Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 02, 1854, Image 4

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8 9,11) II 18 M 14, 8 9 4 S 6 7 8
is ia.17 in nili ai , , imu ti ist in i4m
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Ii to' in' .in' t,t iH o
silso '.x'a7Wp.3f
I 1 I I I I
iWtstt llattfoutf jcc sitter
Il ia scarcely fifleeu years since euano was
finl recommended lo the notice of farmers
in Eiiylaii.l hikI S iihtml, hs k Siihstiililf for
furin yard nmnuic, or n uxilinry. No''
wrt'hsiHtnliiij; the incredulity and caution with
which ita rlHima were nl firat received, tlieie
in no an importation nnnunlly of abom 1 50,
000 ton into ihe different rwiri ul Gieat
Briinin, which nt an average of jClO per ton
wntilil aniniint to an expenditure of one mil
lion five hundred tlioiioand pounds alerting,
or about (7,500,000, on Ihia one loreign ma
nure alone. In one county of Scotland that
of East Lothian it ia estimated that from
12 to IS ahilliii( sterling are expended for
guano and other portable munnrea, for every
ere of the cultivated land. Indeed, i urn
times as much as for 15 s'lillingb' worlh of
guano, or neaily ten dollars' worth, is applied
to one single acre. A case of this kind is
mentioned in the last number of the Journal
of the Royal Agricultural Society. On a very
inferior piece of land, for which only twenty
shillinea was paid as rent, at much as forty
tliillincs' worth of guano was applied to every
acre, the crop abundantly justifying this very
liberal expenditure.
The beneficial results from the use of gu
ano, if not always the greatest, are at least
always the most observable, when applied
to poor or worn-out soils such as cannot be
made to produce a remunerating crop by
ordinary means. On such soils it will often
be found to pay to apply 200 or 300 lbs. of
gaano, at an expense of $5 or S6, when guano
costs $50 per ton. When applied to soils in
good condition, the increase in the crop is
not so observable ; but Ihe increase of crop
is generally very striking indeed when the
fertiliser is applied to lands greatly exhausted
of their fertility. '
As the fertilising properties of guano are
in too concentrated a condition to be applied
in an undiluted state to seeds or plants, it
must be diluted by being compounded with
some innocuous or inert substance. Dry
leached ashes, or sawdust, or pulverised peat
from ditches, will answer the purpose. One
part or bulk of guano may be mixed with
five or six parts or bulks of either of these
Of this compound a tablespoonful is sufficient
for a hill of com or other vegetable. Ibid.
Metallic Particles in the Etc. A
French provincial paper atates that a black
sni i ill, who had been suffering from the im
paction of a metallic particle in the corner,
for a week, wvs relieved by Ihe following
collyrum, after every attempt at extincting
the splinter from ihe eye had failed: Iodine
one grain; iodide of potassium ten grnina
rose water, three ounces. As soon as this
solution was applied to the eye. oxydation ol
Ihe iiieUllin iiailicle look place, and its bril
liancy ilit-appeaied. The disliessiug symp
toms about ihe eye abated, sight was restored
ami nothing but a microsuopio fragment ol
metal left in the corner. A soluble iodide ol
iron had been lormed. LonJon Lancet;
Extraordinary Rbi-vlt. -At a recent
meeting of one of the French ajjrimiltural So
cionos a cinioua fact was related. A farmer
luck a pea in a poluto, and planted them to
gether in march last. The pea produced a
stock which was covered with pods, and lb,
potato gave eleven healthy roots. The' far
mer is of opinion that, by (his system, it j.
possible nut only lo obtain a Iwn-fold crop
but to prevent Ihe malady 10 potatoes.
A Yankee Township im Iiwa The Ret
Joseph Griimell, late of New Yoik city, will
a number of New England people, has pin
chased ihiily or forty thousand acres o( lam'
in Iowa city, and commenced the work o'
building an enterprising tewn. The town i
named Griimell, and is within the county ol
Good ir True. While Emund Burke wa
declaiming with great animation, in his fa
mous speech against Warren Hastings, he
was interrupteu bv little Major Scott It ia
aid he indignantly exclaimed, "Am I to be
teased by the baikingof this jackal, while J
am attacking the royal liser of Biingnl !"
Melancuoly Event. A few day since
a tailor, at Aiken, S. C., thiew a pir of
shears at his own son, which struck the lad,
causing hia death In a lew houra.
Old BERa Ahead A corn stalk measur
ing 2t feel and Ave inches In len5lh, has
been sent to the Reading Eagle office, f,0m
the farm of Mr. Elijah Fisher, of Beiks
county, Pa,
Answer lo Una Kiiinsi llaUMia Hen
Fof Uw SHiHlwrr Auwik-ui.
It (CELLA! tOl'S) eNIG.H.l
am tompoud of 19 lutir$.
My I II It 1 1 ia s awinly In Viifiiua.
My I SS I 10 II lis svuuiy ia Vsriuuul.
My 4 1 1 is s kuiaaa b.
at y I f T M aa tut utst.
M y f t is a aiyisiou at liia,
4 j t is a sniisuusjit.
My U t m is aa s.s liaa ( r W anUluy,
My IS I I 1 1 is stfusiy la Ksm4usi'.
My 10 1 II II I w s uty ia ludiaaa.
My II n It ass4 la soukiug
Mr if S 1 1 1 is Waal all Bi(il situ Id do.
My wknts ia IUs aaaw u4 iha satlw.
!i ' w'ii itliS i4 m'i;
1 . 17 1'l" l W
Oct. J II SI 3 41 S S 7
a n in H 19 ID 14
rta'ia 17 ifl'io txt 81
tw W 8l SW.KI 87 89
I h0M 31 I i 1 .
l.i in I7 ii" ,ii"v" ij ii M
80,371 ' ' 119 'JO SUM S3 4115
I 1 ' &1.37 8H.S9 00
I 1 SI 3 UK, I I I J I IJ
in' I a t ni ti h w
1 1 ! ,- BuitsVAV, i ' ' i .
RESPECTFULLY: inform, hi. friend, and
customers that hi has just recsived Irom the
oily new nil complete uMrtmant of :V j
i , Mtni Wearing fyptircl, ' )
which h will make np to onler, of sell, cheap
in any other establishment In the place, a. ha ia
determined to permit no one to undersell him.
