I I 4 .s SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. THE A1E?.IC"A1T. SUNBURY. ATinUAY, SEPTEMBER 11, lt. II. It. MASEEH, Editor and rroarletir. To AbviktiM!.- -Tli etreulntkin of Oil Bunlmr Ametiittn amnne; the tl liferent town nn Oil Sutiueliaiin il not exreeiled ifeuual'eil br anjr pi'ar noUnlieJ ill North tni leniiayh-iiii. .. 1 ....... . i L . ' . XM JL Dkmochatio Stati Nominatiopi. . FOR GOV ERNOR . WILLIAM BIGLER, i Of Cltarfitlil County. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, Of Somerset County. . FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. HENRY S. MOTT, Of Pike County. DEMOCRATIC rOl'NTY NOMINATIONS For Congress, WILLIAM L. DEW ART, (N'oinin.-tted by Nurihumberlitiid Counly.) ... .' JOSEPH W. CAKE, (Nominated by Schuylkill Counly ) For Senator, JESSE C. F10RTON, (Subject lo tho decision of the Convention.) Awmhlu, D. 11 MONTGOMERY, of Lawii. Sheriff, HENRY READER, of Delaware. Vrolhonotury, JAMES BEARD, of Sunbiiry. Commissioner, ICLI AS BROSIOUS.of Sutibnry. , JOHN YOUNG MAN, of Sunbiiry. i Rrt,i;ioi's Noticb. Rev. G. D. Cheno weth Aaent of the Hallimore Conferenre Tiact Sneiety will preach in Ihe Muthndisi Episcopal Church in this place nn Friday night tho 22.1 instant. Tho public are re. epcctfully ii vited to attend. Service to com menco at 74 clock. 'J.ffT The illness of several of olfcfchands' has delayed our paper this week, and crowded out a number of editorial and other articles. , , (TJ" The new Steam Saw Mill erected in the upper part ol the town is completed. The mill is built in a most substantial man ner, with all the recent improvements. CC7"The Democratic Senatorial Confer ees lor this District, composed of Northum berland and Dauphin Counties, will meet at Millersburg to-day (Saturday.) We have hear J ol no other candidate than Jes se C. Horton. CCr One of the most violent ttorms that has occurred for 50 yean wat experienced at Charleston S. C, on Thursday of last week. On our first page will be found the proceedings of the vegetarian banquet at Philadelphia. At this time, when beef tells lohioh, (he testimony of the vegetari an! in lavyr of an exclusive vegetable diet, will be read with interest. OtT We were blessed with a copious and most refreshing rain which commenced on Saturday night last and continued till Sun day moining. The weather hasbecoine quite cool a-ul con.f triable and all nature teems lo wear a inure cheerful and refreshing as pect. The" Susquehanna rose about 1G in ches at this place, and hut consequently improved canal navigation. HUE StW 'LLT1I1-UA1I rium II The laying of the Corner Stone of the New Lutheran Church in this place took place on Friday last. ot withstanding the day wat oppressively hot there were quite a number present lo witness the ceremo- ! otlterprisinS young gentlemen Iron. Lancns uies. The sermon on the occasion, Was j ,er wh ari. areaiIy t,.lvnrr 1 1 i tr jewels lo preached in the Methodist Church, by the I niarkt U Ve shall", lorne of these davs, visit liev. Mr. Untie, ol Sdinsgrove, alter which I iip . ,4rnrUn ljn'' T.nV.ii the procession proceeded lo the site of Ihe new building for Ihe purpose- ol perlonning, the ceremonies usual on inch occasions. The cb-ry linn present and who participa ted Were the Rev. Mr. Home pastor ol the church and the Kev. Mr. U.tlle ol Sdiiis grove, Kev. Mr. Khrebart ol Shau.okin and the Rev. Mr. Sunerton ol Ihe Presbyterian thurch in this place. The new hnildiii' will he a handsome brick edifice 70 by 42 with a basement atoiy. 1IIK FttOlltUIIUttV .t4Uit LAW. The liirnils ol tl. is Uw arc in-iine oj aucicst, and say they will trttumly tkrry I he '! Ly a iiidjiiiity of 50,00 ) vott i. 'i'u U leatin; H lo a vote ol lh pt-oj.lri wt paiu'd in llie IIj'Ji by a Vote CiiJ lo 4U. Tint W4i a time koie, and a cl.ngr ol I wo would hate d.Kutrd lite bill. Air, Muiiljiuiiriyi who wis one ol the 5') w bo voted for Ihe till, we utidcitt and tt lU ttiine bf his llieiid, lb. I he otd for it Li ci lie wm erwiu it would iu4 .uy in ihe title. HjI It i trrltili IijjI it p.J, iu the leislaluie, Lot e ld d tc i I tr la lh trrnt i ol lU liiriid, uJ ru it (ipKx i,r i ll now iinil, thtt Ihe ioutl will U clue and it Uluj (kflivd il ttut kl ill tm Ti'itixa cwMrerkK TrTTGA faa h&4 been called bpon to ptjblist) tha proceed inr) of foivi of Ui mcijiblriia the itanding qcnniniPe, who net aft IhdjJ'Iace on Wednesday last, "to investigate (lie al- letlgert - Iraudi in Mt. " CartTtel." - Bring prrtsed for tirn.pj roorn,f ,wi iCould,, not Jo to, if iVc'n InClitied; tu Vill biitfl'jf nJ- Hrr1h -f rocf edrfig.t; The committpe ilato' th,t thy;.ar sat isfied that 100 more volet were returned from Mt. Canne! than .were polled at the elecliourand in a resolution ask the editors of the papers take down tho . nnmea of Henry Reader lor Sheriff and substitute in it's place, Hint nf Ge6re W. Armstrong. Now as this comrhittee has' beiv selected to suit the Views of a few ivdividirtlifj'vi'e cannot see by what authority 'theVVritler lake to annul and 'supersede' '(lie 'action or the, county convention, and take the, rnat IT ol making nomi; atipns Juto, their ow.u hands. The people have conferred upon them no such power. The chairman of the new' committee, mutt have some exalted notion of lis pow er, and should hi succeed.' in this, his next step ma)' be to recommend a total abolition of all primary electiou", investing lh stand in.' committee, of which he is the foreman, with full powers to select candidates for the people. " " Thrre can be no doubt that there have been frauds and irregularities, in a number ol districts, besides Mt. Carnicl, as' the tally papers will show. By the tally papes ol Turbut township, G. W. Armstrong is returned as having re ceived GO vole Henry Reader as having ree'd 36 James Buoy,; 8 " Now we have it from most reliable sour ces that one ol the Inspectors who