Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 16, 1854, Image 3

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    t ria:.ivti hi y-
i V V , ril I . nut, k Mn- A
lp.r makes ihf billowim,
'H)"V0 Ai'gl,.4Uioub
t Camp May 3rt Wo te
.up all day yesterday ml ai
w Wfi nn i ha road to
ii''jKtsorna; Iweuty jtiilea dis
will" Tin.! 'waier and erass,
II commence a journey 'over.
wl' or. fifty. five miles. We
his liltle stream for about thrste
h roa I nunc, I a littfe In (he
tas anxious id dee ilia head of
fur, frttin tlie nppeaiam'H nf the
Utility, I jixlcevt it : to b very
i Pi at I, i aevpraf other petit le-
blf icunliimtHl tip ilia stream,
kI of half a milt wij came, to u
tltirty.five feet wide ntul fotty
deii by . Rcncifts fri tuH ii1obrVl:
lit-4 . thiuuh an upoiiiiip, and
i'pnUtin ",'the-clearest and most
ler !' even tasted p the bottom
be not more tha ti two feet from
ami jo rojisiit rof jwbite Mini.
.r- R t eel . hi in -c il" for bath, and
ly -divided ' lh ctystal waters.
.' Voiisiilerit whether ' I should
l Mr. Pitt tl calling lu nie thai
sible to Rink, the water was so
hardly believed it, uml to be
k certainly, t also iiiidieMud and
What wna my delight . mid as
to find that all tny clforls so sink
I raised' my hmlj our of lite
suddenly juvt e.ved , myself, but. .1
wards as if 1 bad slrncR a spiibg
I walked uboul the wa''er up to
just jlia same as if I hud been
ilry land. Tlie water, instead of
feet deep, was over fifteen. the
ia letit pole we had n!nni. I
, -ii . :. I. '
e v imnnssible for a man to pIok ,
ad ill it ; the sand on the Lank is
.nil white ;iho tempeialnin of (lie
i Fahrenheit. lean form no inHea
utise of this singular phetiimienon.
Lake al.o j osses this quality, but
r is peifcclly sweet. In the ahum-
oilier name, I hive called it
ml Spiinar ' I hate-never heard it
I n pnsesitif llii- quality, and
e some nnu uf ill savuns to explain
of bitoynni ;,. We linaered in the j TIMIUtDAV, the SSib of fsLPTEM UL It nex
r fifteen minutes, when we ilrese,l i t!;e f..jimiirsf deerild Teal entate, to wit
ned ot.r ride, highly, delighted im,l j .'I Ctrl til House an I lal of Ground,
ly hut exploration. I made draw -; iiat,, i, , the h lrouith of Sunlniry . I'ouiity ul'urc
lis r pot and silt inuiidii.g inoiiiiluiiH. ..iiil. boi.tnlad on Ih.i nouth by hoitlel criv
' ... j tjlrirt, on the wyst by an alley, on the north h
It AMI NURTIt.RAST B AH.KOl j "." alley. ai,J pU .the east by lot Ni.;S(5 l.ein
It EE Of Tuli T E1K Ol IIT.
taJors of the Ledger remember the
rie war, w hen, because the ciMZotis ,
vouid not pc unit a railroad company
toriitithiiiiii li ibeir Inn 11. in viohi.
aw, nil New York uot into liystern-, '
landed, that l',e.ide,,l should !
' 1
"'"'." n-';1 I
ol Lne lot pnllino up Hie ran.
;r deterred by the spilok if the av i
1 . , ., , . . ., 11 1
. he fo v nf he reiiiie.l. the I resi
,1 mil do it, mid K ie tsalked into
o sellle Uie inalter (.-ally. The So- j
.(.'nil rt of Pimusylt'Htiia have just iinnle
:'e lhat'lhi) ruilioad is h publio iiui
us it lies pail upon certain streets in
iroiiib of File n n l p;ul upon a public
They order that the defendants shall,
before the expiration of four months
his date, bleak tip so much of th.'ii
as lies upon the ssid sliceis, and upon
u tl u lo road, and remove the materials
nf, an as to leave the said street uml
in ns good condition as lliey weie. in
0 the con;.! roc! inn of said tuilioad.
further adjudge thai the Company
wimjii four jtinntli change. the rout a 1
.-nnstrucliou of their railroad accoidiiejly.
make Ihuir Western terminus til what !
iho Eastern litis -of tha said bormiuh m
!, or within the. same boionuh. The
iidants to rc-coiisttucl their railroad lo
ily the part hereby ordered lobe biokeu
aeco-rdinu lo plans and specilicaiious to
jy-thbm made, and to bo submitted and
roved by the Supreme Court, ll w ill bo
11 J (fere fore that iho prupl of Ei ie instead
beiuo rioteia weie, nctino legally, and
t tho railioaj company were the fioluis
fuel. ...
(11 Pl .t LDK IIV TltlC At ft i:.
A m.-'Tiibci of ("nv. Stephens' Nonliein
Mite Exploiini; patty, in a loiiKciimmuiiicu
in to iha lit touia Uepubltcun, wn:ien
im thu head ot Yellow Stone Iviver saysol
v incidents of the parly thus far: "On
;n.lay, after a inarch of soma 10 miles, I tut
iiliuloce were reached. They were bulute
ud 011 each side ol iho Haiti. For miles
head il seemed one vast drove yard. They
:nre estimated by some as high as 500,0(10
-200,000 is considered as a very low tsu
nule.: Diawiiig up the Ira n al our usual
nil iit nuoii, a la 1 ye, berd were about half a
lulu ahead. The hunters, sin iu number,
a-ere immediately despatched, well ununited
an spare horsea, reserved for that especial pin'
pose, and Ilia whole train bad an oppoituuiiy
Ui w itiiesa a bullalo hut, I. 1 he huoi. i. J.ndi
cd in amusiR the berd, picked oul Ilia faCe.-i
of lhe, and then, eparatii.p the selec
ted ones I10111 I hi) held, booii d.pdtcten
then). Li uu hour the wayons werj tent bu1
small diatanco hum Ibe route, ' to (cccivo
th choicest pieces ol the : bullalo. ' In the
Heal luy days.' n.aich the hunteis weiu kepi
aome di.lance ahead, In keep oil lbs bulla
lues: il was Iho only way the safe passage
tof tlie iiaiu could i6 lu.uirfd ibiougU ibe a-a
of llsh. The buck inuleaauii spare aiiinial.
following on iha Irani being loo iiumeroua lo
b aepaialely led, were hard lo control ; and
. de.pita every precaution and oare, one iioise
and four uiulea weia lost lliey geilitio min
gled wiih ibe berd. Kvery elforl wm made
' lo reclaim them hours spent in their al
templed recovery. Iheelfoil was usc)e.
- 'H'
Am Answra Rr.i-m tp.-Tli - questiw
has b.-en a.kad why. 11 , ia co.inddrcd ini0-
- ln Jor fauilHnirn lo co into Hie prea-ucr . I
" India in Ihll shlrl .Irrves, whil.t ll ia'poo.
s. 'V!i' way.curiirct lof 'be Ljiea
Ibamseiraa 10 apM bsMeia gobUomao
Mechanics, I ivcitor & ilan'fcturen.
$570 i.n i AM 'rait r.- $.)70
YOM-.KX. of if,. trUTirtC AMVUICXmm.
Ir.1 l.?ITJi.,ii . L" '"e'MMl ll -is Chs-S,, ilevn.
r. ti ''"' V "s .'.r. if .,. ll.VS.l-
iitMw i .n t imp. a, a !,... It
17. . ?, ("'"""y 'i i" ansa.. Br,.-.,
.MM r.'lilrlv rriM.rlt-.l a. - m. I I . i i J
lil'eat IMire. am Ummi-i i... .- ....
rnitii. .if nil lie I'.'.-,,!, sir ...iM,.,,,,! , ,i.n.m,..: Ihiia
iniikiiK lis- Hp a rlVn!.-titi i.s.1 VreLsleal (n-ryi-h..l
(t fiiturr- writ u prear.rt refere,... The
Mririiiihe Amrn. a. a tMttmv rwriibiinl its eir.
riili,l.,Hi in It.- hrl v.4,iw etreiJitw inm
Z7H i "1 l"1l?'" l" '"
a mi I.Ji ... Tlie iimrlml rn-rii-UnilimF.
ir'V. "J" '"""' ",l " nl"'ii.-i nrire.
