Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 21, 1855, Image 1

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    . v A I ,'! it I. 11 ,''"."?" i.'i'T m f it t" iv -T I . j .r.r.htt ua hut i f fJ. ..; tn i r? mut j ... ,..,. ' . , ' ,1; p- , n
OLD SERIES,' VOL- 15. NO.' 30.
: : 1 i r r, i : "'. 1 TTT i .; : -. .
Tha Sunbury American,
'-. BY II. B. M ASSER, ' -' '
Market Sju, S'inbnry,-Itmitt.
imSt B'i ftVj b u u a c n 1 1, ti o .
TWO HT)I,T. ATtS u rniinlm b kt priid linlf nnrly in
ail sitae. No p.iper itim-omu-'icJ until ald arrearages are
'"aii en-nmnniontiam ur laUers on bnslnrss tHMing to
lhoaioe, to insure attentinn, mint lie l'OStr I AID.
Thres eoplf I to mi aildrsss,
i ' ' 300
II. Do I" I'"
Bsml,ItaT in nib-mien will fur tlirre year's sub-
suriptlnn to the Amcricao.
Ptmatora will plwwt -t n -out Aeents, anil frank
tellers eontsiiiing subscription iiitvney. 'l'l.i-y ore permu
ted 10 aj tins nuJur thel'ust Oflii-c Law
One Bnimio ol It line, S limns,
Kvcry sul-ac'iitont insertion,
ftne S.iinio, :1 months, !
Six rremuis, .
Business Cap' nf Five lines, per anmin,
Maiwi. uin and "t!i. nilvi.-Hiaimt I'V the
Ti-nr, with the privileie of inserting -
31 15
to no
IV itg Adertiae.iienl. Vtt nsteemeut.
We hire cmmwH-il wilh cur cutiili'.ishment n wvlh
o'ectel JOB Ol-'I'H'H, which will enaWe us to execute
in'th.j neateet n.yle, every tnrio.ty ot pmitmg.
niHBVsnr, pa.
' tismeea attrndod loin the Counties of Nor
thtfrnbarland, Union, Ly cumins Montour and
Oolumbia. - , ,
Jftftrrnces in Philadelphia f
I!. in. lofc R. Tvenii. , . Clta. iffli mI
nnci a & Suodgi as.,
Lillil, Pinilll Co.
'wEISrlK. &3HUSBR,;
Wholesale and L-elail Druggists, ;
A'o7;er St., next door io E. Y. Brill's Store,
rwFrEl! t,i tho niililic the biifest and best
aalectc-J stock rvcr opened in this section of
uuntrv, coni-.1iiiE of
EtESH ai;3 nniE dstjgs,
Malicinen, Chemirals, Cironnd Siiiees, Pinnts,
OIU, Vnmihev.iyc.r.tS, Window taa,
I'atent AloJiuinra, toACtUrr wi'.li a cojtiiHOtc os
ortment of l'uin't. CiolUf s, Iiair. Tooth, Nnil
and Shaving Brushos, Dressing. Side, Ncrk ind
Tockct Combs, Ka-wV Viitj's, s!18viii:r Cicamr
Tsbacco, Seiarn, Vurt Monia, btalionary, Con
JeetioiiarinK, . , PURE WINKS AND tUUNMfc.
Tar Medicinal use. Eits'inh, Frrneh and Amori
..n Ppifnmerv. FniiCV Ooous of ever de-rip-
Hoti. in short every artf-1 -kipt by DrurrfjisH
Knfiraltr. "" ' ' '
Ky i'risirivtiors Cnrtfulhl Cvmpmin!.-i
. . oeo. U.wki.s?:.!!,
d. .
, WM. A. rUi;.KR.
SaaWy, May' 13, ISftl. '
From thk Lumiibttii Cor.i.iiutv,
Noitliumiici'aiid comity, Ta.,
TTSIIEKE we liave very cxtet)tive improve
V mt'nts, and arc preimttd to ol!cr to I'.ie
jiiiblie a very superior arlic ii!, particularly suited
tor tha manufacture of Iron and making C-Lcain.
Our tizes of Coul uies - -
LUMP, J- for Smciiiiin purposes.
! BTF.AVDOAT, f-'.r do. and St. uinhoat
TiGO. f-'f Family nso and Steam.
I L A , )
.lur point of PWppinj i Pnntiry. wliern nr
luiiKements are made t loud boats without any
J. J. CocHnis, Lancaster.
O. W. FtAit, SUawokin.
, Bituj. lUisiti.i, 1-anenittr. .
A. UATJJlrtABtlSEH, do.
5y Otdors addressed to Siiamukin or Sunbury,
will receive prompt attention. '
Feb. 10. lR55.--ly
fritz, iss:iesv & o.
Ko. 29 Kurth Third Street, PJt'tlnrk'j-Jnu. ,
" fOROC'CO !i!;inuf.tettirctii. Cuniers and Itn-
JA oorters of FLKCH CALF-SKINS, ond
iealers Ul KoU a'
Feb. 17, 1W
d Oak i:0L-C LEATHBK &
File3 and
n e w a t n r. i: t file
w o k k y.
rlHE snbsctther in eniiHlanlly Mantifucttiiin;
JL for Wholesale and Retail, Files vul Hasps,
et' every description, mid havinij been pnicticuly
rnKiged in the business more than Thirty Years,
can guarrantea his w.nk at the lowst prices.
Msnufacturers and Merhanics, euti have their
Old Files re-cut and made e-jn d to .New at half
the oiiziual fOtU
No. 61 Nu etrecl, (lietween Kaco
and Vine and ttnd tV Mts.
Pliilad'a. Feb. 3. lio5 w U mo. 8
Eole Agency for
Celebrate! Poh- Campati AiuuUmeut
396 (7ru' S:ret oppotllc ', '. Mint,
lW.uch-117 M'el Slrerl, Wiliuiou.
rhila., J. l3.n. '
Do yon want u Hurjiiii?
VHCHK you itl niul ths fheaj-en
PIS..I til
in dunbur-, cr..i..:t '. J,U-
tifcne. ,uei' li-dA'.
