Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 23, 1854, Image 1

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b y IS li U II i f B A iW M; Kit Ail.
' - : rwffiAiy y
ir. k.' uasskj:. Knnc i-M) imidhuktoj:.
? .,,1,1,1 i ;
Hill 02 X..U Ul.iKtJAi
111. -J l
i. 1,1V! u
III. mill I" ' ' ,,',lt
.il'imii'il -t-tilk t.L nt ;
finlv -i i
till BY
hi Mi.
t po iiililnn'!i'i 'its
T l.iitllli. HS "Ill'IIIU i
.t.ripu, to future :iltinti 'in
mini Ui- l'!" I I '"
re "pisS
ill! l- '"
Id on
Jit hit
rJaVaiHte ill aiWance will imf f..t llurr !
Hi m In till" Aitieriiml.
'Amnio of Itt Intra, titn.
t iittae,iieiil ittsrtti-m,
i P-i,sri,. H iii.iiitlia.
III litll,
! ve-tr,
liii-.m Cunts of f iv Hurt, i,f uiimim,
iilinnnnml ntlirrn. mlvtrliniul I'V
f:ir, with tint privili-e" "f iii"in
ff"'riit wrtifinpiiw wHklv.
f l.r-ei ilvir1ieinii- p" Hrwinnl.
I "11
T T U 11 i I) V AT I.
V, PA.
Huiiicii nlU'inlcil In in tlio Cuuiitie nf
iuil.rliiii.l, 1'iiion, l.jc.iiiiis o"'l Cohiinlii"
Htirr T. A A. Hi'Viitult, "
l.owet V Uarron.
Smnen & lirmM,
'tloiinlil. McfnrluuJ V Co,
8icriiil. tiood Sc Co.,
k rinhid
( ice opposite Die Covl Home,
Sunbury, Northumteilanil Comity, Ta.
Plllflipt rtlllMltlCIII 111 l.IHI- I" l"lj"1tl"l
mill i .
United States Hotel,
CllKhvit Str-rt. nbve Fourth
"1 J- M-tcl.GU.AN, 0,,lc ol n" "I Ttitrl,"
J hn tli pliMHiire t inlonii Ii'im IricniU mill
te travelitis c .nrnuiiHj'. llmt '
nurf lur a frrin "f rnr. nml luiw prrp.tri'.l
,r liie t or.r,tion ( IJiiKtit
Ti.e l'vitl inlv.iiii liii-st.f tliit I'livnri'c PKlnlilisli-
:i,(ii nri' t'in ni kintwil In itfP'l " ''
Tito -A an.1 rti-tiiKirt- Iuim' Itch put in
ruA rale oii'it! llio nvi.nH mn lirjnii.l wnM
FitKlnlfil. 'I'lie TmIiIim will ! vity U- n,ilir.l
illi the lM-t. mnl t'.ittjiropriptnr p .liii-wif
lat h i fll'itt on lii curt jt'iiill lie w inliir- l,i
v.Vr the I'liii- I Sl,itn i-ipiS itl coml-iita tn nuy
I.ilcl in llin Q iiikiT t;iiy.
. l'liilu.. July x, 1851. '.
u iiii ks r, i, 1. 1: it ,
Ahrk't Stre-t,
i;T rn-fiM-il H'l lr "n'.e, u liruli aupplv !'
v SinciiiS Srliioltt. He U nlso opcii'ina ul
Ili a tiirr, n lfir nci'irtnu'iil if Dunk, m rwiy
t.imiiii ol l.ilpruturp. roiiM.liii!t nf ....
Popiry. liiBtorv. NovpU, Uoiii,tnre, tS.iiMitiSir
Wnrkn.'l.uw, Mpilirine. S.h.n.l iimI Cliililrpu-
j;wk. Hililm; bilionl. I'oi krt nml l-'wiiuly. lMi
wi(h ami wiihoul Kiiisravinusi. nml n'ry nf vari
ed ol Bimliint. l'ruer li.iok. ol :l kimls.
Alan jui rwpivril nml f"r . I'inlniw Ui
gttl of the lwoHViiiiBlaiiiu. yilitmn nl If.) I.
i iii niilv Sli.l'".
Jmlge'KraiU Piliiion nf lllarki-tmirt C nu-ii-tariia,
ill 3 vU. 8 o. foiniPily nlil at $H'.IH,
and nrw offt-rcJ (in frcah buniiiig) al tlio low
tire of 36,00.
A Treatise on tlie lawa of IViiimv Ivnuia re
ai.friing the nitatpa of bcmlpiitu, liy 'I'lumiaa K.
linr.lou, prire only'a. VoyiiRPa ami AilvpiitinrH. all ol
which will he a .IJ Inw, i'li jr '"si'' "r
trv proiliicc.
I'cliri:ary, 21, 155. It.
ll'rijlti'rjt !. ''"I"
Tor th Oi! e cf i:rii fi or lu;-.i t,5 .
A ,;Kil A'l.tiOiiBU l' top hi r H i "'l
:'l ,ll I'll l.l.l.'ll'lll
l i.' Miii.
.line tor to any other in
iiuli' rin III l-ii
rail ui I to l ru that H
OC'lliO'i l"lW ,,"r,'i4 to
.......i ii, ii niilv the hshlt'l
and mb'l '"? hoi
1. W; iTru .-. ' "'
m.i uuromJurtaMf "'Ir
Thrrn ia no .li.hi-o tv -ti'inli'm the liltn.K. ami
wlien the pail in toraieJ. it wih retain H po-ilion
wiihu) a c i.i".e.
'e Mna at iiit,inrp nnnhle to rail on the
au ac ib,T. ra-i tnve Hip '!" anil to iinv ml
.Iresa, l.y remiltin,' Pi" Dollar, lor the Mnule
''rua or Tn for the ilniii.lf wuli imaMirc
ruuiiii "he hips a nl tilin4 ''h' uHVi led. It vvnl
t. nc lanneJ 1 1 null if n 't lining, h) reuirim
it at ott iiii-o il.
For nale mil V hv the Importrr.
O ir Twelfth tV Uaee .treela I'hil.nh'lphi.i:
lT mm as. repii in iho lienfit ol Mr, linn
i ! .s-U i,i ir:. o-viiK t 'ileraimeiiieiit ol the 111
tprnal Orana. iit.l.uinn ol the mnl..