.1 LlS'l '"'" C"'l"Wiiie THhtnMe p.iz.'. for
. .. Tn ,''.!,.,"'',,, '""H h '''" '''-
next : ,,-, .P f ,r ,r .1 M f .r thv
"" ' l", l.WiM '.rihe wvenili. KB f-r Urn
. Klnh . f t it,.- ..iMth. s r .r II,.. !!,. fr n
rl. l n.ll,. sn r, ,(,, nveinh. . h,,,,,,,,,,, ,,
W i.if Hi,- I .urociil, 'I'hemah tviU he pn,it I., the . nl. f
" lunK""1 i""i"Ht ilmi-,1,al. l)- nl'ler Jimimry
Tkrm On. r i,v n., ynir Ra. onrropv fix m-'iillm l.
Rterpi(.m in nit Rl, .n ,.,,,.. n n,i,ll,. as i..
J-T"'" twelve HH.iilh.JtlA, W-n i-f-ih-n Ivv. lve luoi,l,t
,w'l'l'l' "'I"" lw-lve m Kill li In mlvmirc. I
i iiuiiilrr..- wit,Rri,ii.q,a abnvnW ran be Inkni at
I'W Hi:,., Al.lli f li. Nnm, l, .... i . .ii,i..,...
..., ..,.., ,r,.in nmnein r.ult Oltir,..; : j.
7 """ ' "'"I " r-rn ,1, ,,v mkrii f..r ul,itinti"ns
l.eller. ii-.'.l lie.tirreie't. n'.m.pni.l. to
Mt MM Cl' t' ttreet. New V. rk.
(IT. -Mtujirw. .Mum, A: C,. nre eTle,iivplv piiLnionl in
pi'niiniifr iiln f,,t nrxv Invenlt'in.. .nil will ml vise
tlio.r,,ifc ' ' ' 5 .
livrilli,,.. WII Willl NnfM in a,.- -...
' Look lfi-re! :i1
rI,!fK siilrri!icr re.poptruliv iiifiirin. t!io rili
Jl 7i'us of Siiiiliury nml vii initv Unit lip h;i
rninmrnrri) tlie Imsinrss of Hni'isr, sicn nn.l
uati l-iiiuti ncr, plmn ami ilernrative. Afco.
lanir ami liraiimiu, nm imitation of'wooilanJ
ma tie. aIsh, I'jjht lliinginj and puihtinii in
zinr, if I ns. Ae. , ,
J3. OiJen from the country proiiiplly t
U'nilcJ to. .. " . '
; . i Mr-)II.f;T.V STOUT. .'
.Suidinry, Sept, !), It54.-i-4t ., . ,.
0 EO.RGi: W . ' (.'() BL E,
TjyOKU) rrp..c.,ullv nnnoum-c to jlic t i.iaen.
, of Sniilmi v nml ticiiiitv that ne lias just
B'" " new net ot .piumtiis from riuleilelpliia.
nun iiii iirii',,- i. ,i. in. i'it ,i,ii-!i n. i;,hii ns
........ ' ... :, .
inn he gel eWv. Iiere ccIhccii till, and I'hilailcl
phia. A visit in soli, it nl.
. Ilmrixmi ij at t!i old plate, in the (.Irani!
Jnrv Kiiom, (eounly hniMiivj.. ) nporatin Iioiii-m
frmn .. M.. until 5 P.M., without reaul to
the Htale if tlie weather. Copies should he sent
i un clouik ila s.
. Siiid.iii',,.s,.pi. 9, IsSL if.
It V t. iir.i,?, tft iir.tkri.itii. nf itiA I lr, 1 'nn.l
11 . V ....I I ............ ...II l.A
1 1 't.!'lii; .ilc. on
,.i ii'ii in ,,i,,,i uuii vy u ill, ill, i en un,, I ill. iv
fact deep, w hereuii is creeled a two story log
fs, : .:. DyVJiLLLNli HOUSE.-
A Out-Lot
silnate in said borouch.. adjoining lands of f.'eo,
lUe l,0"!'' l,e".'1 HendiieUs on the
e:it, l.eo. eier on the souih. alio the Susinie-
banini liveron the west, conlninini, two acres and ;
neveuty Ihree pen lies more or lest.. Late, the
estate of Rev. .1. J'. Shindel. dee'd. S.ile to enm-
"i. i,e nl III o'clock. A. M., of said day. when
,, , , ,
J. it. I.. j i I i"I,. . ,
M. L. f-IIIN l'l'L, ' ) ,Kx
I! v order ol the I 'onrt. )
V. PI RSKL. Clk.O. C. J. -
.'"iinlnnv, He pi. 0. 1 K.V1. )
to cash w;Yi;i:s7
At! foi Cliifhint f licet. u,ot' Slii
Have now open a larirc stock of
C A .11 PET I -N G S ,
Kiol. racing the new and leading' levies in Vel
vet. Taj eslry, IJrussel. Ingrains, Stair Carpsls,
Oi! Cloilia. Ac., nil of which will be solJ at the
lowest e.o li priest.
ri.iia.. Kept. 0. I i'.l ly.
List oi Cauccs
fV. N'orlhuinbi'i 1:
Conil, (u conn
mil County , for a Special
commence uu the le:h ol Oc-
tubi-r, IS54
T A Billiiiijton vs Jia T 'Clement
Ira '1' ('lenient vs TA Uillinstoli
OieiKc. rs ol Low. Augusta vs James Strickland
Win McCarty vs Samuel HniHer
John W 1'eal vs Joseph Ditrinick ct al
Win l'eriKinau el al vs John Parks et al
Jane Boer vs lieo P Uuvei-s el nl
J II Itlindes vs J Foy ct J llarinaii
II P llillush vs (.'corito Apelcv j
II V Simpson vs Beuj BuHioninii J
,, . . , . Zerby linn A. Shamn- J
i.i.i.cri 1 iinuis . 1 .
1 km liiipi'oveiueul co
Lewi. Dewsrts Ex'rs vs K VV Finely
Mjiv Vickeiv. ts Ibiuitl Lal-liai heirs
Koloinon Fatgely vs (irarc I'lincly
Henry A Lecliner vs Joseph Bound
Win M UiicWelillcr vs Curium tiiii Imp co
Hows ct al lor Fry mire vs John Miller
Carbcn run linn co ts Hatipt &' llenninqer
Farlcv Fislier vs Win I) f iearharl
J AMI'S bKAHH, Prolh'y.
Prolhoni lary's Office. i
Siinl.urv. fir,U 11, IbSL
I'MIE undersigned would respectfully inform ':
the, e.ili'j'lis of Siitiltora sml lbs tuitilie iii-,i. I
ersllv. thai Ihcy bate entered into co-partnership
uuiter lie linn ot klis Mi Ui nil.. Im l ie I
purpose of uiauufacluriiiii Sash. lor. Blinds,
cir. Also. Door and WashboarJ Mouldiuf.-'
worked lo order Their iiianufactorv is al Ira '
T. I'll i,, em's Stem,. H.iur Mill al,.r ,!.., ,.,ll :
furnish the above articles of the best workman
ship ami lowest prices.
, , JAMEs I'. MctjL'ADE.
N. B All orders left at I. T. Clement's store
promptly attrndeil to.
lislJiiliury, .-tept. B. (Ha L
oti co to Thv-Collectors.
- 4 LL (-'olliux uf the slate ami 'county tut
'l "afid Milttia' Pities m Ibe r,i,My of North
umberlanil, v. ho have HiA ll.eir enouera ions al
lowed iu iheii duplicate for the year IS53. and
Iwtrk of Ibal year, are rtipxi.-d I,, allend at ihe
ComniissHiliers ollu-r, on Ihe Stub day of Si js.
temlier lie I, witlumt Aid. as there will be no
numeration allowed back of thai tune. And
then who are owiiiu; on their duplicities for the
year ISjfiS, are requested lo pay tlietu olf by ihe
ft'oieinber court licit without fail, or Ibeir bonds
will be put in suit. -' i ' I
. ' .:.. CUsi. WEAVER, )
Camin'ssra -riffisw, 1 ' i . .i
Hiilil.ury, Sept. tsYlHSt... t il ., , -. '..
f AUDWAKE snd Qnrei,swre In great vs-
, rixli siinl uf all descriptions, just rareived
n.l for sale by WU. A. KNABH,
Lower Augusta. May laSL '
, ., -j j . , . ' "w-'-
iO l s.ile at lids otTice, iii;eiior Black IuO
Oastla AtMUctue al t eta, flint Caaenoe oi
Cirfar. ft cent
Collegiate Institute.
' - clierin l.inuiri. Ac.
KEY. J. t lilt. II tllT, A. JH.,
' .1 eschar of irnce.. &n. , . '
M. A. . UALI.ACt; Teictiurof
' JHtuir, cVr. '
' Till rMiaf r..)nn f llila' iil'-itnl('na f ill
coitimenri! mf Wth'vrsntt. th 13th of torrca-
a. a, and will e.tliaaa 1 1 -treka.:
Tuition. in Rriiw Uepirttnaa., 3 $4.00
D.'.nMffif at the initrtfjio!i -will Toar 'adout
It i. AJralile ikiiJl WWMnrf Irttrfar tl .
nisritulinn slinuid allend at the conimrnrraient.
