SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN J OURNAL. AMERICAN USE ALMANA UIIIII 1S44 Jan. Phi Ii: :ll 4 lit 6 13 13 Jutr. i 9' 10111 2 S 4 n in1 1 1 ,i a 7 17 1 1.1 H i 91 si 7, IS 17'IH ; an 3i Fit. e a 4 B 10 II '31131 i ; S l' 1(1 I lilt) l'Jil3 II 18 17, If ipai'sil,a3!2l,iK WIHll-1 I(1I7 If 1!" iao'l22'2:l 21 2128 27,29j21l30 31 I 3 4 tl ' ! " 10 II 12 13,14 IS I" 17 in 1O 20 21 22 23 N.m.t-it .Mar. j 1 a bI a In 1 1 I 6 7 8gn 1.1: 1 17 19 in'flft BiW Ki:2l .'Am. i !l 2-1 xn.W'j -: .1" 2 3 4 8 7 Orr. II 3 4 a; 0, 7 111 12 nil 1 III II 12 13 It i.V ,18,17 1" man 2i 22 i it.-, 10 22. 23 IS III 211 21 l 21:2.5 'JO 28 27.2S 2!i; ,28 27,ae I I I SI 12 13 111 211'! 20.30, ! Mat. , I 21 3 4 10! 1 1 Nov. 2, 3 4 IMH It I 7 Hi !' S 8 ir.jifl 17 1ft 12 13 17, IN 20.271. 10,20 21 nl 4' Si 22 23 21 2U!3H1 1 20, 30 ! Juki. I Dc. 13 8 9 is in M 0:1 s o 7! n 8 ii 'ia I3.14I1.1 in lolll2 1 11 1 1 II- 19 211,91 24 2'1 :I7 H io2ii2i .2.i;20,27,2-' 20,30 I I I I I I 21,2.1 2(1 27. 2- 20 30 . i i i i IT I A STIUNG OF ITEMS- the Masses. Tliis iii what lukrs place on Ilia Mississippi every time a high pressure steamer busts up. Tliey are foilifying San Fiancisco bulbar at a cost or two millions. Tlio fortifications are to consist of two lines of batteries. Seventy eight sacks of new crop wheat sold in Si. Louie, on the lOlh insl., at SI, 10 per bushel. Several other sales quoted al SI per bushel. Nicholas, Emperor of Russia, is fifty-nine yeats olj, six feet one inch high, erect ami solJier-like in form, ami, when younjr, was JeciJeJIy handsome. The Chailestou (S. C,) News says in a lato number -"We saw, this morning, a small snap-bean, the produce of a seed from the inside of on Egyptian mummy." The steamship Franklin is.repoilcd lohave perhaps the most valuable cargo (which is safe) ever brought fiom France to this conn try, being estimated al over two millions of dollars. A Snake War. In Spottsylvania county, Va., recently, a man is said to have killed sixty snakes which had made their nest under his own house. How ho managed to do this without being bitten todealh himself in. the encounter, it is not mentioned. One Phase ok British Phi las tiirohv. A female, aged seventy-seven years, was recently sent to prison in Great Britain for four months, fur having contracted a debt to procure the actual necessaries of life, without having any rensonablo expectation to pay il. Indian Meal in Ireland. The Belfast (Ireland) Mercury says, the extent to which thti sale of Indian Meal is carried on through the rural districts, seems really wonderful. At one steam-mill the average quantity turn. ed out, for the last couple of months, exceed ed fifty tons per week. .Maine Law Feeling in Alabama. The town council of Marion, Ala., fixed the li . cense for retailing liquor at $1500 per annum, thinking that this would prevent all applica tions An euterpiising individual was, how ever, about to open a shop, even at this high figure, when the council met again and raised the license to $3000. A Novel Speculation. A ' Code Palace" has been opened at Paisley, England. The palaco was recently a whiskey shop, but it is fitted tip in (he highest style of elegance and comfort, a sum of X250 having been sub scribed to start and sustain it. The piincipal room is 70 feet long, and is capable of ac commodating ICO persons at once. The Beauty ok Death. Sometimes sel. fihiie.s is merged in that "perfect love which castcth out fear." An English East Indiaman on the coast of Cornwall was recently wrecked. The captain, finding that 'hero was no hope of saving his daughtetsi who were on board tha ship, took them on his knees, and said : "My children, we will tie together." A Nice I'i di.ic Institution. Thecholeia lias been very fatal in the Buffalo poor house, mul the fiict induced the physicians to go r.J inspect Ilia state of allaira. Within twenty. lour hours fifteen insane peisons and seven others ha I died of cholera, and four other were then in a collapsed state. The house was found to bo so foul that it was almost impossible for persons to inter it. l:s inmates me in the most awful condition imaginable. On inquiry, it was found they haj been kept on itmillicieut food, and that of the worst quality. Several deaths from starvation, it iaid, had oecniie.l among the children, and the scuivy was as bad iieaily us '.ho chuleia. SUXBVRT COUNTINO It O Situ a tub Ciioira Call, ,u A family of Germans, who ru.i.led on tha Chi. ivgo rnai!, within fifteen minutes w!k of the iiy Hall, and had been supports.! m public mpeiiio fi.r the lust eight weeks, has been vept away by Ilia cholera. Kin, the l.nhor v. as taken, then the two thildien, and lastly, Ihd iiioiher, in i lio.e umleiakirt was luund two thousand fiva hundred dullms in gold. They have lived amij retrkii.j 1,1th, foul benches, mid ln-..llli-ile.lro)ii.g vapur., Ir weeks, and lu.l iu.p.i.ed itw public thaiiiy; but llieir avante has availed Iheiu lioih.infj l hey are lulling in untimely fiav.t of their w:i seeking, and tha vuiiniit i la he, lulhau iMi.caleJ wealth. Ihhmt ",c a"l44. H.MW ,u u4a,t, j,,u bt4lk t.