Voei, Pol uonirv. D.vspi-ptir. N.rvoua anil
Spinal Veakii.'.' iiiforineJ thai a roinpeii .it
a l ex irrien.-e.l I.mi wiU he in al.en.hiiue at
the (set a.arl lor their exeluaive uac.)
N .. III. Twelf h -t., It h' Movi Kre
Julv I, 14 ly-
Sliumokiii Town Lots.
rrVIF anhacriher ia now prepaiei! to exhihit anJ
1 di,,H)e of Lota in the new lown-lMal ol
fjluinoki... Peraon. .lesirm.a -f
...ertaiu the terina ami romhtioi.a of aale l.y
calU is on the al .km.
r 8 VM. AT W TKIt. Agent.
BhamoVin, Oct. I &,iM.--ir.
flHB euhaeriher rc-pertfiillv the pnhhe
I that .he Mill eontiiniP- t,, keen the ah ive pul-lic hou. and that rJw ha
M r. 'ei-er Zieuler In auperin'eii.l l.i anine.
Shehiia al-n rereivril a new "PI''? '"'
li.ji.niaa.ul wi..e..; and tr-U tl.l
able to Biv aatUlactioii t-i all who v'-"
Hunhury fBrh 4. IW.M. tf. ' '
ft m A KhWAIIK. Na'l". l'"oU- t,'",'"
. I 1 HaU :aia. Cednr ware. Hrooma. UriiHhea.
"houl Uook nd paper jii-t ireived and f..r wile
i. w. Tt'Mii: & co.
Hmihnry. April 88. I"'4.
1lAltOl4'4. I" "l:,ii f'"rv "lur,J Wlk
and (ii.i.'hini-Co'trm and Ciuliam I m-
.nil for kale hy VV- 1 ENEB 1
Suiihury. pril SS. l54. , '
INprAV CHOI.AGOOt'B An exrellent
'article for the rure of Fever il Aiie, Hit
lion fever. Iiitermittent or Bemittont rever.ju
rcreiteil ami f "r'a.te by ' ' f.n
""April Si, 18i- " w TB.NER & ,
OOPEK'8 GELATINE.- f or JeHiej : A.
for ! by " ciocrt p "
. .v '
J: II IJ'iriJl ON THE J TH 01
11X31 Tver CHILD.
, r. w lit mii,I, 'i.ii, li il ii f.icir.nlirii
if in mir fn ' inif uw n nnnir. Iin"i'
1 1 I'jiiU'ji-ui own. Unit f lip
i i
i ii
p imrti. it, li 1 1 I 'Iih HltmlP Si-"' Il Viifiihlr.
'.i v ii, h ii.' wlnrli H kii- liiuv lo finpiij
II lll-ll 1'l.l'HlllVI lillli' Hft V I lelllfil. H Till
!l il llf.l O Hl!l. t'Ht'k III IK III Ifl'lllU'Clillll
ilk llll Cl'll'l lllllll lll UIHH1, IHII, IIS llllt'l
vi-ii ihhi, it ta . i 1 in inri'VtT, hii I Inn
iii i' H.'. I Mlken hill l.i v ill ilnknef", Hllinl
II" rln U ill Ih" l lili i 1 In I'l l,
'I II - I ci v ii- .iinpli. I,:ii hn hful nlvt Zif,
f 1 1 It 1 lui. i , .1 i,t;n,n ll niMlliri'j. pHpoi,
t ml- Invi I I', it iitii-:i in ihut p a. !'
.rt, t U-.i it l-iii iii-jn.t't'n n lew MPekf
rtliri il? In, hrn k liiill it ml tmrkw.u. I
-I'llnt; lift lii, I ..iim.t'.l iipmi lt lnii;eiiiiu
ilint limko i, hi ut niii'u li, Ii) yenial hiiui
,ii, 'i
Tliuu ml ,;it Aii. n:." frnm thy mother ii'e
Ami '.iwii, nan" I nun hy i-ti heri knep ;
Tlmu'ii "rtWii" Iriiiii our tili-SKiny, our core,
dill ,iiirl"illi:,
Bui "iiuu" liuiii uiir lieu i is th'iu'lt never
All tliim:, ilcar c
In!,!, ;Iiut weie wntit to
,l "ii. p ihi"i,
A h .huh, il ih"i. Ii-ri' in bfMintv hi iiiht
Tllfli-'j. llllLlr IIHt' III llll' I'ltllllllfMt Hit,
A nl In1 fit : t h isiemiiiu nli livmi;
'F itiu'ri
:in" fimn iIip l,uiiiii!; f-pi i 1 1
Tliimli nVr thy hrail its rei-u loual.s
Tin 1. 1 in :t ui v I . . i v 1 1 1 1 ihrir IhiIh hint. prints
Upon lilt Hut tl thy nrw .itiKilf g'HVr,
A i an limit ' .iimim itihl -'aiVit" Inr evei
Tlltl lllllr l. llnit U nilt I Imtllf vim;.' h liirh lir.l I'l ttvVftflfSI HUJenW
Ciiili il me 1 tic nioiiii't'n ihiiilm numt
Tlini fn I of imIiupV fini'til moiililinij
I'ti.i.r ei-.. Ho' tl'i'p infill tlliei'i, bill
Wimie pifilnli v ,h nit alii i
Ol t-tt'i i'Ij.iiiiii tiifttiititt lhteiv,
I'ny -wi'ipin'C", piilii'ni't' iinilfr MilTeriii,
A,l .-.ilili.r.,l i t ll npi'lillil! ihty
A:, i.. I, in, .mil Mill ill. 1 1 lii Mill Inr ihri! I iiir.l lui I l.ivr'p uinl ucnliu jivaj
All if ! i . - li.-1 I lii'inulti lo Ifrtil thee,
An,) n il Ine u li .l nit 1 1 , t- ilen.h
Ami i .i i .. iliy m'li.iii 111 iiijIik' utft Wilkin:,'
'I n II in wil t l.i,. our eei tori. ill.
Anil il.ies my K.'lll.ll lieHil iIihii iiin,la thee
I' hiia.'i" ine h) le.u hrra mnv
Tii.ii tilui) I. oili ttiy viiiiira pirMi ee
K o.iit'f 'tio iiii upon id) biutv !