Ao srliolsrs rereivfil f, lew tune than half a
scmioii. JV.i ili'durliuns maJo iinlc in case of
pmtrai-ted illnraa Tuition Jin) th miJJlc of tlia
Sliumukin, Aug. 20, 1331.
fjlllK nndrralsnrd, Auditor, appointed by the
JL Orphans' (Joint of Xorlliiinil,orlu.,,l r.,iv
to make no rata tlilriluiiin ol tlie ninneva in
tlie linn.Ui.f William V. Silterwi.od, Adii'iinw
Irator oi laaac Minuiur, dee'd., to and among tlie
creditor of mill tVcm-'eil, will meet (or thut por
poc, at his ollire, in 5un!iury, on Saturday, tlie
Mill day ufScptumlier,; at ten o'clock, A.
M., of said d'iV. wlien all interested may attend
if tliey think proper.
- M. L. miWati. AuJitor. '
Siiiiljury, ng. 20, IS.'il. :)t.
'I lli:l;i: PlilK MI.DaI.S ,;1Ve Lea, awnnlcil to Lli.
1. Very vltfi:.,,: ii, ut vnprrinr
llii'Mtiil tiv tlit' .utiRCiili, rs nl the rrvTftl Pilule. Ill
llt.-ikin tl itlw l' (OitKMiit.'Pinrnt. tl,'')' wonlil tnkcttii.
fri-i,i'l. fr lfi rlc.,!ive unit Mlr:!lcirnin:ir:e h,refi'fnptt
mlt'ii'!,',! 0, tlit nt. Hint iimurr ll-iii Ihnt nn i-iol'. will te J
,P"rr itntl ' Ii, r.-tiiiii On ,r ITiiiiikk I., llicr iiilmft",,!
In -iittT t" iiii'i l lite r,':,l'y' t,mr,':,ii,-,l ,r.'iiin,;t r-rtto.-ir
Inviriini. id.. ifj.'V l :(ve'in.'-li'it Inrvly In tlicir iinnurn,",!
riiii; l:n.'iii!tt'.. viiicl, ttv trul will I'liuhlc U't'l" in tini're
In inniplly uteri every iti-tiMiiil '
All,-,, nn litiud un tisi irtutenl ,,(" vert- .npctinl MI.XO
riK.Oi, .,1 'every .l le. unit lit t nv priee..
Groresteen & Tntslow, 605 Broaflway,
NRW YdlilC. I Aitioniinir SI. Nieh.iln. tYil.l.
,; vZ":
v- V, rk. Auir. UO. IHM fin
N- H. IV.'iitnitii. weie liWimlfil l,v Mm Ainerietiil llisti-
fV every ilescriptiiui. .uilaMe II ii!nm.T.
Ai'., fur wi i''hio(r Hav. Coal, Ore, ami Mer
chaiitlise ceneri.tlv. I'nn hasers rnr, no ris!;.
...l.. : l i :r -r...
mini in Kii.ii'iiii.. it .until. ,.,,.i ii, nurr
, i.i ... i- i.e. i . ,
tniil, not toiiinl siitihlaetorv, can lie if lorncd
., , ,
. .....i, . ut. ,f .
I"?" Fuelnrv al the Ol.l Stand, estiilili-hed fnr
nunc than twenty ers. coiner ol NI.NTU and
MELON Kirccu. I'liiladelpbia.
Sueeesanrs to Kllieott fc Ahholt.
1'ill'S., A UB.l, lH.ll.- Hill.
j" piiiiiiiancc of nn order ol tlie Orphans Court
ol iNoitlioiiil.vrl.oii, iiiinity. will ,t. exi o.ei! to
public sale, on SA TL ft IJ A V, the Uoil day of
Stil'TH il lil-'.l! next, on the premises, the. fol
lowing iL'rfiTil'i-il property, lo il :
A tKli TAIN LOT OK (iltOllXD.
situated in Wborllebetry street, in the Borough
nl Suiihury', mid 1:1.11, In j -l in the c,i i cral plan of
s.iiil liorouli. Ao. it Icing, a corner lot,
boiiodi d oil lbs south bv U hoitlebcrrv street,
011 the east bv Fawn street, on the mil ill by an
alley, and on the west bv lol No.- si.stv feet
bout by 2-10 feel in depth, conlniiiinu uboul one
third oI'hii acre, more or )e. halt; the estate of
M arlha Cioodhart dee'.l, .Vale to eoui.i.cnce at
10 o'clocki.A. ,JI. ol s.ii.1 day, when tim terms
will be i(iai3c..l,.ii..Vn bv ' '
FRATst'lS BLCIinR. AJm r.
Hv order ofihe Court,
Court; )
Clki O. C. '
10, ISM. S
J. I". Pl.'KSKL, (
Siiiiburv, Aug
So. 21 Arth Strwl, ixbucc Front,
fllllH subscribers have on liuinl, and ore con.
I J.
ataiilly maiiulaetiirini;
iSiVi'i3.v, Utilities, Screens, lfoven Wires,
of all meshes and widths. "Also, all kinds of j
plain and fancy Wiic work. Brass and Iron '
Wire Sieves ol alii kinds; Jsrass and Copper
Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, itc. Cylinders i
and Dandy Hulls covered in the best manner. I
lleavv Twilled "Wire for Spark Catchers, j
Sieves fur Brass nit. I Iron Founders, Screen I
Wire. Window Wire, Safes. Trips, Uith Carers, i
Coal unJ Sand Scresns, An.
Pbila., A tic. IU, l-'t Urn. .
front Street Wire Hanufitotcry.
Sieve, Ilitltllf, Screen nml il'irt Chik
Bis. 4(1 -torili I ruiit Silreet,
Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Maikel ami
Mulberry (.Arch) Streets. .
MANl'FACTI HE of superior ipmlilv. Brass ;
and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds; Brass I
and Coiiiar Virc Cloth fir Paper Makers, &c.
Cylinders uud Dandy Holla coveted in the best
manner. .
Heavy Twilled Whe for Spark Cnlebers.
Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen
Wire V iudow Wire. Safes, Tni s. Dish Hotels,
Coal and Sand Screens, Ac. Fancy Wire work
of eery description.
Phila., Any;. 1S3L mn.
Dissolution of Partnership.
TOTI(I" is hereby niven that the iarlncrship
--s in il,. i-otil business, heretofore existiuir uu-
der the linn of Kasc &. lKiuly was di.ulva.l on
the Ut uf August iiint., by uiuluul consent.
. W. (i. liAsK,
joiin ijoffv,
j The business w ill be eouduitcd hciealli-r un
I der the linn of Kase & Heed, to w hom all orders
for coal will be directed. . , ,
Suiibcrv, Aug.' 1 2,
I Hot. ' ' -
. inos cy liKjiioris. ,
MnH nrsiiur,! . 1 'rr ri,.-in,paigiis Wins,
j.-'V-oeh " I'Ur'Ji" -
.n m ' ' l ure 1'i.ii "
Kit llliiikc'.' I "rt
Kve VV hi.keV,' '
M ,n .i,i.,l,ei Whiskey,
i:.,iui it . "
J-,litH-ti 'pirns,
11 .luuul Oili,
Minlena - " "
Win. llillrra
F"l Kile In
ual,uiy, July tM, 151
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
At tho lirjei.l todcil itioii of uniner.iu. Irieuds
lhriu,'(.iul Iho icuuuiy, I oiler nivwll lo jour
considcrslioli as a Vuluut.wr C-'uinimsta lor , '
and promi), if eliticd. to discharge llm duties of
th ollii,c Jaithfully. aild lo the besl of (uv uhilily.
.' , . ..... PHILIP KENN.
Lvwcr Augusta, Aug. 19, 1851.
BOOTH and Shoes for Men, Women and
Children. Ladies' Morocco Shoes, Ladies'
11 irk and colored (jailers, just received and for
aln. by WM. A KNAUU.
Lower Augusta, May 0. IS.'il
L. L. BE VAN, i
- . .i i . Shauiokiii Pa. . . , . .
'IIIIE sulsM-rils-r Iwks leave loiafurm bis Iriends
1 and tlie public cenerallv, that ha has taken
Ihe above web knowu aland, and will be happy
to acc.iuiiiin.late all who insy give hitn a calk "
?li4iookiil, Juh 8, IB.1! ... .
Ani'ETLNn7FI'sr oil cloth, Table oil cov-
ars. ( arpsl chsiu. aud Door mats, ju.t recei
ved and for eale bt
i a frii i, !. . i xryiR 4
Agricultural Fair.'
