SUNBURY " AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. A STRING OF 1TKMS- 100,000,000 orange are io!d in London annually. There is an wfnl whisper 1 hat Madame Sontag and Punzolini were poisoned. A lot in Chicago, for which the owner pmd S72, in 1834 wai sold on the 1st, for 151,000 An Irishman' description of making a ran non "Take a long hole and pour brass around it. A widow lady named Thompson, died near Tienton, on Thursday, at the advanced age of 104 yean. Wild Masgie, "Hot Corn" memory, is now a pupil in Miss Leavitt's Seminary West Slockbridge, Mam. A wag drove up Washington street, Bos ton, on Friday, in a sleigh, with bells a jingling and all that. It made people stare1 The entire assets of a recent bankrupt were nine small children! The creditors acted magnanimously, and let him keep tliem. Schuyler, the great "Confidence man" and Wall slrpet Financier, of New York, was seen in Baltimore, on Saturday evening last, imbibing a brandy smash. Mr. A. Swarzer, of Vienna, has underta ken the importation into this coiintry of Hungarian wines, in their pure state, and without any ad.nixlure of alcohol. Attempt at Monopoi.v. Fanny Fern objects In men shedding tears. She says it it an infringement on one of women's most valuable "water privileges." Swordfish Fish try. This lucrative busi ness, says the New Bedford Mercury, has already commenced with great activity. About forty of lhee monsters were brought into our market a few days since. Likely to Happen. John Randolph once said he "expected to live to see the time when slaves in Virginia would advertise for runaway masters and it took all the corn to feed the negroes, and there was nothing left for the planter !" Accommodating -The Alta California say, the proprietors of a San Francisco steamboat line, advertise to send out two boats on Sunday, to a ceitain place not far distant, one to carry passenger to a camp meeting, the other to a bull fight. A Lion Caged A large California lion was caught recently in a wooded trap, near the head of Dry Creek, Georgetown. He went into the trap for some bait that had been put tor him, and liked his aecommoda. tiuus so well that he staid there. He ha been sold for $200. Charnel House. The Boston Traveller gives the story of a man in Boston, who was told by his landlord to clear out a fllock of hens that he kept, and to clean up his cellar. The man refused, and since his lefnsal his wife and two children are dead, and he is sick in the cholera hospital. Emigrants roa Kansas It is said that fifty or sixty families from Vermont are ma kins preparations to start for Kansas. They ji-ill probably go nut in August, under the auspices of the emigrant Aid Society. Tho Secretary of this Society is overwhelmed with applications for information. A Beautiful Flower. The Dahlia is a native of the marshes of Peru, and wa named after Dahl, the famous Swedish botanist. It is more than thirty years since its introduction into Europe, audit it now the universal favorite of florists. The nnm bur of known varieties is about live hundred. Shocking Accident On Tuesday, as five men were being drawn up from the tunnel on the 1' (Pa.) Railroad, 180 feet deep, two of them, P. Strain and John Shields, were piecipitated to the bottom, and instant ly killed. Two otheis, John Magehan and II. Sweeny, had their arms and legs broken. He Ought to Know. John Wentwotih, member of Congress from Illinois, says: ' Washington, with all its beauty, is a heart less, wicked place. It is one great gambling den, where the stakes are offices, and the players legislators ; everybody are rascals and knaves, and what everybody says was true." Tinning. According to Becqnerel," well cleansed vessels of iron and copper may be tinned by dipping ihem into a solution of the limit. le salt of chloride of tin and sodium, nl the heat of 160 decrees, assisted by mint enini! them first with a dilute solution of the chloride of z ino applied with a brush, or by lipping them into it. M. 0 These letters occasionally stand for Mad Dig, as well as Mtdical Doctor, at l-ust the fulluwing p.irauiaph would seern to indicate it : A New (Means editor, tecnr ding the earei-r of a mad do?, sajs: ''We are giieved to say that the rabid animal be fore he rutild be killed, severely bit Di. liar', M D, and several other dogs." A TlllttllNG MCHISi Alt F.tvtlhllge paper MY : "There's a man still in Livings Inn New Vuik, by the name of Anherion, w ho, in oim week in January last threihed four oil tohi-la of wheal, lhre ccinU bi, and seven deputy kherilU." We ram.oi p.liem he Mas vol t'W while he was rwfoiiiiii g the above week's woik. A C""L I'm cerfdsjvin.leiil of Ihe II Ml. mi Tianieiipl, willing fioin Tut'keima" 1 riki.i White M.iiinUins, , he is sun.l ii 4 uHin lh tup of snow tiank oly ' llnt'lt Tlivre is the spot fr U: whot" ladings diHI'i lim lm t4lhwl l.llll llllll n rui.snll the i!i!Mii'imir every hlf hum . k' w h" lab'e thrjf sie. A I tiimii .tv The Amaiicsn ll ,l, I'l.HKin, has (Htilups, equal in llir wu.l I lui i nucal kntidje of U'l"; tut she converses ivedily IS) Civni k, lulisu, Cinwu,, Hli.h, an. I Huiitf . uJ is lamiUr isiiS) lajritiy inudere