foreign lctos. Arrival of the Atlantic. UlRirMK rtMPB. TEE CZAR'S DEATH COXFIEMED. AtMXutttat me twbomj cr anna. TV VfV Am Mu to f Adlrrd to. 74 irr to m. Adeanct in Cotton mnd Brtadrtvfft Jtrltned. Xr Toes, Ma low 27, Th Meamihip AtUirtfelrat br wharf, wit a Liver "xxt" date of the 10'k. Her 8e evsflrm th of the Cr Kkbolss, and auinutuires tbat 00 tJ 2J tart.. Uf Emperor Alexander Ilt? iid acendod tV t&rotrt, bavin; jteawfttl'y lufwJci) bi father. lit) ba bttaJ a m-aufrrto stating that Its Will adixTtt tobe policy of bis father Nicbo- Th TMsm Cooftantine and the ntuer ! continuing to sit. 1110 armies 01 me iwo couh hrathm and o5Wr liar lakii tt oath of i trio cannot act together, although they abrio lb I-o)xror. , AUxaflder conDnnea tue tupioBiaTic The apecisJ eorrrupcBdcnt cftho London Dailp Aort, atider oat of Balftklfiva, Feb. 23d cars that it it remold tbat 00. Can. robert bat ordered a Court Martial upon an officer high ia eomraattd in the. French army, who it accused of bolding treas onablo cor rerpondeBC ith lbs enemy. M 1 : The town of ISroatM has ba nearly de al roved by an earthquake.- A large -Bomber of inhabitant lost their Uvea.-,! 1 be dispatch says 2000 perished. 'Tbe blockade of tie Danube has been raised since Feb. 1 8th. It ia rumored that Schamvl. in conjunc tion with the forces of Nail Mahomed, will inrade tb Crimea by way of Anapa and the HeaofAxcf. .( ( ENGLAND. The London Morning tlerald lays. "We have most excellent authority ' for etatinff that (be French Emperor had remonstrated against Mr. Roebuck' Committee, fur in onirinir into the conduct of the war. And that ba hna raid In the event of the Committee iMtrartfoo tml by C-.riw LaUfl" for the Iref etiation 01 t!e l'i-ac t, oopes, ana ine flrrt yreMmkaxj conference ba " beco held at Vienna. Tfc Enixror Niefcol, prior to Li Ath. bad rw!-4 MaMrbiojr. and appointed Omni Ccrt-.-bakoif chief in command, Ofteo-Sackeo t' second and f iven to Ota. Lor the co-nuiir.J in LV'orabia- The Ensp-ror Alexander ba cp-pointed The cosi5mt:on of the Dews of tue tleatn of Xk-hoSaacfltete-l fc nHiot exciu-inom e.l ' crer Eorop. Hoj-e were rotrumcJ at fint that pea?e wwMlxt khivj'm-hc of Ab iander'ti vmsionr-Vut !"- '"ic" laln!-'nc'U by bit f)inmp.-?inent liut be would fallow the courw of hit fa!?M-r. Tt dbatf in 1'arliamc-rjt smith coluim; f the Eoglkh pren bnve b-n almost t x elaiv!y o-oj'itsd with d.scutiouj va the rml trc-j'.. . PKOGHES3 OF THE WAD. TV tare crien-i tbeir Generals to pr Unrt the war. Tber ha ln-en more fitirfr in the Cri mea. The Frtm-h stormed a redoubt iHill fotly eret.l r theH?iri durir.j the night, A ron rumor preva1! that the Grand iMke MsUu van am !)!j t!;e wounded a! Kt.-actof)ol. nd lw tiiife die.l. A large Kii?i;Mi force thrc&tens Ca!aki:t a. The WrVale of the Danulw ii raised. ENGLAND AMM-1UNCE A SPECK OF TKOUHLE. A s'le-rk of disiijrrt'emeiit lma arisen be tween Xajwlei'ij aud Ei;j:l?nd. Napoleon i!r.'d lh:ittlij two armies should not act tijgHmr if Mr. loc-bneJi' committee pro eroded wiilj it itiijiiirr. Lord Clarendon went by f'ire to loiifn(rtie and mado mnt ters titiail.t. In the meai;tiiuc the commit tee w pr'jceei'in, but it t thought that 1'ariiauient wiil be dissolved to obviate the !iScu!ty. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. The town of I!ronM is reported to have been destrwed, with most of its inhabitants, by an earthquake. Herioui difficulties are occurring in Ticiuo, Switzerland. The lMmn criig continues. 1 be K ins of Denmark is sick.'a death hippened shortly after noon on Friday, March 2d, at reported by the arrivdl ofthe Africa, His disease wasatropliy iA the lun?s, mid he suffered oniv a fuw day' f!l;ie. liik IhkI words to the tfmprcsa were "jujI t reaorieu, ikin 01 I'russia, to con tume uttflched to linxni.i, m lie bus hitherto been, and not to f"rjet hi father's worde." It is said that a few davg before lis death be succeeded In offi-i in a complete reconcil- iation between hit two eldest funs. Alexan der und Constantino who were at variance. The news or the himwror s death was re ceived in Enitland with deinonst ration of joy. In several theatres the managers came before, the curtain and announced the fct, which was received in most instances with tumultuous cheering. , On the reccrition of the hews at Berlin the Conrt til.u-e.l itself tn monrnincr, and orders were usned for the whole Prnsisian nr wy to wear the rynibol of mnrning for four win. At Vienna the newseaused muc' hv.wx Ti e Emperor of Austria dirK.tH. "inncknowl fdpment of tb services remlen-d by Nicho las, the Xiehcls regiment or Cuirassiers rhall olways preserve (hot name as a souvenir in the AuVtnun erniy." At Pari the police arrested several ballad kinder' for charting verses Uiniespecttul to .the dead Czar. , The Ilutkiaa AmoassndoM have announced tht New Empeor'a aeeeBsion. ' 1 A aynopsia of the Emperor Alexander's jaiifcio basbeoa received viaKoninpsbnrg. lie decUres that tlut well'ure of his Empire U hit oniv oblect. iis will endeavor to jnaiutaiu ftuxKiit on the hishekt sttwiilurd of s.werAod K'ury. and will uin to necomplihh tho incessant tvinlien ond views of his prede eecHor. In this hopn uud zeal, be trusts thut bis subjects will uo their utmost to iiiisist bim. , , Immediately after the reception of the Cur's deuth ia Part, orders wera sent to Gen. Canrnhert to pres on the siege of Si bastopol with tho utmo-t vior. Of the dejiurturu af tho Emperor Xapole&n for tho mat of war, nothing; mlditiniial was known. UioujjU ihi prepaiution continued to be niKle. . , Th first meeting of tile Plenipotentiaries was hold at Vienna on the lilli uiht. Their debates bad for i' object tlio fixing of the precise meaning of thu third guarantee of the THE AMER ICAN. BTJNBURY. SATURDAY, MARClt 31, 1855. H. B. MASSES, Editor ana Proprietor To ASvanm.