held the election it willing to. be sworn, that -the whole amount of votes-polled for Sheriff in : that box was 72--of which1 O'VV; Arm strong received 2tf;ule', Henry Reader 4(V votes, a()d Jas.' Biiqv 9 votes. ' f-Jr; Kissin- ger, the Inspector, relajiltd the, box .Will) the tickets and they are still in his posses- j sion, and show the above rt-iu!t. . The fact i,lsclf that lliuio were more . than oti4 hundred more votes .pulled in Ihe county for eheriff than for any otiitir candidate, tltows-couclusively. that ihero was copsiclisr ii 1I ii linkeiiiio done jn some places. But the idea ef peruiittiii'; a eolf-consiiluttotl com iiiittee, to patch up or altei the proceedings of a county convent ion, is u species of cob blins that the dumueratic voters of this coun ty e,iu never b-s brought to submit to. , Had Mr. Armstrong been, nominated, our snppotl would have beeu accorded to h i in ekeerfully. Jlul us Slr. Ueitdi-rvilhout resuli ing lo unfair mean, received the uomiualion from tho convvuliuiil;iu guild deioocrat can refuse lo support luui, )Mid np . one but a disorganizar nil) ttriLo hit i.an.e ficui hi paper. . ,, tiik nio moi'-vtaisi coLr.irrtv. While in Sharnokin about two Weeks since, we embraced 1he opportunity to visit the "Big Mountain Colliery" .about' 11 miles above the town, with several indivitl- cdnnecjed with this improvement. Mr, Marshall, who accompanied us, showed ut through the extensive mines ol this compa ny and conducted us through the coal brea ker, a stupendous work of the kind, w hich had just been put fairly into operation, and which cost from 25,000 to $30,000. The coal is brought to the breaker lioin the mines, on trussel work 70 feet high at the breaker, and therefore requires no raising by machinery. We witnrtsfd.for the firrt time, the operations ol the spiral scliute,' con structed with sections ol cast iron, with a flanche, similar lo a winding stairs round a column. The descent .'ol the different streams of "black diamond" on their wind ing Way into tho bins prepared lo receive the coal of various sizes, was a pleasant sight to behold, notwithstanding "the dust" that enveloped the view. The spiral schutt s are a, new invention, and were fust introduced into this region, bid it is yet doubtful whether they will ; supersede the other kintl, a lad which time dune must determine. The'llig M'-unUiu Colliery'' is under lease to Megsrt Llack fit MchaO'y, "Luke Fidler" (Jreen Kidee," and other collieries, all constructed on the tame mag nificent tcale. i. , . , . CJ" Tho Caxelte, of In-day, attempt lo refute mine ol ihe artiulei in our last paper by peivertinit the fuels, uud by a kind of special pica. Iin( loo lhiny lo deceive any one. lit ihe meanliine we dto in it pioper lo iitfiiiin cui in ihboiirs, that we prolt-sl against liit Vint; our idea of "munliue., tno.i.i.i e. l-y the lautlard uf the lehool in which lln-y haio been lean-d. We would a. tonii I Link of cninc lo Tin key for leliion, II ihe ediloi of ihu (Jazelle I'ltunul under Hand out sla'.f ii.eoi., il j. no fault ot uui We ato unj. t uu obli;alioii to fum'th Iht-in wiilt botli i,.iuiioi,i m.J ui.der.ian.lui(, Wr m. i eioioayor, Liaever, lo i.1ist-ii Ibeiii lie A l It'll Ty-TiiK Noatii lluANni C-,al hich wat to have b.rg fiu,.hri a,i i.u ,4 )' t r.t ly. h wat i4 well coutlrtitUd, aud i. ir. a Jraky tuiulitiuii. Urn. Clovn, I'ntldent l the- bonut uf rttl Coininia. '"""' vi'diavviiiirf tj j,i ii inmJrff.r li.Hj-.luiu, ,J ptup,r,, II,, l'b,.U.j,,i, Newt ,.! (i. .( flJ11 , wr. (Ji wliiib Hi- - lor think, p.,du.ibly tuj;. je.tlVe l l e oj rf0fy of , J4 t-Ulllf t'p Ire U t rnnM," ' We pt.t.me lUeie l.to.t., ..... At i i it.., 4 (4i, r nAV,D B.10MT00MtRV. .?iVI Jifldcrttantl (hat David hat been af- fliCtedjTilr some yrne past with very tin- Diefestnt sensations atising Irom the nnenm- fbrlrtle position in which he it placed. ii. ' r-i r . - .... , ... r ' ue expressed nis leart, on ine nay t.iii-r convention, that it was all over wtthtiiri IHj, . is ase,hat been, growing . worsS.",arid nopeiess every day.' Unable to meet the ctisrffrorged sgairnt him or voting to Abie ftlier c6al. df th'n tounty for. yqting ort both tides of the liquor law and vo ting extra pay lor hinWIf 'in-the - legis-hf tmV( he now appeals to sympathy and askt some ol his former" friends -only to think ol the disgrace that will be brought upon iis children, If he should not be elected. .In reply to this reply to this appeal, a short lime'siucr'e was asked if he ever thought ot what was to become of poor York's chit dren iUsuch a terrible calamity should ' be fal:,. their father. ; This was a puzzler that bothered David almost as much as his votes for extra pay, coaj lax 5tc. ,V'hen we first bean) this story we .were almost inclined Iti ask Yoi ksto haul off, for what signify' his" children T" They ore nothing hut little democrats anyhow. Hut David, it. is said, is distant relative ol one King David, mentioned in an' ancient volume, who killed a much bigger man, in histime, than York. ' But then we thought of Da vid't appeal last year, that he only wanted 16 be elected one year longer, to save his honor. But as h neglected it then, we fear he would entirely extinguish himself next tension, 'should he, unlortunately for himself and for the people,' be elected this fall, ol which, however, there is hardly a shadow of a chance. . ,. (C-"Thk Rnsci r." i the title of a new campaign paper just started at Pottsville by A. Deyo. Its object is, as tated by the editor, to advocate the election of Major Wm. L. D wart lor" congress, as all the oth- er democratic papers in the county are fa i,. T,; IV fVitn f,r ih.it nffie.. Tl.o Jl..r U ,ln. tmnn Cd Pake, and . 