()lll(), Kt.viy a,, nl,,,,,,, . ,, loi It,. f,,,, ,,.,, , i A iiBiuaua - i, iha i : i'..r pnu-.t Uby, H 04J ,,.4 a.,,!blIU (u u.u'liar. -i U .in,.iULy, J,oo44 J, jiniU ii.i.k. H .,ii,4 tat), .'ug4 JijIuf'U t liiuih.i. Uiftttt uoj fai. tti.l l bixlui 1 1 i4iui,:Lt(,;4 1,1 I J ts.1,.1 UlK.I, i,UO ahd J.l it u. ,,( lui 1 1 lit an 4 Uuni il,. 1 1 ui. Ui i vll - i lu l ut.,duiJ, IoaauJ I j Vi.a lu iiiuthii 'ji it Uigvil 4 J,,4 .i tl,. H k i li i.,uiUa ,;4 trf Swu. liJi t uii au4 Jij-luiua lu iit.liii I u ,t.l 4 Jl Ian li'i, a-.l .11 !! I 14 I. .. u ii - PATENT (Jalvtmizeil Iron Tubinff '05 FOR CHAIN PTJMPS, flilllS Tubing, made of Galvanized Iron by L patent macliinerv, posseascs great strength, combined with simplicity and neatness, and la warranted not to corrode, la now ottered for solo at the warehouse of the AMERICAN GALVANIZED IRON WORKS, a'i. j-i nunn i ejiin oirecr, I'HILAliKLPlllA. A full assortment of our American Galvanized Sheet and Rooting Iron always on hand. All orders promptly attended to by McCOU.OUGH & CO. rhila., May 27, 1854 3m. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring ami Summer Goods. J. F. Sc i.rT ICLINE, 1 E.SPUCTFUI.I.Y announce to their friends and ti e public in genrrnl, that they have received at their Old Uland. in Upper Aueimta township, Northumberliiud rounty, Pu., their spring an i nuinmcr liomls, oiul opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, bbiek and fimry CnssinierH, Saltinctls, Cheeks, and, all kinds i,f SPUING & SUMMER WEAK. Also a splendid assortment of ladles Dress Goods, Calieoes, Ciiigbiiins, Muslin dc I. nines, Pluid Cnsliineres, i)c lieges, l.nwns, Ac. Also a fresh supply of nil kinda, of Cirucciie. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such us Silk, Panama, and other liuls, Suit, Cheese, fic. Cull and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for rash, or in ex change for country produce, nt the highest market price. Cppcr Augusta, May C, 1854. This Way! This Way!! Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING & GRANT. O ESPECTFUMiV inform their customers and the public, that Ihey have just receiv. ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their Btorc in Market siii,ire, Sunbury. Their btock consists of every v.iriety of Dry Goods, viz : Clothr, Ctisrimcrcs, Sutlinels, Vesting, Flannels, It'ollens, tfc, And nil kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, lhragcs, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Cavs ton Men and Boys. Also a large, assortment of UlTOCEltlljS, SVCH AS Sugar, Teas, ColTee, Molasses, Spices of oil kinds. Also a Iresh supply of DRUGS AND MKP1CINKS. Besides the lamest and most general assort meut of all kinds of goods to be hud in this plaoe. IV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prico. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. New Goods for the People ! KEN J A 31 IX 1 1 EFFN E 11 RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he bus just received und opened a splrr.did slock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: 1'allrocH, f.Iiiliaiiin, I-awns, MouHNcllne le latinos and all kinds of Ladic Dress Goods. UrocrrlcN, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment nf QUEENSWARE, or various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, iV. And a great variety of other articles aueh as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. t& Country produce taken in rxchaui a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav C, 1831. TANNERY " For Sale or Kent. riHE oilers for sale or rent hi 1 TAN.NKKY, situated in the lloiirishiiia; town til .vliumokiu, NorlhumlieiUiid Comity. The lanuiiry ia well located and supplied with a foun tain u ruiiiiinu water. The building is of frame 57 by "li feet, on a stone basemeiil. 4 he yard eonuina 'ii vats, all in ricellent order. Dark an, I bides arc abundant, Po.M-uti.ii will U-nivrn immediately. If tha rurty ia not sold, llie suWrilx-r Would 11 01, o Ijliili'J aiHkl partner, one hu could come well recommended, or be would ' niiploymciii to good hand at Mauri, il sp hcaiioii U uiaile .n. Aa there is n ulliri I41U11 ry in .SUaiiioliin. tha abut atr.iids an ii,,oilui ily lo , ii,.4 the buainiM, aeldoiu ulleicj. ,. . DWIKL EVEUT. Miain.,ki4i, June 10, if. Iu4 k IIMtl M ult It ESTAHLXSXirXENT, MurL, I , S duo 1 1 ,u,f ,ht H(J Alo4 Utl Suiilury, r. lUlMOMi U:illtKMJ.l l i:'i:t in i.i.v i,.,ir. iu ani.i(0 bj lb. pllw Ivhi l'U.4, liUl ,,,4 ,,!, U., J.y.lijr, .bull La ,,I4 M U1U.U14I piurs. il.,,.' al lit .tioiU.1 44iiiia. OuiiUf), Msy V, 161. If. JAMES B7CQI, Jr. NN uiii'dttiii, . Altai, ' I r I t..,, auiu U,..u it4.l. 1 4. ATTENTION! For the Metropolitan Clothing Store of 0. ELSBERO & CO.. Afrniff Srrwr, opposite the fast Office. W1 I Have just received and on hand now the most beautiful. Inrireat anil lira! asanrleil stock of ready-made Clothing adapted to Spring and Summer wear ever before brought into ounuury or any place in this section of the coun try. Our Clothing made liy the best hands and under our own supervision, wo know will give entire satisfaction to buyera. (Slill adhering to our old motto "Cheap for tW,," we'll dispose of our gooda reasonable and rapidly. All we say is! come, examine and prke our goods and we icei sure you II liny. We otTcr you at the verv lowest nricea cverv imaginable