Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 23, 1854, Image 2
...ii i mm OJ..KXJI ..uuJL-i m in'i.-tii- ' a il.j ..l x.. SUlNUUltY AMEltlCA.N AND bJIAMUKUN JOUJtNAL 1T 1 "' I " the .iar:cAiT. SUN11UKY . SATIRDAV, tcrtKMBKn 3, l. Editor unit Proprietor. I jTo reign N r tv 0 . A Rill V A LOF TH K OTTOW A, AT QU K B EC LTRft mo n-iiopif., Further Ptclin in Breadstuff- Qc suite. Sept. 18.-The. ciew rteirnl" Olln.a. front Liverpool, wilh'lhree days My. ier hew, arrived here .hi afternoon. - TheOilnw-a led Liverpool on Tnenlnv. Ibe 5ih lnt, Whnl w heavy and pripp Inn er. All other articlea were, ntsn rhnppr. The Oitown experienced very hy weather on her voyage. The funds at Paris have declined I cent. Itnasia him unequivocally d-plined to appep the last proposal of lh allied power, unit annonneea th determination to act on the cJVentlvw, Tlia cholera hat abated in bnih armies. There is no war new erf importance. Spain i slill tranquil. . . . Th Londsn Times, of Monday, snv iht Aoetfia will probably not rie"tjre war "(Jain.' Rossis, but the Austrian arrnv will Hp j... creased in the. Principalities In 100,000 mnt Th Russian, are concentrating in differ e-nt par's nf Moldavia, The form at Rango yvere blown np by thp Russians. COMMERCIAL NEW. Thp London Corn Exchange Nppnrt of Mnn day, say: iTIm weuiher ha been fine and the. haivest nra tieitly over. Wheat ha declined from fi to 8. per quarter on the week, fates nl 5 1 1 , which i thn lop pi ice. Ths ham-si has been must abundant i.i EmcIhik!. Money MiRKr.t. Lj.vOjn, Sept. 4. Con ols closed at 95. it. n. m 5r.n. ARR-IVALOF THE ATl,A NTIC. STILL. LIVER. FHUI ElTtOFE- Ruia'a unconditional rejection cjf thi pro. posals of Ihe Font Pnwprs is confirmed. ' Immediately on the reception of ilio reply of the Czar to the. propound of the Four Po a era, h cabinet council was held l ViiiiriK. The Austrian mid Swedish Ministers weio exppctBd to Iravp St. I'eieliinir. Th pnilion ifairaimoM I he Lil.ti'k Sra and on the Danube in tmrliaiiireil. Riiwia rt'ftwp Anmi inn intei fcrpnre. No limv lnri lenl lux neciireil in the war. Q ippii Clliili,ina lia eornpeil from aii . Lierpon Cmtnii maiket it quiet and Bleu ily. Hi i-a it t i; ff, for the nioitieii', have res.. ' end their ilowiuvaril lendenry, although the harvest prospect eniitiinie favorable. DiuiAt.N. paper. We have no room to nay anythiti; more inn r.nei!h papers, iiicltidtna the London., about them thin week Time, aio nnhonnded in their critnlaiimta To AnvniTinKm.- .Tti eirenlatlon "f the Sunl'tit merirmn nitHmg th different tnwiM H lh Suf qnelnnnii riot axcteriad ifcqualisd bj any ppr puWuhml in N orth mb rciuxvaiua. Dr.MocnATic Statk Nomination. fop. rTwf.rnoii WIILIAM BTGLEU, Of Clearfield Coiinfy, FOB JCDtiK OF THK M'l'llRMF. COURT. JEREMIAH 8. BLACK, Of Sumtesel County. " ' FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. HENRY S. IdOTT, Of Pile County. DEMOCRATIC COUNT V NOMINATION For Congrett, WILLIAM L. DEW ART, Nominated by Northumberland County.) JOSEPH W. CAKE, (Vominaied by Schtij Ikill County) For Stna'or, JESSE C. 11OHT0N, A'smhhi. D. B MONTGO.MEBY, of Lewi. Sheriff, HEX BY REAP EH. of Delaware. I'rnthonolary, JAMES CKABD, d Snt.biiry. Cnmmisshntr, ELI S G BOM OUS, ot Snnlmry. A"tlitnr, JOHN YOUNfJ 1 X, ..f S.inl.niy. cniroii' Ttm.r. ItUfrlllfAft .UtlCf. Tead llin new mlvertiwinentB in this weika KPIM .L. sr.ll VII E St. Matthew Chiireli Chanae of hour Service to-hiuiinu (Sunday.) Still itiet , .n 3J, V. M , niHlead ol 7 o idoek, un ptuviou!y hii niiuneei). Qj Our paper this week is azain de. IjvpJ beyond its usual tune of puhlication, in loiueqnence of thv ditability of one of our hands. on the vUit ofllisBoyal lli-h iip.hh Field Mat aha' Prinro Albert lo tho camp hfthe Emp. t- ' or Napoleon at Uoulouno Thn event, ther ay, is "ol deep military and political nili. caney." Four aloopi of war and an inmimerablo fleet of p.issenaerhips:tecoinpaiij ma Piiiior. (larshvl on his visit lo France. For thictt da Albert is to be tho guest of Napolpon. The Biitinh opinion of two vears n'nee. that Louis Napoleon whs an 'adventurer," I a "miscrtatil," a "uusurper" and a muidei. FlNE I'eachbs Spme of the finest er," has underoim an enliro i-hane, and ! peachea we have seen this season were of course wa may suppose thai ihe Emper- grown in the garden of Mr- Win. McCarly or, personally eoniTiaiidiiiu iJio 100 000 men ot this place, (or some ol which, We are now-encamped at Hnuloj-ne, never permits indebted to Miss M. ; one of the in nirasu the idea 10 cross his mind l.ow ea-ily Ihi. r,J 9J jncllrt in ciicn.nference. li iearmy rniuhl be preeipiiated on the ennv ; .. parativcly defenceless roatts of EujUiid. j iy The State Agricultural Fair, which L . . SPAIN. ; w i, be leIl) al PhiladeliiltiA on the 26th, Chrisliana, accompanied by her husband ! -, i oo.i. i r ... i.kiii i i-. . : 2'lh and 2S h iiist., lndnmii from the pre- and children, left Madud on tho niomiii" ! . 