Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 05, 1854, Image 3

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Jor cign News.
Arrival of the Canada.
Large Decline tn Flour Cotton Uuchanged
fmpo.-tant from the Continent Austria'
Position Still DoubtfulThe Insurgents
Masters of Madrid Sacking of the Palace
of Queen Christina Ncut Spanish Ministry
Message jroin vrtcen ricioria jisxing
New Supplies Further Negotiations Pro
poned Austria Gone Over to Russian Inter
ists and Making Warlike Preparations
Popular Discontet at St. Petersbnurg.
Halifax, July 31. The stamer Cnnaila
arrived hero this evening from Liverpool,
w ith date to Saturday, 22d inst.
Austria's conduct had become more doubt
ful than ever.
The Spanish insurrection was rapidly
spreading under iSspartero.
In the House of Lords, Earl Hassington
asked Ministers whether they had authorized
Lord Westmoreland to state to the Cabinet
of Vienna, that Polish subjects from Russia
would not be allowed to enter the English
army, or to follow the standard of the Allies-
Advices received at Paris from Madrid,
dated July 18, stale that the insurgents were
masters of the city. During the night the
troops engaged in support of the Queen acted
rigorously against the barricades, but for the
most part were unsuccessful.
The Madrid Gazette published on the 18th,
a list of the new Ministry. Gen. Cavayl is
appointed Commander of tho Cavalry of Ma
drid. At the last accounts, the fighting between
the troops and the insurgents was going on in
several parts of the Capital.
A battle had been fought between Gen.
O'Duunell and Gen. Blazer, in which the lat
ter was defeated, wounded, and taken pris
oner. The populace had taken possession of and
sacked his palace of Christina at Salamanca
Grenada and the whole of Catalonia has
risen against the Government, led by tho
Captain Geneiat, and lighting was going on
at some point.
The Paris correspondent of the London
Morning ChroriHe makes the following im
portant communication :
The Cabinets of Vienna and Berlin have
communicated to the French und Eriglitli
Governments, the impression produced upon
them by the answer of Empeior Nicholas t0
the summons sent by Austria to evacuate the
The German powers now announce that in
their opinion the propositions contained in the
Russians answer, if not altogether satisfacto
ry, appear calculated to serve as a basis for
further negotiations, and they propose that
Pfdgue shall be fixed upon as I lie seat of fur
ther conference. They moreover expressed
the opinion that it w ill not be possible to call
upon Russia to evacuate the Principalities, if
it be not at the same lime clearly understood
that the allied powers shall slop their move
ments in advance. In other words, that Ans
tiia has fallen back into with
All the Austrian reserves are to be called
out and placed on a fooling.
Account fiorn Si. Peieieburg slate that the
Czar was deleunined not to yield, but that
great discontent pievailed in the Capitol.
The details show that the recent victories
at Gutrgevo were achieved by the Turks un
assisted, leaving the w hole bunks of the Dan.
ube from Turuavo to Altenelza in their
The main body of the Turkish army ore
said to be moving towards the mouth of the
The allies have repaired and occupied the
the Rudsian batteries at the Suhna mouth o'
the Danube, and are empluyed in removing
the sunken ships fiom ihe channel.
The Russians have burned Matchin.
Geneial Aurep having been disgraced for
want of snrces, had shot himself.
The Fiencli and English armies weie
lowly drawing closer around the Russians.
A private telegraphic dispatch from Con
stantinople, received at Paris, states that the
KussiaJis met with a check at Datouen, in
Asia, and that 4,000 Turkish troops had been
eitt from Varna in Circassia.
Prussia and Austria, it is siid, have asked
Prance and England to statu Ihe conditions
on which they are willing to conclude a
peace. The Russian party asserts that the
military operations of the allies are nearly at
a stand still that the attack on SebaMopol
ia indefinitely postponed that the attack on
Croustadl is not to take place this year that
the great battle to tuke place near Hue liar est
is problematical ihul the hostile operations
have been reduced to a simple blockade ; and,
in the cud, Ihe Russians will liiumph by di
plomacy. fliiKADrt.'rM. Flour has largely declined.
Western Canal 30s ; (hio3 1; Corn, yellow,
3 is.
Another Circular says: The HreaJslufl
maikel i very dull sad owing lu the declin
ing tendency thtne is ipiite a panne. Prices
fin Flour are consideiably lower, the decline
lor Ihe week being (mm 3. to 4. eJ..
Wheal is also conrulernbly lower.
$lrii uiul Kuuiiiii'i' (IoimL !
Peter W. Gray
INFOIMM In fiteitd thsl lie has juM l.lvJ
good iiMilMieul uf Hpiing iij Huiiimri
iooda si hi 'Ins III Wlioillvbriiy irl. i
. a (iwwr ut
Ll ll, CsclUMM, tlllirlL, Jrails, Ilulliugt,
il4, IU' I l.anir, lilugliauta,
. !, I.1USUS, Muslin. t'Uuiuls,
MaMlilU "ilka, HuHuuei Hkettie,
lit 'I'liutmiui ami all iUmU
Ut lbs l'i tiuuda hue. AUu,
tig ihwIk'I uf febosra l"i Man VV uua aud
'kildraa, "suammM llaia,
Uf lMl ff Nli.
Ts. ('. Mleaaa, apt', a(
I ua, 4.
A aS'l WMtMMO " J' Waif Tuba,
la.aai. V '. !. MimUs, 4s.
uiiiiisii s' - " T
t'wl,M at4 WASSi
if y
New Advertisements.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fillow-Citiisjis:- I herebv announce myself
as the "American Volunteer Candidate at the
October ensuing Election for the office of b K
IFF. for which solicit your suffrages. Having
been strongly encouraged by many of my friend
throughout Northumberland county, I herewith
offer myself to your consideration for the office
aforesaid. Bhouin a majurnj oi m;
ten see proper to grant me their support, I
pledge myself to discharge the duties of aid office
to tho best of my abilities with fidelity and impar-
'ittlity- JOHN J. AUTEN.
Milton, July 89, 1854.
Totiio Voters of Northumberland County,
The subscriber hereby announces to the citi
zens of the county, that he will be a candidate at
the ensuing election for the office of
and promises, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the
office faithfully and attentively,
Milton, July 59, 1881.
