SUiNBURY TRICE CURRENT Wniit. Rn. t S10 110 so 63 90 55 10 !. IS Cons. . .f I OiTS. a . PoTATOI, , a, Biiiwii HacKtia Flat . BoTTm. Boot. New Advertisements. CHURCH DEDICATION. The German Reformed CJburch in. Sun bory will bo dedisated to Almighty God, on Sunday, the 29th day of. Apl inst., (it 10 s'clock, A. M. A number of Ministers from l distance are expected to be present. The public generally are most respectfully invited to attend. Frkd'k. Haas, ' ' Jacob S asdolt( ' . - JE0. O. AV!.KER, .--- -.. Lrvi Seashoits, , " . Martin (Jabs, Prancis Buchkr, Valenhnb 1)iktz, Committee Sunbury, April M, 1355. . . jfEW spring millinery ,AND FANCY GOODS. !ISS JANE FINNEY respectfully in. forms her friends and customers goner illy, that she has just received a lot of New Millinery and Fancy Goods, such as Bonnets, Jollars.'Ribons, Ac, of the latest style and latteros, which she will sell at the lowest irices. Sunbury, April 14, 1855. tf. Boarding! Boarding! M,R.'.; WHARTON can accommodate 8 or LVJL JO respectable boarders, cvation : North-west corner of Market Square, Jnnbury. Persona wiahing a comfortable home ill find thia desirable place. Sunbury, April 14, 1855 tf For Rent. A LARGE Dwelling and Store House, togeth- er with an excellent garden and (tabling in ht most beautiful anil business part of Shamokin. For terms apply to , ;. S. JOHN. April It, 1955.'-. 3t Northumberland Bridge Company. ,4 N ELECTION for officera of the Northum berland P ridge Company, to serve for one tar,, will be held at tlio house of G. & Burr, in rorthuiuherland, on MONDAY, the seventh day f MAY pext., .The election will be open at 1 'clock.' P, M-i- and close at 4 o'clock, P. M. - -'he books. and accounts of the company will be i)l)iniUe' the stockholders for. their inspection, t the nme time and place. ., ..... D. BRAUTIGAM, Pres't. Notth'd.April.lJ, 1055 tt . . ' . '.. NOTICE. TIIE APPEALS for the several town dps and boroughs in the county of North nberliind, will be hold by. the Hoard of Coin issioneta of said county, at their office in anbury, on the following days to wit : Chihsciuaque township April 23. Milton Diir-otign. -. Delaware township, Tucbut " Le.wia Lower Mahanoy township, Jackson " Up pes Mabanoy " Little Mahanoy " . Coal Cameron " .Sbuwokin " Lower Augusta " Upper August '" Kuh Suubury borough Northumberland borough Point township, Jordan " Zerbo " 24. 2S. Mount Carmel JOSKPH NICELY, LY, ER.V PHILIP RBN.N, Corn'ri. GEO. C. WELKKR. CommUsionors' onice, 1 Sunbury; Aplil 11, 1855. NOTICE. HE Stockholders of "Sharuokin Colllegiate - Institute ere hereby notified that the an al meeting for the Election of a Board of uatee will be held on the first Monday of jy. 1855, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at W. Weaver's itel, in Shamokin. By order of the board, WM. ATWATER. Sec'y. Shamokin, April 14, 1855. 3t TO COUNTRY STOREKEEPER. riHE Subscriber has on hand of his own man L ufacture, a large assortment of Ladies', isses', and Children', Leather, Kid, and Jrocco BOOTS, 8HOES, and GAITERS, the beat workmanship and material, which he II sell' at as low wholesale prices as any person the city. Buyers can get any sices to make assortment, without having to purchase the alter or more unsaleable size. WM. C. PARKER, i. 91 North SIXTH Street, below Race, Philadelphia. N. B. Gaiter Uppers ready for the lat, sold Country Shoemakers st low prices. Juabury, April 14, 1850. 3m. To Officers, Soldiers, !AMEN, &o, OF ALL WARS : their Widows and Minor Children. B. MASSICH, Attorney for Government GaimeiUi, Pnnbury, Pa. :ON TINT Eli u. pri ptompl and psrsoiial sitaiitu lo eeimcutiaa 1 Cluu ot every ilsacnptuia a.iuM th itisl UovwiiSMut, siid Biuilail)r lu utose brt. the asury Department, Prnuon siid Houiitjr Lamt Hurasus, till aist iMMl Laud Oiftec, aud tkard ut Claim a Mp'uicof yts, aud a lamiluuuy wila Us smsus :buiuinf laa aatliost aud imiai iuvorebls action um as, wita taa tariluiaa forth duualcb ui Iuiuusm, li y kia la aaaimiif aia CorraauuiKUMiu, ClauoeaU, and PaWis (Mnul, lual iwatis luuuud W lua assy wiilautks agMrid. ion, Uuvsti Lisa, riBTiiFai.M)LiaLw. kuimrlf tmiy lot ftttuiiotia dutnaoiiaa anaau mmsiim CwrMtMiiMt, uhI i si sis wIm awjr assiiius i l a hU BtDkMt commjui:!; a aya-iusisul U a. I PtuattiM, buamy I, raws, aud Patdui I .and , down IS) tt wd d" Um tale Oiujna .malading uary-Land Act of8d Muroh, 1855. d -jki.k -U L I L . . . 1 , ...... " wot. mmww npyuws m vmm ansa hw s-uUnJ v adiliiiuusl laud aud Ait , I'luiu-iua, auutiara, Wuf, alMtws, Taauwuvs. Irisudly l-J.a.o, M tu Aim,, ukmh1is mi Tiuu, uiMM, and MOiua nd aa lutxxa, taaa, Oidwa """. aianiM-. t m u, aud I 'nrl. id tae Navy, ' ' m. twvsfa, m m wmiwi at Mrpinui surf , aud ut tt wut... aud mm uwia4t . II I .1 lilLI K . 1 t uuat UJ 1.I1ILU I fad ud ttwauf iMuwlit t4 , led lu tt wt uf y vm-4 ' ,ir - m -m i IU 4lW V IIIiim ud -.