Wi. FSU AHitlie,'l..). Ac,
ulJ l lt. L'
ta.h . ei utitrjf .f dufe.
flr.Bi. t belt t tW ul laal.el.
Hui.burr. ? . .
H VB ! '!) "'' I"1 ,"
Wut'.l tl '! Hlk ''")'
,u,u ta. eiunu .ti ul th i J ,,, ful"
-II U . U ......!...-
l.;8i,l H:rm w li l "MI u
1 W t i.ltt f .r It'
. , ... ! ' '
' "' ' from folnainl Mngailne.'! ""
;;;!; essie.;;,;';:. ;;,';;j;,''
Besaio wears n gown of red, " '
A liomeppnn frown nnd npron bhio : ' '
Slio litis nfJ liat npon ber lioad,' '!'
Aw lier woe brown tott nro wuhemt a shoe.
rlpRslo litis hair like the twnrot pnld, i . .
Anu her eyes were born trumtliu tlecp blue
sen s . . . .'
Ill tlicir depths is a sfoiy fold ;'
J. iuvo Jicssie, una shu lovue mc. .
Bessie's hands are hard with toil, ' '
And hiir chucks ore dark with the wind and
' rain ; - ". .. , ,'
But her lips are rich wilh the rosy nroil, .
i hat. it once 1 tu.ste, must tuste ugnm .
Bessio lms uo'or ft silken guwn, . . ,
rsor a crnnson hat, nor a necklaee fine :
But, shu weurs of cowslips a golden crown,
J hut J u rnthcr than tiny queen s were
'. mine. ' .
Bessie dwells i:i a lowly cot ;
A lonelv cabin with t roinlIiii"r walls j
"lis old tuid poor, imt she thinks it not,"
And loves it. better than lordly hall.
She counts the stnrs ris fIio goes To sleep,
Ami loves to listen to the pattennjr sons,
Thnt, over her head, the rrtin drops keep,
in the April weather, all night long. .
Bessie's stop is light like tho fawn's
And her voice l;ko the chiming of silver
" ' bells ;
I hear it oft in the summer morns, "
But 1 dure not whisper what it tells 1 -
Lingering end dying round my heart,
Kver mid ever it echoes be : '
Who shall divide us, or what shall part T : '
1 love Bessie, and sho loves me! -
It wns on the rcttirn of Mr. F.V ft lecturer
on rhretiolooy. to the city of B.'. that one
morning, Hurry G. entered his study, nnd
after some desultory conversation, commen
ced looking over some 'phrenological charts,
Unit were tirraug'ed before him. While thus
engaged, ho noticed one of tho head of Miss
Kiniiy Ji of C, copiously market. He ex
amined it, und beeiuiie much interested, us it
described a person of. uii original mind, und
s:ipeiii.i' character. ' As he laid it u.a!e, Mr.
P paid :
The person there described I met dnrinpr
my abs' nee. and she possessed a mind f o well
balanced, that 1 took a chart of her head. I
consider her quite, a model of female, worth.
lie possesses ail tho. (jualitics for a good
wile and mother.
Now, Harry was n voitii"' man of fine intel
lectual powers, which loid been improved by
culture, but he was decidedly mid. Ho had a
sp'ce ot romance in his disposition, nnu was
a firm believer in Bhrciioloey. Ho depended
on that science mainly to give him an insight
into the character of her whom ho should
chose us a partner fer lily.
The lady in question seemed to poFpess all
Ihose quid .Mentions which ho had been so
long seeking for ; and n most novel idea en
tered his mind, lie determined to write to
her. and state his ideas on the suleect of
matrimony; acquaint her with the circum
stance of seeing the chart of her head, und
re piet a correspondence with the view, that
if it. resulted in the mutual satisfaction of
both parlies, thry should meet ; and if they
could love, should inurrv. Ho acted accor
dingly, and requested r.f Jlr. V. n note to
tho lacy, statiiiff the sincerity of his motives,
and the respectability of his character ; which
ho euch'Sud in his let tor, and forwarded. Ho,
w.titi d for a wick in a state of feveri.-h an.xie
ty ; but at length an answer came, and tho
liidy granted his request. The letterbreathed
the spirit of modesty nnd good sense. The
l.uly stipulated for six months' correspon
dence, after which they were to meet.
From this time, they wrote regularly upon
various topics ; but tho personal appearance
of c u ll was never once the subject of ulbision.
Harry's high opinion of his fair correspondent
was on'ianeed upon the reception of every
letter, until ho became Ihiruuehly in love
with his incognita ; and he began most ear
nestly to long for the expiration of his
tion. H was with a beating heurt that hu
took his seat in one of the curs of the railroad
which waste convey him to the city of l,
win ro his fair inamorata resided,
Now tho riuestion was to be solved, could
:he love l.i.n ? lie was not handsome, hi tho
co .union acceptation o:' the w. rd, yet lie Lad
an intelligent countenance, a durk expressive
eye, and a good lijjiui' ; but he forgot all his
advantages of peivon or station, in his anxiety
to create a good impression, lie never oneo
Ufkcd if she were beautiful : for he feit if sho
were not positively iifrly, hu could lov After
alk'htiiitf at a station, und ft walk of u few
minutes, he found himself before a small but
beuutil'ul cottaeo, which bore murks of taste
and ruliiu iiient in its rcuoiints. He knockud.
and it seemed to ban that his heart knocked
lull in loudly ucainst his breast us his knock,
les knocked itptinst tho door. Wken the
il'iir was opened, our lover bero was pr. etod
wilh an un.-xpecUd kiuht of ft tliutmuuve
crooked form, u lia r ( f spectacles ulul red
hair, which were the principal Uuttmes in the
tout oa-sii blu of Li f iir receivi r. Now, red
hur wo' Hurry's uvtriiun. ''hu lady, for
such she evidently appeared, conducted him
ta pretty parlor, heru music uud books
shoMed the taste of ta fair owner. Afi. r
.lout sen. tiny, Hurry turned to Ihv odd bttlu
llijuro busalu him, uud requested lu
"bbe is before you," said hi companion.