Oil, tin, In cii" ritiili iiiusl be loi.a;n'f,
vV.hiii j Hij voiiv, ui) It, in. I, It love,
V. l .. is: hi in ,l .4i m H ,ii nl i'l-i nisi.',
iVI.i.l tie.troii lo tilt! wnil.l .iLi .v,;
Sijovt Stovn,
a ivrtiuiifitD i.rriF.u.
The lollow in:.' u )uuug'n, l.ikiii limn i k-lit i lo h hoaniii Ineinl,
ih iiiiu.nL', il the) .lo not llinliiiil Ihe tea
.t.i. 1 "..ii ir.i inr. Amy, yun'ie auxiu' a
k '". 'i' -.I""'' 'h.ii i'tl'i'i null in) pil'M'hl
I , .,u, ' 1',. p.rr a i emli.i 1 1 ninu iil.tilri. 'lis.
I:,,,. ; I,,.; ,,.i, ki-iivv Im.v i, iiu-l lovr, I've
I, il . r.i l II. nil )"" J .mil Ml v lllnilil Hi ) llll.
.I,.r ii j, .In. Ii. I'll I'll )nny Irt.H ) oil llin) It'll
lo Hit intlioo.
i I hn, I n. el hi n qni'e ufleu Ht ll.e piriy
ami t'.ll, lii l Inn re, I wl'tl him. I?lkeil well
linn, unlki'il "I'll him, nil liinl hr.inl all
llms.' a iimi k, v. Men l.iirl) hit iliu nil Ihe
uoik. nl hi. i-onnli) man, Biton M,nii'ti.ii.en
lu i lin, kr, I Hi hi' pli'lnt.'S, ami hinuheil Hi
hi. ti njiie," nml h null' IliNl H I'llai lllllll'
nml ii, pi'i'.l muiie.
3. C'oi. reive in) oipui.e, hni. one fine
Mliiiito-i tiimiili.o, v 1 1 llntil e'er II word Hi' or
n u ho-, ,i-i in ,i uriini'.o. Hi,. ri i!,uii Hunan.
( oi in.. i- In. iiiui.r in, m Some nl, I Dull Ii
l)i,i:li) In- f, iv- Ii .1 In' ru or, ) in lei nlj tl it'll
I i a' in I ,1 1 1. in, , in. 'ill rip hi, ln heal I ami
,. pnle.t e I. il l iluuii mi my Irel,
i 4. O, A 1 1 1 , I iitul rohileil up an!
I iln i i-il nol -n 1 ri-," Binl I eoiihl'iil iay "no''
M tiie.i.h hi l.i.t ll. it I ciiiihl
iipeak nil llie I IihhI rnslinl i once front rriv
lieait to ti . v I'lieek; vv hilts Herman sal b)
ine tpnie li'inipiil mnl fool, ait, I Itioiiglit me,
nil . nbt, u lumph'iu hiile lool.
5 Al tail 1 mil out, "it wa.i aneh a niprisu
kneiv nut lo nay" mnl h looked In
in v evi wnh u kind of a look thai 1 i-uuhl'ii!
it .t ..nil Hn ii wuli tuch uuloi my linden
It.-! lo ln.ii, in) .liar Ant), I tt..i.ll)
k..o. ttoA, I Willi eaylnj I wutihl to
It. a viuw!
0 Alter Ihat, rtiulleiti a enl alniiit nniooihly
mnl Him ; lie tn.i.le lovtj in ine and 1 lialene.l
In lit tit . iVo nlieii look inlet, in ilia mn-luu)
Hi-utliei, mnl, on lain), al on Ilia aula
lojrilirl. lie utetl In talk lo mtj uiiielimra
ui ln nioliii-i nu ul I lid Colonel, Ilia won.
lift lui Inolher. ' -
7. 1 lovr, I liitii, ileal Amy, I'll own to the
ihiiIi ! my n' wan hound up in the. piciur.
et.pu )uu;lt I ll .vua i.ul hia livvuly that won
tin- itlui.v ; tUt u aoiiiellnny ho had III ear It
,n. .k fi.tll tone a iiiutiuie ul poeii),
mill in e. and uri. ill.n, Ukon loolhrr, quae
ill I" lot III) li-UII.
H 1 Ad. p.o.l I ut III II. 10 l only, onot I
.1 Mlnle, u hen tie lold III advenluie., un.l
, tiplf tttililil alliiltf, and Mead on fHrtl Oili
er' loes uinter lilt utile, even my warm al
ittoiiiin wa al'aa unabU lo keep una Worn
lelliug him thai I Jni with hi lalea won hi
nut pniell qnitt' tu aiiuntfly of fish. ',
9 Bur when IM exeii.e tiun on way ml
anniher I'd ay, ' All lh world liea, In.
wtiriifthliftf dr other politician for phjee,
lyn fr pelf, nJ merohmt lo .jet good
o I Ion the die! lliev'ie in fir il i.ll, 111 itiiih
Ihey 'lie' Mild 'ponh pooh !" i' and aii.C'
lie en " v ll ll inny ita nell tin il, 1
10. Herman was it'l ilevntmii. nil paimi
nml iuh; hi peemed (nit tit live in the liuhi
of nit I'VPt What wiml nl ni'lenrmi'iit
W' llld fi,l l'i tun III li! hoiV I'tilll Hera the nil if) fiinjet.lip', I'lnvt' Ihi k hill
d Inve !" iviin h- nr ltoit p,-i'eiieH A'a! I
fimi d hit reftiineil iltillaia and rent !
1. One I'av he rnme in f inn hi lah..r nt
ai'hool 1 ilinughl ll." lipp"arei niint'i'iiiintahlv
nml. Nol line "ilearrst titiael," nr nny anrh
vviinl. fiotn the liinaiie of the iillereil n htret
waa lir.'iril. That evenina he Culled npnn
Ainiiihel Clinic ; llio nex day 1 learned the
whole .lttti nt the I'ttyr,
12 He mipposrd, il nppt'Kr.t, dear pip.i had
ihe l;ioi'k.," u lolliitu in ilullan, mid avvell
ina with ' atorkt"," vvoiild "ttnt up in (jttml
'yh', and in ptiiKeqntMiee thtt his fluid would
ennie in for n n bit of "ihe fat." Whrn he
li'itrited hi miittnke, ii wttaotld lo iliscnvor
hove ihe rock went nl oiicb lo tlie heait of my
lover !