-- . , y LU MuM. I SUd Ut.lUUd tuSSM.k.M M Ul 4 MIN M W UM tu autjituduit uf ltHd -,-t mm A tutuf lu stud imtuntKut f i at luMuOte d Lt ttu) I'UW m smwumj Mu.s aud BMMUt lnlililullt uf IttM .Ui.u W tt II,!!,!,,!, um ut uufut uf ttt t-uHifa) kf ItMbMuul liuif t) It. y a--1 W-a-faaV kal(.' ft CUM H KMHtft OKM t u-lltui'iSi us uu ftim lutwt.4 tatu ttj "'u.. fcr uk k dt4 uk luist i ditd u a tminrUti , 4 sms uy kliuat uf tut 'tt tut Itu) i h, ..r , uiiM tteufdtM ut almii UwWcf ft duaat UWt J ttu.duul (, Lht ttt - I lit ..t . ri i.S st hu t WMM U-UM uUUM I, t ytuu-t M 4 - I t- KMUfj t'- -it ill UK, Uu JtMUl ftOMfJtUt lUf, t, t MM Mx " -- tMduut ku TWO PREMIUMS Awarded at the late Crystal Palace Exhibition in New York to the Oldest Typo Foundry In the U. States Established by Blnny 4 ftonaldsun in 179(1, on me Date ot Bowers Uermantown Foundry of 1739. The long experience of the several proprietor Of the Philadelphia Type Foundry Enables L. JOHNSON A CO. to ofler the lar gest varioty of Printing Type, and all the ap purtenances of a Printing Office, to be found in anv establishment in the United Htntos, and of a quality, too, Which is deemed to be unrivalled. The composition of the metal used i calculated to a (lord the greatest durability while the scru pulous care exercised tn the fitting up of the type such as to insure accuracy aud squareness of body, arc Uur facilities are o extensive to enable us to fill order of any amount. Estimate given in detail (with the cost) of atl the material required for a newspaper office. PLAIN OK FANCY TYPES, Music of unparalleled beauty, cast in this Foun dry only. Scripts, Flower, Border, Cut, bra or metal rules, labor-saving rule, bras brace, bras circle and oval, Ac. PRESSES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, And all sort of Printing Material, (moat of which are made by us) will be furnished at Man ufacturer price. PRINTING INK, of all va rietiea and colors, varnishes, bronzes, d-c. We are agent for the Inks, oc. of the most celebra ted American and English Manufacturer, which we sell at the lowest terms. Stereotyping or Electrotyping of books, music, wood cuts, jobs, Ac. Type used in stereotyping for sale at reduced price. Wood outs designed and engraved in the finest style of art Our '-rainor ipecimen book" (the first of its class in the country, and original in it conception and getting up) will be sent to all printers that have not received it, who will direct how it may be transmitted to them. try Newspaper Printer whe publish this ad vertisement entire, (including this notice,) three time before September lt 1855, and send to us a copy of the paper containing it, will be allowed their bill on purchasing article of our manufac ture to four time it amount. L. JOHNSON 4 CO. No.6 Saneora Street, near the Hall of Independence, Philadelphia. April 14, 1855. 3t SHAMOKIN Collegiate Institute. SHAMOXI N, 7A D. STROH, A. M., Principal. THE third session of this Institute will com mence on Tuesday, the 1st day of May, 1855. The session will continue fifteen weeks. Tuition (payable at the middle of the session) a fallow : . Primary department, per session, $4,25 Academic " ' 6,37$ Collegiate ' " 8,50 Pupils not received for a less term than half a sossion. For further particular address the Kev. C. J. Ehrchsrt, Shamokin, Pa. " Hhamokin, April 7, 1855. 6U CHOICE GROCERIES. BURTON & FENT0N, 5. IV. corner Sixth and Arch street!, PHILADELPHIA, HAVING refitted their Store anew, and re plenished their stock bv the addition of every thing wanted in a Select Family Grocery Store, aoaa lo make tip a full and most complete assortment, now offers for sale to their friends and the public on the best terms the following excellent Goods, viz : Jellies of all kinds ; Pre serves ; Fresh Fruit in bottles and tin cana; White Clover Honey ; Lutour and other brands of Olive Oils ; Sperm and Stearine Candles ; all the best brands of Groceries ; Crackers, with a choice assortment of all the staple articles, which will be sold at the lowest prices. Please give us a cal. BURTON & FENTON, Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. Phila., April 7, 1855 8 ly. Watsox Dipuv. Thomas Drpit. J. S. DEFUY & SONS, No. 223 North Second Street, below OJhm hill, and S. IV. Corner Eighth and Spring Garden Street, PHILADELPHIA, VITOULD lespeetfully inform their former 'V rn stomera and othcra. that thev have iust laid in a splendid assortment of CarpetH, OH Cloths, Mattings, Window Shades, Door Mats, dec, fee, at very reduced prices Wholesale & Retail. TAKE NOTICE We will sell our gooda as cheap a any other hruse of the kind In the city, Pn la., April 7, 1855 warns 3ml. HAYD0CK & FIDLEB, DEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of James B. Fidlor, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large and varied stock, -feeling assured that tbe ex pa rience both of them have bad in the business. and th facilities they possess for procuring eoods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCriES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Unttania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Gooda, Ac, Ac. N. B. Repairing of Watehe and all kind of Jewelry attended lo with promptness aud tbe greatest care. Phila., April 7, TO THE LADIES Of Sunbury and Vicinity. AGNEW & CO., 196 Chtitnut Street, Philadelphia. ARE now orTsriiif to purchaser a spleudld block