I lu w ui tliumluralnu k. ud ttoud Hasmg
her without motion, but at luuyth vollutttttt
Li ' lit l' red wits, Slid trn it tu eoiniiit ine a
r.iuvurn ilii'u "iiiulcr il.llitu lui." Uv ti.tro
dveed li i niHulf avo her aukiiuwu rorrrtponil. tit,
and ix d ih.lho had roino lo tnul. a
per.i.kal ptaltitanm.. hliu answerv.l Lim
w.lL tii xloi-l valid goo I nj., itdlin Liiatli..i
tlieir It len'iiiir l.tu t tut on t Is t.-illia of
f,iti..lM. tin 1 1 1 thry bt-ntNi moni lot wuttly
kit' wii tu saeb ottu r. 'I by nwretHj ..nK
aio -li'amly, and h won lonud sniixli
adio Ii r otc. L" i"f i null
ami L. i. .io Lo ! H, L r .i.niiitf niiitiii.r l.
l l.artlie.l hi M, !M LJ l"H- f. . It. II
tiuri.4 hit n. '. I ! . 4 ll.. , r tu
t.oiui.diMia.i.iait (' week l lb" !l
ta c . . f ! ih tin e l liadv bir U cTi ( ,
1. I . irt ki. I L..1. I.
. i lu tt.J Mill r l1''"', l n Jy
.kk. .1. -I.AVIJ .m . I r e n -ii.e r
i . i.H.i u I ii.R.t.d ft lKi, u lu l.iU
' -. ,
I i i.. . i.' .l i ' .
Ui i. 1.1... I'.-l I ! '
.1 l'.l ,
r. ,n 1 1 -1 at I
,l U.u r oi K
!! towl ' t I
I, l"iil
u en.arr a
I .on.. . d U i t'ai
As early as propriety would admit on the
next htorning, onr friend Harry ngain sought
his beloved, but wns greatly Surprised to be
received by one sri like, nnd yet so nnlikn her
to whom he hsrl liesn "pSTinri1 tonrt. ''There
she st odd,' With a fweet smile on hot lips, nnd
a laughing1 liglit in her haacl eyes, without
those distinguished marks of person' Which
had first attracted his hetice. 'Hi sbtiost
doubted his Jienses, nntil she ripoke tn her
clear sweet tones, when he spratifr forward,
aiid'seizing her hand, begged her to explain
the mystery. " '
' She smiled 3 she said, "yon mnt forgive
my ruse,! Harry; yon said personal beauty
hrid no weight with yon, and I wished to
prove yon. ' You seo mo now in my- proper
shape and person. : C!nn vou love mo as well
as when I wore specs nnrl a red wig?" ' -
He could answer only, by gazing admiringly
upon her graceful little Ttanre so delicate, yet
so spirited, nnd those soft, brown curls slin
dintr her face, eloquent with sweetness. '
. Harry was of course enchanted. The se
quel may bo guessed. Harry is a firm belie
ver in l'hienology
The Washington correspondent of tho
New York Times puts into a definite form,
in tho loiter we copy below, the minors in
regard lo the bellicoso attitude of tho Ad
ministration towards Spain that havo been
floating' around Washington for some time
past. We have little faith in the extreme
predictions of tho Times' correspondent.
The President has doubtless, nnd with inncli
propriety, despatched several national vessels
to hhe vicinity of Cuba, but ns for- tho ret,
the writer has probably been reading, with
more faith thun it merited, one of tho late
editorials of the Union on Cuban affairs: ,
Washington Coriespondeiice of tho New
. , Fork Times. .
Washington-, April 9. The President
really has determined to make a deiuonstra.
tion uguiiist Kptiin at lat. Tho selection of
Commodore McCauley to command tho Cult
Squadron is significant, and tho rumors ol
an increase of the squadron, which I gave
you some time since, are all confirmed. As
strong a naval force as can be spared for the
purpose has been ordered to cruise in tho
uaighborhood of Cnbn, in the truck of onr
stenmers, uud future insults to our llag teem
likely to be promptly redressed.
- Captain-General Com hais muehfiiphteuod
about the Kl Dorado nlVnir, and makes nil
the apologies in his power. Tho President
has tul;en very decided ground in that mat
ti.r, and assumed the responsibility of carry-
ng out bis own views oi the measures j rop
er io lo adopted. These, you may rest ns
s irred, are viorns nnd extreme;
It seems that not only the Kl Dorado and
the Daniel Webster have been brought to on
the high seas by Spanish cruisers within the
hist month or two, but the Illinois, nlso, was
served the snmo way not long ago. She did
not report the fact, however, such outrages,
without atonement, having become too com
mon to bo deemed, in the estimation of her
officers, worthy of notice,
Th'ie will be trouble with Spain soon.
unless, with the usual pusillanimity of insolent
imbecility, sho tumbles to her knees nt tho
first exhibition of spirit on the-part of the
United States. Prompt atonement will
doubtless now be made for tho outrages upon
the Kl Dorado and the Daniel Webster.
But they will be repeated, doubtless, in the
casis of other vessels. The Spanish Naval
Commanders, rejoicing in this opportunity of
indulging their ha! red los "ujiice.,will doubt
less insist that they ciumot perform their
duty without firing a shot at our passing
steamers, and pursuing their iiiMiltiiig search.
Tliey will probably, therefore, quite disregard
Concha's frightened exhortations to greater
propriety; but the next timo a'Spanisli
cruisers brings to one of our mail stenmers
on tho high seas, it is inU ndoii that a United
States war vessel should be . near enough to
participate in the entertainment lg pouring
htir hroiuhide into tlie ixmitnd J'vrtkivilh.
JAir' the truth of Utit. The intruciimt to
McCint'y trill confirm uluit I ray whenever
they are made public.
Such a demonstration will ninke nn i'fsuo
not to be evaded ; nnd : we sluili then learn
the true character of the secret protectorate
of Spain Maintained by Kufilatid nnd France.
What a -capital privateer fleet our Cuban
Filibusters would lit out in the event of a
war with Spain nri.dng out of these events.
Mr. Matey is very backward about going
into this business; so is Mr. Oii-diiiia-. Messrs.
