, MITCHtL'S TTTE aSTTlKS MaCHIrlB. Wa witnessed yesterday a mechanical tw fortnftire, bich ft will be romewbat difficult to make our readers to amlcrotand. In the , t1I known Primin Establishment of Jolin F. Trow. Esq., No. 49 Ann street, wo saw type frt by machinery, not only with remark able. wcnrl'T, bnt with extraordinary rapid- ixj. ur. 1 row bu nre ot tntwe ma-nine in orjerstion. (all that have been made.) and Mr. Mitclrl, the inventor, a younger brother of John Nitchel, the patriot, jive tnemnta per sonal PDpcrintenUunce. Ai M autrea in me Mirror a few dan since, the vo'nme of Han croft's Miscellanies was set up in Mr. Trow's nfTVa niirolv h dim of theo mechanical compositors ) and tbey are now at work in pottinjr out "Washington Irving's Life of W aliinrton." to be powisnea in iw v k. m... pni..m jl iin Wa hare before ... aconnlo of pa of t be , -flr.1 f this DlBChine-worn ana w riiv from errors. In fact these machines cannot possibly make a mistake, if t he performer no if them touches the riffht keys. V e shall aot andortnke to describe this wonderful labor-saving invention except briefly and in g-eneral terms. It must be seen at oin ordor to he appreciated and admired. The mvii-h" is of a triangular shape, somewhat ntirmblinff a grand piano forte, only not as larpe. It has a key board corresponding to the Utters of the alphabet and the "punct na tion marks." an the keys of the piano repre sont the various notes in the scale of music $ and the work ia done by playing npon the finger-board precisely as tunes ar played np on the piano forte. This part of the performance is done by pirla. who acquire the art with great facility. Tho letters are supplied by long gallies, each filled with a single letter, which require con staut replenishing i and every tonch upon tho kny sends tho desired letter into a long lino benmth the machine, from which it is taken liy a compositor, broken into lines to suit the width of his pngo or column, nnd 'justified." The "distribution" of tho type is as ingenious ly managed as the "composition ;" but wo cannot undertake to describe it. This part cf tho work, too, is dono by girls. Mr. 1 row iuTorn s its thnt one of these machines will do the work of Gvo men , and after deducting the manual assistance required to opera to them, the saving iu the cost of composition is an important item. Mr. Mitehel has devoted three years to perfecting his invention; and, of course, hav. ing a p-itent right, secured throughout the world of letters, will soou muke his fortune. His present price for tho machine is seven bnudred dollars. It is the opinion of Mr. Trow, who is one of onr most intelligent and artistic practical Printers, tbatthese machines arc even better adapted for newspaper com position than for book work ; and there isthis advantage about them, they never "strike," for higher wages, never go on sprees, and nev er come to their work late ana lazy in the morning. Wc congratulate Mr. Mitehel on hi gruiit invention ; ami tho "republic of let ters" on the respective cheapening of "print ed matter." .V. Y. Mirror. IMPORTANT AITS. Tue following are copies of two bills now Wore tho State Legislature, one of which lms pa-fed the Semite, aud the other tho House: Ai Act for the Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries. Sue. 1. Be it enacted, J-c., That no action fc'u.ill I e brought whereby to chargo nnv exe cutor, er administrator, upon auy promise to ansuvr I'amagcs out of Ins own estate j or iriititl y to charge the defendant upon any c;: cia'. j roniise to answer for the debt or tie l.i'ilt cf another, unless the agreement upon whh sveh action shall bo brought, or some memorandum or note thereof shall bo in writ ing, atv.1 sigced by the party to bo charged therewith, or some other person by htm ait tborised. fci::o. That this net shrill not go into cf f ol tint 1 tho first day of January next, or apply to or affect auy contract made or ro rio;if.il.;iity incurred prior to that time. Act Relative to the payment nf Surretfiirs i i luring nut Roads inll.ii Commonwealth. Sec. 1. Be it enacted, That any per son employed us surveyor to any boara of road viewers or re-viewers appointed by tho Courts c f quarter sessions of this Common vo.ilih shall receive two dollars per day for tne fn;c necessarily occupied in surveying, !r.iing rr making report of roads laid" out by onh r of said Courts, to be paid in the funic manner as ivacrs of roads in similar A Sxi.vfr Wkdiiino. Tho pleasant Cor mun custom of celebrating the "Silver Wed ding," was introduced in New York, on 30th n!t., by the wife of one. of our leading auction. com, who commemorated the twenty-fifth an niversary of her marriage by giving it splen did entertainment, inviting her guests to ap pear either in masquerade, fancy, or civic dress. As the larger portiou of thu company appeared in disguise, tho c licet was both pic turwquo aud amusing. Many of tho cliuruc !or assumed were admirably sustained ; and irot tiers and sisters, husbands and wives, vcre puzzled to know who they belouged to. At the supper table the masks were removed, ihen ieverul gentlemen found they had 1hou ii ting with their sisters, making love totheir in ther; ; and. for once, playing the ngreea le to their on wives. Liqcov Pkuikb at Afut sTA, M e. V great H'latiou ill the seizure of liquor was perform t at Auttuetu, Mo., as we learn from the ge, on Slouduy hint. The new city govern, ut levied upon its own liquor establish ml. au l seized aud removed the contents of . rliop us the property of the agent who -I been appointed by their predecessors in co. The city of Augusta is now left in a itnl.'