1 or Auansi 21 h for Portuual. They were aM ' Paa"0," mad nn,i P''"1 PP'jarances, Inside a travelling chariot, and were accom- Pro,r,it,'s not onV tn he the best ever held panied a chori distauco out of the city by Gen. Carrigo. The ofTvu'.tl iloenmnt of Chrisiiaca's ban. ishmeut is published in the Gi.zhii,., eijned by all the Ministers, and addressed as a cir cular to l he Guveruois ol provinces. Bv throwiinj ihe document lliis shape, &' Queen was spared lh niortitieation of siKn. il.K a decree lor her inolhei's expiiUinn. ' Q ieeu Uabola shed n fe tpnis on parting from her mother. Clui-aiana she nonr nil. but to ik lh iiialter quite eonly, ainB to E-parleo that she was poine to Romp, and rpcommeuding her dauiiter lo hii care. in Pennsylvania, but perhaps in the Union. Among Ihe list of Judges, we observe the names of A. E. Kapp ol Northumberland, and H. ( Eyer of Selinsrove, both excel lent judges of slock and ajri cultural. production?. DCMOCIIATIC KtTortllLrO.rcrtEE MI'.ETHTJ Thrt democratio se.ialorial conferees oilhe Ulh Senatorial disiricl, cmnpnsud oflho coun ties of Dinphiu and N'nnhnmlieilarul, met in Saundsy, ihe 16iti insl., al Ihe house of Si. mnn Snyder, in Milleisr-urj, Dauphin count) Phillip Dougherty, Dr A. Patiersrin and Je"r. .nan .wner appeaiej as conferee, from Uinphm, and E Y. Bri-hl, H.mry Ileeder mil G B. vVenrtr fro-n N inhnmborland Th conference was nrcanu-ed by the np. po,n,m,,i ot l-milip Donuhertv, as president, uu u. u. v eiser as secretary. On motion of Dr A. Paiiersun, the con ferenre proceeded lo mako nominalions foi senator, whereupon iho following nomina lions were made : M'. Biiyht nmninated Je C. Iloitori. Mr. Kenler Jo I--M .ntiroinerv hit. 'allerson " J..h i S Haldem.,.. ,l""-' " B. A. L.U.beilo;, r . i ... vu me first ballot, Mr U,,nei ,i'ed t.i, R. A Lanibeilon, Mn Bnytit Beeila ami Meiser lor J.w C. U iito.i On Ihe econd b ,ll..i. Mi. ll.irncr vote.l lo, R. A. Loinberlon, Mewi.. D.e.ali.'H) ni,.l Pattejsou l..r J .liu M. Ilaldeman, uud .l,-.. U:uhi, Reedcrand WcUur lor .Mont goineiy. On Ihe Ihir.! and feurih ballots, Mr. II ... ner voted for R. A. I ,beitn, Me.. Doueherly and PaHprsal, fr John M. Il.l.le wan and Mess... Bright, Ueedei and for Jse C. II .noi. On Ihe fifth, six.sBvemh and eighth ballots, Mess.s. Douher.y, "at.e.s,,,, and lla. Ber vu-ed lor John M HaMeman, and Mess,. Bright, Beederan.l Wei.e, fr je C. II .r Alter an imerrlMnKa of opinion us lo ihe preference of avi-h com.iy fMh. 11(lt.e at ibis lime, , d ih ' enufetees of Nuiihu.n. iieilund iiisisiiiu; en im nouiinee cominu fiein that roun y as a mailer of nsat-p, ihe iohieience proceeded lo ihe niii'h bolli.i, when it appeared lhal Gen. Jee C H.hii.i, was onanimoosly nominated as Ihe democrat 1 lo candidate for senator, for the senatorial district com r wed of the counties of Dauphin HUH JNwrtliumberhillil. O. B. WFIIKR, Sttrtftrj Zy Jotlma W. (!o!, Eq., of Danvi'Ie, nas lieen teiiilerert Hie linmiiialior. ol a Judgeship in Lancaster rnuiily, which in thai county M equivalent lo an election. Mr. Coinly has accepted, and will, there fore, leave Danville lor Lancaster oil y. While we regret to part w ith Mr. (,'omly, who has been a rejrular attendant at the courts, in this place, we cannot but con. gratulate our Lit'fter friends upon their choice. As a lawyer, Mr. Comly stands .it Ihe head of his prolemion, and as a gen tleman, is highly esteemed by all who know him. t ODITIOl or THK CAK At.. The miserable condition in which the Pennsylvania canal from orthiiiiiberland to the junction of Ihe Juniatla and Susque hanna, has been all summer, is attracting the attention of persons other than those who have depended, upon it as a means lo Set Iheir produce to market. We are heartily glad thai this is so. The more reneral the complaint, the sooner yvill proper remedy be applied by the Canal Commissioneii lo'obviale " the difficulties under which the business community labor. The canal is now so completely clogged w'ith sand and other deposits that it is scarcely pniuihle lor an empty boat, much less one that happ-ns lo he loaded, lo pass hrongh without creal delen'ion in sticking fal. Jams.'.hnt frequeirly require days to iTrt boatmen out of, are the rnntcquence ol 'his slate of thins?, an I thus is trade sns- petnled, or raider inlr(er"d with, to the irreat injury of parties transporting a well as to the slate at Ian;-. The water, in the cai'.nl, il is true, has been reduced by lb' drought, to a very low st.ije; but, we are satisfied, thai even the limited quantity on hand, would b sufficient for all purpoest were lh canal in the condition that il was designed to be kept, and as individuals would keep it were it out of Hie arena of politic?, or at least out ol the possession o ihe state. No feeder, however great its rapacity, would be ol material service in the present obstructed state ol the canal. It is clearly, therelore, the duty of the Canal Cornmis' sieuers lo remove the sand and other de. posits that have been accumulating for years. A Railway officer niight allow a broken rail lo remain on the track, and thereby ocra'ion lossaud detention, wi'h as n.iich propriety, as those in authority pol pone the correction ol evils under their control. The Ltder, in a sensinle article on lliis subject, 'sivs that the removing of dnt, sand and uther deposits i omplaii."d ol, may tie . inbi.n ed very lairly wilhiu ordi nary repairs, and as such Ihe (.'anal Cun. missioners ha e unquestionably the ri;;bt In apply the remedy. Hut apait Iroin this, it i an nut he doubted that any moneys expen ded lo repair a damage or injui v to the public works, sin Ii ashy flood, long drought, or other such cause, would be sanctioned by the Legislature. Were it not so, it is obvious that the interests of the community and the cofTer ol the state must snll rf- r want of the application of the mnpl-s! doctrines, based on manifest econo hv, to the management of our public works." In (his vicinity, more particularly per haps, than elsewhere along the SnsVpiehan na Division .of the Pennsylvania Canal, have we great