'IVIK F.trcuiive ComriMttr) nf -the Nor.
liiiiiibrftanil Coiu.ty A.nciilliml loeie
v met at the 'hmr 'pf Wrrt Greater, in
Nnriliiimberbnrf in appoint pnle, daler
'iiir.ri a list uf pr. onnm., and 1m dJT "'
h- next animal r ax tut hekl at Sliaiin.kii.
ll waatesolvad l hoM Ilia tthilu'iim al
sliiri..ln,i, on l'iie l.i leiiiHiM7lti, Lwiwav"
he boms u v A ami I. M. :
: The) iollnwit.K a-nllrinen woia appointed,
a Commit Ira, of BrranBr'menla: VV. L. iiwi'
lei,-t-in. With Marshall. 8 A. Bentatresser,
Dr. Wm. Alaratr, VV. M. . Weaver, VVm.
Kandy, Dr O Uobina, Klida i John, W. P.
WithiiiKlort, John Cnhmiie', Hanry Long
neckar, A. It. Ftsk, Kimber Creavar.
, Mst'.pr ttti'4.' '
I l- i l...j ... . . '
i , . , llais'i. .. , . , .
Ueal Stallion ovei 4 yeure o)J,
Sd do ' .r
B..t do under 4 rears old,
Sd do . do"
Ket ,Mnre and Cull,
3d do do '
Best pair of match, :
Bust Smclu (lotse, ,,. , .
Cattlt. , "
Best Bull ovar t yea i, ! "!
2d do d '
Best Bull undar 8 yaar, - ;- '
2,1 do ' do ':'
Best Cow, ' 1 '"!
2d its
$i nu
2 00
4 00
. 2 00
4 00
, 2 00
4 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
a oo
1 sa
4 00
2 00
3 00
B"st Heifur, , .
2.1 li . .
Bf"! yoke of O.vea, ' a
4, 00
3 00
1 iu
2 1 no no
Best Fat Arimal, . I
2,t ' J : ' '
Best Boar,
2d do .
. 3 00
' i t .00
2 00
' I tit
2 00
' J 50
' 2 '00
2 00
2 00
' 2 (JO
2 00
: 2.00
Bet Sow,
2d do
Best pair of Shoals, ' ' . . ..
2d. do '.
IIksI litter of under 3 mouth,
liml fat I I'-Xi
', ' '.
Besl Ram,
Best lrt t, . - . . . ,
Het LaiiiK, ' "' : ' ' ' ' ;
Bel fat Sheep, ''.ii''. t'. . ,
' '. nr. P$ullry. " .
Best pairof Tinkers,
ilo do CeesM, '
Id do M unit Ducks,
1 oo
1 00
I 00
t 00
""in '
ilo ilo I nit, He il l
'I . 1 a i. .
rair laiyo Asiatic tow,s,
n i , , ,
2,1 ilo do do
I 00 !
so !
3 00
,2 00
1 00 '
2 00
1 00
1 00 1
1 00 ;
I SO !
Same preinintn for auV line Luted,
Beit Cnlloclion,
2.1 do ... . . , .'
, C Bin omi Fuialuci '
B-st bn-ln-l ol Ileal.
2d do -,. .. ... ..... ,
HeM bit. hid ol corn,
3,1 do ..
Bi'sl ilo ryo,
Best do oats,
Benl ilo M,tHtOe), ' ' . i '
2d do . du
Best 4 ilo of sweet potatoes',"
, .1 00
1 00 H
I OO .
1 00 !
1 f
I 00
. I "0
J 0ft
1 00.
I 00
1 no
1 00 ;
Best beets, not lets thai1! 12,
lo cm nils, ilo
ilo parsnips, do
ilo tin nips, i ' do ' ;
do salsil or oyster plant, ... ,;
ilo onions, . i(u. .
do ca tdiagii , f .(5
do caiillllo.ver, ' ' ' " do', "
do siiiuh, J .
ilo puuipk ins, do . ;
do i'a-p!, mis, do .
do lotnaloes, 12 ' '
do celeiy,', ' do alalks,
do assuilmeiit uf garden vegetables,'
1 Fruit.
Best 4 bushel of apples,
do 4 ilo quinces,
ilo t do pea is,
ilo t do peaches,
itn S bunches of giapes,
do water melon,
In musk melon, or citron, .
I uu
I 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
1 t0
J oo
1 110
1 00
Best tlireshi.ijj macliinu,
4 00
3 00
-2 00
on reaper,
do seed dull, ,
do winnoaiii aiil, i , , .
do com shelter, ,
do plow, .
do cultivator,
do rollur, " ' '
do corn ploy,
do slaw cutter,
do farm waijon.
do it'll of harness,
do horse lake,
do grain cradle,
. ' Dairy, 4 c. .
Best butler, nol less lliati live lbs.,
I1 honey, d . ,
il.i loaf of bread, 4 lbs., "
do hnm riu(il by. exhibitor, - "
2 00:
,2 00
2 00
o net
J -01
S 'on
' 2 00
'2 00
2 00
I 0,1
1 00
1 Oil
j (jo
1 00
u'" ''""re-niaile aou
' u pplei-biillf r, 6 i.uarta,
to b lbs. ol htmre-niade Soap,
I 00
1 00
1 00
" l'eeive,
JDnnicsic Siiintifacturi. ' ;, j
Best ,tii!i, , , , 1 00
dn counterpane, ... in)
do health. rutr, , . 1 00
ilo pail i.l blankels, J 00
do 0 yn i lis nl carpet, 1 00
du cltPb, (hi.'me-made,) 10 jatils, ' 1 00
ilo llaiii.el., . 1 00
ilo pi.ii knit wullen stockings, or
socks, j 00
do cIovhs or mitlcns, 1 oo
do home-made thread, 1 lb., 1 00
' 'Miscellaneous Ai tiules.
For mecliiiti.ti'al iuveiitintis, tnols finiiitiiie,
aud oilier articles not couiino timlfr any nf
ihe above heads, piics will, b tlecieed,
iii-coi.liMO to the means of the society, auit
the meius id, the articles evbibited.
' : r- 'lilJtii)'sl -'11 "''
Best plowman,' ,.t. 5 no
2.1 , du .. . 4 00
3d , sin . , , . , , ,3 00
4.if ,la ' . - ? 0l
The following oonuiii'tera wrie then p
pointed ,
HoitsKs A. E, Kapp, Wm B. Kipp,
Inn. Ii. Kuk, licnj iiiiiu (Jeaiharl, Dr. Wm.
AlisHtfr. 0 r' 7 iX-J ,1 .1
Catti-is J. C, llotion, ( JuLti Moj,u.iini
(. John DoiikeVVVm. II K4S0, j,icob
Li isi'injog, (Sb-imokiu.) . ' :
II.1.1 Win . Maisluil, Si A Bi:ii!irrii',
Wm .Fullmer, Jh : ,', Packer, J.Havid !t. '
Mstmcfiuieiy, fjulriiti , .M. iVoikae , , ,
Shkicp Tluw.. Jiihusoii,'? Atuliew Arm.
siiooj. P.-ier ll.iuiiawoul, Doiuiia Wolveitoii,
Wnr; H (jfartutr-u, j . .
Poii.TKV.-rKlisia..,C Barton. Geo. W.
Peal. W. T. Koisytb', Wm. M. Weaver, L.
L Bevan. ' ' : r ,
Cast v. Jesse llensvl. ; Charlea Ritldell,
James Kckman. Jacob Mans, David' Murtz
Vechi ABI.fs Alex. Jonlall, J.ts. Pollock,
Alex. Coll, lloraiio O Taaaarl, Klida John
Fmuit John Yoonemsit. C.'J Brnner,
Win. 1 Greenuuiili, H.-.B Masser, H. J.
Wolvmtim. S. It Pe, M. L ShindeJ, p.ivid.
Tsmii, C W. Tbarp, Henry Donnel, Chaa
A, Km, W,C.;Liisou, IV. M. Rockefeller.
In this department, favor will be ihe chief
cinerioti ol excellence. A full attendance of
lliH.cumajtiiiHri is emitidenlly, ai,ii'iptr'il
lMSLMrjTs.-A,. K Fik, Dr Rubins;
SirXi i-Mienb, K. ubeii Fanely, Beitjainin
llHnilrii-ks. If-, .;! ti , 1 : '
DaibV, tic William Heppen, Benjamin
WolvertiHi J ' W VVllinJ, Ct.ilS PleaSajlls,
In T. Clcmenl. i'lr- - 1 " ''
Or J J Miller, David N. Lake, D C Walton,
J. lb, bins Jr. '
Mtcai.Linra. Benj Patton, John Ta Win. Ffweyih, W. O.eeoil. Wm. L
tewailt.Niiiiii'l H Woinl, C y. llJctiman.