- -Th aifcuMlno of lh SunSurf Amntin nmmif U cJIITrtfnl town on 9u(i""h" ii 1101 exceeded if ijulil bjr mijr ppct pattittil ia Not th mi Pimar!rnia., .. . 1 may act for the aaini object, lo nler xo ' sa(Wy L00U Napoleon therefore, without ! affronting the English people, a dissolution of i'ariiairwnt wjll. it 1 stated on tue lame authority, lake place immediately." It is not known whether the recent viidt of Lord Clarendon to the EmperoroftheFrench bad reference to the above matter or not. The Koebuck Committee is proceeding in ita investigation. 1 Lord Liican has been denied a trial by court martial. ' . Apprehensions exist that another Caffre war is about to tuke place iu.lndia. The Government are taking active measure! to arrest it if possible. THE CZAH S ILLNESS AND DEATH. The Prussian Monittur publishes the fol lowing details respecting the death of thelato Kmperor icnt'Ins : the k'?patcnes wmcn 101 low were uddroied to Lie 1 1 in by Lieutenaiit Colonel Count Munstor, Adjatnnt in the ser v.ce of the of I'n ss a: Hr. PtTURsiiiitu, March 1 1,25 A.M. ''The state of tho Emperor became much worse yesterday evening. The following is the ineuical ISulltlin : . "'YeHterday violent fever tnanifestedilself, with intlammatiuu of tho lungs. Tho fever lai led during the whole night and prevented l"ep. The ejections conliuue without ob- KtuekV '1 must nild that the debilitv of tho ouctist invr.lid ha (yeutly increed, auj that, at lust in the opui:-ii oi viie phyciciana, the ktule of Ins ii;::,y.-iy i most cnUcul. i will loi warU uuollier despatch to-ilay, und beg of you to coinniuincalo the preseiit to L'uko.Ueorgo at aireitiz." . ".St. PrrKr.r.nrr.0, March 1, 4. 40 A. M. 'Tho state of His Majesty has not improv ed in any respect this morning. I will send atlurd UeFpatcii. Iter Majesty the Empress ha-; had ioine ulpittions of thu heart, but is otherwise woll. I beg of you send this intel ligence to Scbwerin, hitrelitz, aud the Ha gue." "St. Pktkbsbi-bo, March 1, 9,30 P.M. ' The state of His Malesty the Emperor grew considerably worse during the day. I lie elections take ti aee with difliculty, and give indication that thu lungs also nre touch ed. Atrophy of the lunaa is fenrod. Dr. Carell is very much alarmed. At therequest of tho physicians tho Grand Duke heir-iippar-ent has requested tho Emperor to receivethe sacraments. The Empress is well. I will tend another despatch to-day." "St. Petkiisdiro, March 1, 10 P.M. "The Emperor has declined receiving the Iaot sacraments at present. Tho ceremony is adjuurncd till to-morrow morning. The Em peror only sees tho Empress and tho Grand Duke huir-apparent. '1 ho Empress is aware of llitt danger, and begs me to inform His Majesty tun King thereof, and to commuiii cate it nlo lo her -august relations aud to ytrelitr." ' ' St. rETEBSDi Ka, Winter Palace, ) March 2, 6 A. M. J "Tho Emperor has calmly received the communication from Dr. Mandt that atrophy of tho limps is possible. He simply observed When shall 1 be paralyzed?' Tho physi. cians could not give a precise answer. Tim Emperor then an id to Dr. Carell ''When shall I choke? The Emperor has taken the last sacraments; he has tnhen lenvo of his wite and children, whom he Idessed Feperately, as also his grand-children, in a firm voice, in full possession of his intellects, perfectly calm, and with great presence of mind. The pulse is Mill strong, but musk has already been nd niinitorcd. The Empress keeps up, and shows resignation." The Jfrirniny Chronicle has the following telegraphic intelligence, dated St. Petersburg. March 3d: "The Emperor expired yester day at ten o'clock. Alexander was proclaim ed Emperor the satno dav. Ue received homage to-day." Ei. Pr.rE&sutRCi, March, 7. The rapid decomposition of tho body of the hmpcror .icholns lias prevented the exlnui lion .of the liCHly to the public. . KDITOIt'S TABLE. . MailneM Rlle, Taa rooKii;TS Fajf. We hava re ceived th Brat three number of a monthly agri cultural paper on Jor the above title. It i pub lished at Philadelphia at 65 cent per annum in advance. Edited by A. M. Spanglcr,' formerly of th Farm Journal.' This paper should be in th hand of every farmer. Addret, A- M. Spaugler, N. E. cor. 7tb & Market, Philada. Our reader are 'referred to the new advertise ment in another column. Cy are requested , to state that the Summer term of tho Sunbury Academy will commence on thn 10th of April. KTTlio Sunbury Drass Band will give a Concert in the Court House, on Monday evening next. Pny them a visit. Doon open at 7 o'clock Bank Bn.t. Vetokd ! The Governor lms vetoed tho bill incorporating tho Bank of Pottstown. C-y Governor Pollock has issued anoffciul order that hereafter all applications for par don must be preceded by at lent five days' notice to the District Attorney of tho locali ty concerned, nud teu days' notice iu a news paper. ' . EDI mil I A I. f.'ORRMPOMHSKl-K. Umtkd States Hotku rhilwMMa, March 20, 18.")5. f COJVUKTIOS OF COt'ltr t rEltlPirE!!- DENT9. ... -....-. o..,;nnndnt of Common of Common'school. in hea count .e of PeilnlvnflU, to meet m n iw.o -I at Harrisbnrg, On IIWajcefajr. W"" a .