reason to find fault. The capacity' of the openings in the Shaniokin coal region, which has its western outh-t at this place, is not much, if any lets than one million tons annually. This coal is neces sarily kept back for the reasons stated, or nt least but a comparatively small quantity khipped, notwithstanding, the active de- j maud throughout the Susquehanna valley ami on the Chesapeake. The Susquehanna Division ol Ihe Penn sylvania canal can be made one of the must profitable improvements in the state, a much so, as the Delaware Division, which is dependent mainly upon coal tonnage for its support, and which yields dividends beyond that of any other public work. It idMuld be, in fad, enlarged sufficiently lo accommodate as mix h coal tonnage as the St buy Ikill ranal. It will always be laved to its an atetl capacity. The corn, pillion ol the Susquehanna Railway will not lessen its us f ulness, lioih channels, th a: a turrit a i ! MosiTnoviai v ten TO TAl fur. IIML. The editor of the Sitnbury Gsa. tie, in his last paper, flounders through a whole column, in vain attempt to answer our charge against David n. Montgomery for hii vote to lai the coal of this county.- Without attempting lo deny that Mont gomery did vole for this tax, the Gazette endeavors to excuse him by a miserable quibble, in charging Gen. Pac ket and John B. Parker with having also voted for this tax. When an editor can insult his own readers, by endeavoring to cram down their throats such-contemptible evasions nf (ruth and fairness, he must have a very poor opinion of their judgment or discern ment. One simple fact is sufficient lo shew the duplicity and fallacy of Ihe Ga zette in its attempts lo imp.ise upon its readers. Il is not denied bnl that both Gen. Packer and John n. Taiker, labored earnestly during the whole session to obtain the charter for the Susquehanna Rail Road. If so, would any man of common sens" sus pect them of endeavoring to destroy their own work, bv imposing upon it onerous taxes. As well might they charge our far mers with an attempt to get up a tax on all the grain they take lo maiket. Il the Gazette has no respect for i'self, it ought, at least, to have some foi its readeis, and not attempt to stufTlhem with such insuf ferable nonsense. We have already staled and referred to the Journal lor the lacts, that Ihe fiiends of the road were obliged to lake the charter upin the best t'.-rms they could then gpt it, but at i subsequent session, when a supple nieniary bill was passed, explaining (hat the first art "should rtot b construed to mean a lax imposed on mineral coal,", to render certain what could hardly he doubl ed before, then it was that David I) Mont gomery Voted lhal "il should he construed to mean a tax upon inineml coal." For tunately, this attempt nf Mr. Montgomery did not succeed. If lh editors of Ihe Oszelte cannot underhand Ibis, God help them and Iheir understanding. reels, in the hope of put if) lug ihe anno pheie. 7'ae AVic Orltnnt Riot. Nrw Ori.kans, Sept t The Mayor h Is sued a piorlHitiation leipieslirnf citixeu lo etr rid themselves as a sp- cial police lo maintain the !) mid protect property. ' Nxw Yoaa, Sept. 18 A piivale despatch, dated l.Vh insl., (mm New Oilean, leporl- renewal nf Ihe riirs there between the Americana and citizens of foienjn biith l'ow Fever Ravage. Columbia, S IJ,Septembei IJ -Thde.tth at Savannah on Monday numbered SI and on Tuesday 33. An mder has In-en received al Marnn f" 50 coffin and 50(1 pounds of biead. lo be furnished dully for Savannah. Comimbu. 8. C , Sept. 17. The deaih fiom )ello'.v fever ul Savatuinh, on We.liier. day, were 35; and on Thuiday 34. It was Bishop Barron not Kih'p Gartland that hii lallen a victim lo the ill-ease. Cil Ki.f:T!, Sepiember 15 On Wednes day 21 death oeelired here Irnui vellow fevei nml yesleiday I be re weie 21 fiuui Ihe same can -a Al Chaileslou, on Fiiday, llie deaths were 19. Alexaniler Ciinoll, Et , one of the ed ilors nf ihe Couiier, was sick with feier mi Saliiiday. Cholera at nttthurz. PiTTsarau, Sept. If. The cholera Is .Ii miuishini! heie, anil Ihe wioilher fa Voiable it iet.cled :h il lh- heatlh of ihe city w ill Minn be en'iiely lestored Of hose ntuieked )ePteula 20 deinhs have neciireil. Tell new cases are reported to-day. I)C ilUukcts. PhUadolpMa Market. Sep jo, ins. GRAIN Wheat is in Ittr.s..s I (llfpl , Hl.ll er) tlall Sales ol new ie.1 al IHO , Sales id prime white mi 180.1 I90e..l l() e eon Pi-aiee. Sou II. to hi 112. . iii.iI Pen,.. ) IvMina 1 WHi.led at lllcei.l per bushel Coin is (lull ul 88 ei.. ..r )Hlo,' h.i..i. O.1 1 ate sea ice Sslrs nl Swli.heii, al 52 a 531 eeul. Wiiipkkt i st-arte ; small sales at 42o lot t)bl Hllil l.liJs New Advertincments. 7'ae Graytovn Affair. Wsiiijii;T'..s, S.-pt. 10 The Siar says lhal a special tiieesenger anived t.ere on Ihe tl with a cnniuiiioieation from the linib Goveininent lo ihe K-itr I ih Minister, rela live lo the (irnvlown bombaidmeut. Srriors Charge. Taoy Sept. 18 N C. Nel-nn, ihe Po-t-ma-ler lit Reeseville, u;i lines ed lo-.Uy, by u special aijeiil nl the I'o-t.ollice D -paitinenl, cln.iL'ed Willi mblui.u ihe riail. rind Independent Cmdidalt for S3U -j3 isn i JC- (;idl:Oa m. okks. nfft-rs himself as an luib-peinleni Cau lidati lor Aseiiilily , ami will, il el. i led, enm a Vur lii represent the Wi-liv ol Hie pi llple. So 1. bin), Sept. 'ii. 15 I tlmerican Cuudid-ile J'ur CONUKEbS, KIMBiil CLEAVER. S p;. 2i iM. First Nimv s mills. I. 7 TENER & Co , of Sunlmy, Pa , B D uve jiikI leccived tlieir niily of new Kail (iiiniln. 