Pmiwivx Mstt rf Khjihi Crwwfiei.r, U.
Priestly J Wei met, Liuhou, John Smith,
(l.'pper AnunoM;) Jacob Painter, felts Letch,
William Karrovi',
Non..liit tnemlwi of lbs) Roeiely wili be
pvriiiitled tu cninpcie (or prixeg. '
i' Perilous (coin any county, Slate or country
can beeoiTie' rrtembera oti payment of lilt
cent to lb 'JD'tfartiter, nr. a lnwnship .C6m
mitteman. -.a
, Com pet it ion ii earnestly Invited from all
parts of ttia country, aiJ ' from iivigliboruig
counties. " i
Judges will co'mrnenDe ihi'ir dnlies at 10
o'clork. The plow inn maicli wi: lake phlce
at I. The aililrest will be delivered nl 3 bv
Jiihn Yiiinn!it,iln, F.-(( , alier winch h
iwxrili will be iiniiiiiiiii'ed fnml ill.' s'aml.
The township eomrriittees aro pnilien!ily
requested In alltnnl to Iho culleclioii.tif t ts -yearly
; SAMlTKi. JOIIV, Piesident
Win. f. (r.'aeaNiit'tiH, It ,,..;... !
David Tauhart. I
- Hliei'if.nliv.
.... ...
Totht Voters of AoriiirWirWiiit." County.
Fkllow -Ci i izitN:- "I licrebv annotinra myself
as the American Volunteer Cainliilatii'' nt the
O. l.iber rnmin? Kleetinn for the olli.-e of Mi l; U
IFF, for which i soli, it ; ocr taitVi iqei. llavimr
been atmna;ly cncouraeil by many of in) friemU
throughout "Sitrlhunilierhiiiil rnuntc, I iu'icuith
olfcr iiiyvi If lo your consideration fir the ijliica
aforcnaiJ. Shoultl a nrijoriiy oi" mv loiiow-eiti-ens
see proper to r.r.n t me their -si.ppurt, I
plcdiiH tny self lo dischari.e the duties n I' office
to the l cl of in al.iiiiM t v ith Ihklity and ii:ij,.ir
tiality. Jumn j. al i
.Mi Hon, July Isi(.
To the Vt-ters of Northumberland Comity
EnciMiragod bv my iiumeroua frie.iula, I n'lV,
rn'ysell as a caiilliJale for the olfico of
.STI l'ItrFl- : ,,;
and proibiie, if elided, (.1 ,Ui Iniia'taa ""uiies
of the olfice faithfully ntid punetually, which
tuy experience will enable me to ilo.
Mi'FtvitiiKYiile. July 15, lb"ct..-- , .
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fi.i.i.nv I'lTutiK,' I hereby annoimca to
you thai I will be a culiJiiluta at tha October
election for the oliiee of
for whtch I Solicit your votes. And in Joiner so
1 lender tny sincere thank to t!ioe who kindly
supported 11111 when a candidate Ueiclofuru, i
kindness which I shall ever hold in plateful remembrance.-'
'Should a majority of yon bee
proper to cruiit inc the fauir I now 0.-!;, an'd I I e
elected Sherili'iil (jiii county, I .!i,ill i'iaku everv
ellort lo perform the duties of liic oliiee Ij t!ic
satirtlactiou ol toe public.
11 i:nv w xi.' c.
t'jiper Auj-usta, June IV, IS5L--
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fki.low Citiik.ns. At the solicitation "f a
numlier of mv friends, I again oiler myself as a
caiidiiluto for the nlliee of .
and. promise, if elected, to discharge the duties
o t e nlliee with correctness, and lo the best of
my ability,
" JAMES beai:d.
Stinburv, June 17, lvVI. -
, .' ,
To the Voters of Northumberland County i'lTiti-vsAtneWati'd by liii nny
01 my irieinis, I liercwilli .mysell lo your
. consideration, a a eandiilntn for the olli.-e ,411
a Tt ia rnsnuiz election, irhoul.l I be eleel. .1. I
- . ,. 7., , . . . i
promise I ) III ill llic uu;ies lliercui. Willi Illicitly
and tiiipurtiahly.
Sunbuty. May C7, lKjJ.
! See Here!'
.I.F. I V. Kline.
! ll'i'i rff at rthtiirhakahly'low prices foe Cash.
' " for ofe ie treel.s oi,iy)
, milClJt.cjijti're'stocj! 'oT' lry Hoods and all
I otlier'i'ooils1 iisualfy keiit In a Contrv Stitre.
Now is your time lo purchase, for tho oppor-
i tunity will last n short time. Call ami sec at
the store ol J. F.-ct H . Kline, I ppen Aiiuiistu
I A 1114--
4 . .'. ' -!?'" : - : V -V
Yort !iv ml aland County,
CjMlE subscril er respectfully iufirins (he pub.
- lie lli,. it he ham leased thy above new ci.lliivv,
and is now piep.ued to d. liver at Sunbnrv, nr.
any point . alum; tb Susiiucliaiina, all sies of
1 OA1,, picpaieil liv lr., ken, in a siipei:,n'
j manlier. 4,'cr.uiis wUhiitp; to cim'ni' t for coal
w'" l''ci'se adJiess the anftarrttier at Sunbnrv.
JolIN HtJD'JI'.ls.s.
SoLle, July'-15, lttCiLw i i .
HE sribscrilirr', tole arcnt for the sale of
Peruvian duano in Philadelphia, has now
011 hand a larye stock of
fully iiMit for tlit; Tall ilcmaiul. whiil. l:e
will Hell ut the lowcnt ('ash p:ict:( in lou to vtiit
cither ilc-ilcr-i or 1
s.j. nimTFA.
Jymt fot I'hihuhtjthia.
X.i. -IS North WfnrvcJ, out! pi North Water
Mrrcl, I'liiliitU ipli'iA.
V, lnYi' jeft r.vcivcil l!'t trtrcct mi'l Wm rtcct'-.!
iisk .(tun-lit if, (VitJuiiitty t-fcr t"fl--:cti in ttus uu
Mi ivmjr i r :ni. 1 Ji"in!iff4. a lur-fe a-'ht,
limit'!' tu-i.Lriie, ' Kl'i llmr .Ifidi.-i, '
I'lniii-aj I'liwiic:, N.-ii. lin'.di,
I iimw fit, uiw, i . I'iVlt c Kxtrveti,
(nii"j;f It.'Mff wtof, , , iVitnm hhup, 11
line IN.wtlVrT' IJ-fIA While- "
tkrt'imt - - .'rRuni-iireiJil )
Mn Ih, : t, ... , Ilfuctk 4
M-fii V im, fr tieaiiiii, ' Vi,iiinrt
j;xtr:ict rtini!ki, UiiltlK-ttn ,
Ornni:?, .. . Coiiil ; 41 .
Lemon, AIH"inl "
( I'liif-.tiifilr,. i'r'-f Jisjin' i(
hinisWjtJiy, t - Nn-uiph '
HiLiv Vliiu. Oiiiin'.iafi "
s'iirtjts.;v3i.T 'U? 1 1 9Vrpi - ;;. mF ui" -''
' i!..iM-,4'i'?vryii'?tcricti''ivf'-';,iv .. , .,v
"J ,.r,ilii:
Iliiuai" sXanl s, aii iiiuls ,. K i-U
, . AVi ir
otsl .'tner nttielrs I'w. ui.nafrt.lf I., .ni-lrtssl.1 '1 '
All the , aitifSrs ire loau U,e lesn.'S (if Jules
lruultiii W. li.
' , ,. vi;isi;ii a niti '
To Country Merchants.
Whole mile Manufacturer mid Voders. in
'So. 1 13 JVoriA TAtVif St Mote Race,
'fTHK attention of Dealers l requested to an
-f- exaininalion of their slock, -wtiit-h will be
found to be at least equal In. an in this city.
FOHKIU.N rifC-Ta of all kinds in season.
