IMa Communications. ror the Sunbury American. Siiamokik, Ai.gnsl Oih, 1854. Editor "Sunbury Amtrican," Dear Sir : I herewith send you an ex tract from the minutes of an American Meal ing held in (his place, Friday, August 4th inst., a publication of which is respectfully reqnesird in your paper. We citizens of Coal Township, Noi ilium berland Connly, Pa , in general Mass Meet ing assembled, recommend to such of our brethren of the County, as are favorable to the principles ol the Native American party as expressed in the resolutions adopted at llie Native American National Convention held at Philadelphia, July, 1845, and those more recently adopted at the American State Convention held at Harrisburg, March 1st., 1864. that they meet at their different wards, township and borough, on Tuesday August 1 li inst, and elect three delegates to ropie sent the district in Ihe County Convention, to be held at Sunbury, August 19lh inst , for the purpose of placing in nomination a ticket, to bo supported by the friends of the. Ameri can Principles at the next ensuing Statu and County Election; or, to recommend such candidates as are known to have cndoised those ptinciples. To appoint three Conferees to meet nn equal number from Schuylkill County at such time and place as may be niced upon by Iho parties themselves, to place in nomina tion a person to represent this distiict in our National Congress To appoint a County Executive Committee- , ," . , , . ,d do such other biiamcM us may coma mid before the Convention. Kesolvtd, That these proceedings be signed by the officers, and their publication request ed in the papers nf Ihe County." CHARLES WISE, President. D. N. McWili.iams, Sect'y. THE lKDIAK WAR ISi MEXICO. We have been permiled to look at a letter fiom Albuquerque, N. M , dated on the 83d ( June, which gives some particulars of affairs j with the Indians in our new territory. The ( ,uo;. gj sr 1. writer says: "Perhaps you may have seen GRAIN. Tho offerines of When! this that the Jicarilla Apaches have been at war j morning were about 20,000 bushels, which is since the middle of March. Major Carle- j a considerably larger quantitj than has been . ., ! in the market on any day for some lime past, ton has had a very sharp campaign -l ( U'e mile n decline onthe better qualities of them, and finally, after following their Wheat of 8 to 10 els. per bushel, and on tho trail for many a long day, he succeeded in ' poorer lots of 10 to 15 cts. fiom Saturday's surprising them in a perfect fortiess of a ' I""'';. Price, to day .ange.l :m 120.1 135 cts ' " . , , . . . i lor ordinary to good reds, 135alo5 cts. for camp on F.scher's IVak-tho tallest pinna- : ,, , prjmeb(,0) nn('n0al75 for very clo of the wholo Rallati Mountain range, choice parcels suilublo for family llnur. The ui prise was so great and the attack was Corn this morn ins was very dull. The re so sudden, that the Indians were panic.: ceip.s we.e about ,22.000 bushels, but only a 1 ... . . . finall poitioii of llie loi oiliei! were pnltl utiicken J and will, a feint show of recialntire j Wp no'w ((f Whje a fr()m g() o ?0 tin? firing of n few shots npnn their siiie ' niul of Vellnw at G5 to 70 cts. While Coul they lleil, leaving evoryihin-; bt hinl them, exceM what thev couUt ion on foot over : .....I..-., i.i i.. I... I i.,.,.i.......,.i ..til. rCK uiui iiiiuun .... iv. . ....... t Their camp consisted of fnrly-four families, 1 in twenty-two double loduos. Fmin tho and tracks of blood, it' is bolieved a 1 , , , r t iriMt many wnro killed and wuniide.l. Ono chief, who is supposed to bo Fleclie Ravaday, (Striped Arrow,) "went uinier' lo nsu Kit Caison'j expression, vt itli two balls through his breast. A Pueblo chief in the service of the United States dashed forward, and, pasting his knife atouud lho fallen man's head, put one foot on his neck, and with both hands clutched in the hair, wieuehed by main forco the scalp asunder, even be fore tho sulferer had expire. I for he scieam cd as it was done, and was St. II bleeding when his terriblo 11111.1011 il swung alul'l llie bloody reekinr; trophy, and jelled a wai w hoop that sounded like the blast of a trum pet. The Indian succeeded in getting away 0110 horse and ono mule only. Tho troops captured ihirty-eiuht horses, and all die camp and horse equipage, the dried meal, drt-ssed skins in shoil, everything, down to powder and ball, which an Indian possesses A more thoroughly destitute people than Ihe Apaches, cannot now be found in the woild M.ij. Catlelon followed lho Indians many a Ion;; day, trackinn them day by day, over the highest rangng of thu Rocky Mountains, through Minus, i.vei livers, through deep woods, until they weie caught. TI.e trail w as 1 .....i . ..11 ..1...,, ...n. r,..i 1 1. II1IVU 10 wivi. ll. ll . "3 lll. liJiillM , ( ' I ..... ..... ... upon tho track ; and heavy rami had fallen. Ilul alill il was kept niccesafnlly. This pursuit will hnvit u moral cIToil nit these Indians, ami till the iuinoiiii.1 ing tribes, as you wiil n-a.lily poicrivi? Lieut, iiavi.lsuii, Jnliusuii und Mooro, 1st Diaooous, hared all tho toils of Ibis expedi tion, as did Cupt. Q iiiiii, with a cumpany ol fpies. Tim above we copy fiom Ilia Si. Louis Ui'putiliciiii. It is tn bo rt'orettud ! hut the United Stales in ill wars Willi lho Indians should resoit to the M'lvice, ol un ally guilty of such a luirtibld almcity us is heie ri rm. doJ. Sueh an tut un ihu pail ul lho Tut llu ought lu have been lew aided wi'.U u inpu and Ihe nearesl liee. Coil. Ai.tlNtr SikW. I'lufessor lltiiiiy, I'tesi.leiil ut lho Mei'lia'iics' Inatitu'.r, ul Wa. Illusion, says : lt has been proved thai, un in uvctuf, fLur ouik'cs of coal uie si.ll. t ie-lit lu .haw, un a iiuliou l, one lou mile. It