.. . r dicals a t, rw York, " 4 Briiiak PioeaBh via. UcAllTKRLr (ConrliT) H REVIEW (Whig ) RITISHRKVIJEW (Fr C'h.) llN'STER REVIEW (Liberal ) S ID1NBURO MAGAZINE (Try)- arlueal trs f irwii " wW Thy will oacupy I "mUI grod H!" AWT W iwn Menrw"! 7 . m En of tb. daily ..wml, sd llw sonrlwnus Tow bur hittorl.ll, writtn alter .rth r pon..m r-. oad SWe' i r... lY. II II to we renouiv... ..... r?-. of wrm.1 av.nta, and ah, i 'J air wetl-wtabliahsd lllsrsry srinti6. "d thoiri Bin look Tot th. mtly ras'ly mwmgmw ana iihWi w an thtn usou Ui soneidrti vliuf public. C numie. ., r.- 11,. r nf Fa-. MNtt irwn in ' ;,oHial.at the m low rat ss i"' "Slh" Ik tlH mllowiiig rtminu w Pbcriler. TERMS AND PREMIUMS. fS Jut of rmiwm Fl.mi Wot J i ' praa. M 117 on of lb Com aeviswssnd " rsr jot. WW w.llW ofth Review w. JW Buekwonrl' Mfnn " " Rtackwrdndthr.Rvtws Ihres " 4 00 x Batk-wood the four Reviews thrs " 19 usmmfs I bt mail in all cases in advance. Money turrtnt in th Statt uhtrt ittutd vitl bt rtceivtd at par. Th Pmninw eoiuiM of Ik fiHowln)t work, batk hi nw of whirk will b in to kt SnbMrilxri oor lylothoaumbtrof pwiodioal onlwod, u abuv - -H- PREMIUM VOLUMES. FOHISS QU1TLT UlTllW (ON TOM J Bucxvrous'i Mmuim (aix nKiilhi). liOMD n Qcktiult Rsviiw rum you. unni Bitiiw (on yoir). klmoPoilMS Maoiiixi monlh). VuTiiin Rivihv (una you). Conomtira Pramiom rolnmea eaiiitot in alt MM ba rniahod, cxcapt of Uio Foreien Quartorhr Roviaw. To arantdiaapoomtmant, thaiafora, wbara that wuik ta not ma wantrd, Sobai ribora will plcaa oroar aa many ditto' it worka for premiuma aa thara art Tolomaa ta which ajr but ba aiililled. CLUBBING. A dlKount af twentT.gva per cent, from tha abora pr. will ba allowed to Club ordering four or mora emtio ' any one or mora of tha abora worka. Tkna: Four iniea of Blackwood, or of on Review, will ba ami to ia addrea for CD ; four oopie of th four Renew and kick wood for 030; ann an on. POSTAGE la all tha prm.-ipal Citiaa and Towna. the work wR Hdivtred, trrouih Arenla, FREK. OF POSTAGE 'hen aent h rmil. tha Pnetnre to any part of tha United at will b but Twenty-Four Ceaata a year for 3kick-wood," ana Mt JWiiti vl b yau ioc era th Rriw. Rtmiitaneta and emumuuicationa ahould alway ba klieaaed, poaUpaid, to Ilia t'ublnnera, LEONARD SCOTT k CO,, 61 GOLD STREET, NEW YORK. N B L. 8. & Co. har recently pobliahed, and hv w for aala, tha 'FARMER'S GUIDE," br Hanry St, icna, of Edinnurich, and Prof. Norton, of Vala Coll!;, aw Haven, eomplet in two vol, royalnctavo, containing 00 pea, 14 at eel and 600 wood engravinia. Priea in mlin bindin. M. CT Thia work ia nor th old "Book of th Farm," My itavaeiTATn aim thrown spun uia .uai net New York, December S3, ISM. LATEST ARRIVAL or PHE aubacriber having returned from tha city a- with a new and extensive asaorlmeut of ahionable goods, respectfully calls tha attention rarnere, Mechanic and others to the same. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part af Dry Goods, viz : loffci, Castimerts, Cassintts, Jean, Drilling, Mujiins, Ustwgs, 1 ittedt, ana all kinds oj WINTER WEAR. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dt .Lnins, Lawns, Gwzhams, Berages. Robs, H'ooltnt, Flanntls, Ifc. GROCERIES, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Malaaaea, Cheese, Spices, Salt, &c, die, ic. Hardware, aHi, Straws, Piles, Sws, Knives & Forks, Are Queens and Glassware) f various styles and patterns. SOOTS AND SHOES. A largs assortment of Boots and Slioee, for men, women and children. its Cira, dec, of various sizes and at) las. , Besides a large and general assortment sf hionabla goods. Call and examine for your vea. CT" Country produce of all kintla taken in :hsnga at the highest market pricea. 8. N, THOMPSON, anbury, M no. 18 1854. Full and Winter Goods ! Peter W.Gray FORMS hi friends that he has just received good assortment of Fall and Winter Goods Store in Market Souai a. His slock con e of DRY GOODS, VIZ : lis, Cassimsrs, Srltinatta, Jeana, Drilling, larages, Baraga Da Lainea, Uingbams, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flaunels, Mantilla fcilks, WinUr 8hawls, DraTrirumiig end all items ' n tha Dry Good line. Also, a i aasortinat of thoca for Men Women and lursn. Hats and Caps, Groceries reverj variety. , Coftca, Sugar, Mote, Spices, Salt, Piah. Ac. Ilardwarr. gan.ral assortment of Cedar Ware Tabe. , W Mh Boards, Uraoma. Brushes, Ac. t aiaawiaa a general assortrasnk untrv produc, taken at lha highest Msrk't xnbury, Nov. It, U4 tf. HURT D05HEL, TTORNEV AT LAW. VJu epposirs ,4, Cvtrt ohm, urj, KorthumberUnd Conntr. ?a. 1 1 subaaiiku .. i i . t... -l" r w WHra I A eul.lw be . .. 177- "U M,, .. W .h. V."1 THOMPaON. mai Mefct 4. Iat(.