13. Hit c-nini? ti it to aee me. tind aavv tne
alopp, nml nnlclileil n IT: i i i with a pracr. all
hi nvvn. He wnuii! lrive "pierened" me,
he an ill. for n wife, In nny one he hml met in
hia ijfe ; hut ;i for himself, why h" hi ,;'i a
'ifi'C, nml I rnn?t niree that it was t f.utt vi
II I? eh li- ino iht" r3", Ii" vvnnl I hi t mp
a li"il, an I hnped the nH 'ir iiu! I nol le.nler
tie "blue." I thanked him, and 'old hi'n I
nlvvnta waa lanuht, lh:it tlie "a held nanod
fi-th H ever wna rnnuhl "lint! pnhnpa I mny
yet do an well, toy dear Ilenn in, a to be
linked for my life lo n pennil.'s Getmnn "
15. So vvp parted. I homed nvvny from
ihe aeenp, if nol verv ' blue." t lid fell ra
ther 'irieen." I h'fl in the staop rnarh the !
verv npl day, and shed a few tears ihe first
pait of Ihe. way; but (ivu mi'ps p:ttied over,
the r"iul crpv so bad, I looked mil for tiie
jolts ami toroot to be sad.
16. When I anl in the cars, ami safe
in my scat, wlml person, of h! in the .wol I,
should t"iii!'el? vVhv, whom but Frrd Fur-
resii ', Hi: his, us you know, been tr.iveilini; I
In Ki.lopr ,hi er )t-,.is or so, and ll .s 1410.VI1 !
oh, so li.iniKo.iie '. why, H-ninui li.mseil
Wlieu F i',1 at hadd, wui.l l bn l.i I-1 on
Ihe i-hrll !
17. fVow, I had intended, w Ifn no one was
by, to lei down m) veil, atnf indtilyo 111 a
'vry j" but lulkini; haIiiIo 10 lhat love o! a
Fieri, put viicti seiiliineiilal si utl out ul my
llead. He made hia a. lieu a I llio Unci sU
tion, but, oil! we ro.liinenri'd u itcticixii til -la
i 1011 !
IS lie came out to see ma we rnji; and
we wuiki'd, and vnmris tnilc over uinl over
wi re talked. The f 11 I, drai est A.ny, y oil 11
ensiU uiirss he asked me a question 11 net 1
Buswered "Yes." Park up and mint? mi,
jn-t as i no 1 n vmi r ut, to "Aland up" wi'll
me 011 ihe tweiilieih .Inn.
19. A mote ihronali eonlrnst tlirrp never
was seen than Herman ami Fi idei irli, in per
Sin anil inem, Kied's ev es nrp so Mniline,
o blue nml aeiene, hiiriotti is 90 !! ii;jtl f .
ioy, iiii-l c'nii. lleimnn'sevH had, at liniea
qniip a sii.isiei fi i"h no l ! nflen saw orimib
on hia nnslv ninn!aelie ! ,
20. Then Himaii. vnn'.iio.v. vfann' p'ena
null v sinnll. w hile Fred is elegant. sl,n.lei,
nnd 'all. II" wpr sor't a illatnond, nml
ainoa a d vi.ielvtand plaa the tniinr nml
vto'in fioelv ' He has n aw p'I plare cm ihe
pltore fif the Hav. and a fonr-sioi y m,i itio'i
jiw. not of n-nsi tvviiv,
21 I f."'l ryibp pntilent. an l mv dear for.
eiif.i nenit ia ' pi...i.t. to uin-rv lor mo"ev or
"hniv. Poor fel'ow ! I pi'v him 'jUibbioi;
nwiiv l 'hose noty old latnlseafc (if his,
It V hv dav. H'Me's is mv padiiojr ndviee lo
thai pupil of nrt. '.rie", t-oiiovv, or ateal, sir,
it fomc'iirs nml hntrl.
22 'With h e tiiI ad li'iona lo vnnr
s'oek in trade, lest assured mv dear Herman,
vnnr hotline ia mnde." Good-bye beloved
A'i'V, till entlv in Jan. Come alone well,
we'll say bv the tenth K )on run ;' ynur
imaoe will fill my heart's innermost rramiy,
while life warms' tin) breast of your own
Tub Gkrman Cukes fok Jaundice it tad
tu be Ihe sudden atir u! the bile b) au arou
sal 'ol T i nt i u it it t tun. Willis, in oiio ul Ins
lelleip Irniii ldlew lid, n.ei.lloi.a lhe ca.o ol
ma biu.itcr who culnd in a ifu.uian when
iluiimt9 l li .lio J.'Uioiice, In le p.-ic, U.'i
tllu.i) . 'loci ll.'C.U. It la, ptUIIIIMl. IU M'llll
,u Ula p tJ.-0'.p.i iit. Aleuii.v dtj" a, t oi,l wo
.nan r.iit'irii, ami uccuse.i ui) bio.liei ul
. . . i. i
S.euline., -pal l;i Ilia iaco, .itid l.l.l out ul Ine
louni ! tin waa llld iii.-vliciue uitiuiidlaiely
tttlrcitial lui wuli ilto Vi0oiotts atati ul tltu
blltt coiuiiienceii a rapid icoover),"
Bad rKilt-lNQ. A gentleman mule D.
ti.ii.anii llie billowing i.o.c ;
' 'Dear Ujciui I vauiii told yi-stetday,
uud have, gul u illlle tiuiru. 1'lCUS UlliO
wlidl 1 atidllilu lur Uieiu."
lltt) luliuwlitji is iha auavver : -'Uc?ai
P. Fur lUtf cold Use., pound ul
UUIiui cand) or llie illlle Uuiae Uu) d
le, .iiinJ li'ic Ulib uul (uo Usal unto we Hait
ian M U- ( '
H Ktv Bee i Oaeuo Oregon isal last
favoied wiib hue hive ol honey bees, in
jood uoikuitf otdtr. They werts biuugh
iioiii lhe AlUtl'.ic Slate via Panama, by John
Oavenpotl, E-p lii really lo be 'hoped
they fimy rlounh. They are paid lo be lhe
liil in lhe lerntory ' ,4 , ,
Population of London, S.M 00.