has !u boon found uil evpoiliiient that man w 01 king on treadmill, continually for i.'lil huuts, will rlevale one and one half milium, of pound one fool h.h. .Now, t'oi nitU einfiues will peiloiin (lie same woik by Ihe eipendilure ol a pound and a half ol coal. Il lolUita. Iiom lliv.e djta ibal aUul live Ion ul fuel would itulie a, muviU poi dining 11 Koiiibii.itoii a would be eij.! lu llie tonhnufd labor ut en able-bo.lil man lor '.'U )vis, l the i.te ui eihl bouit pi dy, ui, in ui!te euid, i Ihe eie'uuei u 4 d'limj Ihe acme pviiod ul llie " hukfU k I lf foeHikB A cniie lit li.e N. Yuik Mewvel Soi.iuu., Ji an Utu.'le cuuiit.tii iie iL leu fciv.l ailisli, ' iunm.' ' whisfc is, 1 thai tn aillalitf a.korl.pliitiiliei.i, wt'li4aliui, .t. 1 . n.Ui..Uu...i- oui. i.tily nji. 01 le Jsi.oy lnl -iile in ''e ! ", -4.vjM,i.miiu.s4.a.,Jiii. ii.Ji u eJ .te ul l--.!-,! " U's lule !' '' )' ' '' s. 4 LAS for the poor lll fatcd Franklin. Sho - ran ashore and became a wreck. ,We pi'y more than her, the passengcrsi They lout their clothing) hut easily, quickly and cheaply enn they be replaced by visiting Rhi kiiim & Wit sun's cheap and fashionable chlthing store. No. 1 1 1 Chestnut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia. Rush in, passengers by tho lost steamer. Pliila., Jan. 88. 1854 cw Worth Resiling ! To Sufferers from tcro fula, wnndeiful case of Scrofulous Ulcer, cured by Ilolloicaifs Ointment and Pil's Mnry Ann Johnson, of Batavia, New Vork, was afflicted for eight years with a scrofulous ulcer on her calf, which affected the bone; she resorted to all kinds of lemedies, but ob tained no relief until she had recourse to Holloway's Ointment and Pills. The Pills thoroughly cleansed and purified the blood, and although the wounds were in a most dreadful sinle, yet by continued application of the Ointment, they have perfectly healed, and her health is completely restored. 91 A R It IK 1. On the 30ih rill by the Rev. R. A Kishi-'r, Mr. William Lkrch of Mt. Carinel, to Mis Eliza Henry, ol Shamokin. On the first inst., by Charles Martz, Ei., Mr. Isaac Mdtchlrr. to Miss Susan Vka- osn, Both of Shamokin twsp. On ihe 27lh ult., by the Dev. R. Hill, Mr. Daniri. Camprell, to Miss Sakaii E. IUj--pard, all of Shamokin. ljc iltiu-Jicts. Philadelphia Market. AlLf. 9, IS51. Flour and Mkal There is vcr little e.v- j P'" ','rj' lol,r- ''"I 1,'0,1'"""' 'B ! about SS So.iSfS per bbl. for fresh Kroiind, I, 9M0&Q (ot exra. ,,.. Fllr u M,, ' pint demand fur Flour. Th Kyi S5 50 per bbl. Last sales of Pennsylvania Coin Meal Hi $3 50 per bbl Grain. Wheat is scarce, and finds ready j sale at st 80 for new Southern red, and ordi nary and lair nt SI 70. Rye. continue scarce. Last sales of Pennsylvania at SI per bn. Coin is in pond demand, nt 80 els., afloat, for yellow. Oats aro scarce. Sales I of new Southern nt 31 a 40 cents Whiskey is scarce and Sflls nt 31 Cents, in holll nllj bllu : Baltimore Market. clos (i in d.'.iu;i cis., ana leiiow nt o.) cis . UI1.I flllll Ot-MM III tl.udu nr!..... C..t. 1 .1.... ii".- . .I,..-, ii.-uni .if (inn kiJ,,.l. P........ ;.. r. .. . in .. - ........ "-i v " t e ollerums ol Dulg wore iiljnut 5000 bush- rU We note sales of Maryland and Yimiii. ia Oal ul 35a38 el, for prime lots, and of M'l'e IVnns, Ivariia do a. 40 cts. The sales " 11,0 '"'J' were 1u" limited. ' 1 SUNnL'KY l'lilCE CUIJIIHXT 'll'.iT. l!rK. Cons. Oats. Potatoks, Iil'.KSWAX Hkcklkh Flax. BCTTKM. Koi. . I'nliK. KLAXsr.Kn. T A I. LOW. 200 100 I f 0 50 50 I 'I 15 10 Pi p;.r 10 New Advertisements. SENAECUS L. KREES, 1.CE?wCH.1TT T.ILC?., SHAWTOKIN, (OjilMtite the Depot,) Wp ESI'ECTFLLLY inforius tho citizens of fj 4, Shuuiokiu and vicinity, that he has com menced the a'ove bui.iness iu lho town of Mia mokin, and wiil alwavs keep 011 hand an assort ineiit of Keudy Made Clothing of every descrip. lion. He also keeps on hand an assortment of cloths, enssimeres, and all kinds of goods, for Mens wearing apparel, which he will n il or maka up to order, lo suit purchasers, at the lowest prices. Shamokin, August 5, 1851. if. OIL CI? ber, I! AlXIXfift. Hrop, Ilhi. k, Haw I'm- - . I I'niwil. Sltvim lirrtiui'i'.l Irinii Mm iu Ji.ri.u I'aml and t olor WoiKk. for sale l.v WKiJiKi, & ui;i:xcrt. funiiury, July i:i j DICKINSON' PEMIXAKY. Male and Female. i 'V'KXT TKKM will commence Auust II j INr)l 'J'otul "rxpen.e for boni, room, : na-liini;, li'hla, fuel and tuition in f'ligli.h, : l.nliu A fiti'.k, fiom !2..ri0 In .-o, per quai- j ler. Students .hould be here oil the ":l.l, 1 THUS. ll) M AX, I'l incipal Williamsport, l'a , Augusl .., I no I. at. See Here!! J. V. fs I. V. Kliiu ll'iil sell at rt hi Imr pruts for Cash, (fur a Jw wuLs oni, ) 'pilK.IH entire toi k of Piy tioods and all other foods usually kept in a Conliv store. Now is youi lime In purilnt.e, .r the u pi tniiltv will U.t a .toot in,r. Call and e at Ihe ol J. K. A I. V. Kline, I pp.r August Auu.l A, To the Votertof Northumberland County. Kneouraued by my nuiueioua friend., I oil. r ui) M il a. a rsiitll.lale loi ibe ulhe ol HI IKK IFF, and prumiae, if tin ted, lo diMhargv ll.e dulit s ol lb uilbe l.iibl'ully and puiulually, svlinh my ttprili'iu will snable Mie I.i do. ii t:iiv uk. i : it M.Keii.ill., July IS, leal. To tho Vuteitof Northumberland County. funis t'iriiiii. Al lb. .Mn u.nou ,. s ul eiy liivitd., .4, in uihr m)wll . t'siidid.le lur lb ultus uf rKt)TlliN(A'AUY, Sl.d ploiHIM,, lu H lb 4ull. el .'III. Willi 1011.. lu. m, and le lite UM u IIIV al lliit. UtXkU. Mubbui), Juu If, lH. - To tbt Volori of NoithumboiUud County ttii.w Ct .. tuvuinml l aasai ul at,, litead. I .,iHilli -lis 1 h.)mII M teui f,UUMdISllu, ( bJJl ImI IL ullu t W fol'SIV I'oMMI.vMo.SLIt il, k, ,11.4 u) ii-a. hl.vaid I l ,lsi.4. ynu.m Ij IUI Ik. J ..UM Oils) UJ.HI StJNBUItY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUKNAL. .Slicriflnlty. , To the Voters of Northumberland County. -Fsli.ow-Cit17.kss:- I herrbv announce myself as the "American Volunteer Candidate" at tlx October ensuing EWtion for theolliceof SIIEIt. IFF. for which solicit your suffrages. Having been strongly eucoitraged by many of my friends throughout Northumberland county, I herewith ofhir myself to your consideration fur the office aforesaid. Should a mnjority of my fcilow-citi. riens see proper to grant ma their support, I pledge myself to discharge tho duties of said office to the best of my abilities with fidelity and impar tiality. , JOHN J. AUTEN. Milton, July S9, 154. To the Voters ofNorttattterland County. Fkllow Citixess.- I hereby announca to yon that I will be a candidato si the October election for the office of SHERIFF, for which I solicit your votes. And in doing so I tender my sincere thanks to those who kindly supported mo when a candidate heretofore, a kindness which I shall ever hold in grateful re mciuhronce. Should a mnjority nf you see proper to grant me the favor I now ni-k, and I be circled tiliurilV of ihe countv, I shall make every effort to perform the duties of the ollice to (lie satisfaction el' tho public. HENRY WEISE. t'ppcr Augusta, June 17, 1854. Notice to Teachers. THREE Male and three Female Teachers are wanted to take charge of the Public Schools of the borough of Selinsrove to com mence on llie fust Mondny of September next. There will be a meeting of tho Uonrd of Direc tors, on Saturday, the 2(illi dav of August, at 10 j o'clock, P. M., at the Union School Mouse in said horomih. to examine applicants and cmtiloy ! c-.i.l t.otolier nf lf-st'tiprs. I.iliernl W:,irea it ill The higher branches are required to bo taught in one of the schools. Hy order of the Hoard, GEO. HILL, President. Selinsgrove, July Stf, 1 Sol. It. l'erfuincrv, fjc. "t I K lnvc just Teeeivetl th larcest unit best selected ns .rtiiient (if I'dl'iunery ever nileied in lias suction of country, p insisting in purl ol l-'rcnrli pmnsiflr, Cuftrntft, To -tli lirns'liPri. u Inrge ost. Hitir HniliM, " Nnil Hrtishfri. ' ' l'cVCl't I'.XtlllC'Sj Purlin nut. 11 11 Cattile S'rin, Whito Tniimpurfttit " Ilnnrcx k ' AVnhiii'.'to:i " 1tpuliticnu " Comic " Almond " I-Ulil)!! 4 Nymph ' SIiMVMIK !l'( "tin. l-'aiiiia C 'igue, Orange Hmvi-r water, rii.irc 'nl runt'. H ice Powder, I Infniit ' j Iliiir lve, j Mt'on t:'im. f.r the skin, r.xlruct nmllu, Ltrnngr, H tli"MiI!, 41 imwherrvj Filly Wluie, UllltllUUt loLTiircof fvtry lcKCiiuti"ii,-.ritpivo " Tubes, ('iiuiilior 11 linfl;tli (.Viiil)?, oil kinds, Shell 11 and dt'ttT nr1ii.'k too numcrom tn imsitiu. All th nli-tve nrticl"!i are from Ui ltoii?ri of Julra Ilnuel utiU W. 1). Glenn. vr.i.i:n .v imrNi'it. AVincs b$ Liquors. Miirtclt HruaOy, PillHt " Kr.-ncli " o Hve W'hiakrv, Mull .11'al.t'la WliiskL'y, C.iiiiii -li J.un;.i.'H Spirits, 11 'Hand ( rliftmpjiigne Vin, alienv Itlur.'t " Pur Port " I'.rl " Mii.lrrm " I " Win.' Hillrrs F.-i SHe by WKlSllt i. llllt.NKIt. Sail! uiv. .luty 21, 151.- CARB0N RUN COLLIERY, EIIAIXOKIIV, A'uiltitmberluivl County, npilfc subset iler respectfully informs the pub. JL tbat he has leased the above new cnllinv. j and is now prepared to deliver at Kuiibury, or , any pouu ulont; llie vis.iieiiannu, an mies in i COAL, prepared by breakers, in aj superior j manlier. Persons wishino; to contract for eonl t will please address the subscriber at JSu iilmr v . ! JOHN IIODUKISS. i Sunbury, July IS, 1351. j I P70U sale, at this office, Superior Ulack Ink, , Cattle Medicine a. SS cts, l'ure Lsseucc ol (lincer. "5 cent IVin'iburn's unique and intrrrstiwf n-i r e;-n-1 -, t r, , r'i" i ifrvi r :i ul the manners an I ciistnins nf lite 1 i;xcivn.izKi Indians I OKTIIKFAIMVKST, lim n under a l.ire pa.iliom aecoinmod iliug I Vol HI peisoius. ' The cel. brated Chief Hawaiian iinee from Ihe W'ul'iitnu Nation ol Ihe linlijii tubes west of 1 the l.otkv Mooiit.iiii. and Ilia ; Miuaiieluiik and hiiiiineeari, trom (he I ireat 1 !:ou .Nation, t,u. llo r Willi Dkalewot. I.i, Iiom j ll.e I 'all ji.i a lillie; .Mill tin ir l.n.;o lionpe 11I 1 amois und l'i mules tioin the Plains and Iiom 1 west of the Poiky Mount. inn, will e,r c a liu.t I exhilllloii ol llie in iiinrrs and 1 uslouia ot fie 1 Lntoloi.d lied Mail ul toe Pow.t, al fiiii.hurtf. WfdiiesJav. Auirti-st lGth. 1 I i t.... , . , ., k I -tU.'l l.l..,l..ll.lll,.ll K Mlt..llUf(.....' Illrt ' ino.l lo.urul liiduu I'ralur iiuvv lit 111,1, will r, o) i... nation .1 ib. p,u 1,,,... i,.,11M, 1 the linnioial Inlloeme. t t.ilrd a in on j In, ly Hi Uigo tlss. tl tin I i.l.i. now ' if.l.lii.U 111 Him iiitdsl. .Mm, i'brir Ktli.lous Belli I, Ae. I I'll lollowiut inlrrr.ling danet a, ri rewonir., I e.iiirs, air., will be irprwnLd by In. lai,. l ioui- of N.ll.. s n.' I.J by pvople .1 lb piHiiil d.y. I H'l.aiii snd liupr.i.. Uuiial C.iriii.mi. liaiiHinj lu 111 tiyiiil ul a Jepail I thl. Ilalli, Ae. I1..I1411 l ouiuil l ouli. , til i.lit., .iiiukiug llw ti l'i. Ac. Th li.di.u Mn.s M.kli.e. or Uw i.l dav ff Ksdu-1 .:u. In. 11. II luull.'iip, 4. 1 ritmuii), 1. 11144. M.tnaa. Ae. Indiall II. Ill ui.k.l t'.lliua. . .1 j upon lb liis.l Ki lill 1. 1 Itsiu. l b luduH I'lopUl, ui M.duii. Msu, isIm pU.. i ssl tui.u.l,ut in Hi ih.i) uf hi. Mtduuie B., toting eul iIim.. li ui a w.a iuuuii uv .u tb.i.luirul. Iioin 111. abi latt, II. lulloeii. eul l itpi.MUtJ by il I Ituli .i.J Ubd.ul. i M.IUe.y, ui 11. 4 iiu, ll.11. a I'.ut. Uv.i) ul ajf-y 1ih, liuil.liuf lb Hwll.l., l'ouil'1.4 I'.ut, l.dl ll.Ul. ll tsU lulH I'.u.s. V .1 ll.Ute. I ..lit I'. U.S. B.l lu, ll.M'.oi llyi.UI lu 1 - I (1,11.,, As 'I'U L'i will ! avtwasfsuuid in ik, U.l 1 ! ul eild l.J.a us., k-ks A.. ttiiu..f lt'sMi.l.l el tip!, .1 4 l lu t I kns.i.,ei 1, . !. uo Ui ,lu4ll. .1 ,11 ll I.I. I l- U Ik I I -li.. j. 1 ... ii.. 1 1. i.i .1 1 .4 1.1-1 tj Krtilrond Letting. SEALED PROP09Ati3 will lie recsived at tho officii of thb Hunliury and Erie Railroad Company, in Lock Haven until B o'clock, P. M., ofThursdav, the I Till day or August next, for Ihe tirnding and Mssonry of that portion of tlis line of ssid road, extending from Lock Haven, in tlis county bf Clinton, to the point of connection with the Venango Railrond one hundred miles, subject to such alterations in the line of said road, as may be deemed necessary in pursuance of further examination. Plans and profiles of said work will be exhibi ted at the office of the said Company, in the said Borough of Lock Haven, for three days previous to the day of Letting, and all ncceary informa tion afforded to ladders, by Robert Paries, Esq., Engineer in Chief. In bidding for said work, bids will be required ' for each mile section of said road, but this is not designed la prevent bids for more than one Sec tion, or for the whole line of road to L put under contrail. By order of the Board of Managers, JAMES COOPER, President. July 17. 1854. It is he intention of the Company to put under contrnct a portion of the road from Erie, rsst wnrd, as soon as the surveys reqoired by the con dition imposed by the City Councils shall huve been completed. "" July S9i Just Published and for Stile by WM. McCAKTY, Rookscircr, Sunbury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the I tilled talcs. By Collinso.n Reed, Eq., Ipsac Irgis viva vox With notes and additions, together with a shor system ol conveyancing. 13y A. Jordan. Pres ident Jude of the Eighth Judicial distiict of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shiudcl, of llufbar of Northumberland county. Since llie publication of the book, the following letter has btcn received from Judge Pearson of : Harris'jurg t j IlAHaisuuns, June SO, 1853. j GtNTLkMKX 1 ' After a careful examination of your "Aincr- , ican pleaders assistant," I lake pleasure in cx pressing nly entire approval nf the selection and ; composition of the precedents thus ollercd to the '. public. The legal profession in Pennxylvania stands in need of a correct system of pleading, j adapted to our habits of bUfiues, and the practice j of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, ; to a great extent, founded on the acts of nucnibly, ' will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con- i diioc to sulci.' and brevity in our pleadings. i It nhotild be in the hands of every practising ' ! lawyer in our state. I Yours, with crent respect, j J.NO.J. PEA K.SOX. 1 Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. . 1 1.. Vliindul, Esquires. W. McCabtv, Esq., Dear 8ir: I received more than a year ngo a copy of ' Reed, s Pleaders" Assistant'' improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with some care soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it du- j cidedly valuuble us a inauuel for practising 1 attorneys 111 Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. a.-, .. , . I It were ecncraliy used it ! would ineriMte llie urcuracv of the profession iu matters which are olien ver'v carelessly done. . -, I um very truly yours, Ve., . J. S. II LACK. i . -l e .1 ni . . . . I ulso received a copy of the Pleauers Assist- nut, aiul tuive examined It siillicieiilly ti emit le , me to concur very henrlilv in the above common diitions by the Chief Justire. GEO. V. WOODWAUU. Julv 9. 1851. i Sunbury, July 2!, 1851. TEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER SO Dreintg and Frnnefield's Cattle Pow der, just received ut the New Drujj Store of WK1KEU i UliLNEK. Sunbury, May 27, 1854. IIOOTS and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Ladies' Morocco Shoes. Ladies' (l auj ct,iorcj Ciaiters, just received and for a)p l)v WM. A KNABU. Lower Aususla, May C, 1651. Warfare, etc. brought from the uuei.ilized Tribes of Ihe Weal, expressly for this (iieat KI.i'.iilion : War Knives iiiinln of Shark's teeth, War Clubs of every drseriptioli made uidi nollilng but the Hint and shell, sliowinif the tfieat inieiiuilv of Ihe lie I Mill) Blankets luuniil.n lured from the bark of 'I'r. es; Klii. k-knai'k su. ks used by llie Indian in earr) 1113 Ins I obneeo ; Mono bailie t .... War Spears, Wniiipuin Hells, War Pipes -I I I -..I.. I I ' .I.. ,.t ! ... nnei-i l(., I .r,,,i all, ill. , ... a .i,r, i Tomahawks, Sculping Knives, etc, luether Willi I Ihe lui.;est varietv of Bead. Moomi Hair am 1'on iiii.u- ljuill work tkbitnted. Ill Ihe iil'iernnou 111 1 be wiliies.rd iheeieiliiu; spoil of Mio.itnn al Taruels with Bona and Arrow.? .limviiiK the uoinleif. I rpertiies ae. .piiud by the I in Itu it in ihe u-e of iln, siiula weapon Al ea.h riili ll.iuiln.nt will lie repie- enled III three parts, the lli-l.iu.l rict ii ul Pudinhoiititt taring t'lt life of Cup. Siitilh, l.o Ihe f.-aliiiaa Scene, liesrue fioiii llie Bum. 1 . .... Scene, liesrue fioiii llie Bum- lll Make, Ac. Al Ills lo. id III !elilll s ' f. 1.. i. ....... u.ll u ...-.....-.1 ..dl-.l...i...l u...... j '"'"""' "' 1 Mlirtlcr ul' IUe J II 116 I'Creil, ,u ),f, m., ji,. her lover lu lh Army, and .11 klllld by t pally ol tnJiali, enl (u eondiiel ber. The Cliirfe ruinpsi.iej by llieir ,t .n.lsl.l. ,, , g, i,a.ilo.n Mounted 011 ,i,r I,,,!,,,, ', ,irK.,d in lull In. ban .. iumtl pi,.ud and full .Uipwd l r s , ! l,n IU ,i.d II uVUk, A. M., pn-.t t Ud by 41.'. nlrl iait.l QQ A tt "Q A IT JS.eT.OO -xAIImi (uHipuMU ul ..ut iii.iiau 1 Ltd only ludiau Bias. II d in lb Viid! and I .i li.i- ""'. "' ul Mu.1.', list Xe l.uu.! ' lilli!i!, U.ud, ! lb d., I lb. . h 'I toi.ii.i.i.iiou tonus ib lns.'t.i Au.. lion pi.asuUMj 1, .T,uitiuM p.op:. .UmiMiUN) ii Unit. (. ''MlilJ.t II yrurt llutMi a ,1 I ud 1 I.i It I. M. K tltlMloU awt Ut. imm l t ui 1J 'tl.