SUNBUItY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. CALIFOHNI.Y NEWS. ARRIVAL OF TUB STAR OF THE WESTi The Grtytown Difficulties Destructive fires at San Francisco and Sacramento Nearly me whole I own of Columbia Destroyed An English fngate in Pursuit of the t aneGreytoirn under Marxial Law, By the arrival yesterday at New York of the Star of the Weil from San Juan, San Francisco dates to tho 15th July have been received this morning. She brings 663,000 in gold on freight, and 430 passengers. Commander Julley of tho British schr. Ber muda, declared Greylown under Martial law, and established the blockade of Port English. The British ship-of-war Espiegle, hold Tunla Arenas, and the Commander says il is part of San Juan, and tie will hold it as secmity until some arrangements aro made between the governments of Great Biilian and the United Slates. The inhabitant of San Juan had began to rebuild the town, but the most influential men have left the place. The greatest excitement existed al Kings ton, relative to the destruction of Greylown, and it is reported that the English and French Admirals had sent a frigate in pursuit oi the Cyaue. A steamer was also instantly dispatched to Halifax with the intelligence. The English Mail Steamer Teviot, the brig of-war Epiegle, and the schrs. Bermuda and Liberty were at San Juan. A great fire occurred at San Francisco on the 11th July, commencing in the Golden Gate Hotel. -The whole block bounded by Jackson, Davis, Fiont and Oregon streets, and half of the two blocks bounded by Jackson, Davis, Diummoiid and Washington streets, divided by Oregon street also; three build ings of the block bounded by Oregon and Washington streets, and seven buildings on the corner of Jackson street, between Front and Davis streets, were destroyed. Tho wholo number of buildings burned, is be tween sixty and seventy, eighteen of which wero hotels or large boarding-houses. Tho total loss is from $250,000 to 300,000. On the 12th of July, twelve blocks of build ings in the city of Sacramento, were either wholly or partially destroyed by fire. The burned district is bounded by Third, J.i Fourth and K streets. It is estimated that 200 buildings were destroyed, valued at half a million of dollars. On tho 10ih of July, nearly the whole town of Columbia, Calaveras county, was destroy ed by fire. The part burned is bounded by Broadway, Fulton, State, and Washington streets, except ono fire-proof building. Tho fire is attributed to an incendiary, and tho loss is not less than 6500,000. The squatter excitements have nearly ceased. The Mormons nt San Bernandino, in the Los Angelos district, have lost 400 acres of wheat by fire. Tho mining accounts continue favorable. Tho crops in all parts of the State give promise of a favorable yield. An exciting discussion is going on between tho divided ranks of the Democratic party, j whose conventions met on tho 18th ull. Both sections claimed the majority, two sets of delegates having been chosen in most of tho counties. Immigrants over tho plains have begun lo j come in, and stock was selling at Sacramento ' Wherever there is a cannon the allies have al very low prices. slunk away like a sneaking dog from a Twenty-two Mormons havo arrived at San j sheepfold on Ihe discovery of a shepherd. Francisco from Salt Lake, on their way to Witness the attack on places of so little con tho Sandwich Islands. sequence that no man in England ever heard A FIOHT tTtII THE CAMASCHE. f ,hf m reP0rt l'eir "S Corpus Cihusti, Texas, July 19, 1S34. j cked by Ihe allied fleets, who have been On the 11th inst., Captain Van Buren and j '"variably repulsed, notwithstanding the gal twelve men of tho mounted rides, overtook a !lanlr- 81 Ekil'M. Jjncoly, Carleby and party of Iwenty-live Camancfce Indians and j Boomeisund, which tell a mournful stoiy for whipped them handsomely. Captain King i Bliton' PriJe- 01J B'J". brother ol tho and a parly of infantry mounted on mules j ''8 Russian Minister at Washington, corn first got on their Irial near Las Moias, on the nd Boomersund wilh about a dozen can El Paso road, and pursued them four Jay,, non, and for fear ha might use them if they when the mules gave out. Fortunately, approached loo near, Ihe fleet contented about this time he met Captain Van Buien, j themselves by firing a whole day into his who was out from Fort Inge on a scout, and ! BV,e 0,chard and amon8 his Bna,, ,ret's put him on the trial. Ha followed it up for I en,irey 0,11 of reach of ,ho olJ ma,''', Pu"8 six days and travelled over 300 miles, when i b"1 "ol of w,alh' R,l,re lhan ono E"8 ho