variety of Coals, Vests and pants, cut in the last fashion and warranted to fit. Cloths, cassimeres. sattinetts, linens, drillings, jenns, silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo thing. Also a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes ; among these a splendid variety of ladios shoes, ladies and gents gaiters, etc. SILK HATS, Panama, Pahulcaf, Pearl and all other Hals and Caps wo have n greot variely of. Also a great lot of trunks, valises and carpet baga for sale cheap JKWKI.KY. We have a splendid lot of watches, and all kind of Jewelry auitalilc for ludiesand gentlemen. PISTOLS. All kinds nf lievolvers, double nnd single barrel Pistols, Aecordeoiis, Shirts, Collars and all other goods generally kept in our line can lie found at our store, all of which we intei-d to sell at the very lowest price. Don't forget the place, tJ. KLSUEKIS fc Co. Market Square, opposite the Post Ollicc. Sunbury, May 0, 1854. lliyrhlv Intereslin'' News ! IllE informatinn brought to us by the steam ship Asia of the sudden decline of Flour, Indian corn, Vc. in Kuropc, is 110 doubt interest ing to some, and therefore it must be also inter esting to a great manv others to know that while there ii so much fluctuation in the price of Ureadstufl's at home und abroad, there is nothing to effect the low price of the Large and Excellent Stock of r?ri!IiG & SUMMER CLOTlllTC, just received by S. Scliliurmiiu & Co., and on hand at there store Ori f7ic corner of Market and Fawn Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where they will be pleased to wait upon all those who wisli to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, which Ihey have purchased at a very low price at Philadelphia and therefoie can arl'ord to sell to their customers ut the most reasonable prices They still, (after some experience in business') cling to the good motto, "cm. e run cash. Cull and see for yourselves. N.SCHNI'UMAN & CO. Sunbury, May 6, 1851. A CARD. CI1IL.SO.VS PATENT Ventilating Furnace. ri'IH. BiiltMiTther would cnll the tit I -t it i n of nil 'irltfn 1 n: iiiiruiff n tlriinihlc KI'HNM'i:, to ll,S S ci;i.kiu(ati;o v.hminu and v i:ti latino A PPA It ATI'S. Tlie rt'iuitiilioii i f itim I'uriiiire in now well known, liuv 1 1 i(i liem inlriHlurfil, ilm nifi the. nft live y:iiH, inti Mil l.jiHI public ImildintrH, nnd nmrc lli.ui flit hi ri jiiu dwelling; this, toriher witli the nniiH'Mise itirrt-nRt f BJilt s every year, in llic ltfRt evidene lluit ran lu adduced ol Mm vupeiioiity over nil other tiiniiieeit. lly the itw ol Ciiilnoii'i Puinuee, yuu secure the follow inp inlvntitiiffeii : Krkis Vk.-stii.ation. Vijbr Air the lietiiinp rnriaccB being at a temperature that will not diKft eiite the ntr. KcoNOMicAr. lMt or l"lEL liRKAT DuRAniMTv Iteiiiif nwdi' ent irely of Cat Iron, not liahle to ruxt, will require no repaint dm nip n hletniic ; it in easily inrinriptil, nnd will not ex pone I ho ItiriUliiij in which it is placed to danger from tire like tint other furna ces. We have the teMiinoiitiils of hundreds of the most sci eutihV men, to at lest to the truth ol the nluve stateinent, all of whom pronounre it to lie decidedly the Imsi Furnace yet im'entttl, lor prnlunnc a pure mid healthy iitnn'i phcre. We herewith annex the names of a few well known nnd eminent Professors, who have used them, and kindlv fiimisht-d as their names as references : Prof. John S. Hart. Pi of. Parki, Prof. Norton. Ptt-s. Win. If. Allen, Prof. Parsons, Prof. Dana. Prof. U. fitliuiua, Prof. Kiphy, NISE SIZES. We have mtrxhirctl, this sen mi, five new sizes; so that all parlies may avail themselves of this fiteat impmvf-' meut nt a very mnlerate ctU. We are u v prepart-d hi lurnish an apanius to warm n single HHmf 01 the lar- V.vui Miae uiiMiiinp in 1 ne rouutry. o. I. Portable. Complete. - 3. 4. .1. 3. 4.i 4H 60 TII Ml 1117 ' for tlriekwork, .... " u .... I'.xirii Kaitiulor. (iucluiling llam nuo Treiu-li J'hin.) . " . l:i: rim 0 in llie lurcsl mul niorl powerful Kiinviee made 111 tlieeouMtry, mul m nilmirulily HiUpK-d lor Cliuri-li. t-a rtnil oilier lurce i-Uim Itiiilittna. Wit poiilnnie to x'll I lie iiiKinitus at lite mime price at win-it first liitrtNlncc-il. live yejirs iro Allliouli llieiir Kt'nl Ineli price nl iron linn llirreuve,! Ilicli coal X Pel c-rnt. owiiiff 10 llieir art-lit Weill lit, all II we lire t-utiltlisl, liy llit, irrpat iuereiiaol aalca. to firioali tlie nrlu-le nl the .v,-l iallile price. One rootiilry i,.i,c, Mi-rarii. Wainlck riltniiull, liuve emilrui-leil u I'unnali ua Willi Ann lona ol' 'nriMCea lliia a,i,ai,,i, itlmt ve mr ikiw prrparnl to rnriuah lliii, wll tlcaniti or ret:,il. V aiiprriiilcicl tli ercelion ol' utl Kurnuera, wlicu reiiire(l, uihI wurruul them 111 all euaea. METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE. We have also the mont emnplete Cooking Itaiicrthat has yt't teii mlrodiieeil, t winch we call the nltenlioii ol all who limy wmh to secure the in st perfect and desirable riMikunr uppurutns ever inveitleil. EMERSON'S PATENT VENTILATORS. We are the only Atf'iitsiu Pciislviinia for the nuiinif ie tuir ihhI ile of this Vriililatoi, which is iH-knowledttl lo lie the unlv peiieH Ventilator ever mnde f.r rofit-ctinrf tlin ilriitthl 111 iu4y chimiiirs, tuid f.r vi-ntiUiinifi Imtkb mirs of utl kinds. As theie are u tieiil many mutations ol this valiLible artiele nw iirtl f-r s.ile. fwirtirs will Im cureiul to eiiMimie ihnl it litis the Kmerat llu-l ntiuehrU. PATKNT iti:tiiKri;i(t AND VF.NTII.AToUH. We have the largest and uvut itaupt ie tin rtm. tit of ll'K Air ifitcr.'itMl Vrntiuitors to tse IouimI iu th Tin. te.l Scih-s. PiiHh-a who wih to pnrchasr, ritlw-r for pn valeiiMior wii-ih'wile. will hud it guHly tlieii adiun Uige to rJiamiiM our si.rk. tii.ATi; am .mati.i;i. We Iiuvm nl ways in UjumI an eiteusiw asalmenl of tltfr ItaMUHI'll Maulhs, III rk-'U't iiiiUltl'U ol !)ptiuil, Hpauisli, tiulway, hieuiw, and oilier rare iiiaibks. UPKN liUATI'H Kor Aii.hraeite tnl HiitimiiMiut) t'lstl. Alsrt, mi entire new pallrrti H the W d 'Wu tirale, uide lioiu ih ra.( likh PwUrfos. sihI rutin ly u w in this eotniir. AiiK.N M I- Ute t-:Mubh KMMiine Pkioiiiie Td, lj.imkirk t'ltonorv T"p and 'IVriu liMa trnu HU'iiia, uu us tuioU Vtoi, A. Mls'ut ttuiUhuy. w -uUl d- w M to fjii.uiii 4m t k U-l rf pui luuuiy (mm hrir. VuiUhs, m Im I hi r p.ii. etutkinf or u-t, nr efduilty wle-H4Ml nt our rtiii-r WHrt'aotits, awl wlws u aihsukl ua aappv l lurmli any uiiiiiMiKu icwriii.t: any "4 i uf '! ttmi dm) lr tlttvoirO. A Uok Watiiitlita mwl Vi iilitalltitf fan Imi a-t't gfuimt'titJy at out sia, iiiri .n4wii, tn by u, . llAlMMiS', Wriui mul Venlilulmjf SVi-lironw( 4 Usiitui M . U-tow UUt I'ltli tllpJj,4, Uia , l- , l-. m Th Eye Perfected, SILVER MEDALS, l'i km 'taikl4 uiaui, faoU.Uiyi.Mi, tutm Iks A4mm li44Miiuu, Sit w is, au4 HVK UltST IMtKMIl'ilS I'lotai Diftitul Fuiii 414 Slif t'-Ul'Hd VUy 1 labiu m iy o Kalulilikliiiiciit D. C. COLLINS CO. .Vu. I Hi tr lb ('4..iH4. Hintl, PkilUlflm ii.aiiuij, r Ph44U 'll4l,g wj TIU"4t plll, (44 ll HsIm4 a4Ui ut ktl4v4i, lu (44 all U aUwta ..4ll.l,l4lUU. 44rl UkU UJ I4t all lit M4UiaaW44la. alimli fata mi equally m tU l) Ibiai W Im,J a i tU m1mi. I'k.U., M. l, a a I !: ! liJtm.g kt uu,w4 4 klaU, 111. a u4 4t,4 IttJk, ! tr-'. I ". fcfc.iir, iMgi,(M u4 I'.i4- a44 104 1,1k!), ,a4 iiiik t4 44 ..a l' I UMU III Great vrrlval or SPRING- GOODS! I It A T. CLEMENT 1 NFORMS his friends and customers (hat he just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store in Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public nt the lowest prices. Ilia stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Latent, Ginghams, Bcrages. Also a largo assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and oilier Summer Hats. Plaster. RUOCEP.IES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coll'ee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Pish, Salt, Ac HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &C. QUEENSWARE, Tea Sells, l'latcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ifc UQUORS, Wine. Brum!)', Gin, Rnm, Whiskry, &c Viy Country produce nf all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 18.1 1 ly. SHAMOKIN Collegiate Institute. H. HILL, A. B Principal. Rev. C. J. KHREHART, A. M. Teacher of Mural and Mental Science, L'i deuces vf Christianity, c. Teacher nf l'rimarxi Department. r" II", first session of this Institution, located at JShamoliin, Norlhuiuberland eountv. Pa.. will commeiico on Vliixksii. r, tlio 10th day of Mat, ISM. The year will be divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring nnd autumn, and one of two weeks during the holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A PuiVAiir, Ai aiidmh: ond Cullkkiatk. The course of instruction in these will be full and thorough, embracing all the branches usually tuugnt 111 these resjieetive departments. K ins op Tctihs 1 Primary Department, per session, $'4,00 Academic " Sifi.OO Collegiate " " $8,00 A large and spacious room has been secured to meet the wauls of the. Institution, until the necessary buiblinss ore completed. Hoarding can be obtained in private families ut reasonable rales. The Hoard of Trustees will spare no pains or labor, lo make Hiauiokiii Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage, and confidence of the com munity. l'or further particulars, address Kimber Clea ver, Ksip, of iShuiiiokin, President of Hoard of Trustees, or Hev. (J. .1. Khrehart of Paxinos, Northiiiiibeilaiid coiinlv. Pa. Miomiikiu, March 4, 1854. TI1K STEAMBOAT S USUUE1I .ANN V 7" 1 1 1 1 make regular trips for carriage of Pas. seugers between Sunbury and .Northum berland every day, except Sunday, on and alter Monday, April lth. The bout will leave the wharf lit Sunbury, at 8 o'clock. A. M., 1 1 o'clock and ;t0 ini..utes A. M., ond S o'clock .'ill minutes, P. M. lieturuiug, will leavo the outlet lock nt North umberland, at H o'clock und I.r minutes, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 'i minutes, A. M., and 5 o'clock and 4. minutes, P. M. Fare, 1(1 ccnls. Kxcursion tickets, good for one dav, 15 eeuls. Sunbury, April SO, 1854. tf. Daguerreotypes! 0 EOUCrK W. COBLE, KSPECTri'M.Y announces to the cilizens of Sunbury and vicinity, lint he has again opened a Daguerreau I'ooui, and is prepared to take likenesses. He warrants his pictures to be satisfactory to all wishing true representations of themselves and friends. Special attention iu paid to children. Copies taken with accuracy. In structions given on reasonable terms. His room is at the old place, iu the Ciraud Jury liooin, (county buildings.) operating hours, from 8 A. M. until 5 P. M., without regaid to the state of the weather. Copies should be sent in on cloudy days. Sunbury, April S3, 1851. If. W. a 4TOCMX. 1IIOMA OWKIU.. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, C F.N ERA I, Commission iUcvcljants 35: NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. ItEFERENCR. 1'hns. Kictiarilxnn cV Co. Philadelphia. A. i. Caltcll ti t'o. " Culler & I'alleson, t.'harles i'.lhi & Co. Ilurgiu ,V SoiiB, Philu.. April 8, 1S. l y. F.'IIRIM.XPS I'.ti:t S V ALUS, Sold at their WAREHOUSE, No. 2 10 Market ttncl, PHILADELPHIA. Kiilroad, lluv. Coal, and farmers' SCALES, act iu any pari of llie eouulry, tiy evperieuccd workmen, and al short notice. J'hila., April 6, I8.V1. 6m. Kiisendale J Ivdniulie Cement. An ewllenl artule fur Limit ' Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses and Ctllart, X U for kecpiim ddinpueaa from wet and rapoaed Mails. Eur sale liy I'll Mtl.EH nil EPA HI) sMl'I'll, Corner ,l Erout and illow Ms. Itailrund. Philadelphu, April Vi, 1(451. ty. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON. I) EM'EC J EI I.I.V informs tha rilirna of ll Uorouijh of Hilubuiy and viiinily, ll,4 he lias riiii4iuully lotaltj huiiarll in Ml, i and ull'eia hla plot, a.loual at-raicra lu lit, mi t hu may la vuiiduy bin,. 'o4 llie plrarut l, ran l loiind al U'rateis Hotel, hui.l.niy. March II, la.M.-U'. I- W. I I.M.Il A t O , sr.Nuuuv, r.., HAVE jual iw-citvJ a fira supply of mar tpiliiat Iwjila. 'I'lielf III, tola and ilia pub. lie s' irajH,, llullv nnr.ud U rail and ohI Iiiu. 'I I., anil lw a-.ld rbrap. "luli k Mlra aul ainall pi la " la alill llu ll lu.Mlj. uol ui), , Aplll 1. Il. UAIrt AMI rl'H .plru.1,,1 I. I u U'l.t-oiaU Hilk, W. and fuf MsU. I'lllt, E)i, OiUlulll, Nay ami llihlai ('m t-4 mm Um t-y li. EIHllMHU Ml. il.lkal, Uihw4W It I'wM I'llli. liuulmt, li, I. , lili as "1I Ml ha)- EiU Jy auJ M bau( L-.M auj J ImwJ, I'maua .NkU, IiivuuJ NaU., ,J 'iyua. iu.l lt.i.aj auj lu Ul ibMUl. Ai.4m, Ua k, al - lll,A.vKS. 1 ' U aV a4 ! A4.a. CHERRY PECTORAL: rr l he Cure f OOUOHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW OHITIS, CROUP, AS Til MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. TO CVlli: A COl.D, WITH 1IKADACHR A?tD BORKWKOS nf the lnKty, tuke llie I'iikkry Pk( toHaL uii going to lefl, unrl wrap up wnrin, tn twetit tlurii 1 llie nitiit. For a Goiato and Coirc.ii, lnke it iuornini(, iuhhi nn1 eve llililf. iircnriliiii- Ut diiuctl-nm nil llie tioltle. uilil the tllllieul ty will i-hiii reinnvrtl. limo will lug iiiff'T fmrn thin itnuhie when they find it run lie no reiulily euiei. l'ernoiii Dfllielr-'l with a Be:ilMl cuit-li, which brinks tlirin of their rent nt mlit, will fiml, 1y inking the Clicny Peeturul n flroing ta lied, thry nuty Imi mire of ciuml, unltoken strep, mid conneutieiitlv r. frenhuiff rent. Oreiit relict front sulfer iiir, nnd nu nltineite rnre, is nlTorded to tlioiin:inds who ure tli ti h nltlirtetl, by this iiividiudile remedy. I'roin its ni;reeable efTeets in these onsen, imniy find themselves unwilling to t'orego its use when tlie iieerwity lor it ims erased I'roin two cniiii'Mit Thysieimis in I'" AT RTTKVIl.t.K. Tell 11 , April 18, Pir We Inve iven your Cherry PeeMrnl nn extensive irini in our pinrtn-e, nnd hint it to mirpn" every mnei re medy we Iiiivu for uur iii? ntrertioim if the respirntory or gmm. UKr. DlKMl'.H ft HAMPTON. TOSlNnnriS AND IM' III.IC SIKAKKHS this reimnly is invnhinlite. ns hv its neiionon tlieihronl nml luncn, when taken in sinnll qitnutities, it rcniovesnll hBifseiirsn in n few hours, nnd wonderfully increases the power and flexibility 01 in voice. A STUM A in criternlly mm-li relifViiI, nnd nfteii wholly cnnd by Cherry ieetor;il. Hut there nre tmir PiiFesm oli- ninuiie ns to yn-id entirely Vi no iinitieine. cuerry recto ml will eure them, it' lln-v run lie enreil. HKO.NCIHTIS, or irritntion ! the tlmmt nnd upper xtrtion of the hint;, mnylie enretl bv Inking Cherry le to rn) in small nnd irrtpiint doses. The unc'tnilorinblc oj- prevntoii is soon relieved. Itev. Vhntt. I.ANSINti, nf npok!yn,New York, strifes: ! linve seen the Cherry IV-iond eurn fneh nines of Asllimti nnd MniiH-hitm nn b-nds me to believe it cm rarely fall lo cure thojiit ilisensea.1' KOIl 'ltOl P. (;ivc nn emetic of nnlimony, to be followed by In rue and fre'pient ilonKj of the Cherry Pwto int, until i- snh.lues the disease. Il luUen in season, it wilt not fail to pure. WHOOPING COl"(,n maybe broken up and swm cu rel hv the iimp if Cherry Peel oral. TI I K INI-'I.I r.NZ.'i.4!eedil removed by thin reme dy. Numerous iuietunei'ft have been noticed where whole families weie protected from nuy ni'riotis eoi incipiences, white their neit;hlf irn, without the Cherry Pectoral, wire anlTeritti; from the disease. lr. J. n. Aver: fAT.KM, Ohio, 11th June, IK1I. I write to iiitorm yn o the irntv rcinaikaUr elhi-ta of your CH Kit It Y PI .CT Ht. I, in llitn pluee. mul in my own family. Our nf my ilaiiirttfrnt wan eomph-ti'ly euretl in three davs of n dreadful Wnonrixu Coiw.u. by takiuo it. Dr. MeaiiH, one of our very bcfl plnsieinns fieely slates that he roimidrfs it the best retnly we have pulmonary ili.ieiiscs. nnd that be has cured more eases of Croup with it than nnv oilier nn-dicinc he ever mlminintered. Om fterymen of tin I'apliM Church navs that during the run of Inklcbn.a here thin vi-nrm. he lias seen cures from yonr medicine he cm Id scarcely have believed with out sif in". Yours rexpeclfully, J. I SINCLAIR, Deptty Pontnmnlrr. From the tlistimxttishrtl Pvafesw of Chemis try ami Mctcria Metiwc, tiotcrfoin Cottcjie. 