.ry with regard to liquor. The city n hup U brokuu up aud ritlod of it liquid tents by tho fathers of the city, aud no e !n been provided for procuring "uiudi agreeable to statute ! . very sariou riot occurrad at Branchdalu, it niua mile from PottsviILt, oa Tbura and r'nduy 3.'d and 23d ult. Uua uian, d hoveridge, was uaarlv killed. The ri- rvkitd the sheriff aad eivieautboritivs, on t'riday night 23d, three volunteer Mjuek wra called out frvm Pwttsville, naie bed to th scan of strife. Hvtween i ud forty arrests a era mado, iucluduig ;.i)fleadr of tba disturbance, (jreui uiut pravaiUd, and fcara wera cour 1 i,f riou tioublos. Quikt bat agaiu reMorad. It lnrotAXt-h Iim baet ascurlainsd 4r. Al4udir Hamilton the tint m lb I'uiud buut lor akiua tea i a as utaihj. vna, aecmluii turvporU, U preai'i ulaikuuary attauipis tu ,mui u snuu pri Hr time mat arrite. V ny tba 'i lue airuiU ul lb koulb but an 4 U'Ur lbiuba. tlul ka ail Ika i'li J Kliui publu), au aialUr tu; t tb vUaub' lu Ura, will still ua la pruiW iImiuwIv wtlh lulkm lkLiU4) ttwiu vluxip aa4 aUul if klui, Su. Hi tkwMtut ktrMt, kuf- i mukiiu ru.. IMI ism lu AlkiMt oiJ u l riluiul Ikai wi u4 Luk utUii ! kauait, m4 a fcaikUnl lnlukl.s. tu ill Ui I'nIimkI ) . Vt MljUk wl U )! Mlll4 I Iiuim AslLui, atU44 auk ksUsnt Ml liiu tl i-l lltu l li tun im lu .!. luu, at VllVM 4 Li I ii, tk'.. vUltk at , ' Vt. I 4m. iJ benefit, and returned fcere (basing "'"P!? ling me) in a worn atsta than 1 Despair ng of being benefitted, I tried roar PUl and Mbbed some of the Oirtmwt oa my chest and throat, I obtaowd e""JJ" relief .Her the nr, ' Vwta weeks wa completely cureu. excellent health and strength. At Phamokin. oo the 4tl .of MrCfh. by the n. P iiir.1 Mr. Isaac ForiJt, of Shamo KJMiSTAW Sntokr, of the same m tha 23th of March br the ii . wnius Bowkrs. near Muncy, to Miss OATHARtwa Bird, of Bhnmokin. On the 29th nit., by the Rer. C. J. Khre- 1 nr Uhaninllln. Mr. IlAlAn S. GUSDMER. of Lower Autrasta, to Miss Mart Thompson, of Sbamokin. Ct parlicis. Philadelphia Market GRAIN'. Wheat is still scarce. Sales of prime red Wheat at 240c., and of South ern and Pensvlvania white within the range of 248(a250c.' Rye is in demand at $1 25 per bnshel. Corn is steady , sales or Hou th ern yellow at 96 cents afloat, and 95c in store. Sales of Oats at S8(S84c. w hiskrt is nruier ; sales at 3d eta tor bbls., and 32c. for hhds. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT WatAT. S10 Rie. . 110 Cork. 90 Oats. S3 Potatois, 90 Btiivti SS HlCRLtD Fll. 10 Bcttsr. . ra Eoss. 13 Poaa. . 7 Ftkissia. 129 Taiiow. . IS New Advertisements. DALTIMOAE CARD. TINE Fartnry filled and Ground Alum 8slt, - coiiitantly on hand and for sale. CARR, fi-IESE 4- CO., Floor, Grain and Lumber Commission Merchants, Spear's Whurf, BALTIMORE. Also, Cement and Calcined Plaster. Agency of the N. A. and Romndale Co. Ilaltimore March 3.; 18:16 lm FRENCH TRUSSES. HERNIA or Rupture successfully treated, and com lor t insured, by use of thrf elegant Frrnch TruMes, imported by the subscriber, and made to order exprcmly for his sales. All sulTtmng with Rupture will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure a Truss combining extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold. An extensive assortment always on hand, adap ted to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for sale at a range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $U, $ 1, and $5; Double, f4, $S, $6, $R and $10. Persons at a distance can havs a Truss sent to any address by remitting the amount, sending measure aruund the hips, and statin - side nflpcted. For sale Wholesale Si Retail by the Importer, CALEB H. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Race streets, riiilajelnliia. Depot far Dr. l'annii.jj.s Improved 1'ottnt Hotly Km re; Client Ekpauders and Erector Braces t Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages ; Kpinul Props aud Supports. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady attendants. Phils., March 31, 1855. p3in. F. H. SMITH, FOB! KONNAIE, POCKET BOOS, Dressing Case Manufacturer, A. H". cor. of l uurth J- Chertnut Sis., rillLADEU'llIA. Always on hand a large and varied assortmentof Port Monnsirs, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Cuius, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holdurs, Backgammon Bonds, Port Folios, Chess, Men, Portablo Desks, Cigar Cases, Dressing Cases, Pocket Memorandum Books, Also, a general assortment of English, French nnd German Fancy Goods, Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. F. II. 8.MITH, N. W. cor. Fourth dt Chestnut Sis., Philada. N. B. Ou the receipt of $1, a Superior Gold Pen will be sent to any part of tha United Slates, by mail ; desciibing pen, thus, medium, hard, or soft. Phila., March 31. 