11 ml cl to iiilorni tnrir Irieinln and 1 . ...1.1 ... ia, lurit... 1I1..I ll.r now the lur- I lliriiin. Kes.'.l m.1 vie.. ..k W - .lie, have ! f"! .WSLt.?-; el exInl'iU'tl in Siiiilnir t uii-l l It-tter Ijr ! tt( rfa..,M, sii.i.ll 1 t,lu.i; Ml i . v. it hl ; t,.g ttM-iMi.i i .1...:. 1 '...t. .l...isi tat .iiri l -ia.ilv l.i.ver iniri 1 " ihrlt.ti in wUnh .v t-.i.I trmw. 1 1 r. .1 . .i t,r..i.. i i liiivc I " " u"x l ' v. if iiithJitr mm nw (t-ti, m ft -rlt'f mitlni tn flitt m .i m-f, M liter tMl Htsi't m )Mlfl (f tMfff t4 h-M trSH ltli I i tlitsft r fMr vN tefrt t ptittH bt smi)MIf1 it i ft Bt Btlt firm f...(. .Hte.f ihmi Mini. f,-e nssm .si tJ'TP Ml ff, nH tWll N.rei frfJNlel Ht tl-f Nt Iru ll sstMl m Itif Hst-tl N llt-irMl Wl lrf h- Mlrt , i im n Mimit-ftmtH) t. r at . ff (I s , h f . ( m 7 IW 'ilWMt alMC M CPlt) last . h , ,k b P1 t l., I.Mtl,M 1h-. r ll.f Wi-IM.. I ''V iff tin- I ttilrni Satire fA ay sUM tol ititl tt.nli ..five ft-fi.i.-rl is. ih rlrnl H ltru. ' t it x.ifmii, is.,11 Isf rntitiii) i uii an,., rM l ! an hmhiiU. ITmvi.I.,1. i mi wt ,rn m. . irtia ! Ih.. I nilo) iuie. .Htwerii tlm M. , , " t w-nty-l w i r. Httrt in .he Hrrtu .). 1 , elnll Ik Lia-iiw, lt(Kiuri iiITlI n Imii. snhI tuxt t Nil ri it slrdl rwriniltrd m r wrnwa m , .sMUlllsil III liHI iitli 4 l.fcill.tei M hnUlil.iUlHflii.,,,,1 I, (Milium fli fKtm iis nt' irnittl, nnli-., KiiM : He t tu m rn-a i, I f t llt! ;oi)U' iii. wiilmi iw.i Mnm (,f n . , -"I- I H ..grifttM) ts.lhv-c lni.tntV i,, ,,. tt-f y Htt-tM'V etil'i-rtili hlW ' hii M'tlft i ff I .ii. - r on tlit . Mth t nit ftiuin. it f n.f 0 , nl mm Ii mx, ,rr . n fiiirur U- t diva rtrt-ipi, nin,u uii "aili l i itie iBvnirtit il-r..t f ; . f ii ta .', m m. ftiiM its l. Ivc.ifi on rt-tsr I m w -. i, u m IWltljr-lifpinl twtrtny-twn yini. I.r au. if p ar, ,7, r tiili. tiHiti if. tlkti It liHt r-t(tftt m tlit-ism' nt ! u.-sl Ix-I' fi-Itit upplirti.m, uimI innkr u.-h irr . Ir-. I. Ill the ftiattrif t I r.-(Uir,t i) tilia ,., tleit tiu il en vrily (wIis-mj It hi tliv mv unt (livt-ii' Miitt Im ii t ht itit? nft.riRtnl, hihI ivp nu-li . titer iViii-isi us it riiinr-,1 .y iihii m l. it rtii. n ti- ,N the t-rtiiHi Mt tMliiiif i (l t' v.tft flmll 1st- ii'Mflrri n Ix ttiMl Ii In the iiiir(''"r-. hihI a note tumlr t,i th -irt . hy writiiitf llie w nl 'lji.,i ii .r n,nU lw . v trrt to Vfir ly r .rmi I luiviirtr uul fix. r tUv ".iUt ." i lie I n'ftliiirl t voir i tt ore'iiiit . ;: nittl in niler r m- Hip tv n i.l iiicii a c:iMnl - in i die cK rk, vh i Mm 1 1 inukv jmi K j Ih u l ciihvm ulicte lli iiniiw tUt tp n rlmmi V'ttv ift tt -t t-rtiiMt i ll th- lirt I'tiritml.ttl hy flic ('nticnie tfin nml Asm ir, i In riifht v xc M irr r..viid t ii -r ii I, m t...flfl t-. h any tpttititn-sl Migtiif h( t-is?ft(rT ti;UI rxmuim ntult jrfii ii i:nsatli n t l-ir f.i i i:a. jih! il ci:iinii t luive r-fitlpi it- t(. -:n tr in- rr, hia aih nhtill r n pnmt U'itihV, hw he prmi' hj ill lf.ift out C-Htijlftll WUitt-M, v hsi utiiill iiitilMitii t !c'.r. he iriMtM witlihi tr dmiiitt at t'ti iIivp nrxi immtiliiiiely l"ffr-ilinti. , v,.,,,, uln-i liiiiiMlf luriir Hi til Iun Uhh fijr rrs.nlin-r, in ii iiut-e I' l.tulttl mltiiiff ivii)ttM xtv nXtiri R'll( .. mil .tm-ei.-i 11 ii i il l Uff nrV ifj V t'SMiilily I.i ti.w. (Mtit Hi- ftt.i.B i. qiuilif,.,! rn;2 a1i;illii' sHir nt ativ tlm-t: nf L'1- tl u f.i Hit- .r omj ft'iintr :i kfi, r itiiliipiit-inf! citr.i-i a fju.-iiifii-ii tnvti f;i;UtlM! li i'-ti II. f 'fit ll m tl uy uity Mum i-ot ex'1 i hp i.uiidmi u ii;iib iinr rt-iy mt- a i li O-tier XllL'RffF'S SALKS. BV Virtue of cert lio wril ol' Yen. ;.. lo rue directed will be si.M bv public Vendue, or . . .i . .i. .i. ... brotmbt lolhis place, w,ere be will be ex- s..,,!.,,' . , i ..Vlo.k. I'. M-. on S.durdav. lite VCT" We have heard it hinted that the committee ol safely i not vel satisfied wilh the tiik"l as re-moded bv I hem. They think thai while Ihev were al it, they ini'iht as Well have made seven I ol her nb s'ltntioos ir. the place ol llie names which the county convention had ignorantlv pla ced upon il. The fornn'in ol the commit. aiiiineil Io-iihii niw. 11.. kvus Ihe ediliu nl Detiioeratic paper at l!eeenlle. The Cholera at Iltiffulo. "The lirgtst Slock of Goods ever brought to Sunbury" thev only siv tl.ry nr.- tlir cilhi s. r, and perhaps j ,r un;.ni i .t m.y icrin nut exriiti.ip ilni m. .' will a-ar coniuarn-un Willi oil.rru even in una.ii) ; . . " y 7 ' "j "lln, tn.ien nml to prove liu to your own aatu.aeiii.n in--) , Pv., r, ...i-. . ,. ..miij , i..wnfl,M . r dimnct vi:i.,n U;.s t ri'sinTllullv ioMte ) ou lo come au.l eMtniiiic j m -i.w niiJi. wli'-nrvir caliril iijwm bv ry , , e'r iioiliinir will la- chnfccil ai.v one l.-r tin ii.sjax-iioii ' cI"1'" 1'. .'" '.'' .,t,rc"-1" V' W-'. f i.iMiiin .. . . nny winil w et iivt-imr t ny w-tml the Cm- toe) have lotnul plan ol ipiit-K .( nml ; K,-I:., winch si.nli be elatiurtnl in mi. lis . mall iitolits" to serve liolh tuciiiselvea anil i u. in pre nt vi-r Ir.irii .r whinn tin: tmr, nn. Iheir cuilomrrs. and Intend lo a.ll.e.e to it. i i''"'";1 ' rcf.iml lo .'o m .... su. h io,.,.. ,,. m d ..i i ui.wi.1. -. .... i Ik- ilciuol cnllclnl mi ..I. iikum n, .,ff,. r M. l.'ouulr) proilu. e I..UCH lo en Uainjtf lor Ooow c ,,,vi.-. j-.i, h..ll I WI in any i-tn i. t i.m nm. I nl I .e l.i't:e.-t iti iecs. .Irc.1 ...t ni.irn tain ..n ttii.u.i..l d : nnd it -l.aj . 