-, tar.t .r,, mutual ctrnsuiiav.pii, diVcusslonMd adoption of may tend ffg The call expresses the hope xbut there wl be a Tull and punctual attendance on the wJ. in which we most heartily concur. The con rentioh which was held last year was profita ble to those ia Attendance ami px bj' ' much pood M IW interests' of Eduf ni n throughout tho State. Since the cacti fen pcrintendent has had nearly a year expcri in iimie of hi office, una by coin- 3(tcms of.Betos. a ' - TEXAS, A steady stream of cniicrution bus been pouring into Texas finui thu Gulf States of thu Suuth tor tho last two years, winch must prove ofgrrut vuluo in developing the re- houn-es of its wuhi exiianso ol territory. At Linwood, dU the Nccbes river, Texae, there id a bridi;u which tho bulk of emigration lUhH'g ovur, and liioujju the toll taker keepi no record of the persons, ho does of tho wagons, and these fuim u pretty good cri terion fur juiluiiieiit, l'uiiiig the mouth of December id' the tear of 1B54, 110 leas than .'1.M1 vuiix'ttiit waeiius pooled ever tlii-Jiridge lu.'.Mul vet-1; whilo in Juiiuarv, lhja, tlir nuiuber was 700. It is tbouiiht that. Tniil Point. The Uafsiau ltepresciitntivo was the beginning of Dictniber 10 the end f to ue, tte uviruge will be 00.1 Although the season is pretty well odvan cod, the weather still, continue cold, bleak and boisterous. If the general average of rough and pleasant weather, during thu year, is nearly the same, the prospecr'is protty fair for a succession of pleasant days during the remainder of the spring months. Business, which has been much depressed in this city, uil winter, is beginning to revive, but there nre still many branches where there is but little improvement. Merchants are coming iu pretty rapidly, and wholesale deal, ers, generally, nre doing a fair business. The money market is again considered easy, and good paper can be negotiated ou reusonublo terms., The Cimntcers . and money dealers, aro keeping nn eye on the movements of tho leg islature, in regard to tho numerous bank bills now before tbat body. The Governors veto of the PotUtowu Bank bill, has caused a good deal of fluttering und anxiety for the fate of the numerous bills now before tho legislature. The Governor savs he will sanction no bill for a new bank, unless where it is actually nocessarv. . That is thu grand difficulty. It will be no easy matter to draw tho line of discrimination, and say wheru a bank is. or is mit necessary. The Governor meant, if lie- cessity, be the judge, and assume the respon sibility, a matter that will be neither pleasant or popular. Tho plea of necessity will no doubt bo urged in every case, nud it will be difficult to convince tbo applicants that no such necessity exists. Another bill, perhaps, moro important in its bearing aud operations, now bciore tue legislature, is the bill to abolish Tavern licen ses. This bill has already passed the House aud a few days iiuce passed a second reading in thu Senate, by a vote vt lb' to 9. This bill is uot quite as ttriugnnt us the Maine liquor law, but is as near nn approach to it as can lie. The bill, iw it came from thu House, re pealed all laws allowing the sale of liquor. Tho Senate amended the bill by providing that not less than a qnart should be sold, and j that tho license should be tkrvo times as great, a ut present. 1 stated some time ago that tho Sunbury and Erie rail road Company intended to use the preseiil bridges at Northumberland, tem porarily, until their bridges were completed. Thi idea i now abandoned, and thu deijju uow is, to tow tho coal cars over, on a Bat or bunt constructed for that lJUrpese. V note of each other s ouservauon. f hn will bo able to arrive at more praciu conclusion as to the best effort for carrying out the great object or tueir onice. v e hope every Suporiutendent will be present. R fading O'azeHe. ') 1 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 BALTIMORE COKrtREXlK. The anmial ses:5on of the Baltiniore Con ference of the. M.- E. Church, closed on Wednesday, the 21st inst. The following are the appointment for this District : Northumberland i-Ustrict J . IS. bAKoKM, P. E. , Williamsport John Stine. Newberry J. S. McMurray. C. C. Mabce. Mmicy J. Kelly, Thomas Sherlock, E. E. Allen, .Viol. Milton F. Dyson , ' Milton Circuit T. Tanyhill, one to be supplied. . Lewisbnrg B. B. Hamlin. Mlfflinbnrg U. W. Black. J. W. Stout. Northumberland J. A. Boss. Sunbury J. G. Mclveebnn. B. F. King. CattawiBsa J. Y. B'ttlirock. M.L. Drum. Danville Thomas M. IIccrp. North Danville E. II. Waring. B'oomsbtirg-J. M uorehead, F. M. Slusser. Orangeville J. A. DeMnycr. . Blooniingdule T. II. Switzer, A. W. Gnyer. Berwick T. Barnhart, S. Barnf s. Luzerne J. Ciirns, II. S. Mcndeuhall. - Bible Agent Irwin H. Torrence. Dickinson Seminary Thomas Bowman, Principal. CAMPAIGN AUAIT THIC INDIANS. Tho Expedition against the Indians of the Plains, which is understood to be in prepara tion for tho ciissiir.g season, attracts much attention. According to tho St. Louis Re publican, it will ba comirnnicd by General Ilarn.v, of the U. S. Army, a leader wboe experience and ability admirably adapt him for such an enterprise. With such n head, the expedition must bo a thorough and suc cessful one, provided the War Department makes the requisiteprcparatinns. It is-, how ever, a serious and difficult affair. Of this ail . 1 . . ris . j 1. - 1 1. t.:. r 1 must luei saiiMicu im unuw 1110 naur.s . , . . , ...) those Bedouins of tho West. All or nearly " ".,t.0" ' : " I " . "l,";..?.?,? . .nM nn.l I l II I M , U : S MH I U tl I K aw... ....... CiiAMRKimufKO. March 14. John It Sbrv. ock, of this place, ha been appointed by Gov. Pollock a Commissioner from Pennsylvania to the French Industrial Exhibition. to bo held in Paris in May next. IIarrisrcro, March21.