N. U. Orders bjr mil or otherwise promptly
jtUaniUJ 10. .. . ; , , 13 .i
Phila.. Aug. 19, J834.---3IO. ' ( ',. , 3 ;
OlfOsTllAii ,kiiuls of Souls r-hoee and aiip
iiers tor sale by ' ' '" ''
' , 1 e p- LfBERO 3t CO,
Mafast aires-lt of posits tha Pott Ollice. k
. fJunbOir.Oct. t,. Itil. , 'i.rA.if
.... .i s at. t -itv a. 1 in 1 11 1 ii 10 y
rksolOtion fRoir-siNti
AmeufJiCetitf ' t( thsj CofisLtrirtaa f'tle
' !St-ris t. KetolvU If Ut Vin.,11 nit lltmtt
of JlajfriMHlottnis mf . IAa Vmmmmwmiik s
I'tnntframt i Vmrmt A"tm',ti mil, j'h.l
tl,e ri,l,,w,a( BinrMiltnefifs 1 st4 ill. tnn,r are'l.r
,n. me.1 1,. the M llw (.',',, ai.l.f
...( it. Mi7eiilN,K- WHS lilt provifiotul irt liiel.'n'.U llt.i
Ittnvf, to wll I '
Psor iTfVi tj'fo St rn-ta it. "" ' ' .
frrrros t. Ttie Wvf'ff'rts snvmot ef At.t. !.-''..
er4llrs.wl Iit Mie CiHHRMtWnllli slHlkS ter seosilf,4
MHl VI fcve,JtillUrl llMnitrtlsl U.ILsrs. S''itlt4'i,M t-l Hut
IT STi mi'li''l.iippi'nflllisMiiiiii"ii 1
; I . ,1-uri.ii. 11 .
ptiMic rt.-Mir rite (Nmtnriitvnlth. t!. thr frt'iit-V riH-il
HfcnB I rft.ttMl (,i tb purpivt for wtiirli tun iWbl iwty
Qimtrn&xuh in uty tttli mk! ttt t otlicj - jrp .
, His-J T jki) ifi-p iillio d;l t uf t C'ini:n n-
tMitr vr 1 . r-avl itiv;its)i. nJtt-riniMiinn Ii nti 1 1
reilmn tUm ju1Ih- rtvlii. tlm Ixaiisljtio kiwi at V u v
-. hi ittlti ih uli 'pt 1 hi 1 if ill. fi n i-it It'. i;..t !i!n.
iim. pr.ivi'ly ly tuvf-ir fiMliMi f n humI,
WhtrM hn p l Ih Niitir'l fill '.he t- puMi,- ,..,-i aj
ti--Hv t:', ' c.fMi',t i ali lltfj tivt umiy; i t'r Tii
rlii' I'ttMv xci'tk- irtii m-vlc witr-i ht ihn -imMn-.i-h,
r tiny it lift fundi r.riMjitt uluivr nny rcvt-in-u hw iin'.v c
nit i 1 tit "r llirti irtty In- fc-arritUrr rn-tf to', iiir ni mmtj
ni-1 he ri'ijiurNJ i M,v HiA !!iTi--rt f vr!l rt" Mt rs-twiii.
hn)l.tiiH miu-ilv tl I'-tiv rwii, 11 idv'r. f Lv it
H::l t i If'-lt-tJI hvit lltUi'lri'l Iti-U'l'r! ! i. .-uV-t
5 ' nrfy el-mo' iinvlitr ut u m' nf ti kt !' il- n (: t -r
tcul-m-r- jirr Mnnuni ; flu- Kinl fiit'airiL't'ttut? .iiH , ;nve,j J
lit tli I -f 'is nl tfic I '('iTiHiinuvt:!1'!!. vt'i':'i J,(. , ,.t.
Icil t'r.H'i t' Kimni in u 'nacnT ip ;,if ,-, .; ; ,- i , V.V.
no p irll"H m" tiir --4:rt(iftir fniM fl'T'! mrt tt- , tu
UtHfi (TflVll '-Mt H I-MI ill lit "I Kvr IhiuJm ,i tf ..-, 4j, ." tuc'iili-itivil 111 tit f-l f-n-.h-r 1 ! Hjr. -ii:. I- ,t , K f 1
etitiVin-T fti!il tlull be apft'ieJ O.i'ytd lh ifj-fj-j !.;;t ,
tlX-HI'!. .,'"'
Sf.fin.tx 3 Thr enU (f t'i C'-nuniirnviJih .. .
in nny 'uy I'! fciveii nf 1 'i.'-tt i- r m -m! i. n:,y n '.
111!. rniHp.iitv, cnrjviritK it rf n,i-,i.T i '!. n-r'fV-t; ..
i (Mimi'imvrttltli Jit-rt' ttlrT h-r'f'iH' i J-'tht t.-,tr - r .
h-i(J"r id any f .'itnt. v, n-iisfjiJ mh i i- ij a;,, ;i j;i .
t'l'ti'ifi-'tr.iTiiMt if ('- v!.'r. ij -i I ! t i tr; , .
Sr:( .TL'N 4. Tim- I W-tlf h -'i'"V n o. ..( .
.Jfiitp gt :my r-ojuirv . m; , l.rni.tjji i-r Vv
!.i.. .-r. .1,
.! .:i i
'' T,.. KiUt.'n i i n vii i" , H;i'. f '-' Ii i
ln'ii ctntrttcipd l' r'-jvil ii.vri ti, fch..r.:
' f t'J liclctul th'' Sifi'. 1:1 K iT.
i : v ' ;:iii ?t v.y. L" x:
Pvlrf'iitUif J ';'...' . '.m ;; Ui'u.
'".: I .r--i:,t, ut 2 fi!il'f'l.'vt r !"::'::-.' i " -
h 'n.H-li (if t-'Un t- V.l tj ck ri i-ti ; tr
t l".f.ii( U sl,.K-!!i..T HI UI' V .iiMI'l M'ti a o l-t.'.ti .
ttJ'.i nl c i ! Mti in, ci ! h, . i r i
tnfc;il'i. r i:i if t 1 ' t arv c ij-; ,i;.v j .i
i' i: i 'i
t-.-t-Ja? Ui. tv ii H.-e ( .,(!. . .t. ,i :,'
iv;i .
, 1 : -
J..- .1.
ll-'. -
n. t :.-t
T'litlVi.1 1E .;,u,.,
KjLUuct ll.'li, Uic J. Jruill
-. T A;M i'.: i:;i:. i .....
Ill ll.sli'; ,.f,t, ,:ii. A ,, ! !. 1-. ;.
lt--..-. .1. 'II -.' tins n-s .:n.,.,:i j..s. ' V. ,. ,iV,s-.j
T.itm..t tVolii Hie j.uiniul.
w.'.;. J.-.i.;; i.4i,
, bl-i.tlnTAB's t ll Til K.
lr'l'cil Apnl-'O. I-II J
C A l i.A '!;,
S.itrvluiy Mi'l'iiy C : i.iii.. ;i'.u..i.'i.
S r::?r. nt't ( i.- ,.
IfaflljK.iir. Jo I. 1: jl. i
) I OMlil'v tlut lln: a'j c lu. l I'... .in.' , . :,
IF.V.., tlS-n t y .ril-el i.s.pj ." tl r- ..r. .;r t'-'U -'-i-
ws-J ) iiAr-r.'arli(e dtias a'set-'as .' i tl ..' s.
IC'll,-' lis tl;t: utiMit I i-r. i i n i-i r. (,;. .:, 1 , i-. , . ..
. i In Isil iiiiiiiiI vi-In-l ( ( ,fr !. -rf.; 1 , .-
. ' , tell I UU"! l-.l'l. .ill i . ;,:' ,:i ')i.. ! , i , i
-. ' S. ercfift mlijc tas cv a, I i , r -. 1 t( s,,in
' : l- i A .t Acl-'i .
i . .... . fci.-'i''itry 'i ii.i r..t.ii., iji-.i .'.t b.
'': .,.'-;'; . f tv :- "
ltefi!i;,.,a Xr .W?.' i.!e I T. , i.-.( ,....
-llli-.i J ill. ill. fi 1 he l'...tlO:H.iM ,,l I, ,, . .,,,,, .,, . .
wiih ;.i:,m.I ttiuti Dii tin: villi.. S
ji-rre-t I.. ll.o krat r.iji".tiMi, lit. s g. , t ..
lu ll. Hj-ruejl ly W the C .u', n. r.'i.i.
viz : . '
I sil'irml. Ir-rii.k I- rv. I ik'hIm-hi. -1 ii i. u,...i. . n
I. Ib.i,.i.,ui:. I'lii,!.;,,,. ii,.;.,,,, n,.. j.,,,,;..',, j.,:
i.i .l..j.i , i-!;,i,i,. i-it.-.,. . :- ir....i,.,i
Kin,!,!" uuii Skii.ii.-r I.' ' ' '
H"(h fiii.-ajti. tl M':i'Titrri,iiHi-'
I 111 t
t.i it , -.j ,1
Uc:i licr.-iiiLI) t" ti e
I'Ht 1; iHMi.ail. W Ml 1 1 rv !
pri.;.;.i,, ! j,.,
UntlSlittl'J 'll.!H;i V.'-'IC llf ("iiil
Ykm --Mt-s, 11,i..Stiktu-. tnit -.TL"ti. r a ,; ,
f lya M-Kvj,, 1', II 11 ,1 I.. y. u.,,,;,,,,;
tii 'i ii'lii. j". j't'i. "). 1 1 I. ... ,v . (. it. .i ., .,.
ii s .mm, i-i;i-i. rrur,
(.plic!e. S'it'-i, Wle.-tiv. -MiiOiS-
Mil. -fit r - ?i
N.M-M.. r:l,!,. f .e.w. II l
KilnKi- ,, .?ki.,i,ri-li.