19 .', , .. ... I the Huiv 'H lite r-i M.vlu-1- cinil:.l.leiif atrl. wi.rii, lit Suohry I a. ept. ;..lli Ifos. .,r t .wi'.il.i,., .. iln. c t..ii ..wrrnh I-. W .re...,t i.. .l ey I'i.uty. ul III M "i-e .il n .Ittins puvh eli-tl tut In . wn.!. .Illrirr r tnwiiKii.p. Ihe l'Ur. e nf preneri IVe iktic- its uf rsnu It st.oll lie the .li.ty i-f every p.iri fficT. tp of..r v!i flintl he prrsi-ol ht tmy Mich dii4iirli.res al di. e ti nt in. 's i'iw'ttl r(l til IIiih tin. to r.-p. Tl the r tnr In i.'-xt t- nut is' tiinr1i'r sosmi 'tis, mill ul. tl e iisni.-s ..t IVItlieM-s M-li' .Tilt pr 'Ve llir sriine. Awl liy Hie 4th s. rli..u l th.. net 7 1!ih of April. IS il . .:.fe.. Tti:il Ihe 15th nrrtii'ii ol the o-t. til ft. iillv 2.1 I1V, l"l'ltlL.t a:, a -t r bitn.e I thr elc-ti'41 .'t' t . ilnil. iw..ith. slytll I. A l Pi e.!itr.i-'r.l R. t.i .Tr a iv tin lit irt .tri'r 'i I. r .i.-jli -.fh-er. tr -m Tvire i-i.V-ii. i ..'r't r r etrrk, at mi) peuernl ii tjie. ial eltt-t It r.'m'i"liwenllh. Thr .1 .Ipri .nt- In iniiVr tl'. ir n-tiirn. f t the fnuiiiy r 1', n. it'.- (' tirt II up... i. Siuit.urv, i t ilnv, the llth liny if (M.-K-r. A.I). ISS3 i til. ,,t il. next, tin- follow iiiii .Iff cribi'd projaTty. to w.l : A Certain Tnu't )i" I .uul, sitittitp in Delaware township in tint cmuty of Ul-rrAI.U Sept H The ileintt. Irotn eb-.l- , .V.irtliiitii'.M-rlainl I'.iiui.leil !) I.uiils no em. I. a the pasl w.-ek, were 55 -only 3 ; ol Nusaima Keed, west bv lainl. of the mioii- . , . and laiutsof Ja.-oli W eut. North hv l.m- ul ol which weie A neat. A Clll.r. ,! ,,, ,i 'ii-aiilt 1 Ueed. i-oi.tauiu.i! :i-r' '"'i-1 morn or M.lim Rlec'ion. ul.iiiit -ja at rea ol ulii. I. is i leari... wherei n H.KTON Sepl- 19. I 1 lb" Six h f'oifjrps. ' arc ere.-ti-.l a one and a hall' slotv I.efJ. I'wel , r. . ..k, ., a ., ... j lint House (weather li.iantiil) .1 l.os Dam ai:d a vional Pi'tnei ol Maine, Milliken. ihe ru-uin ' " " , , 1 (;.to.l oi-i-harvl. Candidate has been el-ele I II ii)ip--a:s ; si, ,Lr-ii in ce i-ulinn. anil lo lie sold ' thai mi choice for Governor has been made : ihr uroni-riv ol a a 1 It. ed. l.-e will prn'-ablv have an entire new batch u.. .1 1. i ' W.M. B. KIPP, W.rriir. ll tin- i'ri.u. cut out and wide up according lo order. I ' Mierill's OlTro. ) Punl111rv.Se1.fil. IS.r"S.5t , G12Ni-'-KAL ELECriON TUOCLAMATIOX. . 1 1 ltm lT tn.n net "f the r,p..eral A...-i.ll.! they Will bedtllv notified bV the committee : i ' e , J 1 Oman -nwenldi "f IVni'.vlvnnia. ... iir.iuij iiw.i.ii-u uiri.i ni.rieiii-eil nitioi.ries, we are informed. But : .,,;.. ,. .... ,.wii ftlic' .n iwe-ilih, Until then the voters f Niitihun.herland ot tmii:us. county are requ.-sted not to commit them- T v'"" WU' (""" s'-bniki my, . i c .... ... . ; one the junior of it Journal in thai coutilv I selves in favor of any ol the candidates not i , . . . , , ,. ' I . . , ,' iiasse.l ihr.'UL'h liu place last week on a poll ! properlv endorsed hv the committ. e, as ! , -, . ., ' ' , ..-..I . ..ii . til ..line nei-l.teiit llie ini i.l -iil ol safety, through the column, of the Suo- llvln ,h w. .j.le of .he Wes. Br, h, I i", Ftl'hAM UMi'-'i-! burv Gazette, for whom they will be per and riodinu themselves in ihe lloni ihuiB town iiki siieotr .f the e.,.e.v..i - ..rt'-..iiii-riniia. lvi.i-.-i. ' . I . h..rK. n. lift Vll Hl-i. ll't iflVe l 'III-. t'l 1 IIC .'let id Lewi-ibnig, Union en, al once iulin lin-e.l i tr)r, ' n.e e .mev -i' r ia. iW n T'ltrnl el.i-i hii I . , . '. i i i i t i l.e h.1'1 iii ai I . ii.tvif N ri'tien'.e lit I n the SK. 1 1. 11 I themselves In ceilain leadum whic nf Ihe Lf' V' . 1 . , t wl.-eli I i-1 Su.te ami O mil) -jii.ev.- s, u .o. ...v.. ui l e.ix-teil : line .ei ... it. u mil . ! iU c .u u uw'-al ii. i icra a. ua i-iuiul O-uaias-i-u-.-r l the O mul n- Wenllll. ,. I iers iu m jml-jo of the t..liiriue I., ui I ! Ihn Cm- tine iiertni W reiirewnt Uie lull i:oM-;.ir.i isti il s'.iif. eon.;. ae.l..i tin-Couimts ol .S.irtliai.iiili"i uu.l S-i.u;l- kill ill t-. ..-iie-l-i. . Cue ei..ii i.i lei rm nt llie iC'1' ;l,:" -i 'a' uirii l e lu I llie C..U..O.. I .S r.i.uiuueilii.iil una l'Ul.ihm III the ll-ecoliiiu tiM'eullli ,.ir II as .llc-..llKr I me II .use Ol ..eiir. .-.iiu.i..-. milled to vote. k - the II a ling road ami Ihe canal run ning para. 1 1 witb it, will have as much as thev can get through ui h. Our Canal iimmissioiiVrs should bear Hi is in mind, and at once go lo workin removing the ob structions alluded In, and otherwise im prove a common ca.ricr of ee much impor tance. I'llE OAZETTE AD MO VI C.n.YI Ln Y ON Till: I.IO.IOII LAW. The editors of Ihe Gazette piofeis to be somewhat in the dark in relation lo Montgomery'-! votes on Ihe liquor law, and a-k us to t-n light en them. This we look upon as a hopeless ta.'k, ns A mm e-iuviiiee;! uatust l.ia will, Il of tne u.ninini.iu still. The Gazette iy nf fij.innin that ourconrs-' in repaid to Montgomery and (he liquor law n "mosl conteinpiibl-This, we regret to say, is the case wilh a great majority of opinions expressed or entertained r.y th fiaelle. The r f- r a.'sin tl '-lll- liihl he threw" upon this suSj -cl, several Weeks ago ll he ullltdes tn several co1 tri. ii ol fo (not light) with which he en- vel.iped bill-sell and hii readers, we can readily underst-jiul linn. The attempt 0f ihe Gazette to he fog ihe people on Ibis su! j. ct, Will riot succeed. We have pointed uul page and date in the Jourua's, showinif Montgomery's votes on (mill sides of Ihe question, w hich will stand out beyond Ihe reach of all the foggy arti cles with which the C.zriu can surround them. A liait Is vne but bearing the name ol "A. R.'FisKt'i.we