Hia goods ara choice, and carefully selected from
the beat in the Philadelphia market, and they
will tie msdo up in the beat and latret style and
warranted. Hia atock consists In part of hand
some Marsciles end Silk Veaiinga, Duck and
other Linena fur Coats, Ac. Alao, a variety of
CIoiln, Cassimcrs,' CraVats, Nfck' Tics, and a
variety of oilier articles for Mens' wear. i ,
Sunbury, June 10, 1854. if. ! '
Spring and '-Summer' Gootls !
Peter W. Gray ;
INFORMSjhia friends that r baa just received
good oMnrtmoiit of Spring and tummer
Oomlaat his Store in Whortleberry street. His
stock consists of
Cloths, Castiimera, Satlinetf, Jeans, Drillings,
1 Uarages, Dnmgo De Laines, Ginghams,, ,
Lawns, Linens, Muslins, - Flannels,
Mantilla Silks. Summer Bhawla, .
'3 Dress Trimming and all itema
in the Dry ' foods line. Also,
arse assortmet of H10C9 for Men Women and
Children. Summer Hata,
Groceries rvcry variety.
Tcaa, Colfee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Salt,
Fish, ic.
EZnrrfit nrc.
A gonersl assortment of Cedar Ware T"bs,
Buckets, Wash Boards, U rooms. Brushes, &c.
Qi'tnn WARr. general assortment.
Country produce taken at the highest market
Sunlmry, June 3, l3f. tf.
New Goods for the People !
RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen.
ernl that ho has just received and ouencd a
splcr.did stock of
Spring ami Summer Gootls
at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township..
His stock consists in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
Callcoci, Ginghams, Latrua,
9Iouselliie De l,aluci '
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron
and Steel, Nails, &c.
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEENS WARE, of various styles and
Alao an assortment of ROOTS A. SHOES.
HATS & CAPS, n good selection.
Salt, Fish, isc.!
And a great variety of other articlca such aa nro
suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at
the lowest prices.
rr country produce taken in excuanxt
the highest prices.
Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1854.
For Sale or Rent.
flH E subscriber offers for sale or rent his
JL TANXEKY, situated in the nourishing town
of Shamokin, IVorlhumberland C'onuty. The
tannerv ia well located and supplied with afoun
tain of running water. The building is of frame
57 by SG feet, on a stone bascmout. 1 be yard
containa 25 vats, all in excellent order. Dark
and hides nro abundant.
Possession will be given immediately.
If the properly is not sold,' the subscriber
would not object to taking a good partner, one
who could come well recommended, or he would
give steady employment to a good hand at good
wages, if application be made aoon. As there ia
no other tannery in Shamokin, the above affords
an opnortuuity to go into the business, seldom
Shamokin, June 10, IS54 tf.
Hew C lock mid Wntclt
Market st., 3 doort tasl of the Red Lion Jlottl,
Sunbury.'Pa. '
ESPECTFUI.LY invites the attention of
the pulilic to hia Clucks, Gold and Silver
Watches, Jewelry, &.C., which he will sell at
moderate prices.
Kepairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
dono ut the shortest notice.
8unbury, May 27.. 1 851 tf. '
Colored Window Glass.
Sts., would respectful W invite the attention
if Merchants, Builders and others lo the heatiti
ul variety of work produced at their establish
ncnt, consisting of
.tiitable for Hotels, Saloons, public and private
Churched Ornamental Stained Glass,
Transoms and c-iile Lights for Vestibules,
lalcony, Piuza and tlaircase Wiud'-ws. Also,
.ead Bs.ll and Stained Glass for Churches,
Scriptural Figures and Ita r pieces, sccuralely
worked up to order, snd furnished in any part of
the l ulled Mates.
flocked enameled and matted decorative
Church Window Glass executed in Gofiic and
ither architectural styles, snd competent woiki
nen sent lo any part of Ihs Union. Orders from
t distance promptly answered.
N- U All Agent wanted for ibis rises.
riills., July I'-', 1651. 3m.
sversssoa TO
Wntclteii, Jewelry &. Mlver Hare,
tVo. 175 Chestnut it , opposite the Stati Houu,
rmru-A.DBi.rxi .
rhila., May 27, 183 J.--ly.
V lent reoicdy for coughs, colds.
An cical
Kor sale
at this olHce. -
December 4. 1 ...
r'allY GOOUI4 Cloths, Cas.imers, 8.ilinrtt,
9 Veslings, Tweed, Muininer elolh, Velvet
eord. Tickings, Check, Mualma, Ae., just reeai
ved for and sale by I. W. TK.NKH CO.
Runburv. April 89. 18'4
ITu . OL U'eJ W liT'l l N U i' L iTuTiidT A dlws-
sine and legal rsfclopes, for sal by
. , . H- U- MAbhEB.
Huabury, Jan 10, Uft.
I) LANK 1'arelim.nt l'ar lds and blank
secutioiia, atuimnuits
4V(u, sals by H. 11. MAbSKK.
Munhiirv Aurl H.
cure tut fsver and Ague, fur sal by
Hunburvt July H, ISft4. t
IUK'EKIEM Hegsrs, Cuflr,, Molaaaes
s: s. Oils, Uiaudy.Giu, Wiue, Marker-
sT. 11.
si, llsi.n g suit stall, luat rersiisd sad tut sals
Lotsri u,uss, May I, Ui4
, ..:,-A"CARD.!:-''.' t .!
i - . . flHMOXI PATRWV ; "
: Ventilatinff , Furnace. :
3-Hh s,.btc,lirr,Woulil ssil ths sltemlon M ait psrli-s
?nf l.'0lof t.h',J ratma now well known,
It 'ST" ,U'"W,,' P rive vws. into
shrnit ISim pobhe building., nnd mtirr ih-n WVin nrivste
dwellliifsi Uns, tnfrether with the iminmsa ImrMsnof
anles every ye-r( is Hi. Inn ,vi.ln thut oan be sd.luqc
of its su.ert,uily over all other furnaces.
By the ti,,f Chil-on'. furnace, you secure the foltow
ine s4vantns-isi 1 , . . ,., , . ...
