Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 21, 1855, Image 4

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    -.,.-,-.... .1 i.. ptif the Bnnhnry AiTCoeift
Lime wticn projirrly tippled to our fields
h a- renovntor is second only to' ftnblo ma
nure, bnt It must, be applied with jiictf'rtiptit,
us it decomposes animal mid decayed vcjreU
blonmt tor, mid brinfr it into inunrtlinta bot
vice in the prrotvth of the crop, otherwise tho
dry vegetable matter would l.y dormant until
a larjre portion of it fcrtilisiiifc qnnlilits
would' ba evanoraUJ 1T tho uction cf tho nt-
hiospliore. Liuie oIpo absorbs and draws
moistmo, ond eutori itsolf into tlis compooi.
lion of tlio plant, the n?li of turnips and potiv
toi's ronrtninrroin 30 to 40. per rent, of lime,
corn 20, mid vhent 15. It must net upon
mitt tor, nnd if tho soil to wfcioh it '.i Applied
is destitute of composnblo matter, then It enn
iiut beinitit the crop for the time boinjr.
Let uo one nay he it too poor to limo nnd
improve liisfiiriii, for if lm conlinuna to ndliern
to his oltl prnctico nl i-ohiniig tlio noliis or nil
its fertilizing (puilitks, und but timlte suitable
returns, ho will become." poorer still. Jupt
be;in tit one flcld, tiisiitn-e limp find plow,
mid if his liarn yard will not yield iv sufficient
pnpply of manure, m.iko cumpost, tlieii he
will see nnd behold with his own eyes that
his money hns been profitably invested, nnd
lie will follow it up uitil his wli'o'm farm 1ms
beeomo regenerated, Those, fields that now
rvre a barren tviuto will bo productive nnd
profitable. "It is so 'expensive to Hire," i-
ofien nsserted by the cautious farmer. I will
say nulo liim that if he embarks in it proper-,
ly. he will iind it more expensive mid labo
rious than be anticipates, lie will be under
the necessity of paying much for bired labor
to assist him in pat'ieviiifr liis crops, or' buying
threshing machines to t hrcsh out his .'raiu
which now is performed by flails, lie must
tear down bin old barn nnd build a larger one,
erect sheds to sholtor his numerous cattle,
stack hay nnd grain in tho fiuld, und have it
exposed to the weather nud injured by the
But in lion thereofhe will no longer con
sult nnd carefully examine his almanac to sec
if tbo moon poinfs up or down, as a proper
timo for planting posts, etakes, or spreading
manure, or bo governed by that simple pic
ture placed in front of every nluinnnc, called
"Anatomy of man's, body." to teach him when
to sow his grain or plaut vegutublea, which
Las no moro influence upon the growth of
crops than what spiritual Kappors have upon
departed ghosts.
Mt. Comfort, Artril W55. -
ftio.vs or a horse's xkmi'ek.
Tuk EaR. The size, position and motion
of the ears of a liorso are important points.
TIico rnfher small than large, placed not too
far npart, erect, and quiot in motion, indicate
both breeding and spirit t and if a horse is in
the frequent habit of carrying ono ear forward
and the other backward, and especially if ho
does so on a journey, ho will generally possess
both spirit and endurance. The stretching of
the ears in contrary directions shows that he
is attentive to everything that is passing
around him, and wbilo he is doing this lie
cannot be much fatigued, not likely soon to
become so.
It baa been remarked that few horses sleep
without pointing one ear forward and one.
backward in order that they may receive no
tics of the approach of objects inany direetiou.
When horses or mules niarch in company at
night, those in front direct their ears forward;
nud tho.-ie iu the middle of tho trainturn them
laterally, thus seeming to be actuated by one
feeling watches their general safety.
Tho ear oi the horse is ono of the most beau
tiful parts about him, and by this is the tem
per moro safely indicate!).. The ear is more
intelligible even than tho eye : und a person
accustomed to the linrse, can tell, hy the cs-
ircsive motion ol the organ, almost all Unit
lie thinks or means. When a horse lavs his
ears flat back on his neck, ho most assuredly
menus mischief, and bystanders should beware
of his heels or feet. In play tho cars will be
laid back but uut so decidedly nor so long.
A quick change in position, and more partic
ularly the exprcrsion of tbo ere nt tho time
will distinguish between playfulness mid
The hearing cf the horse is remarkably
acute. A thousand vibrations of the air, too
flight to make impression in tho human ear,
nre readily perceived by him. It is well
known to every hunting man, that the cry of
hounds will bu recognized by tlio horse, mid
his ears will be erect, and will be u!l spirit crd
impatience, a considerable lime before iho
rider is conscious of the least sound. The
Horse ctd the ltider.
I'lunlinsr trees in this section enn Le tlone
dnrini? this month. Select tho bent varieties
of fruit tre cp, und plant api'le tires from Uf)
to 41) feet u.part ; pencil, pear, plum, end cher
ry trees lit) feet tipnrt ; dwarf fears front 10
to 12 feet apart, (-iraftimr miiy ho done this
month. Prepare grafting wax by mixing
three parts of bees-wax, three parta'of i-ol;ii,
und two of tallosr.
' l'lant out gooseberry and currant enltinjrs,
Brat removing nil tlio lwer eves. Trench
nnd prepare tho protutd with short ninnnre.
tlrapo vino cuttings tdtould bo pl.inud with
two eyos out of tiio grtnind, mid in a soil ra
ther sandy ur.d in nisi. Trim grape vines at
tuii'o, if not iilready done, and ilir in around
' the roots, well rotted uiunure. .Strip of ail
trt ci ( i.coous bud Jtirvat of iiiMtts, und apply
.it.h Lel'ore reeenMncndi't!. Apply .ult to
trainee trees. .Man:iroind clear tip ttr.iw.
hoiry untl ra.-.j,'u,'rry lieds, nud i:ud;o new j
j Uiuuliuiia of e.tch. I'n'iover iith if tiio 1
Liner tia were l.iid down hut loll for I lolei- !
th.n. ' i
Ttt KMV 'l'liNM (IF HiV fKIt A'-KK. It Vlli
Ulix h Mr. 11. id, lit tin nvrieiilHiiid ilium r i
l.:i ii by Mr .Mocl.i, ,n Kiioland, reeenl i, !
tint t.',iy tu of luv ll.ld been oll'u i
:n-Ji- hi tv, i,i i-'eothiiiil. the ju t tf.'tiMin. It j
w.i li i'.i.m itye lira,,!i 'M to u vi t j
W' I" i:-,'il in tie.'!;;.i, I
Kiel he ei.t In, in mvcii t i o ,Ui, f,.,,, , to liwember. l i tli . in-Un. e :,.ti,i. .1 I
It wu ml u ti tint-,, but odor t.ii'h i. 1 1 : i ' !