1 " ! ," - ' - v, . i cut, aim v. mi iiiu.r u.ttr.t.r,., than policy or good taste would uiclate. The editor contends that by an agree. meiit between the Iriends ol Major Dewart and Col. Stiauh, two years 'fljio, this' conn- ty was' ti) have the liuiniha'.ion. ' C'til. Cake, and his friends contend that it i the usual practice in (his State to give each roiinlvlivainrlt. t..rn.K. and iavin2 tut m m i i ., .,.,,: murium; there had been IS -.leal ha. A com carried Schuylkill county by almost unaut- 7 , , J ' ntllte f citioiis imiTiedlalely piocOedHd In mous vote ast.inst Lol. St.aub, he and his j,,,,, , pi0CUrL. .M,i(.iu.,., medical Iriends crt; not bound by at-.y iigreeinent of j hil) aiM ,,,, SllM,1rty mrni,iu r-iurne.l wtih Col. Slraubor his friends with Major Dew- 1 jlf. Hodden, Spencer, and- Thomaht C. Bmn att. This tjlate oi uflairs is certainly to be ! injr, w ho- have, aiuen their, urtival been regretted and W have accordingly placed the names of both candidates at the head of our pp-r, leaving it lo.tbe people to -decide Who should be elected. . ' "".". A North Carolina Hai'tist 1 he Mthon Chronicle give an amusing account ol the. f , .,.,:., ,,f various uvocalions of a iiroiniuei.t Uaplist ol . ,. . , , . , , ii,:. lli. I Kl'i.t.. ihn ... .lor ol llo- Sni'i'lll or. lie IS an otficialitig meiiiber ol Uie yopd, a been. . ttitl allorney ; n iiewspper editor ; aent lor neaiiv nil llie lusnraiifo ttiiiij tm.e tum- . . pauies North of Ihe Potomac ; Commissioner for thirty Slate and applicant for the same when Kanas and Nebraska shall have come iu ; bank ditecloi ; Chairman of the board nf Supt.-rinleiidaiit of Coniinon School ; lempe- laut-e orator j ayeut and counsel fur Uuks Foit-M Culleijo ; Piesident. and Socretiuy of all the boards ol .tha, Bjpiisl Church,, kv- ; and in addition he owiiimoie (own piopeiiy, ha ihe nenlest faun, llie best fitiils, and Ihe finest cuttle of any man in the country. A treaty ha been concluded between the American Commissioner and ihe (jovern ment of the Sandwich Manila, for Ihe annex ion of the tame to the I'niled Statei. The treaty wat despatched bv mail f rem San Francisco, on Ihe lClli. All the member of the Ki'ijj' council weie ii. fa tor of annex al ion except two. The King was the mosi activo piomo'.er of ihe Treaty. The details of the ducunivnt have not transpired ' The ininiiij; prn-pecl in California' weiel never more tavoralil. An F.XAMPi.r. or TNnt'sTnv. Tho' Bahi inmn Patriot says, that Samuel Williams, a colored man, has one nf tho finest farms in Wasinijiiin county, M I. Tint il.-oi-iNiown lleiald ila'es that at the age of S3 year, be was a slave in S'afloid county, Va , Iml nb stijnnrnily puicliased his fieetloni from hi o n caniiiios. He then bound himself lo year of serviliitle iiu'il he coi.1,1 purehae hi Wfe and chit. lien, which he tuoii tccoin. plished w hen he was SO year of af-e. lie now own u f.iuu woilh 810 .000, and peison al pinpeiy amoiinl n.o lo seveial thousin.l more, all earned by his own labor, lie is now 7J yeai of ut;e. 15 TvKgisipli. r H ..'f . - -, y ,- .- - - Cholera I Columbia CinVMUls, t-epl. 13, Kvtnii'll. Theie nie number of case of cholera itill under Ileal in. nl here, bol them hare been no new case lu.tluy, 'J'he -.'eneial bealib of Ihe lun la j unit h iiiipiovej. Cholera at Couml Anoihrt Slaieuient, (uLl'MtiA, Fepl. 13 I'plo t.i, oVIiH'k, thi inoinimr, rrn niom ileailt owuie.l tloill i holem, ami II i.w eii reaiiili-d. The lolal tltaili iue Hie tlietrutei made He pp-4iiic ii II. Them aia 40 -' undi-i liiralitiriii, Tlie limn Unwneni .ot-a.lr( IteriieUtiif aul 1-iIuiiiIiu baia) (riw-U (u,. iilng In eiiMspteiiea o iu Miliinnl iu f- t4i4 lit Ilia) Hieliiy. iel ul ooO tulMUtaiil, 11 l.oO, rav. mam in ilia tunii. All Ilmlut4du Jt yuiie !nhrr. Tlt staler in Ihe iimr It. ! on liMtl, ( . . .. i Tbe (wine Hltieogiitiirt tU nUW tociMHt U In mn l, . TMK CHOI. It R A AT I OLUMBI . - On Saturday evening a, Tepgrapbic3if pakh wat. received at the ptfice . In this place announcing that the cholera has bro ken out at Columbia, with the most sudden and alarming mortality, Dr. R. E.; Coch ran ana number ol the most respeciaoie cifitent of the pUce and tmong the victiins. Several detlhi, it 1 said, have'bCCUcred at Marietta Baiue,bridge an(j Uddletp'n. The lolloping. from the Baltimore(Ame ican of Tuesday entert more fully into par ticulars, v ( (' ,( ,'i .Wnnouiid.b7.ite;euiu3bije.stiy;lliiij ilit liu,t hiiiia li.uj mlijeiily Jldai ,i;up peurniieut V.nliinibi,. Pa , and that iif,.nn inuiOilibiy biief fjmce. of iliim . hud preiu througliuut Uih city, willt a viinleiico iiupre- cedenle.l. ,. h.fiist lnoke out on. Friday, la'i at 4 o'uloik in Ilia, ofieinogii, and, weenie credibly imfurnied lluit up to 4, o clouk, ye leulay aflyiiinon, llieie. had,, been fijhj-stx deaths, and thai there vvero moil"'! :rifi 4ascj4epoue1M1p U1ll1.il hnr., Ai'i"t the victim arts. tho fulluwiug. , wull knowu cm r.eus-: ,i ., ,- a-.,v . ' thf- ! E, Corhrnu, ' ' F.itwaril' A.' Howard,1 Franeis liraillov, ' ' Mfi. Hesse, ' Mi Kishnr, ; Mr, ('alon, ' Mr. Durriek, S. Hii.kle, Win. Gilbert, Mrs. Di.v, Muus. Keesey. K. Sprutlx, J. Strieklur, II. Ltc.ity, Miss Zeijjler, Mrs. Hippey, Thesu ate uuly n few of llie many viciiins. whose name n t oblaincd roiu a (leiillemaii lm rairiH down in the cars las', evening Dr. R. E. Cochran, vas a meiiiber of Itie Legislature, luul hail ex pored liunsi'll in leuderiii)! nsKistaiiee to his sulleiing fellow citizens.' KJwurd A. Howaril. uiciitioneil above, was proprietor ol the (ireeu Tree Ho lei. nnd Fianeit Bradley was a Notary I'nb lie, nil Inytiiy esieemed ei:ii:eii. The Tniiii uliieh letl Culiimtii.t jesleiday aflrinooo, tnonijtil down lour ear load ol ciiizeus ol ColunibiH, with their I'aiuilit', who'wure ileeinii Iruin iliu cmige. Mol of them flopped tit Yoik and lit farm huiioes along llio load: with their friunds, whilst U few como dim il to Baliim.nu- The. whole !l''P"U'tu.ereWnn.dae pletel, pauu: .I....L.... i...,l ..ullll..... ....... I,.. ..I II,.. nhmiM ini-iutredtnted vimlfiice ol the til- ; erfSU jH ke,i into en.,M,lerai.o... A lew j ,W(J j,.,,,,,.,., ,,.pieM.u,ej , lav placed L, viuinns bet nud all hope ol ' recovery. . Tlll! t1Ke,1e (lrM t))ll'rt (, ppe.,IHiieo on j Thuid.iy Hl'ieititxni, two ttmiuinni httviiin j been taken out ol a passing tram, and soon uV'l "h uinnistukeable choleia Hymptuni. ()" Friday afierr.ooii a iiiinW'of Ihe bliizeiis I eie attacked, and at 10 uVtoek on S.ttu.day ! lalnrii,ir. incessantly wilh llie siek and tlyiutr, a'"' ' '" !"'"'e '- h'ck..d the audtlen ravages of llie pesiiicnee. 