fitting up of the type is such as to Insure accuracy aud squareness of body, cVc. Our facilities are so extensive aa to enable us to fill orders of any arumint. " Estimates given in detail (with the cost) of all the. materials required for a newspaper office. ' PLAIN OR FANCY TYPE3, Music of unparalloled beauty, cast in this Foun dry only. Scripts, Flowers, Borders, Cuts, brass or metal rules, labor-saving rules, brass braces, brass circles and ovals, &c. P1ESSES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, And all sorts of Printing Materials, (most of which are made by us) will be furnished at Man ufacturers' prices. PRINTING INK, of all va rietiea and colors,' Varnishes, bronzes, dc. We are agents for the Inks, 4C. of the most celebra ted American and English Manufacturers, which we sell nt the lowest terms. Stereotyping or Electroty ping of books, music, wood cuts, jobs, &c. Type used in stereotyping for sale at reduced prices. Wood outs designed and engraved in the finest stylo of art. Our '-minor specimen book" (ihe first of its class in the country, and original in its conception and getting up) will be sent to' all printers that have not received it, who will direct how it may be transmitted to them. , 13F Newspaper Printers who publish this ad vertisement entire, (including this notice,) three, times 'before) September 1st 18515. and send to us a copy of the paper containing it, will be allowed their bill ou purrhusii.fr articles of our manufac ture to four times its amount. L. JOHNSON ty CO. No.C Bansom Street, near, the Hall of Independence, Philadelphia. April II, IH55. 01 . SHAMOKIN Collegiate Institute, SMAIiIOICItl, FA. D. STROH, A. M., Principal. nHIIE third session of this Institute will cum rnence on Tuesday, the 1st day of May, 1855. The pession will continue fifteen weeks. Tuition (payable at tho middle of the session) as fallows : Primary department, per session, $-l,25 Academic " " 6.U71 Collegiate ' " 8,50 Pupils not received for a less term than half a 60ion. For further particulars address the Rov. C. J. Elirrbart, Slinmokin, Pa. Hhamokin, April 7, 1855 6t. CHOICE GROCERIES. BURTON & TEUTON, . S. II. corner Sirth and Arch streets, ririLADKi.i'iin, jf.H'AVINO refitted their Store anew, nnd re plrnirihed their stock bv the addition of every thing wanted in a Select Family Grocery Store, so as lo make up a full nd most complete assortment, now oilers for aslo to their friends ami the public oil the bcM'c terms the following excellent Goods, via: J. dies of all kinds; Pre serves; Fresh Fruits in bottles and tin cans; Whilo Clover Honey ; I.ntour and other brands of Olive Oils j Sperm and Stcarine Candles ; all the best brands of Groceries ; Crackers, with a choice assortment of nil the Maple articles, which will be sold at the lowest prices. Please give us a cull. BCRTON & FENTON, Family Grocers and Tea Dcalern, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. Phila., April 7, 1855. 9 ly. Watson Dm-ci. Tiiomis Dtevr. J. S. UEPUY & SONS, Kn. 223 Xorth Second Street, below Callnirhill, and H. W. Corner Eighth and Sjii iity Garden Streets, rHILADKLHUA, WOULD lespectfully inform their former customers and others, thut they have just laid in a splendid assortment of C'ai peiH, Oil Cloths, .flattings, Window Shades, Door Mats, dec, &c, at very reduced prices Wholf Sile & Retail. TAKE NOTICE Wo will sell our goods as cheap as any other hruse of the kind in the city, Pu'la., April 7, 1855 w3ms 3mf. HAYCOCK & FIDLER, ffcEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of James B. Fidler, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large and vaued stock, Iceling assured that the ex tic rience both of them have bad in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. I hey have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and . Urittania Wars, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c, &c. i. B. Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with piomptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. tf. TO THE LADIES Of Sunbury find Vicinity. AGNEW & CO., ., 190 Clxstnut Street, Vhtladiiphiu. RE now offering to purchasers a tplomlid Stock of New Spring Shawls, Mantillas and Dress Goods: their, assortment of Paris made Mantillas, is very extensive, comprising one of the best selected Stocks in the City, and at ex tremely low prices. SHAWLS-r-Brocha, Cashmere and Gold bor dered Shawls, long and square. Also, large assortment of Rich Eu.bioidered and Plain Can ton Crape Shawls.. 8II.K3 Particular attention is requested to our stock of Broeads, Plain, Plaid Strie, Moran Antiuue and blk. Silks, of all qualities and prices. Wash Silks ill great variety. ' DRESS GOODS Flouuoed barege Robes, Grenadines, Tissues, Bareges, Organdines, Mousilens Cliallie Delaines, brilliants, French and English Chintzes, eVo., Embroideries of all descriptions. Collars. Sleeves, Ruffles, Insert ings, with a full ritock of Ribbans, Ladies' and Gentlemena' Gloves, Hoisery, &c, Constantly receiving frash supplies of Season able Goods, per Steamers from Havre, Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Auction 8ales' Purchasers are requested to call and examine our stock of splendid Spring Goods before puichasing. . ..-..'..'. ' . AGNEW & CO., : ... 196 Chestnut St., Philada. April T, 1855, 3in. nARDWARK.-Table Cutlery, Razors, Pock et Knives, Hand saws4 Wood saws in frames, Axes, Chisela, Door Locks, and Hinges, Hand Bells, Waiters, &e., just received and for tain by I. W. TENCH A CO : Sunbury, Dec t, 1854. ' DRY GOODS. Cloths, Cassimers, Satli. nett, Vestings, Tweed, Velvet cord, Tick. wv Check, Mutdiue, 3usl wcived nd roraala by , i L W.TENER oV CO. ,'Dec. ', ISftt. - , : SALAMATiER SAFES. Hi.' EVANS WATSON. S Ml No. 26 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Chestnnt k Fifth Streets, Friday morning, December 35th, 1854. Evans Watson's Salamander Safes Trium phant, . they always are when nut o the test. li!:(i ,.H I,- ..i lg Pun invi pini. Dec. 15. 1854. Me Evi A Watsos. N. 89 8outh Fourth St., Philsdelphts. Gentlemen : We taka mnrh pleasure in re commending your Salamander Safes to Merchants and others in want of a secure means of preser ving their hooks, papers, etc., from Are, aa the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great lire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner or Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out. The Safe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in use again, having perfect confidence In its fire-proof qualities. . , - Yours, Respectfully. LACY 4- PHILIPS. Evans if Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Bsfes in use : TJ. 8. Mint, Philada ; Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Phila ( Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sneriff, Phila t John H. Hen derson, City Controller; Caleb Cope o Co., No. 183 Market St. ; Richard Norris If Son, Loco motive builders, Philada; Bancroft 6c Sellers, Machinists, corner ICth and James Sis.; Fran- kiln Fire Insuranco Co., Phila.; Pennsylvauia Railroad Co, Phila.; Lacey ir Philips, corner fith aud Minor Sts; Sharplcss Bro., No. 3 South Second St .; James Kent fi Ssutee, No. 147 North Third St; W H. Horstman &. Sons, No. 51 North Thiid St.; Smith, Williams &, Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. &. B. Ornc, No. 184 Chestnut St. - A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 per cent more fire than any Herring's Safe now in uso.