Fata VjiTii.Ttiia. . , '
.uP.'",T,.A',."T,"' hn"inf surfaces being at temperetsre
thsl will W4 aitpecei the-nir. '
Kihomk-ai, lits o Fust. , . 1., A , . 1
Oreat Uvsabilitt beuiK rnndeentlietyof CnM trn,
not linhle to ru-t, will rrqnirr nnrcpnirs iluilni llfrtlmei
It is es.ily rrmnsftert, anil Will not einse the twililm In
which U, is tilaccd lu .danger from firs lilc thx eUiar funm
cct, , . ,
we hnverne Imilmnlrisls of htmilrrs of kht nlnst sri.
entillc men, t" stu to Ihe trnlliof ihanhnrii stinviarnt,
all of w h'Mn pniimusce it to be decidedly Hie lwl Fumnce
Eet inveii'nl. fur pr rini'iiift a pure nilil ticiillliv Btmns
her. We herewith itmn-x Hie nsinw, ,if s f,Av Well
imwn and eminent Prnfmanrs, wlm hnre used them, si ill
kindlv fnrni-lteil ns Ihuir nnme. n. references : u
I'ruf. S. Ilnrt. . Pn-f. Pnrker, Pmf. Nnrtoiv 1
Pres. 1V. It. Alleiv Pr.if. l'snmis, Prof. Dana.
Prof. 1). Sillnnan, t Prof. Ripl) .
XWE SIZES. ; '.,,. 1
We hsve inlmdureili this sen -on, five new sizes ; 2
that nil parties rnny avail tbemsvlves of this great improve.
iMsnt si a very BmnVrute.C"St.f Wa are a. w pienared ti,
furnish an appamlui to warm a single ouin, or lac lar
aett pulilic hmldiiig itlie country
No. I. Posial'lci , Compleis. .- t'i
S. m . . . . .3
1 3. a , ; I I ' . . t 4S
" 4. ", for Brickwork, , - -. 4 4H
" S. " " . . 60
H 3. Extra Rdillstor, (including Burs Sua Trench :
. ' . floies.) 10
" 4. . ' ' . , 11 ..-. Ml
11 5, 11 h , 11 .
6. " " " " "
This No. A la the lar-rest and moet powerful I'urnnrs
made in the c untry. nml is ndinituuiy adapted lor Church
es snd other large rlnp. buildings.
We mntinne to srll the apivirntns St the sSnw price ns
when first introduced, lira years nro Ailh ujrh iti pre
sent high price ol iron hns increit-rd iheit est W por eent.
owing to their grtnt weight, still we are ennlilerl, hy Ihs
grent iucrenss of snles, to furnish the arliele at Ihe I -west
pos-ihlc price. lne Fmindry si me, Messrs. Warnicfc At
I.eilirandt, hnve c mlractcd to furnish 11s with SMI lai of
Fum ices this season, so that we are now prepsri-dio
r..F..ial. th..n k .tH.lM m mwiI. Wa eiineriiileun tho
errctioii of all Furuaccs, when required, and warrant Uiern
i.tiM fttsb. II. n mnt rfimnlotc r itnkinsr H OIltT tlin,t
hni vet ht-ea .iiitroditertl. It which vc cull the nttent.'Ui f
nil wh'i mnv w'M W tV,ire the m l mffvet and r1cirubl
CO' 'king ftpparntiifl ever invciitfd. j
Wa are the rtnle Amuit. in Pensvlvailta for the rrmimfnc
ttitenud sale of this Ventilator, winch is acknowledged 10
he the only pel feci Ventilator c er mude f r eoriei-lnifl
the ttrnnght in nnnky rhitnnles, ad f vetrtilntliar l.stld-
ingt of all Klmls. As tliaresre a menl ninny iiniwinnisii,
tbis valuable nrtinle 11 "W offoied fir mite-i iwriiis will he
careful to examine tht It hns the Kmers n llnde ntnirheil.
Wehnvethe Inrccit and most complete nsa "rtnient of
Hot Air Rei'isiera and VentilnMrslo he found in ise Uni
ted Suites. Panics who wih l; purchnse, eithrr for pii
vnle use or whi lesnlr, will find it gieatly lo their advan
tage to examine our sties. - ' '"
We have hImtovs 1111 hand an extensive assortment H
these beautiful Msntles, in exnrt iniilati-in of Egyptisn,
ipsiiieh, ualway, tsieuim. and other rare maiines.
For An.hrarite and Hitumlnous Coal. Also, Sn entire
new Pattern of the low d iwn Orate, mndc Irom the Eng
lish Patterns, and entirely new in tin. nountr) .
POL .AGENT! flhi' English Enriiuslir Floourg
T'le, (inriikirk fhiiduer Tom and Teria Cottu Orna
mt'iits, such as finnl-!! Vnses. Ac.
Persons about liuilrliuy , w ntld do well to eanmine nnr
slock beluro purchasing elsewhere. Yisituis, win llu'r pnr.
chasnrg or li"t, are r irdiallv wclf tned nt our rxn-n-tve
Wsreiooms. and where we should he fctippy lo iurni,h
any information respecting anv of ,'iir givns that inny lie
di-airied. A lioolc on Wanning and Ventilating can lie
h id gratuitously at our alurc, either personally, 01 by Let-
8. A.T1AHRI50N,
Warming and Ventilating Wnrehause,
149 Walnut Bt., helow Siith
Phlta., MayS, I6&4. m
This Way! This Way!!
Spring nnd Slimmer Goods.
O ESPECTFL LLY inform their customers
and the public, thnt they hsve just recciv
ed and opened the best and cheapest atock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
at their store in Market square, Sunbury.
Their stock consists of every varie'y of
Dry Goods, viz : ,
'' Cloths, Casrimeres. Saflinets, Veslings,
Flannels, Wollens, ire.,
And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. .
Also a splendid variety cif
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dl Laines,
And every variety of goods suitable for La
dies wear.
Also a large assortment of " '
1 Fish, Salt and -Plaster, . ,
Also 1111 extensive aaaoiironnl of
. ILtT and Cars run Mkx and lluvs.j
Also large assortment of (allOCIiltlES,
. SircH AS '' -;'-- .
' Sugar, Teas, tofTfe, Molasses, Sjiices
of all kinds. "
... Also a fresh supply of . . ".' ;J
, DUVGS ND Mt3IclMES,. ,', ;
Besides the btreet )td . inoal general ajsort
tneul of all kinds of goods lo be hud in this
place. ;.'.,. Tl ; . .. .1
E Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price. '
Hunhurv, May 13. ISS4. ! '
: - The Eye Perfected.
Flora the tr'nutsitiu luKtitute. INtilmtflhia, um ti
Ami-ric'uu luiUitC Niw Vcrkt, am
Froni Different Fairs, in yew England.