observed lying at one ..four coal whirl a -few Jays since.. She was built by SnyoVr-& C'letsM-ns for Messrs. Smirk & liarisher oflh'rs place, at a cost ol 1209. The cabin a-n.l interior arrange. ineulsare admirably well planned for con venjence and coinforl. She ia loaded with (ixty-eves tons ol coal for Ballinore. , tH? The editor of Ihe Lewisburg Demo crat, who is haunted and disturbed day and night, by phantoms and visions of doner onism, is sorely perplexed that we should keep the Uenlocratic ticket at the head of our paper, and yet oppose one of Ihe nom inees on tint ticket. We are not response hie for Ihe making of that ticket, but we are bound to publish it, as the convention formed it. Gut we should like lo know whether this is not more democratic than t.i lake the name of one of the nominees from the iii kel arid substitute another in its place, in obedience lo Ihe injunctions ol he committee ol safety, as has been done hv nur neighbor nf Ihe Sunbury Gaz- lie wilh ihe candidate f-,r Sehrifl. If it were not lhal Ihe editor, of ihe Democrat ami G.iz He w. re both larred wilh ihe same tiik, lokeep them from straying from the fo'tl into winch 'hey had been placed hv h-ir keepers, il would afford an excell. nt -object lor llie editor of the Democrat lo sen ise Ins wi's iipo i, in 'XHiiiuiling the ii-auties ol consistency an. I ilemorrxr v, as illustrated by ihe career (I the Sunhuiy Gazette. There are pretended di-nincra's in this community pension. r up ... the par ly, whuee day of grace is at an end who thought nothing nf talking and toting gmiwd Col. SritAt n, when he was the can. diddle for Congress iii ibis disiricl, bnl who now seem to regard Ihe formidable opposi tion to David Ii. Montgomery as a - great nolmcal sin. Oot-oiion such hyp eiii y. Is it not true, that even one ol trie i outer, eea Irom this county, who assisted lo nom. male Col. Slrauh, did all in his power to defeat that KentleinanT Such are the men Who would rule the democracy ol this ,towf. ... .... , w , j.-...-. . thy l-.ull JliSfE C. Hor.TON. Ill another Col- place and inquired into Ihe pro.pecls of M-, urnn will be found Ihe proceedings of Ihe ; Campb.-ll, ihe w hig nominee ol the. II h dis. Senatorial conferees of Ibis district. Jesse : "' fu' t-'ongrees, iu place. The r,ien,u C. Morton of this county, -was alter a few al L-.b.i.if ' "' h-l . ,, , , " . . , ... : made in ueilinu ou'side Ihe di-liii't, mid be- biillols unanimously nominated. W e are . , , . , ' . , , ... I", bind of a joke, unveiled Ihuiniih the town pleased lo learn that the whole party, in . .. , , i Uh Itiem for seveial houis, l anvussiog Ihe both Ihis and Dauphin county, are united . . , (. m,lK-i, , , in regard to Ihe Senatorship, and lhal Gen. V)lllllB p rjl IPIUrlird , e .,, ,i,v . Ztc'it.WMJA. Horlon will receive the undivided support mo-l flailerinu account of llie piospecis ul ol Ihe democracy of the disiricl. The foi- Mie wlnij eiiriiitiee ami reported lov-'iug extract we copy from Ihe IIairi-- ' " !-" f'i-r..le th.ii Irom peisonal nb-ei. burw I'nion i "il,'o""t hey had mosl positivo assniauces ' thai neither Col. Cake or !1 -i 1 Dewail would JESSE C. HOIITOX-Ol It C41DIDATK , ' .... ' FOK TUB seATK. Cel uigle vote in I iiiou couoly. bv reference lo the proceed iiio nf the con. ' The Geography of P isylvania probably fetence on Iho part of Norlhumbe.laiid Hud ' has mil received much attention fiom these Dauphin coun.le. publ.,hed iu ....o.her cob , A f , W,M. wlim ninii, ii will be seen thai a linn, lued and ... . coi.siHleiil democrat has been e ecled as our ; couce'iied Ih . of then mi-eion ma) uiirnioee for Ihe senate. The choice ha Ial- ' be tn the fact that dmios iheir visit len n win an honeel and fearless man, who. a f-w- veais aun, Uitlibilly -.ived a Ktalelnl const iuiency in thai body for a seat iu which he in. w place. I before the people . N' he had no i noipeiitor in Ihe leiriociatie ranks, and Diiiphiu ha concur- a-ed in Ihe eleciloo nta.le by his mm n ciuioly. Ihe hi-tort. nl (Jen ll.irion iii-'bel and .test wanai.l lhal .letimcral can lie Sriiupps wenl efoirn consideii.bly. ComiiHinii-ttioiis. For the Ainerieau The 'ale Election for a Li-u'enant Colo... I of ihe Fnl H i'tali-'li having been i eniested it maud in i hee.d.lly acciirdmu that enp- Blt ,.lt.,., ,y funeral Mneiu h t i' -port. lli. d-votioii In 111 lime bono. ed t.iii . ... .. , ., ..... , T-'St-oaie me rtonier lliei it. int. ii.-- mi nr- ciples nl the ileiniM-ialie ikiIv, hi-iiltel ro... ...... t 1 - ..... . . .. - : "P.. lemiialinii and repiidiati.... i.l nil iiioscrip'iie , """ i e.. i-. ...... . faction which seek lo stiike down Ihe i on. Hoard was Composed of (Jen M'tench, M j siiiillioual eafeunard-. ol the ,-ilizen. In no 1 Ke nod Wen. II air .f l.ewei-lmra sueiviuu all. xuiice lhii.iih..ul In whole , ,. . . .. . . . . , , .. . . . i Their action render null and void lb- com life, lo those measure which have done so ( much to enhance the pto.p. iiii cfnnr ,-i.m. mi-toii issued for the l.ieiilenanl Coloue', mouweHl h, should concentrate i.pmi him Ihe and make il incumbent upon the Brigade voles ol all riaid thUikitiK and 4)aili.ii- met. i l,,,.,,,, , ,J,.r R .pecial eWlion. ... ii... i.i-i. n s ij.v iM-iiaioi irom .-.or thonibeilaud, lie whs most line In Ihe inter, est of thosp w hoin he leptesented. he wa emphatically a man found at Iti ma'. In Ihe event nf hi eleation, he will! I.i hi aid Ihe kuowledu'e and i I'ottiia 'inti of ripe fears, an. I his cxpeneuc ac(iiiie.l by service in ihe senate w ill a. 1. 1 va-ily lo his usefulness. We commend him, herelore, a one eminently-. deei vimj uf llie. ufftages of loyal beat ted democrat. Hy 'lVlcjurajih. l'cltuto Fever liuvages. CuLl'MBlA, S. C., S "pi IS There were 23 deaths Irom Jellow fever id Savannah yesterday. Passengei ftom Anjiisla report lhal llie ellow fever had broken mil llu-ie violeiiili , uud the iiihabilai.t were leavu g l.i.i. The weather heie i very coll, Ihe ihermn meier beiuii down In 5T de- Oren! M irtailf at Pill- burg, PiTrepi'HG, Sepi. It. Theie appear lo be in. at'aieinei.t in the Cholera Ml tin place. Theie weie 411 dea b e.lenlay. JsKCuKU DK-rtTCH PiTT-Bcan, Sepi. M Evening Thechol. ea .-i.l ue in lavage our city. Fifly-thrt death have la'cliinil here lo day Tho death. f.H iUp last five da) have reached !53. The lulermenl ul the Ceinelaiy up I.. Saiurda) eveuii. u, weie 171. of which 129 were from cholera, . deal alarm prevail ami many porta... aie leavu. u the city. The The liiuunds nf complaitl weip lhal the lt.iga.le I .-pe.-tor mdeied the election bo Lieiileiiaid C'.doi.el In b- held iti all there-. panics ol the B. itade , and iheu, in niakn i Ihe lelniiis, added llie voles (if the K.r Noilhuntbeilauil Tioop and ihe D-''pil. vil'e Cavtiliy. compaiiie which have never been attach.! In the Bal'tlbo' , -ihosgivioff Mai majoiity and obtaieii u for him comutis. sino. when ih Velum of Ihe cooipani'. show p I :hal Miller 11 .d t. clear maj n'y in Ihe Raitiill.mi rV-ath in New nk, last wee! , S3 Of chid. er , twenty eight. ... S M. I il a It It I r. l. M ,..;.. I ;,. Tr"VPrino on ih 17 H tnai , I fl.oi.d K-ekl-V Fs.l . Mr CHnl-TMN TVit i.f rrpprinn. n M's. Mart Hoi.l.nasrcil P-ii .-o'i Toon-hip J . r.,,.v;u .k ;... K- T(e t-- e!.. II T.,-, Mr tnH W. MrtP, I' isSsRAU Jokrs. of Duiville It -hi plaee on 'he ia h ins" . HAW A" I,.... hMr of Wil'iim anil Ci'haciue Kreiel noo-i. ced aKoin 2 ve.. I.l ih h-i'O.irjh of Tl ii.ville. ht 17 ' loi the fe.i l ".' """'w. i.h nunyo.., CHRISTIAN FOLK, iH.V ver. I . t.levrellvn, on h- 9ih in.l.. FLIZA. nEfH. .Isuehier of Dr. O. M. ana Johain a tucker it i are kuviag Crea toruiag in iKe Rubin, age J mootb line i--r. al us . t St. ... I ry ...... Ijiu.oer iSesfci.iti ll).-ruua One prison u. C.miiii..i"iici i llie county . f ..rlli- Ull. -t-l i.ll.ll. v. . . Clue pvisiu us Auditor li.r Ihe county ul . . I uli . Iie.ihy ni .ke kn iw.i ml cue ' t'l-e Unt llie lllni-rl of h -kl.i.g llie ul -re-iiul . h rli .. ill III sev eral I. r uin.a im.l t s will.n. the ceuiuy .1 tl.i.inl-erlii.Hl ure us t'oll iv. : 'llie Suiil-nrv Diaiiiri, eouif. sc.l ol Ihe l -r .ufh ol 5uiil.ury, ami l'l r, ul llie Canity tourl House. . Th" AiKiw'a lJtslriet, c imp weil of Ihe I wii ii.-"l l.iw.-r, t llie lii-iiK ol l.lia Kincrich, in mi. li.U'.ll.llll . ..... The irthi.'ul.. rl.nil Disltl.-l. entii;i.eil ot Ihe uor.sit . o or.liiiu.lRll .I..I.HI llie I. use of A..p.liu llou.x I ti.e b.iluh I .Noilli.i..iUitii.i.l The I" nil ul llie h use of llt-l.i y liana, in th Isir Urh ol .rilm;ut- rl.'.nit. Cue ilitl ui District, ul the I. .use of I'rclenck -S.irUir, it. I. r .ii-.-h. ... it . The rurhut Llistlict, at lh l.ouie iweupinl by At-rulwu. Kieatinaict . , . The Uclawate District, si th burking bi'ris bVlino! House. .. . The Chili, iii icpie District al th h use f llcii.nn u F r.l.tnau. .... The Lewis Ul.lrii-t, altlie li.viM occu,.lel ny .Muuae. Ileuler. , . The blnul) -kill lli.ttiit. ul the Ii n "f Chailes Ia:iseii- '"'ii I'pper .Mali ...y Ltiatrict, t tl. li sise of tauie Hciiu. , The l.iule Maliu.ioy Uistnel, st ui h "i r reiteru-k Itnl-er. , ... Tn Lower M ill -tn' Uistriel, nl Ih home i.f Mieliael e.uls Thcltuah Ui.lriet. nl the Lilierly l le , li sl II. use The Jacks... Disiricl, al the Ii mm .KX-upirJ hy lie ig. rJiiinh. The O eil Oi.tri.-t. at His Ii 'una of V.Hi ...l M . W eivcr, ill llie t ovil of eilmnioklll. I'm Z-tlsi Hi.;. nt at the 1. ue . f J .hii iiraver in Trevort .1. Ti.e Oiiii-ron Uistriel, nt II e h utr of C.i 'e n lierk. The J it in 1),. rl. I nl 'he Ii .usi: ol llriiiu.iliit l.ii z I. Tie M ijat Ctnn -I 0'S'rict, al llie pi.tilic Ii use nl' lis ei.'h. ' Tl cleeli n t)n lietween Ihe l.ntir. ol M :-,id 1 rl s.s ill tl-.e I' --en n.l .t'.-.lle nt-nin- with in i riiftl a nr a.! nrii.iienl iin'll 7 iVl ck iu Ihs rvein.i wo il the p Us .Lull be t-l s.l Thr arven.l Ins m-Iois i.u.1 .lu.lee. rlr.l.rl on ll-e 3 Kriil .vol M:.r-I., l-.'l. i.i .-nren-.ttee fllralbrel. .. I ie-i ..f the a I f Julv. iksi. xvitl h 1.1 the elei-ti ii m 'r.irnlay l-e I III. .1 -y "1" CVl -In-r ..rst - rir.i sv-.ry iwra 'il ex.-el n Jneiirr -f the Prnee. wh shall Ii kl an. ffve .-r n. a. r..' i-r tit aurt Unit nn I. r the - .vrrnnienl ( the l inira fita'e. 'r -l tins Sis', ir of ii... ity w Hie T-v.rsI-. I ili.lrn l. whether a e -nliii.s otr. rr nr ..sent, w-h ,1. 01 l-e eni-.t ye.l i.a.-r t'- 'i-j-isl .toe. ex. en live . r i'rlieiufv ari.irlnienl -f tine St.... r llie r.iiteil Stairs, or I nn eitv or iin- up .miei a.oiet ...a '. t Ihi.. rerrv ..i.-uiVr (' t a-'e nu.l "I Ihr r-ln'- . eial .lor-, a.ul -flhe n-lrel nw e unn lie niu-il of my iiy. or c-.u..uoi 'iirr .f nut iae-a-nraii-A lii.tnct, is l v, inra hte f I. Muiff "I exreeisins Hie ..(fiee -i . intm-nt -a' Jsilee. ImhwI -i Cl. iW, f nuy eleell flina nut Out u In. -e-i r. J inure . .V ther onVer f sn-li eleclioli. all" II Iff .ti-ll.le I in lS.- t ' U the-. V Se.1 f r. ullhes.i.t in f e .'i.h-l e re In . Hie nlreii ua 4 ih'a r .in n uw-.i -si July II ' 1 1 !-:. I'urihrr m -vi ir f II ., I" wit t . , 'Th.l the I.i. ee.ra,. In lur. .