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture anil keep for ta!q, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron Dash, for making fire-proof Vaults for Banks stores, public, nnd private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc. Please give us a cull, at No. 26 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. ely. 10. BOUNTY LANS WARRANTS. THE subscriber having received the necensnry forms and insruettions from the Department, at Washington, is prepared to procure Bounty Land Warrants at the shortest notice. II. B. MASSER. . Sunbury, April 7, 18."fl.' i Estate of ADAM NEIEIG, Lec'd. lTOTICE is hereby given, thai letters of ad. ministration have been granted to the subscri ber on the estate of Adam Neidig, late of tipper Augusta township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons having claims nguinst the estate, and such that are indebted lliercle, are requested to make an early srttcluicut. The undersigned ailminintralor will be present at the house of tha late deceased, on Saturday, tho 31st inst., to make filial scttclment. ,. DAVID REESER, Ad'tor. Upper Augusta, March24, 1855 Ot ; , F. IT. SMITH, PORT M0NHAIE, POCKET BOOK, Dressing; C ase Manufacturer, N. U. cor. of Fourth $ Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. Always on hand a large and varied assortment of Pert Mounaies, Work Boxes, Pocket Rooks, Cabas, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, Burkgnmmon Rotrds, Port Folios, - Chess Men, Portable Desks, Cisar Cases, Dressing Cases, Pocket Memorandum Books, Also, a general assortment of English, French and Herman Fancy Goods, Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. F. II. SMITH, N. W. cor. Fourth & Chestnut Sis., Philada. N. B. iOn tho receipt of $1, a Superior Gold Pen will be sent tn any part of the tinted States, by mail ; describing pen, thus, medium, hard, or soft. Phila., March 31. 1854 ply. MILLINERY GOODS 1 1855. TOR SPRING SALES. JOHN STONE & SONS. No.. 45 South Secoud St, PltlLADF.I.PHI A, Have just opened their Spring importations of Silks, Bonnet RibbonB, Flowers, . Laces, Crapes, &c. &c, Including a general assortment of Millino ry Ar tides of the most fashionable styles. The above goods have bren imported express ly for our Spring sales, and comprise the largest and best assortment in our line to be found in this market. I iarrh 17, '55. P. 2 mo. 2. ' COAL, COAL ! I COAL M!! " IRA T.CLEMENT respectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has been appointed agent for the sale of the eclebra. ted red ah coal, from the Mines of Boyd Rossei & Co. AH 'he various sizes prepared and screancd will be promptly delivered by leaving orders "with the subscriber. IRA T. CLEMENT. - Sunbuiy, Dec. 30, 1851. If. REMOVAL. BE 6 SON & SON, Beg leave to inform you, that they have ' removed THE PHILADELPHIA FAMILY Mourning Store, F'oHi No. 52 South StconJ Street, to the New Jluildiiif, No. 20G Chesnut Street, . Five dotrt aboce Eiyhth Street, . t, : 'ut7i Side,) Where they will offer an increased stock, at reduced prices. N. B Daily opening JSsw Sruisa Goons. Philadelphia, March 17, l5ft, pot House und Lot for Sale. . riVdIE subscriber offers at private sale, hi house JL ' and lot situated in Whortleberry street, Sunbury. The house is a now Two Story frame dwelling, on a lot of 60 feet front. There is also, Butcher Shop on the premises. The locution is au excellent one, fur any person wishing to follow that business. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, March M, 1855. tf. OH ALLEriWRGER'fT' P!Us7IlAeertaui O cure for Fever and Ague, for sale by WEISER & BRHNER. Sunbury. uly 22. 1854. WALL PAPER. A largo and aplendcd assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shadet, just received and for sale fc, I. W, TEN ER fit Co, Sunbury, Deo. 8, 1854, i AMILY M E DI CI N E 8.