(, to caiuri-ykus,;- IM(iiw4ai,ei W .4 raU4li.ala, trW r a kv,, .ih tJ . CAhrtcTuiiQi, stB mm ks k,4iu aa.Us ta si aTeii ZllZ 4 be hJ.jI.KS A. 4 MT4II, ijU,. -l. Pr--4 i ia aw. mHg. A iMsg, lesaga! iOD i r rucNCii tiiussds. HUghing In 14m 11 ounttt. Tot th Curt of Hernia or Bnpturo. ACKNOWLEDGED by th klghaat edlcl uthoritiea of Pbiladalphia, incomparably parior ta any other in nao. Sofleiera will ba (ratlflarl to learn that tha occaaion now offer to procure not only tha hgktft nt eo , but a afra6 Truaa a any other, in lien of tha imln$ and rniremarfeM art iWa Oiually aold. Thara ia no difficulty attending tha fitting, and when tha pad i loaatad, it will retain ita poaition without change. Peraona at a diatane unabla i Call on th anbaertber, ran hare th True aent to any ad drees, by remitting fit- Dollar for tha aingle Trnsa, oi Tin for tha donble with tnaaaure round th hip, and atating aide affected. It will be exchanged to euil if not fitting, by returring it at onoa unoild. Per aala ont by tha Importer, CALEB II.NEEDLES, f or. Twelfth & Race atreata, Philadelphia. IF I.Ainaa, requiring tha benefit of Mechan ical Aupporta, owing to derangement of th In ternal Organ, inducing f alling of th Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervoua and Spinal Weaknese, are informed that competent and axparienred Last will ba in attendance at lha Room a, (act apavt for their excluaira a,) No, 114, Twelfth 8t, 1st door below' Race. July 1, 1854. ly. United States Hotel, CrWirnuf Sfrecf, about Fourth. rHZI.ASBX.rHIA. r y MasLELLAN, (lata of Jonea' Hotel) haa th plaaaura to inform hi friends and ha traveling community, that ha haa leased this House tor a term of veara, and is now prepared for the reception of Ouests. 1 n Local advantages of this favorite establish ment are too wall known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rata orrler : tha rooms era large and well ventilated. Tha Tablea will alwava ba aupplied with the beat, and the proprietor pledge himself that no enort an his part ahall be wanting to make tha United States equal in comforts to any Hotel m tha Quaker City, rtila, July 8, 1854. WM. M'CAltTT. BOOKSELLER, . Market Street, SUNSUBY, FA. TU8T received and for sale, a fresh supply of F.TANGELICAI MUSIC far Singing Schools. Ha ia also opening at thia time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, 8chool and Children's Books, Bibles ; School, Pocket and Family, both with and without Engraving, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Also just received and fur aala, Punlona Di gest of the lawa of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only $6,00. . Judge Reads edition ef Blackstones Commen taries, in 8 vols. 8 vo. formerly aold at 910,00, and now offered (in fresh binding) at Ilia low price of 86,00. ... A Treatise on the lawa of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Gordon, pries only $4,00. Travels, Voyagea and Adventures, all ot which will be eold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. February, 31, 185t. U. Sunbury Academy. J. P CB0NMILLEB, Principal. TRUSTEES: Hon. Alex. Jordan, John Young, H.B. Mas aar, Esq., Jacob Painter, Hon. Geo. C. Walker, Henry Domiet, Esq , Ira T. Clement. THE WINTET TERM of this Academy will commence on Tuesdsy.tha Sd of January. The course of Instruction will embrace all the brancbea of a liberal English and Classical edu cation. It is his aim to make the Academy one of the best schools in the country To ac eomplish this, nothing will be wanting n hi part. Thoroughness and accuracy will be required in every recitation, and no pupil will be permitted to pass superfiviallp over unv subject. Compo sition and Declamation will receive particular attention. Correct reading, writing and spelling will be carefully taught to the less advanced. Calender Tha Winter cession will com. menc on Monday, the 16th of October, and con tinue twenty -two week. Th session i divided in Two Term of eltven week each. TUITION t Primary branchea (per term) $3,00 English department, (per Term,) $5,00 Classical - 8,0 For further particulars address the Principal, 8unbury, Pa. September 18, 1854 Ira. HENRY B. FUSSELL, KiKcriXTcaie or Umbrellas cj Parasols, IN EVERT VARIETY, AT THE OLD STAND, , A o. 2 JV ortK Fourth St., Philadelphia. TTT Constantlf on hand large eesortmea to which the ettention of Dealers ia requested. Pbila.. Sept. 18, 1854 Perfumery, fjc. I'E aav )nt reevd lha largest bnt sslaet aMrtinnl c Paifunwty vf edcred lu Iki aecuoa enuatry, eonsiatiiig lu pari of Frsnek PomMl. Csehous, having Creara, Tonth Brutbaa, a large at. Hair Ilruahn, " Nail Hru.kM, m -V.v.r1 Kauaeta, Puttmc ni, " CMll Suep, tfftUM'a trtpnne, Cain Powrdra Fauna C'f in. Orang Sowf water, Charooal Past, Hie I'OWOM. Whit Infant " Trnaparnt li.u ura, iianeorl M Fan, fPf IktMla, alilnf (n Mtrael Vsmlka, Kputucaa insng, i aan mm, AliuH! riR4prle, I Strawbem. Nvmnh iUy White, f NanibM ebi, feed Sncnesnf every artitK.Frive r-infM,!, Mh 3 TuWa. r BuSaki Cl, all kiads, SU,J an4 Hb, art il Vw atrnu t ianliT an in aiviva itvis us lioss the baaaas af Jul aiauai sl v w ua. WKlHra A BRI'NKB COAL! COAL!! COAL! I! IR.V T. CLEMENT aeapactfulty Uifwaaa the clliseu o( kunbtiry ed akviuity thai be ha been apHMitll agsul (m lha sale af lit 4hia 14 r4 ft (ual, baas lb Mies af Boy J Koa 4 t. All lh eaiioua t pu,ed s4 asiaaaej will bpepily 4Ui4 by i eueio na iue etiiHKiiiwi. IKA T. CLEMENT, ftuahu.y, Do. J. ISallf. THX VEUY Li TEST 4rrlIMKfaaaSa) (4 ELNHEKU 4 CO., haa ?eja4ia aJJi. " lha. to then Umn laiga etotk, atauikei kt el seasaaeU !. bi.b Iks aia U.LU.I U I'M hsia, ktJe la's ,ia J t-(., It. k sktaJU turn ". e sll ku,l W Je),a, ouU ka I eJ l.uN.e M.tM k,u.f u.b4. gi..U U Ua. 1st ai4 vykwoi th Pm tiHu. U. Kba aW ad . w