of Near Hnrina eShawla. Mantillas and Dresa Goods I their assortmaul of Paris ssad Mantillas, is vary exleusiv, com prising on of the btwt Mleetod Stock in th City, and at tremely low prtce. bHAWLS Brocha. Caiar and GelJbor dared HhawU, long and square, Abo, large assortment of Rich Kittloidfd and Pla Can ton Crap Mhawla.. bILKS Particular atuntio U raueud to ur Muck IWada, Plain, PUid ttisipe, Mateo Aatiuu end blk. bilk, af all a,ualiiu and price. Wast) Milk ia great variety. DKEM GOODH riotJUeatl storage KoU. Oreuadine. Tissue, Barogea, 0(nditM, Meusilea t'balll DelaiasM, kftUlanU, fistwh ad Eailwh I'tualsM. sY., EwUtVsri of all description. Collar, bios, Kuffise, Insert. ittga, with full " f KtbUne, LadMe' aad tUuliss)"' (iloM, lioiae'yi V, ComlaaiUy siio fr4 auppliM l aVaaMl. able UuwK y Havie. l-ip4, fi,w YtMk i Ph4ldlpti Aneua btdetr PuicM i(UMtl U all aJ iim txtr twk Widad4 Fmt Um1 IUm P'hMUm 4 CUstnitl sH, CtitUda. Affil T, I .-. BOYD, UOttSKB il CO vsss asMSt Ucb el) Clnlljwcltc vCoal. f ike Uke ri4lr Uutoklu. Hon It'll Owuatj. rna. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Chestnut & Fifth Street, Friday morning, December 33th, 1854. Evans 4-Watson' Salamander Safes Trium phant, a they always are when out to the lest Punintrpsll. Dec. IS. 1854.' Mess. Ev e Watoh, N, 9 South Fourth St Philadelphia. ( Gentlemen i We take much pleasure In re commending your Salamander Safe to Merchant and other in want of a aecure mean of preser ving their book, paper, etc., from fire, a the one we purchased from you about seven monthe ainee ha preserved our book, paper and cash in aa good a condition a they were when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth Hreets. The above safe was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out The Safe wa then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Lock repaired, a we intend to put it in use again, having perfect confidence in it fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LACT 6 PHILIPS. Evan 4 Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Safes in use: U. 8. Mint, Philada; Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Phila ( Samuel Allen, Esq., High SnerilT, Phila; John H. Hen derson, City Controller t Caleb Cope 4 Co., No. 183 Market St; Richard Norris o Son, Loco motive builders, Philada; Bancroft 4- Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James Sts.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvania Railroad Co, Phila.; Lacey o Philips, corner fith aud Minor Sts.; Sharpies Bro., No. 33 South Second St.; James Kent & Santee, No. 147 North Third St; W H. Horstman & Sons, No. 61 North Third St; Smith, Williams dr. Co., No. 87 Market St; J. dr. B. Ornc, No. 184 Chestnut St A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent more fire than any Herring's Sale now in use.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron Dash, for making fire-proof Vault for Bank stores, public and private building. Seal and Letter Copying Presses ; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc Please give us a rail, at No. 26 South Fourth St, Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. B0TTNTY LAND WARRANTS. THE subscriber having received the necessary form and insructtions from the Department, at Washington, i prepared to procure Bounty Land Warrants at the shortest notice. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 7, 1855. Estate of ADAM NEIDIG, Dec'd. NOTICE 1 hereby given, that li tters of ad ministration have been granted to the subscri ber on the estate of Adam Neidig, late of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, dec'd. All persons having claims against the estate, and suck that are indebted thereto, are requested to make an early eettclment. I he undersigned administrator will be present at the house of the late deceased, on Saturday, the 31st inst., to make final sctte.Iincnt. DAVID REESER, Ad'tor. Upper A ugust, March24, 1853 6t F. H. SMITH, PORT M0NNAIE, POCKET BOOK, AND DresHlng Case Manufacturer, V. 11'. cor. of Fourth Cheitnut St., PHILADELPHIA. Always on hand a large and varied assortment of Pert Monnaiea, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Cabas, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, . Chess Men, Portable Desks, Cigar Cases, Dressing Cases, Pocket Memorandum Books, Also, a general assortment of English, French and German Fancy Goods, Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Oold Tens. Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. ' V. H. SMITH, N. W. cor. Fourth A Chestnut Sts., Philada. N. B. On the recefpt of $1, a Superior Gold Pen will be aent to any part of the United Slates, by mail; describing pen, thus, medium, hard, or soil. riiila., March 31. 1854 ply. MILLINERY GOODS! 1855. FOR SPRING SALES. JOHN STOKE & SONS. No. 45 South Second St, PHILADKI.11IIA, Have just opened their Spring importations of Silks, Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Crapes, tc. &c. Including a general assortment of Millinery Ar Ucles of the most fashionable styles. Tbe above goods have been imported express ly for our Spring sale, and comprise the largest and best assortment in our line to he found in this market. March 17, '55 P. 3 mo. J. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! IRA T.CLEMENT respectfully inform th citizen of Sunbury and vicinity that he ba been appointed agent for th sal of tit eelebra. ted red ash coal, from th Mine of Boyd Ro & Co. All tha various sixes prepsred and screened will promptly delivered by leaving order with the lubsetiber. IRA T. CLEMENT. Bunbtuy, Dec 30, 15 1 if. REMOVAL. BESSON&SON, B lav to inform you, thai ihey tuv removad THE nilLADEU'niA FAMILY MounLing Store, I'rom No. VJ Svuth Steond Street, to the N llHUding, No. 'JUti Chttnul Siml, lie dune above EivhtK Street, South .Siit.) Who they will oKW iitcraJ slotk, l raduewt iMtstM, N. B. Daily peuiusj Nsw braia Gveka PhUadtlphia, March 17, Ja, pflt I EsUtt of ABIUHAM ARTH, deo'd. JVTOTICK U kwly gltsti thai ktMer Tssi. aioMlai) aa graaud a ike Mtbseri. Wt Ut late astaie AUsbsta Arte, lea sat -mokw luwasttip, KMUiumUrUud swuaty, sW'it. All ptwautt tinietitoj Is) Mt4 a ktfl clauus agsisist U a mis are if tid t rll mi Ui Mibc4tlaM, iiwidiug is) atd luwiMiitp, 1W AH lMtf4l IS Is) SMtl Ut BMMM UUi sWe'il. bsiuitUy. Aittil lit. WM. il. Ml KM II. Kl'ltM. kksssUU , M4 , ..-4. lluutf mitl l.ut fur Kultt. fIIK MtkssuittM sAmS Si pil htt ht I m4 iiuid u M UUtUiil e'sl, bwikaf. The k-xt M t THf tia dtxltttit, i-4 s4 It auk 1tUi-t. HwUlMrf tw K th pskM. 1 It iHsetoyft a aa Uttl . la f'ta kttliMtf M UdUtm ihl tHtstti. U M iOUH M. I) It. !' - u BALTIMORE CAR'J. I JUNE Factory filled and Ground Alum Salt, conatantly on hand and for sale. CARR, CIESE 4- CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commission Merchants, Spear' Wharf, BALTIMORE. Also, Cement and Calcined Plaster. Agency of the N. A. and Rosendale Co. ' Baltimore March 3i; 1836 lm A Lot of Chemicals for Sale by GEO. W. COBLE, DAGTJERREOTYPIST. GERMAN Bromine, Chloride of Iodine, do. do. dry, Hypo Sulphate of Soda, "Caynide of Potassyum, distilled Mercury, liquid quick and Gilding. He has abo a Daguerreotyping appa ratus, a full let, which he will sell tt a reasonable price. He ha also a variety of specimens from town and country, which he will soil at balf price, also case and mat, all of Which he will sell aa cheap a they can be bought In the city. Sunbury, March 81, 1855. STRAW & MILLINERY GOODS, Wholesale & Retail WAX. T. HILL, Straw list It Basnet MannfHetarer, And Dealer in Straw Good in General. No. 321 North Second Street, (below Noble, east side, directly opposite Butt's Red Lion Hotel,) Philadelphia. Where may be found a large and extensive as sortment of goods in the above line, to which the attention of Country Storekeepers and Milliners, i particularly invited, C7 All goods aold at the lowest cash price., March 17, i853. W. 2 mo. i. FRENCH TRUSSES. HERNIA or Rupture successfully treated, and comfort insured, by use of the elegant French Trusses, Imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly for hi sales. Alt suffering with Rupture will be gratUed to learn that the occasion now ofler to procure a Truss combining extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold. An extensive assortment always on hand, adap ted to evory variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for salo at a range of price to auit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $3, 3, $4, and $5 ; Double, (4, $5, $6, $8 and $10. Persons at a distance can have, a Truss sent to any address by remitting the amount, sending measure around the hips, and dating side affected. For sale W holcaale 6i Rctai) by the Importer, CALEBH.NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Race afreets, Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Banning, Improved Patent Body Brace t Chest Expanders and Erector Brace; Patent 8houIder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and Supports. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady attendants. Phila., March 31, 1855. p3m. JULIUS 8TEEN No. 145 North Third Street, (3 rfoor aboue Uagtc Hotel, flilLAVKLl'lUA WHOLESALE Dealer in Fancy Dress Trim mings and Millinery Goods, and Manufac turer of Fancy Bilk Bonnets. Keeps constantly on hand a very extensive assortment of bilks, Ribbon, Gimp, Fringes, besides a great variety of other Fancy Goods. He solicits a call from Country Merchants visiting the lity, and assures them that they will be sure to find any article above mentioned, at tho Lowest prices. March 17, '55. W. S mo. S. REMOVAL. IJETERe W. GRAY respectfully informs his -SL rriHiiiIri nrifl niatnmitra. that he has removed his Store from its old location, and now occupies the handsome and commodious Store room, lor merly occupied by H. B. Masner, in Market square, nearly opposite the Post Office, where he will be happy to serve all who may give him a call. Sunbury, Narch 10, 1855.