-Frcderick J. Fenn, for many years a Rspnrttr or tho proceedings of the Legislature, riied this morning. He was a brother of Theo. Fenn. formerly of the Pennsylvania Telegraph, and new editor of 1 no l.aueastcr w mg. Vnuii WiiiTi-oci, the lover of Einma Moore, who was arrested in Itocheator, on suspicion of being concerned in her death, has been discharged from enstodv. A Por lad. named Divine, obtained the reward of $800 for recovering her body. (From th Laoiwill Jnamal J CONURESSIOKAL MORALITY. "fVe were infinitely amused three or fonr weeks ago by a practical joke in Washington City upon m number of the nice men of Con gress. It wn too good to bo left.nnpublieh. edn I ? H i f v A couple of merry fellow, ono of tbem a distitiguihod 'iembor ' of Congress from a SoutrHTD State, and thu other adistinguished ex-editor from Kentucky, concocted a letter purporting to be addressed by a young lady to a very hnc-Iooking gentleman. It was got up iu first-rate style. I he pretended young lady set forth therein that sue has had sever al times seen tho gentleman she wa address ing', that she was etiptivuted by bis fine fac and manly form, that her heart was deeply touched by all she saw and heard of him, that she must make his acquaintance bohre bis depnrtOro from the city, that hoped and pray ed ho Would forgive her seeming boldness us it was the tlrH Imprudent net ol her life, that she had ulways moved nnd was Mill moving iu the highest circle of the Capital, that she would be oport a certain square of a certain trWlt l tWMienlt, ll ,u.l nn ,1,. r.JL.vlii. day in a dress which she described with great J "T,0,r w-l n.g on seventy-six of particularity, and that she hoped and trnsted I was r"m' P,"',.v. ""' ""d ho would meet her and thus afford fcer an op portunity of a a brief prrsorta! intercourse with the idol of her heart. The two wags hnd between thirty and forty copies of this written by a female friend of theirs, and they sent these copies to between thirty and forty member of Congress. selecting those ofconrse who were known to entertain a very exalted opinion of their own porsonul fascinations. Everything being thus arranged, the two jokers called npon us and another young gen tleman, explained what they had done, and invited us to get into their carriage, ride with them to the point of designation, and sco the sights. We unhesitatingly consented, and wo saw sights sure cnongh. Biding upon the designated square, we beheld the whole of the thirty or forty members. Northern men and Southern men. Whigs, Democrats, and Know-othings, walking to and fro, all gnz- j ing earnestly in every direction and at every female figure to discover the object of their anxions search. . . ! Wool. Tho farmers of tho cocutry con- the letter bad been sent to members cf the sW; ; , ; fc fc JIUU: ui xkl?'i i. II l. n Ij, tilt" JIIU-V nuu.u have had to adjourn for the want of a quo rum. ' Thk Liqvor Law tx Vermont. Mr. John P. Freeman has been tried bv the -Supreme Court ut Woodstock, Yt.. on 115 counts for which he costs, and sentenced to three mouths' imprisonment is Money.-A commercial gentleman recently arrived at Ningara Fa lis just before midnight. He immediately bought a glohe lantern, crossed to Goat Island, and exam ined the cataract, and in thirty-seven min utes had finished up thcegreaY American wonder, and was once more ou his way to Albany. A New Protectorate. By late Chilian pajiers received at New York.'it npiicarsthat our Government has. by a treaty negotiated with the Government of Eqeaifor, ebtaiued the Protectorate of the Gallipsffos croup of Islands in the Pacific ocean. The Valparai so iUratry contains the cepy of a protest of tho Representatives of 1- ranee, England, Spain end Peru to the Government ol Equa dor against soid treaty, which it seems is to givn the AmtTicaud a monopoly of those islands. PhiUdelpbia Market March 28. GRAIN. Wheat is still scarce. 8ak tf prune red , heat at 22c, and or SoutLera S! ,s)'''' b'tc within the r,.,g ,,f iitfn i Zaoc. Bye is in demand at M f bushel. Corn is steady : sale, -f" .... if ....II,. no. - rA.i . " cts., afloat, and at j1q Uim store, bales ofOats at 5.a5Cc. Fli'IO the C'.U.I (111) Jc9rramn. LEAH MIMNU AT CSlH.NA L'DDt" FOK TtME. The suddenness with which fortunes have boon acquired iu tho mines, equals t'ue marvel ousne&s of the tales of Califortiia and Aus tralia. Ono or two of an amusing character we will relate : Several years ago a party of miners w-ere at work not far from Galena, when they were accosted by a verdant specimen of tho Coics county tribe, who willi pick and shovel in hund.'und iileuty i.f hay sued in his hair. in. qiurtd of theia if they km.w ' a place where he could din and strike a lead." Tho day all their warriors aro excellent horomen. and mounted upon their Ik-ct-fevted steeds, pur suit seems almost useless. Any force sent ugainst them must be well provided with light cavalry to bo effective. Som of tho vaga bond tribes or llic plains nave been gradually growing more and more, insolent towards the whites, and commit I nisr depredations when ever occasiou offered. The tafetv of oar emi grant bands requires their prompt chastise ment, and unless that be done thoronghly, the emigrant trail must be abandoned to the savages who infest it. Now that onr hardy pioneers aro founding villages and cities, and erecting farms piul nulls all through Knns.i and Nebraska, this protection is absolutely necessary to ensure the permanency of our settlements. Tbo' savage plunderers who have so long depredated upon the trading ami emigrant caravans, must, and w-e hao uo doubt will, be taught a lesson. not present. FnrtUer eoiiicreucis wcro I wi hnnt delay. Gen. Wiuh II had If ft Pari on his return to Berlin, and was said tu be the bearer t'!' instruction wbih would iiiure the ronrlu ion of a trruty between ltasi ond tho We. tern Power. ,'be t hamber of Dejwitie ft .