Guthrie and McClelland a:e rl-o understood
to oppose extreme measnres. But the Pres
ident bus netd on hi own hnputsi s, nltbouh
only Mr. Davis uii l Mr. Dob! Li warmly ap
prove his course.
Directions to PrwTiusTEr.. Tho First
Assistant Postmaster General has issued tho
following dirvctions to postmasters :
"Books not weiehing over four pounds may
be sent in tho mail, prepaid, ut one cent an
ounce tiny distance in the United States
under three thausand miles, and at two cents
an ounce over three thousand miles, provided
they arc put up without u cover or wrapper,
or in n cover or wrapper open nt the etuis or
sides, so that their character may be tieter.
mined without removing tho wrapper. If
not prepaid, the postugenud. r three thousand
miles is one cent and a half, und over thrvu
thousand mik-- ill thu United States three
rents an ounce.
"It Is a violation of law to enclose it con
ceal a letter or other thintf, (except bill and
receipts for iiliicri lion,) or to mult) any
memorandum in writinir, or tu print any word
of communication after its publication upon
any newspaper, miiii lilut, mux'", or other
printed matter. In all nch ctweUitlr pout
aye should hu demanded, aud, if thu puixm
addttieil refuse lu y auett Ltisr o-taj;. ,
lb" povliugfl should I. returned to tha post,
luiw-l.-r from whiwu olllca it came, tu ptiM.
call, thu tender lor th ulty of $J, pre-scib,-i
by thu mnh section of the act i f
IftJfk i m iu7 tc.iMsi il ; , ii.s mu'ir Ani.'
ft ii .!! y pa.t-udurifU Ul Ms imuii iu nipif.
"l'M.lniutrr ar alb. and on eel 'I for
lU ileltwry Kf ii b frv lil. r, tpt aw b
as rout lo llteaioelvix, niid Iwu lud. vacU o'l
i.w..ip(s (lu K'lbairiLviBi .'i kliairij.'tkblu
ilh poU(tt. 't hi s me at I allowed any cwu
iiiiu mi prii t I nuit. r lu ale tu by thu
fmii ul uivuiLvr el l' ni'r4.
"Oaui.fcrieol VH S ll.t M'lil n ihu ina'l
should m i.,l., and tbaftJ Willi letter pi...
t(u by eluhl."
A ai.Vt it. J. ,t iimul.4 a a il'
lAl.blat.. Iljt,,i .( vut- l
IM..I.I mu, It ,u.l , 1., . B',4l,,
I lu
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li.ii.. I ul but iu t fcLl. i.u tt. .!
(..lluw s. inu l.j !,, tLl.u
o f ,ir k4 itif a ,.i..i, . U,U wd ti
suJa i.i,b..u) vf u..idi.. W t u
t A I..I U ivl .t et,i ttvis
... avoa. , .. . . .
, H iidwi t t'. t a lwt a.. .ivi
i ui.,11 a'l I 4 ' - e . I ik . I
-''' (Flora the Hsrrisburg Lcglelativs Record.)
As rnseil by Both House of the .tegislatitre.
An Act to Entrain thf istlecf . Intoxicating
.1 c. ;h.. Litptnrs: , 1. "'
Section 1. Bo it enacted, &c., ; That from
and after the first day of October next, it
shall bo unlawful, to! keep or maintain any
house, room or place where vinous, spirit uous,
malt or brewed liquors, or.Ainy admixturo
thereof are sold and drank except ns herein,
after provided ; and all laws or parts of law s
inconsistent with the provisions of this act,
be aud the Same are hereby repealed. ..
Suction 2.. That if any person or persons
within this commonwealth shall . keep for
sale, and sell, or in connexion with any other
bnsiuess or profitable employment give, re
ceiving thorofor any price, profitor advantage,
by any mcasuro whatever, mid . at tho , same
time volnutarily alford a place, or any other
convenience or inducement . by which the
satno may be used ns beverage, uny vinous,
spirituous, malt or brewed liquor, or any ad
mixture thereof, he, hc or they, and any one
aiding, abetting or assisting therein, shall be
deemed guilty of a niisdemeunor, nnd upon
conviction, shall bo sentenced to pay a line
not exceeding fifty dollars, and undergo an
inprisonmcnt not exceeding one month, and
for a second or any snbsequeut offence shalj
pay a One not exceeding one buudred dollars,
and under.', o . imprisonment not exceeding
three mourns. , , ' '-. S
Sectiou 3. Thai if any two or moro' per
sons conspire, or net together, by which one
may sell, nnd the other provido a place or
other convenience for drinking, witu inteut
to evade tho provisions of this act, each . ono
so offending, upon conviction( shall be pun
ished as provided in the second section of this
act. . ; .. , . ;
, Section 4. That it . shall be unlawful for
any persou t o sell or keep Tor sale any vinous,
spirituous or brewed liquors, or any udmix
turo thereof, in cases not hereinbefore pro
hibited, in a less qnnntity than ono quart,
nor without license granted by the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the proper county, on
p 'titinn presented for that purpose, to be
idvertised uccorling to the hist ro.'tion of
the act of the twenty-ninth of March, ono
thousand eight hundred .and forty-one, sup
plementary to the various acts relating lo
tavern licenses j but no taich license tliail be
:rvatitcd to other than citizens of the United
Slates, of temperate habits and good repute
for honesty: Provided, Thai no certificate
shall be required or published as mentioned
in tho act heroin referred to : l'toridr.d, That
no license for tho sale of liquors as aforesaid,
: hall be granted to the keeper cf any hotel,
inn, tavern, restaurant, entiug-housc, oyi.tcr
housc or cellar, theatre or other places of
entertainment, amusement or refreshment.
Section f. That, the said court, by their
rules, shall fix a time at which applications
for said licenses shall be heard, at w hich lime
ail persons making objections shall bo heard.
Section U. That it shall not be lawful for
tho clerk of said court to issue any license as
aforesaid, the upplicant shall have filed
tho bond hereinafter roquii rd, und the ctr
tilicoto of tho City Receiver, or County
Treasurer, thut the license fee has been paid
to him.