1 hey also ilia-covered that those portions of the lutvii where well water io diauk ullocelher ' the disease h ni not appeared whilst' thore .... !, tvui iiuoiiy Lif-oil. uiiiirn iu nn viiiiiim . ,. ' , This tliscovery lead lo an anslyntion of ihe i J 1 reaervnir water, which iluiing tlie drmighi I hill hrin filled from lfir liver. antl il was i . ' luijiiii iu u.i it... ,.i..i uu,. iiini.u holesome but at-lti- j , . ttl.y )OlPoiiotn.. i his uim-ovriy, 11 in titiiit-ii, w ill tend lo check the further apread of Ihe tlipi-ane. When il it laken inln cansideriitinri - iliai Colotnbia ha a population of les llian G000, more lhan nue-lhiiil nf whom aheady left ihe nl y, llie t-M-enl of llie uioilitliiy i almost linptecedetiled in it viinleiice. Thete in a large, colored population in Columbia, anil Ihe lavaoe of the disease anion-; them is represented to be Very sreal. We learn Ihal ii short lime previous Iu ihe departure of I tin ear yesterday adeii-.oon. seventeen new case were biooclil in Irom Sautee Fuinace which i located about u mile ami u half limn tlie city, some of w hum were in a collapsed condition, and be joint i ho possibility of recovery. : The Idt-graph opeiaior al . Columbia had aduudutied bis tiliico, ami conseqne.itiy we have been -able la obtain but little information through lliat medium. . ; Tha rain which uu so copious in thi tec lion of country on Salutday night and Sun day did not reach Columbia. Tlieie wa a plight .ptinkle iu that viciui'--, not .ufliuieut to purity Ihe air or assist vegetation. m 4 it ii i r i. On Ihe 4ih insl , v liev. P. Willard Mr. I.rwn Ci.isk and Mis Cathakinb Nvll, bmh of D.Hiville. , - On Thnrday, llie 31st oil., bv Piee. Mr Hole,' Mr. Wm. DtKiciiivoK, of New Vorkr in Mil i F.i.izauhtii, iliu, hier of Phillip. Fnllmer, , of Chilistpiaquo lownship. i i i: i. In ihi place uu Tneatlav lust, Mr II A CHAI-;L. i'L'liSKL. uila ul Puier PuimI, uf-' ler a In.ciiiny ijlut-i. ot CouMiinpinrj, aped G7 leai. I'l.-I al Mid.liebuis! L'l.ion Connl v on Mon day ihe 1 1 1 K mat , Hun CKO. KKKMKIt, hoe. I ulsiut 7'J )eati. ' . , The tli-eean-d was well known in tin see I ion of I ti m elate, and not many yeaia since oeeti pied a pet fiiinriil position ill the ra'nki of Oie tl 'iuociatie iar'y. ai a po'iticluU lie icji reiriited ihi diallriel in (nii;ie when I'nion Counly ruiialiliited a pitil, ut Ihe Him when John Huiin-y Adam, wn slate Prrndenl li ua during Ibat encitinj penod, iLut Mr. Kleiner fharueil lleniy Clay Willi liavina eolere.l inio a bjrjaiu ami ale, w ith Mr Adam, for Ihe Presidency, which mulled in rhullaitM from Air Clay, and u bn h, if we teceollrcl nyhl, Mr, Kiemr aecejitaj, pio. (oaiiif iu 0 m riilri, al tnuiildia aucr, leimt Ihal Mr, Cl('i fnnii.U wol-l out at're-iil. I Mr tviemar te a aflf-ma-U man, ot rlioo, ! riAtlvit iiilatlret. an t.i.u-4 a...M ikjui.ila ......m. wbat etx-iiilria fu tit biaetf Ptaie I la bia !. I.I Hluoinpbuitf on It II inat, ol lii irry, Mi ttAIUM HAIIIoV. il ul (al. b lleili.ii, it , and deutiiir ( b lean llupax, agaet abuul St )ai. fn tht SBnie nlnr. Sent. 1. ufDvsenterv. Mr. SARAH ANN, wife of Benaid jtliperl, aged 89 yeais. ,f In lhi same plaee, nn the etenliter of the 7thin Mr. RICHARD WILLIA, aBed about 54 years il In tho Mnn iilnee. on Snndav- VWl Mrs DOROTHEA CORNEA, ftced S6 year. Irt ids Mm plare, on Monday las?," JOHN BIXTBTS, son of Thus. J. and Hetty L Mor ri, aued 10 year. .lit' I w i 1 In M'Kwensville. on Fiidny last, of eon- sumption," MV.-JAMTSS KXCJT AVATStr?,ffli the 7ih year. pl.ijirtgft. r, r: i."jn i -l)C."'iUtivliCt3. " !-' Thilndelphia' nntittt:- ,r,-'L'-s CtRAl". Wheal, J rat her mom iiiuiiitud at ler, hl'.S'l UJ.it til lor new prime led,, and 5200 ui 05 for new while. Rve eoiiiinue seHictk. Sitiriln'iii t 112 and Pennsylvania i wiiiitml at I lae perbltl. I nln i!t 's'eniv anil in tlt'iintiul at V:4, lor ydlotV ifolll,'iir,d' t)34 efiit in sloie. Outs nra cauM:. thjll'i ol uew tiouiberii at 6Ja6tlfi. . i .. .... Wlu'-key i M-aieu und seljiat, 30 cunts, in both lib la. and liul. , , .,.. ...;,.. T . .." I ! I' I I'-. Ealtimoro Llaiket. 1 1 i .. . ;.! . ! , Setil 12 . MftV. GUAIN U-il Whwti sidtl at Ifi'i J7t-i. unod In prime (pntlny' and a hiihII lot ol vnry elmice do. lor seed br'tiiiibr IU) . ct.. ,. ti i t Wheat sold at . l.'i.S.i 11)5 els., fyr pr.liuiiry pi fair p icels ; tfi3.il iS els. for fair o (jtiod cfo. ; 175.1 1S5 cis. lor sjood to prirtie do. ; and ' l!l(l ets. for some vhoien lots suitablt) for family flour. (J. aid whiin Corn hn.nyht S0.i82 cts. ; and 11 y enl dn 75;t77 tils, Yfllow il r. n,l,l nl S0.i85 el Some siuall aainple of M:ir land liye sold at 1118a t)0 ets. . O.tls weru linntir i linn for n i n d.iys paM. The rrivinis were itbnnl 2. 000 tiiK'lels ; nut! we note 'a!ea of Mm vliiinl and Yireinia at 4Sa5l fl'., all.l ol Ohio at 53 et-v .. . -.SUMUiKV"l'!t K : ( ; I M 1 1 1 K N T ' WllRAT. Rt It. ' .'tias.. i Oktn. , - I'oTiTtif s, , -H f. KS W i J - If t;i k 1.1: ii n.tt. HrTTni. I'inn. , I'tlllK. , -I 1 Kl.l XSF.I.II. ' Ti i. i.iiw. . 200 ' 1 01) : fco Si ..so 25 lO 1 ' 12 , 10 145 10 New Advertisements. Siuilmrv Anitlfinv. j. v cnosMiLi.iin. F IMUlltCK, :-. j I'llliClftlh. 