.to HbutrUnt up,iiiat...u of U.mia utamtu w.,
niMin-sns i. rruM,.i ,. ;,tall, j
Jiiu Ni Kiiiiiand ... r, t!lhl , r. ,,.,;.
ham, nl lum.-.M, ., ruli,.,j ,1M ,,.,.,,,
n it..n:i l,n . t CutiiM u;u i it lint rx'i
Ot Ull I. Villi! h llH oM IJ lliv ,j U ,,.
war. l p r bii-L. . j0 J.0 ,,0 Ju.( lt
I'ul i U lu r , .i,, l K)U,i t,x. ol.tia.i. iur MVi r , ,UM r()lj lJ(
J... Iu ba in ,i,e 1'uinliUoii, attj Ue
V extiiid ile udlure.
I -A 1 lKYIf ) lu dli )uUf hctlS 10 lav,
Uv.4 . 1 ,.imiLiu4 ittctr Uir.. ..
iU'.ii.i, u,t w.ib iLwr ( ni I . Jui
U4 CMt lli,. v.lil aiiksr.r . n..l 1'. .'.
14u. Ul.,tt S. iU:r'
f$ tutue il U kvj,l (U, t..u U'is'
s-U -i. i I uhluji!!, .ujj.J.v.i vi. IU f,M'
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On, . rt..
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t IOS l-v I . Ids..-. Il l ! .
I" V !- Ill'il U
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I hM.'.S
' I 1
i its . 1, i
'I Jul
1 U(
i .United States, HoteV r
1 Chestnut Street, abovt Fourth, .,
CJ-'MacLELLAN, (Into of .tone' Hot!,)
lina the pleasure to inform bin friends and
he traveling community, that he ha tensed thie
House for a term of years, and la now prepared
for the reception of Gnosis.
The Local advantage of thie favorite rrtablish
mcnt arc too well known to need commmit.
The House nnd Furniture have been put in
first rata rtnVri th room nr lucre and well
ventilated.'"- The Tabic will alWAys be supplied
with tho best, and th proprietor pledge himself
that tin effort on bis part ahnll be wanting to
make the United States equal In comforts to any
Hotel in the Quaker City.. . , -rhlla.,
July H, 1554. " " '
Mirket Street,
6UU2TJE.Y, PA. -
J UBT received and for sale, a fresh -supply of
' mxixi;t ait sic
fut : Singing rVhunl. He Is also -opening at
this Ihno, ft large assortment of Hooks, in every
branch of t.iteinliire, consisting of
Toelry, History, Novels, Romances, Prientific
Vorks,"l,av, Medicine, School nnd Children's
l5ooks, Billies; School. Pocket and Family, both
with and without Engraving, and cvory of vari
ety of Uiiiding. Prayer Book, of all kind.
..Also iuBt received and for a'.o, Purdoii IM--
gsst of ill l.iwsol rcniiRj-lvanin, edition of 1851,
(nice only 50 00.
Juilse Keada edition of Ehickstonei Commen
taries, in 8 vnls. 8 vo. formerly aotd nt 81lt,U0,
uiid now offered Cin fresh binding) at tho low
prico of 86,00.
A Treatir-e on the laws of Pennsylvania re
jecting tho estates of Decedents, by Thomas F.
Uotdon, price only 81,00.
Travels. Voya.-s nnd Adventures, all ot
which will be old low, either for cash, or coun
'ry produce.
'February, 21, 1853. tt.
Sunbur' Academy.
J. P. CltONMILLER, Principal.
Hon. Alex. .Ionian, John Young, H.B. Mas
ser. E?n.. Jacob Painter, Hon. Geo. C. wclker,
Henry Donnel, 11 , Ira 'V. Clement, HushCelJ
las, John v. t'cal.
THE SUMMER TEKM of this Academy will
, coinmoitce on Tuesday, tli 10th of April.
The course of Instruction will embrace all the
branches of a liberal English and Classical edu
cation. " It is his aim to make the Academy
one of the best schools in the country To ac
complish this, nothing will bo wanting n bis
Thoroughness nnd accuracy will be Tcnuircd
In every recitation, and no pupil will be permitted
to pass aupcrficiallp over nnv subject. Compo
sition and Declamation will receive particular
attention. Correct reading, writing and spelling
will be carefully taught to the less advanced.
Calender. The Winter session will coin'
mencc on Monday, the 16th of October, and con
tinue twenty-two weeks.
The session is divided in Two Terms of eleven
weeks each. .
Primary branches (ecr term) $3,00
English .dcpurluieut, (per Term,) $5.00
LMnssical " " Slf.UW
For further particulars address the Principal,
Snnbury, Pa. -
. September 10, 1S54. lm.
MANcricTcntn op
Umbrellas rarast)l3,
A o. 2 North Fourth St.,
f 'onstatitlv on hand a large assortmen
to wliich the attention of Dealers is requested,
l'hila.. Sept. lli, 18.rvL
Iji ilisli Periodicals
r.ARLY (Ot'Ifc "ILt URtD.
C5P'fmr.(ms to ?'ew Subscribers ! ! .'
' r.on.VIlD PCOTT A. CO, Nc.v York, continue to re
puhltsa the 1'ullowiug British Pot iodica!a, vi. :
THE LO.N D0X QUA HT KRLV (Cotuorvalive)
T!tc prcnt crlurn! ntHtR of European DfT.iirs w ill reii'W
tlii'sff iuh!K':i;i"iiH umirntty iiitcri?tiiipr ilnrinjj the fnilb
ciiniiiiT voir. Tiiey w.U tcciijy fi nudibe (.'fiunil Ivtwurii
thp'-iiy writen iit'U'lt-iteiiiN, cfUtit? jiot'uijiiusi,miil iiy
iiitj luiii-'ii !he il. illy J unuil, nnd (he p tuleriun Tuin
ol Ihu 1'nture liiBt'iriiui, written utter the living intcttut
Bntl fX-.itiMR'i.l M ill greut jmlititjiil t vti Ib i tlic time
bUhW Irire passrd aiviiv. his ( tluw IVrUuliciil
r !iiii-r mast l-tnk f ir tiie only rrnlly iutr!l;p(hlc him! reiin
blf hi"ry of eurrfi.i -entii, 'nud or wirh, in rtiliti"ti t
riit ir veil-i-t'tihiipriKl litniitry sciuiitifi.'. omj iliwi'ji(Ml
i-Inrnrter, we urj tbi'm u;.ii tlie c 'imidtration il lite
rcuih'i puttlie.
IT" Arrfi -gfrnriiti art niw permniicntly nuiriii f-T tbo
f''fi;it iH'Kitly Siif'l from 1 tie Hritisli I'l.ljiiscra, bv
which wft lire etthbhd t- p!nre nil orr Hvprinm tn tb
liaiuti l kiil)9riberai. ti! ul am viii citliry chji Ih? r"ur:i ihc-tl
v. if j t!it lurtij-'i f'pif. Aithmili ttna invtlvin a very
t ifL-t niitlay on .ur putt. w .!,'ilt o ml intift to fui n:h the
IVr t nlica!t nt the rmr v rnrus na berrtni'itre. tngrtbtr
With llif.i.'vvuin Piauuum Ut new HtiluMTibfra.