Railroad Letting.
tEALED PROPOSALS will lie received at
the office of the Sunbury and Erie Ruilroud
Company, in Lock Haven until 3 o'clock, P. M.,
of Thuradav, the 17th day of August next, for
Ihe Grading and Masonry of that portion of the
line of said road, extending from Lock Haven, in
the county of Clinton, tn the point of connection
with the Venango Railroad one hundred miles,
subject to such alterations in the litre of said road,
as may be deemed necessary in pursuance of
further exsmiiiatian.
Pimm mid profiles of said work will be exhibi
ted at the office of the said Company, in the said
Uorough of Lock Haven, for three days previous
to the day of Letting, and all necessary informs
lion afforded to bidders, by Robert Farics, Esij.,
Engineer in Chief.
In bidding f"r said work, bids will be required
for each mile section of said road, but this is not
designed to prevrnt bids for more than one Sec
tion, or for the whole line of road to be put under
By order of the Board of Managers,
JAMES COOPER, President.
July 17, 1851.
It is he intention of the Company to put under
contract a portion of the road from Eric, cast
ward, as soon as the surveys required by the con
dition imposed by tho City Councils shall have
been completed. July 59.
Notice to Teachers.
HREE Male and three Female Teachers
Schools of the boromrli of Sclinsecrove to com
mence on the first Monday f September next.
There will be a meetiii!; of the Board of Direc
tors, on Saturday, the '-tith day of August, at 10
o'clock, P. M., ut the Union School House in
said borough, to examine applicants and employ
said number of teachcis. Liberal wages will be
given. Tho higher branches arc required to he
taught in one of the schools.
By order of the Board,
GEO. HILL, President.
SelinsKrove, July 29, 1834 4t.
Just Published and I'ov Sale
l,y WM. McCARTY, Bookseller,
Sunbury, Pa.
The American
Being a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the United tales.
Bv Coi.MNsoN Reed, Esq..,
Ipsac (e Lis viva vox
With notes and additions, together with a shor
svatem ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres
ident Jud of Ihe Eighth Judicial district of
Pa., and Win. M. Kockcfclfcr and M. L.
Shiudel, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since the publication of the book, the following
letter has been received from Judge Pearson of
Harrisburg :
II Aiuusni no, June 30, 1853.
Gkstu.jien :
Alter a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant," I tuko pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of the selection and
composition of the precedents thus offered to the
public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands ill need of a correct system of pleading,
adapted to our habits of Iiusiicm, and Ihe practice
of the courts. Your forms of declarations being,
to a great extent, founded on Ihe acta of astcmhly,
will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con
duce to snfet- and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the linn ds of every practising
lawyer in our slate.
Yours, with great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. Shiudel, Esquires.
W. McCaHTI, Esq.,
Dear Sir: 1 received more than a year ago
a copy of liced.a Pleaders' Assistant? improved
by Judge Jordan and ethers. I examined it with
some care soon afterwards, and have had occa
sion to use it several times since. I think it de
cidedly valuable as a uunui I fur practising
attorncya in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate
to recommend it. If it were Generally used it
would increase the accuracy of the profession in
matters which are often very carelessly done.
I am very truly yours, Ac,
I also received a copy of tlin Pleaders' Assist
ant, and have exuiiiiued it sufficiently to euaUe
me to concur very heartily in the above com men
dulions by the Chief Justice.
July 19, 1851.
Sunbury. July S'l, 1851
Pt'l fllflRTV, fy'.
11M'. have Jt fsit-ivel Hie lw (( mtl I swli-i-.
uftkvirtuifitl i 'I 'nluim-r vn mlt-it-il Ut tin tu'liou
it Hiii 1 1 y, ci'iiiitlinif in 'art ol
lriiM'h l'unwtsU,
Simi itit 4 'rruiit.
11 tt(--l a) ( llfti.illC,
I 'Inn' I'itu tlrr,
l-'ltlliUI Cit. KIW,
I riiin ft Wither,
(rJtit'tt Pualr,
Ilirr t'..V.k(,
II .if tnt
lit I'un. i llicaki,
iiftHiU-t sllll-sM,
I itsitttr,
Tl.i ttnuhea. kirg t.
Ilmr Itrualii-H, '
Null HruBlir. "
rovfi's l-itrurls,
1'i'ltUt 'UlUst,
i'tisUik; Mat,
'I'ruiuiiuifeiit 11
11:111(4 1. '
d.ulluaU '
I iMIllf "
l-IIMHI, A IMS' lt 41
" Pill at I 1, .ullll ' '
HiMHUfiy, Svuisi
Hilly V tltlW, tllUltllrtisl
KsiliclB, H.u.1
I l v ' tt r ) Jt m t tt i u , I ' t mi v
H. fctj i ttM , Muk "
' 'I'ulsa a. I 4titjiVif
II..I.L. I .41.1, hllkiwia, Mirl "
V liulsatsr
ItMMl olttvi ajrlM Itnt Is ss I l)4ilUfou 1st tllllH
All lit istv mlulsr mim limu tls tumm ii JuU
Htusii mwi VV l UIsjiih
tVwtiumtitttjH'l County
rPHK si)sM iiIi ia 4 tfully iiifuiun U ul
lit' lh I U ha IrstactJ I Its h9 U9W cultiy.
Nun iitisiiti U tlrlurr Huttbuiy, tf
uy pult Ullg Im ltaaUArliUll. l l
Miitif, I'viaoua utiui la MtiKt U cu
ill 9m AUm lh nUf ! tounbuiy.
Joh n imiMikia.
Huiilui) , July
tf Mite r in k rvnu ui-:m.1-9
io, iikJ i (U Now iug IMsms
uiUiiy, Wty ?t U4
Pickles, Satlces 5jc.
Just received
F.ssenre of Ancholves,
Chilli Vinegar,
The abnva are all from
Crosse, ft Hlackwell, London,
Potted Toniue,
. " Ham,
Hastbarry Jam,
Currant "
Plum "
Tomato CaUup, &c., tec.
Chow chnw,
Mixed Pickle,
John Bull Sauce,
Hrefslesk .
Worcester '
AVines Liquors.
Mnrtell Brand)-,
Piuet "
French "
rlinmpaigne Wine,
Biieny "
Cluret "
Ture Port "
Port "
n ye w nipuny,
M'Mioniraliela Wli
iiinkey, Muderia "
" l.tslion 11
XVim Uillrr
For ile by
Joinnicn srpiritfl,
Holland Gin,
Smibury, July 94, 1?5I.