'nilK PALI. TI'.HM of tMs ' A rati my will , J- coliiiiiel.ne tin iMiiittki'V . Itic 2.1 of (Molier ... ,, , ., , 1 no t'unreo til. Iiiili'uelioit will .fiiiltritee all llie 1 lirillll'lli: ol IL lllic-r.lt l.llllfl) ami t. I,is-lr,l run- cation. Il i their aim to tnaU (lie. Aca.leittt : J- . ' - , . . ' , .1,., i , out' Ul I or oi-1-.i pi iiiiitl" in .i.-r i.,.i,,,i-.. i u u- - . ronvliktl !ti,''7iVit!liii'8 will lie'wallliil-: an their t.iirt 1 i .'it. '..:.i ; ... I'""'. . . ... , . , 'J'hurouuhritM and l- cuiacv will be veipiiretl ........... i-..,.ii,.ii... u...1 .... o...,it u.il! t.M Ofimiltiil . . ; i' . .. . ... !.,.. i ,". ,,.,. sititill and lli'cl.ini.ilioii will receive litrtii-tilar aiti'iitioii. t'orri'.'t rtailiu'jt" '.v'lii'ui' nnd spelling will lie rarofullv tnoiftil t) thr'tess -.nlvnuerJ. - (Vender The W inler ses.iini will com- w..:.i .. , ..r ........... .....1 . , , , IIIII1C Iwenlv-two week. , . ' .. , The soMoii i tlit idvtl in 'f'wj Term of eleven weeks e.tt-ti, ' ' lilt lire uu ..luiiiiio,. llir .a ui v. iwin i .nn ..'ii - TITTMN: Kin;li.-u iIpj artntcnt, (pl-r. Term,) fp (j,) Uo "J"" "" (-htpical Knr foi-t trr tuirlirtilftra .iI.lrriK eUney-'iu tni- Principal, runlii Pa- . -.0 feptt-nilut lU,'l5t.-rTlin. CUKAP WATCH AND JKW.i;LPtV STUP.E ;Vo 72 Ndiih Second 1 Si reet, (apposite th. ' 11 K Alunnt I rrnon House ) Y,, .. . ' X illlaVIl I. U9t ' ' CI OLD Lever Wntcltci, fall jeweled, IS K. ca" t i.i wl eM. 5i-:; Sl!pf lverdil. ilo.. I ?ll- vrr l.ei.iiie, tin., 1 (iiitrlier. $.i to 1 (.old . i j.--1 .,, ... mi. tii,.., tn u; i r.ii . xjict . . i0 .to 4U s'M--. j ' M filter 1 utile l-polllm pl-f reli, -n I l , lo "M S . Sirr Desett tin., tin., S-f to S 1 1 ; . I v( ( Ten tto., .1 . r 1 H ,.'? '.II l.'ntil IVti MliKloM ('it- ijo., 1 3to oil. .HI 1 tn stto limn a si , SS tn Vt ; (irtM IVn noil Mit er Uu. , I; trthrr" with a Vaiirtv '( line .(inW Jt-wt liv. ...... , ... i i , . i . i . t ,,... (.old Curh . l-uard and I oh Cbatli. All Boi.o warranli'd lo U- aa represfi id. Wutihra nut! Jc-w !rv, reiutiri-d in the heat manner. A let), ."ti a- . .,. . t , ..1 . aolltc Mnik, 1 llS. & c, made In or.l. f. ". II.. All nraeri sem ty in-tn or otitrrwwi. will be jninctiiallv title-mini le. , J'hila., (it. Ill, l3.. 'y. ' Valla n u "w in ter b uTc :oo ds. . 1851. - '- J. V, DUrt'Y. Aa. 41 Vfi FACUTll Sheet. '' Philadolpliia- - - rVll. NMI I. for ra.t la..r, i cpeelfully in- I viU- ni rnsloriirr nun tor putun.-, unaui ine i litw anJ .UllJiJ Mtock of tsvosuual-le goiuU ; (oinpri.iiift : Hull I'l.-.id St!!.t Wi.'.e Lyons Velvets, Sew Slnpi-d SUks ' Ctvnfonv Cloth, II rocade Silks, Wt,U,n Vlaid .ei - plain StUs, '" MlV.e Mirtne.it, IHfk Silks. : Mont tit Lome, - - i I'lok'ai. M.iiitilla. anil liuwU.Cl.riip. (iiiiitlinnia.'priiiU. in aworliiii-u I ; HjI)- bona, lOinliroidcriea, (llovee Ac, tlMii iilo ibetUily njriilit-e of einttlitie of di-eiiutile tt'iod at Aui'tiim,' llir ulCi!r i rimMi-d i itririir tlie pfi-e4.nl acnaon tanth-r ' ' I'NI Sl'ALI.V UKKAT HAIifJAINS. :. J. V. liKPCV. o. 41 Sotlh -ig'il't fM'l. PltHu. ! Sept. 10. U54.-, .'tin.. , . . . ;siry(Ut. r ; Vl.L pera.Hl iinlolilvtl lo Ilia) ul'rribi tin Jntok vf itiul hi oibrtwiee rr rcM-rifiilK r.-(in Mr-il to ca and pay UP bclwecn now ami ihr fir-.! of O.-ioU r, a ll.t-y want to lay In their fall npptv. HUl lNti A (ili A. NT. - riuiiboiy Hopl. Ifi. I.il. -31. Estate of RAIMOND FEREBACIirdfcU 1JOT(i; ) brrrliy f;in that Irllnri of Ad il niillilmlloU luvc tertt-n uoliUl In I I.t (Ii-dorminr-l upon lh e-Ule uf Kiiinoial J i u l ai h lilr iti tlit l.i.ioti',li ol ,-S. nliiiiv , N'triliuint.t i'.iiiI i otinty ilreM. All f.oiie ni.li-l Ir I ire re-pir-jiej I.t nu'k lininriltit tt) ih nt. and all l.ann-r I luio.k m deiiiaiiij. aa im1 aid c.l u lei art ittpiie.l lo iu-1-r llie caiur knots n lu tlie luliM-riUr with out ili-ley. X. II. Thoee tiivina watrtiri it tha aliop nl Ihe dereawd, twill call lor litem tu Um? itOtU iat. M 4S hJMUN, AJm'r. f-uuliury, N pi. 11, 15- 111, I. . ri-T, lam- (, afc- ... HitUPAM'OASTCU . lVIUth( -to4 , lt4. 1 . ... GENERAL ELECTION, ((l()CLAkAI(iX. lITI!'NT In 4i Mt df Ihf OrnfAiblj nt llwr I? Cnitajuwrnltit ot l'nliylvii" ., wi'i'M "An iim hrllm rln-liAii of ill r.nmn.lD-Mll.7 PI'r"v-g i nn-..r ilnr of Julv. jtjlmo Dalian. it I ...! Iirmv-i.m. 1. VII.I.rn n.nirr, Iliffh HhrnlTof th r-Mi-ily of NorthomlifrhiiMl. I ennsyl vnnin. tlo licrrhv male- kiHtwit nl iv It ia- to th "-'If" font of llir rr.iiiitv nfrpw-.irt. lint it crn-ml fli'i"" will 1 hi-l'l in mi.! c 'inity of N "rtri'imVrlnil'l "It III f!'.'t'NI If.i:." bAl-'(iuitf. r icViibHi, iv.". i At4noW ni fclntf lrtil d'ttAiy OrSctnt, 111 lollotvi, M I r'K-twl t ' Our ppra..n in ii. .yon .i .h'iIip t:..tti.M mweilih. tttto r it U.u.l OtniMtfi vt-Mi .iiitnon. wwilth. '. tHi lior.. 1 Ju, if tks 9ipiti Oil l Of Cum' in.nwi'iilih. " t)o potion to rrif.iit Ihe Hlh Cn"!'i"'",, '""'ir-t. ronii.anl.ii the Cuuntiis ol .Notiliuiiiberluiitl ottU Schuyl kill in U..nttrt'i.a. "lip pri tu rrpri'lfiil Ihr (illi Scant 'I inl ilinrirt rotn- "ln wt-Nwwiinitwlutl ma ton.'" 'U. Ihe N -ruei.l thr i'.iiiimi tiwroltlt Hue iiei, A S4.f, ll' the II ll f.l7lt.-jri5intivw tu KiaeWntiliJ (r (k.,rllnlnlU'rlu'L I . t ' " tiiif H-i..iiiMiMif r.ii'iur the cmuiv nl Nnrtlinnilierbiitl. tuts. n-ijiijiL.il. jit 'Uuajt ry "ti'l i." k "I" the cmrt t'l' ttte lUi,i.oiiUyef.h.t,l'rniiiiiif. i T J.'''- . t-ine prrit in a. imnii.iiitzit:r l..r the counly ft North- tttl.tn-l hilt.l. tllllll.U'lli.llil i '' ' :' ' r i , . ' - tine iHifii m Auttitor (ot Uie county of Nsirttiutalter- Imi't. I iilo hmf-tiy ni-ilfit trit'ovn emt (rive iiorire' Oi.-it ttte piiupii of h.ililniy the loipm.til ttrHOiiil elei lioii lit tin- f ml h .1 ikLii .ml lownlii wilhill Ihe counly of Nor. lliiitiilii'ihuitl nr., jih f.iili.rt ; ' rhe Hiiulmry lliViiHt, eonlp ie.l t.f the Ivironnh of r..oii..iiy, una .uoo.r. it mmin, at tue t;uuntf, Uourt IIOIIMI. ...... , ( The A -ivnefu ' 'Il Kf rl.