rtMU J,kt U eVa . " U.y. if. , I,,. L)4 14 sluhlieo a i.luiM im 4at aOtAI, A'iuet awf, M. it. isaa, MRiHilal, Bta, M , i 'smiihIU mf?m THE AMERICANS FRIEJID !';'; IIOLLOWAY'S PILLS. To th Citixtn ofth United Statt : I moat hainbly and aineerahr thank vea for tha Immaaaa peirnn; which yii bav bestowed - no my Pill. 1 Uk thia opportunity of aiatinf that my Anceatnra all American Citiaena, and that 1 entertain for all that eoneerna America and th Americana, the moat lively aympathin, a muoh eothat I eriginallreomnnunded the Pilla praly to an it your elimate, hahita, eonatitutione, and manner of livn.g, Intending to eatabliah myaalf anvmg :V ' ' A prmias ia New . . THOMAftnoI toWAY , Corn of Ana and Naua tUrecla, New Yk. PURinCATloFoF THE BLOOD, ' 1.ITEK AND BIUOUS COMPIJI1NT8. Th. Citiaena of th tTnina .i. th Livm aiid Stomach, scarcely any are rto from th inaoenre of thee tkntructiv maiadica, hnce they fi iZ ,j "" " x Pf'lmp th mot hanrism in till WorM.uptaa certain peri.ir! when, dinreasing tony, many loo their teeth ihI good hok, whil yet In th hyrtay of life, ach ad evil may ba enactnallr remedied by eontiniully keeping lb Wood pure, and the l.ivr ami Stomach in a healthy aniim, when lifawiU flow ainootlily, and reaemble plant in a ennganial clime, whr kn eternal ... i nig, a a it regiinia th preevtiim or the human frame, and th duration of life, murh inny he enecieo, ana I say faarlemly, thnt hmlth and life con be prolonged fiw many yeara beyond their orilmary lirnlla, if Hollow y'e Pill, are tnken to purify th blood according to th rulea laid down for healtli contained in the direction wuicn Dcoinpnny cn box. A CASE OP WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY OFTEN TEARS STANDING, CURED BY HOIXOWAYH P1L.LH, Copt of a Lttttr from Captain John Johnon, Astor lloust, A York, dated January Sfk, 1854 To Professor l!LuWAt,38, Corner o Annandd Ni Sir' It ia with th moat heartfelt rltur I bare to Inform yoa that I have been restored to health and strength by taking your Pilla For tha hut ten years, I miRercd from a derangement of the Liver and Ktomach, and wna reduced to anch an extremity that I gnve up rey Chip, never expecting to go to Se nr more, ,1 had tried every ivBiiiruy ,na, wmm recoinroenaeo wo me, lint all to 110 pur ana had i iven mraelf un to denonir. when I wn. mt hai iat recommended to lak Tour Pill. After ntin them for three monlha , tli reault ia that I am now in better health than I hav been for eleven yeara peat, and indeed aa well aa ever I wna in my life. You are quite at liberty to make thia known for tha benefit of othei. I remain, Sir, yours rapectfnlly, (Signed,) JOHN JOHNSON. These celebrated Pill art vondei fully tfftca- cto'.i til tne jouototng complaints. Ague Dropsy Inflammation Jaundic 1 jrer Com plainta l.nmbago Pilea Rheumatism Itetention f Vrin Bcorfuht. or King' Evil Secondary Aathraa Dysentery Bilioua Complainte Kryipla Blotches ua th Female Irrega 8km laritiea Bowel Complaint Fever of all Colic kind Conf.il timtion of i Bnwela Fit flont Head-ache Indigeatkm (Hon and 0 ravel Tainoura th Conumptiou wouity Sor Throat Tie Douloureux Septum L'lew Venereal Afleetiona Vorma of all kuida weaknea. from whatever raua Ac. Ac Sold at the Kstahlishmeiit of Profeaaor IlnLLnwaV. M4 Strand, (near Tempi Bar, lomton,) and ln at hia Hon in New York. Order fur Medicuieain th State, addres sed 'T. Hollo way. New York,' will receive dne attention Sold alao by all reapectiible Diuggi! and Dealer in Meil- ereenta, and ai.S0 cent. each. Tube bad Wholtaalsof th princiml Drus ilouvea m tb Lniim. Thare Is s sonsiderabls savins bv takuis lha larser N. ii.-Diiction ftr th guidauc of patient in vry uisiL'er are affixed to each box. Jane II, IBM. m, Liquid Glue, A LWAYS ready for nee. A new article of the greatest utility and convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household Ornaments of either f orcelain or ulass. It is preferable to any other cement used, aa it leavea no mark where the piece join. It will be found a very great saving of money in repairing of r urnitura alone. neatly put up in bottles at 35 centa each, or $3 a dozen. All ordors promptly executed. WM. G.MASON, S04 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 14, 1854. tf. SASH, COOKS, BLINDS, &c. THE undersigned w uld respectfully inform lbs citizens of Sunbtiry and the public gen erally, that they have entered into co-partnership under the firm or Kits & McUcsDt, for the purpose of manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. . Also, Door and SVashborrd Moulding, worked to order. Iheir manufactory is at Ira T. Cloment'a Steam Saw Mill, where they will furnish the above articlea of the best workman ship and lowest prices. JACOB Kit AM, JAMES P.McQLADE N. B All orders left at I. T.Clement's stor promptly attended to. Suubury, Sept. Z, 1854. SAMUEL S. FETHERSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, Chaadclienand Candelabra!, .No. 122 S. 2J street, ahovt Spruce, PHILADELPHIA, TTaving enlarged and improved hia store, and S-S. having one of the largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, la now prepared to fur nish I ine Uu, Campliena, Uurning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, Ulass Lamps by the package, at a email advance ever auction pricea. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Fir.e Oil, Burning Fluid and A Icobcl, Inch will ba furmalid to Merchants at auch pricea that tbey will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the lowest market prices. railadelphia, Oct. 14, 1654. Cheap Watches j Jeweln TJUHOLESALE and Retail, at tha "Philadel. phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 90 North Second Street, comer of Quarry, VnXXABEXrHXA. (lord Lvr Witches, full jwld, IM carat ease. ti,M) Gold Lapina Uk. 3100 Bilvw Un. full l.wlle.1. S Fine fihrr 8pcUKlr. 1,90 Oold Braeetela, S.00 thlvw Lvr, fall lwl'd 1 1 ariiea1 Oold Peoeihk I, OS Bupeiior uuartiM. 7 ISilver Tea .poos', Mt, g,OU Gold foeetai-lefc 7,0,(1 Oold fm, with Pewil and tUvr llokler, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 37) cents to SftO ; Watch Glasses, plain, IS) centa; Patent, INjj Lunet, 35 i olber articlea in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. HTAl'FFEK A HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levrre end lupines, still lower than the ebov prues. Sept 90, I SSI Ir. Watches, Jewelry, Siltenvure AND FANCY GOODS. C.l Caoi'c Assortment of th Finest Quality roa At at th tow t cash r a ices, at WM )V ELTONHEAD 8, So. Ill South Second strut, between fin ond I HIOIl, It'Cil lllIC, rmxAXjsLrHU 'I'MP netnMnl tmHv and e Slaeh nf yl rwivaukn, 1mm y, Bilvw nsis, Alan nr, Ulnl with ii il e. m !, Fika, 141, A tt Unral, Psa u4 Faury AHtria sup. alMr, dfaaivtng ta nuhii, ui ilmm win. aMe la saueaia ta mi g.i at in iw aa nwaa ii.riM ptMM'l kwwhklt ial il haanwaa. a av4ili umiIjim Mia liujiiMe Jklaiaflii, I avhHfiaa 'na Imll, la.ihw w.ra!, baui thai a a neyiy utai wmwh i.m a aay uaaai a.i.u aahMMMl la ifef "4 la A iiMiw 1 iim. ST A kuah) af haUad Pavl Jwhy aa4 ll 1 i ia.Biii.imd a, aM, wiihia a i i.l I. lim. w Xlsaakaa, Ji a4aua Vi ai itialu la. IV M B KI,T1NNK lit. Ma. lal jtk W St , f aw saw. aa W Uwkat v. eel i ! gr U Mm ilh WU' mt lb . a-) b aaa Ik W uhu t Uh K, iMaKi,i;n, i a aa.ni.ix a ia na'e .aiaa, paiai , Utt I, last - jflkl EEMaWAItK..HeuM u af Tr , h i'biua, IHum ( Ua a4 Mt(, if1 m4 Duke, mIm tef t uJa, TtfiWt . .Mi Uwk,t'bUt PihiI Maakeie 4 tbiaaiaeail, fWt4 Uiuh. UalMc, t.la w aaiisay, M uhh Ba l aMl apaeij. use awaa.eJ aa4 la s.1 by I., I Ml. I w, TEMER A l'. liLllBIM(i8., BU.4, .wf, "-' Ta V k.M a4 VJ,ke Z . ' haa, la h,m eaaesf Pal s4 t aha) Vl aiba tu .i, k. " to atagii 4 ait aa W. inly . ItAA th. at I BUg IMI 4 ( it, M.kt "', ! ,. ti rat I'aV.. H WW Ooada fhr tha Vhnl. f ' ' '. ! BENJAMllV lIKKFNlitt n E8PECTFULLY Infarros tlx public In gen aral that ha ba just received and opened splendid dock of ' Spring and Summer Goods at hia New Store, in Lower Augusta township. Hi ctock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSOt fJnllcoes, Ginghams, Lawns, , MomiMcllne De Laloea and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Irou and Steel, Nails, &o. ' Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WABE, of various style an J patterns. Also sn assortment of BOOTS Av SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selcctisn. ' Salt, Fish, c. And a great variety of other article auch a are suitsbla to tha trade, all of which will be sold at th lowest price. Idf Country produc taken in exchange the highest price. Lower Augusta, May 6, I8S4. REMOVAL. Light! Light! Light! Hf n. nYOTT K K.KTST have removed AiJl to their New Stor and Factory. 74 Sour Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. (Five doers below their old stand ;) Having increased fscilitirs, we offer to Mer ehants and others, Gas Fixtures and Lamp of every description, and at the lowest Manufac turer s prices, and unsurpassed in quapty or ap pearance by any in the country- Our slock, em braces DIOTT'S P1TEST FINE OIL L&BirS. (the best tn th u-orld) Burning fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, ClianoV tiera, for Gas, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Classes, Wicks, Pine Oil & Fluid, wholesale and retail. ' Merchants and others will find it to their sd vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri ces. ' tW Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public building. I'hil. October 7, 1854. ly. JOHN Y. MARTIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, STJNBTJHY, PA-, RESPECTFULLY informs his friend and customers that he has just received from the city a new and complete assortment of .Went Wearing Jlppnrel, which he will make up to order, or sell, as cheap as any other establishment in the place, as he is determined to permit no one to undersell nun His goods are choice, and carefully selected from th best in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in tba best and latest style and warranted. li is stock consists in part of bsnd some Maraeilea and Silk Veslings, Duck and other Linena for Coats, Ac. Also, a variety af Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cravats, Neck Ties, and variety of other articles for Mens' wear. Sunbury, June 10, 1854. tf. t. s. rvKcoasT. Taos. e. aaicui S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMD DFALERS IN Fish and Provisions ' KRaALI.T, ..Vo. 