Section 7. That the appraisers of licenses
under this act shall be appointed us provided
by existing laws, except in tho city of Phil
adelphia, where, on the passage of this net,
and thereafter at the begiuuing of every year,
throo reputable and tempcrato persons flnll
be nppointod by tho Court or i juailer Ses
sions to upprnis'o deulers in spirituous, vinous,
mult or brewed liquors aforesaid, uud of dis
tillers ond brewers, and to do and peiTorm all
unties now enjoined by law not inconsistent
herewith ; unu said appraisers shall be citizens
of tho United States, in no manner connected
with, or interested in the liquor business, and
shuUbo compensated as now provided by
Section 8. That uo license shall be gran
ted without the paMiient to the Deceiver of
Taxes of the city of Philadelphia, or '.o the
Treasurer of the" other counties of tho State,
for the use of tho Commonwealth, three times
the amount now Gcd by law, to bo V:a
venders of spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors,
or brewers, nnd dislilleis; Provided, That
no license shall be granted-for a ltsa sum
Ulan tiiii'.y dollars. .
Scoli.m'J. That tho bond rcq' to be
taken of nli peroiis who shall receive a li
cense to sell spirituous, viuous, malt orbrewed
liqnorso.1- any wlmixtures tlienof, shall bo in
one thousand dollars, conditioned for
faithful observance of all the laws ( f this
Comuiouweullh relating to the bu.-mess of
vimhng such liquors, v.itli two suaieicilt,
sureties, and wurtutitof attorney to confess
judgment ; which bond chall be approved by
one of the Judges of tho Court or Quarter
Sessions i f the peace of the proper county,
and to be liiod iu said court, and whenever a
judgment Tor any forfeiture or fine thall have
t...,ui recovered airiiiilst the pniliipal therein,
it shall be lawful for tho district attorney, or
the proper county, to enter judgment against
the obligors iu the said bond, and procood to
collect tho same of thu said priucipul or
sureties. ,. ,
Section 10. That every person licensed In
sell rpir.tnous vinous or malt liquors us
aforesaid, shall fr.iumlhe license under gla..
and place the same u may ul all
times bo roiikpu'uiwia in bis chief place of
uiakiiik salo ; uud no liceiiMJ shall authorize
sttles by any persou hu thall negluct this
roquirvinvnl, ur sli ill any lkciuo autboruu
lU sulo of auy tpimaeus, vinous or uiult
liqiiurs on Sunday.
S.ilioti 11. That any sale mudo of any
apiriltiuas, vinous or malt liquor euiiUary tu
this act, shall Ui taken lu be a misdemeanor,
and, upon nnv.cli. il of ihu oUTum iu the
I'uuil of Quii. tcr Sessiou uf Iho proper
C, shall be (.UiAUut d iu ihu manner
proM.nL.ud iu tbu avcuutl hLou of this
ael. ...
r-ei tioa l i. That lb provuion ir thu act,
a la appraiseiuaut and lieoiiM', shuil 0"l ax
U'ud t uuportuis ali'i aliall eiid uf d..puu
ol ttid bquur iu tl.u oiyinal cae or pack.
aKi'sa.iuipurUd, u. r lu duly voiuuiiwivue'l
iu-l.i.ii. ei e!Uli! ut publle tuli.hi r uul
err. U"r tu l iw. i r d tl.iieit li.ny in
qu..ulai. s liol lima ti.a.l L. -...Iiii ., tivr
iiMil anjlh hirciiiri.iiu.i.e.l. i. L,l..l lU
sal by 'tlsuavaiu of suv a.ln.uUies of to-
loMCStll.rf I q l. I a U'U'i.t no-.
ai i s .i. ILalU iii.aU If t!. i' tf
urf mail I'd I ') lyu, b. i J .j(L.l. u
stop vl aaid Wilbm this it.iuu..u. l.!, at
es. rjr luini i,l I Uk- l ooil ui 1,'a oUf lti-'o',
ul ttU . ..4l. et-ui.t), I . a4 ivlutu 'U
..i;. .. &.l..,ul..u telujib.-r. tfc,l',.u L.s
) wt. os, ii l any ( it. Vtt .i l hi
il,..Uk L.1,1 .U.I lllJlLliUlll ill Vl...,'..t.U if
(l..l i.4 it be k .l.Ji' duty ,1
I... J,.,l. 1.1 IU ltl l lU k
ti., i-ubi-.l'i .a.U. 4 '
,) .lM.ll KM kl H -
lU m-.o w h if j ' L..I L
shuu4t. Bl, ,) U . l .
l Mi I'.. !'. ai.."x 't
I I U I tin I u ! -i h . . .1 U.lwu "
Co, ho shall bo deemed guilty of a - misdemea
nor, nnd, upon indictment and conviction,
shell be sentenced to imprisonment in tho
jail of the county for a poriod not less thaa
no or more Ihsii tbreo months, and puya fine
not exceeding fifty dollars. "' ' "' , '
Suction I t. That this act shall not Inter
fore with nny persons holding a liceftto hero,
tonne granted, until tho timo for which .the
same was granted shall havo expired, nor
shall nny license which may be grunted beforo
the first day or July next authorize the- salo
of oaid liquors or admixture thereof aftor the
first day of October next, .contrary. to thu
provisions of this net. ,
0 c J r n
' -' ' ST AN 7. US'. ! -
Dedckattd to an individooal in the. Venule, of
l.icker under Lijik nitre., of a Sundee
Morning. ' . '
OINK.'! ,
Emanent destrukshonist of Lieker, '-'
Probablee your dil. ..-
Maybce theie's a vukuum in your bowels ;
You feel slilely.
Kurious in tho abdominal regens?
Want a stimohiter, eh ? It can't bo did,
'- Kmaneut destrukshonist I ' ...
Imbfliater ofalkaholik likwiJ, ' ' "'
The krisis wat was to have arriven has arro-
ven i i. '
Tho knew sitty ordenanco are a phicksed
phact, " . (
That soleturio dime, rezurected from
The depths of thi trowsers, knnt awaken
A syuipnthctik rcSponx, or n tod, fmui
Your ktirlce-hedded friend, tho bur-keeper, ,
Alkaholik Imbibuter I , ,
Knockturnel jyraten navvegatcr,
Last nite you were 12-lllhs iliunk, and -Wen
you weut homo you had a , .