Aumaii tuio CjohicmU itriub,
. , j -.rssa. rac tuuTi-, i'A., HA'lUKDAY, SK.'TKMIU-.U 23, 10J.
klltCK U.Lllll IN A lltl.MIO.V.
Til- Peturabtirs (Va.) Iriielliiit no r
the fullowinx le' riptinii ol al
iii"Sph-ric plieiii.ineiiiin oh rv.-d by Mr
(I-iUe Kl'intt, the a. ronaul, 111 a lecenl
iipe.oii.sion Iroin the nty :
After he ascente mil Hiree Ih iiKatid
feel he rlisrhanreil some five pounds of bis
ballast, when lie sliol tniwuril and .upward
with amazina rapiiiit) till h" brgiti lo ap
proximate the i l'iti Is. II-'- then ilisi hiireil
S'lont five pounds more of mind, the remain,
tlef ol the iiajr, when he arin rlartetl up
ward anions the clntids, which were sn
dense as lo wholly exclude all terrestrial
o'ljefts from his view, and of course he was
lost to all obsorvers below.
These discharge of ballast 'lislinct-I)-
seen by his visitors, and on the fits! nc
rasion some one eclaimed that the balloon
hail burster).
While oinnng the clomls, lie says it seem
ed to him as it he was in the midst of a
lorgp rjround glass globe, jome two or three
hundred feet in diameter, against the side
of which, opposite to the sun, the shadow
of Ihe Lady Isabella rested, some five or
six times lai'sfer than the corpora! one.
About half way between him and the shad
ow, which seemed as il resting on the gl.-u-s
wa l, another haMoou wa seen of a size be
tween the shadow and the real one, retting
as il in a varmmi, which displayed every
color faithltilly of the original. He then
saw another lilliolt, clad and with leatures
like himsell and seemingly sell-like. He
then extruded his own lingers, when he
was mimicked by this ima'je ; and wheth
er be exte deal one fmg-r or more, or what
ever he did, this fiiii'e duplicated exactly.
When he would 1 atise bis balloon to oscil
late, this haliiKt'l would move exactly like
his. Wneu lie tiir. vv out iimr hjbasl to
eleat.- hims'-ll this li.'ure s'tnk down in
slral of ' lismg with him: and when he
artxe a'uive the t Ion ' into the ravs ol th-
iiiicliiiid''il sun, he iell the mimic aeronaut
below hi in.
In the rays of t!i" S'ln above the cloud
he tbiind it .o vvarm as to cause bun to per
spire Ireely, a state nl heat iievtr lieloie
experienced ut this heiiillt, nearly t wnil t
lour Ihousiiid leet, where the air is ranlied
and generally very chilly. H theis open
ed tile valve for the purpose ol descending
an l as he sink one or two thousand feet,
j which iv asceriaitied by barometrical indi
cations, he .I as tl lie nail entered an ice
I) u.4'', ami .1 cold rln. I seized bis vvhjle
p, rson.
H.-re ariin he met hid mimic aerial voy
ager, whoiii he'ke)t in company for some
tune, IV j m plulosnphical nmtiv-s. When
ever he moved sideways, this mum gentle
ti.ii n would move in the Mine direction.
But when he moved up or. down, the du
plirale would m jve in a directly opposite
way; and when he concluded lo descend,
the image moved upwards until the In-colored was out of sight, when he could
see the car and the aeronaut atili standing
in it as if in a basket attached to nothing,
lie siill kept looking until his head was
Kuaespierred, and finally, piece by piece,
his body, and, at last, his e, t ami baket
ascended out ot sight.
Prob'ssol Elliott says that he hns been up
a Hundred and one limes, but never saw
anv thinsr in the form of an illusion like
thisbeloie: and h" asks the opinions ol
the scientific and learned as to the proba
ble cause of this remarkable phenomenon,
lor the inf n iii i'.ion of the public.
Mas Kiiadktii Br.NTos, wife of Thomas
II rSeniiiti, died in Wa-hnejtim citv. mi M n
dat, in her ainielh veal. Tim Washington
l.tlellilii'lifei a) s :
Her pioTaele.l illness of aeveial years,
which Item ihe first wna kiTown to be with,
nut remedy, vva borne vv jih a patience and
prnpneiy til tienieaoor tnai piuvt-a now ine
noble faciihies and nllectioii may survive
the wreck of th mm I ul frame. 4 0-prived of
utterance, of all her energies, Mrs. Ben'on
siill preserved the b- nring of one whose mind
would not allow the most prostrating afllic
linn lo overthrow 'h fine diameter il had
formed. N" p!' 'f it gave way under the
lung trial lo which il was subjected. The
simplicity of manners, Ihe domestic and so
cial virtues, the generuu high-toned, well
leiiuhited feelings, the religious faith severe
lo limsell, libeial lo all lhe resl of the wotld,
in which she was uuilnred in her father's
house and ninona the Vitgiuia Puritans ol
flo'-kbridae, siood llio lest of Ihirly years,
spent ami 1st Iho fasoionable life of Wash
ington and the predjudicea of it political
iiirife, wiilioul jeproacb. . Her exalted char
acter bote the mor. trying ordeal of a mala
dy which conqneta lhe will nml ollen breaks
down the nobler Hails of the most happily
eniitiitnleil iialnies llieliiling feeling in
Mis B-nton' heart, and stionopat lo Ihe
last, waa her devotion lo her husband. Of
late she sal constantly by hia sido w hen at
hia labor m home, anil indeed Ibeir live
may be said In have been inaepa table, for she
has mnde her home wherevor his business
railed him Sh was reeonci'e.l In P'rl wuh
him on his late return lo Mionn because
ah- waa ion weak lo iieenmpmy him, and
knew that hi dnlv renniredhia preaeuce al
hia hnirm. Whoti sh.i fell 'he approach f
ihe crisia which terminated her life, she led
h-r daiiuh'er to lhe vacanl chair in which
her husband worked, and, by look and e
lure made il apparent that she required his
recall. It wa loo late. She walked lo the
bed in the next apartment, from which she
was never able to rise again.