City Daguerreotype Establibliment
So. 100 If li&Cketlnnt Street. Philadelphia
Also. Main Street, Springfield, Man and
Wtsifietd. Mass.
Portrait Painting nnd Tslbolvping, in Ihe
highist slate of perfection, done in all the above
f ky-I.ights used In all the establishments.
Ministures taken equally aa well by them in
cloudy as in clrar wealbsr. ...
Phila., May 87. 1864 if. .
Wnrerooins, .
So. 8i If 05 JVor Front Street,
Abuts Aran,
VtT Chairs, Mrileea. bureaus. Usdslesds, Ts
bles, Looking-tilaswa, fclauds. eke., In avaiy v.
risly, suld at ilua lowest prices fur Cash.
I'liila., Msy 87, 1854 4 111,
To Trespauers on the Telegraph Line,
XTOTIUE is hereby given, that all parsons
A. found u, or injuring Ihs hue
of lbs Philadelphia and tiunbury Telegraph will
be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in
such cases mads ai d provided.
Jl. B. MAHSEK. Prest
Phils, and Kuubury Tslegiapb Co.
Bunbury, June 0. Ittii, if, . ,
CSoLU PENls with aiul without essea,
II vary superior qualny, just receives!
Also a freak atippty of Writing Kluid. fur sale
, . H. U- MAEU.
Uunbury, Ua. IT, . . ..
Jg. US) VUWIU lot Ml by
Buuhury, April. It. IISI
BLANKS ul $ very aWriuuoa be kad W
rtVf ' n lk AnsTieasV
Fof the Metropolitan Clothing Store of ,
-'. . 0, EL8RE&0 ft CO., , u ' j
' JUnrktt Sfcdf, orposil thl Post Office. 1
VITE navfc just received snd oti hand now the
v most besoriftil, largest and best assorted
stock of ready-made Clothing adapted to Spring
and Summer wear ever before brought Into
Sunbnry or any place in this Section of the eonh
try. Our Clothing made by the best hands and
under our own Supervision,' w know will give
entiri-satisfaction to boycrs. HUH adhering to
our old mottoA-OAMpo' Canh," we'll dispose of
oar good rvasohable and Tepidly. .All we say
ia r come, examine snd prire our fboda and wt
(sol sere you'll buv. rd I ,,t, .--j- . -4 " ; :
We nftWyou at' the "very lowest prices sntery
imaginable variety of CnnU,.Yesla and pants, cut
in the last fashion and warranted to fit. Cloths,
rassinieres. satti'telts, linens, drillings, jenns,
silks, satina, .and all' ether kind 'made Into Clo
thing, 1
I- Also a targe assortment Of Boots and (Mines;
among these a splendid variety of ladies shoes,
Itfuies and aents irnitcrs. Ac.' 1 " "
Panama, Palmleaf, Pearl and nil other Hats and
Caps wo have a great variety of Also ft great
lot of trunks, valises and carpet bags for sale cheap
JRvVKLKV.-'-.r" n - n ,
'.- We have a splendid lot of walchea, and al
kind of Jewelry a itubls for ladies and gentlemen,
I All kinds of Revolvers, double and single
barrel Pistols, Aecorileoits, bltirts, Collars and
all other gootls generally kept in our line ran l
round at our store, all of which we hit i d to sell
'at the very lowest pi ice. lmi'l forget the place,
ti. ELHltRltli '.
Market f qnare, npposiu: the Post Ollice.
; Sunbtiry, May 0, IH.Vt. u.
llirlilv 1 iiti'iTstinif News !
'P1IE informuliun brought to us by the stinm
ship Asia of Ihe sudden decline of Flour,
Indiun corn, cVc. in Kurope, is 110 doulit interest
ing to some, and therefore it must be also inter
esting to a great many others to know that while
there M so much fluctuation in tho price of
Urenilstults at borne and abroad, there is nothing
to ctlcct the low pnee of the
large and Excellent Stock pf . ,
just received by f-'. Schnurman & Co., and on
hand at there store
On the torner of Market end Fnirit Streets,
dlreclly opposite John Young's store, where they
will he pleased to wail upon nil those who wish
to buv good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh
supply of - 1
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c,
which they have purchased at a very low price
nt Philadelphia and Iherefote can afford to sell to
their customers at the most reasonable prices
They still, (after some experience in business)
cling to the good motto, " ron cash.' Call
and see for yourselves.
: Sunlmry, May 6, 1854.
THOMAS nr,Kll4..
Commission iltcvtljants
. Thos. Richanlson cV Co. Philadelphia.
A. G. Cuttcll Jr. Co. . , "
. U utter & Patteson, "
, Charlea Ellis & Co. .
1 Durgin eV Sons, "'
Phila.. April 8, 1854. ly.
uoitf oii vonisia.n
-- tion.witli One Hundred
Engravings, shoving Dis
eases and Malformations of
the Human System in every
shape nnd form. To which
is added a Treatise on the
Diseases of Females, hciug
of the highest importance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage
sty ir w 111. 1 oiitiK'
Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of
the -iiSULLAl'll S lo Ins child. It may save
him from nn early ernve. Let no young man or
woman cuter into the secret ohlninlions of mar
ricd life without reading the POCKET iE-SCU-
LA PIUS. Let no one sulVeriug from hackuiep
Cough, Puin in the 8idc, restless nights, nervous
feelings, and the whole fain of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up by their physician, be another
moment without consulting the Jrll .'L I. A PI L et,
Have the married, or those nliout ti) be married
any impediment, read this truly useful book, ai
it has been the mean, of saving tliriii-rmds of tin
fortunate creatures front Ihe very jaws of death
Itf Any. person sending TWENTY-FIVE
CEIVTH, 'enclosed In a letter will receive hue
copy of this book, bv mail, or five copies will be
sent for one dollar. Address.' D11. W. YOUNG
Post paid. " ' ' ' ' .
July 8'J. 1854 ly.
No. 51U Market Street,
Railroad, Huv. CoaL ami Kariuers' SCALED
set in any part of the country, ny. sxpetienced
workmen, anil ut sunn nolli-e. , ;
Phila., April 8, 1851 Oin. ,
An excellent article for Lining Cisterns,
Vaults, Spring-houses and Cellars, .
