ii i mvijmm&mmmmmmmmmemwrmmrm'mmmmmwri ims wis unaisi 1 1 manna SUNMUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOK1N "JOURNAL. Poetry THE ANCIENT TOMBS. We seldom meet with nevrspaper poetry t all comparable with the following, which we chanced lo meet with in the Christian Advocate. The author ia an original correa pondent of thM paper, and appear a too mod eat even to aaaume a fiitilioua gignature, while If we judge correctly hie real name ahould not be unknown to fame: They riae on isle and ocran'e shore, They stand by lake and stream, And garnish many a shepherd's tale, And many a pool's dream. Where daikly waves tho northern pine, . Where bright the myrtle blooms, And on the desert's trackless sands, Arise the Ancient Tombs. The hands that raised them, long ago, In death and dust have slept. And long the grave hath sealed the founts Of eyes that o'er them wept, But si i II they stand like ocean rocks, Amid the passing waves Of generations, that go down To their forgotten graves. for many nn eaily nation's steps Have passed from hill and plain; Their homes are goup, their deeds forgot, But still their tombs lemain ; They tell, when time hull) left no trace 01 lowers or storied page, To latest times, how glorious was Kanli's holy heritage. They tell us of tho lost and mourned, When earth was new lo tears, The burd that left his loneful lyie, The chief that left his spears: Ah. where their lights of love and'famo, On those dark alters shed, To keep, undimmed, through time and change, The memory of the dead. If so, alas for love's blight tears And for ambition's dreams, For earth has kept their monumenTs, But lust the sleepers' names; They live no more on history's scroll Or song's inspiring breath, For alters raised to human lame Have turned to shrines of death. But from your silence, glorious graves, What myslio voices rise, That thus through passing ages speak Tboir lessons to the wise. Behold how still the world rewards Her brightest, as of yore ; For then she gave a nameless grave, And now she gives no more. l'E.WSYLVANIA AKTIIRACITK COAL IP! LUKDU.V. The Railroad Journal learns thai a move tnent is about being made lo introduce nn thracitecoal into use in London, and arranr menls are in piogress for the importation of H into jngmnd irom Pennsylvania. It is aaid lhal the English bituminous coal is re tailed there this summer at seven dollars twenty-seven cents ; that last winter it was retailed at ten dollars eighteen cents per lorn end will probaly be higher the coming win. ler. The writer suggests thal wilh ouf An. thracite coal, our grates for burning it could be sent, as they difler somewhat from those now in use in London. Stoves, he believes, will not be tolerated in England, but the grates will be accepiable- He concludes by Baying that "Londoners, he is convinced, will give the thing a fair trial, and it only wants this to make them give up revelling in their own smoke." He has been in this country and understands I ho subject well, particularly the difference in the quality in the two coals If their Bituminoua coals eel! at the above prices, the greater durabil ity of our Anibracite must certainly render it far more economical to the people of London. A FFAirts at St. Peteusburo. The Jour nal of Commerce has an interesting letter from St. Petersburg, which after giving us an inkling of what is going on ll.ere, in refer ence to the war, says: The exaggerated reports which appear in English and French journal in regard to tho condition of St. Petersburg, are often so ob. viously untrue as not even to merit contra diction. Such are Ihe foolish stories that Nicholas, the Emperor, is insane; that Count Nesselrode has been hissed in the streets, and that Ihe Heir Apparent to the throne, in conjunction wilh many leading noblemen, has entered a solemn protest against the fur Iher prosecution of tho war. All tidings from St. Petersburg tend to show that these and many similar stories are not even founded upon fact; but as jet the court, tho nobility and the people, remain united in the deter mination of firm resistance to Iheir foes. A watch was lately sent by mail from Pensaoola Flon'da, to Bangor, Maine, to be repaired nnd sent back again by the same conveyance ; and tho whole expense was five dollara and sixty centa less than the price asked for the same repaira at Pensacola. The total number of killed during the St. Louia riot was ten, and some of the wounded, al last advices, were still in a dangerous con. dition. It is estimated that 2000 pistols and S00 bowie knives were sold in the city while the riots were in progress. liTJmEIl'SCOENER." Anawer to laat weeks EniSnia-TiiK Upaovsiesia"l! cxsuav. For tha Buubury Anwiicaa aeoGRAPIIICAI, ENIGMA. I am composed of 20 tettcri. M a"; ! o.' My 19 14 11 1. . ' Alll"'"e Oceaa. . "un,1" '. Mr 1 is i is u ei.. ... i. '. My 13 7 7 13 HO IS ,3 ,4 iao... of ih. . W ray l IS 13 le 1. . ealabratad ialau4 in ih7Tw My U II . 4 is a di,i.oa r Zi" Mv KDIIii.ui,,!.,. uu- My 17 Is 1 1 ia s ulf iu Earopa. MrllHMlllju.clrfi,!,,, anaansea, w Ma 1 I 1 1 ia 1 county In ludiana - My SO 4 T 14 1 W is a eouuly in Kantucky. My waole wa. a highly diuU.jaiahwJ pulot of tka a anariaan rovul a lion . JOHIT V. MARTIN, MKIICHANTTAILOH, RESPECTFULLY informs his euatomer. u. b.s Just r.i " '" city a new and complete assortment 01 Mtn$ Wtaring Jppartl, which he will make up to order, . 