Amendments to the Constitution of the
Skctiox 1. Hesolved by the Senate and Ifottsf
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsyrania in General Assembly mttt Tlinl
tlie follnwiiiff amendment Ite nnd tho wme are herl
prtiimed to the Cotittitution of Ihe Comniuiiwenlth, under
und in itcrnrd:imc with the provisions o( the tenth niticlc
hereof, to wit :
Pnoroamox I, Tn be articlk xi.
pKrTio: I. The ntrtrrfirHte nmonnt of delU lierenfter
cinirrli!l by the Comnumweiiith thai I nevr exceed the
Bum of five hundred thouMind d. 'liars, except in rase of wur
ti repel invnnioti, flitpprefu insiirreclit'it, x to redeem the
public debt of Ihe Cotnmciiweiilili. and the money to raint-d
hall m annticd to the nurnote for which the debt may bv
coiitmcted, or pay tuch del its, nnd to no oihci purMf.
Skctios i To pay the pubhe debt ff the Coininii
wealth, nnd debts winch may herenltcr1 continetetl in
eose of war to repel invanion, tnpprem inwirrectiii and to
red f in tlie public debt, the l.cislntare shall at their next
session nftci the ad option of this section IntV the Constitu
tion, provide by law for the creation of a sinking fund,
whieh shall not lie abolished till the said public debts be
wholly ii:im, to consist ol till the net minimi income from
the nubile works niul stocks owned by thcCoiiiinoiiweallh.
r any other funds nriiiiip under any revenue law now ex
isting or mat inny e nereauer enacien, so nir as ine same
may be reitiirel to viy the interest of said debts sctni-nn-naally.
and nuniinlty t t educe the principal thereof hy n
sum ii' t lesi than five hundred thousand dollars, increased
yearly by eompoiindimr at n rate if not less than fiv per
centum per annum : the s.-iitl finkinp fund shnll be invcitctl
the loans of the l.ounuonweanii. wiilea shall tc cancel
led from lime to time in a mmmer to Ik provided hv law :
no portion of the sink ine fund shall ever Ite applied to the
to the payment of the debt of five bundled thousand d 'I
Inrs mcutioticd in the first section of this article, bat the said
sinking fund shall be op plied only to the purposes herein
SrcTtos H The credit of the Commonwealth shall not
in any way be given or loaned to or in aid of any iudivid
nal, rotnpnnv. corporation it nnpocintinu, nor shiill the
Cnmmonweullh hereafter become a joint owner or stock
holder in any e enany, iiiociatiou or corporation in litis
Commonwealth or elsewhere, formed for any purposes.
Skctio 4. Tin Cmnmonwcidth shall never assume the
debt a of any count r v. city, ly trout; h or township, or of any
eorpoorlioii or nssv-iation, unless such debts shall have
neen coniracTen r repei niviiFion, suppress uunirrveiiuu,
or to defend the Slate in war.
fROposmiOi 9, TOT. ARTICLK XT.
Prohibiting Nmiiriyal Stthseriptions
The le;iisUiture shall never aulhorize any comity, city,
borough or township, by V'te of its citi7en or otherwise,
to beet nne a stockholder in any joint stock company, ass
ciati'in or corporation, or to raiue money for. or loan its
credit to. or in aid of any such c mipanvor association.
Speaker of the House of Rcprcsentati'ct.
Speaker of the Senate.
InSennte, April fi8 IK'M.
Ren dved. That this res dntion jwks. Yeas tt'i, nayt 0.
Kx tract from the Journal.
T. A. MAfil lHE, Clerk.
In House of Representatives. April SI, 'A.
Res dved. That this resolution pats. Yeas 71, nays '20
Kxtiaet from the journal.
W.M. JACK, Clerk.
1'iled Aprils, 1,1
C A. m.ACK.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
I I . N X S Y I V A X I A t S'S.
SKCnETAllV Offick. )
Harrishuri;, July I, 1H51.
I do certify I hat tlie altove and foreiroinc is a
: ? "
true and correct copy ot tlie original "Kesolu-
)ii relative to an amendment ol ihe Constitu
tion," us ihe same remnnis on file m this office.
lu testimony whereof I have hereunto set mv
hiiml and caused to be infixed the seal of the
Secretary s twice the day and year above writ
ten. C A. HIaACK,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Journal of the Senate
Resolution o. .W. entitled Kes dution proposing
aiiiendineiits to the Constitution of the Commonwealth,
was read a third time On the question, will Ihe Senate
acree to the first pr 'position, the yens and nays weie lu
ken, atrrceably to the Constitution, and were us loll ms,
viz :
Yr.i Messrs. Rnck:tlew. Darlinpton.Darsie, Fertjuson,
Foulkrod. Krick. Frv. llmlwm. Il ildetnui, Hamilton, B.
1). Ilainliu. 1 '. Hamlin, Heisici, Ib-ce, Juiuisnii. Me-
t inn M k, iiei-arianu. riutt. t juife, Saer, siiter. and
MeCitslin, Speaker ':!.
Nays Messrs. Crabb. CressweM, Hendricks, Kinzer,
iniiKie ami r-Kiniier u.
S the (uiestion was determined in lh" nffirmulive
On the question, will tlie Semite nirree to the second
proposition, the yens und nnvs were tnken agreeably to the
. (. onstitution. and were us lull vs. vi :
Yks Messrs. Buekatew, )irsie, Kcrpus-m. Foulkrod,
Fry, (toodwm, llalilemau, IV It Ibmilin. K. V. Hamlin,
Hendricks. I leister. Ilofie. J.-imis m. Kinder, MeCtintock,
MeFartanil. Piatl, Vt'u e, Oiiik't Wife ft Wherry, MeCut-
Un. Speaker.
I Nvs Messrs. Ciahh. Crefswell, Darlihjrtou, Humillon,
Kuukle and Skuiucr A.
I Sj the question was determined in theutTinnative.
J turnal of the House of Representatives.