A MJ for keeping ilsmpness Iron) wot and
exposed walls. For aala by
Corner of Front and Willow Sis. Railroad.
Philadelphia, April 85, IN54. ly. ' '
RESPECTFULLY informs ths rilissns of
' the Borough of Sunbury and vieinity, that
he has pt-riuuiisiitly . locled himself ia said
Unrotigh ; snd oilers his professional services lu
those who may wl.h to employ him. For the
present he can be found at Weavers Hotel. '
etunimry, Msrcli II, 1854 tf. ,
TV. 'I'l.'M'.H tV CO-,
SU.BURV,1'.., ,
TYAVE just receives afresh supply of new
Vpnng Goods. Their fiieads and the pub.
lie are respenUully requested to call and inspect
them. They will be sold rtiesu. 'Quick ssles
ml suisll profits" issliii their motto. 1
Huubury, Pa., April tt, IS54. ,
nATt AND CAPH..4 spieudid" ",Tef
I's.hi.iiaHe Silk. Wool sud Kur lists,
also Clath, Far, thIUulk, .Nay ud Military
Caps (e sals low by
. 0. ELetDEROsV CO.
Market slreet, opoiU, lu fust Ollice,
SnnUory, Oct. , ISiS
GtK, (rcsb supply just fsseivwl, snsl for
sale ky U. U. MAMER.
Munbury, Jsiai IP, 1151.
fA WE Drsaia (losnls Mj.ruag aaJ BuiMBiai
4 fbawU, Ulsrk and fanry dies Kk, Nil
poplins, Ue Laiiuas. hl.slly, (JiHIuim ,mJ
ee M ! ifiy, jual and fw m)
k'. k a ... l'.U4l'tt
nitburji, Ari J, s&4.
.1 re the Cure f , . '., !
oovoaa, ooi.xs, '.'
of the b,ly, lake ihe ciikhbt Pscioa.L on sr"
.... ' .. . .1.. I.- t.lht 1
mm wrap m,, warm, u. www . -.
Foa a Uiilu j,d Lougis taksUuiwmnis, ''"'",. .T
. a ..: .. .... i. 1. .tti. uiid tlie dnneat-
IIII1K. ni'c.'iuoiii 1" iitirwy-.. . t- ,
will ,! In rlli .vwl. None Willi g SuM " 'l "S
slllirteil Willi a sealed oousli, which broaks litem ol their
. u h .-I.....V I'ecuirul nil
.u ...1 .i.-. mi.. ..1 eMMMiv curtw. n"i"
rvs, sv iiuiui. wib.j'i.iii, r-"' : r :
rsaa , Mwy wir I sursia s.aist, uul;4-tt stet ,
T....7T. ... -I r... u .i l.rci lehu frctn suffer-
liifT, alio nil iilliiiiioe care, ii, nil -
iliiisiiillieid.4iyihis1iivaiuHiiM reintr.;
Fn.m us sarieiililo eflecis in these eases, many Hit
themselves unwilling lo f.-ngo its use When the ntotusiiy
or IIMS CttilSO r " ' '
, Fros two eniHieiit Phj sir isus hi . .
H -. 1 1 ,.-,tttiivim.s, TB- April l. 18.ll.'
fir We huvo siveny..ur Cherry Peel m su pi'ei"i
trial hi out piarlli-e, anil fiml It 1 1 snriss every isiier re-
siedy we save 1 t eaKoa stains ia ,nc 1 ' --
.nits.. ' , Hill. IIIK.MKII IIA.111 I"'
TO SlNO EH 9 AN D PU Itl.lC ttPKAKEKl- this reluerly
Is invalilulile. ns liy its aelion on the throat ami miie", wiien
takna in sniBll qunlllllieS, ireia nresall hi mlStiaess is few
h urs, ism w.uiderluuy incretOKS uie tsiwer uuu ihi
of the V ice. -. .
As'l I1M A Is retiemltv ninrh reliareil, anil otten wnony
uared hy Ck.irrj IVi .n. Hut Uiere are a ane ruses , 0I1
stiimle us t i yiild entirety to no uialii-uic. theriy Pecto
ral will cure them, il they rjiu berured
nitwi lift 1, or iirtttitt-.n ia ittf nir-ai nun nirr
IMitli ai ol the luuus, may lie cured liv taking Cherry Pe to-,
nil in siimll ami ire(ueni doses. The uue.'intortuhle p.
nn-Hsion is sola, relieved. , ,-
Iti-V. 1IOCI. l...rI.Mi, ol ItriOlil) 11, .1HT;
-l Inve sees ihe l.'herrv Peeiorul cine such ruses i.f
Astlluul and lliotielolis a. ienila me lu believe It can rarely t 1 cure. Ih ee iliaeaia-s.11
KOIt CKIJliP. (ova an emetic of antimony, to he
ll.oved hy luree ami treuiienl d m-9 of the Cliurry Peeto-
111I, until i sulnlues the disausa. Il takeo lii sals ni, It will
11 't fiiil to rnie.
WIKKIPINO COfOIl mav he boikeu tin and stoii cu
red bv the ueof 4'herry Peuttsnl. '
TliK lFl.i;E.- is speedily removed hy this reme
ttv. .Numerous iilMaucra have lieell ll-itiee.1 where wll'Je
fmnihrs weie pMiurivil from anv sarnais ciaisi-ouniees,
wlule their nuiKlib rs; without the Cherry Peeiorul, .wire
sutTerinp fr .in the disease
lr. J. O. Arer: : rALSSI, ,11110, ,un .nnr, 1e.11.
I wtile to inform v ia ol ihu truly reinarkuhle eS'erts of
ynnr CIIF.RKV PKl'TOHAI. in this i.lncr. and ill ray
own fnniilv. Unci mv dnushlera was c niiiMely cured
in thn o ilu'vs of a draath ul Wu(MriKn (.'osr.n. by mkiiu it
lr. Means, one of our verv bent ihtsiciaus 1'ieely suites
thai he coiisulers it Ihu heel renmly we have pulmonary
diseases, and Hint he hs rtrred more ews ( fhovp Willi
it tlmn anv iahnr miilicine he ever ailiiiniisleieil. ,.
Out elerirvnini ol Ihe llnplisl Church nysllint ilurlnr
the run of lrri.usz here .litis sensai. he his teen eioes
from y uir medicine he ciaild scarcely have bettered ailh
out si eiiig.