-tutf twl ins ivoed three inillioiis of I hah'.. '.! niaodid bj 4b M iiiiiKur of ar. but insci ed forumlly in til bill It I " IMllll m) iliou to ff-liow tlotvi .the po'n v of Aiutii. UtiUcaliojH vt the troutjr with B.rUiow tav Im-jii ef l.anj; jJ. FROM f-FttAHTOPOL. A dnut 'b frOM r'obaU-ipol. dated Mau h Mb, 4-U. Puiiit'U lb- 7th, rtaliiijr tWt fU 0(M Mm ia'i wvt lbrfliuglbl-ngli.-li tuMkl IUluk!aa. ticu.ral iio.ipiel ' ;2afiiiiirtW. i-ri ', ,u,.r?r i lb uiMriny mUL ihe v. of calltug thM i-0 ffu rnuUirti.nii, i iu turu lb atluckii'K lry- . , , . ... Tt.a.i4lU na.u-ijf variable, .ut altb Uiett duU Inc. A tutitt of i'li) wavuti ha ucJM Iu twl.Ua halm-tnpul. '1 U fu ng f"lilniMil "4 votU we " iCi fit j' tNmluiM, , ltri;i lU Hfltl Uil IUI Hll.. lbs KM- wagons wa,"on, per ma- montli, r.iul five iicrsons to each king in all aO'tt) wngoiu and 15.000 emigrants. Heiiiitr I'.u.-ik is said to t'ftimute the einigru t inn to Texas tlii reason at 100,000, and the Goiiales Enquirer thinks tils amount ac curate. , - - the wcoud lock iu tU caiul. Thu oCicera JirkiwiSmt. A I'hilrdeiphla paper I a .'s t"'l 1 0 erevr of lb utramer riiikuuehnn. us wispa'drO ye teiitay, ami some of the SalK.rit icieiridul Itiurb as f I,. l OIK' ark. All wi re M ore or leu 'lini-li,' tin.! must cf ihvm i-i-i-'niW I tt iipiAinli-r the f.uita I f thuir hard iibor l.i ilnr liko rtrk-. tVrriugo ri ding vii iiij amiill f Imiigo wu cal lerrd aiioio tint boyti t and i.ll rorts of gcw. gaws wei purcbikt-Ui the tau-rn reaped a in h b ii'vi rt. und the harpie, who are al tta on the ItX'kmit for eoth opirtuiiilii, blfd tloi r ilupi fuily. Apart of po ll! h otti.'i r i rv idaeed ill tk huigdutilktHMl of Iho uy iiculi i oOlev, bu tlu-y aire un al lv to pre vriil the srauip from eprwlii:i(. rA v'l o( the ilera were bronchi up IM lue lUtli.ii hoiuv, b it they wvrv dm bargtrd whea lb i v l-tfauiv lobir, likktoaot Ft Biiaa. r-Mr. AIwuhL Ilia I"- i.l.iinl.9 iu th lAmi iu l.'lialauJ. to ti U L ruled Imi Ibnw up lui .m.4 riuum vm i- . WU giui einaii, aun wnau i- ulUi IU euafclujl UIUI lt tt'lHvll oi ai-iwi t.ilt ri.l.i'U rUillug, (uvatiy lJ ami a Ulf rwiiUi nl dwll) U lw bau.iul l. iJ riil Mwl jr imu( tilltii(f lu lb and eoiitracior feel confident that liny will have the road in operation in July, if the weather rhould prove favorable. The Mine 11. 11 riteuwon, lus bveu iu ope. ration suine week ia carrying coal. An Express will bo run over it, shortly, and pas. . .t , r i ... tngor car aboiil.tne -i some alteration biujr uettvry (or purp-iMt. THE ALT.F.ORIt DEFALCATION OP liOV. R. til. PRICE, OF MOV JERSEY. The Washington Star gives tho following cxiilai.ntion cf this matter : rVrceivimr in northern paners allusion to the state of this gentleman's accounts as pur ser to the navy, (which place he resigned, it will bo recollected to run for tbo Congress before the last, as the Democratic candidate in the Newark. N. J. district,) which give but a blight idea of tho matter, wo have to say that various items have been in dispute be tween that gcutleman and tbo Government ever since he was recalled from California Eve years ago, if wo remember correctly. He claims credit for moro than $100,000, as havirg been turned over by him to his succes sor. Mr. Van Ostrand. who being his (pursers) clerk, was appointed acting purser of tho San Francisco fetation on Mr. P.'s recall. If these credits bo allowed to him. ho will have a balance of between twenty and thirty thou sand dollar due to him. It U understood io Washington that he claims to have advanced for the Government's something like the latter sum. as the most convenient wav of gettineit safely to the Atlantic side. But Mr. Van Ostrand denies that he ever recei ved tho money which Gov. I, claims to have paid him, alleging, it i said that he was per suaded to give the receipt without an equiv alent. The. fact that Governor Price bad these receipts, and that tho account of hU sueees. or (Mr. Van Ortraud) were not ready for settlement iu the usual course of basincis. we presume, ia the reot-ou why the last Adminis tration failed lo force thecasv to a conclusion ere- the statute of limitation barred proceed ings upt-n it iindi-r the Sub-Treasury law. As it is, a civil rait has hctu brought in the United Stale Cint for New Jersey again! Covi-uior l'riee. The result will depend upon eyoud j tho udmiioion of Van Ostrand' repudiated Ckcra ! receipt n rredit. If adinilled. tlwu Van J Oslrand. not the tiovi rniucnt, will owe turn a . bulauoe If rejected, th n he is a defaulter i in i'ilrp .7.".I".V Ho can have no claim mi the tioxeruuieui f. r the purpose of hi al leced s to bU successor, as the Gov. I eminent did not authorise him to make them. n:id cannot rec.vrmre any transaction Iietween Mi'Kr. P. and Vail O. which devolved en it t:o duty of beeomi:nr an insurer of the safe trnt'sim'ssinn of Mr. P.'s prate fund to the Atlantic side. iiig ras wun suca intensity tbat labor any whero was almost boyoud hu man endurance. Nevertheless, the unsophis ticated i.aturo of the inquiry pntvokv J the waggishui'ss of the iiiiiiing t'ai ty to