'P any other eeisblishment in the lh best in IhS i iinu"i"" "", .,u 'a M-rsclle. and : fc Vesting.. other fcinen. ror o. ., ;--, - : . r, . la. Tirrk Tina, and a Cloths, LiMinii "" T. . variety of other articles for Mens wear. Sunbury, June iu, to-" Spring nml Summer (Joods ! Peter w. Gray NFORMPjIiis fiieuds (lint he has just received a good assortment of Hiirins and Puinmor Goode at his .Store in W'horilcbcrry street. His stuck consists of DRY GOODS. VIZ : Cloths, Csssiincrs, ."-'ntlinclts, Jeans, Drillings, uarages, Uarnga ijo Lames, Ginghams, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla .SilkM, Summer Shawls, Dress Trimming ami nil items in the Dry Goods line. Also, a arse assort met of SllOON fur Men Women and Children. Summer Huts. Groceries oTcvcrj- variety, Teas, CoflVo, Sugar, Molasttes, Spites, Salt, Fish, Ac. fin rd ware. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs, Buckets, Wash Hoards, Brooms, Brushes, Sce. Qi'F.r.xswittr. a general assortment. Country produce, taken at tho highest market prices. Sunbury, June 3, 1851. tf. or Tasteless Salts, Prepared bv WEiSER & BRUNER. This prcpaiation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine is highly bencliciul for diseases peculiar to summer and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 154. Colored Window Glass. W. MOWBRAY k CO., OUTH West corner TENTH & HUNTER 5 Sts., would renpectfully invite the altention of Merchants, Builders and others to the beauti ful variety of work produced at their establish ment, consisting of STAINED WINDOW GLASS, suitable for Hotels, Enloons, public and private buildings; Churched Ornamental Stained Glass, Transoms and Siile Lights for Vestibules, Balcony, Piaza and Stuircaae Windows. Also, I.ead Basil and .S'luincd Glass for Churches, Scriptural Figures and Altar pieces, accurately worked up to order, and furnirlicd in any part of the United States. Flocked enameled and matted decorative Church Window (ilnas executed in Gothic and other architectural styles, and competent work men sent to any part of the Union. Ordors from a distance promptly answered. N- B. An Agent wanted for this place. I'hila., July 23, 1854. 3m. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCAKTV, Bookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American . LEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in tho United tales. By Coi.mnson Rrr.n, Esq., Ipsae hgis viva vox With notes and additions, together with a shor system ot conveyancing, liy A. Jordan, Pres ident Judge of Ihe Eighth Judiciul district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shiudel, of the bar of Northumberland county Hinre the publication of tho book, the following letter has bean received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg : If ianuBt nn, June 30, 1853. Gexti.kms.y : After a careful oxiiminatiou sf your "Amer icau pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in cx pressing my entire approval of the selection and competition of the precedents thus offered to the public. I he legal pru!ciion in 1 ennsylvunia stunds in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of bueiiic?s, and the practice of the courts, l our forms ot declarations being. to a great extent, founded on the acts of astembly, will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our slate. Yours, with great respect, JXO.J. PEAKHON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. hindcl, Esipiiies. W. McCabtv, Esq., Dear Sir: I received more than a jesr sgo a copy ot "lteed.s J'leadera Assistant improved I by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with soma care voon afterwards, and bavo bad occa. sion to uso it several times since. I think it de. culcil ly valuable aa a luunurl for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not heeituta to recommend it. If it were cenerully used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in mutters which are often very carelessly done. I am very truly yours, ore, J. S. BLACK. I also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist. ant, and have exumiiicd it sufficiently to enal le me lo concur very heartily in the above commen dations by tho Chief Jutitice. GEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1851. 8uubury, July SO, 1854 A1MUEL W. PEPPER aeccassoa to HENRY J. PEPPER & SON, Wntchei, Jewelry & Silver Ware, No. 175 Chestnut St., opposite tin Slate House, PBXX.ADBZ.rUZA. Phila., May 27, 1854 ly. ILEV'S COLO CAXVY. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale tt this office. December 4, 185t. KY GOODS Cloths, Caaaimers, batlinelt, Vestings, Tweed, Summer cloth, Velvet cord, Tickings, Check, Muslins, Ae. juat recei ved for and sale by I. W. TUNEK & CO. Sunburv, April SJ. 1804 AUIES' Dress Goods. Boring and Summer A Shawls, b luck silk, silk poplins, De Laiue, Ginghams, De bsae. Lawns and calico, just re ceived and fur sale by . WM. A. KNAUB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1831. TLANiC Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons c., for sole by H. B. MAbSER. anbury Apri 86, 1851.