overtook tho Indians. To avoid pursuit ! hsh fl'lR lia" bpc" brn,,sh' ' St Petersbmgh they crossed the Nueces three times, and ul- j a a lrnPll'' 1 llaJ expected to find in Lon so a largo lake. Cant. Van Buren swam his I don a Russlan flj5 at evpry cnr"er of lhe horse, 400 yard, across this lake and struck j Mrte, caPmed b !l,e fleel " vanl"J lhe trail on the opposite side. The two par- : her0 bcfo,e 1 luft R,,6s,a- 1 llli,,k 'e,e lies discoveied each other as the Indiana ,on,i or " l'v'i .r wnelhing of lhat were turning a hill, and when the Captain ' kilul whit'n ru,, "A merciful man is mer got around Iho hill ho foi.nd the Indians , cilul 10 hi btasl'" drawn up in line of battle ready to receive IXDIGMTV to hit: rnt.MDEXT OF THE him Ihey havinj; luken their saddles and' lM1H) everything oif their horsesexcept the btidles. and t ill them in a pile. Tho Indian, uni-ut J the fi-ht with ario., and when they suppos - ed they nad diawn the fire of lhe Captain's ' '-"I"101 Bl ,no "onnrrii uoor uuuer tue rast parly, changed il. The Captain immediately ! "'" ',rta'le. b followed out f addres oideied hi, men dinnuunl and take their rr ' b' Ja,"', JefTatds, of Charleston, iles before Ihis they had usej only their ie. South Carolina. JefTdids was considerably tolveis without much affict. When tun.e 1 intoxicated al lhe lime, ami was in company five ur six liiiliaut hud been knocked oil thvir ' U1,h J. S. Duke, of Saint Louis, and J. F. horses, they broke, auJ lhj Captain churned Hiins, of New Voik, all of whom hd been ihtin. : dunking. The President shook hands with Th Indians left one of their number dead '"m a"d Ji'lLi'ds the President lo take cn lhe ijiouiid, but succuduJ in C4ir ing the i n dti.,k, hirh he declined, and turned to other duad and woundod o(T. They lull ihn1 t'''1''' cainayo. As lie was doing so, bis I, Idles, Captain Van Huron un I tinea ,ul knocked of! by a hard bulled tvg, of his Men weiu wi.unjed. In the emu- j J-''ds lutuii.ed into the Capitol, saying mciiccniiiiil of the fii-lil ihu Captain lereivtj l'u'i'''il ' a d -d foul." The Pre- um.J in his soiJ aim, uhieh blud pin. , ''le"' P"B " one t.f the Police, akmj if fiitfly, ai.. in ihu chaise lie altacUJ a po- "homy lo nuke an arrest. Cap- ulul young l.iJun who Mt, un loot, and f. ', Ui" ,ullll'"ll,"' "J ollicet l,rt shortly af. Ur haviiig iiisdii ucil ruls al bun, Ihu In j u'' ""J Jvllaida, whoUtfuieJ Ihiowmg d an sod U nly apt .n. (lum under hi, buist'i ink, writ lu bu aii4dy Jijii, ami hot j thoSH.-'A thluiljl hi, bud). l,t).J v j Ihu li;lil i Ir, tluul t ini' kbove the i.a. kl an I Ulow ll.e nls, nu t lUa iion br I (tine nut bn th Irft si l, ul a spine, tuvu g tut lliiuoh I.. ui. tell Ivhiii I U di I'leaiiuw out mi h tuili t,4ii. I,, mid llin g il.eanu in.nul, Uy duaii le die He, lw.l, si, 4(,,s lu Yuti I,J In the (uuimi i. iu g, ii,,. j4)t ( w. I.. .is i, 4 ,,t,,ji j -4 u. lU ls ll.. ... I.lly u, 4,y I IU Ike UliU Hsll lii, bus IL ,l,iu d.) sn.te be its, Mvuui.J, ,u ikltm J..Iij..I.J !. ui4ut. ttw li4. buss 1 Tun.', lt4 S..J MkfeiU) kit t,t W llltwM U itf, 11,41 b , t.l t,' wl tie Js) vi les ih,) k J From the New York H" A RI MIA VIEW OF THE WAB-OMMOiW OF COTTMAW.A Rl'ftMA AGENT. On his arrival in London, Dr. Coltinan wtole the following exceedingly interesting letter, in reply to n communication from Mr. George N. Sanders, our Consul to London : '' Cot. GeoRO N. SASoeas Sir I hava just arrived here on my way from the seat of war in the Northeast, and take it for granted that a true natrative would interest you, being perfectly aware that you appreciate at their proper value the details vou have had through the London and Paris journals. France and England have equipped the finest fleet that ever itoateu, ami ib.ii u to the Baltic to insliuct the Russians in geo- graphy. They have been hunting up places so far north that the sun never sets upon them for more than two months at a time. There are not more than five hundred persons in St. Petersburg and Moscow together that ever heard nt tsrainstaoi, uuearjorg, sec, until they hud been bombarded by the allied fleets. By the way, speaking of Ullcaborg, the greatest vandalism of the present century was there committed. The account in tho Dublin Post, from the journal of an officer on board of the Leopard, is as near the truth as anything you have seen since the com mencement of the war. as there has been a systematic perversion and suppressio vcri in everything that has been delivered to the public since April last. It is true, as the Leopard's officer tells yon, that they sacked, pillaged and burnt the de fenceless town of Ulleaburg ; but ho does not tell you what was the fate of tho women in that village, where he says: ''No resistance was offered and we landed tho marines." 