such a degree, that they determined to test at least his capability to w itbstaud the inciting influ ence of old Sol. Directing him by a eow-path to a dense alder thicket, in the centre of which the dry and baked led of a spring potid. whoro the heat was absolutely intolerable, they assured him that there he would find a'.l he desire.!. With the utmost stretch of good faith in the honesty of their intuitions, our Sucker friend did a he was bidden, and commenced work on tbo spot indicated. It was a sweltering place, and his tormentor chuckled as tluy Ihoucht of tl.o funnv trick they bad played upou a greenhorn : but be persevered ; ard when about four feet below tho surface, "tie struck upon a cbui.k el ore several feet in diameter, which was, as exploration prugn s sed, followed by another and another, until after a little timo the fortune finder sold out tile iliirtritnr and went buck to Suckerdom. tho I envied pevnessor of $20,000 in gold, ond fitted to be, to the ud of his days, a country way- Baltimore Market. ! 1 ' ' -.. March 27, l&ti. ' offbeat at market, most of which wsl die. posed at about tW; 213 cts. rtr c rwT 215(3220 cts. for fair to good Z' U(!S225.cts. for good f. prime wLiur Corn. Nearly all tho corn offerrd was soli at 84(85 cts. for mixed, BoVea cU f, white, and 87(Vr90 cts. for veilow Tlur were about 300 bushels live "t inurkvt tr duy, but no sales were made that wa beard V e quote Pennsylvania at 122Vi 12;i cts an Mainland at 112(Vf 12"tf ct. Oats ut'w i brisk demand, and prices continue to ju prove. We note sales of 1,500 basm-l Ptct sylvnnin Oats at 5C(V? 57 cts., 1.0 dark Muryland do. at 53 cts., and a n ut M bushels-good to prime Maryland and Vi giuia do. at 5S(W.56 cts. A "small tun vl very prime Maryland Oats sold at CO cts. side nabob. It r.r.iv bo v.::t'oscd that the pniclicjJ jokers did uot hear the last of their attempt to run a saw. A gentleman now of this city, whose place of business is on Main street, ouco commen ced with n partner tho labor of tinni-ig a shaft on a range where they supposed mineral could bo found. They labored with conimen dablo porseveronce. drilling and blasting iu the tough and pockety rock, until spring ; but not the elilier of a nartiele of ore encour- iifrpd them to uroceeil. At length, tired of their fruitless toil, and disgusted with the place, they ahniidoucd the work. One Sun day in the'April following, oue of the part ihts strulltd from his cabin down to his eld diggins. attracted by an idle curiofeitv to see I liu hole lie had made, oen mere no weui down by the windlass ; but when half way to the bottom he was met by an ob&tructiou he could not tull what. Striking a light, be found to hi astonishment that the shaft was half full of ihe richest ore. 1 n w orking down iliev had missed a lareo deposit of mineral in a conical tavitv. Ov only an inch thickness of rock. The raun of the season had so sotten ed thU. that tho weight of the ore broke down Ibo thin partition, with lUw result letve stated. Oar Mam street t'ricud had for bis -hare of the pile just $tti,uo0. prices prevailed. The consequence is that tho New York market is ill supplied with domestic grown wool, and tho reduced stocks are beginning to tell cn price. . When the inte rior nsvigaMou opens a better supply is ex pected. David Lcngcr.ocker, Esq., has resigned the Presidency of tho Lancaster Bank, having purchased cue of the Cotton Mills in that city, with tin; intention oldevcluig his tune to Us management. At a meeting of the iJoanl.on Monday laft, B. C. Bachman, Esq.. wus elec ted President, and John G. Fetter, Esq., Cashier, iu place of M r. Bachniau. Fatvj. Bravado. A man named Stediaan, a cabinet maker, at Aurcra, Pi-ruvre comity, Ohio, one dav last week remarked to a ho- mu.'opalhic phvsiciau thcru: "1 could take any nnantity o"f yo?r pills withc-nt ivury.'- Tue iie,etc-r rej-iied "If yen Were totlikesuch a quantity of tbis," pointing to a special med icine, "it would kill you." The fooiish man sw allowed the medicine befoie he could be prevented, aud died the same day. WllERS DO THEY GET TUEIR Flit. ? We are told that iu Cincinuali, Ohio, they are manufacturing portable cottages for Kansas and Nebraska iu large numbers. They have generally two rooms. No uails ate used, aud they can bo put up or taken down iu a few hours. The scarcity of tiiaber ou the pra ties make it cu object for a settler to cany with him not only bis furniture, but his house. It is stated that a cottage of two rcouis re quires t.bout oOJO foe-t oi timber. Kansas Eviiration. A partv of snbstan tial Vermont farmers, with tliir families. started for I-awiviice, Kansas, last Friday. via SprinrSold. A company jf forty lull Lawrence. Mass., for Kansas, on Wednes day. They were mostly members of tbo Mtithcdist Church. A second meeting of Kansas emigrants was he'd in Springfield ou Friday. About seventy-five have joiued the colony, aud tho prospect is that tl.o cumber w;ll be donbied. NEW ADVZETISEliliNTS. Farmers' and Mechanic? "ji"IE members of lb d coer X Agricultural Society, will meet a' ,be Co House in Sunbury, on Monday, the 2d day fif April, next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. to elect officers ami niai.iu for said society for Iheenauing yr. Ia:t all tend who feel n interest ia raising trin or t ing bread. 