Sct lift of Premium Vo! units below
F-r any oa of th' fmr niiievaanl one Trein. v I. ty i
l-'-'r ;i'iy two " m " S On
l' i ii tltrra l two " 7 i
K"r till f ur t ib ltc i-wa w i " t ('
K- r It H.iw.Ml' M ..fisii'iB 'mih " :t f.(
f -.f l't vkv kl t! i ;t M vicva Ibrre 41 fi "n
l-r IHnrkw-KiJ & li.r. i ut l'- icwn Uice ' lu tj
'iiiiifii tile tnuU tn ull cmes in art run e.
.lj.-iry cur r fut injheStatt irhttt tssmd tall
be t.fvr,l ut ar.
T v ri'mitiM8 ropiiai t f the f.ll--wii(; w1rk, l-:'k
v !ti. tm wH li wu! b fjtvt-H tti new i(i!iM-'i.f-a m e r-
tit; I llltr iiUllilKI U( UtlHtllCuifj UiUcotj . !... t X
plitiliril :
FnBEi.?! OraKKI KV lW C-il ,
Uu tv'U Altjki.).a (on 111, to)
I i.M) M (1" a llrht. IffcltV ai
.UL'U4 UKsli.sV ( tut .jr),
M i Lu" i 1 1 M it. it i Mi (kii, tn utri)
V .t t 4 xi an tti.vitM (miff jrni')-
! t.
C nfutu I'lsjtuiiim vlttnta . h4 ia n'l rava
( m ii.n t, iti t ol ln I irtyn c'i trier Krvuw J J
pf -v nt d ii- "tit nit tit, Ihrirl .! tt, tA lu-1 a l' W -ik It l
at. ! va'-i' -t :-ti'n f i!.-m nt (iks tit f u uuny ti if -tut
w Nil ( ) fin 1. 1 Ki bm tt5a ai luivuMra u nnU
K t r'ju m( ivoai'i nva t-cvt (ttmn b Uva p't
ta Jttl W J d i kit . f ur of MHNatyjurt
ui i.f ir ni t i f tt ai' vj vtuiis liiua. i'i
iij,i.a 4 ti''-VH' aJ. j i t9 Ktnivw, will ta Mtl Ut
,r mJ,1i i'i u; ..f Ciym 11, 4,W UcVttWC mi
In iiili ptu 'u-A t'ittisaa.4 T 'Wn U wt4
l lu.vxrl. tii.dxt. or ftlal'AuK-s
W bi .1 t itsitl ii t'.rMiis Mtjr u4 u4 Vutiwi
-' m.U t tut 'I m uiyltir 1 m )ai I
It Hv.4 ' mitt 14 i t4va 4 )mi fu mb
( u.a Uiw
It.iM.tof; t4 a-fH'lt4i4Mki's44 LJtti4 &
N n I ft k lavxiMiiif uMii, 4 a
i .4 , AU4ii.u i-; li,, llmi turn.
" SF M4Pa t tfinilM
a f in-.,.-u..,(
IX 1
4. s.
t A tl .
""''"l' "
it 1 1 mil
"M . k '4 1 rsys'
., .h..
. I"
1 i, I.
i .! MT llsi.U-rU,
tia, Waal Ti4fiti, 4',
... k.U. fsiuud bills I
flu li um: li as
k.t. t uii l.a s U j.. . ,,,4 aabkM I ! i
kl I ki.4 lw, sl k '
4 , .
5 1111
It a . I fell. I 1 M, Wt4 ,1.1
" !''' Mu-..iiHi. I Ji'
. I i...uii . .1 ia.i.,4 sflfci
" I A KN MtM
'I., 1 ..
To the VilUeni'of the Vntlci Stairs': '
i I most huiuliljr and nlncprrly ihault vim for Die
linmenRe fialrdtiiiffo which you hnve bitioweit p'n niy
Pills. I luke this oprKWinnily of stslitnt Hint my A iu'eKtnrs
were all Amcricsii Citixcns, ami thm 1 ciitsrisin for ill
thst C'liiccrm America nnd the Aindrlcmm, the nrnst lively
lyinpothivs, to much aothat nriainslli-eoinpoijiKlcil ilit-tio
Pillt expremly to suit your climtite, knhita, eonslitiitlons,
and iminner of living, intciiiliiia to ntshlinh 'myself sinong
Vin, which I have nuw done, Ly ttdtinc nrsmisos in New
1 Vi, Coraer of Ann and Nnssua Streets, N aw York. , .
Tlis Citizens of ths Unioa lulTiir much from diisnsce o
ths Livei and Slomneli, any are flee from the
influence of these destructive midadies, heiico thny I ill
Inst, The lair mix. buthans U must huwlsonie in tin
W orlil, up to a ceitnin period when, dislrcminff to sny,
manv loose tlieir lclh and mod looks, while vet In the
In) Jay of life, such ssd rvils m-iy lw eiretlually remedied
vy ciHiiiiiaMy Kccninir 1 lie hl nul pltve, ami Ihe lyiver snu
btomach in a henlthvaeti.m. when lite will flow amoothlv.
and rcremblu plnnls in p. coiiovninl clime, where incleriini
Boi'lns anue:irs to Tanr.l. Ai il rnaidn the nrasen'Stion of
tlio liuiuaii frame, and the duniti'in of life, much tuny he
effected, nnd I any fearlessly. Iliat ticnlth and hfe can he
prokunred lor many years bernnd their ordinary limits, if
JJoll.way's Pills are tukcii to imiily tho Mood armmlina
to the rules luid down for liealtli contniiied in the direitmm
winch nccoinpany cu'-di box.
Ccp! nf a Letter from Captain Juhn Johnson,
As'nr House, Ncw Votl,, dated January
To Pr.ifctj't tloLt-owAT. IW, Comer o Ann and I Narsan
Sireets. N. Y.
r5ir- tt Is with tne-msl henrtfclt plensurel have to
inform you thnt 1 hnve ticun nslored to health slid rtrrii.'ih
I'-y hiliing your Hills. For the Insl ten ye:irs; 1 smfl'.jrcl
fiom n demiienietit of the Liver and Stotnncii, ami ivui
reduced to such mi eltiemily lint I gave up my Hhlp,
never exnectinff too to Hea nny ulirc, as 1 had hit-d every
Kcmeily unit was icconnncnileil to ine, lint nil to no pur
pose ; and had eiven myself up to do-peir. when 1 w:i nt
lirt nc muricnded to lake yont Pilis. Al'ier tisina; lliem
for tiiree tnonhs , the result In thst I nin now in ticltcr
health tlinn 1 hnve heen for eleven yenrs p;i!t. nnd indeed
lis well as ever 1 wni is my life. Yon are quite at liberty
to limke this knivi-n fr Hie heiiefil of ollteis.
I I'ciunin, Sir, yours respectfully,
(Siyned.) ' JOHN JOHNSON.
These celebrated Pilh are wnnJafttlly cjfica-
cious tit tne joiioii'inq complaints.
Ague Drops
Liver Com
plnints Luintiago .
Iletnition of
Urine .
Sorfuln. or
Kiuif's Kvil
Asthma Dysuntary
Itilious Complnints KryBijielus
Blotches on ths Female Irrcgu
Skin isritics
Bowel Complnints Fevers of all
si mis
itipetion of
s Bjwels
Slore Tl iron I s
Tin Douloureux
Stone nnd Gravel
t: leers
Venerea I Affections Worms ofull kinds
Weakness, from whatever cause Ac. Ac.
Sold at the Krtnlfliahmeiit of Professor Holi.owat. 214
Strnnd, (near Temple Bur, London,) nnd nlso nt his House
in n,v i i'ik. writers lor nicoiciucsin ine ctismw, auorw
sed T. Hoilowav New York.' will rtH-eiveiluccillentinn
Sold nlso hy sit respertnlile l)i necivlt end Dealers In Med
icines tlinnichont the Uniterl Slates, in Boxes nt 371 cents,
87 cents, and SI .50 cents eiieu To he lmd Wholesale of
the principal Drue Houses in the I nion
ir" There is a eousiderubic savins; by taking the larger
dis 'it'er nre nfflxwl to each Cox.
June 04, ISSt. in.
Liquid Glue.
.4 LVVAYS rcaily for use. A new article of
the greatest utility and ronvpnienrc for re
pairing Furniture and Household Ornaments of
either 1 orceliini or OlnRs. It is prclcraulc to any
other cement used, ns it leaves no mark where
the iiieecs join. It will he found a very Kreat
savins; of nionev tn repairing of r urnilure alone,
Neatly put up in buttles ai 25 eenls each, or
5 a dozen. All orders promptly executed.
20 1 Chestnut street. Philadelphia
Thila., Oct. 14, 1854. tf.
SASH, E00ES,. ELI1TLS, &a.
BUHj undersigned would rcspertfnlly inform
" the citizens of fc-unhury and the pulihc cen
erally.thut they have eiiten d into crvpiutnerphip
under the firm of Kiu.i & McQuaiik, for the
purpose of manufacturing &neh, I"ors, lilinds
ic. Also, Door arid Wnshhoard MouIiIiiir
worked to order. Their manufactory is atlia
T. Clement's iStram 8aw Mill, w here they will
furnish the ahove articles of the lest woikuiuii
ship and lowest prices.
J A MI'S 1'. MctiUAUF.
N. I? All orders left at I. T. Clement's btm
promptly attended to.
Sunbury, SepU 2, 1851.
Lumps, Lnnlcrns, Clinndi licrsnnd rnnili'lubrns.
IVo. 152 S. 2d street, ahove Spruce,
rHII.AOF.I I'lllA.
flavin enlarged and improved his store, and
havin? ono of the largest assortments of
Lamps, in l'hilndclphiii, is now prepared to fur-
nUdi J'ine Oil, Coinphene, Uurninir 1'lnid, I.nrd
nnd Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns
(tlnss Lamps hy the pnekaire, at a s"-.all advance
over anclton prices. Drill;? a Mantiftictiirer and
Dealer of l'ir.o Oil, Cnrniiijf Fluid and Alcohol
which will lie furnished to Merchants at such
prices that they will find it to their advantage to
ruiy. Also, Household tilaiswaro of all desert,
tions at the lowest market prices.
Philadelphia, Oct. M, 185-1.
Cboap Watches .TeMtli
TXrilOLI'SALE and Iletnil, at the "rhiladel
hia Watch and Jewelry fctore," No. lid
North ckcond Street, corner ol Quarry,
OiiM Lever Vaiehes, full jewelert, n pnnit ranra. Saa.CO
(i-ilil ll-K. IM.ISFII Sll-.-et itisxturies. I
filvsr l.ep. full ,i:w:inl, Urui-.-;.i. a iKi
Silver l.cvcr. Mill jL'Wl'd IV l! aiiir' tiold IVji -iln, I till
Nipi'ii-.r t.iiiurHcis, 7 iSilvtr Ti a spniui, set, 6,'itl
fi.ilil Si.-la.-ln. 7,':ii
Uolil Willi rVii'1 und ilvT II 'Uer, I.CII
(old l'iu:;er iiinns, 31 J eon! to Jf'O ; U'utrli
(ilusws, plain, l'.'Jcei.ts; i'atcnt, 1 j ; Luuet,
25; oilier article in proportion. All gujds war
ranted to he what tin y ure dd
On hand, some (iold otul Silver Levers and
Lt'pinr.4, still lower t'.iun t!.e uloto j ."icis.
(Sept. :10, Ihol. Iv.
Wiitehi's, Jewelry, Siherware
;,T7".I Ch'Jtct Assortment of the I'tuest Qialitij
IUU HIT. AT 1I1K LHWt.r ( AMI I'tll AT
.Vo. 181 South Second stmt, Utu-itn I'jut- and
I'moii, u-esi side,
'I'lIK s. .rliiuMit ri'ilinv-.s s I sc- nn-l l-ll H'll t(
I -I. . Jfw I'v, S.Uei lint, Ai!H4 uir,
i'llcil M ill. tine siiUfr. lit KlMiims, f'i-rk, Ijiillrs, hv
rt, t- Hiia sou Kais-jr Aiiti'ir tn s suiii- uuliiv.
d-vivtjis lb rluiuii4Ull -li .4 Hums w'-- n yticw
Ihe lwl y-MMls ;.l l!. l.-.w t SMI l'ii.--s.
list ins a u..ciicul know hogs Um t-UMiu, iumJ sll
avih,ifai iim-oiIm-s ! lnitlii.e Siul Al,iiul4rljiiifl, U.a
SulWltW S.4tSMiliV iHVtUS kUlt-MiSH'IS, lit llt UISJ ISMl ktt
CkliaUHI'lk IUIS NI UilUJ, B UH l !! M iUI WU
hsl.uirul In sola! 4 11 AUsiilH' I ilii-s.
Is" AU s i-Is isf lllsm -odsivl IVwl J"Wlrvau4 Mil rsr
Will m IIM.l-M4VUStl WSUl, M'llll.U S IMU.HMtl.lS llltM,.
I r Kuvacs, it.wstijr bus Wsis tuittiwl) rs-
vm it tuiuMimn,
N't. 11 J SU , rav aU-s lk l VlMltaH
VV kl
V" le I'M th-uts VVuvlua 4 Ilia Itiitfs am, U ttcti ISa
Um 'tis lllltll t iAH M, svliivs ti4.i4 U..I N-liM.iait.
i4 llu, tiruliBM' atl tmt.Mj.s
fkila , tk. , l"Jt If
l;t.NVAUK U.uuli.l ss s t Tea
G L' ui 1 Itiua, tluH) t.'liia uj l4,
lJu.1.- si.J HitVl-l of sll kinds. IVih-l
Hals. (wihI lli. lis, t'liili 1'iutl llssli! slid
in,ll, r'ulJ I SHU'S. I.SI.IVIItlk Iii4l
I i IUiv. ai.J 1 uniMris trim ill U.ui uhissjJs.