Missellaneious mixture of the legs;
Kelt tired, perhaps. Konsekwetitleo
Yoa fcal heeled about the innards.
"La not the phkittering unkshuu to yourstlc"
That yours uloan this morning
Theres numerous people of the saim
Stripe with rimilar feelinks,
Kuocturuel navvegatcr!
Demonstrator or the power of suckshtti!
This is nn ppecodo in your kerear,
A full stop to your ambishus at-perachunz
After spirits ; " . ,. . .
Yuo kaut get your morning rashens
The barr is closed naree Bottel H visibul
To the naked i.
As you stand inmost the kounter, :
Vou aiixishly iuqitiie for a drink,
A it don't kum.
Deml'iistrater of siiclcshr-n !
Kocktlle annyhyluted !
Your a iiigureii person, a wictiin
VI lcgislatil sttipnlitee ;
You Kan do witnout world
ing all the w eak,
And rest on Mtuiloe :
But you han't drink lieker C days
Ami dry upon the 7th,
Your tizikal cistern is not
Kapablo of appresheating
Tho ordinanz.
Your natchnr revolts nt water,
Kocktftlo annyhyhitcr!
Kuumeo to water!
You beleave water useful for ablushtm
Aud nuviguble purposes only;
Not refrei hin, bcnclishnl,
Or inviggoratan ns a bevurngo,
Strange idee but not uukommun,
llowwer, you're dun for. The ordinar;
Is imperativ a certaiieti c .
Pussi-d by u liiajoriie vole.
Not a drop of lieker, wiiolesuil or
Betale, kan you get on Sumltc
Kniiiuee to water !
Objt !; of kotnmi.-grahun !
Yours is a hard kaso, I kuow
Itekwiring bratidee i kumjiaeliuii,
Y'ou may koie, purswade, beg, promls, io.,
But its of no use ;
The "haniuu kwadritped is defui.kt-"
Why daleiit you get a bottel on Patuiiloe
nite t ;
Pino soiree fur you- reform; stop :
Shut down ; icllek ; hesitate before
You got korucil on Satm-ilco
Nile, unless you preepmr for
Kniuigelieeos .
tlbjek of komniisurushun.
Anvica rttoi am "Old Ixiuhttaxt.'
1. I'atronire vour own trades and mechan
ics. This is doing as you would be douo by;
uud is building- ni the (own you live iu.
?. Fay your debts; so that others rim pay
n. innrrel with no man ; and then no man
will quarrel with von.
4. Do not steal' your preaching; a man was
onee struck blind, yon know, for stealing fire
from heaven.
5. Send your children constantly to school ;
and look in now and then yourself' lose what
they uro doing there.
6. Keep all Bout and clean about your
dwellings ; for cleanliness, you know, in the
buiilin. il if la vlth and a distant cousin of
w. aith
7. Avoid scandal ; for this is a pest to any
H, II liberal in respect lo evurv lit'tdublo
pnt.lie eiiterpn-e ; for the vimmI Vovk says,
"the liberal soul shall be iiiiulu ful."
9. F.iuply your liquor hollies ; lor vou have
already "forked over' quit enough iheiu,
III. 'Visit Ike sick, Ilium Mi. w and th fa.
tileries ; for this is Olio part of that rvllgioii
which H -pure und und. hi. d."
II. Keep you f nldivu iu ul'ht ; for ll,
vv.-ioittf air is bad for tie in aud linally
li. Fi id y-'ir Km. si well as your iM-dyi
f. ,:- t '.ut , )."l k.i.i.t, Inn. I II. I., the .-.'alee at
Thu t. ' I, in. -it of t ' It ul is
fuw i!u iu, kl I he LoM-teuW
Alio.oUiU tll.ll., .iei,.i.. .1 m
I I. w. .lit.
Il. lt I - -
I Ut pl
Ill itl ul lb I..I!..llltf lll.llel id : Ow d
Wit, lu i-Hli, ll.rvu ir -of I'- i. ou d
(ur poll pi Iss i hu 'r ul t .'iiou
,i t. . ,1 .i.i ',Mi4 I Ji lit . A I".) 1
. ..a) ter
u Lull-
ui L"9U. I Uo t I U iiu' vit 4 sol
l ,l,,r .1, ut.., J
.lN INIHllH',
; 4 a u, .J. .1 I ly lo
! bliLi ."., li i
li,. I1 I'J ' I" I
l t.b. tl.w I'llltl Ik I'-
Ukv. l il l
, it ui. I L , ted q.i lu
j I ' l"'
( r- I U siii' r.
. s I' LA ii. 4 b "
'( i j
V unfit 14.., .' I ' 'I ..
L'. .it- .,.,--'l .
' 'I
The New Orleans Boo publishes ths fol
lowinff'pnssnge from a letter, addressed to
an emiueiil foroigiK-f, now' in tln.t city, by
a ltnssiun friend, residing in St. Petersburg.
The Boe says, it may be 'regarded ns en
tirely authentic,' f i- '
St. PETF.nsBt;nci, Feb. 1H55. Before my
letter reaches yon,' you ' will probably have
received intelligence of a loss thut will spread
a gloomy veil ve r all Bvissia ; for tho -death
of such a man is a blow that not only strikes
his own country, but resounds fcomtlio shores
of the whole world. In my last letter I did
net da'e openly declare what we were expect
ing from day to day, for we were unwilling to
accustom onr hearts to ou idea which onr
minds were iiicapublo of conceiving. The
last Hays of the Czar nro a whole century in
tho history of Bnssia, nnd will never bo for
gotten by those who witnessed them. Do
not imagine that he was exasperated with
his foes. Quito the contrary.' Impartially,
like a prophet, he gazed upon the present
situatioft of the dill'crent European powers,
and predicted the future with the neenracy of
ono who looks far beyond tha present.