' "The qucstiod rceurriuir up mi the ft un I passajje of the
i llfKohoi nisi, llit fitkl nrnn mms mrrniol In na fiillnu'si
: viz : I
Yeas Messrs. Abr.ih iui. A Lima, Atlierton. Hall, DurUm,
Beyer, Hicham, Boyd. Bush. Bverly, Caldwell. Calvin,
i Carlisle, huuiberbin, Cook C'inne, Cummins, Dauhrity,
uiivis. lie - rtmee, imnuiuif, l-'kert. Kdiicr, r.iored,
Kvims, Foster, Fry, tiulleutine, tiiblHuiev. liiluiore. tirny,
(.loom, liwin, HauiilliMi, Hnrt. Ilerr, Hiestand, Hillier,
Hippie, Horn, Hummel, Mnnsieker. Iluntei, llurtt Juek
man, Kilfr-Te. Knight, Imrv, (Lehitth.) lmui, Maee,
Maguire, Manderfield. M'Connell, M'Kee. MilUtr, Moiui
fthnu, Montiroinery, M sore. Moter. Muse, I'ahner, Ftirke.
Fanulee. I'iimkiii ie. Putters u, porter, Putney. Rawlins,
Rolsrrts, Rowe, Stlbde, Soti, Sidle, Simon ton. Smith,
(Berks.) Smith, (Crawford.) Stewart. Stoekdale, Stroutc,
St rut hers, Wherler, Wiellein, Wrurht, Ziejiler, Chase.
Speaker KV
Nays None.
So the question was determined in the a Hi rotative.
On the ittralioii will the llute Hiiee to Ihe seciwd pnv-p-ili
ilie eits and uavs were lake'., litrreetibly to the
provisi His f the lath article of the constitution, and aro
as follows :
Yka Messrs. Aim. Icon. Atherfon. Hull, Barton, Beek, 1
Rever, Mit;hiilll, B d, C;ildw H, Carlisle. Chniiiltetinin,
Ctttik, CniiM', t'nuniiihs, llmnjlieitv, Havis, Heeau, He
I'nuife. liunuiutt, F.ditmrr. Kldred, I'vans, Fry. lialleutine, i
I idilsoiiev. lillmofe. Ilitiv, (tlfNiil. (ivvm, llninilt-llie- I
t'lud, Hd!ier, Hippie. Iluitseekel, II Hitler, 1 1 til t, Juekuutll,
Ki'i ore, Kniuhi, jmrv. ( I .a-lit;l. l.owerv, ('J'hu,) I.11111,
Muil-e. Maunire. M iintn (ti-ld. M'Connell. M'Kee, Mono
fhan. Montffi nirrv, Mr -ore. Mos-r, Muse Pm liner, pinkr,
Piirmlee, pusiiiiie, 1'ittirrtvm. purler, Ituwlius. Rlerts,
Rowe. Stilkide. Simoni4t. Siiiith. ( Berks.) Sum h,
Ct'riiwfoist ) Sl.i k.lule, Wheeler, W.rkleiu, Wrifht,
Cleise, Kptker 7 1 .
Navs Messrs Admins. I till d wilt, I It to is. Bush, Bverly,
K.k.rl. Kil.s, Hot. Ilerr. Hut. Hmunirl, .M,Csi.nit,
Mdter, p. 'ills an, Putney, Sidle, Sten'ui I, Strug, Struthcfi,
Hfl.-l i.
Sthe tpiesitoti was deteiiuiuetl 111 ihenifirmiitive.
Sh hrrrmv' Oiicf. )
IUukisjui ku. July I, - l
I do certify that thu ntkova and foreitoinit, is
a due untl e oner! ropv uf the 'VB4' ami 'Jul'
tikt u on Hi" Res dnlin retali e li am uuh'ihI
IMi'lit o Ihr CoiiBlitiiti hi ( lite Coniili' Hi Wealth"
us Ihe wme notH urs 011 Jouriiiils ol I lie two
1 1 o llir isriMTut Asselnblv. s this) Clil
Hi 'iiweulltj lor lb SeMtmi iii !.'(
Hih-ss mi' lmid ninl (he Seiil isf tviid i(1b
this hi si ilitv ol Jil, oaur tkousutid ij(la bvu
stud uwl Uuy-totir.
Secieiary tf tb Ciuuiwivwcs.iiIi.
July I V lM -I111.
To the Voters of Northumberland County,
Eneouraijed bv my numerous friends, I oiler
in) self as a rsuihilale for the office uf
ml promise, if elected, In dischaige the duties
"I lbs ulli.s lalihlully and punctually, whirl)
uiy will souliU Ins to do.
M. Kwru.i ilia, July II, I ..
To the Voters of NoithawberUnd County.
ruiam I irliiti - I linens aunuuma
r If as raii.b.Ui for
s ii i: it iff.
at the Mil flMltoii, aJ a-lirH) yuur support, 4
ll kMtol aliall Hut latl to piturui lbs dull uf
Ik kllw Id Ut U4 ut nil al.ililiss.
liK VMsi Will., HKTt'.N.
l.ui Augusta, July IS, st. -
V OTK'E la Isaitky ,... tUl U as I'. .a.
Mt. a4 im Uiii, .,!.. tt( ti tMM
.Mtui m 4(u.4 .4 Hi., i a K4. auj ims
MSM ill U flMll4 W Ik I'wMl M
feiatMia) ilwil Ausua Itiaa.
JAMtfA(l, fiatk'f
rtalkM4st'( la)t,,
ktfkir, llr s, li ...
THE Democratic K lectori of NorthumberlanJ
county are renpectfully requested to meet it
(lie several places of holding the general and town
ship election in the different boroughs and t6n
ships on 8aturday, the 5th of August next, be
tween the hours of ona and five o'clock In the af
ternoon, to vote for one person for Congress, one
person for Penator, one person for Assembly, one
person for Sheriff, one person for Prothonolary,
one person for Coroner, one person for Commis
sioner, and one person for A uditor ( and the Judges
of the elections in the different boroughs and
townships are requested to meet at the Court
House, in Sunbury, on Monday, the 7th of Au
gust at 11 o'clock, A, M., to count the votes cast
for the different candidates for the above named
offices and to declare the candidates having the
highest number of votes the nominees to he sup
ported hy the party at the next election, and at the
same time select a delegate to she next fourth of
March Convention ; appoint a Htanding Com
mittee to serve for one year, and also three Con
ferees to represent this county in the Conference
lobe held with Hcliuy Ikill county to nominate a
Democratic candidate for Congress in this
WM. U. KIPP, Chairman..