' lu ' 1 'J
f ,, I. W. TKNf H A C'9,
0ti ppy i" ike (
Suubuy, Cui.ty, r.
r.wmpl tteitltfa) lw In tlilt
IS a, - U suit an s ii. I u J li k i. J alag I M
fiaa U k !! a 1 I l''.l I r
I 1 a. I- II tl M I' I li
Na-.r Goods for th People I
IJESPECTFULLY Informs the public In gen
eral that ho has just received and opened a
splendid stock of ' ' '
Spring and Summer Goods
at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.
His stock consults in part of
Cloths, Cassuners, Cassinets.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
.. ... - . ALSO t ; . i -;' . ; '
Callcocsj, ;.nBliams, )Lnn,
MoiiNflcline no Lnlnes 1
nnd all kinds of Ladies Dresa Goods.
drocrrle. ' '
Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron
and Steel, Nails, &o.
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEENSWAEE, of various styles and
Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES.
i HATS & CAPS, good selection.
Salt, Fish, ic.
And a great variety of othot articles auch ta are
suitable to the trade, all of Tvuicn will be sold at ,....'. i
VT Country nroduco taken in exchanje a
the hig'icst prices.
Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1564. ' '
Light;. Light! Light!
llf It. nWTT & KKIVT have removed
i-'-Sl to thrir New HlnrM nml Fnctorv-
No 74 Svuth Second Street,
. l'lllhAUKiJ'HlA. ; ; i
(Five Ooors below tlieir old sluud f)
Ilavine increased facilities, wo oiler to Mer
chants and others, Ous Fixtures and Lamps of
every description, and at the lowest Sliiiiufac-
lurer a prices, and unsurpassed in quiipty or ap
pearance by any in the country- yur stock cin-
the best tn the tcorliJ)
Uumintt fluid and Polar Lsrd Lamps, Chande
liers, for Gas, Fine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid,
Hall and Patent Hprintr Hand Lanterns, Ulonca.
Glasses, Wicks, Pine Oil & Fluid, wholesale and
Merchants nnd other will find it to their ad
vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri
ces. ' '
tW Particular attention Riven to fitting up
Churches and other public buildings.
Fhila. October T, 1854. ly.
OESPECTl'ULLY informs hi friend and
customers that be has int received from the
city a new and complete as rtraent ol
Jlleng Wearing Jlpparel,
which he will make up to order, or sell, as cheap
as any oilier establishment in the place, as he is
determined to permit no one to undersell him.-
Ills goods are choice, and carefully selected from
the best in the Philadelphia market, and they
will ho made up in the best and latest style and
warranted.. His stock consists in part of hand
some Marseilca and iriilk, Duck and
other Linens for Coats, &c. Also, a variety fcf
Cloths, Cassuners, Cravntu, Aeck J lea, and a
variety of other articles for Mens wear.
.Sunbury, June 10, 1851 tf.
R: L. r ANCOAST &. CO.
Fish and Provisions
Jo. 17 JVw74 WA'trvei,
Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1851.
A'orltu mberlan d Conn t y,
rt''Hn suliscriler respectfully inform the pub
lie that he has leased the above new collieiy,
and is now prepared to deliver at Sunbury, ot
any point tilon? the .Susquehanna, all Bizes of
COAL, prepared by breakers, in a superior
manlier. Person wishing to rontract for coal
will please address the subscriber at Hnnbnr,'.
Sunbury, July 15, 185-1.
Bold at their
No. 225 Market Street,
Railroad, Hay, Uml, and Fanners' SCALES,
set in any pint of ihe country, by experienced
woikmcn, and ut short notice,
K. V, UKIUIIT A Ciil, Sunbury.
Phila., Ort. 14, 1651. 6m.
M.MO.N'.late of the firm of K. Schnui.Tian A
Co., respectfully informs the rilirens of
Sunbury and viclnilv, thai he will eominue tho
above buriiinss in the old stand in Market street,
with an enlire new stock of goods, which are oil
the wuy from the city, lie w ilt also be prepared
to repair watches, having; a hand in coiihtant em
ployment lor that purpose. He therefore repect
fullv folirits the patronage of the public.
iS'imbury, r-ej l. 10. 1851. If.
flll'.AP W A T( II avii 11,-vvpi rv KTnui'
.Vo 72 Sortk Second S.reeL tr,,si ,k
Mount Veruon House )
. f IJ
rjJOLU Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS K, ea
i Wiser Luver do,, do., IjilUj Wl
ver I.e,.ine, do., $J: (juartier. 5 lu $7: Gold
Spectacles, $4 60 o I V ; Silver do., I 60 ;
Kilter 'i'uble Ppoons per sett, $14. to 18;
Silt, r 1 Wrt do., do., to S 1 1 ; r-tlver Tea da..;
do., ifll f to 7 90 i Cold Pen and UoJJ t'
scs, ifi i S3 lo IJ-'J ; fluid Prttsaiid Silver do. , 91;
lom'ther with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry,
Cold Curb , tiuord and fot Clisins. All goods
warranted lo lm lepn-senttd. Wauhes and
Jewelry, repaired in the U.l manner. Also, Ma
sonic Mailt, Pins, Ac, mad to order.
X. II, Allmhei sent by mail or otlii wise,
will Ix puintosllv alleudrd lo.
I'Uility Hcpl. U, 1S54. ly.
-ii an.n's Mrri: iRKhHK.v. Vah
If 1 b-k.i lilt, and (41 or-Wie, jusl nrsivsj,
and fur sals by
II. U llASiit'tt.
Kuiiiniry, June 4, t!X.
1LO(Kr)-.Ki,hl day suj Sll hour Iron ami
J Wm.Jia (1 suied. Crrsnt fuls, firuuud
NuU, Uaiua, slid I'lUllra. iu.l rsvsitetl and fur
Lower Aui;uta, Ma II K54.
ni.KV'rt till II CASH. At ios4
tl ibis Olttl'S,
l. Uli.Uf i
)ll. URmiNtiil- Hi.. p, lla.k, II. 'm.
" ' l, llumi 'I'tii eitoiiis aitj Vsii ltks
lli mit. ' ' 4irJ fii.i l,a .,JIIM)
t'.iul i.J fittif , jA. t 4 sls I 1
Wlinltt A Ulil'MTM
Hoi.b .if, 1, l,M
HiU Mi .1.4 tl,U t-.nn, 4 Urt,r imJ4.
.N1.l1.a4. Alll-i... (,
l.i l..n A (., 4.., l
j , A
I. "l VOI NO' lritlK
I . hl. -aa. Mala, ('., tti aMwas.
u-ll"'i ll ait 4 I-'I a la t ,
1 ' '! HMkii .
,J?r"i''i. il." 'i.-!!' J".' U " V'" i -' '" T""
;i-rat Arrtnt ot " '
INFORMS hi friends and customers that he
just received an elegant assortment of
At his Store in M arSct Street, 8unbury, which
he offers to the public at the lowest price.