-t . iri-t.l -nt Ihp .m-whln ..I r Ai.iolit, .1 tue h.juarul I :li:n Kineilch, in will toHitfihi;.. t 'I'll'' Ntl llilllloltail.l lll.lllnt. P. il.llu-.pH tl' ll.P luir.Mtrli Ol ..llllUIl..-, .(l.ilt, ,.. hn.jMM.f AUUUUIIS II. Mill of it liitoitjll ot NortlniitllvtMAit: ..- (,. 'Hi. 1' nut llottict.'-tlllm si.iiip uf II.1ITV II mil, In the lito-.tlL-li ,,l ,..illi.iii,lM.tlu;.il. The Mill hi liisiru-i, nl the lion., of i-'rerietiek Htirier, in tw.id l...rMii,rt(. , , , ., . . , : .: Tit'? Turllllt lli.liii'l.Ut the Ii..hm,.m.piii,w..I l.f A linili.-im K I tit! Mf: .j, . , . , The l)...'iwnri. I).irt", ;ut :thj 'linking )iir;;.,' (phool ll-'ip, Ihe t'iJ; jtinc) lie Itittrict at lite hnitn of Itntjituiiii l-'..r.i.iuiMii. 'flip l.cwii. l)iHict. lit tlie lo-.-.tku (Kiciii'iiif ty Mir'mpl lt,,.,.v. - -i.p . . t. . ,,' The Sliitin .ktu Iiuif-t, nl thi. h-.tnte d' t-Umilen Li-incit- i- . , 't'f.e t'pppr Mali inov tllstrlct. irt lite homo m I);tnip II.-IHI. .' i .' '('lie l.itil M.liiim.y. l)nin..l, t the 1, ,mc ol rrpjern-k ltn'.er. 'fit Lower Mah Sif. iji'lliiiriat, ot llie h siueof Mielmtti Si'iH . . TIr- Il:nli Di-liii't, lit Hip I.il.prly l1 ,!c S),'.i,i .1 II, .inc. TIip. J;u'k,uj pibiiu'l, ul Hip hmmti nci'tii'iuil liy Oeurge "mull. 'J'l.p t"'ntl )mlri.., M the h"utr. of William M. Wcutur, ill Hie t'.wn of NuovoftMI. Toe .prtie Iiii,Kt ni the li-mic of Jjhn Weaver in Tr.-Vt'l'l' n. -'' e . . .. ! , The rmii'tr.in Htni'rk't. nt Uie liotine of t;jd,i n li.rk... 'I'lie J-rtlai lllitivl ttl tli,: li i.iai- ..I Iti ti.'iiijiiu l.eit 'I'll.- I funi Cioiiicl liimrict. nf the pnhhc h-.UKe .,f 'v lix I er,:h. " Ia'1'1 ;''k ,o..l.,,,' ' oou iimiI hIo.ii roiitiuiip will, ut iiiti-r- j ''.,. i.lppti.,., tn .......t L,.u...., II... ..r....d in . -ruitii.'ii or iioi-tninmcnT nmn 7 oxinrt -til ttte Tr-nin Wli'-ll II..- p,,N nlflil Ot: A'l ia'l. , The wvpnil liil,.i..tiffii lull-Jftilgxi cleplril on thr "kl I'n'l.i; oi .Marrlt, V-.VT. m pnrminii' of tlo- MM :...ii.iM 01' the nn .,1' the i I ,.f J .iiy. K-:iu, will h M llie clc-ti jii on T.l.i..j tl i' 1 1 J 1 1 day ol Orl,.li,T inxt. i. Til. it .n-il-ry.p,.tft..il .AOrjit n .Itfcs, i f ll,p Pru. p. win. iJiH lioil any ofuv ut.it. lolui' i;l..i i.i..IiL ui,.i liuvl ua iter Iiip tr-.V.-tuniPi i.i! f.t.- l.ttiUwl 4-a1p. or of lh: t-liile. T I nn, . ity .-r in.- rp...att j (t.t ri.-t . vW-i.t.-r n -i 1 1 1 M . 'i iti,'."! "i ri; . .ii . tv!, ill il, I ... i ,', it .'il inn'., r llie Il L'l I! l I'. . -. iMliVc or ilOl'IIMV tlijOIUtl.-Itt ltd". Mat", i-i I i;f I t,:.i .1 rii.ilt-, .,r ,, I any t il, t tut- .r;. .r.-.n-il ilisfi ii i nn.l a-.. Iii.t .n ;, im-iiu-ia -X" ..v.-h ani iIil- S':ar l.'i. 'iiir.-. uiiil "! ii- .-i-,.; aii'l !- oim.i -n , tin. :!,.! ai. cilt ; or ciaiii-.lt'ni rot ..i. jnt-M-iHrjic,! l;ir--i.-i.,'is i.y l.itl'. luuiilna: I h ,lil. la: oi pxici lmiij; llif "Oicp. ,.i i- p li.'nii'.:! ,.l .liiif'p. l.tHppA if or Cicrk. i Y no p r.-lion 'il t'eoin euTiltii, mil ia,t n . In.nii.ti.' Ju:u.i "" "','"7 !l'C ". '(r""i !''- elijuiMe'loan. o:r,-i o hp ilte;r-.,..,l f,,r. An.) il -t wnl .ei in An ini. y, pniiiVI i art r!-iliii Il Hill to i-n; eft- i n ..- nut-t .linn ..nt .-a, II,. I .I-.SI..I Jul) II. --' "',. , , . , "' 1 " ''.'"""'" ' 11 : l!'i- Ii.'" la-tif-l. ,IP a:..l In, c-li.m.n UK ul'-r-'M: . "HI M:t -ttrntxtli tm-y rrs,i.-riuilly 'iwIoiik briorr 1 !"i". "'' l "' ' "wv H"' " 'l'"''') 'c- '"-" '' nlit Pt'.ry v -jr. n.nl p ,.h ,,l rnl.l i.h:,p.-1oi i-l lu.'.-l al tlr- I. i v.- pi H-. - ..r II .1.11111; tl'P Pl-rli i dui'i uii-muh out. rln.k,' who tautl aall ho a liu-ililinl viliri.i !l 'I -Ut'-l. ; rp'r'l'" J T.'i-.l tm lom.t evniiiiilti- l bt- ail- !ier.o i Volnr.-111 tin-111.1n1.pr 11I. .n- lr.. i!,..J. .a ,tl he 1 1111. t ... I nn .-iMiiin i i.-t hip m. uiic-i. ,1 1 , h' u'ini.af U Lv ihe p.ji- Ii, r mini i,l ihm C.atinti.itwt-liilh. . ill ';:'.M-.tat-t,.if U wii - at, .)! Iriv.' - 1 ' n i."i ihp i u i li'-'... -it iiaini.-r ,, v t, k I,, i lilvt i-aull n-tai;p-i-' -tlwi J ty otf.eit'. i-lr.-i i--n,- llun ntr , .ton win. mult lit.t. r-'i-riv-.1 ill-M .-oi.tl l,u!l naiiili.-r I v -...p I .1 J.i. 1 ,,,.-,i ,' . i o . . I " I - ,. "i. ,m an in. IP-.-... i in inn i p:a-.-, tm-i ill ,- n;,iln p.t--n e i.-.,l .ii.il.-u a ..il! n . I j lar Iiip.k-.-i n it1,,. re.-Pi'-.t-1 i n- lo.-.i. u.uiiU-r .. v I 1 '''''! "i'i-i"' '"'f Lis h-t-ej. iu-.! u any v-t'-ai.y I w.aii i'.un..' la I n-ti .-a.'l l,.i t'a; ., n e -l l:al an h . l-r t'tr limp ii'x-il I t ,w fir i!i ..,,-..iii.j or t!.pp..-ti n, I ) ill iiiliti- ,1 t..p 4 -! tint i ,tvui.t, , .w ir,l or u ilium- , ' 1 ,r " iin a pa'-'' -';h..-.-- -a .a ii.it . a, - i.mi-.i, r.-.--.i-. 1.1 ) the -i.li..' c.-ft .i:. .:a:l oi.i tn-ir uuiiitiPT to till .ii-.ll i 'n-. i". , .I . i .V .., ' ' j- i . , i . ' ..... ' . ,' ' .' ' . , . i.t iivui.Ji. .-.iJti -il, Uutiui! Ihe It .IP tone kij . It-c.i- n in h.-j.l ..-en, lor llir p.ni'11 ol tiitin nil... man, in to ta lim.mttira eix! J.tlu?. vt h at i-ttlli-.t on, lu rt-lAti.-u l-i the Hlflit U lay iiv-C li ji.-mpp.-iI i' tl.t'ui l .i vie a! sin a 1 1-. . I'l.'.n, ol mi- ) th. r iu:it!--tN in t.-h.ii'.n t . the nwT-.tiiPlit :i t'otPTp.i;.')., p..ul nu-l.t'1-t-.r --r jinliie or titlirrol llietn. .'"' " J'" re .mp. . ppiaoii lntl he --nniipil to v-te al env elet-ti.-n na , nf..r.eii.l. ..tt.. r Hum it vt-t.ax frw- iu-iii oi tv--nt-air or J in t'-. ti ll i ahail have runnl.-il in lln; iaip nt Ira t ney. ar, j. wi.il tilllip e!-(-l.4l tli.t'.rit I tthpre h oftcfi lo v. te nt I. apt I " uni-.laieiy nr.-.e, duns the ti.-.-ti n. .m.1 wnhiu I lv - vr-irp ,aal alatP ol ro.latv l-.ix. wlil'-h li-iH h.iv.-Ip-pii ),.-kiI lU kUtm.lit bi-l.'.ie the rlt- Hal a ntizpn t oi ih l'ni!--,l J-iut.- who hnl i-i-t .'y Ii.-pii n ..riiiitr.i ' v..-. -r oi tins Matp. nn. 1 rpuioVr-l ihpr.-(r.ti t;nl rt-putn..l, I ,( Ir,, , ,,,, ia cK-.t.... .loin. I. J n I , ai..n-pnil, Pl.r.ll l. ,..,lill, il .. v .rt.-.- r.