Standing Committee.
2, 1854.
Sunbury, July
TYJOTICE ia licrcl.v given to all
la licreliv erven to all Legatees.
' Creditors nnd oilier persons interested in the
Estntci. of the following named persona, tlinl the
Executors, Administrators, mill (unrdians of
said Estates hnve filed their accounts with the
Kegivter of NorthuiiiberluiiJ County, and that
the funic will be presented to the Orphans' ('ourt
of suid Countv, on Tuesilny, the 8lh iliiv of
August, A. D., 1851, in the forenoon, fur confir
mation nnd allowance.
Michael Ferstcr, dee'd., aettleJ by hia Ex'tor
Peter Ferstcr. .
Peter Obenlnrf, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors,
Peter and Cloorge Olicnlorf.
Saml t'nlilwell, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'rs,
A. (iulVy and 'l'hos. J. (iulbriiilli.
Jacob patr., dee'd., settled by hia Adin'lors,
Philip and .In cob Spot.
Marks J. K. Krli-bner, dee'd., settled by his
Adrn'r, IVtcr Kel.'.lincT.
Mii lnii'l Di'ilil, ('ih 'iI., settled by his Ex'tors,
Michael and John Deihl.
Joseph Ilurtmiiu, dee'd., settled by hisAdm'rix,
Elixsbcth Hurtuinn.
Isaac Miiniier, dee'd., settled by hia Adui'tor.
Win. V. SiIvirwoil.
('on rail Bachman, dee'd settled by hia Ex'tor,
Michael I.ubr.
Cenrgo Long, ilec'j., settled by hia Adm'tor,
(Icore Hover.
Daniel Herb, dee'd., Finn! Acct. settled by his
Adm rs, Daniel and Adam Herb.
John Lose, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor, John
K. Denthr.
r iCiiericK .'vuains, uec u..seuieu ny nis.Aum rs, i
II. x.iiil ....nitili nn. I .i ama
Michael licit., dee'd., settled by his Executor,
Michael licitz.
Gilbert Voris, dee'd.. Final Acct. settled by bis
Adm'r, William T. Forsyth.
Joseph Folk, de:'d., setlled by his Executor,
Peter Conrad.
Howel Goodrich, dee'd., Final Acct. settled by
his Adm'r, Robert Davidson.
Henry Funk, dee'd., settled bv hia Executors,
lionj. F. Funk and Win. lleinen.
Henry Long, dee'd., settled by hia Guardian,
Jacob Wagner.
Annie C. Koy, dee'd., settled by her Guardian,
t; W. Scutes.
Susan Gcarlrart. settled by her Guardian, Jas.
George Metller, settled by his Guardian, Lu
ther Basset.
Lot 'liipman,scttled by hrs Guardian, It. X.
Nathan ilcjb, settled by IrU Guardian, Win.
William & Irfvina Miller and Margaret Riley,
settled by their Guardian, M. Chamberlain.
Tire Filial Acct. of John N. Polluter, Ex'rof
Henry Fullmer, dee'd., who was Guardian
of Henry F., Clarimla ifc Peter B. Kelchner.
Mark .Slnught, dee'd., settled by Iim Adm'tor,
Philip Mile.
Joseph H., Mary Jane, ond Hannah Price,
settled by their Guardian, !Sarn'l Furman.
Joseph .Slr.urb. dee'd., settled by his Adm'tors,
Reuben T. Fullmer and Jacob Slrauli.
Cathuriirc Rosa, dee'd., tctlled by her Ex'tor,
James Tuggurt.
Catharine Ross, dee'd., Distribution acct. set
tled bv her Ex'tor, James Taggirt.
JOHN P. Pl'RiSEL, Register.
Register's Office, )
Sunbury, July S, 1854 J
Colon il
Window (ilass.
Sis., would respectfully invite tho attention
of Merchants, Builders and others to the beauti
ful variety of work produced at their establish
ment, consisting uf
auitablo fur Hotels, Saloons, public and private
Churched Ornamental Stained Glass,
Transoms and ISidc Lights for Vestibules,
Dulcouy, Piaza unj Staircase Windows. Also,
Lead Mash and Slaiucd Gloss for Churches,
Scriptural Figures and Mtar pieces, accurately
worked up to order, and furnivhed in any part of
the United Stutes.
Flocked rnameled and malted decorative
Church Window Glass executed in Got'iic and
other architectural lv les, und conielent work
men sent to any part of the Union, Orders from
distance promptly answered.
N 1). An Agent wanted for this place.
Pbila., July IH.M. :im.
Estate of ALBIN NEWBERRY, deo d.
JOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad-
ministration have been granted to the un
signed iiihiii the estate of Allan Newberry,
j late of Point township, Xorthuiulieilaiid couuly,
dee'd. All eroiia indibled aia requested to
I make iminrdiale payment, and all having claims
or demands against said estate are desired to
make the same known to Ihe sulwcrilwi without
Point tp.. Juik tl, l.M. Ui.
UOU Ton. ,u. I (iuteriiuirul I'eiuviall
jJ liu.iiu.
1UOW Tuna Suier- InMphate uf Lirii.
1UU Twos Miurrui Guano,
VI South ll kanei anj 34 Suulk H ul,r Strut,
Jii$l J iur W t'keilnul Si ,
Jums VI. Ij. 4w.
(1 AHI'K I I.Ntl. Iluus ml rUk, Table oil -J
t arpvl rkaia, an J Mmm waia, juat iw.e
tJ aiul bj
A,.i.l i, !). I. W. TCXKR 4 I'll.
kJllut'a). U ItiiiJavl liuuu akios aiul sii-
twia Imi Ml kjr
II. I I a ll nit I A ( t.
Mtrasl alr.el, puMi tua PuMUStna.
wukttis. Ik. . lal.-
HiMil a auj tska k4 Mm, au4
I'kOJisa, I Moiwa sttwaa, Li'
U.k au4 Wis4 ItaOeie, ) la..4 a4 kai
l.m.i A-va, U.i . s
SII4I l."kktt.fck I'll I m. .Uin
vstri.k hbi sri
k.ti. itfir
Hreightng less than 24 ounces.
For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture.
