Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 26, 1854, Image 3
it; atoteaisi SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Il 1 J I Communications. . .- Foe tlx Bunbury AmrlcMi. ' aMKricak convention, j The ilefpgnte lo thn Amrricnn Convention met at Iho Grand Jury Room, inSunbury, nri Saturday, the 19ih Snst., at 10 o'clock, Ai M "the convention was oalled to onlor by api , pointing J. W. HUSTON, Esq., President S..S, Smith and M. Persino, Vice TrrsidoniKj and Emanuel Wilvtrl, Secretary. " 1 1 ' On rnoiidn, The eommittee than proceeded 40 buainesty and lo receive the credentials of Mia delegate in attendance. '"The delegate of the different townshipa ptesonling theif wetlcnliaU, were admitted a dslejjatea in ' Ihe convention. ' ''"'On motion of D. W. C. Cleaver, it wan Resolved, That a committee of six bo ap pointed to prepare resolution! expressive ol Urn ar-iise of this meeting, 'Yheroiipoil the chair appointed the follow ing si titlomen, viz 1 D.W.C. Cleaver, Joshua 'nu, S. S. Smith, Jos. Scott, W. Teitsworth ''and Dr. J. J. John. 'The convention then adjourned to meet again at l'slock, P. M. ... , ... Afternoon Sessto.s. Tho convention met. at 1 o'clock, agreeably to adjournment, when tho following prcamblo'and resolutions wero adopted: Whereas, Tho present-political condition of our country loudly calls for hii ori;iiiiiKatien that will purge it of Ihe styginn corruption of native deinagognism and foreian iitlerlurence, mid believing that a tiicl adherence lo the principles of the American parly as adopted by tho Native American Nation". Convenlmti of IMS, and more rerrnily by Ht IVniisv -vania Stale Convention of 1st of Marrh, 18o4, is the only way in which :ho politics of the 'country can be broiir-hl to the vittne and pa liioliam of Ihe times of the early president!., Tlifrofore, . . . , : Rni.rf-That for ceneral. stale and local flWrn. wo will Cive onr siilTriiRes except such as are known I -I ' .. ....I It.nnurin.n HrtApronn, J no n. iaik, ai.SpiCER, for their known adherence nnd advocacy of those principles, received and accepted Ihe nomination for Governor, Judae of the Supreme Conrl and Canal Commissioner from the American State Convention, held at Harrisbntc. M"'cb '. 1854'- 1w'11 .them and'lhem only, our undivided support. . Resolved, Thai the Conferees ihis.laynp 'pointed to meet an equal number ol crmfeiees for tho purpose ol Thb SotoiitRs or thiWAr -or 1812 Their Widow, and Chilprkn. We re rei quested to Hate, by Judge Sutherland, for lh information of the many thousand soldier, and widows and children of the men of Ihe wm of 1812, interested in the Bounty Land bill, that it will be pressed lo a consideration In Congress, early at its next session. The Judge was at Washington when Congress ad journed, and cays, from a conversation had with the Hon. Mf. Churchwell, of Tenneseo, who reported ' Ibe Bounty Land bill to Ihe House of Representatives, that ho has no doubl that the bill will be taken np sooii after the session' opens in December' next. The Judge gives il as his opinion that Ihe bill will pass, if the soldiers, ami the widows and children justly entitled to land from Congress will write to, or personally , call upon each member in their Representative Districts, lo voto in favor of the Bounty Lund bill, now before Congress.. The. soldiers, and Ihe wi dows anil children of such .as are dead, are right in demanding of their representatives a vote in favor of their bill, prior to considering auv other proposition thai is intended to give away tho public domain to men who never served our country in any of its wars. Pub lic Ledger. New Advertisements. To the Voter of Northumberland County Encouraged by my numeroos friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, j and promise, if elected, to discharge th duties of the office laithfully and punctually, which my experience will enable me to do. HENRY READER McEwensvillc, July 15, 1854 1 - - i r " ' To the Voters ofNorthumberland County. Fxir.ow CiTixnts.- I hereby announce to you that I will he a candidate at the October election foe the olllce of . : SHERIFF, ;ti i for which I solicit your votes." And in doing; so I tender my sincere thsnks to those who kindly supported me when a candidnte heretofore, a kindness which I shall ever hold in grateful re membrance. Should a majority of you sea profjier to grant me the favor I now ask, and I I elected Sheriff of the county, I shall make every effort to perform Ihe duties of tho office fo the satisfaction ef Ihe public. ' HENRY WElSE. Kpper Augusta, Juno 17, 1854. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Futtow Cititkns. At the solicitation "f a number of my fiiends, I again offer myself as a candidate for the office of rROTIICJKOTAKY, mid i.romine. if Meeted. to discharge the duties o t e office with correctness, my ability. and to Ihe bent of JAMES T5EAUD. to none to bo in favor of Rknjamin Kuii eeleclinsi a person to represent this distncl in Btrectt Philadelphia. Notice lo School Teachers. rilUE School Directors of the borough of Sun- L bury will meet at the public school house in said borouph, on Wednesday, the 30th inst., j nt 1 o'cloc(, 1'. M., to receive the certificates of I applicants for schools, and select two mule and ! two female teachers for the term of nine months, j to commence, on tho 1ft .Monday of September j ensuing. Literal wages will lie given lo goad teachers. A well qualfied female teacher is desired to tak charge of the more advanced young ladies. By order of I'ic Hoard. 8. R. PEA EE, Scc'y Sunbury. A up;.-19. 1854. 2t. GUAfjTaUAN6r rifHE sutmcriber, sole aent for the sale of jg I'eruvian Guano in I'liiladelphia, has now en hand a largo stock of PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, fully sufficient for the Fall demand, which ho vrill sell at the lowest Cash pike, in lots to suit either dealers or farmers. S..I. CHRISTIAN'. Sole Asent for Philadelphia. 2V.i. 48 North Wharves, and 97 North. Water . V . ;no, rf.ti..l In vote our National oiign-B!-, ur, - for Kituber Cleaver, on first, last and every August 19, 1K54. 3m. number of ballol. ri i....r tui a. iliprn are a i n.l .io. nnar m I h fieUI l"l tno several oHices nf this county, and as man ol those, as well as of tho reenlaf nominees of Ihe other pnrlies we know to be in favor or the principles we advocate, we think It m eipedienl to mako nominations m opposition to them. The convention then elected the following named pfrson as conferees of Northumber land county, to meet 1ho conlerees oi .-cuuj . Ihe public hoiuo ol J. M Feper, at Mt. Carmel, on Satniday, fceptenilwr 1351, viz: Dr. J. J. John, Nathan Cleave and P. M. Shiudol. . . The .'following Executive Committee were appointed by the convention, viz: C. I"). Wise, Matthias IWi'isr- (!euio.i Fmreer, Nathan Cleaver, S. S. Smith, Jos. S.-oll, and Abraham Ililenian. On motion, Resolved, That tho Executive Commiitee shall havo tho power to select candidates for county offices, and recommend them to bo supported by th American party al the neM October election; also to (ill nil vacancies that may occur in their body (liiiiiiH the year. Oimithm, Rrsoloed, 1ht the pipers of thi c.ountv, lh i4ni?nnri limner, American Wulchm ux and Miners' Journal be reques'td to publish these prnceediiiu. Siine.l by the Oihecrs. To Country Merchants. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBIXCAM & SELLEBS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in CONFECTIONARY OF ALL KINDS, No. 113 North Third St, Moie Race, Philadelphia. THE attention of Dealers is requested lo an evnioinritimi of Btnplr. wttirh tt-ill 1, I found to be at least equal to any in this cilv. j rOliEICiN KKUITjJ if nil kindt in season.' ' N. 11. Orders bv in til or otbcrwUp itromiillv 2d, J attended to. rhila., Au: 19, 1854. om. ENNSTL VANIA "WIRE WORKS, No. 21 Arch Street, above Front, PHILADELPHIA. i rTMHE subscriber hnc on bund, are con stantly manufacturing SKIUOI S KUSIXT OF A IIOA. Some time since a coarse joke was played upon a youna gentleman named Jessnp, a clerk -in the dry goods establishment of Mr., on Fourth street, by Stephen Smith, a young gentleman who formerly edited the Forest (Jutland. Letters puipoiting to conte from an intelligent and lomantic gill were ecnt lo Jesat.p, and he, being quite a ladies' man, responded in amorous epistles. The correspondence was conlinued for several weeks, and al last a meeting was agreed upon. The lady was lo pass Alf. Burnett's saloon in a carriage, and al a signal Jessnp was to hand her out. Of course, he was all impa tience for Ihe ariival of the happy moment. A numbor of those in iho secret were pres. eut, and when, to tho horror of Jessnp, the lady proved lo be a very footy wench, lliey were overjoyed at his shame and ihe result of their trick. Not satisfied with this, Smith had the let ters published, which such comments and alight alterations of names as informed every body who was meant. Jessnp, who isa wor thy but a sensitive young man, was much annoyed by the consciousness of the ridicu lous position In w hich he was placed, and Ihe jeer of his acquaintances. Discovering mat Smith, to whom he bad in the confidence in friendship shown bis '.biters, vis ihe ' author of the hoax, he was naturally slung to the quick. Smith and Jessup met in Ihe tele graph oflice in Hamilton, on Saturday last, nd an altercation ensued, which resulted in Jessup shooting Smith. Tho ball passed through Ihe neck, and Smith is probably dead re this. Jessup was arrested lo answer. We would not have blamed Jessup for cow. biding Smith, but think shooting him was canying the joke rather far. Cincinnati Col umbian. Aus. 14. Will Bored. The Chaileston (S. C.) Artesian well bus reached the depth of 1177 feel, 300 of which have been dug through solid rock, The Courier say that Ihe auger was slopped, a few days since, by rock, for Ihe fifly-eigbih lime. The well, when com pleted, w ill be one of Ihe most valuable, as well as gigantic work in the country. Only think of drilling rock al ihe depth of nearly 1200 feel : A New EscvtSMT. A Texas paper says We have seen a leaf of Ihe Tara or Taka root, grown in Ihe garden of James B. Lee, which measured 101 feet in crrcumforence and 34 feel diameter and t Ihe other. The teed is from the Sandwich Islands, and jt is said 10 be delicious fruit. lion. John M. Claylori ha prepared n elaborate letter about Native Americanism ihonlv tu be rublisbeJ. He favors tfce K.ow-.Voibiuge. ' Sieves, Riddles, Screens, H'oven IVircs, nf all medics and widths. Also, alt kinds of iilain and Wiro work. Urass and Iron 1 Wiro Sieves of nlll kinds; Urass and Copper Wire Cloih for Paper Makers, &c Cylinders and Dandy Kolls covered in the bcM manner. Heavy Twilled Wiro for Spark Catchers, Sieves for llraes on, I Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, t'oal and Sand Screens, Ac. U AY LBS. DARBY & LINN. rhila., Aug. 19, ISM. 3m. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSON & COX, j .S'ic re, Riddle, Screen ami Wirt Cloth ! MANUFACTURERS, j No. 1(1 IN or Hi Front Street, , Comer of Coomb's Alley, between Market and i Mulberry (Arch) Streets. ! Philadelphia. jT ANL'FACTL'RE of superior qunlitv. Brass andiron Wire Hieven of all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, Sec. Cylinders nnd Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire Window Wire, Safes, Tra s, Dih Covers, Coal and Saiul Screens, &e. Fancy Wiro work of every description. Phila., Aug. 19, 1854 3m. To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the urgent solicitation of numerous friends throughout the county, I oiler myself to your consideration as a Volunteer Candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, and promise, if elected, to disuhsrgs the duties of the cilice faithfully, and to the best of my ability. PHIUPRENN. Lower Augusta, Aug. 19, 1651. ORPIIANS'lJdUiffSALE. I X pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court fl ol Northumberland county, will bo exposed to publie sale, on SATURDAY, the 2:id dny of SEPTEMBER next, on tho premises, the fol lowing described property, to nit : A CERTAIN LOT OF G ROUN D, situated in Whortleberry slreet, in the Borough of Sunbury, and numbered in the gir.eral plan of said Borough, No. it being a corner lot. bounded on the south by Whortleberry street, on the east by Fawn street, on iho north by an alley, and on tho went by lot No.. - sixty feet front by 2.10 feet ill depth, containing about one third of an acre, more or less. Late Ihe estate of Martha lioodhart dee'd. 5ale to romf.cuce at 11) o'clock, A. M. ofssiddsy. when Ihe terms ill be made known by FRANCIS Bl'CHER. Adm'r. By order of the Court, . P. PL'RbKL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury. Aug. 19, 1854.. Sunbury, June 17, 1854. To tho Voters ofNorthumberland County Fkllow Citizens. Encouraged by many of my friends, I herewith offer myself lo your J eoiiHiileratinn, os a romlnlato for the oliice ot COUNTY COMMISSIONER a Ihe ensuing election. Should I be elected, I pronma to the duties thereof with fidelity and impartiality. KLIA3 BROCIOUS Sunbury. May 27, 1854. ORPHANS COURT PALE. " BN pursuance of sn order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the 9th of SEPTEMBER next, on the premises, the following dcicribcJ real estate, to wit: a Certain Tract of I.uul, nil unto in Shamokin township in Iho county aforesaid. Hounded by lands of Hober' Huey, Jacob Smith, Reuben Wosser, II. II. Teats, Pe ter Yost, John Reed nnd others, containing sev enty two seres and one hundred and fifty eight perches more or less. Late the Estate of James 1'iicc dcc.'d sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day when tho terms of sale wilt be made know n by DAVID MARTZ, Adm'r. TJv order of the Court, J. P. PURSEI,. Clk Sunbury, Aug. REIVIOVAIi. MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT ! .Tie: mi Mi: is, H)ESPECTFULL informs her friends, and Eft the public in general, that she has remov ed from her old stand, having located herself, at No. S South Sirth Street, upper side, Philadelphia, Whoic she will be happy at all limes, to supply her customers and friends, with all kinds of MILLINERY, &o. &c., and hopes by strict attention to buiiucss, to iner I it a eontiiinance of a lilicrul snare ol custom. Hit friends and the public is invited to call, before i puiehas'il'g elsewhere. Very Respectfully, i JANE MILLER. I N. B. All orders punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Aug. 12, 1854. 3t. Agricultural .Fair. , THK Executive Committee of Ihe Nor ihumberlend County Asrfcnllual Socie ty met at the house of Wm. Strealer, in Northumberland, to appoint judge, deter mine a list of premiums, and fix a day for the next annual Pail to be held atShamokin. It was resolved to hold the Exhibition nt Sliamokin, on Tuesday October i7ih, between ihe hour of 9 A. M. and 0 P. M. , , The following gentlemen were appointed a Committee uf arrangements :W. L. Ilel fnnsteifl, Wm. Marshall, S. A. Bergslresser, Dr. Wm. Atwsier, W. M. Weaver, Wm. Faa-ely, Dr O Robins, Elida John, W. P. Wilhingloii, John Cochrane, Henry Loig neckcr, A. R. Fisk, Kimber Cleaver. ' ' ttST Ot PRRMtt'Mf. Horses. Best Stallion over 4 year old, 2d tlo . do , . i , Best do under 4 yeart old, 2d do do Best Mate and Coll, 2d do do Besl -pair of match Houos, Best Single Horse, - CaHlc. Rest Bull over 2 years, 2d do do Bt Bull under 2 year, 2d do do Best Cow, 2d do Best Heifer, 2d tin Besl yoke of Oxen, 2d do do Besl Fat Animal, 2d do .Virtue. ! Besl Boar, 2d do Best Sow, 2d do BeM pair of Shoals, 2d do Beat liller of pis Best fa I Iloj;, S4 2 . 4 2 4 2 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 3 00 under 3 months, Sheep. 50 00 00 Ot) 50 00 00 00 no 00 00 00 Dr. J. J. Miller, David N. Lake, D. C Watson, J. Robins, Jr. ' ' , MiseBLLANROt'. Bnnj. Pulton, John Taa part, Wm. Forsyth, Wm. O. Scott. Wm. Ll Dewarl, Samnel R. Wood, C. O. Bachmnn. PloWIso MTCh Elijah Crawford, J. R. Priestly, J. Weimer, Liijhnu, John Smith, fUpper Augusta,) Jacob Painter, t'elix Lercb, William Farrow. ., . . Node bui mrmbtr of (he Society will be permitted to compete for prite. . Persons from any county, State of country can become member on payment of fiftv eenis to the Treasurer, or a 'luvrnship Tom mittemon. Com pel il ion i earnestly invited from all pnrts of the country, and from neighboring counties. ' , , Judiiei will commence their duties at 10 o'clock. The plowing match will lake plnce at 1. The address will be delivered at 3 by John Ynuncman, Esq, after which the awards will be announced from the stand. The township committee are particularly requested lo attend to the collection of Ihe yearly duo. ' SAMUEL JOHN, President. Wm. t. Grkemocuii, c . . David T a on art, creiarie SENAR0U8 L. KREES, MEP.CEA1TT T.A.XLOP. SHAOTOKITV, Uvvosite the Depot.) E8PE0TFULLY informs the citi7cns of Shamokin and viciuitv. that he has coin' ineuced tbc above huuincss in the town of Kha mokin, and wiil alwsys keep on hand an assort ment of Ready Made Clothing of every descrip tion. . He also keeps tin hand an assortment of cloths, cassimeres, and ull kinds of goods, for Mens wearing apparel, which he will sell or mnke up to order, to suit purchasers, at the lowest prices. Shamokin, August 5, 1854. tf. BY AUTHORITY. ' " RESOLUTION PROPOSING ' Amendments to th Constitution of the Commonwealth. SiCTio 1. Rtmtrid if Ms Sr nalt ad Hof of Rtprnntativt the Ctntumnveallh of Ptnmyhama in Otntral Atumblf met, That Hie followinf araendintflls b Snd tha Sams are hereby propoitd lo tlit Colismullon ol llie Commonwealth, niwef snri in accordant with tht provisions ol th isnth aiutl hersol', lewil : ,.!...! ; rtorosirios I, to s 4ric!.B an Ssctios I. Tli nftg regale smnanl nf debt iitreaftct by the Cummoiiweultli shall never estteil Hit sum ol five hunitrM) thiSlmml tlul!nri. txtrfl ill cure of war ptSi debt of tlic Cofnmniiwsallh, ami the. money m rarai-a Imll Ui Dplied to the puriv for which the debt may l contnirlcd, of ps "eh fkliti, nfld to no othef pRYpoS. , Rsrrlns Ti psy lh ptthlie dt-ht or th Common wealth, and debts whigh may horenltcr lie eontincled is ns iA war lo rpH Invmion, snnfireiw innrfetioii and to rsdmn Hie pulitie ( lr LeRlMnlnre shall at their nevi SMJton sltet uf thin urciinn into the Comtitiif tloil. provide by h for tlieereatiaa of a slnkiii (unit, Which ihnll ut tic iibntiihril Ull 'ha nid public debts be wholly pntd, to eonstrt ot nil the net aitntml ineomf frmn lha public worku ami stoeki owned by the Common wealth, er nu other fund arising muter any revenue lnv uow ex isthtff or that mny t herelfier cnueiett, so fnr ns the wime. msr he rhqnimt to piv Ihe Interest of ftiid debts. se,ni-ati. nwiiill', nil Kitiuiiilly tu itwtt!t prinfipnl llicreof hy d inn not te than five hundred llii-ii&arir' dollr r", incrtufi-'r ynrly liy eomponndini id n mle of not tew tlinu fiv per eentn'm pernnnnin; ttte tniid pinkine fund atmll lie itieetled in the loans nf tlie.Onmmnnwetillh. which nhsll lie enncrl led from lime to lime in n tnonnrr to be provided by law : iu porli'm of Ihe ili'Klile fiittd il'Stl ever be npplit d to Hie Jo ttie pnvment of tne di-lit of five bundled tlionind d.;l- uiri mentioned m the urn sect ton 01 tnn article, ,mr ineMiin ninViinr filuii firall be npplicd only to the purpuwi litrti specified. Hsctic ti Tlie credit of tlie CummoriTrcaltii stmlt not in anv wny lie given or loonerl lo or in nid of any indivtil mil, eotnafnv. eorpotnlicii of ndSdrietioti. Her ulinll the futntnoiiweiiltli heienl'lcr lirrome a joint owner ot stoi't;. h'Sder in nny cofipnny, sAiiK'Intion or corporntlnii in this Coininonweiiliti or rlRewtiere. t'ortned for any pnf.po.ics. Hfctiox 4. The Common Wends sJiflll nevef snAnrri'e tti6 delt of nny eimntrv. city, bornntrh or towimlnp. or nf nny e rMinrlioii or numcuiiioa. iiiilmH sneh debts shrill hnve for Mens i n eontriirteit to repel iiivnuion, suppress luptirrvct iou, i Hi'ii'iio lite .-luir 2 00 s Court, ) Clk. O. C. 18.14. Perfumery, tSyc. X12hnve jiwt receiviM ihe Inff-crt am) best I'lcctil 1 btw trtiiient of rtiii'tiuiry ever in'criJ ht thii icciutn ill' country, comifting in purt ot Slmvinjr Crrnm. II nut-I'M Olephtuip, Chinr I'nwclcr, I'm ina (o 'ptit( Ormipe flower water, ClmriiKil nf!. Rice lmv)er, Hair Dve, Mrnii I'lin. At ihck'.m, r.xtrnft Vaiiilh, Ornnitr, 14 Leuittii, 11 Pinc-npple, Hlniw-bfrrj-, Pillv White, Sarhcln, Colttpnriisf evory dux-ripti' u, St'Ktir (.,n,, Tul -i, Uuflaht Cuiubi, all kinds, Tivth llruKti!. it Itirgc nt. iiuir iH iiniinii, " Nnil Hruihrn. ' I'rvei'i Kx tracti, l'tirtmrmi.i, Caiilc S"p, White ' Trnniinreiit " lliincock Wnahinpton KepUitlicaii Ciniiic " A(niHHt .i.!.i.r " Nymph ' Oiiimlmi u Hnntl ,l-'.raivs Mii'k ('aiiipliitr HhfU Vnlvr oiul other articles too nmneroui to mention. All the ntve srtklra arc from the huuiei of Julea Ilntiel ami W. P. tilemi. WF.ISV.R ft BKI M.R. See Here ! ! J.F. 1$ I. F. Kline Fl't'iJ sell at remarkukably low prices fur Cash, for a few weeks only) rpHEIR entire stock of Dry tiooils ami all' J- other goods usitally kept in a Contry Store, j Now is your lime to purchase, for the o ior- j tunity will lust a short time. Cull anil see ut the store of J. F. & I. F. Kline, lTpir Augusta August S, 1854. AVines Liquors. Tjrlelt nnnily, rind Kri-nrli 44 t'oiunioii 4 It ye Wiiiftkey. MoitmivHbelu Vhiliey, (Jonimon 44 Jnmiiicn Spirit!, Ilollnnd Gin, Hiinliuiy, July !M, IMt. ClinuirKiigtie Wine, Shell)' 4- M:irel 4l I'ure t'ort 44 Port 44 Modern 44 . l.ibou 44 M ini- Ilitten I'm Sale by wr.isr.n drvnkr. IWl Ram. 2 00 Rest Ewe, 2 00 B.'st Lamb, 2 00 Rest fat Sheep, 2 00 Poultry. Besl pair of Turkeys, 1 00 ilo tin Ceeso, , I 00 do tlo Musk Ducks, 1 00 ht lo I'ml.lle do 1 00 Best pair ntio Asmtio Fowls, 1 00 2,1 do do (In 50 Same pramium fur nny Tint) luoeil, Ui-t Collection, 3 00 21 do 1 00 C ain and Potatoes ! Besl bushel of wheat, 2 00 1 3d do 1 00 j Host bushel uf corn, 2 00 j 2J do 1 00 j Best (lo ryp, 1 00 Best do outs, I 00 llrst do potatoes, I 50 2,1 do do 1 00 Besl 1 do of swoot potatoes, 1 00 Vegetables. Best beels, not lttss than 12, ' 1 00 do rarrots, do 1 00 do parsnips, do 1 00 do turnips, do 1 00 do salsily or oyster plant, 1 00 do onions, do 1 00 do cabbage 6 1 00 do cauliflower, do 1 00 do squash, 3 1 00 do pumpkins, do 1 00 do cog-plants, do 1 00 do tomatoes, 12 1 00 do celety, do stalks, 1 00 do ussortuiuul of garden vegetables, 2 00 Fruit. Ben 4 bushel of apples, do i do quinces, do do pears, do l do peaches, do 6 bunches of grapes, do water melon, do tr.usk melon, or citron, Implements. lies! llireslitiig mucliiuu, do reaper, do seed drill, do winnowinj mill, do corn shelter, do plow, do cultivator, do roller, do com plow, do slaw culler, do farm wajou, do sett of harness, do horse rake, do grain cradle. Dairy, let. Besl butler, not less than five lbs., do honey, do do loaf of bread, 4 lbs., do ham cured by exhibitor, kdo 6 lbs. of home-made soap, I do apple-butter, 6 quarts, I do preserves, ! Domestic Manufactures. Best quill, 1 00 j do counterpane, 1 00 do hearth-nip, 1 00 ' do pair of blanket, 1 00 do 20 yard of carpel, I 00 do cloth, (home-made,) 10 yaids, I 00 ! do fl intiel, 1 00 do pair knit wollen stockings, or I socks, I 00 i do cloves or mittens, I 00 1 00 rkll. GUAIX1NU8. Drop, Uls.k, Raw I'm x' ber, Uurnt Terra tic Bicnna and YatuKke Brown. Hteam prepared from tho New Jersey Puiut ant Color Works, for aula liv ! WE1SF.R 5c"BKi;XUK. ; Sutihury, July 52. 18.'i ADJOURNED SPECIAL ! COURT PROCLAMATION. j 'V'OTICE is hereby given that n Special i Court of Common l'loas. in nn.l for llin County of Northumberland, to commence at j j the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A.M., on Monday the 16ih : dav of October next, nnd will continue ONE J WEEK. " , Jurors are requested to be punctual in ! (heir attendance, at (he lime appointed 1 atrreeablfl to their notices. j .Given tinder my hand at Sunbury, the 12th j I day of August, in the year of our Lord ; one thousand riirht hundred und fiflv-fout, j and the Independence of ihe United Stntes . I of America the 78l h. i WIM.IAM B. KirP. fchrriff. t ;al. I tun WAITTED. .' NR Male and ono Female Teacher to Ink charge of the Hchnols in the town oi'Trc- verton, Zcrlie township, NorthumbcrlanJ county. Schools to commence on the 1st of September. To eompetent teachers gooj waqcs wilHie Riveij. Applicants may call upon the subicrilicr at Trcverton. VILLI AM APPI.EV, M. IX. Picj't. fiKti., Sec'y. Trevorton, August l'i,'l851 3t. SherilVulty. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 op 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 To the Voters of Northumberland County Fkliow-Citufxh:- I hcreliv annotincd myself as the "American Volunteer Candidate" nt the October ensuing Flection for the office of SHKK IFF, for which solicit your sulVrages. Having been strongly encouraged by many of my friends throughout Northumberland county, I herewith odi-r myself lo your consideration for the oflice aforesaid. Should a majority of my fellow-citizens see proper to grnnt me their support, I pledge myself to iliirliarje lite duties of said o.lice to the best of my abilities with fidelity and impar tiality. JOHN J. AUTEX. Milton, July 29, 1651. I "OOOT8 and Shoe for Men, Women and - Children, Ladies' Moroeco Shoe, Ladies' black and colored Gaiters, just received and for saloby WM. A KXABU. Lower Augusta, Mar 0, 1854. L. L. BEVAN, 3H.M0KI1T SO TEL, Shampkin Fa. riHE subscriber beg leave to inform hi lriends -I and th public generally, that he has taken tit abov well known stand, and will be happy to accommodate ait who may give him call. Sliarnokin, July 8, IBM. W ADIEtt' Dree Good. Spring and Bummer HJ Shawls, It luck silk, silk poplin. 1) Lain. Ginghams, D beae. Lawn and calico, juat re ceived and for ale by W M. A. KNAUB Iower Augusta, Msy ft, 18S4. A RASOL8 of ah sort. Umbrellas, carpet I beg, willow basksl and cedar war of all kinds, just received and for sale bv WM. A- KJfABB A'.gj.ts, Msy 8, CARBON ETJN COLLIERY, SHAMOKIN, S'ortliumbcrlaml County, ris.M. nPHK subscriler respectfully informs the pub-a-- lie that he has leased ihe above new eolliety, and is now prepared to deliver ut Sunbury, or any point along the Susquehanna, alt sixes of COAL, prepared by breakers, in a superior manner. Persons wishing to contract for coal will please address the subscriber at Hunhury. Sunbury, July 15, 1854. Dissolution of Partnership. JVTOTICE is hereby given that the partnership in the coal business, heretofore existing un der the firm of Kasn & Douly was disolvcd on the 1st of August tost., by mutual consent. W. U. K.ASE, JOHN DOLTY. Th business will be conducted hereafter un der th firm of Kusa & Heed, to whom all order lor coal will be directed. Hunhury, Aug. IS, I85t Last Notice. A LL person indebted to th tat of Henry Conrad, dee'd., en bonds, note, and book Oceania, 4e., are requested te call on the eob- scriuer 101 settlement, on or before the 20th of oepiemoer next. he .ceouiiU of all peons ...e...,.B ..... nuiioe. win ue put into th baud ot a Justice lor collection. JOHN D. CONRAD, - j ' ' HENRY CONRAD, J EW Lower August tp., Aug. H, 1851. 3 1. T1ARHETINO. Floor oil cloth. T.w. .11 V ere. Carpet ehtin, and Door naur, )ut teosl. Ar'il , U5. I TrXER V CO do home-made thread, 1 lb., ilijceuifoirj-ylr(i(i(rs. . For mechanical invention, lools, futiiitute, and other ntticles not coming under any of the above heads, prize will be decieed, according to the means of the society, and the merits of Ihe articles exhibited. Plowing Mdtih. Best plowman, 5 00 3d do ' 4 00 3d do 3 00 -till do S 00 The following committees were then ap pointed, Horsks A. E Kapp, Wm. B. Kipp, Juo. R. Eck, Benjamin (Jest hart, Dr. Win. Alwaler. CiTTl.r. J. C. Horlon, John . Montgom ery, John Dunkel, Wm. 11. Kase, Jacob Leisenrinp, (Shamokin.) Hugs. Wm. Marshall, S. A. Bereatresser, Wm. fullnier, John o. t'arker, Ujvid 0. Monljiomei V, Gideon M. Yorks. SnirF Thos Johnson, Andrew Arm strong, Peter Haugawout, Denuis Wulverton, Wm. U uearnari. l'oi'i.Ty. Elishtt C. Barton, - Geo. W. Peal, W. T. Forsyth, Wm. M. Weaver, L. L. Bevan. Grain. Jesst Hensvl. Charles Riddell, James Ei'kman. Jacob Hans. David Marti VtcrTliLKs -Alei. Jordan, Ja. Pollock, Alex. Colt, Horatio u. lajgarl, t-lida John f suit. John Vuunaman, C. J. brttner, Wm. I. Gteenouph, H. B. Mssser, II. J. Wolverton. S. R. Peal. M. L. Shindel. David Tapgart, C. W. Tbarp. Henry Donnei, Chaa. a. B.IHZ, vv. L.awon, v. ji. nocaeieiier. In Ihi department, favor will be the chief Criterion of exeelience. A lull attnilanc of Ibe committee is confidently anticipated NriBKCNTa A. R. risk. Dr. Robin, W. H Muenoh, Reubuo faely, Berjamin nenancaa. Daimt. etc. William Derrjan. Beniamin Wolverton, J. W, friliag, Cor Pleasant, Ira 1 . tlranr. I DoNtsTio MiKPiACTvats J. Mueneh, FRENCH TRUSSES. Weighing less than 24 ounces. For tlie Cure of Hernia or Rupture. CKNOWLEDGEl) by the highest medical authorities of Philadelphia, incomparab.y superior to nny other in uso. Sufli'icrs will he gratified to leant that the occasion now oilers to procure not only the lightest and most eaty, but as durable a Truss a any other, in lieu of Iho tuiiibroua and uncomfortable article usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retain its position without chunge. Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have tho Trusu sent to any ad dress, by remitting Fit J)vnrt for the single Truss, or Ten for Ibe donble with mrssure round the hips, and stating side allVctcd. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning it ut once unsoiled. For salo onlv hy the Importer. CALEB II. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & ltsco streets, Philadelphia. IT?" Linus, requiring tlio licnelit of .Mechan ical .Supports, ow ing to derangement of the In ternal Organs, inducing Falling of tho Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary. Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spiuul Weakness, aro informed that a competent and experienced I.Anr will be in attendance ut the Rooms, (set apurt for their, exclusive use,) No. 114, Twelfth St., 1st door below Race. July I, 1884. It. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISER & BRUM Ell. This nrepaiation is recommended as un ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from uny unpleasant lasle, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine is highly bcneliciul lor diseases peculiar to summer and hot weather. - Sunbury, July 1, 1851. rS'ieosiTiox -1, to n ssTirxc xr. l'rohihitiug aVHi'cyi filibtcrijAiolts. Tlie Lcfri-kittir stmll nrvcr anltiorizc any eoutiti-; cit;. li .rough or towimtiip. liy VMe of itft eitireiii or otherwise, t't iH-rome n nt.Mrktiol.ter in auv joint slock coinKim, ats i viati'itt or eorp'imtiou, or t" r.-iite uiouey for. or ionti its ercoil to. or in aul 01 any such c unnanv or ntfl eiaiinu, . lMt. ni Asi;, : Sneuksr of lha llouio of llepresmtniivea. ! - M. M'CASUV. Speaker of the Seimtc, 1 tu (Senate. April 2, lMt. t Kf ilvwt. Ttiat lliiit rea ilutiou pasa. Yvuh 112, lia a D. Exttacl Iroio the Journal. I T. A. MAOI'IRE, Clerk, i tu House of neicsenlntivea. April til, I Reanlveit, Tint tliis rnolulion yust. Ycua 71. nayt to , Kstraet from tire journal. I V.t. JACK, Clerk. I tMcxsTiaT't Ovrtee. Filtut April tni, IKil $ C. A. BLACK.' t secretary m' lhs CtHtimoiiwealih. rKNN9YI.VAMA,S. I RrrscTiiiv'i Civvtrw 1 ItnrriHbuTg, Julv 1, 1KV4. 1 tJo certify Ihe above and fureiifiiW in a tine untl tnrr'ct topy of the origin.. "KeKolu- U'lii reiaiivc tuu ttinrmimein ni tne uousntu tion." m the tnmo rcinatns tm hie in this oilioe. In teitiiinuiy wti'errftf 1 have hereunto net my baml oiiH cnimetl tn U: aihxitl the sml of the Scrrclftry'at uthre the day anil venr nbovn wiit ttii. C A. HI.ACK. DXTeLiry ni uic .uiatnoiiweai!!i. i Jinriirl jf" t(t r.ife , ullcthiiiu 3ft-2, eii'.itUni IteMjItitinn prpiiiiitf . Rineinliuciiln to tlie CoiiKtitittioii of the CtHiiiii' iiWHaltli,' 1 won rei( n thirrl time On the qncti'm, will Ki'iwte ; agree lo tho first pnpniiititii, the yenff ami n;ty wore la ; ken. ogrueahly t'i the C-'iutituliJii, Qtul were as full w?, : vir : Ykw-Menrn. BurkftWiW. Tar1iiirfrvn,OQrrie. Fincnjvn, . Fuulkrnil, l-'rirk. Fry, O vkIwim, ILd tennn, llannlt"ii. II. 1. lluiiiliu, I, V. I (ami int Ilt'ifler, llie, JiiitiiHtn, Mr-ClinticW,-MfFnrlniiil, Piatt. Quifffflr, Sftycr, SlilVr, :mu MpChkIiii. SpcHker 21. t Nav -Mcmra. Cru'u, Crenwell, HcH.lrickr Kinzei, K tinkle nnrt Sl.tuner G. j the question wm iMermme.l in lh a;TirmoiJe. On the q'irsiitMl, will iheSrimtc nuree In the Sfroiid , proposition, the yei'i nut I nny werrtniicn ngreeably w iUt Constiiuii mi, mwl wrre ni t"nm . i ; Vai-vi lf'ttJ. Hmkaluw, I Mi. si'. Kcrgnn-Mt. Fimlkf'wi. ' Fry, lifirhlwii IltilJttniiv It. L- H unlm, K. W. (liitnliit, llf-udrickft, i;iler, llocr. Jam is n. Kiti7;er, McCiJtfl.rk, MrForlanj, Piatt. Piu ct U.itlgKift, Sliter, Wherry, McCus lin, Spenkt-r ''2. I .rH tof8.Cialib, CrcsivyeJl) Dar!ll'iijto;it Uumiluni, Kmikle aiul Hkhiner fl. Ut the qu.'&u m wn Ji tcrminuil in llieofTirinntive. Journal of the II m-fi of Rpretfiitative9. "The qMealnxl recurring noon the fttinl paufwio of ihe lies -Union, the first prop sitiufi wns agreed to ni lollmv.i, viz : Yka Meurs. Altrahnm, AiUmia, Alhertoii, R;.llt H-irtnn, IVyer, Hil'Siuiii, !l-ytl. ltimh, liyotl-, Cultlwctl, Cylvin, t 'arlifl, Chrimherlttiii. Ox'k.Ciam, titnimfni, l"fttirh-rt r Jvii. Do P ranee, liuniiinc, F.'-kert, J-.tJinirrr. Ktflrej, Kvaimt Putter, Fry, Giillcntine, Gihboncy. (iilmore. Gray, GiiMim, Gwui. 1ln'ini!tm, Hurt. Ilerr. Iln'stiinl, IIi!liT, Hippie, (lorn. Hummel, Iliinweki-r. (luntrt, Hnrtl Jnck inuit, Kilpnre. Knight, I-nry, (Ithijti.) Linn, Mntjce, M;t(iuire, Miindcrfiel'l, M'Ccmtoil, MKtr, Milicr, Miin chiiu. Mots;.imcr, M'nre, Motet. Mue, Painter, Parke, Pan n lee, PaMtn it'e. PuttTPon, porter, Putney. Itnwlins, KoheitF, Howe, fnllale, Scot. Sidle, Hi mm it on. Smith, fBerkn.. Smith, (CmwAinl.) Stewart, Rinckclale, Strontr. Strniher, Wheeler, Wieklein, Wriylit, Zieglcr, Chue, j iNvi ,one THE AMERICAN'S tMKKB 1 1 HOLLO WAV'S rPILLS; To the Citizen of the thiilbA Staffs . I fiirat )iiullj' atMl tijTtffrttle thank r"ti (t li linmotite patroimga which yon have bratnwril pon riv Pills. ! take this opportunity nf tnntiug that rny Anerpf-'ii were ) Atnericari CltiKent. iiarl ttiRt I entniain for r-:i that courenis America ami the Atrcricaua, the mont tivly sympathies, tu uiurli that I origiiiQliv cotnpouudetl H'tf Pilli cxprelf to rrlt vi'ur ttftn'ote,' bahits, contiitiuittii", ami maimer of llvjig, fnttnCinff to estitblislt myaMf ainors; youvrhlthl hnve now done, hy taking premise in Tcyf 3; Curucr if Aint (ttd afstin fttrccti, NaV Yuk ftifpcAtioFOF the blood, Livm and niuAorcttt.4iNT04 ; fhe Citigensof the Viu'oft tft-r mnui.ruta disonler t the l.iver ami ffinttmch,' Icqrqelf Ony. ae fiec fpm the inflitenraof thetv d'M(-.tfve inftladiri, tiineo IfTt woarr fiMt. The fair fcx, feihapa Hip moat hatitta'ij'iie in lii" World, up to a cctttttii penotf wlvefi: uistresiat; t1-suf many low thtr te-th nurl yoml, ktoks. while y)f fl:f heyday ol I j iV adrh ad evils, rnfiy be effiftnfly rerrtcdKt. hv contiiumliv k?tiir.tii t)ia bkMifl nnf6: hud the Liver mid Stomafh in a In nliny aci ma, wlien life will Bow anaJothiy. nun rrrtniMc Wftfita in WMlfreniol clime, where fcnrtemt anrtuir appearA tn tein. As it rraHt the pfeevntion or me unman irnme, nnu the nnmtion of lut',tnurfj inoy, be elTVrleit, and f any lenrleasly, that lienltli otf ill? ra:i ht: prolonged lot many ycitta huyuud ttreif ottfitxfty ii'mtt. if Hollowov'i Pilla nra laken to ptirtfy tlie -; fpiilm'.; to the rules laid down for heallh coniaiWed in Ihe dfrenron which fterompony each box. , , . a CA5I3 0F wFAKvr; AD nnmi.iTV OF TKT YKAR9 ftTXDIXt, C1.RF1 BY HOLLOW AY'fl PILLS, ... Copy of d Liller from Captain John Johnson, Astor House JSci? 1 orht uatea JUtinahj To Pr.jfiBr IIoH.ciwai, HSf Cfurnlf o An'o anlW MuM',t revltf.-S. Y. ..... y,rl It is wilh the rti-sf hcoflfvlt nleafure I have Ui inform you tli: I imvc houu rt irtorud li liealili and strenetlf hy tnkinn your Pills F'r the lupt ten year. I sufTefcd ftotn iiinitrirnmiMt nf the'or nt;it Hlomnch.- mini wn fO(fticrT t'f Ineli tri ettrniTty tlMt f tfm'e hp fnr Ship. ii'-ver i'xpf tim to (r:i to Hen any niofo, ni I hnn trieJ fv4i y Ueiiiftly Ihnt was reooimnni'U-d tt me, hut nU fu n fir pose r had ttivcn myeelf lip ro -lfepnfr, tvheii I xtnn 6t Inst rciinmeml'd In takV yout Pills. After usii.f them" f r (hrt if.'Mti, , th :F1t (1 (lint f am now in betu-f' lieu Jili ilio I have heui for el- i'en years pnat. and itde.'ff ns Wrfi t'ViT I was i.i My life. You are quite a, liberty to inak this kimn n lor the benefit of ollieis. I remain, ir, yours respeftfuliVrf (Simiei,) joiiN jonrTsoN" Thrft celebrated Pills are xtendei fully cfllot cwus tn the Joilowtng tomptmutx. .rvr iMopsv ml jinn Ityscn'tnrT Itilions Complaints Krysipelai Blitehcs on the I'einrile Irregtl-' Pkin Utities B-iwel Compliirnli rcveisofalf Folic Coiistirntion of the l7r.'.-n Cuiwunplioii !)?l:'i!itv fl tre Throats Tic aY'irfeiireu.t V leers lfl'itmnatioii' no4ndieo Livyr, Com- plnints I.nmbagu Piles Itheumntinrr Kcteiitim of V rine Scorfula. or , Kirrir ifevi) SrfconiiSrfy Symptoms kinds Fits Onnt ffoil-'tt'.'iie IAdiceitin Si'vne nud Gravel Trtmoura venerea I AfTection4 Vormsof all kiudtf Weakness, from whatever cause 4c., Ac. Sold at the Establishment of Professor IToli.owav, Strand, (ti-snr Temple Hitr, London.) and also at his Horn, in ,nv or it. UrdiT lor Alcthciues m the States, addreR sed lT. Hollowny New York,' will reeeive dnc attention Sold also by all respectable DnipgistH and Dealers id Med icines throughout ilie United flutes, in Uoxca 71 cents . H7ccnts,and & I .W rent each. To Ifi bad Whohisalc ot tht principal Drug Ht'is.,s in the I HUni. , - Tuere i a e jusiotrabli aaving by taking tlie larger . i'- Dcf:lioii! f ir the paiikisica of patients in eviry ii .ii'i are ainxen in eacli iix. June JI, l-j-i. bui. Just l,y Published and for Sale W.M; MiCARTT, Co!tse!l. Snnburv, Pa.- Tlie American PLEADEKS' ASSISTANT j - Bi'ins a collection of approved iloclsTatibnn; A'rils, returns ami jjrivociiinors if life scvural actions now in irt flit- IJnilcJ latcs. iV Col.MN30M RKCD, li.'Q., lpsae legit viva vox NVitH iioti's aiul adoiti.T;.', lnRth;r with sl.of system ot comeyanf iiig. Cy t. Jordan, Pres ident Judge of the' Kiglith Judicial ifiairict of Pn., nnd Wfn. M. FockofMrVr and M. L. Sliindcl, of the liar of Xortliumlicrland county. Since t!ie' publication cfl!io book, tlie following letter lf Ken rcccittd fioui Judge Ptarcon of HarrisLarg i HAitnisBrno, June' SO, lS3J. tltSTLEXI' After a careful oxErn'na'i?oti of yotT 'Amer ican li'a.lo;s assistant," I tako picture in cx pressiiiT i,jy entire l!pfova'l ot tlie sckedon and composition of the frccedents thn offered to the public. : J lie protcssion in rcnnsylvsnu stands in need of a correct svslein of plcadiiij:, adapted to our fiabits of btjtincjs, nnd the practicr of the courW. Tour forms of declarations brtrt;;, to a crest rxtcnt, founded on tho acts of ai.emblv. ( will be a snving of labor to tho pleader, and con- XT.-T.1ir,r.HL ,.r,K i rcvit, in our,. leading. DOfiilim. l!ie vena unit uavs wm mlifi. nirroiiily tn the ; It slioutu ve in me nanus ot every practising provi.iniia m ine luui aruirc m niv ciuiiuiiuii, nii arc t lawyer in our siair. ours, witli respect, NOTICE. VPPI.ICATIO.V will be made to tlie of Pennsylvania, at the sesiiou of ,R55,for the incorporation of a Savings Institute with discounting privileges, and witli autlionty to receive monies or depositcs, in any sums from a dime upwards, with a eupital of Piy Ihuusainl dollars, to lie located at Sunbury. NortliuinleT larnJ county, Pa-, and to lie culleJ the Ism sTaiAt OiVISfcS IsaTITVTK. July I, 1851 6iu. SHOES All kinds of BooU Mioes anj snu Ders lor so.lo bv , t!. EI.SBEKG & CO, Market street, opposite the Pot Oliice. Suuburv. OrL 8. 1853 liy GOODS, Cloths, Csssimers, Kattinetts, v.iiiiL.a. Tweeds. Summer cloth. Velvet cord. Tickings, Checks, Muslins, Ac., just ree'd and for salo b ni.a.a.inu. Lower AugusU, May 6, 166j- ' TOR RENT-Th lower story of ihehuildiug . in Market street, lately occupied as lha oflica of hs Sunbury American. Apply to II. 1). MASSEH. Uonbury, July I. 1854.- IARY GOODS Clolhsi Cassimers, Satiinett, A9 Vestinas. TwaeJ. Surnmsr eluth, Vslwt cord, Tickings, Chack, Muslins, c.. just raeai d for aud sale by I. W TEMEU it CO. 8unborv. April ti. 1854 rVITt tut at Ihi olTto. fcoporioe Disck Ink, K Outtla Medloisj S et, Pur Essinca Ginfsr, St seal m fntlitwa VkAs Messrs. Atinilunn. Ailicrton. Hull, Ilnrtoii, ttr-k, Itrvcr, Hlirlmm, Hoy. I, CnlilW'-tl, Carlieli-. Chninbr.biii, Oitik, Craiie, ruminins, Unu?liollv, Uavir., Drrrnn. l)e Fnmce. Uutiiiini;, ltmnnr. Klitrcil, Kuiil", Kry. rjaMt-iilinr, tiititmiipy. Gtlin iri, Omy, Grivim. (twin, llnmitt'iii4 Ilica tiiul, llillii-r, Iliiplf. Hiinaerknl, lluiilrr, limit, Jiirkman, Kilftnn-, Kiiistit, Ijitiry, (L'tiisb.! lmw. (Tiinsn.) l.iim, .Muwt-e, Mnruire. MniiilerfleM, M'Cisinell, M'K, ( Mniitc'inierv, Mmire, .Mni-r, Mun; I'lilinrr. I'nrke, I'tiniilet-. Pnnaniiiip, Pallt-ra-ni, rorter, Itnwliiis, Kolirrtit, Ituwe. Siillailc. tV.-tt. lfinHitii. Kimlh. (lierks.) Siniili, iCmwfiiH.) Ptockilole, Wheeler, Wirslem, Wrigtil, Ctinae, Speaker 71. Nav Mesr. Ail:im, Dalilwin, Iteaiis, Tlush, Byerly, 1-kert. l-'.ll.a, lltrt. Hvrr. limn, Iliiintiiel, M'Ctwiinln, Millrr, l'ul.iu, Putney, SiiUe, Stewart, Strung. Slrutlieri, ei,lcr W. ljtlie quertl-'n was di'tcinitiH-tl in tlienffirmnlive. SECttBTABT'i OFFICr. IUuuiaixau, Jiity I, lbot. ( PENNSYLVANIA. S3 i I I rti certify tlint lli? n'i vc ami is I.K.L. i s tine anil enrrect fif Itie -ykab' nuil .iatV I ) tiikeii nn the 4lteailiiii(ai relative to an mn.-i1- inentof llieOmipiliitiniml"t!TeCimnvifm-e!illlt: ni tlie aaine niienra nn Ilie Jimrnnta of tlie tiwi Ilonaeacif Ida Oeiicrnl Aarenililv. nf tliia Ci-m-iii'ittwcnlih fur itie Sfasmn -f l.ot. WilneM illy linmt mat Itie Seat nf nfTics lliii hrl rliiy of July, one tli.iuaauU eifttit liuti itriil tin! filly-four. ' C. A. m.Af'K, Secietary of the Cuiuiuonwculih. July 15, I'M. 3m. Picliles," Sauces fc. Jnit received l-aer.ce i.f Anelioivea, Cauti-ll iwcr, Chilli Vinegar, rh-iweliiiw. The iiluve lire nil fi.tul Mixed I'U'Lte', Cr wil ,V Dljclcnetl, IMi.l ili, Oiiii-n, I'ntlcil Tongue, lt-nna, '' Ham. (iirkiiia, Has berry J-im, Pieeuli, t'niraul 44 Jnlin Hull Since, Plum 14 ltrcl'ilei.k " t.ii.!iin', Wurevaler ' Tmirit.i Cntnv, Ac . Ac. WKISIIII i llltl NKIl. " GUANO, GUANO. OOO Tons A'o. I Goveriiuicut Prruvmit (iuano. lOOU Tous etuper-pliosphute of I.tnie. ll!UO Tons Mineral CVuuiiu. FOR SALE liY ALLEN t5t NKEDI.ES. South W harves and 32 .S'orfi ll'n.'rr Street; first door above thestuut I , rillLADCLnilA. June $1, 1S5I. 3i.i. "ViVi'tCK w lierrhv irivrn that aniiiir.-rVmn will lie made to the next Legislature ol Pennsyl vania, for iIhj creation of a corporals body with banking and discounting privileges, to be located atKhimokin Pa. and to be colled the Hunk of Shamokin, with a capitol stork of 1 wo Jluedrcd thoitsund dollars. Shamokin, July 8, 1854. Cm. Miners' und Machinery Oils. Consisting of Sperm, Lard, Solar Elephant and rucked Whale Oils. For Sale ly ALLEN & NEEDLES. 23 i'oulA; IKAarrn and 35 Smith Water Street, Philadelphia. July t, I85 9m. . GROCEUU'-S. Seaars, Con.a, Molasses Bplces. Oils. iJrandy.Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herrino; and bait, just received and for sal by - WM. A. KNADB. Lower Augusta, May 8. 1854. JNO.J. PEAK.soN. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and Nt. L. Shindel, Esquires'. V. McCahtt, Esq Dear Sir.' IfeceifdJ rri'ofo than a year ago a copy of "Hed,s Pleaders'" Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it tvirii some rare soon aftetwords, and hare hod occa sion to use ft several times since. I think it de cidedly iilmiWo a a inanucl fot practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and di not hesitata to recnminenJ tt; If It were generally used it would increase Ihe accuracy of the profession in fnaftets whiili are oftin Tcry carelessly dune; I am very truly yours, &c, J. 8. UI.AC'K. I iMso received a copy en" lire Pleaders' Assist ant, nud have examined it sufficiently to enable4 mo to concur very heartily in the above commen dations by tho Chief Justice. . GEO'. YV. tVOO'lW'ARD: July tn, ISil. Pnnhury, July 30, 13 "NEW DEUG STORE ! VVEXSSn. &. SRUNER, tVhclo:ale aud iletail Truggists, Market St., next door to C. Y. Diifiht's Store, si:nbtjry, pa t OfFEft to the public the laigesj anJ best srlrcte'J slock ever opened in' Uht secliotr ot country, eoiiiiiliug of 17IIESH AIJB PtJRli DRUGS, Medicines, (.'h i.'iii-il. Ground ripices, Paints," Oila, Varnishes, Djc-slull's, Window Gluts,' Put'cnf Medicines, together with a cotplci as-s-orfmenr of Paint, Clothes, Hair. Tooth; Nail and Slir:vmr?.r,rrhjhes, Drcssinj;. Side, Ne-k and Pocket Couibs, Fancy boaps, Shaving Creams, Tobacco, riegars, Port Monias, Stationary, Con fcctionaiics, rUl.E WINES AND BKANDlES I'or Medicinal use. English, French and Anieri rati lVifuinery, l'um jt (iotttU of every descrip tion, i.l short every articic kept hy DrugSirt generally. ' , !! Prescriptions Carefully Compminded. , GEO. 11. WEISEK. WM. A. 15KUNER. Siuuhury, Ma? 13, IS.K. ' JOHN VKAlfiW, LillClt ANT TAILOR, BUNBunv.rA Ri:.PECTl VLl.V uilormshu friends and customers tiia he has just received from lh city a new and complete assortment of Mens M'taring . Ifparel, which he will make up lo order, or sell, as cheap as any other ealablithment in tho place, as ho is determined td permit no ono to undersell him. lits Roods arc choiee, and carefully selected frorrt the best iu the Philadelphia market, and IheV will be niado up in the best and latest style and warranted. His slock ednsisls-iri patt of band, soma Msrseilea and Silk Testings, Dlifk and other Linens for Costs, Ac. Also, a rsru ly ol Cibths. Caasimors, Crasars, Nock Ties, ami variety of other article for Mena' wear, Sunbury, Juna 10, 1854. tf, .. , , nARDWARfe and Quenwoi in great v. rteties and ot alt descriptions, hrst received nri for sal t . Laws' Augusta, May' VM. A. KVA8JI. ISSi.-i- rillS A certsin avo toi Favoj and Agua. fur saU by . Sunbary, July 22, l.-4. CHAILENHEROBH'S