-.iiln K la Una ! nun- mx mo ii he. I'r t l.l-.l. Thru la- t- ir .l e It, in i i!, i "1 III ;) leti-il Seip., hulltw i) too i..i ol Iwe'iH-.nf ,, ,.,.,,..., .., , m ,,. t.,,.t. ,;,iri,-i t,. ,1m B. aii.r. pj .l. Mhi.iu,..,ninil to u v iiHIiouch tiaiy liiull I ut him usn.l i ttn., ' N . ii-r hi fcaall h-ppnniftl to v-ite. vh e trtiil.-te nut ( p .c l;1J ll,;v ,llaUl: ,H,mtmS ,,y r .ii,ni.-w:.iiprf ut ul -n -aai.l, ii.,i-ip, Iiiw: lie r lur.e -.ipr r..i tin- payiu-nt. witnui i-i yire. oi u atmr ..r I r .Ul.ly taa iieA.we-i.1 aert-ial.!) til 1Up f. rtUUtnll-ill, uml ir.-ive ..ti.i.u l,,ry i t i l -n-p en'.-r on .i own . a!h ot nthiina- I Km. nr uu t!u-'tilli i't ;i:iirHiiiUtr f Jin iliirr. t.Kit lie h: ytii J i U IM, if - It i'udi'c to pr xliu-t,' n (creit, nljili tiuike i.ll D.illl t- l!ir i lile-nt tli'Tri.t'; t- nf ml, lie riailll a ri-fUi vxto Iiy liitf i-n tlccU'r 1'iin't-m il.r vytm i t-AtiilV'iiif iuw) (tWtiiy-rV'i' yi'.tn. hr nlm!! il-jj- r mi nut I) or u It. ifi-JH Hi, (hut lie ti.iN r. trl"(l iti Hi- Slulunl Ufint yotr n?it lit. fn iiw ui.:i4r-4iiHi, uh.( iu...-. nit li prt- !' iei'fMH-; iii the tl,rtri'l na a n ii'HK'.i I.y Idii n- t ; uiul th it hi- l'e-aj r-riiv ! I iniii thi- ;i.- ttirt fmvn turn 1'i iL tic llio It fr Jifi-rttt-'itil, ntl MJVt iu-ii u:rf ci i flrii4iH ti u fv'iutf--il hy ll:U(,ni'l. m ! rnipnii Ih luiliie tf tlie ,i im.ri te ji tutii ffd to i.c ahull 14 iMfrtt-iJ ui mipiec-l'u-i lir4 iy tii iia-'.-'irtr") ntitt a ii-; imil r Mti'r lIuTi-l'i I.t- wrilmi' li-f v..til it' tir Ifitll l rw-iiint. t-al ti v-ttV ! ma m .i irint' p:il 11. t t. w'"l i i"1 irnMtiM x yttit- i.u u.-inHuil rt tu tf i"tmntA :uU it- nUill in; t:,'..c I't.t Wtl.r t li v.t Umthm .4rl iu ihe at of' V .-.;,'t i !(..;m. ' In u) (. wifrre tl. nx$t;ni( lb ifl rb.l.nc t f: v .ft lWil 'ii ill- t.-i i jiiii.uit 1 f I !ir C"iiitini i-i uti-l Aps' vi.-. r lu rii.'lit tt 'it , !i(';t.('r fiti..'f iltre Ht nrfti'al. in t4ntti Ui Iry mit (uaill)jd ntiZrii, llt I i-ftjr-i-.r t'mi'A (jt'iiu.iit.' ucb 'ir, m ,t(i vtii n, .t int, i((t-jhti- (:tlofift, .Uir ll In tVum1 t l.uVft fr-liefi tn tli Wtllt diir f irr tnfi iiiii-idii liti a tf -1 ttirf ,ut tf tt .fuvt-i.v nt l-;iM Hi lt-iii u-ilm-i-, vi tm !i'l let ii iiini in .1 i- ct -r, liini 1 11 ii riii. tl iitiiu i.i di-uim ' itsiii t- ti ii l .i! itHhttxitr.y i-l-J' dlt' !jc r !l-il.ftiyl it, ulv i.ii.im .1 nvvt-.t tl- .t fi.s U-i,-! (.-ti- f :.1ti4-t . in (-tir..-; nt l;iv.l:il i.ii!;i.'- it vtti.i:t iSe ili.viht, imi t in; r t; I t. 't f'-tll'af list J ". Ultnit l' f tit!- 4 hi,-.? Vi .-tll'f l.'.fiy :i i! '. I a :il'i.r iM, nwi uk tVlt lur.e tt-:. il ii ; i.r-.1. nl iti-ut at i-i fi.viiie"it d HI -frn.t.1. - tli lt- Ii li.nllt -l in in tfe l.itl;, WftftJ ir Utt i n t tit W Ic-ti In p i til rt-"..!. Il :iii ("Hah.ii uA '1 I w- iti t hn(: iiiin liwn'!l It ',- -. i1 I'li 'H. (I'll jM 'li Hi i.t itilitiril - rtti2-ii) ': i'. u: ;t- ;ir III im (' rr r-tufi t t.r (-lirfwrf i.t It I" ' i ' tli'ltiC, ir UtII"-inn.fI filltil (;l.il(..l f V''te". Ii tii, " Jut, 4 -tuil id :4 f mi')' Hill If r' -U- utr' "nr Uiiu rui il a uv l -i v i' " at " w (l-'iH-r. miij In- Hr.r' f if ll)' h-f .Ti MM r -'.,.' Wtivrn l k-L.ti. tn- tue tluU "I r.t-f, ritv.r. tvinliU Jiiuiail jntii t ( lilt rir.-, mi.i p mriij'-it, "t - t' ria! n-:. ill" s'i .' , r,t . t- hi i . twi.'iii i .!;:ri'l .'.uni ll.if r--iit a, .m .-f-j is : f J iiji i l am- (:.. rr l .i f a-t I-a1. 1 i- . . litre ( tui.iti t t-l! tl it l rt'"l'. t' r-1 Ut ' iffltW ipf Its'liUt- VJ U 1 Wttu'-'fW, to It.r twat-f iri " UCk)l K'I,p. U 1V 11 t.i. ( i IU t 1 Hi fill 11 H Mil) .- in i ; " i i.i V'-i-ic (t.,:n flpr :in.-j in- an.itt. atfl m tiiwia.it r rtriitttul fai tv mi vimIi ni ui , t "Uu tt i:..i-! I" i! -t u-i.i'fit 4i in It-iii'-iif -r in irih--e sj) 111 r -n tiitii 0'a.t.i It- liu'-t! in iiuv fuiii Tt -t Iraa ttcxt -Mn ru n .ui In-f tt.'-ir IU an t.f th'.h-n..t ilLeOft , I l ll jIi It till" itll". ll I!.- ra . I ..r l"ll-l,f I t -Ht'U H-tlf), iiimurt Ul t-'V. .t..:i((, i 1 l'..fc . ..nil' OiiWfi-lltl Ol I ff i (IL Mil l il of I . V il'-iiti - . u It"' 'ui'" t Is '-t.iHX u a a-' 1 1 ') ill iwtiJ U u'it. ' N'-t r -. ii...(i. I. -f I .t ,iljf " ttf tr-ttrrv -fig rr.n' . fcf' -. i t 1, i: V iitrttuf ft .frv .v MiV-e-r. itT u.i I- i iri.! atl ttuf kali it itiatuitaaiiH- iA lU tti c tttm u M .irfe-r'- ! Ill Ul 0.t. frtjl It aVrtJar ' lii i i rxjn 4 ,i. it'f --ui'iil. fc-ifl tUeiMtiai 4 tl M Jittaav- -. j-MV I'N- Mr. ' .. . H I .r 4te ft-W.- i l f tJi U Alinl. M u -'!, 'I fi .'-n I . " l ' -) i-r -J ftvtif 1 art rT'l a -. - - v rmuw -.-.Mi.. :U'i I w m,i.pt it. n m iMr..iiil AOi-nr. I"- -'' aa (.1t.-. nm mlM i.a4l. ) gWU ai "i-a -'ti'iri-'. . I V Ju-V-e pie I . I" lb. .1 f..l..( -ten' I 4Vlbuu. ivM'l. - "' e4'l'i I - ,,IIMI'..-1 ' ' ' " a .U. tit tipr'Ui'iH bf the Minufai tun unj fate ef iI0j itattn g tufiiA ut a I. n raft ' ' Wii., All ! 14 Us rflieiirnt' aJiooll hiri-iaa) a'iMul'ui J i..l.n ut Urn e..iia : . , A "4 II hji' i', ll i 'f'-'r J l'iat a tij. ii..i.i.i, tl u.4 M.. j'i.i 'f l'. rii i . .Ini ( ..iini.uoaael.il. a' 1-e -ly laiftiea I'll III- in e-eell) ill Iliu fie- Ot a I'vll.t ,:im 1(1 ".I I a ; . ' AU WktrtM; it impmim-it Lt, a rmuti., ii.tl ,.,. ,o f ,H,,,r . u.u. ilitifceen ili'ielirr : JtrxtH , Ji if iint-fp,J ... c MdJIoHse tf JJffcr,,,n ai,Ma ,u, Commnn. ifffiflA ertnusHu,,,,! -fnfiij AssrmlHu mn iina u is sfireti enaaeu iy i)t authority of thr same, Ttral ihe qiiatiHetl voier of tin' Commonwealth are heieby amhorizetl at tha. imn- na iiiii'iiiij jim general elections in their respecliye ward., buniiiiihs and town. hips, tiit'thf f ctatj Tuesday of October next to vole for anil eniut a law which shall rlit-ihh-tojrrTf al reonlaiioiis ami peniillie, ihe manulae- lure anil sale ol Intoxicating liquor, except for medical' titoiameulal, meclmnieal ani ar.is.ieal pnie. .,, KWAJ-.. . l!TlllN That Ihe nfTirers aullioiifd by lawto hwiUeile-iutiHia in etaitb want, .burnnsh and liiwtiup of- I'lia -ConitioinvA.Milii,. ate heiebv'tiiii-Mecf alifl "TtVTiri ifff' ' nt 'the ' tlaca i I... t ...' ' . 