CKNOWLEDGED by the highc.t medical
I- authorities of Philadelphia, incomparably
superior to any other In one. Sufleiera will be
gratified to learn that (he occaaion no oflcra to
procure not only the Itghtrtt and lo but
aa linrablt a Truse as any other, in lied of the
rnmbrnnt and tincomfortablt article uaually abld.
There ia no difficulty attending the fitting, and
when the pad ia located, it will retain ila position
without change.
I'eraona at a distance unable tn call en the
uhacriber, can have tho Truaa aent to any ad.
drcaa, by remitting Fin Dolart for the .ingle
Truae, or Ten for the donlile with measure
round Ihe hips, and at'iting aide aflectcd. It will
be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning
it at onre untnilnl.
For aale only by the Importer,
Cor. TwellXh & Race alreeta. Philadelphia.
IT I.aiiiks. requiring tho benefit of Mechan
ical Supports, owing to derangement of tho In
ternal Orgnne, inducing Fulling of ih0 Womb,
Vocal, Pulmonary. Dyspeptic, Nervoua and
8pinal Weakness, are informed that a competent
ami experienced l.jnt will I in otlendnuce at
the Rooms, (set opart for their exclusive use,)
No. 1 14, Twelfth St., 1st door below Race.
July 1, 18M. ly.
or Tasteless Salts,
Prepared bv
This preparation is recommended aa nn ex
cellent laxative nml purgHlive, it operates milrllv.
is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re
sembling li'inomiln in flavor. This medicine ia
highly beneficiiil for diseases peculiar to summer
' anil hot ireathrr.
Wunburv, July 1,
List of Jurors,
F Xuilliunilicrliiuil County, for Angus
i'eim. A D., 1S5I.
'r;iiil .Iiii'oii.
Point Jacob Hrilir k
Lower Augusta Ui'ntsc Lonrj. Jolm Winn.
D.miel Hamiattiich, Jnlm Diuikelberoer.
Delaware Win Hi-ant.
Shamokin Sib.-isiian Uunynvr, Samuel
llummi'l, S.iinni-I Eul.
Northuubcrland Jdmva Tuucait, Jolm L.
Cult. '
Jordan Elins Swart it
tW Win Kerlitr, Win Clieiinglun, Sam
uel Vosl.
Lewis Gen A Wiknfl
man Wilson, Daniel Sliine
John Noiia, Lew is Swank.
Chitlsqiiaipie James Slr.i vvbridi.
Hush Godfrey KorkufelliT, William II.
Sunbury Peter l.azinr.
Sunbury Bcnj Knilin,
S N Thompson
Hoover, lui 1
Clement, Philip
C'l.rL- t .....I, !.;.. n. u
c ,.,. n ,'.,. ..' , ri. .jm,
Smink, John Und, Daniel Kreeuer.'
. .... '
Lower Mahanou AdraliHin Blosser
Delaware Heniy Reader. Jacob T Hill,
Jacob Wick.
Titrbut D I. Ireland, Daniel Fullmer, Da
rid Ireland, John Haac
Cu7so'iiiquf Hnoh Martin. Jim B Heller,
Wm Nesbit, Win Hoirsel, John S Tiofel,
Paul Loir.
Lewis Jacob HuMtziiiyer, Milton Trofel,
Samuel Beiver.
Jordan Jacob Marlin.
Snamokin Solomon Evert, Allen MooJy,
Peter Miller.
Upper Augusta- Henry Folk, John C Mor
gan Upper MahanoyVl M Bastinn.
Milton-Jacob Whrlaml. H J Egbert.
Northumberland W'vn II Wuples, D M
Brauliuain, Samuel Elliot
Jackson John IVppen, Win Zrrlman
Hush Geo Geuiliart.
Lower Augusta George Weuver, Charles
Sm ir II, Maitm Handles.
Lower Muhaooxj Chiisiian Yuger.
IV I it Juror.
Jordan-Heniy Bnner, sr , Isaiah Schwartz
Mtltnn John Fuller, Samuel Blair, R M
Frick, Thomas Mervine.
Sunburn James Bachelor, Geo W Kiebl,
1 nomas NiViler, h, L, .Maikloy.
Point N.iac lleidlesbach, John Gulick,
John S Snvder.
Lower Awnta IVtcr"MaliL'k, sr., Gilbert
Berlieu, John Cnldi.iiii.
Lewis 1-aae Turner.
Shanud;iii Alviu Alexainli-r, AilamGilger,
John Boutirier, John Moore, Sanruel John.
Upper Augusta Dennis Wulveilnn, John
Z Haas.
Hush Jacob Reijjer
Cameron Siilornon U Buyer.
Ihhtcare Uuao Vinceiii, Jr , William
7'iirfci'l Peter Koch, Daniel Luilwig, Rob
ert Maek.
Coal Jese Vnriml-
Ckilisipmi)ue William Aiingst, John Mc
Gee, John M C.ulTey.
Lower Muhunny Jacob Spat.
Virtue of cerliin writs of Vtn. Kru. tome
directed will be sold bv public Vendue, or
outcry, at the court house in the borough of
Sunbury, at I o'chuk, P. M.. on Monday, the
7lh day of August next, the following descrilied
property, to wit t
A CYrtaiu lshintl
or flat in the river Susouehanna in the township
of Augusta, eoiitaiuiiii shout sixty arres more or
less, commonly culled the Wound Maud, and H its !
adjucelil tllerrto, being the preuiisea which Thus.
SilverwiHM and wile bv deed, dated Scptcmncr
Vi. IMl.t, conveyed to thu lrli iiilunt in Ite.
AIJ0 a eeilain other Inland situate in be
Suueliunna river, the l.le uf ljue in
Lower Augu.tit low n. Lip, Noiihumlirrluiid
couuly. and known by Ibr nimu of Clark's Is
laud, containing Twenty-six si ns more or lex.
A I.SD : a certain oilier l.laud siiuule ill the I
aain river, in the town. hip and couuly aloreauid,
and neatly ron'njious l.i the above mentioned,
kiiuwn by the name uf Timolby Llund, euuluiu
iug three acre, more or less. ..'! a rrrljin
oilier I.Uiil siluaie ill Ihe said livrr, in tha
town. lop and couuly aforesaid, and m arly rou
lilfinus to Ihe above mentioned, known by Ilia
llama uf lleii.ieiiiun'. I-Uriil. I'lMiUiuiug Iwenly
iihl acres none or Us, all uf wliit h ais i li urrd.