. Mr Jam-C.mbli, of Tanbnrongb, Cam
dem co., ha a tomato vine nine leet four iu
che hiah, whicb cover a ptice of ihirl).
one lel in circumference, and ba fiom flf.
lean hundrej id two tnoutand tomaUoc up
on it.
science tno ic .avts. agnmituri
IJcleri-cd Articles. I
"al.'; nTI 77,, -...i " " PHICKOPVOAL. I
r-.i r.l. lvnrii-il in I
I tie SilMcmon 01 me miirn -
reqti-sl tu Mi-pending shipnienl, has called
ntnni rous comment Irom the city paper
who talk it ps a conibinalion to keep
up prices,
The I dliiwiil" i an extract
from the Journal 20lh ult.
Th-. amount snnt this week is 75 P35 19
ions-20,47 11 by railroad, a-d 2!5,r,07 OS
h) canal. The railroad has fallen olt, I.B47-
00 ions fioiu lest week, ittid the canal tuts m
creased U 17 Tile, total increase this year,
-o f:ir, ovi'last, ia 394 5C3 17 tons.
The expediency ol aiisp.Midnu! shipments
for al least on? week timing the presenl
uitiiiih is imvv in u.iioii nut nper.i
ttns, Mini lh uiiHliimit) Ihut prevails tttttoiiit
idem in favor of that polit y, hs fur as we
have been able lo learn, pioves huw easily
it could bo accomplished.
"We tiitdeisiainl thai the object of this
pnajiosed movement, which may bo consid
ered rt'liabl) certain, is to suatniii lhe trade
abroad those who have! tip heavy Mocks
of coal al Inyh puces and high freights; and
nl Ihe same lime lo check ceilaiu tflorls be
ing mado nearer home, lo reduce prices lo a
lower liytire lor tho teittniiider of tho season,
which would result in seiious disaster to the
entiro 1 1 !."
The LcJpr, Uraly inloteste.l, il is said,,
a coal pioducer, siys:
"The annual increase in tin' consumption
ol cnal is i sit m I d at ten per cent , vvhicti
would yive 550,000 Ions as lhe. increased
production id 1554 over that ol 1853. From
Ihe lo! o .i in", statement in tho Inst Miner's
Juiiiiial. nt l'ottsville, we leaiu that within a
period nl only ciaht moulhs lhe increase of
coal shipments over the Mine months ol lhe
pieviotts year ha been:
F.o.n the Srhtivlkii: Mines, 394 5J0 tons,
.i ..h'tfli, " 102 04'J do.
' Cuiiibeiland, " 101,601 do.
Vottil, 99.01)0 do.
Th'.s litblo iloes not include the Luckawau
,ia, which would probably swell ihe.amouiil
i cunclhii'i! like 700.000 Inns.
TliB Ledger iilhnle lo
the prnpnsetl I
,ve, k's aiispeitHon" of coal shipmeiils in or-
,1,-r to keep ui) puces, anil alter warmly con-
lemniiig the proposition, says ' if prVsent pri
ces of cnul are sustained It will be by combl-
latiou itrnoiiL' protlucera."
The New Yotk Herald, also commenlmc
un tho expose niatle by tlw Journal, say ot
the coal combination :
"The rogues know that they havo more
conl oil haitil than they can sell; lhat the
.hinmerit of coal Iroin the mines this year that of last year by three quarters ol
it milium of Ions, while Ihe consumption has
not increased over a quarter of a million ; and
ih.U lhe chances are, unless somo new ftaud
is advised In keep up tho piice, what it will
fall before the winter lo $5 or tS6. When
ihereftuo thev urge us lo lay in our winter's
stock nl S7.50 or 38 let us take their advice
in the contrail- sense; buy just what we
iced ' and wait till lhe combination breaks
town' ns il must do, before we fill our eel-
In rei'ard to these strictures the Jour
nal of Saturday last, the 'Jth iiwt., has the
Our rcmaiks laat week were penned in
consequence of the eftori makms ubroa I lo
induce cniisiiineia to hold back. Our Oper-
iioia have atot cumbined lo suspend ehip
menls unless llieie is mi ebsolute necessil)
in do so: but if iMinsnmera will not purchase
Coal f i mn this ilealera, Ihe dealers, in ihe
lui iii ih" usual aiucks of Coal lor winter
i,.tf,i.i a a e u nm runout iii,it.., .,,
sales We can supply the niaikol, and pre
tent anv Inrther advance in the p ice ol
Coal in New Yoik mnl lhe Fast, piovi.lett
thus who have the meant will only piuctiae
their coal now but if the) h ild D.cK, unilur
ihe expectation o' redncinij price, they will
advance the laie hiuhei iluunc lhe w inter
mouths, which will tall mote heavily upon
the niior nnd needy. The Transporting
Companies will not reduce iheir rates; thu
Lehii'h anil Laciiawana win uoi u-ourc,
Ihen why should combinations be fornmd
W II V PlI'Mim jtJIII trpiutt ca ' .
1......1 iii i,. it,. Pre... n. mniDel ihe
HOI".!.!. 111,".:.. .' .-- , -
Individual Optaiors of Sc.bu) Ikill Cuuniy m
reduce their 1 Isil not absolutely unjust!
ii. I in order to disabuse the public, mind on
ibis subject. It may a well Do staii'ii ni
once that the Tiade iiKHR will not tiuis
tu. um.i-s itmi.ess A COBrsfONDIMJ BE
.Lk i iwn .
pan tKS Thy canuot reduce the price ol
. . .i . . . ..r .... i at rti.liii'Mil n cn m IUC I HANSPORTIIIU V-OH
Yo U:crr;:li:;T;ju;;e1n in wages
i i . ..unMiiiinii. alio uiereiuin i
ihev all orefer reducing iheir business one-
third, lo suspend one month, if necessaiy,
snnnor klian disarrange iheir Colliery iw at)-
I- I If .....nKaaur chnni.fl lO IHIIU UdUK.
, i, n.e'se., .late of the Itade. There is
but one opinion hero on the subject: and
ihev u ill be sustained in snclt a coui
, i,-., he sustained iii such a couisn by
hinltiiif? nei-ftuu iu Ihii rea.on 1 heir
men intnrHHl- lhe interest ol Iheir cniiotn
er, and iho intete! or Ihe whole trade de
mand it.