1834 ply. To Officers, Soldiers, SEAMEN, &e., OF ALL WA&S : their Widows and Minor Children. & -V. KXJOIIV, Attorney for Government CiuiiNeus, Washington, D. C. COX TIN l M in iv prompt and pacsaiwl atMuti.w to ths ri'uiitHi '( I'auwsui vti dMcntkiN iiisl lbs Ucnrral a.ivuuwii, hkI prlkiilrly k llxw Ms llw Trwuury lirpaiuirait, i'iuuknd Bnaiiljr Lirnd Humus, hiiuil mid Guml Lami UUirs, sud Utwrd 4 ( buna Au riaiu-iir )mn, awl sluailuu ttjr with the nioiS f uliUiiiiiie UiswHlis aud mxn h-nnhim aaik claim, was ik lariliiua l Iks dispsick of iHiiiiwss, juMiir knu ui aaiuiiiif kit OwimbohOsiiu, Ckunxuia, and Uw Hublie iMwrallx, UmiI lulwnlt uiuuotMl lu kis Uig will imS as Mf Isetsd. Psssina, ttuvstt Lssa, Fstbsi tss Fvstw Lass Law. llskMMsrly rsady fur gnlultcws dmnlwikw anvwf kis banM Ck'miii-uiWiiu, (uid isum wku may lufinm. swkj iiaat pampaM cKMMaiain( a sjrunpsis ol las i uuut fauakw, ttuauiir Ij.i.1, f.iant, aiad PuUia Lsiul Uwa,dviaW UMsuduf Um ktta Ctuajraas uicluiliii Bounty-Land Aot of 3d March, 18SS. amlaa wkick all wan aavs ariakdora laawsad laai sMwkokavs kriaka'ora Mawsad laas Ikau a aiiiilM lu aaiiltuual kud Mid A m Nina all O0W. M.aHaaauaaMKiad kiiua. kaldiar, W m MaMara. TaaiaMai. in aciaa ara avw siaaw a rau i"'"i "r-itwfc aawiara, w ( a, Maatara, Taaiaalaia. aial lliaudi)! luiliaiia, u4 uw A May, Maludia aula Tnia, - mm mn '-jmara. MaaaMM, tuaiaa. ry Sawi, Maiiua. t'larsa, aud Lsinlama., W ika ay, m kafa asuaatad fu,, waa kara aarvad Uua iiarra data (aulaa us amilla) at an aartud aiura tni sud ik wuk'w ad aui4 aauuiaa i aS r rs uaiwais auutM, aud daaaaaad l ua aM kajs awaix virasasa 4 Aapliaallaa i, fua aid aJWaaia laN t t alaaaaia lu ka (m4 , sifciplit a, Ui waula id aaatp cteaauf t'Soawai aiata, las !, wtut aaii" iWai.Nia aud uu4faiaatd ika lasiw smuI aud wwuul aiivi w a Id Ike auwa a a aai Saad la i)mnlad ul lj4ad Min raiiM lad wuyiituj luavad ikauiavtvaa ai ika fcatuitas v'aa4ir lkilito la auuj -a.fi udplsaal saiaiiiiiaailaa uf ikau aktiaia ai ika Uaiawuuauis. aaa isu im aupMa ul ika aiaive uaiapklat y Iwtuuiug uiii Sauts u, a 4iaa auuua uitMit l to coaat ipo.NDtN ra. Onsiaapiiadaui wki piaaa auJ I'iaaid -r-n-r S Iki l- r wis ausd wuk mia.l i u.,daBl wukad aaasMH tkn.ka aaait. al tat sua .1', adud ut' laa sa wai tKi t-aw to uss atu a tW ataruUiti '4 IM . a siltu tua uliiluv aws k doaM ki Cun ,11 I,,,-, ! "-f kaadiy ul r auwr r sis aMluHd 4w l- sua 4u i a ! idaaniil ! II--4 lout kV.iMut aauat l-aaM was, a w ia h, 4 Ut la4 wid awistuiKr aaaud k vuii u al r M, kak-w ia aui x-au4 salnssS spun tk tjf , J 1 ka- ia) lu kkMt aa ptii 1'iaa ld Watiaaia, Ml ia maul Baiir, ad t'lm LsmI fui Htauk ku. kUta It, Mat - it ruUHKN'fatJ. '1110 suWiiWi sum lu, uid m U ,,,, ti ki iu L-ti ww Waa. Ulp aba, i t iii k- a. k.,k l), iatt d,u4 k fevdw. fct., .a, U kaiuj aUii- 11 (Wl f kail ..(, , a-ul f l tt i .!, .u r'l as . M t I tvit thlitkr a-.aiM M.i k I) t . im. latate of AJiU VSISIO, Deo'4 NOTTCB b hereby gtn, that letters of ad. nintatratlon have been fs nfed t the sohacrl ber On the estata of Adsra Nrtdif , lata of Upper Aagusta township, NarthMraharland eaanty, lee'd. All persona having claims afslnst the nut, and rack that are indebted therete, are requested to make an early seltslmanL The anderaianad admtniatrator will be present at the house of lb late deceased, on Saturday, the SI si inst,, ta aiaka final twtte'meiit. PAVIl) REESER. Ad' tor. Upper A agitata, MarehM, 1SS5 t A Lot of Chemioala for Sale by OE0. W. COBLE, DAGTJEREEOTTTIST. (GERMAN Bromine, Chloride of Iodine, da. ' do, dry, Hypo Sulphate of Soda, Caynide of Potassyum, distilled Msrcunr, liquid quick and Gilding. He baa also a Dag uerreotyping appa ratus, a full set, which he will sell at a reasonable price. He has alee a tariety of epecimens from town and country, which ha will fall at half price. also eaaea and mats, all of which he will aell as cheap as tbey can be bought in the city. Sunhary, March II, 1853. House and Lot for Sale. flHE auaecrilier offers at private aale. liU hauae 1 and lot sil usted In Whortleberry street, 8onbury. The house la a new Two Story frame dwelling, on a lot of 60 feet front. There ia also, a Butcher Shop on the premises. Tha location is an eicellent one, for any person wishing to follow that business. WM. hoover. Sunbury. March 17, 1855 -If. A CARD. GEORGE BROWN, Inspector of Mines, ten ders bis services to land owners and Min int Companies, in making examinations, reports tie., of Mines and Coal lauds. From his experi ence in mining operations, as he understands the different branches, having carried on Mines for a number of years in Schuylkill Co., and having now a large number or collieries under bis super visionhe hopes to give aatiafsction to those who may want kis services. Refers to Benjamin Miller and W. Payne, Esqrs.. Philadelphia, and D. E. Nice and James Neil I, Esqrs., Pottsville. Communications'ny Mail promptly attended to. Pottsville, March 17, 155. 3m. NOTICE. ALt, those knowing themselves indebted to the subscribers either on note or be ok ac count, are requested to make payment of the aame, on or before the 10th of April next, as we are greatly in want ol funds, to buy our Spring supply of goads Ac. J. F. A I. T. KLINE. I'pper Augusta, March 17, 1855. 3t. STRAW & MILLINERY GOODS, Wholesale & Retail Witt. T. HILL. Straw Hat tt Bsnart Manufacturer, And Dealer in 8traw floods lu General. An. 321 AorfA Second Street, (below AoMc, east side, directly oppnsito BuU's ItcJ I. ion Hotel.) Philadclpkia. Where may be found a large and exteniive as sortment of goods in the above line, to which tha attention of Country Storekeepers and Milliners, is particularly invited, W All goods sold at the lowest cash prices. March 17, 1855. W. S mo. S. REMOVAL. BESSON&SON, Beg leave to inform you, that thry have removed THE PHILADELPHIA FAMILY Mourning' Store, From A'o. 52 South Second Street, to t?.t Setv Bitildinti, Xo. 200 Chesnut Street, (Five dors uioee Fiqhth Street, South Side,) Where they will oflbr an increased stock, at reduced prices. N. B. Daily opening Niw Srarits Goods. Philadelphia, March 17, 185) p6t 3 MILLINERY GOODS! 