Sriinl, taken in rveeulioii, sod la tw sold as
lh pioperty ol John liailiuau, ji,
A Cntsiit Ul or irr of IttJ, lu Mi Eweuavill, 111 NorlhuiuhrrlauJ
ruuulv, Ikiui.JcJ niMib by l uf II. J. Kea.ler,
b I'lonl alinrt, soulb by o uf J. P. II f
eiibri, auj bt Ilia aanie, (oiiuiulug wus
fuuilll uf acta wia at IraM, wbrivou are
eiaelrj a lata aluiy I'liute llo.llnig llxtua, a
1'iaut HUM, and uiImi uul kuiUmaa.
ISaiMd. Uksa la) wuUM 4 ka suU aa
lh piuueily wl Jukai II. "'.
Wlwiid'e Orlua. I
aat-uiy, July . I I
luubury u4 Erie Bllr4 Cowpaay.
N til ( H slsia S'. a il'k lualai
Maii 1 a) lulU r akaia Mm IJ
aukwtiulluk, saJ Wamaii lHaialiaiaal tst I sa
Ituiltf y akaie Ike new ilutu t Ik
)iul t Miw I mti, teiM U lu sj
LIL1 Mutt ttlike, Mo. M kaailt I Uivl
ii. I, wsi ' i !. Aasusl I, Isal.
H u4l ot ik HiJ ui M ...
r Mil ir m t-fi' c. ri.uM
kM , lif a. ism .
To the Voter1 of Northumberland County
Ftttow CiTitsas. Encouraged hy many
of my friends, I herewith offer myself lit your
constrterrftion, as a candidal foY the office" of
at ttie ensuing election. Should 1 1 elected, I
promise to fulfil the duties thereof with fidelity
afld impartiality.- , .
9onbnry May S7f I54
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fn.tow Citiikks! Encouraged by many
friends, I announce myself as a candidate for the
office of
at the approaching election. Should I be elected
I pledge myself to discharge tho duties fhereo
with punctuality and impartiality.
Sunbury, April 8, 1854.
To the Voters of Northumberland County
Fellow CiTixixa: EneotfrageJ by marry
of my friends throughout the countv, I herewith
offer myself to vour consideration for trie office
at tho enseing election. Should I be elected. I
promise to discharge the duties thereof faithfully
and with impartiality.
Upper Augusta, June 17, 1854.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Encouraged by the support heretofore received,
and at the solicitation of my friends, I again ofVer
myself us a candidate for the office of
at the ensuing election, and promise, if elected,
to discharge the duties ol the office faithfully and
Shamokin tp., June S I, 1851.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fellow Citizlxs. Encouraged by my nu
merous friends I otter imsclf to yuur considera
tion for the office of
and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of
the office luilliliillv and to th best of mv ability.
Point, June SI, 1S.VL
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fellow Citikkxs. At tho solicitation if a
number of my friends, I again offer myself as a
candidate for the office of
and promise, if elected, to discharge tlie duties
o t e office with correctness, and to the best of
my ability.
Sunbury, June 17, 1854.
To the Voters ofNorthumberland County.
Fellow Oitizkss.- I hereby announce to
you that I will be a candidate ut the Octolier
election for the office of
for which I solicit your votes. And in doing so
I tender my sincere thanks to those who kindly
supported me when a candidate heretofore, a
kindness which I shall ever hold in grateful re
membrance. Should a majority of you see
proper to grant me the favor I now ask, and I be
elected Sheriff of the county, I shall moke every
rtlbrt to perform tho duties of the office to the
sutisfuctiou ef the public.
Upper Augusta, June 17, 1854.
IV 0T1CE is hereby gicn that the several
' Courts of Common Pleas, General (Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
7th dav of August, next, and will continue
The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to lie then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, iniiisitious, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors ore requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at tlie time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day of
July, in the year of our Lord orre thousand
eight hundred and fifty-four and the In
dependence of the United States of America
the 77th.
GoJ save thu Commonwealth.
1 IMPLICATION will be made to the legwla
lure of Pennsylvania, at the session of
.ASS, for Ihe incorporation of a Savings Institute
with discounting privileges, and with authority
to receive monies or deposiles, in any sums from
a dime upwards, with a capital uf Kilty thousand
dollars, to be located at Sunbury, Northumber
land county. Pa., and to be called the Imivsthm l
Sivim.s Ivstititk.
Julv 1, 1851. Cm.
VOTIl'E is hereby given that application will
be iiijiIo lo the iicut Leislutuie of Pennsyl
vaniu, for Ihe creation of a corporate body w ith
banking and discounting privileues, to lie located
at Mi'iiiokiu Pa. und to be culled the llauk of
Shamokin, wiih a capilol slin k of Two Huedred
thousand dollars.
Shamokin, July R, 1K5I.- Bin.
.Miners ami .Minluncrv
Consisting of Sperm, Lard, Solar Lli-plunl
an J rucked hule Oils.
For S.ilf bv
ii Suulh H'Ann'rs nml 3 N nf H ulrr Street,
I'kdadelpliia '
July I. I sS I. -am.
6h.tmok.iu Fa
sllK auliMiiU l Un liuvaloiiilorinbisliirnJ i
and the public genei.illv , llo.t be lkm
Ibe above well know .Und, and will t' happy
lo aicomiitodaie all wha way r biru a rail.
Miuuiiikm. JuU , Ih'L
DKY litltlll's. t'lolbs, I'asaimrra, Oulliurll,
e.tnitts, Tweed, Hummer fbilh, elvM
euid, 'I'Hkliiga. I luvk, Mu.lnis. . u-l l.e,.
,4 ! a.Hl . by I- W. TllMKM l t.
Hunboiv. April 'il. I 4
,KlH AI'K and lu 'al a-
I I wilts auj ol aU ik,.iMo. )u.t ivceitad
u.i racvivt
ait l lor sals by
l.owtf Aausts,
U SI. .
I A I'll ' ttuotia. H pi in (J and fuiiiinn
kltaw-U, Ulwksilh, silk poplm., I I am,
l.ii.iiliaiu. l taa, Uwsi sud talu o, ju.l ie
aivsj auJ r4 sate k Vt tl. A. k tllU.
lmmi Autwta, May , si -
l ui 4.