-B row n'a Fever and Ague Powders, Fahnestork's Vermifuge, Dr. J ay ne' celebrated medicines, fcc, for sale at Pfov. 25, '51. , . ,'OL'NG'S STORE. I . BALTIMORE CARD,! ' IINE- Factory filled and Ground Alum Salt, constantly on hand and frr sale. .',,, CARR, CIESB ir CO., f i ; Flour, Grain and Lumber ,; .. , Commission Merchants, ' , ., , . . Spears Wharf, BALTIMORE. Also. Cement and Calcined Plaster. , Agency of tho N. A. and Rosendalo Co. i -"' Baltimore March 8. 1830 Ira ., '"" A Lot of Chemicals for Sale by GEO. W.S0BLE, DAQUERBJEOTYPIST. GERMAN Bromine, Chloride of Iodine, do. do. dry, Hypo Sulphate of Soda, Caynide of Potassyum , distillod Meroorv,- liquid quick and Gilding. He has also Daguerreolyping appa ratus, a full set, which he Will sell at a reasonable price. He has also a variety of specimens from town and country, which he will sell at half prico, also cases and mats, all of which ho will sell as cheap as they can be bought in the city. . Sunbury, March 31, 1B65. STRAW & MILLINER Y. GOODS, Wholesale & lietaiL rrv, 'WE T. HILL, Straw Hat fc Bonnet Momtlrictrirer, 1 And Dealer in Straw Goods in General. ; No. 321 North Second Street, (below Noble, . east side, directly opposite Buta'a Red Lion .... Hotel,) Phtladclpkia. . Where may be found a large and extensive as sortment of goods in the above line, to which the attention of Country Storekeepers and Milliners, is particularly invited, ' C?" All goods sold at the lowest cash prices. March 17, 1855. W. 2 mo. 3. FRENCH TRUSSES. MERNIA or Rupture successfully treated, and comlort insured, by use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made lo order expressly for his sales. ' All suil'ering with Rupture will be gratified to learn that tho occasion now offers to procure a 'Irups combining extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold. An extensive assortment always on hand, adap ted to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for sale at a r a lure of price to suit all. Co-t of Single Trusses, $2, $1, and $5 ; Double, f l. 5, G, $K and $10. Persons at a distance con have a Truss sent to any address by remitting the amount, sending measure around the hips, and stating side allectcd. For sulo Wholesale & Rotail by the Importer, CALEB JL NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth &. Race streets, Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Banuing.s Improved Patent Rody Brace; Chest Expanders and Erector Unices; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and Supports. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady atten.lsnN. Phila., March 31, 1855. p3m. " , Tit li us sYern -Yd. 1 l."i North Third Street. (II jloor uhvue Eayle llutel, PHILADELPHIA. ysniOLKSAI.E Dcolcrin Fancy Dress Trim ' mings and Millinery Goods, and Manufac turer of Fancy Sill; Bonnets. Keeps constantly on band very extensive assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Gimps, Fringes, besides a great variety of other Fancy Goods. He solicits a eull from Country Merchants visiting the City, and assures them that they will bo suie to find any article above mentioned, at the Lot. est prices. March 17, '55. W, 2 ino. 2. . REMOVAL. TJETERe W. GRAY respectfully informs his "- friends and customers, that he has removed his Store from its old location, and now occupies the handsome and commodious Slore room, for merly occupied by H. B. Masser, in Market square, ncaily opposite the Pout Office, where he will be happy to serve all who may give hint a call. Sunbury, Narch 10, 1855. tf jESYLVANIAMaE"wbBjir No. '21 Arch Street, above Front, PMladelphia. THE subscribers have cm hand, aid are con stantly manufacturing SIEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVENWIRES, of all meshes and widths. Also, all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieves f all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &c. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls cov ered in Ihe best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Win dow Wires, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &c BAYLISS, DARBY &. LINN. March 10, 1855. 