--tf ENNSYLVAKiA7iEW0Rkr " No. i Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia. rjlUE subscribers have on hand, aad arc con A stantly manufacturing SIEVES, HIPDl.ES, SCREENS, WOVENWIltES, of all meshee and widths. Also, all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieves f all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, Ac. Cylinders sud Daudy Rolls cov ered in the heut manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Win dow Wires, Safes, Traps, DUU Covers, Coal and band Screens, ic. BAVLIbS, DARBY & LINN. March 10, 1855, C 3mSj PERRY & ERET3T, BOOKSELLERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK MANI'FACTI'RKR?, AND STATIONERS. S. IK. Corner of Fourth J- llace Streets, PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1855. tf FETEU OSBORN, J 11., WHOLESALE & RETAIL FEATHER tc MATTRESS WAREHOUSE, No. HI North Second Street, lhtrd door . above Arch, Kutt eide, Philadelphia. ' Feathers, Feather Bed, Bolster A Pillows, Curled Hair. Moss, Wool, Cotton, Flock and Husk Mattresses, Strsw Palliasses, Settee, Tew, and Chair Cushions, all kinds and collors. Bed' tickings, Check, Moreen and Damask by th vard or piece, Colts, Cat-tail, backing and Cords, Counterpane, whit and eolorad. Comfortable of all kind and sizes by th singl on or dursn. Cribs, Berth, Singl and 9. 10, II, 13 and i3 quarter Blankets, Bleached and Unbleached Sheets, Blocked Muslin and Check pillow cases, Towel of ill kind, Tahla Linen, Table Cover, Damrsk table cloth, Binding of til kind aud color, Thread, ere, N. B. Dsn ton 4 Coston'a patent renovater worked by aleam power, i daily in operation for the purpose of puril'yiug old end new ivalhers. All article from tin etbltshmenl warranted. Philada, March 0, 1855. cr S aa 3 A CARD. fEORGE BROWN, Inspector of Mines, ten. ders hi service to laiwl owners iid Min ing Compani. in Making xniinuon, report lie, of Mil) and 1'eal lands. From bis prL nee in mining operations, be uiidertiaiut th diftsreut bfanche. having earrisd on Mm for a auroUr of yea.-s in Htbuylkill Co., and having now a lar auwbt, uf eulUetit under hi super. vision h hope t luiWctiuri to iboe whe mar WBItl IIS apriieaa. Kar u mnjitiia Mill and W. Pay us, Katr.. 1'bUaJ.hO.i, aud D. K. Nice and Jaut Ntill. Kara, PotlsviUa. CuwmuuictiM ay Mad protuptly tuudd In. retuivUl. Mini 11, UU.-la. 1 1 ATM A CAP. Uk and atloutli Hal, Mtlitary au4 cluth tp lot men and buy, ala liaui Hbua vf vaiiua siv, ju4 imw.oJ a4 kf al l l UtMJ K Hi t'KE. aabu'y Nov. J.I4i. KI BMMI ri I tl. tewplieue. W d vvl.i. U'k.i. i.-.i I i.i.i t ... . ' mmwm ' , w.w aw. ...aaaaw .., a M. fouuut, and Heap, )! rvlJ a4 1ue mm by I&4. i. W. TFK KM et I' a tl)iu.-uk. I UiiJjsa lu. kiJa aitj ' tu etxtiu, llsw ttriwhs, Tuwih Uiatlw, 4..MmUI Vt'lMi'M !'. utui, fits, It, la, DHV litil.-CUh. rs.M. kxiu. IwU, VtU(, Twd. stfid, fbk. t'k.k, MettiiM, s; ift tciwd h4 iMtetr l vv. Viim.ii i a keaVf. lt-4. T, !. lot hieiiy - Ut' m4 itd t-H t, 1 l.4e' sd hiUle' lkM.( lu! Baltimore Card. 3t lAn T:B?aamr - sr.- SL.i9B CSO VWS COMMISSION MERCHANTS ros THS IAL or FLOTJR, GRAIN AND LUMBER, Spectre' Wharf, Baltimore. A genu for Newark and Rosendal Co. Cement and Plaster. G. A. end Fine Salt, constantly far N. B.- Liberal CASH advances mad oa con signments on receipt. Baltimore, March 17, 1655. Ore. PLATFORM SCALES OF every description, suitable for Riilrmids, tc, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Mer chandise generally. Purchasers run no risk, ev ery scale is GUARANTEED CORRECT, and if. alter trial, not found aatiafactory, can b re turned withou charge. ES" Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty years, corner of Ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT A CO., Successors to F.llicott A AbbolL Feb. 17, 1855. c 3 mot WM.F.P0TT3, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Marktt ttreet, below I2tk, north side, PnXX.ABBX.FBZA. Phila., Dec. 30, 1854. ly. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSO" JL COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Afanu facturcr, No. 46 North Front St.. Corner of Coomb's Alley, bettreen Market and Mulberry (.IrcA) Streets, . PHILADELPHIA. ONTINUE to manufacture of arpcrior quali- tv, Brass and Iron Wir Sieve of all kinds, Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Maker, Ac. l v.indert end Dandy Rolls covered in the bcit manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safea, Traps. Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, cj-c Fancy Wire Work of every description. Phila., Feb. S4, 1855. 3m. e ESTATE OF HTJLDAH THARP. V OTICE ts hereby given that letter testaraen 1 tarv with tb will annexed, upon the estate of Hulknh Tharp, late of Shamokin township, Northumberland county, dec'd, have been gran ted by the Register of Wills, to the undersigned. All persons having claima or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to rrake known the same to the undersigned with out delay, and all persons indebted are desired to make immediate payment. PETER WILLOLR. Executor. March 3, 1855. 