1. . ....'.':. . . r .... uxt-ii yj iiiw, in tut; evejHi lili ryis jt,r IUt hiilJiinj of the generol flet'lions in (aid di- tiicls, on the second Tuesday of October next,, when lliey shall be oiuanized us uu el.eeliois tioaitl, In leceive from end' tpiahlied volert.f ilitll said -list i ic!s. a ticket wiilteli or printed on the ouiside, "Piohibilory Liipior Law,"s and ihe. Jiekels in favor of Ihe proposed- nW stnll coniaiii in in the mside'lhe w on!, ''Fur. a Prnhibilery Litpior Law." and those nppti sed lo the pinpo.ed law h.llj ronlaiii in lh inside ihe Moid. "Ajrainsl a Piohibilory- Li ipmr Law," which vole shall be counted runt relumed in Ihe con jj hnnso of ilie couniiea or city, lo w htt-h Ihe aitl eleclion (.hall be held, on ihe-fntlowin!! Friday by the re """ j"dyns, utiu.i-lull easl'np and ceitify all the vol on iMi,., in .ai, ciniiiv nr ..in- i,. il.- ollice ol iIih Seeretaiy (-(the Cummenwalih al ll.irt tsbmu dircrletl ami tiaiismiiin,! in the im- ii'niiiter hs the votes for GovehmV an rcpnied to bs diieeledU.I and lrann.ili.-d, and Hie iid ec,el.try M.all on Ihe Ihi'd Fii il'iT of Jttntmry nexl eimnino., commimieiti- Hie stinti relnms lt lli U-oipai,e, ,0 brt opened ir d connieii in hu same manlier the vol. ,r overunr ate openetl and iconnted, mid.eoi sid. re.l hs a pfay f the voter ol this eiiiniiionoalili ifclaiive to a prohibitorv li (iini law1. , , Sirr rioN 3. Thai all i. c(.rijn 'ut n ilie Si ne prHtuubiiiu. the hniirs-'of opeiiinif it tni rlosmtf the prill-.,.. ihr rece.ilion of' vol hi, flii"' ruiilsliniclit for i!li-r:,I vntii.rt the tli-fray-in." the e.xpi.i.es of pnl.ln-ali.m, and litil.linit olltie. cnneraJ uliiclions and re'utn of Ihe same, nut! ull.t.tber tnaitt-r ineideni Ihereto, Ihe eleelioii above tm .ni l u e same are tlrelnied Bpnlirabie lo e election above aiulioriyetl. SKt'Tlnli Ii .M-ri i. ,.. I. r.t... sl.erit) hl lhf! srv-pr;,, ,.,',,, f C()m) mnnweallh, lo' insert a Ppv ,,f ,(le act in the proclamaiir.ii f,,r if,H (ieripn,! Werlion lo be held ini lite se.oml TuestUv ol O.-lobei next. , ' ' E. I) CiiAgr - Spudcr oj tilt House, fR,rrtftntatives:- ' M. M'l'ssiiN. FprttLrr f.f the Srnnle. Arrnnvrn-The iwemv eijh'b of April, c:ie Ihoii-and ei-tr huntfied and (ifiv ronr. U'm. Run, Kit. 1VII.I.IAM II. UlPf, Siierir. Micrill riTip-. S'liil nrv, . PH. 111. 1-. .I (t J OUD VVK Till: COMMON WKA!,Tll I Fall )vy (ioods, I TT J I C 't r n t. '' 0 L V A. P.VaK & LAN DPI. I. ' I'onrili .1 . .i.;.. 1., l. ,nJ Ari1' '"Ii., , 'I'"" "l ' a:ue to oiler citra ill- ' i'ni'.n..,.l. I., .1... (' t ...iirinrtii. to tn t otiiilry IJTncrs ! a 1 ,- ,,.-. ', 1 " "'' '""rSallll : '.' . n l"e 1 Oi Ii jud I'.LiiaJeli.lii.t Aiii'iiiui.. .,,,...-..., i ils v,,r. . . . j. , "'i ow .mu, J 11 QS0-!i:., mill of Uie ; lollotv- 1 t:,i-: 1 ' r-'t wit: Flannels, 3 St ir Silks, F Mrrimi , 1 1 of I' tails. Af DfLaines, t 'ush ai'res, M t lius. Liopus. Talh Cvtrs, vc., Uvitik; la tl. ojitm u Iiinihrlaiimm, iva fthall bo t.a! in reccua nfoHK. r j.hih, tVoni Au. tit.n. kvj;i: A. L Win I t. ,. f 1 UUM 'k-r ('iMt, ami tuite. low accor-dit-ulv. , 1 -( l'llllSe, .(t. Ifi, SSI. Fr;n lor Sale ! T ILL !.o rxp,..! (., Vuhc u!e on t!,- rre,. is n s. rtTKlM V, OtTCBKR astli at 1 oVIork, I. M., a KAKM ' Containing nhottt 220 Acres ' (13ft r!rr.,r,!)-HK. )r,.rly uf Ihe heir, of John ihiS an.U ul Jamm ulli- j. C. llori.ui, . U. (..loK.rjpkjiiiwoii on,! oiIm.- :; Tin- inij.roxf.iu. ui arc- Tu ljweliiu4 lfouci our liiiii,,.Wf ,Jari)f yu u ;u jm, iri wati-r. " ' f . : i ' , - - Tit.-, fourtU caMi on- fourth on t!ie CtfMl day of April, ,f rt.-iduo i( thrrraltcr. To be told ly nrve mint of all )(,:r, -"AMI Kl, blKHI. ' . trt - 'Vihl.lAM MKHIe. .Scpli'tnlrr 10, I8.-.-1 tt, IV IV CLOTHING & JEWELRY. M.ION.Iaii of the nun ol is. Sclmu,,,,,,, & to., '.-ir. Kully inioruu t,e rinzei.i of utd.t,ry and tidniij, thai lie i roiuinue the aliote lu .jnraa in i !J M,,j , Valkr, with an t-ruire new .i0, k t.f good, ,lt., ult v llie way Irom ihr city. lie Wl a;,u j.r. j.nml to rriuir nal. ltf., hu'iiig a hind in conkunt m I'Uviiieiit lor ti.ul .ur.ue. He Ih. rt fore re-tx-ct-lully ...In ale tiiR jijirtiiiatfi uf ll.c i.uUic. fuiiliury, rot. I(i. l-j.'il. if. EZECUTORS'lfOTICE. ' Estate of CtiorgeWiine dej'., lattofSui.Lury, Xvita'd Co, VOI'K'E it liere'-v fiven, that Iritrn leela- mrntary lute trrn rraoleil to ihe ui nlieia on IIm aplatc of t .o.nvs omie, tirr'J., lata uf ."'nii 'iirv. Noith'd Co. )Vrp.-oe imlt l-U-tl lu l!n aid Ktair, nlo M the firm of (Jrorsr amriarob Vonjie. ui 1 u wj to Ihr hi in ul V j ere. will make . at meat; ai.d lh.-M hating cliiuii will irrk-ui tlirm tltiiv anlln-iuicatrj. j')ii.'vpt(;. MI CM ALL Vnt'.VG, J t't Punl.urv, i,t. 0. ft. ' - Di'Stiiiiiioii ui' l'iii-tiieilii(i. NOTK'C i l-rre'- irivro Ibat ttuf jiartnrreliip laet-ly ni'm-uni tnt-en CIikiIii V. Ktiy tier in. I li. mum ir.in, uudri to fnm nf riiy tl. r eV .iiiinir.uiati v-a. .li.-oKeJ un the lir.l tiay uf Aol last, l-y mulual .-onarrit. The bU'il.i . fll.elai firm' )..'! ! e n-ttlrj l-jr rither of th. l:r..!i-r a- it !, r. w. sYit:n. i:. ZIMMtKMA.V. .I, in. okin lj... 5e,,t. IT, li.'il 3l. JJi-iioluliuii ol' J'-irliu'i shiji. V ('! ICK ie hrrrlir piMM tl-.i Hi Miliier.!iiu ' lientolor rsiein.!; onJrr llie li'ia uf 1. p!. l.nvro.lll & Co., in Kuirttunif. Ia hre-a tlnaol- I I V Biutoi.l eonwnt. 'i'lii hook uf tin pi'l itil!ni at ilj (. ull'rJ It' K rVVtii rain, bu kai lakiu I he Hoik ol frMiim mil lee.oiel lli aim. ' H. ( HM KM.4.N', - ti. HMItt. a bt-U.ll.er IC. le.M.-Su jjuruYn.Ti..si.LL, T . . Uiiilirt llan tj I'araiuls, ,. iv tint viiiiit', it Tit mt msu, V. I .VyV Vourtk tit , ' J-tiiUdtlpLi. "'" i 'aeieiafri'v am liia4 Im airlil - art, ip iIm eiii.Uiii U iiewiara 14 taia.. 1pii..t. It, . . - w