Tl,. .,T, ran sea which pfiect the dome.
tic Coal Trade, Ibis vest, is also observable
in i rut foteigo trade, and piice rule equally
N Can leieci unlet) ta Biatoit, wliulecaj, at SIS CO partial
I'ictuCKil. U
Aultuai'ita Coal, 8 SO do
atiAiL raict :
NewCaatt, ebl. 10S
vdney, " 00
P.6UW, . " 10 00
Ambncite, . . ;, M
A ton of Anthracite Coal i equal io
chaldron of Bitnminoii. Buih Cual aid
Ireigh's ara high in Euglutid aud Nova Sco-
tia. , ' .
Th present dale of commercial affair
i owing in tome dttgree to the imrnoral aitd
illegal bniinesi of ihe atock exchange.
. jtiathm. amuse m ems, rC
, , . TK"TE ' .
A brief obsnrvatinn of the appottiirii
- a- I K am ll... !... & .fi . . . 1 1 . . .
, " . ' , " , . , . "S"""
iuviri;, una ciiituieu US lO IIUiM'O 1 .10 ttuItlllQ
i,u ,., ! tt.h,..h trori'th I... k !
raycj (ur lhe prtil whj(,h commpm.tll iere
,, ,h0 26 h Instant. The aru of tho ground
enclosed for ihe piuposo ia .twenty-five Betes
uf''i whirh Iiavn been erected a number nf
substantial tiiiildiua, and a i iilmosi inlpimm-
able line ol stables, te. The ccnlic litill,
lacing lhe visiter as he. enter th enclosiuo,
is ik-voted to the Mechanic Aits, and is SCO
feet hum by 90 wide. The southern, hall lor
Hutiiculluial and Flunil put poses is V50 feet
lona l) 50 in Wfl'h The lioilhcrn hall, in
tended for the exhibition nf Agricultural Iin-
plirnetits, is 160 leet, 60 wide. There
aie, besides, three lelrt'sh tietit houses; two
each 140 leet lun ; 30 wide; mid Ihe smal
ler one for ice cream and oilier purposes, 40
leet in leiioih. Hauyed mound lhe grounds,
upon the outer edge of tho cucloruie, and
neatly constructed 49S cattle lalls; 113
horse stall, and 120 pen for sheep, pigs, &c.
The stalls and pen aie built in such a man
ner that lhe animal are effectually protected
in case of unfavorable weather, yel at the
same lime can be conveniently examined by
visiters. A large number of coops for chick-
nus have also been constructed. The ai-
ranifemenls for a supply of water during Ihe
exhibition, are of the most liberal character.
Eighteen hundred feet of lead pipe are be-
in laid thronjhoul lhe grounds, and a I nun.
lain will shortly be placed in u conspicuous
position. Near the entrance are erected two
officers, manauers, ect., of tho Fair, There
are other notioeible features wii hiti ihe en
closuie, but our hasty view of the place pre
vented particular notice of them. Suffice il
io say, that lhe prepaialiou made for the
Exhibition are ol lite most credilabledescrip.
lion, and calculatetl, upon the occasion of the
Fair, to attract to our city thousands of visi
ters from the interior of the Pennsylvania.
and from adjoining Slateo. Il will be the
finest agricultural exhebitinn ever witnessed
i t the old Keystone State.
The Constantinople correspondent of lhe
London Times gives tho following account ol
the last etriioule ol Lieuteiinniit Buike, whu
lell at Gutrgevo :
Mi. Burke's body was fonud nfler tho nc
lion in w hich he lust his lite with no leaslhau
33 wounds upon it. The Russinne had taken
his sword belt, but his swntd nas found hid
den in some long grass close to the corpse.
The ring fjnger of the both hands was cut off
He was sepn by the s tpper who wenl wuh
n.m, lighting desparately lo Ihe last, though
I .nrioutuled by a horde of Russians. Whon
I he litst leapt on shuie from the boat six sol
I .tiers charged on him. Two he ahot with his
I revolver, one he cut down with his sword-
the rest turned ami fled. While he was en
cuuiaging iheTuiks, who were iu the slteam
I o'io'.v quietly lo Ihe Uiu.l, and forming them
tu a line as I titty landed, conspicuous ns h
was in full uniform and by his white cap cov
I er, a number of riflemen advanced from b
hind a ditch, and look deliberate aim at Lim
Poor Buike charged them with headlong gal
lantry. A he got. neat was atruck by a ball,
which broke his jaw bone, bu! he rushed on,
shot ihiee men tlead at close quarter with
his revolver, and clept two men through (he
Helmet and all into lhe brain. He was then
Mirrouuded, and while engaged in cutting
ins way with heroic coinage through the
auks of Ihe enemy, a sabie cut from behind,
given by a dragoon as he went by, nenily
severed his head from hi body, and fell dead,
envcred with bayonet wounds, sabte gashes,
! and mitiked with laiico thrusts and bullet
holes. Tho snppsr who was wiih him stood,
bv Mr. Bnrke till the last, but could not save
h in. He is now only recovering fiom his
wuu-id and lh effect nf his exertion.
Sacbamento to iNnEt'r.sDKNCE is Elicits
Days ' On or about about Ihe 12. h of Ananst,
Mr Jnhu Blaxelun will start from Sacramento
for Independence, Miasouri, on a wager of
fered by hime'.f lhat he will accomplish lhe
I ... . TI
louruev vvithui eleven days. The proposition
to attempt ibis remarkable Teal u to bold a one
;s ,illt ew at first will believe that il seriously
made. Telegraphic dispalche can lie trans
mitted through him fiom Inde peudance to
New York and all parts of the Lnion Should
he realize his expectations, news will be con
veyed across the continent from San Francis
I co to New York in le.s .ban twelve da,.!
A Little Hr.aotNK O.i Friday, dnrinj a
re ft, g,uok ville. Jefferson co., Pa., a Mis
. . . . . .
I ' " r
was absent at the lime gathering plums
having left her babe in charge of a small boy.
When it was known that the baby was still
in Ihe house, a little gill of 12 or 14 year ol
age, named Amelia Falely, lushed llnungh
the unuka aud flame, up Ihe ilaira, and
(ucceedud in aaving lhe child, and took care
of the liitlo iiiuoccitt utill it mother' te
An unknown uiavenouaH monster i com
muling leirible depiedaiions amoung the
sheep ut the town ol Suinnei. Vt II hat
already destroyed, upward ol $1000 worth
A looorooiiA recently exploded on the
railroad, near Mobile, killing Mr. Roger, the
engineer, aud severely wounding several oih
er .