' "England," raid ho, "has reached her cul
minating; point either for lifecr death. There
is no middle point fir her to pause. One
thing alone may save her, and that is a free
coufesion, not only by the government, but
by the whole aristocracy, made to the people,
that they have been absurd, from first to hist,
that the Crown is unable any longer to main
tain its power, anu that tho people must rise
and unite together as one man, to savo the
honor and preserve tho independence of the
country. A Candid acknowledgment of tho
truth may even now savo England, if her cor
rupt aristocracy can be brought to the. stool
..C "'' 1.' .
ui cuiucsbiou. x i.iiici , no lut? eoiiLiory, uuu
maintain herself only by falsehood and decep
tion. The Emperor may pto laim to his
subjects that he governs and influences the
all'airs of all Europe, that not a shot - can be
fired without his permission, and that Prance
is the first power in Europe; but a single
shock, one speech of a demagogue may over
throw him and darken the star of Napoleon
forever. I havo offered .him my hand, tho
hand of reconciliation, but lie refused it. He
wishes to avenge Moscow upon me, nnd St.
Halona upon England. Shoit-sighted man,
who seeks to avenge the sins of tho fathers
upon the children I As fur Germany, Austria,
and Prussia, they would not now exist, if I
h id not saved them, whoa the)' crouched at iny
feel six years ago": they think to' strengthen
themselves in the mighty struggle between
the oiler nations of Europe. Butthey never
have 1 ecu and never will lie more than sec
ondary powers, satraps holding authority by
the clemency of my House, or by permission
of the Western Powers. Y'et ono consola
tion is left to me in tho ii.idst of all this
ingratitude and villainy, and that is the sih-ut
sympathy of that high-hearted people on the
other side of tho Atlantic, tho only hearts in
in which 1 hear nu echo of my strngcles
p.gainst united Europe. Never havo 1 for
gotten the smallest kindness shown to me by
the least of my subjects; lit my children
never forget whr.t we owe to America, and
if ever an hour of danger darkens around the
Union, let her find u faithful ady-in my
These words may bo of interest to you, my
fiend, lecau.-c you are new living among
Americans; and 1 mention them, knowing
that your sympathies have , bound vou to a
foreign lurid nearly balfacoutury. Ouelcarus
to recogiii'.o his true friends in tho hour of
danger, and you may rely upon it. that as
long as EomanoU'fcits on itussia's throne, the
American States will never need a friend.
The above fsuys the Bee) is a faithful and
almost literal translation from the k-tterwhich
is written in German, bv one of tho nobles of
Courland, residing in St. Peterburir. From I
Ihescourco whence we received it, wo have
no hesitation in guaiaiiteeitig
its tt".lh(uuc-
, ; ecesiuu. A'ioui una nu i mono ir.o read-
Scii.vmyl, the Circa; Chief, has had rc- er nw' brm some idea orthe immense pres
stoivd to him his son. who was taken captive- - sere of business under the lust bountv-land
by the Russians eleven years ugo, when he
was but a child. 1 rom tho lime lie was eap
tured Scii.vMvi. had mjt hcured from h!in. uud
had given him ui for lost. It appears, how
ever, immediately on the capture the Russian
General, Prince Womon7.ofi sent tho boy
lost. PctuTt'burg, where tho late -Emperor
took n liking tu him, und had hint educated
in the Miliiury tnv. It happened hut
i year that H.HAMVI, in some sudden surprise,
I look several Russian ladies prisoners, amongst
whom was thu I rincess 1 oi'ti.tRAv. Ai.r.v. -They
were conducted to one of Scium;,'
mountuiu fastnesses, and confined there as
prisoners of war, but treated with the lospoel
and decorum due to I heir rank und sex. Tho
Governor-General orTitlissent a Hut of truce
to Si iiamyl to demand tiio release of theea
lureil tallies, olterii"; a large sum
tf inoiu v
and the liberty of 'si vend" CireiiUn ladies
who hud been made prisoners bv thn Bus-
siuns. Hut Sin any i. renlied that' if hi son
was ulive, and tho liitssiai'. would restore
hiui, he would reli-usis ail the l.uly captives.
Tiio Emperor Nn m-i..vs sent furyoimg Scu i
mvi, gave him his liberty, und fitted him out
with the needful equipment to undertake tho
long journev. Thu exehungu took place iu
tho end of January. Young Si iiamvu wlie,
when ut SI. Petersburg, was not re,iiired to
ah j urn the Moslem creed, ha pwfited by hi
involuntary ttJuurM th Russian cspital, and
bus now returned to bis overjoyed lutlu r uu
accomplished cavalier, ait b a toti.phto mili
tary education.
Mi i attohs. Of toes, Dr. Molt ofl.-rs
the following ns I'umiiiary of hi-, rouelu
sioiis t
I, '1 bat wutttttott are th shortest-lived of
any cloa of the human rac.
'i. 'I'lmt Kiuuirori nr intermediate in io
telligetic bi'twi-en the blu. L' Mid tl... v. hit.-s.
H. That Ihey are lens eupiil.'cof iiudi r.'
f.ti)iu uud Larti.lop thau either L Ida. La
or M bile.
4. Tln.l mo.'ii 1 '." are I !!:-
I'alo, uud thi.'. t
to v uii-lv of i i n' j
oi. e
Thai lln y are hu. I tff.'.l.-i ba.l
I. nr.
I u.
st. I...I.I.. to ub..l'.o., h'lj tint O ir
on-1 pi m rny "
j. Thai l U I 11
in.1 L i i ol.r.o l!..ia v hi .1 i
yIU,l f'.l I1
r,-1 I
i. 'I' but hti a I'""' i. ' ! a
U OU 1. 1, III.' ull. l.ll pA. l 'it IU .! U. '
i'.j Ml lt I '.U '-i- I
- Iv.
L. I 1 1'
'I u.i i i'i .
ii i.l I, elm,
tvi; ui., ,
1 1... i......... .,:
ill HI . I I A. it. I I ..
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t, Nt 'I '!.
In I.
I ii,
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TL qi
sub i a i
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e.l .
- I 1
i, L... L. . .A t I
i I r friii ii ui. ,,
. .. j. i' t.i jioii
i it ,w til ia ,
4 t i i.