Jiali.' -..Irs iiek, Lu, II- tie, Cei, eu l Ait Tins ml f U lit'Cuixie a q ..u I l aiII.Ji I l) (aid. ual Hr. la., I'. h ViHUl Svllit U l Spiinje nml Hummer Goods! Peter W.Gray INFORMS Jliis friends that he has just received a good assortment of Spring end Summer Goods at his Store in Whortleberry street. His stuck consists of DRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloths, Cassimers, Saltinetts, Jesns, Drillings, Darages, Baraga De Laines, Uinghams, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Silks, Summer Shawls, Dress Trimming and all items . in the Dry Goods line. Also, a args assortmct of Shoes for Men Women and Children. Summer Hats, Groceries ofevery variety Toss, Coflce, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Salt, fish. Sec. i Hardware. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tnbs, Duckets, Wash Boards, Brooms. Brushes, dec. Qceenswaiir a general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Sunbury, June 3, 1R54. tf. nociron vontsKLri THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. THE EIFTIETH Edi tion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. llv Dr Win. Yosins' Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the ..ESCl'LAPIL'S to his child. It may save him from an early crave. Let no young man or wooian enter into the secret obligations of mar ried life without reading the POCKET -IISCU-LAPIL'S. Let no one suffering from hackniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up hy their physician, ha another moment without consulting the iESCUI.A PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. IV Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, bv mail, or five copies will he sent for one dollar. Address, Dr. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. July 22, 1854 ly. This Way! This "Way!! Spring and Summer Goods. FRIIaING- & GRANT. O ESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres. Sattinets, Yestings, Flannels, lVollcns, tfc, And all kind of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, Beragcs, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps for Men and Roys. Also a large assortment of (JKOCdtlCS, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a tresb supply of pRUGS AND MEDICINES. Besides the largest and most ceneral assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this placo. tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunhurv, May 13. 1S54. New Goods for the People ! BENJAMIN 11EFFNKU r ESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stink consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes), Gliighnms, Law us, iM ou.rll ne lie lvalues and all kinds of I, mlics Dress Goods. (roeerleN, AUo an assortment of Hardware, Il'Oll ami Steel, Nails, &o. Aln sn excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. AUo an annnrtment of HOOTS it. MIOLS. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, i-e. And S (treat variety of other artirtrs such ss are suitable to ths trade, all of which will U solj at the lowest prices. fV Country produce taken in sxrkaiis a the hii;heit prices. Lower Augutta, Mav C, IS5I. TANNERY V or Sale or 1 c n t . f mbwriler offirs for tile or rent his 1 'I A.N NEK V, situated in th tburiliiug imn of .Miauinkiu, Northuuil'erland t'onuiv. The tannery is well ha atej and supplied with a f.iun. lain ol running wtler. The builJiug is of frame if by 20 feet, on a stun laiiieiit. The yard conuiiis 25 sts, all in etrullvul eider, liark ami liiiles are abundant. t'iwewioii hr ifivrn immediately. It Ids r.iKiiy is not lbs sutwerllier would Inn ol'jeit In taking a good partner, one who rould com will revuiiuuriided, ur Us would give sit employment to a gmnl lund at good ', ll applu uiion I ina.ta oon. As tlieta u no oilier tannery in Mnin.lin. I lis ). alf.Hila sn op-Hifluiilly to (O into lilt kusluvM, setdoiu ulleisd. HVMEL EVENT. Muinokin, June 10, I feO 4. it. .ew I lurk wettl itMitli ESTAXJLXSIXIV1ENT, Sunbury, Pa. i!.iM(M mntES'iuri. 2 El'tU'TFl I I.V iutiiss the siienlioii l I llis uMit Ut bis I lu.k. ti-U sud kiltei Vuliis, Umaiif, as-i Lua be will sU at uMieil S atttl-g ul CLnks. W'tUluS SI.J Jill) Jvua si ll sliuiurtl nuina. unl.y-). IV ?. IM - if. Ifi l tsr llUII I AMA Vluffiaiat Wi Ul UMlUs txl sale ) II. MAMtH. ttvulHAty, A i-ik It IIIsAaNKS. LAVKI W si'! livexi, IMS U a4 LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. J. F. &, I.XV KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland counly. Pa., their Spring an J Hummer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &e., Consisting; in part f Cloths. Mack and fanrv Cassimers, Sattinetta, Checks, and all kinds of SPRING & SUMMER WEAR. Also a splendid assortment of ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Laines, Plaid Cashmeres, De heges, Lawns. Ac. AUo a fresh supply of all kinds, of Groceries. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats, Salt, Cheese, &c. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 6, 1854. PATENT Galvanized Iron Tubing, FOR CHAIN PUMPS. fliHIS Tubing, made of (lulvanized Iron by 1 patent machinery, possesses great strength, combined with simplicity and neatness, and is warranted not to corrode, is now otl'cred for sale at the warehouse of the AMERICAN GALVANIZED IRON WOKKS, No. 1 4 orth Tenth Street, r-iiit.ADKi.riiM. A full assortment of our American Galvanized Sheet and Iiooting Iron always on hand. All orders promptlv attended to bv McCOI.LOUGH & CO. Thila., May 87, 1854 3m. A CARD. CniLSO.VS PATttST Ventilating Furnace. rKIlE eubscriiwr would cull the ntUtitton of nil parties 1 reijniriiie n desirable FCKXACK, to l UIIu'S CKl.KHKATKD WAKM1M3 AN1J VE VIOLATING APl'AKATt'!. The repututmn of this Furnncc is now well known, hnvtntf been intPKlucnl, duitiii: the print live vetim inln nh nt 1510 public buildings, anil more ttnu Biit'O private dwelling; tins, together with the immense inci-eusc tf suits every yenr, is he best evidence ilmt cuu he nduueed of its snperbiiiiy over all other furnaces By the use of Chilaoifs Fuuuce, you secure the follow iiiff aJvuntniffB : FBKst VlfSTILATIOM. Pubk Am the htjtins; surfrtces being ut a temperature thht will not disnecate the mr, K.CONOMICAF. I:K 7 Ft'KL, Gnu r UrBABiLiTt b'int mnV entirely nf Cntt Iron, not liable to ruM, will miuire no repairs tluimg n bit time ; it is easily mHiinfreil, ami will not cxp' ite the builttiiip in which it is placed to danger from tire like the oilier I unmet-?. We have the testimonials of hundreds of the most sci entific men, to arrest to the trulh of the rib ve ttHtt tnent, nil of whom pronounce it to lie decidedly the best Fumnee yet invented, for prnlucina: a pure and henlthy titm s- 1hcrc. We herewith annex the nanit-a of n few well tiio'n and eminent PntfeiS"rs, who have ufcfd tliem, and kindlv furnished us their name ns rererencts : Prof. John S. Hart, Piof. Parker, Prof. Tfon. Pres Wm. H. Alien, Pro,". Pnmoni, I'rof. Uuna. Prof. B. Si 111 man. Prof. Riplev, N1SE SIZES. Wi have introduced, this enioii, five new n'izen; si that all parties may avail themselves of this pi eat improve ment ut a very iij-sdcnile c st. We ore n w picpnred to furuich nu apparatus to warm a single louui, or the lar gest public building tn thecouuirv. No. I. Portable. Cuinplete. ' . - . ?X " 3. " 4. for Drlrkwork, " 9. " f - W 3. Extra Radiator, (including Bnrs mui Trench Plates.) - 70 ti ii it it . H) u 5. t ti ii . jo? i j, it ii i ii 133 This No. A is the lnrtrest and most powerful Vumnre madtt in thee uutry, and is atlmiraulj adapted fur Church es and other large cltins bmldinps. We continue to sHI the nppfiratns nt the same price ns when first introduced, five years Pen Alth 'iich the pie sent hifh price ot iron has im-reaM-d their ci MS ier cent, owiinr to their great weight, stiti we are enabled, by the great increase of sales, tofurintm the nriiele nt the I west roMNible prire. f i le Foundry nl uie, Messrs. Wntiiick .V .eibrnudt, hnve contrneted to fnrmili us with 5t'0 ions t,( Furnaces this senium, r that we me now prepared to furnish them wh -tesnle or retail. W Mieriiiiend the erect i in of all Furnaces, when required, and war runt them in nil casta. METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE We have also the most complete Choking Rime that Ins yet been introduced, to whuli we cull the attention of all who may wish to secure the m st perfect unJ desirable eooking uppnratiis ever inve.tted EMERSON'S PA TEN T YEN TIL A TO RS We nre the only A peats in Pensvlvauin for the nvmufuc tuie and sale of this Ventilator, which is acknowledged to be the only pei feet Ventilator ever made f t e-rie'ttiin ihe itnngM in smoky rhimuies, nd f .r veiitilntiuif build ings of Hit kinds As there are a creiil many iniitati us of this valuable article n w "fl"ied f r Kile, pnrii-s will be careful o examine that it has the Finer n i;He 'ittached. PATENT Iti:OISTF.KS AND VKNTlI.ATt'ltS. We have the larirest and nimtt etinpleie ufs rtincut of Hot Air KefOhiers uud Venhi it rt I be ii'tind in the I in ted Stjtes. I'.ntit-s who wtli to pirt'l)Hi, eitlu r (t pri vateuieor whl't:de. will find it gieatly lo their advan tage to exam me our st-k- Sl.ATE AND IRON MANTLES. Ve have alw-ays on baud an extensive uss Htrnnt nf these beautiful Mantles, inexact imitation of Evnptittii, Ppuuisu, tialwny, f.emm. and other rare muiblcs. OPEN GRATES For An.hrncite ami Uituminona Coal. A'eo, art entire new Pattern ol the low down (irate, made ir'in tite Ens; tish Putir-rns. nml entirely new in this euimtr. OE AfJKNT; f-r ihe F.Hebah F.ueiustic Floiriiig Tile, Oamktrk Chminev Tt'ps Lena Co'ta 4 trim- mail's, such as (iardett Vases. c Pt-rs iis olsoiit t-uii.tiiur. w add do well to evanuue our I ck letore purchaking elsewhere. Vmilois, whettn-r pur rh'isii'f; or nt, are eordutllv welc 'inrd at our extrusive Warn-Minis, and whete we should be h )py lo iuruili siiV inf 'riii.ttioit rest-ctt!ig ativ i f ' iu c b tlml i r i be drnif-l. A I ok on Waiiitnttf and X t iiniitinr can be h id gisiiuilously at our sivic, either ei iul;y, ot ly Let ter, h a. iiAnm Warming nti Vetitil ttin Wari-h-inse, ltd Wniuut Si . t l .w Satu, pl.i. .l. l..h,j, Pro Is , Msy A, l-6 Cm Tho Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, fi-m Hi. Kr.Mkiui Inaiiiuio, CI111..1. l,.a, ,,,m Aiu.ricui( liiMilulir, Nrw tnk. .iu HV K HUNT I'KKMIl'MS From Uifftnnt Fairs in Ntic Fusion,!. City IuiuMivotyiii' INiuMihlnnfiit D. C. COLLINS & CO. So. IM GH Ckrt,.t Sirttt. 