Vours respeoifullyj . ' J.D tsiNC'-AIR, ,-
Dcpily P Miii isier.
Fiom the dislinanifhrd Profes or vf Chemis
try and Mrtcrin MiiUee. lloxciliiiu College
I have fouird the'OinaRr PiecTtin.L. ns its inuredif uts
show, n noti'vri'ul reinoily for colds, antl cmtghs, uml pul
monary discuses.
Passu Cj.hslanu, M D.
, riRtlSfWaK. Me., Feb 5. IHI7.
Dll. V A I, K. NT INI', WOTT.
The, celebrated Professor of Surgery 111
Ihe Medical Cnllree. Sew Ynrie City, says :
'll Rtvea me plenanre toeertify Ihe value nnd elficary
of Avsh. I'lrKanv P kotos 4 L,' wlis'li I rouiudcr peculi
arly adiipt'l toenrediseiiaes of llie Thr.wit mid l.uiirs.n
Onifl of arveie iliseasea apon the lainca have lieen ef
ferled by CilKanir Pscroa.L in sueh extreme cures as
waiiaut the belief thill, a lioa at leiiath been ftitlild
that can ba depended on to cure Ilia fMuelm. C .is and
O iiniiiisrti in which enrrv frmn our mliMthoiis-iuitn every
veir. Il is iii-leed a nie-heiue lo wltieh the artiieted can
look with 0 uift lenee f. relief, ami they slioitld ma rail to
avuil ilienmetvis of it.
Prepared and sail by JAMES C. AYER,
Practical Chrmist, Lowell. Mats.
Sold in Sunbury by II MASSER, and by
Drugirists generally througliont the State.
July 30, 1853. ceow 1. Nov. 13. 53.
'IIIE snbscriber begs leave respectfully to in
I form his friends and the public generally
that he will continue the business of a
Cabinet makers' Finding: Store,
in nil its va'ious branc'ies at the old stand. No.
131 Sonlh Second St., In-low Dock st. Philadel
phia, snd respectfully solicits s continuance of
lite very liberal patronage bestowed upon the late
firm of 'J'. 4. L. Thompson, naauring bis friends
that every exertion will be made by himself and
those in his einplov to merit a continuance of
their much esteemed favor-. '
Phila., March 4, 1S.VU- 6111.
(.rsjiit Arrival 4r
NFORMS his friends and ruslnmers that he
just received an elegant asaorlim-nt of
At his Store in Mar.;ct Slreet, Sunbury; Which
he oflcrs to the public at the lowest prii-ca. '
His stock conaiata of a general assortment o
,'. :t Dpv Goods, viz :
Clolhs. Cassimrrs, Cafsinrls' Jrans. Drillings
Muslins Liueus. Calicoes, Muslin de
Laias: Luiens, Ginghams. Bernsen.
Also a large amort me nt of CLOTHING.
A large assortment of Uoots and Shoca, for
Men, Women and Children.
Silk Hat.
rami ma, Palm leaf and other Summer Huts.
1 GUOCEKIES of every varieiy.
5ugar, Tea, Colfee. Mnlassrs, Cheese, Spice,
r , . . Pi-h. Suit,, Ac. , . . ,
L " ; HARDWARE, : '
Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c.
Tea Sells, Platis, Dishes. Caps, Seueeri, c
Wiur. Brniitly, U 1 it. limn, Whiski y, ic
ft?" Country produce of all kinds taken In ex
change at Ihe highest maiket prices.
April B. I64 ly.
IILI. make regular tripa for carriage of Pas.
f v eeugers between Sunbury and Northlim
hcrlsnd every day. except Sunday, on and alter
Monday. April V4ih. ...
The bout will leave the wharf at Sunbury, at
8 o'clock. A. 1 1 o'clock and .10 ini..utes A.
AI., snd 5 o'clock 30 miniiles, I. M.
Returning, will leave lbs null lock at North,
onibei land, at x o'clock and la minutes, A. M.,
1 1 o'cliH'k and 4 minuias, A.-M and 5 o'clock
and 45 minutes, P, M.
Fate, ill cents. Excursion tickets, good for
one dav, 15 rents. ; -
tjutibnry. April 9, 1154 If.
II EHPEOTFL'I.I.Y nnounces to tlw eilizens
of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has again
oienrd DagurrrraN Room, and is pi spared lo
lake, hksirewa. lis warrants his picliirva to tie
.ut1.f4tl.1ry to all wishing Iruo rep. eseiitatlons ol
Iheiintel, es and ft W lids. Sjieeial slUrulloti ia paid
lo children. Copies taken willi ecuniey, i
strumous aiven on reasonable trruis, Hi.
is it Ihs old plae. iu Ihs Grand Jury Room,
(county buildings,) oH,ralin( hours Iron. A.
M. until 5 P, M., without rrgaid lu the slat ol
Ihe wsallisr. Copias should be sent iu on cloudy
da)S, '
tunWy, April .
CLOCK Fi.hl day tnd 30 hour mm snd
Wutuba liauird, Cream Nula, (iround
Nula, Itaiaiua, ami I'luucs, just aud lot
""" AtigsMU, Msy I, U54e
jjl L V E K W A TCI I tAfcduIui"Z
V lefc fcilvsv V iklua, fu sale at saiy lu.
rMe 11. ii.HAisa
Hunkary, Afi II, t
M Look tb yoiir Interests ! ' .
" ''''Wt will try ioplemt ) 't 'l".",
KESPF.CTFULI.Y Informa Ida friends and
the public generally that he has just re.
reived at his store, in Market street, Sunbury,
below Weaver's Hotel' n extensive Mock of
consisting In part of . , , ;
I,,'!. 1 J) ry Goods, viz :
CtOfAs, Crsii'trieres. Cnsstnefs, Jeans. Dciiings,
, . (j JUiulins, Vesting, Linens, Ife.
Cadcers.i Muslin da L'xim. Lawns, .
1 , Gmchatns. Jterapes. Ruins, i
" ''' " IFoeiens. Flannels, Ifc.
1 " ' ' ;itoc..Hii.s,
' Sogar, Teaa. Cotl'ce, Kite, Molasses, Cheese,
''' '' Bpiees, Walt, '&cii Ad ;
,,'i',," "llnrdwikre.' "
Nulls, Screws, Files', Saws, Knives A Forks, &c
: " ' Queens and Glassware,
' '' Of various styles and iHttlenis. ' '
' A large assortment of Hoots rid Shoes, for
men, women and children, .