0 3 m 2J & ERETV, BOOKSELLERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK MANT'FACTVKKHS, AND STATIONERS, S. H". Corner of Fourth Itace Streets', ., . PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1855. tf WHOLESALE & KETAIL FEATHER At MATTRESS WAREHOUSE, No. til North Second Street, Hard door above Arch, East title, Philadelphia. Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters &. Pillows, Curled Hair, Moss, Wool, Cotton, Flock and Husk Mattresses, Straw Palliasses, 'Settee, Pew, and Chair Cushions, all kinds and collors. Bed. tickings, Check, Moreens and Damask by the yard or tiiece, Colts, Cat-tail, Sacking and Lords, Counterpanes, white and colored. Comfortables of all kinds and sizes by the single one or doen Cribs, Berlh, Single and 9, 10, 11, 12 and i3 quarters Blankets, Bleached and L'nblcached Sheets, blocked Muslin and Check pillow cases, Towels of all kinds, Table Linen, Table Covers, Dnmrsk table cloth, Bindings of ail kinds and colois, 1 bread, 4c, N. B. Benton 4- Coston'e patent renovatcr worked by steam power, is daily in operation for tho purpose of purifying old and new feathers. All articles from tins establishment warranted, riiiluda, March 3, 1855. cr 3 m 3 , A CARD. flEORGE BROWN, Inspector of Mines, ten. ders his services to land owners and Min'. ing Companies, in making examinations, reports 6!c, of Mines and Coal lands. From hi expert. enee in mining operations, as he understands the different branches, having carried on Mines for a number of years In Schuylkill Co., and having now a large number orciillicriea under Ins sutler vision he hopes to give satisfaction to thuje who may want his services. Refers to Benjamin Miller and W. Payne, Esqrs.. Philedelnhiu, and D. h. Nice and James Neil I, Esqrs.. l'ottsville. Communications ny Mail promptly attended to. Potlsvillc, March 17, If 55 3in. B JATS & VAVS. Silk and Slouch Hals, Military am! cloth Caps lor men and boys also Gum Shoes of various sizes, just received and for sale at OUNG'S STORE, Sunbury Nov. 25,1854. , ITSURXING Kl.l'II). Caniuheiie. Sturm an Whalo Oil, Whjto Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur pentiuo, and Soap, just received and for sale by Deo. 2. 1854. . - I. W. TFNER & Co CJHAWLS Broche, Thibet and Winter J Shawls in great variety. Black and fancy Dress Silk, Silk lace, Velvet and other Trim mings. Worked Collars and fhiraezetls, Cuffs, &.C., just received and Tor sale by Deo. 2, 1834. I . W.TENER h CO, OMBS. Back. Children' Long. Side and flue combs; Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &c, er eale at YOUNG 8 STORE Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1854. OSIERY. MenV wool' and cotton Storks, Ladies' and children's stockings just open- JV . . - VOLNG 8 TOKC. Sunbury, Nov. 18. 1864. . Baltimore Card, m COMMISSION MERCHANTS , , roR THS SAI.K or .. . FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUMBER, Speart' Wharf, Unltimore. TF Agents for Newark and Rosendalo Co. Cement and piaster. U. A. and Fine Salt, constantly f, Me N. B,- Liberal CASH advances made on con signments on receipt. .. Baltimore, March 17, 1855. Cm. PLATFORM SCALES OF every description, -auilable for Riilroads, Jto., for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Mer chandise generally. Purchasers run no risk, ev ery scale is GUARANTEED CORRECT, and if. alter trial, not found satisfactory, can bo re turned w.ilhou charge. I'iT Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty years, corner of Ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT A CO., ' . - Successors lo Ellicott & Abbott. Feb. 17, 1855. c 3 mo ti .77M.P.POTT3, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON fii STEEL, 461 Market street, below 13th, north side, PHILADELPHIA. Phila., Dec. 30, 1854. ly. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSOV" & COX, ii:r, Eidule, Screen and Wire Cloth Manw facturcrs, No. 40 North Front St.. Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market and Mulberry (Arch) Streets, rniLADF.i.Piiu. "CONTINUE to manufacture of scperior quali ty, Brass and Iron Wiro Sieves of all kinds. Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, Ac Cylinders and Dandy A'olla covered in tho bcit manner. ' Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Nieves lor Urass anil Iron r oumlers, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Trails. Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, 4 c- Fancy Wire Work of everv description. J'hila., Feb. 21, 1855. Sm. c NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS TOR THE SPRING 1855. JfYrtE & LANDFLL. S. W. Corner of fouilh fc Arch Sts.. Philadelphia, are fully prepared o Ruit buyers. WholctaI.1! St Retaii, with goods ailaptcd to their wants and at the low est nett cosh prices. .'' Llack Silk s, Fancy bo New Dress Goods, Net Spring Shawh. Novelties in Lawns, lirittish Prints, Plaid Ginghams, Good Linens, Table Linens, Sheetings, ". iVc N. B. Bargains daily received from the Auc tions, of New York and Philadelphia. P. 5. till Boiled ulack silks warranted not to cut in wearing. Store-keepers supplied with those goods regulsrly. l'lulada. March 3, 1855. w 3m 3 MATCHES! MATCHES ! ! JOHN DONNELLY, MANUFACTURER and inventor of Safety Patent Sounrc Unrieht Wood hnx Alatches. No. 106 FOURTH Stieet, (above Race,) Philadelphia. Matches having become an indcspensibls oi ti de in housekeeping, the subscrihcT after a great sacrifice of time and money, is enabled to oll'er to tho Public an article at once combining Utility and Cheapness. The inventor knowing the dan ger apprehended on account of the flimsy man ner in which Matches arc generally packed in pa per, has by tho aid of New Steam Machinery of Ins own invention, succeeded in getting up a ISA Tin TV PATENT SQC7A1ZJ-: UPHllillT Wood Box ; this box is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more room thar. the old round wood box, and contains at least Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shippers is consid erable advantage ; it is entirely new and secure acamst movrture and spontaneous combustion, and dispels all danger on transportation by mrasj of Kaihoad, Steamboat or any othe mode ol Con veyance. These Matches are packed so that one gross or more may be Shipped to any part of tho World with perfect safety. They are the most desirable article for Honia Consumption, and the Southern and Western Markets that has ever been invented. Dealers and Shippem, will do well to call and examine fur themselves. TiT These Matches are Warranted to be supe rior to anything heretofore offered to the Public. JOHN DONNELLY, 106 North FOURTH St., Thilad'a. Phila., Dec. 10, 1864. 61.1. Perlumery, fy "TTE hnve Jint receiver! the largest snd liest seleeltJ V sssortineiit of l'erfuiuvry ever vflernl in uus sscUihi of country, consisting in part ot French Pomade, Osebmin, Shaving Cream. Tooth llmshss, a large ast. Ilauel't Olephniie, Hair Hruslies, " " Chines Powder, Nei! Ilruslies, ' " Farina Colugne, l'ever's Kxtructs, , Orange Bower water, Pofimi nins, ' ' Charcml Paste, Castile Soap, Rice Powder, Whits " Infant ., Transiarent " Iluir Dve, Hancock " Meeu Pun, for tlieskiu, ' Washingtos ' lUtraet Vanilla, Mi-piilnicou " Oronire, Comie " ' lemon, Alnnii'l " " Pine-S)ile, l.nlnii's " " rjtrtiw'jvrry, Nyniih " SiUv White, Oinnihus " Hnclii'ls, Puid " Culnsiiesof every descfiilloii,r.rsive " Segar l.'sst-s, Muk " 4 Tulws, Camphor " rJuflulo Combs, sll kinds, Phdl " Wii.Js.ir " and other articles loo nnmeroii3 to mentit'ii. All Ilia alvive articles are from Uis houses of Jules llaufl and V. D. (ilenil. WEISF.H . BRIIXKH Tim 'WEEKLY