185S. TOR SPRING- SALES. JOHN STONE & SONS. Ao. 45 South Semud St, PttlI.ADEI.nilA, Have just opened their Hiring importations of Silks, Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Crapes, &o. &c., Including a general assortment of Millinery A r tides of tha most fashiouublc styles. The above goods have brtn imported express ly for our Spring sales, and comprise the largeal and best assortment in our line to be found in thia market. March 17, '55 P. i mo. 3. COAL! COAL!! CO ALt 1! IRA T.CLEMENT re.pectfullv informs the citizens of Sun bury and vicinity that he has been appointed agent for tlia aale or the celelirs. ted red ash coal, from the Miusa af Boyd Kosaa. dt Co. All the various sisea prepared and screened will be promptly delivered by leaving orders wita lb aubaenher. IRA T. CLEMENT, fiunlxuy, Dee. SO, 1851 if. TUE VERY LATEST Arrival of New Goods I GELHBERG CO., have received in addi. tion tu their former large stock, another lot of seasonable goods, which they are enabled to sail at great bargains. Besides a large variety of Clolhing Boota, ale., they have a splendid and large assortment of all kind of Jewelry, suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen Bslore buying elsewhere, give a call In Mar ket street opposite the Post Office, as G. Elsberg ak Co. wilt make it veur advantage la do so. ftunbury, Dae. I, I a 54. LATEST AUUIVAL ar FIIHE subscribsr having returned fiota the sily -a- with a aaw and eilsaatse aaaarltusut af nuMoaaal goad a, taspesVully as II lb allsulioa el ftrmsfa, Machtaic and etktia to the same. FALL AND WIN TEH GOODS, eenal sling ia part af Dry CjootU, viz : Cll, CaMinwrss, CaMinsfi, Ju$. Pi Wias, Musiiaj, Kssriiif, I aid a1 4iad WINTER WKAIl. LA01IC3 OUtsS AM) fAN'CY GOCIM, rw(ot, Auslia alt Ismut, j-avm, Ciaitkuiits, Pnugtt, Jiu, MWN, ttunnilt, )(. Ciiiuciuiiu! iagal, Tsss, l udaa, liae. Maiasasa, ( bsesa, ftata, KaU, s ., As. Ilartltnrr, Nad, siewa, fds, aa. Hui.m 4 fetka, A Qaeatu) aai QlaMwtxa, af satttauastskwaMd kauatiM, OOT AWOtMOJMI. A la lawiatul kM 4 ah, rW tswavaa 4 tkUdtats. Hi ('. Ah, e ewtte aj i) La. Usalirs lif tad (smmsI tMiwa al h.il -is, 14 ! UtauM M ), '"' 1 ('swMVf MIm U 4 ItatJ ) I) lVsa st Ike k.U aMM pa.., a . 1U"iro.N. ' tte', II la- JULIUS STERN, Ab. US North TAirH Street, (3 rfoori about Eagl Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE DeslerU Psne Draas Trim mints and Millinery Goods, and Manufae tnrer of Fsney Silk Bonnets. Keena constantly on hand a very extensive aasortmrnt of Pilka, Ribbons, Gimps, Fringes. hidra a great sriety of other Fsnry Goods. He solicit a call from Country Merehanta visiting the City, and assures them that they will be aura Is And any article above mentioned, at tha Lowest prices. March 17, '66. W. t mo. t. REU0VAL. IJETERe W. GRAY reapeetfully informs his friends and eustomera, that he hss removed bis 8 tor from ita aid laratlon. and ana aorui.l... the handsome and sommodious Store room, or wsriy occupied by U. a. Mssser, in Market souare. near I aXDnnatt tha Plait Offia .K.m . will be happy to serve all who may give hint a CSII. Sunbory, Nereh 10, 1835 tf PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORK, ATo. 21 Arek Strtet, ahove Front, ThUadelplua. THE subscribers bava on hand, and are con stantly msnufaetnrlng SIEVED, RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and widths. Also, all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieve of ad kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, Ac Cylinders and Dandy Rolls cut. erJ in the beat manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Bpark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders. Screen Wire, Win dow Wires, 8afes, Tnps, Dish Covers. Coal and Sand Screens, cVc BAYLIS3. DARBY & LINN. March 10, 1855. C S m S) PERRY & BRETYr BOOKSELLERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK XANITACU'RERS, AND STATIONERS, ; S. IP. Corner of Fourth Ract Streets, PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1866 If PETER OSUORN,JJt., WHOLESALE & RETAIL FEATHER & MATTRESS WAREHOUSE, Ao. 81 Xorth Second Street, Third door above Arch, Hast side, Philadelphia. Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters & Tillows, Curled Hair, Moss, Wool, Cotton, Flock and Husk Msttresses, Straw Palliasses, 8,'ttee, Pew, and C hair Cushions, all kinds and eollors. Bed tickings, Check, Moreens and Damask by the yard or piece, Colts, Cat-tail, Sacking and Cords, Counterpane, white and colored, Comfortable of all kinds and sites by the single one or doer. Cribs, Berth, Single and 9. 10,11, 12 and 3 quarters Blankets, Bleached and Unbleached Sheets, Blocked Muslin and Chock pillow caws, Towels of all kinds. Table Linen, Table Covers, Dumrak table cloth, Bindings of all kinds and colors. Thread, dec, N. U. Denton Sr Coston'a patent renovator worked by steam power, is daily in operation for the purpose of purifying old and new feather. All articles from this establishment warranted. Philails, March 3, 1855. cr 3 in 3 Estate of JOHN CLARK, Sr., deo'd. NOTICE ia hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned in the estate of John Clark, Sr., late of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland County, dee'd. All persons indtbted to ssid estate or having claims against the same are re quested to rsll on the subscribers for settlement. WILLIAM CLARK, ) . , . ROBERT CAMPBELL. Amn Augusta twsp., Feb. 84. 