His stock consists oi a general assortment o
Dry (2 ood s, viz:
Cloths, Cassimers, CifcuineM, Jeani' Drillings,
Muslius, Luiois, Valtcoe,' Mustm at
, Lai'iu, Lnu'iis, Ginghams, Berages.
Also larg assortment of CLOTHING.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for .
' : Men, Women and Children.
' Silk Hats.
Tanama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hat.
GROCERIES of every variety.
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices,
I . Fish, Bait, Ac, , ; -,
Vi : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &e.
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Sc
Wine. Brandy, Cin, Rnm, Whiskey, &t.
Country produce of all kind takoit in ei'
change at tho highest maikct prices.. - ,.
April 8, 1854 ly. -
3" notice"
To Trespassers on tlte Telegraph line.
JVTOTICE is hereby given, that all persons
found trespassing upon, or injuring the line
of tho Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegruph will
be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in
such cases mado ai.d provided.
II. U. MA!SUli, l'rcst
Fliila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co.
Sunbury, June 3, 1854. tf.
aCCCEftllOR TO .
WhIcIios, Jewelry & Silver Hare,
No. 175 Chestnut si-, oppositt the Stale House,
Phila., May 27, 1854 ly.
or Tasteless Salts,
Prepared hy
This pcpaiation i recommended as an ex
cellent laxative and purgative, it operate mildly
ta entirely tree lrom any unpleasant taste, re
sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine i
highly heueficiul for diseases peculiar to summer
and hot weather.
Sunbury, July 1, 1S54.
Just Published and for Sale
by VM, McCARTY, Bookseller,
. Sunbury, Pa.
The American
Being a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the l-nited tutcs.
By Coi.i.inson Rff.i, Eq.,
Ipsae it git viva vox
With notes and additions, together with a ehor
Bysleni ot conveyancing. 15 v A. Jordan. 1'ies-
l.lcnt Jn.lae of the I'.ijlilli Judicial district of
Pa., nnd Win. M. lloclefcler and M. L.
S'hindel, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since the publication of the book, tho following
letter ha l ien received from Judge Pearson of
HariUburg :, June SO, 1853.
CIi.sti.kmkx :
After a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant." I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of the selection end
composition of the precedent Uiu offered to the
public. Tho legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct svslein of pleading,
adapted to our habits of bu(iiie?s, and Ihe practict
of the courts. Your forms of declarations bcin,
to a great extent, founded on the acts of assembly
will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con
duce to sal'etv and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the hands of every practising
Utvyer ia our state.
Yours, w ith great respect,
JXO. J. PR liON.
IT.m. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. hindel. Enquires.
W. McCaiitt,
Hear Sir: I received more than a year ago
a copy of -Ifecd, Pleaders' Assistant" improved
by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with
some care soon afterwards, and have had occa
sion to use it several times since. I think it de
cidedly valuable as a ninnucl for practising
attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hcsitnic
to recommend it. If it were generally used il
would increase the accuracy of the profession in
mutters which are often very carelessly done.
I am veiy truly yours, iV.c,
J. S. It LACK.
. 1 also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist
ant, and have examined it sufiicienlly to eual le
me to concur very heartily in the above commen
dation by lliti Chief Justice.
July 19. 1854.
Sunbury, July 20, 1831
Surcunr 19 Huttlei) tV I'uig'lt.
-Yw. 1-1J South Second Street, five doors above
Spruce street,
rnit.ADiJi.Fni a
W. . M
winiirm nititviii 1111 line ui
Puti'iit Spring Miiltrrsac, curlttl liuir, M.ias
Com lluk and rttraw- Mttrsse, Vihti, Ta.
unstry, 'i'uislry, Uruisrls, Tlme-riy, Injiain,
Venetian, List, Kaf and Hemp
Curpetings, Oil Cloths, Canto McJungs, ,
Cocoa anil riaiiih Maltln. Moor anj titair
lnifBU. Hc.itli Kuns, laurMi. Thl anil
I'iano Cutoi. Tow!.icli h rcifully invit
Ih llrnlitn of purrbascr.
IMiiU- Oct T, UM ly.
Pickles, Sauces tje.
Jual rarsivaa)
riKiW rli.iw,
Mistd ricals,
J Hull statwa,
Kssanrataf Ancktiirsa,
Chilli ViM,,
TlaB allots sra sll
rt.iasa k HW-kwoU, lom,
a-wiaai r.iajws,
Raai Uai, if J.iav
Tsaalu Calauf, t , t
DuioJutiott of Ptrtuartliip.
TI'T ia bil.r Ut) thtt th paitn.rthip
III I tvual business, krliifur iialii un
li I K Aim w( Kas A luuly rj wn
l! 1st at Ajjuhi iu.i., by wiiusl runaettl.
W. it K
JtUI.N I 'lit "'V,
Tl. usina it) ' r.iit'luria l lti.U.e till-
tUf Hi Dim h( Ksa 4 !...!, (4 athun, , m l,,,
I.jI..mI still l tiiirtU.I,
htiiJi, u. It,
BP MlASiMl M u (U ..,,ia, inUivlUa, av.-a
, lailltfw UAai nj tUf ..
I lifels, jual hirlisa i.4 m I ,
torn. I AvLai. Ha lt . -
iJlinM All ,,.,1, m IImU U. ..J
' fit t.J4 ,!( b
Is. .l Hill. Hit A I il,
Maiasl aii.l .-. U. l't .1 I'tlt. ,
ut.l tu I k I lU
' " sVr Ihe Care f
ma, urnoopiira.oouoa
tht bud-f laKc lh CHMUty i'iCTuitUs on going lo bud,
hi wrap up worm, to Bweai auruig inr nigtu.
For a Uulo and Couou. tke il morniim. nonnmul eve
iiirnf. a co-mh mi to Uuecutis on the little, uml l'rnnJl.-nl-
ty will miii b remtvtl. Nono will I-'tig suII't from Una
in mi Lie wittru Ui nnu l onu iteta rpudily curwl. l'crm
artitcied with a ieitled cough, which breaks tliem of Iheir
rest ai mem, win hihi, dv iukihc tne vnerry rcur&l on
(toil g Ij tx;U, they may b ure ifiKuiKJt umHokeu ilt-fp,
und cinfqH-iit)y refreshing rt. Great relief fr'iiiulTer-
nig, and an ultimate cure, ia ntt rueti n liiouwtids whu ore
thud nlHictcd, by this mvtiinttlile remedy.
Frt.m tts ngreenlile efTrrla in Ihew CTf"n. inanr find
thetnwWea unwilling to fure nt uae beu til neueaaity
ittr i nas ceacu
From two eminent Physicians in
FatittsvillKs Tfiw , April 10,
Sir We have itivan vur cherry Pectrnl an utunnive
trbl In out piartice. and find it to aur pruts cverv trthf re
medy we liavo for cuniia: tfftct.mi of the reapiruuiry or
guns. 1K. DIKMr.K A HAAiri'UN.
I u l?ll'jr.l-t A si v I'UUMt rrhftixciv? una remttiy
i invnlua!lena Inr ita nctiim on thelhnntnd nines, when
taken ia ainad quantities, itreinuvesnl. hLxiisetiess in a few
bimra, vnd wuntier fully increases the power and liuxibtliiy
ol me voice.