-. GR H l-RIES 8egars, Coffee, Molasses 8m.., ou Brandy. Gin, Wine, Macker . Ilervirg ,ua 8,U( jua ivfi ,a for ta v . WM. A. KNABfl. A CA11D. rtllXION'S PATBSJT i : Ventilating Furnace. J'HB nlMrrllMr would aaH lh Mtenlloa rtf ll partis, ran'tlrine a aVairahle I LHNAl K. to VIIII.HN'a) XK.IHIATKD YVARMINU AND VKNT1I.ATIN0) AI'PAKATfU. The reputation of this Pnraaea la now wJI known, havhia; hfni lntmduetl, tlmliie; tl.a past five yrnrs. Into alK.nl I.VM pnhlle IniiMina-a. awl morel nan Ptssl private dwellinfrai this, Ufther wilh IImi ImnwHia, ItwransatS aalra every virar, ia Ihe beat evidence ttta! cau be adduced of ita superfluity over all other furnarea. II y the nee of Cailsnn'a Furnace, yu aecer tint follow hie ailvatttnfrea : .. ;. l-'asa Vk.tii.atiu. 1'vke Am the Iwwiine; surfaces fceinf al a tsiaparaturt Hint will not diasccnte tlir air. KcnnnMicAi. t'ss ov Vest. Oihat Uvsabiliti lMi(t made enlirrly of Oast Iron, not liitlile If. rust, will require norctwira tltit inaj a lifetime; it ia enailjr mnttagerl, ami will not exrvtae Ihe huilili.ta in which it ia placed tu ilnuger frtnn lire like Ihe utber lurna cel. hnve llie leliinouinls of hi.itdrr.la of lite mnrt iwi eittilir turn, to altcitt lolhe truth of llienNive alHleincnt, all of wliotti pMllounce it Ui Iw ttifi.lediy Ihe Itert runnier yet invented, for producing n pure mid healthy ntn.nfl. pliere. We herewith annex Ihe unities of a few well knoivil and eminent I'mfcaora, who hnve uml them, ihhI ktndlv fnniislied tta their tmniea aa referetieea : l'mf. John S. Ilnri, I'rof. Pnrker, I'rof. N'nrlon. Prea. Wm. II. Allen, I'rof. Paraom, I'rof. Dana. I'rof. H. Silliniun, I'rof. It ipley, NIXE SIZES. We have mlrotjured, thia jenion, five new aizei ; i tlmt all pur lira amy nvuilthenwelcraof thia fr.ent improve ment at a very moderate coat. We are now prepared to furnUh an appnrntua to warm a amgle iin.iii, or the lur- eeai puinic imiiuiiig in trie country. .i". i. I'orintna. complete, S. 35 4.S 49 00 TO HI 111? 9. 4. S. 3. 4. " for Brickwork, .... (. .... Hxtra Rottiator, (including Bar ana Trench I'latrs.) s. . Thia Xo. 0 ia ttie lurceM and mrwt powerful Vntiutce ma'lr in titer iiintry, nml is nriintrniily nriuptrd for Church es nml other Inrge cIiim l)tiiltlita.'S- We continue lo aril the nppirntns at thr anm price na when first introilticctl, five yenra atro Although the prc Pent llifctll price of iron hi. il'icrrrtaril thril cat 2.) percent. owing1 to their Brent wetuhl, attll vc tire ennhleil, by Ihe. grrnt inrreitnc of mlea, to fnrnmli Ihe mticlr nl the lo'weRt possible, price. One. Knnnilry nlone, Aleasra. Wnrnick .V r.eihraii.tr, hnve contracted to furnish us wilh 5C0 Ions nf Furnaces thia aenson, so Hint we ore now prejinred to furnish them wholrsnls or retail. We snperinlrnd the erection of all Furnaces, when required, and warrant them in nil cases. METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE. We have alio the nmst complete Conking Hnnpe tlmt has yet bcrii introduced, to which we rut! the attention of nil who niuy wish to secure the moid perfect ond doirnhte Ciiikinsr nppamtus ever invented. EMERSON'S PATENT VENTILATORS. W't are Ihe only Atents in Pensvlvnnia for the tnnnufae ture nml a-itc of this Ventilator, which is ocknowledned to lie Uie only pal Im't Ventilntor ever ini.de for coriecllnrr the dr.-incht. in smoky ehiunites, and f..r ventilating build ings of nil kinds. As there nre a sreitt ninny unltnttoua of this vnlunhle nrticle now olltrml for sale, parties will be careful to exniuinc (but it has the Kiiierso.i llirlgc ntlurheit. PATK.NT RUGISTKH8 AND VKXTILATDUS. We have the largest and most complete nssortment of Hot Air Kefisters and Ventilators to lie found in the Uni ted Stalca. I'artiea who wish to purchase, either for pri vate use or wholesale, will find it greatly to their advan tage to examine our stock. PI.ATF. AND inON MANTLES. We hnve nlwnya on hand un extensive assortment of these beautiful Miiutles, in exact imitation o" F.gyplion, Spnnish, Gnlwny, 8iennn, nml olhar rare mniMca. OPK.N CKATF.8 For An.tir.ieite nnd llilumiiioiia Cial. Also, an entire new Pattern of ihe low d;vn nrule. nindr from tho Eng lish Patterns, nml entirely new in this country. SOL AOI'.NTS for the F.nglixh Kneniiatie Fliniring Til.. Ijarukirk Chimney Tops, nnd Tena Cotla Orno liieuts, anuli aa Itnrdr.i Vuses, e. Pcraons niton! huiUling. Would do well to rxaiulne our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Visitors, whether pnr-chHsino-or ih.t. are corduiily welcomed at our extensive Wurerooms, nnd where we should be happy to furuihh any information respecting any of our goods Ihnt mny be desiried. A Insik on Wnriuing tmd V'entilalnig enn lie had gratuitously at our stoic, either personally, or by Let ter, . 5. A. IIATtRlfON, Warming nndVenliiating Warchnnsr, 110 Walnut !t , lielnw Mtxlh, Phil idelpliin, Phila., May S, l1 8m New Goods for the People ! BENJAMIN 11KFFNK11 IJESPECTFULLV informs the public in geu--' eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring ami Summer iloodg at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.' His stuck consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and. worsted. ALSO . CnllcocH, Ginghams, Lawnn, BIoUMBCliiic De lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries), Also an assortment of Hardware, Iroii and Steel, Nails, &c. Alao nn eiccllent assortment of QTIEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assnrtment of IIOOTH & SHOES. H ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, ..N-c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trude, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. 