1855 6t. Estate of ABRAHAM AKTEK, doo'd. TVfOTICE is hereby given that letters Testa- v nieutary have been granted to tha subseri brr in the esta e of Abraham Arter, late of Sba mokin township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons indebted to said cs-iie or having claims against the same are requestrd to call on the aiilwcriher, residing in said township, for set tlement. All interested are to meet at the house of the dee'd, on Saturday, April Slut. WM. il.MUENClI.IVtor. f-hanioUii twsq., March 17, IH55. 6t. fXWllENCEIIOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that she still continues ta keep ths above named public house. 8he has also received a new supply of good liiuors and wines, and trusts that she will he able to give satisfaction to all who way visit her use. MARIA THOMPSON. 8unbur March i. 1854 tf. Fall and Winter Hoods! PETER W. GRAY, INFORM8 his friends that he baa just received a good assortment of Fall and Winter Goods at his Stoie in .Market oquate. His stock con sists of DRY GOODS, VIZ : Clothe, Casstmers, Sallinetts, Jeans, Drillings, Baragas, Uarage De Lain, (jiaghsms. Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Silks, Winter Shawls, Dress Ttimmii g and all items in the Dry Ueodt lint. Alao, a arge asaortinet of Shite for Men Woicca and Children. Hats and Caps, Grocrtea of every variety. Teas, Code, Sugar, Molasses, Spicas, Salt, Fih, dee. Hardware. A geueral assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs, Bucket, Wash Boards, Uraoni. Brushes, dee. Uvisaswsaa a general assortment. Country produce taken al tha highest market prices. Bunbury, Nov. II, 154 tf. Perfumery, Jjp. amy K aavs ut raasivatl IS tai, aial heat salasiiol If aahaii ut faifautafy a,i utaiaj lalliis viawt Ntalry, unaiMiiig la put ot riurh PiaaaAe, Car., aa.uaj I'na, Ti4S Uiuhs, a are Mat. Ilaual'a ItHHiaaM, Itau Urualiaa, ' t'biua rN'Wdu, Nsil Mfiiw.rt, t Fai ia tu ,m, rvi ' fcsuart, ttiaiiga lwN valst, Fur law niaa, i M raaiMMl fMta, Caatila ae, Hut rSiwavt, Wail " " IwlaiU t. TranafUttaat u llau IHa, laa.k " Maaa run, fta taaskla, Wa.i.Hka " k-sfast Vauilhi, KsimMuaa ' than, I'iNai u i Iaa!, A'huhhI ' puMyapyl, lUu's " t atiawaatiir, K)m " U, Wkua, dauioas awUta, aa4 - tiHv4 svary iltatilsi.! ki m Wmu I aa, Muah m i Tiloa, t axyltut aViaaW Viaaas, Hi iJ, ail " tt K'tsnr a m4 4at v twlae Uw aaaiatoat ii Mi.iai A 4 ta iiui at lii u ku, Jala HMl t4W l U.aua. Mr (at M UMi NtH n I HXINU ri-t IU. t-awph.tte, Hiia and 11 k.L till. U UllM I i l.lMt tl.l 'I'.... pealiusi, swj small, Iia4 i.ir J aud aale l.f iwi. i54. i w. irrat is (vilHIUa. -llk. t'Uildisa's l.uug, tula aaj J tue soaabet IM iliuU, l awtk Mta!., .. biak,l iOi Mi a) a tltta. kutttkitti, ,Sa. 1 1, at 4. HHV UiMiUa.- 1 UU, t'Ms. aatw II Jf U, Vaattas. ''4, tat. a twj, I 4. I ik, Maui 4i i ) M.t4 mu4 1-4 aala Ltt, Mt.liIU. awM'tut, D. 1, laai, Uoaitki,-U.,' 4 aJ t-ti.aawik, LW Md Sktlta U.iu, (vm4 ai aJ at ttil it a aiukb so(, Nss. It, Ittl ' Baltim6i Caxi COMMISSION merchants' roa raa iali or FLOUR, GRAIN AITD LUMBER, Spear Wharf x Baltimore. XV Agents fo; Newark and RossnJsle Co. Cement and Plsster. t. l.llul fin O-1. . . v ri i ".: ; . """S'snny lor aale. atJi'Ji'". Ubni PAHH anrea 'mada ofteon. etgnmenta on receipt, Baltimore, March 17, 1855 Cm. OkTiTi"". for R,ilrol. morTihCtw7 V lh' 01d 8tor"1' Ul.ll.had for njora than twenty years, corner of Niutl, ,J Melon Street,, Philadelphia. ABBOTT CO., Feb. 17 iCCC"r" ,0 ElUcoW & Abb" rco. 17, 1865. mo g 771C.F.POTT3, IMPORTER AND D K A L tt R IRON & STEBI,. IN 461 Jorie tttt, btU.ut 13A, norfa.ide afuzx,Asax,iaxA. ' Pbila Dee. 30, 1854 ly, Fron S5ra TrVlre Manaory! WATSClST &. COX, Sii', Riddle, Screen mnd Wire Cloth Manu. faeturers, No. 40 AbrfA Front AY.. Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market and Mulberry (Arch) Streets, rillLADKI.PIUA. CONTINUE to manufssture of m'usrlnr onull ty, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds. Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, Ac. Cylinders and Dandy Bolls covered in the bcit manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for 8park Catchers, Sieves fur Brassand Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes. Traps. Dish Covers, Coal and Sond Screens, 4-c. Fancy Wire Work of every vesenption. Phila., Feb. St, 1855. 3m. ESTATE OF HULDATI TIIAKP. OTICE is hereby given that letters tcstamrn tsrv with tlie will annexed, upon the estata of liulknh 1 harp, lata of Shamnkin township, Northumberland county, dec d, have been gran ted by the Register of Wills, to the undersigned. All persons having claim or demsnds ngsinst the estate of the said decedent are requested to rrskc known the ssme to the nmlersigned with out delay, and all persons indebted are desired to make immediate psyinant. PETER WILLOUR. Executor. Match 3, 185S. Ct. KEW STOCK OF DRY O00D3 TOE THE SPRING 1858. 7Y.E & LANDPI.L. 8. W. Corner of Fourth & Arch Sts.. Philadelphia, are fulW prepared to suit buvers. WiioLisAtt dc Ritaii, with goods adapted to their want and at the low. eat nstt cssh prices. Black Silks, Prittish Prints, Fancy bo Plaid Ginghams, Aeio Dress Goods, Good Linens, New Spring Shawls, Table Linens, Novelties in Latcns, Sheetings, $. $. N. B Bargains daily received from the Auc- tiona, of New York and Philadelphia. P. S. Oil Boiled Black 8ilks wsrrsnted not to cu: in ivcarintf. Ptorc-keepera supplied with those goods regularly. Philsda. March 3, 1855 w 3m 3 GREAT B3U.INS ! SELLING OFF AT COST! .4 large variety of goods are offered at origin al cost. GElsberg & Co., have concluded to sell tucir large stock of various goods at great, ly reduced prices, in fact, st original cost, in order to il e their business. Their stock comprieea amongst other things, a large variety of Men'a wear, such as Overeosts, Coats. Roundabout., Vests and Pants mad in the different fashiona ble atylea, and of all imaginable stufls. Fancy black, grev, brown and all other colors, such as fsney will dictate, can be found in their store. All their clothing, ss the puctie know, is made good and substantially, being their own manu. farture. Persons not needing sny clothing yet, will better lay in a supply for the future, as' G. Eleberg Si Co. will make it highly advantageous to them to do so. BOOTHS and SHOKS nf all sorts. Also Ladies' Shoes, gaiters and slippers for sale. Hats and Caps, the latast styles on band and all to be sold cheap ss above. A large assortment of JEWELRY, such as Cold Pens and Pencils, Breastpins, Co (Tins, Ear rings, Finger rings, Watches, Lockets, etc., on bsnd. Revolvers, Pistols. Shifts and Collirs, Arcor deons, cutlery and hosiery on band. A large assortment of Under-clothing, Woolen, Canton 6annel and cotton. fr sale. A vsriety of Boy's CloL'iing, different style, can be fcitud in their store. U. Klsherg A Co. wish to sell out their stock entirely if possible, aud so offer greet inducement. Remember the place t exactly opposite the Post Ofi'ic in Market Square. Coin on, come all, to G. f'.Utwrg t Cu.'s Clothing Store. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1SSS. This AVny for Bargains. THE subscribers, Ihsnkful for the patronage they have received, would beg leave to in. form their friends and ihe the public penrrelly, thst they ha ou band a large sud well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER GOOD. In part which they will aell al vary reduced prices for rash, in order to tnake room for Spring aud Summer Goods. J. K. dc I. F. KLINE. I'pper Augite, Fsb, tl, UJJ. L. L, SEVAN, Sbaoiokia Pa. fpllE suWtiUr beg ksv to inform bit Mom!. 1 and lb publie generally, that he has takeu th shots wrll knuu stabd. end will be happy to si coiuuiodale all aba way git biota rail. Hbautukin, July , I H4 TMUkfcLLAeWUter.i.oVJ" fHUi Mi 1J I'urtiu.iuits, Milk Parkal.koadkait'biani, NMk-tirs, Hii tug. etocks, Hu.i,l,, V.,al Not. .4. "44. liU' MTU hl Dlt,:', W'AI L l APUR.l.k Isige eTl "..Uii.lcd s.m.iiu,.i Wll rn,t, Wiiulw fs. !!, auj l)i bb.dee, ju4 reieited and ..r sal k I W. I L.M II A Co, "uiibuiy, Ue. t. U4I. LMMILY MIUll'li:Wltioa' letetsHj Afu l'w Irit, fthiretk'. S eiiuiiu,, Li. Ju a tLbtalc4 wadittuea. Si., f" eal at Not. 14, '. till Mi J aJ OKt: ttlUl. liaiketa, e ekieela, Aatsa' abutele, ' autks, Doxl sad k4 . sfiy ruiul, 4s.. at tol nu a afintt. aaaauiy, Ns II, I at 4. 11 tis ttrs em aaa anwut II el a, kiil.lais at,J twtftb t ati Lii at. aiul L... . r r alao liuut aM w ItlHut S.MM. laal l.ten.J kJ m t. ti k Ol -Me 4 alubK. aais v,. .lt NbOi.lt t Ml I lists ri I IU attVTjbt attili, , ..ilj, ia .! if II h) aU'jt"'. eal. la l, THE ' WEEKLY HERALD. TM Heat General lfewepper In th World. TheNswYnut W.utt HsasLa is ji ...siieo jm-r SsmrdHV UKiniing It ecaitents wnbriK. Sil ths sswn of thTetriit.r uuuay, reps ir eellntr. M M It Is neatly emit, In clear type, on a lsrsi'nMeanT. ta sheet of f, .tiy-eleht w.lumna s b.ik a dirsetury la It e -If and fprhil nns is lh. be ni m"s yaliiel'le weekly newspaper lu lh world. The ereSteet ears Is tskeii to nvisiii tba Mest and nvi reliable lutelice of important imiyemenis in all parts nf the world. No sxpsuse is spa. red for lh porpnse. The snlaxiription prle If iHrk dull pet anrnim, psya. tils in srltranci , nr sixpene per single opy. EdiKns or newapepera thrwgbnit Ihe e"Sntiy sr pariicusirly ra qner.nl to aot ss afsiiis. They w!ll reeeiva twjnly-llvs par sent cmmiwhia nn sil ea.h rilarttlpttunf. Any per sin obtninlnt Iv or more sabscribers Will be all i Wed the aame oumniission. Tnn ro Ci ess. For on copy of Weekly Herald for on year 3 00 Five eopies do do U " Ten do do WW Fifteen do 'do W M Twenty do do 4J 00 Twanty.ffr io dt M 91 Thirty do do 87 tv Thirty-fir do eVt " 19 TS Forty d-i do (U 00 F'irty-ftve &t di 101 S Fifty do do IIS Ml All letter to he addressed to Jrnie O-trinn Rennsrt Pfprictar sud editor ih the New York Heisld, New Yoik ity. Iteautunee rnnei be marts In funds cnrrnt In this elty. Adveriiaements iustrled in ths Weekly Heiald for tinrty ante per line. New York, Feb. IFM. MATCHES! MATCUESI! JOHN DONXEI.LY. T ANCFACTCRER and Inventor of Safetv No. 109 FOURTH Stieet, (above Race,) xr . v , Ptiladelphla. Matchea having become an inJcipentibls eiti cle in housekeeping, the sulwcritwr after a great sacrifiea of time and money, is enabled to ofler to til PlililK. mn ,1-1 . -1.