17 AbrfA Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 10, ISM. CARBON RUN COLLIERY, Shamokin. .'orthumbtrland County, rnat. THE subscriler respectfully informs the puli. lie that he hns lessed the above new collieiy and is now prepared to deliver at Sunburv, or any point along the Susquehanna, all sizes of COAL, prepared by breakers, in a superior manner. I'crsons wishing to contract for coal will please address the subscriber at Sunbury. JOHN HODUKISS. Sunbury, July 15, 1854. FJIRBJjYFS patf.nt SCALES, 8ol.l at their WAREHOUSE, So. 225 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Farmers' SCALES set in any part of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short notice. E. Y. BRIGHT Agent, Sunbury, Phils., Oct. 14,1 8St. flm. NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY, HIM ON. lata f the firm of 8. Scbnunnan A ' Co.. respectfully informs the citiaena Sunbury and vicinity, that be will continue the above business in the old stand in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, which sr 011 lha way from lha city. He will also be prepared la repair walcuea, uatng a hand in constant em ployinent for that purpoae. Ha therefore repecl lull toiK tis in patronage 01 the public. ounoury, oepi. 1 9. lejl. 11, CHEAP WATCH' AND JEWELRY STORK So 72 Sorth Second Street, opponte mlount Virnon thus ) Philadelphia. th fUI.U I.r watchea, lull jeweled, is K, ca- set. $: i SiUer Lesaf do., do, t; Mil asi Lepine, do, 9 1 (Juarlter. 45 to 7 1 '"U1 Hperteclea, 4 50 to 10 I Silver do., f I 50 Milter Table Spoone per sell, 914 la ! 8isr I)rt do., do., B9 to 1 1 1 Nlasr Tc do., do., 4 75 la ST 50 1 tlolj Pen snd Gold i'ty ess, S3 15 to S Gold Pens and Silver do. ,8, 1 together with s variety of fine UolJ Jewelry libld Curb , Guard aial fob Chaina. All guods wsrrsutsd to be ee lepreseiilcd, V akhae an Jewaliv, reired in Ihe beat manner. A Ua, M son i Marks, Pine, Ac, aiada to esder. N. U. All aiUra Saul by Mtail m atlMiawa, ill be punctually atwuld to. PUiU,ri. 1 1, 54 1 ly. FA1 ANN'S LKTIE pTjEaiTEi with 111 bka,iMk, aud all eiepUu I all a pUi, lust HsataeJ, tu4aaMlby II. H MA5BCR, Buaauiy, JuM 4. IIS.. (l.tlt KM Kksbl day ! M hattl Iruaj ad J Wwales) fcataej, t'leaat Nats, UiauaJ .Nuls, KalMUS, aud Piunee, just lecataej a4 tut selebf WM. A. KN AUS, l-awer Augusta, May til. an'iLKV'aiO't uf t'xur. ia t4 laat 4, Hit. . BAIie . ti."Iis."M.rJ BaaCs J BlMSKSikiia.aaSUMklsa, U (a, baga, t-aaaa aaj sallaa, )tM n id au4 la ska s bk at, A, a 4 Wat, nawe Aafaata, Mf , M4-V I4Vi ta ! , Bap.! Bla.4 4 ms l..l Kal at It e Case ftaaeax aBaseae, 14 aeaat Sri i'Mirtl r&4t M UP 144411-4 tt) , B4 mffis ii a..y4. s4 (a w m hTs. aabarg, 14 III. :r. tsratt'Arrirail' fir'.WI cpnino aooDst UtA T CLEMENT 7 RFORMS hi friend and customer that h . just received an elegint assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At hi Stor in MsrXet Street, Sunbury, which be offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consist of general assortment Dry Goods, vizi Cloths, Cassimer, Cassinttt, Jeans, Drillings, jiiusritis, iytnetu, Calicoes, JUitslm d Loins, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. Also a large assortment of CLOTH IXO. A large aasortmeiit of Boot and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hate. Piaster. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fi.li, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Vii: Iron and Steel, Nails, File, Saws, i t. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, f c LIQUORS, Wine. BrindT, Gin, Bam, Whither, tc- tST Country produc of all kind taken in ei- change at the highest market pricea. April B, 180 ly. NOTICE To Treipasseri on the Telegraph Line. NOTICE ia hereby given, that all person found trespassing upon, or injuring tha line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to th act of Assembly in such cases made aiid provided. H. II. MASSEK, frcs't Phils, and Snnbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, Juna 3, 1854. tf. SAMUEL W. PEPPER VCCIMOB TO HENRY J. PEPPER k SON, Watches, Jewelry & silver Ware, So. 175 Chestnut st., opposite th Stat House, PHILADELPHIA. Phila., May 27, 1854 ly. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, .or Tasteless Salts, Prspared by WEiSF.R k 8RUNER. This prepaiation is recommended aa an ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re sembling lomonad in lavor. Thia medicine is highly beneficial for disease peculiar to summer and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 1854. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs. returns and proceedings in the several action now in use in the United tales. Br Collinson Rem, Esq., Ipsa legis vira oi With notes and additions, together with a shor system ol conveysucing. Ily A. Jordan, Pies- ident Judi(e of Ilia Eighth judicial district of I'a., and Wm. M. liodeleller and M. L. Shiudrl, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg 1 HAaaisacaa, June 30, 1853. GtHTLXa-KS I After a careful examination of votii "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of tha precedents thus offered to the public, lbe legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct system of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, and the practice of the court. Your forma of declarations being. to a great extent, founded on the acta of aatcmbly will be a saving of lubor to Ihe pleader, and con duce to safetv end brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. t ours, with greet reiect, JNO.J. PEARSON. I'.m. A. Jordsu. Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. I.. Shiiulnl, Esquires. W. McCabtt, Esq., Dear Sir: I received more than a year ago a copy of "lieed.s Pleaders' Asaiatsnt" improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with some care soon afterwards, and have had occa aion to use it several times since. I think it de cidedly valuable as a uianucl for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were cenerally used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in matters which are often very caeelesaly done. I am very truly yours, &c, J. S. BLACK. I also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist ant, and hav tainiud it sufficiently to enable me to concur very heartily in the above commn dations by Ihe Chief Justice. GEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1854. Sunbury. July 39, 1854, It VI. L. K.MC.IIT, Sutmtm I lltrtlty ay Kigk4. BEDDING Si CARPET WAREHOUSE, .Vo. U South Second Street, ir Joon abov bpruc street, PHILADELPHIA VVbsr he keep constantly en hand a full 1 aseortuieut of every erlirle in his line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Palenl Spring M Urease, curled bsir, M Cora Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet. Ta peiry, Tspsury, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, l rnetian, .lt, Kag and Ittuip CurpffiHfa, Od Cloths, Canton Mattiugs, Cor, end Spaniih Maltinga, Floor and Suit Drugget. Hearth Hugs, Doot Ma's. Table anal Piano Covers. To huh h respectfully invitee the (Mention of pun hsasa. Phil- (tel. 7, 144 I y rifklos, Siiucc 150. J ual ,iv ('ut.tnM, I Sow ehaw, at. sal Ptsaise, Paiania at Aackot.as, . ' raaj.1, Tha aa.e eta 4 faa t'aaa 4 Btaebw, LiaaVa, ru ruHgaa, ku4, pMastt, J Hal taaaa, Ba,aa. Asat, t aat " Paua BaitiaSS, 1aaatalslta.4.a. wgii:aa ant rat a DiMoiutioa ef fartaerahia. N(U I K ie hereby given thai th pailueithis U atal bustitsss. hil4'l atwtliig Bit, ilet th aim el a, ak Damiy duul4 a lbs let a Aaiaal swat., by avalu! tauul. W.ll, KiaK. JOHN inn TV, Th bustiss will ' saaJmuJ kaeeaW aa. ai Ha Bias l Haa 4 M Is) s) J, la eaal Will ditdV Baabasiy, At I. I s m M4k'l af ! aatta, I saWaU, taapat bata aUAaa) beakat 4i4 td . a kiaUa, tatt lla sat ta M f v. as. . g.ltts, Lame 4aai, Ms! 4, 144 Af JHl M na uh 4 tjntAaat waa. a 4 B . tata.nn) aaitiy, Jaat IiIm4 la ba4 aa af tl im-i ri.J, rw sl br US HA4 t)kiy, 4e frf. t)t. CHERRY PECTORAL: I the Car ef oouons, COLDS, HOAR8BM-B38, BHOW OHZTZ8, OAOTJP, ABTtf. MA, WHOOPtVO.OOUOB AND O0NSUMPTIOB-. TO CURE A COLD, with nt.ntras ard soars - of tha bmly, take Ike Caasav PscToaai. oa g uing to bad, ami wrap Hp warm, lu aweat during the mailt. Foa a Got, arts Coeaa, takcit anorniiig, noon and aing, aeeordinf to diiacuona on the bottle, and the ditfi'W ty will aonn b reimival. Non will long euHer from thia tnitilri. when they find it can beao reni!ily cured. I'eram. fflicted with a aented ovgh, which break them of their ret at night, will find, by taking th Cherry Perioral on goirg ta bed, they may ba aufe of sound,' uuhioken aleep, and oonecuuently refreahing reel. Great rvlie! front uncT. lug, and an nltimate euro, ia ndiled to tbouennda who ar tl.ua alHicted, by thia invntnnble remedy. From It asreenhl efTect ia the easea. uaany find tliemarlve unwilling to forego its ma wh.ii tn uccsaaity for n haa ceaeed From two eminent Phyeiciane in Fit strrvlLLS, Tenn , April I, ISS1. Sir :Va have given yimr Cherry Peotnral an axtamiv trial ia am piartiea, and Iwl it lu surpass svary other re medy w hav for euring afleetiona of th repirtrry or gans, lilts Ul EM IK A HAMPTON. TOSINGKR9 AND PUBLIC rPKAKERH thia remedy ia invaluable, aa by ita actiua on the thn-.! and lunga, when taken in email irantitiea, nremoreaall bo.en in a few honr, and wonderfully increase the power e..- fiexiUlity of the voire. ASTHMA ia generally much relieved, and often wholly aured by Cherry Pectoral. But there are ami cam so ob atiiuUe aa to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pecto ral will cure them, if tbey can b cured. Hliu:;ill I IS, or irritation 01 in uiroai ana npper portion of th lunga, may be cured by taking Cherry Pt to re I in email and Ireqoent doece. The nreMKXi i. u,n, rehi-m1. t uncomfortable op- Kev. Duct. H.m,U, m limokryn,.'w lora.aiaie.: "1 hav seen th Cherry Perioral eur nrh ce of Aethm and Bronchitis aa leads ins to belisv it can rarely fail to cure th.ie disease.'1 FOR CROUP. (Jive an emetic of antimony, to b followed by large and frequent doe3 of th Cherry Pecto- nntii MibUue th diacaae. 