1 have found the Ciikrky Pwtikal. as its inarcdiciiis how. a powerful remedy fn colds, lind catighn, mid pul monary diseases. P.WtKKR Cl.KVIXAXD, M I). liRKNWicK. Mc. Feb. .". II7. Jl!. VAI.FATINF.MOTT. The iriilcltf celebrated Vrofcw.r of Sursmj tn the Medical Colic ce New York City, saif: "It given me pleasure to certify the value mtd clficaey of 'Avkh'. Cmkukv Pki toum,,' which I consider peculi arly mlapted to cure diseases of lh- Throat and l.mis.'' Cnrcj of si-vrie dis-'anes upon the I .aims have been ef fected by Chkhry IVcroiut. hi aueh exlreme rases ns warrant the Iw-liei tltat a n-mnlv has nt leiclli hern found that cnti be tlependiil on to cure tlie Coughs, 7.tds ami Connmnplmn which earrv from our midst thousands every year. It is indeed n medicine to which the nlllicied ran look with ctailitleitee for relief, and they should not fail lo nvatl themselves of it. Prepared ar,d fold fat JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist LninU, Mays. SoIJ in Kuiihury liy II MAS.sKR, Uiul 1y DruKirtNlH priicrnlly throughout Iho Stnlo. July 30, 18."i:j. ccow 1". Sow 13. '52. Spring; and Summer style GENTLEMEN'S HATS. FOSTER & GEBHARD, 49 South Third Street, below Chestnut, rilll.APKI.PHIA, 1TAVK unusunl ftaliisfattioii in rallhu; at'.en- 'tioii to thi'ir lartic nml vnrird Ktork of Mole skiu,l)rab, licavcr, Utter. Pjiutnu, iiniJ a uriety ol .Straw nml Sopt liatn. (lCiitlrmcu's isuintnrr (aps of nil ilcscriptions. (MiiMn'ti's Kanry Ijinhroiitfiril and laiu Caps Slrnw Hals ami (.'up, .Misncu' Kluts, l" Partifiilar iitlrution uchIUhI to a Wliitr and .Nankeen l'n ih U IVU Hat, of our own im portation. Hula., April 2, ltsfjl. 3in. ZINC PMNTS. One third cheaper than white lead, and free from all pmsonnns anahttis. Tlio cv Jersey Zinc Compui- HA YINti ii rent y enlatjiil llieir wnkst Hint linprovetl the ipnlitv o( theirprodurts, tire prepnieil to t Aeeuie out, is for their Sri'KIJIOIl PAINTS. Pry, mid frouitd in oil, iu uvu rted packages of from '25 to .MM) pounds ; nli 4 Hry, iu lEiirels, of Jin poumU each. Their white zinc, which is sold dry or cruitid in nil, ii warranted Pure uml utunirpacin-d inr boily uisl uiaUTm whiteness. A mclh hI of preparation has recently hern dineovcu-d, u hu h eiiablrn the I 'mpauy lo win rant I heir paint l" keep Iresh unit it in the to-s lor nn rrus'iiallc time, luihu rejtpert their paints ill be supciior to uity other iu the market Their brown .me jwnnt, which isttokl nt a low price, nnd ran only be made lioiu the me ores from New Jer sey, is now well known f r its prectiu ipialities when upphed to i ru or other uielabe mil.-.i-i-s 'i'lteir sr -ne e ilar pout powesM's nil the propertieiof the l.rown, mul is ol an iirenil.V c r for intuit iti Cottages, Depot, Out liuild.u;:, Hnilt!v. KKlAt II KlfllAlthS, Whiisesnte Pniut le iters mul iiiinnters. . V e r. ol loth A Market Sts , PhiUuklpInu Philjuh Iphia, An; ". liui. GUANO! GUANO ! rHIII. iilM'rl!er, tole rureiit tortile ;ile of I I'eruwiin ( in ruilmleliiliiu, ix iikw Hiiiiia.iinj; llie l.ill.m iiij; eeln, i!ireet lUe I'liineliu UluinU : Mii KoriH'i'o, ... 1, Mm ,mii. Mii llurliiiKtoii, ... ;:t lima. Mii ll.iiii, I, ... Ano tuna, Miii 'lmi, ... jiio ,,ia, liii II will he ,M in 1U l,i auit jxin luseia, at tlie lnwe.t eali ri. ea. N.J. llllils'l , (('. ttf Ittthhll i'iiii.ltuti.) No. Nor III Wlurwa, un.l Mi .Norlli uler Mreel, l'liiluilel,liia. -ii, . $m. fllllK aulijfiltwr lierf euo if are tfiilly lo 111 I lonil lua Irienila and llie ul,ie Keue rally llul ,e Mill cuittiiiue llie liuaiiii-Muf t Cabinet Makers' Fiudin? Store, in all ila vaiiou liiant liea al llie ,i,l al iil, N). I J I houlU he.eiij al.. UI..W ),,k al. I' l liu, an. I le.K- Ifully aolieila a , unlinuaii, ut III rrv llU ul ,.,lriii,jje Iv.luwr,) uxni 111 Ijle Him ut 'I'. A I.. i'liiniaoii, aaauiuiar Itia liu ii.l. Ilial rtfiy rkoiliuii will U maila ty IhhiIi an. I llioa in In rin'lov U, uienl euiiliiiuau. a ul ihril IUI4, U tale, me ,1 l4,iiltf. TlliiM H 'I IIOMI'MiN, I'lilU., Mjnb I, la.M.- lini. f1Ul U ri:.! nh au. n.iili.,1,1 raata, u( . H 4iy aumi4 ajualil,, jual l,,rlasl. .Uo lie.b au' I, ut V i lit,, al I'liml, .,r mU h ii. U. m .i;k. kunlmiy, kvc. 17, aM. vmii u m ikm'i: ia- nutii'A it. ' 1,1.11, liaali atiej-ljr jn.4 la.r,,, J. aJ ,M hla l-f u. U. U.Val:i(. laimUaty, Jau. Ill, lV,. MM'I IO, VUIII IMI I I I III a,., .VJU. i a au4 lal mU., 1.4 a-U I, ll. u m v :. ui.l l. Jau III. I4 Ifvil.M' totn i lui'im m Ui IwiiUt 14 mU If II. U MAkCU. MU', A111I, 14. I.jI 1 h ll. ul.a4 I ,aU I'lah 4 U.k. i.J laa) ( VH ! ii. I -l. UJ a4 4,44 l-t lvii . II II MtotU Look to your Interests ! ' We will try lo please t ! S. N. THOMPSON a ESPECTFULLY liiform hi friendi and llie puWio generally that he hai just re coived l hid atorn, in Market street, Sunlmry, below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting'in part of Dry Goods, viz : CHhs, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Vesiings, Linens, tyc. LAiMES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginehams, Bcrages, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, Ifc. CiROCEniES, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Hicc, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Sec, &c., &c. Hardware, Nuils, Screws, Files, Sows, Knives & Forks, &.C. Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, ice., of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fasliiuiiuhlo goods. Call and examine for your selves. I"" Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchunge nt tlio highest market p'ices. Sunlmry, 11 mo. 20 1853. 4 m. 30, '53. DAVIS 8c CULIN, Dealers in LAMPS, LATl:tlS & CHANDELIERS, N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. I VINO enlarged und improved their Store, anil having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to furnish PINE Oil. CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gas nnd Lard Oil, l.nmps, Lanterns of all patcrns. Fancy Hotel nnd Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and CiuulflcRlirus, and lirittannia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps hy the package, at a small advance over Auction prices, lieing lame MANUFACTURERS of Tine Oil, limning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, nnd (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these articles nt such prices that Merchants will lind it to their advantage to buy. ("all lieforc going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tlia Suli'lv 1 I : nl Lamp tor sale. Pliila.,"Sept. Ul, 18.r:l. ly. Porte Mommies, POCKET HOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. riMli; attention of the Trade, and others, in L want f Porte Mommies, Pocket Donks, Hankers' Cases, Dressing Gases, Portable Wri- ; tini? Desks, Il.ickgaiiunnii and Chess Hoards, j Chessmen, Pearl. Nliell, and Si'.ver Cord Cases, j Work Doses, ('abas, Needle Hooks, Money . Hells, Ciuar Cases, Portfolios, Razor and Razor Strops, Travelling Flsks, and line Cutlery, to- I gelher with large variety of Kami Goons ! which w ill be sold ut the lowest rates. ! F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, ISM if. ( nit, .ii:m: A: Co., Flour, Grain and Lumber Comiiiisioii Jlcrcliants, 23 and 25 Spar's Wharf, Baltimore. nr.KKRKNCK!. John Clark, Esq , President Citizens' Bunk, Halt. A. P. Giles, Esip, Cashier Urnnklin Hank, " John llerlzler' Jr., Esq., Philadelphiii. Rollers, Sinuicksun eV I'o., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Hank, Port De posile. J. Yallower A: Son Ilarrishnrg. Col. II. C. Ever, Sflinsgrove. J. 11. App ei Co., ' Nagte, Win:ito A Co., Milton. V. W. Cooke, Esq.. Money. Simon Sehuvler, Esq., " George Hotline, II uglisville, W. Weaver V- 'o..Montoursville. Gen. W illiain F. Pin ker, Willianisport. T. W. Llovd. Esq., Cashier, " James II. llulinr, u Lewis (i. 1 1 tiling, " M'llenry V Hulili, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling, Esq., Lock Haven. UVy t'nrr, Giese &, Co. havo the lareest wharf room of any eomniision house in Haltinmre, nl ways giving quick dispatch to boats In discharg ing their cargoes. February II, 1851 Cm. Valuable Property for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! fl'HE subscriber oilers for sale the following 3. properly in Iho l)oroui;h of Sunbury, viz : THE HOUSE Aiul two coiitijiuud Lots nf Grouml, on the south west corner of Market Square, now ivtiipied by the subscriber us a store und dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL uu the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. AIo: a double twu story frame lwelliii House-mul Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. AUo: six acres of ground ul Iho Point, ailjoiniug llie Susquehanna, ouwliiih are creeled two liuuie houses wagon houae, eVe. Also : A Mouse ami Lot of Grouml in Cranberry street, near the liver, on which lol uie ul erected three lime kilns. Also ; A lliiiM nml lialf Lot of Grouml, nil llie iiorlli eal corner of luer and Dewberry atieel, tMfupitdby AuijUatus Clriiienl. Also: 'I'wi iitv-Tliteo Vueaut Lots nil I'Ui iIm rry alun U IRA T. CI.EMK.NT. Kunbury, Jjii- 1 1. 1 MA I if. a ai b.iitn.ioM u. iit, ia. I unit,,) Ilurlliuliiw, TiiTuuv iS Co. IMIil I'l ltHAMl IHIAI.I US IV rorcii.ii nml DoiurttU' DRY GOODS, u titan ua tiik i4lk or AMERICAN MANUFACTUBES, .No, Jii H.tlttiHon Stmt, Btiltiuior. It our tio..l.a4iii,iu'ii, ai uo4 as cheap aa It..) ,u U tHiUa'kl In any ullui luaikrl lluy mav U lrluinr.1 ImiliajilU our kii,av. Halliuiui, .", Vi,, jl.,, vi.r.?cTTa, IMI'HU'I KU AND D r:l.tU IN XIION & STEEL, Ul Mt.l.t ti,,., I.U 114, aPHILADULl III A. I'UiU , Jau. lis, a . - Ii, (1 nu i:mii; - r,. M .u- j H saa, Itus, A. , iu4 iximj u. I. It. IKIN4 I l. W., 44,1 II. IOI - I I nil u4 1, ..., U.4.4, lb I'akJ ki..a.t. I',.,, m.. I ,,Ua, ..4 h y "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own JTIecli.inics. GEOItGE RENN. MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 