- ... ... , -, " "ui-i" i ones enmtitntng Utility ami thcapne. The inventor knowing thednn asr apprehended on account of tba flimsy man. ner in which Matchea r generally packed in pa per, has by the aid of New Steam Machinery of " ,",,f,,',"n. sncceeuoj in ttettins tin a SAEETr PATENT SQUARE' UFRIGHT Vt ood Bo j this bos is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more room thar. the old round wood box, and contain, at least TWo Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shipper is consiil erahle advantage t it is entirely new and sseure against moisture and spontanooua combustion, and dispels all danger on transportation by means of Rstlroad, Steambost or any oth mod of Con veyance. ThaU r. ... ..i...i - .k.. i ' ,ubuiiit gruas ur more may be Shipped to any part of the World wi.ii pvi in., aaiviv, uey nra inc most uesirnuia ..ill r.. IT. r ..l.l..o .1 ihiivivi ..wiuu wim.iiii'iiuii, aiiw ma ouuiuern and Western Markets that has ever heeu invented. -1.1 ,.. ( uesiers anu ciiuppers, wiuuo wen io can anu Ammiti fur ttiam.Nlvn. tV These Matches are Warranted to he supc nor to sr.juiing nercioiore one red tn the I'ublic. JOHN DONNELLY, 108 North FOURTH St., Philad'a. Phila., Dee. 16, 1864 6m. I Kplctidld Amortniont or Fall 65 Winter Goods. IMPORTANT TO BUYERS ! ARRIVAL OF SEW GOODS II nnHE undersigned has just received the hand A aomest and cheapct assortment of NEW GOODS lhat has been brought to Sunbury, con sisting of the following articles, vix Delaines, Canhmeies, French Merinots, Nrotch plaids, Wool iJe Lnins, Coburg, Fan CT Prints, Dcbers, Barars, Alpaccaa, and the moit Fashionable Ladies Dress Goods, including a general assortment of Broche and other Shawls. 5ack Flannels and Ladies dress trim mi hit. A Iso, Cloths, CsssU mers, Ssttit.etls, Vesting, Kentucky Jeans, Flannels. Iriili Linen Ging. bama, Fancy Ribbriiia and oth ers, Child's wool Hoods, scarfs, die., and a large assortment of Hosiery. . Floor ami Table Oil Cloth, Carpeting, Blanket, See., Sec. Calico Cj cts. Muslin, blenched and unbleached at 6. Hats and Cups for Men and Boys, Groceries and Spices of all kinds a general as sortment of Qurensware, Giassttare, C'cdaiware, and the large.t and best assortment of II srdwsre in Sunbury, including all kinds of carpenter's toiil's a general assortment o materials for building Ac, circular and other Mill Knws, Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, all kinds of Files for machU nists, hlscksmiths, and carpenters, 3 tons Grind, stones, which I will warrant. ,i00 Picks, (00 Grub Hoes, 00 Mason Hammers, SOU sacks Ground Allum Salt, 300 Fine dairy Salt. Mackerel. Herring and White Fish, Flaxseed and other Oils, Fluid and camphene and a variety f Fluid Lamps, Looking Clasf Baskets and Brooms. My assortment is large, and includes a general variety of which have been selected with the greatest care. The public ar requested to csll and examine the GUODS before purchssing elsewhere. It will give us pleasure to exhibit our stock at all times, and if we fail to please, we will not complain. CouMry Produce taken in exchange for goods and Ike highest market price paid in cash for Grain. ED. Y. BRIGHT. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1854, Passenger Notice. On sud after Monitor. Dee. I llh. 161. antil fuithar no lice, the Peawnger Triune iai the PbiUilelphia k annreiry Hailtoad will run rot ularly lestwceu Maiilmry and Muaut cariuai ee ..-wa lav Sunbury, at t o'eloek. A.M. .every day, (Sao. days etreoieil,) aud arrive al M1Hintt.ar1nel.a1 til oVi-vk Leave Miami Cu'inel, at 4 u'chick. P.M.. aud arrive at uiiuury al CI i'tU S A bu ul SHasas will h run Between M unt I'ermcl ami tVuivile, u. meet w.lh the eon on tho Phib riel. phw aud rJunl,nry ilailroail Ala-, the esia ou ii, Tkil. aJrluiM4 anil Heajii railr.ard. P.naei.jteia ly line r-wle i-aii batve SuntMirral a.i'i l vk, A. M., aial errn'e al Plnlaiteli;hu at TJ o'elivk, p. M. Iaierki:alelihiaal tiVkk, A. JL, aud a.lila al eVntmry at S, o'cl.irk.P. M. I'aia lSr,.olt Iran Hon' ory Id DiiLlrlpiua f I On. Faie ltii..u(k 1 1. 1. a Pail Jrl,.ti.a tn Hu,.uii g.i,0n. Us ita I'erai'ual lk,ftc atloweil tach PaaMenaai. C-avhra will la. luu Mm Ilia Par doVe l f.i,.Uirv, and ik Mae. 1. SW. iu Ntihau'Ykiial l ie aiueet ah the M 4iiin aad eveumg eais Car fr aa antary to .m..umli uiI. as eeuia pat Pauaier. Ttir.aiifk TiSl ean l parrkaanl. at tha Car O 'ea iu fiu.ibary, !, Um HrH( kaiiti d Uda m Pli.ta delnioa. The fare rVita Ikuutairy In aiiia4iii. SO aanle PeB atiansikia mMt.il rOMl. 99 seuts, U4 Lni Tiaval, A. R FtrtKF.. PI.iU Wi.Jua aua Sjolui) K K. Hasavkut, Dae a, w. . u . A 8THAY COW. af1.MC la lb pieuiin'S of Hie eolu.'iiUr. amis niuniha suns, a ted btiii.ll t'ow, al'.bs white fm-. I 1 sitt', a' oul f or T )' obi. Tlie owner uf lb s Is r.ue.te4 lo num f wstd, I'luvs p oeily, pay tl.si.et and tak hsr sr. Iir-XKY I A1IR. 1'tkva iwep. I ek A. tv griia H BUW KB. -T U Culler, tleem. P el Knitea. II aud ejae- Vood It ritaiaa. a tea, I'hiMls, low4 I."!.. sa l l.iwsea. ll.ti l Utilo, tilei. As Ju.l ie.eieJ u4 Int sal v I . Vt. ZStH 4 t 1) iit.ar, , I, t Sl VW l. -U.wel s. Tbtt-el at.4 iii ahl m s eel t.iiel,. UU.k sitd Ii 1 - it 1 l .-i ...k... T... ! "aa .'.-. a tat, it"" . - Hiia.e. 4 .ej I wJle'S and nlia.ue, Ifcin, 4s., Ij.I i.ited J h etis if Ih. . IM. I M i;M . M 4 But fcait a--."". t vilis. MMts M a., t'us. Mu fj Vt tu, i.a. I Item. all, 1 atisj s4 mm . ' at u A U a. a a. .i euilfiaialr,siHliy ueuaiaasi ""r ' amo.it. j Konipesn aiid .ll'iin eorreix.'ltira "i"'"' ando.TOm.rcl.il, and editmlnls f (rem Ml iiilersst, that tl M A Fall nnd. )V r.it ESPECTFULLY, M-:orc and rha Bublic. that U' 1 ad and opened the boat tnS iU ' ' Fall and wiEiT u at their etora in Market c. . . Tbair stock oonsisur of tv n Rrv Coof's, Clotfa, Ctiisimtr 'ts, Sdtrin'". ' Fldnneli, Wollcn. S 1 And all kind of Fall ami v Also a aplendld ' LADIES DRESS k FAN'.V -Calitots, Ginghams, Chir.ti.s. Z- Beragts, And atery variaty of gootla id; ' die! war. Alstl I large asorl;".rt r itAEpWARlj Irt QX! I t fiat, Bait and Alio an exienslva arn. Hsti ako Cap for Men ? Also a targa assortment of Ull : iuCH AS Sugar, Tfa,- Ctn". Molasscj, 5,";. of ail kinds. Also a rrttTr supply of urt'tfis and MiiBic:Nr.r-. Betides the rWgesr anJ moa't pent".