11 taken in euam, it vt 1:1 not fail to cure. WHOOPING COUGH mar be broken up and soon ca red bv the ns of Cherry Pectoral. TliR I.NFI.L'KNZA ia aneedily removed by thia reme dy. Numeroue instanrea hav been noticed wber whol familiea weie protected from any aerkwa eonequeneea, while their neighbor, without the Cherry Pectoral, were Buffering from the dieea. Itr. j. u. Ayer: HALSis, unio, inn jun, iti. I writ t inform yon ol th truly rmrkbl effrrta at" your CHKRItV PKCTORAL in thia place, and iu aiy own family. Onsof my datightera waa completely cured in thre riava of a dreadful Wnooriiia Coooh, by taking it. Dr. Means, on of our very best phveichma fiely Matea nil n. eonmners it tn ben rnneoy w aav puimomuy iaraae. ami 1 hat ha haa cured mote enecs of Caovr with it than any other medicine h aver administered. Our elenrrmni ol tha Bardie! Church any. that during tha run of IxnuatXA her thia season, hs has seen cures from your mediciu a could acarcdy have believed h'lla out araiug. toara rcapactiuuy, v. u. si.Mi.Ain, It.nvtv Potintr. From th distinguished Profestor of C'Armtt- . .... mm . 1 . f.-fi . fry ana meitrta meatee, noveaom loiicp. I bav found th Cnsaay PacroaaL, aa iia inarsdiwit enow, a powerful remedy lor eoua, ana caug ne, an pul monary diaraaea. naita CLsvttAKa, n. v. Bacxtwica, Me., Feb. t, 1817. DR. VAIJiNTINKMOTT. Th teidel celebrated Professor of Surgeru in th Medical College, New York Ciy, tatJ it gives ms piesanrs meeniry uia vaiua ana eiacary 'Avsa'a Cnaaaf Pictobal.' which I con.ider peculi arly sdapted to cur diaeaaea of the Throat and Langa." uureaol aevi diseases unon the Ldmca hv own ei- fceted by Cnsaav PcroL in such extreme caea aa warrant Uia belief that a remedy has at length been found that can ba dertended on to cur th Cough, Cold and Canaumption which carry from our midat thouaanda vry yar. It is indeed s medicine to whieh th afflicted aan look wuh eonfidenc for relief, and fliey ahould not fail to mil themselvea of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemrst, LoweV. Mass. 8old in Sunbury by H MASSER, and by Drugcfiata eenerallv throughout tha Stat. July 30, 1853. ceow 1'. Nov. 13. '52. ValuableProperty for Sale In the Borough of Snnbury ! Pl'HE subarrilier offer for sals th fallowing aV property 111 Ihe Borouzh of Sunburv. vix: THE HOUSE And two Cvntigious Lots of Ground, on the aoulU west corner of Market Square, now occupied by th subscriber as a stors and dwsl ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL 011 th river bank, together with on and a hafl acres of ground. Also: a doubl two story Irama Dwelling IlouaoanJ Lot of Ground, in rldrrberrv street. Also: six acres of ground at the Point, adjoining th Susti jnbonna, an whirh are erected two frame houses, wagon housA, etc. Also: A llou.se and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot are also erected three lime kilns. Alao : A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north eaat corner of River and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement, Also: Twentv-Tlirce Vacant Lots n Elderberry street. IKA T. CLEMENT. 8unbury, Jan- 14, 1851. tf. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Fiera th Franklin lualilut, Philadelphia, lioaa th Amrican liwtnute, Nw York, aial FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in Seie England. Citj Daguurreotypo Establishment D. C. COLLINS ft CO. Ne. 100 Ir 166 CArxfnuf Street, Philadelphia Also, fiiiiit street, pringneia. Plass. una Wtstfietd, Mass. Portrait Painting and Tarbotyaing, in tha highest stale of perfection, done ia all Uia above establishments. fky-Lighls useJ in all th establishment. Miiiieturve lakelt equally aa well by thssa in cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., May 7, 1 854 wit. Hoscudule Ilvilraulic Cement. An excellent arttcle for Lining Citterns, Vaults, Spring-house and Cellars, VND for keeping dampness flora wsl aud eipoard wall. For sals bv CH ARLES KHEPARD SMITH. N.. sue aet f Irani end Willow Sliest opposite Ihe old taiad, Railroad. PhUadelphia, April 33, lS5t.-.y. WOELD 8 THE PEIMIUMsT niltRF.BPHiaP.Mk.DAlJ hav bsaa i44 Wtb X ) sWgaut a sup"t 1'IANO yORTES Rahiailal by U auhasiibrt si la fryaul Psiae. lu aaakia th ahu aaaaaiirauiant, wuaht taaa tba) uapMtaaay a. auia taw laaaka a. iau aaaiwai liiwa, la. taa aalaaaita aa aaMai yaaruM a,'". iaa Ud ta Ih.ai, a1 aw, laeaa lhal au aa a Ol ha H.4 la aalala th UMu.f ra,aa4ai l.aW, ll.Ha la usaa la mm4 Um .iy awi.ua I aaaaai tia (actf tasnaaiani. Ihav as . mmm, a ih,. ataaaiaata. Imsj la.4iiM, a.. is, Uia a -a aaisis ta.ai at latat m siMavti, mmi ,., Vaa.ia1 Aaa. witaaia a.aiiaiil af a, saeaaMM hi ft.lAi ti4 ,., al , tail, m4 t Ww siM. Orovstteea Tmalaw, Ml Broadway, Ml.VV VUlta. AAfxaMs; kaaa, UaV N. B Pieiwiiiiaa aa. aa. a, 14 Aaiaiu n tuu lal la ihw, r 44 a, , , u Maw.. k,wt,4 ,Mt - lATBNT hVlTTAMA sfoPPMS tVt bat bat tie M i by . It. I MASSER. aabai, Aptil. It, UM af 1 liMipfc-MSUKLtllE Fat J.ilias, 4f Fm i by Miinit sai.Nka. BaaWt. lata 14. U44- nlkSl ra,ba.at PHM IW Sad Inaai Maata, S i, 4lMtwa, Baaa.M 4-.Wab it H M 441.1. Baabi Aai 14, llll i lia '-Tt . auk, B.M, Fm 1 1 Btaj4, Faa, I B'fd "i I k f BH a4 b, I tiaa Saa U av4 a if4 4 bt . Ms I ll v4 4, ttti IIS , ; VAI1 AND COMFORT," T Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE RENN. . . . bjaji opAOTiiaca or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Bty U. rTHE .uUcriber respectfully calls the attar,., ef the public to his large and plendid easora mnt of every quality and price of CAniET-WAIlt:. which cannot fail