8. JOHN, I'm W. I. Greenoti;h, See. A Lot of Chemicals for Sale by GEO. W. COBLE, DAGTJERREOTYPI rjERMAN Bromine, ClloriJc of Icline. do. dry, 11 po Su'i bale ol'.So'i. C:e'n rNitassyuro, o'i.tiilcil Mercery, ml it-s Odditis. He ba alsa a Dnzuern? A.poij; ratus. full art, which he wtli sell at a !.,.., piicc. lie ha aiao a variety of wda.4 as. town aud country, which he will rail i a!sj rases and mat, all of which ).r iviil cheap a they can be bought in the ritv. Suiibury, March 31, 1655. we that .i. ( I ka Ul-iiea 'sa tt( fciUl"l ol. an . .. ! . i iJ lLm I'lili ii a x Ukd i llorwid by b.l'i. 'I a ..olol ol lbs ! J "' ""'" ,il . . A JmImIiUw ''"t"' ) '.! ib. ".raAb sr. l-ia ftk l J . i I 1. . ..,1. alliu I Lu " . .1 .. L.ll-.l 1 lib.wsUli.-v4 h,.a- 'Vn4 lb M.l-a Ut I UltLt rieotU im,vu"i . i u.v ut tan F T . . . I ... . , iLii .. 14 ii' Uu -' 9ji '1 tiroaiUrf ITlllins--A pntiia? iLiu.u 11 Si Vuik el!l l-a U I t ! ! 4'WKll dmiog th culaa uMmf We Will 1 .1.... t. A.lai lluula I Ui 4 r.H4t. l ll"4 l k wltt In the Hou-ti of Ri-pre-'t nt.itive. on Tu. day a't ra" n, Vv '.MtU inst.. tho lollowio;,' tank bill w-rv tvi-ully taku up in kvcoiul toud;iiu, 'hud I a.ed Vy lUo VoH aw nrsed : Wistnu P ink of inaNAS 3D, uu 'i Coiivmnugh Hank ya 4't,lSd t'ulu lo-l'iHV lUnk WJ a I, 27. Mrehaiut Bal k tf Filial Wi,' -JM I ua 21. - N'-w Cunl lUuk )a 4l.ay ;7. Slroad.-liuri; l'a.ik) i'1. a IA tYvi t'ouulv lUuk- va, J, n. Aulkraeile aimj Uuuk -a l a, "mouuI I'leaa-Uit Bank- ) U7, uaj Wnhtvill aUin( liistiluiloa-w.lkoal dituiou. M. reer t'ouuly Bank veas 41, y SI. Data alivady paiJ SaiiaU'. I la Cuatea tb tapital ol u ekla it tank. Una t" Tua of Pt. l--.-lU l,ooie(S'. V ) rHuiin! i itxul III lb ! otfivesltlial J.Unl-ulr. wu ba tf doemicat. bu..k., M lua. Caleb youa, M. !' , Uit M4 JiBtm liUiV. Ikuae doew tula ran dum Whluli, IV I , -- b will axlk Hol Ut M wad.-. ArruiMMKNT t tint GovtRsoa. 'Ii v. Ptdluek b:i appointed tho Hen. Toom ii S. Bell, of CUesUr cpuiity, (fi ruierly a Judge on tue Sauivme l.etuh.) to the 1 reantenl Judebip of the twoity-se;oud Judicial : .1 .1 ri.-l ciilIK set! of the eount;es of Monree. Pike, Wavn and Caibon, te. 611 Ih yaoauey bv the ieitfiiatiiu of Janie M. Potter. ' Thu aiU'oinliiiKiH, we learn. a load iu 4feofeIaM':u With ths y.oliiiwoua rvim l oflbo broftbv di.tib t. and w II b geuor 'l accvot ddu U th jw oj lo. From Hayti. From Port au rrince kv convaiMjiiek-nco tu the 6th of March. RevWuJ, the French Consul General at the Uland at Hayii, who has the credit of havintf thwarted all the oH.rations of Green and WaUh, and tho Caiaeausiu St. Domingo, ha rvaigueeL l he yellow fever U ragicg, as nsuul at tai fea.-oli. iu the harbor aud among tho shipping, ll i almost certaiu death to an uuaccliuiated person to lo'p in a vessl within the inuer harbor over night. Captain Siiaw. of ihe Falmouth, had fjrl arrived from St. Domingo Cily, whrro he says he wa requested by the Cazutaus uot to fire the eu.lomary a.iiuto ou euteriu; the harbor. IU thvrcv mado hi stay tbeia very btuf. lto was to aid la a d iv or Iwo fer Goitaive. Deatu or a Convict. Dcnwocd Carper, a colored convict, died at the Penitentiary on Friday morning last, after serving a term of moie than seven years. He was io .v.cted ut the October term c f Dorchester county Court iu 1347 cf murder in the fust degree, ai:d sen touced to be bunged. The Gov o-racr inter posed before the execution of the Eiuter.ce, iu consequence of hi youth, beii.g six teen years old, and commuted bis sentence t" imprisonment for life, lie had for some time sufcVereU from consumption, which terminated his punishment aud his life. The Maine Liquor Law seems to be pro hibitory only ou paper. In Maine it has not suppressed the Liquor traffic, nor preventod drunkenness. Iu this city of I'oitluuJ, doling the year enda.z April 1st. 1653, the com- plaiuU and arrc-bts. exclusive of those for vio lations of thu liquor law, were bOe, or which 2i)t were for diuiikcuuess. For thu Period comprehended b'-twecu April 11th, 1S54, and March lotti. lb. j. tue couiualtais to tue watch-house iu the same cily were t:o3, of which 400 wero for diuukeuuess, aud 45 fur sellii1 liquor. Washington, ilarcb.21. The National In telligencer of this morning, publiihes a letter from Mr. Soule. in relation to the urrept: tieu correrponde' held lietweenMr. Perry, the Secretary of the Spauish Legation, and the Stan' l'eparinieui. in win. a uo says ue had no objection to tbe jmblication of the correspondence, and that, if iu h. Secretary of Legation, the man whom ho had ta'KeU to his bosom, he bud a spy aud a trailer, it will never h ut him to let the wotld knew how iafamojis a tudo was carried on. DAI.TIMOJE CARD. ..:!,r3ar, TINE Factory filled and GrounJ A'.ua -L cansiauliy on hand and fur cala. CAKK. HIEa'E CO Flour, Grain and I.un.Vr Oomtut-rion Me rSi S?rrars Wliaif. BAIi i'i Alo. Cerrent and Calcined Plaster. A or the N. A. and Rnendale Co. Baltiino.o March 3.; 1SH6 lm FB.ENCII TRUSS Z HERNIA or Rupture ucccfully t-omtort intured, by uc of l a French Truases, imported hy lite ut .. to made lo order eipiessly for hi salen. AH uffriin willi Rupture will lj -v learn that the orcitaion no-.v o.Tuu tj i.i 'I ru,s rimliinin; extrtme li;Uti.f;. u-i duratiiiity and correct construction, iu :ie ie and uncomfortable articls u u An elensive asuoitmcnt always on !...i ted to evtry vBricty of Rupture in a I rt.ilJren. and t -r sale at a range of p .- a'.l. Cost of Single 'J"ru."C4, 2, 3 ', i. ; DunMe, f-t. ., SG, fil aud $1 . 