S'J l!io (laestU'a whs it-leri'i;,,-! in '.
.ii, lluin;:;.. d,
J nutial ft'thill.-ii,,,: .,!' i;f;l,v.v-,lal'.v.j
I ns p.,...l : ri--.tir,i.ic 11.. ..i i,:, i...;it
ii , 1)1;:'" , V"f, rv'-it1 J -f .
! "'.'" ''' V ' '-: i-i. i-i:. 1
an V, -
in in, ijivuani, ll, no, n,ti, v
:.:-lw I. I iill-iii, I'
! I stllHe.l liiiiii.rlinii, I',, ,,, i'
...i,i, en, ee, nun , .,;ilU. j;.,liy,.r -.ilni t-rnter, 'rr. Iii.l.,i,t,a,...;u,! .-,.v. lo! re. (:,,.'
I,i. .mi., 11: iiiili-m, ll.irt. iter. IJu.c,,,' I J - j -, L-V
Hippie. II irn, ft in Tin,. 1, 1 1 inii-ki-r, !'iiiii,.i. Hunt lick'
l,i,,. Kll:4..r,.. Kiiial.l, Laury, (l.-l. (i!,.) . m'-,',.,.,.
Miiviure. .Mantl, rii.1,1. M'C,',l,PKe,i. M1:vr Jjoru-'
(tle.ii. .M,mtir.imrv, ll-. A.j. I'aliner'
I'.-ir i,!,,.. I'.i.suioi.i IV.Ufrs t:,. I'rtVt, lutnev. Jluu-tlll.'
l-LtrrlK,, S.ii:.,.!.-. S-.t:. Siill-. Sou, .i,;.'.i;, S i.,'
(U.'rks.) Siiiii;,. (t-riiivf.-nl.) Mew int. Stu'-kiliili-, Hitniu.'
Sinn tiers, tVHceler, Wlv-klein, .Wrig'u, Znzxt, Cla.c,- . '
rtV .N". ne.
S.i ,1... .in, .... i i.. ,i.. .,ir..
Uu lira nui slum will Hill ll.HW l.uie I,, 1 1,. ...... ,u.l
ji 'fill .ii, Ilii) y.-i ou.l ii-ivb w-.-r.' Iiil:,.-.. inrrce.ilily t 'iha
ir.i-iv-,,m. ,,f ll,e lMli arliol.: ,n' tim caistimiioti, m,,i a,a
lis lollliW.t
f . Kts-M.sra. Alleifmi. H .ll, rSart.-u,, liret, j
II yet..l!ii:li.t,i,, 11 .y.l, C:iMw-. :i, (',i'!i..-. Oi-i'il.:-.,-,.!., 1
I litii'vliiii"iiie. H.liiiaiT. Kkirt.l, la-iii, I r.,, ,,,ue,iii..., I
?!? "T- '':''. Ji......a. (iw.-.,, ii-.i.,i;t. it
liiii.l, llil'i.-r. tii..l,.. line.- ekci. Ilitater. l!.:tt..ljl.-,M,
K.y .r,.. ,. l.-inry. (I.' li;i.!i.'' Low. re. (Tletn.) i,
AllMee. .M.i'Mire.,..:.l.-,I'I':.MI:.::. M'lC.-e. .M -'
pit iii, Moiiiir..iii,.ry. M.. .re. M.,n r, .lit..! I'l.a-u.r. J'teke,
Piiriiilci-. I'.iiii-ni in-, i'.iti. rs..,,, P i l,-r. I':iw I-i... IP '. ui,
It. .we. S'.Cb.l... fis II. Siio-.iil -ll. M.inll,. ( Herts.' Si:ni.,
ti-uiwt'ii.l.) St-H-Uiale, 1VI.ce-.-r, Wiciiltiii. U iii-M,
Cli.tSi.. Sp.-:lk,T-7t. "
Msr. .. .. IlnMw-I,,, lt.vms, n,i.i. Byeilv,
i M.-r. I' h'i ..i,, I'uiuey.Si.Ln, Slew ml, '.e.ii..;, S;r,uiicnj
e," s. icin. nerr. 1 1 in:,n,,- ,l ', .' . .,!...
p SrJ LllC liciiti Hi was tit. t ci 111' nn I iii t1; ftPiffl .it I ve.
' .u'Kf t hy'- Of ut r, '
Jl.'-ma-i-u. ACy I, ltA. i
l J .T.I.Mvr
i i: ii.. n Utif iniH
( tT tflUd It 411 t
rlifv l!i ;! )i ,1'iwf nii-l f . r in
tlu li'-i'iiiitiim r-flidivc t" nit Jtifn-i
Ill-JIlt n llic (Titnifi tliili ntc T :h.' ti' imm .:ivo:illit,
ns Hit- a. line itii;.-ir:i i-ii v.i; J.nirn;-,fs tn t vvn
Ilonncs (.(" 11m; (J.-in r-ir A cmli'v, (if tlilH Coill-
moim-eitlih fur the i m m I-.VI.
' Vitittv tny li:m.l 'in ! l; Sci! cf s.i'tl cfT
t'n' firsi it.iy of July, oiw tih'ii.i.iiiJ ei6'lit liuu
drttt mill ti;ty-l"iur.
T K. Hk('K,
Sv;cicl-jrf i-f t'.o t,''u;u iju onlih.
July H'.l.
JV0TICJJ' w hen-rv civou'lhiit a
-I- I'miii of rnimtimi l'l.-is in r..,:l for lb..
Comity of .NotthuitibeiJai,,), j'o cr.inmonec at
.1... ... r. :. ., , i t- i
im: uiii i. uousc. ill inc lio;ti:u:;i ci i , in 1 1 v.
M. -ii:. v t !i lt;.!i
.a.itur. la pu, ,i,un,
l . .
itii-il oi i s-m to in.i-. hi ins liinu aji uiuici
iiL'iee:ible to their potict's. '
Given under my ia:i.I al .mbnry, the lC:h
; i day id', Ayannt, in the jc-ar -f 'ottr Lord
one thousand ejolit hiitnln-il mpl fit'ty-fotu,
and iho Li.b piin.JiMico cf I !iiicJ,Ma:ca
ui aini-iii-.i on- , -i.n.
VCIll MM T U'MMI l..t.T
Xtk SMaalMilitiUlsliNkiiitii lh..t be has com
nienecil tlie a' ol 4miii t in Vw .Si.a
niokm. and wiil ulwavs keep 011 hand an assort
mailt of KW.MatleCIlliiiw ci every dosciip
link. ' ' V'"" ''- v '.
He also keeps on hand an assortment of cloths,
eassiiiierra, and all kinds of. kooJs, fif Mens
wearing apparel, which he will sill or make up
to order, to suil'pureliasers, at thd lowest pin t.
Shoinokin, Augu-l a, !HJ4.-rlf.
OlLRAININUH. Drop. Black. Ilw Cm
lier, Burnt Terra de Sienna and V'aiub ke
Tlrown. Steam prepared from the New Jersey
Painl and Color Work, for sale by
Bliubiiry,'July 22. H54 '
VKVCOOD-s. Cloths,' Casslrncrs, K.ittirirlts,
B Vesiiin... Tvveeds, Summer clolh. Velvet
(or.1, TVkui'gs, Checks, Muslins, tVrt, i. rre'd
and fm sail) bv. ' WM. A. KN ALB.
Lower Abctista, Msy fi, !K'4. . ; '.
ttfcl AI.Lt.Mir.lllitK i ril.l.r A eerlaiu
'- curs Jor Fever and Aqua, for sals bv '
' ' ' " t" pi.t-u . n n n' ts s,
'. PvJtuijr, July n, lSSst. .
7"ni"e )"rT ITT n TT TL'.;.iMiLi; cat ilk powhi:r.o0
I :.X.AsUw-.3 . doAii Brciuiw'.auJ FromiWId'sCollU Pow.
.7 T '; 1 i(t$M,9&Wl 1 ... .!orrju.Lreva.vcd al the New Druii More of
KSPP.CTKl'LLV' infoitua t!ic titistu of I ,,-.. v.... r un ,"-
rl-r-C ' " '' "' 1
Uollowa;', Uiiitmcnt.