1'kil.i.l. .Aia Ahj. ,1,nn Ulrttt, SjirmyjUIJ, Mutt u' H'tsineU Mots. I' I'miiinif anj TltMiiy.niK. in ihs IiikIm.1 4is ul ilu Ii.iii, Jutiu iu ail llis alxa K.lsl'll.llllM-lllS. Miv l iifli's umJ hi all Ilia uMiliiniii,. Miituluir uL.n squally as iscll t) llitin in i a. in rlrar wsalUci. 11.(1... M.y i7, IsM -if. JAMES B COS. Jr. CSi.IPs r J'JP.ITIT'JP.Z lll'I'I'IMIIIIN, So. t f So, lk t miit Stint, akwt ,.a). ruiiSDCLruu. IF" I'lisli.. His, Uuitaus. U.I.U.J., ''. tUs .u4iii lilsws, tai.NiU As., im .ij iitlt. auU l ll pit,. lut I's.b. I'M!., Uii ti. tail -I. 1 A I'lK !' II k1 S.i(iig tk.l uuii.ii A .l.. Uiwa suJ l4i a Ji.m tJk. sb.ii HUl, p l .iu.4. Skill), llillU,l.t S"J I .) Ml I'S! tltl, jlfl l..KJ au.l 1.4 sl ! I. UIOtU III. isi itrits fUtntfM, mat, aas, im. J ail U i, )t it it J. II SHAMOKIH Collegiate Institute. R. HILL, A. B., Principal. Rev. C. J. EHREHART, A. M. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evi dences of Christianity. Ifc. Teacher of Primary Department. ffHE first session of this Institution, loratcj at Kliainokin, IS'orthunibcrlanil county, I'a., will commence on Wudxesimy, the 10th day ol Mat, 1354. The year will be diviJeJ into thrre sessions or fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring and autumn, and one of two weeks during the holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A I'RIMiRT, AcsllEIIC Slid CoLLBGIATE. The course of instruction in these will be full and thorough, embracing all the branches usually taught in the respective departments. Katks or Turin I Primary Department, per session, $4,00 Academic " " B.OO Cdlecjute " " ,',0 A large and spacious room has been secured to meet the wauls of the Institution, until the necessary buildings are completed. Uoarding can be obtained in private fuinilies at reasonable rates. The Uoard of Trustees will spare no pnins or labor, to miike fSlixninkin Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage and confidence of tho com munity. For further particulars, address Kimber Clea ver, Esq., of tShamokin, President of Hoard of Trustees, or Ilcv. C. J. Ehrchart of Taxinps, Noriliumlieibind county. Pn. Shamokin, March 4, 1854. ATTENTION ! For the Metropolitan Clothing Store of 0. ELSBERO & CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Office. w TE have just received and on hand now the most beautiful, hireest and bent assorted slock of ready-made Clothing adaptrd to .Spring and Mummer wear ever before brought into Sunbury or any place in this section of the coun try. Our Clothing made by the best hands and under our own supervision, we know will give entire satisfaction to buyers. 8till adhering to our old motto "Chrapfur Ca.-h," we'll dispose of our goods reasonable and rapidly. All we say is: come, examine and price our goods and wc feel sure you'll buv. Vc offer you at the very lowest p: ices every imaginable variety of Coals, Vests and pmiU, cut in the last fushion and warranted to fit. (Mollis, cassimercs. s.itti'ietts, linens, drillings, jeans, siiks. satins, and all other kind made into Clo thing. Also a large assortment of Boots mid Shoes; among thexe a splendid variety of ludics shoes, ladies and gents gailers, cVc. SILK HATS, Panama, Palmleaf, Pearl and all other Hats and Caps we have a great variety of AUo a ureat lot of trunks, valises and esrpit bags for sale cheap JRWKLRV. We have a splendid lot of watches, and nil kind of Jewelry a ilublc for Indies and gentlemen. PISTOLS. All kinds of Revolvers, double and single barrel Pistols, Accotdeons, Shirts, Collars and all oilier goods generally kept in our line can be found at our store, all of which we inlerd to sell at the very lowest price. Don't forget the place, i. EI.SBKRti Co. Market Square, opposite the Post Ollice. Sunbury, May fi, 1854. Highly Interesting Xes ! IIIE information brought tn us by the steam X ship Asia of the sudden decline of Flour, Indian corn. Ac. in Europe, is no doubt intercut ing to siime, and then-lore it mti-t be also inter esting to a great many others to know lliut wliilc Micro it so much tliictualion in the ,u ..f Urcad&luir at home and abroad, there, is nothing to effect tiiu low price of tho Large and Excellent Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTIIll'G, just received by S. Schnurman & Co., and on hand at there store Oil the comer of Market and Fawn Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where Ihey will le pleased to wuil upon all those who wish to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, which they have purchased at a very low price at Philadelphia and therefoie can afford to sell lo their cuutomera at the most rea-onable pricea They still, (after some ex)erieiice in business') cling lo the good motto, "mur ion cash. Call and see for yourselves. 8.SCH.NTRMAN & CO. Sunbury, May 6, 1851 W tTOCKMAK. THOMAS OKiLL. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, GENERAL vEommissicm iHcvcljantJ 35J SOUTH WHAUVIS, Philadelphia. REFERENCE S. Tims, nirlmnlson & Co. Philadelphia. A. (i. (.'ailrll Ut Co. Ruttrr & Pultemn, Cliarlis Ellis & Co. Iturgin &. Sons, I'hils.. Airil 8, 1854 ly. FJirJUAK'S pati:xt s v 1. 