to recommend Kasiru every 000 who will examine It, on account of Ua durable workmanship end splendid finish, mad np of the best stock to be hsd in th dty. Ne enact is spared in the manufacture of hie want, and tb subscriber U determined to keep up with Ike many improvements which are constantly being made. Hi stock consist of Mahogany solas, Divans and Lounrr Bureaus, Secretarlea, Sideboardg, S0F1, BREAKFAST 4 BID D1MXD T1BLI and also VENETIAN BLINDS, qu. to Phil,. uaipuia manuiactur. BEDSTEADS, of every pattens and Brie. CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TA RI.F.S In ahort, every article in thia line of hie Vx-sjirse ne aise manufacture all kind and (uaUtie f CHAIRS, including vsrictise never before U be had ir Sunbury, such a MAaoaa vt, Black Wai. lt Mj"" "aii ; abb WiBBsaa CHAIRS, abd act Piabo SroeLS, which era of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or etwherev Th ubcribor is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase fumitor ia the cities, aa every confidence can be entertained bout th quality and iniah of hia ware anal Chairs. Hie article will be disposed of on aa good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. W UNDERTAKING. Having provide! himself with a handsome Hsabss, he U saw prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in thia vicinity,- or at any caaveaient dat tance from this place. 3T The Ware Room ia ia Marks! Street, below Thompson's 8tere aud Weaver'a Tavern. GEORUE XENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. Blacksmithing. PpiIE subscriber hsrsby informs th aitixaas af -S- 8unbury, and the publie generally, that ba intends to carry en the Biackamllhlna; Business on his own account, and that ha haa reanevej hia shop from near Cleiaent'e store, I a new shop on the premises of Mark Seaphasa, ia Fawa street, where he will be happy u accommodate all his customer. HENRT PARTON. Sunbury, Msrch 5, 1854. tf. DOCTOR lOrRgCLP! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OK, EVERT ONS HIS OWM PHTS1CUN. rpiIK EirTIETH Bds--- Uea, with On ITaadreJ Engravings, shewing lliav eases and Malforrastieas af the Human System in every shape and form. Te whist i added a Treatise en the Diseases ef Female, iag ofth highest importaoeete married people, r ihesa contemplating Barriag. HT Dr Wui. Ta)Uar Lst no father be ashamed to present a copy a the iESCl'LAPIL'S to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let a yauag maa ar woman enter into the secret obligations af mar ried life without reading tha POCKET JCSCC LA PIUS. I .at no one suffering from hsskaivp Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nerveae feelings, and th wliols train of Dyspsptic enaa lions, and given up by their physician, b anetkar raoroent without consulting Ihe .-ESC ULAPIUB. Hav th married, or tlios about to be Berried any impediment, read this truly useful bask, aa it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate ereatures from tha very jaws of death. CF" Any person sending TWENTY-FIYB CENTS, enclosed lu a letter will reeei.a a copy of this book, by mail, or fle copies w ill b sent for one dollar. AdJieas, Da. W. YOU" .NO, No. mSPRL'CH Street, PH1LADKLPUU." Pot paid. July Si, 1954 ly. w. a. eiocsauir. taws. ajaas.. STOCKMAN ft CHEIIL. GENERAL Commission itUvcljants 651 KOETH WHARVES, Philadelphia. RKFERt.NCtts. Thas. Richardson St Co. PhilaJalplua. A.O. CattellcV Ca. Rutter 4c Patteson, " Charles Ellis & Ce. -Burgin dr. Sons, Phila., April 8, lSStjj-ly. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON. nESPECTFl'LLY inform th cititeaa tli Uorough of Sunbury anj vicinity, tha ha haa permanently located himself ia ai Borough ; and offers hia professions! sarviae Ihoa who may wish to employ hint. Fur th preeeul h caa be found st Weaver Haul. Suiilmry, March II. 1SS4- tf. WM. M CAETY, BookseUer, n ESPECTri'LLY informs the InhakiisBla a- town and country, that he has lately revs ved from Philadelphia, a large addiliou la k slock of books, in e.ery brsnvb of Literature, at tn a great variety uf Uiudlug. Please eall at see them. Sunbury, Sept. 17. 1153. nR Y GOODS, Clotha, Cassimere, Salliae Vesting, Tweeds, Suwiaet cloth, Vel totd. Tickings, Checks, Muslius, Ac., just re and for sale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May6, UM,- VEGETABLE t'ATTLS PUWDEH- dot a Ureiulg and Frouafteld's I'aiUs Pe dot, Just leveiaed al the New Drug Hiore af WEIHER A UKl'MI Sunbury, My IT. U54 Oh7h. h. ii hi b ti e mJ,to old, and pulmeuaiy die. A ufuy this aluatil BttJisiu lust iid sttJ tea by II. B. MAStkR ' Seabai. Ja4. 1153. II ATS AND I APb A pldd Wl l..haaU BUk. Waal aaj Cut M 7a l Ua. Fat. Oikiuia, Ny aud MUti I'sp fat l laa by U. EI.SBKKQ 4 CO. Msiksl staset, epaaatl Ik Pest Oaks Swuaaiy, IKt 4. 154. t'tltlN Fl MPS.- A -. aaaabe at ti ' tiiJteul putHp kl 4 lesetaed Sa4 I s4id tut sal If n m hi ma. aaaaaa, Jua 4. Il. S'" III tB WAIlTl.t.-,4 aWU e .aeU4 aalaet VI ska, tut ash, !.! a. k H B M444)ltB aaka.1. Apit Is. 44l Jhtt U UV-iL. aa.l j 0U t 4.1 .t (".. t aJ I', tai atir If U. 41BB4BU4 MslH l'i tbat4 aV I'aei WtaVt Saaba'f, , 144. - lllt.V.NKK. MBl lt -f asaasi, l.aa S S4 h4 I Pt w4 U sSa 4 '4 t is. ti. i tin mi'i roit "Oat i ui t-fc a i,a a