Hits Cars, Ac, of various sizes and styles.
Besides a large and general assortment of
rasluonablc goods. Call and examine for your
: It Country produce ol all kimla taken in
exchange ol Ilia highest market p'ii es.
Sunbury, 11 mo. 26 1853. 4 m. 30, '53,
Porte IMonnnics,
rHE alteulion of the Trade, and others, in
1 want f Porte Mommies. Pocket Dooks
Uankrrs' Cases, Dressing Cases. Portable Wri
ting Desks, Uuckgainmon and Chcsa Uoanla.
(.'hesHinen, Prurl, .Miell, and Silver Cord Cases,
W'ork lloxcs. Cabas, Needle Uooks, Money
Delta, Cigar Cases. Portfolios, Razors and ltaior
Strops, Travelling Flisks, and line Cutlery, to
gether with a large variety of Fsaci Goons
which will he sold nt the lowest rates.
Torte Monnaie and Pocket Hook Manufacturer,
2(15 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia.
Sept. 17, 1853. If.
Spring and Summer Goods.
J. P. & l.F. ICLINB,
KSPECTFL'LLY announce to their friends
AsV in,j t e public in general, that they hove
received at llieir Old Stand, in l.'pper Augusta
town.hip, Norlbunibcrlnnd county. Pa., their
Spring an ! Summer Goods, mid opened lo the
public a full asiurtim nt of
Consisllng in tin 1 1 of Cloths, black and fancy
Cassimers, Saltinetta, Checks, and all kinds of
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladies Dress Goods,
Calicoes. Ginghams. Muslin de Lainrs, Plaid
' Cashmeres. De beges. Lawns, Ac.
Alao a fresh supply of all kinds, of
A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens
wsro, Drtiors and Mt'diciiirs.
Wooden Wore.
Also a large assortment of Doots and
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hals and Caps such
aa Silk, Punama, and oilier
Huts, Salt, Cheese, &c.
Call and See.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
All of which will lie sold for cash, or in ex
change for country produce, at the highest market
Upper Augusta, May 6, 1854.
ValuableProperty for Sale
In the Borongh of Sunbnry !
rj'HE subscriber oilers for sale the following
A properly in the Uorough of Sunbury, viz:
And two contigious Lots of Ground,
on the south west corner of Market Square, now
occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel
ling. Also:
on the river bank, together with one and s half
acres .if ground. ( Also: a double two story
Dwelling House and Lot of Ground,
in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of
ground ul the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna,
011 which are erected two frame houses wugon
house, Ac. Also : :. 1, , ;
A House and Lot of Ground
In Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot
are also erected three lime kilns. Alao;
. A House and lialf Lot of Ground,
on Ihe north eat corner of b'iver snd Dewberry
strerl, 01 copied by A uuttus Clement. Also:
Tweiity-Threo Vacant Lots
on Elderberry street.
Sunbury, Jan- 14,1854-lf.
One third cheaper than uhile lead, and free
from ult poisonous qnalilies.
The l'v J, 1 sey Zluc ( uisipany
II A VINO (jreul y cii'.mujoI ihuir works, and iiuprovi-d
1 llie quuiitv ol their pr.alueu, are Hefuncd u, execute
oiitris lor their
Dry, nniifr kI in oil, m aw rt! put'kugea of fmm MS
in A 10 p tuiula'; ! 1
Itry, in iHtrrrii. f $t0 poumlt rb.
Tiit-ir wluitj tiiiK, vhn h i tottl dry or ftnvanA in nil, is
wnrrtiiied Pure witd uiMurjsiiMuii lur btly mid umiurtu
A Rwih il 'f r?winiilt kit winlly lieen (iitcoveiAti,
which eimiilri the C inptitiy t4i wRfnnil their mittlt Hkiff p
frh autl in ih kfti iir miy tuiiiailil( lim. In this
miitvt their pttiiiu will b wurii)r tu any tHhvr in the
Their brisvni thie fwml, which U at Vw prir,
tU u.111 mly a iiuMie innn thj SSnie ! frtmi New Jcr
sty, ia hw vrM kn wh ita iriefitir qualitica when
piili1 n?f r nihvr mrtnltc aurrata
Their ai ne 0 ilnr nimiI p-iMnaara alilha pniitaorika
Rmwii, aitti ia 01 an nreMililr v "r tr poiiiunp; C'ttaga,
Uolmi, Oul iMikliiigi. Uri.if P
Whnaeanla Paint healan nyirf finp'rt fa,
N.W. m'MtiiJk .VIt.ikatiialiJtMU4.tet,.h
rijiUdeltuu, AjMilb, ltA4 siu.
I. M A E THO LOW. 0. 1irr4NT, I. I IftlillOl
Uailliolow, Tinany 05 t'o.
IMPOHTKIIB AMI IiKAI.:RAN nnd Isoiiirfellc
and scknts ron tiirssi i: or
S; Unit Nidfimors Street,
If eur Goixla an eiaininalion, sre not as rhesp
they rsn U botniht in snv oilier maiket tiny
uisy ls relumed foithwilh ai our ptpeus.
Ilsltimore, a. IK, Iui) ly.
"vnc. 'p.' pcttoV:: ' " '
461 .lurrf street, l(ou IS, uorlk lid,
I'bils., Jsu. V. l54 ly.
flROCFMIKM-Huisr, Collrs, Trs. Wal.s
If ses, Hic, Hall, f.. Juel reeeive.1 su4 for
alsbv . W.Ttr.MKM t'U.
MuhIhiw, April t, 1'M.
, A i A 'at J.KTTFK FHKHlsK, . ilb
if 1 books, ik, Hd all sasal lrU,, lust NasisssJ,
,Vj Tarsal ky II. M t4sttll.
atusjsairy, Justs I, lJ.
: f , j - ''AID AND COMPDET.'V ....-
To' Yonr Own Mcclmn.ctr
MANtirACTtljlr.H OP
ui ino most jjBimonable Style.
THE suliscriber respertfully call. the. attention
of the public to hi. large and splendid assort
ment of every (piality ami price of
Aiiir.T.AV titr. '
which cannot fail to revommerid hselfloevery one
, -,.... ,., on arrouni or Its durabla
wrtrkmanahip and splendid finish, made up or tl,
1-e.t stock tobe had in th. city. K0 effort t
spared lit lb manufacture of his wsre. and th.
subscriber is determined
many i.nprovement. which ar. rnai,ll, lasin,.
made His slock consists of XI. I, '
Ktir-iA. IMhiis) unci Lounge,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards
and also V ENETIAN BLINDS, equal to
uuijitiiu mantilaciure.