1: s , Kulil at llirir WAREHOUSE, No. 210 M.nkel Street, PHILADELPHIA. Ituilroail. ll.iv, Coul, and Farinprs' fL'A I.Ts. sit in any url nl ilie ruunli) , iv fifiu'iuiil nmkiiit'ii, aiul at lioil nulirr. I'lula., A.iil H, In.') I Cm. Ilo-seudule llulniulie Cement. An eiclUni article fir Lining Cisttms, Yai'ltt, Spring-houses und t!lais, NU lor iUiiiiiis Iniiu stit ami t II KI.KM hH KI'AKl) slf I'll, t'.irnrr t' Jr'ium ami Willow Mi. I'jiIuuJ. riu.iJt l.liis, April I MAI. ly. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON. Krl'i:t"'t'l I.I. V iiilniins ths tiiKtiis f III Uirnuli of huiihiny sn.i virnuly. UkI lis lias H-rinaiunily .hUiI Ihiiim'II hi sai.l lluiuuiill, nJ ullo'S Ins .ilruiunal aaohsalu Unix i.i wty muIi tj ni..loy Imn. (r ul ll.s I'lrM'iil lis eu im luuuj al Usaois lloUl. Kuiil.iiiy, Mauli II, It. I u .i v t o . Sl'VBl'HV, '.., HWK ju.l lrit.l a tie') u..v "I ur ISiiiii4 (i,ila. 'I'Hrlr SHtl iUm iut lis sis irwiilull iis'lt.l rail ami iim- lltariH. 'I iiry H ill tir avsl i ltrs(i. ' lui s, salrs siU aMiall iiuliu" ulill lit. ll wulla. uiil.ul, 14 , Apiil VI. I . nA'I'M AM' t il's. .pi., .Jul M wj l., ls "nk. Hal ai.J I ul llau. alM I'l.ia. I si. UiltMli, tit) aii MiliUiy I ) (( Hl Iu Ly (I ti Ul IUi i Ml. Mailal slirsl, uwii lUa 'ua (III.,. uului), IWl, . IS1J. jmiiiisj Kt k vr mitii t.i.N. ' IlkK. u.i !..,. J ...J 1. U. H. U tuLk (uultu,, law. I. S Ymui. umiiMi'sHj jl. II. S. M iiR. CHERRY PECTORAL: COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BR ON. OHZTIS, CROUP, ABTH. VTA, WHOOPIMO-COUOH AND CONSUMPTION. 'O Cl llh A C( hO, WiTil HSaUACmB .Ml SIIH1''BI MA TOll UK A C LL. WsTil HhAUACMB NU suHK 'Bl f thr b-Hlv. take ihe t iikhrt Tkctural oh utuuu lo hU, and wrap up wiirm, to wwit during thr night. Fob a Hutu asd CoufrH, tuke il morning, n mn and eve niug, nroiihiig t tncti ni nn the h Hie, untl the iliflii'iit i)' will 'ii be reitpivetl Nonv will I ng nfl- r ft in thti Iftulile when thy find it tun he so reiidily rntinJ. Vvrn ina nlltirtrd Willi HfulrU coiigh, which hrculit thrm t ilicir rent at night, will rind, hy tutting the Cherry I mi fj'iino t i bed, they nmy be sure nf sound, uiil-tnkfii Mlfp, mid cinisi'q'if ntly Tcfrenlting nt. (irunt rtdtrt'fr in utTr niff, and nn ultinmtc cure, IB nff rdrd t tlmu.inds wlm are tlniR nlHicted, by this invniuithle retntnly. Kn in Ha uiirrt-jible rdei'ts in Ihcse rnsi-n, innny find IhiMnarlvfH unwilling to f.-rcgu its une when the iivteiAity fir lim re:isrd I'ri'in two viniiK'iit riiyiirii'iii in FAYKTrF.vii.LB, Trim , April 16, I,?!. ir We hivp given v nr I'hcriy IVrlonil an cx'rnnive tritil in our piniiita, and fiml it t-t aurptinn every other re medy we hiive f'r cuiini nll'i-Hi'-iis '( the rrpirntTy or g""". IRS. 1)1 KM Kit A MA.Mi'To.N. TUSINtiKRS AND rLHUlO STKAKKKS this reun-dy is, na by ltd artintion thr lhr 'tit nml limun, wht n tikni in ktn-ill (jiunititten, it inn vtunll hmifBriieufi in n Vv h mrs, nnd wniderrully incrcaset the jwwer und iii-xihiliiy ol the voire, ASTHMA is trenrmllv much relieved, nnd often wholly 111 red hy Cherry ln-t nii. But there nre tni wih'SJii ob tMnnte us to yield entirely t no inedieiuu. Lheny I'eeto ml will Mire them, ti thev run le cured nitOWIHTIS, ir irritntioit of the thr a! nnd tipper portion of the lung, rnnyhe eim d hv t tking Cherry IV to rnl in snmll and treipient dimes. The uncoimoriuhie op. prehttion is mum relieved. Rev. Oir. LANSING, of nrooklyn.New York, dt.iles: "I h:ive iteeii the Cherry I'eciorul rme stieh rtiftea of Asthmci nnd Hronrhitift ns teuds me to believe it ean Miely I'hiI t' eure th 8e disi-ni'es." FOR CRori. (iive nn einelie nf nntinmny, to be foil wed by hrjje und fretpieul d.se3 of thr Cherry I Veto ml, until i tnUtuea the disensc. If taken in t;iii m. it will ll t ftnl to eure WIIOOPINfl C roif miiy b broken up and soon cu red b- the nw of Cherry IVetond. Til K INFI.CKNZ is speedily removeil hy this reme dy. Numerous iit:itieest have been notieeil w here wh -to fimiiies weie protiTlwl fr m any eriinn eonsetpienees, while their neifihb rt. without Hie Cherry Perioral, were auiferini; tr 'tn the d incuse. Dr. I. C. Aver: fAi,KM,Ohio, llih June, 1951. 1 wiite to infiirm you o the truly rem.irkuhlu ellW u of your CHKRRY PI'.CTORAI in this place, nnd in my own family. One of my dm n hi em w:in completely cured in thp'e days of n dreadlul Wnoonso Cocitt. by takinfi it. Or, Menus, one of our veiy bet ph nieian l ieely sinti-s ('ml he consider it the best remedy wc lrive pulinonarv tlMi'itfii-ii, and that he has cured more enV's of CnouP With it than nnv other inedieine he ever ittbitiiii-tttied. Out clerirvnieii ot Ihe linniixt Church dtlrintr the run of I.nfi.cknz here tin kens t. he h-'is cures from 'ur medieuiche could fce.ucely have believed ivilli- otlt Keeinp. Youra respectfully, J. P SINCT.A1R, Poil mailer. From thr dittinettishttl Prafcs or of (hemis "V awl M'tcria MtUrc. Hmrtluiti Caltrcc I have f.mi d ihe fti unity Prctoral, as on ineredients s'iow. a powerful remedy f t colds, an'l cnujjhs, and pul monary diseases. PaBKV.R Cr.ttVfcsVAXU, M D. ni(UWirK. Me . Feb 5. tlT. Ml V. I.KNTI F. MOTT. The wi lrlif cvirh rated Prufrtsar of Siirgrry in the UMicnl Cnttrue. iVrw Ynrte Citify snys : 'It civeg me pleas'ire to eertify the vnbie and i tfieucy of 'AykmV CiiEnnv IVnnHsi,,' whi-h I com-nter peenli nrly adapted to cure d;se.isef nf the Throat and ,uui;s." C'l'ea of disaies upon ihe l.iincs have been ef fected by CtirKRY pRcrotiAL in such extreme case as wa riant the lielief ih.-M a remedy has nt I'Mmth ben found thnt can be ileoeuiled on t- eure the Ciuhs. C-'tilsnnd C 'lijuitn-iti 'ii wlneh enrrv from our mn'it thourmdK every Vear. ll in indeed a meliiue to U u ii the iiftlietetl can to k wih e 'di bii"e for relief, and they should u l fail to nvviii lhemielveu of it. Prepared nud 50, hi, JAMES C AYER, Practical Chnnist. Loire! I. Moss. Sol.l in Sttnliury hy H MASSF.P. ami hy Prnnijita itcncrnllv tlirotmh-mt the S'atr. July 30, 13. VI. cenw v.0v. 13. V2. CIPaCJ-JL.. fMHE vnlisrrilipr boss leave rrsprctfiilly in in B f.ifin his I'rii'iicU nn.l lh pnhlie gi'iirruliy thai hp will rnntiinip thr liitxiiipus f a Cabinet Kaker3' Pindiitg- Store, in all its vn.ious lr.m-'ies at tint nlil stunil, No. i:U Soutli Sei onil st.. In-low Dock st. Philadel phia, sii'l rrsperllully solicits a contiiiuaiu-e of tlm vt rv lilipral putroiiiip hcstowril upon tlip latp linn nf T. iV I.. 'J'liompon, iinriii2 ljs Iriomls that every enertion will he in.nle hv liimseir ami IIiikp in liisrinplov to merit a continuance of their much e-tcimcil favnrs. THOMAS THOMrSOX. I'hila.. March 4. I SSI Gin. rcal liritnl nl' SPUING GOODS! BNFOIiM his friemls ami customers that he just received nn elegant ai-sorliiicnt ut SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his iSlore in Manet Street, Sunhury, which lie nlTers to the puhlic nt the lowe-l prices. Ilia stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans. Drillinps Muflins. Linens. Calicoes, Muslin tic La ins Lawns, Ginghams. Rerapes. Also a lare assortment of ('LOTH INC. A large assortment of Uoots and Shoes, for Men, Women ami Children. Sii,k Hats. Tanama, Tahn leaf and oilier Suininor Hats. t"l:tler. GROCER IE:! of every vniiety. Sugar, Tea, Colic. Molasses, Cheese, Ppice, Kish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, t: Iron and Steel, Nails, Tiles, Sows, &.C. QITEENSWARK, 7'tu Setts, Plate, Dishes, Cups, Saitcers, eje LIQI'OKS Winr, Brandy, Liu, litiin, WhisKi y, if. YV Country produc of all kimls taken iu e ch .inn at the Inflict maiki t ptuea. April 8, lil ly. TIIK STEAM HO AT srsillJ K HAN X A lr" l' UiaLe leutar nips for cani.icc ol ' la. ' ' aeiii;rra U'lHecii Sunhury and Noiihuiu IwrluiiJ etrry diy, ricepl buujay, uii and alter Muiilay, A pill til ill. The I'Oal Mill Irata th wliaif at Suulmry, al il o'clock, A. M., I I o'cliak and :0 mi. ulca A. M., and & o'cI.h k U0 iiiiuulca, I'. M. Ktfliirninff . will Icav lit oiill' luck al .North uiuU'ilaiid. al u'i'l.a k ami IS uiliiulea, A. M , 1 1 u'lUi and 4S iniiiule, A. M-, ami 4 olo.k and 4S luiniilea. I', M. tilt. III i ml. Kicuiaioil Inkvls, good fo on day, IS cauls. Sui.l oi, piil V'i, Ik.M If. Daguerreotypes! fi I'.OlUiK W. C'OUIaK, ll'i;i'1 'l 'I. I.V aiiliouuira lo III cllllelis il HiiuLuiy and vuiuil,, lint h h,, ain uird s Uaautiiraii Kooii. aud I, prrpaird la Uk likaiu-M a. II wanaiil In, i.lui lo Iw aall.lit loiy loall ll.llij Iimi) I p ,rlUlliuia ul lliaiiiM'hsa aod liiruda. S. , allnliuii ta paid luiluldiau. I'opua lakaH tanli attuuiy. In. IIU. II..II, H u l4-....Ui Uflll,. ,. Iu.,14, U al th wU plat. In lh I, ii,d Jui K i-ou, (.uui.i lui lni4, ) ui,hi. lum, t,tm kl ui.lil I'. M . wilhoul ir4.. I., ll.. ,ui, ,. ll il.,i. l'..pu .UuIJ,hM uU 4uu., dai a. kuukuit, A pill , i - if, "l HI k - t:il. J. ,uJ Mt kuui ...h aJd t W.-l. ia4. I'lram .Nuia. Iii,i4 wia. kaiwus, awl I'iuk., )ul ir.,i.,d ,i.d U ' MM VktUU I Aog.ia, Was I, laM all VI H Will ll .i ,v oWn , ' t'..lul kk aolua, li aa al ! ti m . i . fr.Mk.wt. 41 if, t Look to your Interests ! Wt will try lo please I f S. N. THOMPSON J "J) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that lis has just re ceived at his store, in Market street. Sunbury. below Weaver's Hotel' nn extensive stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimerts. Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, Yestings. Linens, Ifc. LADIES DRESS AND KANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Mnslin de L'lins, Lawns, Ginahams. Reragcs. Rubrt, lYoolem. Flannels, tfc. GKOCUItll-,, Sugar, Tens, Collee, Itice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Ac, Ac, Stc. Hardware, Nuils, Screws, Tiles, Saws, Knives & Folks, &c. Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOBS. A large assortment of Boots nnd Shoes, for men, women and children. Hits Caps, &c of various sizes nnd styles. Upsides a largo nnd general assortment of fashionable goods. Call und examine for your selves. tf Country produce ot nil kinds taken in exchange at ths highest market prices. Sunbury, U mo. 2(1 185.1. 4 m. 30, '53. i'orte Mommies, I'OCKET HOOKS, AND FANCY COODS. r"iHE attention of the Trade, aud others, in 1 want f I'orte Mommies, 1'ocki't Books, Hankers Cases, Dressing Cases. Portable Wri ting Desks, backgammon and Chess Hoards. Chessmen, Pearl, ."hell, nnd Silver Cord Case.-., Work IJovcs, Cabas, Needle Hooks, Money Hells, Cigar Cases. Portfolios, Knznra ami Kazor Strops, Travelling Fltsks, and line Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Fa si r Cuous which will be sold nt the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie anil Pocket Hook Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, IH53 tf. i t itic, .ni: a. Co., Hour, Grain and Lumber Coin mis ion Mere I units, 23 and 25 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. ni:Ki;ui;.ci:s. John Clark, Ksi , President Citizens' Hank, Halt. A. P. Ciles, F.sip, Cashier Urauklin Hank, " John Hertzlcr' ,lr., Esq.. Philadelphia. IJosiers, Sinnicksou ct Co., " 1. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Dank, Port lc- posite. J. Wallnwer & Son Harrisburg. Col. II. C. Ever Selinsgrove. J. H. App & Co., " Naglo, Vingate lr Co., Milton. V. W. Cooke, Esq., Mulicy. Simon Schuyler, Esq , Ceorge Hoilinc. Huglisville, V. Weaver V ('n., Moutoiirsville. (en. N illiani F. Packer, Willrmisport. T. W. I.loxd Esq., Cashier, " James H. H tiling, " Lewis (i. Hiilim.', " M'Henry iV Hubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling. Esq., Lock Haven. IV t.'arr. (itese Sc Co. havo the largest whatf- ' room nf any commision house in Haltimor, al-1 wavs giving quick dispatch to boats In disch;.rg- j iug their cargoes. j February II, 1 ?-"!. fm. ' ValuableProperty for Sale' 111 the Borough of Sunbury ! '1 HE subscriber ntVers for sale the following; 1 property in the Borough of Sunbury, viz: j TIIKIIOfSK And two contijrious Lots of Grotiml, ; on the south west comer of Market Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store aud dwil- . ling. ANo: " THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Alan: a double two ston frame Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of grnui.d al the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, on winch are erected two frame houses wagon house, &e. Also : A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot are also erected three lime kilns. Also; A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north eat corner of Kiver and Dewberry street, oi cupicd by A ugustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lots on Eldcrlierry slice I. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunhurv, Jan- 14, 1SS-I tf. ZINC PAINTS. Out third cheaper than white lead and fret from all poisonous qualities. 1 lie cv J-i ey Zinc ( ompaar n.WIXii crrat y t ntou'eri lit-if wrkt, ttmt irnir veiJ the ii u.i I iiv ut iticir pruci, urc irt-jmrt lu cxicutr 'iueifc Tr llirir Sl.'PERIOIt PAINTS. Dry, aiul ttn'iiiid in oil) in ut fUd fiu'k tg tf (r m ii5 Km uinu ; win' l'iv, iu isiiriem. f'J0 phiihU raili. 'I'lirir w Kite inr. ivnu li im tun. I tiiy or pr.-untl i i t i'. it wtirr.niti-tt fuie utul unuruiari Im uuil 4ni"im W jiiU'hfkt A llsfitl il 'f iirt'unraluiti let rreenllv In-fit iIi(hVihI, W'tm tt cud tie C l wurnml I In ti f-tnif W ft 1 1 rt nut ft in ll) si'tiil T "in i fit nttMr I; mo In th if i'rt i Itit ir )iin.n w ill I nipnii'i l'i un I'tiH f tn H e iiiti kit I'icir lirwii zinc Miit. u In i i l nt l -w rn- Unit i' mi .,i tv iiii.U 1 1 III Hit nt Ii Nr Jf. t-y . ! tn'W U rll kn w ii 'f H r It-i-lik iuj ittt w Iteil at I , is-it I ' If II ft l'l't'-l IIM-Illi- S'l'lil'll I'liril 1 -nn i-'l.if aMiut bw-ms-sj ! I 'ir r .mtI tesj Hie Ill-'UK, Mllil l Ol UII Mtfritl,U- I- l ! it t-llMllllsf L' 'llasf fl, lt?.l, Hul buiklmit, ii,.K:. c V HVi 11 k Hit II H, WltaaSrull" .lllt lTHir-rt mill IlllfX IrtC, V C'i m hu A Mjikei i , fu.Mlcl.-liia PniliiJtlnm, AjmiI 9, lt in, S M .MU'1" o. I rr.M.ia. I HABSOS Il.iiilitilou, 'l'lll'iuiv Co. IMI'l'U 11.114 AMI 1I Al l lis IN rurritfii nml lkouit-lie DRY GOODS. ikn Ai.t ktt i,m hik ti K or AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, Aii, '.'ul Hulhmiirt .S(rc, BdltimoiD. It our li.MMla u.isiaitiiualioii, si not as cheap as lht rail l boiilil in any uth.r maikrl Hit) mat I it'luinad luitliwitl, l uul siptnw. Ualinuuia, .Not, yu, lajj. - j, VU,F.P0TT3, I M I'll K I Ml ASH UK Al. IN XIION Si STEEL, Id I MitiLl nmt, I. fv lis, j. K, rillbADBLrUIA. I'uila . Jau Xt. I 'I - l C1 bill I'll 111 - twaal. loiU. 1.4. W .Ua. a. Uu. Mall, c. .! i.J l"l .i i., I u . ir: k 4 n. Suiil.ul), A pill II, l 'l - (1iU U l'i ! 