-.l f. M. liJ id.1 nl Us ii.MMsd, A,i riMMid l.i 1 l.J... Cwunseu bd ulll,li. i 4..I wi.l .) lud lu au.uj.ui. u puu.ic ia, u d l..l be ill 1 will la , 1 J w i.i.d.i ' 1 tUIS IL l.l J .1114. lll tkj 4l ,ul. I.of j ' u..ul ul l. ul J.) ..d u.l i I 11 ... .1 , I u.ll ky Ik, ,iUul .e i. ,(.j,iu i j ll.U) .li U lb, tu,4.,l, (..J .i4tu, I I il I .Nth.a I.U itiiii.1 nn I BY AUTHORITY. . RESOLUTION PROPOSING Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section 1 Retolved by tht Smatt and lloust of Repretentatii tt of th Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly mttt Thnt tho following omrmtmpilti lie nnd Ibo mine nre herein pmpi'tod hi llie I'tmatttutlon trl'lliB Cditimorfweatlh, umler i in I in HCt'onliinca with the proviiioni of th ttulb aiticl hertoi', to wit t rtopomio i, ir tk akticlb Xt. Ssctioti 1 . The ni-frreffat moont of debts Keren her contrnrli-d by the Cuinmnnwmlfli shall never excretl llie sum of five hundred thou mud dollars, except in ense of wnr to repel tnvnihm, suppre inSurrecUt'ii. or to redeem th pnhlin debt nf th Common tvesllh, and the moneir so raised shrill bo applied to the purpose for which ths dunt may be contracted, or pay such debts, and tn no othm purpire. Skctiom 9 To pny the public debt of the Commnrt wealth, and debts which mny nercaltrtrlie eontiactedtn caxt of wnr t' reel invasion, fttpprcM ifrnurrrction and to redeem the public debt, the l.iilnlnre fhall at their next acflwion after the arinplitm of this lectlnn Into the Omstitu tiou, provide by law for the creation of a sfnkitta fund, which ill .ill not lie abolished till the snid public debts be wholly pnM, to cnn!t ol all the net annual Intoine fmm the public workRRiid mocks owned by Ihe Commonwealth, r any other funds ariaiiifi nnder any revenue law imw cx lutiiip or that mny be hereafter enacted, so fnr as the an ma nmy be required to pav Ihe intereit of said debts ncinl-an JIiihIIv, and nnuunlly to i educe the principal thereof by a sum ii it less thun five hundred thousand dollnra, inf-rcosed yearly by compoandiue at a rate of not le than fiv per centum per annum : the an id sinking fund shall be Inverted in the I mn n( the Commonwenlth, which shall be rmireb led from time tn limr in a trimmer to be provided by law : uorHirti ui of the sinkine: fund shall ever be applied to the to the pnvment nf the debt of live numbed thounml io. Inrii mcnitont'il in the first section of thiFnrlicle. but the snid giitkintr fund shall be applied only to the purpocji iicrein specified. Section 3 The credit of the Commonwealth shall not In nnv way be fiiven or loanrd to rr in niil of any Individ nili f oinproiv." corVrtion or assoeintion, nor shtdl the CommoHwcnllh V'renfler licconie a joint owner nr stock holder in unv co npauy, nririation vi Cfirporatiou in this Comniinwtnl'h or v I sew here, formtff for any purposes. 1K('TUn 1. The Commonwealth shntl never assume the debts of any country, city, bfirrmch or township, or of aiiv : c irpmrtioTi or nss'-rijii'i'j, tones sucn (leitfn ft' ui U have I heen contnn-ted o repel invnnkm, fiuppreM iiisurreclion, 1 or to b:fe.nd the State in war, ! MSOp.iStTIOS 8, to at article xr. ' Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions The Teciilature shall never a-ithorize any count v, cii. I boroiiffli or township, by vote of its citt7eiia or otherwise. '. to become a st-xAhokler in nuy joint stock c mpanv, cliiti i or c irporati'in, or to raise money for or loan its ' creutl to or in aid of any such Company or ra 'nation. ; K. B. CII AK. f I Spcalor of the Ilmise of Keprcsetit-itivts. M.M'CASI.IN. ! Speaker of the Scnute. In Senate, April 9P, -M. Peaive.l, That tMs rei!utiuii jmiss. Yens vJJ, unys 6. . . LxUnct from Lhc Journal. ! T. A. MAGITIRF, Clerk. ! In House of representatives. April 31. ISM. ! ! Res-dyed. That tins resolutiun (uss. Yeas 71, noya 30 j 1 Kxtutct irom tiie j'.urnal. ' WM.J.VCK. Cleik. ; SsmrTAnv'4 Ofpic. ) Fi'wl April 3H, 1-64 j I C A. RI.ACK. Secretary of llie GVuuiuonwealih. ' rUXM LVAMA.SS i PECaETARTt OrncK. ) Harrisburg, July I, l.ri. J I do certify that the above and forepoinir g a true and correct copy of the oripiiml t'lesnlu tioii relative to cti nmeiiduietit of lhc Const itu lion," hs the same remains on file in this olhe. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set rny Secretury's when the duy and year alwive wnt-! . , V A. I) LACK, i f?rctary of the Comm.M. wealth. ne.,iiin o. 5.v, eiimied"! omemiineiits to the Coinhtiition of the Commonwealth,' ! was rend n iiiim tune on tuo question, will Ihe Semite ncc n. me in si pr 'pfi:hm, me yuan nun nays were ia- ; Ken, agreeably to ine ConstUutioti. ai'.d were OS full ws. ' viz: j Yf.-- Messrs. rtuekidew. narlinirton. Haiiie. Ferpunon. ; Fii . . .... ..... outknd. Prick. Krv. fi-vtdwiu. Ilaldeinan, Mninilt'ni. H. ; l. llaintin. K V. HhiiiIhi. Krister, If.,,.n Me- riint- k, .Merurhin.l, pi"it, f.l'iitgle, Sager, Slncr, and i MeCashn. P.waker SI. Ny Mersra., CreMwell, Hendricks, Kinzcr, Ivniikle mid kiniuT 0. i the fiiH'stioii wn.di'lermhieil in III; atTi'innlive. i"'- i-tc- . i nr iiiiii,: nsriT .n utr nrrnnn J Pmp .n, the vein oml nnv, wcrr nktu iiareealilno the i . Cuis'tiuii n.. nml vere n, f-.M-.w,. vi I ! r'? V'TJ"?- II rv. I. "mUviii. Hs!it"ni H 1). II inilui, V. W. Ilumlm, : irlrick,. Il, i.i..r. Ilngc. J mui n. Km", MrC:mt..rk, ; Mcr'iirlnml, 1'i.itl, Piiie, Quigyle, Slil'cr, Wherry, Mi-Cns- I "penker !. I ; lVs M.-ksis.Ci-iI !.. CrcMwcll, DarliliglLii, Hamilton. I imhiki unn nKiiuier o So the question was determined in the affirmative. Journal of the Home of Representatives. ! i4T!ie rt-ii.,ti..