-. ten is f rero. nil ...eel si the r.-s wove i-1-.e.- T t. I line o e rl.-.--. l lha l I wh.rl. thrv ' wnul'v i-l ' l f ' .ue ..VI -rk in the in -ruin f Hi' e u.l rnr.-iiv n l . 'ee ia a-i.-l. I e. erv nr. n i l.- .rli I hi I in. e.1 '...II arn !,.. nue l-lerk,' who shnll lie a qu illhs.l V ler e-h .1 an in ... SrCT.os Tint nv frnnt e -niKillea hv n P-" ai.. ... tw mnm-r .-r.-a-ril. i ' mi. s si.u.lnr lr.i ..I sre'r.1 1 be puuHheil by th e' -e hwa .a' .Lis C saws. wmnl.. -Ill ease tlw lire -a wh h II l.iv re.-.,;-! H e -s-- lhrl l.uu.lMr of vaea f ln.--e.-tor. u s a '.r .lav -.1 unv el. e.1 ... then Ih- pera-v. w in .1.-11 ; -eiv.l Ihe reo.l hijll-sl b 1 V f ' .l-" -St ,.re.-.l.., elee.k HI .el n an !.. ' .We. an I iu e-.-- th. errs n. elec-el I.eVt. ..II n-4 Men S. Ins el wvl ree-IVe I t'le hi O-eal nunil-er V 1- h.ll appaul J i '' ' wial.anv vr.-- . nil e i.' iuur I.. H e h -sra I f a sre- e -f M - rlli as-lbvl-w ' " , Kni ,h"'7' ' K. qoslihra lea flhe I, wy ' . . L m n L ... -L-elerl. nr-i-ie Se naie .-f eU ., SU "I" '' nno.het In til auc "It a-u.ll he tl. rlulr "T ni.l aaera r-a-f'" iv' mi l Pise of k l; every re.ser.1 "r-0';'- " .wiihi. lee.ioa. .risr Uul sen luw .el eb -arsi I. ,nueV!r. a-s JurW. w, e.-t r--l H.M - ot r-e -m4 bf tl V vttaai W - An Act fur t.v t 'pr'fsion th' Manufi lure ami sale nf mfiixiiii'iie liq-iors i.s I'wrait, AH law 1 I fli -ienl elion It v lb- appiob y i no. I sa rllon nl tl ,,...!..: And Yl'h'.rea It l r- pre-e .ted Ihtit n i!i.-i. ll mil a no joit ot the ct,z-i.s . tiis To i.tnoo veab II. ne de.-ply in.pres-e v i ti th". eees-il nl ihe pa.saue nl n p i.hil , -.. . I f-j ... I:. . ; A i'l IfAer'n-s Ii i impnibl. tn bn'aiiti nam n I'icat on id popular -einino i.l n I I Mi -it-iii i.i menus n: peiiuoiis Rlitl-ieuaiu iin. ees h'ti,,P,,r- ; S:-irn-N 1 f it enoctid the Ftr.u mtl Utilise of Kepifsrii ir'tns rf liu Ci nitre I ipni'a uf Pivt.m f run in " timet' I AwnM m-l rind tl is h-iely fi.or'id III the author. 0' 111' sons. That lie- ijl-nlilii d vnli-is nt lb (' n.liiot.w lllih Hte beiel y Mi'lilirZi d I.l tl: s fio I I I.l i. " sto- el lid ill It'll i loii r - ec'ive wan1", b-n li'. li" m.. tiwi -lups. in. tbe si . i .1 Tin n ol Oi l. l ei I -.. h t in d i-JniiM i. h.w wbiih -hi. eoim h p . Inl.ji by prepp.-r ai .1 roiisti'i-in.i 1 ierii!;.liui ui.. I pei.;.iies, the ftianutai' nte nml -ale of ictnvieii'ii.e- lidl.ios. excel 'in ineilii-iib viictiimeiiliil, mcchnlitcal HI riis'i'nt pi-ip.'ses -'er TI-'N J Thai ill" offi.'pr Bllthriiijre.l bl aw t' hoot .-l.-c t ins in enrh ward, horouut . .1 'own. hip ol ihi C nnmouw eabh, an 'i -i.-b dnect. d nod'd nl the pin. 'ix- tl b law. in the several disiiicls for Ih. h -I linu of 'he reneii.l el.-i-l iii s in said djs I ics. no ih" n-oon.l Tuesday of O.-tober next I lie', i hey shnll be organized n nil eleetiO!' I.. . d. lo teeeiie flout each tjiialified voter I tin ii said ' n-'s. a H-kel yvtil'en or priiileC o-i ih" nnl.i.le. ' Piiihil-i'oi V Liljiinr Law," nod 'he tickets in favor i.f iie pri0eil law h-.ll con lain in in the inside ihe word. 'KoC P ' hilotcry l.i(prir Law." and ihose rippn e.l in lb" pn)v e.l law shall en. .lain in H e m-ide he wind. As!ainl a Prolnbitoiv Li ;iioi I...v " which voles shuM be coi.nled nod .etiir.i-it in the cool I i l'-e nl ihe .' i' S ... l ily, lo w hu h ibe said el.ciirm Mn.ll be held, mi ihe rndav bv the re in. I. jt'.Io f ,i. easl up and ceility all ihe vn es p.lte.l iii said ci'iuiiv nr ci' the !i " o' 'It" Seeietary of Ihe ('ortitneiiw'sl'S il II i.risbn g direcied and'i.iifed in ihw s,rl..'er as in" VOO-s lot u:.irii'it nr- e(ni ed lo l e direetedted and liai srinlieil, -ol 'he -s.i l si-cteiary -hall en 'll- llli'd ft'ii--.V of J Hillary liex ensiling. eolllOllltiieire . h svt rei.irns to llie LeoisUune. if, be pen . d at .1 cio tiled in the snine n aneer 'lie v s ..r (.i.veri'or aie npei p.l ami connled, mil em d ie.l n a pray of the voter of this - linn o .wealth r. I.ilive lo a piolubiiory It- ii in lew . S ction 3 Th I n't the eh r ion laws of " lale presCIIV ua 'in- ..-... ....I c'..o ( ihe pel 'lie leeepuon in vieea, e p" ' men' 'o i'legfl oie C ibe de'ray , r, i,. i-ypeii-s of pi.bbcatinii, and f lie o,-neral i lection and reMim ol Ihe .,,P.e. end all other mailer incident thereto,, he n d 'I'O ""' ar( deelnred applicable l ,. e'o.-ii..'. a'ove aii'liorized. ScrTioN 4 That ii shall be ihe duty of ihe -tierifl ol the several conulie of tht Com. ...v.w-ealih. I" i.i.e l a cpi of the eel in the .ma-lam .'i- ti f" "he -..e.-ernl election lo he-' eld ' n 'be second Tnesdnyl d Oc'iiber neil.' F. It CHisr. Staler tt the House if PrjirWatnes : ' M M Ca-iiw. Speaker nf the Senutf. Arrsnvrn-The iwe.nv eiglnh of April, m e Ihousai d eight hundied a- d fifiv four. Wm Rint.aa. WILLIAM B. KII'P, fhwnT SheriS'sOffi-e. ..nhury. I Vet l- I-M .. i. OOU bAVK TIIK rO.MMONW F.AI.T1I I Full Drv ('."oiW, A FULL STO C A". KV.cE A- I.ANDFI'I" Fourth and ArcUfct.. I'hiUdelphi : will I ' otrer extra in-,.-eiiiiitt"lliel'oiinlrV Buier tin Fall, lu i, Sl.H-k iifHo-al will be very loll, and l.rein from llie New York and I'l.iU lelplii. Aui lie'.. I.iiy rrceiveJ. FuM sorliueiil of lha follvw. tf - SA vlx. Seir tlk. F M-riunrf, ll'.l Piaiilt, 3 DeLainet, Cashmeres, Flrtnnrls, Mitliii; itiiens. Table Ci-vert, i'aiikelt Quiffs, tft , wi..a bi the esce" of ImK.rtslion. "! be .i,y ia receipt fourlh 4 A reft Kit.. Phildlni- tV Ttaas N'st Ca, au4 aa-Kts lew i U'.slv. Fbira ,pl. !, ls- ff - y ' " . - - -