1" Country produce taken in exchange the highest prices. Lower Augusts, Msv 6, 1854. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Fiom the Franklin lumtitutc, Phibttlt-lpliia, from tbt American liutiiute, New York, and FIVE FIUST PUEMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 iV 1GG Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mass. and Wcstfield, Mass. Portrait Painting and Talhotyping, in the highest slate of perfection, done iu all the above Establishments. Sky-Lights used in all the establishment,!. Miniatures taken equally as well by them in cloudy as iu clear weather. Phila., May 27, 1854 tf. JAMES B7GGS, Jr., CHAIR & PURITITTJRE Ware rooms, No. 82 95 North Front Street, Above Areb, - PHILADELPHIA. TJF Chairs, (Settees, Bureaus, Uedsleade, Ta bles, Lnokiug-Glasscs, Blonds, &c., in every va riety, sold ut the lowest prices for Cash. Phila., May 27, 1854 4m. ------- To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. H. U. MASSER, Pres't Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. fcunbury, June 3, 1854. tf. AT8 AND CAPSrA. splendid lot of lasluonable Milk. Woo - and f ur Hals, aUo Clth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for sale low by ' ' ' O. ELSBERQ 4 CO. urket street, opposite the Post Ollice. Sunbury, Oct 8, 1853 GOLD PENS wilh and without cases, of a very suiierior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sals ly , H. II. MASSER. bunbury, Dec 27, 1851. TJATENT BRITTANIA 8TOPPERS for p liar bottles lor sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April. IS, 1851 WANING VLAXaCS of every description cm be had Vy MttJW "rT vVf uaaeinre ai we yimerirwr. ' AtTENTlON! For the Dletr6p6litnn Clothing Store of O. ELBBERQ ft CO., Markit Strut, opporit tht 1'oit Office. VE have juat feeelveil and on hand now the T " moat beautiful, largest tnd beat aamrted stock of ready-mails Clolhinff adapted t Hprtna; and Summer wear ever before brought Into Sunbury or nny place In thia section of the coun try. Ouf Clothing; made by the best hands and under our own supervision, we know will Rive entire satisfaction to buyers, i Blill anlherinn to oof old motto "CAeito for Co..," wo'll dispose of our goods reasonable rid rapidly. All wo any is t coinn, examine and price our goods and we feel sure you'll buy. We offer you at Ihe very lowest prices every ininginiil le variety of Coats, A'ests and panto, cut in the lawt fashion and warranted to til. Cloths, coinimcrcs, sattinetts, linens, drilling, jenna, silks, sulins, and all other kind made into Clo thing. ' Also a Inrc assortment of Dools and fshnes j among these a splendid variety of ladies shoes, ladies and gents gaiters, eVc. 1 SILK HATS, ' Panama, I'alnilcnf, Pearl and all oilier Hats and Caps we have a great variety of. Alwi a ttreat lot of trunks, valises and carpet bags for sale cheup JEW ELK V. We have a splendid lot nf watches, and all kind of Jewelry suitable fur ludivs and gentlemen. PISTOLS. All kinds of Revolt era, double and sinule i '.nrrl licll. A ...1 .,., . Ul.;,,. Col.... ....1 t.vi". . m n in L.ur, p., vutluio niiu all other goods generaily kept in our line con be j found at our store, all of which we intet'd to sell I at the very lowest price. Don't forget the place, U. LLSULKli & Co. ' Market Square, opposite the Post Ollice. Sunbury, May 0, 18.t. llidilv 7 Intercstm" News ! rTHE information brought to us by tljn stcam ship Asia of the sudden decline of Flour, Indian corn, Ac. iu Europe, is no doubt interest ing to some, and therefore it must be also inter esting to a great many others te know that while there it so much fluctuation in tho price of lirendstufl's at home and abroad, there is nothing to effect the low price nf tho Large and Excellent Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CL0TII1FG, just received by S. Bchnurman & Co., and on hand at there stoic On the corner vf Market and Faint Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where they will be pleased to wail upon all thnso who wish to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a frersh supply tif Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, which they have purchased ot a very low price at Philadelphia and therefoic can afford to sell to their customers at the most reasonable prices. They still, (after some experience in business') cling to the good motto, "ctiKsr roil cash. Call and see for yourselves. K.SCH.NCRMAN & CO. Riiiibnrv, May 0, 1854. This Way ! This Way ! ! Soring nnd Summer Goods. rRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers and Ihe public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbuiy. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimercs. Sattinets, Vesting, Flannels, U'ollens, tyc., And nil kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also n splendid variety nf LADIES DKKSS &; FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, ', licruges, And every variety of goods suitably for La dies wear. Also a largo assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an rxtonsive assortment of Hats and Caps run Men and liovs. Also a large assortment of CillOCUKlLlS, St'Cll AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a tresh supply of DKIU9 AND MF.DICINM. Besides the largest and most general assnrt ment of all kinds of goods lo be had iu this place. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price, riunhury, May 13, IS54. W. ft. S1UCKM4X. TllnkMS OKIU.. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, GENERAL Commission iHcvdjant 35i N OUT II WHARVES, Philadelphia. REFERENCES. Tlvis. Itichardson & Co. Philadelphia. A. G. Cattell & Co. " Ruttcr & I'atteson, " Charles Ellis & Co. " Durgiu & eious, " Phila., April 8, 1 85-1. ly. FJIRDJAVCS PATIA'T S t 1 1, 1: s , Sold at their WAREHOUSE, No. 225 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Farmers' SCALES, sot in any purt of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short notice. Phila., April 8, 1854. Cm. liosendale Hydraulic Cement. An excellent article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses and Cellars, AN I) for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by CHARLES SHEPAKU SMITH, Corner of Front and Willow Sts. liuilroad. Philadelphia, April 22, 1804. ly. DOCTOR JOSEPH w7 CAMERON! JESI'ECTFl'LLY informs the citizens of Ihe llorough of bunbury and vicinity, that he has permananily located himself in auid Borough ; and offers his professional services to those who may wish to employ him. For the present he can be found at Weavers Hotel. Sunbury, March II, 1854. if. w. i i:i:n a, co., ; SUNBURY. PA.. .'if- 1 .: I- . - 1 , ; AVE juat received a fresH supply of nw 1.. r , . .. ir ...... uuwki': Aiiuir uieiiiia aim uie puU lie are respectfully requested to call and inspect them., 'f'htiv will Iia anl,! fliaat. (if 1 i. j . . ...-h. vaults, auiva Mid small profits" is still their motto., Sunbury, Pa., April S3, 1854. r6CK8ZrETgh7day and 30 hour IroTTSnd Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Raisins, and Prunes, just received and for ,e b ' WM. A. K.NADU. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. CULVER WATCHE8.-A few double case , fcngliah Silver Watches, for sale at very low v 7 . H- B- MAS81?K. gMITirs ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. ltR, a fxesh supply just received, and for MWbyi . ...MU. B,MA8ER. onhuty, tn. 10, USi. ' CHERRY PECTORAL: rr Ilia Car COUOH8, COLD8, HOARSENESS, BR02T , OHITISf CROUP, ASTefet MCA, WHOOPING OOT7QH A2TD CONSUMPTION. TOCUHK A COM), with hadacb and ffoKii nf the biHly, tnk Uie C'iikrhv Pncthral on Being tu led, r "wcni uuniip ui 11115 1 u. rcm A Oni.u khj Nmtin, tnkcit mum. tut, ii'mimnil f.Vt" ilttitf, nvonnlmt to (lirectitniK on the It-iltte. miff the ililtlrnl. v will toon 1m rnnnvrd. Nuite wili iuflt-r fr"in this Imuhle when they find it rim liem rviulily rtirnl. l'lTH'iit utllicti-il wilh a Rtmltil cotiyh, whirh hrenkv thrm nf thrir runtot night, Wilt fimt, ly inking the Cherry Pertnnil on ffniitp t lied, tliey iiHiy be mire ol'friuml, miUnken Btppp, nml t'tii('(ncnHy f-frt'fhinpr r-t. limit rvMi fnmi suller- itig, iuu tin titlitiiatr cure, in iiH-ifdul to tliouaunda wlin in lluin iittlirti 1!, by tins invaluable ri nii-tlv. Frtiin lis nrtf-nlile rTrrt in Ihefe rna'. many find tht-1 imc Ives unwilling to fttreyo its une when tlio necvuity 1(K II HUH Cl'IlSfd From two viriiwnt Plivnirimis in ' KavrtVicvim.. Ttntn . At.rit I A. IK1 fir We lmv jriven your Cherry Ptetorl an cixteimiVe niui in ur jiiiiciicf, nun mm it 10 snrpuffn every oinei re medy we huve for curing nflVrti-mn of the reinit'rv or Kn.. DICMKH tt HAMPTOX. TOSlXOnnSAXU PUl.lCfPKAKKKS this remedy is hiviiluiiHt, hi by lis iietiution tlielhrotitiiiiil hine;i, when tiiken in mnll ttiaiinticn it reinovesnll honiBeiieM iu it few ii miib, aim i'iinin i u ii) iiiuruilSCB ifitr niw.r iiiiu iirAiuiiiiy Of (lie Vt'ICP. ASTII.MA is tr-nenilly mnr-h rrlirvi'd, nnd oficn wlnifly etin-a uy hirry rwdrti. lint in err nre S'me r;iBono nh. siinnte ns to yield entirely t'i ir niwlicine. Cherry Pecto rul will en re ihrin, it thv c;m lie cured. IlKONCliri'lS, nr iriiiiitmn oi ihe Ihnmt nnd nppi'f poii mil 01 me niitt!!, limy ite rnreu ny Liking uiierry re to ml in stimll und iri'fiK'nt dnscs. The uircomtorinble op prt'mii is stHin rrni'vt n. Rev. Dovt. 1sASIN(J, of npoktyntNev Yirk, slntes: 'I have seen the Cherry I'winrj'rl eme such eases of As! hum nnd Hrourhh if us lendK me to believe it can rarely fail to eure lhw: diansies.n POIl CHOI.' P. (five nn cmetie of nnfhnony, to Im lolloweil by larpe unit i'rtnnl ilnsi1 of the Cherry Pwtn inl, mud i' subdues the dismse. ll Uiken in season, it will li"t fail to cure. WHOOPING COrr.TI may be broken up and s.on cu red bv the use of Cherry Pedum I. TliV. INF Li; K.NZA is speedily removed by tins reme dy. Numerous instances h-tve been notieed where whole finnihes were protected front any serious condeqnenees, while their neiih-r, wilhont the Cherry Pectorul, wtie snrlerint frmn the d incase. Dr. J. C. Ayer: pALKM.OIiio, 11th June, 1851. write to inform you of the truly remarkable effects of your CHKUttY PI-IcTOllAl iu this pluee, ami in my nwn t'uimly. One of my daughters wus eumplelely cured in lin e davs of n drrudlul W hooping Cocoii, by taking it Dr. Menus, otieofour very bent physicians fieely