( reeiirrinc: upon Ihe finul passage of Ihe ItfRjIuli ins, the tirst projj..Miiioii was agreed to as follows, ; vi : j Yeas Mcr,. Atiralnm, A.lnm,. Athertnn. Bsll. Barton, Beyer, Itii'lunn, Boyd, Hush, llycrly, Caldwell, Catsiii, . Cnilisle. rliiuuberhiin. Cook.Clane, Cummins, Dnuirhrlly, j Davis, Dc t'ranee. Duuuiiiir, Iv-kert. I'.iliuccr. KMrcd, I Kvans, Fo.ter, Fry. Oallentiue. (itbtioney. (iilinore, Orsy, I iiooin. ftwin, ilatnilton. Hurt, llcrr. Iliestsiid, lliilier, I Hipp!,. Horn, lluuiuiel, llunsicker, lliiulei, Hurtt .laek I man, Kileorc. Knight, linrv, (Lettish.) l.iun. Mncree, i Miiguir", Mnmlerhrlil. .M'Connell. M Kee. Miller. Mona- cli:tn, -Monliroinery, Moore, Moaf. Mine, Palmer, Parke, r.omlcc, 1'asHinole. ratter, iu, 1 oner, luluev. Itawlin.. I UoIhtIs, Itowe, Snllaile. Se:-tt, Sidle, Siniontoti, Siuilh. 1 (Berks.) Smith, (Cra.vfor.1.) Stewart. St-kdale. Sirons, itrut,,,, Wiieeler, UVUe W.,,, Zi,,,er. Uias!,' r?oenker P. N.vs Niais. Si Ihe n'lestioii wa. dtenniiiel in Ihe uilirinntii-e. Oil Ihe qnesiion will llie llointe nine, lo llie sivonil pro 'Sltion. the yea, mid nn, were tiiken. asreeublv lo Ihe position, the yea, mid nn. were bike'i, asreeubly lo ihe provicions of llie lutli article of the constitution, and uro as follows : Yeas Messrs. Aliralnun, Athertnn. Hall, Button, llei-k, Bever. Itiehnnl. H iyil, t'alilwell. Carlisle. Chnnils-ibin, CiN.k, rnnte, Cuinniins, llaintheitv, Davis, Pretrail, De rrtmee. lluiininir, l'.ili'ifer. Kl'tred, l''.viins, Fry, llalleiitine, liil.timey. lilhnoie, Goiy. (iiooin. II win, lluiiiilt n IlleS' t-oiil, llirii'r. Hippie, lliinseekel, Hunter, llnill, Jnekntail, Kiore, Knight, l.aury. (l.i'Mgh.) Iiwerv. (Tiisra.) I. inn, Maitee. .Mneiiire. Mamlertiel'l, MTonnell, M'Kee. lno. Khan. Montironierv, M.wire, Moser, Muse Palmer. Parke, I'arinlee. P.i-smoie, Patterson, Poller, lltiwlins, Itotrfirls, K.iwe. Sallade. ..It. Snnoiit-'ii. Sinllh. (Itt-rks.) Sniiih, ll'rawfoid.) St.ekilale, Whuler, Wluklelii, Wright, ChaMe. Ste:tker Tl. tvs Mefsrit. Ailanis. Ttalilwin, Uenns. Ila.1i. Uveily, ll.-k.n. Kll.s, Hart, ibrr, lloin. llnunnel, M'('.-.ii!n. Miller. Ponls 111, rulnev, S.'.le,Stenait, tStronfr, Slrillheri, eislei 411. li 1 the question was ileteiinined in Ihe arTinnntive. Si-eRFTABT's is ru'r. I llARRlsrmn, July I, s',t IT.VS1 I.V -S..M . I d 1 esrlii'y that i:.t.. a line and crree! 1 ) Ulken on Ihe '-Itel I d 1 e.rtiiy that Itis nluve ami fore., ii.ttr. is I eopv ol' the vats' and -v. ltesolnlloii relative to tin umnut. lii'.nil ol the 1 'onstit nt ion ol' the Common tvcii'ih lis llie same appears on llie Journal, ol' Ihe Ivvo llolisi.. of llie Ueneral Amif o' thi f ail- ' 111'ealik for ihe Session of -., twine., inv hand anil Ihe Srnl ol aaul ofTee lli:s lir.t dav of July, one thousand eight hnu ilre.l ami fillv -lour. ' i r a'k. Sieietaryof the ('o:rmontra!tli. Jniy I.i. I.'il. rui. I'ii-klvs. Suuccs tV. J ii lert'tvrj liiifinT 1 f Aiiohiwa, : r-mliil-vr, I'h 1 lit ViiM-;:ir, ':i'.v rli.iv. 'l lie ii'm rt n't fr-in , MiK'tl I'uklt, Cr w A llhrkwcll, l.H. t-u, 'ui..ii, I'.'ttrtl .ni;ue, ' II. Ilil. ' H:wt (k-ii j Jum, I'uiiil Ileues, , i ',.ii.' J lm II ol S mro. iW'hti-fca, Kitilinrti, Wun thtii 1'iMiLiin i'.iUiip, Si . t WKIKIt A IIUL Cit GUANO, GUANO. (gTUdO 'I ons .No. I l.oti Hunt ut IViuwoii jpf iiuano. IOIMI Tout f UM'r-ioi.liMe of I. line. I'lUUTun. M111.1.1I (inuii.i, lOUSM.KHY AI.I.KN 4V XKKlH.r.. S'oi.fA IKanrr's and 'ii Suntk II ul'C, fust ioi i- u'iuic CArsliiiil M , riULADSLPUIA. Jllll " I, ISol. .1 114. ( KPKTIM1. Hour ml rlmli, T.ul oil fov. J (is. t arprl 1 hain, Hid loor mats, ju.l reiel- I and I s aal I J Apnlfj, la.M. I. W.TKXKK A C lltll'H. 1 kind uf Bool. Mioc nd sll- ' pel. lot .41 by fi. Y. wllKHil A I 1). M.ikrl .Irrrl, upp.wlt II. I'o.l Olli. . fcillllolr,. 11.1. e, lsj. kill t.l'l'L". Cl.ilbs, C.4.1IU.IS, hall,,,, II., Q P Vc.lui. Tttr.ils, hu 0 1 lot I rlulli, t lel co. I. Tu kliiss l'bst,ks, Muslin. At , )k.l le, 'd ,o.l lur . I. I.) V . A. K ABU. l.ou.i AugusU, My , llt - Filt UtS T. Tului ausv uf iU bwildiug lu kl.ik.l .iimI. I.i.!, atvuiitsd a. lb uiti.. ut It tuiiliuiy Am.iU'.n. Api ly bi huiibuiv Ju'v I. Ilil ' I It tl ISS7. . . - - Ut Kit if AUK ad Qun,;ai la i..i v. Itslts itd ul '.! d..ii li4ua. I iM i4li u4 lu uy 1. 4u,i A.m. M.y V M . A kMllk. s Mill UMiUi.t ka III i.ii,i.i NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER & feRWNEIl, , Wholesale and Retail BriiggisU, Market St., next door to K. Y. liri&ht'i StOrl, SUNBURY, PA, . . OFFER to the public the largest and bt't selected slock ever opened in this section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, OroHnd. Spires, Pints', Oils, Varnishes, Dye-tuh"i, Wifidow Class, Patent Medicines, together with t complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and KhavlntJ Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams, Tobacco, Sugars, Port Monias, Stationary, Con fectionaries, PURE WINltS And brandies For Medicinal use, English, French and A meri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods Of every descrip tion, in short every ariicle kfpt by Druggists generally. . Tjr 1'rescriviitinS Cdfciily Compoilndtd. t;i:o.B. weiser, WM. A. BKUNEH. Sunburvj May 1.1, 1854. JOHN V. MARTIN, MEKCILVNT TA1LOII, StTNBtrHY, PAl IJESPECTiai.I.Y iiifurnulii friend nnJ customer, tlmt lie hai just received from Ilia city a new urnj complete assortment of Mens Wearing .Ippnrtl, wliich lie will mke up to order, or sell , at clienp as any other o.taMishiuent in the place, a, lie ia dclermiiicil to permit no one to tmdemt'll Iiim. ll:s goodi are choice, and carefully tclcctod from the best in lhc Philndciiihia market, and thev l will he made tip in tlia heat and latct itvlc and 1 i'.arienlcil. His clock consist, in part of hand some iwarseiira and Silk cslmga, Duck and i oilier Lmeim for Ceils, ic. Also, a variety of Cloths, Lnasimcra, Cravats, Neck Ties, and a variety of other articles for .Mens' wear. Sunliury, June 10, 1854. if. FRENCH TRUSSES. If figting (ess than 2J ptmcfi. For the Cure of Hernia or Itupturd. & CKXOWLEUGED hy tho highest medical authorities of l'hilud'clphia, incomparably superior to uny other in use. Suffeiera will he gratified to learn that the occasion now oilers to procure not only the lightest and most easy, but as durablt a Truss as any other, in lieu of the eiimliront and uncomfortable article usually sold. There is no dilTicuitv attending the filling, and when the pad is located, it will retain it position without change lVrsons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, rn have the Truss sent to any ad- "r0S3 h rcriiithng i-ive Dollars for the single Truss, or Ten for tho double with mrasure rouuJ Ul0 j,; RnJ gitie alVfcteH. It will ,c esclmngcd to suit if not fitting, by returning 11 "l once uneoiled, For sale only by the Importer, p r pn 11 vrrnr t?j r. " .iiuiiiiiijt?i or. rwclflh & Kac streets, Philadelphia. fl 1 , ti. i ..rt..i iaii -.a, iluiii iiiu mt; iuiiuiii ui itieciimi : i c i 4i.uii ,cj -UM,orU owing to dei anijcmeiit of the In- tcrnal Orijanu, jnJucini? Fulling of the Voml, ot-ni, ruintoriary, Uyspenhc, TWrvoua and SpinM Wenkncss, are informed that a competent ami experienced Laiit will be in attendance at the Kooins, (set apaft for their exclusion Use,) No. 114, Twelfth St., 1st door belertr Hace. July 1, 18!H. ly. Colored Window Glass. W. MOWBRAY & CO., C0L'TII West corner TENTH & HUNTER Sis., would rcspectfullv invite the attention of Merchants, Builders and others to the beauti ful variety nf work produced at their establish ment, consisting of STAINED WINDOW GLASS, suilablo for Hotels, Saloons, public and private buildings) Churched Ornamental StaiDod Glass, Transoms and Side Lights for Vestibules, Balcony, 1'inza and Staircase Windows. Also, Lead Smdi and Stained Glass for Churches. q i v; 1 .1 : - . - . . "'"I"""" uceurnieij M t- order, and furnuhed ,u any par, of efl. ncelirntelv the United Stales. Flocked enameled and matted decorative ' Church Window (ilasa executed in (Jot'iic and 1 ; oilier architectural styles, and coiuiwteut work- men sent to any psrt ol the Union. Orders from a distance promptly answered. N H. An A Rent wanted for this place. rhila., July 3i, 1 Sol. 3m. AIYIUEL W. PEPPER l'ccemou ta HENRY J. PEPPER k SON, WniciieN, Jewelry St Silver Ware, No. 175 Chestnut St., opposite the Stale House, PHILADELPHIA, rhila., May 87, 1861 ly. XOTKK. 4 PPUCATIOX will bn made lo llie Irgisla lure of I'ennsylvauia, at the sessnm of iK5A,for the incur potation of a SaviiiKS Iustitt'le witli discounting privileges, and with authority to receive monies or depositea, in any sums from a dime upwards, nillia capital of Kilty lll' dollars, to be loi'uled at Sunbury, Xorlliiunl er lnutl county, Pa , and lo le called the Is ui srni 1 1 Sa ivks Ix.titi rt. July 1, IS.'il ni. NOTK'K. "V'llTlt'K is hereby civen Ibal appii.-almu will ' l e made to Hip nest l.etji.lalure uf Peun.i I v.init, for lb. rreaiion of a eorpoiali bodr with 10 11k. 1114 and discoiiiitiiiK piivilei;es. In be located at sh inokin Pa. and tu be called the Bank of! siuiinokiii. with a capilol Mock of Two llue.lred , thou. and dollars. Sliauiokiu, Jul. H 1 1.3 1. - Oiii. (iiu.TKor.M.(.M:si., or Tsstelesa Salts, I'r. p ui .l bv w Kisni r.iu NK.a. I'bis p, epilation is ri'i'un'neiideil as un ri t'elleiit I n ilne and pur. ili.e, il operates mildly, i.rnltielv fire from nnv ur.plesnl last, ie sriubliii. Ii iinii ide in l'.i . 'llm uie.lii iue is highly ben. I'., isl lor diM-dse. peeiilisr lo .iiinmer aiul hot vteallirr. huuburv. July I, lM , - Miui'iV and Mnrliinci'V t Ml. . I uii4.ling of Sihiiii, lttJ, Solar r'.lepliuiil and lacked W k.l HiIl Kor Sale 1T A I. I.K.N A .NPKliMlfi. !i Smith H Auviri iin.f :t s'oiit, II u(rr Slid, '.'iif.iMj.aii. July I. Ilil. Jul. L. L. BE VAN, Shauiukia l ' pil V. subs. 11U1 g, ,,t, a In Cor m In, tiU'stJ 1 and III public kiiiIIj, Ib.l lm lis lak.ll ltliut auuee slsi.d, n an) 1 h.ppy 1st a.tuuiaiud.i all be iu. ts l l:i a (all. Bh.uio.iu, Jutr t, lfal. ' 1 K ' ''""f lull'. I .I.n.1., ..,!, 1 1 ' iois, Te.4, iiisnsii tlulh, V1 '. Tuku.,. fh.., Muin.t. A ., )u.i i.(. , ivst kk mi by . W. I C L H A Ilk ui.uuii. i 1,1 1. I' I I A I'll ' Ioim Biiug ,oJ l.imiiii 4 iliu.ka. --k (-.u,. 1 . .... Ii,..,l.iu,. ! m,. L. i , aiui . u j, I. U'. ,4.4 M l If l. ACt1 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. To thl Ciuimi of the United Slatei : 1 fnolt nnd il.m.k Trn (ii til PHI,. t.ko tin. ..pivrfmnu, i tir ,, Anc ,t thxt AltMHira ,nd II,. Amriil,. ,h, nm.1 MJ ,rinp.lhlr., much .th,t I origiimll. euhiponndrf ib. I'.ll. Iji ,u.t your thm.i.,,, muw , Vuik.'6 Uk'"" ,'!''"", iu " ' fA THOMAS HOI,t.OWAY. 89, Ceru.r ut Ana Mil N,ui Str,u, ,N,W Yik rURIFlCATlOFOK THE BL0t)D, f.lVER AND BILlOtS'COMPLAlNTS. , ., 'f,i,fi"V7tf lL"ion """'.,d,r, nt tin I.itfcf Btonurb, "r r tit from lb. indueiirn nf tlica, tttiiruriiv, mal,0pi. hencs hi. ,.,. frut. Th, fnir kx. wrl,,,,,. u,. ,., i.,? W..rl.t, up to II tctUi.,l wl,c.., JLlrci,. pmny l(,lo their Icctfi , nd jH,d ln!.k, whit, yet t,, jioy,l,y of life, .Uch U ,y,j, ft,,,,. 