1'vrEoni ut a dii'.auco can have a T.a any (Jdresa I'V remitting tlio auiou-n. measure around the hips, and aUliui; Ji For sale WholesalaOc Retail by Hie In CALEB H. NEE! Cor. Twelfth & Raca treta, I'lii Depot for Ve. Running, Improve Be-tly rret Chest ExjmnuV a-i. Rraera; Patent Shoulder Uracen; is Doiolases; !?iiiial "reps and tuppurtv. Rooms, Willi t-ii:ripe',e:it My altendaiii Phi!., Ma'di 31, !S5.". p3in. r. n. s m i t n , POP-T MCNNAIF, PCCKEX A-.:t nrcaxIntTi Case ."7iiit;rjtt .V. IV. t jr. nf Fourth .J- C.c.s.'M rmt.APEU-nu. Alwarson hand a Uige onJ varied a: Fort Monnaica, Hockrt Book, Ranker Cam, Note 11 aide r. Tort Folio. Portatiie Peak. Prfjaiaj t'aaea. Work Luxe. Cabas, Traveling I Back jamino Chess Men, Cisr Case. Rocket Menioian Stakwmi or ttir Kri i-iTtov Wo are at last in receipt of intelliitviMefroiuaaatteiitiye rtirtv. nidi-lit that the fluted Slutr Expe uat.uu'uirwiusl the S.'UiUoul Cuinauibes has ttarli-d Iroai cert CbaeiL-otuu, It i leaded by the brave ami worthy CapL Palnek Cl beau, ami Mi of two compauus of loo iH-ettd dragoon ai liavoeompHi ieS of rair aer. 'I be hmu al vl' ailMd aud ia i ci-lnt eutidmou lo levit tiie luuutiu. A tram aivvuipatiMt-J luo wipeeliln u MiibiUnriiig IWlllU Willi ' Padon. The Secretary of tho Common wealth atinoune that Governor Pollock has adopted certain rule in relation to the appli cation for pnrdou, to protect him from impo sition. Satisfactory evidence will be required that at lev! five day previous notice of intended applications for pardon wa given to tbe D:sirk-t Attorney of the city or county in which the convictiou took place, and that at lea-it ten day' prvviou uol.c nf tho ame wa given :n a nvwrpiipcr piuoiane-l wi.em the cotivict n look place. I u very rr-per m!. Tus Nkw IlAMMmaa F.l tioa.IVl return elovl Metea '. Aater e. u, Gi vmo by majority of ahoal ilXH) Vo'i uur all oi hers, 'ami' v the .ulmiius'riU ll raadidata, Maker. Tbe Auw-riraii eamlidaU fof Cunrrv are all iwled by uiajoiitiv' ntiiiini fiuui XiN'O to a,,i(n. 'lu the Wer hou l Ihe Legislature, oaly 0 adiuiutatru l.-i.u Also, a ueiicrel askortincut of Eu; nnd German Fancy Good. Fine i'oi Razor, Raior Strops and Gold Ten!c, Second and Third Floor F. H e N. W. cor. Fourth 5c Chettnul St: N. ii. On lb receipt of I, a 5 Tell will it nciit ta any pari of the I tiy mail descii'oing (ten, thus, ui or of . Fh;f!i.. March SI. 1854 ply. To OfficersTEoid SEAMEN, &o-, OF ALL W. Widows iud iuiuo- CL 5. .V. KXJGHT, Attorntij for C.l?'t'll', WasLi!) aixtv-iurve I'tiivrunn ui an.s, i-.-m iu , - - - . , - . ...pohor. Vh.ulal eubevon,l I'WanloUi ' n locral r .U t. l u-l ol ii!.t. it. e,p.wi,tWn u-Wiuw t uo, mi r. ! Wcua r all and had let e-X lK-ueJ ua tiiuicu'u. tur iH-rr,H.lvnl .thi tbo vlu ul aiuil With Ioi'lU Ixcel hel. ti tUt V b v lo -. lb i aolaiu for a caii, aa4 iIjou to be koMut lUia Duio. I-vry w, l bo Mi .Mr bt llld UediUkM Id klltki biiiW i niu.t iaot auiawUi. 44uj Mtu i.xiif, Moario Cl n.'IU Straca a Aati-J-uJ utn that Ik It) of tUr for la uiwrdt i of b wil' wa aliunde 4 bv komlreds Mtt(lll,r t ,.veiiiioii. ami till hatdl par at female live Ilia opioaif nil i ihim, ami one day wkou il was autwipaud that oinetliiiis; e4 a MuU-lwaio uiui Would be InlriHliutd, tSe vruwj oi eiaU wa grvalar ihauvkvf. XUuy L aliwudeit viy aia iikuI aiiu'il ike likj ryumuiaed. .NuulH-r u( niairu d ludii eariii4 Ibmr diuu r, tku aiho.1 (nla, ad rtUllled I Heir eul l MOoO. au-t it'iwa tqir4 their Kt'aUl la ttiii. lUui wiu J.uuera. . . s- --- . l H IO I kuU Vletiuwi ll'ltUr, wl f ktaUtewuuly. Uaaa! kia.rt U tu jail at Lit e.uir, mi wi4jr, ai U U4 bM in tlaU'4 U. diuukiaav. IU -u ii Ju' ud wm, ipi!'U Uat Iv il UK, a a. I ' at lull, IXevfl OU TllS ilH Wklkk C VL.--"b A !4aS Hai 4 M' liu- i" r t tuffi 4 i-'t. 4 a" rabua; trwuMiiuMi waii al Mi, lad., 't ue.y laal, la ki MilnuaU. IU JiM.nii bi.l.l .... i, ...... ............. .L .:iiolli. a uf hlilib ) ,.i.. i. .ii. u ii.. ita h..,UMr atuu.i ud k U.I,. aaJ, WUI "' Vr. (.4U.i....unoIi vi' aiouiul S IsipiO b.,1,1. T..!.W.tltr Canal i lioW III in lulu ol ..h iv.i-.'uI epeiale n. lb wal. r Lai luff bea U tuto il 'e '- and ba-ue Utily iou.u uiv4 u.i ll. iU- W iinw w .va. ,ui tliak ou Ta.y UI ibtf ni.t b.Hti U l U ' vlawt dal that pl.c. Iwo of I hem U-li'' " l'l '" v. aad ulkvx lu mUiam-U p i. I. .a, i to K.i PsM" "-: ,k l-4-.ui.Mor !' a tuut.. J i w i. i.. ihi.a .i an. I .,,.1 a.,1 it4 il s'1' . . .. 'S t - I - ..nn . f 11 T " - " ' COSTlNVt'H U j'va ,itoniil an.l pel Ilia r-1ai-uoou .! Caima -l h y ! i OaMial Onivetuuirut. auj trlKtuiirly u Ti.Miry Uwmrtait-ia, lSriijtlti auj IJ i I'alcnl and litf-wnl LanJ CiLoc. ..-! Ii-' An rA;rtH, nra, Sim! a i'.imiIi.o 't inuiiii th luni-ai auU hk..i ni eaiiuat. wnli Hi nti4uiia ini in. tin, iutoiv liuu iii hmihii. hi e'liirsiiMlw lr Hunlie iwiiil). nail uuloi nn If Will 114I lu'a rv'Uil I', H vtti l.tna Pttair t!t I' Halvitii'Ufiy rwiJ) I t'" I ' In. U1l.11.CM f .'llrl(""ll. s...l 1.. .irn.i a ujI Mi.iaik4 tmni .i-ii u o. ..i. U......U L.wi. i'..i.til. seem like ; !-. j.u o i'iiwi' in ) ' a HountvLnrtei Ao! of ? kuli-i wi.ii-a a wa i ae Uei.-I tj ... 'W ..UIO-4 I- I -.'H, . '1-1 -ll I'.! '.' t-lh.-m lk ii'lil-e Una. A'- . ..iul o.....i. bi- I ti V n. V.Jaul.', i ill i"l '' l, twin, li-duta. ' ll"' I ' M "' ' i " km I tt'i ' a V t ,H.I- i' : i I" I It h. ..iJ ti 'i. wt.ia al i.., .i ti -i. ' i:..-i..i ,..iu -i in . I.I...K i'-"- " a.i ., i. i i- i-.a t a ...i ' '; a. i, i e- a i-1 I url i . .' i ' fc..-- ... ' l. - I , i. a . - " - ' . . .,...!... ii-a "' " i ... -i " I i 1 KM. I.. "' iklll If Ml W , ...!... W .' I""-' '' mtmO " '- u t a - i -i ll .!... t i .u a r " , . i - f i Ol po.. a llldi l.l ' . .1. . I 1 . II. u. Uti-klUa !" e..w-w una Xl l l.l lO'lUl. I A( .1 iM tl.t-v - tat . . . . . . . .n-. . . a a a I ',1 .11 . i , as. - s, - - -4kfM . 1 .. I I'