MV til Hill", t'lolbs, ls-4i., kaiimsii.,
seating., I da, Boiuiktl tlulh, lv..l
iv4. I u kings, I iMvaa. Vr.. luu i.'J
J lm mhj l, M .. k 1 t U
l.nvsci Ayvtsl, M at ls.
."siisl KL N r. - Tk.Uau l u.. ka,L.,a4
lot W i a. I tut,i, Ui,lj J
4 Ik (Swui-vtis .taM.ii.sit A,, i, 1 1
H b MtSJlh
I Kl lal, I. Its)
Market Street, opposite the Kcd Lion Hotel,
Sunbuty, ti,
r"I IE subscriber rs rrsppy to anhbtince ttf (ha1
citizen of Sunbnry ond vicinity, that he'
has jnt opened a large stock of
such at Crmts of every fashion, Pants and Vests
Shirts of all kinds, figured and plain, under
Wfts rind drawers, both woolen snd cotton,
fed flannel shirts, twillerl, plated bosoms,
overhauls, stockings Snd gloves, of all
kinds, Suspenders, silk hondkcrchicfsf
tis Snd stocks, pocket handker
chiefs, cetton snd silt! i Splendid
collars, snsprmdr-rs of all size
Snd prices.
il has often be eh said ol ef pocket in si
shirt, b"lit come anrl see Ihe pockety es(
and sMrl in otif;
Atrfo: a' fine assor(ment nf Cloths, Csssirfiera anil
Sattinetts, Summer goods, black satin for
Vests, at every price, and ifny quantity of
fancy vest patterns, which will be made
V r to tirder (o snlt customers j my hiaxiur
is! no lit no trtke. And tit ttr cheap
selling, I don't intrnil to be. beat by
Europe or AiriericX. Also on
hand, a large assortment of
Umbrellas at any price, to suit
gfent and small, together
Kith some travelling
bags to carry Yonk e
notions in, large and small.
Coma Formers. Mechanics, IjuVifers a( ,
foil in and sire the Clothing ot Tower Halt;
Anil if you vvuiit to Le suited to a T,
full at tlie store of John II. T.
JOHN H. UANFlfeLD, Agent;
Sunbury May 2 IS5I 3m.
Wholesale and. Retail Druggists;
Market St.t vert dour to K. Y. trilit's Store;
CTTT.V tnr the public the largest and liest
(ii lrcted stock c cr opMicd In thrs ftctrou of
courrtrr, consisting of
Medicines, Chemicals, (iround 8pices, Paints;
Oils, Varnishes, llve-stuloi. Window
Patent Medicines, toircthcr with a complete as
aoitment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail
and iShaving lirushcs, Dressing, iidc. Neck aiuf
Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams,.
TohacrtT, S'cgrs, Port Moiria;s, Stationary, Con
For Medicinal use. English, French and Amc,:-'
can Perfumery, Fancy (ioods of every descrip-'
lion, in short every article kept by Urnggist
C7" Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
ui:o. U. WEISEK,
t'M. A. DKUJvER.
Sunbury, May 13, ISM.
sL'CCEAftnn to'
lTalchos, jewelry & Silver Wnrtv
No. 175 Chestnut st , opposite tlie State House)
Phila., May 27, 1851 ly.
23 South Wharves anil 35 South Water Slree(t
CYPTTAX for sale on the most reasonable terms,
" OILS Sperm, Whale, Solar and .Miners'
liUANO Peruvian fiuno, Government No. 1.
SIAKCII Agents for (be OsvVegd Putf
Starch, Prepared Corn and Corn Starch.
Phosphate of Lime,
1000 barrels of improved Super Phosphate of
Pbila., May 27, 185L 3m.
J I K R U 1 1 A N T T A I LO K ,
EUNirrjitv, FA.,
Ji;.tPECTFULLV informs his friends" ami
customers that he has just received from the
city a new and complete, assortment of
Mens Wearing 1jparet,
which he will make rtp to order, or acll; aa cheap'
as any other establishment lu the rdac, as he is
determined to permit no one to undersell him.
His goods arc choice, and carefully selected from
the best in the Philadelphia market, and they
will be made up in the best and latest style Dinl
warranted. His slock consists iri pari cf hand
some Marseile and Silk,- Duck ami
other Linens for Coats, c. Also, a variety of
(Mollis, Cussimcrs, Cravats, Neck Ties, and a
variety of other articles for Mens' wear.
Sunbury, June 19, ISSJ tf.
last of Causes,
fOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas
' of Northumberland County, at AugTrt T.-
A. I)., 1851.
John Hunter vs John Hang
lieubeu Fairi'lv $ rio vs John Kosser to
Morris I. llallovvell vs James Kecd
Scull & Thompson vs Same
Hun fit Saxtou co vs Same
Kichaid U liritleu co vs Same
,vimip vs Same
Wm I. Cooc vs Samuel Johnson'
Cummoiiweahh vs (Icorire Kikert adinV
John I', Meloy vs John Weddeconib
Hiepbeu Fllis adm'r vs E L Piper
Thomas M'W illuius vs Wilson Hutchiitsoit
Jacob Sliltcl vs l'avirl tioaltl
Usuiel fi hro:il vs 11 II Drc hbnch e: al
Lew! lrw art's er vs Iv . W Fatrety
I'.rvi.l i.i!s vs Sweeny ,V Caldwell V (ijrnUlieel
W in W.iiuriht vs K S Tieiio , to
l.ivid lleibi.1 ii W Frrcse
l li ules ILiupt s Frick i. .lifcr I llol I, n & wile vs lieu Yoiikius admr et al
Win Tracy vs Kobius A Wilhehn
m P M.or John Daily
1) n 1,1 W. ill. hi u tnm
lute A Mervine v I'ovvt rs (i,h ttt
m II Fr.vmiie v John Miller,
11,'i.j iriiiu II jn. bail vs J Pitbulls
I' J. .( I hi A. Co vs llt iij tirilb y
l (in llr.. ins admr vs Jacob Ka. l
tlavid r slier vs 1'avid Wuldron
llafli.tia Lov.ef a guardian vs I has A Kuls
Jonas v ravrr va
J lines l'.iiii.-i.'ii i
He. huh i lor Uena vs
llannl llruiksniiller vs
Janus It Hmilli vs
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