stntet lhal he roniders it the het remeily we have nulimmtirv iliiteasef. nnd that he has cured more ennen of Crocp with it than any other medicine he ever administered. Oni clergymen ut ihe llaptint Chnreh nays that durinir the run of Ixpm-kxza here this uns ni. he hns seen enres frtHii your medicine he could scarcely huve believed Jvitli out seeiup. Yours reppeclfully, J. P. SINCl.AlH, Deptty Pimtinnsler. From the ttistiiigithhctt Professor of Chemis try and Mctcrin Mcdxcr Aomhnn College. I have found the Chkrkt Prctoiul, as its ingredients show, a (tmvert ul remedy for colds, und caughs, und pul monary diseases. P.UtKKR f'LIEVKI.AXD, M. D DBCXfWicx, Me., Feb. 5, IM7. J11. VAIJ'ATINKMOTT. The widely celebrated Professor of Surgery i;i the Medical College, New York Cthh saint: "It pivr nie pleasure to eertifv the value ami elfiracv of 'AtKtiV Cimr.RY Phctouxl,' wlii' h 1 consider peculi' urlv udnnted to cure diemises of the '1'hront and lames." CuifS o neveie disieasea upon the t.itutrs have been rf- ; feeteil by CuKHr.v Pr.croH.M. in aucti extreme caws na wanant I ha belief that u renn-dv lias at length been t'ntmd : that can be ilependrd ntt to cure the. C-'in-hf, Culdsnud: CniiKumpltiiii wliielt turrv from our midst tlHsin-ands every i vear. It is indeed n inedieinc t which (lie alliicted can j iiiok wuh e mfi Icnce fir rWief, and tliey should nn fuil to t avail Ihemselves of it. I Prepared and sold In, JAMES C. AYER, j Practical Chemist. Lowell, -Mass. Sold in Sunbury l.y H MASSKlt, and by Drupteists eenernllv thriiuiilmut the t'tnU'. July at), 1853 ccow 1". .ov. 13. '58. Cerent Arrival or SPRING GOODS ! UtA T. CLEMENT B NFORMN his friends and cusiomeis that he fl just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS . . 0, . .-. , ... At his Sloie in M.irltet Street, Sunburv, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry (.ootls, viz : Cloths. Ca-siitu rs, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin tic " Lains, Lawns. Ginghams, Iierages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large nssortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. p Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and o'her Summer Hats. riutfcr. GR0CEI1IKS of every variety. ugar, 1 i-a, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spicca, ' llAKUlt Auti, Viz: Iron and Steel, Nails, Piles, Saws, A.C. QUEEN SWA RE Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, ifc LIQUORS, Whip. Drniidy, L'in, Hum, Whiskey, it. VV Country produce of all kinds taken iu ex change at the highest maikct prices. April 8, 1K51 ly. THK STKAMUOAT SUSQU15 J1AXN X lfILL make regular trips for carriage of Pas sengers between Sunburv and Northum berland every day, except Sunday, on and niter Monday, April Sitli. I lie boat will leave Ihe wharf at Sunbury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., 11 o'clock and -30 mi..utes A. " and 5 o'clock 20 minutes, 1. M. Iteturiiing. will leave the otitic! lock at North umberland, at K o'clock anil 15 minutes, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 45 minutes, A. M., und 5 o'clock and 45 minutes, P. M. rare, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good for one dav, 15 cents. Sunbury, April S9, 1851 tf. DOCTOR YOl 11SKLFI THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : Olt, EVEUY OKB HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. rpiIE EIFTIETH Edi tion, with One Hundred Engravings, allowing Ilia cases and M'llforniatiuns of the Human St stem in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being ot the highest importance to married people, or those iii,t.,T..,i.,8 iiiariwgv. Itv ! Win Vtiti... Let no father be ashamed to present a eopy of the .fISCULAPIUS lo his child. It may aava him from an early nrave. , Let no young man or woman enter into the secret ohliantiona nf i..r. ried life without reading the POCKET -E8CU. LA PICS. Let no one suffering from haekniep Cough, Pafn in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and tho wholo train of Dyspeptic senna lions, and given up hy their physician, lie another liniment without consulting the -liSCL'LA PIUS. Have the married, or those about lo bo married any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, as it has been the mean of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. JilTr." P0""" "e"din TWENTY-FIVE CLJS rs, enclosed in letter will receive ons eopy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address. Da. W. YOCNG, No. I SI SPUUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. July 82, 1854. ly. . LADIES Dress Hoods. Spring and Summer Shawls, Dlack and fancy dress Silk, Silk pooling De Lainea, Shally. Ginghams and Cali co ia great variety, just received and for sal by , . I. W, Tii.NER 4 CO.' Look to your Interests I H' will try to plea it ! t , S. N. THOMPSON RESPECTFULLY Informs Ids friends and ilia public, generally thai ha has just r. eived al his store, In Market street, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel' an Mtensiv stork of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consistingjn part of Dry Good, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Vestings, Linens, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lnins, Lawns, Ginghams, Iierages, Rolirt, It oulens, Flannels, Ifc. GKOCEKIUS, . Sugur, Teas, CtflVee, R ire. Molasses, Cbeess, Sjiiecs, Salt, &e., &c, &c. Ilartl ware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives Ac Forks, &c Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, fur men, women and children. Hits Caps, &e., of various sizes and styles. llesides a largo and general assortment of lusliionablc gooils. Lall and examine for your selves. 