4 anli"ot -. - J tMl ua'il, 4 J 4Ua bsali shi -I ml It "-i t i. tt y HUM Hl.i. w i l I "AID AND C0MF0HT To Your Owii Mechanics. GEOKGE RENX. MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of tho most Fashionable Style. n'HE suhserilier Respectfully calls the attention of the public to his largo and splendid snort, ment of every quality and price of iti i;T-v Aiti: which cannot fail to recommend itNelfloevery on, who will examine it, on account of its diiroM workmanship snd splendid finish, made up of ths licst stock to he had in the city. No effort i, spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the suhserilier is determined to keep up 'with tha many improvements which are constantly being made. His slock consists of Mahogany Sofa, IHvniisi nml Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BKEAKFAST AND DIMG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thila. delphjn manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOAUDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOII.KT TAI1LF.S AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Mhoot, Black Walnut mi Ci n!.r.ii Matlk GnsciA ; ajiii Wiinsna C1IA1KS, ami rANCT Piano Stools, which ars of the latest styles, and warranted to he excelled by gone manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The suhserilier is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ns every confidence can he entertained about the quality and finish of his war and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms ns they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvnient for work. I"?' I NDEKTAKINCi. H aving provided himself with a handsome Hr.Aiisr., he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. t ir" The Ware Koom is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. CEOJiUE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853 if. Important to Coal Dealers. 'HUE subscribers hereby inform the public., lliut " they have entered into partnership under th firm of K:ip, Peed ct Co.. for the purpese of mining, shipping nnd selling coal, dehverd at Sunbury. or ut any other point along the Sua qui'liaiina. They w ill be ready to deliver coal, wel' prepa red on cm tract or otherwise, at nil times, on the shortest notice, Slid on the most reasonable terms. Orders received nt Shamokin by KAsK, HEED & CO. S'uiihury, June 4, 1553. ly. Cheap Watches ejJcwelr niOI.ESALE nnd Retail, at the "Philadel phia atcli and Jewelry Store," No. 06 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHItArjELPHIfl. t"-M1 I.ever A iitrlirp, lull jewrinl. Is ciirr.t cup. 82-.C0 It Ll l.iine S-Jt I'l'l f 'nir- Mlver Pcitucs. .'tl .-'.rr i,rp lull ll inn I. S.' Silver la-Vfr. futl jcwl'd 1 Sni'ftl r tluartieis, 7 .ml Ilnil-clrtS, y H (iHirJI Gnlit Pencils. l.uo iSilver Tea Siss-'iis, fcrl, O.oO O 'lit Siectarlet, 7.IHJ1 Gniit Pen,, villi Pencil and Silver Il-.lilcr, 1,00 (told Finger Rings, 3V cents to tnO ; W'utch Clas.-es, plain, 13 J cents; Patent. ; Liinet, 2n ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what thev are sold for. STAITPER & HAH LEY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Cold nnd Silver Levers and I.epines, still lower than the above prices. cpt. hi, l:;i. ly. WATCHES. JEWELRY, fiie. JAMES 15. KIDLEIl, No 12 South Second Stree', PHILADELPHIA. Cold l.ever Watches full jewelled Silver l.ever do Silver I.epine do " uariirr do Cold ens and pencil and silver halders Mlvrr Tim and Table Spoons Urarelets. liu ast iins Kar rincs eke. All warranted and sold at prices as low as ary in tile ritv. November 27. 1S52 tf. Jiliicksniitlim. 'rHE subscriber hereby informs the cilizens of -"- Sunhurv, nnd the public generally, that he intends to carry on the Iila kMiiitlilnz Itiislnoan or, his own account, aud he has removed his shop from near Clement' store, to a new shop on the piemises of Mark Scuphatn, in Pawn street, whcie he will be happy tc accominoda! all bis customers. HI'.NKY PARTON. Sunbury, March 5, ISM. if. Dealers in Loir, i.ati h a i iiii:i ii rn, N. E. Cnrnrr Funrth and Cherrij Streets, PHILADELPHIA. II A VINIi riilarii'd and improved their Store. snd liimiir the larcesl assoruiient of IU Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to iLrnu-h PINK Oil. CAM I'll KNK, BURNING FLUID, i:i'lU:UK.l. till.. Phosphene Cas and I.i,.,l till. Lamps, l.aiiteriia of ull paterns. Fancy lint, I and Hill l.aiupj, Chandeliera, lorandoies slid Calidcle.iliraa, and 11 ritlannia Lamps, al the Manulactiirera' lowest prices, tilasa l.anipa by the paikaue, at a siiiall advance in. r Auction prices, llriii l.uue MAM I'A CTl UK l!S of Pine Uii. Duiuiin; Fluid, Klliereal Oil, ., ,,h, and (Ihe only Inn Pbosuene Caa. thev ran fur nisli lhe articles al such pricea lliut Merchants will find II their advantage lo buy. I 'all Ubnc K..Mim elsewhere, if ymi suit baraiua. Ala.i, Ilia K,,l,ty FI id Lump for sale. I'lula.. Sept. S I, ln.VI ly. WM. M CARTY. Bookseller. I F.PFC TFI I. I.V nil. 'ii... Il. inliabiui.ts ol ' t.'Wii and counliy, lb il I. Imi l..i. I inn w I Iroiii I'lilladelplna. a Ij'.'C a.l.llluui In Ina al.a k td Ii,hi,, u, , ,crv bran ll ul l.llflaliji. and in a ifieat autiv ul lliujing. 'ira tad aud a a Siiul.uiy, t.epl. 17, la.'iJ JK. llllillt l.H lor coul... "i.Jda, and ful.Mouai) Jirfa-a. A auppl) i ll.i laluat.l iiaJi.iii jo-l ir.ritcj ai.J l' sal l y II. II. M x-FK. Suiibyi, Juin I , ai I i lll I'l Ml'". small numUl 1 Sl.ailrul pump la la iiJ su4 ulblad I of aal by 11 U. MI'M. hullbuM, Juo I, la .J IM III .. I.I. Hllurhl J S"d tl4 l u.l. a. ..I " ailsa ) li. I I "III. hi, At". W ilirl al.atl. .ti ihmiI iM l'"l !' fcuiil-ui), IK I. . la.i I. Nl.Ml lill K iwalls r 4 WI MS) !( piw.l.ll, i,uuJ st ll lu. AW Uioka. ul all kiixl ) sumM papa. i.l, talk 11, laii. H l i .,.! ( ., Tu J iu.ii. aa, I " U a.J aoJ I ton Ms 4Iwm .U Ut-ia,-S a" ;a l'il m.i4 aal In4 a i . M. t, l . U f It ! S4 kae AmtH, !, IS, llilaa I aaacj)