1 will tell you they wero all violated by the crews 01 iweiny Doais, pretending to oe civil- j i.ed and Christians. Ho tells you "we began ( the work of destruction on Thursday, and did ) not leave off until Friday morning at "ten j o'clock." After appropriating to themselves j the property of the citizens, and violating the persons of their wives and duughters, he continues: ' Il was near costing us our lives, for we got hemmed in the river by ihe fire. Twice we attempted to burst through it and twice failed. At tho third time, the First Lieutenant cried out 'Pull, pull for dear life one more attempt.' For about one hun dred yards I had lo close my eyes and put my hands to my face; I was scorched and roasted ; hair was singed ; we got out faint ing and half-grilled ; we had a nariovv escape, and lost one man ; this morning some of his skull and spine were found burn ed to a cinder; it was a dicadful night's work as ever I was at and a terrible one. Let the civilized world judgo of the result of this drunken orgie. A town where theie was neither 6oldier or gun, sacked, pillaged, and devastated by fire, the work of the ma rines of twenty of her Majesty's ships. Nol content with destruction of property, the virtue of women was assailed with equal ferocity and baseness. The writer speaks truly when he says, "We destroyed every thing virtue, goods and chattels. The un fortunate inhabitants were like madmen; il was a sad sight lo see the creatures; many a ma arose yesterday in good circumstances, and that night was a ruined man." Thus you see Merry Old England, wilh all her j vain glory and boasting, reduced in action lo a level with tho pagan Turk, whose cause ene e(lr!ouses. i Washington, Aug. 5 -Immediately after I ,he lj"ummenl of tho Senate, as the Presi I l,ei:l 01 u"'loJ Sla,e wni leaving Ihe , ".''t A" lu"t"''l"l thru l' I bu- iuiu lapiain iiuuniiiiuii. One wilueas saw lum with an rVli in , ,4l,d (uw miimiv pieviuns lo Ihe a.aull. Auoihvi lu.hliud Ili4t l.o taw him thiwtt an rjj and bu ihe rii.ioi. I tiu Jui. ice di id. lo buM biia to bail. huit H.u attuavd sum fui t.i,io Kians, lu Jutilmu bviMiming bail. IU than aunt lii aiiiUiir. ,i i,e in ran hmu, bacoixii.g uiuiu It Lui.ily, d.cLaui.g i,at I mi. I lu j4,l, l.a ublJ 1,1,1 te liimg IU l-k but ticall k'ulu aiJ i4tbJ aitsiMll iu tlx lug, juat ttu(s il,, , ., a)ii.g be JliMiu.a4 III Wlaod l JaaiU, bu ovuuj bUa in.g bivfuaalf, kti, Ks aj t ai.J, su. sllwWuU l li le fauu 4 1 1 AiiMiua iiai.oal el Ibt )ui,iu,a uualu4 lw t splat lauhli'giu) Ik ln v L I'taatlvut lfc I La Liatixi be hul fi THE AMBRICA1T. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, AVGIST 19, 1834. II. D. MASftER, Editor and ProprlHor. To ADvrKTUim.--The circulntlni, of the American among the different towna on the Sutquehmuia i not exceeded if equalled by any paper put.liihed i n North ern Pennsylvania. Democratic State Nominations. FOR GOVERNOR WILLIAM EIGLEIt, Of Clearfield County. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, Of Somerset County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. HENRY S. M0TT, Of Pike County. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY NOMINATIONS For Congress, WILLIAM L. DEW ART, (Subject to the decision of the Convention.) For Senator, JESSE C. HORTON. '(Subject to the decision of the Convention.) Anscmbhi, D. B MONTGOMERY, of Lewis. Sheriff, HENRY READER, of Delaware. Profionoan, JAMES BEARD, ofSunbtiry. Commissioner, ELI AS BROSIOUS, of Sunbnry. .4ri(fi(or, JOHN YOUNG MAN, of Sunbnry. EDITOR'S TAISLK. EF" Land Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose of hem for cash, by applying at this office. 1X7- The letter from a correspondent at Saratoga came too late for this weeks paper IE?" Major General. We neglected to mention that Maj. Gen. Win. II. Kase, was re-elected to that office, at the late military election held in this place. OCT" Conferees. Major Wm. L. Dewart has selected Charles J. Bruner, J. II. Zim merman and G. B. Youngman, Esqs., as his conferees, (o meet the conferees of Schuylkill county, to nominate a candidate for Congress in this district. CvFire! Quite a number of people were suddenly gathered around the premi- ! ses of Mis. Thompson's Hotel on Wedties day forenoon, in consequence of an alarm ol fire. Someone had carelessly thrown a basket ol coal ashes against the fence near the 6tabling, which had set the fence on fire. Had the fire not been discovered it would soon have reached the stable. Such carelessness should be avoided. HT"" Killed. A person by the name of William Camp, acting foreman of the car. penters at the Creen Ridge Colliery break er, was killed, almost instantly, on Tuesday, by the fly wheel of the upper rolls falling upon him. and crushing his head upon one of the rolls. He lived but about fifteen minutes after the accident occurred. 01" Emigrants. Six or seven families of Polish emigrants arrived at this place in pursuit of work some days since. They landed in Canada, whence they were bound, but the cholera having carried of several of their number, they left for more favored climes. The men could have obtained work in town, bu! as they wished to get work that all could be employed, they made engagements wilh some of the opera tors in Shamokin, to work at the mines, for which place they took Ihe cars on Thursday. C7" The coal operators and landholder, in Schuylkill county held a meeting and unanimously addressed a letter to Mr. Tucker, President of the Heading Railroad, requesting liim not to reign. Mr. Tucker ha, been an able officer, and bis public and private character is unimpeathed. Hi, retaliation would be regretted by all who know him. $y Benj. Ileilihold, Kq., Treaiuier vf Lancaster county recently paid into the State Treatury $34,000 on account ol th slat la due by Lancaster county fur the current year, Mr. R.-inhuld is one 01" the iiumrrou, rulerpriiiuj Lnc,.lrin inter rttrj ill our cual rvjfiun, bciuj wn of Ihe firm of Cochran, IVale & Co., of th Lsn. tlrr colliery, near Slismukin. In point ol wraith, Wrrilory and population, .n. cuter county smite of our 1 1 tstr. Well may h b be cslh-J the jrJ0 of I'mns) It tins. XT The lhf Ihe t wrck hstbsra Cikil u4 tbfirlur flisuiit. (it Muiidsy U4 it was inJerJ lixs CuU o ,uiiii.i btil. iiuvuis, and wool wt( prvdy nrlly lrflJ le, Tbe iitleMte btl uf suiiiintr, b, we trwal, ) J r. II " Tb bib tb sbl alwte M'l IwS) b U r tllJ, klij tbe wli w l i i tbwitJ. TUB TICKET Our readers will find in our columns, this week the ticket agreed upon at the Democratic Convention held at this place on Monday last. For Congress Major Dewart had Ihe field to himself or at most but a few voles in opposition. This was also Ihe case wilh Jesse C. Horton the can didate for the Senate. The result for Con press will now depend upon Schuylkill. Who will be the choice of that county we are unable to say. Dauphin county, which forms part ol this Senatorial district, will, no doubt, concede the member to this county, and Mr. Horton will unquestion ably be the candidate. James Beard our present popular Pro thonatary has been nominated tor re-election by a lare majority, notwithstanding a severe opposition. Henry Reader has received the nomina tion for Sheriff". He is well known to the people of this county as one of our former Sheriffs, and a most popular officer. He will be generally well supported, and, no doubt elected. For County Commissioner, the selection has fallen on Elias Drosious. Mr. Rro sious is an industrious and honest mechanic, who will no doubt make an excellent offi cer. For Auditor, John Younsman, Esq., has been selected. As Mr. Youngman is a brother editor he needs from the press no other endorsement. Editors are generally qualified, or should be, for any office. We have said nothing about the nominee for Assembly, and lest our readers might think we have forgotten him, we have only lo say that Mr. Montgomery 'A'as never suspected of having any superior qualifica-1 lions for the office he so eagprly aspires lo. PEMOTRATIC col NTV CONVENTION". The democratic county convention met j in this place on .Monday last. Wm. Beard was appointed President, James Cameron 1 i and John I arnsworth Yice Presidents, and Henry Donnel and J.ts. Eckman Secretaries, j Afler settlinz the disputed claims of the' return Judges from Lower Mithanov and Little Mahanoy, the convention proceeded j to rnnnt nr. Ihe votes Inr Ih,. HiA-ronl r, J dictates, as follows : For Congress, Wm. L. Dewart, no opposition. Senator, Jesse C. Horton, no opposition. Assembly, David 13. Montgomery had Vll'i Gideon M. York., 122G Majority for Montgomery, 9 Prothonotary. James Heard, I. Beidelspach, Majority for Beard, Sheriff, Henry Reader, 13C7 suo ti77 1033 1019 329 193 G. V. Armstrong, Dennis Wolverton, James Buoy, Reader's majority over Armstrong, Commissioner, Eliai Brosions, Frederick Haa., George Bright, Martin Gass, 13 890 t)0-2 449 317 Majority for Brosious over highest, IDS Auditor, John Youngman. M. J. D. Withinjton was appointed delegate to the npxt 4th or March conven- jjQn ... ... ,i , In the morninu it was general! v under - r- ' .i i 1 1. i ?. .. ...... .. i i i... n u(h, ...a. u.,ua,.-u , a ,u- jority of sixty, therejult therefore surprised nearly every one. Time will, however, solve Ihe mystery. ... ,. -, . ITT" The Willnmsport ai.d Klimra Rail - road was opened for travel on .Monday la,it between those two place,. The cars leave Williamsport at 7 in the moriiing-, and F.lmira at i in the afternoon. Fare $2,2.V The road between and Williamsport will be completed in a few moths-and , , . , a, soon as the I'Z mile, between this place and M.llon.and Ihe Su.rpiehanna road, b. - tween Ibis place and Ilarrisburir are finished, there will be a first cla rail nad column- nication from Baltimore and Philadelphia to the Lakes, of such easy grade, and slight curve,, that will make il, beyond all com petition, the grand thoroulilare lor traveller, north and south. OCT Masonic. The la Milton Demo crat contain, the addi'es, ul (ieu. Joii.v Kay Clkmi:nt, delivered on Ihe occasion of the Masonic proces.ion, al .Milton, on the ISth ol June l.ut. The addr. u i well writ-! ten production, and wu. well received by the craft and ulhcr, in attemUnce. rT- Danviix UANK.-There w a. . run ... . . on this Iunk nine t!,v since, on account of Hi reported fa.lore ol the Mudour Iron Coinpny, erowinj out of th Is. lor o Mr. Tuikrr. There tin, hmtrvrr, rround, I r inv si nri hriuion ul dannn. ri. li . . i. : .. j i. -.. i 1 1 . i i I ur iait ! Ill liiir il ,rpHii,:jii, uaiMi., Hid the M.mluur Coi. ny in.i.l , coining money il lb present puce of iron. ' I be M4sctiovii . Council," rtl bie.l iMut'Ulsw at u Uvdlu'd It Jei.i on. iJ .. b.uee (ui i.ul g,in lb i'uluiv-1 people Kim wl lit uiui,f .,i.usiJ lu l.i in K.-(li.d, le Jbl..h 4 l.iM.1. ad i t dvUi lite u.wui) she bold, in nl fi ibe loi.t til ul lb culuiad j-le I'lsisd ih kl bi.d ! be um4 bi d.iii..H u.('til Im UK, auJ ue b light Iw H bi lu eiiisis! J.wkJ .1 lb Vku)t bill, ! f.l bb", ltJ) TJ Presentation or a Cane to Col. i StrAub.- Some of the personal friends oi Col. Straub, at Washington city, some days since presented him wilh a hickory cane, mounted wilh California gold. The cane was cut in Nebraska, and was presented through Col. Carter, of Lycoming. The following is the reply of Col. Straub : Col Carter Sir: I acknowledge with deep sensibility the substantial mark of re spect presented by my Pennsj Ivnnian friends through you, their representative. Il is an evidence of iheir kindness and generosity to an humble individual, who thinks ho does not merit it ; Rnd, permit mu to add, thnt it is as unexpected as it" is undeseived. Your refeiencn to my attachment to Ihe great principle of selftiovernmenl, and which is the vital piincipel of ihe Nebraska bill, is correct. Should ever ibis principle fail lo be recoeni zed by Ihe people of these Slates (which God foibid .') there will be nn end to the Union. In regard lo the nbnse of Ihe abolition press, refeired lo by j on, Colonel, it has not di-tur-bed Ihe equanimity of my temper in Ihe sliuhlest decree ; nor can ihe open or anony mous iiltaeks, wilh which I have been hon ored, force me lo yield lhal notice whieh Iheir authors seem so ardently to desire. Time and the good sense of a free people will consign "to Ihe lomb of the Capolels" the men who would "burn down the Capitol," and set Iheirnwn blasphemous interrelations of a "hiuhar law" above ihe laws of the land, t accept the cane, and will ever look upon il ns a most valued sift as .1 memento of friends whnsu names will bo cherished names as long as memory lasts. In conclu sion permit me lo say. Ilia! lo support nil the Slates in their just and equal riatits is to sup port Ihe Cuiistiiulion ; bnl, to refuse lo do so, is a filiation ol that saeied instrument " At the conclusion of the piepentation, the nnmpaliy repaired to a bountifully supplied table, on which fisnred, with patriotic) con spirnoiisness, n Berks county ham, and some of the lid live clement of the Monongahu'a reeion. Tim inscription on the cane is a follows: 'To Hon. C M. Stianli; 1R5 1; Nebiaska Kansas; from Pennsylvania friends as a nie- : .l -I VWMf r. " moiial of XXX11! Conpress." THE ISEl'OIIIII) DIiMTY TO TIIK l it liSIDI- T. The Washington Union gives the following nL't-nl111 f Ihe supposed insult offered to the V'eMe"1 of ,he ui,e'1 St,lle9' ,l w' bu seen thai it differs materially from the teln. . f , gtaph nccottnt of the same occurrence, As i(0 nm eMKtaleii rumors are being circulated in relation to an indignity supposed to have been nflVrod in the President ves'er. i day, we have taken pains to ascertain the faul' lvhit! we have done, nn.l present .'hem n follows : The President dining the morn, as is customarv for the F.xeeulive at Ihe S close of a session of Cnnces., had been al : lhe Canilol annroviiiL' snd sinnm" bills. At I about two o'clock, all the business requiring i . i . , . , , , b" P'"""" bavin;: been closed, he left the j Vice President's, room, in company wilh the I Postmaster General and his private Secretary, On arriving at Ihe entrance of the passage . . . . which leads to the Menate chamber, the l President waited for a moment for his ear- j riaise lo come up. While standing there, a young man, without a coat, but otherwise I dressed like a Eenilemau, approached the I ,. . .. , ,. , I t resident, and reinaiuing respeetfullv llntt ; his name was Jeireries, and that he belonged to Charleston, South Caioliua, extended his S hand, tthieh tho Piesidenl look. There was . . i r i . nolhinS in the lan-uaae or beaiitiL' of lhe ' young man u hich indicated intentional rude- .... .... i nnsj. althonyri h! was evidentlv in a stale I . ,' . - . , r . bordermir upon insiituty from the cilects of liquor. I lie young man, atter having shaken -, hands wilh tho President, retired in the di- j i rection of the dr. The carriage came up ; immediately, and as the President was slep. pinu in liomethina struek his hat. Mr. Web. j I sler inquired, "what was that ?" The Presi. ileut leplied "he did nol know j" but al that moment obseivin Ihe intoxicated young man make ome violent gesticulation, ho suggested to a policeman standing rie::r that ho had letter take earn of him, though at that limn it was his own impieum, and that f Mi. Webster, that whatever struck his j hat was accidentally thrown from an upper window. The caniaue was immediately . , . ,. ., ., . di iven away, and the rresulenl neither spoke - ' Mi f ,ie occurrence till information ; wn( b(tli.h, ,0 llim lhl(, ,llo ,,, Ilian hl bl,,. rrePied for throwing wl t prnve.l to j be the remaining portion of a hard-boiled ens "f which he had eaten n part, when ho im- ! mMy r,qne,.d discharged, ' nl(l) Wlt f.j,.,,,! it- u.ey could be found, be i K1,t or lo lake euro of him. We aUo learn that this nnfortiiniite young man is, as he stated, from ("h.ul. ston, and lhat he came ! "i1"'" n f"w ''''V w"'' '' '"'"her to thi ' fi'V. vi"il ;-". '- "t i highly respeeleil and estimable penlleman , ,' , . , u u Hisdelninm since Ins arrest, has been such jB(l0 ri.qnir 1B j,,,,.,,,,;, ol fril.llU , pleVint him from inllietmg wound upon his j own peron. He is, a we utiderMand. in the care of kind friends, and we hope he may derive a salutary lesson from this mortifying expel ience. iMroiiT t r hiom m-aim. (eueral Kverenu San Miguel i named Minis er of War. Hi nomination was re. ceived with enthusiasm by the people. The infant Hon Feidiiiuudo, hioihcr of Ihe King, isdca.l. Count M.mln melimi, accompanied by (Jeneial f'.lio, has enteied N.iv4i 10, vtheie Caili.l nioveiiiPiil has biokin nut. The Flinch foviMiiinenl is about to et kh!ih a of vbeilUm lh9 .vr., f.on. ,lir C,"':"n h ' '; andie. Qiieeu Nabel.n h I not lu!l Ma. j )( ( ' nim((iiJ of ,h, u!limf,t lh- ,. ,U1(WU 0f ,hB Madrid cke, lb p.'ae. u( ! Qeen Chiisiina, in the Cn'.te d las H'yi, I ai. I ihu Mhhii of M. Jij'aoisi.i a. at U I i i . i i. ... i . 'i , .... t. r-i-i i"., iun .tip i i.h i,i,.,m n., I lu ltk "'"H" '" ")' !'" ',i '" f''-'- MtUlt lie. I r'll'H . irpiM t'ui'u. ut. i ii,, i .i.e . ukeu i.iiM.i..i, but ii.. . ., sUlv.t.ei.l mi not hue. Al Ma.iu,, ursr (iieis.lj, a btlle (oi.jl.l tltil Ihe Ixo'it J O Ull.loll B'SMI. Ill Utl lhal IU Cuiii.l d ii IUiiiio, u. li..i' I li ', (iu) uui. ''J ' ..(.... i 1 Usi U b ..l ioi.iiiutt un Ik 'l lb liisuiw"' I .UIU. Ik lwl. b l M-.f (. .iei bo t u s.i li.iii '. kI U.h IkI bl Cirwk lu.'Miilw'l' Ktaiy Man lkl i-l el W a tut !)) . mi4 Mortalii y Com i no to Lite. A man named Amos Ewing, residing in Downing. Ion, was attacked by cholera, and died on Friday last. On Ihe following day his daugh ter died of Ihe same disease, and on the fo. lowing day (Sunday lasl,) his wife died. Strange to relate two hours afler tin latter was supposed to be dead, and while they were preparing the coffin, she came to life. and is now doing well. UVst Chester (Pa j Record. New Advertisements. Agricultural Fnir. THE Executive Committee of the Nor thumberland County Asrricnlloal Socie ty met al the house of Wm. Streater, in Northumberland, lo appoint judges, deter mine n list of premiums, and fix a day lor Ihe next annual Fait to be held alShnmokin. It was resolved to hold the) Exhibition al Shamokin, on Tuesday October i7lh, between the horns of 9 A. M and 6 P. M. The. following gentlemen weie appointed a Committee of arrangements : W. L. Hoi fenstein, Wm. Marshall, S A. Retastreser, Dr. Wm. Alwaler, W. M. Weaver, Wm Fagely, Dr G Robins, Elida John, W. P. Wilhincton, John Cochrane, Henry Lo: g riucker, A. R. Fisk, Kirnber Cleaver. LIST OF PREMIUMS. Horses. Best Stallion over 4 yeais old, 2d tin do Best do under 4 years old, 5d do do"' Rest Mare and Colt, 2d do do Rest pair of match Horses, Best Silicic Horse, Cattle. Best Bull over 2 years, 2d do do Best Bull under 2 years, 2d do do Best Cow, 2d do Best Heifer, 2d do Best yoke of Oxen, 21 do dn Best Fat Animal, 2d do Striim. Best Boar, 21 do Rest Sow, 2d do Best pair of Shoals, 2d do S4 CO 00 Of) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 on 50 00 2 00 3 00 1 50 4 on 2 00 :i on 1 50 3 0(1 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 (II) 1 50 2 00 2 00 Best lilter of pigs under 3 months, I ""sl Sheep. j r,.,, rjalT1) j Rest Ewe, 2 00 2 Of) 2 00 2 00 B'"' Lamb, j Bc"sl fal Ua,T , Poultry. ! 0(1 ; 1 00 I 1 00 ; I 00 1 '! j 3 nn 1 oo I I 2 00 i 1 00 : 2 00 ' j B''M P?irof Turkeys, i tlo do Geese. , (,u (() Musk p,, I do do Puddle do j Rest pair large Asiatic Fowls, ' ' , . fNime premium lor any lino breed, Co,,cli(Jn) 3 ! 2d do j G.ain and Potatoes. j Best bushel of wheat, i ' , ','0, , i best bushel of corn, j 2d do ' Ifi'st An rye. Best do oats, I l'0,i'01''. "O do J jjesl j, do of sweet potatoes, 1 ,. , ., I cgctabtcs. . . . , , , Best beets, nol less than li, ,j0 ,.arroi, t0 00 on : oo ; 50 . 00 i oo ; i 00 Ol) wo 00 '. 01) ; 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 do parsnips, do do turnips, do do saisily or oyster plant, do onions, do cabbage do cauliflower, I) 6 do 3 do do 12 do squash, do pumpkins, do e'U-planls, do tomatoes, do celery, do stalks, do assortment of garden vegetables, t ruit. Best J bushel of apples, do 4 do quinces, do 4 do pears, do 4 tlo peaches, do 6 bunches of grapes, do water melon, do musk melon, or citron, Implements. Dest threshing machine, do reaper, do see, I di ill, do w union ino mill, do com shelter, do plow, do cultivator, do roller, do corn plow, do staw cutler, do farm wagon, do sell of harness, do horse rake, do grain cradle, Dairy, 'c. Best butter, nut less lhan livo lbs , do honey, do do loaf ol bread, 4 lb, , do cure. I by exhibitor, jj lo C lbs. ot tioiiie-inade soap, do apple-butter, 6 quarts, do preserves, Domestic Mamiailurc. lies! .pill', do counterpane, 1 00 I 1 oo ; 1 I'O 1 00 I no i t oo 1 00 j I ! 00 3 00 2 Oil 2 00 a oo a oo 2 00 2 oo 2 00 2 0O 2 00 2 0.) I 00 I 00 do heunh ruo, do pan id blankets, do 20 taids of cupel, do chilli, (boinn-inade,) 10 )uids, do llaiinel, do pan kull wolloil !oi Ln,, oi oc k , dn g'ove or miltens, da hoHio-ina lo lliiead, I lb., Mii:illmixis Ait all i For mecluiiu'itl iiivonlinus, tools fu.uituie, 4it. I ii' her smell's not coining u i ter si y of thrt above heads, nutrl will b' deiurd, j aeeordinj In th iiiran uf In sm.i.'i), un I lhe menu ol the nudes eh.b.ld. ' plo-man, " ' ''u 00 I UO 1 110 . i I The folluum cmini ie the n sp. . . 1 1 . - , . i, " ?;- K k,if V '" 'i;''''' loa. K . tfei. isimu . hn, IU Win j s,4i,, ! ttlliS J. C lUiini, Julm Mji.Ijci... !. J -LU l'0".kl. WUI II bM, i.ivb .r.sliili.rf, (Mtsniuim II. I 00 I 00 1 00 W.m Klliuel, J"i'i M !', K..J It kllliU'lMslV, (ildl II ' u Id-'iu. Aul.ew Aim. UaMif). I'll IUu-wul, I UWU. W"l lo( VVlM. il l..4lWs'l I'ulilkl I C Pi'i.ii, t.'su ' W. f. r-)., Ww M (Vs., si. I. Msu- - ' ( . b.l j.ll, I -.4 itUi., l i Htu Alex. Jordan, Jan. Pollock; Alex. Colt, Horatin G. Taggart, Elida John FrI'IT. John Youripmnti, C. J. Brtitief, Wm. I. Greennuph, H. B. Masser, H. J, Wolveilon, S. R. Peal, M. L. Shindel. David Tacaart, C. W. Tharp. Henry Donnel, Chas. A. Kuiz, W. C. Lawson, W. M. Rockefeller. In this department, flavor will be the ohief ciiierion of excellence. A full attendance of Ihe committee is confidently anticipated. Implement A. R. Fisk. Dr. Robins. W. II Muench, Reuben Fagely, Benjamin Hendricks. Dairy, Etc William Deppen, Beuja Wolverlon, J W. Friling, Charles Pleast Ira T. Clement. mirt Pleasants, Domestic Manufactures J. Muench. Dr. J. J. Miller. David N. Lake, D. C Watson, J. Robins, Jr. Miscellaneous Renj Palton, John Ta- carl, Wm. Forsyth, Wm. G. Scott, Wm. L. uewaii, oamuei it. wood, U. U. Uachman. i'Lowing Match Elijah Crawford, J R i riBsny, j. weimer, Lmhou, Joh .1 c ... (Upper Ausnsta,) Jacob Painter, Felix Leroh William Farrow. None but members of the Societv will .. permitted to compete for prizes. Persons from any county, Slate or country can become members on payment of fifty cent, lo the Tieasurer, or a township com milteman. Competition is earnestly invited from all parts of tha country, and from neighboring counties. .Indues will commence iheir duties at 10 o'clock. The plowing match will take place nt 1. The nddress will be delivered at 3 by John Ynnnaman, Esq , after which ihu awards rvill be announced from Ihe stand. The township committees are particularly requested lo attend lo lhe collection of th yearly dues. SAMCEL JOHN, President. Wm I. CitF.KsottHi, ) c David, pretaries Dissolution of Partnership. TV'OTK'C is Irrrrhy given thnt (lie partnership in the ronl liunincss, heretofore rxitinir un der the firm nr Knse. & Donty wos Jisolvrd 0 the lt of August inst., hy mutual ronsriil. xv. c, JOHN IJOl l'V, The business will he conducted hereafter nn- '- Ihe firm of Kase & Reed, to whom all order . .i coal will he directed. Sunliury, Aug. 12, 1S5I. Last Notice. A I. f. persons indiMcd lo the estate of Henr A- Conrad, dee'd., on bonds, ihiIck, and boot ncrounts, &c., are rciucstrd to call on the riiIi seriliers lor settlement, on or before the 20th ol eptemlier next. The accounts of ull person nesjlertini; this notice, will IB put into the hand of a Justice lor collection. JOHN 1). CONKAD, ) ,. . 1IE.NKV COMIAU. l x tor Lower Augualu tp., Aug. la, 1S51. 3t. HEKOVAL. MILMXEKY ESTA1JLISIIMEXT I .i a m; iaiLi.i;n, EJt. KsPEl'TrTLLY informs her friends, and Qi the public in general, Ihut she has reinov- ed from her old stand, having lorulej herself, at .Vo. 8 South Sixth Street, upper side, Philadelphia. Wheic she will be happy nt all times, to supply her customers mid friends, with all kinds of MILLINERY, &c. &c, and hopes by strict attention to business, to mor- it a continuance of a libernl shore of custom Her friends and the public is iiiviu d lo call, belfire pun basins ebewhere. Very l'espcctfiilly, . JANE Mil, LUB. N. H. All orders punrtuallv uttended to. I'bil.idrlphia, Aug. 12, I .V1. 3t. OKI' MASS COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be iwi.orJ to public sale, on fATL'KUAV, the Oth of sEPTE.MliER next, on the. premises, the following described real estate, to wit : a Certain Tra:t of Lnntl, situate in Mi.i.iiokin toiTimhip in the county u foresaid. Hounded by lauds of Hubert Iluey, Jacob Smith, Reuben Wjsser, II. II. Teats, Ps tcr Yost, John liecd and nlbers, coriininiui; sev tnty two acres und one hundred nud lilly c.Rht perches more or lcs. I.alv the Eslale oi James I'nce dee'd sale to comnieiice at 10 oYlock A. .l., ol said day when I lie terms of sale will ho made known by DAVID MA KIT!, Adrn'r. llv order of lhe Court, 1 J. I'". i't i:si:i cik. o. o. Sunbury, Aug. 1-, 1S."1. ) A DJOURNED SPECIAL COURT PROCLAMATION. VOT1CF. is heieby civen lhat a Special Court ot Common I'leas, in and lor llxi ; County of Xurihumberlund, lo commence at ill. too. I House, in the birou-:h of Sunbnry, at 10 o'clock, A. M , mi Monday the tfirh d.iv of October next, and will continue ON WF.KIC. Jnrois are retpiestrd to b punctual in their iitli'i.d.iiice. at the appointed aL'reeabli' lo their notices, (iven under my hand al Stiubnrv, Ihe 12th day of Anuust, in tlm yeai of our Lord one thousand eight huiiilied miA (iltyfonr, and the Independence of the L'.'.iled Stalt-s of Amend the "Silt. WILLIAM II. KIIM'. fbrhtr. attiaho.n, DI.1V Alt T a 4KI!! Y'tll ure ioirby couimaudi d to mret ill Market ipiare, nul'Ul). on MONDAY. At Ul ST r,t. st tioclock, A. M., fully uprped for drill. Each iiiriiiU r to lr .ruidid Willi 10 rounds (4' blank cartridge. Hy Older of l be Captain. I'.. . IlKKillT. SJ Nunbury, August I'.', t5l.. AllFMInN, I'lDSFBV IM) JEllllMtS' .Mi l ll.lllllS S ! ! "l'l sirl.i i.l v i n I..SI..I. J Is U ul III .Ma' Lit Cqtalr, ill Ml Nl'A , lb S I.I ul .U(ii.l I XI l o J-nk, A- M-. fully rquip td l. i dull, fob inriiilwr I ' .ib 11 louiola ui Msi.k tsiliu'S"' "v Cl lsn., M l 1'Vt'N M Ut'll. O l. I 00 . oo I H I 00 I I oo I iVi I oo W i u I 00 i Y I no . . 1 00 I 00 .1 I oo Ml I oo vTj I oo U) I O0I ftrT! I'un.l.isl iirndiio ! i' an elrc n ui ul i.J t ouil. Ap-litl t In id on Hist .Ujr. sii.i.i.uit, ii- Ma' "i I ' lk lk "I IU Mi bls IM lb U I ! tx.oM. All UiMiisli.C. jiIUmimIh-Ii..IumI,. M.kuuilK SomlMHU KM II. Ml Msl-UiMUl. .us,pilfSl l.l..i "J ll .. 41.U1 SMr .! Uf-M tU wliilsii I'lt tsil.'l. W III I V VI ACI'IKV. M. U. r- (is. X , s I. I'lS. XWUSl W, ll AUeuliu) Uee4 luteult 1 1 m 'III' i k'i.l M.a,.i.J w aw4 ibe I llu, -t .i. .J. " I J m b.4,, i a'.la. ' M , im (fc.l MMilmuj, I- U. I Hm v ' f-4 i'tt tl -I I !! I ttv , .. I I-.