DEDSTEADS, of every p.crn ,nd
He also manufactures .11 kind. d qualities of
,,. CIIAI11S,
of lite l,,t ..' ,"rr .P'" which .r.
of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled
yThen.,,r'"' CT ,,,c Cili"' '"'
l Ji e ' U M"m ha there shall
lie no excuse for neraons o r.. ..... .
,i, -.- i'"" "uw iiirniiure in
!'a7"7 Wjnr. can U enlert.incd
about the quahty ,a f,uUl 0c hi, w.,0.,nJ
tenia ' ' 1,6 ',i8p"eJ of -l
enn. oa they c.n be pnrcbasej elsewhere. Coun-
, 1 5f El TAKING. Having provided
himself will, a handsome Hr.uisx he is
prepared ,or Undertaking. ,d lllernihig' tZZ
als. in tl vicnity, or at ny convenient di,
luncc from this place.
below 1 hompson'. Store and Weaver's 'I'sve",
Simbiiry, Jan. 10, ls54 tf.
I in poi-tsn.t to Coal Dealers.
T!hE ...bscrilier. hereby i)rrn ie pt,flic. Ibat
they have entered Into partnership under th.
firm of Kase. Keed & Co., fo, Ihe'purpeoJ of
nulling, .hipping and aelling coal, dehverd at
Sunbury. or at any other point along the Sua
qnchannu. '
They will be ready to deliver coal, wet' prent
led. on cm Iraet or otherwise, at all times, on lbs
sborlest notice, and on Ihe most reasonable terms.
Urdcrs received at Sliairiokin by
- , , KASK, KEED & CO.
f-unbury, June 4, 1653. ly.
Cheap Watches tSjJewelr;"
WHOLESALE andj!etail, at the ''I'hiladel.
plna N nu ll amlloweb v Store," No. 06
North Second Street, corner of Quarry,
f?" d U ver Wnlelu s, full jeweled. 1.1 carat cue. $-2" da
l.ldl,9 (,.,ieiuicles. ISO
St ver la-,,, lull jevellcd, M (iold llraeelets, 3.00
Silver Lever, hill jewl'd 14 ! adie.' Ooiil I'euril,, .(ffl
n"r, ' V'"!"""1 . 7 Sllr Tea spoons, set, 8.1HI
tl'.lil peet..ele. 7.IH1I 1 1 '
Hold I'eua. Willi Pencil und Silver Holder, 1,00
tiold Finger Kings, 37 cents lo iJiKO ; Watch
(..lasses, plain, lCiccnlsj Patent. ISj ; l.unct.
25 ; oilier articles in proportion. All goods war
runted to be what they are sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On h.nd. some Gold and Silver Levers snd
I.epines, still lower than the above prices
Sept. 10, 1853. ly. '
So. 12 South Second Stree',
n.ihl I.cver Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever Jo
Silver Lepine do
" Quailicr do
(old pens and pencil and silver halders
Silver Tea and Table Spoons
Dracelcts. Breast jiin. Ear rings &e...
All V:irrnttt...l n..l ...l.l -. ..-1 .
... .ulu al prices as low as sry
in lite citv
Noveiiila-r 57,
1852 tf.
'jlllE subscrilier hereby inform, the citizen, of
, "unhurv, and the public generally, that hs
intends lo carry on the
niarlinilililiig: niiNliipsn
on his own sccount, and that ha bus removed
his shop from near Clement's store, to a new
shop on the premises of Mark Scupham, in Fawn
street, where he will be happy tc accommodate
all his customers.
Sunbury, March 5, 1854. tf.
Dealers in
AT. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Street,,
A VING enlarged aud improved their Rlor.
n.,n . lnr,,,t assortment of Lamp,
in Philadelphia eily, thev are now prf.iared l
ETHEREAL OIL. Pho.phen ti.. ,d I...J
Oil, Lamps, Laniernaofsll paterria. Fancy Hotel
and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, tiit,Jui .j
( andeleabras. and Brittanni. Lamps, at the
Mautifactiirera' lowest prices. .! Lamps by
Ihe package, at a small sdwnc orr Auction
Pine Oil, Biitmng Fluid. Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
ami (ths- only true) Phoan li, th Mn fur.
in.h Ihewartielea si such pnees tkat Merchant,
will find II to their advantage la buv. Call Ufore
tolng elsewhere, if you want bargains. Alaa,
tha Safety Fl kl I. amp . mti,.
Phila., ciepu 4, l5J,T.
WM. M CARTT. Bookseller.
ESPKCTFl'l.l.Y uifuinis lh r
l.-wn and couiiliy. thai ha has laleh
ved limit Philadelphts, a l.r-. additsaa,' v l.k,
slock of book., in rv,.ry branch of Liiersm-. ,.,
ill a gieat vaisrly ul l)mj,nj. ftm K H
see lliein,
Hunbury, tei4. IT. 1853
I)U. II. II. llltiUEE'S retool, ,4 .w.,ui.
'colds, .ud pulmonary, diseaara. nvv!'
Ihi. laluabl. nirdtrin. just recenrJ sJ Vi
l' H. H, H tNli.
Huiibarv, J unel , 15:1..
Mll. PL MPS.. 4 wuall nka.
enellenl pumps hss le isvs4 a k
oll'ered for sals by
ii. b. s.r
Hunburv, Jun 4, U53. .
1KWEI.N Y. A like saaarlinaril a C.-JJ saj
tidt.r Pencils aiul Pens. fu aaas ly
ii. tl.BBkaili t it,
Maikel street, opwails Has Pas ti-
funbury, tk-t. , 1!X
n A.ND UlLlJs itaally pritiisj M Saw t
utumpily atarirfaJ .1 thia, Aiss
blanks, sat all knuls suNitsr fa pat.
nuuourv. ran. 14, IS5S.
II ATat i'pa, Uik. Bssww. rr M4
atlsMsek, Pauaaua. LaubtMSi. Aliaial ial li B)
tut saoa su4 kos. I.sJ.m llys,aia ml all at ls a.
jus ssava4 aai Im saj ay
Nay, J.. WM- A, INAlf .