1?" Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Sunbury, 11 mo. 20 1853. 4 m. 30, '53. Porte Mommies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS rilllE attention of the Trade, and olhers, in wont rf l'orte Monnnirs, Pocket Dnoks, Hankers' Case, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Uiickgammnn nnd Chess Hoards, Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, ork mixes, Cnhns, Needle Books, Money Belts, Cigar Ciises, Portfolios, Ilnzors and Razor Strops, Travelling Flusk", and fine Cutlery, to gether with a largo variety of Finer Guous which will be sold at the lowest rates. F. H. smith; Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. . Sept. 17, 1853 If. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. J.T.&. KLINE, I ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and li e public in general, tlmt they hove received al their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa;, their Spring on J Summer Goods, and opened to tho public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, . Consisting in part nf Cloths, black and fancy Cassimers, SaUinclls, Checks, and nil kinds of SPIUXG & SUMMEinVEAll. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de I. nines. Fluid euhmcres, De brgrs, Lawns, oVc. AUo a fresh supply of all kinds, of A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drills and Medicines. Wooden AVnre. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats, Salt, Cheese, eVc. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest,, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ot- ch.miic for country produce, at the highest market Pr"'- Upper Augusta, Mav 0, IH51. i '..... Valuable Property for Sale I La tlie Borough of Sunbury ! i ri'' HE subscriber offers for sale the following IL properly ill the llorough ot Sunbury, viz: ! THE I IOCS K j Ami two contigious Lots of Ground, I on the south west corner of Market Sciunre, now ' ociupied by the subscriber as a store and ilwcl- I ling. Also : THE STEAM SAW MILL i vii the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story Iruine : Jhv i'llin llOUSC 011(1 Lot of GfOUlld, ! lu Elderberry street. Also: six acres of I ground at the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna u 'lucu are erected two traiue houses wagon house, &c. Also : A 1 Louse nnd Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot are ulso erected three lime kilns. Also ; A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of River and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three A'ueant Lots on Elderberry street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 14, 1851 tf. ZINC PAINTS. One third cheaper than white lead, and free from ail poisonous qualities. Tlic Xcw Jt iney Zinc Company HA VINO areal y nilarirwl llieir works, anil improved llio quality ol theirprixlucla, are iireiiuied to execute cruris lor tlieir SUPERIOR PAINTS. Dry, ami aromal iu oil, iu uiiwrlid tmckngea of from 4S l.i f,id u . ..I... lry, in imrrels, of SflO pounds each. i ueir wiute line, wiui n is sniu ary or ground hi oil, ia wnrraiin-d Pure anil uusursiaacd lor body and tuiilorin , iinriiriB. A iiK'tti'id of nrennmriuit haa recently been riiarnvttful. whifh enalilea tlir Cnuipuny to warruul their pa ml, to keep Iri sh and ft in Uie keps lor any reiis.nml.le lime. Iu thia rrapevt tlieir wiuta will be aupcrior to uny oilier in tlie uimitrt Tlieir Urowii zinc iint, winch ia tokl at a low price, and cau only be made I'rinn the inc oroa from New Jer sey, is now well known for us itrotrclii e qualitiea when -vii t no,, ,w iHiu-r intHiuic auriacea Tlieir atone oolar uiut p-issessrs all the properlira of tha Hmwii, aud is of an ugreeahle color for painting t'otUigcs, FHKNcil A RICHARDS, Whosea.ila Puinl Uenlera nnd importers. N. W. cor. ol liith MurkutSls., Philadelphia rhiKdelphia, April f, 151 tliu. a. m. BAarnoLuw. o. TirrASY, jb. j. a. cuinaos Uui tlivlow, Timuij cj Co. r IMPORTERS AM) DKA W.IIS IN Foreign nnd Doiiielic DRV GOODS, AND ACRNTS FOH TUB SALE Or AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 268 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. , If our Goods on examination, are not as cheap as they can Ire bought in any other market they may be returned forthwith al our expense. Ualtiiuore, Nov. SO, 1853. ly. VM.F.FCTT3, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON Sc STEEL, 461 Market street, Mow Wh, north side, PHILADELPHIA, rhila., Jan, 28 1854 ly. GKOCERIE8 Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas. sea. Ilice, Salt, Ac, just received and fof Wlby I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, April 88, 1854 MAN N't LETTER PRESSES, with lw I books, ink, and all complete, juat rr-ceived, aiul for sale by H. li. MA&SER. tunkuiy, June 4, 1858.' - "AID AXTD C0UFC 1 Yosir Own lUe GEOllGE Til 1 atAWtlfACTlflEB 01 FURNITURE AND Of the most Fahionab 'THE