6L NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR THE SPRING 1855. fYWE A LANDFI.L, S. W. Corner of Fourth A Arch Sts., Philadelphia, are fully prepared to suit buyers. Wholksali A Ritiil, with goods adapted to their wants and at th low est nett cash prices. Mack Silks, Fancy bo New Dress Goods, Neic Spring Shawei, Novelties in Laicns, ISrittish Prints, J 'laid Ginghams, ti'ood Linens, Table Linens, Sheetings, j-c. N. B. Bargains daily received from the Auc tions, of New York and Philadelphia. P. S. Oil Bailed Black Silks warranted not to cut in wearing. Store-keepers supplied with these good regularly. l'hilada, March 3, 1855. w 3m 3 MATCHES! MATCHES ! ! JOHN DONNELLY, MANUFACTURER and inventor of Sjfetv Patent Suuarfi Cnrioht Wand Iiiiy Matches. No. 106 FOURTH Stieet, (above Race,) Phtfadelpliia. Matches having become an indcspensiblc at ti de in housekeeping, the subscriber after a great sacrifice of time and money, is enabled to oiler to the Public an article at once combining Utility and Cheapness. The inventor knowing the dan ger appreheiuleil on account of the flimsy man ner in which Matches are generally packed in pa per, has by the aid of IS'ew JSieam Machinery of his own invention, succeeded in getting up a SAEETr PATENT SQUAIiK UPRIGHT Wood Box ; this box is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no mora room that the eld round wood box, and containa at least Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shippars is consid erable advantage ; it is entirely new and secure against moisture and spontaneous combustion, and dipels all danger on transportation by mean of Railroad, Steamboat or any oth niode of Con veyance. These Matches aie packed to that on gross or more may be Shipped to any part of th World with perfect safety. Thry are the most desirable article for Home Conaumption, and the Southern and Western Markets that haa ever been invented. Dealera and bbippers, will do well to call and examine for themselves. t3T These Matches are Warranted to be atii. rior to ail)' thing heretofore offered to the Public. JOHN DONNELLY. 100 North FOURTH Sl Plutad'a. Phila., Dec. 10, 18H 6m. rerfuincry, tc. "11 VK have inst received iht Isrgtat aiul t arltcied 1 aaairtiiiruit if Pvfluiiury ever utTrrod iu Uiia tccitua or enunirx, CMWittntg in uart uf r'rcnell Pomade, Car kiwi, Tall llrutlitt tlatr Urutbea, Hhaving Cream, Ituuel't Olttihan, i'Uine Powder, Fauna OnaifM, tirans Sowar water, Chaicual Past, Hu.s Powder, Infant " Hair l)v, Mea r un, fnr lhakia La uart Vanilla, tlrangv, MlMtMl, pnuvala, IKrawUtfIX, .Ut Walls, s larf aaal. ail llrualirs, I'tvti'l tairavts, Fof nuit, Ousiils Soan, Wkite ' Tranauaiaal " llmie-ali Waahmstoo Kauuhiicaa " 1'u.utt Abutuat 4 ttlua's M Nraipa OiauibMS " a ii ii n i. t t'.iiat.if rr) dttsi rU,t'.ralt aWaafi'asta, Mutt il TlllMt, I 'sTIHIaSr Kagala CvaOis, ai kiaDs, Wuatait aad tSkaf arliela Itw anaaaniM 1.1 Will AS Ik ti.i.t aiiisl ai liuta U.s kuasss W Jala Htutl sod W. U Ukuut. WK.IHLB 4 BSt .Nr R 1 AKDW AKK.-T.W CulWiv, Rssor. Ph et htiiv. Hand wmJ in haute, Aim, Chiaela, Dour Locks, ud H'nf, Hand Usll. Waiter. A., jusl riv4 aaj tor sal by I. W. TtNtit A CO Maubury, Dec. 1, 114. SIUt.LKNHeHUEK'l PI1.I.H. A eeitaia ur luf Fl aad A (it, tos sal by VI EIH A Ultr M R, Saabuv. tl W, ISM. Will. fAPKi..V Uig mJ tpksuOcd auivituuinl wl V all Yoyts, U ladu fat Kt, m4 tM eUsdos, lut lenel'stl d kif, Sal I. W, 't th tat 4 tt, Meubury, D, I. Ikes, A A sua l uodsi. Fsbasaittik' I siaaAi. U. Jsttie sattole4 MttJuiu, k , a I . - - tat ! M hut kUi SU M hiUKK. UL Mtttktta. hitU, Aw' skat.k, v' tnks l J odUkt, tMi uwt, . ai . ilH.NU iht. N. is, is I. A M UllJ M M Wit Vu V U Ut 4 .he 4 ltl tUit, tat fci TIIE WEEKLY HERALD: Th Bert deafer! If ewiptper la the World. r Th Ntw Y. W.mT Nn.t la nkUJ mrm SUtaMty ninrninfi. Il content emlwtx ill Um tn of the (real event of Ike it, rrwt of sseetissj. of rh Bute jtf manure, a of Cianiaa) ImporuiM pabU entsj Krnps and bnen eorrepoleoe ; tianeul iid mmKfemL and ditmahi ni ctneral tmeraau Hat have aMnrad is th New York DUy Herat. It ia fisMly prlated, ia elrar tjrp vm a tare VMqu . lo ba of rl7-iakt eattuan bnokl dirsrmy in it rlf nd rarm on of the belt an mn valuable vrerkhr nr 1 Ui work). The imlul rr is tMa o obtaia Um lalea td nost relmhlt itcilirme of imnoctrnjai noTement ia u pmru U Um worni. 'OT UM IHIIM11, . .Ttl" MUeriutioa price it Uire 4oHara par M n aDTMBB, ot tlnmr. par aingt ennT. Kd.t-at of newspapers tkroaginl Um enwttiy ar parliealarly r-onrtl-d to set as acttna. They will near mimy-ar per ernt eommitaioa a all eatb sataniptioiM. Airf pet Kin obtainina Cr or aturt tauter ibart wil ba alhrar Um aasa cjotpjaiaaraa. Tsavs To Ciess. For on enpy of Werkty Hertkl rot on ru Pirienpi to Tea ti u riftma in co 03 Ml II S n e M 5S S 00 M i 7 t rs w na tot es lie to rwratr a j I vreiily-tTT A. Thirty to Thirty-lr o V rony to Fnny-Sr So Fifty 4a da All letter lo h addrosei ba James OtVm aVanctt prnpticut and editor uf Um Nw Vwk Uenld, New Vak WIT. RemiltSBjeea natt Kt Md is fatd eimeM ia tin rtty. AdrertiSFraeuia laaet led ia tb Weekly Herald for ttiriy eenrt per liue. New York, Feb. 1S. TAMES McCXJNTOCK, M. D, Lata ' PROFKSSOn of Aaatomr and 8tiit is tbe Pad arlelptua Collejr uf Medapine, aad Aeuuc;' Prufrator uf Midwircrr ; out ot th Consaltiiif Pbraieaua il rbu. arielphia l'Iuspital7 Rloct; ley ; bit astaeher of the NtKa McrlKail Aauciatt"a t membee of tb Phiiadetihia Mai. eal Snciety ; mecatief iif tbe MedieoChinirtirai Collef ul . Phiiadelphw j farawslr President aad Professor il Analnuijr aim Surgerjr ia Oastlrt ia Meiieal CuOrfre, Ver mont; and alsn, late lrofratr of Anatmnr and PtiraW. ocy in Berkshirs Medical lusiiluUua, PiUsiieid, Maaa., tVe , fte., e. Has bitcljr introdaeed in a ppahir fjrra arreral of bia farrtrit preteriptiinta fur Um principal diaca of tbja climate. TIM name of each art ieM wiU imply tb dtaeaae for which it is intended tn be aaed. I5R McClJNTOCK-S PErroUAI.STRVP. TrirtSI IR. MeCIJNTOCK'S COLD AND COLCU Mia. Tl HE For CoHs, Cmisbs. e. Price tJns. DR. MeCI.INTOCK'S ASTHMA AND HOOPLN6 COLCn RKMF.DY. PiieeSOeis. Ur. McCUNTOCK'S TONIC ALTERNATIVE SYRUP For Parifvin the B:.d Prk SI. DR. MeCIJNTOCK 3 DYSPEPTIC KUX1R For fiving ton to Uivstnmaeb relieving pains after cannc, eartharn, and all disagTeeabis eytupUjcB arMiug float indieeatiria Price S) . DR. .MeCUNTUCK'H RHEUMATIC MIXTURE A Purely Vegetable Remerlv for internal a. Pnee SO rta. DR. McCUNTOCKtJ RUtt.MATIC UM.1iii.NT Fnr Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, Ac , Ac Prwe 50 cents. DR. McCUNTOCK'S ANODYNK MIXTURE Fm Pain, Toothache, iicadaeh, Kean.'.ia, Ac. Ac. Plus 50 centa. DR. McCUNTOCK'S FEVER AND AGUE 8PK Cl FIC A eertain core fnr aH Intermittent. Price CI. DR. McCUNTOCK'S DiARKHUiA CORDIAi. A.ND CHOLKRA PRF.VENTIVK A aafa rerrtedr. DR. McCUNTOCK'S VECtTABLE PUROATIVe, PII.LS. Fnt CostiTenets, tiataaeha. Ac. PneeASeta. DR McCUNTOCK'S A.MTIBIUOU8 PIUJ F Irresabiritr in the Fnnctious nf tha I jrer and Bovreis th beat Liver Pill made. Price S3 eta. a bnx For sal by Dr. J. MeCIJNTOCK, at hit Medical De pot, N W m inter ninth and Filbert ats , PhittdetphM, and at alt DniairisU and Dealera ia Medicines. Ah Druggists and Dealera in Medicine who wish to ba agent, will pleas arVldresa Dr. MeClintork, fanisbing leftiema, neme of Post-office. countT and atata. 17" Fnr Sale br Welter A Bruner. Sunberr and Sha mokin ; Wn. Weimer, Nonhamberhind ; C. Brown, Mil ton ; R. P. Lats, Btoomsborf : Jacob Harria, Rncsbnra ; rohn Vaaleeto, Light Street ; I Sharptesa tt Sam, Caia wiaaa. January g, tKS k Splendid Assort menf or Fall 1$ Winter Goods. IMP0ETA1ST TO BUYERS ! ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS!! riHE undersigned has just received the hand--- eomeet and cheapest assortment of NEW GOODS that ha been brought lo Sunbury, Con listing of the following articles, viz : Delators, Casbmeies, French Merinoes, Scotch plaids, Wool Da Lain, Coburg, Fan cy Prints, Dcbeges, Bars get, Alpaccaa, and the most Fashionable Ladies Dress Goods, including a general assortment of Broche and other Shawls, Sack riannele and ladies dress trimmings. Also, Cloths, Cassi mers, Sattinetts, Vesting, Kentucky Jean, Flannels, Irish Linen Ging hams, Fancy Ribbeu d oth ers, Iblld s woot Hoods, carfs, Ac, sud . a larg assortment of Hosiery. Floor and Tabic Oil Cloth., Carpeting, Blankets, Ac, &c. Calico 6J rts. .Muslin, bleached end unbleached at 6L Hals and Cape for Men and Boys, Groceries and Spices of all kinds a general as sortment of Queensware, Glassware, CVdaiware, and the largest and best assortment of Hardware in Sunbury, including all kinds of carpenter's tool's a general assortment o' raaiertals for building Ac, circular and other Mill Saws. Bar Iron, trtctsl, Nails, all kinds of Files for machi nists, blacksmiths, and carpenters, 3 tons Grind stones, which I will warrant. J00 Pick, 100 Grub Hoes, 50 Mason Hammers, 100 lack Ground Alluni Salt, 300 " Fin dairy Salt. Mackerel. Herring and White Fbh, Flaxseed and other Oila, Fluid and campbene and a variety f Fluid Lamp, Looking Glasses, Baskets and Broome. My aasortment is large, and includes a genual ' variety o n Kt.a, . v iT illUXl wiiS Ji J which have been selected with the grratest care- Th Dublie ara rannanua.! In nil ...1 .mln. the GUODS before purchasing elsewhere. It will give us pleuur lo xbibil our clock at all time, anu ii w tan to please, w will not cootpl tni. i Couuby Proiluc Ukea iu icuang for good 1 and Ui highest market price paid iu cash Ur ' Uraiu. ' ED. V. BIUUHT. Suubury, Nov. 1, B5, I l!a :t. ... TO CASH RUYEKS. SAIL? "ss.OS23C?.a .No. tit Chestnut striel, ufvtl sik Philadelphia, Hav uow open a targe stock of CARPKTINOS, EinVractng tha new and leading atylo in VU vet, Tplry. Brussels, In.raina. eiaij t'arpeiv Oil Cloths, Ae.. all ef whkh will be sold at th lewsat e.Mh pticea, WHOLESALE A RETAfl. Phila., Kept. , U44 ly. 1.0 VE8.- fliRktkiii tiloto and n.iu. do JT lileva wool hiwd, Ladi lilovr, Cbd dreu do.. Mill, Ah at Nev U, 'M. VOCNQ'M a TORE. L. L 1EVAN OSALCOSI1T SOTZL, rpiiK Ucnb.,. telufor,ahisl.