.t J
. j
Arrixilof the Ainericrt
i.ATEn vitoM rt nopf..
rctcc Conference ut Vienna MotlificaHnn of
the 1 ,.trd Point lis Jhftrencc to Ft. 1'c
tcrtlury Affairs in t!,e Crimea L'n'chan.
Halifax, N. S.. April 1ft, 1850. The R.
M. steamship America, Capt. Lang, front
Liverpool, at 10 o'clock, A. M.on the 31st
u.t imo. arrived at this port, at about 7 o'clock
last evening. - '
The steamer Baltic brought intelligence:
that the first of the four bases of peace wa
unconditionally accepted by Bussia, and
that tho second w as proceeding favorably. :
Since then, the second has likewise been ac
cepted, but difficulties, of a serious nature
have occurred on the third.
The Western Powers, foreseeing trouble,
did not propose the demolition or Sebastopoli
but modified their demands into a reduction
of Bussiau power in tho Black Sen in re
compense for which, they offer to evacuate
the Russian territory. The Hussion Pleni
potentiaries reply that they are not ant lion:
zed to accede to any such , terms, and must,
remit the matter to St. Petersburg. Here
the Conference stands still. ,
All the plenipotentiaries have sent to their
Governments for instructions, and the confer
ence will probably bo adjourned until final
authority shall arrive. . Meantime, the fonrth
point is under discussion.'
Prince Gortschakoff, on the 29th, moveii
for the admission of Prussiu.
, ; .; ... sEBASTorot:
Tho special correspondence of the Londori
Times describes the condition cf the army n4
much improved. Weather fine, health und
sptiits of the troops better, provisions abun
dant, aud sanitary regulations strictly enfor
ced ; but the actual works of the sirj'c make
no progress to justify favorable prophecies.
Actual increase of tho lines and batteries
there is, but it exists ou both sides, andtiieie
lias been no comparative advantage gained
by the Allies.
A formidable Bunsian foro is nMcmfilpd'
around Eupaloiin, and virtually besieges iho
place. The Hnsginua could not hold Eupato -ria
if taken, us it is completely under the gnus
of. the English fleet. ',' '
Lord Baglnn's latest despatch announces
n 3teady tiro, without any change in tho a-p.-cr
f afTairs. Important operations are,'
however, going on.
The Russians continue to strenghthen tho
works which they recently threw up in nd
yar.cj of the M aiakoff tower. These are net
isolated works, but ure part of an advanced of defeui:.., snd consequently it is indis
peuble for the Allies tu destroy them.
With this object -in vie w', the British are
puslslng foswaud a parallel from an advanced
poiut on the right, with a view to form ajunc
lieu wilh a corresponding parallel which is
being ronde on their side by in French.
Nightly encounters tnko place between the
French and Russian riflemen. Tho hitter
have boon repeatedly dislodged, but again rn.'
turn to their pits, under cover of the Russian
Bounty Land Applicants. There is no
diminution in tho number of applications
under the bounty land act of March 3, 1855,
the Mail of Motiday being the largest that
has ns yet been received in ono dnv. The
11- J.-'. T- . . . - ....
m aoiiint;ion luiou is jtilcrrue,ci tt the citv
i v,s, (i,t ,i. ,i:i.. . . ,....
' r,,"; "I" "nm"r T.y.."' ''
I , . .. v . fi'.fc. iuiiu n.u
UH'.al daily receipt of letters for the Se-mfn
j nnd Hons of Representatives when Ccnrre-s
..- l . -t? . l.r- i- . i . . , fr
act. 1 no Commissioner of Pensions ha
decided that tho officers and men. .(or their
! widows ao-1 minor children) engaged in tho
revolutionary naval service ore etnbracod
within the provisions of the bounty land act
of March 3, lefj.
. H. imo-ioi'atuv. -fl he tnodical system,, savs'
tho Boston i'ost, which but a littlo liioroth. n
a dozen years ago wns introduced in this
community, and which, from the . first hour
of its exiitenco hero, hu encountered- the
most determined opposition, ha steadily ad
vanced iu popular favor and confidence," and
now includes umong its zcalon supporters a
fair proportion of the educated, refined aud
disorimiuutitic of Ihe community. It has be
1 eoiuo an established system of nel ciue. It
j ban its colleges, hospitals and dispensaries in
i ewry civilized country, and people of every
rank do it eager homage.
A F.-.itt Division. At alate tow n meeting
in Murbleheud, Muss., it was voted that thu
tock of liquors in the bauds ii tho ugeiicv,
I longing to the town, he distributed equally
ninoug the legal voter, and that tba cask,
liu-usures, fuiiiie.s, uud o'.her uteiuils of th
ugcucy, bo sold ul Utict.oti.
(' ru:r A an .xokukvt. Tbore a In
weekry paper in Georgia viitli thre editors,
e.i.-h ilill'utiint maleiiiiily in opini. ii with the
oi her '.wo. TIim three have accordingly made
an arrangement by which on of tin in edits
the J.aper o-i Tnenlay, ai.'.tlier ou Thursihn.
avd thu third on Saturday
ItiM Fihr sisi.n N'oliinn Wbun ibu
Or 'I ul D Iplios d.-ehiivd ivrale lu Lu
lb WUl'l i f Uiell. ll replied thai bWi
eiioi.. h lu know Uolhing, I his u lb liru it,
slaut'J 'U rut'Uid,) 4 Greek belli a iUur
N utbiii'.
. .
li iKi.vrn Ti Uot.-"ibe Ilev.
lu I..H, li.rini.ih of Ih I'rutesUiit Fpi
e,q... I'liot. ll ,( ,,).iw le. was iM-ttird IHU,
I i'klb'uk1 lb-neb, in L.Ur tu'.
A ,1 an .
ly ILm'.i p M 1'lu.i.u;.
Mr I .tluu Alt rl had
;. w'.i.-b I I f . iv
a ! ui.'. L.i.'-v 1 1.
pen h' .d. 'vim..
,1 ,lfc M.I, f .
t. i r as
.1 1. ,i t
.i k
,. ! I''
A ,ii
, ii. i j ,
..f it.
' I 'I-
.ii . i l.l t .
t ui , ....
i- i v:
,.; I "
V -v
r in a i
I ,i .1, f