subscrilier respectfully call of tin public to his large ,nd, ment of every quality and p,jc. , VAnirVFsT-lVA which cannot fail to recommend it, who will examine it, on account workmanahip and splendid finish , best stock to be had in the eit spared in the manufacture of his i subscrilwr ia determined to kcer many improvements which are cc made His stock consists of Malio Sofas, IllvHiiK nnd Bureaus, Secretaries, Sid SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIM; and also VENETIAN BLINDS, delphiu manufacture BEDSTEADS, f eVery J CUPBOARDS, WORK AND STANDS, TOILET TABI, EXTENSION TABL In short, every article in this line He also manufactures all kinds a iM. CHAIRS including varieties never before Sunbury, such as MiioAST) Bu AKD Cl'SLKII MaTLK GnKClA5 A CHAIKS, , rAt PI1X0sT0n of the latest styles, and warranted t by none manufactured in the Cities The subscriber is determined th be no excuse for persons to purchase the cities, as every confidence can 1, about the ijualily and finish 0f I iiiiir. His articles will bo disposed of terms as they can be purchased elscv, try lr.duee taken in payment for . CT l. N D E RTA K 1 f J Ha vi himself with a handsome Hka. prepared for fndertaking, and atte. als, in this vicinity, or at any coi tnncc from this place. .., 1,0 Ware lloom ' Mi below I hompson's Store and Wcav, . , GEOHUt Sunbury, Jan. 10, 18i52 tf. Import nut to Coal ) r-riHE subscribers hereby inform the , ,h.V have entered into parlnershi firm of Kase, Kccd & Co., tor the niiuiiig, shipping and 8cii,lg coai Sunbury. or at any other point au, quclinnna. They will be ready to deliver coal red. on cot tract or otherwise, at all li shortest notice, and on the most rcasui Orders received ut Mhaniokin by . . KASK, KEEI Sunbury, June 4, 1SS3. y. Cliciip Watciics Jc WHOLESALE and Retail, at tha plua Watch and Jewelrv Sstorc .'North second Street, corner of yUurrv On 4 J:ever talehes. fun jevvriwi, ih mnt r. (. .1.1 I ,, Ifj.isi..-i1,e Silver S,x Silver I .en. Ill firll.-l nn i '",?' Mil.,.. I ....... . : : "oieeien. . ..... ...to, inn iCW, u i;; IHltCS' (i.ilil p.. !u pn lor iiarlicra, Ookl Speetaelrs, Cold Pens, wilh Pe,H 1. Silver T peetae rs. r mi 1 Cold Pens, wilh Pencil ami Sil,...r ir..i.i Gold Finger Rings, 37J cents to ;Jf Classes, plain, 12$ cents; Patent, IS S5; other articles III lironnrlinn Alt. ranted to bo what they are sold for. ri'J'A l.'I'TER & 11AHI, .Successors to O. t hand, some Gold and Silver I , Lepn.es, still lower than the above pric, Sept. 10, 1853 ly. 1 J A 31 KS 13. FIDL No. 12 South Second Slree' riilLADELriHA. ' Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Oliver Lever ,n Silver Lepino Uuaitler l Gold pons and nenell .:r. , , , t-ilver 1 ea and Table Spoons uracelcts, llreast pins Ear rings Ac. All warranted and sold ..price...,., November 57. 1 85 tf JJIaeksmitliing. 'uhscribcr hereby informs the cil Sunburv, and the public generally, intends to carry on the UlacliMiiUhing JiuNincNs on hu own account, and that he has r( lus shop from near Clement's store, to shop on the premises of Mark Scupliam, in street, where he will bc happy tr accom; all his customers. HENRY PART Sunbury, March 5, 1854 tf. DAVIS & CULTN, Dealers in LAMPS, LiNTKUNS ir CIMSDELIE, N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Sin PHILADELPHIA. TA VINO enlarged aud improved their mid having the largest assortment of I tn Philadelphia city,- tlicv are now prepar furuihli PINE OIL CAMPHENE, BURNING IITJID, ETHEREAL OIL. Phosphene U.s and Oil, Lamps, I.anfcrns of all paterns. Fancy and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandole, Candeleabras, and Drittanuia Lamps, al Mamilacturers' lowest prices. Olas. I.am the package, at a small advance over Au prices. Being large MA N ITA CITHER Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Air and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, Ihev can liixll these articles at such prices that Merch will find il lo their advantage to buy. Call 1m going elsewhere, if you want bargains. J tha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale. Phila., Sept. 24, 1853 ly. WM. M'CARTY, Booksellerr" FJ ESPECTFl'LLY informs the iuhabitan town and country, that he has lately re ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to stock of books, iu every branch of Literature, i in a great variety of Binding. Picas, call i see them. Sunbury, Gept. 17, 1853. lyi. II. II. HIG BEE'S remedy for ecus --'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A sunulv this valuable medicine just received and for s by H. U. MASSER Sunbarv. Jun4 , It 53. nLUN PL MP8.- A small number ef ih, excellent pumps have been received and i offered for sale by , H. D. MASSER. nunburv, June 4, 1853. EW'ELRY. A nice assortment af Geld at Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale cheap by O, ELSBERU ot CO, Market street, opposite the Pest Office Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. f AND BILLS neatly printed en new typ promptly executed , at this office. Als blanks, of all kinds en superior paper. Sunbury, Feb. 14, 1858. JTAT8 and Caps, Silk, Beaver, Fur an. Slouch, Penama, Leghorn, Braid and Chi for men and boys. Ladies Bonnets ef all atvlae jtwr received and fee vale by aisy B, Jll. . . WM, A. KNAIB. Fnrt7, April , ltt. ...