-a. 1 nd the eubh. ,.n.U,, thai he fca. taken th bo well known alaaU, aaj will b happy lo aMtMoutatiaie all a, aa aay give aia faU. ftuatokio, )ti t, . V T M B K E I. LA W Ovstahos, Vwck'et' Bivk PuMasMtle, .lk Pwk-kustdkihMK Na. k-4i, Myiing.sliAka, atuapuaJsra, As., ai. a. St,'4. ILMI I l tHK. Wti kWl aV-.B.k7 nihtl'iU Wiaiw t ntsola m gtaal vaiUy. Blat.k and laacy lioilk, SHliUso, Velvet end ethei Ttun. Htiaga, UU t kUtawo aad atiitwsana, t'ttlU, 4-. juat !! d 4 hM all Wt " . I W.TKMtH 4 t'tV hill tMli; t utbe. M kHoa , ViaaJi . Out. Vk ua blatkw. MiUltl tad fetll, 141 l.4iJ auj ut aala l ,, Ik NADU . A.g44. M , !. niiiWAl,Mi4 Wk s mi itaat lMiUe 4 ad d atat i ...) ta. hi to k M ttMSIt ( A.tia, Hm '' - TbUVHtltfMWmjll. tt mm .Fall and Winter Goods. TOILING si CXIAXvjT. . RESPECTFULLY- infbna tbatr mto-nera and lb pvMio, that thrr kavw rn4 secar- d aad opened Um bast and! cheafcat stock of rail fcnd Winter Goods, . at tbair Mot ia Market aqnara, 8mW). Their atock cornwl of erary ymrtety of Dry Goods, K Cloths, Catsinrrts, Satthuts, Ixftiirt. . , FlmwU, H'oUfit, tt i Aod all kind of Fall and Winter Wear; . Also a apleadid varialy of LADIES DttSS JXSSY .GOODS, , Caltcoes, Ctagkema, Ckmtzn, be Lames, And every variety af gooJa enittbie for La iiea wear. , Alsaalerge aasartmot of,, . ; HARDWARE and QT5SWA,' jma, Bxii and PUeter. Abo an extensive aamrtmeiit of . Hait ax i Car go Mas axp pots. Also a taiga aasortment of OROCKtUCS sees Sujir, Teas, CofTee, &Iora-e, Spier of sll kiods. Also a flesh supply of - - DHI GS AND MEDiCIKGe. Beidee the largest and roost gonaral a on meal of all kinds of good to Lo bad ia this P8- .. " CV Country produce of ail kiada lakea io ( change at the highest naiket price, t unbunr. Nov. 11, I8M. LATEST ARRIVAL rivilE aubscriher having returned from lb citv -- with a new and extensjee aatoriment tt tsshionsbl goods, respectfully ca!U tha sttenlisu of Faraiera, Mechanic and oh?rs to the . FALL AND WINTER GOODS, eonsuting in pert sf Dry Goods," vii : Cloths. Ctssimcres, Cassintts, Jeans, Drdliitfi, Muslims, I tszingr, 1 sretds, ntgll kinds oj WINTER WEAR." LADIES DRESS AND KANCY GOjD5, Calicoes, Musli d Liu, Learns, Grnekams, Bercges.Roka, WooUnt, Flannels,. fc. BROCERIC9. -- , r Oagar. Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molassea, ChM Spices, Salt, 4c, Ac, Ac HardirAre,' . .. Nsds, Screws, File, Saws, Knire A Fork. A Clnecns siid. OLusmtre, of variooaaty la and pelte. . BOOTS A1T9 SHOES. - -r- A large aasortment of Boots and Shoaa, far rA'eti, women and children -Hit Cart, Ac, of various size and aty lea. Beside larg and general asaortmcat -of tashionable good. Call and esamina for Jtaz sd ves. - - , . tV Country produce of jj kluda taken ia exchange at the highest market price . . 8. N. THOMPSON. Sunbury, 1 1 nto. 18 1854. HERE WE ARE AGAIN ! Clcnr the way For New Goods.' J. r.&x.lxLiNa, O ESPECTFULLY announce to their ttiend ntl te public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in I'ppcr Augusta tnmwhtp,--XoniumlieHand county, Pa their Fall an J Winter GooJ,'eiid opened ta the publia a full ataortment of . MERCHANDIZE, 4c,' Consisting in part ef Cloths, black and fane Cawimcrs, Sattinetts, Checks, aud all kiiula FALL k WDfTER WEAR, Alao a let of Ready. made Ccit. VaaU and rut, ic . ladles E-ress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Sloslin do Lainrs, Plaid Cashmeres, Da beges, Comforts, Bay 9taU, . Long e'hawlar Ae. . Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Groceries. A fresh tupply of Hardware sod Queens wrare, Drugs and .Medicine. Wooden War, t . Also a large essorunent of Boot sai rhaea. suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hale and Caps, Salt, Chcce, A.C-, and all good; . usually kept in a Country (Store. Call and See. Cheaper than tha Cheapest. AH of which will be sold for ca. or iu v change I'jt country produce, at the highest market price. ... . j l'pir Augusta, Nov. 4, 1814.-- Full and Winter Goods ! J'ET'ER W. (J RAY, INFORMS his bictida that ha haa lust reteiaoi a good asaortraeat of FaU and Wiiites Gooda at hi Slot iu Market SoBai. Hia sleek eob. USU Of I DRY GOODS, VIZ : t CkL. Caaaimcra, aitinetta, Jvan. urim.-i. Baiagea. Baraga V l.aiuea, tungnagia, l.sw:u... Linana, Mvialiua, PiMarls, MsoiilU 'i.ka. Winter SbataU, Drees Turn run g and all itatna . . iu the Dry Good hne;. Alao, aasurtmet at ShsveM lor Men Wiaa aud Ch.Uicen. Hat anJ X'aps, , , . . .. Or wet? i itu tf eserj vrlly. Tsss, ColaVe, 3utt, Molasses, Spice, Salt, I'uh, Ac. flnr.Uvarr.- A gettcral ssaortment ul Cedar 'War Tuba, Buckets, Wash Ucanjst Uraom. Brutb, Ae. gvitiawtBt a goueial assurttaeat.' H Couutiy produc token at th highest asarktl price. 8uitburv, Nov. It, Itii, -tA. . . " " ' SE5 AR0US L rUTBs" - lS?tGHAXTT TaAtlLOP.i suAjrtoaiN, Orfotiit the Ufit, lOrECTFt LLY inlurwa Ui ntiaetta ef 1 . hlllokl aad vicinity, that ha haa eatav Md the anote hinaineaa ui th ka tt hha. mkiu, and will alwaj kacp oit kajsd an aseof ! of ltJy Mad Clothing ef ery dcup. Uo. I ' . i Ws 4 keep eahudaaai;iieniottloiha. ' I'ZZJZL .Ust'T I 1 T1 -- m mtj ywf mW99, IsAAVKKNCirilOUSR . IUIBURY. lt. pH R Mbeanha waKttuilr ht th pallU 4 Uval ah kli ouunoao to kwp th tM Saasad tJta hetjasj. - Mi ba : ratd t tjppl of IbtitMifa tt4 wusea, h4 oia that ta wJ, k -WmgiHasifcUuajoteU ok mf tit-th, 4tH MKmlX TU0MP90. uabun, Mutfc 4. IW4..U. W iuri 3j Itiijuur. abaad I k.aa a -! l taitl " I'a a Nil M. I .... Vk .. , .., I m a. , , ti j eAv' r- i .omk j t at. t-.aa. t H k t,, k't ' wm.1 S.tia, J . .... i ., I. , n a ihm.( iu! tt v r"nr "9 , ! .! .! 4 1 ', fc IS, l4 M 9 ")ti I, I, i it