... " -A J i
Ldtttn, f LVn'osj
wi-. In TlT "'""" 11 H
'i'llOMAHIIuM (, '
. I Met of AM PmJ srm Urr, ,t.w V..U- ' ,
Cctjcf ah'Wfrom Mr. W. J. LuUu ,t
' lr ... .
win. it t... 7 '' " s lair n.a
l...v... i, u 'r-,',,.;, ;? ,''' " Vi-" f "w , W ik- tun.,.
:.i..--ii?.,,'r;,?1- ';";;'" K r' , w..
!...:,..! ,,., ut .? ? P"',Ut "M oul.'-K if
- ., . .w:v?:zr..?r, r' r
hi.;,. 1. 1 lv,r , .... i , . ' '. s.i.sit in Ci.l..i;
I it v :.,';,' ',i :-'t. " '- "it ..tviinian,;,.
i carrui,.-... . - -
Mit .wj:-T!!Aiivr -i-i, .,..V, :'::";.
T. l.AMM.KV.
Hill AS r,
UA I'll.
fV :' '! hltfr ,',,;, J.V. Ji, Diiruil
niunt. Sat
C' A
ji'n.ilir a.'.'i. jsj.'i
'' P,
... - L...viv. c'vniit i' A. ;,i I.,., I X,,.,,
' ;rIt Ij tvali h. rtfflt p..,ii;1jc j Iiuve z
, - . . 1 y.., ...,,,., H .l(
''v vw.'m!', Al -"!.
I a :.
i i . i. -.! v . : .. t . .' '
in. 1 1 1.. l .ve I
.r lll. a, .4 I'.' .
! t oi .I,., ih.y ii.c.,m a
'" ' ""'', ' i wn- kn-w i:.
let lr..m M.-j. 'Nr,tfl,iA l-
I-., t von, il,.
r.v. .! . V, l!n" 1 ' '-' "' ' ( f'"X "
I U nl ties 1. ,1, .-11,1101
; -1 '" 11 it li N-w
l- l tin:?, 11 -. V:. lv!.i
!' 1.1 It ANT.
;') V, ll a C o K.l'iil
. -'
'' ''
; i..'.V.
f -i !'
t .
i. . ..
i i ... i
t .
I'll. J
i i;fn i.i. 6-. em
.T' --iir-ntt,
i.ic 1 r l'lVeisvir Hoilowit, S4(
in il. l.
- I' I ...,i:,itvr A
1 M .,: ; ,,, r;.
im ';i- rifiu. ,,.Ii':rt-
i.'l ii., vs ,Ii,.-r:, iti hi
. Ill
i ui I. ir. in . nf.
i P. i :,i .,: . i i-i,i,.
I-.-.I Wn ,.f
' ;' '' -'-'i-v-M.... !;,
1 ;. ' 111.,.- Iloeics HI llif 1. n
- I .say mi.:. al.:e t.ivii.t Ly lui.'.ng iho laigsr
;' ' ' ! : ,r" I'' saiilsnca of itiliinii ia'evsrv
' : : v:.l t eui-j Ux.
l:il. 'ilil. .
hbw mvG btoseF
V T'T'-f 7"". ".- r. r.-i-n. -;r-V
-.- .v . a ;j a.. v ji U i ll ll ,
u'i.-!?!.f.lo anS Hot nil D.-Hr-.-.lcH.
.- ,t-
r. Unjhi't .iter,
1- !':') p iioic l.ic inrj-e ,t r od beat
'! cLr o.'i in u in acclijn uf
i (c
! roui.lrv, cv-tuisl'n-: of
- - - ll i iw. VIIL'mU.
r.-iiKIies. ( '!., ui, ;,U, Cio,md .s-.,J,.c4 p.,i..,.
i nii.1,1 ..-.o..'.:u.i, i.ijcinci- wit i a i-iino tin -
cut cl Faint, Clothes I!ir. To, ih. Nail
ut':! S-!,-..' in" l'. n-V i ?, l'11-.v.siiisr, side. Neck and
Pocket ( ' -'i,:icv Snajji. !r !un in? t 'ri ems,
Tot .ic.-ii, .';i;jars, i'oit .loiii:., iSiatioi.arv, Con
fei.'tioii;;! ;i -i, . .
lr y.i -dii i;... Lii-jii-.h, .I'lintli ami Amoii-i-.iu
I'd ri-t,.er . Cim-y (Jovds i I" everv den-iip.
lion, in short every u:1icle ks;-t h: 'l1rn;.-iis
t.' . 'J' J.!', ; . ' : " .
'' I'. . . , ,,, .... it . . . 1 ,
I'.s.l, I. ." ... .( .''" '' '''f1 UI " I' "' tu-
t.i.O. 13. w i.i -;;:;,
' ' ' - ' ' wm. a. i;i;i;.m:i:.
I'u'oi iVi May-lrl, JV.'.d, . .
PPI.JCATION tcjj be ninde l.vtl.a !e-is!j.
. 'Jru. ' Potmsylvaiiia, at tt its i f
iS5.1, llic iiieorjioratioii uf a Savings Jnl.ti.-,o
witn ilwomilini? prhile-es, and with niiiln.niy
lo rcccua miinius or depositee, in hnv suins fmni
a . lino upwards, will, a capital uf Fitly thousand
dollars, to bo located at Suuburv,
tun,, county, Pa., and to be calicdlhe 1 Ll Ulik
'Savimus IssTl-rLTs
July 1, 1PSL 6lll.
i'ickles. Sanccs' frc.
'Jiilit. recoivfd
I.'"'. I.......'-. ..-'. .
..-ru.-r , Aneiijive
i. I'iiii liteyur,
i .,' .,
i ' "
'iiv. ,
i i; irk, it's
, p,,.j. , j '
I i.',
1 ,, .i
I v-,..Jt ., I.
, 0'1-"1-'
I tie nlmvn are nil fn.rr
Or...., A- Hhekwsll, Loud.,,,
I utlrj I limine., ,
" lli.r..,
Hinrls-rry Jam,
Cumuli ii
Tomato Cnteup, ate., As.
I : - GtJANO, GUANO. -
! "Q?.''H Tons No. 1 Uoveriiuict.l Peruvian
c'rt Oii-itio.
mww nmrt .-,ip, i-pii,?sp,i,iia oi Lime.
' liJt Tons Mincriii (itnino, -I'OU
to Sunt Ih'harvts and 8.' Soi'th ll'uhr Street,
first door ahvu Cketfuul H ,
June S!, ISSI. :Ji;i.
licatioti wil'
of IVniisvl-
vrmi-i, f v the rn-arion of a crpontle body tvitli
1 ban..uic; aud ihscoiiiitinr? rmtlejes, to be located
! at. S1' :l1,":'i;1 "'"I .l" ""''' l!'n Bank of
i iiamukilt. V. U 1 a ;U.l sl.l.-L lit '1'tt.l linn.trrt.l
. . . .. ----"..u
.... .. ii.I iWAiir.
. I m a- ' a, ssr . . .
UC,.S- a,.(l iilllHCPV OlU.
, . 7
.Cnnsiritiii? Ppcrni, LstJ, Solar Elephant
and racked Whale Oils.
j . . For Stale) ti
j 23 Sjulh ll'h.ri,ind 35 South Ifaler Street
- I'kil.iJ, Ipl.W.
. . . . '.
Jul;... 1,'tW. am, '
- f
- m , " ' - '
- 1, I ;s b I'oiire.iu s eelebrnted ink, and also Con.
- 1 '. r'.,r.a,'. whoL'sale and retail by
lie.-aiWr;. u.Ml.'1'ii
:- .
TJAKASOLS f a, sorts. Cm bu-ii,s, carpel
baps, willow batkets r.nd ' u-n, ..r
all kinds, just received and for sale Lv
Lower Augiula, May 6, IRSl
1 1 J Bpff- arken l, Cojfi
1 ,1''f.Lisma..FiRs. Leaioiis&Orani:
ju.i rreeiveu ana lor ale l.y
April SS, iti.u. I. w, TEXLR & CO.
" 1 1 1 1 .1 1
4 RNOLirs A lHTtNU FLl ID snj Adh..
aive aaj legal envsl.ip., lor sa's liy
ii. 11.' MASSEF.
Sonbuey. Jun 10. UN.
IOK RIJNT Tlie lower atdiy'of the buildiu,--
in Market slu-el, lately occupied fs Ihe oQics
of ha Sunbury A uicj icaii, Ajply u
, H. U. MAMEB.
tsunbury, Jgly I, l4L-s..., . -.
'V r:,- i i.
-' :' '! I I
' -', 111
' '';;: .-i :.
'' -to l...t','
I.I.,.. ! !
, i. r.r ,,.
- '.!. : -,
V , ;,V,,'-
: -: