Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 19, 1854, Image 3

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    XM"X1 I-Jt--11A JJL1
A corrpinilanl of Ihe) Boston Trasellrir
8l anjriteresilng1 rrount of lliit manner
in which the prrjuJieei of lhi Turks ar
compellinl lo yield in the presence ot
. hir Christian allies. Al a yrauiil review, In
1h neighborhood of Constantinople, ha wit
nessed tha following, among othar strange
things: ' ; ,
"First t saw tha Sullan so mnoh exhilarated
by tha occasion, as actually to put his horse
. upon tha gallop, a thing qnite incompatible
with the dignity of tha Sultan ! Second, the
' lady of Marshal St. Arnmiil drove In her car
riaga directly in front of tha Sultan, and was
. there introduced to him, he coming toward on
Ilia horsa lo speak with her ; a stranger pro
coedinjr, and eren more reoliirijr to the feel
ings of rigid Mnsselmen, than it was to see
Lord Stralfoid help their Imperial Master into
his boat on the day of the English review )
And last of all, and to cap the climax, I saw
Turkish young lady walking, arm in arm,
with Turkish gentleman ! a eight, so fur as
I know, entirely new for Turkey. He may
hare been her husband, fur auyht t know,
but, acoording lo Turkish notions, that would
not mend tho matter in the least. Strictly, a
husband cannot with any propriety allow his
-wife eren to walk by his sido in the street
Rarely are they seen lo go nut together at all,
and when they dn, the wile must keep a re
spectful distance behind !
Up to this day, green is a sacred color with
the Turks, and nl Christian subject is allow
eJ, on any account lo wear it. It is a (lis
linclivemark of a Mussulman, and especially,
and above all things else, in the tuiban
Ureen turbined Turks, even, are rare, and it
is understood that the men who aspire to such
distinction is a peculiarly holy man in
deed, a lineal descendant of the Prophet.
Just imagine, then, what must be the feelmgs
of the good old Mussulman, lo soo regiments
of Fionch troops all wearing the green lur-l
ban ! These soUliers have gone through all
Ilia streets of tho capital, sometimes singly,
sometimes in companies of five and ten, ami
have attracted univesal attention and remnik.
At first tho common Turks supposed them to
be Mussulmen Frenchmen. Several of them
were passing St- Sophia one day, and some
Turks invited Ihem to go in and say their
prayers.. The Frenchman, not knowing the
language, did not at first comprehend the
nature of the invitation ; but a person was
soon found lo aot as interpreter. When they
learned that they wore expected to go
through tha Mussulmen prayers, 'Why,' said
they, 'we are Catholic Christians, not Mussul
mans ' 'How then,' said the other, 'do you
wear these turbans V 'O,' replied they, 'we
wear whatever color we like.'
The appropriations for the service of the
Post Office Department, for tha year ending
30ih June next, out of moneys in the Trea
sury, arising fiom the revenues of sud De
partment, ate as follows, viz:
Transportation of mails, $3,275,000
Compensation of Postmasters,
Ship, steamboat anil w-y letters,
Oilioe furniture in the l'ut Oliiues,
Wrapping paper,
Mail bags,
Mail lucks, key and stamps,
55 000
55 000
25 000
Mail depied.iliunsand special agonts, 60,000
Pustiiiasiers' Cleiks, - 500 000
Pontage stamps ami stamped en
velopes, Miscellaneous,
Compilation of Post routes,
Patent of the clamshell padlock
Total, S3 394 000
An appropriation from the ffeneral Trea.
anry of not exceeding 2,344,464, lo supply
any deficiency in the Post Olfico revenue to
meet the above.
The Postmaster-General is directed to con
tinue mail service between Charleston ami
Havana, in the months of August and Sep
tember, as is now done in the other ten
months of ihe year.
lie is also directed to establish a mail on the
Mississippi river, from Cario lo New Orleans,
and from Keokuk, Iowa, lo Galena, Illinois.
Tkc Mo.mrstead Graduation Land Bill
failed in :he recent Congress, but it turns out
that a graduation bill of much more impor
tance, offered by Mr. Cubb, passed both
houses, and became a law. The Union gives
tha following synopsis of its provisions:
"All lands which have been in market for
ten years or upwards shall be subject to en
try at one dol lor per acre ; fifteen yea-rs and'
upwasds, at seventy-five cents; twenty years
and upwards, al fifty cents ; .and twenty-five
years and upwards, at twenty-five cents; and
thirty years and upwards, at twelve and a
half cents per acre. Upon every reduction
the occupant and settlor to have the right of
pre-emption at such graduation prices until
within thirty days preceding the next gradu
ation, but not lo interfere with any right
which has heretofore occrued to actual set
tiers. Any person applying to enter any ot
the aforesaid lands is required lo Tnake affi
davit that be or she enter the came for his
or her own use, and for the purpose of actual
aettlemenl and cultivation, or for Ihe nse of
an adjoining faun owned or occupied by him
or her self, nd that, together with such en
try, ha or she has not acquired from the Uni
ted States, under Ihe provisions of this uct,
mote than three hundred and twenty acres "
Thi roLLOwmo Act, ''Relative to tha Re
vival of Judgments before Justices of Ihe
Peace," was passed by the tale Legislature,
and approved May 5lh 1854 :
Sect. l.Tbal from end aftei the passage
af this Act no execution shall be issued on a
judgment rendered before a Justice of the
Faase or Alderman, after five years from ihe
tendilion of such judgment, unless Ihe same
shall have been revived by scire faeiaa oi
amicable confession.
lap MouNTtia RiLaoo.--Va learn
from tha St. Louia Rrpubiiceit that official in
atruotiona have been reoeived from tha Gen
eral Oilice al Washiugtoa, by the Register of
tha Land Office in that cily, to withdraw
from entry all lands along the line of tha
"Iron Mountain and Mississippi Railroad.''
These inslioctiona bava bean issued by the
President, at the iusianee ef the dslsgaliea
in Congrers from tta Mate of Missouri.
New AdYertiieraenU-
IN pursuance of sn order of Ilia Orphans Court
of Northumberland county, will be oipcsed
to public sals, on
SATURDAY, tha Oth of SEPTEMBER nett,
on the premises, tha following described real
estals, to wit i a
Certain Tract of Land,
situate in Shamokin township In tha county
aforesaid, Bounded by lands of Itohert Hury,
Jacob Smith, Reuben Waascr, II, H. Teats, Pe
ter Yost, John Heed and others, containing sev
enty two acres and one hundred and filly eight
perches more or less. Late the Estate of .James
Trice dec d sale to commence at 10 o'clock A
M., of said day whan His terms of sals will be
made known ly
uy order or tho t'ourt,
o Court, )
Clk. O. C. J
12, 1854. )
J. 1'. FUR3EL, Clk.
ounbury, Aug,
. , V7"OU are hereby commanded to meet
In Market Square, tSunlmry. on
MONDAY, AUGUST 81, 1854.
at 8 o clock, A. M., fully equiped for
drill, x.cli member to be provided with
10 rounds ol blank cartridge.
' Jty order of the Captain. '
Sunbury, August 12, 1SS1
"VLOU are hereby commanded lo
meet in Market fc'quere, on
MONDAY, the 21t of August i:ext
at 9 o'clock, A. M., fully equip
ped fur drill. Each member to he
prepared with 12 rounds of blank
cartridges. By order of tho Captain,
Punctual attendance is requested, as an elec
tion of officers and a Court of Appeals will bs
held orf that day.
Sunbury, Aug. 1Z, 1854.
jae: tsili.e:!?,
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends, and
i the public in general, that she has remov
ed from her old aland, having located herself, st
No. 8 South Sixth Slretl, tipper side,
Wheie sbo will be happy at all limes, to supply
her customers and friends, with all kinds of
MILLINERY, &e. &c,
nnd hopes by strict attention to business, to mer
it a continuance of a liberal share of custom.
Her friends and the public is invited to call, before
purchasing elsewhere. Very Respectfully,
N. B. All orders punctually attended to.
Philadelphia, Aug. 12, 1854. 3t.
Dissolution of Partnership.
TWTOTICE is hereby given that the partnership
in the coul business, hcrctofor'o existing un
der the firm of Kasn & Douty was disolved on
the 1st of August inst., by mutual consent.
Tho business will be'eonducted hereafter un
der the firm of Kasc & Reed, to whom all orders
lor coal will be directed.
Sunbury, Aug. 12, 1854.
Lust Notice.
.4 LL persons iialebted to the estate of Henry
Conrad, dee'd., on bonds, notes, and book
accounts, drc, are requested to call on the sub
scribers for settlement, on or before the 2Uth of
September next. The accounts of all persons
neglecting this notice, will he put into the hands
of a Justice lor collection.
HENRY CONRAD. tj3t lori'
Lower Augusta tp., Aug. 12, 1851. 3t.
To the Voters ofNorthumberland County.
Fieitow Citizkms.- I hereby announce to
you that I will be a candidate at the October
clectiun for the office of
for which I solicit your votes. And in doing so
I tender my sincere thanks to those who kindly
supported mo when a candidate heretofore, a
kindness which I shull ever hold in grateful re
membrance. rhould a majority nf you see
proper to grant me the favor 1 now ask, and I be
elected Sheriff of tho county, I shall make every
effort to perform the duties of tiie oliicc to the
satisfaction ef the public.
Upper Augusta, June 17, 1854.
BOOTS and Shoes for Men, Women and
Children, Ladies' Morocco Shoes, Ladies'
bl.ick and colored Gaiters, just received and for
sale by WM.A KNABB.
Lower Augusta, May 0, 1854.
Shamokin Pa-
THE subscriber begs leave to inform bis friends
and the public generally, that he haa taken
the above well known stand, and will be happy
to accommodate all who may give him a call.
Shamokin, Jul 8, I8!4.
- See Here ! !
J.F. $ I. F. Kline
Witl sell al remarkakably low prices for Cash,
for a few weeks only)
npiIEIR eutiro stock of Dry Goods and all
other goods usually kept in a Contry Store.
IS ow is your tune to purchase, for the oppor
tunity will last a short time. Call and aee at
the store of J. P. & I. F. Kline, Upper Augusta
August 5, 1854
To the Voters of Northumberland County
Encouraged by my numerous friends, I offer
myself as a candidate for the office of
and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties
of the olnce laitblully and punctually, which
my experience will enable me to do.
McEwensrille, Juby 15, 1854.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fellow Citiskks. At ths solicitation nf a
number of my friends, I again oiler myself as a
candidate for Ihe office of
and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties
o t o office with correctness, and to the best of
my ability.
Sunbury, June 17, 185 '.
To the Voters of Nortnumberland County
Fslluw Citisiss Kncnursgfd by many
of my friends, I herewith offer myself to your
consideration, as a candidate for Uia office of
a' the snauing election. Mioulil I be elscisti, I
promise to fullU lbs duties thereof with fiJslily
sud impartiality.
Punbury. May tT, 18.54.
pARMrrtN G, rioor oil ctotb. Table oil cev.
era, C arpl chain, aud Door mala, just rci
vd aud for uli hi
April , IS14. L W. TENER A CO.
f7K)R sate at this efflce. Bupsrto Black Ink,
- Cattle Mtdleine al IS sis, fore Essence af
Oingsr, St cams
Agricultural Fair.
THE Executive Committee of Ihe Nor
Ihumberland County Aarlonltnal Socle
IT met at the house of Wm. Si fester, in
Northumberland, lo appoint jndgss, deter
mine a list of premiums, anil n a day for
Ihe neat animal Fait to be held al Shamokin.
It was resolved in hold the Exhibition al
Pliamokin, on Tuesday October 17th, between
Ihe hour of 9 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Tha following gentlemen were appointed
a Committee of arranasmentst W. L. Hel
fensteln, Wm. Marshall, 8 A. tlersstresser,
Dr. Wm. Alwaier, W. M. Weaver, Wm.
Faaely, Dr. O Uot.ina, Elida John, W. P.
Withiuglon, John Cochrane,' Henry Long
neckcr, A. It. Fisk, Kimber Cleaver.
liar set.
Best Stallion over 4 yeara old, S4
2d do do 2
Best do under 4 years old, 4
2d do tlo 2
Best Mare and Colt, ' 4
2d do do 2
Besl rmir of match Horses, 4
Best Sinole Horse, 2
Best Bull over 2 years,
2d do do
Best Bull under 2 years,
2d do do
Bt-sl Cow,
2,1 do
Best Heifer,
2d do
Besl yoke of Oven,
2.1 do do
Besl Fal Animal,
2d do
2 00
2 00
1 60
4 00
3 00
3 00
1 50
4 00
2 00
.1 00
1 60
Best Boar,
2d do
Best Sow,
2d do
Best pair of Shoals,
2d do
Best litlor of pigs under 3 months,
Best fat Hog,
Besl Bam,
Best Ewe,
Best Lamb,
Best fat Sheep,
Poultry. .
Best pair of Turkeys,
tlo do Geese,
do do Musk Docks,
do do Puddle do
Besl pair large Asiatic Fowls,
2d do do do
Same premium for any fine breed,
Best Collection,
2d do
Grain and Potatoes
Best bushel of wheat,
2d do
j Best bushel of corn,
2d do
Best do rye.
Best do oats,
Best do potatoes,
2d . do do
Best i do of sweet potatoes,
Best beets, not less than 12,
lo carrots, do
do parsnips, do
do turnips, do
do salsify or oyster plant,
do onions, do
do ffubbntje 6
do caulillower, do
do squash, 3
do pumpkins, do
do e!!-p'aiits, do
do tomatoes, 12
do celery, do stalks,
do assortment of garden vegetables,
Best l bushel of apples,
do i do quinces,
do 4 do pears,
do 4 do peaches,
do 6 bunches of grapes,
do water melon,
do musk melon, or citron,
I oo
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
I 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
Jest tliresliiog machine,
Uo reaper,
do seed drill,
do winnowing mill,
do corn shelter,
do plow,
do cultivator,
do roller,
do corn plow,
do staw cutter,
do farm wagon,
do sell of harness, .
do horse rake,
do grain cradle,
Dairy, ije.
Best butler, not less than five lbs ,
do honey, n
do loaf of bread, 4 lbs!,
do ham cured by exhibitor,
lido 6 lbs. of hoine-mudo soap,
do apple-bullcr, 6 quarts,
do preserves,
Domestic Manufactures.
Best quilt,
do counterpane,
do hearth rug,
do pair of blankets,
do 20 yards of carpel,
do cloth, (home-made,) 10 yaids,
do ll innel,
do pair knit wolleu stockings, or
do gloves or mittens,
do home-made thread, 1 lb.,
Miscellaneous Artlules.
2 00
1 00
1 00
I 00
For mechanical inventions, tools, fuinituip,
and other articles not coining under any of
Ihe above heads, prizes will bo decreed,
according to the means of the society, and
the merits of the articles exhibited.
Plowing Match.
Best plowman, 5 00
2d do 4 00
3d , do 3 00
4th do 2 00
The following committees were then ap
pointed, Hoasts A. E. Kapp, Wm. B. Kipp,
Ino. R. Eck, Benjamin Gearharl, Dr. Win.
Cattle. J. C. Morion, John Montgom
ery, John Dunkel, Wm. H. Kase, Jacob
Leisenring, (Shamokin.)
Hoes. Wm. Marshall, S. A. Bergtreer,
Wm. Follmer, John B. Packer, David B.
Montgomery, Gideon M. Yoiks.
Shkip Thos. Johnson, Andrew Arm
strong, Peter llaugawout, Dennis Wolveilon,
Wm. D Gearharl.
Poultry. El Uha C. Bartnn, Geo. W.
Peal, W. T. Forsyth, Win. M. Weaver, L.
L. Bevan.
Grain. -Jesse Hensvl, Charles RidJell,
James Eckman, Jacob Uaus, David Marti.
Vegetables Alex. Jordan, Jas. Pollock,
Ales. Colt, Horatio G. Taggart, Elida John
Fruit John Youngman, C J. Brnner,
Win. I. Greennush, H. B. Masser, H. J.
Wolverlon, S. R. Peal, M. L. ShinJel. David
Taggarl, C W. Tharp. Henry Donnai, Cha.
A. Kuti, W. C. Law son, W. M. Rockefeller,
tu this department, flmtor will be the chief
eiiierion of excellence. A full attendance of
tha eommiliee ia confidently enilcipaisnl
iMSLtMEKTs A. R. Fisk, Dr. Robins,
W. H MuancH, Reuben Fily, Benjamin
Dstar, He William LVppen, Beniamln
Wolverlon, J W. Filling, CUitea Pleaaaola.
Ira T. Clement.
Domestic MAUVrscTvai.' J. Ilusock,
Dr J. J Miller, David N. Lake, D. C Watson,
J. Robins, Jr.
MiaciLi.aHiotre. Benj. Psllon, John Ts
srl, Wm. Forsyth, Wm. O. Scon. Wm. L
Dewarl, Samuel R. .Wood, C. O. Bachman,
Pi.nwmo Mutch Elijah Crawford, J. R.
Priestly, J. Weimer, Liuhon, John' Smith,
(Upper Aiifjusia,) Jacob Painter, Felt Lertb,
Wjlliam Farrow. ,
None bnl member of Ihe Sorlely will be
permitted lo compete for prize.
Persona from any county, Stale or country
can become members on payment CT lifts
cents lo ihe Treasurer, or a township' com
miltemnn. . ,,
Competition Is earnestly invited rrofn all
parts of the country, and from neighboring
counties. , .
,Jndtfei will commence their duties at 10
o'clock. The plowing match will lake place
at 1. The address will be delivered nt 3 bv
John Youneman, Esq , after which the
awards will be announced from the stand.
The township committees are particularly
requested lo alleml to the collection of the
yearly dues. . .
SAMUEL JOHN, President.
Wm. I. Gbeknoouh, I Seorelariei
David Tacoart, j
(Opposite the Depot.)
ESPEUTFL'LLY informs the citizens of
Shamokin and vicinity, that he hss com
menced the aove ttuisiness in the town of Mia
mokin, and wiil always keep on hand an assort
ment of Ready Mudo Clothing of every descrip
tion. He also keeps on hand an assortment ofcloths,
enssimeres, and all kinds of goods 'or Mens
wearing apparel, which he will sell or make up
to order, to suit purchasers, st the lowest prices.
Shamokin, August 5, 1854. if.
OIL GRAIXING3. Prop, DUck, Raw Cm
ber, Burnt Terra de Sienna and Vandyke
Brown. Ktrsm preporcd from the New Jersey
Paint and Color Works, for sale bv
Sunbury, July 23. 185
Male and Female.
TVTEXT TERM will commence August 14
1851 Total ex pente for board, mom,
washing, lights, fuel and tuition in English,
Latin ft Greek, from $2,50 to $25, per quar
ter. Students should he here on the U.ld,
Williamsport, Pa , August 5, 1854. .It.
TVTOTICE is hereby piven Ihat a Speciiil
Court of Corn nion Pleas, in and lor the
County of Northumberland, lo i-ominciu-e at
ihe Court House, in tho boroti&h of Siinbmy,
at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday the 1 Gi h
ilav of October next, and will continue ONE
Jurors are requested lo be punctual in
their attendance, al tho time appointed
agreeable lo their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 12th
day of August, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eiuht hundred and fifty-lnm,
nnd the Independence of the United States i
of America the ?8th. I
WILLIAM B. KirP. SheritT.
IE S8I '81 tsnSny 'iiojojj(
i.satj -a iv 'Aa'iddv ivvn'H.w
IS sjsquosqns oii uodn V3 Kcar c)ue.-)idd y
uom3 jq ;i sob cm pouS sjjtpei in.iijiliuoj oj,
-jjiUij'U jo ii a uo 8JUJUIU1U3 m sjooip;
Aiunoo puniaqiuuiiiO 'dll8UAoi aq.i.i 'uouja
91.LJ uau oii hi sooqy aii) jo oi.joqj
Hui v) joipuax ajeuioj uuo pun a;ej v
To the Voters of Northumberland County
Fillow-Citizsms:- I hereby announce uivself
as the "American Volunteer Candidate" at the
October ensuing Election for llieoflb-enf SHER
IFF, for which i solicit your suffrages. Having
been strongly encouraged by many of my friends
throughout Northumberland comity, I herewith
offer myself to your consideration for the olfire
aforesaid. Should a majority of my fellow-citizens
see projier to grant me their support, I
pledge myself lo discharge the duties of said office
to the best of my abilities with fidelity aud impar
tiality. JOHN J. AL'TEN.
Milton, July 29, 1854.
Notice to Teachers.
rpHREE Male and three Female Teachers
A are wanted to take charge of the Public
Schools of tho borough of Selinsgrove to com
mence on Ihe first Monday of September ncl.
There will be a meeting of tho Hoard of Direc
tors, on Saturday, the SBth day of August, at 10
o'clock, P. M., at the Union School House in
said borough, to examine applicants and employ
said number nf teachers. Liberal wages will be
given. The higher branches are required lo be
taught in one of the schools.
By order of Ihe Board.
GEO. HILL. President.
Selinsgrove, July 29, 1854. 41.
Perfumery, fye.
11 i: lmv jmt received the Uucrt anil bent
) HM.vlinci.1 of Faifionery ever oficieti in tins section
ol' country, coiisiiltiift in purl ol
French Pomade,
Cacti' mi.
Shaving Cream.
Tocth Brushes.
large url.
llauel a Oieplmue, Hair lirusnes, "
Chines Powder, Nail Hrusliea, '
Farina Cologne, Fever's I'.Jtructs,
Orauce llower water, Portmoniaa, " "
Churcwl Paste, Castile Soap,
Kiee Powder, White " "
Infant Transparent 14
Hair Dye, Hancock '
Meen Fun, for Ihe akin, Warhineton "
lxtnjct Vanilla, Repulilicait "
o Orane;e, Comic
" lfnunl. Almond 4t
fiue-apple, Lubin'e u
" Strawberry, Nymph
Billy While, , Omnibus "
Sachets, K10.I "
Coloj-neeof every deacripthm.Kmsive
Segal Cases, Musk "
- Tunes, A-wmpnor
Duflalo Cianbs, all kinds, Shell "
Wi, dsor "
and other articles tai nmeerous to nMSition.
All the nhive arttelea are loan the houses 01 Jules
Iluuel aud W. P. Glenn.
"Wines 5 Liquors.
Mart.ll Brandy,
Pinei "
French " M
Rye Whiskey,
AliatiHiEuhehl Whiskey,
Jamaica Spirits,
HolUuul Gin,
Chamnairne Wiita,
Sheiiy "
Pure Port '
Port "
l.islain M
Wine Hitters
For Sole by
SunlMliy, Julftt, teJ4.
.Vorttiumberliind Count,
CfHE suhseriter respectfully informs the pub.
-s- He that he baa leased the above new rollisiy,
ml ia now preps red to deliver at hunbury, or
any point along ths 8usquehanna, all siaes of
COAL, prspars4 by breakers, in superior
msniteri Persons wiehing lo eonlract for eosl
will pleas sddtsas th suhserikor at Muntwry.
Sunbury, July 16, l6r
ARASOL8 of ah' sort, t'mbrsllss. carpet
bsgs, willow baehsis sod eenlar Mil of
tats, lust losoltotl aoe) tat sal by
Lt AuimHs. May , IMt
Just Published nnd for Sale
by - WM. McCARTIT, nookssller, ;
Sunbury, Pa.
The American
Oritur a collection nf approved drclaratlona, writs;
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in uaa in the United talcs.
Bv Collinsos) Reed, Esq.,
Jpit fcgi'j vivo vox
'With notes and additions, tojctlitr With a shor
system ol Conveyancing;. My A. Jordan. Pres
ident Judge of tha Kighth Judicial district nf
Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L.
Bhindel, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Sines the publication of the book, the following
letter has been received from Judge Pearson of
Harrisburg I
IIarrisbcrs, June 30, 1853.
After a careful cxamlnalidil of your "AraeN
lean pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval ,f the selection srtd
composition of the precedents thus offered lo ihe
public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct svstcrn of pleading,
adapted to our habits of business, aud the practice
of the courts. Your forms of declarations boing,
In a great extent, founded on the acts of aneinbly,
will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con
duce to saft-tv and brevity in our pleadings.
tt should be in the hands of every practising
lawyer in our stute.
Yours, with great respect,
Hon. w.. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. NlillJel, L'squiics.
W. MvCsnTr, Esq.,
Dear 8ir: I received more than a year ago
a copy of 'Reed,s Pleaders Assistant' improved
bv Judge Jordan and ethers. I examined it with
some care soon afterwards, and have had occa
sion to uc it several times since. I think it de
cidedly valuable ss a inunucl for practicing
attorneys in Pennsylvania, and tlo not heiutc
to recommend it. If it were ecnerally used it
would increase the accuracy of tho profession in
matters which are often very carelessly done.
I am very trulv vours, fee,
J. 8. BLACK.
I also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist
ant, aud have examined it suiliciently l) enable
me to concur very heartily in the above commen
dations by the Chief Justice.
July 19. 1054.
Sunbury, July 2S, 1851.
"Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
Market St., nejrt door to E. Y. Bright' s Store,
fkFFER to the public the largest
" acleclc'l stock ever opened in this
and best
section of !
country, coueistin of -
Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stiill's, Window Glass,
Patent Medicines, together with a complete as
.............. r p.:.., -i..ii, ir.:, T....,t: v ,:i
snd Hhaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and
Pocket Combs, I ancy Soaps, Shoving Creams,
Tobacco, Segara, Port Monias, Stationary, Con-
- . . 3 '
For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri
can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip
tion, in short every article kept by Druggists
OCT Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Ruribury, May 13. 1"3.'4.
OEhPECTFUI.l.V informs bis friends and
customers that he has just received from the
city s new sud complete assortment of
JIens JViaring .Ifpitrcl,
which ho will ronkc up lo order, or aell, as cheap
ss any oilier establishment in the place, as ha is
determined lo permit no one to undersell him.
His Roods arecttoice, and carefully selected from
lite best ill the Philadelphia market, and they
will be madu up in the best and latest stvlo und
warranted. His stock consists in part of hand-
t :i... -...i :n. '. 1
some Marscilcs sud bilk Vcslings, Duck and
other Linens for Coats, &r. Also, a vurirty of
Cloths, Csssiiuera, Cravat, Neck Ties, aud a
variety of other articles for Mens' wear.
Sunbury, June 10, 1K54 tf.
M tii;iiio less than 21 ounces.
For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture.
A ClvNO WI.EDGED by the highest medical
authorities of Philadeluhia, iticqinpnraby
superior to any other in use. Sufteicrs will be"
gratified to leal n Ihut the occasion now oilers to
procure not only the anil most easy, but
as t nr utile a Truss as any other, in lieu of the
cmnbroiia aud nncvvifortallc aitirle usually sold.
There is no dilliculty attending the fitting, and
when the pad is located, it will retain hs position
witbout change.
Persons at a distance unable to rail en the
subscriber, ran have Ihe Truss sent lo any ad
dress, by remitting Fit Dollars for the single
Truss, or Ten for Ihe double wilh measure
round the hips, and stuting side affected. It will
be exchanged to suit if not titling, by returning
it at iince un.oilt d.
For sale only by tho Importer,
Cor. Twelfth & Hacc streets, l'liilu lclliKi.
t v Laiuks, requiring the benefit of .Mechan
ical .Supports, owing to derangement of the In
ternal Organs, inducing palling of the Womb,
Vocal, Pulmonary. Dyspeptic, Nervous and
Spinal Weakness, are informed that a competent
and experienced I. apt will bo in attendance at
the liooms, (set apart for their exclusive, use,)
No. 1 1 1, Twelfth St., 1st door below Race.
July 1, 1854. ly.
cr Tasteless Salts,
Prepared by .
Thia prcpaiation is recommended as an ex
cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly,
it entirely free from sny unpleasant teste, re
sembling lomnnade in fl.ivor. This medicine is
highly beneficial for diseases peculiar to summer
sud hot westher.
Hunbury, July 1, 1854. -
fcUOKS. All kinds of Boots 8hoes and slip-
pers for sale by
Market street, opposite the Post OMce.
Simburv. Oct. 6. 1853
UY GOODS. Cloths, Chimera. Knttiurtts,
Vralinus, Tweeds, Hummer cloth, Velvet
cord, 'Pickings, Checks, Muslins, Ac, just ree'd
and for sale h) WM. A. KNAUB.
Lower Augusta, Msy 0, USL-
IOK RENT. The lower story of the building
ia Market street, lately occupied as lbs office
of bs Sunbury American. Apply to
11. U. MAHSCR.
Suiibary, July I, U&
IKY GOODS. Cloths, Csseimers, Baliinsti,
1 Vestuifs, Tweed, Mumincr doth, Velvet
cord, Tiding. Check, Muslins. Ac., Juet rerei
ved foe sud sals by I. W. TENCH tV CO.
Bunburr. April . UM
IADIK' Pas Csoada. Stprlng anfJ Sumsser
J rUiaxle. black silk, silk peplins. ts Laiue.
Oioalxaaa, Urn Lawns aaj eallee, jte4 r s.J (us sal. k , WM. A. JsNADtf.
l ever Aurasts. Mt , tt
Amendments to the Constitution of the
SrCTrow 1 Rt.eUHt kt the PtiananJ Hot,,,
Of titprttmtativ (As Commometalih f
ftnmyli mma in Hintral Aittmblm mri. That .
Itie following amemtmrnits lie and
rxl the ssnis Mrs htrelrr i
hrnpoeeS: to the Cnllatltutlnn l.f II,. ...
and ia aeecmlanee with lite pro? isions of the lenik'aiiiele
hereul, ui wit i
rsoposiTioa 1, To a asticls si.
Rsctios 1 ,The oja regrne amount of debts hernt-lsr
eonlfatled tiy tlie Omimonwerlih fliall never exceed the
sum nl Ave liltxlred thnuennd dolhrs. ereept in rt of war
to repel liivesiim, euppreaa iniinrrrclion, or lo redeem the
public debt of Hie Coniinimwnillli, and Ihemon-r
shall be applied lo the purtxiae fit winch tin debt itray lo
ooiilniete,i, or pay eueh debts, and to no olhCi puriKe.
Prerios To pay Ihe publio delil of Ihe Couini'in
Wealth, aud debla which may aerealtcr he eoulinrted hi
ease of wnr to repet hiVHiion, suppress insurrection ttud to
retleetn the public debt, the l.eialMnro shall at thtflr next
csxiou after the adoption of this arctlun into the Constitu
tion, provide by lew for the crenlion of a ainkintr fund,
which ahnll not he Mbotislied till the ftiitt public debta be
wholly paid, tn consist ol all the net annual income lrim
the public works and stocks owner! by the CUnumonwealth,
cr any other funds nrisins under any revenue luw now rk
fstiuff or thai mny lie hereafter enacted, an fnr ns the winfe
mny he required to pay Ihe Interest of esid ttchte setni-an-nuiilty,
and anntuilly to lettuce the prinnpal thereof by a
sum ii'd less than five hundred th.usaiid dollnra, inctensed
yearly by onmHttudii:s nt a fnla iif not leas Ihnn hv per
centum per annum; the Kiid iinkiup; fuilil thall tie invrtted
in the I'taus of the Commonwealth, which almll lie cancel
led from lime to linto in a innnner to be provided by law :
no portion of the1 siilkint fund shall ever be applied In the
to tha payment nf the debt nf nve-hnndied tliousnnd dol
lars mentioned in the first section of thia article, bit the auij
aiiikinir fund shall bu applied only to the purposes herein
tJacrtox 3 "Die credit nf the Commonwenlih shnlt not
tn any way he given or kenied to or in aid of any individ
ual, enmpanv. corporation nr osiociiitiou, nor'stialt the
l-'ninmunwcnlth hereafter become a joint owner or stock,
holder in any cnmriHiy, asaiwiulion or curporatioli in thia
Coinmonwealtti or elsewliere, formed for any pnrpnrca.
Shcttos 4. The Commonwealth shall never assume Ihe
ttehta of any country, etly, boronth or township, or of any
c irpoartion or nss Hiitition, iintess such deliln shall hive
been contracted lo repel invasion, aupprcss insurrection,
or to del end the Slate in war.
Prohibiting Mmiiripat Subscriptions.
The tfialatura shall never autlioriaa any county, city,
borough or township, hy vote ot its citizens or otherwise,
to become a alockhokler in any joint elock company. a.a i
viation or coriiorntiou, N to ritise money for. or bian its
i credit to, or in sid ot' any such c tnnaiiv or nss-eiation
I h. U. CHASK,
j Epoaksr of tlit House of Hcpresentntivcs.
Speaker of ttic Senate.
In Senate, April 59, 1M.
Res lived. That this res ilaliou paea. Yens 4J, uaya 6.
cxuaci irow ins jouruai.
T. A. MAGUirtF., Clerk.
In House of TTenreseiitntives. April 21, !yS4.
Resolveil. That this res ilulivli puss. Yeas 71, nays SO
Kitract from tiie journal.
W.M.JACK, CJcrk.
9tcnpTRT's Orrtcs.
Filed April SO, 1-SI J
Secretary of the Comiuonwealth.
Secketaht'i Offics.
irariisuurg, Julv I. IbSI. '
f I
( v. J tiol
I do ccrlify that Ihe above and foreafiiiiDr ito
ska L. true and correct copy of rhe original "Kesolu-
in re,aiive to an amendment ol the constitu
tion " aa the same remains on file in this olhee.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hmiri and caused lo he utlxed the seal of the
Secretary's oflice the dav und year nliove writ
ten. ' C A. BLACK,
Secretary of tho Commonwealth.
Jonrniil (if the Senate
'llesoluiioii No. 5n-2, entitled ;Jlesoluti''ii pro)osiug
ameiidmeiits to the Constitution of the Cnmm'iiwenllh.'
was read a third time On the question, will Ihe Senalo
agree to the first proposition, the yens and nays were ta
ken, ogiueubly to the Cumulation, and were as full itvs,
Ys Menrs. Iluekalew, Dar!inrton,T)arsie. Fertptsnii,
r'oulkriut, r'rick. Fry. Ho idwiu,, Hamiltui. H.
u. iitimun, r. vv. itainun, iieiarei, note. Jamisoit. .lc-
bliler, and
Nv. Messrs. Crntih, Cremwell, Hendriclis, Kinzer,
Kllk! Buii Skiimer-0
S.Mhe quedlion viailelermincn in Iti affirmnlive.
(In the qneslioii, will the Ninnte agree to Ilia second
prop osition, tiie yeas nnd navs were tnlien ogrceubly to Ihe
Constitultnn, mid were as follows, viz :
Ykas. Messrs. Huckaluw, Dnrsie. Fcrif'tsm. Fontkrotl,
Fry. Goodwin, Ilaldennui, II. 1. Hnnillu, K. XV. Iliiluiill,
Heuitiieks. Heister, Huge. Jntuiein. Kinzer, MeClinlock,
McFnrland. Piatt, l'rit e, IJuingle. Sliler, Wherry, MeCas
lin,(Spenkcr 2.
Nivs Messrs. Ciubb, Cresswel!, Darliligtou, Hamilton,
Kunkle end Skinner 8.
So Ihe queslion waa determined in the aflirrruitive.
Journa) of the House of Representatives.
-'Tiie quesliod reeurrinir unoil the final passage of the
Ilea 'tutious, ttie first proposition was ngrcetl to as follows,
iz :
Yeas Messrs. Alirrttinn. Adamii, Atherton, Bait, Pnrton.
B';ycr, liitham, Ii,-yd, llnsh. llyerlv, Ca!dve!l. Calvin, i
Carlisle, Chamberuiiii, Cmi1c, Ciane, Cummins, Uautrlierry, 1
Dnvia. Do Frnnec. 1)unuiii!r. Kekert. I2dincer. Kl.lrcu.
i Kvaus, Foster. Fry, Onllentinc. Gihlioiiev, Gtitnore. firoy,
, ttrooul, Cwin,' lluiniiioii, Hurt. Ilerr. Uiest--o,d. IJihier,
Hippie, lliim, Hummel, llunsicker, Iluuier, Ilurtt.Jnck-
niuu, nofpirc. ivniahl, liurv, (Leineii.) I.utn, .vinxee,
IMiit-uire, iMiinderfield, M'Connell, M:Kec, Miller, Mona
elinn, Monttzoinery, Al'iore. Moa-t, Muse. Tniiner. Farke,
Fatmlce, l'lissm-iie. latters;m, Purler, Putii,:y. tluwlinsi
l.otierr, Itowo, Snllade, Seott. Sidle, Hiinouton, Smith,
(Uerka,) Smith, (Crawford.) Stewart. Stockdnle, Stronir,
Strutbers, Wbeelcr, Wtckluiii, Wright. Ziegtcr, Cliuse,
Speaker M.
Nvs None.
So the qucsti'in was determined In tlie atTirtnntive.
On Itie ont'stion will the House npiec to tlieaeeoml pro
position, the yeas and nays were tnke'i, nirreenbly to the
i provisions of the luth article of the constitution, Slid are
I as follows :
Ykas Messrs. Abraham, Atherton. Thill, Diirroit, Tlecfc,
Reyer, tligham, H-.iyd, Caldwell, Carlisle. Cliambe.lain,
Cook, Crime, Cummins. I)nt8"herty, Unvis, Heejtau, Lie
Frnnee, Dunning, Kditurer. Kldred, F.vnus. Fry, ttnllenline,
rjihlniiey. Ciiimore. Gniv, liioonl. fiwin, Hamilton1 Hies-l-ind,
Hiilier, Hippie. Huuseckei, Uuutcr, Hitttt, Jackmiui,
Kilore, Kuittht, Uiury. (I.chigli. I.owcrv, (Tiotra,) l.inn,
.Miu-ee. Mncuire. MaiideTfield, M'Conuelt, Sl'Koe, Mono.
Ki:m, Monti;. unery, Moore. Moser, Musu Palmer. Parke,
Puruilee. Piiamnie, Patterson, Porter, Itawlins, Itobrrts,
Howe. Sullude. Simonton, Smith, (lierks.) Siioih,
(Cntwf out.) Slockdtilo, Wliceler, Wiekleiu, Wriahl,
Chsse, S(ie:ker 71.
avs Messrs. Adams. Baldwin, lleniis, Busti, Tlyerly,
1-Vkert. Kll.s, Hart, Ilerr. Horn, Hummel, M'Coonilis,
Miller, t'oulson, Putney, Sidle, Stewart, Slroug, Strutheri,
Zeiuler 20.
So the question was deteiminetl in thrnfmmalive.
Skckktaut's Ort'icr. I
IlASKlstrRO, July 1, l!i.M.(
!w.) I do certify tliat Ilia otiove ond foreeoine, is
El. a Hue anil correct copy of rhe 'vk.' and -sat.1
v ) taken on the "rtcaohitinu relative to an uinend:
ment of the Constitution of tiie Oonimonweiillho
as Ihe 3ame apiieara on Ihe Jonrnnls of tlie two
Houses of the General Assemble ol thia Com
monwealth lor the Session ol" lt-S.
Witness mv haml and the Seal of said office
this lost day of July, one thousand eight hun
dred and Oiiy-four.
t C. A. BLACK.
Sectctury of tlie Commonwealth.
July 15
Pickles. Sauces tC.
Just received
t?how eluiw,
Mixed Pickles,
John Bull Sauce,
Worcester "
Ksaenee of Anehoives,
Chilli Vmrcar,
The nhove are ell from
Crosse lllackwell, Loudon,
Potted Toustte,
" Ham,
rtas lierry Jars,
Citrmut "
Plum "
Toinuto Cutsup, Ac., Ac.
VVEISKH k Hltl Nf.ll.
000 Tons No. I Government I'cruviuti
Ami Ciuano.
lOOO Tons Snper-ihosTiUate of I.iine.
15UO Tons Miiicrul tiuano,
AI.l.EN & NEEt)I.KS.
23 South ll'harves and 32 South Water Street,
first door above Chestnut St ,
June 14, IH5I. Urn.
"VJOTICE is hcrelr given tliat application will
be made to the next Legislature ol rciiiisjl
vanla, for tlie creation of a corporate lioily Willi
Kankiiig and discuuntins; privileges, lo lie located
at Hli'inokin Pa. aud to be railed tlie Dank of
riliaiuokin. wilh a eapilol stock ol Two HueJreJ
thousand dollars.
Miainokin, July S, 185s. 6m.
Miners' and Mui'liinci-v Oils,
Corisistintj of Ppenn, LarJ, Solar Elephant
and racked lisle this.
For Sals- bv
33 Stutk Ifkarvtt tad S5 South H ater Street,
July I. Ilt'is.
f1 MOCEBIE ra. t'offre. M'da-ee
Bptree. Oils, D.andy. Ul. le. Marker.
Lawer AfU. Msy
ARUWAHE and asawer la great s
rietiee and ef ell 4.scrii.lrM.s. jwU ri.d
sad for sate by "
Leaei AvgtAsts. Mi
Uolloway's Ointinent.
Cifnt ofUt t',T:
,,l... cX-". " U lionotif. st with ae
theenara, e r!.rH . V" ' ""' ",lMrJ "
a-lahy.Tl V?.: , ! L '",." " '".
Weclloln. i, so short a VeVn-rT wwmnt iMa t '"
f, Corn., f Am jtylk
Com "f a letter from Mr. W. J. UnRUi of
L. o., dated November 1st, 1853 '
To Proreseur IIolt.owat,
which erase idere, by ah w l.o"."w mi' hiZ ","'
all l,, of be.-n, euridV j?
"rr;;,:,.' p'i-0 - w -
Asffr HAfiRTUN- ar Y ClItE wllk?HuS? r
Copy of a letter from Mr. II. Durant, New
Urleans, November 9th, 1853.
Street n'y"0''10"'"' Cor"CTlf and Sassa,
)Je:ir Sir, It is with hairtfelt srstituile Ihavet.r
n 7 " rourOin,!ne. J.fd nSs '
ins in my wile has U en auved. For seven veari ' thn
had a bad breast will, ten ntnaine wound, ol a can-
she w as then induced to use your Ointment end P,l,
when in the short space ol three months, t, eflected .
Iirlleet cure, In the n.t,.lnrul of all wOo "new us
N e obtained your Medicines from Messra. Wright St Co .
of Chaitres strret, New Ot leans. I send thi. from Mote
. Priiicea," Paris. althouffh, 1 I,m1 wriilen it at Sew
Orleans before we Cnnlly left, at that time, not kuowina
your address at New Yoik. wu
(?,,C'JJ It. DVB ANT.
Tbe Pill, should nsed eoiijolnt'jr wilh the Oioknest
111 innat ot tha follm i, '
Had Legs. Clii.-EO-foot,
Had Breustt, Chilblains,
Hums, tha.iped hands,
Runions, Corns (Soft)
CliinduTar watlinf,
1. umbo jfo
vtoii-vi. i ties
toea A. Sml.VliMM r.... i ui
C.ico-buy, Stiff Joints, Peadts,
l.iepl.antiasis, 8 ,ro Nlpplis, S.ire-lhroals,
Skm-diaeusge, Scurvy, S.,re-heads,
Tuiniurs, l.leers, Wounds.
Yaws '
S-jI I at tlie Ks:al.liah-Rnt of Profeasor IfoLtowAT, 811
Strand, (near Temple Pur, London,) and olao at his Hour
in New York. Onfere for Medicines in the Slates, addres
sed 'T. Ilolloway New York,' will receive due artentton
S ild also by all respertulilt Dulcgnts and Druters in Med
icines throuHhoirt I lie ITnited Sliites, in Boxes nt 374 cents,
67 cents, nnd SI 50 cenra each To l bad Whullsale of
the principal Drn? Houses in the Union,
f- a woii.iuciau.o saving uy utaiug tue larger
V it-- niroctione for the ptuiusjiee of patients io evtrr
il a !'.( r are affixed tn each boa.
June 21, Hit. Oin.
(At tho Old Stand, established in 171XJ.)
Our Points are all tipped Tilth solid Plattna and stamped
srith our name. Printed dirnetions accompany each point,
I'rloes, $1 00, SI 25. $1 60, ft 00. 3 00, U 04, pclnt,
according to the quantity of l'lataia,
vvqjBy ismittlngr Six Cents ia PosUg
W-S Stamps, ia Uditiom to any of the abore
prices, a Point can be safeljr sent bj mail te
any part of the United States.
Phila., May 0, 1854. 3m.
23 South lfhares and 35 SoulV IValer Street,
rfVFFER for salo on the most reasonable terms,
OILS Sperm, Whale, Holar and Miners'
GUANO Pernvian Guano, Government No. 1.
STARCH Agents for the Oswego Pure
.Starch, Prepared Corn and Com Starch.
Phosphate of Lime,
1000 liarrels of improved Super Phosphate of
Phila., May 27, 1854. Snl.
Colored AVihdow Glass.
ftOUTH West corner TENTH & HUNTER
Sts., woi'.'.d respectfully invite the attention
Of Merchants, Uuildcrs and others to the beauti
ful variety of work produced st their establish-
incut, coiiarstrn; ot
stained Window glass,
suitnMo for Hotels, Saloons, public and private.
buildings ;
Churched Ornamental Stained Glass,
Transoms and Sido Lights for Vestibules,.
Dulcony, Piaza anj Staircase Windows. Also,
Lead Sash and Stained Glass for Churches,
Scriptural figures and Altar pieces, accurately
worked up to order, end furnished in any part of
tho United States.
Flocked enameled and malted decorative)
Church Vindow Glass executed in Gothic ami
other architectural styles, and competent work
men sent to any part of Ihe Unkm. Orders from
a distance promptly answered.
N. H An Agent wanted for this place.
Phila., July Vi, 1854 3m.
Wntrliesj, Jewelry & Silver Ware,
No. 175 Chestnut st., opposite the State House,
PhiU., May 37, 1851 ly.
4 PPLICATION will be made to the legiala
tore of Pennsylvania, at the session of
155, for the Incorporation of a Savings Institutu
with discounting privileges, and with suthority
lo receive monies or depositee, in any sums from
a dime upwards, with a capital of Kilty thousand
dollars, to be located at Sunbury, Northumber
land county, Pa., and to be called the Isuistmial
Satixos Ihstituts.
July 1, 1854 6m.
To Trvpassers on the Telegraph Line.
JOTICE ia hereby given, that all persons
a-' found trespassing upon, or injuring ilia line
of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telenruph will
be ill alt with according to the act of Assembly ill
such cases made and provided.
II. 11. MASSER, Pres't
Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co.
Sunbury, June 8, 1864. It
t lent remedy for coughs, colds. Tor sale
st this oilice.
llrcember 4. 152.
I N K lioureau's celebrated ink, and also Can.
I :-.i. r.. ..I. anil retail tlV
. area uia. lor ..... - ------- apn
Isrcemlier t. ISftll. H. B M A8SEK.
cure for Tever and A sue, for sals hi
Sunbury. July 1, U54.
1 IlTnK Parchment Paper Peeds end blank
l Mortsagr. Uoads. EsecuUoas. ummue
Ae.. fm saleby H- B- MAefcEK.
tiuiihurv A.rl t. I5I -
bar bottles for eels by
Banbury, April, II, US I
LAKeT ml tssr? aWriPMesi eaa bs bad by
sf lytiif at iBSevae er taa