A Til. MA is trrnpniUv mnrh relieved, ond often wholly
cured by C herry Ft Moral. But there are some eoae'so ot
siuuite as to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Vec lo
rn I will rnr Ihein, il ihey can lie cured.
uitUiM Ml l in, or irritation oi me mroai una upper
nmiion of the Iuiir, nmv be cured hy taking Cherry Pe t
rulinnnall and in-quent dosea. The uncomiortable op
prc3l nt isshii relieved.
r .1.. t 1 VUlVtn .rDatl,lM TiT.aa. Vl asaaaaaa
uer. witi. jn.a?i .-s "i x" '-' 'j pi,hcw i "t-i
'l havs seen the Cherry Perinral cine atwh enses of
Anhnia nnd Urupchilia as leads nia to bclieva it can rarely
fml t cure those diseases."
FOR CROl'P. Give an entetierf antimony, to 1m
followed by targe and frequent doseU of the Cherry Pocttt-
lol, until r subdues tho disease, ii iiieuui, u win
not fail to cure.
WHOOPING COUGH may he nronen up ami soon cu
red hy the up of Cherry Pecti-rnl.
TUB INFLt'KNA is speedily removed by this reme
dy. Numerous iiistiinccK have been noticed where whole
families were protected from sny serious cm. sequence,
while their neighrn-rs, without the Cherry Pectoral, wvie
suffering rrnm thediscnse.
i)r. J. C. Ayer: 7ALi:ir, wnio, inn June, iroi,
1 write to iinrm von ol the truly remarkable e flee is ol
your CHKKKY PliCTOKAl iu thia place, and in my
own funnly. One of my dnuhters was completely cured
Hi three nuv "i a arenuiui ,vhoopi7.o ocgh. oy uikiuhi iv
i)r. Men i is, one of onr very best physicians fieely suites
thui hm f(iii)i(1rrn it ihe best remeilv we hava n.ilmoniirv
diseases, and that h has cured more cnaca of f noi r with
it than anv otner medicine ne ever annum sirrcn.
Out clerffvmrit of the Uaptiat Church Bays that during
the run of iNtxi'iMA here this seuaou, lie kjs steu curea
from yonr medicine be could scarcely have believed with
out seeing. ' ,
Yours respectfully, J. I). SINCLAIR,
PepLty Postmaster.
From tke rtistintcftished Professor of Chemis
try and Metcria Mediccy Bowdoiu Cottrpe.
1 have found the Cubrkt Pkctobal, ars its imrredtents
show, a powerful remedy for colds, and cauglis, and pul
monary diseases.
Pabrkr Clkvelad, M. D.
BBiTUfWiCK, Me., Feb. 5, IP 17.
The iridrltj celebrated Professor of Surgery in
the Medical College, New York Ciiyt says:
"Il gives me pleasure to certify the value and elficaey
of Ayrhs Chbrbt Pectoral,' which 1 muskier pec'ih
arly adnptetl to cure diseacps of the Throat and Lungs.1'
Cures of seveie diseases upon the t.umr have been ef
fect til by CHraHV Pectoral in auch extreme cunts ns
warruni the belief thnt a remedy hns at lenclh been found
that cuti be depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds and
Coiisuinptioti which carry from our midst thousands every
year. It is indeed a medicine to which the afflicted enn
l-xilt with confidence fur relief, and they should not fail to
avail incmscives 'i it.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Suiilmry by H MA8SKR, nnJ ly
11rnpsi"ts finerally througlifuit the Hlnle.
July MO, 18."i3 renw lv. Nov. 13. !C3.
ValuablePropert j fi
lftVn I.T
In the Eorctigli of Sunbury !
IIIE suliscrilicr ofTi-rs fur sale tlic following
il jirojirity in tba Eu.oukIi of tjuiiburv, mz:
Aii'l two contigious Lots of Crcniil,
on tlic e.iut!i west cruer ol i5'i..irr, now
t(-(uii il !'V t!:e subsrriber as a slure and il wil
ling. AKi'i: j
on the river li.utk, togi'tln-r tvitli ono nn.l a Iiafl
aons of grouiiJ. AIku: a douMc two r-torv
fro ni e
Dwelling IlousoanJ Lot of Ground,
in Fldorliorry slrcrt. Also: six seres of
ground ut tho I'oiiit, adjoining; tlic Susti.iubatina,
anwliirli are erected two fruine Imu-cs, wagon
lioubj, iSl. Also:
A House and Lot of GroimJ
in Cranberry street, near the river, on v!m!i lot
aro also erected tiiree lime kilns. Also !
A Honso and half Lot of Ground,
on the north east comer of River and Dewherry
slreet, otcu.iedliy Augustus Clement. Also:
Twenty-Three Vacant Lots
on Elderberry street.
Su::biiry, Jan- 14, 1854 tf.
The Eye Perfected.
1'iom the FinnUtn institute, PliitIe;;h.a, fmm the liitrtUulv, New Voii, ttiij
From Different Fairs in New England.
City Daguerreotype Establishment
.Vo. 100 Jf ICG Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Also, Mm Street, Springjicld, Muss, and
VesttielJ. Muss.
Portiuil I'aiutiiif; and Talholyping, in th
lii;;lit atute of perl'oction, done in all ths above
EataMiHliiuenU. '
.-ky-I.islts used in all lb establishment.
Miniutures taken equally a well by them in a in clear weather.
l'hila., May S7, 8ft4- if.
Roseudale Hydraulic Cement.
An exclUnl artuie for Liuiut; I'isteins,
Vaults, Spring-houses and Cellars,
ND for keeping dani lui from wet nd
iiosed walls. For sale by
N. W. earner of From and Willow rJtteet
niipoaite th oltl alanj, Ksilioad.
rhildel.hia, April S, 1851.-ly.
ri'URKR I'RUK MKPAIJI War, baa awaiJaU lw tit
X vsy tUgattl ami aiiparusi
tUkikitsal . Ik sulavsuVrr Hut Crtatal Paiaas. la
luaku itta iuiHitH-ainail, ikay ,hi taka iliia
tpiawiuitiiy In latum ikan llwnU In Ihati mtiitar.m,
liauala, l Iks aitauiva auJ liiaNaU paliuM,. k.aiaa
siauataat tu laaa, aaia) aaattes iknat dial a pains will las
HMla4 lu aHuw Uta tatlaru layuulKNi aUaaaly alUul
U .Oa tu ataal Ik. (taoll, iwiastal aatuaiui L iair
l.taisaHMtMa, iky ksa sakiaat ajrady k. IUi a.iulta.
ruaj laatittioa. a,ax-k lba Uual aroj sauMa iaasa as ts4itia
u unwell' .ti ti, aVaaaiial
A'. " kaitJ an aoatuiat.i 4 wuiiaa Uk'LO
DKA.Vll, SM atary Mla, awl a k.w yiloa.