A divina, onoa praying, said, ,lOh, Loid
give u neitber poveiiy nor net ," and
pauaiiig aoUmuly motneot, ha advW, "
pftio'ly f nrerry.
1 , . i
OLD SERIES,- VOL. 14, NO. fi3
the mors wfitwacd - -
The hitelligepctj rcupectiria iho cr-.u ".tto
rrrHvn-(la'ily 'rrior ei.i'i,'tnt.nT.,r, -f-t,..;. i
but liiii,, room lhat; while .tie Crop
is nut so abundant at usual, if i Vt ittrttifFi
fienily au 0 faect all ihe ' demand fof
otinaumptinn lhat are likely to ailse. Theru
i also a largo amount of old corn on hand
The demand fiom Europe and California lid
lunger exists, for both have been purplied b?
iheir own home crops. A letter burn P. ru,
(lud .) say ihe com crop through thai reai-i '
is belter Iliau tho average for sum'e )ean'
previous, both in the quantity per acre n:i f
tho iiun.bur of acre cultivate t. The low-.r
pappt rlay nil crops in thai Slate ate (ibiui-
daiil. In Wisconsin ihey were never surpas
sed. The Boston Journal says, it learns liotri
A gentleman who ha just beL'n through Illi
nois, Iowa, . Missouri and Wisconsin, that
there w ill bo a full average corn crop -mine
th.'.ii an average in the (iurlh and a little les
in lhe luuth, but full crops in all part w hut
hogs are grow n. The corn on lhe praiicrf
looks remaikably well; the repmts lhat
have bien in the states referred lo originated
mostly with those who have ccin and hogs'
to sell. He is satisfied that there will be 25
per cent, mote hogs packed in lhe foui States
ubovo named than an average, and a large
increase over last. In portions of New York,'
w here il was feared lhat corn and potatoes
wero ruined, the papers ay the yield is bet
ter than expected. Tho Out crop also prove
to have been much belter than expected,'
nnd prices begin lo fall, Fiom all these ac
counts, it i evident lhat dearth did not do so
much injury n was feared. A correspondent
of the New Yoik Journal of Commerce, who'
has ber n on a tour to lhe West, says :
''Yuu may put it down as a seliled faet,
ihat we have mora grain of all kind limn
there ever has been a maiket for, afi-i
more than will be wnntcd or can bo sold
at present prices, without a great foreign
demand; and if Ihe produce operators are
basing thair calculations oh a short crop,
they will find themselves wofully mistaken.
Every avenue is choked with grain the
uiilroads, one and nil, are ovenun w Ih
Brain thero is nut half capacity enough to
do the business. The warehouses and mill ,
and cars are full of grain, and it. Can't be
got lid of fast enough lo make room for
what, is pressing to market. Corn, on the
UUnos river, is offered at a wide margin for
profit, because them are not facilitici 10
ship il.
We have frequently, within Ihe last Ivvo"
or three )ears, culled attention to the Impor
tance and profit of cultivating the eranbeny,
and are glad to know ihat agitation of the
subject ihiough the cnlumns of the press has
resulted in the greatly increased production
of ibis healthy and palatable fruit. Mr. John
Carroll, whose farm is iu the neighboihnnd
of Long-a-coming, Camden county, N J , has
lanled out ffvo actes of his upland which
is galheted in iho wild estate fiom' the '
swamps, a portion bf which are in full bear-
ing. They are planted iu squares, nne-anit-
half by two feet apart, and cultivated as
cmvi and pointed. The sets spread very
fast, and would soon cover tho entire ground
if they were nol restrained by cultivation,
which Is necessaiy, iu order lo prevent the
Miii fioiti being haul and baked. Oil maiatl
laud, or on soil that retains moisture with;
out cultivation, ihey may be allowed to tnti
into a compact mass, i.s they soon wiM, com-
tletely covering lhe ground and loieing
ever) thing else out of giow lh. Mr, Carroll'
I is high, and of a dry sandy toil, and
part ol Ins patch al perfection, ho suj
pi Hi's he will gather this tail at least tu e
liuudied bushel of maikeiable berries
worth lium $300 tu (500. Cultivated ora,.
berries aie gi tally Miperior in flavor aid
piality lo ttius-j gruwii in a wild state, ,u,i ,
consequently , command better piices. Tire't-t
rj few fitrin praducl ihil pay a well for
Ihd amount ol labor required us lhat ot tit';
culture ol cr.'ilibr tries, and we me glad to
chronicle she fact of gradually increasing
attention tu the business. Mr. C. oilers to
furursh sets to I hose desiring ihem, and we
ate informed a stand or place is about to ba
stablished in this city, where they will ba
exposed for 'sale.
Dakcin(I. Daniel Websler being present
at a ball in Washington, during hi incum
bency as Secretary ol State, was asked by an
elleiniuate foppish soil of a chap, who thought
a good deal ot hi of own dancing : "Don't
you dance, Mr. Webster 1 I never see you
dancing." "No," aid Mr. Webster, a only
he could say and look such thine "1 never
had ihe capacity to learn how, sir."
1'iiii.psoriiT roa Mechanics. A corrc.
pouilent of the Loudon Builder cays that
houses shuuld be painted in iho autumn'
wood wotk painted iu October, he aya, looks
bettei at the end of four years than, If pain
led in June, it would at lhe end of two.
Tm Choleka at Bar dadoes. A late
letter front Barbadoo, speaking of the- recent
ravage of the cholera ayt : Up u ih is lime,
I believe wa have lost from cholera ome 13,-
000 or Qm in tight tfth ttxtn pofulitic ;
and esrQ now I believe to death throng
our" tha laland average fully 100 pr Bay.
1 never heard cf choleia proving fil
quickly aa it ha here.
K voting woman of CoU county, Illii s
rettenlly proMDted hr hubaiid wiih
.... . i .u Tk:. bat fit
children al one bulb I . 4 ai .
cnuuren at one uum i .
foil iu tka.liet, o lhrc i 'f"
fore, what ah Biav h P' " r
ilntty, Juno 14,