HERALD. Tho Be3t General Newspaper in tha World. . The N'kw Vnas Wsiklt Ilr.BALl is t-ul.Ur.! n-J every Saturday murtuns Its eoiileuts cinbnu.'s sll Ihe ucwsuf Ihe ijreMl events of Ihe day, rep ills of mcetlngi, ot tho Stutc Id-giklaluro, and of Congrats; imvirliuil (iil!ic d.w uinents; Kur.'pean and h 'me eorreKpmiilence ; fiiiniioial antl commercial, and ediiniiiils of gi-ncral interest, that havea eaie,l lu IheNcW ork iluily llerukl. ll ia'ui'.itly pi tit 0, ill elesr ty. on a tarred -uMequa . to fUect of tsly-e),;hl coluinuii a Uujk -s oirectory is il-si-lf uiJ ioroiA one i'l th uiid ursi v.ilu.J.le wivkly uevcat)is in liie worUi, Tim gu'iursi c4iru is token to vtnuiu tus Isleiii uiiJniost reluWe n.ieloeucu ot' luiporlaul movruieiiis in all urt ol Uic worlil. No eipcute is s,sv rril fnr tlie purp se. The sal si-riiuim price is three dollars per annum, ;aya lile in stlviinct, r fcisj.ci.ce p.-r iut:!e c.tpy. Kdit.us of newspapers throughout Ihe emi!r ere particularly re quested to act bp agfuls. Thry will receive tvnutyrive percent e.nntiirai u ou all ea:-h S'lhsciipti-iiis. Any per sai obiaininit 5ve or rune U.'sm.Wrs will be all 'wed Ihe same ciiininiisina. fftiit ro Own. For one copy of Weekly llemkl for one ef . l on it 1U V-J in M T3 ii oo M 1 e? 6o 78 7S au ou tin as 114 au Five C'i'itf do d.i i . ii , . , Kiiteea f Twenty Tveiii)'-l!Ye Thirty Thuly-fivs Forty Portf-Bvs d. do ill dj kl d , do do dj (Ij a.i do I d di do do ruiy All letters to be addreued lo Jsiuxs Onid,a Bsnneit proprietor and editor uf Uis New Voik iiemld, Voik city. Remittances iiiimI he roade is funds enrteni in Ih'ii ity. Advertiaemesti inserted in Ilia Weekly llfiukl f thirty ecnta ft Niie. Nno Votk, Ft. IUS.! . - .- COAL Buckets, stove shovels, Arues' shovels, forks, Door and pad locks, eurrv combs, &e..sA . YOUNO'8 8TOUB. Bunhury, ?ioy. 13, 1854. ' RNoTrPwRlTINU FLCID and Adhe A 11 t - Aw mmm hv ive siiu ier utciuj.-, '-- ,, . 11. B. MASSER. Kuibury, IV. IW This Way! This Way t! .. Fall and WintenUoodV n ESPECTFlULLY Inform their :ustoeri x and thff public, thst they have jtM rciei. ad and opened the best knd cheapest stock V V Fall and Winter Goods, ' " at their store in Market square, Bunbury.' ' Their stock consists ofevery variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimtren, Sattinets, Vestings, Flannels, Wollens, tft., And all kinda of ?all and Winlcr Wear.' Alrtn A tifiiAttiltrt turlnlnnf ladies bufcss & fancy goods, Caliioes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dt Laints, r ' ' And every Variety ef gu0Us itn'labla for La dies' Weaf. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and ftUEENSWARE,' Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment 6r Hats and Ca ron Mr.N ind Uovs. Also a large assortment of GKOCEU1ES; SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Mulassea, Spices . of all kinds. Also a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Besides the largest and most Renernl assort mem of all kinds of goods lo be had in this place. EV Country produco of all kinds taken in ex-' change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. U, 1854. HERE Wfc AHfiAGAtN 1 Clear thevvav for New Good?; J. T. & I.F. KLXNE, rjESPECTFULLY announce to their friendi and the public in general, that they h;ve received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Fall mi j Winter Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &C, Consisting in part af Cloths, black and fnj Cassimers, Sattinetts, Checks, and all kinds FALL & WL&TEK WEAK. Also a lot of Rcady.thade Casts, Vests an ! Pants, &c. Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin dc Laines, Phii Cashmeres, De beges, Comforts, Bay State," Long h'hawls, eVc' Also af fresh supply of all kinds', of Groceries, A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drags and Medicjnes. Wooden 'are. Also a large assortment ot Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hals and Caps, Salt, Cheese, Ac., and all g'oods usually kept in a Country Store Call and Set?, ' Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in e change for country produce, at tho highest market price. .... Uppr A ogusta, Nov. 4, 1854. Fall and Winter Goods ! TETER W. GRAY, INFORMS his friends that he has just receive!!1 a good assortment of Fall and Winter Goods' at his Store in Market Square. His stork con sists of . . DRY GOODS', VIZ : Cloths, Cassimers, uttinclts, Jeans, Drillings,' Barages, Baraga De LaiueS, Ginghams, Lawns, Linens, Muslins,' Flannels, ManlillajSilks, Winter Shawls, Dress Tiimmii g and all items in the Dry Goods line. Also, a arge trssorlmet of ShoCK fur Men Women' and Children. Hats and Ceps, ftroccrictf of every varfcty. Teas, Coffee, .Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Salt'," r ish, ccc. ISartlMarc. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs', Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, Ac. (jcr.r.NSWAax a general assortment.' Country produce taken at the highest raarkt l prices. Sunbury, Nov. II, 185. it' k Splendltl Assortment of . F all AV i n t e r G o o 3 s ; IMPORTANT TO BUYERS ! ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS!! rilllE undersigned has just received the hand--- somest and cheapest assortment of NEW UOODS that has been brought to Sunbury, coti .'isling of the following articles, vix : Delktnes," Cashmeies, French Mermocj, Scotcii plaids, Wool De J nine, Coburg, Fan cy Prints, Debeg's, Barages, Alpaccas, and the moat Fashionable Ladies Dress Goods, including a general assortment of Broche and other Shawls, Sack Flannels and' Ladies dress trimmings. A Iso, Cloths, Cassi mers, Sattinetts, Vestings, Kentucky' Jeans, Flannels, Irish Linen Gi un burns, Fancy Ribbons and oth ers, Child's wool Hoods,' scai fs, &c, and a larg assortment of Hosiery. floor ami Table Oil Cloth, Carpeting, Blankets, cVc, &c. CsJico.CJ cts. Muslin, bleached and unbleached at 6J. IJols and Caps for Mert and Boisi Groceries and Spices of all kinds a pencra aa sortment of Quecnsware, Ulasswaro, Cedaiware, aud the largest sud best assortment of Hardware in Sunbury, including all kinds of carpenter's tool's -a general assortment of materials for. building Ac., circular and other Mill Saws, Bar Iron, Steel, Nails, all kinds of Filea for machi nists, blacksmiths, and carpenters, 3 tons Grind stones, which ! will warrtiut'. . .500 Picks, 100 Grub Hoes, 50 Mason Hammers'. . , 500 sacks Ground A'llum Salt, 800- " Fine dairy Salt, Mackerel. Herring biuT White Fish, ." Flaxseed and other Oils, Fluid and cahiphene and a variety f Fluid Lamps, Looking GlaMe, Baskets and Brooms. I My assortment large, and includes a general' ! variety of ,t,WJL lAl)i-JJl -iU &&lhf w hich have been selected with the greatest care- The pubha are reqrrsted to call and examine the UUODS before (.uichabiiig elsewhere, twill give us pleasure to exhibit our stock at all times, and il' we fail to please, we will iuit complain. Couolrv Produce taken in exchange for goods and ilia highest market pnev paid lu caU lor I Grain; ... . . ,. , F.D. V. It RIGHT. Suubury, Xv. 18, Uo4, M3KKLI. AS. Overshoes, Pocket B.K.k ii..., u:i. u ...i...i:AH.ii,a.Li.i J UlkUIHIIVB, ( l-l.ft . .mi-iimiiw,ih'-, Neck -ties, Spiiiie-stotks, Sut-pwuders, A f-. at. . ov. 3554- YOL'XG'8 STORE. . H0CERIE3 Secais. foflce. Molasses Spices, (lils. Brandy, tiiri. Wine, Maeket el, Herring and Salt, just iivcived and sale ,r VM. A. KNABB. Lower AuRUMta, May 8, IS5t. Jf LOVES Buckskin Gloves aid Mrtts, d.i' Gloves wool luiej. Ladiea Gloves, Chil Jren's do., Mitts, A., at Nov 18, 'as. . Ypn-NQ'S 8jev AKDWARK and gueensware ri' rea va rieties and of .11 descriptious. jul re-' ndbf ulr by WM.A-WN ,; Lower Aiftii"!. May