OroTotettt ft Truilow, AOS Broadwiy,
NUW YOK, ( M......,, Niekoau) II 4U.
N. PiaaaiuaM raa, awatuad by Uta AasaaataM luail.
Ivia ka ik'K paws tv ni tst aaiittauuai
.Nam Vk, A a, a, t
l ar b..ii!s ft.r stla I y
II. B MlSM'-K,
f'iuhuiv. pnl, I. UM
S A 1 It.-.' D.MHI! i4Mta
i h'i'a. I. k i', silk .-.i'il,
li.i'.lta'tta, i, l-.ta, ,vtaa atijrt
autl rtui.iiiii-1
Ilia. l an, a.
u t. J"l ! (
ol.J i.l t kl i, A
l, ,i, Ua I. l.-l -
k N AUU,
j l,4'il at I', fu(.a.uM
IVa-. aaa.1
Mil II')
...UM tt nr1 i M h 4 III
.. I ...4 I H
,U I. U II
..!... iaat III I ' 1
'to Your Own iechnaics.
Of the most Fashionatlo Sfflo
11E subKrUier respoctfully call, the tltJntiot
of P""l' to lit. larg. and splendid assort
mcnt of everj quality and price of
which cannot fail to reiommsnd ilwlf toery ocs
who will examine it, on account of iudumll.
workmanship and splnndid finish, ynada u 0f lb.
In-st Hock to be had in the city. N0 ilTort .
spared in the manufacture of hi ware, and iv
siibcriber is determined to keep t,p vjnj
niany implement which are constantly beir.
made. Hi stuck consists of Mahogany
SoTus., Olvnnit and Lrtung
Buream, Secretaries, Sidetoardi
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal t0 jWl.
uclphia manufactnra
DEDSTEADS, of every, tn(i
In short, every article in this line of hi litsii.ew
II als manufacture, all kinds and qualities
including vsrietie never before to lie had i,
Sunbury, uch a Mhocsi, Bicb Wu,t,
iiDCrmniMiiLiGati-ua! . .
i ' 4!,D Txcr P"o Srouts, which an
of tho latest style, and warrantcj to 1 excelln
by none manulacturej in the Cilic or elsewhe-rj
The ubcriber i determined that there shul
be no eicue for person to purchase furniture h
the cities, is every confidence can ba cirtortainet
about the quality and finish of his ware urn
Hi article will be disposed of on a gem
term a they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in pavment for work.
, , 3T UNDERTAKING. Havin), provide.
himself with a handsome HsaTtsr, he is not
prepared for Undertaking, and attending fun,,
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient di.
tanre from this place.
GP The Ware Koora is in Market Stroe
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tuvan
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf.
tion.wi'.h One HunJrc
Engravinpn, showit.j L'i
eases and M'llforniatirins
tho Human Sys'.rui iiieoi
shape and ftu m. To whit
is added a Treatise on tl
Diseases nf Females, l
of the highest imporlencei
married people, or tiio
eonteinpliitiiij' u-.Lvriage.
llr Ir YVni. Totan;
Let no father be ashamed to present a ro;y
the JESCULAFIUSto his child. It i.nj aa
him from an early erave. Let no young hu m
woman enter into the secret obligations of uif
ricd life without reading the POCKET A.SC
LA PIUS. Let no one suffering from hakn:
Cough, Tain in Ihe Side, restless nights, nervu
feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sent
lions, and Riven up by their physician. I an"(l
moment without consulting the .ESd'i.Al'il
Have the married,' or those about to be iur: i .
any impediment, read this truly useful bonk,
it has been the means of saving thousands of n
forlunnto creatures from the very iaws of rs
T v" Any person sending TVENTV-FI
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive t
copy of this book, by mail, or fi've copies wiil
sent for one dollar. Address. Da. W. VOLN
No. l.'i'J SPRUCE Stroet, PJllLADELf ii.''
Post paid.
July SS, 1S51. ly.
w. a Sti'CISMirr.
imiuti D-?tr.sti
Commission iiUSjflt:-
eoi xroRTix whahvls,
Tims. Richardson tSt Co. Philadelphia.
A. G. Catteil Sc Co. "
Rutter & Patteson,
Charles Ellis & Co.
Uuigin Sons,
Phila., April 8, 1 851. ly.
I ESPECTFULLV inform, the citljer.i
- tlio Borough of Hunbury and vuuuit v, I
he has permutianlly located himself ui i
Borough; and oiler, hi professional eervn--thoae
who may wish to employ him. Tor
present ho can be found at Weaver. Hotel.
Sunbury, March 11, 1854. tf.
WH. M'CARTY, Bookseller,
RESPECTFULLY inform, the iuhabiian
town and country, that be baa lately r
ved from Philadelphia, a larg addition" to
stock of books, in every branch of Literature,
in a great vaiiety of Binding. Plsase call
see them.
Hunbiiry, Sept. 17, 1S53
SRY GOODS, Cloths, Cassimers, SattiB
P Vesting. Tweeds, Summer elolh, Vt
cord. Ticking, Check, Muslins, Ve., j,t i
kiidforwleby WM, A. KN Alii
Lower Augusta, May 6, 185 1
Y'egetable cattle rowrrn.-
duien Brainig and FrotivflelU'a C'asltlas 1
der, jat received at the New Drug Store of
, . VVEIsER tSt bri ne:
Sunbury, My J7, I8il,
jYh. If. II. HIGBeIe'S remedy ft,7"cJb
colds, and pulmonary disease. A upu
ihi vaiuaaie uiediciite just received and for
. , , JLU.MASE
tiunburv, Janet , 1833
Ala and v.krs. k mZv.A i
fashionable Silk. Wol ...! r. i
v...n, , inniulh, Navy and Mil
tap fur Ml. low by
O. KLMIIEItdiy vo.
Market .treel. th. Tv.l OSit
5unbuy,Oil. 8, laiJ
(JHAIX rUMPS.. A".aT mZl,"j,
y eicclUnt pump lute Uxat rev.Hj ,iH
aikuj fM Ml by
jKuiibiry. June t, 1IS3.
KJIL V i K VaTC.1 lUTx'bm tiju.l,
Kn.llaal IftUtei M atatwaj, fu( aatU at .r)
fie) by u. ti. M A &M
VuuVury, Aui It, l4l
COOPER'' Gt I. TIN T. Vo77.ll ,.
r-4iky eim;ri uKi.vt
MHHbu. Jmii 14. I At
1)L4MC P.iibaiiul P.pcTI'.J uJ I
' kUta, Udik, K'bUtMa.
., Hn Mtok II. II MAOat;
"nubuiy AU t. Il -
a uVl'!-. ilk. Us". rtr
li, IWuta. l .kh-. M'"l
it'l alts ,u4 i I.4 - "
ju'l ltrntt-1 ul ! all afV lB
Wnl.ll.t- VI V
i. mil m ."I
,i.-i r. .'a - i r.... ,'
it J ; slil H' ' " .1.-1 tn.,-"'"- I-4'"
a.Haif. 0t . H-'
mi tut'
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