171113 subscrilier respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort, mcnt of every quality and price of CAIIINET-WARE. which cannot fnil to rciommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up ef the best stock to be had in the city. IS'o effort ia spared in the manufacture of his ware, and tha subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Ilia stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, nivalin and Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIHNC TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his husinessv He also manufactures all kinds and qualities ef CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be hail in Sunbury, such as Mahogajt, Blsck Witucr All Ct RLFII MatLS GrkCIAX i 4SD Wisnsnii CHAIRS, ijrn r!cT Phto Stools, which ara of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscrilier is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confluence con be entertained alHiut the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will lie disposed of on a good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavment for work. UNDERTAKING Having provided himself with a hnndsome HtJiasi, he is bow prepnred for Undertaking, and attending fan als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. y The Ware Room is in Market 8treet. below Thompson's Store nnd Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. Important to Coal Dealers. '"FMIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under tha firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpeosa of mining, shipping and selling coal, ileliverd at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on cur tract or otherwise, at all times, on tha shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shnmokin by KASE, REED & CO. 5uubury, June 4, 1653. ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Ground FOR SALE. frill E subscrilier offers at private sale, his housat and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Sbis.ler and orig inally owned by ("ins. Gussler while engaged m bout building. The improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of root H'orer, and a good frame stable. There are ft number of excellent fruit trees on tho premises. The prop, erty is handsomely located and will he sold at a reasonable ptiee and possession given in April next. Apply to Geo1 C. Welker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscrilier nt Selinsgrove. PETE It K E R LI N. July 2.1, 1853 tf. Clicap "Watches .lewelr' WHOLESALE nnd, ut the "I'hil'del- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. '.18 North Second Street, corner of iuarry, PHILADELPHIA. Ii"!tt l.ever AVntrlit-B, lull jtnvHM, M ntrl rittvn, $ Ct li 'ld l.rpine lk. '.M INilKine Silver Spntiirfrs. w, Silver 10. lull jrwllnt. fUl.lliolil Uric, 1,1.. 3 no Silver Lever, lull j.-wl'd -J ! ii,lira (iobl IVu, il, nn 7-H. u.r ijiiTinu ia, 7. Silver T. si.sua, al, S.(J li.'M S,,c,'l:-I,,, 7.ll lioUl Telia, wild IViieil mul Silver HoUlor, Gold Kinqer Rinss, 37J cents tn ifiUO ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, ISj ; Lunet, 25; other urlieles in proHrtion. All goo,., war ranted to be what thev are sold for. KTAITKEK At II A RLE Y. Successors lo O. Conrad. On hand, mine Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Kept. 10, 1853. ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES Ji. FID la K ll , No. l i South Second Sine', PHILADELPHIA, (iold Lever Watches full jewelled Kilver Lever do Silver Lepine do " Quartier do Gold pens and pencil and silver halders Silver Tea nnd Table Spooua Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings Ac.. All warranted and sold at prices as low as ar in tha city. November 37. 1852 tf. lilucksiuithin". 11 E aubscriUr hereby informs the cllitcns .1 - Sunbury, and the public generally, thai h intends lu carry on the Mutkkiiilllilnir llii-liickaj on his own account, and that he has reiimi. d his shop from neur ('leinrm's alore. In a new shop on the prennaeaol Mail (iciiihain, in l'ii street, where he will be huppy lc uccoinunKl.ila all Ins customers. . HENRY I'ARTiiN. Sunbury, March 5, liM. tf. WM, M'CARTY, Bookseller, MKwl'Lf l r t l.l. iiiloriualli inhul ilaiilael Iomii aiul eouulry, thai lis haa lalt Iv ree l ed limn Philadelphia, a Uiu adililion to his atui k ot booka, in cu r, brumUuf l.ileraliiir, auJ ill a (real vmiely ol lliu.luig. I'lraas tall and ea I he i ii. Sunbury, lpl. 17, IH.VI. iil. II. II. IIH.IIU'.'.I l.iueJy fur .oulia ' ', and auliuoiiar) ,liaea. a. suppl thut Talual ls iiirdiiln jual rr.i,.d and sni by H M M .i:U Hunl'Uiv, June I , li.VJ. i 'II Vl l'i MI'S.. A small iiuuiUi ! ih y ,.ll.ul pump hate Ua rcrlJ sikI UlU'llrJ u4 Ml l' II 11 MV-H. funhuia, June 4. ISJ. IKVV IM HV - V in. aa.o,liu.ul t G-W m u ila and IVi.s. hi aato 4' l, 4.UI hli A I VUiarl oI (kiI Ika l' huitluiy, Ik I. , t I HVMI UII I St lu.ll 4.4ll,la J " .i...j.ii u44 al Uu Im. bl.i.ka, ul all kiwJa soiu -"- 4U44lUl, f b I Mba t.y ' U 44k.,i, Vr. II, lH 'iv Hum inik- ,"t . .1 (, . I I. 4 1 . 4 .1 t M, I k , ,4 a4 4.1.I W., a a U.a i.,u.l I all al, la ., ifl,.aJ a..4 4., ia It II.. a, it, VI V h V ...Il.lL. II i.h.i,, liawe I, I ' "