1, tir-lu.llT r,inl,-cl h eoiiiinua.1): .keeping Hie U wi pure, i.n.1 the' i.iver ,d Pt'iriwcli iu he,ltliy tlicii, wliru lifswill Dnw mnoolhl." a. ..I lt..n.l la l. i . L ' ' V , , ""W ..IICTIJiniy ... . cniTie. where vneternit ,pnn to reiss. A. it re,,!!' t r.vatiu t he h.iinsn frame, and the dnrslion of lur, much mny U clTri-ted. and I Kiy imrleMly, thnt huolth ';d lift en 11 l proliinneil l.ii Miiytwl hryoml their o.,liv lim,. j" to the rule, hint down for health contain! in Ui. dir. uiuu, WTIich nccomjmiiy rat h b.i. A C.tK OF WRAKNKS Ayiy t)EPt.fv i)F TK.V Years 3rA.Di:;rj, -CRb uy iiullowavb) Copy of a Letter from Captain Joh? .hh:oh; Astor IIvusc, New York, dUled Junuarv 6lh, 1SS4 SlrXt.'fNY,;',i;LCWA,,r'S'' Cor"0,' AHe anu'd ft.Mif Sir' It i, with the mnt heartfelt plwisurc I hovi lu' iifirtn you tlmt 1 hav. J.een rcit,.f,;d lo health and Mrrnslli by ;nkin! yoor ItiM, For the km Un yew., 1 ,ulleed in a il( ruiiKciii-ol of th, I.iver and Stomach, inilnl rs.fneeil to snrh .11 eltremily that I guvs tin n Ship ""cr eipectliil t f n lo Sea any more, an I hsj rlcd ev.rr Kcnioty llist v.a, ri.'oir.mcmleil lo ine, hut all tuna puf p ise j end hud given myself up to despair, when I wa, at Inst rccmnmciiilt'd to take youi Pill, Alter uaing Itieth lor Hire, month, , the result i, that I am now in belter, health tiiun I l.nv. been for eleven year, pnt. and iniJctxf s well a, ever I wn, i.i niv lue. You are quit, nt liberty to ujokg tht knowh for the benrtit of otheili. I ruiDiiu, Sir. t-oitfj relp-ttfjl't: , , . (Sisncd,) JOII.v' jbll.xib-!. These celebrated Pills art u-ondei fully effua: nous nt me yoftotring conitninfs. A"u. Dnipsr lullatnmatiuu Jamiilic, Liver Com-' plaints Lumbago Pile, Pheumatisul Rcttntioa of Urin. Sci.rfula. or King', Evil Secondary Asthma Uyjciilnry liihona Complaints Ki yieln, Hlotchcs 011 ih, Feiiiale Irregu- kin laritie. Bowel Complaint, Fevers of all (.Mini " kind, Coiist,ivtt;ott cf Til, the Bowel, flout ConMimptioii Ilesd-acli. "Jet-flit? MiticeVion S re .Tliioati Stone and Gravel Tic f)oul oureui 7'uinnurs Symptom, I'1"'" . .Venereal Affection, Worms of all kindf v eauncp,, trom wnatcver cauw Occ., Ac. Sold at Ihe Kstoblishrrti'l of Profesaor Hollowat, SAt Strmid, Oienr Temple Bar, Loniloji,) and al,o at In, Houi, n jN-w York. Order, for Medicine, in tin. t?nt... scd 'I ll.ilhiway New York,' Wll.l teecive due attention Sold also by all reepermhlr DiuigutioiKl Ilcaler, in Med icine, tlironahout llie t inted Slui.i. in II, ixt. nt fl?l . S7 cents, onil SI .50 cent, each. To bo hail ' Vholcul. 0 the priueipnl Drug House, in Ihe Unioii. . . u Iher, 1, a considerable saving by taking ths larger V if - Direction, for the eiliilaiie. .f m mvmr4 .1 -i'Jei nre aftued to each bi-a. June '.'I, l-il. Gin. PLATIXA POINTS LIGHTNING RODS. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD ST MCALLISTER & DROTHER, OPTICIANS, 48 CHESNUT STREET, l'UILADELPIIIA. ( At tho Old Stand, etnlilishod in 1700.) Our Point, are all Uprcd villi nlld Plntinaand ittunpwl srlth oar n&iue. HrlntM dlrectloni ax.aiiany Mch point. Hrlocm $1 00, $1 ii, $1 to, $i ix, ;a ou, $4 IO, ler point, according to th. iiuautitj of 1'latia. w-By icmittinp Six CsnU in Poit> Btampi, in addition to any of ths above prlcci, a Point can bs lafely lint by mail td uy part of the United Statu, rhila., May 0, 1854. 3m. TOWtR HALL CLOTHING STOHE, Market Street, opposite the Red Lion Hotel,' Sunbury, Pa. rrwn subscriber 1s happy to announca to th.' citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ha , has just opened a large stock of I rT nTTTTwn at T7TrrTTr TVT?cnT"o"rtA,T . . . . , f.l.toh Pants and Vesta' , ' ,X f shirts and drawers, both woolen and cotton. red flannel slur!, twilled, plated bosomii, overhauls, stockings and gloves, of all kinds, suspenders, silk handkerchiefs, tics and stocks, pocket handker chiefs, crtton and silk ; splendid collars, suspenders of all sizes dud prices'. It lias oPtrn been said of a pocket in tt shirt, but come and see the pocket, vest and shirt in one. ! Also: a line assortment of Cloths, Casstmers anc Snttinetts, Summer goods, black satin for Vests, at etcr.v pic?, tiird any quantity of fancy vest patterns, which will be tnado up to order to suit customers ; my maxim is: no lit no take. And as for cheap sel!in?, I don't intend to ha beat by Europe or America. Also on hand, a large assortment of I'mbrvllas at any price, to suit great and small, loirelher with some travelling baps to carry Yankro notidrts in, large and small. C me 1'armers, Mechanics, I .a borers al , t'nlt in a. id see the Clothing 11 Tower 1 11, And II you want tn b ,mted to a T, Call at the store of John 11 I). JOHN H. DANFIEI.D, Agent. Sunbury May SO, 1854 3m. rXZIXjADELPHIA. ALLEN & KEEDtES, -S'ouri II ha) its and 35 South Hater Strett, kl'I'Elt for sale on the most reasonable terms. o Dll.S hierpi. Whale, ficdtir and Miners' nils lil'ANO Peruvian d'jano. Government No. I. 1 S TAKCll Aeeuts for the Oswrgo Puie ; .riarcli, Prrpared L'Mn and Cum Starch. i Phosphate of Lirae, lOtlO ! airets of improved Super Phosphate of l.iiiie, I Pbila., l iy 57, lH.M.- :i n. NOT. (P. To Tiepii on tho Te?cgrph Line mV.A-.J.4 . . X "in r. is in tt i y riven, llisl all rr.. 11, I'linir liespa.ln( flpoli, or itiirlug t I?' ? ieir., lui ilea II Willi ai'einduig In t', art it i.rn the hue Il will A ill ' uih rs l'i.. ai.d pr. .tided. 11. n. m ".M:n, Pi., i PhiU. and Sphbury Tfl'tapli C run.uiy, Juae S, i. 11. nmru r.v.s cnri.u r.nv. . ni' 0 W lent rvinrdy lu eou.K., toll. Vvi sal l this uHi.r. Iniiil-i I. 1.-- - 4 INK -flourt.u', vibil'd 11., a.i a'. I n" .S. lok I..I .4lr. ak il'tsll Bil l I.Ull I'. ))... 1. ! . Ill. II li C1HIK l;Kil n Ms... l'ui., Mai..-. H tsru.', iiu. ' . (-". M M..k.i 1, Iln. us ti.J Bali. )a.l'sd .y V M A. kNAUH I ! Au4, My U- - Ift i j AHOLil al ! a. I'astr.ll. k4s, eruU.- W...i .aal.aJal ..I kmd. M ii.l lAt I .i W.y I, I'M - i mu. rrVfT ... 4 in iwi n r ' ' i- si1. 1 1 mi n.(n-i -if w - . a . I! IU M"H.0l .'I - VS C1.VM A UM f JfM ,.C '-V t .ai w. 'esf i .sii.tMt, .. 'si l. 1 If, 1 a I I . I M , 1 (.. 4 . I I . l I .1 . . ' I'l . I ' 1