-' ment of all kfr.;i af goods to be 1 place. OT Country pro3uc6 of all kinds t&'.n.i change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 1 f, 1S54.' TAMES McCLlNTOCK,- i. PROFKS9UR of Anrt'-my slid Surgery i. sd;-lil:ia Oillege of Meolrine, sin! . Acn,,g I ! Midwifery ; one of the ConeuTig Fbrsicunei.i : aiielphia tloapiuil. Dlockley ; kite nie:ier ol ii r : Mediral AHooiauon rnerhuer nf the Phllndel, ' enl Pipiety ) member of the Media. Chirurgi. .i of Philedelphis ; formerly I'reiiileii and Fr. a n imuiuiy ann nuirery in ia.tet u lusuicai t- -.- mml ; and aim, late Profeerit of Anstinny ni ' nfy in Berksliir Medical Iiisiitutioiirutdi...'. kc,e, fce. Haa lately intmdaeed ia a pipalar ( irtt tiy ' ftvortu preKrlptimia for tlie principal d:i?T, climate. The at nf each article will irapl'j t.o. lor which It is hit-ruled to be 'i--d DR MeCMNTOCK PECTORAT. SYHI P V PR. MeCLINTOCK'8 COI.D AN j CO.KVi TLRE Fr C-ls, Coaghs. Ae f rice 95 c; 3 DR. MeCLINTOCK'8 ASTHMA AND .:'. COUGH RKMF.DY. Price fci e'e -JRr..jHeCU'NTOCK' Tf.NiO AI.TeTi:. Rl RtP-For Purifring the Blocd Priitsl. DR. McCLINTOCK'8 DVSPKrTlO r.!.iX:." givin t-aie to thaitnmaeh relieving paine it;-i heartlnim, and all ditngretable srmrtoms oriii.. t nidiirctl:.n Hrlreai. DR. Me;LtNTUCK8RBF.UMATlCM!3;T POTly VegeteSte Reineily tit Internal . I . : . DR. MoCLINTOCK-9 KHKUMATIC UN i For Rheunntisro, Sprains, Bwellincs, k a U . 6(1 cems. DR. MeCMNTOCKH ANODYNK MIXTl : Puius, Toothsche, Heedaclie, Nsaralgia, 4c. ( ;. 50 ci-nts. DR. MeCLINTOCK'8 FEVfctt AND AOV C1PIC A eenn.ii ecrefnrall lntorm;iitnL. P- - DR McCl.ll TUCK'S D1ARKHUSA OORlll... CHOLF.RA PREVF.NTIVF! A aai'e remtily DR. MeCLINTOCK'8 VEGETABLE I'l'Il' ' " FILLS. Fm C stivenciis, Hendache. fte. P'ier v UR MeCt.lNTOCK'9 ANTIBit.luL- I'll.: : Irreg'ilsrity In ths Fmietinim of ths Liver ai l !. tv the beet Liver Pill mnde Price 85 en a V- For Kile by Dr. J. MeCLINTOCK. at Us le:..-: pnt, N W corner plnth tied Filbert . Philatti '. ; stsUDrui"iiteend Dealcrt In Medieiurs. Aii I . . end Dealer, in Medicines who wieh to be please sHdress Dr. MrClintock, tiirnis.'iii g r-.t mime nf p et-dr7ice. enmity end elate IV F"r?e hy Weieer ft Draner, Smibarr ai " mnkin ; Wm. Weimer, N irihumlierlam' ; C. Brxwn. ton ; V.. P. Lwtt. Rlonniahnrf l J-ienb ttrrle. . . John Vsnleei'j, Light Street ; I Sisrpleas & Sjh, C wiesa. Jnnnsrv 9, tflSS. tm. HERK VVE ARE AGAIN ! Clear theAvaj- for New Good j. r. & lelkLiNiir, RESPECTFULLY announce to thoir ft in and the public in general, that they hi received at their Old Stand, in Upper Aug;; township, Northumberland county, Pa., tl; Fall ani Winter Goods, and opened to the pul a foil assortment of UEHC1IANLIZK, &o Consisting in pnrt nf Cloths; blfck and fur Casaimers, Satlinctts, Checks, and all kitiufc FALL & WINTER WEAR. Also a lot of ReaJy.made Coats, Yeats a Pants, &c. Ladies Dress Goods', Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Lainrs, PI, Cashuieres, Pe bcgei, ComfcrDi, Bay otate. Long KhawW, A?. Also a fresh supply df all bir.it, of Gr'orerlcs. A fft'sh gupply or Hardware and Qutvr wire, Drugs and tlediciiui. Woodeh Ware. . . Also a larre aasortmrnt of Boots siid Chocs, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Halt, Cheese, Ac, and all goods usually kept tu a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cssh, or in e change for country produce, lit the highest murk price. Upper A ugusta, Nov. 4, iSsl. 6ENAE0US L. fcRIBS. uuA.moKtti, (Opposite the Depot,) RESPECTFULLY Informs the ritiien Khsmokin and vicinity, that he has ecu laeuced the above buitincas in the town of bhi mekin, and wiil always keep ou band an se..r inent of Ready Made Clothing of every dccii lion. lie stso keeps en hand sri auortment of cloth csssimeres, and all kinds of .goods, for Met wesrir.j apparel, which he wiil tell or make 0 to order, to suit puH-heaer, at the lowest price Shuraokin, August 8, 185. If. 5000 Jliislicl ol'iTimc. rpiIE subscrilwr. bsvimi taken the lima kill -a- formerly worked by Ucnj. liendruk. Im put vm ihmg in complete repair, ami are no' retdy to fuuiieh lime, al aliy II W alid lo an qusi'itity. either al Sunbury or al thakilusbsloe Tbev lortiwr luuarrti Ibele etiatomrrs, ibal tb roi.d to tlie kiln below Bunhury, has beaa pal I good order and is new perfeelly sate. CEO. 4 J.NO. B. tVEiVEfi. slunlmry, IVc. tJ. l44. Sn. Wiuts S LiijOor. Mine I BiaaJy, I'uarl ' I r,n h ' C.MwUem " RitWid'T, t ..ja Ma tter. L'Nnut -u ' Ja.aa.ca "Yn.is. II. .JU i tint, rtw.!( is W ee, Baafir t'Wr.l P.te f rt In !..!. I .. t ii.e Ihtiees Its We by wtisEtt a aiaaa auhitiy, Wy H - Bl7ioi ""aTid"r.i.e 6.r Me.. Wosaea sn Cbikt.en. I silit a' Jl..i.K-e Hh.. I ad. Hack siu. suleisd lisiisis. iusi te.-eit ed ad ,i,py Wm. a.kaiui. .i .UriiH. iln 1. 1 - bll IH -lld.kiklh t lwiet siul kill's . Cluta wtxa) bi.d, IsJies IWutt. I bt 4iea do, Mills, 4 . ... N. la, 41. VOlN0Mllf. SUkl tbSHiBOiua I'lLla. ' tui U rasas tad Agu., l- ''' .. LlatH HUl Nk" ahbtisa. all U. I.'4. ("KUIM I I Hat. IUS H-tk.l. Caiuead . Mtsl ...Jt.tlt.C I MiMe. Ua ktta, t h.u.ee's tt s, s. aad ktia if 14 ted S..4 Iwl t!s r mw.l.1.11. I H.lfcSTH lAUlivV ILB ..J UjMutaai ta I'S't 1 1 lujti. t j .a d-ip--;-' tt M t a4lilt r a t M at a 1 A. 1 : it I . ... ta .ei I '! t . 'e Wt , s I . ta I